#underworks vs gc2b
moosegoose150 · 2 years
Underworks vs GC2B but I go way too into detail
As an avid GC2B user for the past 4-5 years, I finally ordered an underworks binder that came in today! so I figured I would compare them
I’m a skinny 18 year old with no breathing problems who works out in his binder too much, so please bear that in mind with my review
(Also I first got the GC2B full tank, then cropped GC2B, and now an underworks full tank, so that’s what I’m workin with)
(Both came in very discreet packaging)
Ok to be fair, the last GC2B binder I ordered was probably 2ish years ago, so I don’t remember how long it took, but I remember waiting for a hot minute. Came in outer discreet packaging, but if you have family that opens your mail, it has some sus stuff inside (comes with a sticker tho so W)
I’ve seen some reviews that underworks takes much longer, and for me it took exactly a week. So I was pleasantly surprised! Came in very discreet packaging inside and out. If your family opens your mail it would be easy to pass it off as a workout top or something idk. Also if your parents look up the site, it’s got no trans rep unless they know what ftm means, but only like one binder on the site of a bazillion binders says ftm on it, so it’s easy to pass off as workout stuff like I said (no sticker, L)
GC2B for the win for the most part. Their material is MUCH softer, MUCH more stretchy, not as restrictive, and easier to put on and take off. The part I didn’t like was that how (especially in the winter) about halfway through the day the material would get kind of staticky, and most shirts would cling to my chest. Not fun. I also worked on a farm over the summer that I had my half tank, and Jesus fuck, sweat makes that thing feel like hell. The fabric becomes almost like, cold(?) it traps heat and it doesn’t dry for actual ages. Mf drinks up your sweat like there’s no tomorrow.
Underworks is kinda itchy and has a sort of crunchy fabric that chafes and has been annoying in the pits so far. BUT, unlike GC2B it doesn’t have that static effect to it. The GC2B full tank also has this seam where the fabric changes to mesh(ish) at the stomach, and I found that to bug me a lot. Underworks has a virtually invisible seam. I don’t feel as physically comfortable in an underworks binder if I’m doing nothing, but I feel more mentally comfortable not having to worry about my posture, feeling always sweaty, and those fuCKING SEAMS
I’m a much bigger fan of the tank fit by FAR, so that’s what I’m talkin about
GC2B binders are made of 2 layers of fabric which makes it soft, but over time the outer layer scrunches up a lot at the bottom, and and even on the full tank binder it leaves a bump around your ribs that is hard to hide, it’s manageable with a few layers or what I ended up doing, was putting a tighter fitting tank top on over my binder and under my shirt if I didn’t want to layer hoodies or jackets. For the cropped binder I did the same since it showed even more through shirts (though that might just be because I’m a pretty skinny fella) the GC2B tank is definitely a better option than an underworks tank if you’re on the larger side. My best advice is to really really avoid stretching it, and be so so careful when washing it, as that air pocket in between soaks up water and stretches and thins the outer layer like crazy and it never goes back.
(Not my pic, bc I don’t have pics of my old binders before I donated them)
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Underworks is a much tighter fit. I don’t feel worried about a seam showing since it’s on the side, the neckline and arm holes have very small seams that don’t show through shirts (can you tell I like the underworks seams yet) and I feel much more carefree wearing it. I don’t feel like I have to position the boobies in order for it to work right, and I don’t have to slouch to make that fugcking gc2b rib seam go away I hate it so much dude it hate it. I will say, underworks tank is a lot tighter fit all the way down with not a lot of give to it. The fabric is a lot more stiff so it rides up a bit, and is definitely made for people with broader shoulders and a long torso. I’ve also heard that it does a good job of not stretching over time
I do not see myself going back to GC2B anytime soon, but I haven’t had my underworks binder for very long so I will definitely update this post in the tags if anything changes! Happy binding!
