#the brotherhood taking all he gave and leaving him with nothing
People rightfully shit on Maxson, but, like, Lyons is also a huge asshole? Like, he appears like a wise and kindly old man (he probably thinks he is lmao), but he is also super manipulative. His dialogue as soon as you wake up in Broken Steel is him essentially guilt-tripping you to once again throw yourself into harm's way by finishing off the Enclave: "the only question is whether we can count on you to help us?"
After pressuring a 19-year-old, who recently lost their father, into martyring themselves, after all they've done, it still isn't enough. It is never enough for the Brotherhood, they take until there is nothing left, and then they move on.
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teecupangel · 1 year
So I recently found out that in AC: Brotherhood, Ezio can do a back flip if he jumps off a horse onto a beam. That said I screamed at my game “Since when can you do that!?” And can’t help but think of your ratatouille au
The Ratatouille AU where the ancestors can hear Desmond while ‘playing’ and its more unhinged cousin, the Ratatouille AU where Desmond can hear us. 
This makes me remember how I played the majority of AC1 not knowing Altaïr can fucking vault.
Like the first time I accidentally did that, I was like “wait, what???” and I just spent like 10ish minutes (I think) trying to figure out how the hell I did that.
Have this, nonny?
“Ah, yes, yes. You would recover from those muscle aches in time.” The dottore noted as he looked over Ezio, nodding to himself as he added, “Yes, someone of your age must take care not to strain your muscles too much. Medicines will be ineffective, I’m afraid.”
Ezio looked at the sky with a deadpan expression on his face, ignoring how this was the second doctor to have talked about how medicine wouldn’t work for someone his ‘age’.
“Here. It will dull the pain and make you forget the ache.” The dottore gave Ezio the same medicine he always got and he drank it immediately. The dottore stared at him for a moment before handing him another bottle without saying anything about it, only continuing their ‘conversation’ as Ezio pocketed the medicine, “If I may ask, messere, what have you done for you to be in such a state?”
Ezio glanced at his horse who was standing pretty a few feet away from them then to the sky where Desmond is strangely quiet before turning to stare at the dottore to reply, “A friend of mine kept asking me to ‘do a backflip’.”
“Ah, and you cannot say no to this ‘friend’ of yours?”
Ezio’s deadpan stare seemed to move pass the dottore and straight to the Animus’ camera which he shouldn’t even know about as he said, “No.”
“... I see…”
There was a hint of resignation in the tone that Desmond ignored.
Resignation has been replaced by annoyance but Desmond ignored that as well.
Annoyance left his name, leaving nothing but a warning that Desmond ignored as well.
Finally, the growl that left Altaïr’s lips that bordered in growing anger was the note that finally forced Desmond to stop.
“I do not understand why you can’t figure out how to make me vault.” Altaïr commented as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, “You managed to do it fifteen minutes ago.”
“I know!” Desmond exclaimed, the frustration clear in his own tone as he explained, “And I have no freaking idea how I did it! That’s why I’m trying out all the buttons!”
“Do we have to do this here?” Altaïr hissed.
“Yes! That box is the perfect height for you to vault!”
“Desmond…” Altaïr covered his face, ignoring the people shamelessly staring at them, “We’re in the middle of the village… in Masyaf.”
“Would you rather be in Acre or Damascus? With all those strangers???”
“Yes, I would actually prefer that. At least there, people won’t know it was me and remember it was me for years to come!” Altaïr argued as he glared at his shadow, a habit he had taken up on whenever he wished to glare at Desmond but knew he did not exist in the same plane as him. Glaring at the sky felt a bit… too much so he just glared at his shadow instead.
“So the rumors are true. You’ve finally lost it.” 
Both Altaïr and Desmond sighed at the same time.
“You know…” Desmond paused for a moment before he suggested, “I don’t think Al Mualim would punish you any more than he already has if we beat the crap out of him?”
Altaïr thought about it for a moment before nodding in agreement, “If I get hit even once by Abbas, I will find a way to journey to your time and show you how I truly fight.”
“Hey, if you can take out the assholes keeping me here, I’ll spar with you all day.” Desmond agreed before adding, “But first…”
Altaïr jumped on the box once more and he hissed as the flush of his face deepened in embarrassment, “Desmond!”
“Sorry! I thought I got it this time!”
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jeff-the-innkeeper · 2 months
After All This Time - Chapter One
Veronica sat alone in the Lucky 38 presidential suite. She fiddled nervously with her tools, unable to focus on the gun she had taken apart just to put it back together. Just looking for something to do with her hands while her mind spiralled.
It had been days since the Courier left to investigate the mysterious radio signal, beckoning him to leave the world behind at the Sierra Madre Casino and Resort. The duo had been travelling together when Lev’s Pip-Boy picked up the staticky signal. He fiddled with the dials until the static gave way to a woman’s voice.
“Has your life taken a turn? Do troubles beset you? Has fortune left you behind? If so, the Sierra Madre Casino, in all its glory, is inviting you to Begin Again...”
Veronica was enthralled by the message, that sultry voice offering the opportunity to escape her troubles and begin again. Of course, she knew the message was over 200 years old. If there was anything left of the Sierra Madre, it would be a far cry from the haven of luxury it was intended to be. Any semblance of Old World class would have been stripped for parts decades ago. Still, she couldn’t help but swoon over the image that had conjured in her mind of a beautiful dame helping her to forget all her problems. Besides, where else in the Mojave would she be as likely to find a dress? The former scribe had practically begged the courier to make the journey with her.
Neither of them were expecting the signal to trace back to a hole in the ground. They had been hiking uphill, getting closer and closer, when Veronica suddenly tripped over a grated manhole cover jutting out of the rocky ground. Leviathan switched off the audio on his Pip-Boy, but the message continued - muffled, now, as the sound gently wafted up through the grate.
“This must be it!” Veronica cheered, readying herself to lift the grate. Before she could get very far, Leviathan held a hand out to stop her.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” he had stated firmly. He left no room to argue. “Head back up to Camp Forlorn Hope. I’ll be right back.”
In the present, she scolded herself for letting him go off alone. The older man was protective of Veronica, almost paternal - even more so than Father Elijah ever was. Yet he walked the Mojave as if he were immortal. Sure, he may have walked off a shot to the head like it was just a flesh wound, but a man could only cheat death so many times before it takes him for good.
Hindsight is 20/20, of course. Veronica hadn’t gotten that same bad feeling from the mysterious hole in the ground, and she trusted Lev to look after himself if there was danger. She didn’t start to worry until she had waited around Camp Forlorn Hope for a day or so, long enough to repair everything that needed her expertise, and the man had yet to return. Veronica attempted to set out after him, but she found that she wasn’t quite strong enough to lift the heavy grate on her own. Dread and anxiety flooded her senses. She lashed out, punching the grate with a primal yell and the full force of her Power Fist. Nothing budged.
Veronica sprinted back to the camp, pleading with everyone who would listen for their help. Out of all the NCR Troopers and Rangers at the camp, not a single soul was able or willing to help her. Frustrated, she decided to leave the camp and determine what to do next in the morning.
One more night of restless sleep on a spare mattress later, she was back on the road to New Vegas.
The walk back was long, but fortunately uneventful. Veronica followed the routes protected by the NCR, and she hesitated upon reaching her old haunt, the 188 trading post. Part of her wanted to stay, to just forget about Leviathan and go back to her old life. Not that she was particularly happy with the Brotherhood of Steel - she wasn’t even sure if they would welcome her back, after she was so openly defiant towards Elder McNamara. Yet the pessimistic part of her felt it was pointless to keep waiting around for the courier to return.
“Come on, Veronica,” she muttered to herself. “The message was a trap, and Lev is dead. It’s time to move on.”
Something deep in her gut told her that wasn’t true.
She kept walking.
She was going to wait for him at the Lucky 38. He was going to come back in one piece. Everything was going to be fine.
Veronica repeated this mantra in her head as she continued her hike. She repeated it as she ascended the elevator up to the presidential suite. She repeated it until she collapsed onto her soft bed, at which point she fell asleep almost instantly, thoroughly exhausted from her trek.
She dreamt of Christine.
Christine. The one that got away. As hard as she tried to move on, Veronica just couldn’t forget her. Christine had been the light shining through the darkness of the Brotherhood. Whenever things got bad with Father Elijah, Veronica knew Christine would be there with loving arms and a solution to her problems - even if the solution was simply being a shoulder for her to cry on.
Despite the years that had passed since Christine left the Brotherhood, Veronica still dreamed about her whenever life got overwhelming. Christine’s warmth manifested as radiance in Veronica’s subconscious mind.
The bald woman glowed, ethereal, as she pulled her lover into an embrace.
“Talk to me, my love,” Christine cooed.
“I’m scared,” Veronica admitted. “I don’t want to be alone.”
Christine delicately ran her fingers through the brunette’s short hair. “It must be so hard. You’ve never had to deal with being alone. You’re meant to love and be loved.”
Veronica buried her face into Christine’s neck, a futile attempt to get closer before she inevitably faded away. “Please come back to me,” she begged, her voice thick with tears.
Christine gently pulled back to look into Veronica’s eyes. Her image flickered, shifting between the youthful face that Veronica remembered, and how she imagined her long-lost lover would look after so many years had passed. Her voice was soft, distant; “Darling, I never left.”
But Veronica knew that wasn’t true. As much as it pained her to admit it, Christine had left her behind when she abandoned the Brotherhood. She desperately wanted to ask just one question - why? - but despite her frequent dreams about her past lover, she never was able to. Perhaps her mind was protecting her from the answer, as she would always wake up before she could get the question out.
Tonight, Veronica was too tired to try. She let herself relax into her beloved’s embrace, simply enjoying the moment for as long as it could last.
Veronica could still feel Christine’s body pressed against hers as she roused to consciousness. She reached out across the empty bed, half expecting to find the woman there. But she was still alone.
Wiping the tears from her eyes, Veronica started looking for ways to keep busy.
Fortunately for her, Leviathan had an absurd number of weapons stashed around the presidential suite. It took most of the day just to find and sort them all. The arsenal of various pistols, rifles, machine guns, energy weapons, and mechanized gauntlets was spread across all of the available surfaces so Veronica could determine what needed to be repaired. The engineer grinned at the task laid out in front of her, eager to spend as long as it took to get through them all.
“Let’s get to work!”
The days began to blend together as Veronica worked. Without Leviathan’s Pip-Boy to keep track of time, she wasn’t sure exactly how many days had passed. When she finished repairs on the last gun, she picked one that she had already fixed back up and started taking it apart again.
Veronica had been reconsidering if Lev really was dead when the door finally creaked open.
The courier stumbled through, looking worse than Veronica had ever seen him. His skin was a sickly shade of white, his face gaunt, and his knuckles were splattered with a rainbow of bruises and blood. He had been stripped of his armour and redressed in an unfamiliar jumpsuit, and a broken bomb collar dangled from his unshaven neck. Despite it all, he broke into a smile the moment he saw Veronica.
“You’re safe,” he croaked, his voice hoarse. Veronica was already on her feet, rushing towards him as he collapsed into her.
“Lev!” she cried as she caught him. The small woman did her best to drag him into a chair before letting him go. “What happened to you? I thought you were dead!”
The older man smiled weakly, teasingly; “Aw, I knew you cared about me. Before I answer that, d’you think you could grab me a Stimpak?”
Veronica swiftly found a Stimpak in her room and gently stabbed it into Lev’s arm. The courier sighed with relief as the drug’s effects took hold. “Thanks, kid.”
The engineer investigated the bomb collar on her companion’s throat, making sure it wasn’t going to go off on them. “Now, you wanna tell me who put that on you? Just so I know whose ass I have to kick.”
The courier barked out a laugh. “I don’t think you’d want to do that. It was Father Elijah.”
Veronica’s jaw hit the floor. “Fucking pardon?” she blurted out, earning another chuckle from Lev.
He told Veronica everything that had happened while she helped him get patched up. He explained the trap Father Elijah had set up with the radio broadcast, the heist he had forced the courier, among others, to partake in, and his master plan to obliterate the Mojave for his own gain. While her mind was still spinning with all the new information about her former mentor, Lev hit her with the biggest twist of it all.
“Oh, and I met Christine.”
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samobservessonic · 13 days
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Next, we move onto a Knuckles story that I’m much more glad has run for six parts than I was the last six part Knuckles story, with the shock(?) reveal from last time that Nack has betrayed the Chaotix to the new Metallix army in exchange for cash. I assume this was arranged prior to the Chaotix getting the jump on Knuckles at the start of this arc? So Knuckles was probably an added bonus for Nack
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No one is surprised to learn that the Metallix aren’t keeping their word to Nack. What’s the most interesting here is the hint that Nack is a tech guy in StC. He’s hardly been established beyond “traitor” here, but we will be seeing more of what he can do in future
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Even here, while it doesn’t help him, we see that Nack was prepared for a potential betrayal and brought a shrinking gun hidden in his hat. That’s kind of Nack’s thing in StC - he’s got weapons and stuff that he can shrink and grow. We’ll definitely be seeing more of that later
It does paint the picture of how much money means to Nack as well, if he assumed that the Metallix were probably going to betray him, but went along with this on the slim chance that they wouldn’t
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Here you go everyone - Knuckles with a gun
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Had he not been struck down, Nack could’ve even walked away with a victory today, since his weapon does manage to wipe out all of the Metallixes!
