#undying tales project
nymbruyn · 7 months
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Undying Tales jour 30. La loutre du Japon est la dernière de la liste de cette année.Je n'ai tellement pas été assidue cette année que j'ai plein d'animaux en retard, il faut que je remédie à ça. Ainsi que pour mes petites illustrations de leurs légendes associées qui sont complètement passées à l'as. Je les dessinerai peut être. À mon rythme.
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alihsi · 7 months
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Undying Tales Project Day 16: An Asiatic canid called the dhole. Once again, I didn't add any elements of the lore and just illustrated this endangered animal. The references I took this from are more from the Indian subspecies rather than the fluffier Chinese or Tibetan species. I'm not sure I did a great job of depicting this particular type of canid rather than a more generic canid. Faber-Castell brushpen, Windsor & Newton fine-line marker, and Prismacolor fine-line marker on Canson mixed media.
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wolfeyedwitch · 8 months
How is it practically October. How is it GOING TO BE OCTOBER ALREADY.
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sapphickz · 2 months
minsoul + danceracha
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lee minho + lee minseo 𖤐 hoseo
aka: min siblings, minmin, biglittlemin, 민남여 (minnamyeo)
it goes without saying that all of the members collectively feel like an older brother to babyseo, however this one just so happens to actually be her brother (°▽°)
hoseo are basically the same person copied and pasted but the bigger one is cuter and the smaller one is scarier. it’s all backwards.
as siblings minho and minseo obviously bicker over trivial things as well as getting along extremely well but they tend to divert typical expectations with their undying outward support of one another. you will never catch these two bad-mouthing the other even as a joke.
don’t get them wrong, minseo will always be the very first to laugh at minho’s mistakes, but she is also the very first to compliment his bare face in the mornings. “the fairest of all the land has finally risen! would you like to make something yummy for breakfast?”
and as seo’s older bro/role model, minho takes great care in always making sure miso is happy and comfortable in every situation. he’s a bit of a helicopter mom in that sense.
minseo fully uses this trait to her advantage by this point. it’s usually just forcing him to make her a gourmet meal but she could ask him for a star from the sky, and he’d do it! after rolling his eyes of course.
nightmare (blunt rotation) duo. often gang up on the other members together simply for the fun of it.
also the only members to be able to tease the other and survive.
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hwang hyunjin + lee minseo 𖤐 hyunseo
aka: jinmin, tom&jerry, the dramatic and the drama
100% transparency, at first these two had no idea how to talk to each other. it was very awkward, like two kids forcibly paired on a project together, and there were a lot of contributing factors to this fact.
firstly, at the time they met hyunjin thought she was the same age as him, which lead to his very stiff way of communicating at first. this in turn made minseo (2 years younger) totally off-put with the arms length she found herself at.
fortunately miso would later grit her teeth and bare the embarrassment to act a bit more sweet and cutesy toward hyunjin in order to warm him up, and that he did. after finding out she was actually not a scary girl his age but instead the real-life blueprint for kuromi there was nothing she could do to keep him away.
hyunjin has since grown to be the thorn in her side and truly lives for the thrill of disturbing her peace despite the threats hurled his way in retaliation. they never turn out to be true, anyway, minseo finds his antics too amusing.
as for miso’s torments, hyunjin is the only member she feels actually comfortable teasingly jokingly down to, like she knows she can call him a dongsaeng and live to tell the tale. one of her favorites is the simple “hyunjin-ah.”
and maybe it’s a pisces thing but hyune is the only member seo can’t help but simp for. she tries to hide the soft spot in her ‘cold, cold heart’ for him but the occasional “cute” will slip and the facade is destroyed.
since moving dorms minseo often calls hyunjin just to ask what he’s doing and say she misses him before hanging up.
and of course prince hwang always follows up these calls by inviting her to paint or go shopping the next day.
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lee felix + lee minseo 𖤐 seolix
aka: lee kids, melody & kuromi, haedal (sunmoon)
the true gamer boys of the group; seolix. whatever you do, just don’t ask them about how long they played genshin last night.
with dangerous duality and voices that don’t match their appearance, felix and minseo are the sun and moon duo of stray kids, combining their opposition to illuminate the beauty in contrast.
^^ or you could just say that they’re the golden retriever/black cat combo of the group if you’re not into whimsy ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
felix is one of the members that minseo just can’t help but smile around even when he’s not really doing anything. just his presence alone is truly like happy vitamins.
and even though miso is typically seen as intimidating first and foremost, felix finds even the scary-looking minseo cute, especially when her gummy smile makes an appearance.
there’s also somewhat of a ‘monkey see monkey do’ phenomenon that occurs between these two. felix can’t do one (1) silly thing without minseo wanting to try it out.
on the other hand, felix is always trying to imitate miso’s cool and nonchalant demeanor, often repeating things she’s said or mirroring her ‘swag’ mannerisms (his words not mine.)
they’ve also arranged the agreement that felix will bake any treat she wishes as long as she gives him company for the time being. thankfully minseo is always willing to sit in a comfortable spot and laugh as long as she doesn’t have to participate in the cooking.
nowadays since they live in the same dorm seolix often go live together for a mukbang/secret excuse to talk about the newest game they’ve played together. babyseo stay eating well ✊🏻
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A Tale of Time
Well hello there, welcome to my little story, that I had in my head since 4 years. I finally got the courage to write it down. We will start light and breezy. I’m excited for this journey and I hope you will gain some happiness and joy from my story. I wrote stuff before but never released anything so this is a big step.
I have been part of the Clintasha Fandom since 2012 so it’s amazing to contribute something to our little but mighty ship community.
Big kisses and hugs to @scavengerssuccotash for the undying support, love and endless lovely conversations!
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winterhawkkisses · 2 years
Your TOP 5 Clint comic!artist?
Okay, so this is in no particular order:
1) David Aja. Obviously, obviously David Aja, okay, his Hawkeye run with Matt Fraction is ICONIC and absolutely the inspiration for my new tattoo. It’s not just his scratchy minimal style, which allows you to project the Clint in your head onto the page, but also the really interesting things he does with the layouts and conceptualisation of the storylines, such as the way he draws the comic which is from Lucky’s POV. 
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I have David Aja Hawkart as my background. :D 
2) Mike Mayhew
I. Um. You know why, okay. You know why. 
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3) David Marquez
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Yeah, this is pretty much based on the pose, I am a shallow, shallow girl, subby praise!kink Clint is my jam. (Apparently you can buy the original print here) if anyone has a spare $750 and wants to earn my undying envy forever. XD 
4) Travel Foreman 
Illustrator of the Tales of Suspense that brought us such delightfully slashy scenes, someone who seriously has fun with facial expressions. 
