#uncle tommy and aunt maria
chellesdump · 7 months
Fallen Angel - Joel and Ellie
"Of course, Joel knows that Ellie isn’t exactly the most angelic kid ever, she is a force of nature getting in trouble at any given chance and never listening when she is given instruction. But if she wants to dress like an angel for the little Halloween party they throwing at the canteen, hell he’s getting her dressed like an angel even if Tommy says she would fit more into a demon costume"
word count ─ 1.6k
tags ─ little! kid! ellie, papa! joel, uncle! tommy & aunt! maria, poor ellie needs a chance on a normal childhood or as close as normal as you can get on a apocalyptic world, canon divergence
notes ─ This is for the Angel/Demon prompt. Canon events from the game up until the WLF comes to Jackson, Abby related events didn’t happened, Ellie is still mad at Joel for lying but like we know she gives their relationship a chance once again. Please enjoy this piece
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Trying to rebuild their relationship had proven to be a hard matter, that day 3 years back had really put a strain on how much the relationship had progressed and it felt like they were back to the start of the Summer of '33.
But nonetheless Joel was glad that Ellie had given him another chance to be in her life, and he was going to make the most of it to get it back at were it was, he wasn’t to lose another daughter forever. He was going to be the best dad that Ellie could get, and no he wasn’t getting sappy, it was just that she deserved so many great things just like he had given to Sarah, both his daughters deserved to have the world at their feet.
For Ellie the world was getting brighter, she could finally truly relax snuggled against Joel in his… their living room watching some movie they had found on patrol, reading some of her comics or a book, even just sitting there hearing him do anything around the house was ideal. When they had settled into a comfortable relationship back when they were traveling the country, Ellie had started regressing, not that either she or Joel knew that back then, but they had always noticed that sometimes she would act more childish than any other teen they knew.
Once they came to live in Jackson they truly explored that aspect once a doctor in the community told them about the whole regression thing, none of them wanted to admit it, but the doctor explained that it was completely normal given the circumstances of the world, and they finally embraced it when she told them that lots of the teens/young adults that had come into the community did it as well.
So when she distanced herself from Joel it had put a huge strain on her mental health, she had leaned into her regression as her principal source to relieve stress but without Joel it just wasn’t the same, and she could not regress properly by herself or having anyone else taking care of her.
But all that was behind them, right at this moment Ellie was sitting on the floor of Joel’s woodwork studio drawing on her sketchbook while he carved a figurine, the mood was calm, each one in their own world until Ellie remembered something.
“Papa! I finally knows what I wants to be fo’ the party!” yelled Ellie turning to face Joel, almost cutting his finger at the sudden outburst he put everything down on the table, preparing to tell Ellie off for yelling but upon seeing the excitement on her face he decided against it.
“Really? What are you going to be?” asked Joel putting his whole attention on her, “Am gonna be Angel!!” exclaimed Ellie shaking from the emotion, then she started rambling about how all the other kids were going to be so jealous at the magnificence of her costume, Joel could only chuckle while listening.
He promised to make her the best Angel costume ever, the next day he went to the library trying to get all the books he could find with images of angels to try and sketch an idea of the costume, but he remembered that he was so bad at drawing things so he went to Maria looking for help. The next days he spent all his free time planning the costumes when he wasn’t on patrol, and when he was out would search for anything that could be used on Ellie’s costume.
Joel and Tommy were in a nearby town while patrolling to get rid of all the infected when he stumbled into a hardware store, Jackpot he thought going into the store hoping to find some things he needed from there. While Joel rummaged through the different aisles Tommy came inside as well and questioned his older brother's actions, “What are you exactly doing Joel? We should be looking for more infected to get rid of or go back home. You don’t need any more tools back home, I’m sure you already have enough of them to open your own hardware store back there”.
“I’m not looking for tools, I need some steel wire for the wings of Ellie’s costume,” said Joel going back to keep looking for the item, “You sure your girl should dress as an angel? I think a demon would be more fitting,” said Tommy holding back laughter, “She wants to, so I’m making sure she will. Now stop being such a pain and help me look for it so we can get going as soon as possible” grumbled Joel.
Once he had gotten all the necessary supplies Joel began the true making of the costume, measuring Ellie up to know what size the wings should be since he didn’t want her to stumble and hurt herself if they ended to big.
“Papa can we eats grilled cheese and ‘mato soup? Dina says Talia mades it fo’ her and was so tasty, so I wan’ some too p’ease” begged Ellie using her best puppy eyes, even if she knew that her Papa was wrapped around her little finger and would do anything she asked for, or at least that was what uncle Tommy said.
“Sure thing baby girl, once we are finished here we’ll go ask Tommy and Maria for some butter since a certain little girl ate all we had this morning at breakfast” said Joel teasing Ellie, making her let out tiny giggles and swear she didn’t know what her Papa was talking about.
As promised Joel and Ellie went towards Tommy and Maria’s house, upon arrival Ellie wanted to barge in but was stopped by Joel, “Baby girl, remember we can’t just barge inside, we need to knock so they let us in” reprimanded Joel, knocking on the door waiting for someone to open it.
Soon after Tommy opened the door to greet them, “What brings you here at this hour? Please come in, it’s getting a little chilly outside” said Tommy and when the last word came out of his mouth Ellie ran inside, “Unca’ Tommy, where’s Auntie ‘Ria? I wanna see her” exclaimed the little girl looking all around the first floor for her aunt, but not having luck with her mission.
“Is that my favorite little girl that I’m hearing? Have she come to visit me and give me lots of love?” asked Maria, faking surprise when she spotted Ellie and opening her arms for the running girl that was coming to her. With a tud Ellie crashed into her aunt’s arms and hugged her, getting kisses all over her face as a response, when the kiss attack finished she began to tell Maria all about her day.
“Guess what Auntie ‘Ria? Papa’s making grilled cheese and ‘mato soup fo’ dinner!!” mentioned Ellie when she remembered why they were there, “Oh really? You must be so excited about eating such a yummy dinner” said Maria chuckling at what could make a little kid so excited.
“Yes!! Dina says it’s so yummy, so I asked Papa for it and he said yes” said Ellie, overflowing with happiness, then she started to tell Maria what Dina had taught her that day when she went to visit her house.
“If you are making that for dinner then why are you here? It’s getting late and you should start on dinner if you plan on getting your little rascal in bed at a reasonable hour” asked Tommy clarifying how they are always welcomed, “We came to ask for some butter please, Ellie ate all of ours this morning and it’s so late to go and get some for the house” explained Joel, looking towards Ellie and smiling at how easygoing the girl is.
“She sure has you wrapped around her little finger, you basically bend at her will. First, you're making some wings from scratch for her angel costume and now you are making an elaborate dinner just cause she asked” chuckled Tommy patting his big brother’s back but then going to his fridge to fetch the requested item.
“What wings Unca’ Tommy? Angel Knives don’t have wings, she has big claws like Wolverine!” demonstrated Ellie throwing her arms around as if she were attacking with her fake claws. "Baby girl, didn’t you say you wanted to dress like an angel for the party?” asked Joel looking directly at the girl, “Yeah Papa, wanna dress like Angel Knives. I already told you, so silly Papa” giggled Ellie continuing to throw punches and kicks at the air.
With a sigh Joel took the butter from Tommy and grabbed Ellie’s hand going toward the door, “You going already brother?” asked Tommy chuckling, “Yes, I need to make dinner and get this little one in bed as soon as possible. Tomorrow is going to be a long day of me making fake claws for Ellie” answered Joel waving a final goodbye to Maria and Tommy before walking back to his house with Ellie on tow.
Of course, Angel Knives made more sense than an actual angel, but this one was on Joel for not asking Ellie more questions, it was a big lesson to learn. Tommy was right, Ellie has him wrapped around her little finger just like Sarah did, maybe he was just meant to be a dotting ‘girl dad’ and give into their shenanigans.
Especially when he had a tiny voice come to him at night and tell him Wuv you Papa, before snuggling next to him, his baby girl was more of a demon than an angel but he wouldn’t have it any other way, just enjoying these little moments when it was just them and no infected or bad people existed in the world of the Miller family.
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Bubbles at the Fair
(Tommy Shelby x daughter reader)
Summary- What should have been a peaceful family fair trip still has that hint of Shelby Chaos..... John learns what happens giving Katie to the wrong man, Arthur tries to explain how Infants get fed, and Tommy leaves with a mouth tasting like soap. But hey, Y/N and Finn won't stop talking about the fun they've had.....
A/N: Hi Y'all! No it's as trigger warnings for this one really. There are mentions of an arranged marriage and we actually learn more about Tommy and Marie's relationship in the beginning and it's a bit angstyish, but the rest is mostly fluff! Oh and in one part Y/N does have to wash her mouth with soap but she's not being punished, I promise! Also remember this is prewar Tommy, so he's probably different (happier) than he usually is in cannon especially since he's with his daughter! Enjoy ❤️based off a real story ❤️
WC- 5.6K
Series Masterlist Main Masterlist
Birmingham 1912
Thomas Shelby held tightly to the rope he'd tied to his four year old daughter's pants. 
Well, technically they were her uncle's pants, but none of her dresses had any loops and Tommy didn't want to lose her. The bouncy child had a habit of shooting off these days, ever since she'd learn to run, she'd see something that excited her and go directly for it. It didn't matter who else was in the way. There had been many a talk between father and daughter about not just taking off in a heavy crowd and the young girl seemed to understand. But Tommy was still a bit worried. Especially since there were so many people around now. 
The sky was clear and the air was cool as it shown down on the edges of the land. It was almost June and the schools had just gotten out. 
Not only that, but the fair had come to town. 
Dozens of children and their families flocked to the usually empty plot of land, now decorated with small colorful tents and circus acts promising amazing excitements. 
And the Shelby Family was no different. 
All of them had decided to close the shop early for the day and visit the fun that seemed to have drawn everyone in the city to its colorful signs and entertaining games. Even Marie was in a good mood and decided to come along, chatting quietly with Martha who was carrying newborn Katie. 
Lately, Tommy had noticed his wife had seemed to be come less content with the cards dealt to her. And while he still couldn't say he loved her (nor that she loved him) they'd seemed to find some sort of friendship for the in between, if only because of their daughter. And truthfully he couldn't blame her. It had been a one night stand that had turned into a shotgun marriage once her aunt and uncle found out why she was getting sick every morning. Originally from America, her aunt and uncle had made her stay with Tommy even after the baby was born. And while in the beginning she hadn't minded, their short lived lust still in full run, the thrill seemed to be over for her. Tommy knew Marie had begun to felt trapped by the result of that one night. And while he sympathized for her feeling the same way at time, he didn't like how her feelings lead her to treat their daughter. Everyone could see that Maria had begun to draw away from her daughter and resent the young girl almost. In the beginning she had seemed to fawn over the child just as much as her husband had, but when Y/N began to grow and cling to her father more, Maria slowly stepped back. It wasn't that she didn't love her daughter. She did, but as the years past it got harder for her to ignore what her life could have been if she hadn't met Tommy that night. It was as if Y/N had become a reminder of where Marie's life could have gone and why she was stuck where she was. In a small, overcrowded house, surrounded by dirt and grime where few ever left. It certainly wasn't the life she'd planned when she came over to stay with her Aunt and Uncle for the summer, and her heart was beginning to feel more and more of its toll. She'd still let Y/N talk to her and grab her hand on the sidewalk when going to the park, but her responses had become shorter and park trips became less frequent. And the worst part about it was that little Y/N didn't seem to notice how her mother didn't smile as brightly at her drawings anymore. She didn't notice how her mother was always to busy too play tea party. She didn't notice how often her mother's side was empty, the nights she'd snuck into her parents bed. Y/N didn't notice her mother's hardening heart, but everyone else did.