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opalescnt · 2 years
did a little underworks vs. gc2b review (i just used tiktok to stich the videos together lol). i talk kind of slow and the camera is shaky but for what it’s worth, this is what they do! definitely a much bigger fan of the underworks tri top binder
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qandgay · 2 years
why is underworks bad/shouldn't be used? i couldn't find an explanation on that binder post
Anonymous asked: On that post about gc2b binder quality you said to not use Underworks either. Could you elaborate on that please? What's wrong with them?
i actually have the energy to answer this now!
the short answer is these binders are made for primarily cis men, not trans people. this means the fit is much different and the goals of an underworks binder vs one made for trans people is gonna be, overall, worse for you.
it is much more constricting and also less breathable than i've seen in other binders. i have had experience with a number of binder companies over the years such as GC2B (modern day and older), underworks, spectrum outfitters, amour binders, and a few smaller brands. underworks by far did the most damage for my body
if this is the only option you have, please please monitor your body, especially in the summer. you cannot forget to take it off, or be less hydrated than usual
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manmodeactivate · 3 years
Binder review? Underworks vs gc2b
I just wanted to say that ive now just got an underworks binder and its much better than i was expecting? This is my first impressions btw. Like the way people talk about gc2b vs underworks it makes underworks binders sound super uncomfortable but like its actually decent and feels like it would last longer than a gc2b one (which was my main problem with gc2b). The material itself feels way different but i dont think id call it rough like ive heard others say, just like fine, stiff mesh? Its a really interesting fabric and not as unpleasant as i thought it would be from other peoples pov. Its a lil longer too ive noticed and i like how the straps are not like a seperate piece? Like the gc2b shoulder straps would stretch like hell but i feel like these wouldnt as much. In terms of actually touching it with your hands the gc2b defs feels nicer more like bathers and less stiff but other than that they seem pretty similar. It defs feels better than the racerback gc2b one god i dont like that one 😂 (that’s because it squashes mostly up the top and actually impairs my mobility but thats my thoughts). Im curious to find out how it wears in coz this might be the way to go for me. Plus im tight on money so spending half the money and having half the shipping time yes please (im australian). As comfy as gc2b binders are i need something more durable and cheaper rn (if i had the money i would support their business though). What are your thoughts on gc2b vs underworks?
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flockofdoves · 3 years
love my new binder (shapeshifters soooo much more comfortable than any other one ive had like gc2b or underworks or fucking. ancient fish king. granted when i was younger i mightve bought sizes that were too small but nonetheless i’m sure the custom measurements of shapeshifters helps regardless and the materials nice) but wearing a button up that has a double collar it will ride up and its like. hi. i am wearing holographic pink fish scale pattern spandex under here
i bought it when they were having a sale with limited pattern options maybe solid neutral colors would be more practical but honestly not complaining it barely matters in most contexts and i know i would be conflicted if i had actually had the choice of a fun pattern vs plain
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bigtransmoods · 5 years
Binder Review - GC2B VS Underworks VS Spectrum Outfitters!
I usually base binder reviews off three things. Comfort, Compression and Cost and here today I’ll be discussing the binder I received two days ago. A black, medium sized, half binder from Gc2b, and I will compare it to my Underworks Tri Top binder that I received a couple of months ago, the review is somewhere here on my tumblr, aswell as my Spectrum Outfitters binder that I received last June/July. 
Comfort: My Gc2b binder is always pleasant to put on. I recognize that the Gc2b binders are not as stretchy as the Underworks Tri Top binder, and therefore putting it on for the first time made me worry if I got the right size. Upon checking, I did get the right size and it’s just the materials are different. When put on, all binders do not rub, do not chafe, and  are never too uncomfortable. They are all breathable. However, the Gc2b binder actually does feel softer and more comfortable to put on as well as the fact that all the seams are stitched fabulously, and I have no worry that they will be coming out any time soon, like the Spectrum Outfitters one did... I’m still mad about that. 
I would rate Gc2b a 5/5 for comfort, Underworks a 4/5 for comfort and Spectrum Outfitters a 3.5/5 for comfort. 
Compression: My Gc2b binder gives me enough compression where I can wear it comfortably with no more assistance. As some of you know, with my underworks binder I was double binding because I didn’t feel it compressed enough. [ DO NOT DO THIS. I WAS AN IDIOT TO DO THIS. NEVER DOUBLE BIND AT ALL.] My Spectrum outfitters binder was okay at compression but that quickly left after about three weeks, maybe it was due to the stitching that had come out during shipping or maybe it was the binder itself. 
I would rate Gc2b binder a 5/5 for compression, Underworks a 4.5/5 for compression and spectrum outfitters a 3/5 for compression. 