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I genuinely love how well the moods are portrayed, how Clint’s streak of thoroughgoing asshole is shown in his body language in the top panel on the right. 
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Clint is sometimes such a little brother, and it really shows. 
5) Stefano Caselli
Drew West Coast Avengers, and we got some truly great panels with Clint. I love the scruff, I love the accidentally cool hair, I love how hard the sleeves are struggling to contain his arms. 
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Plus this:
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As you can see, my choices are often dictated by the storylines and source material. If you know more about comics, please please add to this post with some more gorgeous Clint! 
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bookofdaniel · 2 years
The Book of Daniel and Other False Prophets
"You know this story, of the mortal ensnared by the beauty of the blood hunter. I gave you one version, yes, but it's a tale far older than me. Death and the maiden, Hades and Persephone, but who recalls of this tale the vampire and the boy? The world sees glittering frock coats, cherubic curls, flashes of auburn and amber perhaps if you consider yourself well read. But there is the youth and the undying as well, there is Louis and I."
Almost 50 years after Daniel met Death in a San Francisco gay bar, through lust, desperation, addiction, madness and longing, he finds himself struggling to carve out a place for himself at court, among the society his own work set into motion. Coming to the end of his mortal lifespan, The Boy turns once more to words to heal his soul, writing now not another man's story, but his own.
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armory-rasa · 2 years
This week in “Gremble Goofed Up :(”
Two cautionary leatherworking tales for you, my friends, one with a happy ending and one without -- and how to avoid these tragedies yourself.
Story #1
So when I’m tracing my pattern pieces onto leather, I usually use a fine-tip sharpie:
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(Behold, three simultaneous pairs of Wonder Woman greaves in progress, from back when that was a Thing.)
Many people use a scratch awl to trace their patterns, so they’re actually pressing and leaving an indentation in the leather, but I prefer not to -- ink is easier to see, pens are easier to control than awls, and I can change the arrangement of the pieces if I find a more efficient way to orient them, whereas if you’ve pressed lines into the leather, those lines are there to stay. Since most things I make get dyed black anyway, it doesn’t matter if a bit of the ink marks are visible on the edges (and beveling them usually shaves off all the remaining ink anyway).
Except this time I was also making Link’s bracer from Breath of the Wild (which is brown), and I accidentally left a different piece face-down on it when I was casing them. For all that sharpie is a “waterproof” ink, it does bleed some, and I wound up with the outline of a Loki bracer right smack in the middle of my Link bracer. 🤦‍♂️ I didn’t think to take a picture of it, but here is the goof recreated with scrap leather:
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BUT! I remembered the time when I was making the Anders brigandine, and I had painstakingly numbered the backs of the plates in sharpie so that I would remember how to arrange them -- only for the alcohol-based dye bath to completely strip the sharpie away. So this time I decided to use that to my advantage, but I did want to make sure it would work before I sunk any more time into the bracer. Before doing any tracing or carving or stamping, I took the damp leather and submerged it in dye --
And then the rare I’d been camping in WoW suddenly spawned, and I accidentally left the bracer sitting in the dye bath for fifteen minutes. 🤣
S’all good. The dye bath is very dilute, so by the time I remembered to take it out, it was a nice rich brown, and the sharpie outline was gone.
BUT there’s a reason why you don’t dye until after you’ve done your tooling -- because the leather isn’t dyed all the way through, and the undyed core will show when you start carving lines with your swivel knife:
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S’okay! I knew that was going to happen, we can fix it in a later step. And even though it looked kinda funky, it hadn’t been sealed yet, just dyed, so it still behaved as veg-tan ought to, and took the stamping just fine:
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And after applying antiqueing paste to it, and getting it into all the undyed crevices, it came out indistinguishable from a Link bracer that had been done correctly from the start:
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TA DA! Happy ending. 😊
And then the costrel. 
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Yep, that’s right -- I fucked up on the very last step, let it overheat in the oven when I was melting the wax to make it waterproof, and it is now permanently ruined. 
The melting point of beeswax is 140-150 F; the polymerization point of leather is around 200 F, which means that you’re walking a fine line between getting the wax hot enough to soak through, without overshooting and killing your leather. Because when leather polymerizes, it shrivels, and there is no fixing that, or ameliorating it, or walking it back. 
(This is why I hate waxing -- because it’s the final thing you do to a project, and it runs the risk of destroying the whole thing. I know it would be less stressful if I were better at it, but waxing leather isn’t something I get a great deal of practice with, so I am behind the curve on this particular skill.)
My mistake here was not putting adequate padding between the costrel and the metal tray it was resting on -- I had put down a couple sheets of butcher paper, but what I should have done (wound up doing for the rest of it) was crumpling up some paper towels for it to rest on, to keep it elevated from touching the metal.
Live and learn. =/
I did go ahead and finish it, for the sake of getting more familiar with the process -- and the costrel did indeed turn out waterproof and completely functional. I’m just mad at myself for making a mistake that cost me a day and a half of work, and ruining a project that came out otherwise perfect.
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sunny6677 · 9 months
The Omnia
(A Spooky Month Fan Story)
Summary: A person by the name of Vessel ends up staying in a suburban town for 5 weeks.
(Clarification: Vessel is a character I made specifically for those who aren't really into obsessive love type stories to project other people or characters onto so they wouldn't feel as if they had to project themself onto the character. You are allowed to project anyone onto Vessel, whether that be a fictional character or someone else. And you can even just see them as their own character if you want.)
Chapter 1: Inception.
FROM the dawn of the first day, to the darkness of the first night, Vessel had always felt as if this story was something out of an imaginary tale. A fantasy! A fable, perhaps! But deep inside their memories, the tale remained in frozen pictures of recollections of events they could recall. Yes.. of events that they could recall very deeply. Stuck in the frozen photographs of the thousands of eyes they had looked into over the countless weeks. Stuck in the memories of the very voices they heard speak their name over, and over.
It was a horrifying tale—a tale that made them so distraught that even to this day, they still couldn't believe it had happened. A tale that was almost similar to the stories in the recollections of gothic or dark literature. It was something out of a story by Edgar Allan Poe perhaps, or from a deep and twisted mind.
Hearken! Listen, and gather, for I shall now tell you the demented and twisted tale of why they had never once came back to the very town they nearly called their home.
