strathshepard · 8 months
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hingoranee · 2 years
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stefanoavvisati69 · 2 years
Batman The Animated Series: in vendita i bozzetti
Da Crociato Incappucciato e Joker, fino a Poison Ivy, Penguin e altri ancora. Continue reading Untitled
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beansnpeets · 2 years
Can someone pls breed labs that don't eat non-food things obsessively? For me? 🥺
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theramseyloft · 18 days
What do you think is an unnecessary amount of birds for a breeder/fancier ect like could someone keep over a hundred birds comfortably and not be considered a hoarder
The short answer is: Yes. One person could potentially keep over a hundred birds comfortably.
Could every person? Or even most people? No.
That requires a LOT of space and resources.
In order to provide adequate care for 100 birds, one first and foremost either needs a very large loft, or multiple small ones.
The long answer is a lot more nuanced.
I don't think I could set a "specific number of birds over X is automatically a hoarder", simply because of how widely variable the capacity and resources range between individual care takers.
What needs to be considered to identify a hoarder is the physical condition of the animal, the amount and quality of food and water, the cleanliness of their environment, what enrichment is available to them, and whether or not they get medical care when they need it.
Are the animals present healthy and active? That requires there be sufficient space, food, and water available.
Are they able to engage in natural behaviors? This requires sufficient space and enrichment.
If any get injured or fall ill (frankly, an inevitability in living things), is that one separated and do they get any kind of medical treatment?
Birds in particular are naturally messy, but absolutely not naturally dirty!
While there are good reasons one might be (New arrival just uncrated, elderly individual who struggles to preen unaided, or a sick individual being treated), that should not be your overall impression of the flock!
Since you specified a breeder, it does need to be said that outbreaks happen.
No quarantine is 100% bullet proof, however anyone may try.
But if multiple birds are ill, that facility should be closed to the public while they get the issue IDed and treated.
If you see sick birds on the property, leave, for the sake of your own birds' safety, and report it to the Department of Agriculture.
A breeder performing their due diligence will have records to show diagnostic efforts and treatment.
There should be enough space for every bird to have a comfortable perch when the entire flock is off the ground.
Many breeders feed and water once a day, typically early in the day, so scattered seed should not be a concern, but waterers should not be big enough to bathe in and should be changed daily.
Separate places to bathe, offered frequently, will help keep drinking water clean, but even if the bathing places are all put away, you should be able to look at the plumage and drinking water to gauge how clean both are.
Pigeons in particular cannot climb and do not like cluttered flight or walking spaces, so their enclosures can look somewhat barren when compared to a parrot or song bird's.
Shelves, swings and floor space are all used as social spaces.
Look for furniture like caves or nest boxes, mirrors, forage pans, or bath tubs.
Pigeons most like to play with things that feel like sticks, shine, or make a neat sound, so twigs, pine straw, bread ties, blunted tooth picks, q-tips with the cotton tips removed, jingle bells, crinkle mats, wind chimes, bells, or any toy combining two or more of those things should be evident in the living space.
Poop is going to happen.
There is no aviary free of it for any length of time.
But it should not crust surfaces other than a nest box. (babies poop where they sit. It's intended to cement their nest material together into a cohesive pad that can't slide or be blown out of the cliffside crevice they nest in.)
(They are not birds built for high humidity.)
However many birds there are: If they have free access to clean water and feed that meets their nutritional needs, enough space and enrichment to keep themselves clean and engage in natural behaviors, their envoronment is regularly sanitized, and they receive medical care when injured or sick, then the breeder, rescue, or care taker you are visiting is not a hoarder.
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gatabella · 10 months
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Rita Hayworth, Modern Screen magazine, July 1952
"Her house, high on Alpine Drive in Beverly Hills, isn’t the same one she left three years ago, but it bears her label. She’s taken her personal belongings out of storage, unpacked her favorite books and treasured collection of French, Spanish, English and Italian recordings; she’s uncrated her silver, her valuable oil paintings and installed them all in her newly-acquired, pale green Spanish mansion."