Nevertheless, there were some days, like today, when Marie's heart warmed again, and she'd join the family on their outages, conversing with Polly or telling Arthur off for letting Y/N yell to loud. Those days were Y/N's favorites when both her parents were around and she was able to grab both their hands as they walked down the streets, chattering away about what she'd done with Finn. Sure, she could do that perfectly fine with her Father and Lizzie when they'd meet at the park. But for the four year old girl, there was just something special about being able to be near both of her parents, especially during the day when everyone was awake. After all, they were her parents. They were suppose to be the ones who loved her most right? So why shouldn't being around them be her favorite thing? The young girl loved nothing more than being around her family, even if it was only for a meal.
"Look Y/N there's a bear!"
Y/N squealed, turning to hug the speaking Finn as they both shook with excitement when the family passed under the colorful entrance sign. It was no surprise how close the pair was. Finn and Y/N might as well have been conjoined twins with how often they were together. Only separated by a couple months, the two had spent practically every moment together since Y/N was born. They even shared the same sleeping space as babies in the small room with Tommy and Marie. In fact, they were raised so closely Finn still had a habit of calling Tommy "Daddy" or "Da" often like Y/N did. After all, it was only natural he learn that since it's what everyone called Tommy when Y/N was around, seeing as he didn't want his daughter calling him by his name. And since Finn was always with Y/N he'd picked up on it too. Where Y/N went, Finn went, and where Finn caused trouble, Y/N was sure to follow. Almost always together, and always smiling with each other, the pair of four year olds were the light of the Shelby Family. And everyone was sure that in a few years, when Katie could walk, she'd be causing trouble right along with them. At his niece's joy, The four year old boy beamed, just as excited and he hugged onto his best friend. Finn didn't have a rope tied to his pants. Everyone knew he was less likely to run off and besides, there wasn't need for two ropes when Y/N was always holding on tightly to her Uncle some how. Be it the hand or shirt, Finn and her always had a grip on each other in some way when out in the streets. It was as if they weren't afraid of anything more than losing their other half. 
"I see Finn! Daddy look! There's a bear! Ohh and there's a duck.... and there's a clown and there's that man eating fire and.. and... ahh there's so much..... Daddy it's loud." 
Though she had been excited when she first saw everything, the crowd and the chaos immediately became a bit much for the young girl. Overwhelmed, she dropped her uncle's hand and stepped back until she ran into her father's legs. Still facing forward, eyes darting back and forth at the loud people and sights before her, Y/N reached behind her and tried to grab the fabric of her father's pants. She liked the fair and was still excited, but the sudden abundance of possible opportunities before her startled her a bit. She had no clue where to begin. It was a bit much.
Looking down, Tommy saw the look on Y/N face and knew she was at a bit of a loss. Reaching down, he began to run his fingers through her hair. But before he could bend down on one knee to speak to her, Finn had crashed into her, wrapping her in another hug that consisted of her, him, and the lower part of Tommy's legs. Unable to bend down Tommy could barely hear what Finn whispered to Y/N when he released the hug and grabbed her face forcing her look at him. Her cheeks were squished between his hands as he spoke with a determined look on his face. His best friend was nervous and Finn would do anything to fix that.
"Y/N. Hi Y/N! Look at me. It's Finn. Look at me."
Cheeks still squished between small hands, Y/N stared uncertainly at her favorite uncle before answering.
"...hi finn. It's kinda loud."
"Yeah but it's ok. It's ok. It's just noise."
"Just noise?"
"Yeah, like Pol bangs pans in the kitchen or Ada yells at Johnny for stealing her pillow. Or when Da says naughty words if he hits his hand on the door? Only noise. Like when Artie snores so loud Ada tries covering his head with a pillow so he can't make it any more."
Y/N smiled at her uncle's words, laughing quietly at the image of her aunt smothering her oldest uncle with a pillow. 
Y/N smiled again and hugged her uncle closer for a minute more. The adults all watched in with small grins on their faces. 
Then not moments later, the pair of children began to rock. Gently at first, nudging the other back and forth before, still clinging tightly to each other. Then their giggles began to grow and soon the children were twirling around in fast circles, trying to see who would fall first. It ended when they both tripped over Arthur's left foot and landed in a heap in the ground. Finn and Y/N stared at the others for a moment, blankly, before bursting into giggles again.
"All right twiddle de and twiddle dum. Ready to have some fun," Arthur chuckled as he dragged both children to their feet. Grinning eagerly at the eldest Shelby man, they both nodded.
"Alrighty then. Let's get to it!"
Grabbing each child in one arm, Arthur lifted them on to opposite arms and ran farther into the crowd, Y/N and Finn squealing as he speed up. The rest of the family laughed as they watched him run. John slid up by Tommy, Katie now snuggled in her father's arms as the women broke off to enjoy some time of their own without any scheming children. 
"Which one do you think he's gonna drop first?"
Tommy looked a John with a raised eyebrow, his sticking arms out for his two month old niece. Adjusting the baby in his arms, Tommy was surprised at how even now, she was bigger than Y/N had been at three months. But then again, Y/N had been a month early. And Katie obviously got John's baby genes, weighing more than Finn and Y/N had combined. She was a squishy little thing full of baby rolls, burps, and love. Y/N had been so excited when she first met her cousin, eagerly stating that it was the cutest potato she'd ever seen. Martha nearly peed herself laughing when she heard, while John stood by the couch, mouth open in shock at the three (almost four) year old's audacity. From the pillow she was laying on in the her cousin's lap, two day old Katie had only stared wide eyed at the girl, while Finn dared squeeze her cheeks curiously. Now two months old, Katie made a sweet cooing sound from her uncle's arms as he tickled her belly slightly. Tommy smiled at her, before looking at John....his smile dropping. John realised it was a mistake to let Katie go. She was his only protection. With one arm, Tommy childishly shoved his brother back a few steps in retaliation, causing Katie to coo again as her Uncle laughed.
"Your Daddy's being silly isn't he Katie Kat?"
Rolling his eyes, but still chuckling himself, John stepped back towards Tommy, reaching his arms out for his daughter again.
"Ha ha, very funny, steal a man's baby and shove him while he's distracted by her singing huh? What kinda of example is that, ya shit uncle?"
Tommy only grinned at his brother and held the baby out of her father's reach. It was the same way John had done it when Y/N was this age. Now Tommy was finally able to get his retaliation. Thank you Martha for falling for his stupid brother's stupider pick up lines...
"It's a good one John Boy. Teaches her never to give up her greatest protection. If you hadn't given her to me, you wouldn't have that shit colored mud stain on your ass now. I bet Martha will find that real attractive won't she?"
Eyes wide, John spun in circles looking for the offending mark.... Only to find nothing as his brother started laughing again.
"Oh fuck you Tommy, I fucking outta-"
"What shove me? You wouldn't shove a man with a baby in his arms now would yah John boy?," Tommy grinned smugly, in the way only a big brother could. Holding up Katie and squishing her cheeks lightly he continued, "I mean you wouldn't want to knock this squishy potato now would you?"
Katie giggled and reached out her arms for her father, as she was bounced in her uncle's arms. Huffing, John rolled his eyes and stepped up to Tommy. Then as hard as he dared with his daughter's safety in mind.... John poked Tommy's shoulder aggressively as one could.
"You're a right ass you know that."
"Ada reminds me every day John Boy."
"Oi! Are you two ladies done making faces or are we gonna play some fucking...shit don't say that word tinys...or that one....Are you gonna play with us?"
Arthur had called over to his brothers from the bench he now sat on as Y/N and Finn crawled all over him. The first time he'd cursed, Arthur had remembered he wasn't suppose too around the kids, grabbed their heads and shoved them against his chest, one hand over each to muffle any more possible "naughty words" they might have heard. In protest at being restrained, Y/N and Finn struggled back to free themselves of Arthur's grasp, laughing as he playfully battered their attacks off.
"Yeah alright, just as soon as Tommy gives me my kid back."
"I was just trying to teach her a good lesson John. Ya know. Good uncle shit and all that." Tommy shrugged his shoulders and finally relinquished his niece.
Hearing mentions of her cousin, Y/N scrambled off of Arthur and over to John where she grabbed his knee in hopes he'd kneel down. He did, and soon Katie was laughing again while her cousin poked her belly the same way Y/N's father had only moments before. She talked eagerly to the baby who didn't understand a word being said.
"Are ya having fun Katie Kat? Are we gonna play some fair games?"
Katie just cooed (it was practically all she could do) and grabbed on to her cousin's finger. Tommy smiled down at his daughter and noticed something. There was a faint rim of chocolate around her mouth, and already he could tell the girl was bouncing more than usual. Looking over to the bench, Finn displayed the same traits.
"ARTHUR!? Did you already give them ice cream?"
Looking anywhere but his brother, Arthur stood up, swooping Finn onto his shoulder and started heading towards the games again.
"Ohh would you look at that! A line's forming! We better get there quick before it's too long shouldn't we Finny?"
Rolling his eyes at Arthur's antics, Tommy smirked and swooped Y/N up on his own shoulders. As long as John, well technically Katie, was besides her, Y/N would have no problem being carried. Especially if it was on her father's shoulders where she could see everything. 
"Right then sweetheart, ready to beat Artie and Finny at darts?"
"Yeah!!! DARTS!"
It had been an hour since the family had arrived at the fair and everything was going great. Tommy, John, and Arthur had all won a handful of prizes from a shooting game, as Finn, Katie, and Y/N cheered them on, clapping. Well, Katie clapped and cheered. Finn and Y/N just cheered, while taking turns with one another holding Katie as the other covered her ears from the shots. Luckily it was only pellet gun so it still didn't make too much noise. Against common sense and their promise to Polly, the older men had also given Y/N and Finn the chance to shoot the small pellet guns at the paper targets. Sitting in Arthur's lap, each child had been given the chance to pull the trigger while the older man aimed the pellet gun. The whole time Tommy was also telling them all the important parts of the gun and how to safely use it. Sure they'd definitely get chewed out for it later when Polly learned, but it was still fun to watch the children's faces light up as "they" hit the target like the older men they adored.
In addition to the shooting game, they'd also played a game involving rolling a bowling ball over a hill. This one was more fun for the kids, but Arthur's leg had ended up being a step stool for Y/N and Finn to stand on as they rolled the balls. After that the group stopped for another ice cream break. They bought three ice creams and split it between the five of them. Y/N wanted to feed Katie a small bit off her finger, but then Arthur ended up explaining why she was too young to eat any of it herself.
Why was Arthur the one to do it? Because John himself didn't know why, actually curious to try, and Tommy had run Finn to the bathroom. And so the slightly blushing man fumbled through explaining where her two month old cousin's food came from, hopefully in a way that wouldn't get Arthur hit by his brother, for his description of his sister in law if he accidentally brought up too many barn animals. Martha would kill him for doing that, and then Polly would start.
"Well Y/N, Katie doesn't eat like the rest of us. She doesn't got any teeth."
"Why? Did she loose them? I can help her find them if she wants."
"No, she didn't lose them they haven't come in yet. See, right now Katie gets her food from Martha."
"Oh because Martha makes her and John food at night. But John doesn't just eat Martha's food does he?"
"Well, actually Y/N, the stuff Martha makes isn't too ba... gaaaahh!" John opened his mouth, about to announce something that would absolutely get him wacked for saying to a four year old, but Arthur's foot on his heal stopped him. 
"Ignore him tiny, the icecream has shot to his brain."
"Oh no! Does his eye hurt?"
Y/N rocked on her feet as she stood on the bench to feel John's right eye.
"Sometimes when I eat icecream too fast it makes my eye hurt, and I go MY EYE! MY EYE!" She responded, holding her own eye for dramatic effect. 
"What the fuck did you do to my kid?"
