#understanding and wouldn't punish me for being late like some others would + the air feels soo refreshing + a dozen other reasons to feel
#dawg they are so right when they say that your mindset is the most powerful tool - if not sometimes the solution - to a shitty situation#like I didn't get nearly enough sleep last night and my now my bus has broken down and I'll be late for work and most likely therefore end#up leaving late for work - despite how I planned ahead and got up early and had plans for after work that might be delayed or cancelled now#but BITCH I'm listening to anpanman and recreating the bts concert that I went to in my head#and I'm being flooded with that same feeling I got when I saw them performing this live on stage...the colourful lights & BOUNCY CASTLE#THE SECOND TIME? and remembering their enthusiasm and warmth and the nice things they said to us and I'm SMILING#serotonin really be stored in the airpods ig#but for real I recently became friends with someone who received life coach training & she has inspired me so much to implement a mindset#revolved around gratitude#like now I'm stuck in rain bc we are in need of a replacement bus BUT that gives me more time to chill on my phone + my boss is#understanding and wouldn't punish me for being late like some others would + the air feels soo refreshing + a dozen other reasons to feel#good despite the circumstances#every day above ground is a good day bitch!#wow imagine my depressed ass self from years ago hearing me say that...she could never#anyway that's it from me today see you next time beloved internet diary of mine#personal#I'm ✨ a 🤩 new 🌈 superhero 💃 ANPANMAN 💜#(blatantly ignores that the lyrics are actually supposed to be deep and sad and sentimental LMAOOOOOOOOO 😭)#we are on the new bus now let's goo
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paintedwarpony · 3 years
Had a chat with my buddy @avinryd this morning...
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Long story short and without launching into absolutely flying off the handle with everything that I'm angry about the DM of my group completely bailed on us...
NO YOU KNOW WHAT THE GUY SUCKED. He led us a into the game blind, punished us for being awkward and not knowing each other without having a session zero, consistently misgendered my character and another player AND his character, was really ridiculously sexist and misogynistic, he ignored all of the players attempts to really engage and be involved in building the world of our characters, would get bored if we weren't fighting stuff (like BORED as in would actually pull out his guitar and just play random stupid chords while we were trying to play), got mad when we killed stuff to quickly, interrupted and constantly made side comments while we tried to RP including one time actually stopping my character and asking 'are you really having this conversation?', tried to force us to do stuff we didn't want to do, wouldn't pay us for jobs we did, fucked over multiple characters with really weird ass story choices that essentially stole our paladin's chance to take his oath and made our barbarian the daughter of a random god, consistently dead ended actions we tried to take, cheated us out of XP then whined about us not being higher levels and 100% gave us ALL the vibe that he wasn't really happy or comfortable with how diverse and LGBTQIA+ our group was shaping up to be.
So two weeks ago we started an hour late, he pretty much ignored us for most of the session and then just left after an hour of us playing. Then this week the day before we were supposed to play he was like "until further notice I can't DM and it could be a long time before I could pick this back up".
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The party decided to go ahead and meet for our normal time and talk about what to do. We aired some grievances, actually had the chance to really talk to each other and in the mix of it all my genius self offered up the position of DM if they were willing to do a Wildemount campaign because thats the only world I feel I can really confidently DM in.
To my honest surprise they bit.
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A few weeks earlier one of my very good friends and favorite d&d artists @alikandhoney asked me to DM his group of buddies. I'm offering their group the chance to choose their setting, one of them is also Wildemount that they can choose.
Its so scary and exciting. And after what I've been through I want to be the DM that I would want to play with and I have been trying hard to build a great and unique storyline for each campaign and build up to each of PCs individual goals and the stories they want to accomplish. And its so insane to me that that old DM blew off my group so much because every single one of them has been so creative and excited and building some of the coolest ideas and even jumping on stuff that I wanted to do myself in our old campaign and was ignored and brushed off. And in my other group they're all seasoned that their ideas and characters are so unique that its making me really strive to come up with some really amazing stuff (I hope) that will be above and beyond for them so its stuff they've never seen before.
Honestly the hardest part is I don't get to gush about my ideas to any of my friends in either group CAUSE SPOILERS.
But bless @avinryd that they're in the same boat as a brand new Wildemount DM and we get to talk to each other and share ideas and get excited together.
Cause honestly you gotta have a buddy that understands to talk to cause you'll go crazy otherwise.
Cause Bro... BRO... B R O... I really seriously am excited about the stuff that I've been making and I really hope they go over well...
Matt Mercer Pray For Me, Lend Me Your Strength...
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alice-angel12x · 4 years
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Riddle x Mouse!Reader
The reader is a mouse beast-man that is 7.5 inches tall in normal form.
It was odd going to a school completely designed for larger students, and it took a lot of convincing to get the crow man to let me attend the school.
The entrance ceremony was a little awkward cause the headmaster had to lift me to the mirror to be properly signed to a dorm. And wouldn't you know it, I was assigned to the Heartslabyul Dorm. I happily hopped down and climbed up to my seat, next to a redheaded boy. 
He looked so serious, yet he was shaking in his boots, so I thought I would lighten the mood.
I made it and into Heartslabyul dorm no less.
"Hello there," Squeaked a voice. 
I looked around looking for the source, but only saw Trey and a space next to me.
"Down here," It squeaked again.
I looked down at the chair beside me to see a tiny Person with Mouse Ears and tail. They looked no bigger than a teacup, why is such a tiny student doing here.
"I'm Y/n Angera, What's your name?" Y/n squeaked with a cute smile.
I could feel my heart start to quicken and pound in my chest as I stared at this tiny person, But why, why do I feel this way.
"Are you okay, your cheeks are red," Y/n said in a curious.
"I-It's nothing, M-My name is Riddle Roseheart," I said as I tried to recompose myself.
"It's nice to meet You Riddle," Y/n said as they held out their tiny hand.
"Likewise, So where do you come from?" I asked as I gently shook his hand.
"I come from Whisker Town," Y/n said squeaked proudly.
Riddle blushed at the tiny person's cuteness, as his heart fluttered in his chest. Riddle tried to compose himself as he looked away from Y/n while muttering something just loud enough for Y/n to hear.
"If you e-ever need help with something just ask, Okay," Riddle mumbled.
Y/n's eyes widened at the sudden offer, but They smiled none the less.
"Thank you, Riddle, that's very kind of you," Y/n squeaked.
"I-It's cause rule #543 of  Heartslabyul, help your fellow Dormmate. You should memorize all the rules," Riddle said with a snobby pout as his cheeks stayed a slight red. 
"well Thank you nonetheless, Riddle," Y/n smiled.
From that day on Riddle would help Y/n around the school, From helping them get to classes, helping them upstairs, Studing, and other big people tasks. The two would enjoy their study sessions and tea parties together. 
"Y/n that tea cup is too tall and big for you. Your going to fall in," Riddle warned, as he watch the tiny mouse person try to drink from the cup.
"NO, no I got it," Y/n said as he leaned over the lip of the cup.
And just as Riddle warned, Y/n fell into the cup of hot tea. Riddle gasped as he quickly fished out his tiny friend. Y/n coughed up some tea as Riddel craddled them in his hands. Riddle could feel his heart race as Y/n continued to cough up tea, and slowly sit up in Riddles shacky hands..
"I told you not to do that!" Riddle scolded as his heart slowly calmed down.
"In know, but.." Y/n paused, " That was some pretty good tea,"
Trey who was also at the table chuckled slightly as Riddle's face turned red from frustration.
"You could have gotten horribly burned you.. you idiot," Riddle mummled as he put his mouse friend down on the table.
"Sorry Riddle. I didn't mean to scare you like that," Y/n apologized.
"it's fine just don't do that again," Riddle mummbed.
As Riddle spent more time with Y/n, he would notice a few students from their dorm would pick on his favorite tiny friend.
But when he brought it up with the dorm leader, he simply shrugged his shoulders and did nothing. This angered Riddle, as he challenged the Dorm head the next day and won. Making him the youngest dorm head ever.
At first, things were pretty good, Y/n was thankful that Riddle put a stop to the bullying, and it helped them to get along with the other Dormmates. 
But naturally, things slowly started to go downhill. Riddle started to become more and more uptight and strict as the months passed. At first, it wasn't so bad, but then it started to get intense.
When Y/n would be a few minutes late to lunch and drank lemon tea passed a certain time, it was an Instant scolding. If Y/n was fooling around with fellow dormmates st a tea party, is punished by forced to write a 2 paged apology. No one was spared from Riddle's punishment, not even his close friends. Y/n soon found it harder and harder to keep up with all the rules that Riddle enforces.
"Hey Y/n are you feeling okay," Trey asked as he helped his underclassmen up the stairs.
"I don't think I can keep up with Riddle and his rules. Just look at me! How can any think sending a 7-inch tall student, to feed 4 feet tall birds, is a good idea?!" Y/n ranted.
"Well Riddle is just trying to uphold tradition," Trey tried to defend.
"I was almost eaten by a bird yesterday, Trey," Y/n said with an unamused face.
"Well, let's just turn in the apology paper," Trey said not knowing how to respond to that comeback.
"I don't think I want to come back to Heartslabyul anymore," Y/n sighed.
"Y/n don't say stuff like that," Trey whispered.
Little did the two know, Riddle heard everything, and Y/n's words caused Riddle's heart to ache. But he quickly shoved those feeling down and locked his heart as he begrudgingly excepted his Tiny Dormmate apology essay.
I can't show lenience towards anyone, rules are equal among everyone. If I have to feed the flamingos, everyone feeds the flamingos. I will show no favoritism to anyone, not even you...Y/n.
But it seemed that Y/n meant what they said, cause the next day was the next unbirthday And Y/n was no where to be seen.  They weren't hiding in the tea pots with the door mouses, or playing tricks on fellow Dormmates. They just vanished, but according to Trey he still sees them around and attending to his classes. They've been spending a lot more time with the nonmagic student Yuu and that trouble some first year, then...me.
No if they wishes to be a lazy traitor, fine. So be it. Yet Why do I feel like I've been abandoned?
"are you sure you can beat Riddle, Ace?" I asked as I held onto his magic blocking collar.
"He sounds pretty strong," Yuu said with a worried tone.
"I can totally could take on that shorty," Ace said with a cocky smile.
"This won't end well," I sighed.
And It really didn't; Riddle was able to beat Ace in a second. Ace being Ace started to spout off about the unfairness of Riddle's reign, while starting a miny revolution in the process. Then everything went to hell. 
