#unconventionally attractive is my favorite kind of attractive
onemillionyous · 2 years
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supahstarrr · 6 months
Honestly. heaven and angels being portrayed as "evil" (just as evil as hell or even more evil than hell), overly-strict, and the "true bigots" (or likely to be bigots more than people in hell) is soooo boring and predictable. you can imagine so many interpretations of heaven yet you choose the most predictable and boring ones, and thus you keep heaven as such a simplistic place, even when heaven offers so many ideas that can give you the opportunity to give depth to heaven's society, standards and the ideas about morality they promote. yet you don't take that opportunity.
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withlovemuffin · 1 year
Review: Jane Eyre, 1973, starring Michael Jayston and Sorcha Cusack
@thatscarletflycatcher suggested this adaptation to me, because she knows I love silly man Mr Rochester, my poor little meow, my court jester of a man. I wasn’t disappointed one whit- indeed, I was actually pleasantly surprised! I’m usually rather skeptical of older adaptations, but this one was a banger.
Let’s get into it!
- small Jane: I adored her so, so much. It felt accurate to her character, and I do believe she’s probably one of my top favorite Young Janes, right up there with Georgie Henley.
- Aunt Reed was, per usual, absolutely horrendous! I loved, as far as adapting choices go, that she was still rather pretty, as she’s described in the book, though perhaps not as young as intended.
- Something about John Reed just felt about right. In most adaptations, he’s just positively awful, but in this one, you can see his duality- the thinly veiled disrespect in his “charm” to his mother, and his blatant disrespect towards others, especially Jane. The wine chugging was a rather nice touch, considering he dies later for his undisciplined habits.
- Mr Brocklehurst was also awful, 10/10 for villainry, loved how he just hands Jane a pamphlet and goes “this tells of naughty naughty children who lie and the various ways that they gruesomely die, happy reading!” bonus points for the scene after the typhus epidemic starts at Lowood where the two gentlemen approach him and say, in a paraphrase, “we’ve noticed you’re a little unsympathetic cunt, so we decided to suggest for you to form a committee!”
- oh, Miss Temple is a dream here. She’s marvelous. I loved her little ways of displaying affection to her pupils, and how she’d make sure to soften any blows from the others.
- Now- Helen. By far, probably my favorite Helen. She was actually sweet and wise and kind. Sometimes I get from the other adaptations that Helen didn’t actually like Jane all that much, but this one took the time to establish “no, they’re friends, absolutely friends.”
- I have so much love for Sorcha Cusak as Jane Eyre. She reminds me a lot of Mia Wasikowska, as far as her sort of unconventional attractiveness, and her softness. I won’t say I exactly prefer her to Ruth Wilson, but she’s definitely in my top Janes. I do, however, like her proposal speech much more than Ruth’s. I love Ruth’s, to be sure, but Sorcha’s feels like steel below silk.
- I think 1973’s Adele is probably by far my favorite. She was genuinely so sweet and adorable. I can’t say much about her, because she didn’t get terribly much screen time.
- Mrs Fairfax: 10/10 would adopt her as an aunt
- Now- my favorite. Michael Jayston’s performance as Mr Rochester is quite unlike any other I’ve ever seen. His attractiveness isn’t quite in his face as much as on his face. His charisma and his facial posture is just charming, the way he quirks his lips at the corners when he’s teasing or verbally sparring with Jane. Completely unmatched! I find it hard to compare him to Toby Stephens because Toby was cast for a purpose, and it was to take “unconventionally attractive” and make it his bitch, and just completely ooze sexuality, regardless of being regarded as an “ugly man.” (get a pair of glasses, you idiots.) Michael Jayston, however, makes Rochester a silly yet passionate man, and hardly biting. I also love that they included him in drag- absolutely wonderful. And the eyeliner was a paid actor.
- The other half of the budget went into finding the biggest dog on earth to play Pilot, I love him.
- I’m not completely sure how I felt about Bertha. I do appreciate that they didn’t try to make her or overstate that she was “exotic” like 2006 did. I think they went the right route by making her seem pathetic- her catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror when she tears Jane’s veil, her wailing about how Rochester said he’d take her home, etc. I almost felt bad for her, but also another portion of the budget went into the audio quality of her laugh wafting throughout Thornfield.
- I almost forgot- I adored this Blanche. So biting! So beautiful! She’s actually dark headed and not just perpetuating the mean blonde queen bee role!
- My dear, dear St John- you are not 29, you are 30 going on 68. Seriously, I’ve never seen a man so confusing looking. He was handsome, but in like a slight uncanny way.
- I also loved Diana and Mary so much, so so pretty and sweet. 10/10, would collapse on their porch
- Honorable Hannah mention, i feel like she and Mrs fairfax would get on like a house on fire (oops, too soon?)
Well, there we have it! My review of 1973- I was absolutely and thoroughly charmed. Thank you, to my friend, for allowing me to commentate in her DMs, maybe one day I’ll post screenshots and snippets of it, or she can if she so pleases XD
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sketchyelvenasss · 3 months
Oh, i'd like to hear your thoughts for no.7 and no.25 on all of them please! :)
7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
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7. Rexander has become his own character since his creation. Originally he was just a face for a self insert. But he definitely evolved to embody his redemption arc.
25. Is it a cop-out to say everything? I think he’s unconventionally attractive, which I love. I also love how his character grew from confused and disturbed to determined, loyal, and kind.
Bonus: I gave him red eyes so Astarion could have a little solidarity there :3
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7. Originally Aerika had heterochromatic eyes one silver/white the other brown. Since then he just has silver/white eyes.
25. My favorite thing about Aerika is his relationships between Gale and Mystra. Being a cleric is very important to him, because in a roundabout/ coincidental way Mystra saved his life. But he quickly fell for Gale and much harder than he expected. It’s my favorite that he’s forced to reconcile his faith and his love for Gale because it isn’t easy for him to do. It's a deep inner conflict that he keeps to himself for the most part and it gives me the feels.
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7. Orville’s orientation changed as I filled in his backstory, and that reacted with Astarion’s romance. He was originally going to sleep with anyone that asked if he could, but his character developed in the opposite direction. He grew up impoverished in and around Sharess Caress, but refused to sell himself to make money. He even resented when people around him would suggest it just because of his looks. Current cannon, he is sex positive asexual. Although Asatarion is his only experience.
25. It’s a very fun gameplay experience to play with a double rogue party. Not always the most practical. Sometimes bosses are challenging, but still very fun. Also it seems innocuous, but it’s also nice to not have to switch party members every time there is a lock or trap that needs deft hands.
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7. Honestly I have not played much with Hemlock because I am dragging my ass on my evil run lol. But when he visited the grove he was much less helpful than I planned him to be. He should have put on a smile and helped everyone so that when he had the chance to turn on them he could see the horrific betrayal in their eyes. But I was making more standoffish decisions because I was feeling guilty.
25. He is purposefully gorgeous. He’s well groomed as to fool those around him. He has 20 Charisma and he knows it.
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riddlerapologist · 2 years
Opposites Attract - Edward Nashton x Reader (Dano!Riddler)
just a small little something for my ppl that love soft fics/one shots :). this is my first time writing something like this so i hope it’s enjoyable enough for y’all!! <3
Edward Nashton is the type of guy that you would’ve never imagined being with; he was nerdy, reserved, and honestly quite odd, while you were more on the extroverted side. There was no way you would ever end up with someone who was the complete opposite of you.
And yet, there you were, completely enamored by his unconventionally attractive features. The way his glasses slid down at every slight movement, the way his cheeks turned childishly red and puffy at every joke you made, how he would come home every night from work with a bouquet of flowers or small gifts that reminded him of you. He absolutely adored you, and consistently made sure you were loved and cared for.
At the start of the relationship, he admitted that he was alone. He had no family. Orphaned. No one that truly loved him. And at that moment of vulnerability, you somehow fell in love with him harder than before. You made sure that he knew you loved him just as much as he loved you. Your love language was always cooking as well as physical touch. But besides touching him whenever you had the chance, you were consistently cooking up a storm in the kitchen, coming up with new recipes for the both of you to try for dinner, or baking his absolute favorite; pumpkin pie. Seeing his face light up after coming home from a frustrating day of work always made your stomach flutter and head woozy.
Edward never spoke much when around strangers, which was probably why people found him so eerie. However, he enjoyed conversing with you. He spoke to you about anything and everything that happened at work, random things he passed by while walking the streets of Gotham. He was comfortable around you. You were the only one he truly cared about. He trusted you. In fact, you were the only one he trusted in this world.
He is incredibly touch starved, and you live for it. Seeing him turn bright red, breath shaky as soon as you rise your hand up his thigh, or gently massaging the knots away from the back of his neck, hearing his soft groans and moans consistently put you over the edge. And in return, he never missed an opportunity to feverishly put his hands all over your body, kissing every inch of your skin, softly caressing your face, or running his fingers through your hair.
Date nights with Edward always comprised of staying home and watching movies with snacks, fancy dinners that you insisted on cooking for him, and sex. He rarely wanted to go out into the city because of the dangers that lied within, and he wanted you safe. He couldn’t lose the one person he so loved and cared for. He wanted you all to himself. He owned you.
What you didn’t know was that before you two had met, he was already obsessed with you. Stalking you from afar and on social media, peeking through your apartment windows with his binoculars, watching you get dressed and undressed, the way you slept, ate, and danced. He knew everything about you before he had the true courage to ask you out.
You sometimes felt as if he were holding you hostage. There were a number of times where he would protest if you wanted to see a friend or go out, and his excuse would always be that the city was too dangerous. But you didn’t mind because you loved him so much. You knew that if you ever tried breaking up with him, he would most likely end up stalking you, showing up at your doorstep every night, or worse, he would end up killing you, because no one was allowed to be with you except for him. But once again, you didn’t mind. You kind of loved the suffocating affection Edward provided for you. He was the perfect match for you, because opposites do in fact, attract.
