#uncharted 2 spoilers
glassrunner · 2 months
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My Top 5:
@delzinrowe asked: top 5 video game villains?
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camalyng · 1 year
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Chloe Frazer, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (2017) // Drifter, Destiny 2 "Season of the Deep" (2023)
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mossbone · 2 years
C3E37 and Genre Thoughts
I’m seeing so many theories on the latest episode re: Laudna’s past and the things we saw, and here’s my take. On the last 4-sided dive, Marisha said she based ~Laudna~ as her character’s name based on laudanum, the medication. She chose it because “it sounded a little weird, and hazy...and fucks with your head.”
I believe episode 37 reflected that, on purpose.
With the additional knowledge that her birth name was ~Matilda~ it makes so much sense that she has such a personality-fitting name, because she chose it. And I don’t think it’s a coincidence that as a lonely child with magic powers she shared a name with Roald Dahl’s famous Matilda who did the same. But then Matilda died, and her narrative, her genre changed. So of course her name did too.
Delilah has been messing with her head and her memories for 30-odd years and episode 37 really showed us exactly what that looks like. The ages jumping around, the town shifting illogically, the purple sparks of our favorite dead girl answering to both names sometimes, the uncertainty of whether or not fighting her worst memories was changing anything, unsure if they were reaching out to her actual spirit all those times...not even knowing if the horrorscape was under the control of Delilah, or Laudna, or Something Else.
In the horror-adjacent novel Harrow the Ninth, there are both real ghosts and personal hallucinations and we never really get closure on which was which for certain scenes. The author goes into a little bit about that being on purpose, because sometimes the horror is in not knowing, and sometimes the horror is in having to rely on people you cannot trust to tell you what’s real, and sometimes it doesn’t matter if the horrors are physically real or not because you are experiencing them and that’s all that matters.
I feel like Matt took a similar approach with this episode, and I see so many people trying to decipher a Fundamental Truth about why Andy called her Matilda but her parents called her Laudna or other inconsistencies that happened. The theories are getting more and more elaborate, and like, that makes sense! Human nature is to solve mysteries! And I could be wrong but I don’t think there is an in-universe concrete reason. Of course people want there to be an answer—it’s terrifying to not understand what’s happening around you. But this was a horror episode! We got to see the characters physically explore the confusion and manipulation going on in Laudna’s head, so I think some things were meant to be nebulous or outright contradictory. Trauma does that to the brain. It makes you remember things wrong, and having the woman who killed you squatting in your mind, filling it with dark powers and shadowy illusions only expounds on that. Which is terrifying! So of course us viewers don’t like that and are trying to find safe logical paths to The Truth. But sometimes The Truth isn’t simple. Sometimes you can’t find the clues to understand what Actually Happened.
This episode, we got an inside look into Laudna’s mind. It was weird, and hazy, and fucked. Like a too-strong dose of laudanum.
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justporo · 11 months
Astarion, Staeve and the others barely survived their last big fight. Staeve can barely take the exhaustion which might or might not be amplified by how his local vampire has been regularly feeding on him. He desperately tries to push through... And Astarion has a few things to say about that.
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Author's Note: This will be quite long, so... sorry! But I have a few things to add about this. First of all, I dedicate this piece of writing to the lovely @velnna - creator of the legendary Staeve and incredible artist! (Check him out if you don't know him already, I will say it again) This story is a continuation to "Bloodless". Back during writing that I already imagined Staeve being the Tav in that story (but didn't officially make it so). Back then I was waaay to too scared to tag velnna - but: I recently found out (well, he told me himself- and very kindly), that he indeed found it, read it - and liked it! (I was in shock...) And so I immediately thought that I would have to write an actual Staeve x Astarion piece for him. So here we are! @velnna, thank you so much for your kind words - I will be thinking of this and be motivated by it for a long time! And thank you also for all the amazing art you provide this community with! It's written from the usual second person POV - but it's STAEVE!
Pairing: Astarion/Staeve (You, male reader) Warnings: none, but major Act 2 spoilers so it will fully remain below the cut Wordcount: 3,5k ~~~
Barely, just barely had you all made it out of this godsdamned mausoleum alive. And after slaying a demon, oh, some other folks too, completing the Gauntlet of Shar, and a trip to the Shadowfell, you felt positively exhausted. And you felt that it was rightfully earned. Especially knowing that you wouldn’t get much rest before you were taking on an even bigger threat.
No rest for the wicked, it seemed – even though you weren’t entirely sure if that meant you or your foes.
You’d been pretty much exhausted even before you had entered the mausoleum and then what lay beneath (and before a certain devil had made it even worse). All because a certain vampire had to be kept fed and happy. Not that you were complaining about it though.
The two of you had your disagreements about it. Especially since you had already ended up in the dirt once because you might’ve been just a tad too eager about offering your neck to the vampire. You had both agreed to take it a bit slower after that - at least with the whole feeding thing.
Although you had still felt like it hadn’t been that much of a deal, the vampire had kept hissing at you to not be so desperate, as he called it. You would have called it: being way too stubborn to accept some godsdamned help.
And that is what had become of you both: two idiots, not really being able to admit to each other how deeply you actually cared for the other. Until just recently.
But even with that - it still meant you were both very much on uncharted territory. And putting feelings into words after such a long time of just trying to suppress them was by far not an easy feat to achieve.
And then, when you had entered the Shadowlands with barely anything alive in it – what else could you have done but to offer yourself up again? Astarion’s survival instincts had kicked in once more and so had your urge to provide – for as long as you were able to be there for him.
On top of that, the moments of tenderness that always followed, holding each other, kissing each other, deeply, – and before a certain night not long ago, often more – had done their fair share of consoling you about just a little blood loss. Barely anything couldn’t be forgotten as long as you were laying in the arms of someone you wanted to just keep holding onto – right?
But as much as you tried to ignore it: you still felt it. Felt how the generous donations to your local vampire tended to make you a little sluggish. Maybe it was even a bit more than just a little. More than once causing you to only make a critical dodge or lift your blade to parry in the last possible moment. Your A game definitely looked different.
But then again: did you want to be responsible for Astarion’s waning strength when it was so easy to just saunter over to him in the evening? Talk to him, get him to throw some of his sultry lines at you, cheesing your way to the same moment almost every night where you deliberately offered the vampire to feed on you. And he always accepted in the end.
It had become a well practised dance between the two of you over the past time spent in these godsforsaken lands. And so it had been in like about you trying to hide the effects all of this had on your constitution 
So, when you had come out of the damned crypt – alive, even if only by a hair – your first order had been to lie down. Just right in front of the stone arch. Right in the dirt.
“Gods above and below”, you whispered, letting out a sigh and spreading out all of your limbs.
As soon as you made contact with the ground you knew it would be next to impossible to get up again in the near future. So, you settled for getting cosy with what you got. Which meant wiggling around until you found a somewhat comfortable position where the sword on your back wouldn’t press too much into your back.
“Gods, Staeve, you couldn’t wait ten seconds?”, Shadowheart scoffed and made a big step over one of your stretched out limbs – too stubborn to actually find a way around you. Incredible, how she still had the energy to be sassy after everything that must be weighing on her mind now. But then again, you really couldn’t blame her for deflecting with a generous amount of sarcasm.
“Ten seconds? What difference would that have made, eh?”, you answered her.
You lifted your head up a little. “I’d just be lying over there then”, you continued and weakly pointed down the path a bit.
The cleric just rolled her eyes at you and groaned at you again as the rest of the companions left the dusty old place as well. All of you blood covered and feeling exhaustion down to your bones.
You closed your eyes as you felt the fatigue grab almost complete hold of you. Meanwhile you heard how some of the others settled down around you. Halsin, who’d been lightly injured in the fight, winced as he sat down.
Your eyes flew open at the sound of it and lifting your head up again, you looked at him. But the druid just smiled and waved you off - no big deal, thankfully. So you let your head sink to the ground again, eyes shutting with a sigh. You barely had it in you to stay awake right this moment.
Your limbs felt heavy as lead, and you felt the drag on your eyelids. Meanwhile your pulse was still thrumming in your chest and your ears. A nervous rhythm that threatened to become the only thing baring you from drifting off to blissful and much needed sleep.
You were well aware that this kind of exhaustion wasn’t normal - even with everything you and the others had gone through. It had slowly become more and more - up to where you were now lying in the dirt, not sure if you would make it to camp tonight. Might be you were kind of in a pickle - but best not to dwell on it.
Next time you opened your eyes was when you heard some rustling quite near to you. It was Astarion, kneeling next to you. He was giving you one of his judgemental glances with a raised eyebrow, red eyes piercing as ever.
“Oh, hi love”, you said and grinned, tiredly wiggling your eyebrows at him. The vampire didn’t even acknowledge you - except for his eyebrow rising still a bit higher.
 “So”, he drawled, an edge to his voice you couldn’t fully place, “are we getting up or do we have to carry you, love.” He made a little dramatic pause before he sarcastically spat out the last word.
You slapped your hand to your armoured chest with some effort and made a face that hopefully conveyed how hurt you felt by his implied accusation.
Astarion didn’t give a shit about your histrionics.
So you decided for a comeback.
“My friend, you aren’t carrying anyone, anywhere at any time in the near future”, you replied dryly. You heard Karlach snicker somewhere behind you. At least you’d gotten someone’s approval. The vampire gave the tiefling a death glare, then his ruby gaze wandered back to you.
And then it kept lingering on you. Something in the vampire’s eyes had changed and it was beginning to startle you.
And well - usually by now he should have taken up the banter with you again. Could it be, he was actually worried? Like really, actually worried?
“Look”, you said and used some of the little power you had left in your body to push up to a position that was at least somewhat close to sitting up. Immediately you started to feel dizzy.
“I’m fine. Just a little tired, that’s all. We all are, aren’t we?”, you continued as you desperately tried to not let it be known how much your surroundings were spinning around you at the moment.
Quite obviously you were doing a terrible job at that because there was now open worry on Astarion’s face. Even the usual sharp edge of teasing in his voice had been dulled down by now: “And you want to take on Ketheric Thorm tomorrow? And all his thugs? Like this?”
You were definitely getting a little annoyed at him now. The others had gone dead silent. They must’ve been feeling too that this situation might be about to go sideways. You didn’t care.
And as much as you felt him tug on your heartstrings with the sad round puppy eyes he offered you now - did he have to make it so public? You were just not having it.
Using every last ounce of energy that you still had within you, you made to stand up. Astarion’s eyes widened some more and he cautiously stood up as well. His brows were furrowed now.
You gathered your legs beneath you with quite some effort. The world around you was really rushing past you now, but you were determined to bite through it. Then you pushed up to a standing position - straightening your back for extra effect and pointing a very passive-aggressive finger at your vampire.
“I’ll have you know tha-”, you began in a sassy tone.
But then no one would ever find out what you would have wanted to let them know. Because your vision blackened rapidly, closing in from the edges and you already felt the strange sensation of toppling over. Gravity inevitably pulling you back to the ground you had just stood up from.
The last thing you felt were arms that caught you under the armpits, with quite some effort. You heard strained groans and a hissed “idiot” very close to your ear. Then you passed out completely.