Appearing from the crowd again with not only Finn, but the women of the family, Tommy had arrived just in time to see his precious daughter grab her eye, call out for it, and fall into Arthur's lap. Seeing Finn return again, Y/N bounced up, and ran to him.
"FINNY! Guess what! Artie is telling me how Katie eats!"
Immediately, all heads shot to Arthur who seemed to shrink in his seat, aware that with the women around he'd have to tread more carefully. 
"Yeah. Right. So it's like... well she doesn't have any teeth so she can't eat hard food like you or me right."
"Yeah! Artie said that she can only eat Martha's food! And Johnny said he likes it a lot too!"
Ada hid her face in Tommy's shoulder to muffle the laughter coming from her mouth, while Marie didn't even bother hiding her smirk as she supported Martha who was almost bent over laughing. Eighteen year old John looked anywhere but his Aunt's eyes.
"That's not true." 
"Yes it it."
"Not it's not"
"YES IT IS!" Y/N stomped her foot glaring at her Uncle, not liking being called a liar.
"Fine!" John quickly relented, not wanting to start a yelling match he knew he'd loose. Y/N nodded her head before looking for Arthur to continue. Arthur just sputtered for a moment, not really sure how to continue or why he was the one answering. Aside from Finn, Arthur was probably the last one who should be answering this question. He was the least equipped, having no kids or tools of his own.
"Well....right. She only eats food from Martha. And Martha kinda...in a way... makes it for her."
"Ohh like a recipe. Does she get the stuff from the store like when Polly goes to buy bread?"
Arthur's face was a red as Katie's dress now. 
"No no... ya see Y/N... she doesn't get it from the store, she just kinda...." Arthur gestured vaguely in the direction of the still laughing Martha's chest hoping that would've be enough to quell the girl's questions... It wasn't.
"That's Martha, Artie. Correct. You still haven't said where she gets the food from."
Arthur just groaned, wondering who he'd pissed off upstairs to deserve such humiliation. Y/N only smiled innocently, eager to hear her Uncle's words..... But Arthur gave up.
"Ya know what, why don't you ask her because I ain't telling ya. She's the one who makes it yeah? So she's the one who knows it best."
Skipping over to Martha, Y/N motioned for the eighteen year old girl to lean down so she could whisper in her ear, as if they hadn't been having the conversation in public only moments ago. Obliging, Martha bent down. It only took a few minutes for Martha to whisper in Y/N's ear before the four year old pulled back and looking wide eyed and pointing to Martha's chest.
"Yep. It's pretty normal."
"Yeah. Like a bottle. Your mum probably did it too when you were a baby."
"Really?!" Y/N looked at her mother who just nodded in confirmation.
"You can... you can like have snacks wherever you go!"
The adults laughter at the child's innocent idea while, Arthur was just glad he didn't have to talk any more.
"But wait? Why did Uncle John say he...."
"Moving on!" Tommy put a hand over his daughter's mouth to keep her from opening that can of worms.
"Alright! I think we have time for one last game and then we have to go home alright?"
Y/N and Finn looked decisively at the booths around them, trying to decide what game to play. They'd gone around to most of the games already, but there were some they hadn't played yet. Over by the edge of the tents, Y/N noticed a small green one that seemed to have a pool of some sort underneath. Hoping there was maybe a fish she could see, she nudged to Finn and pointed over in that direction.
"Wanna do that one? It's got a tub so maybe we can get a fish! But you can't lick it this time ok."
Finn's eyes widened with excitement at the thought of a pet, while every adult present internally hoped it wouldn't be true. 
"Ok! If we gets fish can we name him Jethro?"
"....I like that name, sure!"
Running over to the tent, the rest of the family followed, confused to where Finn had heard such a name. Though when they reached the tent, much to Y/N and Finn's disappointment, the tub wasn't filled with live fishy friends, nevertheless they were still excited to play. The tub was instead filled with toy rubber ducks. Tommy knew this game. It was incredibly simple, only requiring the user to pick up a duck with their hands and see what size prize they'd won. A easy game, it couldn't be any harder to get wrong, which is why it seemed perfect for the last game of the day. With something so simple it couldn't go wrong. The man running the game stood up and walked over to the group.
"Fancy a play? Everyone's a winner at the duck pond!"
"We wanna play! We wanna play!" Y/N and Finn cheered eagerly while Tommy handed over the money for each kid to play a round. 
"Alright you know how to play? You get duck from the pond and whatever shape is on the bottom is the prize you get, understand?"
"Yes! Me and Finny played a game like this with our Aunt Ada once!" Y/N explained to the stranger, eager to start. She remembered having so much fun with it last autumn.
"Ok then. Start whenever you're ready."
Grinning at each-other and then their family behind them, Y/N and Finn faced the tub while Arthur gave a count down.
"Ready..... Set............GO!"
Finn immediately stuck his arm into the water and picked up a duck. 
Y/N stuck her head in.
Somewhat horrified Tommy jumped for his daughter, intending to pull her head out, only now noticing how dirty the water was with its sickly green tint. John and Polly immediately started laughing, while Ada and Marie just stood in shock. Martha put her hand over mouth while Katie just gurgled happily at the water splashing her. Arthur gagged and pulled Finn back from the tub, who looked like he was about to do the same thing. Not that Y/N noticed of course. Her head was underwater.
Tommy had only just touched his daughter's shoulder when her head popped back up out of the water. She turned around dripping wet and proudly showing off the small yellow rubber duck, whose head was in her mouth. 
Tommy didn't even give her the chance to spit out the duck before he picked her up and practically ran with her to the makeshift sink by the outhouses. Really it was a tub under a water pump, with a few bars of soap on a nearby stool. Placing her down firmly on her feet, Tommy grabbed the nearest soap bar and couched down by his daughter. 
"Spit it out."
Confused as to why her father didn't seem happy she'd won, Y/N's brow pinched as she shook her head.
"Y/N spit the duck out now."
The four year old girl still shook her head. She'd won the duck, why did she have to give it back? Tommy's face grew stern and he took a tone he rarely did with the kids.
"Y/N spit the duck out NOW!"
Finally listening, Y/N finally pulled the rubber toy out of her mouth and pouted at her father. Tommy ignored it for now more concerned about the fact he'd seen a used cigarette butt in the water as he went to grab his child. Fuck, there were probably so many diseases in there she'd be dead by dawn. Who even allows such a filth game at a fucking fair, Tommy thought, especially without explaining how to play. Evidently the game was harder than he thought, and the standman should have made the rules more clear. Now his beloved daughter probably had the plague or something like it.
"Good, now open your mouth."
Again Y/N complied, only to be met with a small bar of soap being placed on her tongue as Tommy urgently tried to get whatever filth was in the water out of his daughter's mouth. Her nose wrinkled as the taste of soap covered her mouth and Y/N tried to hit her father's arm, knocking his scrubbing off her tongue. And though she hadn't been strong enough to do so, luckily a few moments later her father pulled out the soap. Refusing to close her mouth Y/N could feel the bubbles on her tongue and angrily tried to kick her (usually) beloved father. Tommy caught her leg, looking her in the eyes, and from his pocket pulled out a small flask with a thin green ribbon around the cap. It also had a few small flowers on top a train engine carved on the metal sides.
"Yeah yeah, I know it sucks and I'm sorry but it's almost over sweetheart. I'm gonna pour some of this in your mouth and then you're gonna close your mouth, but NOT swallow it. You're gonna shake your head and then spit it out. I repeat you WILL NOT swallow it, it's only to rinse your mouth."
The flask didn't contain alcohol. It was actually filled with juice, and he carried it around with him most times incase Y/N got thirsty on an outing. Polly and Marie had disapproved of him getting it for her, but Y/N have been delighted to receive the "small can" like she'd seen her father carry around. It had taken two months to find a jeweler willing to etch the odd design on it too, but it was worth Y/N's smile as she lit up seeing her gift, and began immediately talking about where the flower train could be going. He also carried one for Finn, but that one was currently in Arthur's jacket. It had also been etched, but with the image of the deer and turtles Finn liked to watch by the pond the family took picnics at occasionally.
"Y/N swish and spit it right now."
Narrowing her eyes, but knowing she had no other choice, Y/N stuck out her tongue letting her father pour a small amount of juice inside the mouth. Then after shaking her head twice she purposely spit the liquid back out.... right onto the toes of her father's feet. Crossing her arms, Y/N glared at her father wondering why he had to go and ruin a perfectly good day.
Tommy looked at his shoes and then back up to his daughter's hurt face. Shit. Taking his jacket off Tommy wrapped it tightly around the dripping Y/N, who now looked to be on the verge of tears. Wincing, Tommy realized that maybe he should have explained what he was doing first. Here she was, a thinking she's won a game, and he had to go and practically punish her for it. Tommy had never washed her mouth out with soap before, but he now remembered Polly half threatening to do it to him before, while Y/N sat playing on the floor. She probably didn't realize Tommy was just briefly panicking about her getting sick from whatever had been in the water.
The mentioned girl averted her gaze looking down at her feet as small sniffles began to come. 
"Y/N, sweetheart I'm sorry I just did that," Pulling his daughter closer, Tommy, fully on his knees now, gently placed a finger under her chin so she'd meet his eyes. Tommy's heart sank seeing the tears beginning to form. "I'm so so sorry I did that sweetheart, I was scared that you put your head in the water yeah? It's dirty and I'd don't want you to get sick."
"I ...I didn't... I didn't know that though."
Y/N looked to the side whimpering slightly as Tommy's hand came up to wipe away any remaining tears.
"I realize that sweetheart and I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting you to do that, and it surprised me yeah? I reacted badly and I'm sorry I didn't tell ya why I was doing it before I scrubbed your mouth. I promise it won't happen again yeah. Do you think you can forgive me sweetheart?"
It wasn't often Y/N was mad at Tommy, atleast  not over big things. But it still didn't stop the pain in Tommy's heart everytime he made his daughter cry, even if he was mad at her for something else at the time. It hurt anytime he saw her cry, but knowing he'd been the cause made him feel that much worse. Staring at her father a bit longer, Y/N shuffled her feet and wrapped her father's jacket tighter around herself. Her father really did seem sorry and besides he'd never done anything like it before so maybe he was telling the truth.
"Do you promise you won't do it again?"
"Yes, Y/N, sweetheart I promise I won't do it again."
She dragged her feet in the ground for a bit, watching the mud seep in to her father's pants. 
Time and time again, Tommy was often surprised by his sweet daughter's willingness to forgive and put the past behind her. It certainly wasn't a trait she'd gotten from his side of family. But then again, her and Finn always were a bit different. They were the family's chance to be raised better than the rest were. Especially since Arthur Sr. wasn't around anymore to cause the pain he always did. Maybe Y/N and Finn were a bit softer than the rest, but Tommy didn't think that was a bad thing. He didn't necessarily want the youngest two involved in the darker part of the growing family business. The one that meant he had to swap out his caps in the garage after work before coming inside to see the kids, lest they hurt themselves grabbing the blades sewn inside his usual one.
"Yeah it's ok Daddy. I'm not mad anymore. You said sorry."
Relieved he hadn't totally ruined his relationship with her, Tommy pulled his daughter close, not caring that his other clothes were getting wetter by the second. Y/N wrapped her arms around her father in response as they remained that way for a few minutes. Then Tommy let go and stood up, ready to rejoin the family.
Looking back down to his daughter, Tommy saw that she was holding not only the duck, but the small bar of soap. Tommy chuckled.
"What love? Do you want to clean the duck before we go back?"
"Yes, help me please."
And so he did.
Tommy Shelby helped his four year old girl wash the small yellow duck, making her laugh with the terrible duck impressions he did. Tommy was much better at neighing like horses than quacking like a duck. Once finished, she dried the duck off with her father's coat and held it close to her chest. 