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morgana-ren · 2 years
ok I don't know if you will read this but I want to tell you that I love your writing about shigaraki, I really love it!
Well, you're the first person I'm going to ask something here on tumblr and I'm VERY nervous so please forgive me if you don't make sense of it or don't like the idea.
Ok, here I go, would Shigaraki fall in love with a woman who has the same personality and abilities as Deadpool? or would he consider her very unbearable?
Today I saw a video of the Deadpool game again and that and many other ideas came to me regarding this, so this will not be my first question here, obviously if you don't mind and you like this crazy idea of a shigaraki with a deadpool XD.
PS: sorry for the bad english, greetings from argentina🇦🇷
Firstly, thank you so so much for your kind words. I appreciate it beyond measure. <3 Actually, I think he would on the grounds that she made the first moves. This is running under the assumption that the relationship doesn't just bloom from a very awkward situation, which I find equally likely. I think that's the case for a lot of different personalities, unless we're talking someone he could easily take advantage of. A lot of it depends on the dynamic/attraction between them.
She gets her jobs done (albeit a little unconventionally), so she's an asset to the league, so Tomura tolerates her antics. Unfortunately, the big mouth makes for some pretty awkward situations that annoy Tomura to absolutely no end.
My specific brand of Tomura is usually exponentially creepier than canon Tomura (obviously lmao) and uses his sexuality for intimidation. With a Deadpool-esque girl, I think this could make for some absolutely hilarious situations.
Tomura, annoyed, says something along the lines of "Shut your mouth, before I find a better use for it." Deadpool girl isn't even phased-- flattered even. "Woah, boss-man, you asking me on a date? Can we get some snacks first or are you pretty set on the blowjob? You did mean blowjob, right? I could be wrong but that seemed like where you were going with this. Also, is this a casual encounter or are we more serious now, cause if we're serious, I need to call my mom--"
It might be a slightly antagonistic relationship, which personally is my favorite kind. He's so broody and edgy and serious so much of the time, I think it would be a fantastic counterbalance to his personality. She's more than happy to go along with his ridiculous whims and bedroom ideas, mainly just along for the ride, which delights him. If it ever genuinely annoys him, he can stuff a gag into her mouth-- which she continues to talk around regardless.
I think he'd find himself weirdly fond of her over time, and would grow to miss the snarky comments if they were ever separated for long periods of time (not that he will ever admit and immediately act exasperated once reunited.)
I actually really love the idea.
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Like Father, Like Son
You're minding your own business when your college bestie, Hitoshi Shinou, embarrassingly points out your big, fat crush on your very own teacher, Professor Aizawa. These things happen, right? You can't help yourself. But when Hitoshi starts to leave you cryptic messages, you're bidden to come to Aizawa's classroom. He's there and Hitoshi arrives. You're left wondering for a brief moment why these two men are in the same room together and with you. A kiss here and a grope there, you find out pretty quickly what they're up to.
College Professor!Eraserhead/Shouta Aizawa x Reader x College Student!Hitoshi Shinsou (19-22)
Hitoshi Shinsou has been aged up for this fic. I do not write for characters under the age of 18.
Content: oral (receiving and giving), cream pie, DILF, forbidden college professor, public sex, spanking, mild name calling, pet names, hair pulling, father and son tag team
Students shuffled in their desks at the bell's sound, which only served to perturb Professor Aizawa. However, he was too tired to chide them for not letting him dismiss them instead of the bell. You gathered your things and slid your backpack unto your shoulders. Butterflies swarmed your stomach. Barely nineteen, you came across your first adult crush when you walked into Professor Aizawa's classroom. To most, he didn't appear to be the first choice when it came to college crushes. He was lean and well-built to be sure (only you could tell beneath all that black he wore), but Professor Aizawa looked tired all the time. His scruffy face, messy hair, and rough personality did not make him a favorite among the female students. Most considered him too lazy to take care of his personal appearance.
But you?
The rough and tumble exterior made him unconventionally attractive. Those dark circles under his eyes were proof that he put in sleepless nights working for his students. His dark clothes showed off some of his well-earned muscles once you looked close enough. Aizawa's unshaven face just made him rugged and distinguished from the baby-faced freshman who tried hitting on you. This was a man, not a boy.
"Have a good evening, professor," you said in passing.
He didn't say anything in return as he gathered up the army of papers sitting on his desk. Without looking, he waved good-bye. You entered the halls and started making your way towards the cafeteria. Once you paid for your meager meal, you went to work finding your usual table with your friend. Hitoshi was easy to find. He was the quiet type whom many confused for an artist or a druggie. Something about him made you quiver a little too. He wore the same bored expression that almost matched Professor Aizawa's. Of the two men, Hitoshi was closer to your age than the professor. You sat down with butterflies returning to your stomach.
"How was class?" Hitoshi asked.
"Huh?" You'd been so busy trying to keep the butterflies at bay that you weren't paying that much attention.
"I said 'how was class?'"
"Oh. Uh, it was good," you answered.
"Staring at Professor Aizawa again?"
"Shut up! It's not like that you and you know it." You pouted.
"Is it?" Hitoshi teased. "I see the way you look at him. You make googly eyes whenever you see him in the hallways. It's almost sad, really."
"I don't make googly at Professor Aizawa. I just…admire from a distance."
"You could admire up close and personal," said Hitoshi, who then took a bite out of his cheeseburger.
Your face turned bright red. It wasn't illegal, though some prudes might consider the age difference scandalous. Professor Aizawa wasn't old at all, but he was almost twice your age. Besides, you didn't need to be one of those students who slept with their professor to get good grades or have rumors saying you did.
"Don't…don't joke like that." Or you just might take him seriously.
Later that night, as you lay in bed, your eyes stared vacantly at the ceiling. You couldn't find sleep even when you looked for it. As quiet as possible, you crept out of bed and made your way into the hall. You snuck past the RA's room, up the stairs, and crept into the boys' dorm. You heard behind closed doors snoring, late-night conversations, and even video games. You concerned yourself with only one room at the end of the hall. You gently knocked and waited with bated breath. You heard someone shuffling around and crossing the floor. The door opened.
"Do you know what time it is?" Hitoshi yawned.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. Can I come in?"
Hitoshi raised a questioning brow at you. "What for?"
"I can't sleep. Please?"
Hitoshi pulled the door open wider for you to enter. You ducked inside quickly in case the RA for the boys' dorms decided to make a late-night inspection.
"You're damn lucky Denki sneaked into his girlfriend's room earlier. Not that he'd snitch."
"Not unless he wants the RA's to know what he's been doing," you chuckled.
Hitoshi crawled into his bed but left space for you. You climbed in with him and pulled the covers over both of you. Hitoshi was the perfect gentleman and kept his hands to himself. Although, that was easy because he was already nodding back to sleep.
"Why were you awake at three in the morning?" Hitoshi yawned.
"I told you. I couldn't sleep."
"And sneaking into my room for G-rated pillow talk is going to help you fall asleep?"
"Maybe. Look, I," you paused.
"I had a weird dream, okay?" You huffed this time.
"Oh?" Hitoshi's tone sounded curious if but a little tired.
"Yeah. I dreamed about…well. Okay. Promise me that you won't laugh."
"I can't make any promises."
You inhaled sharply through your nose and exhaled through your mouth.
"I dreamed of doing it with Professor Aizawa." You said in one breath.
You hid your face with your hands and waited for Hitoshi to bellow with laughter. You waited and waited. You felt the bed shift. Slowly, you moved your hands away from your face to see Hitoshi lying on his side. You expected to find a smug know-it-all smirk on his face, but Hitoshi looked a little humble. No. That wasn't right. Humble wasn't quite the word you'd describe his face at this moment. There was a certain kind of sadnessresting in his tired eyes, but you couldn't tell with any certainty because you lay down in darkness. Only the occasional wink from the moon spilled between the blinds gave you any light. His eyes kind of looked glassy in the shadows from little light you had.
"It gets worse," you muttered.
"What? Did Denki join in?" Hitoshi laughed, and it didn't escape your notice how bitter the noise sounded.
"No," you felt your cheeks warm as blood rushed to your face. "You did."
You felt Hitoshi's eyes on you. You made to get out of the bed to avoid an ugly, awkward conversation, but Hitoshi stayed your hand. By kissing you.
You didn't see it coming until it was too late. Hitoshi maneuvered on top of you before you could leave. His lips were on yours before you could ask what he was doing. His hands were on your waist, squeezing you. The kiss was hard, sudden, and begging for you to reciprocate. With a sigh, you caved. You didn't question it but fell headlong into the kiss. Your hands reached behind his neck and clasped fingers together. Just when you think one or both of his hands will wander under your shirt, Hitoshi pulls away.
In the dim moonlight, you see him smirking down at you and then plops right down into the bed. You are so dazed and confused that it takes you a full minute to realize what just happened. Hitoshi kissed full on the mouth then had the A-U-D-A-C-I-T-Y to pull away and go back to sleep. Hitoshi put his back towards you. You get on your side and shove his shoulders.
"What the hell was that about? You can't just…You can't leave a girl hanging?"
"It's also three AM, and I have an eight AM class. We'll talk about it in the morning," he said.
"You've got a girl in your room, and one who's perfectly willing and just going back to sleep?"
"Uh, huh."
You snatched the pillow from under his head and gave him a good smack a couple of times. You lay back down, turning your back to him. Sleep didn't come easily, but at least you didn't have more dreams.
Evidently, you and Hitoshi didn't talk that morning. When you woke up, he was gone. You quickly snuck back into your dorm and went immediately to your phone. No calls or texts from Hitoshi indicated that he didn't want to talk about it, and everything else was just a rouse. You swore that the next time you saw him, Hitoshi Shinsou was getting a piece of your mind, whether or not he liked the words you had to say. You texted him and even left a voicemail.
