#also cousin Steve didn’t return to the past are you kidding me?
the-scooby-gang · 4 months
Wait scrappy is bonded to one of the gang right?
Which one is it? Or is it all of them. Personally I hoping it's Fred.
This is a fun story actually!
Back before the gang were all romantically together the entire Rogers clan was keeping an eye on Scrapy to see who he would bond with. There were no Rogers of bonding age for him to pair with so they all thought he was destined to be a Doo by adoption (when someone gains a Doo by being adopted into the Rogers clan) or a Doo by Marriage (where a Doo bonds with a non-Roger that is destined to marry into the family).
When I tell you Shaggy was Struggling™ because it looked like he was going to bond with Fred (he even started coping his speech patterns and saying “treasure” like that) only to turn around and attach his tiny puppy self to Daphne for months only to turn around again and go with Velma to her NASA internship as emotional support…
Let’s say Shaggy was very confused and just a bit frustrated.
But it turned out to be just the curiosity and friendliness of young puppies. Scrappy has found his Rogers not that long ago in 2011 when they found Cousin Steve on that iceberg.
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steviestits · 8 months
Heeeyy, sooooo I’m a total time travel girlie. Can we get some love for your time travel stories? Your time travel au, regency au and your Christmas knight au!
Hey there! Thank you so much for the ask! I got more than I thought I would, so I'm going to try to spread these out throughout the day. Also, all of these are unbetaed, so... if there are any mistakes, no there aren't.
CW: Mentions of Mpreg and some gaslighting in some of the prompts
Time Travel AU: Plot is Dustin is Steve's teacher in the future but tricks Steve into going through a portal to the past so he can be his sudo-big brother when he was a kid. Eddie helps.
When the door opened, Steve expected it to be Dustin with news if he had figured out how to send him back to the future, just like in the movie. It wasn’t, however, and instead a teen around Steve’s age entered the garage/makeshift laboratory. He looked oddly familiar with long, dark brown hair and soft, chocolate brown eyes. The other man had a lithe build and was wearing a t-shirt that Steve recognized from the Hellfire Club, which was the club that Mr. Henderson sponsored back in Steve’s own time.
“Hey there,” the man said with a winning smile. “Dustin didn’t tell me he had company.”
“I’m- Uh- Steve, his cousin from Canada,” Steve replied, remembering the lie that they were telling people. “I’m visiting for a while. Because I’m from Canada.”
The man snorted in amusement. “Alright, Steve from Canada, I’m Eddie from Indiana. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
Steve heard the name and remembered Mr. Henderson’s friend from that famous metal band with the same name. Eddie had come in once or twice for career day as a favor, talking about what it was like to be a celebrity. His eyes had fallen on Steve a couple of times, so maybe he’d been wondering what Dustin’s cousin from Canada was doing in his class and why he hadn’t aged. Not that Steve could think of a way to explain it away, so he could only hope that Mr. Henderson had figured out a way to in the future.
“Same here,” Steve replied, holding out his hand.
Eddie took his hand, though instead of shaking it, he pressed Steve’s knuckles to his lips. Blush instantly spread through Steve’s cheeks, and he was shocked to see the other man behave so boldly. Dustin had said that Eddie was never ashamed of who he was, except this was the 80’s where people were much less accepting of gay people than they were in Steve’s time period. Maybe it was because Eddie thought Steve was from Canada that he meant could openly hit on him? Or could play it off as a joke more if he reacted poorly?
“You know, if I knew Dustin had a cousin as cute as you, I’d have started coming over more often,” Eddie teased. “You’re a real vision, sweetheart.”
The blush on Steve’s face grew, uncertain as to why Eddie was making him feel this way. Steve knew that he was attracted to men, but Eddie was so much older than him that it should’ve been creepy, except he guessed Eddie wasn’t currently older than him now as Steve was in the past, but that shouldn’t have mattered. Plus, in the future, Eddie was a married man, so he clearly found someone else, someone from his own time who wasn’t Steve.
“I’m only going to be here for a few weeks,” he insisted, finally remembering to pull his hand back. “Then I don’t think I’ll be back again after that.”
“That’s a shame, but maybe I could visit you?”
“No!” Steve exclaimed, then more calmly, he added, “It’s- Well-”
Thankfully, the door opened, signaling Dustin’s return. The boy was holding several boxes and didn’t seem to notice either of them as he staggered blindly to the work bench on the other side of the garage. He placed the boxes down with a thud before he turned around to see Eddie and Steve standing there. A grin overtook his face as his eyes flickered over them ecstatically, clearly thrilled by their presence.
Regency AU: This isn't time travel, but is where Steve was raised elsewhere due to him being an omega, but was married off to Eddie when the family hit dire straits. I think you're the Outlander anon, so I'm going to include a passage from both. Outlander takes place in the Georgian Era, though the Regency Era is a part of it albeit briefly.
Steve sat down on the long, blue couch next to his new husband, trying not to gawk at his surroundings. He’d never been in a place as lavish as this with its high ceilings and crown molding. Burning brightly, the large fireplace illuminated them while shadows played off the space around them, which was fancier than the wooden hearth that they had on the farm. It made him feel out of place, especially in the dress that Eddie forced him to wear.
“I know you don’t remember me. Your parents didn’t either,” Eddie said, reaching over to take Steve’s hand. “I used to work for them as a servant before you presented and were sent to the farm. I made my fortune for you, so we could be together.”
If Steve was being honest, he didn’t remember much of his time back at his parents’ manor since he’d presented so early. He did remember a boy that he would sometimes see trotting behind some of the other servants, but they never spoke, not from what Steve could recall. Still, it wasn’t as if Steve could complain as they were already married due to the agreement to save his parents from bankruptcy, though Steve was starting to suspect that Eddie had a hand in the sudden decline of the Harrington household.
“You’re going to have the life you deserve as a noble omega,” he continued as Steve remained silent. “You’ll be in charge of the staff of the household, who will in turn cater to your every need. Then I hope that soon, you’ll be rounded with my pup and become a mother to them, too. And of course, I’ll make certain to come home and pleasure at night, fill you with my seed like a proper omega like you deserves.”
Eddie then reached up in order to tuck a strand of hair behind Steve’s ear. The action made Steve blush, as no one had ever been so gentle with him. He didn’t know why Eddie went through so much trouble just to make Steve his bride, but it seemed that Eddie had a lot of expectations that Steve didn’t know if he could fulfill.
“I don’t know how to do any of that,” Steve confessed. “I was never taught how to manage a household or- or how to lay with an alpha. I wasn’t raised to be a ‘proper’ omega.”
“That doesn’t matter,” Eddie assured him. “I’ll guide you, get you the best tutors. And as for laying with an alpha, you don’t have worry. You’ll learn.”
“Do I have to learn? Why can’t we get someone else to manage the household? Or I could manage it myself. I’m used to doing chores.”
“No, sweetheart. I know you’re used to it, but it’s not what you deserve. You deserve your birthright, everything that the Harringtons denied you. You’re going to be a proper omega, get rounded as you should, and bear my pups. You were meant to be a mother, the mother of our pups. You’ll see that soon enough.”
Omega Transmigration: The time travel fic you were actually looking for since it's technically Steve going to a different world with magic since you mentioned a chrysalis, which I thought was neat. But the basics are the same where Steve is forced to marry Eddie since they suspect he is a spy. Though, most it is based on what I'd read off web articles. If I missed the mark then let me know and I can redo it.
Following Joyce into the hut, Steve took in the odd bits and bobbles that were strewn across the simple wood furniture. Some were crystals while others were glass jars filled with mysterious liquids, but even with those, the small space gave off an air of comfort that Steve hadn’t felt in a home in a long time. It was the opposite of what he’d expected when he’d been told that he would be seeing the wise woman of the clan, as his mind had gone to a cranky old witch who lived in a mysterious hovel, not a kind and welcoming woman.
Eddie and Wayne entered behind them, looking at ease despite their high station amongst the rebels. Their gaze, especially Eddie’s, made Steve feel uneasy, and it was hard to relax, even when Joyce told him to after she showed him to a chair at the back of the hut. Steve tried to ignore them as he sat down, so Joyce could exam him as Wayne had commanded.
“He does have the starting of an omega mating gland,” Joyce said, running finger over Steve’s neck. “But it’s incomplete. Sweetie, did something go wrong with your presentation?”
“No- Well, sort of. My parents didn’t want me to be an omega, so I went on suppressants,” he explained. “That stopped it. I’m basically a beta.”
“You poor dear,” she cooed. “That had to be dreadful.”
“Not really. I was able to become an EMT when I graduated. There haven’t been any poor side effects of stopping it either. Besides, it’s irreversible, so even I had been presenting as an omega, there’s no way to continue the process now.”
At that, Wayne stepped forward, fixing a steely gaze onto Steve. He didn’t know what the older alpha expected when he brought Steve here, as Steve had basically told him that there wasn’t any way to make him into a true omega in the eyes of the clan. There were other ways that Steve could be useful besides mating with his nephew, but from the look on Wayne’s face, he wasn’t willing to consider them.
“If he can’t be tied to the clan, he’ll be put to death,” Wayne huffed, confirming Steve’s suspicions. “No offense, lad, but I’m not going to risk my people if you can’t give me some reassurances.”
“There is a process,” Joyce said. “It’s a little involved, but it should help him continue his presentation, making him into the omega he should be.”
“Involved? We’re fighting a rebellion. We don’t have the supplies for ‘involved’ rituals.”
“Uncle, I know it might waste some resources,” Eddie interjected, “but he’s my true mate and thus will produce strong pups for the clan.”
Wayne snorted but still said, “Fine. If he agrees then you can do the ritual.”
Steve sighed and nodded, signaling that he would go through with the ritual. He didn’t have much choice given that his choice was either this or be put to death. If he was dead then he couldn’t go back to his own time, his own world. Maybe his life hadn’t been the most glamorous or exciting, but it had still been his, and he needed to do what he could to survive until he could go back to it.
Christmas Knight AU: If you're reading this and haven't seen the Christmas Knight, maybe the best Christmas romance movie ever, then go watch it now to avoid spoilers! It's about a knight who is pushed forward in time by a spell and is sent on a quest that he must complete there.
While the phone rang, Steve watched Eddie from his hiding place in the kitchen. The other man had his sword out and was experimentally poking at the electronics around the room. He then poked the tv remote, causing it to spring to life and display the home menu which linked to all the different streaming services he could watch from it. Eddie acted as if he hadn’t one previously, which as far as Eddie knew he probably hadn’t due to the amnesia.
“What magic is this!?” Eddie exclaimed, dropping his sword so he could inspect the image closer. “With the press of a button, this box has become aglow with words and pictures!”
“It’s just the home screen of the wireless tv,” Steve explained. “If you hit the red button, you can watch Netflix. Then the one next to that is Prime. I’ve got both, so feel to browse.”
“Net-flicks,” the other man repeated, the word sounding foreign on his tongue.
Before Steve could explain any more, Robin’s voice finally came through as she answered the phone with a quick greeting. Steve held up a finger to signal that he needed a minute, not that Eddie was paying attention as he’d become enthralled with flipping through the selections on Netflix, eyes wide as he watched the trailers of each feature play automatically. It allowed Steve to slip further into the kitchen, where he knew Eddie wouldn’t hear him.
“Robin!” Steve called anxiously. “Robin, I’ve got a huge problem!”
“Steve, calm down,” she replied. “What kind of problem? Are you okay?”
“Oh, I’m perfectly fine. The guy I hit with my car? Not so much!”
“Holy shit! You hit someone with your car!? Do we need to hide the body or something!?”
“I didn’t kill him! I- I just gave him a little bit of amnesia.”
“Define ‘a little bit’ for me.”
“He hit his head so hard he has forgotten all about modern technology and now believes that he’s like a knight of King Camelot’s court or something!”
“King Arthur,” Robin corrected. “Camelot is where he lies.”
“Does it really fucking matter!? What do I do!? I said he could stay in my guest room and borrow some clothes until he gets his memories back, but fuck! I hit him with my car!”
On the other end, Robin sighed, clearly just as lost as him as to what to do after inviting the person he ran down with a car to live with him for a while. Even with Steve being so generous, there was a chance the guy would sue the pants off him once he recovered his memories, which would suck, but there didn’t seem to be a right answer. All Steve could really do was be as patient as he could be and hope that made up for the slight brain damage he caused.
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Marvel OC Masterlist 1
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Name: Adelaide Stark
Title: Beyond The Archetype
Faceclaim:  Jenna Louise Coleman
Love interest: Sam Wilson
Summary: Adelaide Stark had always had a lot to live up to. Her dad always tried not to put a lot of pressure on her, but the rest of the world hadn’t been so kind.  So, Adi spent the first seventeen years of her life working and studying to follow in her family’s footsteps and work on military technology.  But when her father goes missing in her senior year of high school, her world falls apart.  And when he comes back, alive and a superhero, she has to rebuild herself and her dreams.  Now, not only Tony Stark’s daughter, but also Iron Man’s daughter, Adi realizes that maybe it’s time for her to stop following, and to do something for herself instead.
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Name: Adonis Stark
Title: Stars Defied
Faceclaim: Colin Donnell
Love Interest: Orion Royce
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Name: чудо | Adriana Stark
Title: Like The Sun (We Will Live To Rise)
Faceclaim:  Madison McLaughlin
Love interest: Peter Parker?
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Name: Alana Stark
Title: Born To Die
Faceclaim: Madison Davenport
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Name: Alena Zemo
Title: Untitled
Faceclaim: Poppy Drayton
Love Interest: Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes
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Name: Alessia Stark
Title: When Tomorrow Comes
Faceclaim: Melissa Benoist
Love Interest: Steve Rogers
Summary: “So this Doctor Banner was was trying to replicate the serum they used on me?”  “A lot of people were, only one succeeded.”  “Who?”  “Howard Stark.” -Steve Rogers and Phil Coulson
When Alessia Stark was sixteen, her dad used her to test out a new super serum.  He succeeded, and died a week later.  Aly Stark has never wanted to be a hero, despite the serum running through her veins.  She grew stronger, her aging slowed, she had even developed an inhuman healing factor, but she still didn’t want to be a hero.  Until her twin brother - now over a decade older than her - is kidnapped by terroists and returns a superhero.  Aly may not want to be a hero, but she’ll be damned if she leaves her brother to fight alone
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Name: Alvina Strange
Title: Paradox
Faceclaim:  Alba Baptista
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Name: Angelina Stark
Title: Cheap Tricks (And A Cheesy One-Liner)
Faceclaim: Phoebe Tonkin
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Name: Angie Stark
Title: Turn Back Time
Faceclaim: Malina Weissman
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Name: Antonia Stark-Parker
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Olivia Holt
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Anya Barton
Title: What Happened In Budapest (Doesn’t Stay In Budapest)
Faceclaim:  Emma Stone
Love interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary:  What happened in Budapest?  Clint and Natasha took out an arms dealer, saved the world, had a baby, learned that the Red Room lied about sterilizing Natasha, and killed a few people.  Now all grown up, Anya Barton is the newest SHIELD recruit, and almost immediately, aliens invade and a god brainwashes her father; that’s a hell of a first day.  But Anya is the daughter of two of the greatest spies in the world, she’s not going down without a fight.  Not when aliens invade, not when SHIELD is revealed to be Hydra and she has to go off the grid, and definitely not when, in Budapest of all places, she meets a man with a metal arm who’s also trying to hide from whatever is left of Hydra.
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Name: Aphrodite
Title: The Course of True Love (Never Did Run Smooth)
Faceclaim:  Vanessa Morgan
Love interest: Thor
Summary: Aphrodite could barely remember her home planet of Olympus, thanks to Odin destroying it when she was a child.  As the sole survivor of the Olympian gods, Odin decided that she was “useful” enough to keep, and brought her to Asgard.  Clearly he’d never considered the consequences of murdering her entire world and taking her hostage, as he somehow still expected her to be loyal to her.  Unfortunately for Odin, that plan was as stupid as the rest of his ideas; Aphrodite had never been loyal to him, her loyalty had always been to the next king of Asgard, and when he sends Thor to earth, he’ll learn just how far a goddess of love is willing to go to make sure he doesn’t cost her another family.
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Name: Aria Parker
Title: The Art of Disappearing
Faceclaim:  Natalie Dormer
Love interest: Steve Rogers
Summary: Peter Parker was hardly the first enhanced Parker.  His aunt Aria had been born with the ability to control the elements.  At eighteen years of age, she dropped off the face of the earth, and no one, not even her cousins Ben and Richard, had any idea where she’d gone.  Most people thought she was dead, until ten years later when she helped Clint Barton find his dog in Central Park, and somehow befriending he and Natasha Romanov.  Even then, though, most of the world didn’t know who or where she was; not until Shield fell apart and Natasha found herself reaching out to the only person she trusted who had no affiliation with Shield or Hydra.
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Name: Arielle Stark
Title: Piece By Piece
Faceclaim:  Nina Dobrev
Love Interest: Steve Rogers
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Name: Aris Stark
Title: Forged In Iron
Faceclaim: Olivia Holt
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: All Aris Stark wanted to do was train for the Olympics - gymnastics, specifically - and go on dates with Peter. Of course, being Iron Man’s daughter and Spiderman’s girlfriends complicated things, but Aris could handle complicated. Everything was perfect, until both her dad and boyfriend hopped on a ship to outer space while some crazy alien tried to destroy the universe. She waited in the compound, preparing all of the ways that she would yell at them for scaring her. And then she woke up, the compound on fire and crumbling around her, Tony and Peter nowhere to be found. And if that weren’t confusing enough, suddenly she was glowing.
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Name: Asteria “Stargirl” Quill
Story: Made Of Stardust
Faceclaim:  Chloe Grace Moretz
Summary: If Peter Quill had known that some species didn’t have gestation periods, he might have been a lot more selective about who he slept with.  But, he hadn’t, and so, he wasn’t.  And so, he found himself with an infant daughter.  Half alien, all ravager, Asteria “Stargirl” Quill is all about profit and adventure, just like her dad.  But when a fight breaks out during a sale, and she and her dad get arrested with a green girl, a racoon, and a tree, everything is about to change.
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Name: Athena Stark
Title: Iron Princess
Faceclaim: Zoey Deutch
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: Athena Stark had a plan. She was going to be the valedictorian for her grade at Midtown High, then an undergrad in Poli Sci at Yale, then law school at Harvard, and then she would become president of the United States. She would change the laws in order to better protect superheroes like her father, and she would make him proud. But then her dad brings Spiderman to Berlin for a fight, and Peter Parker comes back talking about a Stark Internship that definitely doesn’t exist. Athena’s life plan never accounted for Superhero Liaison, let alone for becoming a superhero herself, but Starks are made of iron and Athena will make it work.
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Name: Aurora Hansen Stark
Title: The Future In Silver and Gold
Faceclaim:  Bailee Madison
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: “Please don’t tell me there’s a 12 year old kid waiting in the car that I’ve never met.“  Actually, she’s thirteen and at home, but with Killian having killed her mother, Aurora Stark is about to find out the truth about her mysterious father.  Unfortunately, as unprepared as Tony is for a daughter, Aurora is equally unprepared for a father, and getting used to each other will be harder than either of them could have ever anticipated.
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Name: Octavia Ava Potts
Story: Golden Child (Grew Up)
Faceclaim: Danielle Rose Russell
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: A lot had changed for Ava, since her father died.  She had moved in with her Aunt Pepper and Tony; aliens had invaded New York, they had moved to Malibu, she had gotten kidnapped, they — well, you get the picture.  A lot had changed for Ava over the years, but as she settled into her life at Midtown High, she thought that the craziest of changes were in her past.  And then the Avengers break up, and she discovers that one of her closest friends is hiding a secret not too different from her own.
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Name: Bennett Parker-Maximoff
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Danielle Campbell
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Betsy Walker
Title: Chasing Shadows
Faceclaim: Amanda Seyfried
Love Interest: Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes
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Name: Bianca Davis
Title: The American Dream
Faceclaim:  Kat McNamara
Love interest: Steve Rogers
Summary: Being 26, in Washington DC, and working at the Smithsonian Museum of Air and Space wasn’t exactly where Bianca ever imagined herself, but it’s a pretty fun gig, and a great stepping stone to becoming a Smithsonian Curator.  And she gets to work in the Captain America exhibit, which has always been a fascination of hers.  Twenty six and working a good job in her field of studies is more than most recent graduates can say, but her life is still completely mundane–until the day Steve Rogers walks into her exhibit for the first time.
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Name: Brinley Brant
Title: Because I Could Not Stop For Death (He Kindly Stopped For Me)
Faceclaim:  Lili Reinhart
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: There had been four Brant sisters, once.  Beatrice and Bridget, twins and completely inseparable; Betty, the oldest, brightest, best; and Brinley, the middle child, overlooked, and Betty’s biggest fan.  And then, the decimation.  Three sisters and their father waiting by the door for Betty to come home, to tell them she was alright and laugh about them worrying.  But she never did.  With a dead sister and a dying mother, it fell to Brinley to fill the gap.  Day by day she became more and more like her sister, no longer able to differentiate between her reflection and Betty’s pictures, until one day she woke up and realized that she was a whole year older than Betty would ever get to be.  And then the Avengers reversed the blip, and when the doorbell rang, Betty had finally come home.
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Name: Brynhilde Parkerdottir
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Jenny Boyd
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Brynn Bates
Title: Dust To Dust
Faceclaim: Erin Moriarty
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Name: Calypso Lokidottir
Title: This Is Your Kingdom
Faceclaim:  Emilia Clarke
Love Interest: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Summary: Calypso “Callie” Laurens had always known that she wasn’t normal, no one had ever tried to spare her from that truth. With her silver-white hair, her fondness for “renaissance fair” dresses, and her Shakespearean speech, it would have been impossible for her to not know that she was strange. What she didn’t know was that her name wasn’t Calypso Laurens, but rather Calypso Lokidottir, princess of Asgard and daughter of Loki. But, when a strange hammer shows up in her town, one that only she can lift, Calypso is about to learn everything that Odin never wanted her to know, including why she was cast away to Midgard in the first place.
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Name: Constance Osborn
Title: Rise Above
Fandom: The Amazing Spider-Man
Faceclaim:  Lily Collins
Summary: At five years old, Constance Conwell lost her mother.  Suicide, she was told; her fault, the note said.  She never knew the details, but the men in the suits read her the note, made sure she knew just how much her mother had hated her — so much that she chose death over her daughter. It hadn’t made sense, her mother had always seemed so happy to spend time with her daughter, but the note said otherwise.  So Constance was packed up and moved to New York, where she met Norman Osborn — the cold man with empty eyes who was apparently her father — and Harry Osborn — with his warm hugs and soft eyes and endless excitement to have a little sister.  Harry, with his best friend Peter; Peter who had also just lost his parents, and Harry, who always knew when she needed to be distracted and when she just needed someone to sit with her.  At five years old, Constance Conwell lost her mother, and Constance Osborn found her brother.
At eleven years old, Constance Osborn lost her best friend.  Boarding school, her father had explained, packing Constance and Harry into the private jet and sending them to Europe. But they both knew the truth; Norman just didn’t want them.  So they went — first to England, then France, then Switzerland, and so on so forth as various disciplinary infractions kept them shuffling between schools.  With no Peter Parker, with no best friend to keep them in line, the Osborns fell apart faster than the tabloids could keep up with.  At eleven years old, Constance Osborn lost her best friend.  She never found another.
At sixteen years old, Constance Osborn loses herself.  Only a few months out from graduation, her dad asks to see her — the first time he’s asked to see her since she moved in — and she flies back to New York for a couple of weeks.  But whatever cautious optimism she’d harboured for a touching family reunion was crushed almost as soon as she saw what she’d come home to.  A city on the verge of destruction, a father who was losing what little was left of his sanity, a world of heroes and villains that left no one unscarred.  At sixteen years old, Constance Osborn loses herself.  She’s not sure who she found.
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Name: Cora Royce
Title: Stars Defied
Faceclaim: Willa Holland
Love Interest: Sam Wilson; eventual poly Sam x Bucky in TFATWS
Summary: In 2011, Cora Royce’s parents went to New Mexico for a week’s holiday; some aliens invaded, and they never made it home.  In 2012, the same aliens invade, and Cora almost loses her brother.  When Orion insists on taking her to work with him “for her safety”, Cora expects a boring day at the main office of the family company, she doesn’t expect to find out that her brother has a second life as a spy-archer-assassin for a top secret government agency founded by Cora’s personal hero, Peggy Carter herself.  She also doesn’t expect to find out that her parents were part of the agency themselves, and that their holiday in New Mexico was part of a mission to stop the very alien-god who killed them.  And she definitely didn’t expect to find herself on an invisible flying battleship with her pseudo-uncle Tony Stark — sorry, Iron Man — and an apparently not-dead Captain America.  
Cora is under strict orders from Orion to stay in the lab where Tony can protect her, but when everything goes to shit, Cora can’t just stay on the sidelines.  She may not be a superhero, but she’s Royce, and there is nothing that could stop her from protecting the last of her family.
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Name: Cordelia
Title: I Was In The Darkness (So Darkness I Became)
Face claim:  Alycia Debnam-Carey
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Name: Courtney Lang
Title: The Cost Of Legacy
Faceclaim: Willa Fitzgerald
Summary:  Courtney Lang loved her dad, she really did. Sure, he did some illegal business and was in jail for a while, but hey, nobody’s perfect.  But when he got back from jail, everything changed.  He was keeping secrets, avoiding her, lying to her, but it all made sense when she learned that he was actually a superhero.  But then he went rogue, got put under house arrest, and broke said house arrest with less than a day until his time was up.  Still, she could handle all of that, until half of all living things disappeared, and her father along with them.
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Name: Danni Stark
Title: Fated
Faceclaim:  Lily Collins
Love Interest: Steve Rogers, possibly poly Stucky
Summary: 1942.  The United States Of America has finally joined the war.  Danielle Stark becomes a war correspondent and, with some help from her older brother, becomes the official liaison to the Howling Commandos.  As the history books will tell, Danni and Peggy Carter were as inseparable behind the scenes as Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes were on the battlefield.  And as the history books won’t tell, Danni Stark fell in love on the front lines, with both Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes.  And then, Bucky fell from a train and Steve crashed his plane, and Danni found herself alone.
1945.  The war is over.  Everyone goes home.  Unsure of what to do with herself, Danni ends up in New York, helping Peggy and Howard to found SHIELD.  For several years, Danni juggles her work as a reporter with her secret life as a SHIELD agent, until Howard finds something in the arctic.  With the new powers of the tesseract at his fingertips, Howard finally decides to try a new version of Project Rebirth, and Danni is the first to offer herself as a volunteer.  But as soon as he sees the powers that the cube gave his sister, Howard files the project away, destroying all evidence that it had ever happened, and Danni keeps her newly developed powers a secret from everyone except for Howard, Peggy, and Edwin Jarvis.
2012.  A new war brews on the horizon.  Danni has been off the grid for decades — after all, she’s hardly eager to explain why she still looks twenty-five rather than ninety-five.  As far as most of the world knows, she died shortly after her brother; quietly and peacefully, a very private affair.  The only person who still knows she’s alive is her nephew, Tony Stark, with whom she is in regular contact.  But even Tony has never tried to convince her to come out of the shadows — not until he shakes her entire world with a single line on a voicemail; “Steve is alive, he’s at SHIELD.”  And Danni Stark knows that it’s time to return to the world she’d long since left behind.
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Name: Diana Moore
Title: The Long Game
Faceclaim:  Hailee Steinfeld
Love interest: Peter Parker
Summary: You would have to be an idiot to not realize that Peter Parker is Spiderman.  Well, Diana might go to a school for geniuses, but clearly they’re all idiots because no one else seems to have figured it out. Well, that’s fine, that makes it easier to keep the whole Secret Identity Thing a secret.  And if there’s one thing that Diana Moore is good at, it’s keeping a secret - or it was, until she and the rest of her Acadec team nearly die in DC.  Now it’s personal, and whether he likes it or not, Diana is going to do whatever it takes to help Peter Parker save the world.
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Name: Dominique Barton
Title: Life Goes On
Faceclaim: Emily Rudd
Love Interest: Peter Parker
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Name: Dorothy Madison
Title: Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Faceclaim:  Keira Knightley
Love Interest: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Summary: Dorothy Madison, Bucky Barnes, and Steve Rogers had been inseparable for most of their lives. Four years her senior, the boys had already been best friends for years before they met the small girl on her first day of kindergarten and immediately got into a fight with her first bully. From then on it was much of the same; Steve getting into fights, Bucky either joining him or pulling him out, and Dorothy keeping them out of trouble.
The years passed quickly, and she found herself falling in love with both of her best friends. But before she figured out what to do about that, the war made its way to their door. Bucky got drafted and, during their last night together, Steve got himself enlisted.
Well, no way was Dorothy letting her boys go to war without her. She quickly found a place for herself within the Office of Strategic Services, and soon found herself put in charge of the Howling Commandos. Finally, everything was right again; Steve was rushing head first into danger with Bucky as his right hand, and Dorothy struggling to keep her boys alive.
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Name: Eir Odinsdottir
Title: See No Evil
Faceclaim: Maisie Williams
Summary: Once, Eir Odinsdottir had been the princess of Asgard; Odin’s youngest child, and only daughter, and beloved by her brothers and their kingdom.  But Eir was also a seer.  She could see things that had happened, things that were happening, and things that had not yet happened.  And one day, she saw the truth about her family: the older sister long since cast away, the secret behind her brother’s parentage, and the dark and bloody truth behind her father’s reign.  And so, Odin exiled her.  Eir spent years travelling the nine realms, longing for home, before finally seeing her brothers on Midgard, so to Midgard she goes.
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Name: Elena Barnes
Title: Balancing The Score
Faceclaim:  Kaya Scodelario
Summary:  Imagine a weapon who has all the skills of the Asset, but without the memories.  No need to wipe and start over, no questions, only loyalty to Hydra. Enter Elena Barnes.  Bred by Hydra to serve that purpose, they truly believed that they had created the perfect weapon.  But, compliant as she seemed, Elena watched the torture that her father suffered, and anger lived within her veins.  After the Battle of Manhattan, she finds herself out in the world with instructions to bring back Loki’s staff, but instead, she disappears.  Goes off the grid and dedicates herself to learning the truth about herself and her father, until one day she’s at a museum and meets the one person who can truly answer all of her questions.