"Alright? Now are we good to go," Tommy asked again. Y/N began to nod and then stopped. She smiled innocently, but Tommy recognised the look in her eye. Tommy thought his daughter had the face of an angel, but he couldn't quite deny the bit of devil in her angel eyes. That was the part she got from him. Y/N offered the small bar of soap to her father once more.
"I want you to try it."
Tommy's eyes widened.
"Daddy, I want you to taste the soap since you made me try it. It's only fair."
Tommy's mouth opened and closed a few times, trying to come up with a reason why he shouldn't have to try eating the soap. Besides the fact it was SOAP. But his daughter was right. He'd made her try it, and so logistically it was only fair if he did too. Damn himself for trying to teach her about taking responsibility for one's mistakes. Good parenting evidently had some drawbacks. Tilting his head, Tommy tried appealing to Y/N one more time. 
"Are you sure I have to try it? It doesn't look too good."
Y/N shook her head.
"It's not. At ALL. That's why you can't swallow it. Now here."
Sighing in defeat, Tommy took the soap. Looking around to make sure no one was watching, he did as his daughter asked. If only to teach her a lesson about making up for her mistakes. Lord knew he needed to get better about it himself, instead of ignoring them or making more problems to hide the small ones. Breaking off a small piece, he stuck it on his tongue, nose immediately wrinkling at the taste. Y/N's eyes never left his face, watching intently as he closed his mouth and rolled the soap around like it was a piece of candy. All of the sudden, Tommy inhaled though his nose and the piece of soap shot to the back of his mouth. Gagging, Tommy spit out the soap, grabbed the flask and desperately tried to swish out the taste. 
"That is fucking disgusting....Don't tell Polly I said that word."
Y/N laughed at the small bubbles coming from her father's mouth with each spit. And despite the lingering taste it was enough to turn Tommy's own lips upwards. She clapped her hands at her father's problem, satisfied with the fate he'd been dealt. Rinsing his mouth one more time, Tommy straightened up again and brushed Y/N's hair back from her face before moving to fix his own too. Thankfully, no one else saw the dangerous gangster almost meet his end.... choking on a piece of soap.
"Now can we go back? You still haven't picked your prize yet sweetheart."
Y/N grabbed her father's hand and began to lead him back towards the booth.
"I know exactly what I want."
Hand in Hand, father and daughter walked back to the tent where their family was waiting. As they got closer, Tommy could hear Arthur threatening the vendor.
"When that little girl comes back you are going to give her whatever fucking prize her little heart desires, I don't care if it's the shirt off your fucking back, do you hear me? As far as she's concerned she won anything alright?"
Nodding fearfully, the game man accepted Arthur's words. Finn was the first to notice the pair's return, smiling wildly as he held his new stuffed deer.
"Y/N look what I won!"
Eagerly, Y/N raced over to Finn, lightly running her hand off the top of the soft stuffed animal. 
"Finny he's so pretty!"
"I'm gonna let him sleep by my stuffed chicken I think."
"What's his name?"
"I'm naming his Deery because he's a deer."
"Ohh that's perfect!"
Eager to loose the threatening gaze of Arthur, the vendor cleared his throat nervously, gaining the attention of both children.
"If you like the deer you can have one too kid. You did win the game, so pick any prize you like."
Y/N looked to the pile of prizes the man displayed to the side of the tent. Turning over the duck in her hand she saw a circle which was a medium prize, the same size as Finn's deer. Pointing to the pile she looked at the vendor. 
"My duck has a circle under it so I got to choose from there right?"
Arthur glared harder and Ada nudged him to tone it down a bit, but the vendor already noticed.
"Actually you can pick anything you see from the tent just like this lad did. You two are my best customers today, so you can have any prize you like. Even the big ones."
"Anything you want."
Y/N didn't even hesitate, beaming as like she told her father, she already knew exactly what she wanted. She stuck out her hand.
"Can I have this?"
"......You want the duck?" Tilting his head, the vendor was confused. He'd given the girl any choose of prize she wanted even the big ones, and she choose the rubber duck she'd grabbed..well bitten... from the water. Truthfully the man knew the ducks weren't the cleanest. He figured it didn't really matter about keeping them super clean when people only picked them up for a few seconds with their hands. The vendor had never seen anyone use their mouth to grab a duck. He'd have to put that in the rules now too. Y/N only grinned, holding the duck close to her chest.
"Yes please, I really like him. He's really cute and cuddly. My daddy already helped me clean him too. So can I keep him?
Still confused but not about to reject the sweet child the vendor conceded.
"Alright then girly. If you want the duck you can have the duck. Congratulations ... I think?"
Happily, Y/N bounced up and down, pleased with her duck. It fit perfectly in one hand and in her small pants pocket, which meant he could go with her everywhere. Racing back to Finn, Y/N was quick to show him her prize. 
"Finny, LOOK! I got a rubber duck!"
"What is its name?"
"Ducklores, it's like Dolores but with duck!"
".....I like that! Do you think he wants to be friends with Deery?"
"YES! They can be BEST friends, Finny. Just like us!"
Eagerly the children dove into conversation over their new toys as the family walked back to the car. Despite a few bumps and bubbles it really had been a great day for the fair. Tommy's mouth still tasted like soap and he was holding the rope by Y/N's pants again but she didn't notice. She was far to distanced talking about the fun they'd had and showing off her duck to Katie. But Tommy didn't mind, because his daughter was smiling. And that's all he ever wanted. If the last thing Tommy saw was he daughter's smile, he knew he could die a happy man.
"Y/N? Why did you stick your head in the water?"
"I thought it was like bobbing for Apples, Finny. But with ducks."
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cowgurrrl · 7 months
Getting Older
Summary: "I love my little brother so much. I wish I could take back the years I spent treating him like I didn't." aka Joel and Tommy Talk [1.5k]
Warnings: discussions of deployment/Army, mentions of Sarah and Tess, pregnancy, deceased parent, learning to love someone even when you can't recognize them anymore
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The brothers had been avoiding the topic pretty much since Joel learned of Maria. They were close once. Of course, they were. Joel let Tommy live in his home, work with him, and help him raise his daughter once he came back from Afghanistan. When the nightmares got bad, Joel was there in his stoic, big brother way to ask about therapists and support groups for veterans. When Joel didn't have enough money to buy Sarah a bike for her birthday despite scraping together pennies and dimes for months, Tommy miraculously came up with it after a few rounds of Texas Hold' Em at the local bar. They were a team. Had been since their mom died. 
But twenty years of a world ruled by fungus is enough to break any bond. The first few weeks in Jackson are rough. Not only are Joel and Ellie recovering from their journey, but Jackson offered up a whole new world of pain that Joel didn't even know existed. Kids Sarah's age running around without a care in the world. His baby brother suddenly no longer a baby anymore but a husband and a father-to-be. The little graveyard a little further away with lovingly etched headstones that make his stomach turn when he thinks about the river his little girl died next to. Couples walking the street hand-in-hand, and he knows Tess hated PDA, but maybe she would've made an exception. You don't realize how big a bed can be when it's suddenly empty for the first time in a decade. They struggle. All of them. There is no one in this little fucked up family that goes untouched by the hurt. 
It takes a month before Joel invites Tommy and Maria over to their house for dinner. Joel does his best to make a niceish dinner and even buys freshly cut flowers from the market. Ellie teases him about it, and he teases her back, but deep down, he just wants everything to be okay again. Normal. Tommy and Maria arrive with a wave of polite smiles and offerings of help, which Joel refuses like any good host. He finishes dinner while Ellie tells her aunt and uncle about school and her new friends. It's quaint when they sit down at the table together. If you squint, you could almost believe this is how it's always been. 
They shoot the shit and tell stories and enjoy the meal Joel lovingly made for them. Joel even asks about the pregnancy, which makes his insides clench like a vice grip, but he doesn't let it show. Maria gives surface details: how far along she is, how she's feeling, how the nursery's coming along. He's silently grateful they don't talk about names or clothes. He'd always saved Sarah's baby clothes in little boxes in the attic. "Just in case," he told himself. Whether it was in the event of a sibling for Sarah or a cousin, he never got to find out. Now he wonders what became of the boxes of pastel pinks and yellows somewhere in Austin. 
When Maria yawns and announces she's tired, Tommy offers to take her home. She refuses and looks at Ellie. "I've got some more clothes for you back at the house. Wanna come look at them with me?" She asks. Ellie looks to Joel for permission or maybe reassurance that she's safe to go with Maria. He nods and picks up her empty plate. "You better get a move on." He urges, and just like that, they're out the door and talking like they've known each other forever. Joel and Tommy collect the dirty plates and wash them in the sink side by side, a tradition their mother instilled in them so young they can barely remember a time when they didn't do it. Tommy's the first one to break the silence.
"She's a good kid." He says, testing the waters, and Joel nods. 
"Most of the time," Joel says, laughing to himself. "She's nothin' like Sarah." It's the first time they've talked about her. Really talked about her for a long time. Tommy freezes like he's trying to figure out what to say or do, but Joel continues. "They're both smart and funny and strong. I think they woulda even been friends. But Ellie…" he trails off. "Ellie's just different. A pain in the ass, sure, but different." He shrugs as he puts a cup face down to dry on the towel next to the sink. "And your little one'll be different, too."
"I know you're gonna wanna compare them to Sarah 'cause that's what I did, but it don't work like that. Every kid's different. You just gotta figure out how. You gotta give 'em a chance to show you who they are." He continues. Tommy knows not to interrupt him when he gets on a soapbox like this. So, just like he did when they were kids, he stays quiet and follows his big brother's lead. "I'm happy for you. I really am, and not 'cause I'm forcin' it or anything. I always knew you were gonna be a good dad, and I know it now."
"But?" Tommy asks, and Joel shakes his head. 
"No 'but.' I'm just thinkin'." 
"'Bout what?"
"Your wife kinda scares me," Joel admits, making Tommy laugh. The sound is reminiscent of summer days spent roughhousing in the backyard or playing with little green Army men in the kitchen while their big chocolate lab, Arlo, lay on the cool tile nearby. 
"Yeah, me too," Tommy says, and now it's Joel's turn for childhood giggling. When the laughter dies down, Joel turns and looks at his brother fully. If he looks past the beard and the long hair, he can almost see the eighteen-year-old he dropped off at boot camp all those years ago. It pushes on an ache in his heart, and maybe that's what prompts him to finally say what he's been dodging this whole time.
"I wish I was there," he mumbles. "Your wedding." The weight of the admission hits Tommy square in the shoulders, and he clears his throat. 
"Me too." 
"Was it… I mean, was it nice? Did you get all fancy or anythin'?" He asks, and Tommy chuckles. 
"Yeah, it was nice. Borrowed a suit that was a little too big, and Maria wore a dress that was a little too old, and we got married down at the courthouse few years ago. I've got a few pictures if you wanna see 'em." Tommy smiles, and Joel does too, and for a second, they're not men beaten down by wars and death. They're two little boys with missing teeth and red popsicle staining their mouths. 
"That's nice," Joel nods. "You deserve nice. I want you to have nice. Always did." The words drown out the dripping sink and the wind blowing through the trees and shaking leaves against the windowpanes. They land somewhere deep in Tommy's stomach, where he stored all emotion and grief down after that September night when he dragged Joel away from Sarah because he was being a "fuckin' idiot." They don't fully relieve him of what he feels is his share of the blame for how things happened, for what happened to Sarah, but they made it a little less heavy. Tommy didn't realize tears had sprung to his eyes until Joel sucked his teeth and pulled him into his chest like he did when Tommy scraped his knees, falling off his bike in second grade. 
"I love you. I'm sorry I acted like I didn't for so long." Joel whispers, his own tears threatening his lash line, and Tommy tightly wraps his arms around his big brother. 
"Love you too," Tommy says, removing a stone from the pile on Joel's shoulders. "Thanks for comin' back for me."