No response.
You cleaned up, walked to class, and sat down. Try as you might, you couldn't pull your head out of last night's events. Hitoshi kissed you so suddenly and then refused to talk about his feelings. Clearly, he had some about you but wasn't too fond of sharing them. You half-listened to the professor throughout and left your mind to wander. By the end of the lecture, your phone pinged. You snatched it up. Lo and behold, the little bastard texted you.
I'm sorry about last night. I didn't know how to put it into words. I'll meet you in Aizawa's classroom when you're done.
You rolled your eyes. You didn't reply but thought it would be better to get it out in the open. Although, you wondered why he wanted to talk to you in Aizawa's classroom specifically. Why in the school buildings at all and not the dorms? Why not do it in privacy? These were just more questions for you to ask when the time was right.
The rest of your day went along as normal could be. A nagging thought pressed from the back of your mind that something was amiss. You didn't feel yourself in danger, but there was a lingering sensation trapped in your brain that told you to expect…what? Expect what, exactly? You had no idea. Perhaps your intuition was wrong. Hitoshi wanted to confess his feelings (or whatever he planned to say) at a place most convenient to you. If you finished class, it would be a pain to walk all the way over to the dorms just to talk to him. Even then, it was a minor inconvenience, and meeting in a public space wouldn't be wise. You'd have to wait to figure out what he meant by doing all of this.
When the hour arrived, you noticed something peculiar about Professor Aizawa. Usually, he started packing up his things as your class was the last of the day for him. Instead, he sat at his desk, sifting through his phone.
"Good night, Professor!" You said in passing, biting your lip.
Yes, you still remembered the raunchy dream you had that left your thighs slick. Before you even snuck into Hitoshi's dorm room, you changed pajamas. Aizawa didn't confirm that he heard you or stopped scrolling through his phone to glance at you. He typed away and ignored you. Shrugging your shoulders, you didn't think much of it. You passed his desk, made your way over to the door, and reached out to open it. Before your fingers even grazed the knob, the wood and glass door swung open with a whoosh. Hitoshi stood in the doorway before you.
"You wanted to talk to me?" You lowered your voice. "You know, about last night? Mind if we take this conversation somewhere more private." You gestured to Professor Aizawa, still sitting in his chair. Only this time, he wasn't fiddling with his phone.
"Oh, no. He's good," said Hitoshi. "In fact, I asked him to be here."
"Wait. What?" Your brows furrowed.
Hitoshi closed the door behind and locked it. You were so distracted by Hitoshi's Cheshire grin that you failed to notice the footsteps behind you. Aizawa had moved from his desk and crossed the floor to meet you. His strong hands pulled the shoulder straps of your backpack off of you and gently tossed it underneath an empty desk.
"Hitoshi, what's going on? You're really freaking me out."
An arm like a redwood tree trunk wrapped around your waist. Another hand wandered up to your head and gently brushed your hair to the side. Warm lips caressed your neck. Bristles of hair tickled you and made you squirm. Not that you were really going anywhere. Aizawa caged you with only one arm.
"Pro-Professor?" You were more bewildered than frightened.
Hitoshi leaned against the wall to watch. He had his arms folded across his chest, but his smile was devastating. "Just fulfilling your fantasy, princess. I thought you liked Professor Aizawa?"
"Cat got your tongue," asked Aizawa.
Teeth nibbled on the junction where your neck met your shoulders. Aizawa's fingers spread out and splayed against your ribs. Your heart thundered in its prison and threatened to escape. Your knees began to buckle, but Aizawa's superior strength kept you from winding up on the floor. It would have been more humiliating to land at Aizawa's feet with Hitoshi watching. Your head was spinning out of control.
"And I know that you like me," said Hitoshi. "Don't blush like that. You can't deny it."
You then noticed how hot your face was. Without even looking in a mirror, you could feel all of your blood gathered in your cheeks. The tops of your ears were red, too, like someone pinched them.
"B-But why…why all this? Why me—" You gasped, then your gasp became a moan.
Professor Aizawa roughly grabbed your breast and played with it over your clothes. His other hand massaged your hip. And his lips? Gods, his lips never left your neck. It was a blessing and a curse. Aizawa licked and suckled wherever he could get his mouth on your flesh. You stared at Hitoshi, who did nothing more than grin like a mad man.
"Do you want to answer her, or should I?" Hitoshi was obviously talking to someone other than you.
Aizawa removed his mouth from you, and you were almost sorry for its loss. His hands, though, remained. Groping and playing with you while he made his answer.
"From day one, I wanted to bend you over my desk and fuck you. I wasn't prepared to see somebody like you, Y/N, to walk into my classroom. Then I find out from my son that he found someone he liked too. To my shock, they were one and the same person. You. Hitoshi took a liking to you and told enough about you to keep me up at night."
"Wait? Son? You mean…" You'd been glancing over your shoulder to get a peek at Aizawa, whose hands never stopped moving before you snapped back to Hitoshi.
"Yeah, that's me," said Hitoshi. He took one dangerous step towards you than another.
"But you two…"
"Adopted." Hitoshi now stood arm's length away from you. "The real question now is: do you want us to stop? Two boyfriends are one thing, but can you handle a father and son duo? All you gotta do is say no right now, and you can walk away."
"What…what happens if I say yes?" You asked.
Heat pooled in your lower belly. Hitoshi's violet eyes pinned you where you stood as if that was all it took. His apparent father, Professor Aizawa, resumed his work on your neck and teasing you with his hands and lips. Hitoshi licked his lips and groped the breast that hadn't been possessed by his dad yet. Your knees wobbled and threatened to give out if not for Professor Aizawa supporting you. Hitoshi reached out, grabbed your jaw, and cupped your chin. You were forced to look him in the eye, which didn't help your situation down below.
"Saying yes means no going back. Once we start, there's no stopping unless you scream bloody murder. If you want to be fucked stupid, now's the time to answer, kitty."
You swallowed hard and nearly choked on the lump that formed in your throat. Aizawa began moaning next to your ear while still massaging your breast. Hitoshi's and Aizawa's hands worked your pleasure to the point you felt yourself dripping beneath your jean pants. Soft sighs escaped you. Your calm, rational brain couldn't come up with an excuse not to say yes. The thrill and fear of being caught sandwiched between two men—one of whom was a teacher no less—and in such a public space sent a shiver down your back. Aizawa's hands felt bigger than Hitoshi's, but his son had softer ones. The dichotomy caused a new wave of sensations to crash into you and pulled you towards unknown depts. What lay at the bottom frightened you, but you also knew that nothing was gained by sitting at home, waiting for Prince Charming.
"Your neck tastes pretty good," said Aizawa, "I wonder what the rest of you feels like." His fingers dug into your hip, and he squeezed your breast a little harder.
Your head rolls back and your eyes closed, lost in the pleasure. You bit your lip to contain the moans and sighs trying to come out of you. You're too scared that someone might hear and find you in a peculiar situation.
"Nobody's gonna hear. We're the last ones to leave, and the janitor saved this room for last. We won't be disturbed," said Hitoshi.
You were curious what he meant by the janitor saving this room for last. Your mind was preoccupied with the steady hand teasing you. Your mind was already made up by that point, you might as well say it aloud. It was just a matter of getting your stubborn tongue to cooperate.
"What's it going to be, Y/N?" It was Professor Aizawa this time with a question, but he growled it in your ear.
Goosebumps rose across your flesh. Hands—you're not sure whose—tore down the zipper of your hoodie to reveal a thin tank top and pull the outer garment away from your shoulders. Two mouths latched onto your newly exposed skin. Your feet were kicked apart. Hitoshi let go of your chin in favor of gliding it down, down, down. You gasped when he cupped the apex of your thighs.
"I can feel you getting wet even through your jeans, Y/N. You want this, don't you?"
Without thinking, you nodded. Their hands, their mouths, their deep voices, you wanted them to use your body until you couldn't tell who was who anymore. Sleeping with your professor and his son at the same time, should have raised alarm bells. It was wrong on many levels, but you couldn't think of a single one of them.
"Use your words, kitty." Said Aizawa.
Aizawa's hand left your hip. He dragged it across your stomach, slid it down the opposite thigh, and grabbed hold of it. Aizawa brought this leg further and higher up to the point of stretching your leg close to the edge of pain. You blushed deeper when you realized that he spread your legs wider for Hitoshi to play with you. Hitoshi rubbed his hand from back to front along the crotch seam of your jeans. Moisture gathered there as if your body was obeying his every command.
"Come on," urged Hitoshi. "You know you want to."
With a few more rubs, you were panting. You weren't sure if you screamed it or moaned, but you said it. You threw your head back, and with a groan, you said, "Yes, please. More."
That's all they needed. Hands and mouths immediately left. You whimpered at their absence, but you weren't going to be sad for long. Your world literally spun as Aizawa grabbed you, pinned you to the chalkboard, and pulled at the button and zipper of your pants. Hitoshi got rid of your socks and shoes and ripped off your hoodie. Fast hands pulled your top off and your bra. It was unfair that they only took off their shirts. You were about to protest this fact when Aizawa got down on his knees in front of you and spread your legs.
"Pay attention, Hitoshi. I'm about to show you exactly how you're supposed to please a woman."
You caught his hair by your fingers, twisting and pulling by the third stroke of Aizawa's tongue. He lapped from one end to your clit and back down. You quivered when he pulled your outer lips apart to reveal the hot button of yours hidden there. Aizawa brought his lips to your clit and sucked. He kept your legs apart by putting his hands on your thighs and pinched whenever they got too close to his head. After sucking your clit, Aizawa went back to licking your slit, which was now dripping to the floor.