Cost: Okay so I spent £45 all together on my Gc2b binder, this was shipping fees as well as the binder itself and for me, it came two days earlier than I thought it would! On my Underworks binder I spent £52, this was shipping fees as well as the binder itself and this actually came quicker than I expected it too as well, which was very surprising. On my Spectrum Outfitters binder I spent around I think it was £40, somewhere around that for packaging and the binder itself and I think it came on the expected day which was good.
Heres the important bit... which would I buy again and which one do I recommend. 
I would 100% recommend Gc2b, I was skeptical at first because I have a large chest but this was the best decision I have ever made binder wise and I will be buying from there again. I would also recommend Underworks Tri Top binders because I’ve been wearing mine since September and it has been a really good and reliable binder. I, unfortunately, would not recommend Spectrum Outfitters. My binder came with loose stitches and did not compress well enough, however this was purely just my experience and a lot of my friends actually do swear by Spectrum, I just personally do not like the products. HOWEVER, I have heard that recently they have changed their binders or something like that so... maybe they’re better now? Idk. I got mine last June.
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floornostroszek · 6 years
a lesson i have learned: it is NEVER worth buying an expensive binder (from like, double t or danae or t-kingdom or whatever) vs. underworks or gc2b. double t binders are more comfortable than underworks or gc2b to me but don’t bind anywhere near as well and they crap out a lot quicker. anyway i had a double t binder years ago that i liked so i bought another one and it binds better than like, the underworks sports bra (which is horrible) but not as good as the old standbys.
i know underworks binders are awful and everyone is on the gc2b train now but i still wear an underworks one most of the time.
take it from a long-term confused chest binder person.
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Spectrum Outfitters Binder Review
Hey everyone,
So I've had my Spectrum binder for around three weeks now, so here's an overview of how I've been getting on with it.
The Packaging & Delivery
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So one of the main pros of this company is that they are UK based. This means that if you live in Europe, the shipping is a lot cheaper than GC2B and Underworks. Shipping to my house in the UK cost only £3, and it arrived within five days, which would be impossible with an order from the US.
I will say that the package does have this sticker on the outside, so if someone you weren't out to googled the name, they would straight away find out what sort of company you've purchased a product from as the binders are on the home page.
Spectrum Vs GC2B
This is the main thing people are interested in, because GC2B is the most popular company right now.
I'm not going to lie, the Spectrum binders do come up a lot bigger than GC2B.
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The above image is my GC2B in a size small laid on top of my Spectrum in a size medium. I should be a medium in GC2B now, but even if I had one, it would not come close to the size of the Spectrum binder. I think the difference is because the styles of the fits are so different.
The Panel
For me, I find that the Spectrum binder is more rigid than GC2B - but not in an uncomfortable way. GC2Bs clings to your body more, whereas Spectrums feel (to me anyway) like it sits on top and make a flat panel that way. The panel is a very similar texture to GC2B, but I'm not sure what it is about it, it just binds differently.
My personal opinion
I definitely should have gotten a size small. I used the sizing chart and worked out I needed a medium, but this wasn't the case. I don't know that I could use my size medium on a daily basis because the bigger size doesn't bring the security that I need in order to go out in public without worrying what my chest looks like. I definitely think this would not be the case with a small.
They are meant to be having a restock of sizes and introducing skin tone binders in October / November (they didn't have any smalls left when I ordered) so if you're looking for a binder I'd definitely advise checking them out! Especially if you're in the UK, as the returns process will be so much easier :)
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thedarklingdude · 6 years
Binding Masterpost
Alright so I'm putting these links down for anyone who's binding for whatever reasons (cosplay, dysphoria, what have you). I tried my best to format this in an easy to read way, with different sections, but the tips section isn’t organised quite as well as I would have liked. Unfortunately I just don’t have the energy to do something like that. However, I have given a fairly good description of what’s in each link and what the posts look like. If any of these links die in the future please let me know. I used to know where a binding masterpost was but I can no longer find it so I made my own, hopefully it’s of use to others as well.