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And since the Chaotix are the good guys, they even take him with them as they make their escape
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That’s the last we see of them for this story, as on the next page, Knuckles is being dropped off home by the now recovered Omni-Viewer. He rightly assumes that there’s more to the Metallixes’ behaviour than what Robotnik’s ordering them to do and oh boy, we’re coming up to that plot point!
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Eh, maybe Nack wouldn’t have been okay after all, since it turns out that the Metallixes were faking it. That’s actually really clever - they’re robots, so a display of bravado means nothing to them. The best way for them to win the fight was to simply pretend they were beaten, so their opponents would leave without causing them unnecessary damage. You don’t normally see this outcome in a comic aimed at young teenagers, since the goal is often to get to the cool fights as quickly as possible. But them wanting to avoid a fight just makes the most sense
Also, they’ve got an evil Omni-Viewer now. They can go anywhere in time and space, easily making them the most dangerous enemies in the comic. I’m also chuckling nervously, because now I have to confess that I’m a casual Doctor Who fan at best (shout out to the Ninth Doctor, love that guy!) and I’m probably not going to pick up on all the Doctor Who inspiration that went into these guys. But trust me when I say that it’s there
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To hammer home this point, we end this story on this awesome establishing shot of the Brotherhood of Metallix! Once again, Elson absolutely sells this. You can feel what a massive threat this is and I’m sure there were no shortage of kids writing in asking to see more of this story But for now, it’s over and it looks like next time we’ll be getting that Knuckles & Tails story that was allured to in the main story last issue Well, now that it’s finished, I only have good things to say about this story. Despite being a backup story, it established some very central themes and gave us the biggest threat in this comic so far. If you were wondering how they’d hit the ground running after the S3&K arc, well, this is it! A lot of concepts from the game were brought into the fold in one fell swoop and honestly, for me, it worked really well. While I’d have had no problem with Nack getting a separate introduction arc, I like him as the traitor to the Chaotix and there are a lot of places you can take him from there. The Chaotix themselves are going to become big players in StC from here on out as well. Y’know, I do wonder if SEGA gave a push to StC and Archie to work in the Chaotix after Knuckles Chaotix came out or if both comics just decided having more game characters in the mix was a good idea. Because, I’ll be honest, if not for the Chaotix being in StC, I probably wouldn’t have heard of them prior to Sonic Heroes. Knuckles Chaotix was not a game anyone really talked about when I was a kid and I wasn't online until a lot later But where Archie kept the Chaotix as Knuckles’s support cast, StC actually used them mostly separately to Knuckles, adding another point to their “StC was accidentally right about something to do with the Chaotix” tally. This isn’t to say we’re never going to get more stories with Knuckles interacting with them, but we’re also going to be getting a lot of them doing their own thing. One of the biggest arcs I remember with these guys teams them up with Sonic, not Knuckles, as he gets stuck in the Special Zone for a while
I’m getting ahead of myself there. For now, we have a solid arc that leaves us with a lot of potential in future, as StC refuses to wind down the stakes on their way into the dry period of getting new Sonic games
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shitty-fallout-art · 6 months
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only a single portrait because you don't need to see more right now :)
-Currently residing within the bowels of the Slop Shop hideout, Cait is an unwilling captive acting as Jared's current prophet.
-Not much could initially be said about Cait, given that she had nobody with which to share her story with. Once she was sold to the Combat Arena, she figured she would spend the rest of her life within its walls without a hope of ever being freed from them; and technically, she was correct.
-For years her routine had been a murky cycle of violence, the days blending together so that she lived perpetually within the chaotic fights of the arena. Between the chems that both gave her spirit and dulled her mind, and Tommy not being one to keep her updated with matters that, frankly, didn't interest her, the world seemed to pas by her with little trouble, until its troubles grew too great for her to be ignorant of.
-The numbers always fluctuated, raiders coming and going at all intervals depending on circumstance alone. Raider nests often got liberated or stolen, their proximity to Diamond City was often a liability risk, and prime targets in the southern regions were often too good to pass up. No matter what the combat arena promised in terms of excitement or caps, the unpredictable world of the commonwealth outside meant that business could go from busy to slow, and there was nothing that could be done about it.
-It wasn't until the numbers drastically went up that she figured something must have been driving everyone up north.
-At first it was a great boom for business, and despite the increase in her performances, she was also allotted time for herself to make room for other, fresher acts. Though unable to leave and very restricted in what she was allowed to do, Cait was able to make the most of her time with chem usage and general distractions, and second-hand she learned of pretty strange things happening outside the Combat Arena.
-The arrival of the Brotherhood got quite a laugh out of a lot of people, as did the rise of the minutemen, though such opinions were tinged with embitterment and anger towards their rapid success and rock-hard defenses. Nothing had squashed their spirits yet, but it was obvious that most raiders saw both groups as a challenge, and held mixed feelings of excitement and worry at a confrontation. Any further politics surrounding them had slipped her mind. Her addiction had grown heavier, and her actions while under usage became extreme and frightening.
-For months the Combat Arena flourished, then came a steady decline in profits, yet the number of patrons never went down. People were still showing up, and weirdly enough, staying there for long periods of time, though it appeared as though there just wasn't enough to indulge in freely. Chems were still easy to get hold of, but food started to become a bit harder to come by, and it wasn't for lack of effort on the raiders part. Cait's position kept her well fed, but fights often broke out amongst the freeloaders.
-Tommy was gradually loosing control of his business. It was hard to throw out the people who couldn't pay, but as they grew in number they overwhelmed him and eventually made themselves at home. Everything was running dry but they had no means with which to replace it. The Brotherhood was putting pressure on nearby areas and if they caught wind of the place then the Combat Arena was doomed.
-He grew desperate, and though he had promised to take Cait with him, he tried to sell her contract in the end for a little extra cash.
-The man who bought it, a Raider named Rust, was a strange one. He often talked about the failings of Ortega and bought large quantities of chems whenever he could, though rarely seemed to take them himself. When the Brotherhood came knocking down their down, he took Cait and fled towards the northeast. Cait hated him, but he supplied her with chems and kept her ignorant of the fallout outside, so she didn't complain much.
-She spent most of her days traveling and most of her nights swimming underneath intoxication, and it was one of these nights that the pair had met Jared.
-At a raider's den in Green Trailer Estates, Cait scourged for any chems they had available, becoming wild and uncontrollable with its influence. This had often brought her negative attention, but for Jared it was a sign of something great.
-She thought his questions were weird, most didn't make sense, but he seemed to like the nonsensical answer she gave, and when he promised her more chems for more answers she simply couldn't refuse.
-She didn't find out until after Rust and Jared formed a partnership that she had dug herself into her own grave.
-Her chem usage had increased substantially, but even when she tried to take a break they kept giving them to her. In moments of coherency she started to realize that the answers she was expected to give Jared were wholly unbelievable and impossible for her to know, but he insisted that she had some kind of ability to answer them.
-Cait grew confused and worried, but also weaker and sicker as time went on. Jared acted accordingly, giving her time off the chems and trying to keep her as healthy as possible, but it was during these sick episodes that she came to learn just how crazy he really was and how shitty she felt all the time.
-In was simply out of question for her to quit, they wouldn't allow her, and the feelings she so once enjoyed as a means of escape became painful and impossible to tolerate.
-Over the course of many years she hung on the brink of death, only to be kept alive for the sole purpose of acting as a seer. Even when malnourishment ruined all of them, even when her urine grew black and painful, even when her heart could not beat on its own and she could not even lift her own head; Jared simply refused to part with his ticket to greatness.
-But he still realized the toll this was taking on her, and that was when the experiential abductions began. From her bed she watched many chem users come and go, unable to provide the proof Jared sought and often dying from the effects of whatever cocktail Jared's boy's had concocted.
-It's a hard and painful life that she's grown sick of, having abandoned all hope of ever getting better, though she asks for a swift, painful death instead of slowly rotting away. It seems inevitable that she will eventually meet her end, no matter how hard Doctor Carrington tries to keep her alive, but those chems they keep administering are starting to have strange effects on her body, and she isn't sure what to make of that.
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strawbrygashez · 4 months
Shane Carver Hcs even tho no one cares about the movie other than me 🥲
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•Very mentally ill. I feel like he has a long list of mental illnesses but the first ones that comes to mind are bpd and some kinda form of schizophrenia. (I would love to hear anyone else’s opinion on that tho) His intense alcohol & dr*g usage does not help with this in the slightest lol
He also has trauma due to his brother passing and his abusive father. He also has real bad abandonment issues. Forming the cult/black circle boys gave him this HUGE ego boost and a feeling of being wanted. It’s one of the reasons why he’s so intense about people not leaving the group (along side him just wanting to serve Satan as best as he can.. and one of his members leaving is basically saying he failed him so..)
•It’s already canon pretty much but he loves Kyle so fucking much. I think it scares Shane even with how much he loves him. Like once Kyle began to break the cults rules, Shane knew something was definitely ‘wrong’ when he didn’t feel much of anything other than disappointment. Like yeah he did keep saying if he leaves, he was gonna have to die basically but (MAJOR SPOILER): he couldn’t even bring himself to kill him in the end. He was struggling so much over his love for him, his pain of being betrayed, Satan being displeased with him, and trying to tell himself he has to make Kyle follow the ‘brotherhoods rules’ and what ever else which led to Kyle ultimately over powering him.
•Before the actual 100% believing in and worshipping Satan stuff, he genuinely just wanted to be in a cool metal band growing up. Due to his living situation however, he was never able to get a guitar until much later or was never able to take classes for it.
•He hates Kyles girlfriends(?) guts so much. He can’t bring himself to actually do much other than just to yell at her since she isn’t in the cult and he probably didn’t wanna piss Kyle off so early on.
They seemed to be on okay-ish terms until she got all seriously flirty with Kyle. It wouldn’t have surprised me if he banned her from coming to any more of their ‘parties’
•He’s always a little shit but it’s even worse when he’s able to get Kyle to leave his gf behind to hang out with him instead. This loser will literally do this face: 😋 at her before he puts a hand on Kyle’s back as they walk away together. He loves seeing her get pissy over Kyle not leaving him even tho she keeps warning him.
•HE DYES HIS HAIR BLACK EVERYONE!! 🗣️ He would never let Kyle help him dye it until they start dating tho.. he’s too embarrassed to let anyone know his actual hair color.
•He would have only ever genuinely tried to get better if he’d gotten with Kyle. I think Kyle would have made him agree to a couple things before they start dating. Like Shane can’t be unnecessarily cruel to Rory and people who genuinely did nothing to them. (Sometimes he lets it slide if it’s Shane being mean to strangers because eh. It’s Shane and that’s just him but he’s worried about Shane’s safety and just doesn’t see the point in fucking around with innocent people)
Shane obviously wouldn’t be perfect tho.. and wouldn’t try to start seeing a therapist or get on meds until much later on. I think the only thing that would make Shane actually see the point in changing how he is, is if Kyle stayed with him thru all his fuck ups bc that means Kyle does see something in him.. a glimmer of hope. Otherwise Kyle would have gave up real early on.
•Shane has no interest in ladies at all. He only called Kyles gf a ‘babe’ early on because he just wanted to come off as one of the boys 🦅
•I think Shane would have gave Kyle a lot of his old clothes or lets him borrow them. Like I’m sure Kyle had bits and pieces of those goth outfits he wore real early on but I think once Shane saw he was dressing more alternatively, he offered him some old stuff he doesn’t wear anymore. Like probably specifically his old, more masculine clothes.
•If they were dating… bro sneaks into Kyle’s room from that window above his bed almost every night. (Kyle leaves it unlocked specifically for him) Shane especially loves the nights where both of Kyle’s parents are out because he’s able to convince Kyle to turn on some metal as loud as his cd player can go and mosh around his bedroom with him.
When they aren’t in the mood to do all that, and maybe Kyle just needs a place to chill or calm down, Shane will just lay next to Kyle on his bed and not talk.. he likes those peaceful moments where Kyle is spooning him or playing with his hair while he’s zoned out more than he will admit..
•If he gave a shit about people knowing he’s gay (I can’t decide if either of them would care or not) I wanna see Rory accidentally walk in on the two kissing or something and be like “Oh! People were right about you two :3 it’s okay! I support! My cousin on my moms side has two dads-” and Shane just cuts him off by telling him if he says anything about what he just saw, he’s getting kicked out of the cult 💀 He’d also be pissed if he heard ppl spreading a rumor about them being together too… BUT I do like the idea that neither of them would care. They have each other so it doesn’t matter.