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Name: Elia Patel
Title: Eclipsed Sun
Faceclaim:  Summer Bishil
Love Interest: Tony Stark
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Name: Elizabeth Banner-Parker
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Natalia Dyer
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Elizabeth Barton
Title: Walking The Tightrope
Faceclaim: Emma Watson
Love Interest: Tony Stark
Summary: Elizabeth Barton has been working for SHIELD since she was sixteen; since she and her big brother had been recruited out of the circus.  No mission ever phased the ex tightrope walker, nothing ever compared to the thrill and danger of walking on a wire, over 20 feet in the air.  Even her elite task force with Clint and Natasha - Silver Swan, Hawkeye, and Black Widow - paled in comparison.  But then Tony Stark becomes Iron Man, Liz is assigned to get to know the man behind the mask, and suddenly she feels like she’s sixteen and walking the tightrope again.
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Name:  Eleanor “Ellie” Coulson
Title: Reinvention
Faceclaim:  Sabrina Carpenter
Love interest: Peter Parker
Summary: There are some facts in life that are simply unavoidable. “If your father is one of SHIELD’s top agents, and your mother is out of the picture, you will be raised as a SHIELD agent from before you can walk” is one of them.  Eleanor Coulson has spent her entire life as an agent in training, and she happens to be very good at it.  But when SHIELD is revealed to be Hydra, and her dad is charged with rebuilding the entire organization, Ellie is faced with her most challenging mission yet. High school.
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Name: Elsie Carter
Title: Travelling Soldier
Faceclaim: Daisy Ridley
Love Interest: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Summary: Even before her sister joined the army, Eloise Carter knew that she was always going to be second best.  Still, that wasn’t going to stop her from helping in the war herself - so Elsie became a nurse.  She loved her job, despite the heartbreak that came with every life she failed to save, but she couldn’t have been less thrilled to suddenly find herself assigned to her sister’s troops.  At least until she was put in charge of the recently rescued James Barnes.  She soon learned that James was never without Steve Rogers, Captain America himself, and suddenly her transfer seemed a little less awful.  But they were soldiers, and Elsie couldn’t do anything more than wait for them to return from every fight, praying each time that they would make it back.
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Name: Erna Bragidottir
Title: Speak No Evil
Faceclaim:  Gal Gadot
Love interest: Thor & Steve Rogers
Summary: When Hela massacred the Valkyrie, only two survived; Brunhilde and Erna. But Odin wasn't going to risk anyone learning the truth about his bloody history, and was quick to exile them both.  One minute, Erna was trying to say goodbye to her best friend, her sister, and the next she was waking up on Midgard, surrounded by a group who called themselves the Howling Commandos, apparently in the middle of the planet's biggest war.  The Valkyrie may have been slaughtered, and she may have been exiled from Asgard, but Erna is, and will always be, a Valkyrie and she is going to fight for her new home.
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Name: Evelyn Rogers
Title: Long Story Short
Faceclaim:  Katie Cassidy
Love Interest: Bruce Banner
Summary: Having lost her father to the Great War, her mother to tuberculosis, and her boyfriend to the draft, Evelyn Rogers was not going to lose her brother too.  So when he signs up for something called the Erskine Program, she refuses to sit back and wait for him to come home.  When Steve becomes the world’s first superhero, the new poster boy for war relief efforts, Evelyn’s name is at the top of the list for his chorus girls, and she follows him all the way to the war.  And when they find out that Bucky as his battalion have been captured, she follows him all the way to the front line — and into Johann Schmidt’s grasp.  She doesn’t follow him back.
When Steve Rogers forms the Howling Commandos, he has one mission in mind.  Wipe HYDRA off the board, and bring Evelyn home.  When he finally finds her, on a train with Armin Zola, she has no memory of anything since reaching the HYDRA base. Still recovering from her time with HYDRA, and from losing her first love, Evelyn is unable to follow Steve into his final confrontation with Schmidt.  And Steve goes into the ice.
Evelyn returns to New York with Howard Stark and Peggy Carter, with a hole in her heart and no bodies to lay to rest.  Desperate to find some sort of peace, she throws herself into searching for the bodies of the only two Howling Commandos not to make it home.  After months of searching, Evelyn finds a lead on Bucky, and is never seen again.
Until, 70 years later, she shows up on Nick Fury’s doorstep.  No older than the day she disappeared, with no memory of anything after her brother’s plane hit the ice, Evelyn Rogers follows her brother into a new century.
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Name: Ezra Barton
Title: Vortex
Faceclaim:  Jennifer Lawrence
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Name: Francine Barton-Parker
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Emily Rudd
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Freya Thordottir
Title: Like Catching Lightning
Faceclaim: Jenny Boyd
Love Interest: Peter Parker
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Name: Grace Osborn
Title: Bound In Secrets
Faceclaim: Camila Mendes
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: Once upon a time, Grace Osborn had it all.  She was the prized princess of the Osborn family, she had a wonderful older brother, and she was her parents’ pride and joy.  And then Norman Osborn found out that her mother had been lying for thirteen years and Grace wasn’t his daughter, only a lie to force him into marriage.  In order to keep the scandal quiet, Norman quickly sent Grace away to boarding school in England; out of sight, out of mind.  That was three years ago.  Now, Norman is dead and Harry is in charge, and he has only one priority.  Bring his baby sister home.
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Name: Grayson Frost
Title: Fear No Evil
Faceclaim: Dylan Sprayberry
Love Interest: Kassandra Maximoff
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Name: Ilya Romanova
Title: Fatale
Faceclaim:  Holland Roden
Love Interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary: Once, the Red Room had trained dozens of girls, with the Romanova sisters as their greatest success.  Natalia, the Black Widow, was a prodigy in everything she did, and her sister Ilya was close behind.  But when Natalia defected, Ilya was quick to rise up and fill the hole her sister left.  She left a bloodstained legacy unlike any other, earning the title of Red Widow and thriving under солдат’s personal training.  So when Hydra sought her gifts, looking to raise her up from student to mission partner, they complied, and the Widow became the Banshee.  
сирена met every one of their expectations with ease, and it was no question that she would be their first miracle; developing powers to match her name.  For decades, солдат and сирена worked as a perfect unit, carrying out Hydra’s vision on a global scale.  But when the assassination of Nick Fury goes awry, the partners find themselves face to face with ghosts of pasts they don’t remember, and everything Hydra has built threatens to fall apart.
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Name: Irina Drakov
Title: Shadow
Faceclaim:  Mila Kunis
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Name: Jameson Barrett | марионетка
Title: Til The End Of The Line
Faceclaim: Dove Cameron
Love Interest: Stefania Raine
Summary: Under the scars, white hair, and leather ensemble, Stefania Raine recognized Jameson Barrett — the very best friend she thought to have seen die two years prior, when aliens invaded New York. But for the other girl, Jameson Barrett was buried deeper; she only ever remembered being марионетка, The Puppet, and being sent there with The Soldier to end Nicholas Fury’s life.
In the middle of the chaos, Stefania lost sight of her best friend, but refused to let the girl go again — even if that meant teaming up with a recently un-brainwashed soldier to find her.
With a faulting memory and unbalanced emotions, Jameson knew that accepting that she used to have a name wasn’t enough of a step to becoming a functional person. So, when she runs into the man from the bridge, from the helicarriers — the man who refused to fight — and he asks for her help in finding her ex-partner and the closest thing she had to a friend, she doesn’t say no.
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Name: Jamie Carter-Rogers
Title: Out Of Time
Faceclaim: Margot Robbie
Love Interest: Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes
Summary: Everybody knows that everybody dies, and nobody knows it like Jamie Rogers.  She was raised on war stories, stories about her long dead namesake, and her dad’s stories of another world.  A world of aliens and superheroes, of pain and hope, stories of how half of its universe died, and of the ones who gave everything to avenge it.  But when Jamie touches the strange crack on her wall and finds herself in New York City, in an alien invasion, in 2012, she realizes that her dad’s other world is not only real, but is the world he comes from, and every single story she heard was true.  Everybody knows that everybody dies.  But not every day.  So, trapped in a world where she was never born, with no way to go home, and knowing exactly what the universe has in store for earth’s mightiest heroes, Jamie makes a promise to herself.  Just this once, everybody lives.
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Name: Jason Grant
Title: When Tomorrow Comes
Faceclaim: Tyler Hoechlin
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Name: Jordan Jameson
Title: Unwritten
Faceclaim: Margaret Qualley
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Name: Justine “JB” Barnes
Title: Lost
Faceclaim:  Kathryn Newton
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Name: Kara Helasdottir
Title: The Memories Are Gone (The Aftershocks Live On)
Faceclaim: Emma Dumont
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Name: Kassandra Maximoff
Title: Fear No Evil
Faceclaim: Danielle Rose Russell
Love Interest: Grayson Frost
Summary: Kassandra Maximoff was no stranger to fear; she’d been afraid ever since her parents were killed by a Stark bomb, since she spent those days hiding with her siblings, wondering if any moment might be her last, waiting for Tony Stark to kill her too. So when Strucker offered she and her siblings the opportunity to be strong, to protect their country, to not be afraid, they took it. By the time they found out he was HYDRA, it was too late to escape. The siblings spent months being tortured, knowing exactly what would come if they defected. Kassandra had long since accepted her fate, had long since given up hope. And then the Avengers break into their facility.
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Name: Katarina Amelia Aliano
Title: Skyscraper
Faceclaim:  Sophie Turner & Summer Fontana
Love Interest: Harley Keener; possible Harley & Peter
Summary: Child genius turned orphan, Katarina was counting on her own hacking skills to keep her under the radar.  And they do, until she gets caught hacking into Stark industries, looking for answers regarding the aliens that killed her parents in New York, and suddenly she’s not just on a radar, she’s on Tony Stark’s radar.  When he decides to take her in, no one expects it to go well, but she soon makes a place for herself on the team and in their hearts.  She’s not a superhero, far from it, but she’s a hero in her own right, and nothing comes between Katarina and her family; not her biological family, and definitely not the weird group of misfits and gods that she calls her own.
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Name: Kathleen Swanson
Title: Ghost Of You
Faceclaim: Claire Holt
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Name: Katie Dean
Title: Renegades
Fandom: Runaways
Faceclaim: Meg Donnelly
Love Interest: Chase Stein
Summary: Katrina Dean was, all things considered, relatively happy with her life.  She had her church, cheerleading, choir, and her sister, what more could she want?  Or so she thought, at least, until Karolina’s friends discovered the truth about PRIDE, and Karolina discovered the truth about their bracelets.  And as much as Katie would love to pretend that nothing had changed, as much as she would love to keep living her perfect life, she knows that’s not an option anymore.  And so Katie and Karolina run away.
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Name: Kennedy Keener
Title: True North
Faceclaim: Sophia Lillis & Abbey Cowen
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Name: Lara Rogers | призрак
Title: Death Defied
Faceclaim:  Lyndsy Fonseca
Love interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary: No one told Steve that his DNA was going to be used to breed a new super soldier - or that it was going to fail.  No one told him that a civilian, Angie Martinelli, was going to give birth to his son, Caleb Rogers, or that Caleb wouldn’t be a super soldier.  No one told him that Caleb was going to have a daughter, Lara, and absolutely no one told him that on her fifth birthday, his granddaughter was going to be kidnapped by Hydra, turned into a super soldier, frozen over and over again, tortured and brainwashed endlessly, and eventually get partnered with the Winter Soldier.  But suddenly he’s in the future, suddenly he’s fought aliens, and suddenly солдат and призрак - the Soldier and the Ghost, Bucky and Lara - are attacking Nick Fury in the middle of DC. Suddenly Steve is on the run with Natasha, suddenly they’re in a Hydra facility underneath a bunker, and suddenly the computerized ghost of Arnim Zola is telling them everything.  And while it feels sudden to Steve, Project Insight and its enforcers have been seventy years in the making, and no matter how much he wants to cling to the last remains of his family, they might be beyond saving.
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Name: Lavinia
Title: Untitled
Faceclaim: Lindsey Morgan
Love Interest: Peter Quill
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Name: Lillian Rogers
Title: To The End Of The World
Faceclaim: Ali Liebert (in Bomb Girls)
Love Interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary: Lili Rogers would do anything for her brother.  Lie and steal to get his medication, agree not to flirt with his best friend despite her eternal crush, even fake her way into the US army.  Of course, it didn’t take long before someone figured out that Liam Rogers was actually Lillian Rogers; but thankfully she was found out by Peggy Carter, who quickly hired her as her secretary and liason to the Howling Commandos.  Lili honestly couldn’t have cared less, until she found out that the elite force was led by none other than her brother - who had somehow doubled in size - with the love of her life as his right hand man.
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Name: Lisbeth Dugan
Title: Spider Web
Faceclaim:  Madelaine Petsch
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Name: Lorraine Gillespie
Title: Dying Day
Faceclaim:  Tuppence Middleton
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Name: Lucy Pierce
Title: Heaven Or Hell
Faceclaim: Vanessa Kirby
Love Interest: Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers
Summary: Bought from the Red Room by Hydra, Lukeriya Turgenev found herself becoming Lucy Pierce when she was forced to marry the head of Hydra, Alexander Pierce himself.  A tortured doll reprogrammed to be a perfect weapon and model wife, freedom had always been a foreign concept to Lucy.  At least it was, until a failed assassination put she and Yasha – James – The Soldier – face to face with Captain America and Lucy’s former sister and rival, Natasha Romanov.
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Name: Lydia Cabot-Stark
Title: Right Down The Line (It’s Been You And Me)
Faceclaim: Blake Lively
Love Interest: Tony Stark
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Name: Marina Kovol
Title: Clockwork
Faceclaim:  Emily Bett Rickards
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Name: Mia Pierce
Title: (I’ve Got) No Strings On Me
Faceclaim:  Troian Bellisario
Love interest: Pietro Maximoff
Summary:  Mia Pierce has been raised as a Hydra pawn since the day she was born. Her father, Alexander Pierce, believed that she was the future of Hydra, someone that they could teach to worship the organization without brainwashing, that could be raised as a public figure and eventually positioned in whichever political office they needed her in.  But Mia was too curious for her own good, asked too many questions, and tried to tell too many secrets, and so she was punished, and forced to comply. But after her father died, and Winter escaped, the Avengers broke into her latest facility, and suddenly Mia is free for the first time in her life.
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Name: Millie Quill
Title: Untitled
Faceclaim: Eliza Taylor
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 4 years
Show and Tell
Summary: Thor meets Reader, who is a Child of Zeus. There’s a bit of tension and showing off but in the end, they bond over a certain thing in common.
TW/CW: Spoilers for Trials of Apollo: The Burning Maze after the gif towards the end, Thor Odinson x Child of Zeus!Reader, a couple swear words.
Requested?: Nope
Word Count: 1,100
A/N: For the purposes of this imagine, Nat came back when Steve returned the Soul Stone. Also, there’s spoilers for Trials of Apollo: The Burning Maze towards the end so proceed with caution. If you don’t want to read the spoiler then don’t read past the gif towards the end. Anyways, writing this made me want to go reread all the PJO, HOO, and TOA books lol. As always, love to all, and the Requests are Open!
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[You can read past this gif lol just not the next one also this is beautiful artwork!]
Your POV
     As I followed Nat out to the middle of the yard, I wondered yet again why Fury thought this the best place for me. When I asked him to put me somewhere useful, I expected something bigger and more bustling than a quiet compound in upstate New York. Although, at least this way I’m not too far from camp. Sure, it’s still an hour away but it’s closer than I had expected. The sunlight glints off the windows of the compound and the cloudless blue sky stretches forever in all directions as we finally reach the small group of heroes awaiting our arrival.
     Introductions are made and then Nat opens the floor for any questions, comments, or concerns. Sam is the only one with something to say, “You don’t look like the child of Zeus. You look like the emo kid that sits at the back of Peter’s science class.” I look down at my black oversized hoodie, ripped skinny jeans, and combat boots and realize he’s right but I’m too comfy in this outfit to change right now so instead, I prove my power by stretching out my hand and making a motion like I’m yanking something out of the sky which summons a lightning bolt.  
     With a satisfied grin on my face and a shocked expression on his I respond, “You should see how my cousin Nico dresses if you think this is emo.”
     A loud blast comes from behind me and I hear Nat swear, “Shit, he isn’t supposed to be back until tomorrow.” We both turn to find the Norse god of lightning, Thor, walking our way. Interested I wait as he approaches, “Ah you must be a friend of the man of spiders. How are you today?”
     Raising an eyebrow, I give Nat a look. She gives me an apologetic look, “Sorry, I didn’t exactly tell him you were coming yet. It’s not easy to figure out how to mesh two cultures.”
     I laugh softly, “Don’t worry. I understand how tough it can be. We had to figure out how to get along with the roman kids. I’m sure this will be no different.”
     “I’m sorry. I’m missing something here,” Thor interrupts.
     “Thor, this is (Y/N) child of Zeus. (Y/N), I’m sure you’ve already figured out that this is Thor, Norse god of lightning,” Nat introduces.
     I look up at Thor as he glares down at me, “Surely, a young child like you does not possess the power of Zeus.”  
     I roll my eyes and go to summon another lightning blast but Nat stops me, “Easy on the frying. Between the two of you, Tony is already rolling in his grave about the state of the lawn.”
     I sigh, “Fine, but why do people keep doubting me? If it were Jason instead of me, they wouldn’t doubt him for a second,” I say the last part more to myself than anyone else. Thor shifts on his feet and drops the hilt of his battle axe to the ground and props himself up on it with an amused grin plastered across his face. I raise an eyebrow, “I have one of those too you know.” With his look of doubt, I reach into the pocket of my jeans and take out a black drachma. I show it to Thor before tossing it into the air and catching the hilt of my sword as it comes down. Frustrated, I throw it back into the air, “Why do you always come up heads first?” Once the coin falls back into my hand, I toss it back up and this time I catch the hilt of my battle axe, and swing it around to rest it on my shoulders.
     “Mine was forged in the heart of a dying star and made of Uru. What about yours?” he asks with a hint of pride in his voice.
     “This was mined and forged in the Underworld and cooled in the River Styx. It’s Stygian Iron. You can say I’m Uncle Hades’ favorite niece,” I answer with my own bit of pride showing through. At this, Thor tosses his axe off to the side and it instantly returns to his hand. I do the same with mine and it returns just as quickly. Thor gives me an impressed look before summoning just enough of the Bifrost for me to see it. I shrug, “Unfortunately, mine doesn’t do that. I need to talk to Hermes and Iris about getting one though. It would make traveling so much easier.”
     Our little show and tell session is interrupted as Nat’s phone chimes. She looks at it and then at me, “You ready for a fight or do you want to sit this one out?”
     I look up at the sky and then at the ground and shrug. I summon another lightning blast but this one hits me and transforms my relaxed attire into battle armor. I look back at Nat, “I’m always ready for a fight.”
     The show and tell didn’t stop there. It seemed Thor was constantly showing off during the battle and I’ll admit, I was too. I was eager to show off my abilities and prove myself worthy of fighting amongst these heroes. I’d never gotten the chance to before like my younger brother and so many of his friends. With this new team, I was hoping to make my father proud but that’s a tough job to do.
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     The battle has been won now and we are heading back to the compound on the quinjet. Thor takes a seat beside me, “You mentioned a Jason earlier. I was just wondering who that is.”
     I sigh, “Technically, he was my younger brother, except he’s Roman and I’m Greek. He and a bunch of his friends battled all kinds of monsters and because of it, my father expects more of me. He died in battle.”
     “I had a younger brother too. He was a lot like you. He was always trying to prove himself to our father,” Thor says.
     “What happened to him?” I ask.
     “He died in an attempt to kill the mad titan Thanos. It is a very long story,” he says, looking down at the floor.
     “Ah, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up any terrible memories.”
     “It is alright. We will meet again one day in Valhalla.”
     I nod, “I hope to see Jason in Elysium one day but I have to earn it first.”
     “You’re not so bad child of Zeus,” he says nudging my shoulder.
     “Neither are you son of Odin,” I respond with a laugh.
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lovelyirony · 4 years
this is just a re-do of a post with a prompt from anonymous, so don’t worry if it looks a bit familiar! 
As Bucky is running away from government agents trying to snipe him for killing a politician, he supposes Natasha’s argument for him being suicidal might have the tiniest bit evidence behind it, which he previously argued it didn’t.
As he slides underneath a car, he debates whether or not she’ll find out about this one. He feels a buzz from his phone in his pocket.
Yeah, she knows.
He shoots one of the agents, nicking him in the knee. Oof, that’s gonna be a fun story to tell his grandkids about why they can’t climb on his lap. But he needs to get away, and that involves potentially shooting through a car.
Potentially turns into definitely and there’s enough of a distraction that he can commandeer a car, drive at least ten blocks away, and ditch it to run on foot, calling Natasha.
“You got my location, right?”
“Of course, you fucking idiot,” Natasha curses. “You…god I hate you sometimes. The job’s at least done, right?”
“Yeah. I’ll have to lay low, though. Which sucks because my apartment is right in the city.”
“I already have a punishment and idea for you in one.”
“I…what is it?”
“Sam’s picking you up. Tell you when you get to base. Bye.”
Bucky groans.
She must be really pissed at him.
Sam picks him up in the shittiest economy car in the world.
“I hate you for picking this one,” Bucky groans.
“A stupid decision grants a stupid car, that’s why you’re getting picked up in the 1995 Ford Fiesta of shame,” Sam says. “Nat’s real mad. And I also think you’re going to hate your next assignment.”
Bucky’s not sure what’s gonna happen. He’s hoping he’s not on latrine duty.
Oh, it’s so much worse.
“Protection detail?” Bucky asks. “And undercover? All at once? Nat, come on. I bet we don’t even need undercover.”
“You both are doing undercover because you both fucked up,” Natasha says. “And since apparently you don’t know how to act, maybe this will get you better lessons.”
“Cold,” Sam hisses.
“I will legally ask you to shut the fuck up,” Bucky growls out.
He packs his things. Realizes that Sam got to choose the name so his name is Roger Stevens. Fucking shit. (Steve, of course, approved this. Because Steve is an asshole.)
“Why does she even need a protector?” Bucky growls out, driving to the house. It’s in suburbia.
“Because she fucked up and whoever she pissed off might send more than she can handle,” Natasha says.
“We’re hinging my being here on a ‘maybe’?”
“And because you got caught by government agents, which would be a rookie move,” Natasha says. “There’s a reason that I can still go my same nail salon for five years and now you have to get your hair cut somewhere else. And why you got a wedding china set and you have a backstory of being married.”
“I hate you.”
“A lot of people do, take a number.”
If it helps (and it mostly doesn’t), Sharon Carter is also not happy. She is in the house with the most dangerous look Bucky has seen.
“So I’m stuck in this fucking hell house with him?” Sharon asks.
Maria Hill is her boss. Woman is a scary, competent human. Bucky wouldn’t cross her.
(Then again, you also shouldn’t cross a certain redhead who could make you disappear within twenty minutes, maybe thirty if it’s a surprise. But he did.)
“Keys are by the front door, hope you know your address! Bye!” Natasha says. “Don’t kill each other or we lose the deposit!”
Maria Hill smiles. Of course the only time Bucky’s ever seen her smile is at the suffering of others. How typical.
So then they are left alone.
“Let’s read the cover story,” Sharon says. “And I don’t need protection, Maria’s just paranoid.”
Bucky snorts.
“Yeah, okay, let’s go with that.”
Sharon sends him a sharp look.
They meet while on a cruise.
Bucky fucking hates his life.
“A fucking cruise,” he mutters. “As if I would ever step foot onto any of those fucking–”
“We had a beach wedding?!” Sharon cries out. “Oh my god, I can’t believe it!”
They are both in a bad mood.
It’s also awkward because this is a house. They have decorations. They have tea towels.
And a neighbor comes to visit.
“Welcome to the neighborhood!” she says brightly. “My name is Karen Tent, so lovely to meet you both!”
She then invades the house with her Tupperware. Literally speeds past them and it’s not like Sharon judo-chop her throat or anything.
“What a lovely house you two have!” Karen cheers. “Of course the color palette is a little bit drab, but I’m sure you’ll change that soon enough. When Linda told me we had new neighbors, I could hardly believe it myself, but here you are! Now, how did you two meet? Have you married yet? If not, I hope that you are living apart, you know.”
“The rings are in boxes,” Sharon answers smoothly, noting that they’ll need to ask Maria where the fuck the rings are. “You know how move-ins are. I’m Melanie Stevens, this is Roger Stevens. How nice to see you so very unexpectedly.”
“Well, that’s what neighbors are for!” Karen answers, her voice shrill as ever. “I brought over my famous cookie bars. Everyone says they’re good, and I believe they always are. Tell me Melanie, what do you like baking most?”
“Yes dear, tell her,” Bucky answers, smiling. “I seem to remember…lemon bars?”
“That’s right,” Sharon says, sending Bucky a smile. “They are really good. Just delightful.”
“Oh you’ll have to bring some over!” Karen responds. “Now, let me tell you a little bit about the neighborhood…”
She talks for a fucking hour. Bucky wants to drink. So badly. He saw the wine on the counter.
Sharon, to her credit, keeps trying to use certain “end” phrases. Karen either knows it and knows she won’t be budging, or will not ever take a hint in her lifetime.
“And you simply must not ever play loud music in your backyard,” Karen says. “We’ve had a couple of problems with the Richardsons, but nothing a few calls won’t fix.”
“You called the police?” Sharon asks.
“Well yes!”
“Oh my god,” Bucky mutters.
“I am sure that’s not exactly the measure I would have done,” Sharon says. “But I am tired and don’t want to get into it now,” she says quickly, noticing Karen’s “confused” expression.
“I say we need some time to rest, today is gonna be a lot of moving,” he says. “So nice of you to stop by, Karen. I’ll return your dish as soon as possible.”
Karen is ushered out the door, placated with two waves, and they both groan.
“I’m gonna fucking hate everything after this,” Sharon mutters. “My name is fucking Melanie. Maria knows…” she trails off, facing the very real boxes that were obviously packed with dishes and miscellaneous items.
Bucky finds four spatulas. He doesn’t know why there are four.
“What the fuck,” he mutters, noting the incredibly cheesy salt-and-pepper set.
“Welcome to married life,” Sharon says sarcastically. “We’re gonna have a blast.”
Dinner is spent with Sharon trying to convince Bucky that she’s “fine” and in “no danger” at all.
“Who did you piss off?”
“Oh my god. You’re screwed.”
“He’s a lapdog, I’m not screwed.”
“He’s the lapdog of Pierce. You’re screwed.”
Sharon thunks her head on the table.
“Can we at least repaint the bedrooms? They suck.”
“If you think I’m sleeping in a separate room you’re dead wrong,” Bucky says. “You have a target the size of New York on your back. Uh-uh.”
“You will sleep on the floor and get out when I shower or change,” Sharon threatens.
“Of course.”
“Good. Then it’s settled.”
Married life is not so bad. Except when Karen and the rest of the neighbors tend to visit or talk to them for about fifteen minutes on the lawn.
“It’s your turn to cut the grass,” Sharon groans, flopping on the couch. “If I have to hear Kevin tell me one more time that you should be treating me better, I’m going to explode. He’s trying to lecture me on how to cut grass.”
“On it,” Bucky says. “Your turn to go get groceries, I ran into Karen and her kid last time. I think she wants me to stop buying so much hummus.”
“Not our fault it’s good,” Sharon mutters.
And then, of course, avoiding the various assassins that are sent out at random intervals and at public locations (including their own house) while convincing the neighbors that there’s nothing going on.
This involves pretending an agent of Hydra is their cousin.
“This is Jen, she’s visiting for the day!” Sharon says, squeezing “Jen’s” wrist hard enough to make her stay quiet. “We have so much to catch up on, you probably won’t see me or–or Roger again for the day! Ha ha!”
“Well where’s her car?” Linda asks, looking around the neighborhood. “I don’t see anything…”
“She’s a hippie environmentalist, she walked,” Bucky answers. “Jen, let’s go catch up in the house, yeah?”
“Yeah,” the agent squeaks out sadly, knowing exactly what is going to happen.
She’s delivered tied up in rope on the steps of Maria’s office with a note of “please stop this from happening we’re planting azaleas.”
Maria snorts.
Bucky starts to think they’re getting too attached to this. It’s been four months.
He started a garden. They’re growing tomatoes.
He also notices Sharon a little bit differently.
Because she drags him out of bed.
“Legally? You have to go to brunch with me. Illegally? You like the breakfast burrito too much.”
She’s scarily competent with anything that could be classed as a weapon. Or their groceries.
“Are you kidding me?” Bucky yells at her as she throws the jar of tomato sauce. “I am not cleaning that up!”
“Tough shit!” Sharon answers, dodging a bullet. “It wasn’t even the good kind of tomato sauce!”
“It was fine, sweetheart!” Bucky growls out.
“Don’t ‘sweetheart’ me in the middle of a battle!” Sharon yells. “Strictly after!”
“You’re the weirdest fucking married couple,” one of the agents wheezes out as Bucky is holding him as a sort of shield.
“Thanks,” they say in unison, grinning.
The punishment for them both doesn’t exactly turn out as planned, both Natasha and Maria agree. In fact, it is almost worse.
They are both reckless, subvert orders, and get along like a house on fire by the end of it.
“You can still be together, we just need the house back,” Natasha says.
“Thank god,” Bucky groans. “I get to stop being Roger and I get rid of Karen in one fell swoop.”
Sharon untenses her shoulders while she’s sitting at the kitchen table.
“Can I keep the knife set?”
“No,” Maria says. “I’ll send you a link to where I got it.”
“Why can’t I keep it if you can get another set?”
“Steal it,” Bucky stage-whispers. Sharon grins back at him.
“You have the best ideas, babe.”
“You are not stealing anything,” Maria scowls.
“Sure we aren’t,” Bucky says easily.