It was on a cool night that they had arrived, with the specks of stars shining from on high. They had driven their deep indigo vehicle that had been running freshly on gas still, and it had lifted the air with the smell or vehicle exhaust. The air caused by the coldness of the night had brushed against their skin as they drove along the street. As they drove along the street, to glance around and to take in the very town they would now call their home.
Vessel, on this night, had just purchased a house that laid within this town. Yes. It was a small beige house with a dark brown roof, with square-shaped windows on both sides of the wooden brown door that lay straight in the center of it. There were blades of grass that would gently lift and lower through the night breeze, and that would turn brown whenever the sun poured its light onto them for too long. Small weeds were sporuted between blades of sharp green grass, giving the illusion of tiny golden flowers.
Yet even so, the thought of having a new home comforted them! After all, this had been a small and seemingly quiet suburban neighborhood in the middle of Arizona. Unease, there was none. Objections, there were none. The thought of finding a new home at lost excited them to the point where a peculiar smile beamed itself on their lips! They would stare on ahead as three vehicles passed them by. Streetlights remained with a visible yellow aura of light among the sidewalks, with specks of moths scattering for the source of light they craved ever so.
They had to admit, for Arizona being such a hot place, the town was oddly cool in temperature. Then again, that may have only been because the breeze of the day had slipped away, and had transitioned into the moonlights fresh breeze. Vessel at least felt a little relieved they wouldn't have to bear the undying stroke of heat that would always grace their skin whenever they stepped outside, for at least the first night they were here anyway.
A green truck swiftly moved by, nearby leaves from trees scattering within the harsh wind it brought forth for merely a few seconds, only to lower again. Vessel turned a corner on the street, more buildings coming into their view as they did. A yellow vehicle sped by them, it's wheels brushing rather harshly against the smooth road that was now most likely jagged from the thick trails of their tires. A movie theater loomed from on high in the distance, glowing amber light seeping out from it and pouring onto the street. A mental note made its way into Vessels mind that had they ever wanted to see a film, they could always easily stop by that place.
A greyish blue car drove by at a rather slow pace, and the clicking sound from the interior of Vessels vehicle filled the ambience as the radio softly played. The AC they had on blew freshly against their face, yet their eyes remained on the road, and their hands remained tightly grasped against the wheel. Vessel saw a white van that looked oddly worn down parked with the distance on a small narrow road that they weren't exactly directed to go into, for that was not the way to their new home. A part of them felt a linger of curiosity spark within their mind like a freshly lit fire burning from an amber-colored candle.
They felt their fingers slightly sweat as they kept firmly pressing them against the wheel. Their hands had been wrapped around the wheel for so long that in all honesty, it was getting fairly exhausting. A sigh slipped out of their mouth, and they turned the wheel. As a result, the vehicle turned another corner. This time, they made their way into a street filled with smaller houses similar to the one they had purchased. With fences lined around some houses, and dogs barking loudly anytime they saw a vehicle pass by. Yes.. this was the neighborhood that they would now live in. The grass, the houses, the absolute feeling of wonder.
As they drove along the smooth road, they turned a corner again. And this time, in the distance, a shape of a house remained still in their glistening vision. Their eyelids then tightly shut for a split second, closing down to form a blink, only to open back up again. That familiar beige exterior color, the two windows surrounding the wooden brown door, the dark brown roof. A smile beared itself upon their lips, curling into a smile.
This was their new home, their new residence in which they would stay for an unknown amount of time.
The radio continued to softly play, and their lights slowly poured itself onto the garage door as they finally managed to move their vehicle gently onto the driveway. Their hands remaining on the wheel, they finally stopped the vehicle altogether after making their way onto it. Retracting their hands from the wheel, they took out a car key, and before they knew it, the sound of both the AC and the soft radio came to a close.
Vessel had already put away most of their stuff by now, inside of their new and fresh house. Their boxes had all been unpacked. Their clothes were hung inside of their new closet. All of the items necessary for the bathroom were now placed on top of the bath itself, or on the sink had they been needed for that instead. Yet some boxes remained clearly open, remaining still upon the new fuzzy floor of their house until they would eventually come back.
They hadn't any food for their kitchen yet. Only a few small snacks they had brought with them for the night they had driven up to the town itself. They had brought a bag of golden, salty chips. They had brought some small candies they had purchased from a local gas station at their now old town. They had brought some pizza rolls which they had stored inside of their new, white refrigerator. A part of them considered briefly exploring the town, but decided that maybe getting a few more items for themself in the kitchen or just for themself would be best for now.
Vessel had already been back inside of their car, sat upon the plush yet cool drivers seat as their hands were now wrapped back around the wheel. They had been driving along the road again, and had been doing so for about 2 hours now. There were less people walking along the sidewalk. Or less children running around and grinning and playing. By now, they had already purchased a few things from the grocery store. A part of them wanted to go home. But there was a thought in their mind that prevented them from doing so.
Yes, that was what they had been thinking of.
Certainly, they had purchased candies for themself already and already had some at home that they could easily consume. But their mouth oddly watered at the thought of some more confectionary or sweet edible items that they would be able to eat and eat until they eventually tired of it. They couldn't exactly help it, considering that candy was a rather addictive treat after all. It was made from sugar most of the time. And sugar was a drug no one could resist, unless it wasn't exactly in a person's taste anyway.
But where would they get it from? And if they went, wouldn't that have made them even more late for sleep than they had already been? It wasn't midnight yet, but a few more hours, and it certainly would be.
Would they perhaps get it from a local grocery store at the cash register where there would be multiple candies or any choosing for anyone to pick up and buy? Would they perhaps just stop such thoughts from making them cave in, and just go back home to eat the candies they already had? Come to think of it, Vessel wasn't even sure if this town might have had a candy store or anything like that.
Their vehicle then began to gradually slow down, and the sounds of whirs from other vehicles passing by made its way into their ears. The radio was no longer playing, and only the sound of both the road and the AC accompanied their ears. Their tongue craved something sweet to make its way into their mouth, and to be able to consume it whole.
Then.. Vessel blinked. They had been turning random corners on streets for hours now, and had planned on just turning back around and finding their way back to their new house. But.. there was something in the distance. A peculiar, but bright building that stood out among the rest. It was a white building on the exterior, but there were themes of bright blues and amber yellows and even bright pinks on the decorations. Inside of the windows, there were large, false.. candies centered right in the middle of it, as if to lure whichever soul craved sweetness into its abyss.