You woke up in dire confusion about where you were and how you’d gotten there. You lifted up your torso and blinked profusely to try and clear your vision. You also immediately reached for a dagger that would have usually been at your side. But you were also out of your armour it seemed. Oh, and laying on some pillows? A blanket draped over you?
You closed your eyes again and pressed the balls of your hands to your eyes. And you groaned as you felt a headache creep up on you now that you had woken up.
Since there seemed to be no imminent dangers around you sunk back onto the pillows. You realised that your shirt had been taken off as well. Pain thrummed through your skull.
Your hands dropped from your face, your vision cleared more and more and you realised that you were laying in someone else’s tent. And as you took a closer look at the ceiling of the tent, your brows furrowed. Because you very well knew which tent it was you were laying in. You’ve had your fair share of staring up at this very particular fabric from this very particular spot.
Your head popped up again from the pillows. And you found Astarion sitting at your feet, in his camp clothes. Legs stretched out, crossed at the ankles, arms folded over his chest and very much glowering at you. His red eyes were basically boring into you.
“Oh, are we awake again? Back from the land of the dead, hm? Rise and shine then, my love, since you seemed so eager to do so earlier!”, the vampire immediately went into a tirade.
“You’re not even going to give me a few more moments to just really wake up?”, you replied flatly. But you could already feel his words evoking shame within you. You rubbed one of your eyes once more, trying to look innocent.
The vampire kept fuming: “Were you planning on telling me how much the blood loss affected you again?”
Astarion obviously could barely believe your audacity as well as your honesty by the way his eyes first widened and then narrowed even more at you. But he kept silent.
“Were you planning on stopping to take my offered blood?”, you posed in return when there was no further reaction coming from Astarion.
You regretted the words as soon as they had left your tongue. Knowing it was a cheap shot because this was still very much you insisting on being the one to take care of his needs. And also hiding the negative side effects.
You immediately felt the twinge of guilt as you saw how Astarion’s eyes couldn’t help but stray from yours as he registered your words. Your headache accordingly sent a bolt of pain through your skull, making you groan.
You closed your eyes in desperation for a second, trying to swallow down the thought that you had just put this guilt onto him. Blaming him for his basic needs of survival even if you hadn’t meant it like that at all.
As you compulsively tried to think of something to say, you heard the vampire speak again: “Well, as much as I enjoy you falling for me. Maybe you could try and… avoid it next time.”
Your throat closed up. Immediately, the double meaning very much wasn’t lost on you.
And not only did you instantly recognise the tone of him deflecting with something harsh and sarcastic but you could also almost see how his old and very much practised mask slipped back in its place.
You felt how the whole situation was slipping from your fingers. Desperate to do something about it, you got up from the still half-lying position you were in and crawled over to where the vampire was now looking at you with trained indifference.
Your chest ached, just having to look at it. Especially since you had only recently made such a leap with him finally allowing you in more. Astarion finally allowing for some of the carefully put up fortress walls to crumble under your soft touch.
Back, when his somewhat cautious confession had made you swear to yourself that you wouldn’t stop until all of the wretched, cascading layers of armour the vampire had put up around his core would have been disassembled.
Now you felt you might be responsible for some of those layers being put back into place. Even if it had just been a very short moment, a dumb slip of the tongue. You hoped it wasn’t too late yet to undo the damage.
You drew your arms around your lover - slowly, cautiously. Posing the question if you were still allowed to do that.
The vampire let it happen.
A tiny fraction of your tension eased at the thought that there might still be hope to rectify the delicate thing you had basically just stepped on. That he would allow you to make it right.
“I’m sorry, Astarion”, you whispered silently. Almost too quiet to form actual words. But the pale elf in your arms heard you anyway. He didn’t look up at you but he did sink into your arms a little more.
“I’m sorry for what I said and for how I acted. I didn’t mean to blame you for anything.”, you said again, this time more confidently.
There was no further acknowledgement of your apology other than the vampire slowly leaning his head against your naked chest. His soft hair brushed lightly over your bare skin. Even the lightest touches of him in your arms sent jolts through your entire body.
But the knot between you was not yet unravelled.
Fear threatened to close up your throat again as your mind raced, feverishly trying to think of a way to make him understand that it was just… he meant everything to you. That you’d rather crawl in the dirt yourself instead of having to watch him do it.
That you so desperately cared about him. Why couldn’t he see that?
And then another thought crossed your mind. Concerning the battle you would have to take on tomorrow.
What if this was the last chance you would ever get to convey this to him? The last shot at convincing him that he was very much loved and cared for and had a place in this world as long as you walked this planet.
Carefully you raised your hand to under Astarion’s chin and nudged softly to see if he would allow you to lift up his head to make him meet your gaze. Again, he let it happen.
The vampire’s eyes found yours. Instantly, something in his gaze changed as he must’ve seen something particular in them. You tenderly and cautiously cupped his cheek as your lips parted. But it still took another moment before you managed to find the words.
“Astarion, if tomorrow… would be the end. I-”, you broke off. Then took another breath before you continued.
“I would hate myself if this is how I left things. I wouldn’t want to have caused you to think that I was just brushing you off for caring for me. Or that I put any blame on you when I was being a reckless idiot. But I still would want you to understand that I just… I’m doing this because I want you to be safe and happy and careless and free and… with me, if you want that.”
Astarion’s eyes ever so slightly widened and opened up as you spoke. A nearly inaudible gasp left his throat.
After you had ended your little speech, the moment of the two of you looking into each other’s eyes just went on. But the mood had changed now. The way Astarion looked at you as you softly let your thumb wander over his cheekbone was no longer distant. He was still allowing you in, if cautiously so.
Your gaze dropped to his lips as your thumb kept wandering over the vampire’s delicate skin.
Then you leaned in just a little - letting him decide if he wanted to bridge the gap between you. And he did so without hesitation.
Astarion met your parted lips with his. You gladly accepted his open-mouthed kiss.
The rest of the words that yet remained unspoken between you were resolved this way. By kissing deeply and assuring the other of what you could not yet put into words.
The vampire’s hand grabbed onto your upper arm, fingertips lightly grazing your biceps. You let your hand wander from his cheek into his soft white curls, your fingertips softly tugging and teasing them.
And you were still doing that when you slowly withdrew from him - if only enough to speak.
“I was a dick, Astarion, I’m sorry.”
“Yes, you were. Now, I thought we had just established that. Don’t try and draw it out to make me sappy, Staeve darling, or I might actually take back what I said the other night”, Astarion replied with an edge of sarcasm entering his voice again.
But you knew that it was the good-humoured kind once more. The one he used when you two bickered like an old married couple.
“Don’t promise what you can’t keep”, you offered back with a smug grin. The vampire rolled his eyes at you. Your grin just grew.
“Come, just lie down with me, please”, you proposed to your vampire. Now that adrenaline and stress were slowly leaving your body you felt exhaustion creep up on you again. The headache you had completely forgotten to acknowledge somewhere in between also letting itself be known again.
Astarion immediately took you up on it and you laid down on the bedroll, snuggling up to each other until your limbs were fully tangled, bodies fully wrapped around each other. You gazed upon the vampire in your arms - how much his pale skin contrasted against yours.
You slowly felt how the tension left both your bodies, shoulders dropping, jaws unclenching. Revelling in relief and joy you closed your eyes and focused solely on how it felt to hold Astarion. Just silently laying there, enjoying this moment of peace.
Until you broke the silence once more because a random thought had just crossed your mind.
“Wait, who actually carried me all the way back to camp?”
Astarion scrambled to push himself up once more and gave you a glare. “Really? That’s what’s on your mind right now?”
You shrugged: “I guess.”
The vampire’s glare became even more intense. Then it snapped to mischievous glint really quickly. He let one of his hands drag through his hair dramatically and sensually and said: “Oh, darling, couldn’t you believe that I valiantly carried you here like the knight in shiny armour that I am?” You wouldn’t even have believed him being able to pull you here with your face dragging through the dirt.
“It was Halsin, wasn’t it?”
You received another death glare. Then Astarion just sighed in defeat and wrapped himself in your arms again.
“Yes it was. I was the one who undressed you though.”
“Of course you were”, you replied with a wolfish grin although Astarion couldn’t see it. The vampire groaned in annoyance
“Now, if you please, let me enjoy this moment in peace, you idiot.”
And so you did. Holding onto Astarion as he held onto you. Both silently smiling and not even that afraid anymore of what tomorrow might bring.
Tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess
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aziraphales-library · 4 months
hi! i don't know if this ask has been done before but do you have any comedy fic recs? i've had enough of angst for a bit and i just want to read aziracrow bicker and laugh out loud :))
Hey. We have #humour, #humor, #crack, and #bickering tags, for all your laughing needs. Here are more to add...
Seamstress of Soho by GayDemonicDisaster (M)
Season 2 spoilers! When Mrs. Sandwich spots a suspicious new guy apparently lurking on her turf, the misunderstanding leads to an unlikely friendship between the ‘seamstress’ and a demon. So in episode 6 we see that Mrs. Sandwich is clearly at ease with Crowley and he with her, enough to share a joke together. Combine that with the curious sign on her door which might just be referring to Crowley, and we have a little buddy comedy in the making. I decided to explore the backstory of how they came to know one another between season 1 and the beginning of season 2. While this little comedy is about sex workers, there is NO sex in it, and rated M solely for oblique references to things like contraceptive devices and so on - honestly it could get away with a “teen and up” rating but I like to err on the side of caution.
Pass the Remote, Angel by Mrs_Cake_Is_Here (M)
Aziraphale has returned to Heaven, leaving Crowley a tv binge-watching wreck. However, healing can come from the most unlikeliest of places. While Muriel has been instructed to provide daily reports of the demon’s emotional state, they find that sharing time together, even by watching a scary show, can be the catalyst that builds friendships. And they’d probably both be couch potatoes by now if the Supreme Archangel hadn’t just gone missing.
Christmas Lights by FuzzyGoblin (T)
Christmas Lights is on the agenda at the monthly meeting of the Whickber Street Shopkeepers and Traders Association, but it's not the only thing on Mr Brown's, of Brown's World of Carpets, mind. As he pines for the mysterious bookseller, his efforts are thwarted by the tall ginger goth.
The Book Thieves by ThingsJustHappenSometimes (T)
“Did they steal it? Professional book thieves, probably going around in their car stealing books.” Be careful what you tell an adolescent antichrist who has the ability to warp reality, he might just make things real. - - - Featuring: A confused ineffable duo in ridiculous costumes, a presumed relationship, overpowered magical books, meddling humans, multiple chase scenes, and a generally all around silly action-packed time. - - - [If you like 1920s Costumes, Indiana Jones, Isekai Vibes, and/or That-One-Auction-Heist-Scene from Uncharted 4, you’ll like this story.]