•CRINGE WARNING. One of their teachers calls Shane, Froggie (I’m pretty sure at least. I had no subtitles but it makes sense if u have seen the movie 🥲) AND I LOVE THINKING ABOUT Kyle calling him that to mess with him. Shane is already mad his name isn’t some edgy ass demon name so Froggie pisses him off…..Not really. He likes it only from Kyle.
•If Kyle would let him, he’d definitely paint his nails for him. Shane’s heart is beating out of his chest bc he’s holding Kyles hand but he’ll act ‘cool’ as usual
•He loves watching Kyle swim. He has to keep telling him to join the schools swim team tho because he knows it will piss Kyle off. It’s worth getting splashed & his makeup messing up to see Kyle reaction.
•I think Kyle’s mom would like Shane tbh.. if he acted how he does when it’s just him and Kyle anyways. I can see him being really polite to her. It takes everything in him not to attack Kyle’s dad tho. Like he’s heard how Kyle doesn’t like him much already but when he sees and hears how he treats him while he’s over even.. he’s gripping the knife they gave him at the dinner table so hard.
Oh yeah Kyle hates Shane’s dad too!!!
•K + S, in a heart shape, is carved into one of the trees at the cults meet up spot.
•While I’m not sure if I hc Shane having ocd.. he can get kinda real serious about other people not messing up his stuff & he tried to land the dates for cult meetings on specific days, at specific times for one specific reason or another.
•Shane’s ‘inspo’ for the cults symbol was that he already had that carved into his shoulder before he even started the cult. He gave it to himself with a razor during an episode. And since he has abandonment issues, he thought what better way to always be connected to someone than a matching scar in the same exact place.
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aquadestinyswriting · 2 months
Writing Exercise 2
I was tagged by @druidx to do the 3rd writing exercise from this post as well; Describe a character by turning out their pockets.
While Meredith's vestments do have pockets, let's have the moment from Fangthane's Folly where she's being processed after being wrongfully arrested on the charges of Heresy and Treason since she wears and carries a bunch of stuff on her person that they really don't want her to have. Popping under a cut because there's some... creative swearing in here.
Tagging in @davycoquette as requested, along with @ashirisu, @lexiklecksi and @sparrow-orion-writes
The elderly Inquisitor behind the desk met the glower that was being levelled at him with a bored yawn. He eyed the young dwarven woman in front of him,
"Right, so we're gonna need ye to take off the armour and hand over your weapon and any items that could be considered property of the Church."
Meredith snorted,
"Well, unless ye've got something for me to change into, the vestments are gonna have to stay on." she sniped. Meredith grunted as Fergus shoved her into the desk,
"You better shut that mouth afore I shut it for you." he growled, tightening his grip on her wrists to an almost painful degree
"Oh, awa' and bile yer heid, ye scummy wankstain." Meredith spat, her patience having been left all the way back in the Contemplation Chamber. The desk officer heaved a sigh and glared at the two dwarves directly in front of him,
"Alright, that's enough!" he snapped, "Seeing as we're out of spare clothes, ye can keep the vestments on for now, but everything else is going to have to be handed in."
Meredith did not know how she managed to keep as still as she did as Agnar and Vera began divesting her of her possessions. Probably because neither of them were blazing red with Evil and were simply doing their job.
Her mace was and crossbow were, understandably, the first things to go. Both items were quickly taken to the storage room behind the desk. Well, she wasn't going to be seeing either of them again, of that Meredith was certain. She bristled as both her own Holy Book and the one that had belonged to Starhammer were unhooked from her belt and handed over to the desk officer. The longbeard inspected both books,
"Two?" he queried. Meredith grumbled out a sigh,
"The mythril-bound one belonged to Starhammer. I wasn't going to just leave it for the Brotherhood to find and flog off to the highest bidder." she said, a pang of grief and regret hitting her heart at the memory of how she had acquired it. The longbeard gave her a long look, while Fergus muttered something about 'lying whores' behind her. Meredith ignored the older Inquisitor, rising to the bait would only make this more difficult than it already was. Both books were, like her weapons, taken back into the storage room.
Next was the armour. It took everything Meredith had in her to allow Vera to unbuckle and take off every piece of it. She only hoped that, once this was all over with, that she could get it back. Explaining how and why she couldn't wear it to her uncle would be too damn awkward otherwise, especially given all the trouble he'd gone to to finish it on such short notice. Meredith noticed Vera and the desk officer marvelling at the runic inscriptions and the array of gemstones set into the metal. Well, she would be more than happy to recommend her uncle's runesmithing business if asked, he could use some extra work.
Vera frowned as she patted Meredith down, carefully pulling out the small, leather-bound book Meredith had found in the little chapel underneath the Contemplation Chamber. She felt Meredith's nervous twitch, nodded slightly and opened the book, pretending to leaf through the pages without actually reading them. When she was done, she looked at the desk officer,
"An old personal journal. Nothing in here that looks incriminating, it's mostly personal thoughts and some prayers." she said. The desk officer nodded and waved at the sandy-haired young woman,
"Aye, that's fine for her to keep." he said, ignoring the infuriated glare that Fergus sent him. Vera nodded, put the book back and continued her patdown, pulling out some sealed inkpots, a couple of small quills and some parchment from the other pockets, all of which Meredith was permitted to keep, though the coin purse was swiftly handed over once it was found.
Vera frowned as she half-pulled another book out of another pocket, but quickly put it back upon feeling Meredith tense. She finished fishing through the rest of the pockets - handing over some more loose change, a few loose bolt heads, about a dozen sticks of incense, a small bottle of oil and about a dozen vials filled with Blessed water- then stood up and dusted herself down,
"That's everything Eric, not much on her aside from the obvious."
Eric nodded and finished making a note of everything he was given,
"Right, good. Here's the papers for all the items ye gave me, and here's the paperwork ye need to fill out to finish booking her in." he said, smiling a little too widely as Fergus snatched the papers from his hands,
"Ye don't have to look so damned pleased about it." he grumbled, stalking off ahead of his prisoner and attending officers, "Goddamn bloody paperwork! I swear on Moradin's Beard, if I have to fill out one more set of bloody forms I'm gonna shove them down Grimbeard's throat so far..."
Fergus' voice trailed off down the hall as he vanished around a corner. Agnar shook his head and put a firm hand on Meredith's shoulder, starting to lead her down the corridor Fergus had disappeared down,
"Might as well follow the old grump." he said. Meredith didn't resist. As naked as she felt, despite still getting to wear her vestments, at least she'd managed to keep a hold of the two most important things she owned.
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imdoingaokay · 1 year
I have an idea! The romanced companions reacting to female sole survivor dying during combat!
(A/N): I know, I know, you all missed me. I missed you too haha.
I'm sorry for the long wait, I promise it wasn't on purpose. As I've said before, I am in nursing school, which makes getting out a stuff super difficult. But I love you guys and I love writing!
Sole was written as Gender Neutral, love you <3
Anyways, enjoy my garbage, I wrote this during my class hehehe
SUPER HUGE TW FOR THE FOLLOWING: Descriptions of death, death in general, nothing too graphic (but still), and plenty of angst
Cait: She can’t help but feel terrible like she failed Sole. It doesn’t help that she was right there when it happened.
Watching Sole slump down, hearing their breathing slow until they completely stilled. It was a feeling she had grown used to, but not one she wished to revisit.
She doesn’t know what to do, so she does what she thinks is best. She buries Sole unless Sole specified they wanted their body burned or something. She tells the Minutemen, The Railroad, Brotherhood, or the Insitute, whoever needs to be informed, and then she leaves. She never really thought she was worthy of Sole, regardless of whether they were a “good” or “bad” person, so she leaves as soon as possible. 
She tries her best to stay away from drugs and alcohol. But, realistically? If Sole dies? There’s a solid chance she throws herself back in unless Sole was with the Minutemen or the Railroad and set up a grief group before they passed.
Romanced, Cait is still in pain, still mourning, but it hurts more. She finally had something good, something healthy, and it was ripped away from her. Cait stays wherever had become Sole’s home, and sort of adopts a caretaker role, she works alongside the settlement workers. She tries to honor Sole’s memory, whatever it may have been. She never really moves on, but she forgives herself. And she thinks that’s what Sole would’ve wanted.
Curie: In absolute agony. She tries her best, really tries to stitch Sole up to the best of her abilities. But as she watches Sole slip away, Curie knows she can’t do anything. Not like it makes it any easier.
Curie uses Sole’s pip-boy and begs for backup, begging for help to get Sole’s body out of range. Eventually, when some help does arrive, Curie is hysterical. She can’t seem to forgive herself for her mistakes, despite not making any. She returns to Sole’s home and decides to leave soon after. Curie still feels the guilt of not being able to save Sole, so she decides to help others. Curie slowly turns a name, a mysterious doctor who appears around the Commonwealth, treats patients, then leaves, and the cycle continues. Curie can’t forgive herself for failing her friend, but she can make up for her mistakes by helping others.
Romanced, Curie may settle instead. Choosing to stay where both she and Sole called home. She becomes the Settlement’s doctor and becomes a very good one at that. She isn’t as bubbly as she once was, just more reserved.
Danse: No, no, no! Danse sprints over to Sole, and despite his power armor, he moves relatively fast. He uses his power armor to block Sole’s body from any potential projectiles. Danse picks up his friend, praying they’re still alive, and flees. 
Once in a safe area, Danse lays his friend down and realizes… they’re gone. Sole gave Danse a second chance at life after Danse himself was convinced he didn’t deserve it, and now they were gone. How does that happen? He can’t find it in him to cry, he frowns deeply and picks up his friend again, now returning Sole to wherever or whoever needed them, needed Sole’s body. And Danse will take Sole anywhere if they need. The Railroad, Institute… preferably to the Minutemen, however.
He even takes Sole’s body to Cambridge Police Station if Sole was loyal to The Brotherhood. 
Once Sole’s body has been delivered, Danse returns to Listening Post Bravo. And for the first time, he weeps. He’s lost so many, and it seems like he’s always the one left behind.
He’ll leave the Commonwealth, and go somewhere, anywhere, probably out west. He fights ghouls and super mutants, mindlessly shooting until he can’t anymore.
Romanced, it’s worse, it’s so much worse. Danse screams Sole’s name, sprints over, and takes them to cover. Danse gets out of his armor and cradles his lover, he begs, screams, and pleads with whatever god he can to save his lover. But it’s too late, Sole is gone. And Danse is alone.
Danse returns his lover’s body but doesn’t leave wherever they are buried. He stays, becoming a farmer and working his heart out for whatever Settlement Sole had claimed as theirs. Danse thinks that Sole would want him to be happy, and would want him to move on. But Danse can’t do that. He loves Sole too much to move on. But he continues living, and living is good enough.
Deacon: Deacon isn’t a very serious guy, but the moment he sees Sole fall, he’s the most serious man he knows. Deacon shoots any enemies nearby and quickly rushes over to Sole. He shakes his friend, begging them to wake up, but after a few seconds, he realizes that Sole is dead. His friend is dead. Per Railroad guidelines, Sole is supposed to be left behind at least, buried in an unmarked grave at best. So why does Deacon hesitate? Why does he carefully carry Sole back to their home a bury them properly? Respect? Compassion? Adoration? Nobody knows, Deacon always changes his story.
Sole becomes just another body, another story, one he might tell to the next doomed soul he meets. But honestly? Deacon doesn’t expect to live long enough for that.
Romanced, Deacon is immediately by his lover's side, he holds his lover as tightly as he can and attempts to stop the blood and comfort his lover, but as soon as they still, as soon as they go limp, Deacon breaks. He silently holds them and takes them home. He’ll probably still work for the Railroad, work helping Synths until they don’t need him anymore, but he isn’t the same. He’s so much sadder and so quiet. He’s effective and gets the job done, but when Sole died, so did a bit of Deacon.
Gage: Furious at first, how dare Sole die? How dare they die right here? How dare they leave him alone? At the start of their friendship, he would’ve been slightly annoyed, but Gage and Sole have been friends for longer. And now, he’s alone. He barred his heart, he told them everything about themselves, and now Sole is just gone, his friend is just… gone. He does what he has to do, and gives them a burial, potentially somewhere other than in Nuka-World. After that, he takes up the mantle of Overboss, not happily, don’t get me wrong. He would much rather avoid that role, but Sole was the best one the raiders had, and nobody else will be able to measure up to them. At least, with Gage, he can try to emulate Sole’s leadership. And he’ll do a pretty good job. Or at least, he’ll try until someone comes along and kills him. He’s fine with either.
Romanced, he sprints to his lover’s side, he holds them while they bleed out, “Alright, you’re fine. You’re fine, Sole.” He claims as if that will magically close the gaping wound in Sole’s side. He watches Sole slip away from his grasp and slowly break out into tears. He didn’t remember the last time he cried it was probably when he still lived with his parents. He feels ashamed for his softness while he sobs into his lover’s neck, feeling Sole’s body turn cold. But after his lover is buried, he refuses ever to cry again, deciding to harden himself for the rest of his life, however long it is.
He becomes Overboss, does his job, and waits… waits for his end. And when his end happens, he hopes it’s quick and hopes Sole will wait for him on the other side.