Their eyes then went upwards, and the vehicle had instinctively slowed down as their hands tightly gripped the wheel. The sign above the building had read.. 'Candy Club'. It.. it was a candy store. Or.. perhaps something else? They weren't even sure at this point.
They felt the idea of sweetness then form in the back of their mind again. The idea of feeling a taffy candy shoot its taste into their mouth. The idea of the taste of a chocolate candy with its either bitter or sweet taste, depending on if it had been a dark chocolate type or a milk chocolate type. Yes... their mind craved the satisfaction sugar would give. The satisfaction sugar would bring!
Their mouth watered at the thought, and Vessel felt their mind slowly become blank. Their heart thumped with the beat of the clicking that sounded within the car. There were vehicles parked in front of the store. Several, in fact. Not tons, but certainly enough to be able to tell there were most likely more than one person inside. One car was a light pink color, and one appeared to be a black limo that was illuminated by the glow of the amber-yellow lights. A part of them wondered why such an expensive looking car was at a candy store of all things.
Before they could turn around and head home.. they felt their hands turn on the wheel, as if something had been controlling them. Their hands gripped on the wheel. Then.. they realized.. they had been turning into the parking lot. They had been approaching the candy store, out of the sheer desperation for sweets. Confectionary treats, those were what they had craved.
On a night when they had just gotten to their new house, and had already purchased candies for themself that they could easily eat when they got home, they decided to turn into the parking lot of a candy store.
Well, then again, its not like anyone can really resist candy anyway. Once again, that most likely doesn't count if you're more into bitter-tasting things, or more spicier-things.
Vessel felt their hands turn the wheel again, and they could see their vehicle before their very own eyes turning into a spot in the parking lot! Yes, on this night when they already had candy of their own, they were actually going to go to a candy store despite already having some of their own! At this rate, Vessel would end up most likely dying from a sugar overload with how much they couldn't resist it seemingly.
The vehicle then finally parked. Their hands immediately retraced from the wheel, and a brief silence filled the air for a slight moment.
A sigh then left their lips. 'Guess I'm really doing this, huh?' This, they thought. They then retracted their hands from the wheel, and yanked the car key that was placed nearby to their grip. With a simple click of a button, the car stopped. And the AC's ambience quickly faded into ominous white noise yet again. They then slowly opened the car door, and took a step onto the dark gray road. Their feet slammed against the concrete. And as they slowly took a step out, they clicked the button again—the car let out a clicking sound, signifying it was locked.
Swiftly turning around, Vessel began to make their way to the—
...they stopped in their tracks. Their head shot both ways, left and right, as if glancing around to make sure the coast was clear.
...they then continued to walk foward, a swift determination firing its way up into their chest. A simple determination to get candy, and to consume it when they got home! Even if they would be a few minutes late for their regularly scheduled time to sleep, it was still an exhilarating thought. Purchasing candy was an exhilarating thought. And an exhilarating thought was purchasing candy.
A part of them considered that had they consumed it before bed, they'd be filled with enough energy to power them through the night until they eventually tired and fainted into exhaustion. Considering they had just arrived here though, they immediately scrapped the thought, considering it too late to really be able to turn back.
Once they finally walked before the door, they stopped in their tracks. It appeared to be one of the glass doors that automatically opened on their own. Though it was rather small, and to be quite frank, they weirdly wondered how a simple candy store could purchase such a thing. Or why a candy store purchased such a thing. Even so, after a few seconds of waiting, the doors swung back on their own—providing an entrance for them.
This was it! They'd finally be able to get their sweets, and then they could go back home.
Their foot sprung foward, a light bounce in their step as they smiled and looked down at the white floor. As they stepped in, a cold artifical air brushed against their entire body. They held back a slight sigh of relief from such a sensation. They shot up their glance, to see wherever the counter might have been so they could at least know wherever the cashier was. Yet instead of a cashier or a counter, they were met with.. something else.
It appeared to just be a woman. A woman with locks of autumn brown hair that cascaded down her back like a rippling flow of a waterfall. A woman with dark eyes, and long lashes that sprung out from the thin corners of them. A woman with furrowed brows, and a bright yellow necklace with a light cyan circle in the middle visibly shown. A woman with a brown dress, and high-heels. A woman who was.. significantly taller/shorter than they were. Or maybe she was the same height. They couldn't exactly tell.
Vessel then blinked, swallowing down a chunk of sweat. A flush of anxiety made its way onto their face as their eyes slowly finally made out what they were staring into. A pair of eyes, staring straight back at them. A pair of dark, long-lashed eyes that were half-lidded. They carried a sense of regalness, like a queen entitled to her authority and sat upon her throne with a cruel sense of judgement. The.. the woman was staring at them now, and by now, they had already stopped into their tracks for fear of bumping into her.
Before they could mutter out a word of apology, the woman let out a high-pitched but mocking hum. She turned her head, and her gaze locked onto something else as if wanting to look at anything other than him. Her voice then tinted with an English accent, she simply said irritably:
"Hmm.. out of my way, plebian."
Woah boy. This is gonna be a long ride.
@crossover-enthusiast jrjrjrm here since I talked with you about this au already and figured ya would be interested in it
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nymbruyn · 8 months
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Undyingtales jour 1-1
Premier jour et deja en retard ! Donc je vais partir sur un the Undying Tales Project comme par le passé. Mais fois 2! :D Il y aura une illustration un peu plus classique et détaillée comme pour mes anciens inktobers où je me pencherai sur les légendes attachée à chaque animal ou plante, ainsi qu'une version sumi-e du même animal/plante. Donc ici nous avons le premier prompt , le chat léopard de Tsushima, et plein de petits bakenekos. Sumie Minute à venir dans la soirée. :)
Disponibilité de l'original : ✅
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alihsi · 7 months
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Undying Tales Day 10: From @shadowscapes-stephlaw's list of endangered animals, the Pinto's Spinetail, a Brazilian bird. I didn't focus on the lore, just on the bird. I also combined a few different photos for the pose, so the perspective might not be completely right. Pentel brushpen and Prismacolor fine-line markers on Canson mixed media.