“You stole my heart,” Sharon sing-songs, knowing damn well it’s going to make Maria barf.
“Aw babe…” Bucky says, holding her hand. Natasha fake-retches.
“I hate you both,” she declares. “And I won’t be there for your actual wedding.”
“You made us tell people we had a wedding on a beach, were you assuming that you were getting an invitation?” Bucky asks.
Sharon snickers, getting the last of her bags out into the car.
“Where to now?” she asks him.
“I think that there are some apartments we can look at…”
“We’ve made a collective monster,” Maria decides, blinking. “We Frankensteined this.”
“We did,” Natasha says, staring at the house. There are still little bits of glass. An unfortunately busted can of beans where someone had been knocked out and they had “conveniently” forgotten to clean it up from yesterday.
Well. Sharon and Bucky are going to cause havoc on the world. Maria and Natasha just hope they can cover the other while doing so.
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troop-scoop · 4 years
Mistakes & Regrets XIV
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Summary: When a trip to your Dad’s hometown of Hawkins goes wrong, you end up in the year 1983, and have to learn how to cope with being stuck in the past.
Pairing: Steve Harrington / Future!Reader (like, a really slow burn)
Warnings: Swearing, 
• • •
The car was mostly quiet while you drove, except for the low 80’s hair bands playing over the radio that you didn’t care to change. Whenever you sat in this car you got a bit sad. But it was a kind of bittersweet sadness. SInce you learned to drive here in Hawkins.
Dad always promised that he’d teach you as soon as you turned sixteen, that he’d take you to get your permit, and be your emotional support when you took the driving test. 
Pa always said that he’d help you buy a Volkswagen. A kind of generational thing to him. His dad owned a Beetle as a broke kid in Connecticut, he owned the exact same year and model as you currently did. Except yours was preowned, and you knew with how he was raised, he bought it new. 
“We should have a tape.” 
It caught you off guard a little, being off on your own train of thought to remember the eighth grader who was in the seat next to you.
Turning your head to briefly look at Will, you looked back at the road. “What?” 
“Well I mean, you, Jonathan and me have all been hanging out together a lot when you’re not hanging out with Steve, we should have a cassette we play whenever we’re hanging out together.”
Sometimes it was hard to remember that Will was your dad. They were technically the same person, and yet, they were different. Your dad and you were as close as could be, a lot of people seemed to be closer to their moms growing up. But considering you didn’t have one you attached yourself to your dad. But Will was just a kid, who went through something terrible that was traumatizing, and it was hard to connect the two together. But you did realize that your little brother looked a lot like your dad when he was younger. The only difference being their eyes. With Will having hazel eyes and Danny having dark brown eyes. So, you often found yourself treating Will like you would Daniel. 
Will’s suggestion reminded you of the fact that you and Pa had made a playlist on Spotify for the trip to Hawkins. It had been a good idea, and you got suggestions from both your dad and Daniel, but now, it just made you remorseful. 
“Nevermind, it’s a bad idea-”
“What? No! It’s a good idea!” You rushed, looking back and forth from the road and back at Will. seeing the arcade sign in the distance. “Just make sure you put some Queen on there.” You added with an awkward smile, seeing Will’s face light up a bit. 
Pulling into the parking lot you found a spot by the door, seeing Mike, Dustin and Lucas all walking up to the bike rack right outside, and waving as a greeting to the two of you. 
“Okay, what are the rules?” You asked turning to Will as he reached down to the floorboard and pulled out your bag, handing it to you. 
“If we get separated, don’t walk or bike home, just ask to use the phone and call mom, and if anything happens to find you.”
You nodded, taking the bag from him, taking the keys out of the ignition. “Sweet, let’s go.” Opening the door of the driver’s side you got out of the car. 
Having grown up when places like arcades and movie rental places started going out of business, you never got to go to them. The first time you’d gone to the arcade with the boys, you stuck to Pac-Man, always being able to go on your chromebook at school and play it on the google browser. 
You had the high score on Pac-Man since March of that year, and when they got Tetris in late June, after it came out, you quickly took the high score of that game as well. Having had it on your phone since sixth grade, you knew how to play. Not even Dustin or Lucas could beat your scores. 
Giving the three other boys a smile you went inside, seeing Keith behind the counter, you walked over. “Hey, can you sneak me a drink?” 
Arcades didn’t technically sell food or drinks, they weren’t going to because of the games, and children being irresponsible. But Keith would sometimes hide a few sodas in a minifridge to sell them to the older kids and teens. 
“Two dollars.” He told you, leaning down to grab one from the minifridge while you pulled out a two dollar bill, briefly seeing the portrait of Thomas Jefferson while you exchanged it for the beverage. “Tell Robin that our section leader wants her to change seats-”
“Sorry, I don’t speak ‘band geek,’ bye.” You told him, opening the can of sprite while you made your way over to the Pac-Man machine, placing the can on the slanted control board, letting it lean on your abdomen to prevent it from falling on the ground. 
You played your game for what felt like a good thirty minutes, the map changing every time you beat it until you eventually died one too many times. 
Taking a sip from the aluminum can you sighed a bit hearing Will and his friend clamoring on the other side of the isle, at ‘Dragon’s Lair.’ before their voices fell silent, meaning that whoever had gone up to play it, died. But that was only for a second before you heard the faint cursing of Dustin. 
Smiling to yourself you pulled out a quarter from your back pocket, inserting it into the machine. 
Placing the drink down, you heard the unexpected sound of sliding, which made you panic, because you knew that the drink was about to fall. 
You acted quick, but the boy to your right acted quicker. He caught the can and looked up at you, he looked almost terrified that you seemed to notice his presence. 
He looked oddly familiar, he was a boy, with medium brown hair that was at an odd length, and he seemed disheveled. 
“Heh,” he laughed nervously, holding the can out to you. “Here you go.” He said. Taking the drink from him you saw how quickly he practically ran off. He couldn’t have been much younger than you. Maybe a year or two, if that. 
“Okay. . . that was weird.” You told yourself before the string of “No, no, no, no,” Came from behind you. Turning around you saw Dustin turning to Dig-Dug
“Who’s Madmax?” Dustin demanded of Keith, while you walked the meter or so over to the group. You wanted to say something related to Madmax: Fury Road, but you knew better at this point. 
Over a year spent in a time period where no one understood the references you made, you learned to usually not make the jokes or sarcastic references. 
“Better than you.” Keith responded, with a shrug. Both you and Dustin held up your middle finger to the highschool senior. 
Usually you were the mediator between him and the kids, and often times you wondered if that’s how it felt to be either one of your fathers who tried to stop you and your brother fighting with each other, or how Uncle Jonathan felt trying to get you and your youngest cousin, who was your age, to stop fighting whenever you all got together. 
“Is it you?” Will asked, holding up a hand and pointing at Keith. 
He scoffed and shook his head. “You know I despise Dig Dug.”
“Then who is it?”
You watched them converse with the older male while you held your soda, taking a small sip. 
“Yeah, spill it, Keith!” Dustin told him.
“You want information, then I need something in return.” Keith looked from Dustin to Mike, and you knew what he trying to get. 
“Gross, Keith.” You told him, grimacing.
“No, no, no! No way! You’re not getting a date with her!” 
“Mike, come on. Just get him the date.” Lucas reasoned while you glared at him. 
“Guys, she has a boyfriend.” You reminded them.
Mike nodded and pointed back at you. “That, and I’m not prostituting my sister!” Dustin and Lucas began to bicker with Mike while you and Keith began your own bickering. 
Sure, you were a lot like Will in many ways, but you were also a lot like your Pa in many others. Always being the one to try and prove someone else wrong, or just bickering for the fun of it. 
“You’re friends with Robin, Jonathan, Nancy and Harrington, yet you hang out with toddlers?” He tried to insult, while he took a cheeto from his bag. 
“Different hairstyles exist, Keith, you don’t have to try and copy Steve’s from last year.” You told him with a fake smile.
“Toddlers,” He said again, gesturing to the boys who were still bickering. 
You smiled a bit and pointed to your own two front teeth. “Cheeto dust.” You told him, before pointing at him.
Keith turned his attention back to Mike, Lucas and Dustin while you turned yours to Will upon feeling his shoulder brush against your arm while he moved past you. 
“Will, you okay?” It was a simple question, that would probably have a simple answer, with a complicated background to it. A complicated lie he wouldn’t ever say was one. But you blinked and suddenly everyone but Will was gone. 
“Do you see the-” He turned back around and his eyes landed on you, confused and worried. You looked at the front windows and saw the white particles that at first looked like snow, until a second longer and they reminded you of the Upside Down. 
The lights went out and you looked to the Pac-Man machine to your left, seeing the screen was on, but something big was covering most of it. The lights flickered on the machines, and the sound of electricity struggling to stay on had you stuck in one position. Which was your legs tensed and your hand clutching onto your soda while you stared at the screen, finally placing what it all was. 
There was a loud bang, which made you drop your drink and grab onto Will’s arm, pulling him back only to realize it was just the door that had swung open. 
“You see it too?” 
You nodded before taking small steps towards the door, keeping Will behind you while you walked outside. The sign still turned, but in the distance you could see clouds, which you didn’t remember from being in the Upside Down. It had always been too dark to see any sort of sky. 
The lightning was red and while you stared at the sky, you felt an uneasy feeling come that you hadn’t felt in a long time. The same chills that were sent down your spine the year before having you practically paralyzed in fear. 
You couldn’t quite put it into words, but it felt like all of those stories where you look into a certain spot in the woods that’s so dark you don’t know what’s there, but know there’s something, that you’re not just crazy, and it felt malevolent. Like it wanted to hurt people, but specifically, you. 
You felt someone grab your sleeve, and looking down, everything was normal again, with Mike and WIll right by your side. Will still looked scared, but Mike seemed confused and worried. “Y/n, you okay?”
You nodded a bit “Yeah, I’m fine.” You told him, taking one last look at the sky.
• • •
The woman hummed a gentle tune while writing something down in her notebook, a college textbook in front of her. 
“Y/n, don’t stalk me, just have a conversation.” She told you, turning her head to look up at you, her eyes the same as your own while she gestured to the seat across from her. 
You glanced over to the seat before sighing and walking over, taking a seat on the uncomfortable wooden chair. 
“You came here for a reason, what’s going on?” You shrugged a bit, crossing your arms on the table and leaning down to rest your chin on your forearm. “Sweetheart,” She reached out, a gentle hand on your exposed bicep, your pajamas consisting of a muscle shirt and ballet shorts. “I can’t help you if you don’t tell me?”
You knew what you wanted to ask her, but you were nervous. “Did you know? That’d I end up like this? That’d I be like you?” 
Her face softened a bit and she shook her head, eyes downcast while she placed her pen down, giving you all of her attention. 
“No,” She answered. “I didn’t. I only knew when you were born. I felt it. And I’m so sorry, you don’t deserve this.”
Looking at the textbook in front of you both, you examined the picture that was upside down for you, seeing the diagram of the human skeleton.
Getting up from her seat she came over next to you. “You carry a burden, and so many people will try to use you as a weapon, because you have abilities that could destroy entire nations. People want to manipulate you.”
“You’ve told me.” You reminded her. “I saw the Upside Down.”
Her face fell as she kneeled down next to you. “You got back in?” 
“No. One moment I was safe, in the arcade, and the next, I was there. And there was a storm in the distance. The lightning was red, and I was frozen, in fear. It wanted to hurt me, I could feel it, it wanted me dead. Anne, I don’t what to do-”
“Miss L/n!” 
Your eyes snapped open, and you quickly wiped your nose of any blood looking up to see the entire class staring at you, while the principal stood by the door, and Mr. Haul pointed to the book “Before Mr. Olson takes you, can you tell me what the main message of Animal Farm is?” 
You gave a nervous chuckle. “Communism, bad?” It got a few laughs out of the class, while Mr. Haul scowled at you before jerking his head to the side to let you follow the principal out. 
In a rush you shoved your things into your bag and got up, going over to Mr. Olson. This happened once or twice every few months. 
The older man led you out of the class and down the hall, while you struggled to get your walkman out of your bag. Looking up you saw Steve coming out of the restroom, sunglasses on. “Jesus,” You shook your head a bit as you and the principal came closer to crossing paths with Steve. 
“Only blind people and assholes wear sunglasses inside, Steven.” You mumbled when you passed him. 
“Funny,” He mumbled back, hiding a grin from you while he walked back to his class, and you smiled as well when Mr. Olsen opened the front doors, where you saw Hopper waiting by his car. 
“Have a good afternoon, Miss L/n.” He told you  as you left the building, with you returning the sentiments.
When you were in the car, it was mostly quiet between the two of you. The music that came from the foam headphones drowning out the killing silence. You needed it. In the past year, silence always felt like it was trying to kill you. Lately everything felt like a death trap, and you felt like you were going crazy. 
“You gained a pound.” Owens informed when he walked in the room, where you sat, Hopper was to the left of the medical seat, while the stool Owens usually sat at was to your left. “That’s good news.” He added, placing the clipboard on the table.
You hummed a bit. You were slowly but surely getting back to the weight you should be at, from a month of being starved and dehydrated from the Upside Down. It fluctuated for a long time, being so one moment you were on the right track and the next, you were under the original weight you had been at when ending up in Hawkins. 
“How has your medication been working out?” 
“It’s been fine.” You stopped taking them six months ago, and currently had a small box of plastic pill bottles that you used for noise when you forgot batteries for your walkman. 
“That’s good.” Owens commented. “Are you doing anything for Halloween? I know Will is going trick or treating.”
“Probably just gonna be home watching Halloween and handing out candy.” You shrugged a bit, feeling uncomfortable under the eyes of the nurse, Hopper and Owens. 
“No parties?”
“And get ‘sheet faced?’” You quoted the party invitation Nancy had showed you when she tried to convince you and Jonathan to go. “No thanks.” 
Owens chuckled a bit, and Hopper put a reassuring hand on your shoulder. Looking up at the Chief, he gave a tight lipped smile, showing he was just as uncomfortable as you were. 
“Okay, let’s talk about this episode you and Will said you had.”
You nodded a bit, knowing that all Owens would do was come up with a stupid excuse as to why you and Will had the same experience that you both nervously talked about on the car ride back to his home. 
“I. . . I took Will to the arcade so he could spend time with his friends, and so I could a game or two. His friends and I got into an argument with someone who worked there, and then I felt Will move past me. . . One second we were in the arcade, and then everyone was gone, then we were. . . back in the Upside Down.” You told him. 
“Okay, what happened next?”
“The door. . . it was flung open, and we walked outside. I kept Will behind me, and when there was a storm brewing. And it was straight out of a comic book, the clouds were dark, and then there was red lightning, I felt. . . I felt. . .” 
“What did you feel?”
“Like I was in danger. Like there was something staring back at me. Something evil, that has no. . . human emotions. It’s like when you’re a kid, you just watched a scary movie like Paranormal Activity or something, and you feel like there’s something in your room when you’re trying to sleep. You feel like something’s there with you. It wanted me dead.”
“The evil?”
You nodded and looked up at him, feeling the parts taped your head shift a little under the tape. “Yeah. It wasn’t like it wanted everyone dead though. It wanted me dead.”
• • •
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@disneyprincessbuffyannesummers​​ @jxnehxpper​​ @yllwtaxi​​ @songofcosplay​​ @potatopooper05​​ @cheesecakeisapie​​ @robinsdolan​​ @yall-wildin-like-siriusly​​ @the_passionate_freak @bisexualpears​​ @ilovebucketbarnes​​ @random-thoughts-003​​
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bird-in-a-cage · 4 years
Found the ones with the horniest vibes for me! 39, 62, 103, 114, 127, 149. You know e x a c t l y what I want bby 😌😏 -CockAsInTheBird
Hi bby!
As one of my biggest supporters, and with how many prompts you gave me, you’re getting two fills. For the first one, well, you’ll see. Hope you enjoy!
Also a quick thank you to everyone who has sent in a little request so far. It means the world to me. I’m slowly making my way through them all and will get to each one in time. Having a full time job really does take up vaulable writing hours let me tell you. There’s still plenty of prompts available from the list here, or if you wanna just spin me your own ideas that’s totally okay too. My ask box is always open.
#62 - It’s okay, they’re he’s gone now. #149 I just want to look at you
2k | dead dove do not eat | murder ahoy. 
Part I is here
Serial Killer AU Part II
“If you could kill anyone, who would it be?” Steve asked casually, passing back the shared cigarette, smoke filling the air between them like barely there fog. Billy was laying down, plaid sheets bunched around his middle, looking up at a popcorn ceiling, shaggy brunette hair and dangerously calm amber eyes. Billy took what was left of the cigarette and inhaled slowly, but he didn’t have to think of an answer. He knew. Had known for years, if given the chance, who he would kill without a second thought. Had spent nights thinking about it over and over again.
“My dad.”
Those dangerous eyes twinkled in the dark, the only light coming from a lamp sitting on the nightstand, casting the room in a too bright orange glow. A smirk started to grow on Steve’s face, half hidden by shadows, the wheels starting to turn. He shifted, sank more under the sheets from his sitting position up against the headboard until he was on his side, propped up by an elbow, reached across the small space and thumbed Billy’s jaw tenderly like a lover would. It was little touches that pulled Billy more under his spell, little soft words here and there. Affirmations he was doing something good for the first time in his life.
He was good. After all this time.
“I think that sounds like a fun date night, don’t you?” Steve’s hand crept up to hold Billy’s cheek, cupping it softly, brushing his fingers over the bone underneath, tracing his skull like that’s all Steve could see. Was all he was interested in. “And you were so helpful with my little Hagan problem, I think you deserve it.” 
Tommy had been three days ago. Billy drove. That’s what he did now. Drove Steve around wherever he wanted to go. Helped whenever he needed it. Mostly loading and unloading. Holding people down. Being the muscle. Keeping people quiet. Making sure their eyes were open. Steve liked that. Liked people watching him work. Liked to see the will to fight turn limp and tearful upon realisation.
Tommy never locked his door. Never had apparently. Steve had been in his house many times. Knew exactly where to find him, knew his mom was working out of town for a week after a little reconnaissance. Steve was still the town’s darling after all. Tommy put up more of a fight than most. Almost got away if Billy didn’t stop him at the door. Because he did that now too. Kept watch. Kept watch for cops and onlookers. Nosey neighbours. Made sure no one got away. No possible loose ends that would need to be tied up.
He'd looked up at Billy so betrayed.
Steve stabbed Tommy fourteen times in the kitchen of the Hagan house. One for every year they had been friends. The last one was in the heart, so powerful Billy heard a rib crack from the other side of the room.
Disobeying the King had broken Steve’s heart. So he had to break Tommy's in return.
Blood was everywhere. Steve was covered in it as he panted over Tommy’s body, choking and gurgling on the last few moments of life. Looking up at them both helplessly, like maybe this was just a nightmare and he'd wake up soon. Steve waited until all was silent, got to his feet and set the knife on the kitchen table, regained his composure and swept his hair back with a bloody hand and a deep sigh. During the act he looked manic. Possessed by pure evil. Eyes wild and crazy. Unblinking. Not missing a single moment of his own handiwork.
“I don’t want Mrs Hagan to find this, she was always nice to me," he said calmly, eyes never leaving Tommy’s body. It was an order without the words.
Clean this up.
So Billy did, without question. Grabbed rubber marigolds and bleach from under the sink and scrubbed and scrubbed until the kitchen was sparkling again. Tommy was rolled up into a bedsheet and dumped like old luggage in the trunk of the BMW. Billy drove them out to the outskirts of town when it was nearly dawn, a little side road Steve had picked out especially. He liked to display. What he was doing was art at the most carnal level.
"We used to come here when he was wanting to experiment," he explained calmly, like he wasn't propping up the body of his former friend against a rock for a hiker to stumble across on their morning trail. "Wasn't gay if it was out of town. It's not gay if you don't take it Stevie."
Billy had just smoked. Kept the engine running for the headlights and watched. He could have ended everything right there. Crushed the maniac under the wheels and ran. Someone would surely believe his story. He was innocent. But he didn't. He just stood and smoked. Waited. 
Internally, he'd been trying to convince himself this was all for self preservation. Billy knew he was on Steve's imaginary list. He had to have been. Everyone else had been picked off and there wasn't a single hope he wasn't next. But Steve never said a word about it. Never gave off a look or an attitude that he was even contemplating it. He gave Billy smiles and compliments, reassurances that everything was okay, Billy was good at this, that he needed Billy's help, couldn’t do it without him. And something deep deep down clung to those kind, blood soaked words. 
Billy had never been told he was good before. Always a bad kid, a troublemaker, only fit for a chain gang. Even in elementary school. Good grades but a poor attitude. Constantly in the way of everyone's good time, fit for nothing. So many times he'd heard his father's rage towards him, both in front of and behind his back. Cruel words snarled like Billy was nothing but an old dog that just wouldn't die. Didn’t fit in with the new family. A ghost from the past.
Steve told him he was good. Almost constantly. And he’d never really liked Tommy that much anyway.
With how those dark eyes glittered in the dark of Steve's room, looking directly into Billy's very soul, calling to him like a siren in the middle of a storm, a date night sounded like a great idea.
Max and Susan were away for the weekend. Billy remembered it being on the family calendar pinned to the wall by the door the last time he was home. The day of Nancy. Written in bold black ink and circled three times. They were visiting some aunt or cousin or whatever. Billy hadn't really been paying attention to the conversation other than when the phrase 'boy's weekend' innocently left Susan's lips and Billy's very core turned the ice at the thought of there being absolutely no barrier between him and his father’s rage for three whole days.
A lot had changed since then.
For as much as Billy detested his father, he knew his routine. An ex military man. Always kept impeccable timing. It had gotten Billy in trouble more than once. Being a minute late for curfew and having to spend the night freezing in his car, shivering under a leather jacket and not much else.
He could feel Steve practically vibrating with excitement in the passenger seat as Billy cut the engine pulling up to Cherry Lane. He squeezed Billy's thigh firm but tender. Reassuring but serious.
Don’t back out now.
"You ready for this stud?"
Billy could only nod looking up at the house and what he knew what inside. It was late and a Saturday night. Neil would be passed out on the couch in front of whatever movie was on tv, half drunk on warm beer if Billy wasn’t there to be the punching bag.
He wasn't scared. Wasn't really thinking about the consequences of all of this. This was revenge now. Payback. For years of abuse both mental and physical. For being beaten down and made to feel lower than dirt. For every foul word and sharp backhand. For every dinnerless evening and night alone willing himself not to sob into a pillow because boys don't cry William. For being made and twisted into a creature that was now beyond human, beyond all control, but Steve understood.
They shared the same soul, the same creature. It rattled around them deep inside. Jerked and pulled and warped and swelled and became unstoppable. Billy just needed someone to unlock the cage. Steve had the key that fit perfectly.
Billy squeezed Steve's hand before they left the car. Billy still had keys even though he hadn't been home in close to a month. No one came looking for him. He didn't expect them to. He very well could have been dead in a ditch the way the body count was growing and the cops were being incompetent. But it all just added fuel to the fire.
The entire time Steve's grin was delicious. That same manic look back in his eyes that was always there when they did this. Like a shark when there was blood in the water. It made Billy’s heart flutter. For this one they swapped places. Managed to get the surprise swoop and have Neil pinned with a hand over his mouth before he could properly register what was happening. Before he could spit one last drop of venom in Billy's direction.
Steve had given him back his switchblade. A present for being so loyal and helpful. A sign of trust that it would never be used on himself. Billy twisted it into his father's neck with no remorse. Buried the blade so deep it hit bone. The gush and waterfall of blood was warm on them both. Billy stepped back from it to watch realisation and anger and then abject hopelessness wash through steely eyes that had been nothing but cruel his whole life. Steve laughed. Cackled towards the ceiling, biting his lip like a schoolgirl. Made sure to get blood on his hands like he was washing them under a wild spring. Billy felt some drip off his cheek, stain his shirt as he just panted, heart hammering in his chest and thrumming through his bones as Neil was let go to twitch and die on the carpet. Finally gone.
Steve took Billy's head in his hands gently, cupping his jaw and thumbing up to his cheeks. Everything was slick and warm. Spreading blood everywhere that had been clean. Marking his teritory.
"Oh baby, I just wanna look at you, I'm so proud of you!" Steve spoke comfortingly. Like a mother would after their kid won a third grade spelling bee. His eyes sparkled like diamonds. He was genuinely proud of what Billy had done. And that made Billy warm inside. Emotions mixed and twisted as it sunk in what Billy had done. He was crying a few solitary tears before he knew it, but they were gently brushed away by caressing thumbs.
"Hey, hey its okay, he’s gone now" Steve cooed. "The first is always the hardest. Especially if it's family." 
That had been Steve's first. His own father. He'd confessed one night in bed, both of them sweaty and hard. Like talking about this kind of thing was a turn on. It certainly was for Steve. Made him hard as a rock. He muttered his sins into the back of Billy's neck as he fucked into his protege so vigorously the headboard slammed off the wall and threatened to snap. Scraping his teeth over tanned skin as he let memories fly. About how he'd poisoned his father and just watched him convulce on the hallway floor. Just watched as the man begged for help but received nothing but the cold eyes of his own sixteen year old son.
He always came hard to that story, knuckles white, fingers digging into Billy’s hips and leaving bruises for days.
Billy tucked his head into Steve's neck, wrapped his arms around the thinner waist and let himself be held in return. Let himself be kissed. Let himself taste copper pennies and iron and smoke and spearmint gum from an hour before. And excitement. Let himself be pushed up against the wall of the hallway he'd walked through countless times and feel his partner hard against his hip. Let thighs slot together and bodies start rutting. Both running on adrenaline and excitement as a slain monster lay defeated on the floor. No longer part of the story. Groans being eaten. Hair being pulled. Bodies running tighter and tighter until the inevitable conclusion and cum soaked denim aftermath.
Steve panted warm against Billy’s temple, lips stained and swollen. Before this would have never been allowed. Never ever. Now Billy was free. Unchained. Knew deep in his heart and his head he would follow Steve to the ends of the earth as thanks for this wonderful gift. Words would never be able to describe how grateful he was. 
It was the best day of his life.
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Budding Blossoms (Steve x Reader)
Anon’s Request: “ Hi! I read your "it starts with a sentence" prompt with Steve and I absolutely love the way you write him. So, I was wondering if i could request something? Like the reader is a big fan of Steve not as Captain America, like as a war hero (because she learns about him in history class or something) and she's always wanted to meet him to thank him for everything he's done, but doesn't think she ever will. But then they meet by chance and just have a deep talk. Thank you 🙏🧡 “
A/N: So honestly, I feel like I suck at writing Steve (which is why it takes me a bit to do the requests, I”M SORRY), so thank you for your sweet words. It means a lot!!!! I’m happy to do this request for you :) Also - I hope you don’t mind the small twist I put in for the reader.
Summary: You had only ever cared for the war hero, never finding interest in the superhero title that the rest of the world had become so obsessed with. But you knew the odds of meeting him were...well, impossible. Or were they?
Word Count:1490 words
Warnings: My friends, tis a bunch of fluff. That is what I have for you. Please - enjoy. XD There’s a bit of angst, but it’s not intentional. It’s all very sweet.
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To most, a day that fell in line with all the others was boring. Trivial even. But to you it was the one thing you had become desperate for. The flower shop you worked at was quaint, small even. Yet still wild and unique. It was hard not to find yourself content within its walls. Truly, you could spend every waking and sleeping hour here.
“Have you finished your homework?”
You looked up, placing the watering can next to the long row of roses. Your gaze shifted to your cousin, the owner of Budding Blossoms. She had been working on potting a couple new plants. Knowing how much she was constantly worrying, you reminded her, “I’m not taking classes this summer, remember?”
“Fine, then what about – “
You grinned. “I already took my meds.”
She huffed and asked, “Why do you act like it’s a bad thing for me to worry about you?”
“Because you worry too much.”
“Oh, is that right?” She threw some dirt your way and you ducked, laughing as the flowers proved to be a natural shield.
The familiar ding from the front door brought you two out of your little game. She looked up first as you returned to caring for the plants, surprise evident in her features. “Uh…you guys are Avengers.”
A laugh, boisterous and fun, bounced off the small walls. If you hadn’t known any better, you would have assumed the flowers bloomed a little brighter because of it. But still – you found yourself wondering. Why were Avengers in a flower shop?
“Is that a problem?”
“Not at all,” your cousin assured. “But if I’m honest, it’s more common for men to wonder in here when they’ve upset a girlfriend.” You watched through the hanging ferns, catching glimpses of the man you knew to be Sam Wilson. He was the one laughing, teasing your sweet and far too protective cousin.
“Not a girlfriend. Poor, sweet Clint here,” he said, hands clasping shoulders and jerking the Avenger forward. “Well, he managed to piss off his super-soldier boyfriend. And there is no one better at the silent treatment than that guy, believe us.”
Clint nodded. “You gotta help me out here.”
You heard your cousin agree. Of course she would. There was no doubt that her favorite part of her job was helping people truly in love. She was an every-day cupid, that you were certain. Watching them wander towards the back, to more exotic flowers, you turned on your hell only to stumble into something very big.
Very hard.
And very tall.
You looked up, realizing that you had walked into the third member of their party. “You – You’re – “
He blushed, hand scratching the back of his neck. “Yeah, I’m Captain – “
“You’re Steve Rogers.”
“ – America.”
Of all the things you would have expected, his surprise was not one of them. He looked at you as if he had never heard his name said before. A small chuckle slipped past his lips as he said, “I’m sorry, I think that made me sound a bit like an ass.”
“No, it didn’t,” you promised, shaking your head. “You’ve been known as Captain America for how long? I would’ve been shocked if you said anything else.”
“But you called me ‘Steve’.”
“I’m taking some classes at Brooklyn College and,” you shrugged. “My professor thinks our war heroes should be known by their name and respected for it. And I agree.”
Steve looked at you with an emotion neither of you could quite place. He stared with a kindness and familiarity that made it seem as though you two had been friends for years. And perhaps known each other longer. The silence was unsettling not because it was awkward, but due to the fact that there was an immoveable weight there. Silent words begging to be spoken.