"Riddle , I challenge you to a duel for the Drom head stautes," Y/n squeaked as they hopped off Yuu's shoulder.
"Haha, A tiny thing like you, Face me?" Riddle laughed with a Cocky smile, " Your just as much as a rule breaker as that first-year, and you will always need the help of others just to do basic student activities. I'm so many leagues above you Y/n. You amount to nothing just like Ace," 
Y/n simple glared at the taller boy, but Riddles gaze didn't go noticed from Yuu. He could see some sort of anger and sadness trying to be covered up with pride and regalness. Y/n just glared as Riddle kept on monologing on and on about the rules.
"What sort of lessons were you taught that you can't even understand that?" Riddle smirked, " Your home town, Whisker Town must be tragic. I bet that you didn't even receive proper education before you step foot into this school. Truly Pathetic".
Y/n's eyes began to water at Riddle's words as they started to try hold back their tears of frustration and anger. With a battle cry Y/n dashed towards riddle as their body began to glow and grow.
Suddenley Y/n was Trey's height, as he ran and punched Riddle square in the nose. Everyone was still in shock at Y/n's spontaniouse growth, but Y/n slowly began to shrink and just bearly met Riddles hip .
"It looks like Mantaining that form drains to much of Y/n's energy," Crowley said as he observes his students.
"So Y/n has to limit his magic use, or else they'll get to tired?" Grim asked.
Suddenly an egg was thrown at Riddle, and everything escalated, as Riddle's overblot took control. With a swift hand movement everyone was wearing Riddle's magic blocking collar, and Y/n was forced back to their 7 inch tall body. The sky turned dark and rubble started to float up into the air as Riddle changed and turned into a monster.
"R-Riddle," Y/n gasped at the transform class mate.
"I do not need anyone who defies me in my world. Or leaves me, I am the absoute ruler. My world itself submits to me!" Riddle laughed darkly as he grabbed Y/n by the tail," I will not tolerate any other answer except, "Yes, Lord Riddle."! 
Riddle tossed Y/n hard onto the ground and Y/n's world went dark.
"Y/n-san, Y/n-san are you okay?" A voice asked.
Y/n opened their eye's to find themselves in the infirmary, with their head ,left leg, and torso wrapped in banages. 
"Good, your alive. Thank goodness," Yuu sighed in relief.
"What... Happened to Riddle. Is he okay?" Y/n asked slowly.
"Yeah he's fine, You were out for 6 days. Oh and know that your awake, Riddle wanted me to invite you to the unbirthday tomorrow. He wanted to apologise to you," Yuu said.
"Well, umm..... It would rude to turn down an invitation," Y/n smiled wearily.
Riddle sat nervesly at the main table as he waited for Y/n and Yuu's arrival. A tiny tea set and table was set up for them. 
Soon Y/n and Yuu arrived, as Yuu set Y/n down on the table. Y/n held their minature cruches at their side as they sat down at the tiny set up for them. The two sat in an awkward silence till Riddle cleared his throat to call Y/n's attention.
"I-I wanted to say sorry... For the things I said and for hurting you. I let myself get out of hand," Riddle apologized as  tears ran down his cheeks.
Suddenly Riddle felt a gentle hand wipe away his tears. He looked up to see Y/n, but about his height and was smiling down at him with a kind and soft look.
"I Forgive you Riddle, just please don't cry. It doesn't suite you," Y/n smiled as Riddle blushed slightly.
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kamosweasley · 4 years
I don't want to talk - Part II (George Weasley x Reader)
Description : To read the first part and third part.
Word count : 3.7K
Warning : mention of cheating, angst
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It’s been two weeks since George kicked you out. These words may sound too violent for what happened but you really feel like he kicked you out of where you found a home. It's not so much about the apartment, it's above all living with him, being surrounded by his love every day. As cliché as it sounds, you've never felt better than in his arms, and knowing you may never be able to find your way there again makes you feel terrible.
A part of you tells yourself you deserve this punishment and a part tells yourself it’s ridiculous to lose everything (including the person who matters most to you) because you love two people. You mean, okay it’s not common to be in love with two people at the same time but you can't help it, and it hasn't changed your love for George. So losing him would destroy you, because you still love him like a fool and you don't know if you will ever be able to draw a line under the life you had imagined for the two of you. But there's still hope, George sent you an owl to tell you that he wanted to see you tonight after work. He asked you to arrive a little before the store closes so he wouldn't have to wait for you. The tone of the letter was far from warm or enthusiastic but it suits you, you didn't expect him to forgive you so quickly and you will have the opportunity to see him again and discuss all this with him. You're terrified but also full of hope, if he wants to talk to you that means he doesn't just want to leave you and forget everything, right ?
So here you are, in front of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, the heart at the edge of the explosion. You were so scared to be late that you arrived an hour early, leaving you looking at the window with undisguised anxiety. You keep nipping your lower lip, your hands are sweaty and you keep fiddling with the ring that George gave you a few years ago. It was to celebrate your coming out of Hogwarts and getting your NEWT's at the same time. He was so happy to offer it to you, even though you had only been together for a little more than a year, he already wanted to offer you everything he could. He gave you so many products from his store, you almost got all the new products just a few days before they went on sale. It was important for him to share this with you and it made you happy he shares with you this passion he has made as his job. By the way, you must have forgotten it in the apartment, you didn't think to take them with you. You should have.
The door opens with the sound of a bell, suddenly taking you out of your thoughts and making you jump. It’s George, with a cold gaze and an annoyed look on his face.
-What are you doing here ? You were supposed to arrive later.
-I was afraid I was going to be late, so I didn't really pay attention to my advance. Sorry about that.
-Come in, you're going to scare the customers by staring at the storefront like that. You look like a psycho.
He moves to let you pass. You enter timidly and you immediately have the feeling of entering hostile territory. Maybe it's because Fred looks at you badly as soon as he sees you come in, making you want to disappear. You've never experienced hostility with twins, it's always been the other way around, even more so when you were the girlfriend of one and the sister-in-law of the other. It’s funny that Fred always acted as if you were a married couple. He was the only one to call you Mrs Weasley, saying it should motivate his brother to ask you. Today you doubt he calls you by his last name as he used to. After all, you break his brother’s heart, you doesn’t deserve any sweet nickname.
-Since you're here, all you have to do is help us organize the shelves, you know how it works.
-Okay, what do you want me to start with ?
-I think there are almost no more love potions on the shelf, there's a whole box of them in the reserve.
He hasn't even glanced at you, already on his way to see a customer. You’re going to get that box when Fred passes close to you, saying the air of nothing that you do not need to steal one of them. You immediately understand what he is implying and you want to tell him to fuck off, that it’s none of his business. But you don't have the courage to argue with Fred when you came to try to patch things up with George. That would be counterproductive and you can't blame Fred for being upset with you.
A few minutes later, you put the bottles on their display, being on your guard. You know Fred well enough to know it's not impossible that he might play a bad joke on you to avenge his brother in his own way. It might even be an opportunity to demonstrate a product to customers, unless you're getting paranoid. You’re just so tired of all of this …
-Hello Y/N.
-Luna ! You surprised me.
-I’m sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. You came to see George ?
-Great, I’m happy to see you both. It's been a long time since I've seen him, and so have you. I haven't heard from you in two weeks. Were you sick ?
It's weird to see her again since the argument with George. Curiously you don't have that odd feeling like all the other times, you just want her to go away before George sees you together. It would probably make him mad, he might imagine you asked Luna to come or she came to try to stop you from talking to him. You have no idea what might be going on in his head but you refuse to waste your chance.
-Kind of. You should go before you get sick too.
-Luna, what a pleasure to see you !
You stiffen at the sound of his voice behind your back, suddenly so warm that his sentence sounds sincere. But he's angry with Luna even though he doesn't let it show. He knows it's ridiculous because it's Luna, she didn't do anything to make Y/N fall in love with her again and she may not even know about it. But he resents her because she took a part of the heart he desires entirely, just for him.
-Hello George. I was telling Y/N that it's been a long time since I've seen you. It's a bit sad, you're good friends and we see so little of each other.
-But you have seen Y/N a lot in the last few months.
-True, but not for the last two weeks. It was as if she had disappeared, I thought she finally asked you to marry her and the two of you have stayed together ever since. It could have been a secret wedding, I think that's your type. But she told me she was sick.
-What ? Ask me to marry her ? Why would she do that?
-Luna !
-Sorry, I thought you talked about it with him.
-You wanted to ask me to marry you?
-I don't think it matters now.
-I'm sorry I embarrassed you, Rolf tells me I should be more subtle when talking to people.
-Who is Rolf ?
-She didn’t tell you ? Rolf is my fiancé, he’s a magizoologist like me. We met at work, he is adorable and very nice. I'm sure he's going to love your products, I came to buy some for him. He's going back to England in a few days.
George feels lost, he had no idea Luna had gotten engaged. If he had known, maybe he wouldn't have been so angry with you, because he wouldn't have thought Luna could dump her fiancé to get back together with you while you were in a relationship. He knows Luna well enough to know she is not that kind of woman, no matter how she feels about you she would have pushed you away and told you to stay with him. She has always been so nice and fair while he feels terribly selfish. 
-Congratulations, I had no idea. It's wonderful news, you have ... have you picked a date yet ?
-Yes, we will soon send out the invitations, you will receive one of course. It will be this summer, dad is very keen on it. Don't hesitate to come in yellow, it will make him happy.
-I take note.
-I'm going to go pay, it's closing soon. It was nice to see you again, feel free to visit me anytime.
The blonde goes to the cashier after a smile. You've never felt so embarrassed in front of George, it was the weirdest conversation and you don't know what effect it had on him.
-Why didn’t you tell me she’s engaged ?
-What difference would it have made ? You said that no matter what happened between her and me, the problem is I had feelings for her again.
-Luna would never cheat on someone, least of all her fiancé.
-So you trust Luna more than you trust me. Great …
-You're not going to get offended when it's all your fault in this story !
-George ! Calm down, the store is not closed yet.
He almost screamed while there were a dozen customers in the store, most of them looking at you waiting for the next part. Can this day get any worse ? It hasn't even been 10 minutes since you walked in and it's only getting worse.At this rate George won't even want to talk to you anymore and you'll have to say goodbye to him forever before the store closes. Resuming his professional appearance, he clears his throat to regain his composure and walks away without a word. Then you go back to what you were doing before Luna arrived, putting the small bottles carefully. You feel tense, it seems like there's not much missing for you to break down and either burst into tears or go crazy. It's like being in the middle of a nightmare, you would give anything to make it stop and wake up in bed with George's arms around you and his breath on your neck.
