#underworld (fallout)
tsima-d · 2 months
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some ghouls from the latest work (Full work here)
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What I love so much about "No Longer You" is the amount of foreshadowing, and how much this song and this knowledge seals the fates of the characters.
I am willing to bet that Odysseus knowing that one of his men, one of his "brothers," ends up betraying him causes him to distrust them all and rule with ruthlessness, which leads to more deaths and to Eurylochus finally having enough and, inevitably, betraying Odysseus.
I'm also sure that Odysseus latches onto the fact he gets home and does reckless and risky things along the way, because hey, the prophet said he makes it home. Never mind that he also says he dies
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idkaguyorsomething · 5 months
They need enrichment in a new enclosure. ¡Reblog and tell us why you sent them where you did in the tags!
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enukitake · 1 year
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ghoul named finger : )
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People rightfully shit on Maxson, but, like, Lyons is also a huge asshole? Like, he appears like a wise and kindly old man (he probably thinks he is lmao), but he is also super manipulative. His dialogue as soon as you wake up in Broken Steel is him essentially guilt-tripping you to once again throw yourself into harm's way by finishing off the Enclave: "the only question is whether we can count on you to help us?"
After pressuring a 19-year-old, who recently lost their father, into martyring themselves, after all they've done, it still isn't enough. It is never enough for the Brotherhood, they take until there is nothing left, and then they move on.
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happyk44 · 4 months
after the whole reveal in tsoh, the next time thalia sees into jason is when zagreus takes him out as a hunting dog and the two run into artemis and the hunters. zag and artemis decide to gang up together in a joint hunt (zag's not a boy and jason is technically a dog so it's chill) and thalia is just swallowing around regrets and loathing and quiet dislike of zagreus because much like his father, zag sees jason as a pet more than a person but jason is so happy to be sprinting around in the woods, no shoes, no armor, no weapon but his teeth and lightning stained hands
he clearly understands words and he communicates in rough choppy sign that thalia doesn't understand and growls whenever anyone gets to close to zag, including artemis, and she's gritting her teeth, holding back words - how long has she known, why hasn't she done anything, who else knows - but all the while artemis is blind, or at least acting like it, to thalia's internal trembles
she treats jason like he's zag's pet - which he is, for all purposes here, a hunting dog and little else. she throws him the scraps they use to treat the dogs, dried off-cuts of meat and undesirable vegetable leftovers. he's a pup, he's a pet, he's a dog, he's a wolf - well-trained and vicious, crouched low to the ground with blood across his mouth, and thalia's heart is sinking
why did this happen to him
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vaultgirl2077 · 1 year
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“The contract entitles you to my services in combat. I'm nobody's errand boy.”
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ao3-anonymous · 4 months
Fastest Growing Fandoms on AO3 This Week (05/20/2024)
Every week I pull data on how many fics are in each fandom and compare to the previous week, then calculate the percentage increase to determine fastest growing fandoms.  Since this naturally skews towards smaller fandoms, I have included the same data filtered to Over 1k, 5k, & 10k fics.
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Over 1,000 Fics:
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Over 5,000 Fics:
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Over 10,000 Fics:
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Source: AO3 Fandom Dashboard
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baddieladdie · 4 months
☢️The ghouls of Fallout 3☢️
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thefalloutwiki · 11 months
Fallout 3: Carol
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“We couldn't afford a space in one of the Vaults. I remember filing down into that shelter, my father rushing me in. He stopped to help this one family, and I looked up and called his name... there was a flash of light, brighter than anything you can imagine.”
- Carol, Fallout 3
Carol is in a relationship with Greta, and the two run Carol's Place together at Underworld. You can read more about Carol here:
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jeswii · 5 months
Tonight has been a roller-coaster of emotions. Watched the new x-man episode, finished fallout, and now I've discovered that the Underworld Saga is out! How am I supposed to sleep?
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tsima-d · 2 months
Fallout Ask's thing (Charon), translated
Q: Do you communicate with anyone in the Underworld? Or do you just stand grumpy in the corner?