Hancock: He lies to himself, and says that Sole isn’t dead, they’re just knocked out. But the blood and the stillness of their body tells Hancock that his buddy is gone.
After burying or burning the body, Hancock returns to Goodneighbor and holes himself up in the Statehouse. Hancock always knew he would most likely outlive Sole, but he hoped it would be different. He hoped Sole would be an old man or woman, that they’d die peacefully after puffing some jet with Hancock. But the Wasteland is cruel, and it takes the best people away, just because it can.
He gets word that a few of the people in Goodneighbor want to set up a small memorial to Sole, and Hancock is more than happy to help. He keeps living, he’s certain that’s what Sole wants. He never gets that close to anyone again, not because he’s trying to guard himself, he just can’t find the time. He walks around the Commonwealth, throwing himself into helping everyone, that’s what Sole did. So without Sole, someone else has to pick up the “slack” so to speak. And he’s fine with that, hopefully, Sole is too. 
Romanced, he does his best to keep a brave face for Sole, sharing a final kiss before Sole eventually succumbs to their injuries. He cries for a while and throws himself into more chems. It’s Fahrenheit who encourages Hancock to get out of the Old State House and to go for a walk around Goodneighbor. He goes out on the balcony first and notices how bright it is outside. The past month had been fairly cloudy and gloomy, so Hancock stands there, feeling the sun on his face. He’s not very religious, but that warm feeling… it had to be a sign that Sole loves him, wherever they are, Sole loves him.
He never loves another again, not how he loved Sole, but he will keep living. He’ll keep going until the day comes when he and Sole see each other again. 
MacCready: He’s upset, for lack of a better word, so upset he ends up cursing for the first time in years. He grabs at his friend and clings to them, attempting to help them. But eventually, he has to face the music. They’re gone, and he’s alone. Unlike what he did with Lucy, MacCready brings Sole back, back to their home… wherever that might be. He’ll travel the entire length of the Commonwealth if it means that Sole will get a proper burial.
He’ll end up leaving, if Duncan hasn’t joined him in the Commonwealth, thinking that the Commonwealth has nothing left for him anymore. If Duncan has arrived in the Commonwealth, MacCready ends up retiring from mercenary work permanently. He’ll end up working as a guard in Sanctuary, working nights. It makes it easier to care for Duncan when he’s with him during the day. MacCready focuses on Duncan and Duncan alone, with no time for anything else.
Romanced, he’s a mess. He cries and clings onto Sole, begging them to wake up. But he knows it’s over. He mourns his lover, hauling their body to the pair’s shared home, and buries his lover despite the sadness he feels. Unlike if they were just friends, MacCready stays in The Commonwealth, bringing Duncan if he isn’t there already. He works as a guard, but refuses to ever love again, after all… nobody can measure up to Sole or Lucy. His life surrounds his son, and the memory of Sole. He feels terrible if Duncan never got a chance to meet Sole, but he tries to tell stories of them. 
He’s a good man, he tells himself. So he stays alive, for the sake of his son… and for the sake of Sole. Sole would want him to… right?
Nick Valentine: Nick comforts, if he can. He soothes his friend as much as possible. Talking to them as they bleed out. If he knows he can’t help, he just stays nearby and talks with his friend. Like Hancock, Nick expected to outlive Sole, but not like this. Nick watches his friend leave their world and prays they go to a better one. 
He covers Sole with his coat out of respect.  Hell, he ends up burying his friend in that coat. He doesn’t mind losing it, Sole deserves something to keep them warm under the 6 feet of earth.
He’ll continue to work, but he does his best to keep his memories of Sole, copying them from his subconscious and placing them on a holotape. Nick doesn’t want to forget them, not someone who did so much for him.
He’s so used to people leaving him, so used to the cruelty of the wasteland, but… 
Why Sole?
Romanced, Nick does much of the same, but he cradles his lover, holding and soothing Sole the best he can. But even if he can’t prevent his voice from cracking and breaking, he watches his lover go limp and does his best to return the body somewhere his lover can be properly buried.
He mourns, turning off the neon sign in Diamond City for well over a month. When it does come back on, Nick is back to work, still polite, cordial, and friendly. But everyone can’t help but feel the sadness in his eyes
It’s strange, he thinks. As time goes on, Nick’s memories come and go, but Sole’s memory stays. Maybe the “real” Nick Valentine, could only love Jenny, but Nick can only love Sole. And that sort of love stays, despite the space of an old synth’s hard drive.
Old Longfellow: He calls out for Sole, seeing them hurt breaks his heart. 
“No, kid… no you gotta get up, come on.” He tries to lift them, only to place them back down when he hears the pained cry of his chil-I mean… Sole.
He tries his best, but even he realizes there’s nothing he can do. He comforts them in their last moments, realizing that despite dying, Sole is trying to keep him calm. If he has one, he’ll share a drink with Sole, and watch as Sole breathes for the last time.
He’ll bury Sole on the mainland unless Sole says otherwise. But when Longfellow returns to his Cabin, he finds himself wondering what is next. He hoped it would be him to die first… he was supposed to die first. It was his fault, he didn’t do enough, and he should’ve taken the blow.
He sits on his bed, and for the first time in what feels like ages, he cries. Only to still himself a few moments later, he can’t cry. He has to move on, has to keep living.
He’ll keep living, wondering if he’ll die that day or the next, but he doesn’t mind either.
Longfellow works with Far Harbor more, now. Helping Synths pass through the fog with his help, if he can. He thinks Sole would approve.
Hopefully, he’ll meet someone who he can teach again. Someone younger… maybe that synth child Sole spoke to him about.
Romanced, he realizes that Sole needs him to calm down much faster. But he can’t help but admit to his lover before they go that it was his fault. He’ll never forget his lover smiling and cupping his cheek, feeling how warm it felt on his prickling beard. And he’ll never forget how they smiled and shook their head, in pain, but smiling. And all of a sudden, Longfellow feels some closure.
The rest of it moves the same, he continues to help and continues to live. But he’ll never love again, nobody else is like Sole, and even if there was… he doesn’t want them. Longfellow will always want Sole, not someone like them. And when the day comes when he returns to the sea or the dirt, he’ll embrace that with open arms… the way he hopes Sole will embrace him when they see each other once again.
Piper: Piper cries out “Blue?!” over and over again until her throat is raw, she shakes her friend, begging her friend to wake up. But Sole is dead. And that’s it.
She buries her friend the best she can, but when she returns home, she finds herself wondering what she should do next. So she does what she does best.
She writes.
Piper writes the most beautiful story about Sole, but it isn’t some sob story or some heroic tale. She tells the truth. She describes the story of Sole’s life after The Great War, and she writes the tale of Sole navigating through the post-apocalyptic world, how they won, and how they lost. And how despite it all, Sole persevered, and even when they were on death’s door… Well, maybe Piper does play Sole’s life up a little bit.
Regardless, Sole gets one hell of a send-off.
Piper continues writing, focusing on what matters to her.
Romanced, she does everything the exact same. She cries harder and writes faster, but most people in Diamond City agree, Piper isn’t the same. She’s still got that strong sense of justice, she will still do whatever it takes to get a story. But she takes more time off, spends more time with her sister, she lives. Because she’s certain that’s what Sole would want her to do. 
Preston: He does what he can at first, he picks his friend up and tries to get them away. But when Preston looks down and watches his friend grow weaker and weaker, he accepts it, he accepts that this is the end of The General. Preston brings Sole’s body back and gives them a proper funeral. 
He apologizes to his friend's grave, claiming it should’ve been them instead, tears gathering in his eyes. He knew he would cry over his friend, but not this hard. He’s adopted the role of General, he’s certain that Sole would’ve wanted that. He also adopts their leadership skills and learns how to grow the settlements. He’ll do his best, and he’ll be the best General he can be.
General Garvey has a nice ring to it anyways.
Romanced, he’s distraught. He clings to his lover and drags them home. At first, he can’t stop his tears. He begs his lover to come back, begs whatever god there is to take him instead, but Sole’s gone. Eventually, when the calls for help become too much, and when he can’t ignore them anymore, Preston dons the name of General. 
He continues to do his best and he’ll stay alive for as long as possible, for the sake of the Commonwealth… and for Sole’s sake too.
X6-88: He calls out for Sole, a few times. It doesn’t make sense to him, Sole isn’t supposed to bleed. He tries to give them stimpacks, but the blood… it’s too much. 
Sole may try to comfort X6, maybe try to stop him, but X6 can’t seem to stop trying to save them. But after Sole goes limp, after Sole goes cold, X6 realizes what he has done. 
He takes them back to The Insitute, waiting for reprimand, for something. If Father is still alive, he watches as the older man sighs and orders for the body to be taken away. Father watches X6 before asking, in a confused tone “Why are you crying?”
X6’s fingers go to his cheeks, where he feels the wetness from his tears. Quickly wiping them away, he apologizes and returns to his duties. But all of a sudden, he’s emotional? He thinks about Sole, how they acted toward others… X6 liked them... X6 admired them. X6 actually misses them. But he isn’t supposed to feel that way, not towards anyone. So why does he feel this way for Sole?
It takes him time, and he eventually comes to the realization that X6 feels this way because… he cared. He cared for Sole, and Sole cared for him. And maybe that makes him faulty and maybe that makes him a terrible Courser. But X6 can’t seem to care, not for that. 
Romanced, X6 probably had more time to work on his emotions, and more time to work on his outlook on just about everything. So when Sole dies, he knows that the reason he is crying is that he loved them. And X6… actually doesn’t mind that. He gets curious one day and reads a few books, and even overhears a few others speak, and over time, heals himself. He lives, works, and does what he needs to do because when the day comes, and he dies, he’s fine with it all. The love he had for Sole was real, and that’s worth something, isn’t it?
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distant-velleity · 4 months
Regis backstory snippet (≧▽≦) Please enjoy this quick story!!
The worn-down, empty apartment wasn’t so empty anymore. 
Aki went from appliance to appliance, fixing up a cup of tea. As he slowly stirred it, he glanced back over his shoulder. 
The outworld teen sat at the roughed-up island counter, silently nursing her injuries. Her torn skin was already beginning to mend itself. She didn’t look back at him, and instead looked blankly at the marble countertop. Her Mirror of Transcendence laid there, covered by a sterile rag.
She seemed… lonely and downcast. Aki supposed anyone who had just been stranded on a different planet would be.
“So,” he said, leaning over and sliding the cup to her. “What’s your name, kid?”
“R…” The teen hesitated. “...Regis.”
Aki got the feeling that wasn’t her real name. It didn’t matter; it wasn’t as if ‘Aki’ was his birth name either.
“I’m Aki, though you prolly already figured that out.” He rested his arms on the counter. “Where ya from?”
He didn’t mention that he asked because of the rose-like markings on her skin.
Silence filled the dusty kitchen. Regis eyed her Mirror of Transcendence. 
It was a long time before she finally said, “▮▮▮▮▮.”
In other words, the Garden Star of Beauty.
Aki grimaced internally, his hunch confirmed. Being from a neighboring star system, he had heard all sorts of things about that place, and none of it was good.
A vicious long-lived species with an average lifespan even exceeding that of the Xianzhou people. Political and religious hell. Underlying conflict between worshippers of Yaoshi and those of Idrila. He’d even come across a rumor that when the people of the native species inevitably succumbed to insanity, their bodies would transform into monstrous, mutated plants.
No wonder ‘home’ was such a touchy subject for Regis.
“Gotcha,” Aki replied. He gave her a quick once-over: the gash on her face had already mended itself in the time they were speaking, leaving only scarred tissue behind. “And you’re a Mirror Holder, huh?”
Regis nodded without saying anything.
Outside, ▮▮▮’s only star began to set. The entire city was suddenly awash in vivid colors, colors that would soon give way to darkness and artificial light.
Aki cursed under his breath and closed the blackout curtains over the kitchen window. Then, in the brief moment of pitch blackness, he relied on habit to find the lightswitch again.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” he told Regis, who only tilted her head.
“Why do you need to…” 
She didn’t finish her sentence, but Aki got the gist of what she was asking.
“Let’s just say I’ve made a lot of enemies.” His bad ankle throbbed. “And I’ve got no intention of letting those rats get a peek at my apartment when they’re the most active.”
“Are your enemies the same people who stole the Providence?” Regis asked. 
So that was the name of her spacecraft.
“Yeah. You were really unlucky—they normally don’t have guys skulking about during the daytime.” 
Regis’ mouth set in a serious line. “Well, I’m not going to just let them take it,” she muttered, sounding the most angry Aki had seen her so far. “It’s mine. And more importantly… I can’t stand the way they laughed as they took it apart.”
The bitter venom that laced her words reminded Aki of himself a few years prior—a broken little boy who took the bloodstained hand that reached out from the shadows, building up a brotherhood of outcasts because the rest of the world rejected him.
To put it simply, Regis had potential.
“Then,” he started, “let me and my guys help out. No one knows those bastards better than us.”
He meant it as an honest proposal, but Regis stared at him like he had abruptly grown a second head.