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guerrerense · 1 year
BFBO Getting Out Of Town por David Blazejewski Por Flickr: Here's a 'Monochrome Monday' photo of a once popular and very regular once a week train that alas no longer runs Pan Am Railways BFPO (Bellows Falls to Portland) unit slurry train departed from Vermont Rail System's Riverside yard, and after a couple mile run down into the center of town has swung off the old Rutland Railroad and on to New England Central Railroad's ex Boston and Maine / Central Vermont Conn River Line main. The three second hand six axle GE dash 8s are emerging from the south portal of the 278 ft long tunnel under downtown MP 144.56 on modern day NECR's Palmer Subdivision. This Friday only unit train was a staple for years, but was cancelled as the need for the Vermont clay slurry waned as Maine's paper mills transitioned away from white bleached writing paper (that requires the slurry for the bleaching process) to undyed brown packaging papers. The tunnel was initially constructed in 1851 by the Vermont Valley Railroad. The Vermont Valley would ultimately end up in the fold of the Boston & Maine Railroad in 1893 and this tunnel would come to be a choke point on what one the B&M's core north south gateway to and from Canada as their Conn River mainline. In addition to seeing frequent B&M freight and passenger trains the Central Vermont Railway also operated thru here on trackage rights. In 1988 the former B&M owned section from Brattleboro to Windsor became CV property (in a complicated tale of legal wrangling not to be retold here) with B&M successor Guilford (now Pan Am Railways) retaining trackage rights and the CV itself becoming the New England Central in 1995 when parent CN sold the line to then Railtex. Over its lifespan, the tunnel floor has been lowered three times; once in 1897, again in 1977 (by the Boston & Maine Railroad), and most recently in 2007 (as a joint venture between the Vermont Agency of Transportation, FHWA, and NECR with consultants; Parson Brinckerhoff Engineering & ECI Rail Constructors, Inc.) in order to accommodate increased car and locomotive heights at their respective periods of time. The 2007 project lowered the floor an additional 3 ft to allow for clearance of modern multilevel auto rack cars and this view clearly shows the pronounced dip in the track profile to provide the 20.8 ft vertical clearance. Rockingham, Vermont Friday September 29, 2018
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moderneden · 1 year
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Stephanie Law #Verdance Opens Tonight 6–8 pm Modern Eden proudly presents the second major solo exhibition from Bay Area painter and illustrator, Stephanie Law. Stephanie Law’s Undying Tales series has been an ongoing project for the past five years, depicting endangered species from around the world, accompanied by the myths, legends, and folklore of the regions. The reflection of the living world in the human psyche is presented as a rich tapestry of spirit and enchantment, elevating the earthy mundane to divinity and underscoring how entwined we are with the natural world. Verdance draws from Undying Tales, focusing specifically on the trees from the series and the ecosystems in which they play critical roles. Throughout human history, trees have inspired with their monolithic presence and provided metaphors for sacred realms. They have given shelter and gifts of their essence whose properties were then explained such that the knowledge could be passed along embedded within the memorable strains of song or tale. This series of paintings is an invitation to dance with the artist under the boughs of green giants: Sunlight and shadow, loam and leaf, threaded through with the stories they inspire. We are so thrilled to share this new exhibition with you and hope you can join us tonight, Saturday February 11, from 6–8 pm for a reception with the artist. 🍃 @spmlaw (at Modern Eden Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/Coh8y9TJMSF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shera-dnd · 2 years
It's here! The first fic from the Weasel Den Emergency Fundraiser!
I know my trolls aren't exactly super popular, but I hope that the few people who do enjoy them appreciate the little extra content
This time we're back on Vrede's story, catching her as she tries to find shelter in the last safe haven she might find in the Troll Lands
(also the Mountain King is a lady in this, because women who use the title of king are absolutely fucking amazing)
The mountain range stretched as far as the eye could see, like a grand wall built by the gods themselves. It curled around the southern borders of the Giant Lands, though some groups of frost and storm giants still lived even further south, in the frozen lands beyond.
Built into this natural wonder were many gates, each leading into the many cities of the mountain and fire giants. Though the grandest of all gates - built to fit even the divine father of giantkind - was made by a troll.
Lyral, the Mountain King. The leader who brought all giants, trolls, and ogres together under the same banner. The architect who built their people a grand fortress to keep them safe from the small folk invaders, and inside it a capital worthy of only the greatest of kings.
The woman who would bring them a brighter future.
That was centuries ago. 
Now the Halls of the Mountain King - as the city had become known - was a home to giants and small folk alike, a celebrated beacon of their peace and unity.
Some saw this as simply letting the small folk steal their lands after all this time, but for others - others like Vrede - it was a safe haven for those who could not find their home among either people. 
Perhaps among fire giants, tieflings, and other horned trolls like her, perhaps there Vrede would find acceptance, maybe even a home. 
So she now walked those halls, climbing the grand staircase that led into the capital, in the blind hope that maybe here she won’t have to run, or hide. 
Even still she dared not show her face, her features hidden under a hood that only allowed her horns to show, and her body covered in a ragged cloak.
Her left arm - the arm that had destroyed her master - was left bandaged. A dozen blistering burns had emerged in the weeks she had spent traversing the lands. Even as she refused to let her fire free again, it just continued to spread, starting at the palm until her entire arm was nothing but seared skin.
And no one needed to see that.
So she pulled her cloak a little closer as she continued to march towards the halls. The sounds of the crowd above echoing through the long entrance tunnel as she went.
Above her a massive mural decorated the walls and ceiling. Retelling tales of the grand ancestors. The thunder slayer, the fae friend, the undying, the bridge builder, and of course, Vaprak and their seven daughters. 
Vrede’s eyes singled out the middle daughter, the girl who dove into hell itself to find her father a cure, and returned changed.
She was the reason she had the horns, the red skin, the fire. All thanks to this one girl who traveled to hell and back. Though she wondered if maybe it would be best if her ancestor had stayed behind with her little sister all those millenia ago.
The murals ceased as she reached the main gate, two massive stone doors spread open before her, and beyond them a market square that could easily fit her entire village twice over.
Around her hill giants and frost giants set up their food stalls, trolls and mountain giants peddled their goods, and ogres and elves played their instruments for the crowd. People of all kinds gathered in one place, no one batting an eye at the other’s strangeness, even her own large horns and red skin barely standing out in the crowd.
As she walked further into the great hall that contained this entire section her eyes were drawn to the great statue at its center.
It stood taller than any troll or giant, a great stone pillar seeming to hold the ceiling aloft. Sculpted from the mountain itself with incredible precision and care, there stood Lyral, greater than all, still watching over her people.
Soon Vrede found herself walking towards the statue. 
It was unlike anything she’d ever seen before. Sure, the stone workers of her old village were skilled, but none of them could have built something this massive, this detailed. Whoever was responsible for this deserved to be celebrated just as much as Lyral herself.