"The trick is," he addressed Hitoshi without even wiping his mouth first. "Is to find the pace best for them. No two pussies are the same, and this kitty here is really sensitive. Watch."
Aizawa dove between your legs again and pressed his lips against your cunt. A rumble from his throat sent shockwaves through your body. He positively growling while slurping you up like an ice cream cone. You knocked your head into the chalkboard, which still had his lecture notes scrawled in that familiar handwriting. Your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when Aizawa penetrated you with his tongue. He lapped at your inner walls and thrust in and out in preparation for the real thing. You had no doubts that one or both of them were going to filling you tonight. Judging by how eagerly Aizawa treated your cunt like an all-you-can-eat-buffet, you were assured of that much.
All the while, you felt more than saw Hitoshi's eyes on you. He watched Aizawa eat you out, then his gaze flickered to your face. Violet eyes fixed on you. Not wanting to disturb his dad hard at work, Hitoshi leaning against the chalkboard next to you. His hand once more grabbed your face and turned it towards him. Hitoshi brought you close to his face and pulled your lips towards his. He kissed you, and it was better than you ever dreamed about. A lot better than what you actually did dream about. His lips felt soft against yours. Soft but demanding. Hitoshi's kiss was so much more than just smooth. You felt his tongue swipe at your bottom lip, begging for entrance. He didn't need an invitation, but it was sweet of him to ask.
You parted your lips. Hitoshi imitated the movements of Aizawa's tongue in your cunt. He moved his tongue in and out of your mouth. The result made you moan and drool. Aizawa parted from you, making you whine.
"Whatever you're doing, keep doing it. She's about to come all over my face," said Aizawa before diving back in with more fervor this time.
The room filled with your sighs and the perverse sounds of Aizawa eating you. Hitoshi's other hand went to your breast. His fingers were more nimble than you thought they were. They performed magic on you. He twisted your nipple until it was rock hard and did the same for the other one. Your chest was heaving for air and in the heated pleasure of the moment. Hitoshi, let you breathe for a few minutes. He grinned down at you as he watched your face contort. You yanked on his father's head as something ripped out of you.
You crashed into your orgasm that you didn't even see coming (pun intended). Between Aizawa's stupendous tongue and Hitoshi's…everything, you wailed like a banshee. Aizawa sucked and sucked until your body could no longer handle the sensations. Aizawa came away with his mouth and chin soaked with your juices while the rest dribbled down your displayed cunt.
"Fuck," Hitoshi sighed, bringing you in for another kiss.
You were inclined to agree with him.
Aizawa rose from his knees. He wiped his mouth, spreading it over his arm. He sat on his desk, watching the two of you make out a little before breaking it off. Aizawa's lips were firmer than Hitoshi's, and he made no pretense of being gentle. You tasted yourself on him and shuddered.
"How do we do this?" Aizawa murmured to no one in particular. He moved a strand of (h/c) hair out of your face and tucked it behind your ear. "I've always wanted you bent over or splayed out on my desk. With Hitoshi here, that complicates things."
"Still could," suggested Hitoshi. "Though, it wouldn't be your desk. Where do you sit, Y/N?"
You answered quickly, and Hitoshi immediately went there. Aizawa held you up as he guided you over to your desk. As if reading his son's mind, Aizawa pressed down on the small of your back until you lay face-first into your desk. Hitoshi stood on the other side, working to undo his pants. He was inches from you, and you could reach him without effort.
Aizawa spread your legs and lifted your hips a little. You clutched your desk for dear life. You heard Aizawa adjusting himself behind you, but Hitoshi was on full display before you. Bristling violet hair made a treasure trail leading to his long cock. He moved his hand up and down its shaft while he refused to leave your eyes again. You watched a bead of pre-cum leak out of the reddened cock head while unaware that Aizawa fished himself out of his trousers. In one go, he was seated firmly in your heat. Your jaws unhinged, allowing Hitoshi to do the same to your throat. Both men groaned as your velvety walls enveloped them.
"Shit, that feels good," moaned Hitoshi.
Aizawa gave you an appreciated slap on your ass. "You're so tight, Y/N. How fucking long have you been holding out on us?"
With Hitoshi's cock inside you, you were only allowed to whimper and moan. Hitoshi bunched your hair at the back of your head in his hand while Aizawa set a bruising hold on your hips. Father and son looked at each other and nodded in agreement to some unspoken thing. Aizawa pulled back only to slam forward again. He moved first, and then Hitoshi shortly followed second. They timed their thrusts perfectly so that when one was buried deep in your body, the other pulled out almost to the tip of his cock. Each cock slid nearly the whole way out before getting shoved into one hole or another. Your arms were useless noodles clinging to your desktop like a life-saving raft. The desk's metal feet scraped the floor while your insides were being delightfully abused.
Tears streamed down your face. You were neither scared nor humiliated. The tears were a mere reaction to the overstimulation you received servicing father and son at the same time. Hitoshi reached to the back of your throat and made you gag. He tried to slow his pace so you wouldn't actually choke on him, but he was young and couldn't help himself. His dad, on the other hand, had more experience. He wasn't nearly as long as Hitoshi, but he made up for it in stoutness and skill gained only through experience. It wasn't just his cock rearranging your guts; his fingers left bruises and the hard grunts he let out when he pounded you. He evidently wasn't much of a talker.
"So good, baby. So good. Keep going. Fuck." Hitoshi loosened his hold on your hair a little bit and stroked your face and throat.
You hallowed out your cheeks. Looking up at Hitoshi, you worked to suck him off. His features screwed up as his eyes turned into a molten mixture. You could tell by instinct that he wanted to be the one fucking your cunt and had settled for your throat. You also felt how bad he wanted to see you swallow his come when it was time.
"Fuck," Hitoshi groaned. Sweat beaded down the side of his face. His hips moved faster, and his hand wandered.
You felt Hitoshi's fingers graze your throat. You shivered as those red-hot fingers held every intent on wrapping around your neck while he fucked your throat. You looked up at him and slowly nodded. Hitoshi gave you a test squeeze on your throat. Nothing to hurt or scare you with, just one squeeze. When you didn't convulse, groan in distress, or shake your head, Hitoshi put his whole hand down and squeezed for longer than a second. He felt his own cock being shoved and pulled from your throat. He pressed just a little tighter. It wasn't enough to restrict your airways, but the edges around your eyes started to blur.
"Such a good mouth. Good little cockslut, aren't you?" Hitoshi licked his hips. "Want me to blow my load? Want my cum down your throat?"
You nodded with enthusiasm. Hitoshi grabbed either side of your head and disregarded Aizawa's pace then drove his cock deep inside your throat. If you weren't choking before, you are now. Hitoshi rammed his hips into your face. His movements bounced the desk harder than before, and it was a good thing there weren't' any classes on the floor beneath this one.
Hitoshi shoved your face against his crotch as his cock swelled inside your mouth. Ropes of cum guzzled down your throat. He quickly pulled out before he was finished serving you his cum directly into your stomach. Cum splattered your face, hair, and, of course, the desk.
Having your throat painted white did something for you. The coil that had been building in your lower belly since the moment Aizawa and Hitoshi stuffed you full of their cocks snapped. Your body unwound itself around Aizawa's cock, still pulsing and moving inside your walls. You screamed this time, and Hitoshi did nothing to muffle the sound. You panted and continued to yell as you felt another coil begin to tighten within you. Aizawa's hips never stopped but only quickened. Watching you lose your mind spurred him on to take you faster, harder, and more thoroughly.
Aizawa pulled you up so that you stepped on the boots he kept on while fucking you. He pressed your back flush against his chest while he continued to fuck your cunt. You were red from head to toe when you felt Hitoshi watch you getting fucked by his father. He watched you bounce on Aizawa's cock like it was the most natural thing to do. With the nonchalance of somebody who didn't just cum down a girl's throat while his dad plowed her from behind, Hitoshi put on his shirt and gathered your things.
"He's right," Aizawa grunted. His pace was impossible to keep up with. Your walls clenched around him as you braced yourself for another one. "You're too good of a cock slut to let go. You're going to be our good girl, won't you?"
"Yes!" You screamed.
"Then take my load like a good little girl. I'm…going to fill that sweet cunt of yours."
Aizawa's hips snapped into a frenzy, beating your insides as if bruises didn't matter. Your inner walls clenched hard. Another wave spiked through you. Impaled on his cock, you let out a deep moan that felt like it came deep inside your soul's core. You shivered around him. Having you wrap so tightly around his cock, Aizawa pulled out to just the tip and shoved himself back in again. When he kissed your cervix, you bellowed as more cum shot into your body. Aizawa's spray lasted longer. There was so goddamn much of it that his cum leaked out of you when he eventually pulled out.
Hitoshi ran to get cleaning supplies and came back with an armload of warm, damp towels. He and Aizawa took their time cleaning you up, wiping away all traces of their cum with no small reluctance. They needed you presentable before you all left the building, but they didn't want their mark erased from your body just yet. While Hitoshi got rid of the evidence, Aizawa helped you into his leather-back chair and back into your clothes. When all was said and done, you were forced to hang onto them. Aizawa and Hitoshi half-carried you to the former's car. You sat in the back with your brows heavily furrowed.
"What's going on? Are we going somewhere?" You asked.
Your heart raced inside your chest; you had a feeling exactly where they were taking you. Your dorm was within walking distance. A car would be silly.
"First, we're going to get dinner," answered Aizawa as he buckled into the driver's seat.
"And then?" You dared to raise the question.
"And then we fuck you properly on a bed," Hitoshi finished.