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the12thnightproject · 2 years
True Companion
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Y'all can just blame this little bit of crackfic on @lorei-writes and @ikemendood and @scorchieart
400 words, no content warnings (unless you have a low tolerance for puns)
“Ieyasu, lad, wait!”
Ieyasu hears Masamune’s voice behind him, is aware that he and Mitsunari want to stop and chat, but it only spurs him to pick up his pace.
Residents of Azuchi’s castle town have become used to his resolute stride, as he marches, gaze straight in front of him, fluffy hair whipped about by the breeze he himself is creating. Some of them wonder, ‘what is his hurry? Does he have a lover waiting for him in his manor? What kind of woman would be willing to put up with his prickly personality?’
Others, more used to having their curiosity slapped away and their questions met with a green-eyed glare, simply scurry out of the way.
Masamune gives up the chase – there are far more interesting ways to spend the afternoon than in the company of someone so determined to avoid humanity. Mitsunari would have continued to follow, but becomes distracted by the sight of the bookseller uncrating a new shipment of books.
Good. Ieyasu is in the clear now. Not much longer, not much further.
Finally, he reaches his manor and determinedly slides the door shut behind him. For good measure, he slides a heavy trunk in front of the door, aware though, that it won’t permanently stop anyone intent on gaining access. It should, at least, give him early warning of intrusion.
And then… and then… his pace quickens, and … is that... is that a smile that is gracing his face? He rushes to a cool darkened room, where his precious one awaits. Being away all morning increased his anxiety for its safety. What if he hadn’t given it enough food… or, Gods forbid, water.
With nervous hands lifts away the cloth covering the top of the ceramic bowl…
Unaware, and indeed, uncaring of such angst, the sourdough starter is cozily snoozing in its home, perfectly content.
After breathing a sigh of relief, Ieyasu embraces the bowl with both hands, rocking it slightly. A humming noise rumbles from his throat… and then, after an embarrassed look around the empty room, he gently croons…
Bubble, bubble, sour dough
How I love to see you grow.
In this crock you grow so high,
Like a blob, in wait you lie.
Bubble, bubble, sour dough
How I love to see you grow…
Deep down, he knows the starter can’t hear him, doesn’t care… but it’s the yeast he can do.
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tsunael · 8 months
I'm posting this fic snippet on queue in hopes that it'll motivate me to finish it l-lol. Baby's first fanfic let's go.
There's a twinge of cwinge and it's not beta-tested. There's a lot more but [air slowly escaping a balloon noise].
Woe, tunasan be upon you. 🫴🐟🥪
Thancred stood at the threshold of a windowed door. 
A simple, marble patio flanked with evergreen shrubbery that could take The Northern Empty’s impotent weather cradled the entryway. Being on the first floor, it wasn’t entirely difficult to get to, but the familiar rush of entering a space he was not meant to be still filled his belly. Ever had he the taste for skullduggery.
Sharlayan’s Asklepieion was a large, domed building nestled in the bosom of Archons’ Design, just to the west of The Nymphaeum. A sanitarium, which, by order of The Forum had housed near-all the Scions at least once whereupon their triumphant return from the depths of the universe’s heart. His own stay had been but a fortnight’s time, but none held such grievous wounds as did their Spear. Zenos Viator Galvus had seen to that. By taking from her all that she had– first body, and at last the soul– he sought to leave her in the cold, vacuum of space. That man had taken so much, and left her so very little.
The thought continued to unsettle him. Perhaps, that was the reason his feet so often took him to her doorstep. It was to assuage his heart, is what he told himself. To confirm she yet lived and breathed.
Thancred kept busy as to not think, allowing duty and errand to wear and keep him for most of the day’s light–  and thus well-past visiting hours. Since she had awoken from her induced coma a moon’s breadth ago, he had taken to stealing into her room at the sanitarium whenever possible. 
