#underworks review
midnights-dragon · 11 days
My overarching review of binders I've used in my last three/four-ish years of socially transitioning: by, a 16-year-old trans guy still figuring this shit out.
This was meant to just be a post about my most recent purchase from Spectrum Outfitters, but you know what? I want to have all of them.
I want to preface this by saying that I am obviously not a professional nor do I personally know your body compared to mine; I have a rather large chest, so my experiences will likely vary from yours if you differ from my size. However, I hope that this can be somewhat helpful. I would also like to admit that I have not always adhered to safe binding techniques. But please, please, please do not do things like double binding or sleeping in binders. Here is a full guide to binding with safety tips. Bind safely; if no reason other than it could affect your health and future top surgery.
All of the following binders have, in my experience, come in very discreet packaging and have good return policies, though I have only ever returned a binder in my experience from Underworks.
Amazon: I purchased an Amazon binder as a first resort when I was 13 and just realizing that I was trans, obviously still closeted. I didn't have a job, and it was the cheapest option, making it extremely tempting; I believe that I got mine for only $11 (with money likely taken from my parents' wallet, if I'm being honest). However, Amazon binders are extremely dangerous. Though they admittedly get the job done well in my experience, it is not worth the excruciating back pain from wearing one for even two hours. Clasping binders on the sides are dangerous, and cause rib damage and bruising. DO NOT RECOMMEND, even the largest of sizes. Also, they're very poor quality, and uncomfortable besides how painful they are to wear.
Gc2b: I purchased a gc2b binder when I was I believe 14, and have recently re-gifted it to a younger trans person in my life (do be careful doing this, make sure that your measurements are the same even if that's an awkward conversation to have!). While my experience was good, I have since learned that the quality of gc2b binders has gone extremely downhill, with them being made with different fabric. I have also heard that the prices have gone up, and are up to $50 or higher. So while my experience was good, I unfortunately would have to not recommend it. I will say, however, that with the old binders, mine was very comfortable, very soft, and did its job fairly well.
Underworks: I have bought several Underworks binders in the past couple of years. The website looks a bit sketchy, but it is 100% legit. The price is fair (I believe around $30 or so, with shipping, for the classic binders), and the binders do work well. However, they are, in my experience (I am neurodivergent, and have some issues with texture), pretty uncomfortable, and pinch a bit; often I could not get my chest as flat as I wanted, because they wore out fairly quickly. However, when they are firm and new, they do the job very well, and once you break them in, they're more comfortable. I would say that the few I have gotten lasted several months, maybe up to half a year, I'd say.
Spectrum Outfitters: This is my binder that I just got today. It's possible I will make a follow up post in a few months as I break it in to see if it lasts, which I hope it does. This binder was expensive, especially with shipping; I paid $53, half my paycheck; self-explanatory given that it's a family, trans-owned business from the UK. It actually got my debit card temporarily locked because they thought I was doing fraud because of 'unusual transactions' lol. However, besides all that, for now, I will say that it seems very worth it. It's mildly uncomfortable, but doesn't pinch; it flattens my chest better than I've ever seen; and though it is as said a bit uncomfortable, I think I can get used to it, like with the Underworks ones. My only real complaint that I noticed through wearing it at work today is that the straps are fairly close to your shirt collar, so those may be visible at times when wearing something like a V-neck (like with my scrubs for work). My back also hurt while wearing it, but my back hurts wearing any binder; and that's not even really a binder thing, it's a 'I probably have chronic pain but every doctor says you're 16 just drink water' thing. As said at the beginning, the packaging was very discreet. It came with a sticker inside though! (:
All of that being said, that is my experiences with the four types of binders I have used in my trans experience so far. If you have any other questions, PLEASE feel free to let me know, I am so happy to help! And remember: even if you're unable to get a binder (if that is the case there are plenty of charities that can help you, the biggest one linked here!), or unable to find one that fits you, you are still so valid, and still a part of the trans community. You are loved and valued and VALID.