“Help… me,” she echoed disbelievingly.
Aki crossed his arms and gave her a wry but genuine smile.
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“Defend our own, protect the innocent, avenge the wronged. That’s what our creed boils down to.” He held up two fingers. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re innocent ‘cause you had nothing to do with our business at first, but you’ve been wronged anyway. That’s two reasons to help you out.”
Regis still didn’t seem to believe him. For a follower of Idrila, she was unique in her skepticism.
“Mirror Holder or not, I know an outcast when I see one,” continued Aki. “Me and my brothers—we’re all people like you. Maybe you’ll be leaving this planet behind a week, a month from now, but there ain’t a reason for us to not lend a hand now.”
“...For now,” Regis conceded, standing up from her stool. “If you can help me get my ship back, then that’s all that matters.”
Well, it was good enough. Some people needed to see actions more than words. Aki understood.
“Glad to have you with us, then.”
He extended his hand to her like his own “sister” did for him so many years ago.
Regis took it.
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prototypelq · 1 year
DMC Questions Anon here!
Take every character you wish to and tell me what you think is the most emotionally devastating situation they could be put in and how they would react to it.
Hi, Ember! You just had to do the ask around the DMC1 anniversary and the twins' very bad absolutely no good horrible terrible birthday huh) lol we love angst in dmc everything is completely fine
To be perfectly honest with you I am surprised the twins are... somewhat functioning persons after all the shit they went through. I mean, they are barely functional, and 5 was just one massive mental breakdown for both of them but still! They remain Somewhat sane which is very hard to believe to tell the truth, and they really need years of extensive therapy (...also any therapist they go to will need therapy themselves after a session with the twins, I feel sorry for the poor soul).
All of this is to say that this is my ask and I don't want the twins to suffer too much)
this is also the reason I side with the 'twins have normal human lifespan' answer in Raven's poll, because Sparda Luck has had nothing good in store for them ever, and prolonging their years means risking their fragile mental health even more. they just really need a leave/retire at this point and my wish for them is to live their years in relative peace
I'l go over the twins briefly as I don't want them to go through shit again, the canon was cruel enough towards them. Nero is their weak spot. Nero is extremely important to the twins, because he is the physical manifestation of hope for their future. Before 5 the answer to this question would have been each other, as the pain of being the lone brother has been familiar for each of them and has been festering for decades at this point, but it all changed in 5. The ending of 5 shows rekindling of their brotherhood, it it was only possible thanks to Nero, as in 5 both of them were so exhausted they wanted just to end everything*
*I've discussed this with Raven, and we bounced around the idea that the circumstances of twins 'mutual agreement for the end' was not so mutual in details. Vergil was exhausted and had no idea what to do next, except have one last great stand with his brother, and to force Dante's hand to end him. But to bait Dante into doing that, he had to go all out during their battle, so Dante kind of rightfully assumed Vergil was out for his blood. Again. DMC3 tragic parallels my beloved.
I doubt Vergil realised how badly this was all going for Dante, or the consequences of such action on his twin. Though Dante absolutely knew he could not live with himself after ending Vergil again, and that's exactly why he left the deed (= inheritance for Nero) behind before going on this hunt. He thought it would be his last.
It would be curious to see Vergil's reaction to that information, I think if he learns of the deed he'll piece the puzzle himself, and then there is going to be an Interesting conversation between the twins. I doubt Vergil would have gone through with his plan if he knew the toll it would take on Dante, and Vergil never wanted his brother dead.
Nero is the twins future. He gave them a deserved slap as a wake up call, he reminded them of the possibilities the future could hold, while twins only ever look to the past. They found kinship in their shared respect and fondness of Nero, this is their starting point to heal.
Loosing another after 5 would be, of course, extremely painful for either of them (arguably worse for Dante, as his mental state is pretty much in shambles in 5, and Vergil was the same before that, literally in his case, but he has new page now, he just has trouble figuring out what to do with it), but with Nero's help they just might be able to pull through.
But if anything happened to Nero himself? I don't think twins, even with their bond rekindled would be truly able to come back from that. So yeah, the twins' weak spot is Nero.
Nero`s weakspot is obviously family, however much has been much kinder to him in that aspect than the twins. He grew up loved and cared for in his adopted family, but with his own isues of course. While Nero had not knew Dante&Vergil for very long, he certainly does take after his uncle&father (must be the Sparda heritage) in term of issues, because Nero combines the twins' together! Nero struggles simultaniously with self-worth and the need for recognition, which I reckon, will give him A Time while the twins are gone, and if anything they will only worsen after their return too. Nero has already unlocked two power-ups, yet he is abandonned by the twins (for reasons he will have to come to terms with) And he is not even close to their power levels (Vergil only lost to Nero because he did not want to fight in the first place and was exhausted). Nero has been trying to establish himself... for his entire life, but every major demonic outbreak had Required a Dante call, Nero had not been able to handle it on his own. And after twins return this issue will only persist, because he means so much to the twins, he now basically has a very agressive safety net, which all the spardas will have to work together to solve.
Also I could have just said family. Nero will be worrying over twins the entire time of their absence, no doubt about it. Hopefully, in the meantime of awaiting their return, he will look into whatever he can find of their history, and he will get at least a rough picture of what the hell the brothers have been through and why they had to go together.
Other weakpoint of Nero's is, of course, Kyrie. I actually have no idea how he leaves their home, knowing his blood attracts demons, which are already plenty in Fortuna, and with canon suggesting no special abilities to defend herself with. If something happens to her it will be devastating for him, but Nero has grew up with good support system around him, he has another adopted sibling in Nico, and now even his blood relatives are close. It will be hard, but I believe he could pull through with all of their help. (but I want nothing bad to happen to Kyrie)
Same applies for Kyrie - she will be tortured by the loss of nero if it came to that, but hopefully she will be able to work through that loss.
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teecupangel · 2 years
What if Desmond is reborned in Unity as Elise's or Arno's baby brother?
Oh, oh. I can think of 3 main ideas we can play with.
Now, before anything, we’ll set up some rules that all ideas must adhere to (all of which came from the premise of every Yew Branch I’ve written):
Desmond remembers his life as Desmond Miles
Desmond will have his ancestors’ memories and skills but those memories will be vague
With that out of the way, let’s get to how Desmond could screw up AC Unity’s plotline:
1 Desmond is reborn as Arno’s baby brother and he grows up with Arno.
I think that Arno would be a responsible older brother, maybe kinda like how Ezio was with Petruccio.
Considering it’s only them, Charles would have definitely emphasized to Arno that Desmond’s safety is his responsibility.
Arno’s protectiveness would definitely go through the roof once it became clear that Desmond is a bit of a ‘strange child’ while Desmond is half-exasperated and half-delighted because his new family is definitely leagues better than William Miles and his wife.
There’s no way in hell Arno would leave Desmond alone to play with Élise while they’re waiting for Charles.
Not to mention, Desmond would definitely try to act like the big brother and say ‘go, I’ll wait for father’ and that would only make Arno want to stay with Desmond because that’s what a good big brother would do.
In this scenario, I can see Élise joining them instead, playing where the Dorian brothers are waiting and, when Charles comes to pick them up, he would recognize Élise and maybe they’d even escort her back to her father.
Now, this is where things can go either way. Even before Versailles, Desmond would have realized that Charles is an Assassin which meant that he would definitely be paranoid, using his Eagle Vision every so often. In this scenario, either Desmond sees Shay approaching and warns Charles OR he’s too late and he and Arno see Shay kill Charles.
And that’s where we will have two different routes we can take:
1.a Charles Lives and Arno and Desmond become Assassins under his tutelage
In this scenario, Arno and Desmond would have a brotherly relationship similar to Federico and Ezio with Desmond being the ‘Federico’ and Arno being the ‘Ezio’.
Charles’ main task in the Brotherhood is to travel around the world and, now, it’s to protect the precursor box that the Assassins gave to him.
This means that Arno and Desmond would be raised on the road and seas, maybe even on the run and hiding from Shay Cormac who will definitely be looking for them.
And then everything comes to a head when they returned to Paris to help the Brotherhood as the sociopolitical unrest in France starts to boil over.
In this scenario, Arno and Desmond would probably remember Élise but there would be no messy love story between Arno and Élise. They would be one-time playmates turned wary allies as Élise would be trying to find who killed her father and the brothers would have the same goal because Élise’s father had been close to finalizing a truce between the Assassins and his more moderate Templars.
Bellec may or may not betray the Brotherhood. If he does, it would be Charles that would stand against him (with the help of his sons).
Shay would probably make an appearance in Paris later on because he learns Charles is there.
Desmond would be with Arno and Élise when they fight Germain and Élise won’t die. Whether Arno and Élise would actually end up together though… hhhmmm… I’ll leave it to you, nonny.
1.b Charles dies and the de la Serre takes the Dorian brothers in
Desmond would definitely find out that the de la Serres are Templars. It might take a few years, he’d probably spend a year or two grieving Charles’ death and being there for Arno, but he’ll definitely find out.
During that time, Arno would develop a crush on Élise.
Once Desmond is sure that they’re Templars, Desmond would be faced with two choices: stay with the de la Serre who have been nothing but kind to them (although they do tend to be treated like servants at times too but that’s fine) or he gets Arno to run away with him and try to live on their own
If Desmond tells Arno they should run away, Arno would say no because he likes the de la Serre and he doesn’t understand why Desmond would want to leave. At this point, it’s either Arno would tell the de la Serre Desmond’s plan and Desmond would run away alone (leaving Arno) or Desmond finds a way to get Arno to agree to leave with him.
Staying with the de la Serre will also complicate things
1.b.1 Desmond stays with the de la Serre
If he stays with the de la Serre, it would be more of “I wanna see what the Templars are planning” than any gratitude he might feel for the de la Serres.
He won’t stop Arno from getting close to Élise.
The de la Serres would probably not realize Desmond is spying on them and Desmond would know when Élise has started her Templar training. That’s when Desmond would advise Arno to be careful.
Arno would think that Desmond doesn’t approve of Élise and they would start their whole secret relationship.
Either Desmond doesn’t find out because he’s busy trying to spy and not getting caught or he knows about it but doesn’t say he knows because he wants to honor his brother’s choice.
Monsieur de la Serre still dies and the plot of Unity kicks off with Desmond and Arno becoming Assassins.
Arno wants to find out who killed Monsieur de la Serre, Desmond is just there to make sure Arno doesn’t do anything really dumb.
Bellec still betrays the Brotherhood and Desmond is the one to kill him.
Germain still happens but Élise lives in the end.
1.b.2.a Desmond and Arno run away together
If they successfully run away, Desmond would use his Eagle Vision to find the Assassins. Either they find the Parisian HQ first and get taken in by the council (maybe even Mirabeau?) OR Bellec finds them first and he takes them in.
If they grew up with Bellec as their foster father, there’s a high chance that Desmond would be able to stop Bellec from betraying the Brotherhood later (through the power looovvee logic and reasoning).
They get trained as Assassins and when AC Unity kicks off, they’d be part of a 4 member squad and perhaps even in charge of de la Serre’s death (which was given to them because of their history).
Élise and Arno would have a bitter ex kind of vibe in their relationship and Desmond gets caught in it, along the lines of ‘he chose you instead of me’ or ‘I left her for you’ and their squad will tease that it’s like a fucked up loved triangle between Arno, his biological brother, and his foster sister (all said in jest, of course).
1.b.2.b Desmond runs away alone
If Desmond runs away alone, he would be the only one that gets taken in and raised as an Assassin.
He’d always check on Arno but never show his face.
Arno, on the other hand, would feel absolutely guilty for what he’s done. He’ll try to run away too to try and find Desmond but he’d get caught every time.
At this point, either de la Serre gets into contact with Mirabeau to talk about Arno or, and this is the more dramatic route that would definitely make everything messier, Élise gets Arno to be trained as a Templar, maybe even whisper to Arno that they can look for Desmond as Templars.
Élise’s party in AC Unity will now be a party for both Arno and Élise as they are inducted into the Templar Order.
AC Unity plot happens with Arno and Élise working together as Templars while Desmond takes over Arno’s parts in the game.
This would definitely have a kind of ‘Abel-Cain’ setup between Arno and Desmond with Desmond being the ‘Cain’ as he doesn’t trust the Templars and Arno is torn between his loyalty to the de la Serre and his brotherly love for Desmond.
Might even come to blows with “You left me.” “Well… you made it clear who was your real family is back then.”
2. Desmond is Arno’s half-brother, born after their mother left Charles and Arno
In this scenario, I think it would be interesting if Desmond meets Arno when he joins the Parisian Brotherhood (maybe after their mother’s death and she tells Desmond the truth on her deathbed?).
Depending on their age gap, Desmond could join the Brotherhood during AC Unity’s main game plot OR during Dead Kings DLC.
2.a Desmond meets his half-brother during Unity’s main game
Desmond would act more like Arno’s partner during missions. They won’t have any familial bonds so there are a lot of awkward talks and sometimes they just ignore their familial ties and act more like two colleagues trying to get to know one another.