Lost in your thoughts and anxiety, the closing finally arrives and Fred leaves the store for the apartment above, not without giving you yet another bad look before winking at his brother. Here we are, and you just want to run away.
George comes to you, always with his mask of indifference on. It’s only a facade, you know him by heart and in truth he tries not to show he’s in pain. You're both in pain but you're the only one to show it, that's the game. All means are good to make him understand this separation hurts you and you miss him. You’re sitting on a step of the stairs leading to the second floor, with desperate eyes looking at the ground like a punished child. It's not going to be a piece of cake, he's probably going to say some hurtful words, but everything has to be said and heard.
-What about the proposal ? Were you really going to ask me ?
-I really thought about it, I never lied when I said that I love you and you are the man I want to make my life with.
He says nothing, assimilating this information with difficulty. He's still hurt and angry about what you did, but he feels it's not as he imagined it would be. He thought the moment he threw you out, you had gone to join Luna and since then you had been consoling yourself in her arms. He doesn't doubt your love for him, he saw how you were that night, but he thought you would move on with time, with Luna. He imagined himself learning that you were moving in with her, and the day you were going to get married. It destroyed him from the inside, this image, this perfect happiness that you would live with her when it should have been with him.
-You are the most important person to me, since we have been together for so long, I told myself that I could be the first one to make the proposal.
-Sounds ridiculous …
-You know that I want your kids. We already talked of this, I want 4 children and you, 5.
-Stop it. I know all of this too, but we can't talk of our future anymore. I'm not sure of our couple anymore.
-I understand. But you asked me to come here to talk. I'm trying to make you understand I don't want a future without you. Isn't what I'm supposed to do?
He remains silent, staring at the display of love potions. He stands up straight with his hands in his pockets and again you can't read him. You hate it, feeling like he's already so far away from you when the breakup isn't official yet. You're afraid he won't want you anymore and say it out loud, that he'll move on and make his life with another girl. He would have the right, nothing obliges him to stay with you, but how could you survive it ? He's the love of your life, it's the only thing that's been going round and round in your head for the last two weeks. It's him and nobody else, Luna is nothing compared to him. The tall man sighs and raises his head to the ceiling, you can see that he is chewing on the inside of his cheek. This is not a good sign.
-You understand it changes nothing for us.
-Not even a little ?
-I don't think so.
-Why ? It must change something. We both want to marry each other, we want a home and a family to build together. I told you more than I can remember that I am sorry and I choose you for ever and ever. Why isn't it enough ?
-You're going to get angry now ?
-I do, because I don't understand ! I understand you need time and you're mad about me and you have all right. But I didn't do anything to get her, not a kiss, not a look, not even a word. I never wanted to do anything with her, I was lost in my feelings and you … you say you will never need me again. How I'm supposed not to be angry ?
Tears fill up your eyes, it's kind of unfair of you to put a blame on him for his choice but you can't handle it. This man is yours since so many years, you've already imagined what your future would look like, to the kind of grandparents you would be. You want to live so many things with him, like traveling abroad, laughing at your children's mischief, celebrating your wedding anniversaries in so many different ways, just laughing every day of your life with this wonderful man. He can't take that away from you without you saying a word.
-Everybody makes mistakes, there is such a thing as forgiveness and you have to know how to forgive the people you love. I'm not saying this to make you feel obligated but because I want you to do it, because I still love you. Do you know that saying, "Love cannot be divided, it can only multiply" ? That's exactly right, I didn't take a part of my love for you to give to Luna. It's an old love that has woken up, it's something totally different. It's more like loving a friend very much or wanting the last broom, it’s unreasonable, foolish and not that strong as the way I love you.
-Is that supposed to make me want to take you back ?
-Shut up George ! I’m falling ! There is nothing I wouldn't do for you, and you heard Luna, I haven't spoken to her in two weeks ! I’m ready to do anything for you, to prove you my love !
-And you think that makes you respectable and forgivable ?
It's the most frustrating situation you've ever experienced, it's like talking to a wall. No matter what you say or what you do, he doesn't want to forgive you. This sudden realization makes you cry your eyes out. You refuse to give up your story, but it takes two to make one more, and George is sinking the ship. You don't know what's more powerful between despair and rage, but you're falling apart again. So it's really over ? He asked you to come here to finish you off like this ?
-George, I’m begging you … Don’t do this … Please, don’t leave me …
-I love you from the depths of my being, I was ready to give everything for you. But I can't give you my forgiveness, and above all I know I can't give you back my trust.
-But I don't understand ! I didn't cheat on you, I didn't do anything with her, she doesn't even know what happened ! I ignored her, I left you alone waiting for you to come back to me to talk and try to make things right because we love each other and this story doesn't change anything about OUR story !
-It changed something.
-No it doesn’t ! Maybe you’re afraid and you don’t trust me like before, and again I understand it and accept it. You’re hurt because you feel betrayed, you wanted to be the only one I love and unfortunately this is not the case but you still want me. In spite of everything you feel and what you told me, you still want me to become your wife and to raise a family together. You still want to offer me your newest products in advance and find me every night at the apartment. Because you know as well as I do that we are meant to be together. We survived Umbrage, we survived the war, I was always there when you needed me and you did the same. This love that unites us, it’s different from the one I have for Luna, it’s much more powerful and indestructible. We can break up if that's what you really want, but you know as well as I do that this love will never die. And you'll miss me every day of your life because I'll miss you too. I’ll love you forever, and I can’t do anything against that. 
-You’re cruel. Do you really think I'm happy I have to break up with you ? I'm not because you are ... everything I've ever wanted. I've always felt lucky to have you, I was sure we would make it. I’ll love you forever too and that’s the problem ! I can't escape you while you are hurting me, you will make me suffer all my life because I will have to try to run away from you all my life !
-You don't have to run away. Especially if it means it will make you suffer for the rest of your life.
Neither of you has moved since the beginning, almost like statues with words. You are together on a path that separates into two other paths, and you don't agree on which one to take next. One is clearly a dead end while the other leaves more possibilities. But you can't force George to follow you, if he really wants to stop everything then you'll have to accept it. Even if it breaks both your hearts, you can't stop him from living his life the way he wants. You've already done enough harm, and his feelings will make him suffer for a long time if he chooses to break up, there's no need to add to it. But you're not ready to hear it so you try to save this love story that's falling apart.
-Why can't we at least try to work things out before we break up ?
-If I come back to you, I know I would forgive you and we would go back to the way things were, almost as if nothing had happened.
-And it would be a bad thing ?
-I talked it over with Fred, he told me not to be fooled and not to give you a second chance. He says I deserve better than a woman who can't love only me.
-Excuse me but we don't give a shit about what Fred thinks. He's your brother, your twin, your partner, but he's not the one living your life. You know me much better than he does, you know our history and you know if I'm honest or not.
-So why didn't you tell me about Luna ?
-See where that got us ? As soon as I realized, I was ashamed, and I knew it would lead nowhere because there is only you for me. She has never been an option, least of all when she is engaged and I was hoping we would be as soon. I know, it sounds cheesy and cliché but it's the truth. I just wanted to wait for it to go away.
-By continuing to see her every day ?
-What would you have thought if I had stopped everything suddenly ? And I really thought it was a kind of nostalgia for a time when it was simple and not painful. The more the days go by and the more I'm sure of it, I don't miss her as much as I miss you, her absence doesn't hurt as much as yours. It was stupid to go back to her like that, I know. I’m sorry George. For all of this, it’s my fault. I never meant to hurt you, but I did. And I can never apologize enough for that, I promised you I would never hurt you. I’m really sorry George.
These words ring true in George's heart, yet this is not the first time you have said these words and he already knows everything, even what you didn't say. All you've done is tell the truth you both know, and even if it hurts he can't deny it. This is the moment when he must choose between yes and no. This is the moment when no matter what his twin brother said to him, his heart beats reason. It’s true he has loved you for four years and he can’t see a future without you, that's a pretty good reason to give a second chance. 
-Come on, let's go home.
-What ?
-Come quickly before I change my mind.
Without a word, you get up in a hurry and leave the store to let George close behind. You don't know what to expect, but this opening draws you like a beacon in the night. He lets you come home, which means he wants to try. You feel like you're living again, breathing is suddenly no longer painful, everything seems a little better and a little less sad. 
-You’ll sleep on the couch.
-I promise you nothing.
-That’s fair.
-I hope it will work. It would hurt too much if it didn’t.
You walk side by side in the night, without holding hands as you used to do. It's strange but there's a glimmer of hope that's lit up for both of you. Maybe it’s not the end.
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Sweet Punishment~ Yoritomo Route
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(I know I already did the summary of this, but I just couldn't resist when I see Yoritomo.)
The trees, dyed bright red and yellow, sway their leaves in the autumn breeze.
On this day, I was with Kagetoki-san and others, gathered in the hall by order of Yoritomo-sama.
Yoritomo: "Okay, everyone is here. I'm going to ask you a straightforward question. What does autumn mean to you?"
Yuno: "Autumn?"
Yoritomo: "That's right. Anything you can think of, I want to hear your thoughts."
(Autumn, huh? Let's see...)
Kagetoki: "Well... If I had to pick, I'd say reading. I love reading in the long autumn nights."
Tamamo: "I'm all for the food, of course. Sweet potatoes, mushrooms, persimmons, chestnuts, pears...the list goes on and on."
Yoritomo: "Chestnuts are good, indeed."
Yuno: "It would be fun to go chestnut picking together!" (Yuno is sooooooooooo cute.)
Shigehira: "Woah woah, don't deviate from the main topic."
(Oh, I shouldn't.)
I hurriedly kept my mouth shut, and my eyes met Shigehira-kun's.
Shigehira: "Is there something you want to do, Yuno-san?"
Yuno: "Hmmm.... I think I'll go for the plants. There are many medicinal plants that can only be found in autumn."
Yoritomo: "That's just like you. But none of them are the answers I'm looking for."
Morinaga: "Then, what does autumn mean to you, Yoritomo-sama?"
Yoritomo: "Training."
Tamamo: "It’s going to be a sweaty autumn then! I'm surprised to hear you say this,..... but what are you up to?"
Morinaga: "It's not too hot or too cold, so it's a good time to get moving."
Yoritomo: "Isn't it? So we'll have a martial arts tournament."
