spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
hi, first off i really love your art. the h/c and warmth really hit me where i live and your illustration style is fantastic. lately i've been obsessed with the post where an unwell milek thinks geralt will leave him behind. was that an ingrained insecurity, assuming his super-witcher dad wouldn't have time for a sickly human kid?
[MASTERPOST] - Ahh, thank you for the ask! Yes, this scene.. I actually saw this a bit differently! It's not about Milek fearing Geralt will leave him behind, he actually wants him to. They need to find his Pa!! I think he often feels like a burden; Jaskier knows this, but Geralt isn't aware of this yet. Milek just wants to pull his weight, especially with Jaskier. A little sneak peak to their struggles regarding this:
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Meanwhile Jaskier continues to struggle with his omega status.
#jaskier#the witcher#geraskier lovechild#julian alfred pankratz#omegaverse#there are various things happening here! a. Milek never really had to fear that Jaskier would leave him he knows he never ever would#b. Jaskier said again and again that he'll always care for him and loves him and that he doesn't have to pull any weight at all#c. Jaskier actually became the parent that just wants his kid to be educated and study and learn#(maybe because he knows Milek won't be able to do hard labour but also because he knows what Milek really wants to do)#(filed under: things I haven't drawn yet but they had their big fallout because of oxenfurt and university - things to come in the future)#d. Milek has watched Jaskier working his ass off in various jobs that he didn't like#(and he thinks that prostitution is the worst but only because they didn't properly talk about it before)#e. Jaskier is struggling with how he is percieved - which I think was never that much on his mind when he was travelling with Geralt#being a carefree bard and giving everyone the middlefinger who had some wrong ideas about what he could do and what not#but this is definitely an AU in which he doesn't have a good relationship with his father and he can still hear him say he'll become#'an unbonded omega with a bastard child working on the streets' and I think sometimes it gets to him#(because Jaskier is king of hating his parents ever being right about him)#that Jaskier kind of wants to spare Milek and quietly hopes we won't become an omega - even if he feels bad about it - shall become plot#(one dayyyy)#anyway that was a very long rant about Mileks complex relationship with him feeling like a burden
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unsat-and-strange · 2 months
no yeah the relationship between a sad pathetic sopping wet British man and his emotional support eye themed eldritch monstrosity actually can be something so personal
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bubunet · 7 months
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malk1ns · 4 months
1st sentence ask - "It's gameday so you better not knot me"
Zhenya blushes when he says it, but with the way Sid's been following him around all morning, from the weights room to video review and even into the trainer's despite Zhenya's protests, he thinks it needs to be said.
The team is already on tenterhooks, watching them like hawks—with Zhenya's heat approaching like a freight train and the way Sid's been haunting his footsteps, they're ready to pull the plug on the whole experiment if it looks like it's going to negatively impact the on-ice product, and Zhenya thinks both of them missing a game because Sid pinned him down and tied them together would definitely qualify.
"Hmm," Sid says, crowding into Zhenya's space; he's shorter, but the width of his body makes Zhenya feel small, even younger than he is, like he wants to curl up in the protective crush of Sid's arms and let Sid do whatever he wants.
Omega instincts are a real bitch, but Zhenya's made it to the NHL on nothing more than will and grit, and he's determined that he won't be.
Sid's voice is hypnotic when he puts his lips to Zhenya's year and murmurs, "I think you don't mean a word of that," and Zhenya shivers, because it's true.
first line ask game!
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the-scooby-gang · 18 days
Wait scrappy is bonded to one of the gang right?
Which one is it? Or is it all of them. Personally I hoping it's Fred.
This is a fun story actually!
Back before the gang were all romantically together the entire Rogers clan was keeping an eye on Scrapy to see who he would bond with. There were no Rogers of bonding age for him to pair with so they all thought he was destined to be a Doo by adoption (when someone gains a Doo by being adopted into the Rogers clan) or a Doo by Marriage (where a Doo bonds with a non-Roger that is destined to marry into the family).
When I tell you Shaggy was Struggling™ because it looked like he was going to bond with Fred (he even started coping his speech patterns and saying “treasure” like that) only to turn around and attach his tiny puppy self to Daphne for months only to turn around again and go with Velma to her NASA internship as emotional support…
Let’s say Shaggy was very confused and just a bit frustrated.
But it turned out to be just the curiosity and friendliness of young puppies. Scrappy has found his Rogers not that long ago in 2011 when they found Cousin Steve on that iceberg.