Binding Tips:
General tips (comic format, easy to read)
Binding tips masterpost (long, text format, a bit word heavy, the paragraphs aren't completely separated just as a warning) 
Is my binder too tight (short, text post, spacey and easy to read)
Is it normal, binding edition (medium, text post, spaced out, bullet points)
Safety PSA for binding with sports bras (long, text post, nicely spaced out paragraphs)
How to put on a binder (short comic, easy to read handwriting)
Stretching while binding (pictures only)
How to bind with sports bras (two parts, pictures included, link to part two is at the bottom of part one)
If you think you injured yourself while binding (short, text post, letter format)
How to wash your binder (long post, pictures before text, step by step guide)
Binding in summer safety tips (long post, comic, easy to read)
Summer tips/sweaty binder tips (medium, spaced out, easy to read, letter format)
Healing back pain from binding (medium, numbered, spaced out well enough)
Can I bind while doing [activity]? (medium, sections, bullet points, easy to read)
Dysphoria masterpost (mostly links to other posts, also has links to places you can get free binders if you can’t acquire one due to money or other struggles)
Where to get binders (long, sections, text post, spaced out, includes more companies than I have below though I don’t recommend buying from them before doing some research on them, also includes non reputable companies, spaced out well, same links for getting free binders if you’re struggling to get one)
How to buy a binder without a credit card (numbered steps, short, spaced out well)
Buying a binder while not out to your parents (numbered steps, long, spaced out well, a bit more detailed than the previous link)
Binding as a plus sized person (long, not a tumblr post, pictures, well spaced out, easy to read)
Reputable companies to buy binders from:
Underworks (compression shirts, binders, white/black only, mostly full length, $15-$55 most staying around the $20-$35 range)
gc2b (Binders, white/black, RGB, Nude for a variety of skin tones, $35 full length and $33 half length)
Shapeshifters (Binders, sports bras, binder built into a dress, wide variety of colors and patterns, variety of shades of nude, custom fit, $50 crop top/$55 full length/$75 extra long)
Flavnt (binders, half length only, skin tone only, 4 tones, $50)
Spectrum Outfitters (UK based, half length, white/black/grey/green is limited/blue may be coming afterwards, £35.00, supposed to be like GC2B but for the UK)
Binder reviews:
Comparison of Underworks vs gc2b vs Shapeshifters (short, text post, spaced out paragraphs)
Flavnt (medium, one picture, spaced out nicely, pros/cons list)
Spectrum Outfitters (pictures, long, spaced out well, pros/cons list)
Underworks tri-top (pictures, short)
Underworks tri-top vs gc2b half binder (pictures, short, spaced out paragraphs)
Yet another underworks vs gc2b (pictures, medium, spaced out paragraphs, warning for a yellow background that’s a bit eye strain-y)
Shapeshifters (one long paragraph, short text post, not spaced out the best but easy enough to read)
gc2b vs Shapeshifters (pictures, short, spaced out well)
Shapeshifters again (pictures, short, spaced out well)
Companies you should never get binders from:
binders that are sold on Amazon (besides Underworks)
The Discriminant
Ancient Fish King
And, Just a small reminder, never bind with:
Ace bandages
duct tape
Unsafe binders
Brands that you are unsure are safe
Edit: If you bind with kt Tape use caution, read up on it, listen to your body etc.
Binder brands on tumblr:
gc2b: @gc2b-apparel​
Shapeshifters: @shapeshiftersinc
Flavnt: @flavntstreetwear
Spectrum Outfitters: @spectrumoutfitters 
Final notes:
So this should be all of the stuff you’ll ever need for dealing with binders
If you’re a cis female using binders for cosplay purposes please don’t enter the free binder giveaway things
Don’t bind for more than 8 hours
Stretch when you bind
Don’t sleep in a binder
gc2b, Shapeshifters, Flavnt and Spectrum Outfitters binders are safe to swim in, Underworks has swimming specific binders
gc2b is one of the most popular brands and very much recommended
Underworks isn’t the best from what I’ve heard
I have experience with gc2b and Shapeshifters and I love both of them
If the brand is a lesser known brand the things to look for are clasps, fabric material, how much information they give you, that sort of thing. Clasps mean it’s automatically unsafe, the more information the better, and it needs to be a breathable fabric for your chest, nylon and spandex is the fabric to look for. 