The air in the hall seemed to tighten at the sound of his dignified voice.
Yoritomo: " Of course, we’re not doing this just for fun. The purpose is to strengthen the martial arts skills of the entire army. The winner is determined by a winner-takes-all competition, and the last one standing is rewarded with rice."
Tamamo: "Rice..... I'll have chestnut, of course, but sweet potatoes are very good, too."
Yoritomo: "What are you trying to win? Anyway, this time, you all will be working behind the scenes. You too, Tamamo. Kagetoki and Tamamo, you will assist me in running the whole thing. Shigehira and Morinaga were entrusted with guiding the participants in their training."
Kagetoki, Shigehira, Morinaga: "Yes!"
Tamamo: "What, no rice for me? Well, we'll have a party later, won't we? Let's hope there will be some good food there."
Kagetoki: "It's more motivating to have a friendly competition than to just to train."
Morinaga: "It's like a festival, right? I can't take part, but it gets my blood pumping."
Yoritomo: "Isn’t it? It's time like these that we need these events."
(I guess that's why we're here now because we don't know when the war will break out.)
(....In his own way, Yoritomo-sama is thinking of his subordinates when he makes this proposal.)
(I also want to help.)
Yuno: "Yoritomo-sama, I also want to help."
Yoritomo: "You can. But you wouldn't listen to me anyway, will you?"
Yuno: "Yes, I'll do my best."
(Then I'll have to get more herbs than usual.)
(Oh, and I think I need a spared bandage. And ......)
As I quickly thought about my preparations, I felt someone pinching my cheek.
Yuno: "Yoritomo-sama?"
Yoritomo: "Geez, you're always like this. When it comes to working, that's all you see."
Yuno: "I don't want to hear that from Yoritomo-sama. Even Yoritomo-sama, works day and night....."
Suddenly I felt some gazes on me.
The next thing we knew, everyone's warm eyes were on us.
(I shouldn't! They're all here.)
Tamamo: "They are fighting like couple and that they only have eyes for each other and their work....I'd say, but Yoritomo did it on purpose, didn't he?"
Yoritomo: "Yeah, because she looks cute when she fights back."
Yuno(blushing): "!"
(I've been teased..... How embarrassing....)
Shigehira: "Please do those things when you both are alone."
Morinaga: "I think we're done here, so we'll leave you to your business."
Kagetoki: "Please feel free to go crazy."
Everyone left, leaving me and Yoritomo-sama in the hall.
Yoritomo: "Hey, Yuno."
Yuno: "Hm?....Oh."
My arms were drawn and I lean on Yoritomo-sama.
My heart began to beat faster and faster at the thought of being in a place where I didn't know who could see me.
Yuno: "No. Not here."
Yoritomo: "It's all right, there's no one here at the moment. More importantly.....I'll ask you to help with the first aid necessities. I'd let you do it, but on one condition."
Yuno: "Condition?"
Yoritomo: "Yeah."
The sound of Yoritomo-sama's breathing gently tickles my ear....
Yoritomo: "Don't overdo and if you need anything, just ask. If you don't, I'll make sure you get what you deserve."
Yuno: ".......!"
Provocative words flow into my ears makes my heart beat even more wildly.
(it's Yoritomo-sama, so he's not going to go easy on me.)
(But, what is that punishment?)
A moment later, both hands were grabbed and put together, and restrained with one hand.
Yuno: "Eh----Hmm."
Without hesitation, my lips were sealed and my eyes widen in surprise.
I tried to escape, but he held me by the back of the head, and the kiss became more and more deeper.
Yuno: "Mmm.....Ha...ah."
I was struggling for air, but the kissing never stops.....
As I was finally released, I started to breathe.
Yuno: "Yoritomo...sama?"
Yoritomo: "It's not bad to show people that you're mine."
(You mean, if I break my promise, he'll do this to me in public?)
Yuno(blushing): "Please don't do that...."
Yoritomo(smiling): "That's up to you. If you understand, don't overwork."
Yuno: "....Yes."
(Because it's Yoritomo-sama, I'll definitely do it.)
(But I have to be careful about this.)
Then a few days later.
I was treating the injured soldiers while Morinaga-san and Shigehira-kun were in charge of the training.
Tamamo was also present since he had some free time.
Yuno: "This is the end of the treatment of your injuries. Good luck with your training."
Soldier: " Thank you!"
As I was smiling at everyone's enthusiasm, I heard the sound of hurried footsteps.
Retainer: "Yuno-san are you here? I'd like to talk to you about the medicine you're preparing."
Yuno: "Yes, I'll be there soon."
I informed Morinaga-san and the others and hurried to leave the room----
Yuno: "Oh!?"
I bumped into someone at the entrance.
Yuno: "So-Sorry---"
???: "Are you okay?"
(Ah, that voice.)
Yoritomo(smiling): "Don't be in such a hurry."
Yuno: “Yoritomo-sama!”
I bow my head, a little relieved that the person I bumped into was someone I was in love with.
Yuno: “Sorry, I was in a hurry.”
Yoritomo: “As long as, you don’t hurt yourself, its fine. You seem to be very busy, is there anything you need help with?”
(Although Yoritomo-sama told me to rely on him.)
Preparations for the martial arts tournament had begun and Yoritomo-sama was busier than ever.
First of all, this is a job that I volunteered to help with.
(I can’t let Yoritomo-sama get me and I can still do my best.)
Yuno: “No. I am doing fine. Excuse me, I’m in a hurry.”
I acted brightly as I could and left the place.
Yoritomo(smiling): “........Geez.”
Yoritomo sees off Yuno’s back, proudly as if he is amazed.
Then, Tamamo and Morinaga who was watching them, comes by.
Morinaga: “Yuno has been working really hard lately, right?”
Tamamo: “She running all over the place more than ever.”
Morinaga: “Thanks to her, everyone’s spirits are up. They don’t even mind getting injured now that there is a cute girl to take care of them.”
Yoritomo: “I see.”
Tamamo: “Aren’t you jealous? You never know when some random man will come and challenge you for her.”
Yoritomo: “Her heart already belongs to me. If a man comes and challenges me, I won’t let him take her away from me.”
Morinaga: “As expected, you seem very confident.”
Tamamo: “..............”
That night----
As I was preparing the medicine in my room before going to sleep, Tamamo came to see me.
Tamamo: “You are still working?”
Yuno: “Yes, just little more for tomorrow.”
Tamamo: “No way. You look very tired. Don’t push your limit. So that’s why.....”
Tamamo, smiles wistfully and claps his hands---
The next moment, he quickly turned into a cute little fox.
Yuno: “Eh, why did you change your form?”
Tamamo: “Touching me, who is super cute and furry, has a great soothing effect. Go on, fluff yourself to your heart’s content.”
As if to give everything away, Tamamo rolls over on his stomach. 
(Tamamo’s belly, looks soft and fluffy!)
The tempting offer makes my heart flutter, but the face of my Yoritomo-sama comes to my mind.
(Yoritomo-sama told me to rely on him.)
I feel guilty, but I can’t resist my greed. .....
I put Tamamo on my lap and boldly buried my face in her belly.
(This is....!)
Yuno(blushing): “Mo..Mofumofu...!”
Tamamo: “Isn’t it?”
(Hmmmm, this is going to be a habit.)
It’s the best touch I can imagine and I’ll just get hooked----
Yoritomo: “Yuno, I’m coming in.”
Before I could reply, Yoritomo-sama opened the doors and entered my room.
Yoritomo: “........”  (Okay, so let me try reading Yoritomo’s mind:*pictures regular Tamamo and Yuno resting her face on his belly*)
Our eyes meet and we stopped moving for a moment.
(What should I do? I can’t believe that Yoritomo-sama saw me like this....)
Tamamo: “It’s a crime to interrupt the time of lovers. Good night~” (You LITTLE BITCH!)
Yuno: “Wait!”
Tamamo jumped of my lap and left the room.
Yoritomo(angry): “........” (mind reading: “I told her that she could rely on me and yet she went to Tamamo. But they’re just friends and I know Yuno would never cheat on me. But still she went to HIM instead of me. Looks like she’s really wants to get punished. You’re such a sly, you know.”)
Yuno: “I sorry. I’m really sorry.”
(He’s angry. He is really angry. I can feel it.)
The awkwardness in the air makes me look down.
 I clenched my fingertips in preparation for my punishment and was lightly popped when he flicked my forehead.
Yuno: “Eh...”
Yoritomo: “As I expected. It’s already late, finish your work and go to bed. If you don’t, then I’ll change your clothes and take you to bed.”
Yuno: “No need. I’m in bed! Already!”
Yoritomo: “Good.”
(I wonder if he would say something.)
(But,,,,you were so worried about me that you went out of your way to see how I was doing...)
Although I feel a little uncomfortable with the overly gentle attitude. But that was soon overridden by the joy that came from Yoritomo-sama’s thoughtfulness.
Finally, the day of the tournament arrived.
(Okay, let’s do our best.)
Yuno: “Thank you for your hard work!”
Soldiers: “Eh....”
When I went to the waiting area of the first-aid team, I got a strange look from everyone.
Soldier: “Yuno-san, why are you here?”
Yuno: “Huh? What do you mean?”
Yoritomo(fake smile): “Ah, Yuno. I didn’t know you were here.”
At the appearance of Yoritomo-sama, all his men straighten their postures in unison.
Yoritomo(smiling): “I’m hoping you’ll join me in keeping an eye on everyone’s progress. As a reward for all the hard work you’ve done today, will you come and watch the game with me?”
Soldier: “Yes, leave the work to us!”
Yuno: “Er, well...”
Yoritomo: “Well, let’s go then.”
While I was hesitating, he immediately pulled my hand.
We were shown to our seats, which were the best seats in the venue, giving a view of the entire arena.
(Is is going to be okay?)
He makes me sit down on the tatami mat, and I somewhat started to feel nervous.
Then Yoritomo-sama, who was sitting next to me, leaned close to me.
Yoritomo: “It cold today. Let me make sure, you don’t get cold.”
A knee cover was placed softly across my lap and Yoritomo-sama’s.
Yuno: “Thank you.”
Yoritomo: “It’s nothing to be thankful for. ....but it’s still a bit cold. Would it be warmer if I did this?”
Yuno; “!”
He hugs me around the waist and I leaned lightly on Yoritomo-sama.
At that moment, a buzz spread around us.
Yuno(blushing): “Yo-Yoritomo-sama?”
Yoritomo(smiling): “You’re very warm.”
