#unforth metas
unforth · 1 year
Sometimes I wish I could drive home just how little of Chinese fandom culture actually makes it onto Tumblr at all, much less circulates in western Tumblr circles, and I've finally got a solid example.
On this list I reblogged a not long ago, Poyun, which I started reading on Bilibili the other day, has the 93rd most popular ship on all of Lofter, with over 15,000 posts. By comparison, the 93rd most popular ship of that same year (2020) on Tumblr was from Haikyuu, and from 2021 the 93rd most popular was from Miraculous Lady Bug - which is to say, even if you're not into, it's a fandom you've almost certainly heard of if you move in fandom circles at all. Like, those are two fandoms with known, huge followings. Likewise, Yan Xie/Jiang Ting is a big deal ship on Lofter.
I started reading the manhua a few days ago, so I know I'm gonna be posting some of the manhua art to @cnovelartreblogs so I was like, I should check the main tags and queue the art (even if it means I might be exposed to spoilers), and then I won't accidentally duplicate other people's art posting efforts or anything.
Now, granted, I've seen some evidence that tag search is more broken than usual the last few days, but even so...
#po yun: there are maybe 30 posts in "most popular"
#破云: there are maybe 20 posts in "most popular," and they're basically all the same (as in, people tagged both)
#poyun: about the same number, and the only 3 pieces of fanart I can find on the whole platform (@drawulan you don't know me but you are a BLESSING to C-Novel fandoms with small followings on Tumblr. A BLESSING, YOU HEAR? I LOVE YOUR ART.)
Y'all, we have no idea how little we actually know and see about what's popular in Chinese fandom.
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wangxianficfinder · 21 days
Is there a fanon vs canon (book/CQL/animation/audio) listing somewhere? For example, is LWJ cooking for WWX canon or simply some tooth rotting fanon? I'm only halfway through the book, and have never watched the animation or audio drama, etc etc, inquiring minds want to know!
I have a very faint memory of a blog like that but I can't remember if it was for MDZS or some other fandom 😅 Perhaps others have a better memory than me
~Mod L
Hello! For Canon, I know there's this fic 🔒List of Differences Between Modao Zushi and CQL/The Untamed by Unforth (Not Rated, 3k, Meta, Fanwork Research & Reference Guides, Nonfiction, Cross-Posted on Tumblr) from our Fanwork Research and Reference Guides compilation and for Fanon, I found this TV Tropes page.
- Mod C
danmeireader: there's a @mdzs-fanon-exposed but i believe it's currently on hiatus? (the first one was for svsss)
Oh that's the one! Thank you 😊 ~Mod L
mdzs-fanon-exposed: by the way – here's a post about lwj's cooking (wink wonk)...
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guardianbingo · 4 months
Fest Recap
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It's hard to believe it's been TWO YEARS since Guardian Bingo launched. In that time, we issued 138 cards and more than 100 badges. There are 456 works in the AO3 collection and many other posts on tumblr with art, edits, meta, fanARTifacts, and other creations. While it's now time to say goodbye (at least for this fest - the story will keep on going), I didn't want to leave without recognizing the people who made this fest so amazing. First, a HUGE thanks to @highlynerdy, who created all of the gorgeous fest graphics (banner, icon, cards, and badges) and @sasamelons, who provided invaluable help with initial prompts and then supplied each month's bonus prompt. Without them, this fest wouldn't have happened. They have been awesome co-mods!!! Second, a massive thank you to everyone who participated!!!! It's been so great to see all the amazing creations that the prompts inspired. Guardian fandom, you are truly talented!!! To celebrate everyone's creations, I'm loading the queue with reblogs of fills from the past two years.
Below the cut, I've posted a list of badges claimed. (Not everyone who participated claimed a badge.) I'm only tagging people once with the highest badge they earned. (So if you earned a Lit Guardian Lantern, your name will only appear in that list since earning that badge means you also earned the others.) Users that aren't tagged aren't on tumblr. I think I have everyone, but many apologies if I missed you.