But you had more courage to say them first.
“I wanted to thank you for everything that you’ve done.”
His brow furrowed. Clearly, of all the things he could have expected, that wasn’t it.
“Not as Captain America, but as Steve Rogers. You’re…” You smiled, tucking your hair behind your ear. “You’re a good man.”
His brows raised. Once again you had managed to surprise him. Little did you know how or why. There was no way you could know that similar words from an old friend. Dr. Erskine. Not a good soldier, but…a good man.
Steve watched you go about your work. He wanted to talk to you some more. It wasn’t every day that someone was capable of reminding him that he was a human first and hero second. “Do you…” He faltered when you looked his way. “Do you want to get a coffee? Maybe we could talk. I’d happily answer any questions you may have.”
“No, I wasn’t trying to act too cool!” You giggled, nursing the coffee in your hands as Steve grinned. “I just – I figured you’re always having to deal with strangers flocking to your side. I didn’t…” You sighed, sitting back in your chair. “I didn’t want to be another person to cause any stress.”
Steve tilted his head. Curious only because most people didn’t think of it that way. To them, he was a hero. And being a hero meant being in front of the spotlight. Hell, it had been that way since he was parading around in the 40’s. “Thanks.” Silence fell, but this time it was comfortable. Easy. “Can I ask you something?”
“Uh…” Now it was your turn to be surprised. “Yeah, of course.”
“I promise I wasn’t being inappropriate,” he started, earning a snort from you. “But…before the serum I was always sick. I was a really small kid and no one expected me to ever live a healthy life.” He cleared his throat and you could feel a change in the air. “Your scar…Can I ask what happened?”
Your fingers instinctively brushed against the spot he spoke of, knowing it traveled farther down. Beneath your tank top and between your breasts. It had taken a long time to gain a confidence in your appearance thanks to that ridge of healed skin. And still – you earned stares. You earned watchful eyes and even more careful hands. Everyone treated you as a doll, too weak to care for yourself.
“If we had met a few months ago, I probably would’ve bolted from the table,” you told him honestly. Nevertheless, your thumb ran across the lip of your coffee cup. “I had a heart transplant earlier this year.” You swallowed, willing the tear to stay away. His gaze, though warm and not at all judging, never wavered from you. And yet you wouldn’t dare look up at him. “Maybe that has something to do with why I respect and appreciate you so much.” You looked up at him, a sad smile curving your lips. “You were so determined to do the right thing. So determined to be good. And that…” You breathed a shaky laugh, a small tear slipping down your cheek. “That means a lot to someone like me. Someone who knows what it’s like to feel limited and know you are…” You met his gaze. “So much more.”
He reached across the table, his hand finding and squeezing yours. It was meant to be calming, reassuring. And god, it did exactly that. He was genuinely…such a good man.
The conversation went on. The pair of you discussed things no one had ever heard from either of you. Talking as if you had known each other for lifetimes, discussing things only someone who lived in a weak body could understand. It was precious.
Intimate even.
“Do you think they’ll come inside anytime soon?”
Sam looked to your cousin, noticing how she gazed out the window. There Steve was still talking to you. And the day had faded away. Sunset was greeting them now. He grinned, highly amused that Steve had managed to find comfort in talking to a woman. There were some days where he still believed that his friend was far more awkward than anyone could ever know.
He chuckled. “Probably not. But,” he looked to her. “Is there anything wrong with that?”
Your cousin thought back to the pain you had endured. All the time you spent clinging to the hope that you would heal. You would get better. You had grown so used to living the days on repeat, simply appreciating their existence, that you had forgotten that surviving and truly living were not the same thing. Nor would they ever be.
“I don’t think so.” She watched the way you both laughed. He had leaned closer, smiling from ear to ear and looking far less like a hero. And much more like a man. You looked so at peace. Happy and hopeful. No, there was nothing wrong with any of that.
If anything, she thought it was very much…right.
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nephilimeq · 4 years
“Pick A Base”
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Pick A Base
“You okay?” Steve asked as he held Grace, and she hummed back at him, “Mmhm,” and then he asked again, “You sure?”
He looked up and over at Danny as Grace pulled slightly back from him, locking eyes with his partner as he reassured himself with Grace’s presence, squeezing her shoulder, doing everything he could to make sure that she was really there and that he wasn’t imagining things.
And then he saw Danny was silent, just staring at him, and he couldn’t help but ask incredulously, “Well, nothing? Nothing? No hug?”
Danny had never looked so relieved in his life as he lifted his hand and replied, “I am so happy to see you right now, I’ll give you a hug, I’ll give you a kiss, pick a base!”
Steve’s first instinct was to go in for the kiss, and so he decided it would be safer ask for a hug…but then at the last second he decided, damn the consequences, and reached out towards Danny, letting go of Grace, ignoring the fact that they were in the middle of a whole bunch of high schoolers, and put a hand on Danny’s jaw and drew his lips up to his, realizing that now might be his only chance.
The instant their lips touched, Steve’s first thought was, This is what I’ve been missing.
He didn’t notice much of what was going on around them, just that Danny was returning his kiss with fervor, his own hand coming up and wrapping firmly around the back of Steve’s neck, holding him there, not letting him go, which he was perfectly fine with. He didn’t know exactly how long they kissed, all he knew was that it wasn’t long enough…and then it was suddenly broken when he heard a cough from off to the side.
Steve pulled back quickly, feeling his face go hot, and ducked his eyes when he heard Kono say smugly, with an arch of her eyebrow, “It’s taken you two long enough,” followed by Chin laughing and adding, “Figures it would take an incident like this to finally get you two together,” at which Steve lifted his eyes and retorted, one finger in the air, “Hey, that is entirely not fair!”
At that point, Grover was over with them, his arm still slung over his son’s shoulder and he shook his head and chuckled.
“Oh, it’s entirely fair, McGarrett. We all knew it was gonna happen this way sooner or later, though I wish it had been later. I just lost a hundred bucks because of you!”
Steve’s gaze went wider as he stared at the older man in shock, and said accusatorily, “Wait…are you saying that you bet on us getting together and that there was a time limit? How long has this been going on? What, what, what was your bet for? Two, three months from now?”
Lou shook his head and grinned as he said, “I bet on two years from now. You just blew it.”
Steve looked at the rest of his team, who were all giving him amused looks, and then looked back at Danny and said, “Did you know about this?”
He shook his head and said, “No, but it does explain why Chin and Kono have been mentioning over the past few weeks how much time the two of us have been spending together, and it also explains why Chin’s grinning from ear to ear like a man who has just made bank. C’mon, what’d you bet on us? And, to echo Steve’s question, how long has this bet been going on?”
Chin shrugged and clapped the detective on the shoulder and said, “How about I tell you guys everything over an early breakfast? I’ll take us all out. My treat.”
“Oh, your treat? You mean on our money,” retorted Lou and Steve couldn’t help but grin as he slid his arm around both Grace and Danny’s shoulders, the girl tucked between the two of them.
A little while later found them all crowded around two tables shoved together at one of the local diners, Grace and Will sitting next to each other, their dads on either side of them, and Steve pressed up against Danny’s other side, the two of them knocking knees under the table while they interrogated their teammates, trying to figure out just how long their friends had been betting on them and talking about the two of them behind their backs.
“Are you telling me that you and Chin have been betting about the two of us just two months after we all started working together?” Steve asked, incredulous, as he took a bite of the food on his plate, and Kono smiled back at him.
“Oh, yeah. I saw how two were able to get under each other’s skin and I just knew. C’mon, boss,” she said with a wink and a grin, “How long have you been dying to plant one on Williams, here?”
Steve let out a frustrated sound and tried to deny it by saying, “Hey! I have not been dying to plant one on him, as you so eloquently put it,” but Kono rolled her eyes and snorted and shot back, “Ha! Yeah, sure you haven’t boss,” and she stole a french fry from her cousin’s plate, and Chin tried to slap her hand away.
Steve glanced at Danny, who was now leaning into him, his shoulder and upper arm firm against his.
“So, exactly how much money did you make on this bet, Chin?” Danny asked, waving one of his own french fries in the air, sounding thoroughly annoyed. “Because I feel like Steve and I deserve that money because we’re the ones who got together with no help from you, so--”
“Hold up, are you serious?” Chin interrupted, turning his head away from chastising his cousin.
“Yes, that is his serious face,” Steve said, dipping a finger into the gravy on his plate and licking it off, staring fondly at his partner’s profile as he went off on Chin.
Danny leaned forward on his arm and drawled, “I am completely serious. That money deserves to be in my--” Steve jabbed him in the side. “Our pockets. All this time you guys have been trying to make money on this theoretical relationship of ours that may or not happen, so I feel that the two of us are entitled to that money. Now, I will ask you again: How much money did you make on this bet? Also, out of curiosity, just when exactly did you predict us getting together?”
Chin chuckled and leaned back, taking a sip from his drink, and then shook his head and said, “I kinda don’t want to tell you, now, but I will.” He took a deep breath and let it out. “To answer your second question, I purposely did not predict a time, but a circumstance: that it would be one of you saving the other and you would kiss in the heat of the moment. I was right.”
He arched a smug eyebrow at the two of them, and Steve rolled his eyes while Danny made an irritated sound in the back of his throat.
“Now, to answer your first question…I made enough to pay for all of our meals and still have enough left over for some updates on my motorcycle,” he finished with a smirk, leaning forward in his chair and throwing a french fry at his cousin, winking at Grace, who laughed and rolled her eyes.
Steve watched in amusement as Danny looked thoroughly annoyed at seeing his daughter conspiring with one of his friends.  
Danny then said, “Okay, then it’s official: I am breaking up with Steve just so you won’t get to live off of the spoils of ill-gotten gains. Illegal ones, actually,” he corrected. “Because I believe it is illegal to gamble in the state of Hawaii, and that is what you just did! Steve, hand me the handcuffs, I’m takin’ Chin to jail,” he said, reaching down for the item in question at Steve’s waist, but he just shook his head and batted his hands away and retorted, “Hey, no can do, buddy! Since there wasn’t a bookie involved, technically it’s all legal…”
He smirked at Danny, and his partner glared at him and drawled, “Okay, that’s how you’re going to deal with this? With jokes and humor at my expense?”
Steve rolled his eyes and shut Danny up in the way that he’d thought of doing a million times as he started to ramble and gently pulled him in for a kiss, just softly brushing his lips of the detective’s, and his mouth twitched when he heard a collective, “Awww,” from the table.
As soon as he pulled back, he was met with a look of judgement from Danny, one eyebrow arched and a hand pointed in his direction.
“Oh, so this is a thing, now? I start talking and you kiss me to shut me up?”
Steve nodded.
“Yeah, I think it is.” He tilted his head and wrapped his arm around Danny’s shoulders and brushed his thumb up against his neck. “I, uh, don’t hear anyone complaining about it.”
Everyone around the table laughed, to which Danny rolled his eyes and gestured at himself and quipped, “Excuse me, but I am complaining about it, I was just a second ago, are you deaf? Or do you just have selective hearing?” Steve chuckled and Danny continued. “Because as much as I love you, babe, and your lips, that technique is not going to get you out of listening to me complain, capiche? Now, if possible, can we please get back to whatever meal this is? Dinner, breakfast, something in-between? I mean, look,” he said, pointing at everyone’s plates. “Chin and Kono are eating burgers and fries, our kids and Grover are eating pancakes, and you, you caveman, have some sort of ironman protein plate. I mean, you kinda ruin it with the gravy, but still, what the hell is this?”
He picked up one of his sausages and waved it at him before taking a bite out of it, and Steve rolled his eyes, feigning annoyance, but fell a little bit more in love with him.
As Danny continued to ramble (and steal food from Steve’s plate), Steve settled himself more comfortably against the man that was now more than just his partner and best friend, but most assuredly the man he knew that he could never live without.
He hooked his ankle around Danny’s and kept his arm around his shoulders, glancing over the table and smiling at seeing everyone laughing at something that Lou had said…and then as he snuck his other hand over to discreetly squeeze at his thigh, he saw a faint smile at the corner of Danny’s mouth and he knew.
He’d picked the right base.
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captainscanadian · 5 years
Better | Bucky Barnes x Reader (Part 6)
My Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Summary: Bucky Barnes is ready to fix the mess that your parents had created, but he doesn’t want you to know about it.
Word Count: 7076
Pairing: Doctor!Bucky x Doctor!Reader, Doctor!Bucky x Doctor!Steve (Platonic), Doctor!Steve x Lawyer!Peggy
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Abuse & Alcoholism, Surgery, Organ Donation, IV & Needles, Emotional Distress, Physical Pain, Drugs, Hospital Stay, Homelessness, Mentions of Death & Cancer
A/N: Recently a lot of people have been asking me if Bucky can murder the reader’s parents. As much as I understand your strong hatred towards them, the answer is no. Sorry not worry. This one’s dedicated to Naynay for being the reason why I started posting all of my crappy writing on here. <3 Pic & gif are not mine, credits to the respective owners!
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It was only a matter of time before Dr. James Barnes had been paged down to the Emergency Room for a consult. A patient had come in complaining of chest pain and shortness of breath. This eventually led him into the OR to repair the woman’s dissecting aorta, a surgery that typically lasted a few hours with no complications. It was a procedure that he had performed many times before. He need not fret over it, despite it being an emergency procedure than a pre-planned one like the one this morning. Perhaps, it was the unpredictable nature of heart surgery that had been so attractive to him. He could not deny that he liked the adrenaline rush that came with literally racing death itself and beating it fair and square.
By the time he had gotten out of surgery, it was way past lunchtime and Bucky was starving. After getting Shuri to inform the patient’s family about the patient’s current status, he found himself grabbing a salad from the hospital’s cafeteria and retreating to the doctors’ lounge for some rest before he was to get hit by the next cardiovascular crisis at hand. The unexpected circumstances that came with the job were perfect for a guy who had once wanted no commitments. But now to say that his attitude had changed would be quite the understatement. Nevertheless, Bucky sucked it up and went about his day like any other surgeon in the hospital.
While a part of him was feeling uneasy, thanks to the escalation of things that he had returned to, he knew that all he had to do was push through it all until his shift would finally be over. But he was unsure what to do next. He wondered if he should go back down to the post-op ward and see you. As much as he wanted to return to his place at your bedside, a part of him was hesitant. He was unsure about whether you would want him there, especially after what had happened with your mother coming to see you. He did not want to risk being shooed away by you.
After all, it made him wonder if you could not even trust your own mother, how you could be able to trust anyone else. All of a sudden, your hesitance to become close to anyone in the hospital made sense to him. After all, your mother had been the source of all of your trust issues. And as much as he was willing to accept that you might never ever trust him and let him into your life, he could not deny that it would hurt like a bitch either way. He was not ready to put himself through that, at least not yet.
“Steve, you’re still here.” Bucky noted upon seeing his best friend lying down on the sofa once he entered the lounge. “Your shift ended hours ago. Why haven’t gone home, you punk? You’re one of the only ones who actually have a life outside of the hospital. Why are you even here right now?”
Sleepily flipping through the channels of the television to find something decent to watch, Steve looked up to see his best friend and gave him a weak smile. “I wasn’t planning on going anywhere, Buck, not after what happened to Y/L/N. Being her emergency contact is a huge responsibility and I feel like I should stick around, you know, just in case... I don’t want any her to have any other complications.” He told him with a sigh and a shrug of his shoulders, sitting up to face his best friend who sat down in front of him.
“How is she?” He asked, biting down on his bottom lip as he picked at his salad for a moment.
“She’s... awake, talking. No further complications, no infections. She’s in a bit of pain but she’s a little hesitant about the amount of drugs she puts in her body. Nat redid the sutures herself and closed her up so they’re all... still in place. Wanda’s sitting at her bedside to make sure she doesn’t move at all, just to keep them still intact. Thor’s watching the door to make sure no one comes in or leaves without being noticed.” He explained. “She’ll be fine, Buck. She’s... recovering.”
Nodding as he bit down on his bottom lip once more, the dark haired doctor continued to pick at his salad. “You should go home, Steve. I’ll be here and... I’ll call you if anything happens. Just go home, get some sleep. You haven’t even seen Sarah in two days. At least, spend the night at home for her and come back in the morning.”
“No, Buck, it’s fine... I don’t mind sticking around the hospital for a few more hours. I’m way too sleepy. It’s definitely not safe for me to be driving home on my own and Peggy had a meeting at the firm this afternoon. She said she won’t be back until she’s picked Sarah up from daycare, so I’m just hanging out here, waiting for my girls.”
A soft chuckle escaped Bucky’s lips as he finally took a bite of his salad, leaning back in his seat and putting his feet up against the coffee table. “You’ve really got your shit figured out, Steve. Work-life balance, marriage and kids...” This was true. Compared to him, his best friend really did have his whole life figured out. The two of them had always been competitive despite being best friends since childhood. From the SATs to their undergraduate years to the MCATs to Columbia Medical School, even their surgical residencies thereafter, Bucky and Steve had always come in neck and neck at the top of their classes. But when it came to family life though, it seemed like Steve was already way ahead of Bucky.
“You know, you could have that too if you really wanted to.” Steve reminded him, a sigh escaping his lips as he fidgeted with the remote in his hand. “If you’re willing to commit and sacrifice being a complete workaholic to make time for a wife and kids, you could...” He was not an idiot. He knew that Bucky wanted the kind of life that he had with Peggy, even if he had denied it countless times before. He could not help but want that for his best friend too. After all, he knew that not only did Bucky want to settle down and have family, but that a part of him also wanted it all with you.
And knowing of your past, Steve wanted that for you too. He knew that you deserved to be unconditionally loved by someone, for you had not experienced unconditional love ever before. He wanted that for you because he understood how much Bucky loved you. If only things did work out in your favor and the two of you finally accepted your feelings for each other. Steve can only hope or sit back and watch, for he was certainly not a meddler of things.
The dark haired doctor let out a sigh before shaking his head, taking another bite of his salad and trying to ignore Steve’s words. “Yeah, well... that’s not what I want.” He lied, even though a part of him knew that the other could see right through his bullshit. “I mean, I do love her but... I don’t think she’d ever love me back, Steve. I know for a fact that she won’t ever accept me. So if it’s not her, then it won’t be anyone else.”
Before Steve could even say anything in response to that, the door burst open with a rather annoyed Peggy Carter entering the doctor’s lounge. “I got your text, darling, and I must admit that I’m not surprised at all.” She announced, plopping down on the sofa next to her husband. “Hello, Barnes.”
“Peggy.” He gave her a nod, continuing to pick at his salad before taking another bite.
“Where’s Sarah?”
“Her cousin Sharon wanted to get her some lunch. She had just woken up from a nap when I picked her up from daycare. Seemed a little cranky because she was hungry.” The woman replied with a shrug. “And I didn’t think she should be here when we’re talking about this, you know? Sharon said she’ll bring her back in an hour or so. Gives us enough time to talk, you know?”
Bucky grew confused at her words and raised his eyebrows at Steve. “Talking about what?”
Peggy turned around to look at Steve. “Have you told him yet, Steve? Because he sure does look too calm to know what happened.”  
Steve let out a sigh as he rubbed his eyes. “I’m way too tired to deal with how he would react so I thought I’d wait until you were here. You’re better at breaking this kind of bad news than I am.” This was partially true. Being a doctor, a cardiothoracic surgeon at that, Dr. Rogers had certainly been trained on how to deliver bad news to his patients. Most of the time, such bad news included the unforeseeable factors: the patient’s condition receding beyond the surgeon’s control, surgical complications and even death.
But with what Steve was forced to deal with at that moment, though certainly not as bad as patient death, it was Peggy who was much more equipped to deal with such dilemmas. She was a Cambridge-educated attorney who happened to work at one of the most reputable law firms in New York. She was certainly used to dealing with extortion cases, not to mention that you had also approached her for legal advice on becoming an organ donor to your abusive father.
“What the hell is going on?” Bucky asked as he sat up on the sofa and set down his food, turning over to look at his best friend’s wife. “Peggy, what is it?”
Peggy let out a sigh as she sat back in her seat. “I’ll tell you but I want you to promise me that you won’t go off on a complete fit of rage or do anything absolutely stupid.”
He let out a sigh as he ran his hand through his hair. “If this has something to do with Y/N, then I'm not making any promises I know I can't keep.” He told her before turning to Steve. “Did she tell you something? Did she... tell you what happened with her mother?”
Steve bit down on his bottom lip before leaning forwards in his seat. “Her mother... told her that her decision to come forward and donate her liver to her father lead to... them having hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills. And now she’s emotionally blackmailing Y/L/N to pay for them because they couldn’t afford the surgery.”
To say that Bucky was completely unsurprised by this revelation would be an understatement. After all, this had exactly been his suspicion ever since he had found out about your parents coming down to Brooklyn Hospital in the first place. They had not come searching for better medical treatment from Dr. Romanoff. They had come in search of a way to extort money from you. But finding out that your mother’s attempt at extortion was the reason behind you bleeding out like that only made the man feel angrier at your parents. But he did not show it. “I mean, I saw that coming.” He said with a shrug, returning to his salad.
His calm and composed reaction made Steve and Peggy turn to look at each other for a moment.
“What?” Steve asked, blankly.
“I got suspicious.” Bucky replied with a shrug of his shoulders. “When Y/N told me that her formerly abusive slash estranged father was admitted here, I was... a little surprised. I knew she was from this small town near Philadelphia so, how in the world did they manage to get all the way to Brooklyn, let alone at the hospital where their daughter worked? I mean, it all did seem like a coincidence but... I didn’t think that there was any way that they did not know... that their daughter worked there. I... had no reason to trust her parents, right? And I was... right. I mean, they tracked her down... they came here... and I don’t think a liver transplant was what they came looking for. I think they came here to tie Y/N down... emotionally... and try to get money from her to pay for the outstanding medical bills that they have in Philly. But their plan didn’t work. Y/N volunteered to get tested because she... has a heart. She cared about doing the right thing and being the better person. She cares... about... everyone but herself, even her abusive parents. When Y/N volunteered to get tested, do you remember what happened, Steve? Her mother wouldn’t even accept it at first, because she knew that the surgery would mean more medical bills and they weren’t financially stable. She’d just lost her job and they don’t have insurance. Y/N had to get Romanoff to explain how long they would have to wait until UNOS found him a match just so that she would agree. This has been their motive all along... to get money from her. Because they... went bankrupt when Y/N was a little kid and the mom had to work as a maid to keep things going, dad drank away all of their money and now that mom doesn’t have a job anymore, hey... look, the child we abused who ran away from us is working as a doctor in New York and making six figures so why don’t we just go over there and do what we always did best... emotionally abuse her and get her to pay us a large amount?” He could not help but roll his eyes, huffing as he leaned back in his seat. “Fucking pieces of shit, they are...”
Peggy Carter’s eyes grew so wide at Bucky’s speech that Steve almost feared that they might have popped right out of her skull. “Holy shit, Barnes.” She covered her mouth as her jaw dropped. As a mother to a little girl herself, she could not understand how anyone could put their own child in such a situation. To say that she was disgusted by your parents would be an understatement. She was beyond glad that you had managed to break free from their abuse when you did, but the fact that they were still very a part of your life at that moment pissed her off. She needed to find a solution to all of this and make sure that they never bothered you again.
“How do you know all of this?” Steve asked. “How do you know about them going bankrupt when she was a kid and that she ran away from their abuse?” After all, he was well aware that you had not disclosed these events of your past to anyone but him and his wife. He knew of your circumstances with your parents, because he was your emergency contact. You had told Peggy in case there was a legal dilemma to your decision. You wanted to ensure that the fact that you had reported their abuse all those years ago did not get in the way of you donating your liver now. But how did Bucky know all of this? Steve had no idea.
“Yeah, the whole ‘outstanding medical bills in Philly’ thing is news to the both of us.” She agreed, looking at her husband before turning over to his best friend. “I don’t think she intended to tell anyone about this, not even to Steve and I. And... as much as I would like to believe that she trusted you enough to tell you any of this, I think she would have at least told us that you were also aware of her past. But we know Y/N and she wouldn’t have just told you any of this that easily. So, let’s just cut to the chase... What did you do, Bucky?”
The blonde haired doctor’s eyes grew wide as he realized the change of tone in his wife’s voice, for he knew that this was the tone she often used in court. “Bucky... please don’t tell me that you...” A part of him did know what his friend might have done, but he still refused to believe it until he admitted it himself.
“I got Becca to look into her parents.” He confessed.
“Are you insane?!” The hospital’s in-house attorney exclaimed, her British accent rolling off of her tongue with such ease and poise despite the fact that she was fuming at the man’s actions. “You fucking hired a PI to look into a patient?! Do you even realize how many potential lawsuits could possibly come out of that?”
“You violated Y/N’s privacy, Buck!” Dr. Rogers added, shaking his head in a slight disappointment. “How do think she’d feel if she ever found out what you’ve done? She’s already got a lot of trust issues and you’re not making this any easier for yourself!”
“I mean, I had to do what I had to do!” The dark haired doctor defended himself. “I get it, Steve. I violated her privacy by hiring Becca to look into her parents and her abusive childhood with them. Sure, she might hate me for it. I don’t care. I only did it because I care about her, Steve. I knew that something wasn’t right when her parents showed up at the hospital. As much as I wasn’t okay with her donating her liver, I respected her decision and her bodily autonomy. She had the right to do whatever the fuck she wanted and I had no say in that whatsoever. But that did not stop me from being suspicious about her parents. I mean, I couldn’t ask her because she wouldn’t tell me. I knew that you knew a lot more about her past than any of us, Steve. Of course, she tells you everything. But is she going to tell me if I asked? Not even a chance. And are you going to tell me if I asked you what was up with her and her parents? Also no, because you’re the most righteous human being on this entire fucking planet who cares about honor and all that bullshit and you trained your God damn fellow to be just as honorable and righteous and follow in your footsteps... which has now cost her a piece of her liver and a whole lot of blood.” Bucky paused to take a breath before turning over to Peggy. “And of course, you knew everything too, Peggy. Y/N told me that she came to you for legal advice, just in case. But I also knew not to ask you either, because you would have given me a whole lecture about attorney-client privilege and I saved us all a hell of lot of time by just going ahead and hiring Becca to do the work for me.”
Steve let out a sigh as he stood up from his seat. “I need a cup of coffee.” He announced as he walked over to the kitchenette and started to make himself a cup.
“Can you also make me a cup of tea, please darling?” Peggy asked Steve as she rubbed her temples, her eyes not leaving Bucky’s. “You’re insane, Barnes. You’re absolutely insane and you know that. And to even call you the godfather of my child, good lord, what have we done? You’ll be such a terrible influence on her when she’s older, I’m sure of it.”
Dr. Barnes finished the last of his salad and nodded, chuckling softly at her remark. “I know, Peggy. They say that love makes you crazy... and I’ve been doing some pretty crazy things lately. I won’t even deny it.” This was true. After all, Bucky had been doing more than just sit at your bedside while you were asleep. A week after he had found out about your make shift clinic at the homeless shelter, he had made an anonymous donation of a million dollars to the shelter in hopes that a part of it would be able to fund your cause. And for the next two years, he would go on to do much crazier things when it came to you.
Whether it was buying an extra cup of coffee every morning and bringing it over to you just to see you give him a sleepy smile in gratitude, or waiting for you to get out of surgery every other night and lying about a late night craving for Indian food just so that he could give you a ride home, there were certain things that he had started to do that would make anyone think he was crazy. But to him, it was all a part of him trying to become a better person, because you had made him want to be a better person.
Even last year, he had startled the entire surgical department meeting by suggesting a fundraising gala to help raise money to increase the number of pro bono surgeries that were being performed at the hospital. Chief Stark had been surprised that Dr. Barnes had been the one to even make that suggestion; his bet would have been on Rogers. But without much debate, the gala had been approved by the hospital’s board of directors. Tony had put Bucky in charge of throwing the ball itself, which the man had surprisingly managed to pull off.
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James Barnes had made yet another generous donation to his own cause this time, while also convincing his three sisters in helping him organize the event so that others could also take part in the act of giving back. He had approached his retired parents in hopes that their contacts could help him find more sponsors. And thanks to you, he had hired the lovely Indian couple who owned the restaurant you had been living above to cater the event. The rest of the event had been paid by him, with some of the doctors also pitching in.
It had been a rare occurrence for Dr. James Barnes to take part is such formal events, so there was no denying that his attempts at organizing one and showing up at that was quite refreshing to see. He had donned a designer tuxedo, his luscious long hair coiffed into a neat bun. He looked prim and proper, to say the least.
But if one had observed him rather closely that night, they would have noticed that his bright blue eyes were constantly darting towards the entrance throughout the whole event. Even when he had taken to the stage to make a speech and had commanded the attention of an entire banquet hall, no one had noticed how his gaze was constantly wandering towards the double doors that led his guests inside. Perhaps no one except Wanda Maximoff was able to figure out that this entire event had been Bucky Barnes’ attempt at channelling his inner Jay Gatsby.
The bottles of champagne had been popped, poured into flutes and emptied long before, dinner and dessert served promptly thereafter. It was not until after the DJ had opened up the dance floor did James finally receive the long-awaited arrival of the woman he loved. And in an instant, his lips curled into a smile at the sight of you in your silver-grey evening gown. He knew that the shimmer and sequins were very unlike you, but he appreciated the effort you had taken to follow the dress code.
As you noticed the host of the evening upon your entrance and made your way towards the dance floor to greet him, you could not help but notice that he cleaned up quite well, in his tuxedo and his hair in a bun. Oh how attractive he looked in that bun, you could not deny it. You rarely saw him put his hair up, except for that one time when he had showed up to a consult with his hair tied up with a Hello Kitty hair-tie a while back.
You felt your cheeks heat up at the thought of how handsome he looked that evening and you quickly shooed away your thoughts, walking up to him with a bright smile. “James, hey... I’m so sorry I’m late. I didn’t mean to miss the dinner and half of the party. I had a last minute consult at the ER and I had to do an Endarterectomy. It took longer than expected and by the time I got home, showered and got ready... it took me a while. I’m sorry.”