She reached the base of the statue, the richness of detail now perfectly clear to her. From the waviness of cloth, to the expression on her face, to the detailing of her crown and horns.
The great Mountain King was a horned troll. A bearer of the flames of hell. A descendant of the middle daughter.
She was just like Vrede.
Then why did she get to become a king? Why did she get to be accepted and loved?
Why did Lyral get to be a hero?
Vrede was never given the chance. 
She was always the villain, always the monster. She spent her whole life being told time and again that she was a danger to everyone. But this entire time their King, their greatest hero, had been just like her!
The sting returned to her arm, worse than before, so much worse. She could feel her skin boiling from the inside out.
She fell to her knees, the pain growing stronger and stronger by the second. She tried to cling to her burning arm, just to feel her bandages burn to ashes around it.
“Hey, are you okay?” Someone called, but she couldn’t see who it was.
Oh no. 
No, no, no. Ancestors, please spare her. 
She didn’t want this. She didn’t want anyone else to get hurt.
Suppress it. Keep it under control. Pull the flame into yourself and don’t let go.
The burning had reached her chest now. Her lungs full of smoke and her blood boiling in her heart. 
But it wasn’t hurting anyone else. She wasn’t killing anyone else.
“She needs help!” That voice called again, more loudly this time.
Vrede hadn’t even noticed when she had collapsed to the floor, the stone under her threatening to melt.
“Somebody help!”
She couldn’t see anymore.
Vrede closed her eyes, and prayed silently to every god to please let this be over soon.
And then there was silence.
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Such inconvenient attachment.
Hualian, arranged marriage fic. Au where Xie Lian did not ascend and Hua Cheng has usurped the Yong An throne.
By me! You can also find it on Ao3 as the same fic name, I'll link it.
First chapter:
Xie Lian, known as the prince who pleased the gods, was usually represented in the whole kingdom by a soft and untainted flower in one hand, and a powerful sword in the other. Such a touching image, a perfect picture for a well meaning prince.
Loved, respected and revered by his people, and rumors went that even the most beautiful gods were jealous of him!
Graceful, considered and selfless, a prince who knew exactly where his loyalty lies, praises could be sung day and night, really!
However, Xie Lian was not praised for nothing, after all. He vowed again and again devotion for his kingdom, swore he'd do anything to be worthy of the title his father had been granted from his grandfather, and his grandfather from his great-grandfather and so on. But even after all he had to prove in the course of the years, the prince didn't think he had to marry, too, in order to help his people.
Well, maybe he should have been thinking about it, sooner or later. His father admitted that the idea was to be discussed with his advisors more often than not, but the opportunity itself never came. Of course, a marriage was not praised for undying love or caring feelings, unlike the love in the tales his mother told him as a little prince, but instead for the economic prospects that his spouse could bring to the table. And in any case, as a prince, one is always convinced that he'll have to marry one of the many noble ladies chosen by his parents. Or if one must really, marriage was perfect for alliances outside of the kingdom, with a well mannered princess or an important noblewoman.
And while Xie Lian had long ago left any resistance he had in the idea to marry a complete stranger, the suggestion of marrying the king of the kingdom who brought such suffering to his citizens did not please nor settle his heart.
Marrying the leader of the kingdom that had dismantled his own, piece by piece! The thought made him ill, truthfully.
Even so, Xie Lian knew well that the man he was going to marry wasn't the absolute center of the war that afflicted his kingdom some years ago, on the contrary, his father announced very clearly that the man entered the scene as of late.
To explain better the circumstances, Xian Le, his once all powerful and very prosperous kingdom, had never faced such a long and exhausting war as that with Yong An, the weariness of the years starting to feel on his father's face, and the starvation of the common people more obvious than ever.
But, some years after the start of the conflict, the dynamics seemed to have changed completely!
Word had come that the king who had fought his father and him, was long dead! An usurper instead had now the throne, taking control of the nation and his brand new dynasty, getting rid of the old royal court. The mysterious ruler had immediately announced the end of the war, leaving Xian Le be, even if the country was defenseless now more than ever!
Despite not being of noble blood, but rather of humble beginnings, the man had soon conquered land and elevated his country, bringing a new era of prosperity and wealth. Smoothly, he made himself room inside the hearts of his people, and why not! Even inside the hearts of near kingdoms and nobles, who seemed to have changed their attitude completely in regards to Xian Le. Xie Lian, finally understood the complete isolation his reign faced in the last few years. Even if the war was over, their lands were impoverished and without the right connections it was so hard to actually piece together the kingdom. So, when every noble and powerful clan decided to lick Yong An emperor's boots, Xian Le had to get through on his own.
The people who had fought for their daughters to be candidates as Xie Lian concubine, now spent day and night to get women who the emperor might like. Who once sent troops and armies to help Xian Le, now tried in any way to get in the emperor's good graces. All the perfect and crucial connections that his father had for years were gone in a few moments, and they were left all alone.
Of course, it was still true that since the emperor took the throne, no more land was getting stolen from Xian Le, on the contrary, all that the last king had desecrated, was returned in a few months by the emperor.
And while it was true that the emperor might not hate them like the last king, as the marriage contract sent from Yong An to his father proved, Xie Lian could not help feeling outraged.
How could he just… accept such a request?!
He knew so little of the emperor and the things he knew weren't particularly good deeds.
He was named Hua Cheng. And rumors went that exactly because born without a proper name, in the lurid alleys of a densely populated city, that he had to find himself one, once he started to make his way in the world of war.
He was certainly known for a firm hand, a menacing ability with the saber, and a powerful sharpness. Most of these were capacities that Xie Lian would have loved in a future wife, if he had been granted the privilege of being involved in the process of marriage. He would have chosen from one of the noble ladies his parents thought were a worthy choice, and at least be happy to have good company. But knowing that the good characteristics he hoped to find in a spouse were in the hands of the "heir" of the one who brought such misery to his kingdom? They suddenly didn't seem that agreeable anymore. Not to mention that he was considered susceptible to mood swings. One wrong word and off your head it goes. His allies were often wronged by him, who didn't think too much before throwing away gifts. He was petty and had a vengeful heart.
In conclusion, Xie Lian was never fond of the idea of marriage, but now he doubted the possibility of appreciating the company of such a man.
In spite of this… his father discussed for a long time the contract proposed by Hua Cheng. And while Xie Lian begged for the affair to be a bad joke or a trap of some sort, he couldn't find a single negative agreement for his father or his kingdom.