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dianthus-is-moving · 2 years
is shadow your f/o ? 🥰💕 he's such a sweetie
He is!!! He absolutely stole my heart!! Even just after watching the first episode I was like "I get the feeling Shadow's going to be my favorite... Uh oh" 🙈
Over the course of the series Hiromi turned out to be an absolute ATTACK on my tastes, suddenly I found myself thinking about him a lot and then OOPS I'M FALLIN ⚠️ NEW HUSBANDO ALERT ⚠️
Despite him being introduced as, well... kind of a dick, I just really liked his overall design (Love unconventionally attractive characters ugh... And dat butt 👀) Most of my past faves have been introduced as antagonists and turned into friends, so I love how he followed that trope and ended up in the role of big bro/uncle/bruncle (and just how relatable Shadow is in general. We're like total opposites but also the same person. 🤣)
He's really caring, protective, devoted and even selfless at times!! He's such a big teddy bear under the paint and spikes 🥺 This man is 1000% Boyfriend Material. He just looks like he'd give THE. BEST. HUGS. Just the right amount of soft. Nice to cuddle with and smooch. Wanna hold his hand and play with his hair (and touch his butt. 😜)
Ms. Manager missed out big time lol... I was rooting for them but oh well 💁‍♀️
Not to mention all the extra content the creators keep churning out FUELS ME... whoops this ended up being kind of a ramble, sorry to gush but yeah 😅
TLDR; Yeah that's my mans and I love him 🥺💐
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long-after-love · 3 years
I loved your post about their eyes! Paul’s will always be my favorite but Ringo is in competition for how unique their shape and color is 🥺 I love looking at unconventionally attractive people they’re much more fun to draw!
Actually the wonderful eye analysis was written by the talented Zach @dustino, I wish I could elaborate as well as he did.
But if you care about my opinion, well, I admire John's eyes the most. The honey amber color of the iris melts my heart. In a way, I think John was very Asian-like in the look department. John had narrow and long eyes, which made him more unique and different than any Western man I've ever seen. They added so much tenderness and dream-like quality to his look. I think I prefer them to big, bright eyes. Actually if you have ever seen Japanese Kabuki, I think John looked like a classic wagoto character - a soft, vulnerable, hopeless romantic kind of a male hero. Here is a Japanese painting of a Kabuki wagoto character, but it strangely reminded me of John.
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Paul's eyes were so big and expressive. Very pretty hazel color framed by long, long lashes. In a way Paul looked like an anime character thanks to those amazing eyes. I also love drawing his eyes and his face. Here's a Paul fanart of mine I did ages ago from a tutorial:
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George's eyes were intense, dark and velvety. His bottom lashes were also very long. When I first got into the Beatles, George was my favorite because of his moody look. He was like, always staring into your soul! My fav pic of him:
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Ringo... Ha! I ADORE his big sad droopy eyes. They were also massive - bigger than Paul's, even. I think the shape itself wasn't so flattering, but it went so well with the general features of Ringo's face and the deep, beautiful shade of blue is unbeatable. As you can see, my current profile pic is Ringo! This is my favorite photo of him, sadly you can't really see those blue eyes but it's so adorable.
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earstwo · 4 years
hi hun, hope you are doing ok. what do you love the most about our beautiful adam?
hi friend! i am doing pretty well, thank you for checking in. i hope you’re doing okay and staying safe/healthy, etc.
as for your ask - i need you to know that i’ve been thinking about how to answer this question since you asked it last night bc i am nothing if not overdramatic. much like with ‘what is your favorite adam look’, there’s no way i could ever narrow it down to just one. it’s physically impossible for me. 
as such, here are a few things i love most about adam driver. these are in no particular order and i will try to not gush…too much, but no promises:
- his sense of humor and the fact that he doesn’t take himself too seriously. you’d think that for how serious and intense he is in general that he’d be like, a stick in the mud when it comes to comedy but he’s just not. i love the fact that he’s hosted SNL 3 times and just gets more and more ridiculous each time. he’s effortlessly funny in a way that we all we wish we could be. 
- he’s very self-deprecating. he makes fun of himself constantly (”that’s a bad joke”, “i’ve derailed this interview and now i can’t remember your question”, “i would be jabba the hutt if i weren’t kylo ren”, etc), and he’s god AWFUL at taking compliments, even when he absolutely deserves them. it’s something that makes me want to bear hug him and tape little post-its on his mirror that say “you are the best human on the planet” so he stops ever thinking otherwise.
- i love how much he lights up when he’s comfortable in his environment. if you haven’t yet, watch the VICE mini documentary about AITAF and his interviews during the logan lucky press tour with channing tatum and you’ll see what i’m talking about. that adam is probably more who adam actually is IRL and it’s literally just…i don’t even know. he’s funny and giggly and silly and absolutely fucking magnetic in every way. it’s almost hard to watch.
- i’ve honestly never tried to put this into words before, so i might fail miserably, but here goes: adam is the kind of dude that i’d be into IRL (putting his looks aside here because duh) because he’s strong and smart and masculine in a way that’s never once felt toxic to me. i love when a guy is self-sufficient and independent. i love when people don’t talk just to talk. that’s something that i struggle with often and i admire so much about him because he thinks about what he says for a long time before he says it and is always thoughtful and considerate with the words he does choose, so they always carry so much more weight. it’s so fucking attractive to me it’s insane. 
- i think it’s so fucking amazing how he’s able to fully transform himself into whatever role he’s playing. he disappears as adam and becomes his character. a perfect example of this is adam sackler, who was my intro to him as an actor. i thought for so long that adam driver just was adam sackler because that was long before i ever watched any interviews/learned about him as a human being. his ability to fully immerse himself in whatever character he’s playing is so incredible that i genuinely can’t see where he stops and his character begins when he’s acting. it’s so goddamn impressive.*side note: i fucking love how dedicated he is to each character he plays, too. doing all his own stunts as ben, learning to drive a fucking bus as paterson, losing 50 lbs for silence. that boy never does anything half-assed and it’s so fucking admirable. 
- his work ethic. don’t judge me too much here, but sometimes when i’m feeling lazy about work or exercising or literally anything, i think about adam driver and how hard he works constantly and it motivates me to get my shit together. i will literally probably never meet this dude, but i still want to be the type of person he’d be friends with and therefore try to always work harder than anyone else in the room. lmao i’m such a mess
- i promise i didn’t intentionally save his looks for the end of this post, and i feel like that’s very telling of how wonderful i think he is as a human, BUT IN ANY CASE, he is obviously incredibly handsome. that goes without saying. people that say he’s ‘weird hot’ can take a long walk off a short bridge, because no. he’s just hot. not ‘unconventionally’ or ‘nontraditionally’ hot. JUST HOT. beautiful. gorgeous. rugged. dark and tall in every way that a heartthrob should be. i love his crooked teeth and his ears because they make him more human; if he didn’t have them it would honestly just be too much. he’s already like a fucking greek god walking among us, we need these little human imperfections (can we even call them that?) to remind us that he’s not actually adonis. i love his hair. i love his eyes and how he can convey 19389294 things with them in mere seconds. i love his stupid half-smiles and smirks. don’t even get me sTARTED ON THE WINKING. men winking in general is something that sends me - watching adam do it had me on the fucking floor gasping for air and wondering when death was going to finally take me. 
- HONORABLE MENTIONS: *he always signs autographs or makes time to go talk to fans*he always turns conversations regarding his talent around so that someone else is receiving the praise instead of him (see: him complimenting noah baumbach’s marriage story script) *the thing with ben affleck’s son and how good he is with kids in general. christ on a cracker, as if i needed more reasons to be obsessed with him*dogs love him too and that’s just not a thing we should take lightly*the fact that he’s not on social media at all and actually hates it*HIS VOICE. JESUS FUCK. HOW COULD I FORGET THAT VOICE??phew, okay - 
i’m not gonna sit here and act like you asked for this, because you didn’t. you asked for me to tell you what i love most and i’ve written you an essay about ALL THE THINGS i love. and i also hope you know that i really did have to pull back here and stop myself from piling more things onto this.
TLDR: adam driver is a devastatingly talented, humble, intelligent, gorgeous, and kind dude. he’s everything that i think a ‘celebrity’ should be and even though i know he doesn’t really care about this kind of stuff, i hope he knows how inspiring he is in so many ways. he’s gotten me to write and create again by simply being my muse and he’s gotten me to be more thoughtful and intentional with my words and actions because of the level of commitment that he gives to everything in his life. i don’t actually know if you can love someone you’ve never met or spoken to, but if you can, i love him. a lot. 
also, i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: i miss him and hope he’s doing okay. knowing what i know about him, he’s probably enjoying the time he’s got to sleep and spend with his family but also probably itching to go back to work. whatever the situation may be, as long as that boi is safe and healthy, i’m gucci. 
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mammon-sama · 4 years
Let’s Film An Adult Video! (Fanfiction)
Aha, here is another story from me.  This is super dumb and lighthearted an features a lot of Simeon, which is yay, I think.  Anyway, again, this is a silly, cringy thing that I was bored and wrote.  Also, it is on AO3.  Sorry for posting so much, I promise I’ll tone it down soon if that bothers anyone! >.<
Let’s Film An Adult Video!
When Simeon believes he's asked by Asmo to film an adult video, MC decides to help him, only to find out that sex is not the only thing on the Avatar of Lust's mind.
Slice of Life/Humor
Word Count:
Additional Note:
All the dialogue between the MC and Simeon that are in italics means that it’s not verbally expressed, but is rather mouthed between you.  And yes, you can understand each other because you’ve magically developed the talent of impeccable lip-reading.
You yawn slightly as you exit your Introduction to the History of Demonology 1001 classroom and shift the straps of your backpack.  You groan at the weight of all the homework your obnoxious teacher assigned to you for the day. 
Your eyes feeling heavy—you had stayed up with Levi all night yesterday playing one of his newly-released games—you stumble forward, nearly tripping on the velvet hallway runner that lines R.A.D’s tiled corridor.
You manage to regain your footing, but again, your ungraceful stroll is impeded by something else—that something being a tall, brown-skinned angel, who leans against the wall with furrowed brows.