Happy pride month, all! (And again, don't hesitate to respond/DM/ask/etc if you have any other questions, I'd love to help!) (Also also, a couple of tags for people who wanted them with this post @lvndrlondonfog @necromycologist) (Also also ALSO, I do have a GoFundMe for my future GAC, if you'd like to donate or share, that would be amazing! Much love, and again, happy pride.) 🏳‍⚧💜
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binder-masterlist · 5 months
what’s the best binder you can recommend to someone who needs loose compression due to nerve damage and also can only purchase through amazon?
Hey there! I would recommend this binder: it’s fairly loose compared to other binders that I’ve found, and wasn’t my favorite (because of that) However I’ve also heard people say that it does bind tightly, but in my personal experience it didn’t.
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babsaros · 2 years
gc2b vs underworks binder
ok gonna do a review of the binder i just got from Underworks, comparing it to the binder i got from gc2b in 2021. bear with me, as I don’t normally do this sort of posting. I did my best to get passable pictures without a proper set-up, but at least I cleaned my room, okay? Post gets long, esp with pictures, so popping it under a read more!
For the most part, I think the fit of my gc2b binder is pretty good! I get pretty good compression from it, and it’s almost the perfect length. However, for a racerback, it isn’t very narrow in the back, and covers the bottom of my shoulder blades which does feel kinda weird sometimes. My biggest issue is that the arms are too high and ride up, pinching my skin pretty bad. I have to adjust it pretty frequently, and trying to pull it down underneath other layers of clothing is difficult and awkward, esp trying to do so stealthily. I started poking around looking for alternate options after hearing GC2Bs quality had fallen in past years and were generally not recommended anymore. I plan on ordering from Shapeshifters, but I ordered this Underworks binder in the meantime because the price was much cheaper. There were no reviews for the binder I ordered at the time, but I was fine taking the risk for the price. Now, after trying it on, it seems prudent that I do review mine! Putting the specific info and links to each binder here as well: GC2B binder: Size Medium, Racerback collection Underworks binder: Size Small, “Firm Compression Racerback Chest Binder and Minimizer” First, I’ll show my chest uncompressed, just wearing a medium tomboyx cotton bra:
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for the record: I have a pretty small chest! I haven’t bought a bra in years, but I was a b-cup last I checked. I also know I have a smaller body in general than a lot of people, so there’s the grain of salt when considering fit, though I do think that makes it easier to judge the compression factor.  Here’s the GC2B binder (I roll up the bottom about an inch so it sits flatter):
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You can see the racerback is actually pretty wide, and how tight it is around my underarms. (pretend you don’t notice the deodorant stains though ok thx)
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AND here’s the “firm compression” binder from Underworks:
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Wearing it pulled down all the way, the neckline and arms are so low that I feel I get basically no compression, despite it still being a struggle to pull on. The racerback is actually narrow enough to free my shoulder blades though.
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If I pull it up higher, I get slightly more compression, though still only maybe as much as just wearing a sports bra, but now with a bunch of loose fabric at the top.  The pictures shown on the Underworks page definitely make it seem like it'll compress a lot more, so all-in-all a little disappointing, but again i was fine taking the risk because the price was a lot cheaper than other options. The "Extreme MagiCotton Sports and Binding Bra" has a ton more reviews, where people call it a binder and say it's great, so maybe despite the name that one has more compression than the "Firm Compression Binder"? I'll also admit that I really prefer the racerback style and that was a big factor in which one I chose to order. Underworks obviously has a lot of other options, and I'm curious about the differences in material between them all. Looking at the labels sewn in, both binders are nylon/spandex, but my gc2b binder has an additional front panel made from cotton/polyester that feels more like canvas and doesn't stretch at all. It's hard to judge from pictures, but I'm not sure any of the binder options of Underworks have a second front panel like that? I should also say that I did email GC2B a couple months ago asking about their opinion of the fit issues I had, and was told that sizing up to a large might be an option. I'm not sure I'll try that or order from them again, though. I'm also not sure sizing down the Underworks binder to an XS is a good option either, because the size S is already tight enough to pull on, it just doesn't seem to have full compression capability. Anyway! I'm hoping to order from Shapeshifters once I feel confident enough to invest the money, so I'll still poke around in the meantime. I've heard complaints about binders falling apart, but aside from some threads fraying on the bottom hem, my GC2B binder is holding up pretty well, especially considering I'm too lazy to follow the hand-wash instructions and just throw it in the washer and dryer. I'll at least say that the Underworks binder is lightweight and has way more freedom of movement, so it's at least a good lazy day option maybe, though I'd probably just end up skipping it and wearing something baggy anyway. Well. hope this helps anyone else looking into ordering one, since i know i reblogged a post recommending Underworks a little while ago and that's what made me order one at all. thx for reading if u made it this far, and good luck to anyone else searching for the perfect binder!