As his father put it, objectively they couldn't find a better opportunity to get back on track. They gained so much in this marriage, and they couldn't risk it. After all, it was hard for his family to even find a better arrangement, given the circumstances.
But then in the contract… Hua Cheng asks for absurd things, really. Doesn't limit himself to political decisions or agreements, like being treated like a monarch when in Xian Le, with the privileges of such social class. Instead makes a few requests that seem much more like personal pleasures or favors than a simple political act.
For example, he requests the possibility of painting a portrait of the crown prince. Or in another clause, asks for a dance with the prince at the wedding celebration. A horse ride in the gardens, some sparring…
He demands some more, but never affronts the only question Xian Lian really had the permission to ask at this point. Was he really expected to…? …You know?
Xie Lian tried to get the idea out of his head for the moment, preferring to think about how he would bear the hate the Yong An people might feel in his regards. This, opposed to his father's words, of course. His generals had previously affirmed and reassured the prince of how the Yong An war was mainly started because of the missing resources and the limited lands, along with the severe drought that their kingdom was experiencing.
So, now that their beloved emperor took such good care of their people and the land, how could they judge their Chengzhu for whoever he decided to warm his bed?
Of course, no one would bat an eye, a powerful man like him would naturally search for the company of nobles with incredible beauty, and Xie Lian was… effectively known for his divine yet strong features. And while rumors didn't picture the emperor as a good man, they certainly made him a capable lover.
Xie Lian had heard anything from how he was extremely picky with lovers, to how he never left the ones who did manage to win even a fraction of his attention to fend for themselves. Actually, he hadn't been granted to hear about how much he asked or cared for these lovers, but he knew that he didn't seem violent with them. So a little breath of relief was necessary there.
On the other hand, for his people, the king gave his word that if the emperor managed to provide and supply Xian Le, like he promised to, any harsh feeling would soon settle down. After all, food and water could really do miracles, especially if it came with a more comfortable style of living.
Xie Lian was so tired, and lost in thoughts that he had completely forgotten how he wasn't in the council room anymore, or with his father and his advisors, but instead in his rooms, with Mu Qing. He spent so much of his time that day learning about the usage and customs of Yong An that he couldn't find anything else to think about! Was he really expected to be that close to the culture there, or to be so fluent in the language? Wasn't he a simple body to warm that damn bed? He knew well that if the emperor liked him it would not be for his debating competence or for his fighting skills. He was probably expected to know how to please a man, instead. His father indeed seemed to think so.
Mu Qing seemed to snort coldly, bringing Xie Lian out of his mind and then pinch his cheek.
<<your highness. >> Called the servant, with that brief sadness in the eyes and the lips tilted back, down.
The prince cried out loud, much more dry than he liked. <<Ouch! Mu Qing!>> He looked around, and then cupped his face with one hand, while his friend shook his head. <<...have i done something wrong?>> He was sure he did not! But he asked anyway, just to be sure.
Tsk. You're thinking out loud. Mu Qing seemed to mumble, but Xie Lian was really that tired, and didn't care anymore about the slightly mean behavior of his friend.
<<What are we going to do if you continue to bite your nails that way, your highness?>>
The prince rested for a few seconds. <<Have I been doing that…?>> Granted, he didn't actually notice, so he looked down at his hands, bringed by Mu Qing's own, and saw that he effectively started with that bad habit of his again.
The prince sighed softly, and motioned briefly for Mu Qing to stop with all the ornaments and bows in his hair that the servant was trying to get out. He was worn out, and couldn't stand a single more moment awake. He could sleep with them, damn it. He knew he couldn't take anymore just with the way he squeezed his eyes shut and had to concentrate to keep them open!
But Mu Qing didn't like this attitude of his, let alone the thought of getting them out in the morning, what a nightmare. And also… didn't want his friend to sleep like that, even if he didn't favor saying it out loud.
So without even acknowledging the order, the servant got back to work, the eyes silent and the hand's movements sharp.
After a little amount of time, he spoke. <<You know… you just started biting your nails again, you should at least let me do your hair. You have to meet… him, tomorrow.>> Mu Qing took the comb in hand, but didn't say a word after his fragile attempt of calming Xie Lian. Both of them suddenly knew how bad things were, if even between them the things were already changing. A night only and things were already not the same!
Xie Lian tried to settle down at the touch, at the gentle comb movements of Mu Qing, who had experience from doing it all these years for him. But even so… he couldn't find the strength to presume that his friends and him could live like they used to. Was his husband a jealous one? Was he even allowed to think of his "servant" as a friend in front of the emperor? What was he going to do?
He sighed, laying his face in the palm of his hand, lowering himself.
<<I have truly no idea of why, of all the people he could choose to marry, he had to choose me…>> the prince murmured slowly, shaking his head.
His assistant seemed uneasy, clenching his firsts, with the comb still in hand, he looked down, with a sore frown.
<<I don't know, your highness.>>
So, he opted for an honest answer.
If only Feng Xin were with them instead of Xie Lian's father, he would already have him reprimanded for his lack of calming answers. But for Xie Lian? That surely was comforting, in a way.
He hoped that at least one person in the whole kingdom could answer truthfully, but he hadn't heard of anyone so close to Hua Cheng who was willing to illuminate him on the matter. So, hearing that he wasn't the only one who didn't know, was enough. Validating.
He just accepted the answer as it came, quieting his breathing.
And before Mu Qing could go and get the unguents used for his hair on the other side of the room, he quickly took the servant's hand, and squeezed it in a fond manner.
He knew Mu Qing was waiting on him, but he took some time, waiting for the right words to leave his mouth.
<<It is late, Mu Qing. You should get some sleep, I can manage.>> He gave a feeble smile, hoping it could help.
His assistant simply eyed him from head to toe, unsure and unamused.
Xie Lian, as to confirm his reassurances, nodded firmly.
After all, Mu Qing wasn't only his assistant on these matters, like combing, and washing him. But he was going with him and Feng Xin everywhere, at this point no one in the palace refused to see that Mu Qing wasn't a simple servant. All but his father, who was willingly sure of his closed-mind behavior and rules.
In any way, even if Mu Qing wasn't allowed in today's meetings like Feng Xin, that didn't mean he wasn't just as tired.
But before Xie Lian had the chance to continue the conversation, Mu Qing threw himself at him, hugging him! A hug from Mu Qing nonetheless!
The servant had his hands around Xie Lian's waist, with his head resting comfortably on the prince's chest, and while he must have had the intention of holding back his sobs, he wasn't being very successful at it.