You brighten instantly.  “Hey, Simeon.” You notice the frown on his face.  “Is something wrong?”
Simeon shakes his head.  “I have to admit, yes, but it’s nothing for you to worry about, MC.”
You cock your head.  “Are you sure? I’d like to help.”
“Well,” Simeon replies, smiling at your earnestness.  “I don’t know if you can help.  In fact, I’m the one who got myself into this mess, so I suppose I’m the only one who can get myself out.”
You have to wonder what kind of conundrum a pious creature like Simeon could have gotten himself into, so you say, “Just tell me what happened; maybe I can offer some insight.”
He nods.  “Okay, then.  I guess there’s no harm in telling you.”  He sits down, leaning his back against a row of lockers, and motions for you to do the same.  “Ah, see. You know, up in the Celestial Realm, we don’t use D.D.Ds. We have our own type of communication devices, sure, but we’ve never really had the need to use anything as complicated as what’s used in the Devildom.”
“Yeah, I remember Solomon telling me that you and Luke were super intrigued when Diavolo gave you guys your D.D.Ds,” you reminisce, as you pull out your own device.
“Yes, they’re really quite complex.  We had trouble getting used to them at first.”  Simeon laughs cheerfully. “I especially am fond of sending stickers and such, although I have trouble typing actual messages, though.”  He pauses. “Anyway, I wanted to get better at navigating my D.D.D, so I enlisted the help of Levi earlier this week since he’s so good with technology.”
You stop him there.  “Impossible—Levi’s favorite game just got a new installment on Sunday, so he’s been playing it all week.  He’s been at it pretty much 24/7. Actually, I helped him yesterday.”
“Yes, the fact that Levi is busy this week made it so that despite our arrangement, I couldn’t rely on him.”  The angel shook his head sadly. “However, Levi did recommend that I talk to Asmodeus if I wanted help with my D.D.D considering Asmo spends a lot of time on it browsing and posting on Devilgram and DevilTube.”
You nod.  “Makes sense.”
Simeon goes on, “The thing is, Asmodeus said that if he taught me the ins-and-outs of my D.D.D, he wanted something in return; I said that that was alright.”  He looks down, and you can’t help but notice the slight blush on his face as he continues, “Today he let me know what he wants me to do.” He takes a deep breath.  “He wants me to film a video in his bedroom … a video featuring him and his … lady friends .  He said he’d do it himself, but he’d be pretty … occupied during the video.  He also said he’d have a script and everything.”
“What?”   You can feel your eyes bulge out of your head, making the connection between the Avatar of Lust and … scripted bedroom videos.  “He wants you to film a porno with him starring in it?!”
Simeon nods furiously.  “You realize it too, don’t you, MC?  I’m sure that’s what he wants, right?”
“Right.  He really must be a demon if he wants an angel to film him having sex …”  You sigh. “Maybe tell him you don’t want to do it?”
He shakes his head.   “No, I can’t do that—I can’t break a promise I made to him.”  He sighs. “I’m just going to have to buckle down and do what he asks.”
You feel as if you should’ve known that as an angel, he wouldn’t go back on his word.  You decide to alleviate him, considering he looked miserable. “If you want, I’ll help you.”
“I can’t ask you to do that, MC!” Simeon gasps.  “You’re not the one who promised this to Asmo!”
“I’m doing it,” you affirm.  “I told you I’d try to help, so I’m gonna.  With me there, we can take turns controlling the video camera, so you don’t have to see as much … stuff.”
The angel seemed to sense that there was no way that you were budging from your stance, so he groans.  “I guess there’s no stopping you, then. Let’s go to Asmo’s room and film an adult video!”
“Huh,” you comment, peering through the threshold to Asmodeus’ open bedroom.  “He’s not here.”
“Yes, he said we could come in beforehand to get all the equipment set up before he brings in his female … companions.”  Simeon blushes at the last two words. “Although, I’m not sure we’re going to need all that much recording stuff.” He pulls out his D.D.D.  “I mean, Asmo showed me how to work the video camera on this so I think we can use that to film.”
You nod.  “That sounds fine.  The video quality might not be that great, but since we don’t have anything else, I guess we can just use that.”
Before you can see anything else, you notice that Simeon has begun to wander through Asmodeus’ room.  He turns to you, clutching a small, pink, egg-shaped object. His eyes widen in suspicion. “What do you think this is, MC?  Some kind of weird sex toy?  Do you think they’ll use it in the video?  Because if so, I’d like to film that part, to see what hole it goes up in.”
It’s your turn to blush.  “I—I believe that’s called a BeautyBlender, Simeon.  It’s a sponge for makeup.”
“Ah, I see.”  He places it back on Asmo’s vanity and notices that a pale powder has rubbed off the beauty sponge and onto his fingers.  He looks curiously at you.
“Foundation,” you explain. “You can wipe it off.”
He nods and reaches toward what looks like a slick metal hand sanitizer dispenser placed on the vanity.  But, before he can press the actuator down, Asmodeus prances into his room.
“Hello, everyone!” Asmo sings.  “Oh, lovely! MC, you’re here, too!  I’ll do you after I’m done with these two.” 
He gestures at the two female demons that had followed him into the room; both are surprisingly, unconventionally beautiful, with strikingly attractive features that didn’t seem to follow any beauty standards.  He saunters toward his bed, pausing when he notices Simeon’s hand poised on the ‘hand sanitizer dispenser.’ “Ooooh, are we interrupting something?” He glances at you and then Simeon, grinning. “If we were, don’t mind us, and do go on!  I’ll join in if I notice a lull!”
You cock your head.  “… What?”
Asmodeus shrugged.  “Well, I can only assume what was about to go on, considering Simeon’s hand is poised on my lube dispenser.”
Simeon whips his hand away from the metal canister, his face bright red.  “I—I thought it was hand sanitizer!”
“No, no, that’s lube—good quality stuff, too!”  Asmo beckons toward the two other demons, and they walk further into the room.  “Lailah, Feota, come, sit on the bed, darlings.”
As the two girls quietly make their way to the bed, Simeon mouths to you from across the room (you magically have insanely good lip-reading skills and can understand him perfectly), “Holy Father, MC, he has two ‘lady friends!’  We’re gonna be filming a threesome!   How scandalous!” 
You nod furiously and point to Asmodeus, who had sauntered over to his closet and is now returning with a massive pink box that is covered with glitter.  He plops it down on his bed next to Lailah and Feota.
“I got my bag of tricks!” Asmo explains, pointing to the box. He taps his fingers gleefully.  “This is going to be so much fun!”
“Bag of tricks?” you mouth to Simeon.  You have a sneaking suspicion that in regards to the genre of this video, that could only mean one thing.
He turns to the both of you, saying, “I just need to grab a few more things for the video, so if you guys could just hold off on the filming for a few minutes, that would be fabulous.” You and Simeon watch as Asmodeus turns toward his vanity, opens the drawer, and pulls out a curling iron, which confuses you because … where did a curling iron fit into sex?
“Vibrator!” Simeon mouths, gesturing toward it, his eyebrows raising.
“Curling iron!” you mouth back to him.
Asmo yanks out an eyelash curler and puts it on the vanity.
“Nipple clamps!”
“Eyelash curler!”
Next, the fifthborn demon pulls out an assortment of pointy makeup brushes.  As you notice the number of beauty supplies accumulating on his vanity, you begin to reconsider the exact nature of the video you and Simeon are to film …
“Butt plugs!”
“Literally brushes, Simeon!”  You begin to wonder exactly how dirty the angel’s mind is.
Suddenly, Asmodeus produces a pair of fluffy red handcuffs from his drawer, before cheerfully blushing and shoving them back inside.  “Whoopsie! Heehee, those aren’t for right now!” He walks back over to his bed, grabs the pink box, and sets it onto the vanity.  
He turns toward you.  “MC, be a doll and pull that ball chair up over here toward my vanity.  I only have one seat here and both Lailah and Feota should be in front of the mirror.”
“So whoever’s not participating in the sexy times at the moment can watch!” Simeon, his eyes bugging out of his head, mouths to you, again.  
You facepalm in exasperation and not even bothering to respond to his previous statement, you mouth, “I’m not sure we’re filming porn, Simeon.”
The angel looks at you in shock.  “How can you be so sure?”
Just then, Asmo opens his ‘box of tricks,’ hauling out dozens of tubes of liquid lipstick and eyeliner, at least ninety-three different eyeshadow palettes, and several different small cases of foundation in every skin tone, as well as various other products.
You raise an eyebrow at Simeon.  “Because everything he’s gotten ready so far is a bunch of makeup products.”
“Maybe he wants to look good for the shoot!” Simeon counters.
You shake your head.  “I don’t think so.”
Finally noticing your and Simeon’s silent exchange, Asmodeus turns to you and nods.  “Ohh, I bet you guys are wondering about the script.” Before you can correct him on the fact that that is not what you two were pondering, Asmo pulls out a sheet of paper from his vanity drawer and hands it to you. “The script is just something I wrote so that you guys know which angles to film me and the girls from so that we look our best and the audience gets the most out of the video since you guys are just amateur videographers.”
Simeon meanders to your side and reads aloud from the sheet.  “‘For the most part, focus on either Lailah or Feota’s face—whoever’s makeup I’m doing at the moment.  Normally I’d tell you to put the camera mostly on me, since really, why look at anything else?—but because this is a makeup tutorial and these two are my models, I guess it’s smarter to focus on them.’”  Simeon raises an eyebrow and looks at Asmodeus.  “ … Wait, so we’re really just making a makeup tutorial video?”
The Avatar of Lust nods enthusiastically.  “Yes! For my wildly popular DevilTube channel!” He pauses.  “What else would we be filming?”
You and Simeon exchange a look and sigh.
