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"If you do or do not believe in god and do or do not repost this something will or will not happen."
I couldn't believe it! It worked for me!
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
My best advice for trans people who are interacting with transphobes is to not delve into your personal experiences with dysphoria, childhood, sexual experiences, literally anything.
When I was a younger trans person, I thought I could prove my humanity to transphobes by delving into those aspects of my life. I genuinely thought that the more personal information I put out about my transness to transphobes, I could awaken something in them and make them realize "holy shit, I'm talking to a human being and not an abstraction of a 'person'".
What I learned, though, is that all I did was give those transphobes power over me. Transphobia often relies on unfalsifiable "theory" - that means that you cannot prove their theories of transness wrong. By playing their game, all you do is set yourself up to feel humiliated and degraded. By playing this game, you have already lost because they will cheat the game as many times as needed because they are going in with inherent bad faith.
You, in fact, do not owe your life story to transphobes. Their theory about transness is, simply put, that trans people can never be correct about our experiences. There will always be an ulterior motive for trans people in their eyes, because that is all they see. Don't give them that over you.
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jk-scrolling · 10 months
Good evening and welcome to another episode of What's That Stupid Asshole Retweeting Now? Let's take a look.
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Anonymous very real physician from "major children's hospital" in "blue city" USA coming in hot with the covid denialism! What else?
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Trans affirming doctors enacting ritual destruction of innocence because they've rejected Jesus! Ooh, can we top it????
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I clipped this from the section on puberty blockers "shutting down" the hypothalamus, the physical seat of the human soul, and turning trans kids into sexless zombies that can't even appreciate sunsets (yes, the doc goes there) because vestigial.
Vestigial. More than that, most vestigial?
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Anyway, this needs to go in the clip reel with that time Rowling claimed that males and females are so biologically incompatible, our donated blood poisons each other.
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sukimas · 8 months
carl linnaeus being the type specimen for the human species opens up the potential for a lot of funny shit. for example the average human being is obsessed with plants and dies of a stroke.
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chamerionwrites · 11 months
Why yes this is partially about me having beef with that one bell hooks line, or rather with people constantly quoting it as if it's the last word on the subject. Sorry but it's an unbelievably cheap shot to preempt disagreement with your takes by saying that anyone who objects is simply in denial about being an unloved child (and/or an abuse apologist). I don't mean to be uncharitable here because it is neither stated nor intended that unkindly, but the substance of it still never fails to strike me as both a bad argument and an incredibly patronizing one.
Actually I think it's entirely possible to see your mistreatment as unacceptable while still recognizing that the person(s) who mistreated you did care. Actually I think it would be so damn easy and comforting to appoint yourself the expert on other people's interior lives rather than grappling with the painful and complicated idea that people can genuinely desire the best for you, but would need to undergo extensive maturation/healing/worldview-reevaluation to be able to express that love in healthy ways. Actually I think my life would have significantly improved significantly earlier if I had been able to articulate to myself that people can love you and hurt you and you are not beholden to their good intentions
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caesarsaladinn · 7 months
you know I am beginning to suspect that I have Problems. like half a dozen various Problems Syndromes. mostly but not solely psychological. just a generally poor constitution. yes it’s very silly and humiliating and stupid. and et cetera and so forth. sorry man.
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greencheekconure27 · 2 months
(BBC voice) "Is it the undiagnosed ADHD or do I just lack talent?" new episodes every night at 1:00 a.m.
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rexaleph · 11 months
saw one of those "we cant even talk abt misogyny anymore" posts where the super useful feminist concept they were lamenting as being unfairly tarred as transmisogynist was just.... the ur-transmisogynist concept lmao
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zanathan-aisling · 9 months
having gender thoughts about jujutsu kaisen that would probably turn the author into a turnip
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crabanarchy · 9 months
first day of my job as one of two guys who guards a hallway and I already forgot if im supposed to be the lie guy or the truth guy. im so embarassed. I just keep telling everyone I love them cause it could go either way
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Not believing in gods doesn’t protect you from other faith-based beliefs.
Be consistent.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Something I wish more cis people were aware of is that trans people, in fact, don't need to hate our previous gender or the gender that was expected of us to transition.
This whole "you must hate men/women if you transitioned out of it" and the idea that trans people are inherently woman-hating or man-hating on the basis of transition is incredibly reductive - we transition because we deem it necessary, and often, nobody else factors into that.
If you want an analogy, somebody I knew was talking about quitting band. How fair would it be if I reprimanded them for their decision - obviously if you quit band, you must hate people in band! Nobody who doesn't hate band people would quit!