(Yes, it’s warmer than before.)
As you can see, I’m embarrassed, so I try to speak up.
Maid 1: “Yoritomo-sama is so kind, isn’t he?”
Maid 2: “Yeahhh, I’m jealous.”
I hurriedly closed my mouth, when heard the jealous comments one after another.
(Somehow, we are just keep getting a lot of attention.)
(In this situation, I can’t say ‘let go’, can I?)
Yuno(blushing): “Mm, Yoritomo-sama is also warm.”
I smiled awkwardly and snuggled up to Yoritomo-sama quietly.
(I feel like, Yoritomo-sama....is little scary.)
(The other night was a bit of a let down, maybe there’s more to it?)
When I was suspicious of his overly gently manner, our hands came together under the blanket.
Yoritomo(smiling): “Your fingertips are getting warmer.”
With a warm, sunny voice, the tips of the finger rub together.
His gaze is filled with deep compassion....
(How can I doubt this kindness.)
When I thought about it, Morinaga, the referee, appeared at the game.
Morinaga: “Then, let’s start the first game, both teams come forward!”
The match starts-----
I was completely absorbed into the series of heated battles.
(Wow! That attack was very fast.)
As I leaned forward to watch the game, I felt a smooth stroke on the back of my hand.
Yoritomo: “This could go either way.”
Our fingers entwined and squeezed.
(What is  going on here?)
When I smiled back, Yoritomo-sama happily brought his lips to my ears.
Yoritomo: “Who do you think will win?”
Yuno: “Ah....Well...”
My back trembles when he deliberately sighed near my ear.
I ducked quickly, but the hands on my hips prevented me from moving.
Yoritomo(evil smile): “Oh, that was a brilliant one, right? Everyone is doing well, because of the training. How wonderful.”
Yuno(blushing): “Mm.....”
I can’t reply well, because he kept whispering to me near my ear and it felt ticklish.
(Is he teasing me?)
Yoritomo: “The next game is about to start.”
Yuno(blushing): “Oh! re-really.”
(Thank god, it stopped.)
I breathed a sigh of relief and I felt a hand on my thigh.
I looked at the owner of the hand and he couldn’t have been more full of himself.
Yuno(blushing): “------!?”
Yoritomo-sama’s hand slid easily down my inner thigh, and I flinched at the strange power.
Yuno(blushing): “Wai...Wait...”
Yoritomo(evil smile): “Hm? Did you say something?”
Yuno(blushing): “No, What’s the matter with you?”
Yoritomo(evil smile): “You said you are too embarrassed to do this in public. It’s not a problem, if it’s hidden under the blanket, right?” (Geez, if Yoritomo had one of those small vibrators, he would have not shown any mercy.)
Yoritomo: "It's not bad to show people that you're mine."
---------FLASHBACK ENDS-------
(Although it’s hidden.)
I still think it’s too mean to bea simple teasing.
(Is this how he intends to punish me?)
(I wonder if he was still angry with me for because of that Tamamo incident.)
The moment I tried to open my mouth to apologize.
The hand that had been caressing my thigh, crept inside, splitting the gaps in my kimono.
Yuno(blushing): “!? A......”
I bite my lips in panic as he stroked my bare skin.
Yoritomo(evil smile): “Everyone is crazy about the game right now....If you raise your cute voice, they’ll notice you.”
(No doubt! You are still angry about the other day.)
I bring my face closer to his ear and whispered lightly.
Yuno(blushing): “I’m truly....very sorry. I’m reflecting on it, so please....”
Yoritomo(evil smile): “No, not yet. You’re too stubborn, so I won’t let you go that easily.”
Yuno(blushing): “Mm, ah.”
The tips of his fingers lightly scratched my inner thighs, causing me to gasp uncontrollably.
At the same time, cheers go up.
Apparently, the game is in full swing.
(But now, I can’t focus on the game.)
Yuno(blush): “Mm....oh.....”
A soft numbness runs up my back as my ear is bitten sweetly. 
Further more, when his hand moved between my legs, I quickly tried to stop it.
Yoritomo(evil smile): “You’re pretty resistance. But how long can you hold up?”
Yuno(blushing): “Ah.....not there....oh.”
(No matter how crazy everyone is about the game, no more....!)
Yuno(blushing): “Okay, I understand. I’ll take the punishment but at least take me to your room....!”
With tears in my eyes, I pleaded and finally his hands stopped.
Yoritomo(evil smile): “I’ll take that word for now. The rest will be in my room, okay...?”
Premium END  // Epilogue
This story event is in short the scenario of what will happen if Yuno and Yoritomo go to movie theatre. Anyways, I’ll only be doing Yoritomo’s route because I love him and then I’ll take a break until the next story event. Also I’ll be posting the collection events time to time when I feel like it.
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kileyrose-2003 · 4 years
Rose the Hat x Fem! Reader: Part 2
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A/N: Hello lovelies! This is continuation of what @merci-bitch requested. I am putting the link to Part 1 down below if you haven't read it:
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy! @mewbleu I am working on your request and I'll be in touch with you once I get closer to finishing it.
Love you all and hope everything is well!
One bottle of wine and less than a twenty minutes drive later, Rose had you already figured out and in her bed at the Bluebell Campground.
She drove you mad that whole time and hours after that. It was 2:17 in the morning and you both were still going to strong. Her head was tucked in between the soft flesh of your thighs as she ran her tongue across your clit.
"Damn it, Rose!" The older woman laughed and you gripped your fingers into her knotted tresses. "What's the matter, my sweet? I told you I'd punish you for running from me."
"You can't do it any other..form?" You grimaced. She smirked and stuck her fingers inside you quickly, getting a gasp out of you. "So eager for me," She mused and pulled them out.
You let out a whine and shook your head. "That's not fair!" Rose smiled gamely though there was a hint of maliciousness in her eyes. "It's fair, sweetheart. You've had control of all your previous relationships and now I'm the one in charge here and what I want, I always get."
She ran her fingers teasingly across your clit and you squirmed. "Just give it to me..please!" You grunted.
"For such a dominant woman, you're so submissive to me. I almost forgot how much I like hearing you beg underneath me from the last time we seen each other." She inserted her fingers inside you again. "Beg for me again."
Your cheeks went red at the mere thought of begging but it all felt so right. "Rose, please! I want you." You cried out and she grinned. "Much better." She quickened her pace, eliciting moans of pleasure from you.
"It's fun pleasure though, isn't it?" You bit your lips and let out a whine, hoping your neighbors couldn't hear what you were doing through the walls even though they very well knew how you were.
"Y-yes," You rasped, answering her questions. "You haven't had a true, passion fuck in a while. You're mine, Y/n. You know that right? All mine. I won't share you with the others. In a way that's what you've always wanted, haven't you? Someone to call your own.
"Y-yes..." You nodded and she started peppering kisses on your stomach. "That's my girl." She nipped at your belly button and you hissed, pushing her head away.
"Rose, that hurt!" You yelled more loudly than you would of liked too. None of the True knew you were at their campsite yet and you planned on keeping that a secret for as long possible. You didn't exactly have the feeling Rose told anyone she was coming for you.
"Oh please, you enjoyed it." She smiled and quickened her pace. "You feel so tight."
"I don't think I'm going to..make it much longer! Please Rosie, I want to come!" You begged, feeling like you wanted to cry.
"Then come for me." Her hands slipped away from your folds and you instantaneously orgasmed.
You arched your back up into the air in euphoria. It all felt so surreal and it was by far the best night of sex you ever had.
When the sensation began to fade you plunked back down on the bed next to Rose who pulled you close to her.
"My special girl," She cooed and ran her thumb across your cheek lazily. You smiled softly at first and shook your head, thinking of all the times someone called you special it probably wasn't in a good manner. "Don't call me that."
"Oh? Why not?" There was slight amusement in her voice. "I don't know. I don't think there's much special about me..I guess after being told you're crazy for so long you just start to believe it." You shrugged.
"You know..if you really wanted, we could always pay that back." She nipped your cartilage.
"It wouldn't matter anyways because they'd end up with the satisfaction of knowing I'm not in my right mind in that moment."
Rose sighed and kissed your cheek. "You're sane and very special. I've found over the years, people are afraid of what they can't explain or others who are more jealous of them. It elicts a sort of jealousy. That's why people who aren't special like us are rubes in my families eyes. They're all idiots. You were born into a family of people who didn't understand and appreciate you. It's a shame too because you're extra steamy. Something I haven't seen in a while."
"It's not that as a whole they didn't appreciate me. It was just my parents." Rose shrugged. "Still, idiotic rubes."
"Do they know I'm here?"
"The others?"
"My Crow is out on business so it doesn't matter but do you care?" You decided you didn't and shrugged slightly. Laying your head on her bare chest. "You love Crow?"
Rose chuckled and kissed the top of your head. "You got a twinkle in your eye, don't you?" You blushed and she shook her head. "No, no. No shame. I despise the term love. It's such a rube thing to declare. A foolish promise if you ask me."
You nodded and nuzzled closely to her. "True..but you're avoiding the question."
Rose sighed. "I guess you can say I love him. We have a very deep bond. We're knotted together. The whole family is. I do enjoy him more than the others though."
You laughed and squeezed her hand gently. "For someone who insist I'm such a busy girl, you get around too."
Rose smacked your ass in a way that said she was being playfully but also in a 'don't you disrespect me like that.' nature.
"He knows how I am besides the fact I'm not exactly so patient as to just be satisfied with just his welcome home greeting."
You snorted and she gave you a nasty look before pulling your head close to her warm breast. "Comments?"
"None at all." She raised a brow and placed a sloppy kiss against your cheek. You wiped away some of the spit and the woman laughed throatily, no hint of apology on her face.
"Oh yes..you and I are going to have alot of fun together. Rest up dear, you're going to have a long day tomorrow. You'll be one with us and one of us." She caressed your cheek and kissed your temple. "Goodnight, Y/n."
"Night, Rose." You hummed softly and nuzzled closely to her. She felt so warm and smelled earthy in a good way. It almost reminded you of your childhood but this time it didn't cause you any pain.
You could feel Rose running her fingers through your hair and your eyes began to flutter shut. Soon enough you succumbed to your exhaustion but Rose stayed up for a while, watching you sleep.
She could feel your emotional scars and all the trauma like weights in your mind. Some of it from her but she tried not to focus on thag. It wasn't a wonder how you hid from her for so long now. You locked everything away in the closet. You had to unless you wanted to become a statistic on accidental drug overdose.