Other than Underworks I’ve heard very good things about all the brands
There are ways to make a diy (do it yourself) binder but I don’t recommend doing so because it can be dangerous, and often it doesn’t work unless you have a very small chest
If you sweat a lot in your binder putting baby powder or talc powder on your chest beforehand can help
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luuujiasennn · 6 years
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trans-united · 6 years
follower input?
i’m receiving a binder from gc2b on thursday and i was curious about the neckline vs one from underworks. the one from underworks has a really high neckline and i couldn’t wear it with most of my shirts. are gc2b necklines lower than that or do they fit inside most t shirts?
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Where's the best place to get a binder? Best brand?
Lee says:
On mobile go to your web browser like Chrome and type transgenderteensurvivalguide.tumblr.com/faq and please read the FAQ before you send us an ask!
And wouldn’t ya know it, our Transmasculine resources, which is linked to in the faq, has a Binding FAQ, which answers that question:
Where can I buy a binder?
GC2B and Underworks are the most popular and reputable binder companies
We can’t guarantee the safety of other brands as they haven’t been as thoroughly reviewed and tested by the trans community, so please use at your discretion.
Custom binders: Shapeshifters Inc (also safe!)
Spectrum Outfitters is a UK-based binder brand that looks similar to gc2b
Other relatively safe binder makers are T-kingdom, DoubleDesign (Or DoubleT), Danaë, Peecock, Sweat It Out, Morris Designs, Nouvelle Inc, ManSculpture, Esha-Taipei, and X-body
There is no single best binder. Different binders will suit different needs and body types. Finding reviews by people with a similar body type and asking people why they chose the binder they wear are good places to start when looking for a binder.
Strapless binders likely aren’t safe.
Known unsafe brands: LesLoveBoat (their clasp binders specifically), Ebay, binders that are sold on Amazon (except Underworks), Wish, The Discriminant, Ancient Fish King
Free binders for trans people:
The Binder Project
Gender Gear (Canada, not free but only $5 each)
Search “binder giveaway” on Tumblr and keep that tag tracked! Also check out blogs like @Binder-giveaway-reblogs.
Local LGBT organizations or support groups may have free binders that have been donated by other trans folk, especially if they also have other donated clothes available so check in with local resources first since it’s usually easier to get a binder from them in person than it is to go on a waitlist for a non-local organization and get something shipped online.
How do I buy a binder if I’m not out?
How to buy a binder without parents knowing
Asking a friend to get you a binder
What is the gc2b packaging like?
What’s the underworks packaging like?
What does shapeshifters inc. packaging look like?
If your parents find your binder
How do I ask my parents for a binder?
Asking parents for a binder
Scientific study on the safety of binding
I can’t get a binder. How can I make my own?
Ren made some sweet info on binding with sports bras (x, x) and we also have a post about binding with camisoles. If you’re binding with a sports bra, you want this type, and here are some brand recs.
Here’s a post about asking for a sports bra.
Please do not try to make a DIY binder. Chances are, it will not be safe and you could hurt yourself.
Binding without a binder
KT or TransTape binding
Clothing to wear to help disguise chest
Which type of binder should I get and what size?
We have a style guide here!
Full length vs half tank binders
Again, strapless binders likely aren’t safe.
Here is how to measure yourself for a binder
And there’s even more info than just this excerpt in our full  Binding FAQ!
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yungstallyns · 7 years
anyone got anything to say about underworks binders vs gc2b bc i have an underworks one and i nearly killed myself putting it on are gc2b one any easier to put on?
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Binders for Beginners
Hey guys recently some people have been asking me to give them advice on binders so I thought after two years of experience I would share what I know:
What is a binder?:
-A binder is a garment used mostly by assigned female at birth trans people who want to make it appear they have a flat chest
-A good binder compresses a person’s chest in a safe way, without causing too much pain to the wearer 
Different ways to bind:
-Unsafe ways to bind include using duct tape, ace bandages, and binders from amazon, ebay, or any other website that does not specialize in binders. Using duct tape, ace bandages, or multiple sports bras severely restricts a person’s breathing and can very possibly lead to breaking a rib or another similar injury that will prevent that person from binding (even safely) ever again. 
-Safe ways to bind only include using a safe binder. The best brands you can buy are gc2b and underworks. These binders allow people to compress their chests and still be able to breathe and carry out through their normal days without putting to much harm on their bodies. No matter which binder you have, try your best to not wear it more than 8 hours at once. If you have to wear it more it's no biggie but if you have to wear it around 15 hours one day, try not to wear it as long every day and try to not wear it at all on weekends and days you aren't doing anything. NEVER sleep in your binder.