There will be bonding moments of course but things will come to head after Desmond tells Arno that he’s too focused on Élise. The two of them will have their 3rd act break up at this point.
Desmond would be the one to find Arno drunk after Élise ‘dumps’ him. There might be a one-sided fistfight as well because they’re both idiots.
This is the scenario where Élise living has the lowest percentage, not because Desmond would let her die (of course not) but because there’s a possibility that Desmond wouldn’t even know what Arno and Élise were planning until it’s too late.
2.b Desmond meets his half-brother in Dead Kings
In this scenario, Desmond would be a ‘novice’ tasked to retrieve the missing Arno Dorian
Dead Kings still happens although with additional bonding moments between Arno and Desmond
Their relationship will be more: Desmond is the exasperated assistant of a grieving/brooding Arno
They will also bond over the death of loved ones (in this case, Desmond would probably relate because he still feels the pain of Maria’s death)
Léon gets adopted by Desmond. He likes to call Desmond and Arno his brothers.
And finally:
3. Desmond gets reborn as Élise’s younger brother
This is honestly going to messy, might even be messier than Desmond running away without Arno plot (probably).
First of all: Desmond won’t run away from the de la Serre because they love him and he loves them. He also won’t realize that he’s been born into a Templar family until it’s too late and he already loves them too much to betray them.
Depending on the age gap between him and Élise, he could either be there when Charles Dorian dies and plays with Arno too or he meets Arno after Arno becomes a ward of the de la Serre.
Regardless, here is the plot point that I kinda don’t want to do but, at the same time, I kinda want to just for the sheer unnecessary soap opera level drama it would add to the mix: a Love Triangle between Arno, Élise and Desmond.
To be more exact: Arno having a bi-crisis of epic proportions because he develops a crush on both Élise and Desmond growing up.
Desmond is oblivious to it, Élise is not.
At this point, either we go down the love triangle route OR Élise would do an ‘I want my beloved to be happy’ and be Arno’s wing woman.
Either way, Desmond would develop feelings for Arno as well which he would mistake for just ‘fondness’ because Arno reminds Desmond a lot of Ezio.
Desmond learns that their father is hoping to finalize a truce with the Assassins and he supports it because he loves his father and he still remembers how much Connor had wished he and Haytham could have found some common ground (until Haytham fucked that up and Connor was too angry to even try again).
Desmond and Élise get inducted at the same time and their father dies.
This is where AC Unity’s plot starts to get messy because, to Desmond, this isn’t about Assassins and Templars right now.
This is revenge. He’s the calm one to Élise’s hot-headedness and Arno is taken in for the ride because… well… Arno’s a dumbass who fell in love with a Templar(s).
And now Bellec thinks Arno is being corrupted by the two de la Serres
Élise won’t die in this one. There’s no way in hell Desmond would let that happen.
Pairing-wise, it could honestly go with Arno x Élise, Arno x Desmond or Desmond x Arno x Élise XD
Plot points that will happen regardless of which idea we go for:
Desmond’s skills will compare him a lot to his older sibling (Arno or Élise). There’s gonna be feelings of inferiority going on, that’s for sure.
If Bellec raises Desmond and Arno, he would be kind of a hardass but he would be ‘loyal’ to them. Even if he goes through with his plan to betray the Brotherhood, he would probably let either Dorians kill him because he can’t kill them even if he tries.
Desmond is the best recruiter of the Assassins. He will refuse to do any recruiting as a Templar.
Desmond would be super sus of Germain. He might not know what a Sage is but he knows something is giving him the heebie-jeebies whenever he’s near Germain.
Germain would have a hard time hitting Desmond with the Sword of Eden for some reason. (probably related to the device Desmond activated)
Desmond will definitely try to contact Connor one way or another. Whether he is successful in finding Connor though is up in the air.
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nicsnort · 1 month
Trial by Fire (part 10)
A Nightcrawler/Fem!OC romance, drama, and mystery fanfic, with lots of Quicksilver thrown in for fun and even more drama.
Intro (with link to full Ao3 story) First Previous
Bedelia was eager to leave but she was not finished with her business yet. She had a promise to keep to Skinwalker about letting him see the article. And Quicksilver was off doing something anyway. From the kitchen, she could smell something delicious baking. Was Scarlet Witch making a treat? Perhaps, she was willing to share after their moment together last night.
It was not Scarlet Witch but Trance. Bedelia paused, not wanting to interrupt. “Journalist.” She greeted, finding herself uncertain how to feel.
“Trance,” she greeted with a hesitant smile. “I finished the article draft. Magneto is letting me go back to my home to find a newspaper to print it...I would offer to let you read it, but it seems like you are in a good mood.”
Even as she spoke, her eyes were taking in the baking ingredients around the mutant. It was something she did not suspect from her.
“And he’s letting you stay home after it’s done?” There was disbelief in her words. She turned back to use a spatula to get the cherry piroshkis off the pan. 
“Yes and no,” Bedelia conceded to the woman. “Quicksilver will still be checking in. And he wants more articles from me. The next move by the Brotherhood will be an exclusive.” Bedelia chuckled just a bit, but it was obvious that it was a less than ideal idea for her.
Moving into the kitchen, Bedelia gestured to the coffee maker on the counter. “May I?”
“Knock yourself out.” The woman set aside a few sweets but took out two plates, setting a pastry on them each.
The scent of baking cherries was irresistible, and her stomach growled loudly. While she knew it was nothing compared to how it would have been in Genosha, while not starving, Quicksilver had not been the most forthcoming with food. Bare rations - except for last night and the twinkie - were all she had gotten.
“So you’ll be returning?” She asked, looking back up at the woman. “Sounds risky if they want to keep your unfortunate human-status secret.” Trance remarked as she set the two plated pastries on the table. She placed the rest on a large plate. 
“Yes, Magneto desires me to interview others. Unfortunate to you, perhaps, but simply is to me. With Magneto desiring my skills, I am not truly concerned about others finding out. It is when my use runs out that I need to worry.”
Trance didn’t reply right away. Instead, the woman watched and listened to the coffee pot fill up with the caffeinated black liquid. She looked in the fridge and pulled out the milk. Once the coffee was finished, she took out two cups and poured a generous amount of milk into hers, leaving it out for Bedelia to decide. She poured coffee into her cup and set it back, sitting at the table with the pastry waiting.
“That’s a frightening situation to be in.” She agreed at last. “In Genosha, you worked until you died. Are you going to try and call for help to prevent coming back? Or wait until next time?” Trance pointed to the other plated pastry and gave a nod of indication.
“Thank you,” Bedelia said, seeing the pastry. At the woman’s words, she gave a small shrug. But even in her casual behavior, there was just a hint of suspicion in her eyes. While the woman now did show some sympathy to her with the comment, she had viewed Bedelia as an enemy just the other day. Her hatred for humans was obvious. “Timing and opportunity are key for everything,” she simply told the woman.
She took a bite of the pastry and groaned with delight. “This is delicious,” she told Trance.
“...It is.” Trance agreed again. “Good observation.” 
They both ate and drank silently for a moment before Trance spoke more to herself than anyone else. “I’m surprised I remembered the recipe.”
“Memories can be surprising on what is remembered,” Bedelia commented. Her mind flashed with the memory of baking sweets with her mother at Christmas. She could still remember the scent of the multitude of cookies and pies baking around her...the way her mom taught her how to put the crust on the pies...stealing cookie dough.
Bedelia took another bite. Some of the juice from the cherries dripped down her chin, and she caught it with a finger. Having a sip of her coffee, she looked at Trance. The woman had given her pastry. Bedelia would continue this goodwill. “Since I am leaving but shall be back, is there anything you want or need?”
Trance looked hard at the journalist before taking a slow drink, thinking over the offer. “No strings attached?” Her gaze locked with Bedelia's, waiting for a lie. There was none. “Books on healing trauma.” She took another drink of her coffee.
Bedelia gave a soft smile at the request. This was good. She and Trance may have this hesitant truce, but she wanted the woman, all the mutants from Genosha, to start healing. It would be a long process, and many wounds would never truly heal, but it was good to start learning how to deal with their trauma. Bedelia had learned that long ago. “No strings, I promise. I will give them to you when I come back...I am sure it won’t be too long before they tug on my leash.”
Despite herself, Trance smirked before taking another bite of the pastry, the sticky sweetness almost making her mind draw a blank. “I think you’re right. Though I haven’t met Magneto yet; he doesn’t seem the type to...slack.” 
Bedelia took a long sip of her coffee, eyeing the other pastries. “You made quite a few. They are to share with the others, right? I promised Skinwalker he could read the first draft. Do you want help bringing them out?”
At the offer, Trance glanced at the few she had set aside. “Of course, I’m sharing; I’d get sick otherwise. Give them to Skinwalker and tell him one is for the girl. He’ll know what I mean...I look forward to the book.” 
“Of course,” Bedelia replied before standing and draining her coffee cup. “Well, time to test the little trust they’ve placed in me.”
With her laptop in one hand and the plated pastries in the other, she looked back at Trance. “Are you not going to come out?”
“I suppose I will. Can’t have you taking credit for them, human.” She stood and set the empty dishes in the sink. “Though be aware, journalist, my conversations with my fellow mutants are strictly off the record.”
“Naturally, I know where to draw the line.”
The door to the bunker was heavy, but with Trance holding her items, Bedelia was able to open it fairly easily. Taking her laptop and the precious camera back, Bedelia noticed that there were fewer tents than before. Interesting, it had only been a few days. She wondered where they were moved to. Had they been set free in a city somewhere? If so she knew they would quickly join the homeless population. Or did the Brotherhood have another base somewhere?
The pair walked over to Skinwalker and the playing girl. Seeing Skinwalker like this made the transformed form more bearable. It was still obvious how sickly the mutant was though. 10 years of hard labor, malnutrition, and torture.
The little girl who had the distinct features of a reptile shrieked with laughter as she rounded a tree, nearly running into Skinwalker before she climbed up the tree effortlessly. It was rather fascinating to watch. Trance smiled and called out, “She’s got you beat, Skinwalker unless you stand on your hind legs.” 
The pair turned to face the voice. The girl smiled and, hanging upside, let go to wave. “Trance! Hi! Where have you been?” She let go of the branch and was caught by Skinwalker, who had transformed into his standing, normal self just in time. 
“Trance. Sarah.” Skinwalker greeted his deep voice traveling the short distance. He set Donna down and watched as she ran over.
Trance crouched down and smiled at the girl who had paused and looked up silently at Bedelia, shy and unsure. “I have a treat for you and Skinwalker.”
Bedelia smiled down at the reptilian-like child before her. However, her eyes went to Skinwalker, still smiling but more in a business fashion than comforting a child. “Magneto just approved the draft I wrote. I’ll be leaving today to start the publishing process. As I promised, you can read the draft...though I hate to interrupt a treat. I had one inside. They really are spectacular.”
Across the camp, she saw a streak of silver entering the bunker.
Whatever light of joy that had been in Skinwalker’s black eyes dimmed at the mention of the draft. “No, I will read it first and then indulge.” He decided.
“Sugar with medicine.” Trance remarked dryly. “Come on, Donna, let’s take a seat, and I’ll give you the treat. Leave the adults alone.” She and the girl walked away. 
Skinwalker took the laptop when offered and read his portion. He wanted to ensure it was described appropriately and that it did not take too many liberties -- though given his situation, there were far few false things to add that would make it shocking. After a few minutes, he gave a short nod and returned the laptop. “It is acceptable. Thank you.” He smiled a little. 
As he started towards Trance, thinking they would all settle for whatever she had brought, Quicksilver appeared behind Bedelia, the hint of air rushing past her giving his sudden stop away. “I heard we’re going to the city.” There was no suggestion of his feelings in his tone. “It’s been a while since I got a vacation.” That was how he chose to see it, at least. There would be benefits to the city, mostly involving some privacy as long as he kept an eye on the girl.
“Ah, yes, grand ol’ New York City, Brooklyn to be precise. Avenue J and Flatbush, if you are familiar.” Her family home. Her parents had bought it from the city after it was condemned and completely renovated it themselves. Except for the wiring. The wiring was given to a contractor, a friend of a friend. It was the wiring that started the fire. But the house had all been paid, and the insurance covered the repairs.
Pulling herself from the thoughts, Bedelia gave him a small smile. “There is a guest room,” she told him. Turning to look at Trance and the other two mutants munching on their treats she gave a wave farewell.
Fanfic Masterlist
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aith-art · 11 months
Falloutober 2023 - Day 15
"Keeping Warm"
Prompt by - @falloutober
Word Count - 1264
A moment alone. The nighttime was a wonderful for personal time. The empty red rocket station was a my safehaven. People knew where I was, but most knew this was where I went to work on something or other. The building had survived well over the last 200 years, the only prior tennants a bunch of Molerats that had been delt with before I had arrived. A generator thrumed outside, steadil providing power to the place. Where once stood the pumping stations, now a robotics workshop sits. ADA had given me the blueprints to it when I’d helped her deal with the Mechanist. The garage contained all the important tech. My bike, in desparete need of repairs, Danse’s power armour, which he’d technically stolen from the Brotherhood, along with an assortment of other technology and weaponry that needed somewhere secure to store it. 