Part of her wondered and knew if that your first meeting did go different, despite your age, you would of tasted amazing.
She wasn't concerned with that though. Now it was just going to be the matter of ridding you of your emotional baggage.
"So much pain inside for such a short time in this world..I guess that doesn't matter though anymore. I know what I have to do with you. I'm going to fix you up like my Andi, pretty little things the two of you."
You squirmed slightly in your sleep and Rose hushed you, sending you waves of calmness with her shine. "Nothing to be afraid of, my sweet. I have you and I'm not going to let anyone hurt you like that ever again."
You ceased your squirming and Rose grinned. "Now you get it." She kissed the top of your head and shut her own eyes before falling asleep next to you.
When you awoke the next morning it was to the roar of a car engine followed by the crunching of twigs from the impact of the tires.
At first you attempted to brush it off as some nearby car speeding down the road but the noise was too close for comfort.
Rose groaned and held herself up using the back of her hands. "What time is it?"
"I don't know but I heard a car." Rose smiled and sat up, not bothering to cover herself up. "Oh that's just my Crow."
"Y-you're not going to cover yourself or tell me to get out?" She laughed and rubbed your cheek. "Honey, in case you haven't noticed, norms don't matter around here."
"I know but isn't he going to mad? It's not like we exactly got off on the right foot."
"He'll get over himself. Like I said-" There was a slight knock followed by the sounds of the doorknob jiggling.
You squeezed your eyes shut, preparing for the worst. "Rosie, I'm back. Sorry I'm late but I stopped at District X and-" Crow turned to look at Rose and his jovial expression began to melt. She was completely naked.
Not that it was unusual to him, he was very familiar with her in this type of setting but your presence completely threw him off.
A pang of jealousy hit the inside of him. He knew of Rose's amorous nature and considered himself to bisexual as well, though his experience was limited with men and who was he to judge on what she did while he was gone but you..
You were a rube, their lost food at best and you had seen his Rosie in a way no other person should of. As far it was his concern, you should of been dead the second you struck out at him.
Crow Daddy's posture stiffened and he met Rose's mystical eyes. "What the hell is going on here and why is that little whore in my spot?"
Rose would of been lying if she said the appearance of his rare temper making itself known didn't shock her slightly.
She pulled you close to her and you shoved the blankets around your sides to try and prevent your breast from popping out.
"Crow, this-" She gestured to your form. "Is Y/n. She's going to be our newest recruit."
He made a face and you returned the look with as much crudeness as he gave to you. "Who is laying in my spot." The words came out like an animalistic grunt. "Rose, I thought we agreed we weren't turning her after our last experience with her."
"I didn't promise you anything. I'm the leader of this group. I'll do what I want." Her eyes turned predatorial and you cringed.
"We need food more than we need new members. She might just be on that age bracket where still taste good for her age."
The look in his eyes was no longer one of anger but a hungered expression and you shifted uncomfortably around in the bed.
Rose ignored you and stood up off the bed, approaching Crow. She laced her fingers through his hair and smiled sweetly, laying it on a little thick.
"We're not eating her. That's the end of it . Admit it, you said you thought she was cute." He sighed and wrapped an arm around her bare waist. "Yeah but-"
"But nothing. You wanted to turn her originally. Did you not?" Rose leaned up and nipped the cartilage on his ear. You would of been lying if you said you didn't envy him in that moment.
"I did." His hands pressed gently into Rose's side. Leaving little red imprints on her pale physiognomy. "What are you planning at?"
She smirked and pecked his lips. "You'll see. Now go on. I'll see you later, alright?"
"Sounds good." You could of sworn you seen Crow narrow his eyes at you before walking out the door.
"He's very..intense." Rose chuckled and shook her head. "Not usually. He's just very protective. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm alright. Just got a little scared for a second." You chuckled nervously to try and brush off some of your anxiety.
"There's something else on your mind too. You want to tell me about it?" She pet the back of your head. "I just..I don't know. I guess I'm afraid of getting stabbed in the back. Every person I've ever gotten close to has either hurt me or just abandoned me and I'm scared of that happening again."
"When you join our family, we have each other's back. We might get at each other's throats at times but we don't betray each other because after being alive for a while we've pretty much seen everything. So we get how it feels to be in someone else's shoes, okay?"
"Okay." You nodded as Rose got up and threw some clothes in your direction. "Come on, I think it's time I introduce you to the others."
Once you met the members of The True and they weren't trying to murder you, you found their company to be very enjoyable.
You instantly connected with Andi who like you, didn't have an easy past. Plus she was around your age which made it easier for you to talk to her.
It made Rose a little jealous but she tried to let it get to her so much. She didn't have to be in your head to know you were hoping this was going to be a way for you to settle down and she planned her hardest on trying to give you that.
Later on that night after dinner was cleaned up you sat down on the muddied ground as you looked up at the stars.
Normally seeing them made you feel serene but tonight it made you scared. You didn't know how long you sat there for until you felt Rose tapping your shoulder. "Are you ready?" You nodded and wiped a tear away from your eyes. "Yeah."
"Good.. why are you crying?" You sniffled a tiny bit as she nervously forced your head back into her lap. "I'm nervous."
She let out a snort and had to fight the urge to chuckle. "Oh please, a girl like you? You are a force to reckon with. Just think, no pain after this. All bliss and all you have to do embrace it."
"Okay." Rose wiped your eyes. "Is it going to hurt?" She rubbed your temples. "A little but no fear, you understand?" You nodded and relaxed your posture.
"Grampa Flick, we're ready when you are." You looked up and the entire Knot was hoarded around you. Some of them were smiling while others looked mad.
"Lodsam hanti, we are the chosen ones," All of the True repeated after him. "Cahanna risone hanti, we are the fortunate ones. Sabbatha hanti, sabbatha hanti."
"We are the True Knot, and we endure. Here is a woman. Would she join us? Would she tie her life to our life and be one of us?" You felt everyone's eye fall on you and you tensed, that inner voice screaming to run while you can.
(Say yes.)
"Yes." You whispered it but it was enough for Rose. She pulled out a cannister from her dress and held it up in the air.
"This one is special like you. Her name was Abra and like you, she thought she could run from me. There's still plenty of her left and she taste-" The cannister cracked open, letting out the scream of someone fighting for their life to a pitiful whimper. "Like spice."
You watched in horror as she inhaled the steam. You figured that if they were going to eat your steam, then possibly it was what they lived off of but you thought it was just adults they killed. The scream sounded like it could of belonged to a child.
Your blood ran cold and Rose's hair tckled your face as she leaned infront of you, the steam floating infront of your face. "Breathe deep!"
For a moment you thought about refusing then thought of that girl's scream. If you refused, you would end up with her fate. That was the last thing you wanted.
Despite the moral dilemma you breathed in the steam. You could feel the coldness of it along with the kick it gave on its way to your stomach.
For a moment you felt nothing but then everything went cold. You opened your mouth to try and ask Rose what was happening but nothing came out.
Your throat felt tight and Rose grinned down at you. "Embrace it." Your body began to arch and you could feel your stomach burning.
"It burns!" You screamed and clawed at the dirt. "I know..I know." You could practically feel Rose smiling at you.
There were hands clamping down your arms and legs and you screeched. "No! No! NO!" A big blue burst of energy flashed infront of your face and soon everything around you faded into darkness.
The next morning when you woke up your face and hair was caked with sweat and mud was all over your clothes.
Their was a near by puddle of water and you looked at yourself in it. You looked the same but you felt different. You heard laughter and took your attention away from your reflection.
"Well hi there!" You turned to face Rose. "You fucking bitch! You said it wouldn't hurt." The other woman had to stuff her bad temper in a sack and smiled as she knelt down to your level, brushing a piece of hair away from your eyes. "Well it doesn't now, does it sweetheart?"
'You can pull one over on your little boyfriend or the others, but not me. I don't go for people who lay it on thick,' You thought to yourself then shrugged. "I guess."
"Then there's no need to for us to act like a child, is there?" There was a hint of malice in her voice. You gave her a face as if to say 'I hate you' and Rose chuckled.
"It's okay. You'll feel better after you eat." She took your hand in hers and caressed the tops of them. "What's the matter?"
"Am I even a human anymore?" Rose offered you a cheeky grin. "Do you care?" The words were cold and had no feeling of comfort.
"I guess not." She patted your head. "Good. Now come. I have something special I want to show you."
You raised a brow. "What is it? Like a gift?" In the short amount of time you spent with Rose, you loved her smile but in that moment it sent chills up your spine.
"You'll see. Crow, help her up please." In a moment the dark haired man took your hand in his and swiftly swept you up off the ground.
The other members of The Knot were already back to their previous engagements and from the look on Rose's face, she seemed fine with that so you let it go.
She wrapped an arm around your waist and lead you forward towards the edge of the all too familiar woods.
"You know, I remember the last time I was here," You said, pretending to think. "You tried to murder me."
Rose smiled tightly and squeezed your sides. "Yeah well, no need to hold grudges over things to small."
"I don't know if I'd say killing trying to kill someone as something that everyone should just brush off." For a moment there was very awkward silence.
"Well you woke up in a pissed off mood, didn't you?" You shrugged. "Well after feeling like I was dying last night, wouldn't you feel the same in that situation?"
"It's a gift you should be grateful for, now close your eyes," She commanded. "Why?" You never exactly were fond of surprises.
"Because, it's a surprise," She answered like it was so obvious. "Yeah I know but I'm not so fond of the unexpected."
"Well, I guess it'll be my job to give you a sense of adventure." She smiled in a friendly manner and held a hand out to you, releasing her hold on your waist. "You know I wouldn't let anything hurt you, right?"
"Yeah, I know."
"Good. Now just keep them shut and follow me." Rose held your hand and lead you forward. "You'll let me know if there's a rock or something infront of me?"
"No, we'll just let you trip and break your face." There was a hint of sarcasm in Crow's tone and you could hear Rose slap his arm with her empty hand.
"Don't be an ass," She scolded. The further you went into the woods, the more it began to lose it's earthy smell and a more unearthly one began to set in.
"Now wait, wait! Don't open them yet. Now tilt your head down- No, not up! The other way! That's it now now open your eyes."
You hesitantly did as she asked and peeped both eyes open before letting out a gasp.
There was a boy laying on a ground in a situation much similar to the one you were in except their steam floating above him.
"Tada!" You narrowed your eyes and turned to look at Rose. "What the hell is this?"