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oligbia · 3 years
I feel drawn to the heart envelope. It’s cute.
I’m 21, go by he/him pronouns and would prefer a male partner. I’m an XNTJ, 4w5 and Scorpio sun, Aries moon and Leo rising. I draw, play video games (esp rhythm and simulation games), I also love poetry and I collect poetry books - especially if it’s spooky. I don’t have a favorite movie atm but I love comedies and anything horror and thriller. My ideal first date would be something a bit subdued, maybe even just hanging out and ordering takeout, or going to a museum (bonus points it it’s a temporary exhibition we’re seeing) and grabbing coffee. I hope this is enough info! Thank you!
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Hello lovely Anon! Thank you so much for reaching out!
Without further waiting, your secret admirer is. . .
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Keigo Takami!
Keigo Tokami, AKA Hawks, is a 23-year-old pro hero. He is someone of high emotional and logistical intelligence, the kind of person who would love to bring out the childish nature of you but would be the best person to confide in when you need support.
His Personality Type: Keigo is an ENTP. He has a smart and flexible mind, often dubbed as the "debtor type." However, he is additionally extremely charismatic, always having the right words to say when you need to hear them. He's confident (almost a little cocky) and always charming, even when you don't want to admit it. Between your two personality types, you will always be bringing a level of charisma to your relationship, being the right level of flirty and caring.
His Enneagram Type: Keigo is a lovely 7w8. He is very goal-driven and more ambitious than the normal type Seven. Because of this nature, there are going to be times you think Keigo is too busy for you. He'll often be a bit neglectful of your relationship, busy with his hero work. He never means to, but it's not to worry, your Type 4 is exactly the kind of type that can help Keigo stay focused and stay on track, keeping him reigned in on your relationship. Your type 4 may make you a bit shy, especially with your wing in 5, you may find yourself unintentionally drawing away from others around you. But, Keigo is the perfect kind of optimist who is ready to draw you from your shell and encourage you to try new things.
His Zodiac: Keigo is a Capricorn, a December Capricorn to be specific. Your relationship would be one built on trust, his honest nature encouraging you to be more honest as well. The biggest conflicts you may run into will have to do with emotions, both of you dealing with your own emotional turmoil. You'll both be hesitant to open up at first, but once that obstacle is passed over time, a long-lasting bond full of trust and support.
My Thoughts: First- You and I have the same enneagram type, lovely anon! But, as for your match, I think Keigo would really feel drawn to you and your interest in spooky things specifically. He would think it's interesting, unique, and a little badass. I think you would be the kind of relaxed relationship he needs to start, the poor boy has been through a lot.
And, a little blurb for your enjoyment:
You sat in a small corner of the coffee cafe, the rain pattering against the window softly behind you. Your drink sat peacefully on the table as you sat curled up next to it, sitting a bit unconventionally in the chair. In your hand was the works of Edgar Allen Poe, the book itself looking old and dark in appearance. It looked like the kind of book you would pull off a shelf in a haunted house, causing a trap of some kind to spring to life. It was peaceful, you were at ease.
Keigo wandered into the coffee shop, the pro-hero enjoying his day off in the rainy weather. The rain brought along cool and comfortable temperatures, the rain, however, only seemed to bother his feathers. He placed an order for a large caramel latte, all eyes on him. The baristas assured him he didn't have to pay, but he kindly insisted, leaving a large tip in its place. He watched around as his drink was being made, signing autographs as they came to him and taking a few selfies. Amongst the attention, his eyes landed on you across the way. His interest was peaked by the book in your hand, he was unable to tell what it was exactly without some large title on the cover or spine.
Keigo picked up his drink and wandered over to you, sitting his drink down on the table. You looked up from your book, eyes widening at the very attractive pro-hero in front of you.
"My name is Keigo Takami and you look interesting, tell me about the book."
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eyreguide · 4 years
A Detailed Book Review of Jane Eyre
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My thoughts on the novel was originally posted in parts on the Bookish Whimsy blog for a readalong of Jane Eyre in 2013.
Chapter I - XI
Re-reading these first chapters I am struck by the fact that Charlotte Bronte started our introduction to Jane when Jane finally rebels against her bullying cousin John and the irrational hatred of Mrs. Reed. It’s a powerful representation of Jane’s character because although she becomes outwardly subdued and her passionate nature is restrained for much of the book later, it’s important to know that this is who Jane is, no matter the cultural conventions. As a child she’s not cute and cuddly and as an adult the “rugged points” in her character must be accepted by the people she allows to get close to her.
The other aspect I find so interesting is how quick Jane is to point out hypocrisy. I think I read somewhere that children excel at recognizing hypocrisy and what is and isn’t fair and while it’s pretty serious how unfair it is that Mrs. Reed shows such disdain for Jane and gives preferential treatment to her children, and how Mr. Brocklehurst is so intent on making the Lowood girls humble and plain yet his family lives in ostentatious luxury, Jane can put her statements about these circumstances in such a way that shows a very ironic and sly wit that I really enjoy. For instance:
-  “Abbot, I think, gave me credit for being a sort of infantine Guy Fawkes.”
-  “Breakfast was over, and none had breakfasted. Thanks being returned for what we had not got…”
-  “Mr. Brocklehurst was here interrupted: three other visitors, ladies, now entered the room. They ought to have come a little sooner to have heard his lecture on dress, for they were splendidly attired in velvet, silk, and furs.”
It was great to read Jane grow into an adult - with her childhood memories sometimes tempered by the adult Jane who is telling the story so we can get that bit of humor and a little bit of perspective - like why she felt she was an outcast at Gateshead. Of course now that we are at Thornfield, there’s so much stuff to look forward to reading about!
Chapters XII-XXI
Oh Jane. I find your restlessness so endearing! When I was a teen, I would re-read those passages where Jane wishes to see more of life and “more vivid kinds of goodness” and really empathize with how she was feeling. I think this is one of Jane’s great monologues in this book, and I always find it funny how such deeply heartfelt thoughts are suddenly followed by Grace Poole and the strange laugh. It’s like those momentous thoughts of hers should be it’s own chapter!
Now Mr. Rochester! I just love him so. He acts so unconventionally with Jane from the beginning - and his sense of humor is so skewed! Cause it’s kinda mean how he didn’t introduce himself to Jane in Hay Lane. But Jane wasn’t even upset, so you know it’s true love! :D I love how Jane can barely follow and almost certainly doesn’t understand some of the things he talks about in their second conversation and yet she holds her own and comes up with great answers! The back and forth banter in those scenes between Jane and Rochester just remind me how much I love Charlotte’s writing because it’s intelligent with that touch of humor. And re-reading it I am again reminded how much I associate Michael Jayston’s voice and acting with Rochester now because I just hear and see him in this role completely! (I’m referring to the 1973 miniseries adaptation - my favorite!) Mr. Rochester is so talkative too, Charlotte makes it clear through Mr. Rochester’s words that he is falling in love with Jane, even if Jane is not so sure.
There’s really all kinds of moments in this section where I’m just gleeful every time there is an indication of Mr. Rochester’s interest in Jane. My favorite is the tantalizing “Good-night my–” Ahh, what was he going to say?? And then the whole scene after the fire in his bedroom is full of indications as well as the Gypsy scene, the scene in the garden after Mason’s attack and Jane asking for leave. These are all some of my absolute favorite parts of the book because this is the kind of romance I adore - the subtly indicated and gradual evolution of love. It’s just so beautifully done!
Chapters XXII-XXIX
The too short amount of time we get to see of Jane and Rochester’s courtship is one of the highlights of this book for me. So sweet and romantic on Mr. Rochester’s part and so sassy and teasing on Jane’s; I feel like this is a heightened idea of how Mr. Rochester and Jane’s conversations went towards the end of the three months they were getting to know each other in the beginning of the story. Where Jane was just beginning to realize her power of “vexing and soothing him by turns.” Their banter in these couple chapters just makes me smile!
But my favorite chapter in this book is chapter 27 - the one where Mr. Rochester talks to Jane after the interrupted wedding. The scene where Mr. Rochester’s secret is revealed is incredibly devastating, but in this chapter the emotional damage to this reader just gets worse. It starts with the fact that Jane believes Mr. Rochester didn’t really love her, to her realizing that he did and still does, but that doesn’t change the fact that she must leave him. And Mr. Rochester is deluding himself with a hope that he can keep Jane with him by promising to treat her as his only wife. It’s so tempting and Jane does love him, but she just can’t compromise her integrity and her moral beliefs and it’s an exquisitely painful dilemma. And even though Mr. Rochester has committed such a betrayal, I love that Jane forgives him almost instantly when she sees how remorseful he is and how much he still loves her. It’s such a big thing to forgive him for, but I completely understand it because Mr. Rochester is a flawed character and he tried this because he was desperate to secure Jane. This is the time that Mr. Rochester is totally truthful as well (it is his only recourse now) and when he has no more secrets and no more games to play but is earnestly pleading, it’s so darn moving! And romantic! So much of both Jane and Rochester is revealed in this chapter and I think that’s why I find it so powerful.
Jane’s three days wandering is a part of the book that I didn’t used to appreciate as much - it really is distressing to read how Jane suffered and was almost ready to give up. But she clung to her dignity and to her moral convictions. As if it wasn’t enough that she had to turn her back on the love of her life, she also had to suffer starvation and mortification! But again everything just reinforces Jane’s strength of character and makes her a fabulous heroine to look up to.
This section has all the extreme ups and downs of the entire book! Though I don’t really think of it, it is pretty odd that Charlotte Bronte plotted this story to have such a climax in the middle, but I feel the last section of the book is a genius addition that really completes Jane’s journey.