Rattle Those Pots & Pans by Mackaley (M)
“My instructions…” He parted his mouth as he searched for a word. “Instruct that I just get right into it. You all have been brought here tonight because you have one thing in common: you’re all being blackmailed.” A tense hush fell through the room. “You’re all paying what you can afford - in some cases I’m sure more than you can afford - to prevent your secrets from being exposed. And none of you know who is currently blackmailing you.” Gabriel scoffed. “This is ridiculous. I’m an upstanding member of the international finance community - what could I possibly have done to be blackmailed about?” “You’re a member of the international finance community,” Crowley drawled. ----- A Good Omens Clue (1985) AU
through the tides by viperinz (T)
With that thought, Aziraphale takes to asking experts if his feelings are something more or just love for his dearest, most sweetest friend. If he wasn’t sure himself, then surely the experts on the internet will have something for him. Which brings him to the front of his computer, ready to search something up on the search engine he has pulled up. He’s not one to ask too many questions, but he supposes it won’t hurt. He starts typing, and is satisfied with his search of "Am I in love with my best friend?" Straight to the point, and very concise. Aziraphale has no doubt he’ll find what he’s looking for. He presses enter on the keyboard, and a bunch of results flood in. “Oh, dear,” he gasps at the mass amount of answers. Where is he supposed to start?
Aziraphale discovers the wonderful world of online love quizzes and WikiHow, all in the process of wooing and confessing his love to Crowley.
- Mod D
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danwhobrowses · 3 months
One Piece Chapter 1117 - Initial Thoughts
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The breaks always feel long but they always end
because One Piece is back! Which means we have to see more of Vegapunk's transmission and the Straw Hats' escape
Let's not linger on it, let's see what we have!
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too!
Yamato is still yet to start his voyage, this time stopping by Nekomamushi and Hyou's neck of the woods
Seems Neko is living among the Yakuza, which to be fair does fit his style
The reveal last chapter that the Roger pirates knew about the world sinking causes some to wonder if the One Piece is underwater
Or at the least, great treasure hidden at the bottom of the sea
Seems the Polar Tang wasn't the only known ship able to dive underwater, but they're expensive
Also made myself sad because we lost the Polar Tang...and the Victoria Punk
EDIT: I didn't even see it the first time but the Krieg Pirates are there, you see Pearl even more decked out, Krieg has a mane and GIN! HE'S ALIVE!
There are however 2 other ships that know how to dive, an alliance of Romance Chasers
Montblanc Cricket and the Saruyama Alliance react to the news, and consider doing some more diving to investigate a new romance
Cricket also notes how it was before Noland's time, so it would be uncharted territory, just regulate yourself so you don't get the bends again
In the G-5, the SWORD agents lick their wounds
Hibari is defrosted, and Koby is struggling to process everything
Kujaku notes how a captain is recovering, but I'm not sure who that is, Koby's the only known SWORD captain and he's in the panel, plus they use male pronouns so it can't be Tashigi
Koby looks to Grus about the shitstorm about to go down, which Grus is also concerned about, Kujaku however relishes a chance to step up
He's out of Wano and in a recovery bed, what about Hawkins? Did he make it?
Tashigi's also making a call to Smoker
Missed ya Smokey, driving all badass across water with your motorbike, no need to guess who you learned that from
Vegapunk continues his message, noting that anything else would be speculation so he won't delve deeper - much to audience chagrin
Back to the Labophase and the barrier has been lifted by Stussy
Nami and Chopper notice that the clouds have also stopped moving, but Usopp assures that they can make it to the sea
Lilith however notes the ships they'd be landing on, some of them friendlies as well
Brook charges up the Coup de Burst so it's all waiting on Jinbe and Zoro
Speaking of whom, they are nearly there, but they're on the tail of something bigger: V. Nusjuro
Nami thinks Zoro and Jinbe ended up getting distracted and chasing a monster, but I would assume Zoro (since Nami wouldn't take that tone with Jinbe as often I don't think) notes that they're going the same direction
Whoever it is, they note the Gorosei's 'special presence'
Usopp, Chopper and Lilith go into an eye pop as the Gorosei prepares to bisect the Sunny
Jinbe and Zoro are doing the Fastball Special!
V. Nusjuro blocks Zoro's Nitoryu, though the clash isn't a simple swat away
Zoro confirms what we've theorized with V. Nusjuro having the final and most powerful Kitetsu blade, Shodai Kitetsu
The impact sends both swordsmen being knocked back, and the twitter fans go wild
Jinbe catches Zoro, as Zoro tells Nami to launch the ship anyway, intending to latch on before it flies away
With Sanji's group, he, Bonney, Atlas and Franky are still waiting for Luffy, but they're also under heavy fire
Comms are down, but Luffy's voice is unmistakable
Dorry and Brogy also call on Oimo and Kashii to get the ship ready, sending the legendary Giant Warrior Pirates into action
Out they come taking on a warship each by themselves, the one in the lower middle looks like he's about to eat a dude
Bluegrass isn't some easy shmoe though, using a commandeered Weaponized Sea Beast to attack and encouraging the marines to step up
The laser blast from the sea beast blows a hole in the longboat, and then Kashii is battered by Doll's Rock n' Roll Blaster (which seems to be a Gatling-esque series of punches)
The marines much like they do with Hina fawn over Doll when she gets violent, wonder if she trained under Garp with such fisticuffs?
The felling of Kashii has motivated the marines to not back down from the giants either
Luffy meanwhile is curious where Warcury went, since he's no longer on their tail, but the giant captains are too relieved to wonder about that
Alas, all but V. Nusjuro surround the Iron Giant, realising that it's the same one that attacked Marejois
Of course this is where Vegapunk is about to deliver a closing juicy statement
'To those who carry the letter 'D.' in your name' !!!???
Dragon with the classic ellipsis, Sabo thinks of his brothers, Koby thinks of Luffy and Garp, Blackbeard interest piqued, and Bepo calls out to his captain - so Law is very much alive
'Among you there is mo-' and the giant is knocked down, along with the transmission
And a collective wail among the audiences of the world in and out of the manga is heard
Morgans, Vivi and Wapol react to the cut off, as the Gorosei and York breathe a sigh of relief that the transmission is over.
Well god damn
We expected the blueball and yet it still sucked to be blue balled XD Unless we aren't that is. Pride comes before the fall maybe?
I would say it's 70/30 on the side of the Gorosei succeeding, we don't need to know any more at this stage right now - but I do blame the 10 minute delay for picture. But what could 'mo-' - the chapter's title - mean? What more was it. Among you there is mo-what? Someone with the D. has something, and it's important.
But it does look like we're reaching the final escape from Egghead. I hope Sentomaru made it out, X Drake can survive and leave Wano after all. There are still some fights going on among the Giants and the Marines, plus we don't know how the CP0 lot will resolve itself, but we tend to take for granted just how insanely jam-packed Egghead has been, and Elbaf is next!
Glad Zoro got a little bit more cred back for matching V. Nusjuro, plus I liked it was a fastball special it's just fun when groups fight in sync with each other. Also kinda glad we put some respect on Bluegrass and Doll, shows there are levels to vice admirals outside of just Garp.
All the cameos were good too, would've liked to have seen Tashigi and Bogard again but happy to see Smoker and Cricket was a nice surprise.
Unless Vegapunk has one last trick up his sleeve, it's time to get off this island.
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teecupangel · 5 months
*gets through the fireplace* Bonjour! Desmond in the Uncharted games! Because I find it funny if he would meet Nathan, thanks to them having the same VA. Adios! *uses the smoke bomb and runs*
So, for this one, we’re going for the Uncharted series is part of the AC series because plot bunny just hit me right at the face.
And yes.
Nathan Drake is absolutely a descendant of the Auditore-Kenway line. (Spoilers to the Uncharted series), it’s heavily implied Nate isn’t really related to Francis Drake and we’ll make use of that setup.
The church Nate grew up in was actually a front of the Brotherhood. His family doesn’t have ties with the Brotherhood, not really, but Sam did learn of the Brotherhood during his stay in the orphanage and is recruited.
Now, Sam isn’t exactly loyal to the Creed. More often than not, he was more in it to get the skills necessary to survive. He kept it a secret from Nate though because he didn’t want him dealing with anything related to the Templars and the Assassins. To keep Nate away from the Templars and the Assassins, Sam tells Nate that they’re last name is Drake.
Samuel Morgan was an Assassin.
Sam Drake was Nathan Drake’s older brother.
So things happened…
Nate meets Sully while Sam was in prison (an undercover mission for the Brotherhood).
Later on, Nate joins Sam in adventuring but Sam keeps any thing connected to the Assassins and the Brotherhood away from Nate.
Sam is an Assassin who is only known by very few other Assassins but Nate has some inkling that something fishy was going on, he just wasn’t sure what it was.
There were specific artifacts that Sam wanted and was okay parting with more lucrative stuff just to get it.
But then…
They teamed up with Rafe…
Sam supposedly died…
Even in the eyes of the Brotherhood.
And that is how Samuel Morgan died and Sam Drake survived the Great Purge that would happen two years from his apparent death.
So we have different points in Uncharted that we can catapult Desmond to.
2008 – A 21 year old Desmond is employed by Elena Fisher as her cameraman as they join Nathan Drake in finding Francis Drake’s coffin. This ends with them being part of the whole quest for El Dorado (the corpse of which is an Isu that contracted some kind of deadly virus that is severely dangerous to humans but Desmond and Nate have immunity due to their Isu genes). In this one, Nate actually acts more like an older big brother to Desmond and Elena joked about how they sound a lot alike.
2010 – A 23 year old Desmond gets roped into Chloe and Harry’s plan with Nate because he’s been fired from Bad Weather due to an altercation and has been sidelining as a thief using the training he received from the Farm. He also may or may not have had a fling with Harry Flynn (according to Chloe) and Nate is absolutely questioning Desmond’s taste.
2012 – Desmond escaped Abstergo before the Assassins got him and he is absolutely suffering from Altaïr’s Bleeding Effect. It’s by chance that he is in Yemen at the same time Nate and Sully are there to meet up with Elena. Maybe you can even add in that Desmond used to be Elena’s cameraman for a bit. Anyway, he joins the group because he feels like he knows the Atlantis of Sands that they are looking for. To be more exact… his Bleed of Altaïr knows of it.
2015 – Desmond survived the Solar Flare and has been working for the Brotherhood. He’s tasked with looking into a man named Sam Drake because he sounded a lot like the late Samuel Morgan and they needed to check if he is (1) alive and (2) faked his own death because he was a Templar mole like Daniel Cross. He gets roped into the search of Avery’s treasure and ends up Bleeding as Edward more than once because Edward knows a bit about this supposed treasure.
And, just to be clear, Nate does not have the exact same ancestors as Desmond. He’s Haytham Kenway’s descendant from a fling he had in England so they have the same ancestors from the Auditore-Kenway line until Haytham Kenway.
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blametheeditor · 3 months
Day 2 | Studying
Gt July Prompt List
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When stranded on an uncharted underwater planet, alone and surrounded by hostile lifeforms, there are only two possible outcomes: adapt and survive, or die trying.
Spoilers: For the game Subnautica
Content Warnings: Mentions of death and violence. Mentions of drowning and suffocation. Mentions of isolation. Feelings of despair
Fritz sits curled up in a blanket on the floor of his lifepod as he taps away on the PDA, trying to figure out what he needs to do and how. Something he should’ve done from day one but couldn’t find it in him to do. He wasn’t ready to face it. 
If he’s being perfectly honest, he still isn’t. But he either learns what he needs to greatly increase his chances of survival, or spend yet another sleepless night doing nothing but waiting for the sun to rise, petrified of the darkness and the haunting sounds it brings.