"Honey, he's your 'welcome to family' present." She drew a knife out the pocket on her sweater and wrapped her arms around your waist.
"As you know, there are people out like us who have steam. People like us, the steamy ones, we're above the others. However, there is a chain involved. The hunter and the hunted."
She knelt down and took a jab at the child, a large whiff of steam floated into as a residual effect. "Pain purifies steam, fear too. That's why we took you before turning you, because you're so pure."
You shifted in discomfort, trying to move the steam away from you. "Their pain. Our gain. You can have as much as you want from him. All you have to do is take it."
She handed you the knife and you locked eyes with the boy and bit your lip. You didn't have to use your shine to know he just wanted it all to end.
You didn't consider yourself to be a sentimental person or one who restricted themselves from their vices but this was too much.
Eternal life or not, it was just wrong. You bit your lip and tried to reach out the boy with your shine to give any sort of comfort but all you could see was a wind storm of broken memories. "N-no!"
Rose's arrogant face turned shell shocked. "No?" You shook your head. "I-i can't..I just can't! Just look at him." She furrowed her brows in a way that almost made her lose her respective queen stature. "And?"
"And he's suffering! Just look at his face." The child let out a pained sob and you sat down next to him, making sure to keep a semi safe distance from Rose as you ran your fingers through his hair and shushed him.
Despite the hunger you were feeling from his steam, you felt the urge to pull him close and just take him back home.
"He's an innocent child! He doesn't deserve any of this. He didn't ask to be born this way or for people like us to be around. This is wrong! All of this is just so wrong!" You screamed and started sobbing. "It's not fair!"
"Honey, life's not fair. Do you think Andi over there at camp, wanted or planned on having the humanity literally fucked out of her? Shit happen sometimes. It's the same thing with livestock cows. They don't-"
"For fucks sake! This isn't a cow! It's a child. Call me silly, but I think a person has more value sentimentally and in life then a cow."
Rose's posture straightened like a board and her fair skin turned cherry red with lividness.
"Quiet, Crow Daddy! Now you're just being ridiculous, Y/n! I tried being nice but now you've pushed too far. One way or another, I will get you to give in and you will kill."
"No, I won't! What are you going to do? Kill me or spank me?" You taunted.
You knew you crossed the line but you wouldn't give in and even in that moment you revelled in getting Rose all riled up even if that meant your anxiety would go through the roof because of it.
Rose huffed and went to stand up from where she was kneeling on the ground but Crow grabbed her shoulders. "If you know what's good for you right now Crow, then you'll let go of me because now she needs to be punished."
"Rosie, if I let go of you right now you're going to kill her. No one needs to know you as long as I have to know that right now. It's blazing like fire in your eyes. Just breathe for a second."
"I'll breathe later. Just let me at her!" She shoved him away and stomped towards you but Crow grabbed her by her waist. "Rose, you're going to do something you regret."
"Regret, my ass!" She kicked him in the groin and he immediately released his grip on her. She took the knife out of your hand and pushed you down on the ground next to the kid.
"I'll show you how it's done." She raised the knife above her head and you expected it to come down plummeting down on you but instead it landed in the boy.
Blood splattered all your face and you screamed. "Rose, stop!" You begged and attempted to get the child away from her.
"No! Now you'll get to have a front row seat on his pain." She leaned forward to grab your wrist but you kicked away before running.
"Y/n, you bitch!" You heard radiating through the trees but you didn't care. Tied to them or not, you wanted out. Even if that meant death.
As you reached the bottom of the hill you stumbled over a tree stump and all that was heard by those nearby was a thump followed by a crack.
"Y/n?" Andi ran towards you. "Oww! Oww! Oww!" You screamed, looking at your broken ankle.
Meanwhile in the woods a very pissed off Crow Daddy struggled to get Rose off of her prey. "Baby..this is a little over board. I don't think there's any steam left in the kid at this point."
She ignored him for a couple of minutes, making stab after stab until she own hands were cut open from all the pressure she put on them. "They all give in at one point! I don't understand it. I could practically the yearning in her eyes!" Rose seethed, hysteria still in her eyes.
"I know but some take longer to adapt than others. Not everyone is like Barry and Andi." Rose thought back on the first time she seen the two harvesting steam.
Andi's especially was pure irony in her eyes. For a girl that could 'never hurt anyone' based off how innocent others perceived her as, she tore her victim apart limb by limb.
"What do we do if she doesn't give in? Just let her starve and cycle out?" She barked. "When she's ready to eat, she will. It wouldn't be the first time someone had a lapse of faith and we had to deal with it."
Rose sighed and Crow massaged her shoulders. "We'll figure that out when the time comes but for now just let her be."
Rose actually listened and nodded, wrapping her arms around him. "Where did she go when she ran?"
"I don't know. I couldn't keep track. I'm sure she's close by though." He rocked her back and forth gently in his arms.
"I should go to her." Crow shook his head. "You're shakey. You need to relax before talking to her. You both will feed off each others emotions and it won't end well."
"Stay with me until I calm down?" He nodded and held her close.
Meanwhile down at The True's campground you sat in Andi's trailer as she wrapped a bandage around your ankle.
The steam healed most of the fracture but there was still some soarness around the area of the crack. Normally, The True Knot never kept first aid kits around but Andi was glad she had one in this situation.
"..and that should be good," She hummed as she placed the last piece of medical tape on the gauze.
"Thanks, Andi." You sniffled and she gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "You're welcome hun."
She grabbed the towel laying at her side and began to scrub the blood off your face. "You want to talk about it?"
You shook your head and curled your knees close to your chest. "She's probably so mad at me right now," You whispered softly.
"Well, she'll learn to get over it. Rose is scary when she's mad but she can't stay mad forever." Andi paused for a moment and moved the towel away from your face. "How bad was it?"
"R-really bad." Your voice cracked and tears began to stream down your face. "Okay..okay." She held her arms out to you and you flung yourself into them.
"I'll never forget the look on that boys face!" Andi patted your back, trying her best to comfort you even though she hadn't felt a shred of sympathetic emotion in her in a long time. "I know."
"I should of stopped it. It's my fault!" Andi shook her head. "No, it's not your fault. It was inevitable. If it wasn't you that was going to hurt him, Crow or Rose would of."
"It just seems so wrong because I know what it feels like to be in pain and I mean yeah, others deserve to feel that same pain sometimes, but not a child."
Andi had to bite her tongue to keep from saying the first thing that came to mind. "Yeah but think of it, just a little bloodshed for a life long gain."
"It's a child, though. A child doesn't deserve that." She could say no more and pulled away from you. "Get some rest, okay? Maybe you'll feel a little better in the morning."
"Okay." Andi stood up and let you get all settled under her covers before opening the door to her trailer. "Hang in there, Y/n. I'll see you a little later."
"Bye, Andi." You grabbed one of her pillows and held it tightly against your chest, trying to relax yourself. 'You're such a damn fool to think of this would work, Y/n,' You thought to yourself as you stared at the walls.
Your eyes burned from all the crying you did and you felt so drained. You shut your eyes for a little bit, trying to just find yourself when you heard the door to the trailer open and shut again followed by a pause.
"Yeah, Rose?" She didn't have to look at you to know you were crying.
"I'm sorry." You turned your body to look at her. "About everything earlier..look, I don't want to make you do something you're uncomfortable with but harvesting steam is unavoidable."
"I know, I know..just give me time, okay?" You begged. "Maybe it's just because I'm not used to the bloodshed but I'm just not ready for it, yet. In all honesty, I might not be ready for it in a while."
Rose sat down across from you and took one of your hands off the pillow, holding it gently in her's. "That's fine. I just- You know what, it can wait."
"You're sure?" She ran a hand across your cheek, the bloodiness on it showing you the unholy deeds she did after you ran. "I'm sure."
Rose enveloped you in her arms, running her hands through your hair as if to reassure herself you were still there.
"Yeah, Y/n?"
"I like you."
The older woman found a smile forming on her face and she placed a kiss against the top of your head. "I'm glad because I like you too, my patchwork doll."
You pulled away momentarily. "Patchwork?"
"Because you're such a pretty thing made out of horrible memories." You thought on her words for a moment and nodded. "I can live with that, being a patchwork doll."
Rose grinned and placed a kiss gently against your lips. "I love you," You told her with such honesty gleaming in your eyes.
"I do too." She smiled and held you close for a long time. For the first time in a long time, despite all the blood and violence, you felt at home. You were home.
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maxlovespigeons · 4 years
The Memoirs of The Snork
Chapter 1
After spending most of his days in the Orphanage, Snork's life enters someone that is about to teach him responsibility and how to care for another person. Something he never had to do before. In the return, he gets something he never had - love and a family member.
So, I tried writing a fanfic for once! I gotta say I'm proud of it! If you actually spend your time reading it, thanks! It means a lot to me, really! As i never write fushfhd
Word Count: 2179
Read on AO3!
The night was quiet, even the wind didn't howl like it always does, giving the bare tree branches life on their own creating the shadow creatures that would always scare the kids in the Orphanage.
A lot of different kinds of children considered the spacious, old building at the end of the narrow pathway running through the forest, their home. It wasn't the best home, heaven forbid, but they haven't known any different home. After all, each one of them has been an orphan all their lives, the only company being other abandoned kids.
Well, most of them anyway. Little children of different ages hardly ever agreed on something, but there was one case that was an exception for it.
There was a Snork. Nobody knows anyone's age in the Orphanage, but the curious ones would guess he was about 10-13 years old. They couldn't be sure, though, as the Snork himself didn't know his own age, much like all children who spent most of their life in the Orphanage. Even if he knew, though, nobody would dare ask him about it as everyone rather avoided contact with him.
The Snork was quite specific. He liked having everything in perfect order and he liked to study, which was enough of a red flag for every other kid. Nobody talked to him, because he would always start speaking in a weird, very confident and not understandable manner. Nobody really bullied him, either, though, they simply let him be. There was no such thing in the Orphanage as bullying, anyway.
The Snork didn't seem to mind the lack of contact with others, though. He was always buried in his books or notebooks he snuck out of the bookshelf, not the fairy tale one that kids would sometimes take books from to read when they were bored, but the bookshelf in the hallway. The books in that one had a lot of difficult words almost none of the children understood, and the ones who did considered them very boring. The fact the Snork willingfully decided to read them in his free time was yet another red flag for the others.
The Orphanage wasn't a good place. It was led by a lady Hemulen, who just loved having everything under her control. She was incredibly strict and very rude to most of the Orphanage's inhabitants, but the children didn't know it was not the right way to behave as they never had proper homes.