"I'll always come back for you. You're my brother."
Not a soldier. Not a hunter, a raider, or a smuggler. Not even a patrolman. A brother. It's been a long time since Thomas Miller has been allowed to only be a brother. He thinks he likes it. He thinks he can get used to it. He thinks there will never be a day after this one where he doesn't include brother in his list of titles because, for once, he's proud to be Joel's brother, and he will be until the day he dies. 
When they were little, and they used to fight over stupid things like bikes and what music to play in the car, their mama would look at them in the rearview mirror and raise her eyebrows in the exact way Joel is prone to doing and shake her head. "Now you two better settle it 'fore I settle it for you," she'd scold. "Y'all are gonna have to learn to live with one another 'cause I'm not gonna have all this fightin' all the time. Y'all are brothers, and that's gotta count for something." Tommy thinks he can hear his mother's voice in his head as they cry together for the first time in decades. He thinks she'd be happy with the way they turned out. He thinks she'd be proud of them for coming back together in this way.
They're brothers, after all. That's gotta count for something. 
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @marantha
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lu-vin-it · 1 year
Girls Night
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Baby Momma AU
Summary: Sarah has a girls night with Uncle Tommy!
Pairings: Ellie Williams X Reader, Sarah Williams X Tommy Miller (Great uncle/Niece relationship, totally platonic)
Pronouns Used: She/Her
Word Count: 842
Warnings: OOC Tommy, Lots of talk of food
A/N: Ty @stqrluvr for proofreading ily! Also, this was a request but I accidentally posted it before I was done so I lost it :/
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“Momma?” You hear, followed by the door closing.
“I’m in the kitchen!” You dry off your hands. Sarah comes skipping in.
“Can I go over to Uncle Tommy’s?”
“Did he invite you over?” She nods.
“We’re gonna make pizza and have a girls night.” You snort.
“A girls night huh?” You ask putting your hands on your hips.
“Just cause he isn’t a girl doesn’t mean we can’t have them! We’re going to watch Legally Blonde and paint our nails.” She wiggles her nails in your face.
“I’m fine with it, go make sure Mom’s okay with it first though.”
“Where is she?” You hum.
“I think she’s out back with your brother.” Sarah gives you a hug.
“Okay, love you!”
“Love you too, pea.” Sarah walks to the backyard where, sure enough, Ellie sat with Isaac.
“Hey, Einstein!” Ellie calls out when she sees Sarah. The 10 year old grins at the nickname. “How was school, bug?” She asks as Sarah bends down to hug her.
“It was good.” Sarah hugs her 5 year old brother and then sits down next to her Mom. “Can I go over to Uncle Tommy’s tonight? We’re going to have a girls night.” Ellie raises an eyebrow.
“You ask Momma?” She nods. “She said yes?” She nods again. “Then I don’t see why not.” Sarah shoots up with a grin.
“Okay! Bye, love you!” She places a kiss on her Mom’s cheek and then runs back inside. “She said yes! I’m gonna pack my bag!”
“Okay, Pea.” You say with a chuckle.
Ten minutes later, Sarah shouts her goodbyes and rushes over to Tommy’s house.
“Well if it isn’t my favorite 10 year old? Come on in!” Tommy says as he answers the door. “What do you have planned for us tonight?”
“I have Legally Blonde and nail polish!” Tommy gasps.
“Well then we better hurry and make this pizza!” Sarah nods ecstatically.
Sarah was given the task of spreading the sauce on the dough while Tommy got all the seasonings out. Once the cheese was added, they picked their favorite toppings and piled them onto it.
“Does bologna taste good on pizza?” Sarah asks, holding up a container. Tommy shrugs.
“I guess we’ll find out!” He grabs it and puts four slices onto the pizza. “Is there bacon in there?” Sarah searches the fridge for a second before her eyes land on the bacon and she hands it to her uncle.
“Ham too, right?” She pulls out a box of pre-sliced ham.
“Is that even a question?” He grabs it from her with fake aggression.
“What about vegetables? Should we put kale on it?” Tommy makes a disgusted face at her which she returns.
“Yeah okay, that was stupid.”
“There might be some pineapple in there that we could add.”
“Are you crazy?” Tommy rolls his eyes.
“Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it kid.” Sarah crosses her arms.
“My Moms say it’s disgusting.” Tommy scowls.
“Yeah? Well tell them I think they’re disgusting.” The 10 year old giggles. “Now, let’s get this bad boy into the oven.” Sarah rubs her hands together as Tommy picks up the pan and slowly puts it into the preheated oven.
Sarah groans and rubs her stomach as she swallows another bite. Between the two of them, they had eaten all but one slice.
“I’m never gonna have to eat again.” She says, her voice strained.
“Nail polish time?” Tommy asks as he rubs his stomach too. The 10 year old nods. Tommy gets up and grabs her backpack before returning to his spot on the couch and handing her it. Sarah fishes the nail polish out. She had a black one and a pink one.
“Where’s Aunt Maria? I wanna paint her nails too!”
“She’s on night patrol, won’t be home till tomorrow morning.” Sarah sighs.
“I hate patrol.”
“Me too, kid, me too.” He holds out his hands for Sarah.
“Pink or black?” He hums, pretending to think about it.
“Let’s go with black this time.” Sarah nods and starts painting.
“Uncle Tommy! Quit moving!” She swats his arm.
“Sorry sorry! You’re taking forever!”
“Patience! Beauty takes time, Uncle Tommy!” Sarah chastises.
Once Sarah is satisfied with her work, she stretches her hands to Tommy so that he can paint her nails pink. And as it turns out, Tommy was not good at painting nails.
“That’s not my nail! That’s my finger!” The 10 year old shouts in horror.
“Oops, my bad!”
The paint is uneven and chipped and she was definitely going to ask you to fix it tomorrow.
“Let’s watch Legally Blonde now.” Sarah says with a yawn. She hands Tommy the dvd and he wordlessly puts it into the dvd player and turns on the tv. “I love this movie.” She says with a yawn.
“Me too!” Tommy says as he collapses on the couch. Sarah snuggles up against him and pulls the throw blanket from the couch’s arm onto them. She was asleep by the time Elle was recording her admissions tape.
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lxdyred · 1 year
New people in town | Prologue
Post-outbreak!Joel Miller x Ex-lover!Fem!Reader, OC!Daughter!May Miller x Mom!Reader, OC!Daughter!May Miller x Dad!Joel Miller (future), Ellie Williams x Platonic!Fem!Reader (future), Ellie Williams x Platonic!OC!May Miller (future)
Chapter I
Summary: May discovers how the new man in town, who was accompanied by a teenage girl, and her mother were closely and intimately related once, and how almost two decades after they last saw each other, their reunion could possibly turn their worlds upside down.
Warning: swear words, mentions of death, violence and sex, possible smut in the future, mentions of possible SA, angst, etc.
A/N: This idea came to me because of a dream I had during my nap. I'm not sure if I'll write about it, if so it would be a one-shot or possible mini-series. Who knows.
Tag list: Open!
Feedback is very much appreciated ❤️
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"Hey, mama!" A young woman with curly brown hair said coming through the door. The young adult was 18 years old, tall and slightly tanned. She had a beautiful, radiant smile, which made her nose, identical to her mother's, wrinkle slightly. But undoubtedly her most distinctive features were her huge chocolate eyes and the freckles that adorned her cheeks and nose - a trait her own mother did not know from whom she had inherited them.
"Mi amor, what's wrong?" Her mother, a woman no more than 43 years old, replied as she looked at her daughter curiously. "How did your first expedition out of Jackson go? Did you do what we agreed, May?" she asked, arching an eyebrow and crossing her arms, waiting for an answer.
"Always do what Aunt Maria says. Yes, mama." The young woman said as she leaned against the kitchen counter, and watched intently as her mother prepared the evening's dinner, for them and Maria and Tommy. "It was quite unexpected what happened today. You see, a man and his daughter, whom we found near the river of death, was asking for Uncle Tommy."
"He'll be an old friend of his, anyway. You know, from when he was with the Fireflies." The mother said to her daughter as she opened the oven door, then picked up the large tray she was going to put in the oven.
"No, not exactly. That man was looking for his brother, Uncle Tommy."
Once the tray made contact with the floor, silence reigned in the kitchen for a few seconds. The young girl approached her mother, concern and nervousness flooding her face.
"Mama, are you okay?" the chocolate-eyed girl asked. "Mommy, do you know that man? Do you know who he is?" May asked in a whisper, as she stroked her mother's back.
She could only nod awkwardly and slowly, as she was unable to look her daughter in the eyes. She swallowed and went to one of the kitchen stools, where she sat down and hid her face in her hands.
“Babygirl…” She sighed regretfully, before opening her eyes and pushing her hair behind her ears. "Yes, I know him -- Well, I knew him. That was a lifetime ago, my love. But that was before you were born."
"Did he know... my father? Or may he know what has become of him?"
The woman looked at her daughter, and took a hand to the stool beside her, inviting her beloved daughter, the thing she loved most in this broken world, to take her place beside her. "May. You should sit down, sweetheart, I think it's time I told you about him. It's time I told you about your real father — Joel Miller."
The young girl knew that the time had come and that she had to hold on tight, she knew that there were curves coming, and that what her mother was about to tell her was very possibly going to rock her world.
Maybe for better, maybe for worse.
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elliespuns · 4 months
You know how in a lot of cultures it’s coming to call strangers or at least close family friends “aunt “or “uncle” ? i wonder why ellie didn’t call tommy uncle tommy or maria as auntie maria. I get why she doesn’t call joel “dad” bc she doesn’t need to and they’re both bad with their emotions, but it wouldn’t be that weird to call maria and tommy her aunt and uncle. In the finding strings flashback I love how he goes “i can tell when you’re off” they clearly have a close relationship. and in that unlocked scene of the party in jackson she gives maria a hug 🥺
Oh, I know what you mean! Thinking about it makes me smile to imagine Ellie calling Tommy "uncle Tommy." She would probably never call Joel dad, though—when I think about it.
I can't imagine her doing that. It's not even about her not accepting him as her father; it's about how she never even had a father before, and now the very first male figure in her life who ever cared about her is also her best friend. She was considering him a sidekick, a pal, long before she saw him as a dad. I think it would feel weird to her. And I also feel that Joel secretly loves the way she says his name. I don't know if it's just me, but the way Ellie says "Joel" caresses my soul.
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okdeedee · 1 year
thinking about joel miller at 7am and thinking about jackson. thinking about meeting and knowing Ellie first, maybe ur her teacher, maybe ur their neighbour, who knows.
my blog is 18+ minors dni thank u xoxo
these are all gender neutral musings.
- Just loving this kid so much because Who Wouldn’t. she’s bright, helpful, funny and ,,,, quite feral.
- One day meeting this ‘asshole’ of a guardian that Ellie never stops talking about. being touched by how much they care for each other.
- and being like Oh No. He’s Hot.
- Seeing him around more often, becoming a tentative sort of friends. and then that grows, until you’re as comfortable as you can be around each other in an apocalypse that has nearly beat the idea of trust out of the both of you.
- Tommy or Maria will keep an eye on Ellie when Joel’s out on patrol, but on the occasion that they’re all scheduled on, you watch her.
- She has a difficult day, or she’s visibly stressed about not only Joel, but also her aunt and uncle being on patrol at the same time, so you come over to their house and watch a movie with her to distract her. she chooses, and it’s one of Joel’s favourites that she wants to show you - some low-budget action movie from the 80s or 90s.
- You’ve never seen Joel laugh and you’ve barely seen him smile. that’s the only thought in your head after Ellie tells you that she and Joel make fun of this movie every time they watch it (which is quite often).
- you both fall asleep on the couch, Ellie’s head resting on your shoulder.