The artificial light illuminating the lifepod is both a gift and a curse. On one hand, the words keep his mind occupied and away from creatures of the depth currently circling him, terrified at the thought something big enough to swallow the pod whole is doing just that. On the other, everything he’s reading either makes his head spin from not understanding the jargon, or making his heart drop from his nigh impossible odds of surviving. 
“Blueprints,” the teenager breathes as he selects the tab. Stares at the sight of so many and yet seemingly too little amount of items he’s able to make. And most of them he doesn’t see many reasons for why he should use the materials gathered to create them. 
...or maybe there is. Fritz has admittedly been pretty protective of what he’s been able to gather, not wanting to use something and then realize it’s now useless. What if there’s a finite quantity of certain items? What if he has to go further and further away from the lifepod in order to get sulfur, or lead, or anything else? 
But what if he’s hurting himself by not doing proper research and refraining from ever using anything? 
Fritz glances over at his overflowing storage unit. Thinks back to the fact that, despite being a highly intelligent AI, the PDA can’t tell him information about the flora and fauna of the planet until he scans it. Meaning, logically, it can’t tell him what he can do with what he finds until he makes it. 
Gently pushing the blanket away, he stands up. Grabs salvaged metal, salt, and quartz after a moment of hesitation. Approaches the fabricator that is more than happy to activate and advise the types of materials its capable of making, as well as what can be made with the items in hand. 
He takes a deep breath. Deposits the salt before pressing the button for magnesium. Jolts when it blinks at him. 
...a welder. That wasn’t there before. Fritz isn’t necessarily excited for that kind of tool, but it does prove he has been hurting his survival by not taking chances. 
He shoves the salvaged metal and quartz into the fabricator, gasps when an entire list is revealed from them. Feels his jaw drop when he sees the newest item ready to be crafted is an oxygen tank. There’s no hesitation to press the button, gingerly picking up what can be considered more precious than food and water. Stares with wide eyes as his HUD updates immediately. 
He can stay underwater longer. He still has to watch for his air, and he has a feeling there will never be a single moment he won’t, but he can explore the caves. Go a little deeper and see what he’s been missing this whole time. 
This is a good thing. He genuinely increased his chances with just two items. So...why does he feel nothing but dread? 
Because now he has no excuse to not to explore just a little further and a little deeper. Where anything can go wrong, from a predator deciding he’s an easy target to his equipment failing. If anything, this proves he has to. 
I’m going to die here.
Fritz can’t stop the tears. He desperately tries to wipe them away, tries to take deep breaths, think about anything but the fact he’s alone. He’s alone and with no idea what he’s doing and he just wants to go home. To wake up from this nightmare. Of an alien planet. Of a ship exploding. Of the haunting sounds. Of creatures lurking in the dark. 
But no matter how hard he pinches himself, no matter how much he begs and pleas, nothing changes. He sits in the dark of the sparking lifepod as the horrific sound of an unknown monster promises his demise. 
It’s the sun’s light flooding through the top hatch that finally helps him uncurl from his fearful ball. A reminder the planet is still spinning. That even though everything he ever knew has been ripped away, he’s still here. Still alive. He’s gotten this far, hasn’t he? 
Fritz takes a shuttering breath. Forces himself to stand up. Carefully climbs up the ladder to open the hatch, sighing in relief at the sun’s warmth on his face. 
He’s alone. And that means he has to be brave and put in the work to survive. To study everything he finds and not be held back by what could be lying in wait. 
I can do this.
The teenager clenches his fists before climbing out of the lifepod, jumping into the water before his hesitation could force him to take the long way down. There’s no stopping the soft shriek at the brief feeling of weightlessness, but he doesn’t let it stop him, quickly swimming down to finally explore the forest of kelp he’s been actively avoiding. 
“I can do this."
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The Little Mermaid: First Thoughts
Just saw The Little Mermaid and oh my god I’m pretty impressed this is actually a lovely film! I had my doubts from those trailers and clips but now that I’ve seen the film it was better than I expected. Don’t get me wrong it’s not perfect but a couple of things (dw no spoilers, I’ll save that for later):
Halle Bailey as Ariel is absolutely perfect! Her voice, her acting, the way she moved underwater with her tail, she was absolutely majestic. There were a couple little moments were her acting was a bit stiff but honestly that’s just me being picky, SHE IS ARIEL AND F THE HATERS.
The scene stealer was definitely Melissa McCarthy as Ursula though. I had my doubts and at the beginning of the film she’s holding back a bit. But, after Poor Unfortunate Souls I was sold on her, she nailed that number and the whole Ursula package. Just an aside, the actress who plays Vanessa omg what a stunner and legit I’m now wondering what else she’s been on cause she was THAT good with a five seconds of screen time.
Prince Eric was given more to do in this film and is a way more interesting character than in the original. Personally I loved the extra back story they gave him and his song fits in with the original soundtrack pretty well. I thought Jonah was really cute and did some great acting. His lip syncing of Wild Uncharted Waters was a tad obvious but ehhh its minor and I’m a picky musical theatre nerd iykyk *low key you fanfiction writers out there I am patiently waiting for some Ariel x Eric fics ya’ll better get right on it*
On Ariel and Eric they are *chefs kiss*. The cutest chemistry ever so much so that I wish they had a couple more scenes together to really flesh it out. I loved how they made them have similar interests in the film (when you see it you’ll understand). The romance felt meant to be rather than forced, I’m lowkey wanting Jonah in Bridgerton or something the guy has pining heart eyes for days ugh my heart. 
The only negative-ish thing to mention is just the CGI for the creatures and the underwater hair. Whilst its impressive how life-like they are it will never not be unnerving for me so oh well, I accept. The hair though...? Idk you’d think after Aquaman did it perfectly Disney would be able to pull it off too but there are couple of moments it just looks weird. But, these things are minor and from what I understand, these VFX contractors work under pretty poor conditions so I’m not too fussed.
Overall I’m so impressed by this film and the more I think about it the more I like it. It’s definitely up there as my fave or at least top 2 (with Aladdin), for the live action remakes so go see it!!! I promise it won’t disappoint you!!!!
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
Tom Holland Navigation
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Banners below sort fics based on type of work(s)
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Premieres: Tom Holland x Reader SMAU ~
Description: Social Media Fic for Tom x GF!Reader at some movie premieres; including No Way Home and Uncharted.
Warnings: None
Picturing Tom: Tom Holland x Reader SMAU ~
Description: Social Media Fic for Tom x GF!Reader where the reader is a photographer; meaning she gets the chance to take photos of Tom often
Warnings: None
Comedic Muse: Tom Holland x Reader SMAU ~
Description: Social Media Fic for Tom x GF!Reader where the reader is a comedian and Tom supports her even when she jokes about him being her muse (also mentions of The Brothers Trust)
Warnings: None
This Sacred Heart: Tom Holland x Reader SMAU ~
Description: Social Media Fic for Tom x GF!Reader where the reader is a singer and the fic shows their relationship dynamics including song(s) about him, etc.
Warnings: None
Crowded : Tom Holland x Reader SMAU ~
Description: Tom Holland Instagram SMAU based off bts for/of his show The Crowded Room. Fluff
Warnings: flirting, I think that's all
Spoiler Stopper : Tom Holland x Reader SMAU ~
Descr: reader is an actor who is dating Tom Holland and tries to stop the king of spoilers from spoiling more details about his Marvel projects. Fluff
Warnings: a few curses, Tom being a div who spoils things, that's all I believe
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My Darling Queen: Tom Holland x Reader + SMAU ~
Description: 7.4k wc, Tom takes the reader y/n, his girlfriend out for a fancy date night, going out of his way to ensure she has a great night. Contains both a FIC and SMAU
Warnings: Suggestive, implied smut, making out, curse words. 18+ please given material
Waves of Emotions: Tom Holland x Reader *~
Description: 3.7k wc fic of a Co-Star reader (featuring on set interactions) who is friends with Tom but it forms into a romantic relationship; aka Friends to Lovers
Warnings: Fluff mostly so minor warnings of mutual pining, mentions of fake injuries (as part of the filming), and a few curworse
This Isn’t The End: Tom Holland x Reader *~
Description: 1.7k wc, Filming with his crush becomes too real and emotional for Tom during a tense scene causing him to expose his feelings for the reader / y/n.
Warnings: Character death, crying, and a fake hospital scene
Self Care Compromise: Tom Holland x Reader *~
Description: 3.75k wc, Reader/ y/n is dating Tom Holland and once again finds her boyfriend to be overworking himself so she takes matters into her own hands to fix it.
Warnings: None, just fluff (other than brief mentions of being burnt out from working too much)
Buzzing Nerves: Tom Holland x Reader *~
Description: 2.9k wc, Tom is worried his girlfriend y/n won’t react well to him needing to get a buzz cut for his role in Cherry. Y/n makes it a point to reassure him.
Warnings: some minor self doubt, a little suggestive, spoilers for Cherry, cotton candy level fluff that may cause a cavity, one tiny curse word.
Family Date Night: Tom Holland x Reader ~
Description: 2.8k wc, Tom and his pregnant wife Y/N try to celebrate the release of Uncharted by going to watch a movie at the theaters that he rented out for them to have some privacy but get interrupted by a fan.
Warnings: some minor self confidence issues, intrusive fans (not respecting personal/family time) hormones, mentions of pregnancy, and Tom being so cute it hurts
Conning Fans at Comic-Con: Tom Holland x Reader~
Description: 1k wc, Tom and his MCU Co-Star/Girlfriend Y/N suprise fans at Comic-Con together
Warnings: none (I think maybe one curse word lol)
More Than Kittens: Tom Holland x Reader~
Description: 3.1k wc, Tom is jealous when the reader, his co-star/actress girlfriend is ignoring him while they do the Buzzfeed kitten interview for their latest film.
Warnings: Minor mentions of PTSD (as part of a movie is all, like 2 lines), Tom being cranky I guess lol.
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay: Tom Holland x Reader ~*
Description: 6.1k wc, the reader, y/n is Tom’s girlfriend and he notices she seems to be under the weather but he soon learns there’s more to it than that. Tom learns about her depression and does everything he can to be there for her as she fights against herself/it. Lots of comfort and care.
Warnings: depression (no su!cide discussed), strong emotions, and feelings of loneliness discussed. Note: Does NOT romanticize depression/mental health (more related disclaimers on fic)
Not The Only Option: Tom Holland x Reader ~
Description: 1.9k wc, The reader, y/n and her boyfriend Tom are the leads/co-stars in the remake of Titanic; this is essentially a behind the scenes look at some scenes and banter between each other during filming.
Warnings: a few curse words, titanic events discussed based on the script found here. Otherwise fluff
Spoiling Wonderland: Tom Holland x Reader + SMAU ~
Description: 1.2k wc, Tom and his girflriend y/n are staring as leads in the new Alice in Wonderland remake but it is a secret from the public at first. Tom -in his typical yet adorable manner -spoils his and y/n’s roles in the latest adaption by accident. Contains both a short fic / blurb and SMAU showing the various situations/events that took place during this attempt to keep it a secret and offers a peek at their relationship dynamic.