I walked to the back office, a small room I’d converted into a living space of sorts. A bed against the back wall, a desk, some shelves, my work clothes. Everything a home needed. Not that this was my home. It hadden’t been fit for a settlement, but me and Sturges used it as a testing ground for less than safe experiments. It became one of the many safehouses I’d established for myself across the wasteland, though it was the one frequented the most. 
A shiver crept up my spine. This building was never warm. I’d done everything I could to try and fix the pre-war heating. Nothing. Sturges didn’t even know where to start. If we’d used the workshop, it wasn’t much of a problem, but I hadden’t been into the garage today so the chill remained in the air. 
Sitting by the desk I turned on the terminal, one that had existed here before me, and looked over the trading inventory I’d been building. It was all stored on a holotape, the master copy was on me at all times but I kept copies in several key locations to the Minutemen. Preston had been impressed at my organisation, but it was nothing. Trailing through the data, and updating the who, what, wheres, and whys for all the settlements was a chore that needed doing and I had gladly volunteered to do it. 
Something moved behind me. 
My hand fell to my pistol, ready to draw it from the holster and kill any intruders. Silently, I stood from my chair and made my way to the door. Placing my back to the wall on the left of the door I waited. It could have been nothing, but this close to sanctuary on my own I couldn’t take that chance. 
“Jules?” A small voice echoed from the corridor, I released all tension I’d been holding. It was Dana. Moving away from the wall I shook my head, she was going to be the death of me. 
“I still don’t think this is a good idea.” A second voice piped up. Dana’s younger brother Shaun, who had seen me as a parental figure from the start, walked up to the counter near the office as Dana entered the garage. 
I stepped out from the office, my footsteps naturally light. Leaning against the counter, I made my presence known. “You don’t think whats a good idea?” 
Shaun jumped, almost falling over, as he realised I was behind him. Dana came running out of the garage as the sound of her brothers destress, only to greet me with a vibrant smile. “Jules!” She exclaimed, running around the counter and jumping at me. I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. 
“What are you two doing in here?” 
Shaun, now recovered from being scared half to death, moved around the counted and gave me a light hug, “We wanted to know where you’d gone.” 
I smiled, they were both so sweet. “I’ve been right here. I’m not going to be going very far.” 
Dana released her hug, “I know, I just…” I’d only left them in sanctuary, under the watchful protection of Preston, MacCready, and Codsworth. “You didn’t tell us you were leaving. We got worried.” 
I pulled her back into a hug, “Did you atleast tell someone where you were going?” 
All I received were sheepish looks, from both of them. Shaun looked at the floor while Dana pulled a face and tried to move away from me. 
“We…” Neither of them were going to admit to sneaking away. 
“They’ll work it out before long. And they know where I am.” 
“So we’re not in trouble?” Shaun asked. 
“No. No you’re not. You’re both still in one piece and unharmed so I think the others will forgive you for this.” 
Dana smiled, pulling at her jacket. Well, my old jacket that she’d taken from my hideout in the prior week. She shook slightly. Shaun’s hands grasped at his arms. As the night got darker the cold that had crept up on me earlier had started to get to the young adventurers. 
“You guys look cold.” I looked at the clock on the wall, the one I’d matched to Dana’s pipboy time, “Is it too late to take you back to Sanctuary?” 
Dana shook her head. “Please, we wanted to spend time with you. Can we stay here for the night?” She pleaded. 
I looked from her to Shaun, both cold and tired. I could have stood my ground, told them this place was no where near as safe as Sanctuary, but I didn’t have the heart. 
“Fine.” I gestured with my head to the office. “I’ve got some blankets in there.” 
Running the short distance, they both collapse onto the bed. Shaun takes the blanket off the bed and moves himself into the corner of the bed while Dana sits expectantly on the edge. Waiting for something. As I close the door, an attempt to keep some heat in, I watch the two of them. Dana pulled the jacket further around her, using it as a makeshift blanket. Shaun rested his head against the wall, he wasn’t used to the wasteland like Dana was. 
I went to sit at the desk, my work long forgotten, when Dana spoke up, “Can you read something to me?” I gave her a smile and looked above the desk at the shelf of books. Many of them were technical journals and documents I’d hidden from the Brotherhood, but I had my comicbook collection stored up there purposefully out of Dana’s reach. She was almost as light fingered as I was when it came to comicbooks. Reaching up to the shelf I picked up the top comic, La Fantoma, one I’d brought with me from the Mojave. One she’d definitely not seen before. 
Moving over to the bed, I sat beside her. She lent against my arm, resting her head against me. The shuffle from my right, along with the sudden pressure against my right arm, told me Shaun had done the same. 
I’d barely started reading when I registered that they were both asleep. Wrapping in their separate blankets and cuddling into me. It was quiet in the building. While I couldn’t sleep, it was calming to know those two were safe. That they felt safe around me. MacCready would come looking for them before too long, but until then, the world was still. None of the threats mattered. Pushing the comic under the bed with my foot, I shifted my arms without disturbing them so I could comfortably give them both a hug. Parenthood had never been my planned path. But nothing ever went to plan.
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nochuelinha · 6 months
Chapter 12: Je Te Veux
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Being with Edward was like experiencing the most divine flavor of happiness, his lips were soft and demanding on mine. Being kissed by him was among my favorite things now. He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine, I didn't open my eyes, afraid it might be some trick played by my fertile imagination.
I felt his hands caress my cheeks, I melted under his delicate touch, his smell was minty and comforting, I recognized the fragrance I had given him as a gift. I felt his hand on my waist now pulling me closer. My hands were on his chest now.
___ Be mine - his melodious voice whispered in my ear. I shivered, I opened my eyes and if I was already in love, the way he looked at me swept me away completely, it was gentle and sweet, but I could distinguish a fire there, he was more alive than ever - Give me the honor of being yours, I want to spend all my days by your side, I don't know what kind of charms you've used to keep me in your hands like this, but please, don't leave me now - I lifted my feet and gave him a peck. He smiled beautifully, he has the beauty of the gods.
___ Please tell me I'm not dreaming - he kissed my forehead, we are cold, but I have never felt as much warmth as I am feeling now, with every stroke of his hands on me, it's like embers are left behind.
___ Darling, vampires don't sleep - his good humor made me relax. I don't know how long I waited for this moment, maybe since I heard his voice telling me everything would be okay, long ago, when I didn't even have the idea that I would live, that I would have a family, a home, and now love.
___ Thank you for saving me - I whispered.
___ It was you who saved me, from lonely days, from the growing darkness - he paused - You don't know, but of all the people in the world, I don't deserve you, and I fought to set you free, in the end, I let my selfishness and desire for you take the best of me. Even if the world ends in ice or fire, I'll be here for you, with you, if that's what you desire, I'll spend eternity by your side - he took me in his arms and laid us side by side on my bed, I leaned closer to him and buried my head in his neck - I want to be your friend, but also your lover, I love you with my soul, I could never feel any other way, from the first time I saw you, even though I denied it, you had already left me at your feet - his voice was so soft and sweet, do I really deserve him?
___ I've never had such a great perception of what loving feelings are, brotherhood has always suited me - I paused - But for you, I've saved all the love I possess, every minute, every hour, from now on and forever, I'll be yours.
We stayed there for some time, I relaxed in his arms, this is where I belong now, where I should stay. Soft music was playing, making the atmosphere more intimate and comfortable. He stroked my head, occasionally kissing my forehead, we were just affection and love. We heard shouting downstairs, we were pulled out of our bubble, we went down together, Jacob was kneeling on the floor, in tears, he looked at Edward and me, holding hands, and closed his eyes, he was suffering so much, it was heart-wrenching, Alice went to him, tried to lift him, but nothing happened.
___ Why doesn't she understand that she's the reason I have to live, her indifference is going to kill me - he lifted his tear-filled eyes - You can't make her happy, so that at least I can live peacefully, even if it's not by your side, please, please save her from herself, I can't bear to see her unhappy - his voice was broken and hoarse, how much he had already cried. I went to him and knelt in front of him, looked into his eyes.
___ Calm down and ease your heart - my voice was gentle, his eyes relaxed and the weight his body carried seemed to have been lifted - If Bella doesn't respect your feelings and treats you the way she wants, she doesn't deserve your pleas and even less your love - I sat on the floor and he mirrored my gesture - You know, I've read about your legends, I know a little about your special condition, I also know that you've loved her since childhood, maybe that has clouded your mind, I don't think the one chosen for you would make you suffer so much, ask the elders, have you ever seen them begging for their beloved to stay or for another person - his face twisted in pure agony, he understood everything I meant, thick tears streamed down his face. Esme arrived with a cup of chamomile tea, I offered it to him, and he accepted, even Rosalie was touched by the situation, she was the one who tried to lift him once more, he stood up this time, full of gratitude he left, the rain came and fell on him melancholically. Edward helped me up, hugging me.
___ You're an angel, you know - I smiled, after going through so many moments alone, where there was no one to offer me support, to dry tears in the darkness of an empty place, I can't refuse a friend's shoulder, some kind of comfort that soothes the soul, because that's what I sought for a long time.
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Cat: Are you happy here? Li: You'd think being surrounded by cutting edge laboratory equipment and some of the greatest minds the world's ever known would be enough. Only problem is the lack of transparency. I don't think we get the full story on everything that occurs down here.
- oh? dish, girl, i'm all ears.
Li: What does that have to do with why we're talking? Cat: The Brotherhood needs your help, Doctor. Li: Needs my help? Why? They seemed to have everything under control when I left. Cat: Did you abandon any projects you wanted to complete? Li: You should know better than to ask me that. If they didn't tell you what I was working on, they didn't want you to know. I'm certainly not going to put my neck on the line and spread their dirty little secrets.
- rats! my powers of unbeatable charisma have failed me! i'd forgotten how frustrating that is!
Li: Why would I possibly want to come crawling back to the Brotherhood? What reason would I have to throw away everything I've accomplished here?
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- "trust me"? greatest damn lawyer alive, and /that's/ the best i've got? nah, too easy.
Cat: I give up. What would it take to convince you? Li: All right, I'll play your game. I had a colleague down here… a Doctor Virgil.
- oh you've got to be kidding me.
Li: Several months ago, there was an accident in his lab, and he was killed.
- was he, now?
Li: I wanted to help with the investigation, but Father had the laboratory sealed, saying that it was contaminated. The incident never sat right with me. The more I asked about it, the more I felt like Father was deflecting my questions. If you bring me solid information on what killed him, I'll take it as a favor from the Brotherhood, and consider your offer. Do we have a deal?
- well, the good news is that good buddy Burce has recently been un-Banninged, so theoretically we could just go for a little field trip. i don't think she'll go for that, though, and getting Virgil back into this hellhole seems even less likely.
Cat: I know this may come as a shock, but Doctor Virgil is still alive. I met him myself.
- it just occurred to me to hope that we're not being listened to right now. whoops.
Li: Oh, please. Do you really think a cheap tactic like that is going to work on someone like me? Stop trying to avoid the legwork by lying. Either you get me the evidence or we have nothing else to talk about.
- well, it was worth a shot. plan b: this Holotape which i actually forgot i was carrying and am really glad i didn't accidentally leave in Sanctuary when i last cleaned out my inventory.
Cat: I already have something that might convince you. Li: How did you…?
- "yOu ShOuLd KnOw BeTtEr ThAn To AsK mE tHaT" :p
Li: Never mind, just let me see what you've got. Cat: Here you go.
Holotape: Virgil: I'm going to make sure the whole program is shut down. If not for good, then at least for years to come. After that… I know what I'm about to do will be seen as a betrayal. Treason, he'll probably call it. So… I'm leaving. I have a plan… and if it works, I'll be somewhere safe. Somewhere not even the Coursers can find me.
Li: They… lied to me. They lied to me, and I didn't even realise how far it went. All those years of loyalty… for nothing.
- good to have confirmation that Shaun is not to be fucking trusted, which i already knew. wait, did i say "good"?
Cat: No matter how badly it hurts, you needed to hear the truth.
- shut up ghost of DiMA past she asked me directly to investigate it's not the same thing shut up shut up
Li: And for that, I thank you. I came to the Institute to get away from the Brotherhood… from the whole world. I just wanted to do my research in peace. Father took me in and gave me access to cutting edge technology that I only dreamed existed. Li: I became jaded. I thought that the Institute cared. That they wanted to better mankind. Maybe, in their own twisted way, they still do. But now I realise if you can't trust the people you're working for, then it's all pointless. If they lied about Doctor Virgil, who knows what else they've been lying about… or what their plans are for my work.
- well said! now, have you ever heard of a group called the Railroad-
Li: I'll make my way back to the Brotherhood, but I'm going to have to do it on my own. I can't take any chances being seen with you.
- honestly, appreciated. i don't want to be ousted as an infiltrator yet, either.