I hope you've all enjoyed this fest and that it was fun and low-stress. In a week or so, I plan to post a few cards in case anyone is looking for inspiration. While we won't be issuing more badges or posting new bonus prompts, I am leaving the AO3 collection open and will periodically check the fest account. If you create something based on a card prompt, @ us in your post and we'll reblog it. Guardian Bingo, it has been a BLAST!!! Thank you all for making this a fabulous fest!!!! mod @tehfanglyfish
First Fill @unforth Lit Guardian Lantern (Blackout)
@tinypinkmouse @miss-ingno @the-marron @stupid-lemon-eater @buriedbybooks @theworldisabrokenbonebutitishome @flamingwell velithya @forerussake @jayswing101 @bladedweaponsandswishycoats @programmedradly @avaantares @tehfanglyfish Unlit Lantern (Two Lines) @elenothar Mountain-River (One Line) @mimosaeyes @sasamelons @justacoyote
Longevity Dial (One Fill) @yaaurens @missfangirll @crystalinn @true-unicorn-queen jade @spicymayoblandketchup @presumenothing @drjezdzany samarium @dancing-out-in-space @evnissyn @lacommunarde @silvandar
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wangxianficrecs · 3 years
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Oh!  Someone just gave me some Ko-fi, and that makes me so happy.  Thank you, Nonny!
And this reminded me that I meant to do a Ko-fi post, not for me, but for everyone.
I love Ko-fi, because it’s not any kind of commitment, if you don’t have a lot of money.  Mostly, I perceive it as a hug, as acknowledgment, a nod in passing, or an elbow in the side at a shared joke.  A pat on the back.  It’s small enough that it can simply be: 
You did a good job on Thing -- that it exists made me happy.  Thank You!
So, folks.  If there’s an author, an artist, a vidder or meta-ist or just someone whose blog you like, a good way to give them a smile and a hug is a Ko-fi, if they have one.
Off the top of my head, in this fandom, some creators with ko-fi (and if you’d like to add your name or reblog with a self-promo, go ahead!  Here’s a post on how to make your Ko-Fi button visible.)
@cafecliche, @sarah-yyy, @scifikimmi, @silvarbelle, @detention--notes, @naamah-beherit, @three--rings, @unforth, @gingersnapwolves, @xantissa
prompt authors:
@bees0are0awesome, @sweetlittlevampire, @candicewright, @gusurabbit, @pakhnokh, @joshua-beeking, @silvysartfulness, @cenedrariva
@pumpkinpaix, @hunxi-guilai
edits/gifs/memes/vids/podficcers, etc:
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canary3d-obsessed · 3 years
I got tagged by @merelhyn to post the last seven sentences I have written. 
Sooo...I write most of my meta and blog stuff on weekends, and during the week I write for my day job. In my day job I am an Information Security Compliance Auditor. Did you realize that I’m a super-boring person in real life? Now you know. One of my responsibilities is doing a yearly rewrite of all of my company’s compliance policies so that’s what I’ve been doing all month. 
I’ll just share 3 lines, not 7, from my current opus, so I don’t make anyone faint from boredom: 
Business Owners must ensure that procedures are followed for the proper physical transmission of classified information.
Business Owners are responsible for requesting media sanitization when needed.
Operations Personnel are responsible for sanitizing media when requested, either directly or by contracting with an outside party.
Why am I sharing this passive-voice business speak, instead of sharing my most recent fic or meta writing? Because for over a decade I wrote almost nothing but policies, procedures, tech writing, medical histories, and so forth. I had given up every kind of writing for pleasure, because reasons. But when I started writing for fun again - back in July 2020, when I started this blog - I found I was a MUCH better writer than I was 15 or 20 years ago. More disciplined, more incisive, clearer, funnier. 
Technical writing, essay writing, grant writing, thank-you note writing, emails-to-kids-teachers writing--all the writing that we do that we don’t think “counts,” that doesn’t seem like “real writing” --IS real writing. It develops your skills, increases your vocabulary, teaches you to write when you don’t feel like it, teaches you to write for a specific audience. 