“Hey.” His smile was genuine and one that brought you a sense of calm. “Hey, it’s okay. I get it, things like that are not always in our hands. I wasn’t even sure if you’d show up, to be honest. I know that... social events like these are not really your thing. At least I’m glad you decided to spend the rest of your evening here instead of being cooped up in your little clinic. It means a lot, doll, really... thank you for being here.” He bit down on his bottom lip rather nervously as he leaned in to place a gentle kiss on your cheek. It was an act of politeness to say the least, a sign of gratitude that you had even bothered to show up late than never, even though you did have an excuse to not be there.
You felt your cheeks heat up once more, a sense of warmth in your heart as you felt his lips against your cheek. There was something gentle about the way his warm breath lingered against your skin, but you quickly looked down to hide the blush. You could not help but grin widely at his understanding nature and you looked around the ball room.
It seemed as though a majority of the guests had already left. The DJ had been playing a slow song and naturally, Steve and Peggy were at the center of the dance floor. You must have heard a thousand times during your bi-weekly dinners with the Rogers’ of the story of their first date and their first dance. Even after years of being married, the two of them still looked so in love. You could not help but want that for yourself. But you felt slightly greedy for it. After all, you had always believed that you did not deserve to be loved by anyone.
The blonde haired doctor noticed your gaze on him and gave you a wave, his wife still leant against his shoulder as they swayed along to the song. You chuckled, shooting him a quick thumbs up before turning to James. “Looks like you’ve really pulled this off, Dr. Barnes.” You noted, seeing that the gala had been quite the success. “I must say that I’m impressed.”
“I couldn’t have done it without your help though, doll, thanks to you and your undying loyalty to the Singh’s.” He politely remarked. “The food’s a big hit- hey; have you even had a chance to eat anything since you got out of your surgery?” It had taken Bucky a moment to realize that it was way past dinner time and knowing you and the way you had rushed to get here after your surgery, you might not have eaten.
“Um... no.” You shook your head.
“Come on, let’s get you in the kitchen and grab you some of that delicious food.” It had been a rather impulsive move on his part, when he had just casually grabbed your hand and lead you away from the dance floor.
You had been caught off guard by his actions but you paid no heed to them anyways. You had assumed that it was just his way of being a host, making sure that all of his guests were well fed and taken care of. After all, you had paid for your ticket to attend this gala and he probably just wanted to give you your money’s worth. You would not have imagined that his actions were a sign of his undying love for you.
He walked out of the ball room before turning down the hallway to where the kitchen was, complimenting and thanking a few of the wait staff along the way before entering the kitchen.
You stood at the door, watching as he made his way over to the head chef who was also your landlord. He really was a wonder of a man, you thought. How thoughtful and kind had he really been, for as long as you’ve known him? To think that the two of you had managed to not get along in the OR at some point seemed to surprise you. But that fall out had only made the two of you become the closer. There was no denying that.
After asking the woman to fix you a plate of food, he walked back to you with a cheeky grin on his face. “I told them to set aside your plate in case you showed up. They’ll just reheat it in a moment.”
You could not help but let out a chuckle at that, raising an eyebrow nevertheless. “How did you know that I would even show up though, James?” You asked, curiously. “After all, I do have a tendency to make plans at first and bail on people.”
“I just had a little faith that you would be here... considering that it’s for a good cause and you’re not the kind of person who turns away from doing something to give back.” He replied, grinning widely as he realized that he really did know you well. “Plus, you did pay for the food, the champagne and a little dancing. As a responsible host, I wanted to make sure you did get your money’s worth.”
You rolled your eyes playfully as you walked past him to enter the kitchen, greeting the lovely Indian chef with a hug before taking the plate from her. “Well... since I’ve got my food here now, where’s my champagne?”
As the banquet was wrapping up, Bucky had excused himself to check on the clean up. The red carpet had been rolled up, the table linens piled up and the chairs stacked neatly on top of one another. The DJ had taken down the speakers and loaded up his equipment in his van, the cleaning staff was busy sweeping the confetti off the hard wooden floor.
You found yourself wafting down your plate of food in the kitchen while the staff got busy with doing the dishes. Chatting away with the lovely Indian woman who continued to pile up the remainder of the food onto your plate, you managed to eat until you were full. You did not realize how hungry you had been until you had eaten second and third helpings of the Singh’s signature biryani, but you were grateful to the woman for wanting to feed you well. After all, this was the closest experience you had to a mother’s love.
James had not returned until an hour later, having sent off the last of his guests home before dealing with the payments for the DJ and the linen rentals. He let Rebecca take care of the rest before excusing himself for the night, grabbing the last remaining bottle of champagne from the fridge before making his way over to you. “Sorry that took a while, doll.” He told you as he chuckled, holding up the bottle. “But I got what you asked for...” He could not help but notice the aluminum tray of food that you were holding and he raised his eyebrow at you.
“What? I had three plates of food but there was still some left over. There was no way I was going to let some good biryani go into the trash. Plus, I figured that you wouldn’t have had a chance to eat anything either, being a good host and all. So, what do you say, we get out of here and find ourselves a really nice late night view of the bridge and... have a little picnic?” You wiggled your eyebrows at him before letting out a laugh.
“I... think I’d like that.”
Bucky was taken by surprise that you had even made this suggestion, but it was not very unlikely of you to be concerned about wasting food or watching someone else go hungry either. Having left the venue of the banquet together, the two of you somehow managed to end up on the roof of your loft home somehow. You had been the one to suggest it though, for you wanted him to see the view from up there.
It was a mid-August night, the air was breezy. You kicked off your heels and sat down on the concrete step as you looked up at the stars. The night was quiet, even though there was the occasional laughter of passerby’s walking past the restaurant that stirred up the silence every now and then.
He had taken off his coat and wrapped it over your shoulder, in case you got cold, a plastic fork in his hand that was picking through the aluminum tray as he ate the food that you had packed up for him. “Did I tell you how lovely you look in that dress, Y/N?”
“Did I tell you how much I like your hair like that, James?” You asked, teasingly. “I have to admit, you clean up real nice.”
“You too.” He chuckled as he took a bite of his food, looking around the neighborhood that he had been so familiar with when he had been younger, but now he felt like a stranger. After Steve had moved in with him, he rarely came down to this part of town. While it was home to his best friend, to him it had been an insignificant part of Brooklyn, at least until you had moved here. Nowadays, it seemed that he came by this neighborhood every few days whenever he’d offered you a ride home and to see that these trips only made him miss his former nanny would be an understatement.
He missed her dearly, for the woman had raised him as her own. He knew that it was people like her who needed the care and concern of people like him. It was why he had thrown this gala in the first place, not even Steve knew about how close this was for Bucky.
Perhaps if Sarah Rogers had the money to afford the best care in Brooklyn, her doctors would not have managed to misdiagnose her with pneumonia. Her cancer could have been caught sooner and she might be alive. These pro bono surgeries were just a way for him to prevent such tragic deaths that could have been easily avoided.
You popped the bottle of champagne, laughing heartily at the fizz that spilled slightly on your gown. But you could care less about it. “You first.” You told him as you held the bottle towards him.
Taking the bottle from you and taking a swing, he turned over to look at you with a smile. “Why do you still live here, Y/N?” He asked you, curiously. “You’re not a fellow anymore. You’re a board certified cardiothoracic surgeon and a good one at that. I’m sure you can afford a nicer apartment with the amount you get paid.”
“I mean, I could... but I don’t really want to leave my little loft.” You replied, shrugging as you took the bottle from him and took a sip. “It’s been my first real home in forever, James. It’s the first place that I moved into... that wasn’t a campus dorm or a sorority house. It wasn’t supposed to be some kind of temporary accommodation.” Like a foster home. “I mean, I could find myself a bigger apartment but... it’s just me. I don’t take up that much space. I don’t like taking up too much space. I’m fine living here. It’s nice and cozy. It’s home.”
“But aren’t you worried about the safety hazards, Y/N? You live above a restaurant, the stairs are too narrow. In case of an emergency, you won’t be able to get out quickly.” He noted.
You let out a sigh as you handed him the bottle. “You know, after spending a cold winter night in the street... any other place can feel the safest.” You admitted, biting down on your bottom lip. “Plus, I work so much that I’m barely home anyways. It’s fine, James. I’m fine here.”
“Alright... if that’s what you say so.” He nodded, giving in since he knew that he could not change your mind that easily, taking a sip of the champagne before setting it down for a moment. He set down his tray and stood up from his seat on the step. “Anyways, I think the roof has enough space for just the two of us.” He remarked as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “And I think I owe you a little dance. So if you wouldn’t mind, Dr. Y/N/N... shall we?””
You could not help but roll your eyes at that. “I believe you do.” You remarked as you stood up, brushing off the back of your dress before slipping back into your heels.
Bucky put on a song before setting down his phone, holding out his hand with a bow of his head. “M’Lady.”
You giggled softly as you tried your best at a curtsey, only to trip over your gown and grab onto the man’s hand as you laughed.
He let out a hearty laugh as he helped you regain your balance, his arm wrapped around your waist as he began to slowly sway along to the music.
You blushed slightly as you held onto him, your ear pressed gently against his chest, the sound of his beating heart bringing you a sense of solace as the song began.
You look so wonderful in your dress I love your hair like that The way it falls on the side of your neck Down your shoulders and back We are surrounded by all of these lies And people who talk too much You got the kind of look in your eyes As if no one knows anything but us Should this be the last thing I see I want you to know it's enough for me 'Cause all that you are is all that I'll ever need I'm so in love, so in love So in love, so in love You look so beautiful in this light Your silhouette over me The way it brings out the blue in your eyes Is the Tenerife Sea And all of the voices surrounding us here They just fade out when you take a breath Just say the word and I will disappear Into the wilderness Should this be the last thing I see I want you to know it's enough for me 'Cause all that you are is all that I'll ever need I'm so in love, so in love So in love, so in love
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 “Well, the fact that you deliberately admitted that only makes me wonder what kind of crazy thing you’re about to do next, Barnes.” Peggy noted as she took her steaming cup of tea from her husband. “Because I know that look on your face. You’re planning something, aren’t you?”
Bucky let out a chuckle as he stood up from his seat, tossing away the container that had held his salad in the trash can before walking over to his locker. “I’m not planning anything, Peggy. I’m just... coming up with a solution to Y/N’s dilemma.” He told her with a shrug as he retrived his lab coat and put it on over his scrubs.
“Also known as planning.” Steve clarified as he sat down next to his wife and took a sip of his coffee. “Spill it, you punk. What are you going to do?”
“Well, right now... I’m going to go down to the pediatrics ward because Clint asked me to cover his shift for the afternoon.” Rolling his eyes, Dr. Barnes grabbed his stethoscope that hung on the hook in his locker. He turned around to look at Peggy for a moment. “Peggy, out of curiosity, how long will it take for you to draft a contract?”
The lawyer gave him a confused look. “It really depends on what the terms on this contract will be?”
“How about something along the lines of... ‘by accepting these two million dollars and an additional allowance of three grand’s per month... we, the Y/L/N’s agree that we will leave our estranged daughter alone for the rest of her life, we’ll never try to contact her and we won’t try to extort any more money from her,’ or something like that?” He asked her, smirking as he tossed his stethoscope over his neck and crossed his arms against his chest.
“Bucky, no.”
“I pay off her dad’s medical bills and give them a little extra so that they don’t come crawling back to her ever again.” Bucky stated with a shrug. “Steve, you and I both know what Y/N does with her hard-earned money. This clinic is... her everything. If she pays them off, she won’t be able to keep it going. I don’t think I can let that be taken away from her.”
Steve let out a sigh as he pondered Bucky’s suggestion for a moment. “As much as I agree with you, Buck, this isn’t your call to make. It’s hers. And even if she did find out about you wanting to do this, you know she won’t let you. Hell, she wouldn’t even let me pay them off when I offered to do it this morning.”
“She... doesn’t need to know, Steve. That’s why I’m telling the two of you. Peggy drafts a contract; I write a cheque, the Y/L/N’s sign the contract and take the money that they came for. Y/N will be happy once they are out of her life for good and that’s all that fucking matters.”
“But... Bucky, what even is the point of you doing all of this if Y/L/N doesn’t even find out about it?”
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Steve//this moment will just be another story someday
hi! based off this song. we have a bi reader because i wanted it soooo. and i know it’s the middle of march but i don’t care because i worked hard on this and i’m sad. ps, if that song finishes before you’ve read all of this (or if you just want to listen to something else), i suggest listening to this 
The 4th of July is supposed to be a happy holiday celebrated by most of the American population. Fireworks are enjoyed by families, barbecues are frequented by friends and carnivals come into town to be enjoyed by everyone. Everyone is happy to be celebrating their independence, even though they were awarded it years ago, and even though the majority of Americans don’t really have their independence, they just pretend they do. 
However, in the dingy bar that Steve is sat in, the 4th of July feels like a foreign holiday. The place is barely lit, the only light source coming from a few overhead lights and the occasional end of a cigarette. The few people scattered around the place look like they either did all the partying when they were about 40 years younger, or they’re too drunk to celebrate. In some cases its both. The fireworks outside sound more like gunshots to Steve as he nurses his drink that he’s been staring at for the past hour. Despite the hot July weather of San Francisco, Steve feels cold, a chill finding its way up his spine as he looks at the clock. 11:23pm...at least there’s not long left of this dreaded holiday. 
When he was younger he used to love July 4th. All his cousins would come visit him and for a day he wouldn’t feel so alone in that big house. His father would actually acknowledge his presence, showing off what little accomplishments he’d achieved over the year in order to make the other adults jealous. And his mom would always let him have a sparkler once the sun had set. Usually his dad had gone to bed by then so it would just be him and his mom in the back garden, drawing patterns and writing words into the night sky. 
However, after the events of last years 4th of July, he has a feeling he’s never going to enjoy it again. 
He sighs and downs the last of his drink, ordering another from the old man at the bar who’s watching out the only window in the whole place. He nods and gives him a re-fill before sitting back on his stool. 
Steve starts to think about what he’d be doing right now if last year had gone different. If there had never been Russians under the mall, if he hadn’t fought for his life yet again. Would he still be in Hawkins? Working with Robin? Babysitting the party despite their protests of how ‘We’re too old for a babysitter’ and ‘You can just say we’re your friends’. 
Would his father still be disappointed in him? Something he’s grown used to over the years. Or would he have gone to work for him to make him just a little prouder. Maybe if it weren’t for all this demogorgon shit, he might have actually got into a college. Wait...no he wouldn’t have. Like his father said ‘the only sad excuse you have for this mess is yourself’. 
Maybe his mother would still look at him like he was her son and not a stranger. Who knows. But he sure as hell knows he’s been a lot happier here the other 313 days he’s been finding a new life for himself in San Francisco.
It hasn’t seemed that long until he’s thought about it. He lasted 52 days after the events of Starcourt before it got too much. Too much had happened in that small town. The people he cared about had been hurt. The people he didn’t, had know clue. Taking their little lives for granted. He needed to get out. So he sold the majority of his stuff, used the savings he’d been clever enough to hide (thanks to Robin), packed his bag and drove. He drove without looking back. Well, he did three times. 
First he went to see Robin. To of course say goodbye, to tell her to be safe and if she needed anything to call him. He’d managed to find a cramped apartment in a semi-decent neighborhood before he left, so he scribbled the number down on a leftover napkin she’d brought home one day after a shift at Scoops and he smiled at the irony of the situation. 
Second he went to see Dustin. His mom was not pleased about being woken up in the middle of the night but when she say the pleading in his eyes she let him in. Too nice to have refused him anyway. She liked Steve, he was a good influence of Dustin. Dustin walked out into the living room sleepily after being woken by his mom. He rubbed his eyes as he rounded the corner, although as soon as he saw Steve he was wide awake. Steve explained what he was doing and how sorry he was that he was leaving but of course he understood. Was he upset? Definitely. But did he understand? More than anyone. So Steve also scribbled his new number down and passed it to him, along with a can of Farrah Fawcett spray, and when Mrs Henderson wasn’t looking he slipped him his nailed baseball bat out of his duffel bag. 
The third place he went was a surprise to himself. He didn’t know he was going there until he found himself parked outside. Hawkins Cemetery. The gates were closed but you could always jump over the fence round the back, thats usually how the weird kids got in so they could drink and try to talk to the dead. He navigated his way through the dark and three years ago he would have been silently shitting himself, however after all the stuff he’d saw there was nothing that really scared him anymore. He walked for a few minutes before finding his destination. 
‘Barbara Holland. 
In memory of our beloved daughter. 
She will not be forgotten.’
Steve’s fingers traced over the top of the gravestone delicately. The cold stone doesn’t affect him as he seems to get lost in his thoughts. He hadn’t been the best person to her. Laughed at her behind her back. Made snide comments in front of her face. He’d been an ass to her. And then she died in his pool, when everyone else was too busy trying to keep their popularity. She’d been forgotten, taken to the upside down where she would have stayed forever. She deserved more than that. And she deserves more than this. He places a single purple Hyacinth on her grave before shoving his hands in his pockets and walking away. 
He’s almost out of the graveyard when he spots something out of the corner of his eyes. The grave is fresher than the others, and its smaller, shoved right in the corner of the yard and he already knows who it belongs to before he gets there. 
‘Billy Hargrove 
Son. Brother. Friend’
Its a stark difference to Barbs, and just the sight of it makes Steve chuckle bitterly. He remembers overhearing Max telling the rest of the party during the wake that her and Susan had to persuade Neil into putting something more on that just his name. Yeah, Billy was a dick, but he deserved better. He deserved the chance at redemption. To become a better person and to prove his father and everyone else in his life wrong. He picks a few daisies from beside the grave and places them delicately on top of the stone. “See you later Hargrove.” He mumbles and he swears he can hear him laughing somewhere in the distance before he returns to his car and starts the long drive. 
“A little lost there?” Its like he’s just been woken up from a fever dream. A minute ago he was sat alone at the bar, and now there’s a woman around his age with y/h/c and bright y/e/c, staring at him like he holds all the secrets of the universe. 
“Huh?” He blinks at her, and three years ago he would have cursed himself for such a lame openly line, especially to a girl this pretty. But right now, he could be talking to Phoebe Cates herself and he wouldn’t give a damn. He just wants to be left alone to be sad and wallow in self pity about how awfull his life has turned out. 
“You looked kinda lost in your thoughts. You okay?” The girl asks, placing a delicate hand on his arm. 
“Yeah.” He shrugs her off. “Fine.” 
“You sure?” She asks and hands him a napkin, he stares at her blankly and she pushes it further towards him. “You look like you’ve been crying.” 
“Oh.” He quickly takes it from her and dabs at his eyes before scrunching it up and shoving it in his pocket. “Thanks.” He glances at her and forces a half smile before looking back at his drink. 
“I see you’re quite the talker.” You tease and sit beside him. He huffs in annoyance, but it doesn’t really seem to dampen your mood. Instead you call for the barman and ask for a drink, as well as whatever your ‘chatty’ friend wants, which after a few seconds figures is him. “So?” You ask once your drinks have been placed in front of you. “Thanks Billy.” You smile and his head rises. “Oooo, now we’re getting somewhere!” You do a little excited wiggle as you sip your drink and he looks at you bored. “Okay, so you either are a Billy.” 
“Pfft.” He scoffs and your eyebrows raise. 
“Okay. So you know a Billy.” 
“Knew.” He corrects. “I knew a Billy.” 
“Oh.” You frown and think for a few seconds. “So, were you friends and you left? Because you don’t sound like you’re from here.” 
“We weren’t friends, but yes I did leave.” 
“Where are you from? Wait!” You shush him before he even has a chance to answer, your finger is over his lips and he’s staring at you annoyed, but you don’t seem to care. “Okay, say something.” 
“I can’t.” His voice is muffled and you smile awkwardly before removing your finger, wiping it on his shirt. 
“Now say something.” 
“I’m from Hawkins, Indiana.” 
“Well, not that. But okay.” You roll your eyes. “Hey, isn’t that were all that freaky shit went down.” 
“Yep.” He grumbles and downs the rest of his first drink. 
“Cool.” You shrug. He mumbles something under his breath that you can’t quite catch but you decide to let it go. “So about this Billy guy? Friend? Lover?” Your voice gets quieter and he stares at you shocked. “Oh come on. You can tell me, this is San Francis-” 
“He’s dead.” 
“Happy now?” 
“Well, you see no. The death of people doesn’t really make me that happy. No matter if I knew them or not.” 
“Well sorry to disappoint you.” He huffs. 
“You know you can talk to me right?” 
“Why would I want to do that? You’re a complete stranger.” 
“Because sometimes talking to a stranger is the best thing. They don’t know you so they can’t judge you. All they can do is listen and sometimes give advice.” You reply and he stares at you stunned. “Plus, I have some time to kill, and I can’t imagine you have anything better to do, otherwise you wouldn’t be sat in here alone.” 
“Okay.” He nods. “I’m gonna tell you a story.” 
“Ooooo!” You grab your drink and get comfy. “What’s it about?” 
“A boy and a girl.” 
“Not like that.” He cuts you off, effectively shutting you down. “Its kind or short, and kind of boring.” 
“Well, you’re really selling it.” You huff. “Is the ending at least good?” 
“Oh, its a whirl.” He replies and you can sense the sarcasm dripping off his statement. 
He stops for a moment to really think about what he’s going to do. He’s going to tell a complete stranger all the reasons he decided to move. He’s obviously not going to tell you everything, but still. And why was he being so mean? He’s tried for over three years to be a nice person, to get rid of the persona he carried around with him during high school, so why has it come back tonight? And why don’t you seem to care about how he’s treating you. And more importantly, who the hell are you? 
“Dude” You wave a hand in front of his face and he blinks before looking at you. “Your story?” 
“Oh, yeah. So they were just 16-ish, when I knew them. And people were so mean to both of them. The girl was bullied by assholes in school who had nothing better to do than bring people down to try and build themselves up.” 
“I hate people like that.” You spit.
“Yeah.” He nods, but refuses to make eye contact with you. “Me too.” 
“What about the boy? Who was mean to him? Was it the same people?” You ask, your eyes are wide with fear and Steve finds it quite endearing. He’s telling you about people you’ve never met before but you seem to care so much about them despite that. For all you know he could be making this shit up, but you still seem so invested. 
“No, the people, well person that was mean to him was closer to home.” 
“Who was it?” You lean towards him a little. 
“His dad.” 
“Yeahhh.” He agrees. 
“Well, what happened to them?” You ask. “Are they okay?” He almost doesn’t want to tell you. Or if he does, he wants to make up some bullshit about how they’re both happy, with people who love and appreciate them. Buts thats not how the world works, and maybe telling you that will be doing you a favour. You seem too happy. 
“No.” He shakes his head sadly. “They ended up not loving themselves, and now they’re gone.” 
“Gone how?” Your voice is quiet and unsure, and you’re not even sure you want to hear the answer. He looks at the sticky floor, taking a deep breath and he doesn’t even have to properly answer for you to know what he’s about to say. 
“Headstones on a lawn.” 
“Oh.” You sigh. “Did you know them well?” 
“Not as well as I should have.” There’s something else behind that statement. A huge amount of pain and grief is swirling behind his eyes, like a storm ready to destroy everything in its path. 
“What were their names?” 
“What will that do?” 
“They can’t be forgotten if people know their name. And I never forget a name...its my thing.” 
“Thats not a very good thing.” He replies and you see the hint of a smile hiding behind his frown. 
“Ouch.” You place a hand over your heart. “Whats your thing then? Wait!” You shush him again but this time he doesn’t seem to mind as much. “I bet in high school you did kegs!” You guess and he rolls his eyes. 
“Their names were Barbara Holland and Billy Hargrove.” He changes the subject and silence falls between the two of you. You vaguely recognized the names from the news. You remember your roommate saying something about knowing a girl called Heather that lived in the same town, apparently they’d been at summer camp once. They used to talk sometimes but after a while she stopped receiving letters. 
“Well, at least someone else knows about them. And I’m bound to tell someone about them. Like I said, I’m good with names...not so much keeping secrets so if you’ve met aliens or the bogeyman, don’t tell me.” You say, trying to lighten the mood and it seems to work a little. He chuckles softly and thats good enough for you, for now. “Anyway, that can’t be the end of the story.” 
“Why not?” He questions. 
“Because it was sad.” 
“What’s that got to do with anything?” 
“All stories end happily. If not, it just means you’re not at the end yet.” 
“Sure.” He raises and eyebrow. “But, if you must know, no, I’m not at the end. But believe me, this doesn’t end happily for anyone.” 
“Well then its not over yet.” You say quickly making him roll his eyes before taking a swig of his drink. 
“Back at home I know a boy and a boy.” 
“Riiiight.” You wiggle your eyebrows and he smiles softly. He thinks Robin would like you, you’re sweet and accepting and everything he wishes he could have been back home. 
“They were best friends with each other. Still are actually, despite some difficulties. But I always thought that at least one of them wanted more. They loved each other but never knew it.” He lowers his voice, the two of you are leaning into each other, your forehead’s practically touching. “I think they were always afraid of what people would say. Or even what the other would say. And now one of them has moved to a different state.”  
Your frown deepens as you stare at the floor, your feet swinging against the stool as you play with your hands. 
”That sucks.” 
“I told you it wasn’t happy.” 
“Well, then you’re not at the end of your story. And they’re not at the end of theirs. Love always catches up with you eventually. Thats just the way of the universe.” 
“Sure it is.” He scoffs. 
“Come on. I want a sequel!” Your drum your fingers against the bar while he stares at you. “Billy! Another round please.” 
“You haven’t even finished that one.” Steve replies and you quirk your eyebrows, a smirk appearing on your face before you stare right at him and down the rest of your drink. 
“Happy now?” 
“Well, you see no not really, because I’m not carrying you home.” 
“You’d be so lucky.” You tease and he giggles a little. “Come on.” You poke his arm. 
“Fine.” He throws his hands up. “The sequel. This one is about me and my friend.” 
“Ooo, yay! I want to know more about you mystery boy.” The nickname causes Steve’s cheeks to heat up and he’s kind of glad Robin isn’t here to tease him. “Now, is this friend a girl?” You rest your chin in your hand and he sighs dramatically, already knowing where you’re going with this. 
“Yes. But not like that.” Now he’s the one shushing you making you stare at him surprised. “I’m not her type.” 
“Okay.” You hold your hands up in defeat and he lower his finger, letting it drop to the bar. 
“Both our parents were evil.” 
“How?” You ask.
“My dad says I’m his biggest disappointment and my mom looks straight through me.” 
“I’m sorry.” You place a hand on his arm but this time he doesn’t shrug it off, he lets you keep it there for a few seconds. 
“Its fine. They’re both kind of right.” 
“I’m sure thats not true.” You start to disagree but he talks over you instead. 
“And my friends parents don’t agree with her lifestyle if you know what I mean?” 
“Yeahh. I get that.” You nod, and now its his turn to try and decipher your look. He also prays he hasn’t attracted another lesbian, as much as he loves and supports Robin, he doesn’t need another factor to add into the thought that maybe he isn’t destined to be loved. “I play for both teams if you want to know.” You whisper and he nods. 
“Cool. Whats that like?” 
“Not any different to ‘normal’.” You reply and he chuckles. “So you and you’re friend? Quick question, is she cute?” 
“Yes, she’s cute. And for a time I may have liked her.” 
“Ha!” You snort loudly and a bright blush creeps up your neck. 
“Do you want to know the rest of my story?” 
“Yes.” You stifle your laughter. “Please, go on.” 
“So, both of our parents were mean, so we made a bet. And if we worked and saved we cold run away to somewhere like here and we’d have a better life.” 
“And?” You smile brightly at him. 
“Did that happen? Are you meeting her here?” You look around the dark bar. 
“No.” He shakes his head. “I left early and she’s still there.” 
“Oh.” You sigh. “I’m sorry. Is she going to be coming here soon though?” 
“I don’t know.” He shakes his head. “Her parents are putting a lot of pressure on her to be everything but herself and sometimes I think she’s just going to give in. She’s been through so much and she’s so stubborn, but when I call her, she seems so broken and part of me thinks its because I left her alone.” 
“No.” You grab his hand. “Its not your fault. Listen, I don’t know her, and I don’t really know you but she’s going to be okay. She’s going to come to San Francisco...meet a cute girl.” You whisper the last bit and he smiles softly. “And you’re going to have a better life.” 
“And how do you know that?” 
“Because, like I said. You’re story isn’t over yet. Its just beginning. Kind of like a movie, and eventually everyone gets their happy end. Everyone does.” 
“Again, how do you know that?” 
“I don’t, not really. But if you don’t have hope then what’s the point. Just you wait and see.” 
“You’re idea of the world and my idea of the world are very different from each other.” He sighs. “Its not funny or pretty or sweet. Its full of assholes and monsters and shitty things.” 
“Maybe.” You nod. “But I like to see the good in the world. You just have to see the good...” 
“And we finally have a name!” You cheer. “Keep looking for the good Steve. You’ll find it eventually.” 
I think I’ve already found a bit. 
“This isn’t the end of your story. For all you know it could be the beginning. Now, what time is it?” 
“11:55?” He replies and relief washes over him. He’s made it through and nothing bad has happened. Not to him at least. And when he gets home he’s going to call the party, and Robin and maybe even his parents to see if they’re okay. But right now you’re talking to him and he has to tune back into the real world. “What?” 
“Do you want a sparkler?” You repeat your previous question just as Billy hands you some change. He blinks at you and your roll your eyes playfully before saying bye and then dragging him out of the dingy bar and into the bright street. 
Its empty, everyone is either with friends or family, in back gardens or at events. It seems everyone in the entire world has someone to celebrate with, everyone except him, and then he remembers. He’s not alone. Because you’re looking at him, a soft smile on your lips as you hand him a sparkler. 
“I do this every year.” You explain and light the end of his before doing the same to your own. “I write something that has pissed me off in the past year, and then when it disappears, its like I’ve let it go. Metaphorically of course. Its kind of like a second go at New Years, because lets face it, nobody is keeping their resolutions.” 
“Has that ever worked.” 
“No completely. But there’s always time...like I said, it’s not the end of the story yet.”