Warnings: one suggestive comment, Tom spoiling things again, a few curse words.
Stay: Tom Holland x Reader ~
Description: 1.6k wc, Fall prompt of “It’s storming too hard to go home, why don’t you spend the night?” With Tom holland and his gf Reader
Warnings: none just fluff
Ghosted: Tom Holland x Reader ~
Description: 930wc of Tom and his girlfriend y/n go trick or treating even though they’re not little kids anymore.
Warnings: curse words otherwise fluff
Don’t Touch Us: Tom Holland x Reader *~
Description: 3.4k wc, started based off this and then my adhd took over. Basically Tom’s protective side comes out when the public starts getting more aggressive towards him and the reader.
Warnings: maybe a few curses, aggressive fans, mentions of being tipsy, that’s all I think otherwise just far too fluffy Tommy.
Cannot Be Broken : Tom Holland x Reader *~
Description: 2.9k wc, reader is dating tom and get into a situation in which overly aggressive and/or eager fans end up hurting her and he has to help take care of it and her.
Warnings: I think two curse words, angry Tom, mention of broken bones and bruises, otherwise fluff
Getting Personal: Tom Holland x Reader #
Description: 13.5k wc smut where Tom falls for his personal assistant y/n and the heat between them is palpable but he struggles given their professional relationship.
Warnings: 18+ smut content, jealousy, p in v, unprotected sex, riding, mentions of orgasm, cum, masterbation, etc. teasing, and similar sexual content
Warmth : Tom Holland x Reader *~
Description: 41.k wc fluff fic for the prompt “let’s get you out of these wet clothes”. Y/n’s boyfriend cheats on her and her best friend Tom is there to help her through it.
Warnings: mentions of reader’s boyfriend cheating, angst, breakups, confessions, kissing, pining, a few curse words I think.
Dents and Dinners : Tom Holland x Reader ~
Description: 4.78k wc, Tom injures Reader and takes her to dinner to apologize and keep an eye on her during the early hours of her recovery. Minor injury, fluff, meet cute, first date, hurt-comfort
Warnings: minor injury/concussion, mention of doctors/hospitals/related, a couple curse words, I think that’s it!
Aches and Loss : Tom Holland x Reader *~
Description: 2.1k wc, Tom Holland helps reader through the loss of her aunt. Hurt-comfort.
Warnings: mentions of death, funerals, Catholicism, and related topics.
Crazed: Tom Holland × Reader *~
Description: 8k wc, A crazed fan breaks into Tom's house when his girlfriend is home and she has to defend herself until Tom's security gets there.
Warnings: curse words, violence, stalker/crazy fan behavior, hostage situation, threats, danger, mentions of a break-in, (minor) injuries, hospital (brief), knife/blade, keys used as weapon.
Uncharted Territory : Tom Holland x Reader*~
Description: 9.1k wc, Reader finds herself working on the set of one of Tom's movies in an attempt to escape her stalker. Only, it seems she can't outrun her troubles even in another country. This means y/n and Tom find themselves in uncharted territory as they try to navigate their way through the ordeal. Dark, stalker, hurt comfort, protective, injury comfort, angst to fluff. Happy ending.
Warnings: dark theme(s), violence, curse words, guns and gunshots, wounds/injuries, blood/ bleeding, stalkers, stalker behavior, break-ins, and related.
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TikTok Prank Preference: Stuck Tampon ~
Description: blurb preference based on the viral TikTok prank where the person pretend they have a tampon stuck and need their partner to help them to see how they react.
Warnings: mentions of period related items and topics, minimally suggestive words, otherwise fluff
Period Simulator: Tom Holland x Reader Preference ~
Description: 530 wc blurb/preference (Tom is listed 1st) of him trying a period simulator to understand what his GF!Reader Y/N experiences
Warnings: pain, stupid boys, and, a few curses.
Happily Ever After: Tom Holland x Reader ~
Description: Blurb/headcanon and small fic for Tom Holland based on the Happily Ever After character series of fics. This covers topics such as the proposal, wedding planning, who is in the wedding party, etc. leading up to -and including- the wedding day!
Warnings: anxiety/nerves, proposal, weddings, marriage, budgeting/finances, family
“You’re Supposed to Be Dead” : Prompt Preference
Description: "You're supposed to be dead", "Yeah, sorry about that" prompts; enemies to lovers
Warnings: mentions of fake characters/roles deaths
Very British : Tom Holland Blurb ~
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In Time : Tom Holland x Reader COMPLETED Series
Series Description: Reader is a cashier at a grocery store in Atlanta and crosses paths with Tom while he's in the area filming No Way Home. Tom quickly falls for y/n but she has a boyfriend. Does/will y/n feel the same? Will they ever end up together? Are they destined to be friends or something more? Fluff, comfort, hurt-comfort, angst, strangers-to-lovers, friends-to-lovers, etc.
Series Warnings: cursing, some spice/suggestive content, brief mentions of previous smut/sex but not actually written, toxic boyfriend behavior, minor aggression/violence, arguments, self doubt, mean fans, food/eating, breakups, pining, kissing and related romantic behaviors, and mentions of cheating. Please let me know if I missed anything!
The Master : Tom Holland x Reader COMPLETED Series
Series Description: Reader is the prop master for Uncharted. She therefore meets Tom on set and soon they're falling for each other. But will things burn out before filming is over? Or will they be able to make it? Fluff, some hurt-comfort and angst-to-fluff
Series Warnings: flirting and pining of course, manipulative 'friends", reader can't swim (& falls into ocean very briefly), gift gifting, birthdays, (briefly mentioned) creepy man, mentions of alcohol, SEE WARNINGS for Part 8 separately below,
Notes: Reader's ethnicity (Latina) and age are briefly mentioned in part 7 but rest of the story is meant to read as a reader insert still.
Red Flag (Mini-Series / Two-Part Fic): Tom Holland x Reader *~
Series Moodboard / Aesthetic Concept
Part 1- Tom’s One Red Flag: Tom Holland x Reader *
Description: 3.1k wc, Tom’s GF!Reader only ever saw one red flag when it comes to Tom. His dad (using Tom’s fame for his own agenda without offering real support). Will they be able to keep pushing through when this glowing red flag begins waving between them?
Warnings: Angst, cursing, Tom’s dad
Part 2- Red Flag Recovery: Tom Holland x Reader *~
Description: 5.1k wc, Part 2 to Tom’s One Red Flag . AKA the resolution and happy ending.
Warnings: mentions of grief and strong emotions, weapons/violence used to describe feelings, a few curse words, counseling, family drama, manipulation discussion
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Tom Holland’s Characters’ Navigation Masterlists:
Nathan Drake Navigation
Spider-Man & Peter Parker Navigation
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Request Info (Details)
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Main Masterlist Navigation (All My Works)
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etherealperrie · 5 months
Anywhere With You
Chapter 2: "The Bolters"
Coriolanus (Coryo) Snow x Reader Word count: 1.6k Contains: pre-hunger games Coryo | buzzcut Coryo | longtime friends to lovers | Coriolanus being soft for the one he loves | mentions of minor tbosas characters | tbosas spoilers
Catching Up? Chapter 1
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There’s a chill in the air. Your body shivers in response, a reminder that you really are here, your fingers wrapped tightly around the handle of the case you packed late last night. Wind dances across the town center, sweeping the leaves up into the air. You watch in awe as the oranges and yellows mix, their rustling the only sound at this hour. You’ll miss the changing of seasons here in the city, even though they don’t carry quite the same beauty and magic they did when you were a child – before the war. 
The sounds of footsteps catch you off guard, an instinct you weren’t aware you had, forces you back into the shadows behind a nearby building. It’s only Sejanus. You had no real reason to worry, he wouldn’t tell. In all honesty you thought he might try to leave with you and Coriolanus, but he refused. Even though he’d be the last person to try and stop you from leaving, you fight the desire to wave goodbye to him. It’s best you’re not seen. It would be easier to fade away in the memories of everyone here. Not only that, it would erase Sejanus of any culpability. To be honest you aren’t sure what the Capital will do once they realize you’re gone, but the last thing you want is for any of your friends to suffer consequences. So, instead of saying your goodbyes, you watch his figure walk away towards the Academy, noting the strength of his shoulders as he straightens up with every step. 
Your heart thuds against your chest. 
Where you’re headed is uncharted territory, really. A place you’d only heard stories about. A place supposedly far beyond District Twelve. A place with no one in sight – no civilization, just open fields and nameless land. Your heart pounds and you’re not sure whether it's out of excitement or fear: maybe both. After all, you’d been taught to fear a place like that, a lawless land. And yet, the thought of being able to live without the Capitol breathing down your neck, without the expectations and demands of your parents and professors excites you. Makes you wonder for all the things you might do, for the person you might become; to see the ways you and Coryo grow together. 
Slinking further back against the building, you glance up at the sky, the sun just beginning to rise from its slumber. When you woke this morning, Coriolanus was gone, his bed empty. Though the two of you discussed strategy mere hours before, waking up alone was frightening. What if Dean Highbottom heard word of your planned escape? What if a Peacekeeper found your Coryo out in the wee hours of the morning and took him to Dr. Gaul? Coriolanus is smart, but Dr. Gaul is calculated – who’s to say she wouldn’t catch on to your plans and punish him? 
Your worries are cut short as your body collides with something, or rather, someone. Before you have time to panic, a hand covers your mouth, another hand interlocking with yours, rubbing a soothing circle into your skin. 
His eyes meet yours and you release a gasp, wilting into the strength of him holding you up. Your gaze rakes over him, noting something different about him. His hair. The soft wave of blonde curls are no longer, his hair buzzed down.
“Coryo,” you breathe, running your hands over his head. “What happened? Did they hurt you?” Your hands drop from his head down to his shoulders, feeling every inch of him. 
“I’m okay, love, I promise.” He chuckles, pressing his forehead to yours. “I figure it would be easier to maintain this way.” He shrugs. “That, and I thought it might help us slip out unnoticed.” 
He had a point, he did look different. Everyone here knew him to have those soft, gentle curls.
His hands tuck into the back pocket of his pants and emerge with a saffron yellow colored scarf. The golden thread shimmers in the early morning light. He glances at you and smiles softly, unfurling the satin fabric to drape it over your head. His fingers work to tie the ends just under your chin. 
“What’s this?” Your brow furrows and you reach up to feel the fabric now covering your hair, shielding you from the wind chill and the eyes of anyone around. 
“It was my mothers.” Coriolanus sighs, lacing his fingers through yours. “Anything to keep us out of sight.” He tugs you the slightest bit closer to him and presses a gentle kiss to your lips. It takes every fiber in your being to hold yourself back from him, to not mash your lips against his in such fervor that reflects the danger of the situation the two of you are in. Instead, you pull back as he squeezes your hand, a promise that there’s more on the other side of the two of you escaping the Capitol. 
The sharp whistle of a train in the distance brings you both back to reality, Coryo snapping up, his posture impossibly straight. 
“Come on, we don’t want to miss this one.” 
Close on Coryo’s heels, your hand in his, you make your way across the Capitol center towards the train station. As you approach, unfamiliar voices echo in the station yelling in virulent opposition to the stoic silence of the Peacekeepers as they yank small, frail bodies from the train. 