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strawberri-syrup · 1 year
on a scale of 1-10 how bad of an idea is it to buy a binder without talking to my parents
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traggy-faggy · 2 years
My new binder is here!!
This is the tri top chest binder from Underworks!!
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Sorry for the image quality, it won’t let me post this on mobile so I had to copy paste it from discord several times.
I love this binder!!! It’s so comfortable, there’s room at the top, it’s not too tight either. Which I had a huge problem with with GC2B. I had problems with my binder getting stuck on me even though it was my size and it fit me. But I don’t have this problem with Underworks!!! 
It also compresses a lot better than GC2B. Like there’s a sizeable difference. In my GC2B Binder you can visibly see the place where my boobs seperate but you can’t see that in this binder. Also it just makes me look even flatter which is amazing for a binder that isn’t tight. GC2B was tighter but it couldn’t get me nearly as flat as this binder!
Anyway I rate this binder a solid 10/10. I love it so much. 
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Getting new binders is hell cause gc2b now sucks and i can't really find any decent alternatives, like i keep seen kids with collapsed lungs or broken ribs, i'm scared 😭
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nonbinaryresource · 1 year
Gc2b Binders No Longer Reputable
I've been away, so y'all may already be very aware of this, but I want to make sure it's stated on this blog because it's been The Brand for yeeeaaars: the quality of gc2b binders has been going downhill the past few years. People who bought from them prior and recently can attest to how poor the quality has become. The binders are just not the same. The material isn't comfortable and, more importantly, the fit just isn't good. People who've tried recent gc2b binders, even those who've been binding for years, are suffering from back and muscle pain, stiff shoulders, soreness, etc. regardless of fit. The material just doesn't seem to be suitable for binding anymore. It is also degrading really quickly and binders are wearing out in a matter of months. It is no longer worth it to buy from gc2b.
If you want some sources on this, check out the reviews here on trustpilot with people talking about this.
You'll want to keep your eye on brands that are still doing good work: Spectrum Outfitters (UK), For Them (seems to be a hate it or love it company; I know some who swear by them and others who feel they dont' really sell actual binders - just sports bras/lighter compression tops), Shapeshifters (good custom work and larger sizing), and Underworks (best budget brand).
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underworks full tank binder review (photos tba)
i actually dont have this binder on hand currently, so i cant show you guys before and after photos like with my gc2b binder review. however, i can assure you this review is accurate regardless. once i get it back, i will update this post with photos.
i was a size L in this brand according to their sizing chart, and it fits me well. putting it on was fairly easy, although the first time i wore it i was a bit afraid of ripping it. the instructions say to pull this over your hips to get it on, but i have pretty big hips / thighs so it was a bit difficult. was still able to get it on fine, and have been able to get it on since then with little issue.