Xie Lian had to admit that he was a little shocked by the gesture, as Mu Qing didn't hug anyone if it wasn't that person who hugged him first. And if the prince was going to be sincere, he would have to say that he and Feng Xin didn't hug that often, not between them, not Mu Qing. After all, they were more than adults now, gods! Xie Lian was going along with not having to marry, for his kingdom status but also for his age. And then… Mu Qing didn't cry that often, maybe when he was alone, but not in front of them, not anymore.
In other words, they were adults, and Xie Lian's father didn't like the many gestures of fondness with his mother, let alone another man. So as they grew up the hugs left the place for shakes of hands and pats on the shoulder. The cries and the starving of comfort left for honoring and respectable ways of comforting. When they were little, they hugged and kissed each other where they got hurt, as children often do, but now, they were grown ups and had too many responsibilities to get fussy about them.
Even so, immediately after the initial shock, Xie Lian reciprocated the hug, and tried his best comforting Mu Qing in his grip.
He used his sleeve to wipe his tears, and then clenched his teeth, as Xie Lian caressed his hair.
<<That bastard wasn't able to be here tonight… and i don't know how to care for you this way.>> He cried out, whispering word by word, clearly talking about Feng Xin.
He didn't say anything more, but that was enough. Xie Lian only tightened Mu Qing in the embrace, and resting his head in the crook of his friend's neck. He didn't know what else to say to him, so he hoped his physical presence could suffice.
Mu Qing on the other hand, hiccuped for a little while longer, but got the courage to say something, sniffing. <<...no one would judge you if you refused to get married.>> He affirmed harshly, getting his head up from the prince's chest. <<I… know i wouldn't. And I'm pretty sure Feng Xin would run away with us if you wanted.>>
At that, the crown prince allowed himself to soften in the embrace, with a little melancholic smile, and shook his head. <<Mu Qing…>> he called, slow. <<Don't feel bad for me, i have to do it, alright? After all, I won't be alone, father wouldn't let me go alone if I have to go with him. You'll be with me, aren't you?>>
Mu Qing simply rolled his eyes and got back to hugging the prince tightly, unsure on how to answer. He still had wet eyes and a messy face.
Xie Lian didn't want to ever let go.
That night, Feng Xin didn't arrive until late night. He wanted to console his prince, but instead found a view neither of them had seen in years. Mu Qing and Xie Lian were hugging, asleep in the prince's bed, like all three of them did when little. Feng Xin opted to sleeping on chair right beside the bed, a little fond smile on his dumb face, as Mu Qing would say.
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geminiiviolets · 2 years
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Finally introducing my first twst oc, the menace of Pomefiore, Circe!
! Not all of this information is correct, revamp of his profile is coming soon! ༉‧₊˚✧ BASIC INFORMATION
Name: Circe Erfinderin
Age: 17
Gender: good question (he/him pronouns)
Sexuality: Bi
Birthday: November 19 (Scorpio)
Species: Human
Homeland: The Shaftlands
Twisted from Yzma (The Emperor’s New Groove)
Height: 188 cm (6’2’’)
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Dyed purple with dark purple ends (naturally brown)
Distinctive traits: one fang on the left side of his teeth, cat-like pupils, beauty mark near the bottom of his face
Additional notes/characteristics: he always wears some sort of makeup, and you can usually catch him wearing gold eyeliner and black lipstick
Description: he likes to describe himself as a creative visionary, but what he means is that he’s a drama queen. People have described him before as similar to his housewarden, but with a lot few more screws loose. Now, he’s not all bad, like most people, and can be quite caring. And he is pretty creative, coming up with good (albeit overly complex) solutions to a lot of problems. And if anybody ever needs a helping hand with things, he’ll try his best to help them.
Flaws: kind of lazy at times, holds grudges for eternity, spiteful
Fears: big dogs, being forgotten
Talents: makeup art, potion making, giving genuine compliments
Family: Mother, father, and one younger brother.
Backstory: Circe grew up in a small suburban town in the Shaftlands with his parents and younger brother. He had an unassuming childhood, much to the surprise of literally anybody that has met him. In his early teen years, he always felt that his life was too dull and drab, and to be honest, it was. He wanted to be the most interesting person in the room at all times, and this started his search for a new identity, one that would make him feel like himself. He found this in two different places, the first being an old tale about the alchemist of the kingdom of the sun. Apparently, she was a master of poison making, and had undying determination, which eventually allowed her to take the throne over from a horrible emperor. She also was told to have beauty that was unique from many other figures of this time. Reading this tale, Circe was inspired and made his goal of upholding the legacy of this unknown alchemist. The second source of inspiration for him was the famous celebrities of this time. Yes, specifically Vil Schoënheit, big surprise. Circe, although he would never admit this, was astonished at how someone could be so beautiful, elegant, handsome, strong-willed, and hard-working all at the same time. This inspired Circe to work for his goals, even though they seemed a bit unachievable at the time.
Dorm: Pomefiore
Class: 2-B
Grade: Sophomore
Best subject: Magical Potions
Worst subject: History of Magic
Club: Science Club
Likes: experimenting with appearances and potions, rock and classical music, art, people that have taste when it comes to fashion, cats
Dislikes: sloppy people, insects, dogs, dull things, llamas, the sun
Favorite food: Cookies
Least favorite food: spinach
Hobbies: singing, potion making, messing with his appearance
“Snuff out the Imperfections”
This spell allows the user to change their appearance in whatever way they wish for a full twenty four hours. It can only be used once every three days, and even then, is a very time-consuming and draining spell to cast.
༉‧₊˚✧ TRIVIA
• he accidentally turned himself into a cat when testing out a potion, he did eventually go back to being a human, but retained a few cat-like properties such as his one fang and cat-like pupils
• he also turned a fellow student into a llama using a potion of his own design, and avoided getting expelled by coming up with a story about it being a project and the other person accidentally drinking it (it was not an accident)
• he loves to sing and actually wrote a song one time, but would rather go skydiving without a parachute than tell anybody about the song
• he was inspired by Vil to start making his own makeup, and he likes to add potions to it sometimes and this has resulted in numerous strange occurrences including; his face becoming blue for approximately three hours and twenty two minutes, a fine layer of scales growing and then quickly shedding, and also the turning into a cat incident. he has tried his best to iron out any problems in his makeup-potion combos, which has led to him being quite advanced in the art of potion making
• don’t let him in a kitchen or any place that has flammable things. he has set fires (mostly accidents) in the various NRC labs multiple times.
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