And while he stares at you writing whatever in the air, with a bright smile on your face, for the first time in a long time there’s a spark of hope. 
He thinks there could actually be a day when he enjoys July 4th again.
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barbarasbae · 5 years
Just a Taste-The Aftermath
Part 2 of Just a Taste 
Word Count: 1.4k
Warning: blood mention, threats/blackmail, implied smut, threats of violence against women/teenage girls (small scene but I don’t want people to be thrown into it and be uncomfortable) 
Notes: Y/n is cousins with the Byers and that is simply because the Party’s and Hopper’s involvement are pretty crucial to the plot of this series towards the climax so far. The vampire information from Dustin in this chapter are all almost just copied and pasted from the vampire DnD wiki page. I have italicized the text I am referring to. Also, this is about to be the most used gif:
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Y/n woke up that morning with a special kind of pain permeating through her brain. With a groan, she trudged out of bed and pulled on her favorite sweatshirt and jeans. Due to the hangover, she was already running late and was forced to down a muffin and banana in the car. It didn’t help that she was also battling against the movement-restricting puffy coat her mom always made her wear. School was uneventful, boring as always. By lunch, Y/n had convinced herself that she had just dreamt having sex with Billy Hargrove, as well as him most likely being a vampire. That is until he threw his arm around her shoulders as she left the building. “I need to talk to you.“
“Okay?” He pulled her behind the school building, looking around like he was trying to make sure no one saw them. “So last night was...good.” He said, lighting a cigarette. She saw the fangs. Oh. She hadn’t made that up. Well,  fuck. “You’re cousins with the weird kid right? Zombie boy?” 
“Don’t call him that.” He flicked the bud of his cigarette to the ground before advancing towards her until her back hit the cinderblock wall. “He’s one of my step-sisters little nerd friends.” They were so close she could feel that he wasn’t really breathing like he should. It was like he forgot to inhale every third or fourth breath. “Do not tell anyone about what happened, got it?” He said, fangs looking much more prominent. “This is why all those girls are scared of you aren’t they?” She murmured, his gaze too intense on her face for her to keep eye contact. “Wait...really?” His brows furrowed. “Yeah. Girls start acting different after going out with you.” He twisted one of his rings, looking like he was thinking. The moment was over as soon as it started, him looking back into her eyes. “Good.” Y/n found it easy to say this was one of the scariest moments of her life. “I know where you live, princess. If Max finds out, I can and will drain your body in two minutes.” The tip of his nose brushed hers. She wanted to cry. “Got it?” He snarled quietly. She nodded, biting her lip. He walked off, leaving Y/n to deal with her pounding heartbeat and weak legs. 
Once she was able to form a cognitive thought again, she immediately went to the public library. It just didn’t sit well with her that such a creature was free-roaming Hawkins. She checked out some classics: Dracula, The Vampyre,  Interview with the Vampire, Survival Skills for boys (you never know), and Varney the Vampire. She spent the night completely ignoring her homework, pouring over the books and writing notes in order to help her understand what the hell was going on. And maybe help her get rid of him. She felt a little queasy at the thought of going against him; everyone knew how Billy had almost hospitalized Chris Nickleson his second week in Hawkins. Despite feeling like she was walking on eggshells, Y/n didn’t actually see Billy for the entire day. Which could be a good thing. Or really bad. As soon as the final bell rang, Y/n beelined to the middle school, cornering Will and his friends as they came down the front steps. “Hey, you guys gonna play Dungeons and Dragons today?”
“Yeah.We’re gonna meet up at Mikes house.” Will answered. “When?” She pulled out a pen.
“Four.” Y/n marked it down on her hand.
“Ok. I need to ask you guys about something. I’ll see you then.” She said, trying to keep her wits about her and make sure no curly haired blond heard her discussion. The kids looked perplexed, but went along. They thought Y/n was pretty cool. Maybe cooler than Steve. (A big maybe). 
After returning her books (getting rid of the evidence), she went to the Wheeler’s house with her notes in hand and was greeted by Mr. Wheeler. “Hi Mr. Wheeler, is my cousin here?” He didn’t look like he knew who she was talking about. “Will Byers?” 
“Oh yeah. They’re in the basement.” She thanked him and scooted into the door, almost running to the basement. “Hi Mrs. Wheeler!” She called as she ran to the steps. “Hey Y/n!” The boys looked at the out-of-breath teenager as she threw her notes on the table. She tossed her coat, sitting down at their little table, getting her pen and paper out. “So, let’s say theoretically, if there was a vampire in Hawkins, how would I kill it?” They looked at her like she had a third eye. “Or even turn it back into a human?” 
“Is there something happening?” Mike asked, looking for his walkie talkie. 
“It’s for a...book I’m writing.” She fibbed, Dustin grabbing the manual and looking it up. “A vampire can be of any evil alignment, and if its alignment was not evil in life it becomes so in undeath.” He scanned for some more stats a little farther down. “It retains all the abilities it had in life, plus it gains the ability to drain blood and life energy, and to dominate other creatures with its gaze...it can also command rats, bats and wolves or take the form of them. They are superhumanly strong and regenerate/heal quickly from injuries. They can also turn into a gaseous form.” He finished, looking up to see Y/n furiously writing down more notes. “How do I get rid of it?”
“You stab it through the heart with a wooden stake. You can also deter it from attacking you by wearing a cross and throwing holy water at it.” Will supplied, looking over Dustin’s shoulder. “Okay. Thanks guys. Have fun with your game.” She went home and spent the evening organizing all the information she had gathered, writing a plan of sorts down. Then there was a knock on her window that scared her half to death. She looked up, the blood draining from her face. Billy. She collected her stuff and hid it the best she could in her closet. She walked over to the window, his eyes dark. She cracked the window as little as she could so she could hear him. “What do you want?”
“Food. You smell so good. Could smell you from the street.” Okay, creepy. He kept his eyes trained on her, watching her leave the room and return with towels. After laying them on the bed, she walked to the window and begrudgingly opened it all the way. “You’ve got to invite me in.”
“Just say to me ‘you can come in’.” 
“Okay. You can come in.” He came in and kissed her, hands greedily seeking the warmth her skin held from laying in bed. She leaned over and closed the window, him breaking for a moment. But then he just kissed her deeper. She kissed back, but he could tell it was different. “You know I wont drain you, right? I was just saying that stuff to scare you.” He was suddenly a teenage boy again,not a monster, rubbing his thumb into her waist. A faint blush was painting his cheeks, which she didn’t think was possible. “Well it worked.” She said softly, hands going to his biceps. “Sorry,” he sounded sheepish, like he was genuinely embarrassed by his decision to threaten her. He stopped touching her, walking over to her bed and sitting. She sat next to him cautiously, feeling more and more anxious as he kept his eyes trained on her bandaged neck (now decorated with a Batman bandaid).
“Were transformers not good enough for you?” 
“I needed to change it because it was an open wound that hadn’t been cleaned.” She retorted with an eye roll and a little smile. His hand ghosted over hers that was resting in between them. He gently kissed the wounded spot, then trailed his lips up to her cheek. She winced, clutching her fist as an especially painful cramp throbbed in her lower belly. “Can I help? Please?”  He begged, hand gripping her upper thigh. His fangs had grown longer, Billy ready to eat. “Y/n, I won’t bite again. I promise!” The look in his eyes was very innocent compared to what he had just asked her to let him do. She nodded. A smile grew on his face. She was on her back, hungry lips against hers before she could blink. 
372 notes · View notes
Marvel OC Masterlist 1
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Name: Adelaide Stark
Title: Beyond The Archetype
Faceclaim:  Jenna Louise Coleman
Love interest: Sam Wilson
Summary: Adelaide Stark had always had a lot to live up to. Her dad always tried not to put a lot of pressure on her, but the rest of the world hadn’t been so kind.  So, Adi spent the first seventeen years of her life working and studying to follow in her family’s footsteps and work on military technology.  But when her father goes missing in her senior year of high school, her world falls apart.  And when he comes back, alive and a superhero, she has to rebuild herself and her dreams.  Now, not only Tony Stark’s daughter, but also Iron Man’s daughter, Adi realizes that maybe it’s time for her to stop following, and to do something for herself instead.
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Name: Adonis Stark
Title: Stars Defied
Faceclaim: Colin Donnell
Love Interest: Orion Royce
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Name: чудо | Adriana Stark
Title: Like The Sun (We Will Live To Rise)
Faceclaim:  Madison McLaughlin
Love interest: Peter Parker?
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Name: Alana Stark
Title: Born To Die
Faceclaim: Madison Davenport
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Name: Alena Zemo
Title: Untitled
Faceclaim: Poppy Drayton
Love Interest: Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes
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Name: Alessia Stark
Title: When Tomorrow Comes
Faceclaim: Melissa Benoist
Love Interest: Steve Rogers
Summary: “So this Doctor Banner was was trying to replicate the serum they used on me?”  “A lot of people were, only one succeeded.”  “Who?”  “Howard Stark.” -Steve Rogers and Phil Coulson
When Alessia Stark was sixteen, her dad used her to test out a new super serum.  He succeeded, and died a week later.  Aly Stark has never wanted to be a hero, despite the serum running through her veins.  She grew stronger, her aging slowed, she had even developed an inhuman healing factor, but she still didn’t want to be a hero.  Until her twin brother - now over a decade older than her - is kidnapped by terroists and returns a superhero.  Aly may not want to be a hero, but she’ll be damned if she leaves her brother to fight alone
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Name: Alvina Strange
Title: Paradox
Faceclaim:  Alba Baptista
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Name: Angelina Stark
Title: Cheap Tricks (And A Cheesy One-Liner)
Faceclaim: Phoebe Tonkin
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Name: Angie Stark
Title: Turn Back Time
Faceclaim: Malina Weissman
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Name: Antonia Stark-Parker
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Olivia Holt
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Anya Barton
Title: What Happened In Budapest (Doesn’t Stay In Budapest)
Faceclaim:  Emma Stone
Love interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary:  What happened in Budapest?  Clint and Natasha took out an arms dealer, saved the world, had a baby, learned that the Red Room lied about sterilizing Natasha, and killed a few people.  Now all grown up, Anya Barton is the newest SHIELD recruit, and almost immediately, aliens invade and a god brainwashes her father; that’s a hell of a first day.  But Anya is the daughter of two of the greatest spies in the world, she’s not going down without a fight.  Not when aliens invade, not when SHIELD is revealed to be Hydra and she has to go off the grid, and definitely not when, in Budapest of all places, she meets a man with a metal arm who’s also trying to hide from whatever is left of Hydra.
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Name: Aphrodite
Title: The Course of True Love (Never Did Run Smooth)
Faceclaim:  Vanessa Morgan
Love interest: Thor
Summary: Aphrodite could barely remember her home planet of Olympus, thanks to Odin destroying it when she was a child.  As the sole survivor of the Olympian gods, Odin decided that she was “useful” enough to keep, and brought her to Asgard.  Clearly he’d never considered the consequences of murdering her entire world and taking her hostage, as he somehow still expected her to be loyal to her.  Unfortunately for Odin, that plan was as stupid as the rest of his ideas; Aphrodite had never been loyal to him, her loyalty had always been to the next king of Asgard, and when he sends Thor to earth, he’ll learn just how far a goddess of love is willing to go to make sure he doesn’t cost her another family.
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Name: Aria Parker
Title: The Art of Disappearing
Faceclaim:  Natalie Dormer
Love interest: Steve Rogers
Summary: Peter Parker was hardly the first enhanced Parker.  His aunt Aria had been born with the ability to control the elements.  At eighteen years of age, she dropped off the face of the earth, and no one, not even her cousins Ben and Richard, had any idea where she’d gone.  Most people thought she was dead, until ten years later when she helped Clint Barton find his dog in Central Park, and somehow befriending he and Natasha Romanov.  Even then, though, most of the world didn’t know who or where she was; not until Shield fell apart and Natasha found herself reaching out to the only person she trusted who had no affiliation with Shield or Hydra.
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Name: Arielle Stark
Title: Piece By Piece
Faceclaim:  Nina Dobrev
Love Interest: Steve Rogers
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Name: Aris Stark
Title: Forged In Iron
Faceclaim: Olivia Holt
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: All Aris Stark wanted to do was train for the Olympics - gymnastics, specifically - and go on dates with Peter. Of course, being Iron Man’s daughter and Spiderman’s girlfriends complicated things, but Aris could handle complicated. Everything was perfect, until both her dad and boyfriend hopped on a ship to outer space while some crazy alien tried to destroy the universe. She waited in the compound, preparing all of the ways that she would yell at them for scaring her. And then she woke up, the compound on fire and crumbling around her, Tony and Peter nowhere to be found. And if that weren’t confusing enough, suddenly she was glowing.
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Name: Asteria “Stargirl” Quill
Story: Made Of Stardust
Faceclaim:  Chloe Grace Moretz
Summary: If Peter Quill had known that some species didn’t have gestation periods, he might have been a lot more selective about who he slept with.  But, he hadn’t, and so, he wasn’t.  And so, he found himself with an infant daughter.  Half alien, all ravager, Asteria “Stargirl” Quill is all about profit and adventure, just like her dad.  But when a fight breaks out during a sale, and she and her dad get arrested with a green girl, a racoon, and a tree, everything is about to change.
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Name: Athena Stark
Title: Iron Princess
Faceclaim: Zoey Deutch
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: Athena Stark had a plan. She was going to be the valedictorian for her grade at Midtown High, then an undergrad in Poli Sci at Yale, then law school at Harvard, and then she would become president of the United States. She would change the laws in order to better protect superheroes like her father, and she would make him proud. But then her dad brings Spiderman to Berlin for a fight, and Peter Parker comes back talking about a Stark Internship that definitely doesn’t exist. Athena’s life plan never accounted for Superhero Liaison, let alone for becoming a superhero herself, but Starks are made of iron and Athena will make it work.
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Name: Aurora Hansen Stark
Title: The Future In Silver and Gold
Faceclaim:  Bailee Madison
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: “Please don’t tell me there’s a 12 year old kid waiting in the car that I’ve never met.“  Actually, she’s thirteen and at home, but with Killian having killed her mother, Aurora Stark is about to find out the truth about her mysterious father.  Unfortunately, as unprepared as Tony is for a daughter, Aurora is equally unprepared for a father, and getting used to each other will be harder than either of them could have ever anticipated.
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Name: Octavia Ava Potts
Story: Golden Child (Grew Up)
Faceclaim: Danielle Rose Russell
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: A lot had changed for Ava, since her father died.  She had moved in with her Aunt Pepper and Tony; aliens had invaded New York, they had moved to Malibu, she had gotten kidnapped, they — well, you get the picture.  A lot had changed for Ava over the years, but as she settled into her life at Midtown High, she thought that the craziest of changes were in her past.  And then the Avengers break up, and she discovers that one of her closest friends is hiding a secret not too different from her own.
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Name: Bennett Parker-Maximoff
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Danielle Campbell
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Betsy Walker
Title: Chasing Shadows
Faceclaim: Amanda Seyfried
Love Interest: Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes
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Name: Bianca Davis
Title: The American Dream
Faceclaim:  Kat McNamara
Love interest: Steve Rogers
Summary: Being 26, in Washington DC, and working at the Smithsonian Museum of Air and Space wasn’t exactly where Bianca ever imagined herself, but it’s a pretty fun gig, and a great stepping stone to becoming a Smithsonian Curator.  And she gets to work in the Captain America exhibit, which has always been a fascination of hers.  Twenty six and working a good job in her field of studies is more than most recent graduates can say, but her life is still completely mundane–until the day Steve Rogers walks into her exhibit for the first time.
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Name: Brinley Brant
Title: Because I Could Not Stop For Death (He Kindly Stopped For Me)
Faceclaim:  Lili Reinhart
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: There had been four Brant sisters, once.  Beatrice and Bridget, twins and completely inseparable; Betty, the oldest, brightest, best; and Brinley, the middle child, overlooked, and Betty’s biggest fan.  And then, the decimation.  Three sisters and their father waiting by the door for Betty to come home, to tell them she was alright and laugh about them worrying.  But she never did.  With a dead sister and a dying mother, it fell to Brinley to fill the gap.  Day by day she became more and more like her sister, no longer able to differentiate between her reflection and Betty’s pictures, until one day she woke up and realized that she was a whole year older than Betty would ever get to be.  And then the Avengers reversed the blip, and when the doorbell rang, Betty had finally come home.
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Name: Brynhilde Parkerdottir
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Jenny Boyd
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Brynn Bates
Title: Dust To Dust
Faceclaim: Erin Moriarty
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Name: Calypso Lokidottir
Title: This Is Your Kingdom
Faceclaim:  Emilia Clarke
Love Interest: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Summary: Calypso “Callie” Laurens had always known that she wasn’t normal, no one had ever tried to spare her from that truth. With her silver-white hair, her fondness for “renaissance fair” dresses, and her Shakespearean speech, it would have been impossible for her to not know that she was strange. What she didn’t know was that her name wasn’t Calypso Laurens, but rather Calypso Lokidottir, princess of Asgard and daughter of Loki. But, when a strange hammer shows up in her town, one that only she can lift, Calypso is about to learn everything that Odin never wanted her to know, including why she was cast away to Midgard in the first place.
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Name: Constance Osborn
Title: Rise Above
Fandom: The Amazing Spider-Man
Faceclaim:  Lily Collins
Summary: At five years old, Constance Conwell lost her mother.  Suicide, she was told; her fault, the note said.  She never knew the details, but the men in the suits read her the note, made sure she knew just how much her mother had hated her — so much that she chose death over her daughter. It hadn’t made sense, her mother had always seemed so happy to spend time with her daughter, but the note said otherwise.  So Constance was packed up and moved to New York, where she met Norman Osborn — the cold man with empty eyes who was apparently her father — and Harry Osborn — with his warm hugs and soft eyes and endless excitement to have a little sister.  Harry, with his best friend Peter; Peter who had also just lost his parents, and Harry, who always knew when she needed to be distracted and when she just needed someone to sit with her.  At five years old, Constance Conwell lost her mother, and Constance Osborn found her brother.
At eleven years old, Constance Osborn lost her best friend.  Boarding school, her father had explained, packing Constance and Harry into the private jet and sending them to Europe. But they both knew the truth; Norman just didn’t want them.  So they went — first to England, then France, then Switzerland, and so on so forth as various disciplinary infractions kept them shuffling between schools.  With no Peter Parker, with no best friend to keep them in line, the Osborns fell apart faster than the tabloids could keep up with.  At eleven years old, Constance Osborn lost her best friend.  She never found another.
At sixteen years old, Constance Osborn loses herself.  Only a few months out from graduation, her dad asks to see her — the first time he’s asked to see her since she moved in — and she flies back to New York for a couple of weeks.  But whatever cautious optimism she’d harboured for a touching family reunion was crushed almost as soon as she saw what she’d come home to.  A city on the verge of destruction, a father who was losing what little was left of his sanity, a world of heroes and villains that left no one unscarred.  At sixteen years old, Constance Osborn loses herself.  She’s not sure who she found.
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Name: Cora Royce
Title: Stars Defied
Faceclaim: Willa Holland
Love Interest: Sam Wilson; eventual poly Sam x Bucky in TFATWS
Summary: In 2011, Cora Royce’s parents went to New Mexico for a week’s holiday; some aliens invaded, and they never made it home.  In 2012, the same aliens invade, and Cora almost loses her brother.  When Orion insists on taking her to work with him “for her safety”, Cora expects a boring day at the main office of the family company, she doesn’t expect to find out that her brother has a second life as a spy-archer-assassin for a top secret government agency founded by Cora’s personal hero, Peggy Carter herself.  She also doesn’t expect to find out that her parents were part of the agency themselves, and that their holiday in New Mexico was part of a mission to stop the very alien-god who killed them.  And she definitely didn’t expect to find herself on an invisible flying battleship with her pseudo-uncle Tony Stark — sorry, Iron Man — and an apparently not-dead Captain America.  
Cora is under strict orders from Orion to stay in the lab where Tony can protect her, but when everything goes to shit, Cora can’t just stay on the sidelines.  She may not be a superhero, but she’s Royce, and there is nothing that could stop her from protecting the last of her family.
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Name: Cordelia
Title: I Was In The Darkness (So Darkness I Became)
Face claim:  Alycia Debnam-Carey
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Name: Courtney Lang
Title: The Cost Of Legacy
Faceclaim: Willa Fitzgerald
Summary:  Courtney Lang loved her dad, she really did. Sure, he did some illegal business and was in jail for a while, but hey, nobody’s perfect.  But when he got back from jail, everything changed.  He was keeping secrets, avoiding her, lying to her, but it all made sense when she learned that he was actually a superhero.  But then he went rogue, got put under house arrest, and broke said house arrest with less than a day until his time was up.  Still, she could handle all of that, until half of all living things disappeared, and her father along with them.
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Name: Danni Stark
Title: Fated
Faceclaim:  Lily Collins
Love Interest: Steve Rogers, possibly poly Stucky
Summary: 1942.  The United States Of America has finally joined the war.  Danielle Stark becomes a war correspondent and, with some help from her older brother, becomes the official liaison to the Howling Commandos.  As the history books will tell, Danni and Peggy Carter were as inseparable behind the scenes as Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes were on the battlefield.  And as the history books won’t tell, Danni Stark fell in love on the front lines, with both Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes.  And then, Bucky fell from a train and Steve crashed his plane, and Danni found herself alone.
1945.  The war is over.  Everyone goes home.  Unsure of what to do with herself, Danni ends up in New York, helping Peggy and Howard to found SHIELD.  For several years, Danni juggles her work as a reporter with her secret life as a SHIELD agent, until Howard finds something in the arctic.  With the new powers of the tesseract at his fingertips, Howard finally decides to try a new version of Project Rebirth, and Danni is the first to offer herself as a volunteer.  But as soon as he sees the powers that the cube gave his sister, Howard files the project away, destroying all evidence that it had ever happened, and Danni keeps her newly developed powers a secret from everyone except for Howard, Peggy, and Edwin Jarvis.
2012.  A new war brews on the horizon.  Danni has been off the grid for decades — after all, she’s hardly eager to explain why she still looks twenty-five rather than ninety-five.  As far as most of the world knows, she died shortly after her brother; quietly and peacefully, a very private affair.  The only person who still knows she’s alive is her nephew, Tony Stark, with whom she is in regular contact.  But even Tony has never tried to convince her to come out of the shadows — not until he shakes her entire world with a single line on a voicemail; “Steve is alive, he’s at SHIELD.”  And Danni Stark knows that it’s time to return to the world she’d long since left behind.
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Name: Diana Moore
Title: The Long Game
Faceclaim:  Hailee Steinfeld
Love interest: Peter Parker
Summary: You would have to be an idiot to not realize that Peter Parker is Spiderman.  Well, Diana might go to a school for geniuses, but clearly they’re all idiots because no one else seems to have figured it out. Well, that’s fine, that makes it easier to keep the whole Secret Identity Thing a secret.  And if there’s one thing that Diana Moore is good at, it’s keeping a secret - or it was, until she and the rest of her Acadec team nearly die in DC.  Now it’s personal, and whether he likes it or not, Diana is going to do whatever it takes to help Peter Parker save the world.
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Name: Dominique Barton
Title: Life Goes On
Faceclaim: Emily Rudd
Love Interest: Peter Parker
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Name: Dorothy Madison
Title: Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Faceclaim:  Keira Knightley
Love Interest: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Summary: Dorothy Madison, Bucky Barnes, and Steve Rogers had been inseparable for most of their lives. Four years her senior, the boys had already been best friends for years before they met the small girl on her first day of kindergarten and immediately got into a fight with her first bully. From then on it was much of the same; Steve getting into fights, Bucky either joining him or pulling him out, and Dorothy keeping them out of trouble.
The years passed quickly, and she found herself falling in love with both of her best friends. But before she figured out what to do about that, the war made its way to their door. Bucky got drafted and, during their last night together, Steve got himself enlisted.
Well, no way was Dorothy letting her boys go to war without her. She quickly found a place for herself within the Office of Strategic Services, and soon found herself put in charge of the Howling Commandos. Finally, everything was right again; Steve was rushing head first into danger with Bucky as his right hand, and Dorothy struggling to keep her boys alive.
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Name: Eir Odinsdottir
Title: See No Evil
Faceclaim: Maisie Williams
Summary: Once, Eir Odinsdottir had been the princess of Asgard; Odin’s youngest child, and only daughter, and beloved by her brothers and their kingdom.  But Eir was also a seer.  She could see things that had happened, things that were happening, and things that had not yet happened.  And one day, she saw the truth about her family: the older sister long since cast away, the secret behind her brother’s parentage, and the dark and bloody truth behind her father’s reign.  And so, Odin exiled her.  Eir spent years travelling the nine realms, longing for home, before finally seeing her brothers on Midgard, so to Midgard she goes.
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Name: Elena Barnes
Title: Balancing The Score
Faceclaim:  Kaya Scodelario
Summary:  Imagine a weapon who has all the skills of the Asset, but without the memories.  No need to wipe and start over, no questions, only loyalty to Hydra. Enter Elena Barnes.  Bred by Hydra to serve that purpose, they truly believed that they had created the perfect weapon.  But, compliant as she seemed, Elena watched the torture that her father suffered, and anger lived within her veins.  After the Battle of Manhattan, she finds herself out in the world with instructions to bring back Loki’s staff, but instead, she disappears.  Goes off the grid and dedicates herself to learning the truth about herself and her father, until one day she’s at a museum and meets the one person who can truly answer all of her questions.
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Name: Elia Patel
Title: Eclipsed Sun
Faceclaim:  Summer Bishil
Love Interest: Tony Stark
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Name: Elizabeth Banner-Parker
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Natalia Dyer
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Elizabeth Barton
Title: Walking The Tightrope
Faceclaim: Emma Watson
Love Interest: Tony Stark
Summary: Elizabeth Barton has been working for SHIELD since she was sixteen; since she and her big brother had been recruited out of the circus.  No mission ever phased the ex tightrope walker, nothing ever compared to the thrill and danger of walking on a wire, over 20 feet in the air.  Even her elite task force with Clint and Natasha - Silver Swan, Hawkeye, and Black Widow - paled in comparison.  But then Tony Stark becomes Iron Man, Liz is assigned to get to know the man behind the mask, and suddenly she feels like she’s sixteen and walking the tightrope again.
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Name:  Eleanor “Ellie” Coulson
Title: Reinvention
Faceclaim:  Sabrina Carpenter
Love interest: Peter Parker
Summary: There are some facts in life that are simply unavoidable. “If your father is one of SHIELD’s top agents, and your mother is out of the picture, you will be raised as a SHIELD agent from before you can walk” is one of them.  Eleanor Coulson has spent her entire life as an agent in training, and she happens to be very good at it.  But when SHIELD is revealed to be Hydra, and her dad is charged with rebuilding the entire organization, Ellie is faced with her most challenging mission yet. High school.
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Name: Elsie Carter
Title: Travelling Soldier
Faceclaim: Daisy Ridley
Love Interest: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Summary: Even before her sister joined the army, Eloise Carter knew that she was always going to be second best.  Still, that wasn’t going to stop her from helping in the war herself - so Elsie became a nurse.  She loved her job, despite the heartbreak that came with every life she failed to save, but she couldn’t have been less thrilled to suddenly find herself assigned to her sister’s troops.  At least until she was put in charge of the recently rescued James Barnes.  She soon learned that James was never without Steve Rogers, Captain America himself, and suddenly her transfer seemed a little less awful.  But they were soldiers, and Elsie couldn’t do anything more than wait for them to return from every fight, praying each time that they would make it back.
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Name: Erna Bragidottir
Title: Speak No Evil
Faceclaim:  Gal Gadot
Love interest: Thor & Steve Rogers
Summary: When Hela massacred the Valkyrie, only two survived; Brunhilde and Erna. But Odin wasn't going to risk anyone learning the truth about his bloody history, and was quick to exile them both.  One minute, Erna was trying to say goodbye to her best friend, her sister, and the next she was waking up on Midgard, surrounded by a group who called themselves the Howling Commandos, apparently in the middle of the planet's biggest war.  The Valkyrie may have been slaughtered, and she may have been exiled from Asgard, but Erna is, and will always be, a Valkyrie and she is going to fight for her new home.
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Name: Evelyn Rogers
Title: Long Story Short
Faceclaim:  Katie Cassidy
Love Interest: Bruce Banner
Summary: Having lost her father to the Great War, her mother to tuberculosis, and her boyfriend to the draft, Evelyn Rogers was not going to lose her brother too.  So when he signs up for something called the Erskine Program, she refuses to sit back and wait for him to come home.  When Steve becomes the world’s first superhero, the new poster boy for war relief efforts, Evelyn’s name is at the top of the list for his chorus girls, and she follows him all the way to the war.  And when they find out that Bucky as his battalion have been captured, she follows him all the way to the front line — and into Johann Schmidt’s grasp.  She doesn’t follow him back.
When Steve Rogers forms the Howling Commandos, he has one mission in mind.  Wipe HYDRA off the board, and bring Evelyn home.  When he finally finds her, on a train with Armin Zola, she has no memory of anything since reaching the HYDRA base. Still recovering from her time with HYDRA, and from losing her first love, Evelyn is unable to follow Steve into his final confrontation with Schmidt.  And Steve goes into the ice.
Evelyn returns to New York with Howard Stark and Peggy Carter, with a hole in her heart and no bodies to lay to rest.  Desperate to find some sort of peace, she throws herself into searching for the bodies of the only two Howling Commandos not to make it home.  After months of searching, Evelyn finds a lead on Bucky, and is never seen again.
Until, 70 years later, she shows up on Nick Fury’s doorstep.  No older than the day she disappeared, with no memory of anything after her brother’s plane hit the ice, Evelyn Rogers follows her brother into a new century.