Chapters XXX-End
St. John Rivers - the anti-Rochester. Re-reading this part of the book again, I focused on all the things that made St. John the complete opposite of Rochester. And there’s a lot. St. John is blonde and fair to Rochester’s black hair and dark features, tall and statuesque to middle height and square-ish, a minister and philanthropic and you know Mr. Rochester isn’t that concerned with religion and early on Jane points out that Rochester’s brow is deficient where it should indicate benevolence. St. John likes to read at mealtimes and study, while Mr. Rochester can’t stop talking to Jane, St. John is completely honest with Jane and Rochester is considerably less so. Both however are intelligent, and both study Jane’s character well and find something in her to attract them but Mr. Rochester sees Jane as his equal and really better than him, and St. John sees Jane as the diligent workhorse he’s always wanted. 
That’s where I really have a problem with St. John. Sure he’s striving for good things, and wants to use his skills and intellect to make a difference and fulfill a duty to God, but with his dismissal of the individual needs of a person and then of a woman, it’s hard to feel very sympathetic with him. He continually puts reason above feeling and in doing so cannot understand the complete beauty of humanity. Of course for Jane, meeting him at this point in her life when passion has not resulted in happiness, it is great for Jane to see the other side. In this section Jane matures even more - she knows that she needs to be loved for herself and not what she can do. And she gets the family and financial independence to live free and contented on her own. 
So she can return to Mr. Rochester as his true equal - she doesn’t have to worry about depending too much on Rochester’s wealth and connections because she has some of her own. But I think the transformation Mr. Rochester undergoes is the greater. He’s so broken when Jane comes back - humbled and accepting of his fate - and what breaks my heart is that while Jane was strong enough to soldier on without him, Mr. Rochester was not. It’s too romantic that Rochester needs Jane that much. And he’s not just humbled by the experience, but also accepts God and his past. Passion balanced with reason. Just like Jane. Now they can have their happily ever after. I’ve long thought Jane Eyre a study in that balance of passion and reason - Jane was too passionate at Gateshead but tempered at Lowood by Helen’s reason, then Jane is pushed towards an excess of passion at Thornfield and an excess of reason at Moor House, to finally find the middle ground with Mr. Rochester at Ferndean. 
This book is just so extraordinary to me. It has so much depth and has resonated with me so strongly ever since I was a teen. I wonder what I would have thought of it if I had read it when I was older, but I’m so glad I had the chance to grow with this story because I’ve found so many different things to appreciate about it at different times in my life.
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bisexualalienblast · 5 years
I think Vlamis is unconventionally attractive. I remember hanging out on the Roswell blogs while casting for the reboot happened and most folks were universally disappointed in the Michael Guerin casting - a fan favorite character - calling Vlamis ugly and homely and plain looking. Nathan Parsons, Trevino and Blackburn were considered the hotties of the show initially. And I think that's still true for many. Vlamis is usually not the type of actor cast for these kind of shows.
Huh. Well, everyone has the right to their opinion! I knew the moment I saw my first gif of Vlamis’ face and curls that I was gone. But yeah I could see what you mean! I for one am ALL FOR casting of all different kinds of people who maybe don’t fit into that stereotypical Hollywood mold of “attractive.” We’ve seen that show/movie/etc before and eh. I’m just thinking back on all the shows I watched growing up and I’ve always liked the characters who weren’t Hollywood’s definition of attractive because the standard is overplayed for me.
(ALSO plain looking? Vlamis is literally the opposite of plain looking.)
And UGH, calling people ugly is...just a really cruel thing to do, even if you’re talking about an actor, ya know? I have no time for people like that. You’re ugly when you’re a douche canoe about other people (you, meaning anyone who called Vlamis ugly, not you anon).
Thankfully, Vlamis is our Guerin. And we have a whole show of nothing but hotties for our viewing pleasure.
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yyamask-a · 2 years
Send ❓  and my muse will answer all questions honestly. (open)    
Does my muse trust yours?   
{Emmet never gave me a reason not to trust him even when I was alive. Not a lot of people fall into that category.}
Does my muse dislike yours?
{Nah, Emmet's always been cool.}
Would my muse kill someone for yours?
{I'm pretty sure his Joltik army would beat me to it.}
Would my muse kill your muse?
{I think Emmet could kill me in mutual combat even if I was still alive. I don't know. He just looks like someone who could throw me.}
Would my muse save yours? 
{Maybe, but if those patrats come back, he's on his own.}
Does my muse find your muse attractive? 
{I think he might be the most unconventionally attractive guy in Unova. Tied with his brother, of course.}
Is my muse disgusted by yours? 
{I haven't seen him do anything disgusting aside from drinking coffee even after a Joltik was swimming in it.}
would my muse go on a date with your muse?  
{No. If he really wanted to date someone, he could disguise himself as his brother and date one of the weird Ingo stannies.}
would my muse kiss yours?  
{Nope. I don't think there would be anyone who's not weird to kiss.}
would my muse betray yours?   
{I hope not. Not intentionally, anyway.}
my muse’s favorite thing about yours is ____
{He's always been really understanding and kind. He never seemed to judge me for not having a good life.}
the thing my muse dislikes about yours is_____
{He needs to get his bugs under control...}
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anissapierce · 4 years
Archive 81 spoilers
is it suprising tht my favorite guy(ish!) character in my archive 81 relisten is mark (as well as dromen...fuck i wish i wish i could spoiler tag on  tumblr like i can on tvtropes and discord) b/c like... theres so many unanswered questions??? hes just .... so fucking gay for dan? like hes such a fucking nerd
“Do you want to hear about the Patriots? I don’t! DAN: Go sports! MARK: Exactly. Go sports.”
also this exchange.... marc probably meant for it come across as nerdboy angry at best friends gf misogyny but....it just reads as misogynistic gay jealousy
“MARK: I mean, are you still interested in this being a thing? Are you getting bored with yet another unconventionally attractive, slightly controlling, brunette of Eastern European descent? DAN: Dude. MARK: Sorry, it’s just, you’ve got a type. Because I’m fine with whatever. It’s just, Tanya contacted me, and she hates me. She thinks I’m the worst. For some reason. But yeah, she thinks you’re going stir-crazy.“
like.... ‘im fine with whatever....’ are u mark ??? 
MARK: Hey Dan, what’s up? Nice to hear from you again. (excited) Did you finally break up with Tanya? DAN: What? No, I, what makes you say that? MARK: Oh, she’s been posting so many subtweets. Lots of like, melancholy kind of mainstream folk music. Starbucks stuff. Anyway, do I finally get to talk shit about Tanya? Because I really really want to talk about her terrible taste in books. Like, she prefers Harry Potter to-
hes just pathetic here is comical??? who hates their friends partner so much for the pettiest reasons? like to the point ur not even bothering to pretend to be sad? like again you can read mark as just ur standard garden variety asshole and maybe tht was Marcs intention but like.... idk considering how much hes shown to care about dan in the podcast framing device? and then later on the way Dromen talks about Mark ....
MARK: Is it? Because I don’t know anymore. Dan, I care about you, and I’d like to see you again soon, OK? (A pause) DAN: I’m close to something, I can feel it. I need to finish this story. I need to free myself of it. Then I’ll see you again. It won’t be long. Goodbye Mark. SFX: Hangs up the phone. DAN: Deep sigh MARK: (quiet and heartbroken) I should have tried to… I should have done something. But I didn’t. I… don’t know what else to say
Like ....marc sollinger.....marc what did you mean by heartbroken??? marc? 
TANYA: Dan, are you ok? Mark’s worried about you. And he doesn’t usually talk to me.
lol i tried to find the dromen scenes in the transcripts but...... they aren’t there, hes just there as Mark,,, so dromen was added probably when they had to add the golden age? which ....fascinating? like ok heres marks dialogue at the end of s2
SUIT (CAROLINE): I was. I have been here too long. Daniel Powell is still alive, he might prove useful- MARK: Dan’s- SFX: Mark rushes over to Dan MARK: Dan! Oh god what did they do to you? Dan? Can you hear me? It’s me, it’s Mark! Wake up! Wake up! SUIT (CAROLINE): He is unconscious. He was… modified. You will have to do what is necessary before you take him with you. You have your knife? MARK: But… that’s… SUIT (CAROLINE): He will survive. Before that, I would ask you for a favor.
MARK: Dan, Dan, can you hear me? I have to… cut that off of you, before I can take you home. But you’ll be home soon, OK, and we’ll figure out a way to… make you normal again. Oh god, I’m so sorry.
and theres other stuff too but Marks interactions w Suit are .... simultaneously more and less gutwrenching than Dromens
And, I have to… become something powerful enough to help Dan, this ritual will let me do that. And with everything the cult did for me, it was worth a shot, right? So yeah, I hope hearing this was entertaining, if nothing else. I’m off to try and find Dan… SFX: Radio weirdness MARK: (As Mark talks he starts to become Dromen) Oh.. oh shit, what’s happening to me, what’s happening to me, what’s happening to… us.
god like... i cant wait to relisten and note the stuff thts different
and like ... the scene w static man and dromen just in text doesnt pull the heartsstrings as much
DAN: Marc, Marc, is that you? DROMEN: Dan? What are you doing here? We’re still- FLUNKIE 2: Where’s that voice coming from? FLUNKIE 1: What the hell is happening? DAN: Oh good, this is perfect.
STATIC MAN: Ugh, what an asshole, right? Anyway, you can make it happen, or I can continue doing this SFX: Tape sound DAN: It’s me, it’s Dan, Marc, why did you abandon me? I trusted you- DROMEN: Stop! (A beat) DROMEN: Nicholas and Christine will no longer be pursued. You have our word.
STATIC MAN: Oh, definitely, the robot weirdo doesn’t lie, I don’t think he can now.
hmm, its interesting Dromen looks different to different ppl but like both christine and nicholas as robotic as well....? but yeah like ... ‘i dont think he can now’ so static man def knows at least Most of the dromark story though i do wonder if in the podcast itself static man uses he pronouns....
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