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danses-with-dogmeat · 11 months
Day 21 -- Winthrop
The (nsfw) details for Kinktober 2023, Day 21 are just below the cut!
Minors, please don’t interact.
Lingerie with Winthrop x F!Reader
Aaaaand it has been a very ghoulie spooky season so far, and this ain't even the last one! But I'm absolutely thrilled that I got to write for another old fave of mine. Winthrop is just so special to me, and Underworld was my absolute favorite place in Fallout 3, so this was just lovely to write 😊
I hope y'all like it!
Here is the link to my  Kinktober 2023 Event List so you can stay up-to-date, or re-visit these works as you please.
Included: Lingerie, kissing, light body worship, reassurance, adoration, mutual lovey-dovey-ness, crotchless panties, oral sex, cunnilingus.
Words: 2.1k
“What are you laughing about?” Your smile matched Winthrop’s as you looked across the dimly lit table at him. The candlelight shone upon his marred face, highlighting the grooves there, the lines made more prominent by his grin. 
You found you couldn’t look away. 
And not for the reason most people couldn’t. To see him… after all these months knowing how tough it’s been for him, for all the ghouls down here… and he was laughing. 
“C’mon Win, spill it. I’m starting to wonder if you’re having a breakdown or something.”
“Nah, nah, Lone, that’s not… Well, maybe a little bit.” 
Your eyebrows raised in question. 
“Just… Never thought I’d be in this position, that’s all. I’m still not convinced someone’s not paying you to keep coming back here and all. To keep seeing me, you know? Sure isn’t my charm bringing you back through the big an’ dangerous CW central, that I know.” 
Unable to help yourself, you found your eyes rolling. 
“How many times do I have to tell you–”
“You don’t.” He interrupted gently, “I know you say it all the time, how you wanna be here, how you choose me or whatever, but I just…”
“Never met a smoothskin like you before. Anybody like you. How’d a guy like me get so lucky to find you stumblin’ in here one day?”
Unable to help it, you found your head shaking of its own accord.
“And how is it that you can’t let this go?” 
With a good-natured little sigh, you smiled and stood from your chair, rounding the table separating you. 
“We’ve been dating three months now…” You knelt down to be just below his eye level from where Winthrop was still seated, placing both your hands upon one of his where it lay on the armrest. 
“When are you going to realize that I want you?”
“Oh, I get that." He said with a cute little tilt of his head, as though it were a given. "You tell me constantly, sweetheart, but… just, why?”
“Because, Win, you’re you. You’re funny and resourceful and selfless, you were the first to help me when I arrived here, all ragged and disheveled, like a lost mongrel.”
You pulled a giggle from him with that, and noticed the way his eyes grew distant as he remembered. 
“You gave me a job. Helped me when I had no one, no idea what I was doing, you just–”
“‘Took you under my wing?’” He finished for you, pulling the words right out of the front of your mind.
“Yeah, see? I knew this wasn’t the first time we’ve had this conversation.” You stood up, then, and meandered over to the couch against the wall, plopping down with a dramatic huff.
“What more can I do? How do I convince a stubborn, old ghoul like you that you’re wanted, huh?” 
Winthrop sighed himself, and tossed the napkin that’d been in his lap onto his empty plate on the small dining table. 
“Hmm.” He made an obvious show of humming, of appearing to truly be stuck in his thoughts, as he followed your lead and sat down next to you on the sofa. 
“You know, a kiss wouldn’t hurt.” You heard him mumble cheekily, and with another good-humored roll of your eyes, you turned and fulfilled his request. 
It was short and sweet, a teasing lure you cast to him with a grin upon your half-puckered lips, pulling away before he could sink into it, the way you knew he liked to. 
To get lost in you… It was something you both had in common, much to his not-so-unexpected surprise. 
“Mm, yeah. Definitely didn’t hurt…” Winthrop’s hand went to the back of his neck as you pulled away, rubbing there, almost coyly. 
You merely batted your eyelashes at him, as innocent as could be.
Like you hadn’t been planning for things to lead to this point all evening long. 