- This is what Joel sees when he comes home in the early hours of the morning after patrol - his kid and this person that’s worked their way into his heart curled up on the couch in his house. there’s a feeling of rightness about it that almost overwhelms him.
- He carries Ellie to her bed and tucks her in, and then comes back downstairs to see you still sound asleep. If he weren’t deliriously tired, he probably wouldn’t stroke your hair, but he is, so he does.
- the little smile that dawns on your face makes his heart clench. then you grumble and open your eyes, and as soon as you recognise Joel, your smile gets wider.
- affection slams into Joel like a bullet as you mumble incoherently and then manage to say, “my back fuckin hurts,” because you’ve been weirdly bent on the couch for several hours.
- he kicks into action, coaxes you off the couch with a little “c’mon, honey,” which would have you weak at the knees if you were more awake. then he walks you up the stairs to his room, to his big bed that only he ever sleeps in, and you settle in with a grateful hum.
- Joel readies himself for bed as you drift in and out of wakefulness, and you catch a glimpse of his bare back as he changes out of his clothes.
- as soon as he gets in, you reach out a hand and grab his. you squeeze it, he squeezes back, a little bewildered by the gentleness. you say “goodnight, baby,” without thinking and he can’t keep the smile off his face. “sleep well, honey,” he says, and closes his eyes.
i just think that like. entering a relationship w joel via very very gradual friendship and trust and physical affection?)??)))))/?:$:$;:&:&;&;
bc he gets a lot softer in jackson. from those couple flashbacks in tlou2. and it’s just. he’s so . you know.
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boopernatural · 8 months
(about the list of adult!ellie ask)
"would you like to heart some?"// YES I WOULD😭 PLS
aight a few vague concepts i have on the roster
injury and hurt comfort
wedding day / dina asking for joel's blessing to propose, him walking her down the aisle
ellie college graduation
ellie first launch in a spaceship on a NASA mission with her wife, kids and father and uncle and aunt and cousin and friends all there to support her. joel and dina both cry a little and hug eachother with both pride and fear
holiday fics with the whole fam either before or after ellie has her lil fam
ellie taking care of sick/hurt joel and running the site for him while he's out (maybe tommy's also out sick with the same thing or something with his kiddo)
maria and ellie getting into hijinks together on a girls trip during ellies spring break
I actually have a ton more lmfao bc my brain is insane about this au but this is just a few ideas i def want to write!!
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🎁🎁🎁 Make Good Ones
A/N: Merry December and Happy Holidays, everyone! Don’t mind me, I’m just here to leave another gift under the tree. These are my way of giving back to some of the lovely content creators here whose work brings me joy. I tried to personalize them a little bit for each person they’re dedicated to, but they’re just as much my gift to anyone who has ever shared their work or who has ever read mine. Thank you for being lovely <3 
Gift Tag: @something-tofightfor​ - Who gave this response when I asked her “Joel or Jack” -  “I hate you for making me choose.” - I know, it was rude of me. But I was preeeeeeetty sure which way she was going to lean, so when the answer was Joel this basically started writing itself. The prompts I chose to work in for this one were ornaments, wrapping paper, & Christmas tree. Rachael, your Joel is so incredibly special, and the way that you write him - and all of your characters - is a huge inspiration to me as a writer. I have you to thank for introducing me to this fictional (pixel) man in the first place, so I truly hope you enjoy these few thousand words about him at the holidays. Thank you for being so goddamn wonderful. I frickin love you! 
WC: 3,198 
Warnings: canon typical angst, discussion about loss, no actual spoilers though, and it’s overall a fluff. This is stand alone and is not connected to Survivor Blues or anything else I have written for Joel. 
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It had started off as a simple question one night at the end of November - you asking Joel what his and Ellie’s plans for Christmas were that year. He’d told you that they were going to have dinner with Tommy and Maria on Christmas Eve, but that the following day they had no plans, so you had invited them to your place, telling him that the holiday was your favorite and that you would love to spend it with the two of them. 
It had turned into something more when he’d surprised you by asking you why it was your favorite holiday.
That was a story that revealed far more than the actual answer to his innocuous question, but as the two of you lay together on your couch one night, a fire that he’d built warming the space and soft music coming from the record player in the corner, you decided that there was no one else that you’d rather tell it to. “It’s a long story,” you said with a sigh, leaning into him. “You sure you want me to-” 
He answered by kissing the crown of your head and mumbling, “I’ve got time.” Alright. You relaxed into him as he shifted his legs so that you could fit between them. He asked, so… so here goes.  
“So, my grandparents had one of those old bottle brush looking things from the 70’s.” You scoffed, shaking your head. “You know, those silver ones that looked more like pipe-cleaners than pine trees?”
You felt the rumble of his chuckle against your back as it left his chest. “Yeah, I remember those.” His work-worn fingers slid over your knuckles and you spread yours to accommodate them, letting him drag you closer as he tightened his grip. “Pretty sure our Grandma had one, too.”  
He kissed your temple, the bristle of his facial hair gently scraping your skin, his warm breath fanning over it. You closed your eyes at the sensation like you always did, focusing on the way you felt the rise and fall of his lungs, the steady thrum of his heartbeat at your spine. We’re alive. We’re here. We have this. You swept your thumb over his pinky finger and let out a hum. “Did she?” You laughed. “I think everyone’s did.”  
He snorted. “Probably. It was what was popular then, right?” 
“It was,” you agreed. “Though I really don’t know why. They were so… goddamn awful, Joel.”
You could still picture it standing in front of the window, your grandpa’s recliner moved into the corner so the tree could take center stage in the small living room. All the ornaments your mom, your aunts and your uncle crafted and collected as kids were mixed with antique baubles and retro style glass starbursts, and keepsake frames with old photos secured to the faux branches with red ribbons. Combined with the hundreds of brightly colored lights that used to captivate you every time you saw them, the tree - despite being a hideous thing on its own - always seemed beautiful and magical to you in your memory. 
As his gravelly laughter settled down, you opened your eyes and sighed. “But my cousins and I loved going over there around the holidays. We were all pretty close in age and for the most part we got along and…” Your throat suddenly became tight, but you swallowed and kept going. Because I want him to know this. Want him to know me. “And we loved looking at all the old ornaments. Some of them we’d even take off the tree and play with.” 
Joel let out a burst of air through his nose that you felt against your scalp. “Oh, I bet your grandma loved that.” 
The visual of the woman raising her arms and her voice in utter disapproval from the kitchen doorway while the eight of you scattered away from the tree in a fit of giggles was one that you were happy you could still so easily recall. We were trouble. Sorry, Nana. 
Deep down - even then, as she shook a wooden spoon in the air - you knew she loved the trouble you all caused. 
“To be fair, she just didn’t want anything to get broken or for any of us to cut ourselves on shards of glass that was probably decorated with toxic paint.”  
The tip of his nose trailed over the side of your head, and then he dropped his lips there as he spoke. “Sounds about right.” 
You hummed at the way his words vibrated through you, adding to the warmth of his body wrapped around yours, and though you would have liked to stay in that position - and in Joel’s arms - indefinitely, the next part of the story you were telling was the most important, and you wanted to look at him as you told it. Squeezing his hand before you loosened your fingers, you turned in his hold. Early on in your relationship, and before you could even call it one, if you would have moved or shifted away from him the same way that you just did, he would have pulled away. He would have taken his hands off of you, possibly would have even left the bed or the couch under either under the assumption that you wanted to get away from him, or that he shouldn’t want to be so close. Now though, after almost a full year of being with him, he hardly ever pulled away. And I never want him to. 
You settled yourself so that your back was against the couch cushion and your side was pressed to his chest, and you waited for his arms to fold around you before continuing. “We weren’t really interested in the fragile ones though. She had this set of little… they were Santa’s reindeer, and they were all wearing knit sweaters with their names on them. You know, Dasher and Prancer and…” You trailed off, circling one wrist to imply the rest of the reindeer and Joel nodded. “Since there were the same number of them as there were of us, we used to all claim our favorite one and-” You laughed, even as the memory began to stir something bittersweet in your heart, shrugging away the thickness in your throat. “I don’t know what we did, really, just… played with them.” 
Joel’s dark eyes, brightened by the orange glow of the fire light, never left your face even as you took a pause to wet your lips and blink back the tears that you knew would eventually end up falling. Even though it’s a funny story it’s… I miss them. But it was one that you wanted and needed to tell. The point of making memories is to keep them alive. The motion of Joel’s roughened thumb sweeping across the strip of your waist that was visible between the hem of your shirt and the top of your sweatpants grounded you enough to keep going. 
“One year, I think I was nine or ten maybe? My grandma noticed that Dasher was missing. She had all of us turn the house upside down looking for it. Then she had us all turn out our pockets and-” You laughed again, but this time a stray tear did make it past your lashes, rolling slowly down your cheek. I’m not sad though. “Well, long story short, one of us stole him.” 
Moving his hand from your hip to your face, Joel used his knuckle to wipe under your eye. “Lemme guess,” his expression was softer than it usually was, even as he narrowed his eyes. “No one ever fessed up.” 
You pressed your lips together and shook your head, even as his palm curved around your cheek. “Never. We never found out who took him. But-” You raised one eyebrow. “It’s a good thing one of us did, because about three years later my grandparents’ basement flooded, and all their decorations got ruined.��� 
Although you were all happy and relieved that your grandparents had been able to get to safety before the storm had gotten too bad, it was a sad time for your family because of the loss of so many heirlooms and keepsakes. “That’s shitty,” Joel mumbled apologetically, lips dipping into a frown. 
“Yeah, it was.” You sighed. “But then that next Christmas, Dasher showed up on their new tree.” 
Blinking away another few tears, you broke into a smile as you recalled what it meant to everyone - your aunts and uncles, your mom and grandparents, you and all your cousins - to see that silly little deer, his sweater slightly pulled and one hoof a little dinged up - amidst all of the new filler ornaments your grandma had gotten until they could replenish their collection. That was such a good day. 
Joel gave you a small grin, the lines and shadows on his face seeming to fade as he did. “I’m glad it made its way back.” Oh, just wait, I haven’t even… “You ever find out who took him in the first place?”
You shook your head. “Nope. No clue. No one ever confessed, and if anyone knew who did it, they didn’t rat them out.” 
He hummed. “Somthin’ to be said for that.” 
There is. You agreed. We always had each other’s backs. “When we all got older, after…” You took a breath. “After our grandparents passed away, we decided that every Christmas we should take turns putting Dasher on our tree. We’d pass him off at Thanksgiving on years that we all got together, or else we’d mail him to each other a few weeks before Christmas.” 
“That’s a nice tradition.” 
“It is, Joel. It’s…” You turned your face away, just for a second, to pull yourself together. I should just… show him. When you turned back towards him, you saw the question in his eyes. “Hold on, I’ll be right back.” You leaned in and dropped your lips to his cheek, just above the line of his beard, and then you stood from the couch.
He didn’t say anything as you padded over to the hall closet, the only sound in the room coming from the shifting logs in the fireplace and your socked footsteps on the hardwood, but you felt his eyes still on you even as you opened the closet door. Reaching up for the highest shelf, you pulled down the cardboard box that was there and took the small reindeer from it. You turned it over in your hand, feeling the stitching that read the animal’s name, poking at one of the points of its antlers, and then you closed the closet and brought the figurine out. 
“Well, shit, is that…” He nodded at the anthropomorphic reindeer that you held, one arm over the back of the couch as he watched you reenter the room. 
“Yeah,” you confirmed, your voice catching as you came back to sit next to him. Bending one knee, you drew that leg up under you and handed the ornament over. 