Underworks Vs. gc2b:
-Underworks was the first website to really sell binders that work safely for trans people. However, Underworks binders are technically compression shirts and were made for cis men to wear. This means that for some afab people these binders don’t fit their body type whatsoever and are extremely uncomfortable.
-gc2b however is a wonderful company that makes binders for afab trans people by afab trans people. These binders are, in popular opinion, the most comfortable binders you can find. 
-Underworks’ tritop (which is their most popular binder) is front and back made out of semi stiff material while gc2b has a front that is made out of completely non-stretch material and the back is made out of very stretchy material. This is what makes the gc2b binders breathable as well as compress much better
-Here are some videos comparing gc2b to Underworks
-When buying a binder make sure to measure your chest exactly how the website tells you to and if you are in between sizes please go up a size as a size too small for you can be dangerous
-Here is a video to show you how to measure your chest:
Not out yet?:
-There are a few things you can do to get a binder if you are not out yet. First of all, please please don’t skip on buying a gc2b or underworks binder because you don’t have enough money. At the most, including shipping, one of the safe binders should only be $40 with gc2b tending to be a few dollars over underworks but still under $40. It is so much more worth it to save the few dollars you have and buy a better binder later than waste what you have on an unsafe one that won’t last
-If you don’t have a debit card or you aren’t out yet and you don’t want your parents to see your online purchases, what you can do is save up $40 of cash and bring it to a drug store or grocery store and buy a Visa prepaid giftcard, and use that to pay for the binder online. Also if your parents check your mail or will be suspicious of what packages you get, you can alway ask a friend if you can send the package to their house and have them give it to you when it arrives. 
- https://www.gc2b.co/
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bigtransmoods · 6 years
Tri Top Binder Review Vs Spectrum Outfitters Binder
Since there is 1400+ of you on my blog I thought it might be best to do a binder review and so here it is. I will base both the Trip Top Binder (Underworks) and Spectrum Outfitters binder off of the three C’s; Comfort, Compression and Cost. In my mind these are the most important. 
Comfort - So the Tri Top Binder materials are comfortable, definitely. It feels soft, it doesn’t scratch the skin or feel itchy. None of the threads are loose and coming out, unlike my experience with Spectrum, however I think Spectrum is more comfortable binder wise. The shoulders and materials are much more like that of swim suit as Spectrum Outfitters binders are made to be swim safe; which is definitely an upside. Both are comfortable. I would rate the Trip Top Binder a five out of five for comfort. I would also rate Spectrum Outfitters a five out of five for comfort. 
Compression - So putting this on for the first time I thought... Jesus Christ, this is definitely going to compress and it does. A lot better than ANY of my other binders, especially the one from Spectrum Outfitters so I would recommend this one over Spectrum if you are going for compression over comfort. My chest is much flatter and looks a lot flatter when I wear this apposed to my grey Spectrum Outfitters binder. Since I have owned my Spectrum binder longer I would say that its definitely become looser and so the compression is not as good as Underworks because even at the start it didnt compress this well. I would rate the Trip Top binder as a four out of five for compression because I have yet to see if this compression holds out. I would rate Spectrum Outfitters binder as a three out of five.
Cost - So both binders cost around thirty pounds and I think I’d rather spend that money on one from Underworks than I would Spectrum, but thats purely my opinion I’d say give them both a go. If I was to go off availabilitiy... It was much easier to get a Spectrum Outfitters binder then it was an Undeworks one, mostly because Spectrum is a UK retailer and I do live in the UK. However can I just say that my Underworks binder came quicker?! I didn’t pay for express delivery and I was expecting to wait atleast a week and a half but no.... I ordered it on Tuesday and its here on Friday, which I am happy with because I did pay like twenty pound shipping lmao.
Overall I’d say I prefer Underworks over Spectrum Outfitters but try both and see what you think. Next I want to get a gc2b binding and compare it to Underworks as I know these are the two leading binder companies. 
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transbutts · 7 years
For the ask about gc2b vs Underworks I did a comparison. I didn’t review them I just tried to objectively compare. I do not like the half tank gc2b and prefer their full length. Underworks tri top binds really well for me but it rolls up above my hips.
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