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Name: Ezra Barton
Title: Vortex
Faceclaim:  Jennifer Lawrence
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Name: Francine Barton-Parker
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Emily Rudd
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Freya Thordottir
Title: Like Catching Lightning
Faceclaim: Jenny Boyd
Love Interest: Peter Parker
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Name: Grace Osborn
Title: Bound In Secrets
Faceclaim: Camila Mendes
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: Once upon a time, Grace Osborn had it all.  She was the prized princess of the Osborn family, she had a wonderful older brother, and she was her parents’ pride and joy.  And then Norman Osborn found out that her mother had been lying for thirteen years and Grace wasn’t his daughter, only a lie to force him into marriage.  In order to keep the scandal quiet, Norman quickly sent Grace away to boarding school in England; out of sight, out of mind.  That was three years ago.  Now, Norman is dead and Harry is in charge, and he has only one priority.  Bring his baby sister home.
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Name: Grayson Frost
Title: Fear No Evil
Faceclaim: Dylan Sprayberry
Love Interest: Kassandra Maximoff
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Name: Ilya Romanova
Title: Fatale
Faceclaim:  Holland Roden
Love Interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary: Once, the Red Room had trained dozens of girls, with the Romanova sisters as their greatest success.  Natalia, the Black Widow, was a prodigy in everything she did, and her sister Ilya was close behind.  But when Natalia defected, Ilya was quick to rise up and fill the hole her sister left.  She left a bloodstained legacy unlike any other, earning the title of Red Widow and thriving under солдат’s personal training.  So when Hydra sought her gifts, looking to raise her up from student to mission partner, they complied, and the Widow became the Banshee.  
сирена met every one of their expectations with ease, and it was no question that she would be their first miracle; developing powers to match her name.  For decades, солдат and сирена worked as a perfect unit, carrying out Hydra’s vision on a global scale.  But when the assassination of Nick Fury goes awry, the partners find themselves face to face with ghosts of pasts they don’t remember, and everything Hydra has built threatens to fall apart.
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Name: Irina Drakov
Title: Shadow
Faceclaim:  Mila Kunis
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Name: Jameson Barrett | марионетка
Title: Til The End Of The Line
Faceclaim: Dove Cameron
Love Interest: Stefania Raine
Summary: Under the scars, white hair, and leather ensemble, Stefania Raine recognized Jameson Barrett — the very best friend she thought to have seen die two years prior, when aliens invaded New York. But for the other girl, Jameson Barrett was buried deeper; she only ever remembered being марионетка, The Puppet, and being sent there with The Soldier to end Nicholas Fury’s life.
In the middle of the chaos, Stefania lost sight of her best friend, but refused to let the girl go again — even if that meant teaming up with a recently un-brainwashed soldier to find her.
With a faulting memory and unbalanced emotions, Jameson knew that accepting that she used to have a name wasn’t enough of a step to becoming a functional person. So, when she runs into the man from the bridge, from the helicarriers — the man who refused to fight — and he asks for her help in finding her ex-partner and the closest thing she had to a friend, she doesn’t say no.
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Name: Jamie Carter-Rogers
Title: Out Of Time
Faceclaim: Margot Robbie
Love Interest: Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes
Summary: Everybody knows that everybody dies, and nobody knows it like Jamie Rogers.  She was raised on war stories, stories about her long dead namesake, and her dad’s stories of another world.  A world of aliens and superheroes, of pain and hope, stories of how half of its universe died, and of the ones who gave everything to avenge it.  But when Jamie touches the strange crack on her wall and finds herself in New York City, in an alien invasion, in 2012, she realizes that her dad’s other world is not only real, but is the world he comes from, and every single story she heard was true.  Everybody knows that everybody dies.  But not every day.  So, trapped in a world where she was never born, with no way to go home, and knowing exactly what the universe has in store for earth’s mightiest heroes, Jamie makes a promise to herself.  Just this once, everybody lives.
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Name: Jason Grant
Title: When Tomorrow Comes
Faceclaim: Tyler Hoechlin
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Name: Jordan Jameson
Title: Unwritten
Faceclaim: Margaret Qualley
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Name: Justine “JB” Barnes
Title: Lost
Faceclaim:  Kathryn Newton
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Name: Kara Helasdottir
Title: The Memories Are Gone (The Aftershocks Live On)
Faceclaim: Emma Dumont
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Name: Kassandra Maximoff
Title: Fear No Evil
Faceclaim: Danielle Rose Russell
Love Interest: Grayson Frost
Summary: Kassandra Maximoff was no stranger to fear; she’d been afraid ever since her parents were killed by a Stark bomb, since she spent those days hiding with her siblings, wondering if any moment might be her last, waiting for Tony Stark to kill her too. So when Strucker offered she and her siblings the opportunity to be strong, to protect their country, to not be afraid, they took it. By the time they found out he was HYDRA, it was too late to escape. The siblings spent months being tortured, knowing exactly what would come if they defected. Kassandra had long since accepted her fate, had long since given up hope. And then the Avengers break into their facility.
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Name: Katarina Amelia Aliano
Title: Skyscraper
Faceclaim:  Sophie Turner & Summer Fontana
Love Interest: Harley Keener; possible Harley & Peter
Summary: Child genius turned orphan, Katarina was counting on her own hacking skills to keep her under the radar.  And they do, until she gets caught hacking into Stark industries, looking for answers regarding the aliens that killed her parents in New York, and suddenly she’s not just on a radar, she’s on Tony Stark’s radar.  When he decides to take her in, no one expects it to go well, but she soon makes a place for herself on the team and in their hearts.  She’s not a superhero, far from it, but she’s a hero in her own right, and nothing comes between Katarina and her family; not her biological family, and definitely not the weird group of misfits and gods that she calls her own.
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Name: Kathleen Swanson
Title: Ghost Of You
Faceclaim: Claire Holt
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Name: Katie Dean
Title: Renegades
Fandom: Runaways
Faceclaim: Meg Donnelly
Love Interest: Chase Stein
Summary: Katrina Dean was, all things considered, relatively happy with her life.  She had her church, cheerleading, choir, and her sister, what more could she want?  Or so she thought, at least, until Karolina’s friends discovered the truth about PRIDE, and Karolina discovered the truth about their bracelets.  And as much as Katie would love to pretend that nothing had changed, as much as she would love to keep living her perfect life, she knows that’s not an option anymore.  And so Katie and Karolina run away.
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Name: Kennedy Keener
Title: True North
Faceclaim: Sophia Lillis & Abbey Cowen
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Name: Lara Rogers | призрак
Title: Death Defied
Faceclaim:  Lyndsy Fonseca
Love interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary: No one told Steve that his DNA was going to be used to breed a new super soldier - or that it was going to fail.  No one told him that a civilian, Angie Martinelli, was going to give birth to his son, Caleb Rogers, or that Caleb wouldn’t be a super soldier.  No one told him that Caleb was going to have a daughter, Lara, and absolutely no one told him that on her fifth birthday, his granddaughter was going to be kidnapped by Hydra, turned into a super soldier, frozen over and over again, tortured and brainwashed endlessly, and eventually get partnered with the Winter Soldier.  But suddenly he’s in the future, suddenly he’s fought aliens, and suddenly солдат and призрак - the Soldier and the Ghost, Bucky and Lara - are attacking Nick Fury in the middle of DC. Suddenly Steve is on the run with Natasha, suddenly they’re in a Hydra facility underneath a bunker, and suddenly the computerized ghost of Arnim Zola is telling them everything.  And while it feels sudden to Steve, Project Insight and its enforcers have been seventy years in the making, and no matter how much he wants to cling to the last remains of his family, they might be beyond saving.
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Name: Lavinia
Title: Untitled
Faceclaim: Lindsey Morgan
Love Interest: Peter Quill
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Name: Lillian Rogers
Title: To The End Of The World
Faceclaim: Ali Liebert (in Bomb Girls)
Love Interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary: Lili Rogers would do anything for her brother.  Lie and steal to get his medication, agree not to flirt with his best friend despite her eternal crush, even fake her way into the US army.  Of course, it didn’t take long before someone figured out that Liam Rogers was actually Lillian Rogers; but thankfully she was found out by Peggy Carter, who quickly hired her as her secretary and liason to the Howling Commandos.  Lili honestly couldn’t have cared less, until she found out that the elite force was led by none other than her brother - who had somehow doubled in size - with the love of her life as his right hand man.
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Name: Lisbeth Dugan
Title: Spider Web
Faceclaim:  Madelaine Petsch
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Name: Lorraine Gillespie
Title: Dying Day
Faceclaim:  Tuppence Middleton
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Name: Lucy Pierce
Title: Heaven Or Hell
Faceclaim: Vanessa Kirby
Love Interest: Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers
Summary: Bought from the Red Room by Hydra, Lukeriya Turgenev found herself becoming Lucy Pierce when she was forced to marry the head of Hydra, Alexander Pierce himself.  A tortured doll reprogrammed to be a perfect weapon and model wife, freedom had always been a foreign concept to Lucy.  At least it was, until a failed assassination put she and Yasha – James – The Soldier – face to face with Captain America and Lucy’s former sister and rival, Natasha Romanov.
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Name: Lydia Cabot-Stark
Title: Right Down The Line (It’s Been You And Me)
Faceclaim: Blake Lively
Love Interest: Tony Stark
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Name: Marina Kovol
Title: Clockwork
Faceclaim:  Emily Bett Rickards
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Name: Mia Pierce
Title: (I’ve Got) No Strings On Me
Faceclaim:  Troian Bellisario
Love interest: Pietro Maximoff
Summary:  Mia Pierce has been raised as a Hydra pawn since the day she was born. Her father, Alexander Pierce, believed that she was the future of Hydra, someone that they could teach to worship the organization without brainwashing, that could be raised as a public figure and eventually positioned in whichever political office they needed her in.  But Mia was too curious for her own good, asked too many questions, and tried to tell too many secrets, and so she was punished, and forced to comply. But after her father died, and Winter escaped, the Avengers broke into her latest facility, and suddenly Mia is free for the first time in her life.
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Name: Millie Quill
Title: Untitled
Faceclaim: Eliza Taylor
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shadowsof-thenight · 5 years
Flashlight: Chapter twelve
Story summary: This is an AU Two years ago, the love of your life walked out the door, breaking your heart into a million pieces. He had been unable to deal with his ptsd and you hadn’t been able to help him.Now that your best friend is marrying his friend, he’s coming back to town and you try to brace yourself for the reunion. Will you finally get closure?
Ship: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Warnings: mentions of ptsd, descriptions of ptsd, angst, heartbreak, reader wants to help but doesn’t understand ptsd.
Words: 2704
A/N: Yeahhhh new chapter. Again sorry for the wait. Not sure where time went this time. As always the wonderful @beanstalk007 helped me with this (and all) chapters, and I am so grateful.
Feedback is greatly appreciated! And if you want to get tagged, let me know.
Masterlist                                              Story Masterlist
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“Guys, guys!” Steve’s voice boomed over the rest, “Lets just pick something and get started,” he finally had it with all the bickering and intervened as only he would. He never did like to see his friends argue, even if it was as light-hearted as this and you could not help the smile that formed on your face. Steve looked exasperated when Sam rolled his eyes and mocked him, while Natasha took advantage of the distraction and hid the phone from Sam. Neither one gave any thought to the number of cellphones in the room. Instead he began to tickle her, trying to get the hiding place from her. She shrieked and called for Wanda to help her, who jumped up on Sam’s back, pulling his hands away from Natasha.
Everyone was laughing, while Maria calmly walked by them and took the phone from its hiding place behind the couch, causing the other culprits to stop their actions. Maria smiled a little too sweetly as she began to dial a number from memory. Now Clint jumped up, knowing full well what she would order and disagreeing with her choice loudly.
“Guys, come on, stop,” Steve tried again, though he had trouble keeping down the chuckle that was threatening to escape his lips at the sight before him. 
Clint stood, jumping like a toddler having a fit, Natasha lay on the ground with both Sam and Wanda on top of her, Wanda still trying to pry Sam’s hands away from Nat’s sides and Maria stood calmly in the middle of it all with a smile on her face.
It didn’t matter how old everyone got, as long as nights like these would keep happening, you thought to yourself.
“Aye, Aye, Captain,” Wanda said as she reluctantly gave in to his pleas and stood up, her hand raised in mock salute. Chuckles resounded all around, not even Steve held back now and Bucky’s warm laughter rang out from behind you. You really did love these idiots.
“Wait, that has a ring to it,” Wanda exclaimed soon after, “Please tell me you made it to the rank of Captain”
“As if he wouldn’t have boasted about that if he had,” Sam countered and again everyone laughed. Steve got a little blush on his cheeks, picked up one of the pillows and threw it straight into Sam’s face. Since he was just getting up, he lost his balance and fell back on Nat who protested loudly at the weight that was suddenly on her. You patted Steve’s shoulders as laughter bubbled up and out of your throat.
“I vote pizza” you finally said, taking pity on Steve and the teasing he had opened himself up for tonight. He had mentioned he was tired and hungry, which explained his responses so well. Steve looked up at you gratefully and leaned back into the couch he was on.
“Of course!” Clint exclaimed, rolling his eyes, “You always choose pizza.”
He wasn’t wrong of course and you just shrugged with a huge grin on your face. Pizza was always, without fail, your go-to option for take out. Not only did it taste good, it was also easy to order for larger groups since you could easily adjust the toppings. That was a win-win right? 
Oh, who were you kidding, even if it wasn’t the easier option you’d still pick it every single time. It would, however, probably prohibit you from winning the take-out arguments as often as you did if it wasn’t considered an easy option by the others as well.
“It’s heaven, dude” you joked and Clint pushed you with a chuckle, causing you to slip off the armrest of the couch. You landed hard on your bum. And everyone burst out laughing. Even Bucky, who had been rather quiet up until that point. He held out a hand to help you up and you quickly took up his offer.
As soon as you stood up, you pretended to be angry but it only lasted for about a second. You couldn’t help but laugh even though you could practically feel a bruise forming on your bottom. Soon, you were laughing loudly, swallowing a whine about the sore spot.
Teasing Clint was never a good plan. He was far more witty and wicked than you ever were. And a lot faster too. Laughing loudly, you sprinted away from him through the school courtyard and around the corner of the large high school. Of course he knew the place as good as you and there was no safety in the shadows. His fast paced footsteps came rapidly close and you suppressed a giggle, trying to remain silent as you hid behind a large bush.
Unfortunately, spring wasn’t in full swing just yet and the greenery wasn’t as full as it would be in a few weeks time, making your blue coat easy to spot by your friend. You tried to get away from him again, but the heavy rainfall from earlier that week had made the ground soft and slippery. Because of this, your feet had sunken into the soil and you slipped, falling hard on your ass with a loud shriek.
Clint was out of breath from running and his laughter was nearly soundless as he doubled over next to you, holding his stomach. Your shriek had alerted the rest of your group and soon they surrounded you, all of them laughing at your muddied appearance.
You whined pathetically about your ruined clothes and complained of a painful backside. Bucky winked as he stepped forward, his hands outstretched, promising to fix it for you. You laughed loudly as he wrapped his arms around you, placing his hands firmly on your bum and moving his head down to place a kiss on your lips.
You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat at the happy memory as you carefully sat back down on the armrest of the couch. Forcing a smile back on your face, you remained silent as Natasha made the group pick between pizza or Chinese food.
After that, the calm finally returned and when the food arrived a short while later, Clint pressed play on the video that one of their cousins had made during the wedding. After all, that was the entire plan behind this little get together. A plan which had only temporarily been sidetracked by the long discussion of what to order.  Those very discussions were the reason that Natasha usually opted to cook for everyone and you were certain that she was already regretting her choice not to do so this evening.
You glanced sideways at Bucky, wondering if he had been drawn down memory lane lately. Since you heard he was coming back, it had been a rather frequent occurrence and it was turning somewhat inconvenient by now. The memories in and on itself weren’t too bad, but having them flash in front of your eyes while you were around others was slightly annoying. It was hard to fake your happiness when a much happier past was forcing itself onto your mind’s eye.
Steve seemed to sense your changing, souring mood and gently squeezed your knee, before pulling you into a side hug. This caused you to fall into his lap awkwardly and you both laughed loudly. You hugged him back tightly, before moving off the couch to sit in front of it. It seemed a safer option while you devoured the pizza that Natasha tossed on a plate for you. With your clumsiness, you might’ve fallen again and wasted your dinner. Now that would be an absolute shame. Food should never be wasted in your opinion. Especially food that tasted as good as this pizza did.
The ceremony had you in tears again as it played out on the screen; you still felt the love that the couple displayed during it. And it was filling the air again in this living room, with Natasha sitting incredibly close to Clint as he whispered in her ear, she blushed at his words and half-heartedly punched his shoulder, making him laugh. You regarded the scene with a smile and when Wanda caught your eye, you winked and she scrunched up her face in adoration in return. The married couple was simply too cute.
By the time that the screen showed fragments of the party, the atmosphere changed back to teasing again when Sam stood up and made everyone agree that he was easily the best dancer of the group. Everyone laughed and both Clint and Steve fought him over the title, while Maria sarcastically told Sam that he sure was. Her boyfriend decided to ignore her tone to fit his narrative and smiled radiantly at her. Wanda, Natasha and Maria then huddled together on the couch and told the men to hold a competition right then and there.
You ignored the entire discussion altogether though, because on the screen you could now see your dance with Bucky unfold. It took your breath away as you watched it, almost as much as it had during the actual dance. Carefully you glanced to the side again, hoping to catch Bucky’s reaction to the wedding video, but he wasn’t sitting in the chair anymore. Slightly confused you glanced around the room. When had he left? Maria caught your eye and nodded her head in the direction of the balcony. You placed your empty plate on the table and got up off the floor, walking in the direction Maria had nodded towards.
The balcony door was open and through it you could see him standing in the darkness of the evening sky, lit only by the street lights from below. He appeared to be staring blindly into the slowly darkening city. He seemed to be a million miles away, not even noticing as you came closer.
“Hey,” you said softly, not wanting to break the stillness that seemed to linger out on the balcony, “What are you doing out here?”
“Thinking,” he replied with a small shrug, not looking away from the skyline before him.
“Oh good,” you chuckled, “‘cause you don’t do that enough already,” you finished with a smile and he finally turned to face you, his face contorted in confusion.
“What do you mean??” He wondered, a smile playing on his lips. He looked so beautiful in the fading orange light of the sun that had nearly set completely, and you took a moment to take in the sight. He’d gone to the barber, his untamed long locks gone to make way for a shorter cut and his bread reduced to a five o’clock shadow. He looked really good and you could feel your heart skipping a beat. What you wouldn’t give to lean against him now and hug him close.
“You tend to overthink things, love,” you offered instead, moving closer to the railing beside him and leaning against it. He chuckled at your words, not even trying to deny them.
“How have you been?” You wondered, you haven't seen or talked to him since your conversation over a week ago. You needed some time after that, despite the fact that you didn’t even get to the nitty gritty of your problems yet. There was just so much pain between the two of you, that it simply couldn’t be addressed in one single conversation.
“Had my first meeting yesterday,” Bucky confessed a little uneasy, not looking at you.
“Oh, what was it like?” You really couldn’t imagine what it must have been like for him to even begin to unravel all the things he had been suppressing. Not only had you never gone to therapy, but you had never personally had such difficult circumstances in your life either.
He shrugged, staring at his feet. His hands had been shoved deep into his pockets as soon as you had joined him on the balcony. He took his flesh hand out now to comb his fingers through his hair and scratch at his neck. It was hard to realise just how self-conscious his prosthetic still made him. Earlier that evening you’d had some small hope that it was getting better, when he had laid it gingerly in his lap, even though most of his hands had been covered by the sleeves of his sweater.
“It was…hard,” he finally confessed in a mere whisper.
“I’m sorry, Buck,” you said, wishing that there was something to make this easier for him, for everyone really. If only you could jump through time and leave the hard parts behind you and just get to the easier part.
“She made me recount my entire medical history, my time in the army, they even touched on my childhood,” he elaborated carefully, as if his words could scare you off now.
“That’s a lot,” you weren’t sure what to say to that, “Anything surprise you?”
“No, not really. I’ve had a good life. Until…” he couldn’t finish the sentence and you didn’t press him. You knew what he meant and knew that there would be a day where he would be able to speak of it. Until then, you didn’t need to rush or pressure him. He took the first step to healing. All that was left now was to give him time.
Silence hung between you for a few minutes. Bucky clearly wasn’t ready to tell you more, though you had been surprised by his openness so far. You accepted his boundaries and decided to try and get him back inside with the rest of the group. If only to get him out of the funk he seemed to be in.
“Why don’t you come back inside?” You reached out a hand for him to take, hoping it would appear as kind to him as it was intended.
“Nah, I’m just gonna go home,” he answered after a short silence, then quickly offered you a smile. You realised he was trying to soften his words with that smile and to show him that there were no hurt feelings here, you smiled back.
“Just so you know,” you began as you moved back through the door leading inside, “it is really good to have you back.” You smiled again, turned around and left him behind on the balcony while you joined the rest of the group in the living room.
Sitting down in the chair that Bucky had vacated earlier, Wanda quickly sat down on the armrest, leaning against you. You smiled brightly at her and she hugged you close. Not long after, Bucky came inside as well, bidding everyone goodbye. Clint walked him out and Sam decided that it was too early for the night to be over. He tried to convince everyone to go out, unfortunately, at least half of the occupants in the room deadpanned him and he agreed to a movie night instead.
All too soon, another discussion broke out between Steve and Sam, one that Maria broke off by informing them that tonight was all about Natasha and Clint. Steve and Sam mentioned that they’d had their day, but it was on deaf ears. They were the minority in this conversation. Of course, Nat and Clint couldn’t agree either and you just laughed as you watched them both trying to convince the other by promising favours. Finally, Clint gave in and a movie was chosen while you helped Natasha with snacks and drinks for everyone.
By the time you had settled into a seat and the movie had begun, your phone buzzed. Lazily you leaned forward to grab it from the table, without knocking Natasha over the head with it. She had picked a spot on the floor, right in front of you and she was painting your toenails as the movie played.
‘Glad to be back’
Four words, it was all the message entailed, but it caused a huge grin to flash over your features. It wasn’t much, but it was a definite start. It felt good and you decided to enjoy the moment for as long as you could. Ignoring the enquiring looks, you locked your phone and continued to watch the movie with the smile fixed on your face.
Chapter thirteen
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itsbuckysworld · 5 years
HELLO SPRING DAY 8 + Bingo Entry: The Gift of Being Together.
Pairing: Dad!Bucky x Reader Warnings: just a fluff avalanche! (huh, that’s theme appropriate) Category: AU! Everything’s ok, avengers don’t exist, they just a big family <3 Word Count: 3.3K Bingo Square Filled: Opening the wrong present for my @star-spangled-bingo card! Guest Appearance: Steef, Tony, Sam, Clint, Nat, Thor and their kids. PARENT AVENGERS!!!
u can blame @all1e23 for putting all the dad!bucky feels back in my mind which pushed me to finish this for today cause i was going to put it off until tomorrow. (i hope you) ENJOY!
Day 8: Hiding in the closet, he/she found...  for my Spring Short Story Writing Event + Bingo Square for my #StarSpangledBingo Card.
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The TV was on downstairs, as she slid her socked feet across the carpet, Mr. Louie dragging behind her by her hand, on the way to the hallway closet. Her hands reached up and out to open the door that softly creaked and swung outwards. The lightswitch was almost impossible to reach, but using the help of a couple strewn shoe boxes, her fingers snapped the light on, as one of her feet reached out, some boxes stumbling down to the carpet. Looking up, she saw it. Hiding in the closet, she found it, just a tiny edge of a square, wrapped in a pretty pink paper with white polka dots resembling snowflakes.
Almost in slow motion, her eyes widened, brown curls that adorned her face falling back as she arched her neck more and more to try and get a better glimpse and see if there was anything else there as well. Mr. Louie laying on the carpet long forgotten as she made grabby hands starting to reach up.
“Hey” the voice startled her, as she turned her head around in a flash, finding the tall figure approaching from the end of the stairs. “What are you doing up missy? And what are you doing searching in the closet?” Bucky kneeled down next to her, picking up the fallen boxes, a small amount of panic in his voice as he saw his daughter snooping in the closet, perched on very unstable boxes, the sight of the messy closet, brooms, leftover wood from last year’s renovations, buckets of paint, anything that cluttered the storage, everything completely unsafe for a 6 year old. 
“You can’t do that, you could get hurt, Bex” He scooped her up in his arms, and Mr. Louie the plush toy, closing the closet door in a swift motion as his daughter's eyes started to water.
“I’m sorry daddy, I was just looking for my christmas presents” Bucky stood there, shellshocked. What?
“Aw, bean, Santa will bring those Christmas morning, still a week away” the little girl in his arms shook her head furiously, tears threatening to spill as he entered her room. The mess of toys scattered on the ground reminded him he needed to do some serious cleaning. She was too old for some of them and would get new ones come Christmas either way.  “No! No he won’t! He’s not real” the little girl’s arms crossed over her chest dramatically.  “What do you mean he’s not real?” Bucky wiped her cheeks softly, not wanting to see any tears anymore.  “Jessica told me that her brother told her that Santa isn’t real, and that parents buy gifts and hide them in the closet” her pronunciation of the s’s a little slurred due to her missing front tooth.  “What? No way!” Bucky overly acted as he sat down on her tiny princess bed, tucking her back in “Santa is so real! Did I tell you I saw him delivering my presents when I was your age?” Little Becca’s eyes lit up. “Really?” Bucky nodded. “I did, and he told me to go back bed and continue being a nice kid, or else his magic didn’t work” “Woah” she giggled, clapping her hands excitedly. No way, her daddy had met Santa? Jessica would never believe her! “What about the pink present I saw in the closet?” once more Becca crossed her arms and pouted prettily. It almost turned Bucky to mush, as it usually did. She was too precious for words.
“You have to promise not to tell anyone, but that’s a present I got for Y/N” another gasp of surprised escaped his daughters mouth and he pressed his finger to his lips, shushing her and reminding her it’s a secret. More giggles and tiny claps followed the exchange. “Now, go to sleep, and keep being such a cutie” he tickled her tummy softly, earning the cutest of laughters, before shuffling her pillow and re-tucking her in “and I promise you, Santa’s magic will work and he’ll deliver presents all over the world” “Ok! I promise” and she closed her eyes shut so tightly, as if commanding herself to sleep right that second, it was comical. “Night, bean” there was a kiss pressed to her forehead and Bucky was gone, leaving the door slightly ajar and the nightlight on.
“Everything ok?” Bucky sighed, tired yet relieved at the same time, as he plopped on one end of the couch back where he was before the sound of boxes falling upstairs had caught his attention. His arm immediately returning to its position over the back of the couch and around your shoulders as you cuddled back up to his side, chin pressed to his chest, looking up at him. His blue eyes looked at you, dancing over your relaxed features, the tips of his fingers drawing random shapes on your side. 
“Yeah, snooping around for presents. That Jessica girl in her class had put it in her head that Santa’s not real” you gasped, faking great shock “Oh no” and Bucky let out a huff as if saying ‘outrageous, i know’. Your soft hand came up, caressing the hair at the nape of his neck. “Jeez, Rumlow should really pay attention to what he says around his kids” his head dropped back, exhausted already. “Yeah, and that Jessica is turning out to be a real mean girl, too” “Tell me about it” his eyes rolled quickly and then the two of you fell into a silent and short fit of laughter. He pressed quick kisses to your lips as he spoke next. “Told her the pink box in the closet is a gift for you, now i need to get you a gift” you pulled away, faking offense and giving him a comical glare “So you haven’t gotten me anything yet” “You know I did, now I gotta get you something else and wrap it in pink” you giggled, lips moving over his due to the proximity, causing him to smile “and I also have to lock the closet, keep her nosey-nose out”
The two of you pulled away, readjusting on the couch to return to the movie that was currently paused on the screen “I could take the presents to my place” you proposed casually, before he pressed play and he stopped in his tracks, looking at you with a look you couldn’t decipher, as if he was analyzing you, but looking past you at the same time, deep in thought. “Bring them back, say, late christmas eve? Arrange them while she sleeps.”
His lack of an answer made you sit up, turning to look at him. He was just sitting there looking at the TV remote with a fond yet distant look. “Babe?” a soft murmur that snapped him out of his trance, shaking his head and glancing back at you with a smile on his features. “That sound ok?” “Y-yeah, yeah” he rubbed his eyes and cleared his throat. “Come pick them up tomorrow while she’s at Nat’s?” you nodded eagerly, giving him another soft peck as you returned to cuddling and paying attention to the movie that Bucky couldn’t focus on anymore.
Huh… An idea.
“Merry Christmas!” Steve said opening the front door and in came tumbling the Rogers-Stark pack. Three rascals running in, a present in each hand as Steve carried three more and Tony brought in the eggnog, trailing right behind his husband. “Merry Christmas, punk” Bucky answered, trying his best to reach his best friend despite the attack on his legs that were his nephews and niece clinging to uncle Bucky and laughing.
You emerged from the kitchen, drying your hands with a towel, reindeer antlers perched up on your head and followed by Natasha that had already poured herself a glass of white wine. “Merry Christmas Steve, Merry Christmas Tony” you said and they walked over, both of them pressing a kiss to each of your cheeks at the same time, the surprise of their attack making you stumble back a little. “Mistletoe!” Tony claimed, unfurling his scarf from his neck and you rolled your eyes, remembering you had placed it there last night. As if on cue, Steve grabbed Bucky’s shoulders and pressed an equally wet and loud kiss on his cheek. “Ew” “You love me, idiot” Bucky shrugged at this, because it was true.
The kids dispersed, all gathering under the tree and opening gifts with Becca. It was tradition that every Christmas the gang would have a brunch at a different house. This year it was Bucky’s place, and as per rules, the kids all had to bring some of their gifts to open at the host’s house all together, and the host kid had to wait to open presents with the cousins. It was a lovely tradition, one that you had been part of twice. Last year when you and Bucky had been dating for a little over three months – he was afraid you’d run for the hills at the craziness that was this family of his, but you’d had the time of your life with his friends and their lovely kids – and now this year, when it was Bucky’s turn to host, but everyone called it Bucky and Y/N’s turn to host. The Barneses. God, did Bucky like the sound of that. 