As soon as it was in his hands, you realized that while you’d displayed the ornament on your tree every year since you’d arrived in Jackson, Joel was the first person that you actually shared its story with. As he looked more closely at it, turning it in his hand, the firelight glinted off the broken face of his watch, and you were reminded of the night that Joel had shared the item’s importance and meaning with you. Seeing both his watch and your ornament, relics of your former lives side by side like that, hit you hard - but like the memories connected to Dasher, the wave of emotion wasn’t painful or sad. It was deep, and it swelled in your chest, but it wasn’t trying to drag you down. It just means… You swallowed, looking up at him as he continued to stare at what he held. It means we know each other and that’s… He finally blinked, his focus shifting up to your face. That’s everything. 
You cleared your throat and Joel leaned forward to gently place the ornament on the coffee table. His newly emptied hand came to rest on your knee, and you glanced down before placing yours on top of it and continuing on. “It um… 2013 was supposed to be my turn to have him.” You sniffed, took a breath and let it out slowly. “Wasn’t expecting to get anything in the mail until closer to Christmas, but then the first week of September I got a package from my cousin Devon.” You could still see the swirling letters of her handwriting on the note that accompanied the small box on your doorstep. “She had just taken a job offer in Toronto and she was moving up there at the end of the month, but-” 
You didn’t have to finish your sentence. You both knew how September had ended that year. 
So you didn’t. At least, you didn’t finish it the way Joel expected you to. “But she didn’t want to pay international shipping rates to get it to me if she waited until Thanksgiving.” 
That was what her note had said - a joke, but also the truth - along with the phrase they all always included when Dasher got passed around. Make good ones this year. 
“So that’s… this little guy is my thing. My thing from before. My…” 
“It's the thing that reminds you.” He cut in, saving you from having to find the words to describe how much this inherently worthless ornament made from plastic and yarn actually meant to you. “Reminds you why you keep fighting. Reminds you of… of things worth thinkin’ about.” 
“Yeah,” you nodded, swiping the heel of your palm under your eyes. 
Joel reached for you then, drawing you close to his chest and wrapping you in his arms again, and you let him. You laid your cheek on his shoulder and felt his large hand cradle the back of your head, and then you felt his lips at your ear, your name coming from them. “Thank you for tellin’ me all that.” You kissed his neck in response, targeting one of the freckles there. “So Christmas is big for you, huh?”
You gave a small laugh that you knew he both felt and heard. “Christmas memories are big for me, Joel, but…” Picking your head up, you looked at the man that you had fallen in love with over the past year, hoping that you got to spend countless more holidays with him. “But yeah, you could say that.” The story finished, your history shared, you turned your body and took the same position that you were in when you started the conversation, Joel following your lead and tucking your spine to his sternum. “That’s why I conserve Christmas lights. I’ve found a few strings of ‘em that still work while out on sweeps and supply runs but I know eventually I won’t be able to find functioning ones anymore so… I only use one or two strands on my tree every year so I can make them last longer.” 
Joel let out a breath in an amused huff. “Can’t have a tree with no lights, right?” 
That had been the end of that conversation, and shortly after, that night. Both of you had fallen asleep on your couch in front of the fire, only making it into the bedroom when Joel woke you up in the middle of the night. 
So when he brought it up again with just two weeks to go until Christmas, pulling a small oddly shaped and crudely wrapped package from his pocket after shedding his jacket and hanging it next to yours on the hook, you titled your head to the side in question. “Joel? What’s…” 
“I know it’s not Christmas yet, but this is… this is part’a your gift and it’s…” He handed you the package, the paper crinkling as it passed from his grasp to yours. “I wanted you to have it now.” 
His eyes darted to the tree that you’d set up in the living room. It was just the top few feet of a tree, really, since you only had a handful of things to hang on it - a few photos you’d managed to save through everything, some pinecones and cinnamon sticks you’d bundled together with ribbons and string, strands of buttons you’d found, one string of multicolored lights, and of course, Dasher the reindeer. 
You glanced down at the wrapping and immediately had to laugh. “Let me guess. Ellie helped with this?” 
Joel shrugged somewhat sheepishly. “Well I wasn’t able to find any Christmas wrapping paper and Maria didn’t have any so I asked her if we could make this work and…” He trailed off as you ran your fingers over the drawn on Santa hats and holly wreaths that Ellie had used markers to add to dinosaur themed birthday wrap. “We had to make do.” 
You felt your heart flip as you laughed, shaking your head and taking your bottom lip between your teeth. “It’s perfect. Very festive.” 
“Well, aren’t you gonna open it?” He crossed his arms and stuck his chin out at the package you held.
“Alright.” You carefully slipped your finger under the paper and lifted it, not wanting to rip it and ruin Ellie’s work. I can definitely add this to the tree somehow. You thought of Devon’s message and the instruction to “make good ones”, and you couldn’t think of a better memory to add than one that would mark the addition of Ellie and Joel in your life. 
But that thought was quickly paused when you pulled the gift from the paper and saw what it was. Oh, Joel. You sucked in a breath as the pieces of wood in your hand clanked together. Oh, he… he- “Did you make this?” The words were barely a whisper, but even if he hadn’t heard the question you already knew the answer. He did. He carved these. He- 
“Yeah. They’re… Can you tell what they are? Ellie said she could, but I don’t know if-“
“Lights.” The breath you sucked in shuddered as you stared at the string of small hand-carved and painted wooden bulbs in your hand. He’d shaped them to look just like the old fashioned ones that your grandparents had and attached five of them together to mimic a whole strand, knotting them off so that they stayed in place and didn’t slide along the “wire”. Oh, Joel, you… 
“They are.” Tears spilled over your bottom lashes as he brought one hand up to rub at the back of his neck like he did when he was uncertain. “I wanted to make sure your tree always had lights on it, even if you couldn’t replace the real ones anymore. I know it ain’t the same, but I-“ 
“Joel.” He stopped talking and stepped closer to you, hands going to your waist. This. This is a good one. “They’re not the same.” You raised onto your toes to nudge the tip of his nose with yours, and then you left a kiss to the scar that crossed the bridge of it. “They’re better.” 
Thank you for reading! If you would like to be added to or removed from my taglist, please feel free to let me know by sending a message or by filling out the form on my masterlist :)
tags:  @something-tofightfor​ @littlemisspascal​ @mishasminion360​ @nyctophiliiiiaaa​ @practicalghost​ @amb11​ @mindidjarin​ @tentacruels​ @harriedandharassed​ @joelmillerscoffee​ @woodlandmouth​ @swtaura​  @thescarletfang​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @trickstersp8​ @princessxkenobi​ @imtryingmybeskar​ @wildmoonflower​ @mswarriorbabe80​ @theredwritingwitch​ @silverstarsandsuns​ @competentpotato​
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mariatesstruther · 8 months
kevin and baby miller being ellie’s cousins and sarah being her sister but sam and henry being her pseudo-brothers and joel being her dad and tommy being her uncle and maria being her aunt and-
and tess is her mom and anna is her mom and jesse is her brother and dina is her wifey and—ellie having so much family she doesn’t know what to do with it >>>>>>
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romana-after-dark · 9 months
Lorenzo going to mardy Zach
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Look how excited he is!!!
He couldn't believe his luck when he found satin while out on a Maria-approved raider of empty houses. He was able to get a seamstress to put it together for him, and he hid it at Tommy's for months, letting Zach think the black button down he had was what they'd be getting married in. Zach had no pretense of thinking that they needed anything fancy. It was going to be simple. The pastor in Jackson was surprisingly friendly of gay lifestyles; Lorenzo supposed a lot of people decided there were bigger issues at play.
It was a small wedding, simple. Maura and Tommy were in attendance, so were Maria and a few town folk the couple had gotten to know. They didn't want a huge procession line, anything dramatic, but, they couldn't resist the idea of little toddler Ellie being the flower girl. They found her a nice dress and even though she dumped the whole basket at the begining of the aisle and proceeded to kick the petals down the aisle for a bit before running to the front where Tommy chased her down, she was the cutest damn flower girl her uncles and aunts had ever seen.
Next, Jack walked June down the aisle, June carrying a small bouqet.
Then Zach walked down. Giving a hug to Jack, he took his place beside June, who was his best man for all intents and purposes.
When Zach saw Lorenzo, he suddenly understood why people cried at weddings. He looked so handsome, so happy. Semi sober suited him. Lorenzo never quit drinking and smoking, but he no longer had to be drunk and high just to make it through the day.
Lorenzo, for his part, felt awkward as all hell, everyone was staring at him and now he was irritated that Tommy confiscated the moonshine Jack had in a flask for him. What was he supposed to do with his hands? Even though he was surrounded only by friends, he felt like his every move was scrutinized. What was he supossed to do with his hands??
"ENZOOOOOOOO" His little Ellie bellie came to his rescue, jumping out of Tommy's arms and running up the aisle. Tommy, for his part, tried, to call her back, whisper-shouting "Ellie June Miller! Get your butt back here!" until he saw how Lorenzo reacted. Kneeling down, Lorenzo scooped up his squealing niece and carried her the rest of the way, over to where her bio uncle was waiting. Lorenzo didn't care that he wasn't related to her. These last few years, Zach had been the love of his Zach, and Ellie's mom had been his best friend for that year in that house. This was his niece. If Zach had gotten what he wanted, if he had gotten Ellie, Lorenzo would've raised that girl as his own.
When they reached the front, Zach complimented his suit, told him how nice he looked and the color suited him. Lorenzo returned the compliment to Zach for the brown sports coat he had gotten, and he meant it. Zach looked just as stunning.
Ellie stayed holding onto Lorenzo, so he looked at his fiance. "What do you say, baby? Can she stay up here with us?"
Zach smiled even brighter at that, tears clear in his eyes. "Of course. You wanna stay with us, Elles?"
Ellie redily agreed.
Lorenzo put Ellie on his right hip, arm wrapped around her and held Zach hand with his free one. Zach, in turn, wrapped an arm around her.
"It'll be like she's with us too." Lorenzo referenced Ellie's mom. He looked to Tommy, who had clearly been crying for a minute now.
With Jack and June standing beside them, Ellie in their arms, the rest of their family in the room and the girl's spirit living on in the room through Ellie, Zach and Lorenzo were married.
And they lived happily ever after.
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cowgurrrl · 5 months
now that i think about it, though, actress!reader and rockstar!joel having their own stars on the walk of fame would be iconic! the stans would be freaking out and ofc their families would be supportive
Hello I spent way too long writing these speeches??
You would both agree that because it’s such a big deal and you’ll probably already be crying all day to not speak at each other’s ceremony. It’s enough that the other and all the people you love and care for are there to support. Joel’s ceremony is a week before yours because you’re in different industries and he’s been in the public eye for longer than you. Which is fine because you’re weirdly nervous for your own ceremony. You’d much rather watch him get his first so you know what to expect.
The day of, you wear a simple, pretty black dress and gather your entire family into the car to get to Hollywood. The kids, all being 12 and above, don’t require as much supervision as they have in the past and are free to greet aunts and uncles they haven’t seen in a while. They quickly disperse in a chorus of, “Uncle Dave!” “Uncle Harry!” “Aunt Patti!” and more. You stay close to Joel before the ceremony actually starts and you’re relegated to the front row and he smiles sweetly as he kisses your cheek.
“Thanks for bein’ here.” He says and you smile and squeeze his bicep.
“Thanks for inviting me.” You say. You mingle through the crowd together, his hand always on your waist, in yours, or ruffling the hair of a passing child or grandchild that looks weirdly like him. When the ceremony begins, you sit in the front and he shoots you a wink from the podium before he starts giving his speech. Of course, he thanks his producers, band mates, managers, and everyone else as he spins the yarn of the young single-dad who showed up in LA with a dream and practically nothing else. Every once in a while, he looks up from his paper to meet your eyes and you nod to encourage him. Sometimes mouthing, “you got it.” He nods back and goes back to his words.