The simple fact that Tsuna continued to leave the door unlatched was proof enough that Thancred still remained in her good graces, and for that he thanked his own.
Two, quick raps in succession against the glass pane announced his arrival, though he did not wait for a response before he helped himself. Tsuna’s left leg still lay on the mend from the pieces her femur was in when first they found her battered and broken on the Ragnarok’s bridge, and he sought to not take more from her than his little visits were already. She sorely needed the rest, and a piece of mind that his presence did not often bring.
As the latch clicked, and his un-armored boot inched into the threshold, he lifted his face to see the singular occupant of the room sitting up from her sickbed, looking as beautiful and glowing as the day they had first met. The warm light of the singular oil lamp upon her bedside table made her glow with a warmth that was more inviting than any hearth. Disrobing and crawling beside her to stave off his chill shamefully crossed his mind.
Thancred closed the door behind him with a delicate touch to both avoid detection and cut off the chilling draft. His gloved hands had fallen numb from the journey from The Peristyle, and so he warmed them briefly with his breath. 
“Evening.” His hushed voice played coy upon their rendezvous. After all, he was here after-hours. Should a staffer be alerted to his presence there would be a most-unwelcome stir.
Tsuna’s tired eyes rolled and smiled back at him with generous affection. It took a modicum of effort for her to slide across her mattress, though when she did, the empty space was patted. It was an invitation, and he strode to take it with aplomb. Her eyes followed him as he set his satchel down by her bedside table, and took a heavy seat where her hand had beckoned. She leaned back against the headboard, and folded her fingers upon her lap, watching him silently as he twisted ever-slightly to face her. His arm braced his weight and caged-in the plum line of her legs from above the warm blankets. He very much wished to feel them. For now he abstained. 
There was an intimacy lately, he noticed, present during his nightly visits that he hadn’t wished to uncrate, but to say it was not a welcome thing would be a lie. Craving her company would be folly; not a farce.
“Evening,” she finally replied, still looking up at him through thick lashes, and beaming shy. Clearly, she was amused by his sudden entrance. “Cold?”
“Very much.” He answered by pulling off his gloves, finger-by-finger, and rubbing feeling back into his palms. “Have you been well?”
Her smile waned as she thought about the question. Her hand rubbed absently at her bound thigh, and then to her sorry, lop-sided horns. The one that still stood whole had borne a deep fissure along the forward-sloping curve– assumingly after having a great weight land upon it– whilst Zenos had succeeded in lopping off most of the other. What remained brought to mind a twisted branch having been broken on the spiral. “Well enough. Though, I’ve been… having vertigo as of late. Since I came to.”
“Aside from the usual fare?” he asked, hopeful. Her gift of The Echo ensured that she ended up on the floor of most places more often than not.
Tsuna shook her head on the negative, and immediately winced for it. “My chirurgeon believes my horn is to blame. They all say they’ll have to… possibly cull the other. For balance, I suppose.” 
In plain: it bothered her. He saw the way she thumbed the chip near the point, and caressed the ram’s curve of it with passing regret. He had done the same, once. Only now, he realised much too late that it had been a privilege afforded him, and not pleasantry.
Her thumb drew from horn to pursed mouth in transparent thought, and for once he hadn’t known what to say. Her horns, magnificent as Matanga ivory as they were, seemed more an inconvenience than a boon– but he knew better than to give voice to thoughtless musing. Thancred turned away, digging his thumb in the creasing space between his brows to will something of worth to form inside his damned skull.
“You’ve got Etherirys’ best minds at your beck-and-call, dear. You could not ask for better.” His mouth twisted at the corners as he tried to uplift her spirit, though she did not raise her eyes from her lap to see. “... They will grow back, yes?” He asked with a grimace, well aware of his ignorance.
Tsuna raised her chin to contemplate, and then back at her hands to scratch idly at the bandages. She nodded; this time with care. “Aye. Though… Still, I…” her jaw wagged in vain effort to find her words, and when she stalled, his brows raised a quiet question. “I was ten-and-six summers when first they grew in full. I remember… because it was when my mother said I would come of age.”