Your breath catches in your throat, your feet stopping. Coriolanus doesn’t notice at first, the way that you’ve stopped in your tracks, your hand no longer in his but lifted to your lips, the other shielding your eyes from the horror in front of you. 
The tributes. 
There’s no guarantee that Dr. Gaul or Dean Highbottom aren’t here as well. There’s no guarantee that you and Coryo make it out of the Capitol, let alone onto the train. You hadn’t realized everything Dr. Gaul mentioned yesterday would happen so quickly. That the tributes would be arriving this morning. Where would they go? How many would survive their welcome into the city? How could you run away while they were being carted to their untimely demise – something you’re supposed to have a hand in? 
From where you stand just behind a rusted column at the back of the station, your eye catches those of a small boy. Dark brown hair and pale skin, marred by dirt and what looks like blood, his left eye blackened. Had he been hit by a Peacekeeper? A fellow tribute? No more than twelve, he snivels, crossing his arms as he jumps down from the train onto the platform. A peacekeeper takes hold of his arm, but the boy doesn’t take his eyes off of you. It clicks then. It’s him. Your boy. The one you’ve been assigned. 
“Where did you go?” You jump at the feeling of Coryo’s breath on your cheek, his eyes wide as he takes in the sight of you stuck frozen to your place. The two of you are cramped behind this column, if a Peacekeeper so much as glanced in this direction, you’d be caught. 
Coriolanus takes hold of your hand and follows your gaze to the boy standing on the platform. More tributes stand around him now, all of them accompanied by a Peacekeeper awaiting instruction. Coriolanus sighs and brings his hand to your chin, turning your head back to him. 
“I know you want to help them.” 
You nod. 
“I should’ve warned you we might see them, but this is the only train that’s going back out to Twelve for quite some time, we have to take it.” 
“But, Cory–” 
“I know, I know.” Coriolanus places a finger to your lips. “Sejanus is going to do all he can to help them. He knows people back in Two. If he can, he’s going to help them escape – but we have to go. Now.” 
“What if we-” you begin again but Coriolanus cuts you off, placing a delicate hand over your mouth. You raise an eyebrow as the group of peacekeepers and tributes fall silent, their footsteps echoing across the platform as they begin their march toward the transport vehicle. 
“They’re going to bomb the arena,” Coriolanus whispers. “Sejanus, the rebels. They’re already in place, the minute anyone sets foot inside, the whole place will go down. They won’t even be able to hold the games. We don’t have to worry.” 
You’re not sure how to reckon with the information. When did this happen? Whose idea was it? It just might work, though, the Capitol is more than halfway out on the idea of the games overall, most people not having bothered to watch in years. A plan like this just might convince the masses that the Hunger Games are a moot point. That these children are victims to a war they never waged. 
Coryo eyes you, looking for any sign of movement. His eyes are slightly manic, bouncing between you and the train as if internally counting the seconds you have left to board. 
“Okay,” you sigh, taking one last look back at the tributes who had been shuffled into the car. A peacekeeper locks the back door and climbs inside the passenger seat just as the vehicle putters away, its engine just loud enough to mask the sounds of cries and screams. 
Your heart rips in half as Coriolanus tugs you from behind the pillar and out into the open for a singular moment before thrusting you up into the open train car, climbing inside after you. His hand rests on your hip, making sure you’re secure before turning to slide the door closed. 
It's dark. 
The train gives one last, mighty whistle as it lurches forward beginning its long trek back to District Twelve. 
“We’re almost free,” Coriolanus whispers, tucking his head to press a kiss to your neck. He rests there, on your shoulder for a long while, his fingers dancing across your thigh as the sound of the train tracks mimics the pounding of your heart.
A/N: I know this is many, many months late BUT I wanted to continue the story & tag those who requested it all that time ago...so...
TAG LIST: @clintsupremacy @jennifer0305 @zucchinimalfoy @marina468 @nishimura-writes @lovebyceleste @ennycutie @mjkale @tellsbabyy
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captain-ozone · 1 year
I’m going absolutely feral after seeing The Little Mermaid. My inner child has been FED, and I HAVE NO ONE TO TALK TO ABOUT IT YET so here I am to spew my thoughts. Spoilers below:
1. Halle was perfect. I will accept no criticism on this point. The only thing I cared about when this live-action movie was announced was that our new Ariel would have a voice to match Jodi Benson’s, and Halle did more than deliver. She epitomized the spirit of Ariel in every way. She was playful, she was inquisitive, she was joyful and bright and fun, she was so good at tugging the heartstrings (even without dialogue!!!) and appealing to our innate wanderlust and desire to discover and experience,  and she was so so EARNEST in her portrayal I can’t even. 
2. THE DEPTH THEY ADDED TO PRINCE ERIC’S CHARACTER OKAY!?!?! LIKE?!?!?! Okay, I will NOT GET OVER THIS. It was SO CLEVER of them to mirror Ariel’s journey with his desire to break free of his position’s restrictions. It worked incredibly well and did not once detract from our heroine’s spotlight. Rather, it ENHANCED their connection and sold me on their three-day love story in a deeper and more meaningful way than the original did (more on that below). ALSO ALSO ALSO SO COOL of them not to kill off his ADOPTIVE mother. ADOPTIVE. Marvelous choice! Truly. His mother’s fear of the sea gods offered a parallel to Triton’s fear of the surface world, and *CHEFS KISS*
3. Melissa McCarthy’s Pour Unfortunate Souls was a FUN TIME. 
4. Awkwafina as Scuttle? Inspired. 
6. Wherever they filmed? The castle? Fucking gorgeous.
8. Grimsby is the GOAT. Enough said.
I may get some hate for this, but I’m not the biggest fan of Lin-Manuel Miranda.  Idk how to put this. He has an insane amount of talent, but for...untraditional musicals. I wouldn’t say he’d be my first choice to write new songs that fit the more traditional Broadway-like musical vibes that characterized so much of the Disney Renaissance. 
That being said, The Scuttlebutt was the strongest of the bunch, I think. It was very much a Miranda song, and in most instances, I’d be a little irritated by how they included a song that has a style so different from the rest of the lyrical music we know and love from the original animated movie. But it worked here, likely because it was delivered by Awkwafina’s Scuttle and FIT the character.
Honorable mention to Wild Uncharted Waters, only because WOW Jonah Hauer-King went OFF on that performance. This boy said “I get one musical number and I’m going to KILL IT” and he did.
Also very much liked the Part of Your World (Reprise II)! It tied everything together really nicely.
I LOVE THAT ARIEL WAS FORCED TO FORGET SHE NEEDED A KISS FROM ERIC. --> THIS. THIS IS FREAKING AMAZING. I can’t even express how much more I felt for Ariel and Eric’s love story. How much more real it felt. How much more believable and true. I don’t buy in to one-day (or few-day) love stories very easily, especially when physical intimacy/attraction is a driving force. My little aroace ass dug the fact that kissing Eric literally was the last thing on Ariel’s mind. She got to be herself, explore this new world, AND do it with someone who appreciated her curiosity and found joy in how much joy she was experiencing, who could have just as much fun as she could. God. Goals. 
I LOVE THAT ERIC KNEW SOMETHING WASN’T RIGHT WITH VANESSA, EVEN IF HE COULDN’T PUT HIS FINGER ON IT. Very reminiscent of Prince of Song and Sea by Linsey Miller (a YA AU retelling told from Prince Eric’s POV. It’s a fun, easy read, if you’re curious).
All of these changes were important and mean a lot to me. I think it challenges a lot of the issues people have with the original animated movie, in that, here in the 2023 version, no one can argue that Ariel made her choices because she was lusting after a man. Or that she’s a damsel in distress. Very good stuff there.
11. My critiques
Some of the cinematography was weird. The transition between acting scenes and singing scenes didn’t always flow right. They felt abrupt and awkward. I definitely worried a bit about the CGI too, and it wasn’t too terrible imo. 
And my biggest complaint: idk what it was about the ending, but it didn’t *quite* hit right. In the original animated movie, one of the last bits of dialogue comes from Triton, when he says, “...how much I’m going to miss her.” The finale of the animated movie is then a spectacle of swelling music and a heartfelt case of “show” rather than “tell.” The hug between Ariel and Triton on the wedding barge is perfect. The way in which the mer-people come to witness the wedding and send off Eric and Ariel is perfect. 
The live-action ending felt...a little too somber. It became too much about Triton letting go and not enough about Ariel and Eric setting off on adventure together or about their worlds colliding in peace. I wouldn’t say that the last conversation between Triton and Ariel in the 2023 movie cheapens the line “...how much I’m going to miss her” and the bittersweetness with which he gifts her back her human legs, but it came close. I would have MUCH rather had a little more from Eric and Ariel than from Triton. LIKE HELLO??? WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT RING GRIMSBY KICKED AWAY!??? THERE WAS SOMETHING THEY COULD HAVE USED RIGHT THERE. Or better yet: if they wanted to do something super touching, they could have had Eric’s mother and Triton do a short aside by themselves, or perhaps even have a sort of moment where they acknowledge each other with respect/compassion/understanding before we all refocused on Ariel and Eric for the grand finale. But nah, they did what they did, and I’ll be a bit salty about it forever.
But anyway. Overall, I was very pleased. My disappointment with the lack of emotional impact from the ending does not supersede my enjoyment of everything else.
If you made it this far, please share your thoughts! I’m eager to talk to people, because all my friends aren’t like me and didn’t go see it opening night, lol.
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velleire · 3 months
Text (images removed):
Hey there! This is Indigo, the Guild Wars 2®: Janthir Wilds™ Narrative Lead, and Chloë, the expansion’s Story Design Lead. We’d love to walk you through a high-level look at the Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds story to help set the stage for launch next month.
The story of Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds is a treasure trove of intrigue and lore, both past and present, and we’ll be encountering a variety of allies and enemies as we venture into the long-awaited region of Janthir. We’ll be picking right up where Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure™ left off.
Let’s dive in!
Please note: Light spoilers ahead! We’ll be teasing a little bit about the region and current affairs surrounding the start of the expansion, so if you’d rather go in totally unspoiled, you’d best skip this one!
Bridging Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure
To get things going, let’s look back at last year. Following the end of the dragon cycle, Tyria had no idea what the ramifications would be. As we learned in Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure, Soo-Won’s death caused a powerful blast of magical instability that fractured all sorts of magical forces and barriers within Tyria. Aurene immediately went to work reestablishing herself as a filter for those magics, and stability was quickly restored, but we’ve only just begun to understand the consequences of that transfer of power.
Right at the onset of Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure, the commander was thrown into uncharted territory. We learned that the World Spire, a powerful conduit forged by the wizard Isgarren, was fractured following that blast. The spire was one of the few barriers sitting between us and potential calamity, and it only took a moment for the denizens of a parallel realm to worm their way in. And thus, the commander was introduced to the long-fought war between the Astral Ward and the Kryptis.
Through the story of Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure, the commander aids the Astral Ward in rescuing the Wizard’s Court while toppling the malevolent Kyptis king, Eparch. While the fight against the Kryptis was won, there are a lot of stories left to be told about our wizardly new “friends.” The Astral Ward has proven to be a worthy ally with a benign cause, but we’ve barely touched the surface of some of their more questionable choices—not to mention their cantankerous leader, Isgarren. We know they helped in some ways, but why didn’t they get involved sooner? Where do we even start with the fractal fiasco?