“You want more, don’t you?” Your lips whispered against his ear as you stayed close to him, and placed a hand over his chest for emphasis. Winthrop gulped heavily, you felt it go all the way down to where your hand lay over him. 
“You could tell that easy, huh?” 
You answered with a playful shrug, pursing your lips in preparation, and even before you could lean forwards, rough hands grasped around your waist, hauling you damn-near into the ghoul’s lap, as his mouth sought out yours. 
“I just know you, Win.” You mumbled through your connection, letting yourself melt into it now, your eyes closed, your hands wandering over his thin dress shirt-- one he’d definitely been leant, seeing as all he ever wore were stained T-shirts or mechanics jumpsuits. It was better that way, you thought, as your hands fiddled with the pesky buttons running down the front. 
“And I know,” Continuing with your speech, you pulled away to better get a look at the buttons that refused to budge, “What it looks like, when you need me to show you…” 
Finally, you made progress, separating either side of the shirt and exposing his chest and torso to your half-lidded gaze. 
“How much I want you.”
Winthrop released a noise at that, something between a sigh and a groan, and you watched the way his stomach muscles twitched and flexed beneath his ruined layer of skin. 
His body was like a topographical map, so unique, the way it was textured; its landmarks, winding scars like rivers separating land, coloration like no skin you’d laid eyes upon before, especially not in your sheltered past. He was utterly unique a landscape to explore, and you meant to explore.
As his bareness was revealed to you, his hands tugging off the sleeves completely from his chest and arms, you settled further in his lap and set your lips over his collarbone, his throat, his chest, until you felt his shaking breaths rattling in his chest. You could feel his growing excitement beginning to bulge within his slacks, could feel the way the belt was beginning to cause him discomfort. 
In good time, Win. 
You almost meant to say it aloud, but your mouth was otherwise occupied as it set upon his skin again. 
Cologne too, he must’ve borrowed from someone, (you suspected Snowflake), for his usual musk of WD-40, of grease and welding tools, of sweat and Nuka Cola Quantum was masked almost completely with a rich, musty smell. Like the wealthy elite assholes you’d found housed within the exclusive walls of Tenpenny Tower. 
It was nice, for the night… But if you were honest, you’d take the greaseball in the jumpsuit over one of them any day. 
Still though, the effort wasn’t to be ignored. 
“Mm, you smell good, hon.” 
Winthrop’s hands roamed over you, his fingers dreaming of peeling the blouse from you to uncover what treasures lay beneath. 
“Thought it’d make for a nice change, heh.” 
“Well,” You started, your voice already pointed like a sniper’s beam of light, “I love you either way. No matter your scent.” 
“Wish that went without saying, really, I do.” 
“Oh, enough, Winthrop. Can you just take the damn compliment?” 
“Fine, yes, I will, darling. You’re the boss.” 
Another roll of your eyes, and your lips were back on his with a new sense of purpose. Your hands fell to where he gripped your body, encouraging him to tighten his hold, to run his fingers down to the hem of your shirt, to aid you in pulling it off. 
He actually pulled back from your kiss to admire what was underneath, and as your eyes blinked open, his expression softened at the look of you, his mouth slightly agape and his own eyes blinking as if in disbelief. 
“You… You outdone yourself tonight, Lone…” He said beneath his breath as his head shook, reiterating his blatant awe at the lovely lacey detail accentuating your breasts. 
How you’d managed to find a garment of this color, of this quality and in your size, you’d never know, but hey, Tenpenny Tower had its perks. 
“And it’s even…”
“Our favorite color, I know… I wish there was more green like this in the world, but I suppose this’ll have to suffice.”
“Suffice? Lone, honey, you blew this out of the damn sky.”
“Oh, just you wait, hold on.” 
You stood up, feeling a great loss of heat from where his bulge had been pressing between your legs, and began to shimmy down your own dress pants until they slumped to the floor below, and revealed the matching pair of lace underwear. 
You had to hold in a laugh, as he leaned so far forward to behold you that he toppled from the couch and onto the floor to join the growing pile of clothes there. 