Sometimes some adults would arrive. Rarely did they pick any children up and adopted them, though, as most of the adults would simply find lonely children somewhere around in the forests or try to steal something from them. 
But the older children would sometimes speak of these rare adults, the one who would come to the Orphanage one day and take one of them away for good, to a new house where they would become their new parents. Other kids considered it rumors as they had never seen such a thing occurring before.
On the quietest night of the year, the Snork opened eyes and looked at the moon illuminating the sky outside of a window on the end of the bedroom. He had a dream - he wasn't entirely sure why it woken him up, it wasn't a scary dream. He was dreaming of a little girl, much smaller than him. He didn't know that girl at all. Once he woke up, though, he completely forgot the dream.
He wanted to go back to sleep, but he then heard footsteps. The Hemulen must've gotten up for whatever reason. The Snork knew it wouldn't be the best idea to follow as it could cause him trouble later, and he didn't like trouble. Curiosity was much too strong force, though, as it pushed him out of his bed and had him sneak out of the bedroom, trying to not wake the other children up, right into the hallway where he'd seen the Hemulen in a night dress walking towards the front door. Her way was illuminated by a candle she was carrying in her left paw.
She was muttering something, but the Snork didn't dare to follow close enough to make anything out of it. He was hiding behind the staircase when he felt the cool air catch him after the Hemulen opened the door. She took a step outside and stopped so suddenly that the Snork quickly jumped farther into the shadows behind the staircase. After a moment he looked back to see that she has stepped outside far enough not to be seen, leaving the door open. The Snork considered following her for a split second before he noticed she returned back inside, carrying a basket in her right paw and muttering angrily (she liked to do that).
The Snork squinted to try to make out what was in the basket as the Hemulen put it on the ground to close the door. He jumped a bit again, noticing movement in it. Something under the sheet moved. At first he thought it could be his imagination, but no, it moved again and even the Hemulen seemed to note it. She picked it up again.
The moment the Snork has realized that she was not going upstairs but was heading down the hallway, his heart dropped. He backed away and practically hugged the wall under the staircase to hide, at the same time imagining the awful punishment he would get if he were to get caught.
The Hemulen seemed to be too angry and too focused on whatever she was mumbling to notice him in the shadows, though. As she was passing by the staircase, a tiny head popped up from under the covers. It took the Snork a moment to realize it was a child. It looked like a troll creature, too.
That was enough to peek up his curiosity. He knew the reasonable thing to do would be to run back to the bedroom and pretend none of this has ever happened, but he wanted to know about this new child so much. He wasn't even sure why. He wasn't stupid enough to actually follow the Hemulen to the Wash Room as there was no place to hide around there, so he just ran back into the bedroom and hid behind the doorstep, keeping a close watch to the hallway.
It felt like hours before the Hemulen left again. She wasn't carrying the basket anymore, though. She was leading a little child by hand. It was visible that it was struggling to walk by itself and that the Hemulen was pretty much pulling her alongside, probably too impatient to wait for it.
The child had pale fur in purplish hue, it looked afraid and it probably didn't know what was going on. The Snork kind of forgot about hiding for a second, therefore he didn't realize the Hemulen was heading to the bedroom. When he finally did, it was too late to run to his bed - in despair he ran behind the door, hoping the Hemulen wouldn't notice him on the way out.
They entered the room, swinging the door open, which hit poor Snork in the nose. It was clear the Hemulen didn't care if the children would be woken up by her presence - even if they were, they would be too afraid of a punishment to get up and see what was going on.
The Snork groaned quietly, pushing the door a bit so he had more space to move around. Then he peeked from behind the door to see the Hemulen letting the child go in the middle of the room, or rather pushing her towards it. Her words were a bit louder than her mumbling, therefore the Snork was actually able to catch them.
"Choose a free bed and go to sleep," she said in an aggressive manner, turning around. The Snork quickly hid again. Then everything went weirdly quiet.
Then the unbearable silence has been interrupted by the door cracking, slowly closing. The Snork was about to sigh with relief when something grabbed his arm and pulled him out of his hiding place so forcefully he fell on his stomach with a yelp. He looked up immediately, his terrified eyes meeting those of the Hemulen that were burning with fury.
"What are you doing here, you unbearable, ungrateful little brat?!" She yelled with a squeaky, hostile voice. "Get to bed right this instant, 21(as she addressed all children with assigned to them numbers), and I'll think of a punishment for you tomorrow! But for now you can be sure you are not getting breakfast!" With that she left, slamming the door behind her as she walked. Her steps were heard all the way upstairs.
When it went quiet again, the Snork was still staring at the ground (which he did when the Hemulen began yelling at him), waiting for another what felt like forever just to be safe nothing else would happen.
At last, when he slowly began getting up, his arm hurting as it was pulled so suddenly, he noticed some eyes were peeking up from the beds to look at him. Among these eyes were the eyes of the little child, that now seemed to… have a different fur color?
The Snork knew only one species of this looks that could change colors, and he was sure it wasn't just made up by his brain, as the child was clearly pale purple before, and now it was green. Its face was also terrified.
The Snork got up from the ground and for a second forgot what just happened, just approaching the child curiously, but then he began thinking of the awful punishment the Hemulen was about to make up for him in the morning and he imagined how much worse it would be if she found him wandering about like that, not in bed yet (although right now it was pretty much impossible as the Hemulen was already in her own bed and didn't intend on going downstairs even if there was a fire in the house). In one moment he rushed back to bed, hiding under the covers from the eyes of everyone, who hasn't decided to go back to sleep yet.
He fell right onto his hurt arm, too, which caused him to whine and forced tears out of his eyes. He changed his position and sobbed, replaying the situation with Hemulen that just happened in his head. He didn't like trouble. And now he was in big trouble.
He sat like this under the covers and would probably pass out eventually if he hasn't felt a pull on the sheets. He tried to ignore it at first, but it kept disturbing him, so, after wiping off the remains of tears from his own cheeks and nose, he threw the sheets off of him with one movement and looked for the source with kind of annoyed expression.
It was the new child. A little Snork. It stepped back a bit after seeing that the Snork reacted. It looked flustered. The Snork's expression softened a little.
"...I…" the child squeaked. "I can't… get on…" it pointed the bed right next to the Snork's. The Snork understood what it meant and decided to slide off of his bed. He then wondered what exactly he's supposed to do, so he simply attempted to push the child up as it tried to get onto the bed. The Snork decided to put the blanket on the child as well, just in case. He didn't want to get up again if it wanted any more help.
The child smiled to him, its green color slowly beginning to shift into more yellowish hue. There was no doubt, it was another Snork. The Snork never met another one of his kind, so when it reminded him what it was, he felt some warmth inside of himself. The two of them were of kin, more or less! And that's the closest thing to family he's ever had.
"You're sad" the child suddenly pointed out. The Snork looked at himself and noticed he was blue, a color he must've changed to under the sheets or before. He didn't know how to react to that, so he just softly nodded.
"A little" he said afterwards. Then he got off the bed (which he sat on before, when he pulled the blanket over the small Snork child) and headed to his own bed.
"Who are you?" He heard a quiet, squeaky voice after he sat on his own bed. 
"...Snork" he whispered. He began putting his own sheet around himself, getting ready to sleep.
"Goodnight, Snork" the voice squeaked through the darkness. 
The Snork got a bit surprised. Nobody has ever wished him goodnight before. Sure, he heard some other kids wish it to each other, but it was never addressed to him. He looked back at the tiny child that was sitting in a large bed under the covers. It was barely visible there.
"... Thanks. Goodnight, little Snork Maiden."
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jinstronaut · 3 years
thank you so much for your words 😔 i cried while i was reading it ❤ you seem like a very wise person and your way of thinking reminded me of jin, you should know that!! i think it's all about not giving up and keep trying things, right? :( it's just that these past months have been the worse... i took a very hard decision thinking that things may would change a bit, thinking that it was the right thing to do, but now i see nothing's changed and i'm facing the consequences of my choice. the fact that i'm not able to keep up with studies anymore also upsets me a lot, 'cause this was the only thing that used to give me more segurance and believing in my future, even if it seemed covered in shadows (but i never enjoyed it, i was just doing the necessary to keep moving on, even if it never made me happy). and i know this is all my fault, so i can't arrange any discusses or blame anyone but me :( you were right when you said about admitting that i need help and i did admit this to myself. in fact, i know it's wrong to say this without a professional, but i think i have depression :( i can't tell everything because it would be too long, but i just can't find the corage to talk about this properly with my parents... they wouldn't understand. the only thing that keeps me going rn is bts and the tiny spark of hope that i think still lives inside me, but i'm afraid it may be dying
I'm happy you feel like your life is setting up and i hope this moment keeps going for a long time 💜
oh my goodness nonnie, you're so so welcome ♥ i didn't mean to make you cry, so for that i'm super sorry!!! but i'm happy to know that my words could give you even just a little bit of comfort and/or reassurance :') (also thank you for comparing me to the king kim seokjin, his mindset and philosophy about life has really shaped a lot of my positivity lately, i am very humbled by the comparison and cannot thank you enough ♥♥♥)
as someone who does have depression, i think your claim holds a lot of probability! i only found out and got help when i went to therapy a few years ago, which i know is not an option for everyone as it costs a lot of money and can be really inaccessible especially for younger people, but i would recommend checking out some videos on depression and seeing what you could try to do to improve your mental state. because once things get better inside yourself, things can get better on the outside, too.
and admitting you did something that maybe wasn't the best choice at the time doesn't have to be a punishment, or a death sentence. it can just be a moment in time, and there's still so many moments to be had! it's all right to take some time to bounce back from whatever this decision was, and reflecting on who you are and what you want and what gives you a sense of fulfillment and happiness can really help pull the darkness away.
i won't lie and say it's easy, though, and some days just getting out of bed is a feat in and of itself. and that's okay. that's where celebrating the little things becomes so important, because depression makes you think you're being lazy when you're not doing anything, and it makes you feel useless, like you're wasting time by not doing anything. but really, your body is just not able to handle much of anything, and that's all right. i don't have any best practices because depression affects everyone differently, but the things that tend to help me are staying hydrated by drinking lots of water, and trying to go outside, even for five minutes, to get some fresh air into my lungs.
i'm in a good and happy state of mind, and if i can help others by spreading that positivity to those who need it most, then i know it's all worth it, so thank you for feeling like i'm someone you can comfortably reach out to and chat with about these things ♥
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