“If it should be another sixteen summers, then let it be sixteen. You are no lesser without them.”
She raised her face to him for that, and to his pleasure, a small smile bloomed. He returned a small one of his own in kind. He told her it would be well, and for the time being, they both seemed to believe. 
Her left hand fell to his in an effort to warm his skin with a gentleness he did not deserve. “... What will you be doing in sixteen years?” she asked, sliding her thumb between the cleft of his chapped fingers. He could not fathom the answer.
He chuffed. She asked a tall order. 
“I make it a point to not think that far ahead.” 
His shrug and half-smile were not the deterrence he believed it was. It only served to disappoint her, as evident in how willowy her voice had fallen. She rolled her thumb over his middle knuckle in earnest. “How can you live with nothing to look forward to?”
“I look forward to tomorrow,” he said simply. “I could not tell you what will happen in another ten– nor, sixteen. However, I do know that dawn will break on the morrow– as it always has.”
Tsuna looked down to their joined hands and breathed a shuddered sigh as if his answer still wasn't satisfactory. She craved another– something different– idealist, and hopeful. Thancred had never mourned his inability to read the stars, nor did he know what this one had in store now with Hydaelyn having left its heart. The heavens had little bearing on the path he carved for himself.
“You look disappointed,” he noted, softly and she quickly cut the air between them to deny him.
“No, I–”
“Then I would pose the same question: where would the vaunted Warrior of Light be in sixteen years time?”
Her lips parted on an answer, and closed for it. Shame was writ on her face– or embarrassment for the fantasy she had concocted well before his question.
He brought her hand to his chin, and brushed lips over her delicate fingers. “Go ahead,” he encouraged.
“I want… to be eating breakfast with you,” she whispered, her eyes never leaving where they joined.
It was his turn to pause in shock. He slowly released her hand, feeling the intimacy having grown overtly cloying. It was a promise he could not make. Thancred looked into her eyes, and found only sweetness therein. 
He forced a smile. He had to; to protect her dear heart. “We can do that at any time. That’s a long time to wait.” 
But Tsuna just smiled. “I know.”
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negativeevweekly · 1 month
Uncrated Weekly Issue #7
I find myself in a crisis of monotony. It’s hard to call it a crisis exactly, since usually if you do nothing about a crisis, something really bad happens, but this isn’t really the case: in fact if I do nothing, nothing will happen. And I guess that’s the problem really: I’m staring down a lot of Mann Co. Crate #92’s. And then suddenly it all just feels like I’m wasting my time. I’m staring at the same old word processor, and writing about the same old game, same old words, same old roman alphabet. It’s just like this feeling that I’m spinning my wheels here.
Now, I could delude myself into thinking otherwise: maybe I open a different crate or increment the issue number a little, or maybe even use Microsoft Word, but I just think this is all biting around the edges. Real change comes from within, and since this is a TF2 Crate Unboxing blog, I think the answer is within… a tf2 crate. Let’s fucking go.
Now call me crazy, but I think this one’s going to be the one.
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Oof, I don’t think that’s ever getting any easier to see. Whatever anxiety or feeling of worthlessness that reading about monotony might evoke is fucking peanuts compared to pulling another Strange Candy Cane. Despite this, I believe I’m just going to have to make peace with this item, because this probably isn’t going to be the last time I’ll spend a key on it.
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Yay! Received a dog walk request I can actually do! I keep getting requested for the week days 😞
I’m applying to pet jobs again. I have a meeting this coming week with the pet sitters group. The leader will be there, she’s very connected in the community and is the key note speaker for one of the conventions this year. She’s also on a committee for something pet related. She’s been interviewed on different podcasts. I think she’s going to be a huge resource.
I want to ask them if they have any contacts I can talk to about what the pet and rescue industry is like. I’m still feeling dedicated about this career change, but need to make sure it’s not a grass is greener situation.