“Lone… I want you to listen to me,” His voice was low, more raspy even than usual as he scooted on his knees closer to you, until he could wrap his arms around your thighs and look up at you with his chin pressing to your pubic bone. 
“I don’t ever want you to take these off, okay? This is just… Baby, you’re beautiful.” 
You warmed pleasantly at that as your hands went to caress his face, to brush your fingers over his wispy hair, and feel his hot breath spilling out into the cool, evening air. 
“So beautiful, I feel I’ll go blind if I look too long at this smooth skin of yours.” A gasp left you as his mouth dragged over the hem of your decorative panties, his tongue darting out to drag along the textured pinholes in the fabric, fleetingly tasting your skin with every wet kiss, every wanton lick against you. 
Soon, your fingers were grasping almost to the point of pain to his head, holding him in place; until he delved lower despite the pressure, his hands encouraging you to spread your legs wider for him. 
“Oh? What’s– Lone.”
“Hmm?” Your brows were still creased, your eyes still closed, hell, you’d almost forgotten this particular detail about your panties, until you felt something hot and wet press directly against your skin, and drag between your quickly slickening folds. 
“Now my mind’s made up for certain,” He rasped, “Never taking these off again.” 
He wrapped the whole of his rough lips around your clit and lower lips, fully encompassing the crotchless section of your panties and giving a hearty suck that had your hips bucking into his in search of more, more, more.
“Fuck, Win, that’s it…” 
He moaned into you, the grip of his hands tightening as they moved to grip either side of your ass, hauling you closer until he could very nearly get lost within you. God, and he planned to, evidently. 
The noises leaving the space between your legs were utterly sinful, your pre-cum and his spit creating a sloppy cacophony of your slick skin and his dancing with one another. His groans left your legs shaking, both from the sound, and the feel of his vocal vibrations against you, his hot breath spilling there, making you feel as though steam ought to be rising from your pussy.
Your own moans picked up as well, your muscles tensing as you craved something to brace yourself against, to lean on. But there wasn’t time, there was only this-- your partner burying himself in you, the sharp bone protruding from his phantom nose rubbing deliciously, almost painfully against your clit with each enthusiastic swipe of his tongue, and it had you close. 
“Win, please…” You breathed– almost whined, “Don’t stop.” 
He made a sound like a ‘nuh uh,’ shaking his head to further emphasize, and attacked you with a fervor you rarely– if ever– saw in him. 
“F-fuck, that’s– ahhh.” You sighed out your release, your hips bucking against him as Winthrop nursed you through it, his hold on you unyielding as he drank down your release like a man parched. 
He pulled back, like it pained him to do so, and steadily, his hands guided your shaking legs to sit back down on the couch. You fell easily back into the padding of the cushions, feeling your core still tingling from little aftershocks of bliss.
“Shit, Win… That was…” 
“Fucking delectable.” Winthrop panted out, still kneeling between your spread legs, and wiped his mouth with the back of one hand. 
“Yeah…” One of your hands reached to splay out over his warm cheek, caressing it as he leaned into the touch, while the other fell to your lap tiredly, as you both caught your breath. 
“And I ain’t done yet. So long as you aren’t?” Winthrop's eyes resembled that of some pre-war creature too soft to survive in this hellish landscape as he looked up at you. Adoration and pleading ran rampant in his expression, and you shook your head not two moments later. 
“Oh, Win… Not even close.” 
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kranom · 2 months
why work on anything I'm supposed to be doing when I could start making a Fallout "fangame" (visual novel centered around Fawkes)
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sigmundthesorcerer · 4 months
M would be obsessed with the fact that vault-tec dropped the bombs bc she's a paranoid freak who's been running off a conspiracy theory that america nuked itself as a population control tactic and the rest of the world is doing fine
but the point is that she's supposed to be wrong!!!!!
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falloutbaddie · 4 months
♡♡ Hey, I wanted to tell you, Patchwork got drunk last week and left his booze in the air filter ♡♡
- Underworld Conversation to Winthrop
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