Time to pull us back to the present. While the commander—now the wayfinder—was fighting back against Eparch in Nayos, the threat of the Kryptis didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of Tyria. In fact, that threat was very much noticed, and nations started talking. At the start of Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds, the commander will receive an invitation to the inaugural meeting of the Tyrian Alliance—and oh boy, do they have a lot of thoughts about our latest demonic invaders. After everything the world has endured, Tyria’s patience with destruction is limited.
While we want to keep some of the minutia surrounding the Tyrian Alliance under our hats for now (including our lavish host of guest appearances), in addition to providing the player with a new directive, the alliance also gives us the ability to demonstrate Tyria’s growth outside of the main story path. What’s happening in the rest of the world? How are things progressing when we’re in the thick of adventure?
The Greater Janthir Region
One of the results of this first Tyrian Alliance meeting will send the commander and a very small team of allies into the dangerous wilds of the Janthir region—starting due north of Divinity’s Reach, over the Krytan border. The initial focus of our mission is to establish a diplomatic connection with a small faction of kodan. The lowlanders, while hesitant, welcome us into their village—we spend some time getting to know their culture as we explore the Lowland Shore (which we’ll dig into a bit more in a moment!).
Partway through the story, we’ll be pulled even further into Janthir. That’s when we’ll make our way into the isles themselves. The bay is rich with history—bloody, brutal, sullen history. And we’ve never strayed too close until now! We know that Saul and his fledgling White Mantle went to the isles in search of something, leaving with an Eye of Janthir. We also know that other conspicuous figures have ventured into the region, too. On the first island we reach, Janthir Syntri, we’ll begin to unravel the tragic history behind the ruined village of Gavril.
But that’s a good spot to pause because, most importantly: bears.
The Lowland Kodan
One of the most exciting things to dig into has been our new faction of lowland kodan, who have called Janthir home for many generations. Despite the region being viciously dangerous and inhospitable, they are expert survivalists and have carved out a comfortable—even cozy—way of life in these lands. All lowlanders are capable fighters and learn survival tactics from the time they are cubs. The wayfinder will spend much of their time in Janthir learning about—and learning from—the lowlanders, as they have much to teach.
As a population isolated from their northern kodan cousins for so long and living in a much different environment, they’re a little different than the kodan we are familiar with. Perhaps the most notable difference lies in their spiritual belief system. Unlike other kodan, who revere the will and balance of Koda, the lowland kodan hold in reverence the environment, the relationship they maintain with it, and the responsibility they have as stewards of the land. Rather than viewing themselves as enlightened protectors chosen by Koda, lowlanders act out of a duty to maintain necessary balance in a harsh place where taking is easier than giving and survival can be difficult.
These differences trickle down through other aspects of their society. Kodan leadership is typically a partnership between a spiritual mouthpiece of Koda, called a Voice, and a physical protector, called a Claw. However, the lowland kodan have a Claw as their sole leader, a feature of their society that goes back as far as anyone can remember. The Claw is not without balance, though: a council that represents key roles in the village lends the Claw perspective and advice.
As the wayfinder spends more time with the lowland kodan and begins to earn their trust, we’ll gain more glimpses into their lives and their history as denizens of Janthir.
Heading North to Janthir
The inhabitants of Tyria are on the cusp of a new era. It’s time for nations to ally and work together on a more global scale. Those seeds of alliance were planted under the threat of the Elder Dragons, but the need did not end with the Elder Dragons. As new threats rise, it’s good to have friends on your side. What better place to start than with people living next door? The lowland kodan might prove to be valuable allies…if we can earn their trust and convince them it’s worthwhile to join the global conversation.
We’re so excited to be able to give some first looks into the narrative of Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds! There is so much fun existing lore and history to dig into and build upon with new stories and characters. We can’t wait for you to experience it all!
Prepurchasing any edition of Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds before the expansion launches will grant you the “Homesteader” title, the Whispering Serpents Pauldrons skin, and a box with your choice of one Serpent’s Wrath weapon skin.
Visit the official store page for full details on the items included in the Standard, Deluxe, and Ultimate editions.
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hestzhyen · 3 months
A Dubiously Useful Character Investment Advisory
Hello internet void... I present this "should I invest in [KB character name]" ramble to you because writing a bunch of gibberish is the only way I know how to understand what I'm thinking about and why.
Seriously though. I usually don't get invested in characters outside of the MC and the folks with him at the start and I'm in uncharted territory here. In an attempt to understand my own deranged thoughts, this will be like that "stock report" that floats around on the subreddit (albeit with far less entertainment value). Starting in order of appearance, skipping dead fodder and obvious bit characters. Note: spoilers for Chapter 40 came out while I was writing this but I'm not going to include them. I am pleasantly surprised by a few things I guessed at though.
More under the cut! But maybe spare yourself instead.
Chapter 1 Kunishige: safe (major). He's dead as a door nail and that won't be changing corpse/spirit reanimation via sorcery to make Chihiro suffer not withstanding. Safe if you like dead goofy dads. His presence has been felt quite strongly despite his absence, which makes sense since his murder is why Chihiro is out kagurabachi'ing all over the place. Every flashback to him is another gut-punch contrast between Chihiro's happier days and his current self, used mostly to help us understand Chihiro's current mindset (and get us emotional because of course). He will keep showing up so we can learn more Chihiro's past self compared to his present, and later on, he'll be a key figure in whatever arc gets into the history of the Seitei war. I'm not ready for whatever Hokazono-sensei has planned but I await it with baited breath.
Chihiro: safe (major). Duh. He has suffered, is suffering, and will continue to suffer, since the story is all about him. Shiba: safe (major). Introduced in Ch. 1 first as an old friend of Kunishige's, then more formally in Ch. 2 as Chihiro's guardian, main support system, and a suspiciously strong fighter. He's our first foil for Chihiro and provides some much-needed levity early on. Shiba's also our main insight into the wider world so far and has connections to the Kamunabi that will keep paying dividends based on how the story's been going. Also Chihiro's strongest (living) connection to his dad and the person who understands him best. There's a lot more to discover about him too (his sorcery power and his past; especially his connection to Azami, Kunishige, and the Seitei war). Only risk is him dying to motivate/further traumatize Chihiro at some point once his plot-relevant PoV is no longer needed. But that's probably a long way off if it even happens at all.
Hishaku sorcerer: risky (minor). The first Hishaku guy we meet is still unnamed and has not been seen since he appeared in a foreboding panel hinting at some nefarious behind-the-scenes plotting. He'll probably come back up as an antagonist in a future arc but he's got henchman vibes since we've met the leader and it's not him. He's the only murderer whose face we've seen so far too.
Chapter 3
Hinao: safe (minor). Our informant and coordinator! The convenient logistical miracle lady! She might be in mortal peril from time to time due to her association with Chihiro and Shiba (RIP Cafe Haru Haru) but she'll stick around to provide exposition and babysit Char and such.
Char: safe (minor). Ultimate woobie and the convenient method for Chihiro et. al. to cheat death when they're inevitably on the run. Her arc was a great way for us to see Chihiro's deeply empathetic and protective nature, and she herself deserves ALL OF IT. She's also our introduction into the underworld that features very prominently going forward, as well as a primer on sorcery and how the enchanted blades (especially Enten) work. Outside of in-universe utility, Char exists to be a permanent way to to soften some of Chihiro's hard edges, and a narrative device to have things explained to the audience (kids are GREAT for that). She's likely to be a background character like Hinao now that her arc is done but we've checked in on her as recently as Ch. 39 so she's not going away for good. Just staying out of the action, very reasonably. She will probably be used as someone for Chihiro to protect and nurture when she's not being cute comedic relief/emergency healing.
Chapter 5
Sojo: inadvisable (minor). The first named villain; the guy who clashed with Chihiro to show us what the rest of the world thinks of his father's work. Gave us a really good idea of what Chihiro was up against not just in the action sense but also in terms of mindset, at least when it comes to the goons that are after the enchanted blades. He died via the same type of explosion that killed Tenri and a report stated his body was accounted for, not to mention the Big Bad separately confirmed he's dead on top of that, but don't let that stop you from believing he can come back. (Basically, bank on the fact that Sojo's past was teased but never elaborated on.)
Chapter 7
Oni mask sorcerer: inadvisable (minor). Made it to the top 10 in the fan popularity poll despite being absolute fodder. At least he lived so he could show up again in the Rakuzaichi arc, for some reason. A hidden villain? I do love it when authors have a unique but seemingly unimportant background character show up a few times until they're revealed to be connected to the plot somehow. That said, probably don't invest.
Azami: safe (minor): Shows up to help Chihiro out of a pinch and to demonstrate the caliber of sorcerer that the government has on hand. He's mostly just delivered exposition and info leaks so far but he'll absolutely be a key player. Not only is he another old friend of Kunishige and Shiba's, he's how we learn about the Kamunabi. There's a ton more to unpack with him in a later arc; he's likely going to be our window into how the Kamunabi, Japanese government, and Seitei war intersected with the Rokuhira's lives (in tandem with Shiba). He's safe for now but once he's done his narrative purpose he could easily die for any number of reasons. Especially if that theory of him being the traitor is true. He's set up for a collision with Chihiro's group just by having allegiance to the Kamunabi in the first place so I'm very excited to see where that goes.
Chapter 10
Ikuto: risky (minor). He's probably going to come back when the story focuses on the Kamunabi, but it's hard to say if he'll have a prominent role or not, much less if he'll be an enemy or an ally with both of his legs missing. He'll probably live but by virtue of being sidelined by his injuries.
Kazane: safe (minor). HEAR ME OUT- Kazane is primed to be another antagonist and foil to Chihiro. He's experienced similar trauma, but he's probably going to have a very different takeaway from it compared to Chihiro if his most recent appearance is any indication. When the Kamunabi get focus he'll probably be core part of the arc and face off against our protagonist to have another clash of ideals.
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This wasn't said for nothing, after all. Can't wait to see what comes of it.
Chapter 18
Kamunabi HQ roundtable guys: risky (minor). We don't know their names yet and given KB's penchant for murderizing people with unique designs, it's not advisable to invest too much right now. Wait for a proper Kamunabi arc to see who's worth it. That said, the leader guy (long hair and beard) has shown up twice now so he might be better off than the rest.
Hiyuki: safe (major). She's gonna be the main rival through the series, I can feel it. Similar morality to Chihiro but on a different team to ensure they won't always see eye to eye, and a completely different personality to ensure that even if they do they will still clash in some way. She'll definitely have personal beef with him after the Rakuzaichi arc too. So far she's mostly been a vague threat that could be convinced to ally with Chihiro against orders, so it will be heckin' awesome to see what she does next. MORE HIYUKI PLEASE. I need this violent chaos goblin in my life. She will probably be the character that influences and pushes Chihiro the most through the story, which could make her a compelling love interest if Hokazono-sensei is interested in writing a romantic subplot. I prefer my shounen to be as light on romance as possible but I guess I won't hate it if he gives Hiyuki and Chihiro's relationship the same level of development that rivalxprotagonists usually get. Still want her to be the romantically unattached destruction demon of my dreams first and foremost though.