one thing i regret it getting a full tank vs their tri top binder. it kind of “shapes” your stomach and i dont really like how that feels - im notorious for never being able to wear any shirts that arent oversized on me due to sensory issues, and if i wore this thing on a more regular basis i could definitely see it causing issues for that reason. not the fault of the binder, since its working as intended and as they laid out in the product description, but i wanted to bring it up in case anyone else is similarly sensitive to clothing and was considering this binder.
the fabric is also scratchy. it wasnt too uncomfortable once i put it on, but there is a definite difference when compared to my gc2b binder. the fabric is quite stiff and the stiffness goes all the way down the binder, not just on your chest. one issue i had was accidentally taking this off too quickly and scraping the fabric over my nipples which REALLY hurt but thankfully didnt injure me. if you pay attention while putting this on and taking it off, youll be fine.
the actual binding quality was good, and was similar to my gc2b binder. i feel like it pushed by chest up a bit more than the gc2b binder but i didnt really notice any differences once i put a shirt on. i did notice myself getting out of breath a bit easier in this one, and it seemed more constricting than my gc2b binder even though it looked to bind about the same.
overall, would i recommend this binder? probably yes, mostly because of its price. this binder was $33 and its the cheapest binder ive ever seen from online sellers, and even cheaper than some binding alternatives like compression tops / bras. even though this was less comfortable than my gc2b binder (and if you value comfort id recommend the gc2b binder over this one), it wasnt painful to wear by any means and is a good value. its also not falling apart like my gc2b binder is.
(a side note: ive seen some comments from people who claim this binder is dangerous and more likely to injure its wearer than other brands. while i personally have never been hurt by this binder, i also do NOT wear a binder anywhere close to a daily basis (2-3 times a month id bet) so if youre concerned about this, id seek the opinion of people who wear binders more often)
(another side note: im not trans (butch lesbian), but i tagged the post as such so this review would reach people most likely to buy and wear binders so it’s as helpful as possible for anyone trying to find good binder brands. just wanted to clear things up in case anyone was wondering, don’t want to claim stake within a community im not technically apart of)
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mallo-person · 2 years
So I only had my GC2B xl binder for a year [mid? 2021] and the back has been thinning + the arm straps abit aswell, I though it wouldn't go super fast when I first saw the thinning but it did! The binder compressed well at first but after a year of constant use it started to slowly loosen, didnt notice it at first but now it barly binds my chest as much as it could be doing once the thinning started.
Some things I did aswell before the thinning was swimming, the only time i ever swam with a binder and it was alright at the time, but a couple days later [maybe a week or 2] it just started thinning and had a noticable looseness too it.
No clue if it was my fault for swimming with this binder because I swear the brand said you could swim with it, but it also may be from constant use [in public school and feel very uncomfy with bras]
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[First the back of it, then the two arm straps]
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ash-den · 4 months
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oh hey an updated binder review
i made the first one about two years ago and things have changed, i've discovered the spectrum binders which have taken over the underworks binders as my favorites.
this is my personal experience with these brands, feel free to add your thoughts in the replies! if anyone wants to make similar graphics for binder reviews, shoot me a dm, i'd gladly give out the canva template :)
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sensible-tips · 1 year
Binders for Swimming
Summer is fast approaching! Here a some of the binders you can use while swimming! They are designed to still provide safe & consistent compression while wet.
Underworks Swim Gear
TomboyX Swimwear
gc2b Collections (Binder support team states the binders can be swam in)
Origami Customs Swim Binders
ChestBinder.com Swim Binder
TransTape Binding Tape (designed to be waterproof)
**SensibleTips for T Guys provides this list as information and not an endorsement. Always do research and read customer reviews prior to purchasing.**
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Adjustable binder recs? (and one for sale)
Nearly twenty years ago, I purchased a T-Kingdom binder with side Velcro closure (style pictured below) to use for my crossplays. It's done an admirable job over the years, but after almost two decades of use the elastic is wearing out, so it's time to replace it.