Li: Tell whoever sent you that they've just regained the services of Doctor Madison Li.
- mission accomplished.
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thedisasterfam · 2 years
4E 206 - part II: Gold Coast
Bruma didn’t work out, but perhaps the duo will find something in the Gold Coast? At least Kajo’s sister is there to make things stupid.
[Part I]
Anvil was nice; the weather was lovely, much warmer than Skyrim, but the sea breeze kept the heat from getting too unbearable. The little city was very lively too, ships sailing from its port all hours of the day and merchants habited its busy town square, as well as locals and non-locals rummaging through their ware or just chattering and enjoying the sunny day. It was fun to sit by the port and watch ships of various sizes set sail, taking goods and transporting people from Cyrodiil to other provinces.
What was even more fun to Cicero was to discover that the Listener had relatives living in the city! Or well, perhaps not too surprising, since many wood elves seemed to like this port city for it’s wonderful location by the Abecean Sea and quick access to Valenwood by land or water. But regardless, Cicero was excited and perhaps a bit nervous, too. Being the Listener’s “special person”, introductions to the family should come eventually, right? But oh, he had not prepared for it at all! Mostly these relatives were Kajo’s cousins, not very close blood family, but much to her surprise, they found out that one of her sisters resided in Anvil currently, doing apprenticeship underneath a local blacksmith. Kajo found it almost strange, for this sister, Kuura, had never really expressed interest in leaving Valenwood, but perhaps the offer had been just too good to skip, and she was happy to see her sister after such a long time.
Kajo’s family intriqued Cicero, as he had never really known what it was like to have blood family. Of course, he could imagine what it was like, but had really no personal experience with it, since he didn’t really count the elderly couple that had raised him. He had always suspected them to be his grandparents, but somewhat involuntarily looking after him, perhaps hoping for their child to return one day and take this rascal out of their hands or perhaps their child had passed, and they just couldn’t leave him on the streets. There had never really been a real family-like bond within the household, but Nonna was mostly nice to Cicero. Nonno, however, kicked him out right after Nonna passed when he was sixteen.
Joining the Dark Brotherhood had filled his need to belong, but still he couldn’t help but wonder if blood families were any different from these family-like relationships that often formed within Sanctuaries. Probably not too different, really. Family is a family, be it of blood or found.
Cicero chuckled and smiled as he watched Kajo play with her little cousins. They had been at it for like an hour or so, but the little mer showed no signs of getting tired. Kajo was always (well, mostly) full of energy too, but he could tell that she was getting exhausted, but still kept going even after fifth round of tag and third of hide-and-seek.
“Cicero knows a few funny tricks!”
The jester was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Kajo mention his name and suddenly the tiny bosmer flocked around him, their big eyes filled with excitement. Kajo gave him an apologetic smile, but Cicero didn’t mind! It had been a while since he had gotten to perform for such an enthusiastic audience, after all, and even though children weren’t his usual demographic, he still had some kid-friendly tricks up his sleeves, as a good jester should.
“I certainly do!” Cicero announced proudly, jumping up and the little mer cheered already. Juggling, tricks with little colorful scarves, tons of silly jokes, and pulling things out of his hat; anything Cicero did got the kids even more excited, and they demanded more and more. Her turn to sit down and rest, Kajo watched amusedly as Cicero so joyfully performed for the children, feeling happy to see him having so much fun. At first she had been worried of how her relatives would receive him, but they had shown nothing but kindness and curiosity. Well, it was very normal for members of the Puuri family to be extremely accepting of everyone and Cicero was already liked by her cousins, her parents and sisters wouldn’t be too different.
“He is kind of funny.”
Speaking of a sister.
Kajo was startled by Kuura sneaking behind her, having very quietly approached her older sister to surprise her. Or to spook her. Typical little sister behavior. Kuura just laughed when Kajo flinched and gave her an annoyed look.
“Hello to you too!” Kajo huffed with a frown, but playfulness in her tone. She had not expected her sister to sneak up on her like that, having thought that she was still busy at the workshop. Had been, obviously, as she had some soot on her face and sweat shining on her forehead. Perhaps the day’s work was done.
“Sorry to scare you, Shorty,” Kuura grinned and patted her older sister’s shoulder as she sat down beside her, turning her eyes to watch the enthusiastic imperial entertaining the children. “How’s the day going? I see you got flocked by the little ones.” She asked, pointing at the kids excitedly jumping around Cicero.
“Yup,” Kajo nodded, smiling widely. “They are really energetic! I played with them for a good while, but they are still like this.” Children were odd, she thought, but in a funny way.
“I hope your partner can get them to tire, otherwise I’m next in line,” Kuura joked, although wasn’t too excited about having to play with those little acorns after a long day at the workshop. At least not before she had some food and a bath. “He is doing a good job!”
“He is,” Kajo chuckled, now affectionately watching Cicero, which Kuura instantly noted. “I’m glad he is having fun.”
Kuura found it funny and endearing to see her sister like this, so enamored by someone special. Of course, she did remember the time when Kajo was seeing a girl back home, before she left to wander around Tamriel, but that had been rather awkward, very “teens in love for the first time” type of a thing. Witnessing Kajo so openly express her affection was new. Kuisma would absolutely love it and definitely make fun of her in a such a terrible yet loving little sister way.
And Kuura was no different from her twin.
“You know,” she began with a ridiculous grin on her face and when Kajo looked at her, she already knew that she was about to get slapped in the face with something absolutely stupid. “I didn’t expect you to have a thing for red heads. I bet it’s the freckles. Have you tried to count them all?”
Kajo huffed, feeling her cheeks turn red. ‘Maybe I have tried to count them, so what?’ she thought to herself, but would not tell Kuura that! But her face told enough and the younger sister grinned even wider now. “Right. Does he have them on his—”
“Okay, no, shut up,” Kajo slapped Kuura’s arm, making her burst into laughter.
“You two would have very cute, freckled children!” Kuura kept teasing and Kajo continued slapping her, mumbling curses at her sister.
The slap fight got Cicero’s attention and, after he apologized to the kids for needing a break, he curiously approached the two bosmer wildly pushing and poking each other now. Both looked at him once he stood right in front of them; Kajo with her face completely red and in a frown, whereas Kuura had the funniest grin on her face, obviously proud of what she had done. At the moment Cicero also noted how similar the two looked. Not identical, but close enough to instantly recognize them to be sisters. Kuura just had very short hair and was taller than Kajo.
“Do you have freckles on your bum?” Kuura suddenly asked, catching Cicero completely off guard. The jester blinked at the taller bosmer and Kajo made the weirdest little sound, slapping Kuura’s arm again.
“Maybe. Why? Do you want to see them?” Cicero asked jokingly, although felt a little bad when seeing the Listener more and more baffled and embarrassed by this conversation. But it was funny, he couldn’t resist joking with Kuura.
“Good to know, but no thanks,” Kuura laughed. “I’m only into women, sorry. But I’m sure my sister would gladly see them.”
“Oh, yes, she certainly would!” Cicero continued jesting, his own stupid grin matching Kuura’s when he looked at his partner. Kajo buried her face into her hands and groaned loudly. “What is it, Listener? Should Cicero show them to you now or wait for later? For a more private moment perhaps? I don’t want to make your sister uncomfortable!”
“I would prefer to be eaten by a dragon just about now,” Kajo rubbed her red face, feeling how hot it was from embarassment.
Back in the old days, the Sanctuary hidden within the hills between Anvil and Kvatch was dubbed as the Gold Coast Sanctuary. According to the records, it had once been home to a large family and operated for centuries, but by the time Cicero had joined the Brotherhood in Bruma, nearly all contact to Gold Coast had disappeared. It was suspected that it faced a similar fate as Bruma later on, raiders or soldiers, even locals deciding to rid the area of assassins. The unstability of the province was likely the answer, but Purification was another suggestion Cicero had about the fate of the Sanctuary, although those were usually kept record of, and he couldn’t remember seeing mentions of such. It was a mystery that might never be solved.
Having been abandoned for so long, the Sanctuary was rather difficult to find. The entrance was snuggly between two hills, surrounded by minotaurs habiting the area and lions roaming about, and even if you managed to get past these obstacles, it was difficult to locate the Black Door, as greenery had grown over it and hidden it well. Kajo would’ve never found the place on her own, but luckily Cicero knew exactly where to look and even remembered the passcode.
“A story tells that an ancestor of mine was a member of the Dark Brotherhood,” Kajo said as she and Cicero finally managed to pull the door open enough for them to slip inside. It had accepted the passcode and even greeted them with a familiar voice that all of the Black Doors were enchanted with, but having been shut for so long, the hinges fought back. “The founder of my family or at least the branch I’m from. My great-great-great-great-great-grandmother or something.”
“Really? How come you have never told Cicero about that? It sounds like a fun story!” the jester pouted playfully, not truly hurt that Kajo hadn’t told him about this before. Sometimes you just forget things.
“It’s more like a vague rumor, really,” Kajo admitted, trying to find something to use as a torch in the pitch-black corridor. A tiny bit of light seeped through the partially opened door, but it was not enough to illuminate the whole corridor, let alone the rest of the Sancutary. With nothing to avail, Kajo decided to give in and use magic instead, swiftly summoning an orb of light for them. Cicero made a small ‘ooh’ sound, always surprised by how the Listener knew magic. “So far no one has had any real evidence, but the story tells that she actually resided here for a time, so I wonder if we’ll find something.”
“That would be quite fun!” Cicero chuckled and clapped his hands together, the sound echoing in the walls. The Sanctuary was an old cave, very sturdy and didn’t seem to have suffered much decay over the many years of being closed off from the outside world. As they made their way through the corridor and entered the first hall with a small library, they were surprised to find that the cool air had kept everything in relatively good condition; the furniture that remained looked fine and even the books and scrolls on the shelves seemed to have avoided being eaten by bugs or rot. Old banners still hung on the walls, too, and it was as if they had stepped into a place where time had stopped. It was just empty of people, no soul to be seen, and not even skeletons to remind of the people that had once recided here. Not even spirits that often wandered the Sanctuaries, guarding them. Perhaps those sensed their presence, but recognized them to be the Listener and the Keeper and allowed them to visit in peace.
They wandered through the Sanctuary, impressed by its size, but every hall and corridor were the same, just old furniture and now unusable supplies here and there. A couple of times they stumbled upon things that might’ve once been someone’s personal possessions, making it feel like perhaps the family here had to leave in a hurry. There were no signs of fighting either. After a while, the two returned to the library, figuring that it was probably the best place to start with trying to find out what had happened here – and if Kajo’s ancestor truly had once lived here.
Most of the old books and scrolls did not offer much. Just vague markings of contracts and locations, how much they had paid and so on. Old contacts, people who could be trusted, and so forth, nothing that would have much value these days and nothing that offered any insight to what had happened to the place years ago. But perhaps that was not important, as what truly mattered was that this Sanctuary could be used again, since it was in relatively good condition and offered a wonderful location by the Acebean Sea. It would surely make it easier for them to take contracts in the nearby provinces like Valenwood and Hammerfell, Summerset Isles too!
Kajo sighed as she set aside yet another scroll that offered little to nothing and was content to call it a day, return to Anvil for the night and continue their trek the next day, but Cicero suddenly gasping in awe caught her attention. He was holding an old book, one that was almost breaking apart, but still readable, and when he lifted his gaze to meet with Kajo’s, his brown eyes were beaming with excitement.
“What is it?” Kajo asked curiously, scooting closed to Cicero to take a peek at what he had just found. He instantly started tapping a section on the page he had been reading; it was a list of names and ranks.
“A Puuri!” he said excitedly, his tapping intensifying. “Cicero found a mention of a Puuri on this list!”
“Huh?” Kajo blinked suprisedly, staring at the page now too, having to move Cicero’s hand aside to be able to see the list for herself. And indeed, there was a familiar name.
Faundra Puuri. Silencer.
“Faundra,” the bosmer said quietly. It took her a moment, but once it sunk in, she chuckled and smiled widely, Cicero joining in on her excited laughter. “Faundra is my ancestor’s name! Exactly the one I’ve been talking about!”
So interesting to find out that to be true! However, it was funny too, since Kajo had no idea that Faundra had used the name Puuri back then. The story also told that she only began using the name after returning to Greenshade. But well, who knows, perhaps the name had been brewing in her mind even before her eventual return to her roots.
“A Silencer, too, that is exciting!” Cicero giggled, impressed that Kajo’s relative once held such high rank, one bestowed only to the most skilled of assassins. And Kajo was no different, clearly having inherited her ancestor’s talent. Perhaps it just skipped over many, many generations? Or who knows, perhaps her family had even more ties to the Brotherhood.
The old book was carefully wrapped in Kajo’s scarf and stuffed into her backpack, and with this wonderful discovery, they finally decided to return to Anvil. They were excited to write a letter to Dawnstar, to let the others know that there was at least one Sanctuary in Cyrodiil that could be opened again! This was good news for the Brotherhood.
And perhaps there were still more to come.
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