“I wouldn’t be near where I am today if it weren’t for my family. My brother, Tommy, and his wife, Maria, and their daughter, Lucy, never let me forget my roots and keep me grounded as the Texas boy I am. The little girl I showed up with is now a psychologist who’s way smarter than I’ll ever be, and a wonderful wife and mother to two little ones— Isaac and Eleanor. The daughter that isn’t of my blood but is of my soul is now a tattoo-covered drummer with an attitude that impresses even her Aunt Patti, an activist fighting for LGBTQ+ rights all across the world, and an amazing mother to a not-so-little JJ. My first son who’s given us a run for our money from the second he was born spends more time playin’ baseball than the guitar and we love him for it. My twin girls, our final Millers, never miss a beat and not only keep me on my toes but keep me updated on the latest TikTok trend so their old dad doesn’t go out of style just yet,” he says. Sophia and Violet giggle down the line of your family as you sit there and watch him. His eyes meet yours and you catch them misting over and you’re a goner.
“And my incredible wife who’s been patient, understanding, and gentle beyond belief for eighteen years. You are forever and always my inspiration, my rock, my best friend, and my confidant. The only reason I was able to make Grammy-winning albums and go on tour is because you stayed home with our kids for the first two years of their life. I know it wasn’t easy and there were days when we both wondered if we made the right decision. I hope you feel like we did. The sacrifices I’ve made are nothing compared to yours and I will do everything I can to repay you for that. This star— this accomplishment— is as much yours as it is mine. I love you with everything I am and everything I could ever be. Thank you.” His words hit your heart and all at once, all five of your kids are reaching across each other to grab your hand, touch your wrist, your knee, any part of you they can reach. You laugh and kiss each of their hands as you wipe your eyes. He looks at you with raised eyebrows, looking for approval, and you nod.
“I love you,” you mouth.
“I love you, too,” he mouths back.
At your ceremony, a week later, you stand on the same stage he did and look down at your family. The day’s emotions have made you especially teary and seeing all their sweet faces doesn’t do you any favors. “Alright, I’m gonna try to do this without crying,” you say, making everyone laugh. You thank your team and all the people you absolutely need to thank before turning to where you know Carolina, Ryan, Elizabeth, Victoria, and Penny are sitting.
“I met Carolina Garcia and Ryan Long while looking for a roommate for my 1,200 square foot apartment in Hell’s Kitchen. I was twenty and in the middle of my studies at NYU when Carolina responded to my Craig’s List ad. She said she didn’t have any pets, allergies, or baggage with her except for her boyfriend, Ryan. I was skeptical but agreed to meet him and thus began our decades-long friendship. When Carolina booked her first big TV gig, she threw my name in the hat and helped launch my career. Over the years, Carolina, Ryan, and their daughters have become cornerstones in my life. They made me a godmother and costar when they didn’t have to. They’re kind, selfless people and I owe who I am to them,” you say.
“Carolina and Ryan were also present when I met my husband, Joel Miller, and watched me fall in love with him. Carolina drunkenly told me during our wedding reception that she knew Joel was the one when I told her I could not only tolerate, but sleep through, his snoring,” Joel laughs a little too hard at the anecdote from his spot in the front when all five of the Miller children nod in agreement.
“Over our twenty-year relationship and eighteen-year marriage, Joel has given me support, love, and a family. I met his daughters, Sarah and Ellie, when they were 18 and 14, and although I didn’t bring them into this world, they gladly welcomed me into theirs. They were exceptionally patient and sweet as I adjusted to life with them and their father and let me love them as if they were my own. I never thought I could be a mother, but they helped prove me wrong. Quickly, we went from a family of four to a family of seven with the addition of Sam and our twins, Sophia and Violet, but through it all, the three of you made it easy to be a mom. Even then, all of you made me want to be a better mom, a better wife, a better actress, a better person. With the five of you, I felt unstoppable. I share this achievement with all of you as I do my love. Being your wife, mother, friend, godmother, and Nanny has been the greatest ride of my life. I love you. Thank you.”
Your family embraces you the second you’re off the stage and soon social media floods with pictures of Joel lifting you off the ground and spinning you around, kissing you, and holding your hand or waist for the rest of the day. You get sweet comments and congratulations from fans and other people in the industry. People Magazine celebrates the two of you as “The Most Successful Couple in Hollywood” and praises you for your speeches. You could give a thousand speeches and none of them could ever come close to describing what it feels like to watch Joel play with the kids and grandkids and nieces and nephews.
None of them could ever come close to encapsulating how much love you have for him and the life you get to lead together.
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bumblepony · 10 months
It's Not A Straight Line
It's not a good night. Joel can tell when he looks out on the porch, and she’s just sitting there, her face turned to the sky. It’s not anything in particular that tips him off, but something about her lets him know it’s not a good night.
He swings the door open carefully so as to let her know he’s coming but not so loud it will scare her. With shuffling steps, he makes his way over and sits with a groan by her side.
“Hi, Kiddo.” He says and waits to see where she’s at. She doesn't respond at first, but then a tiny hand slides over and circles his wrist. She squeezes tight and holds him with her thumb and middle finger. He can’t say how much time passes this way, but eventually, she falls against him, her body limp.
“I-I… It’s all too much. It’s too big in my head. FEDRA, my mom, Marlene, Tess, Riley, Sam, Henry, The University, Silver Lake, David, The Fireflies. ALL OF IT.” Ellie lets out a deep breath through her teeth. “I can’t hold it all inside my head Joel. It feels like it's just going to crack me open like a mother fucking egg, and every fucked up thing that’s happened to me is going to spill out, and I don’t know how what to do with it.”
Joel waits. He knows she has more to say. Her body is still tight, her eyes are still staring at the sky, and her fingers are still squeezing beat after slow beat on his wrist. He doesn't look at her, knowing she might close down if he does. He just waits.
“What am I supposed to do, Joel? When will I be better? I’m sick of hearing it's ok, you’ll be fine, or something will finally click, because it hasn’t, and that just feels like shit, ok, it just feels like horseshit. I just want to scream until someone fucking listens.” She pulls away a little, giving one last squeeze, and finally looks at him with desperate brown eyes. “Seriously, Joel, fucking when?”
He sighs and pushes a strand of hair back from her face. “Baby, I don’t know.”
“I don’t want to bullshit ya. I’m fifty-seven, kid, and I’m still struggling with it. I’ve struggled with it since I first watched my father throw my mama through a coffee table when I was six.” It's not easy to talk about what goes on in his head, but he’s gonna try for his girl.
“Some of the shit we go through is just too much for us to hold, and I don’t know that we will ever be completely better.” Joel cups her face with his hand, stroking his thumb along her cool cheek.
“But baby girl, I keep going to therapy, I keep taking those damn herbal concoctions that Doc says are supposed to be as good as the anti-anxiety stuff I used to get in the Before and keep talking about it even if it feels like I’m screamin’ into the void.”
“Because someday you’ll be all better, blah blah blah.” Ellie intones mirthlessly.
“No, Ellie Darlin. I’m never goin’ to be all better, but I might be a little better, and that's what I’m lookin' for.”
“What about me?” Ellie says, her voice almost too low to hear.
“Baby girl, you are goin’ to have ups, and you're gonna have downs. Some of them downs are gonna be real bad. But baby, I’m always gonna be here to listen, and if heaven forbid I die before you get killed in some godforsaken hair-brained scheme you and your punk ass friends come up with, then I know there will be other’s in your life who will be here for you too.” Joel says fondly, bumping Ellie with his shoulder, getting a half-smile out of her.
“I don’t know how to do this,” Ellie says as she leans back into him.
“Kiddo, you don’t have to have it figured out right now. I’m gonna be here to support ya. So will your Uncle Tommy and your Aunt Maria. You can lean on us, baby, were the adults. That’s what we’re here for.” He places a kiss on her head and wraps his arm around her back.
“I’ve never had this before. I-I still don’t believe it sometimes.” Ellie’s voice is muffled against his chest, where her face is pressed.
“Well, you better start believin’ it because we’re here to stay, Ellie girl.” Joel shakes her carefully as if he is trying to get it through her thick skull, and Ellie seems to relax against his side, her hands hooked into his flannel. Her face no longer looks lost.
Joel rests his head on hers, breathing in her citrus shampoo. He knows he can’t fix everything for her, but he can do this. He can be here for his girl.
He wraps her in his arms and holds her as they look into the night sky.
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steeb-stn · 1 year
Ellie and Maria are an underrated relationship so I love your little post. People not liking how Maria was trying to warn Ellie off Joel was odd because if anyone saw a 14 year old girl attached to the hip of a man who you’ve heard horrific stories about, surely everyone would do the same. Need S2 to give us Aunt Maria/Ellie moments that we don’t get in the game because I always pictured Ellie really bonding with her as the first real female adult figure in her life and someone she can open up to
YES aunt maria! Uncle tommy has really been getting some love recently, so i think we should spread it around to the rest of the family.
i think Maria is a really fascinating foil to Joel, because she lost her baby too, but it didnt destroy her like it did joel, and she was able to create something constructive and positive with her life afterwards.
And coming from her point of view, I think its perfectly reasonable to be suspicious of Joel, BUT i also think she has a big Tommy-shaped blindspot skewing her judgement a little :/ Like your man did the same things, girlfriend, just for different reasons. Doesn’t make them any less bad
but hopefully as Joel and Ellie settle down in Jackson and they get closer as a family, she can get to know Joel and start to show him some grace!
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yelena-bellova · 1 year
Ok. So Joel, Ellie, and Rosebud arrive in Jackson. All is awkward since Ellie has a feeling something is wrong. Rose decides to be honest and tell the truth. Ellie is upset and doesn't talk to them. everyone is mad at each other until they all eventually make up. desperate to start their lives anew and never be apart again, Joel and Rose get married! they raise Ellie as their adoptive daughter, (and MAYBE BIG MAYBE at least another kid), and Joel and Rose become the best uncle and aunt to Tommy and Maria's kid. and Ellie finds love too (I can't remember what her girlfriend's name from game 2 was). and they all live happily ever after. the end.
oh. and no golfing.
That is a whooole lot to squeeze into a chapter 😬
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ao3feed-billfrank · 13 days
AbelCode by PaigeGoneRogue
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/sfJw3lI by PaigeGoneRogue “Alright,” Joel said, grunting as he kneeled down next to the girl. “First, you’re gonna need a jack. Do you know what a jack is?” The girl nodded. “Yeah, of course I know what a jack is. It’s… uh, it’s a type of… wrench?” Joel shook his head slightly. “A… large… drill?” “It’s the thing you use to lift the car.” “I have to lift the car?!” Joel couldn’t help a small laugh from escaping his chapped lips. “Yeah, sorta, I s’pose.” (Tech Company AU) Words: 2814, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: The Last of Us (TV), The Last of Us (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Categories: Gen Characters: Ellie (The Last of Us), Joel (The Last of Us), Sarah (The Last of Us), Tommy (The Last of Us), Maria (The Last of Us), Kevin (The Last of Us), Sam (The Last of Us), Henry (The Last of Us), Bill (The Last of Us), Frank (The Last of Us), Tess (The Last of Us) Relationships: Ellie & Joel (The Last of Us), Ellie & Sarah (The Last of Us), Maria/Tommy (The Last of Us), Joel/Tess (The Last of Us), Bill/Frank (The Last of Us), Henry & Sam (The Last of Us), Ellie & Joel & Sarah & Tommy & Maria (The Last of Us), Ellie & Tommy (The Last of Us), Ellie & Maria (The Last of Us) Additional Tags: Ellie & Joel Bonding (The Last of Us), Ellie and Sarah are Siblings (The Last of Us), Ellie is Bad at Feelings (The Last of Us), Ellie Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (The Last of Us), Good Parent Joel (The Last of Us), Good Uncle Tommy (The Last of Us), Good Aunt Maria (The Last of Us), Good Sibling Sarah (The Last of Us), Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Past Character Death
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