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girldewar · 12 days
okay tbh, not as compelling to me as it could be. personally i still exist in the world of the spurgeon/talbot polycule (seriously, their wives will not stop posting couples pics of themselves without their husbands, it’s so beautiful to me), and anything that makes dani spurgeon happy makes me happy. plus, i find jake as a rookie wrangler kind of fun — spurge is the responsible dad, and jake is the cool dad (and by cool dad i mean whatever u want me to mean :3). i think they work well together to captain the defense corps, but idk that i see them working as any sort of romantic/sexual partnership.
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marc--chilton · 2 months
Hi! Im more-mouse-bites on ao3 and I came and followed for the mgv content.
I’m writing an ABO house fic of my own atm! I was going to follow the long-beloved trope of “house hides his second gender and everyone thinks he’s an alpha, but then something happens and he’s exposed” but I realized that I could have a lot more fun with having House as a known omega from the start. I have omegas as slightly more uncommon and definitely frowned upon in high-intensity careers like medicine, because of their perceived frailty. I’m such a slut for the socio-economic implications of an ABO universe, lol.
Which segues into my question— in your AU, what’s the general consensus societally on omegas? Does House have to routinely fight against ignorance and dismissal? And if so, how would Wilson react? Or even just to general patients being terrible to House. Would he step in, or would House stop him because that would undermine his credibility?
Really love your AU! Can’t wait to see more ❤️
(hiii thank you for the kind words on here and ao3 kisskiss) house hiding his status as an omega and going through life as a false alpha is great i won't lie, but the idea of house being ASSUMED to be an alpha simply because of how he carries himself and taking great joy in surprising people by being like (loud incorrect buzzer).... the mischief. it's so yummy
that's rly neat!! i definitely believe that omegas being in places of power/authority are uncommon due to how they are perceived as the lesser secondary sex. an omega NURSE or orderly would be easier accepted than an omega DOCTOR, for instance. and then some patients being like "i don't wanna get treated by no 'meg, i want a different doctor seeing to me" of course.
given to the types of people who end up seeing house for their mystery illness of the week, there are definitely more than a couple of hardheads who try to challenge house's authority either as a patient in the hospital bed, or as family/loved ones of the ill who can't believe a mere omega can cure the patient. house would antagonize them back, of course, but not give up the case either if it's good enough a puzzle.
wilson's reaction to seeing house get discriminated would depend on what the aggressor says/does and wilson's own cycle as well. (this is operating on the default that they're unbonded as well) because as much as i LIVE for protective wilson, he also knows how to throw house's shit right back at him. and house is a jerk, no matter the au, so from the outside looking in he wouldn't bat an eye. if he's brought on as a consult to the case, he'd be a little more involved; professional, but he would defend house's integrity and skill.
closer to rut, though, he would be a bit more..... tense. he catches an alpha kick house's cane out from under him in a fit of aggression and before you know it, he's pinned them to the nearest flat surface and is growling in their face. HUGE no-no as a doctor but also one he can get away with at trial, yknow, "crime of passion" type thing.
as a distinguished (.... sort of. it's greg house) specialist and literal grown man, it gets on house's nerves, yes. and as someone at odds with his secondary sex, he also hates that he even brings out that part of wilson's alpha biology, too. but -- and he wouldn't admit this under threat of death -- it also makes him preen a little inside that wilson's hindbrain (his subconscious, the pure primal instinct with No Thought behind it) deems him as something worth fighting over, protecting, defending when house himself does not.
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is-george-the-asshole · 2 months
I have a sick compulsion to tell women how I feel - this is the biggest mistake you can make in your life
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sergeifyodorov · 3 months
brief moment of terror realizing that my iditaposting is breaking containment right now and if you scroll down 3 feet from there i am talking about hockey player a/b/o... this doesn't represent meeee.... i am not represented....
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jacaranda-bloom · 1 year
unbonded for the wip game!
Ooooh thanks for asking Anitra!
So Unbonded is a story I've planned out for the 2023 @1daboficfest and I'm so excited to write it!
It’s a pack ABO fic, which is something I’ve not attempted before and it will be Alpha Louis and Omega Harry, whereas I usually write Alpha Harry and Omega Louis. 
Harry is bonded to a horrible alpha, but when he is unable to bear pups, the bond is forcibly broken and he’s cast out. He is taken in by a neighbouring pack and Helga, the pack’s bondmatcher, puts him to work as a carer for the pack’s pups. 