Chapter 19
Hakuri: safe (minor). OK. Looking at Hakuri compared to the other characters so far, he's most like Char. He gets an arc exploring his circumstances, is saved by Chihiro before paying it back in turn, and is given ties to by the narrative to stick around. (Char: orphan kid with nowhere to go and has a useful ability. Hakuri: disowned guy who can easily choose to stay with Chihiro and has a useful ability.) Labeling as safe but investment levels should be cautious until we know which path he chooses: reforming his family, or helping Chihiro full-time. So far he was Team Goldfish's "in" to the Sazanamis and the auction, fortified Chihiro's resolve multiple times, and proved Chihiro's outlook on fatherhood is the correct one to have. We also learned a bit more about the workings of spirit energy through him, which can be used again if he sticks around and trains his storehouse abilities. After all, after this he'll definitely be the storehouse for the enchanted blades. I rambled at length (>5.5k words worth combined please help I have a problem) about the importance of his emotional support so that's also an option for him. Isou might make him the Cafe Defender instead of a front line fighter, now that I think about it... as cool as it would be to see Chihiro working in "perfect harmony" with a battle partner he could easily stay a mostly solo fighter. Will be interesting to see! In essence, no more doomer for Hakuri. Even if he's not as prominent as I want him to be, he'll be sticking around. The Rakuzaichi was more his arc than Chihiro's in some ways, so I really can't complain about this feast anyway. How many hours of angst putting together this post alone just to conclude the obvious...? Don't worry about it! Don't even think about it! Don't! Fucking! AAAAAH Chapter 20
Tafuku: safe (minor). Hiyuki's main foil at the moment, the Blue Oni to her Red Oni. Her co-worker that grounds her before she ravages everything with Flame Bone and picks her up once she's exhausted herself. Will continue to show up as long as she does. (Hakuri and Chihiro would make a great Red Oni/Blue Oni pair, just sayin'...) Actually, speaking of Oni duos:
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Look at this composition! Copium reactivated LET'S GOOOOOOOOO
Chapter 21
Kyoura: inadvisable (minor). He dead af bro, said it himself. But boy howdy did he have an amazing run as an arc villain. Forced Chihiro to take a look at how other prestigious, talented families do things and appreciate the gift of love his father gave him. I also rambled about him at length elsewhere but suffice to say, he's dying as punishment for being the world's worst dad. MFer chose to perpetuate a cycle of abuse instead of breaking it. Yeah, he's a victim too, but he's gotta lose his head as penance for the atrocities he's committed.
Shinuchi's wielder: risky (minor). No name, just a few shots of him sitting in some kind of temple/prison while the Shinuchi is being auctioned off. I assume we'll see more of him soon but can't say in what context or for what purpose yet. Doesn't seem like it will be a positive encounter given how he's portrayed.
Chapter 23
Tenri: inadvisable (minor). Total goner, RIP. Existed to show the ruthlessness of the Sazanami's ideals and the cruelty that their clan has perpetuated on their own flesh and blood for centuries. Also, in my mind, a very clear Bad End preview for Chihiro if he doesn't keep his dad's words in mind:
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This came up in Char's arc but I'm not sure we're done with Chihiro's steadfast determination to rampage in his father's memory. He's kept his father's words close to his heart but I feel like Tenri is a warning for him to be ready to change his priorities... or else. Oh and Tenri also helps reinforce the lethality of the datenseki shards too (STAY DEAD SOJO I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU COME BACK-)
Souya: risky (minor). Won't call him a jobber but he definitely existed to make us feel bad for Hakuri first and foremost. Yeah, yeah, he was a symbol of the pain and internalized feelings of worthlessness Hakuri had to overcome in order to realize his latent potential too. Mission accomplished, enjoy getting dominated by Shiba in your crackship. He may or may not be dead after getting his comeuppance; if he lives, I bet we're not done with Hakuri's past quite yet (and the Sazanamis in general since he was going to be the heir). If he's dead, then Hakuri has nothing left to fear within or without himself. And listen, if you can make someone try to jump to their death on reflex as soon as they see you...
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... it's OK if you come back to get beaten down even harder the next time. I'll allow it. Especially if it's in the context of revisiting Hakuri and Chihiro's trauma to show how much they've helped each other. Also, it's not lost on my terminally rotten brain that Soya switches from blaming the Ice Lady and Hinao for "tempting Hakuri away" to Chihiro.
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(I know he's yelling about Chihiro using and abandoning him here, but I still find it funny.)
Speaking of... Ice Lady: inadvisable (minor). 100% dead for maximum emotional damage to Hakuri. She awakened him to the prison he was living in so that Chihiro could "light his helpless existence on fire" a short time later (oh my GOD Hakuri please).
Chapter 27
Mr. Inazuma (Yuu): inadvisable (minor). Kid's there to tie us to his sister, thus giving some extra stakes to the storehouse fight. Chihiro can't unleash wanton destruction in there and the entire situation can't be resolved until they're reunited. And I guess he's a cute little contrast: kid playing at being a hero vs. Chihiro being That Guy. He could conceivably show up now and again as a playmate for Char but I doubt it.
Chapter 30
Hishaku leader: safe (major). In all ways the major villain until he's defeated or we learn otherwise. He's the guy who's goading Chihiro along for his own reasons. Had his goons kill his dad and steal the swords. Clearly working some kind of machinations behind the scenes that we've only seen a few glimpses of so far. John Hishaku, big bad and mystery man (for now). OK maybe I'm underselling him a little bit because this guy is the one who ripped Chihiro's stoic determinator mask off without breaking a sweat. Other villains had him think and reconsider his priorities and some of his ethos, but Hishaku Leader Guy showed us Chihiro's raw desperation. If there was any doubt left that Chihiro's some emotionless killbot, he erased it completely. Dump everything you have into this guy and wait to reap the profits.
And those are the reasonably noteworthy characters. Why did I write all this? What the FUCK is wrong with me? Well I got to re-read the series for the third time so that's fine. I notice something new each time I do it... Like how cute and boyish Hakuri's posture is compared to Chihiro's more reserved and upright one. So many little details... bless you if you read this.
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knee-stockings · 2 years
So I’ve been listening to lots of podcasts at work lately to break up the monotony of my office job. Mainly they’re horror, suspense/thriller, drama, that kind of thing. Trying to give ratings without spoilers~
(Check out updated pod recs here)
The Left Right Game (a journalist investigating an urban legend that gets increasingly more dangerous as they go): 5/5, this being one of the first ones I listened to set the bar really high tbh, it was great, immersive sound design, genuinely suspenseful and creepy moments, interesting plot, my only gripe is that I didn’t love the ending but I couldn’t dock a star just for that, highly recommend, maybe I’ll retire to Wintry Bay someday 
Alice Isn’t Dead (delivery trucker goes searching for her believed dead wife, comes across supernatural towns and creatures and a conspiracy that goes way deeper than one missing woman): 5/5, so so good, enjoyed a lot, I loved learning the truth about the Thistle men, still don’t completely understand oracles but that’s okay, some delightfully creepy moments, this will be high on my recommendation list (also it’s by the Welcome to Night Vale people, which I actually haven’t listened to lmao)
Harley Quinn and the Joker: Sound Mind (it’s a Harley Quinn origin story basically): 5/5, very enjoyable, sound design great, plot was fun, I don’t know how accurate this story is to the original Harley Quinn origin story but I liked this a lot
The Burned Photo (two women try to fight a familial curse haunting their bloodlines): 4/5, not bad at all, I thought the sound design was great and immersive but I thought the monster’s voice was a bit goofy idk, the plot wasn’t bad though ofc it was pretty bittersweet and sad in the end, tho I think it was never going to be happy for everyone involved
Blackwood (group of teens investigate the town urban legend and uncover more than they bargained for): I can’t decide…3.5 maybe? It was okay. I didn’t love it or hate it, I’m pretty neutral about it. It was interesting enough
Gaslight (girl goes missing and then reappears to her best friend years later with little explanation): 3/5, feels like there should be another season, wasn’t as dramatic/suspenseful as I thought it would be (maybe that’s my own fault tho, from the description and stuff I thought there would be more to it)
Ice-Cream (teens suspect the friendly neighborhood ice cream man of abducting little kids and uncover a dark secret): 4.5/5, interesting and a lil creepy, there’s something oddly funny about hearing someone scream “fuck you Beelzebub” even in context, sound design is pretty good and voice acting is great, finale was also pretty good but I’m docking half a star bc of that very last bit and bc I said so, overall short n’ sweet, no pun intendo (I’m kinda glad that it’s only the one season and not super long, gives the feeling of not overstaying its welcome. Also in awe that they made it within like a month, gonna go listen to their other podcast Cascadia too)
Cascadia (submarine expedition to uncharted waters, gone wrong, we almost died!?): 5/5, by the Ice-Cream people so I expected great sound design and voice acting and said expectations were met tbh, yes god love the drama, ocean depths are inherently scary to me so this is top tier horror, season one was chef’s kiss beautiful and I heard season 2 is coming so I’ll be waiting eagerly for that
Listening now:
Within the Wires (season 1 is relaxation cassette tapes from another world, season 2 is a guided museum tour I think): also by the WTNV people, interesting so far, the plot that unfolded in the first season was cool to watch as it played out, but also I am so sad. I like it so far
Rabbits (girl goes searching for her friend who disappeared because of this mysterious Rabbits game): feels like a really slow start after a few episodes, I kinda wanna get to more action soon please
Wake of Corrosion (apocalypse where characters are trying to find other survivors and also answers): mild shrug, not sure what to make of it just yet. Only like 2 episodes in so I think I need to give it a bit
Ars Paradoxica (scientist accidentally invents time travel and is thrown back to the 1940s): pretty interesting so far, science is fun 
Spoiler comment for Cascadia under the cut bc it's the one I just finished and I have Thoughts
As much as I enjoyed Cascadia, when I think about the expedition for more than 2 seconds I get confused. Not the whole alien thing, that’s fine, it’s Badger and Maria and their ulterior motives. Why in the world did Badger spend millions of dollars to make a submarine that’s faulty on purpose? And there was so much media coverage around it so the second something went wrong reporters were practically beating him over the head with microphones, so why risk so much bad press? Plus sacrificing three other talented divers who trusted him with their lives??? That’s the most confusing to me. There’s no way Badger foresaw them getting attacked underwater and losing Declan alone, so he must have been fully prepared to lose captain AND crew. Holden said that he saw Badger as a father, and yet he chose Holden to die? He said he handpicked them, so what did Holden, Alia, or Iris ever do to him to deserve being sent on a suicide mission? Doing all this just to get rid of Declan and be with Maria doesn’t feel right. Feels like there should be something more there. Tldr: surely Badger had another reason for conducting the suicide mission, right? Also since season 2 starts with Lila all grown up, a diver just like her father, I wanna know her opinions of her mother and of Badger. Did she learn about her mother’s betrayal? Is Badger still involved in funding deep sea diving or did the FBI take him out of that? Omg who’s the father of her little sibling…I’m so curious…
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