It was Morgan, Stephen Jr. and Simon, the Rogers-Stark kids; Lana, Nat and Clint’s eldest, little baby Archie still too tiny to even understand what was happening; Troy, Thor and Jane’s only child; and then Uncle Sam, who didn’t have kids yet but was a big baby himself, who sat and opened presents with all his nieces and nephews wearing the goofiest elf costume ever. No one could deny he was the favourite uncle most of the time.
In the middle of all the commotion, the Christmas music, the mess of wrappers and silly photo taking, Bucky had grabbed your hand, pulling you away from the kitchen where you had just placed a cake in the oven so that come the afternoon the kids could decorate it. His lips found yours almost desperately, leaving you breathless as you tried to reciprocate had the huge smile on your face allowed you to kiss him just as hard. Sam whistled, making the two of you separate. Bucky shrugged, laughter bubbling in his chest and pointing at the cheeky mistletoe he’d placed by the living room.
He picked up a rectangular box, wrapped in familiar pink paper with white polka dots and you remembered the gift Becca had seen last week, rolling your eyes but not able to keep the snicker that bubbled up from inside you. Of course he’d gotten you that extra present. Extra because he had gotten you other presents, as you had him, and there was the promise of a Becca free night – that was Sam’s present to every couple in the room: he’d take the kids for a Christmas play and then sleepover at his house, leaving the grown ups with a night for them – not that you didn’t absolutely love Becca, but Bucky had made it abundantly clear earlier just how good he was going to treat you tonight, causing you to shiver in anticipation.
He nervously placed the pink gift in your hands with fidgety fingers and a hop in his stance. Soon he was scratching at his slight stubble – you said you liked his beard when you’d seen his college photos and he’s promised to grow one out again ever since – a sign of clear nervousness that had you arching your eyebrows in confusion.
He opened his mouth to start whatever speech accompanied the present, but was interrupted by a tug on his pants, Becca wanting him to see the cool science set Santa had left over at uncle Tony’s house.
He admired it with her, exclaiming a long ‘wow’ every time she pointed something cool the box showed and he read most of it with the typical amazed voice – “More than 30 experiments to do at home? That’s so crazy!” “Wow bean, look at that!” and “Did you say thank you to Uncle Tony for bringing it?” –
Standing back up and walking the few steps back to you felt like facing his judgement day. Specially when you still had a confused look on your face. “So…” “Gotta say” you started “really nice but, not for me” His heart dropped to his knees. Fuck, was this it? How was he going to recover from you rejecting his – friendship bracelet set? He stared at the box you put up for him to see with confusion. “Oh my–” he facepalmed himself when realization struck. That was Becca’s pink wrapped present. “My bad, my bad” “Hey, if you want to make bracelets we can, I mean” “Shush, shush, woman” you laughed, mocking him as he trotted over to the pile of gifts by the tree, picking up the correct present, a dumb grin on his face that was still laced with some jittery nerves. “This one” the new pink box was placed on your hands and you couldn’t stop giggling as you teared at the paper.
Inside you found a gorgeous key fob, the different blue patterns contrasting the pink of the starfishes as it all came together for a very beachy, tropical design, and attached was already a set of two keys. You looked at Bucky with a happy yet confused grin. “Moveinwithme” was all the he said in, words almost crashing together with how fast he let it all out along with a huff of a breath he had been holding in. “What?” “I know! I know… I know I said we-we should take it slow, f-for Becca’s sake, and mine too, I know what- what I said a year ago, and I have not dated in… wow so long, until you and maybe this is too fast? Or, or, or maybe not, but I just…–” “Buck…” “– I just thought that this was the next step and I’m ready for it and I hope you agree with me and are okay with this too and if not then that’s ok! We-we, I can forget about this, never happened, just please, please... don’t leave? It’s –” “Bucky” “It’s just, the other day!… Uh, wow, the other day you offered to keep the presents at your place and, and it shocked me, okay? Because this… this is your place too, you know? You’re… you’re my place.–” “James” his hands come up almost holding your shoulders. “I mean! I mean in my mind you’re here, like when I come home from work or from picking up Bex, I’m wishing you were there, you know? And you’re already here so much too and it’s great, perfect even, and Becca! Oh gosh Becca adores you and so do I, and, and, am I rambling too much? Am I, did-did I overstep? Becaus–” you stop his rambling closing the gap between you, key chain pressed between your chests and your other hand on his neck, keeping him in place as you kiss him so deeply, ecstatic, filled with love. His hands find a resting spot on your waist and lower back, as the tension on his shoulders vanishes and he sighs a sigh of relief out his nose, melting into your touch and kissing you like you’re his only source of life, the chatter and celebration fading in the distance, he’s just kissing you, that’s all he is right now.
There’s some slight hollering and hooting from his friends that slowly snaps the two of you out of the bubble and a high pitched shriek that he recognizes is from Becca as she runs all the way from the other end of the living room, squeezing between your legs as she jumps up and down excitedly. “YAY! Daddy did you ask Y/N to marry you? Is she going to be my mommy?!”
Bucky chokes and coughs, eyes bulging out of his sockets, your hand covering your mouth as you try to conceal a shocked laughter attack. Clint is close by, ready to save the day. “Okay! Children, let’s go outside, help auntie Nat set the table for food yeah?” he’s guiding little Becca by her shoulders, him and Nat filing all the kids out of the house and to the backyard, the adults walking right behind them but at a slower pace, trying to catch whatever conversation will go down between Bucky who can’t be any redder and you. Bunch of gossips they are. 
“Uh, oh God, I’m not… I mean” all you do is nod, understanding him completely, and he can read it in your eyes that you do, which immediately helps him breathe “phew, I mean… kids, huh?”
You can tell he’s still feeling incredibly awkward and exposed, but you can comfort him better than no one else. Inching closer, lips barely touching his, hand returning to his neck in a sweet and seductive manner, you whisper “I’d marry you in a heartbeat” before pressing another short kiss to his hot mouth. “Hmm, really?” all you do is nod, biting your lip, another soft kiss. “I love you” “Hmm” he agrees unable to stop kissing you, softly, sensually, with everything in him. When he does, his lips are still hot and red and brushing against yours “I love you”
Soft I love you’s keep being shared between short kisses. A clear of someone’s throat breaks the moment apart, it’s Steve, leaning on the entrance to the kitchen
“Sorry to interrupt... something’s burning?” he points to the kitchen and you let out a quick oops! remembering the baked pasta you’d started long ago. Your hands are placed on Bucky’s chest. “Right! There’s a brunch to host” another quick peck is pressed to his lips and you’re hurrying towards the kitchen. “And a move in to plan! Congrats” Steve says to the both of you, cheeks coming aflame before you enter the kitchen, not before dropping the key chain, still in its box, inside your purse. Steve’s hand claps on his best friend’s back, inciting another deep breath of relief from him. “Gotta admit, thought you’d be asking her to marry you” the two men began a slow trek to the backyard, the closer they got the more hushed their conversation got. A nervous chuckle escapes Bucky “I wanted- want to. Then I thought I was going too fast…” “Uh-huh, so we’re acting like you haven’t spent the last month looking at rings during your free time at work?” Bucky rolls his eyes and Steve’s laughter is booming “Just saying, so I know how to act, you know?”
Steve is right, Bucky’s plans were different, but at the mention of you calling your apartment your place, he thought maybe this step wasn’t that big, it wouldn’t scare you off – It didn’t terrify him as much. The thought of you saying no? Leaving? A nightmare. He had a kid to look after, and he wasn’t going to do a good job at that with his heart completely shattered if you left. Plus, Becca? she already loved you, what would he do without you? – 
But now he knows you’re not going to be scared off so easily. He wanted to take it slow when he’d first met you, and you had complied, going along at his pace, and now? Now all he wanted was everything, but with you. His smile almost split his face in half when he spotted you, plating food for Becca and sitting her on your lap to help her eat. You were everything he was looking for, so why was he going so damn slow? “Do yourself a favour and ask her already” “Soon, Steve… Soon” Bucky took his rightful place next to you and Becca, his family.
I WENT HAM! Had this idea a few days back and remembered my bingo card so i decided to go for it and Allie already put me in a dad mood so i knew i just had to finish this and post it for my own sake cause oh my god. I’m desperate for dad Bucky right now, like im in a parental mood and it can’t be stopped. 
feedback is greatly appreciated and encouraged.
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lovelyirony · 4 years
91. “I only ever thought there were two kinds of love: The kind you would kill for, and the kind you would die for…but you, my darling, you were the kind of love I would live for.” sharon/bucky
As Bucky is running away from government agents trying to snipe him for killing a politician, he supposes Natasha’s argument for him being suicidal might have the tiniest bit evidence behind it, which he previously argued it didn’t. 
As he slides underneath a car, he debates whether or not she’ll find out about this one. He feels a buzz from his phone in his pocket. 
Yeah, she knows. 
He shoots one of the agents, nicking him in the knee. Oof, that’s gonna be a fun story to tell his grandkids about why they can’t climb on his lap. But he needs to get away, and that involves potentially shooting through a car. 
Potentially turns into definitely and there’s enough of a distraction that he can commandeer a car, drive at least ten blocks away, and ditch it to run on foot, calling Natasha. 
“You got my location, right?” 
“Of course, you fucking idiot,” Natasha curses. “You...god I hate you sometimes. The job’s at least done, right?” 
“Yeah. I’ll have to lay low, though. Which sucks because my apartment is right in the city.” 
“I already have a punishment and idea for you in one.” 
“I...what is it?” 
“Sam’s picking you up. Tell you when you get to base. Bye.” 
Bucky groans. 
She must be really pissed at him. 
Sam picks him up in the shittiest economy car in the world. 
“I hate you for picking this one,” Bucky groans. 
“A stupid decision grants a stupid car, that’s why you’re getting picked up in the 1995 Ford Fiesta of shame,” Sam says. “Nat’s real mad. And I also think you’re going to hate your next assignment.” 
Bucky’s not sure what’s gonna happen. He’s hoping he’s not on latrine duty. 
Oh, it’s so much worse. 
“Protection detail?” Bucky asks. “And undercover? All at once? Nat, come on. I bet we don’t even need undercover.” 
"You both are doing undercover because you both fucked up,” Natasha says. “And since apparently you don’t know how to act, maybe this will get you better lessons.” 
“Cold,” Sam hisses. 
“I will legally ask you to shut the fuck up,” Bucky growls out. 
He packs his things. Realizes that Sam got to choose the name so his name is Roger Stevens. Fucking shit. (Steve, of course, approved this. Because Steve is an asshole.) 
“Why does she even need a protector?” Bucky growls out, driving to the house. It’s in suburbia. 
“Because she fucked up and whoever she pissed off might send more than she can handle,” Natasha says. 
“We’re hinging my being here on a ‘maybe’?” 
“And because you got caught by government agents, which would be a rookie move,” Natasha says. “There’s a reason that I can still go my same nail salon for five years and now you have to get your hair cut somewhere else. And why you got a wedding china set and you have a backstory of being married.” 
“I hate you.” 
“A lot of people do, take a number.” 
If it helps (and it mostly doesn’t), Sharon Carter is also not happy. She is in the house with the most dangerous look Bucky has seen. 
“So I’m stuck in this fucking hell house with him?” Sharon asks. 
Maria Hill is her boss. Woman is a scary, competent human. Bucky wouldn’t cross her. 
(Then again, you also shouldn’t cross a certain redhead who could make you disappear within twenty minutes, maybe thirty if it’s a surprise. But he did.) 
“Keys are by the front door, hope you know your address! Bye!” Natasha says. “Don’t kill each other or we lose the deposit!” 
Maria Hill smiles. Of course the only time Bucky’s ever seen her smile is at the suffering of others. How typical. 
So then they are left alone. 
“Let’s read the cover story,” Sharon says. “And I don’t need protection, Maria’s just paranoid.” 
Bucky snorts. 
“Yeah, okay, let’s go with that.” 
Sharon sends him a sharp look. 
They meet while on a cruise. 
Bucky fucking hates his life. 
“A fucking cruise,” he mutters. “As if I would ever step foot onto any of those fucking--” 
“We had a beach wedding?!” Sharon cries out. “Oh my god, I can’t believe it!” 
They are both in a bad mood. 
It’s also awkward because this is a house. They have decorations. They have tea towels. 
And a neighbor comes to visit. 
“Welcome to the neighborhood!” she says brightly. “My name is Karen Tent, so lovely to meet you both!” 
She then invades the house with her Tupperware. Literally speeds past them and it’s not like Sharon judo-chop her throat or anything. 
“What a lovely house you two have!” Karen cheers. “Of course the color palette is a little bit drab, but I’m sure you’ll change that soon enough. When Linda told me we had new neighbors, I could hardly believe it myself, but here you are! Now, how did you two meet? Have you married yet? If not, I hope that you are living apart, you know.” 
“The rings are in boxes,” Sharon answers smoothly, noting that they’ll need to ask Maria where the fuck the rings are. “You know how move-ins are. I’m Melanie Stevens, this is Roger Stevens. How nice to see you so very unexpectedly.” 
“Well, that’s what neighbors are for!” Karen answers, her voice shrill as ever. “I brought over my famous cookie bars. Everyone says they’re good, and I believe they always are. Tell me Melanie, what do you like baking most?” 
“Yes dear, tell her,” Bucky answers, smiling. “I seem to remember...lemon bars?” 
“That’s right,” Sharon says, sending Bucky a smile. “They are really good. Just delightful.” 
“Oh you’ll have to bring some over!” Karen responds. “Now, let me tell you a little bit about the neighborhood...” 
She talks for a fucking hour. Bucky wants to drink. So badly. He saw the wine on the counter. 
Sharon, to her credit, keeps trying to use certain “end” phrases. Karen either knows it and knows she won’t be budging, or will not ever take a hint in her lifetime. 
“And you simply must not ever play loud music in your backyard,” Karen says. “We’ve had a couple of problems with the Richardsons, but nothing a few calls won’t fix.” 
“You called the police?” Sharon asks. 
“Well yes!” 
“Oh my god,” Bucky mutters. 
“I am sure that’s not exactly the measure I would have done,” Sharon says. “But I am tired and don’t want to get into it now,” she says quickly, noticing Karen’s “confused” expression. 
“I say we need some time to rest, today is gonna be a lot of moving,” he says. “So nice of you to stop by, Karen. I’ll return your dish as soon as possible.” 
Karen is ushered out the door, placated with two waves, and they both groan. 
“I’m gonna fucking hate everything after this,” Sharon mutters. “My name is fucking Melanie. Maria knows...” she trails off, facing the very real boxes that were obviously packed with dishes and miscellaneous items. 
Bucky finds four spatulas. He doesn’t know why there are four. 
“What the fuck,” he mutters, noting the incredibly cheesy salt-and-pepper set. 
“Welcome to married life,” Sharon says sarcastically. “We’re gonna have a blast.” 
Dinner is spent with Sharon trying to convince Bucky that she’s “fine” and in “no danger” at all. 
“Who did you piss off?” 
“Oh my god. You’re screwed.” 
“He’s a lapdog, I’m not screwed.” 
“He’s the lapdog of Pierce. You’re screwed.” 
Sharon thunks her head on the table. 
“Can we at least repaint the bedrooms? They suck.” 
“If you think I’m sleeping in a separate room you’re dead wrong,” Bucky says. “You have a target the size of New York on your back. Uh-uh.” 
“You will sleep on the floor and get out when I shower or change,” Sharon threatens. 
“Of course.” 
“Good. Then it’s settled.” 
Married life is not so bad. Except when Karen and the rest of the neighbors tend to visit or talk to them for about fifteen minutes on the lawn. 
“It’s your turn to cut the grass,” Sharon groans, flopping on the couch. “If I have to hear Kevin tell me one more time that you should be treating me better, I’m going to explode. He’s trying to lecture me on how to cut grass.” 
“On it,” Bucky says. “Your turn to go get groceries, I ran into Karen and her kid last time. I think she wants me to stop buying so much hummus.” 
“Not our fault it’s good,” Sharon mutters. 
And then, of course, avoiding the various assassins that are sent out at random intervals and at public locations (including their own house) while convincing the neighbors that there’s nothing going on. 
This involves pretending an agent of Hydra is their cousin. 
“This is Jen, she’s visiting for the day!” Sharon says, squeezing “Jen’s” wrist hard enough to make her stay quiet. “We have so much to catch up on, you probably won’t see me or--or Roger again for the day! Ha ha!” 
“Well where’s her car?” Linda asks, looking around the neighborhood. “I don’t see anything...” 
“She’s a hippie environmentalist, she walked,” Bucky answers. “Jen, let’s go catch up in the house, yeah?” 
“Yeah,” the agent squeaks out sadly, knowing exactly what is going to happen. 
She’s delivered tied up in rope on the steps of Maria’s office with a note of “please stop this from happening we’re planting azaleas.” 
Maria snorts. 
Bucky starts to think they’re getting too attached to this. It’s been four months. 
He started a garden. They’re growing tomatoes. 
He also notices Sharon a little bit differently. 
Because she drags him out of bed. 
“Legally? You have to go to brunch with me. Illegally? You like the breakfast burrito too much.” 
She’s scarily competent with anything that could be classed as a weapon. Or their groceries. 
“Are you kidding me?” Bucky yells at her as she throws the jar of tomato sauce. “I am not cleaning that up!” 
“Tough shit!” Sharon answers, dodging a bullet. “It wasn’t even the good kind of tomato sauce!” 
“It was fine, sweetheart!” Bucky growls out. 
“Don’t ‘sweetheart’ me in the middle of a battle!” Sharon yells. “Strictly after!” 
“You’re the weirdest fucking married couple,” one of the agents wheezes out as Bucky is holding him as a sort of shield. 
“Thanks,” they say in unison, grinning. 
The punishment for them both doesn’t exactly turn out as planned, both Natasha and Maria agree. In fact, it is almost worse. 
They are both reckless, subvert orders, and get along like a house on fire by the end of it. 
“You can still be together, we just need the house back,” Natasha says. 
“Thank god,” Bucky groans. “I get to stop being Roger and I get rid of Karen in one fell swoop.” 
Sharon untenses her shoulders while she’s sitting at the kitchen table. 
“Can I keep the knife set?” 
“No,” Maria says. “I’ll send you a link to where I got it.” 
“Why can’t I keep it if you can get another set?” 
“Steal it,” Bucky stage-whispers. Sharon grins back at him. 
“You have the best ideas, babe.” 
“You are not stealing anything,” Maria scowls. 
“Sure we aren’t,” Bucky says easily. 
“You stole my heart,” Sharon sing-songs, knowing damn well it’s going to make Maria barf. 
“Aw babe...” Bucky says, holding her hand. Natasha fake-retches. 
“I hate you both,” she declares. “And I won’t be there for your actual wedding.” 
“You made us tell people we had a wedding on a beach, were you assuming that you were getting an invitation?” Bucky asks. 
Sharon snickers, getting the last of her bags out into the car. 
“Where to now?” she asks him. 
“I think that there are some apartments we can look at...” 
“We’ve made a collective monster,” Maria decides, blinking. “We Frankensteined this.” 
“We did,” Natasha says, staring at the house. There are still little bits of glass. An unfortunately busted can of beans where someone had been knocked out and they had “conveniently” forgotten to clean it up from yesterday. 
Well. Sharon and Bucky are going to cause havoc on the world. Maria and Natasha just hope they can cover the other while doing so. 
As Bucky is running away from government agents trying to snipe him for killing a politician, he supposes Natasha’s argument for him being suicidal might have the tiniest bit evidence behind it, which he previously argued it didn’t. 
As he slides underneath a car, he debates whether or not she’ll find out about this one. He feels a buzz from his phone in his pocket. 
Yeah, she knows. 
He shoots one of the agents, nicking him in the knee. Oof, that’s gonna be a fun story to tell his grandkids about why they can’t climb on his lap. But he needs to get away, and that involves potentially shooting through a car. 
Potentially turns into definitely and there’s enough of a distraction that he can commandeer a car, drive at least ten blocks away, and ditch it to run on foot, calling Natasha. 
“You got my location, right?” 
“Of course, you fucking idiot,” Natasha curses. “You...god I hate you sometimes. The job’s at least done, right?” 
“Yeah. I’ll have to lay low, though. Which sucks because my apartment is right in the city.” 
“I already have a punishment and idea for you in one.” 
“I...what is it?” 
“Sam’s picking you up. Tell you when you get to base. Bye.” 
Bucky groans. 
She must be really pissed at him. 
Sam picks him up in the shittiest economy car in the world. 
“I hate you for picking this one,” Bucky groans. 
“A stupid decision grants a stupid car, that’s why you’re getting picked up in the 1995 Ford Fiesta of shame,” Sam says. “Nat’s real mad. And I also think you’re going to hate your next assignment.” 
Bucky’s not sure what’s gonna happen. He’s hoping he’s not on latrine duty. 
Oh, it’s so much worse. 
“Protection detail?” Bucky asks. “And undercover? All at once? Nat, come on. I bet we don’t even need undercover.” 
"You both are doing undercover because you both fucked up,” Natasha says. “And since apparently you don’t know how to act, maybe this will get you better lessons.” 
“Cold,” Sam hisses. 
“I will legally ask you to shut the fuck up,” Bucky growls out. 
He packs his things. Realizes that Sam got to choose the name so his name is Roger Stevens. Fucking shit. (Steve, of course, approved this. Because Steve is an asshole.) 
“Why does she even need a protector?” Bucky growls out, driving to the house. It’s in suburbia. 
“Because she fucked up and whoever she pissed off might send more than she can handle,” Natasha says. 
“We’re hinging my being here on a ‘maybe’?” 
“And because you got caught by government agents, which would be a rookie move,” Natasha says. “There’s a reason that I can still go my same nail salon for five years and now you have to get your hair cut somewhere else. And why you got a wedding china set and you have a backstory of being married.” 
“I hate you.” 
“A lot of people do, take a number.” 
If it helps (and it mostly doesn’t), Sharon Carter is also not happy. She is in the house with the most dangerous look Bucky has seen. 
“So I’m stuck in this fucking hell house with him?” Sharon asks. 
Maria Hill is her boss. Woman is a scary, competent human. Bucky wouldn’t cross her. 
(Then again, you also shouldn’t cross a certain redhead who could make you disappear within twenty minutes, maybe thirty if it’s a surprise. But he did.) 
“Keys are by the front door, hope you know your address! Bye!” Natasha says. “Don’t kill each other or we lose the deposit!” 
Maria Hill smiles. Of course the only time Bucky’s ever seen her smile is at the suffering of others. How typical. 
So then they are left alone. 
“Let’s read the cover story,” Sharon says. “And I don’t need protection, Maria’s just paranoid.” 
Bucky snorts. 
“Yeah, okay, let’s go with that.” 
Sharon sends him a sharp look. 
They meet while on a cruise. 
Bucky fucking hates his life. 
“A fucking cruise,” he mutters. “As if I would ever step foot onto any of those fucking--” 
“We had a beach wedding?!” Sharon cries out. “Oh my god, I can’t believe it!” 
They are both in a bad mood. 
It’s also awkward because this is a house. They have decorations. They have tea towels. 
And a neighbor comes to visit. 
“Welcome to the neighborhood!” she says brightly. “My name is Karen Tent, so lovely to meet you both!” 
She then invades the house with her Tupperware. Literally speeds past them and it’s not like Sharon judo-chop her throat or anything. 
“What a lovely house you two have!” Karen cheers. “Of course the color palette is a little bit drab, but I’m sure you’ll change that soon enough. When Linda told me we had new neighbors, I could hardly believe it myself, but here you are! Now, how did you two meet? Have you married yet? If not, I hope that you are living apart, you know.” 
“The rings are in boxes,” Sharon answers smoothly, noting that they’ll need to ask Maria where the fuck the rings are. “You know how move-ins are. I’m Melanie Stevens, this is Roger Stevens. How nice to see you so very unexpectedly.” 
“Well, that’s what neighbors are for!” Karen answers, her voice shrill as ever. “I brought over my famous cookie bars. Everyone says they’re good, and I believe they always are. Tell me Melanie, what do you like baking most?” 
“Yes dear, tell her,” Bucky answers, smiling. “I seem to remember...lemon bars?” 
“That’s right,” Sharon says, sending Bucky a smile. “They are really good. Just delightful.” 
“Oh you’ll have to bring some over!” Karen responds. “Now, let me tell you a little bit about the neighborhood...” 
She talks for a fucking hour. Bucky wants to drink. So badly. He saw the wine on the counter. 
Sharon, to her credit, keeps trying to use certain “end” phrases. Karen either knows it and knows she won’t be budging, or will not ever take a hint in her lifetime. 
“And you simply must not ever play loud music in your backyard,” Karen says. “We’ve had a couple of problems with the Richardsons, but nothing a few calls won’t fix.” 
“You called the police?” Sharon asks. 
“Well yes!” 
“Oh my god,” Bucky mutters. 
“I am sure that’s not exactly the measure I would have done,” Sharon says. “But I am tired and don’t want to get into it now,” she says quickly, noticing Karen’s “confused” expression. 
“I say we need some time to rest, today is gonna be a lot of moving,” he says. “So nice of you to stop by, Karen. I’ll return your dish as soon as possible.” 
Karen is ushered out the door, placated with two waves, and they both groan. 
“I’m gonna fucking hate everything after this,” Sharon mutters. “My name is fucking Melanie. Maria knows...” she trails off, facing the very real boxes that were obviously packed with dishes and miscellaneous items. 
Bucky finds four spatulas. He doesn’t know why there are four. 
“What the fuck,” he mutters, noting the incredibly cheesy salt-and-pepper set. 
“Welcome to married life,” Sharon says sarcastically. “We’re gonna have a blast.” 
Dinner is spent with Sharon trying to convince Bucky that she’s “fine” and in “no danger” at all. 
“Who did you piss off?” 
“Oh my god. You’re screwed.” 
“He’s a lapdog, I’m not screwed.” 
“He’s the lapdog of Pierce. You’re screwed.” 
Sharon thunks her head on the table. 
“Can we at least repaint the bedrooms? They suck.” 
“If you think I’m sleeping in a separate room you’re dead wrong,” Bucky says. “You have a target the size of New York on your back. Uh-uh.” 
“You will sleep on the floor and get out when I shower or change,” Sharon threatens. 
“Of course.” 
“Good. Then it’s settled.” 
Married life is not so bad. Except when Karen and the rest of the neighbors tend to visit or talk to them for about fifteen minutes on the lawn. 
“It’s your turn to cut the grass,” Sharon groans, flopping on the couch. “If I have to hear Kevin tell me one more time that you should be treating me better, I’m going to explode. He’s trying to lecture me on how to cut grass.” 
“On it,” Bucky says. “Your turn to go get groceries, I ran into Karen and her kid last time. I think she wants me to stop buying so much hummus.” 
“Not our fault it’s good,” Sharon mutters. 
And then, of course, avoiding the various assassins that are sent out at random intervals and at public locations (including their own house) while convincing the neighbors that there’s nothing going on. 
This involves pretending an agent of Hydra is their cousin. 
“This is Jen, she’s visiting for the day!” Sharon says, squeezing “Jen’s” wrist hard enough to make her stay quiet. “We have so much to catch up on, you probably won’t see me or--or Roger again for the day! Ha ha!” 
“Well where’s her car?” Linda asks, looking around the neighborhood. “I don’t see anything...” 
“She’s a hippie environmentalist, she walked,” Bucky answers. “Jen, let’s go catch up in the house, yeah?” 
“Yeah,” the agent squeaks out sadly, knowing exactly what is going to happen. 
She’s delivered tied up in rope on the steps of Maria’s office with a note of “please stop this from happening we’re planting azaleas.” 
Maria snorts. 
Bucky starts to think they’re getting too attached to this. It’s been four months. 
He started a garden. They’re growing tomatoes. 
He also notices Sharon a little bit differently. 
Because she drags him out of bed. 
“Legally? You have to go to brunch with me. Illegally? You like the breakfast burrito too much.” 
She’s scarily competent with anything that could be classed as a weapon. Or their groceries. 
“Are you kidding me?” Bucky yells at her as she throws the jar of tomato sauce. “I am not cleaning that up!” 
“Tough shit!” Sharon answers, dodging a bullet. “It wasn’t even the good kind of tomato sauce!” 
“It was fine, sweetheart!” Bucky growls out. 
“Don’t ‘sweetheart’ me in the middle of a battle!” Sharon yells. “Strictly after!” 
“You’re the weirdest fucking married couple,” one of the agents wheezes out as Bucky is holding him as a sort of shield. 
“Thanks,” they say in unison, grinning. 
The punishment for them both doesn’t exactly turn out as planned, both Natasha and Maria agree. In fact, it is almost worse. 
They are both reckless, subvert orders, and get along like a house on fire by the end of it. 
“You can still be together, we just need the house back,” Natasha says. 
“Thank god,” Bucky groans. “I get to stop being Roger and I get rid of Karen in one fell swoop.” 
Sharon untenses her shoulders while she’s sitting at the kitchen table. 
“Can I keep the knife set?” 
“No,” Maria says. “I’ll send you a link to where I got it.” 
“Why can’t I keep it if you can get another set?” 
“Steal it,” Bucky stage-whispers. Sharon grins back at him. 
“You have the best ideas, babe.” 
“You are not stealing anything,” Maria scowls. 
“Sure we aren’t,” Bucky says easily. 
“You stole my heart,” Sharon sing-songs, knowing damn well it’s going to make Maria barf. 
“Aw babe...” Bucky says, holding her hand. Natasha fake-retches. 
“I hate you both,” she declares. “And I won’t be there for your actual wedding.” 
“You made us tell people we had a wedding on a beach, were you assuming that you were getting an invitation?” Bucky asks. 
Sharon snickers, getting the last of her bags out into the car. 
“Where to now?” she asks him. 
“I think that there are some apartments we can look at...” 
“We’ve made a collective monster,” Maria decides, blinking. “We Frankensteined this.” 
“We did,” Natasha says, staring at the house. There are still little bits of glass. An unfortunately busted can of beans where someone had been knocked out and they had “conveniently” forgotten to clean it up from yesterday. 
Well. Sharon and Bucky are going to cause havoc on the world. Maria and Natasha just hope they can cover the other while doing so. 
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