Louis is the pack leader, and an unbonded alpha. He’s been away at war for more than a year and Helga’s brother, Julius, has been acting as pack leader during that time. Harry is happy with his place in the new pack but senses there’s something off about Julius. 
Louis returns from war and Harry is instantly smitten, although he tries to hide it. Louis suddenly falls gravely ill and Harry suspects something more is going on than a random sickness. He convinces Helga to allow him to nurse Louis back to health so he can watch over him.
It’s hard to say much more without giving the entire story away (lol), but other ‘stuff’ happens, it’s all very dramatic, tables are turned, someone saves the day, the bad guys get what’s coming to them, there’s pups on the horizon, and a happily ever after (of course), the end!
Anyway, I’m really looking forward to it and I think it’ll be a fun challenge!
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auroradicit · 6 months
I simply cannot stop thinking about this stupid call of duty bonded wolves au inspired by a companion to wolves but fortunately for us all I cannot write anything longer than 500 words so I'm just gonna stare at the ceiling and yell.
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kits-shrine · 9 months
"You get three guesses, Mister Kuma," Laurel offered mischievously
The bear gasped in scandalized delight "Oh my Stars are you expecting?!"
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garlic-sauc3 · 2 years
I love a roadtrip fic between two strangers. They do not know each other but they are forced to be within 5 feet of each other for days.
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bubunet · 7 months
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
AAAHHHH ok so i’m that person who asked for your tumblr in an ao3 comment because i wanted to share fanart and i DONT HAVE ANY YET UNFORTUNATELY but i maybe will soon…
anyways i. have been scrolling through your blog for the past hour and i, am so in love with your tuvok/t’pel family headcanons and shit… our brains work the SAME WAY and i’m going insane and i love your stuff so much..
anyways.. that was sort of a very disjointed ask but the brain worms!! they are working!! and i’m gonna try to work on some fanart for your wonderful fics today…. have a good rest of your day/night hehe 💚
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AAAAA IT'S YOU~!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH~!!! Your comments always make me smile and I'm so glad someone else also has an interest in this ship (well, people like - believe in this ship since they're canonically married but I mean like actually interested in content for them) As I've said feel NO pressure to make any fanart or anything, just leaving such nice comments is more than enough~!! Here's a headcanon for your trouble: (I always think people who submit asks are brave bc it personally makes me nervous) T'Pel is more adventurous than Tuvok and more willing to try out things that are alien to her so their first date was a double date with Mark and Janeway at Mark’s behest (Tuvok initially began to refuse because Vulcans don't typically go on 'dates' unless trying to court one another for marriage but T'Pel agreed). Picturing Tuvok becoming competitive about a game that gives you prizes and T'Pel, face impassive, carrying the largest teddy bear they have (bigger than her) "For the children," they intone. Sorry, one more headcanon: Before Tuvok left to become part of Starfleet again T'Pel privately kissed him on the lips because she didn't want his ""first"" kiss to be taken by an alien during some sort of Starfleet shenanigans (of which she is familiar)
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the-scooby-gang · 1 year
No pressure, but...
I really need to know what is going on with Scooby in your Au or I will personally become a scooby-doo villain just to figure it out.
Again no pressure!
Oh if you talking about my Rogers Family!AU than nothing is going on with Scooby
After all he is just an average Doo familiar who is bonded with his best friend Shaggy, his Rogers, for life. Which will prolong his life span to be exactly Shaggy’s age, and since wizards live loooooong lives, you can expect him and Shaggy to have food based shenanigans for many years to come
Also the fact that the Doo family has, for generations, been bonded with the same family of wizards may or may not have given them the ability of speech. Jury is still out on that one. McBaggy Rogers’ journals may have something to shine a light on how that came to be, a definitive explanation, a catalyst for that major development on the beloved Great Dane family, but good luck finding those things because McBaggy and Yankee Doddle Doo took their location all the way to the grave
Maybe Shaggy and Scooby should ask the gang to help them find them… not a bad idea
So yeah, nothing major going on with Scooby. He is a familiar to his Wizard. Shaggy’s best friend.
He will live as long as Shaggy does, as the spell that bonded them together intended
Of course many Rogers think it’s not fair that the vice versa is not true, but such ancient spell craft can’t be easily altered so that’s just a facet of life (that doesn’t mean that there aren’t Rogers looking, mind you)
Just as long nothing happens to Scooby every thing will be fine… 🙂
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