M said whenever we get a house (which maybe I should be staying at my job so we can put aside more money), I can start a doggie day care business. So, dogs could come to us or I could go to them. We would look for a house that could accommodate keeping our dog separated from the others without it being cruel (she wouldn’t be able to interact and has been doing sooo much better being uncrated while we work. She rarely has accidents anymore. Maybe it’s the new meds!) anyway, that’s veryyyy in the future.
Still working on getting my 10 hours at the humane society so I can start volunteering with the outreach and education events.
Melody got groomed yesterday, we have our first dog training session with the new trainer, and she has a vet appointment this evening.
I have my meet and greet tonight for the dog walk tomorrow and M’s family will be here for dinner tomorrow. M and I are both off Monday and having a pool day
Going to be a great weekend!
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akihatohnoofficial · 5 months
I’m still so mad about the time I uncrated 400 shards for controversy ishmael but then forgot to actually get her and then i stopped playing so i lost all those shards. Fucking humiliating i cry every single time I see her listed as top tier
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beansnpeets · 1 year
Yesterday while we were gone we left Sprocket uncrated. I put the xpen across where the litter boxes are and left an opening just for the cats so Sprocket wouldn't snack while we were gone and I put the baby gate across the entrance. I made sure there was nothing in her reach that she might do anything with that would be an issue and I had Jon's mum take the dogs out in the middle of the day so nobody would have an accident before we got home.
She did SO good. Everything was totally fine and she was so so happy to see us when we got back. She's never been alone all day like that before and she was SO so so good. I'm so proud of her. Not to toot my own horn, but I think I've been doing a good job raising this dog. She missed me so much that she's been glued to me all morning. Unfortunately I have to go to work so I won't get to hang out with her, but we will do something fun after work. Oscar is used to this, we've done this lots before. This was just the first time since we got Sprocket. Every time I've gone somewhere for the day I've always brought her along, but it was nice to not have to worry about leaving her in the vehicle to go into stores and stuff this time. I was worried about how she was at home, but very relieved to find everything was fine when we did get home.
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lloonlloon · 1 year
Me: uncrates all the dogs after returning home
Callie: hihihihi kisskisskiss
Callie: ok goodnight *goes back to crate and falls asleep*
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pooltablemoversla · 9 months
Pool Table Movers Los Angeles County CA - Trusted Billiards
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Understanding Pool Table Moving Services
Pool Table Movers Los Angeles offers a wide range of services that are essential to the safe and efficient movement of pool tables. Understanding pool table moving services will help you appreciate the complexity. The moving services are available for both residential and business needs, and ensure precision and quality in each task. Pool tables are heavy and require special handling, packaging, as well as unique transportation methods. Here is where Pool Table Movers Los' expertise comes into play. The van is specially designed with a rail box and slate box to ensure the safety of your pool table. They also cover a large service area including Ventura County and Santa Barbara County.
Pool Table Repair Professionals are Important
Professional repair services are essential to maintain the functionality and durability of pool tables. Repairs of pool tables are best performed by experts with many years of experience. This ensures that the tables maintain their performance and quality. Professional pool table repair services are essential for the proper disassembly and repair of pool tables that can weigh up to 1,200 lbs. Professionals who are trained to repair pool tables can prevent costly mistakes. This is especially true when refelting the table or relocating it. It is wise to hire professionals for pool table repairs in areas such as Orange County. This ensures the table's longevity, protecting the owner’s investment and providing countless hours of gaming for years to come.
The Closer Look at Refelting and Recovery
Refelting and recovery are two of the most important services in pool table maintenance. Pool table movers Los Angeles provide both tasks to maintain a high-quality, smooth playing surface. Pool table repair experts restore damaged billiard fabrics and recreate the ideal playing surface. They transform your game and improve gameplay. ServiceDescription Refelting Replaces worn out felt to restore smoothness and improve ball roll. Recovering This involves removing the old cloth and replacing with a new one to ensure optimal playing conditions.