But you see... there's a massive discrepancy between trans people and cis people, I think. People are under the impression that trans people can't transition because we want to be true to ourselves - there is always an ulterior motive. There is always an assumption of nefarious, malicious intent. The reasons trans people transition are, in fact, varied, but it has been very hard to find somebody who says, "oh I transitioned because I hate women and thought I could fuck them over by becoming a man". It's been very hard to find a trans person who genuinely thinks of anybody else (besides, I suppose, themself) are inferior for their gender.
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is all police brutality around the globe an example of systemic white supremacy? or only in america?
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duinoelegies · 1 year
also kristen bouchard is the funniest because she never takes responsibility for her actions EXCEPT when the alternative is to believe in the supernatural. woman who walks around saying she's never done anything wrong ever encounters the horrors once and goes "well actually the very palpable presence of the elevator demon is a manifestation of my guilt for sucking so so bad 😔"
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back-to-louis · 2 years
It's funny/depressing because larries constantly say that people in the industry know larry is real and "respect" them and sign NDAs and wouldn't out them. They also always talk about how messed up the entertainment industry is and people like Rebel are being blackmailed with being outted in 2022, but they don't think larry would be treated this way too? What makes larry so special
Larry will always be different to these cases (despite the fact that larries will use examples of outed celebrities as proof of closeting - they will never talk about how they're outed) because it's a conspiracy theory. Remember, larries believe Larry want to be out and are forced to hide/lie about it, despite that not being the reality of any single outed celebrity.
The closeting exists almost in reverse for them. We see example after example after example of celebrity choosing to be closeted, choosing to hide their relationships, and then being "found out" or blackmailed into coming out. Larries see this and only conclude "so you're saying celebrities CAN date in secret."
Instead of recognizing that celebrities can't even keep their relationships private for long when they're actively trying to hide them, they hold the belief that Larry are only able to avoid being seen in the same room because the industry itself colludes to hide their relationship.
In place of all the real world opportunists who sell photos and gossip to tabloids to force celebrities out of the closet, larries claim Harry and Louis's friends and families who deny Larry are in fact the opportunists, forcibly bearding them for the clout.
Larry is special because larries are special-- I mean, because it has to be. In fact you'll see larries wondering if maybe Larry are being forced into the closet as BLACKMAIL FOR SOMETHING ELSE, like there's something these good guys could have done where the powers that be are like, "better pretend to have a fake kid or we'll tell the press about how you __________" and Louis legitimately said wow yeah, that would definitely be worse, I'll do it. (and then was still grateful that his fans realized and publicized that he was in this prison of lies)
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starryoak · 1 year
I mentioned it once while discussing AI art before but it’s really interesting to me how almost all arguments against AI art counting as ‘real’ art start with this supposition of there being something unique and inherent about humans that makes us special and imparts some form unique intangible quality to our creations, which I just… am not sure is in any way true? 
Like, the idea that there’s some form of ‘soul’ we impart upon our works that make them uniquely beautiful that no AI can recreate because they lack that ‘soul’ just… presumes a belief in something beyond our material reality that simply has no evidence for its existence. The most likely thing is theres no such thing as ‘soul’, and the reason we like any art at all is because it stimulates random happy chemicals in our brain because of various evolutionary reasons beyond our current understanding of our brains, and there’s no reason AI art can’t do that. It may not stimulate happy chemicals in people who don’t like AI art, but that’s no different than how not everyone likes every kind of art.  And the thing is, I am an artist! I love art! I just don’t believe that there’s such thing as a soul that we have, I think we’re just complicated electrical signals housed inside a meat machine that evolved through entirely random processes that meant we developed an aesthetic preference for certain combinations of colors, and that there’s nothing about the process of creation that makes it that humans are the magic ingredient that makes something ‘real art’. I just haven’t seen a very convincing argument for why AI art can’t be art that doesn’t rely on some kind of definitional thing like “well, art is only what’s made by humans (and also conveniently we’ve defined it in a way that ignores that a human has to input ideas into the AI)” or relies on a supposition of some kind of ethereal human quality that we naturally impart onto our works that somehow only exists when you make art in these specific ways, and then when you point out things traditionally considered art that doesn’t fit those definitions, they quickly either add a new way it can be imparted that still excludes AI art or have to go “yeah fuck those artists that isn’t real art”.  The fact is we’ve been making art that stretches the boundaries of what we consider art since art existed, and there is no definition of art that excludes AI art and doesn’t exclude some other form of art as well; I think it’s better to not make the argument that it’s not art at all and instead just focus on the potential economic impact of AI art on artists (even if I disagree with what the solution to that problem is) because it doesn’t require so much contorting yourself into all these knots to define AI art out of qualifying as art or presupposing that your audience believes in souls in the first place and then not having a very good way around it besides going “Oh, but I didn’t mean souls, I just meant an intangible and immeasurable qualia that only humans have that we give our art!” which… isn’t really any different than a soul, IMO.
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