So if you, like me, spend a lot of time feeling like a fake writer, I’m here to tell you:  if you’re writing *something,* you are still building your skills toward your eventual goals. 
And if you’re not writing anything at all, that’s okay, too. Reading, thinking, experiencing the world--those are all ingredients for whatever you want to write in the future. And if you don’t want to write, that is also totally fine. It’s not a requirement for being a valuable person. My son hates books so much he would fling them across the room when he was a baby, and he still feels like doing that, and he’s my favorite person on the planet. 
So, that’s way more than 7 sentences (of philosophizing)! Thanks for tagging me, @merelhyn! I’m tagging @eirenical, @unforth @agendratum @mejomonster @xantissa @joshua-beeking @candicewright  - totally optional of course, and I’m delighted to see sketches or hear about your cooking or whatever else you’re creating, not just writing! Which is cheating on the tag game maybe but *shrug* cheating is fun. 
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xantissa · 3 years
heads up 7 up
post the last seven sentences of your latest project (meta, fic, any other writing)  thanks to @merinnan for tagging me!
First the fic I just posted today because technically I was still writing while I was tagged!
Red Moon - Lost Tomb, fox!Liu Sang Au
Wu Xie then proceeded to brush Liu Sang into an incoherent, dazed puddle of goo, which in turn led to Liu Sang daringly deciding that he maybe wasn’t as sore as he thought and inviting Wu Xie to fuck him, remembering the easy, smooth way the man had fucked Zhang Qiling.
He definitely was as sore as he thought he was, but Wu Xie was also definitely very talented at fucking and Zhang Qiling was just a very, very bad man who lived to break Liu Sang.
By the time they drove to meet the rest of the party the next day, Liu Sang wasn’t any less sore, but he was a man in a new and tentative relationship with two men whom he’d admired for a long time now. A little soreness didn’t matter that much in the final equation.
Sore and tired, his neck bruised to hell and back, and feeling vaguely queasy from driving over the incredibly winding mountain roads, Liu Sang realized he was simply and shockingly <i>happy</i>.
The Zhang Identity - Lost Tomb, for Small Fandom Big Bang written with @merinnan
Zhang Qiling looked at him and decided he… didn’t care. He didn’t care about the secrets Wu Xie was hiding. He didn’t believe the man was really involved in Zhang Ruiyuan’s death. He definitely knew something, was involved in some way, but when faced with a choice of remaining in the dark and keeping Wu Xie or knowing the secret but at the cost of losing him… it wasn’t really a choice.
“Panzgi,” Zhang Qiling said quietly, firmly, hoping his friend would recognize the warning.
Pangzi looked at him, clearly reading his expression correctly because his brows furrowed even more. “Really? With all that evidence? You want to let him off the hook because what, you got smitten?”
Cats and Dogs, Lost Tomb, sequel to Cat’s Paw, cowriting with @merinnan
<i>You have no proof</i>, Jiang Zisuan texted back immediately. Liu Sang blinked at the phone realizing that it implied that the woman did have proof. God, if there were pictures he needed to get his hands on them. He would pay good money for anything that would put Jiang Zisuan in his place.
<i>Don’t underestimate me.</i> Wasn’t Xie Yuchen’s brother a brilliant hacker or something? Maybe Wu Xie could help him get in contact. His previous anger at his lover was now completely eclipsed by his rage with Jiang Zisuan.
<i> You better run before your ten minutes are up.</i>
Big Enough To Hold Your Love - Guardian, WIP\
“I never thought of you as weak,” Shen Wei said, and didn’t let Ye Zun’s derisive snort stop him from saying what he needed to say. “Merely precious.”
Ye Zun swayed back as if hit, his throat working in a soundless swallow. He didn’t look at Shen Wei.