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Since I hadn't really kept up with developments in this area, I did a bunch of reading up on binders, since there are SO MANY more on the market now than the two brands (T-Kingdom and Underworks) that existed back in the early 2000s. I looked at dozens of rating blogs and product reviews, and I ordered a few of the more popular models to try.
They... did not work for me. At all. (Ow.)
So then I tried to order another binder from T-Kingdom, since I know I can wear theirs comfortably. But the site's shopping cart is broken, and their contact form is broken, and I emailed them directly and they have never responded, so I'm guessing they're either defunct or don't want my money.
Trouble is, nobody else seems to make the model I need. So, crowdsourcing it is! If anyone has suggestions or knows where I can get a binder that meets the following criteria, please chime in:
It CAN NOT be a fitted pullover style. I have spine damage that limits my shoulder and neck mobility; I can't even get a sports bra on over my shoulders, much less a tight-fitting binder. It can go on loose over the head and then zip or Velcro or hook or whatever once it's on, but it can't go on tight.
Adjustable compression preferred. While manual compression is not recommended for everyone, I have enough experience binding to know how not to hurt myself, and I would like to be able to adjust the fit throughout the day to change the pressure on my spine. I like the Velcro closure on my current binder, but I'm open to other styles if they work well.
It needs to be able to flatten huge... tracts of land. I'm a D-cup plus. I need a lot of smooshing power, while still having enough elasticity to allow comfortable breathing.
Actual before-and-after binding photos, to give you an idea of what I'm working with/aiming for:
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I may be looking for a unicorn (or at least a model only made by a company that doesn't answer their email), but hopefully someone in my network will have something to recommend. I'm even willing to try making my own, if I can find the right materials -- though I'm not sure where to get those massive, industrial-strength elastic panels that most high-compression binders seem to be made of.
Thanks for any suggestions or recommendations you may have!
The "One For Sale" bit
As mentioned above, I tried several binders that didn't work for me. I was able to return all of them except for one: I have a size L gc2b Nude No. 4 half binder that was on my body for approximately a minute and a half and will never, ever go on it again (this was the one pullover style I tried, and I actually hurt myself getting into/out of it. Stupid spine :P).
Since it's never been used, I'd like to recoup most of my cost, but I'd rather offer it to the cosplay community than just put it up on eBay or something. I paid $42 ($29.75 plus gc2b's flat rate shipping). It can be yours for $29 with local/at-con pickup, $34 shipped within the contiguous USA, or outside that area if you cover the difference in shipping cost (I have cheap international rates through my business account, so this would likely be around $10 more). If you're interested, send me a DM!
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
When looking at getting a binder, how many sizes up should I go?
I’ve measured my underbust for this specific binder
(I think it’s good how it blends in as a bra so no one will be suspicious) but I feel like I might get two sizes up just to make sure bc I don’t believe my underbust is accurate as my bust area is larger than my body (if that makes any sense)
Also, what’s your opinion on this binder… I’ve read through reviews and they are all positive besides from the fact that the model has a bra underneath…
I've bought from underworks before and they're great! Whenever you're sizing for a binder, I've always gone by the (highly-supported) rule that it's better to go up rather than down. However, I don't necessarily think you need to go two sizes up. Usually if you're between sizes, it's advisable to go up one size. BUT if this is new to you or you're nervous about the way it could fit, then yeah, size up two! If you find it's not as great at compressing as you want, you can always return (they have a 30 day policy) and size down one. But just one. Be safe :)
<3 <3 <3
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eddieheart · 9 months
hey i just had your binder safety post pop up as recommended on my dash, and i was wondering if you had any brand recommendations? i’ve heard that gc2b isn’t a safe go-to anymore but i don’t know where else to look. the friends that i’ve asked either stopped needing them before gc2b changed, never used them in the first place, or wear them for such short periods/so infrequently they don’t have to be as mindful of safety.
Wow! Hi, so happy to help. I don’t know much about binder brands but I have a very knowledgeable friend (@buggylad) who’s helped me compile a list.