Los Angeles pool table movers are experts in the field of pool table repair. This includes refelting, recovering and refinishing.
Service List: Pool Table Movers Los Angeles
Pool Table Movers Los Angeles offers a wide range of services, including installation, repair, and refelting. They offer a range of services to keep your pool table in top condition.
Moving Services They will disassemble your pool table and transport it to a new place, making sure that it is transported safely and then reinstalled.
Installation Services: They handle everything from uncrating slates to leveling tables.
Repair Services: Includes refelting and leveling as well as bumper replacement.
Free Quote Services: They offer free quotes on all services, as they understand the importance of budgeting.
You can choose Pool Table Movers Los Angeles to receive a professional and hassle-free service.
Residential vs Commercial Pool Tables
To better understand the skill and expertise needed to handle them, it is important to know the difference between residential and commercial tables. Residential tables are usually smaller and have decorative elements. They're ideal for use at home. Commercial pool tables, on the other hand, are designed to be used frequently in public places like bars or clubs. They're more durable and built for heavy use.
Let's look at the table below to illustrate: AspectResidential pool tablesCommercial Pool Tables Size Smaller Larger Construction Decorative and Customizable Sturdier and Durable Use Home Use Public Spaces
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You can choose Pool Table Movers Los Angeles to meet all of your pool table requirements for a number of compelling reasons.
Experience and Expertise With more than 18 years of experience in the industry, we have mastered moving, installing, and repairing all types and sizes pool tables.
Safe and secure moves We use specialized equipment to move your pool tables and make sure the slate box is secured.
Comprehensive Service We offer not only moving and installing pool tables but also recovering, recushioning and repair services.
Wide coverage area: We provide services to customers throughout Southern California.
Our commitment to provide a high-quality and reliable service is demonstrated by these reasons for choosing our services.
Southern California Areas covered by Service
Pool Table Movers Los Angeles offers comprehensive moving services throughout Southern California. This includes Ventura County and Santa Barbara County. It also covers the West Side/South Bay area, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley Antelope Valley Long Beach, Valencia, Pomona, Goleta, and Long Beach. They offer superior moving services to those living in San Bernardino County. Area Covered Availability Ventura County Moving, Installation and Repairs Yes, Santa Barbara County Setup, Moving, Reclussing Yes, San Bernardino County Recarpeting, Moving, and Storage Yes, Long Beach Installing, Moving and Setting Up Yes, San Gabriel Valley Moving, Recushioning and Repairs Yes,
We offer a level of service that is second to none.
How much does it cost to move a billiard table?
The price of moving a pool table depends on several factors. These include the size and weight of the table, the distance to be covered, and the difficulty of disassembling and reassembling the table. The price may be affected by additional services like recushioning and re-carpeting. To compare costs, it's best to get quotes from several professional movers. Contacting the company directly is usually the best way to obtain a free or firm quote.
How much does it cost to have someone set up a pool table?
Costs for setting up a pooltable can vary depending on a number of factors. These include the type and size of the table, the location and any other services needed. This may include leveling the pool table, replacing felt or adjusting rails. To ensure proper installation, and to prevent damage, it's best to hire a professional. It's best that you contact a pool table professional for an accurate estimate.
Can you move a pool table without professionals?
It is possible to move a pool-table without the help of professionals, but it's not recommended. Pool tables are heavy, complex pieces of furniture which require expert handling. The wrong disassembly and reassembly of a pool table can cause damage or imbalance. Imagine moving a table weighing 1,200 pounds with delicate slate. The risk of damage would be high. Hiring professionals will ensure safe transport and proper setup so you can enjoy your pool table with no hassle.
Do you tip pool table movers?
Tipping pool table movers or other service providers is common and an excellent way to thank them for their work. Tipping can be varied, but the standard is 5-10% of total service costs or $20 to $40 per mover. You can consider tipping extra if you feel the movers did a great job. Tipping is appreciated but not mandatory.
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