- Spectrum outfitters (uk based)
- tomboyx (binder alternatives aka compression tops)
- for them (some love some hate, do your own research)
- Underworks (budget friendly)
- shapeshifters (larger sizing)
I really hope this helps, feel free to message again if you have any other questions and I’ll do my best to answer them! (Make sure to check reviews and do some more research before buying)
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mo0nc4lf · 2 months
Y'all I ordered a new binder after my old one started stabbing me and it's SO NICE. The first one was a shitty random Amazon brand half tank (I know I know it's all I could afford at the time) but I got a full tank from Underworks (the 997 model if you're curious) and it fits so good. It's so insanely comfortable and I can actually breathe?? Like I've been cleaning and dancing and walking around and haven't once felt short of breath. And I was worried it wouldn't bind well because it's two layers of mesh all over instead of like a compressing band but y'all. I am a triple D cup and this is the flattest my chest has ever been. Plus the full tank helps suck me in a little so I look more like a fat cis dude than anything. I'm so so happy. Like I went through my whole closet and tried on all my shirts and everything looks SO MUCH BETTER. It sounds stupid but like I didn't realize just how much discomfort my chest was causing me until I saw how I looked in an actually well made binder. With the old one I only wore it a few times because I had to keep readjusting it which made me feel worse than just wearing a regular sports bra I didn't have to adjust every ten minutes. But I've been wearing this new one for four hours and haven't had to touch it even ONCE. If anyone wants like a full review lmk because I would be happy to.
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gepperl · 2 years
this is based on my personal experience with binders, my bra size is around 38F and i am 5'11, so this is aimed more towards people with larger chests as reviews are typically aimed towards skinny people with small chests. i am also autistic and struggle with sensory issues, so keep that in mind for allistics that some of my cons may not apply to you :) but for nd people, this may also be helpful for your possible sensory issues.
GC2B: 3/10
- not visible under clothes
- can pass as an undershirt
- the bind was alright, only looked male through hoodies or several layers
- came within 2 weeks
- ripped easily
- expensive
- weird lumps
- sensory hell; very itchy and noticeable
- have to readjust a lot
- spillage
- turns yellow from sweat/stains easily (if you are an active person this may not be the best)
- not as bad with sensory as the white full tank
- binded well (if you went a size down, which is not necessarily safe), could pass through multiple layers
- came within 3 weeks
- noticeable under clothes
- again, SIDE BOOB.
- spillage
- rips easily
- lumps
- cannot be passed as an undershirt (very rare undershirts are tan in color)
- hard to breathe and move around in
- expensive
XUJI: 5/10
- not super expensive (around $20-$30)
- binds convincingly, passed underneath tshirts
- did not rip through 5 months of regular use
- could go to the gym for 3 hours and not feel any pain, good for active use
- came within 5 days (!!)
- horrid sensory quality (very itchy and rough, upsetting in general)
- felt very small, half my boob was out because it wasn't wide enough (went up a size and it barely binded me) (if you have a small torso width wise this may not be an issue)
- lot of readjusting needed
- no obvious binding panels, so it passed very well as an undershirt
- bind was pretty good, male enough chest to pass underneath a tshirt
- flattened out my hips a bit too (!! very cool !!)
- could exersize and move around just fine
- hurts after around 4-5 hours due to the restriction on your full torso (full body bind ☹️)
- took a long time to arrive (2 months, idk what was up)
- no/very little sensory issues! not itchy, no annoying tags, none of that
- binds very well, convincing pecs/male chest
- does not hurt
- any kind of exercise, including swimming (ik its not safe but im doing it anyways shhh) did not cause breathing problems or pain
- has not ripped after 4 months of regular use
- ugly coral color bc other ones were sold out
- readjusting gets annoying
i hope this helps anyone like me trying to find a proper way to bind, obligatory do not use duct tape bandages they dont even fucking work i know from experience LMAO but i digress, safe binding everyone and thank you for reading !
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