“Dress, unless you want to give Zhu Jiu a show,” Ye Zun said in what was supposed to be a derisive manner, but fell short. “I need a shower,” he added, and crossed the room to the bathroom, slamming the door after himself with a loud bang.
Heart of Darkness - Untamed
Wei Wuxian lifted his hand and his fingers bumped the waterfall of golden chains falling off the decorative pins in his hair. The chains chimed gently, the echo of the movement tugging at the pins, making Lan Zhan all too aware of all the jewelry on him.
“And deadly,” Wei Wuxian added. “You looked like you were ready to systematically kill everyone coming at you.”
Lan Zhan swallowed. The compliments were odd, slightly off, slightly strange and yet the way Wei Wuxian was looking at him like he <i>saw</i> Lan Zhan. He wasn’t just repeating the same pleasantries everyone else did.
Tagging @anonmadsci, @quarra and @unforth - show us the goods!
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profoundzine · 5 years
List of Contributors!
Hey Everyone!
We’re very pleased to introduce the wonderful collection of contributors for Issue 01 of Profound: A Destiel Fanzine. These contributors have worked hard to create amazing works of writing, art and merch for Profound and we are honored to have the pleasure of working with them. 
If you’d like to pre-order a copy of the zine or one of our exclusive bundles, please head over to https://profoundzine.storenvy.com/ and order yours now! Profits made are going to the Organisation for Transformative Works and Archive of Our Own.
We thank you all so much for your support.
List of contributors under the cut.
Crypto - Editor/Merch Artist
Tumblr: @cryptomoon Pillowfort: crypto Twitter: cryptomoonart Instagram: cryptomoonart
Miggles - Editor/Merch Artist
Tumblr: @migglangelus Twitter: migglangelus Instagram: migglangelus
Gio - Artist/Merch Artist/Cover Artist
Tumblr: @sketching-fox Facebook: giosdoodlesandartworks Twitter: gio_gui Instagram: gio_sketchingfox Art Station: gio_guimaraes
MissArtsy - Artist/Merch Artist
Tumblr: @castielsgal​ Instagram: MissArtsy_ Twitter: MissArtsy_
Foxymoley - Artist/Merch Artist
Tumblr: @foxymoley
Usarechan - Artist/Merch Artist
Tumblr: @usarechan
PhantomBrushy - Artist/Merch Artist
Tumblr: @phantombrushy Instagram: phantombrushy
Jade - Merch Artist
Twitter: mishavacado Instagram: timelordette
Emy - Merch Artist
Twitter: propercook, kalecartel Instagram: thekalecartel
Kampfhomo - Artist
Tumblr: @kampfhomo Pillowfort: kampfhomo Twitter: mitchellelelel Instagram: mitchellelel
Kaeru - Arist/Merch Artist
Tumblr: @c-kaeru Instagram: c_kaeru_
Joelle - Artist/Merch Artist
Tumblr: @jdragon122 Instagram: jdragon122
Potatofu - Artist
Tumblr: @theabsolutemagicpotato Instagram: potatofu_
Liz - Artist
Tumblr: @vyxon7
Cheryl  - Artist
Tumblr: @toastytofu Twitter: toastytofu Instagram: toastytofu
Emi - Artist
Twitter: bottom_castiel
Pimentogirl - Artist
Tumblr: @pimentogirl
Anastasia - Artist/Merch Artist
Tumblr: @sirlsplayland Twitter: SirlsPlayland Instagram: Sirlsplaylandart
delicious-irony - Artist/Merch Artist
Tumblr: @delicious-irony , @delicirony Pillowfort: deli Ao3: deliciousirony Twitter: delicirony Instagram: delicirony
Aceriee - Artist/Merch Artist
Tumblr: @missaceriee
VaryuPon - Artist/Merch Artist
Tumblr: @varyupon, @project-ces-sds-blog Youtube: VaryuPon Official  Deviant Art: varyupon
Alpacasfluff - Artist/Merch Artist
Tumblr: @alpacasfluff
Emmalena - Artist/Merch Artist
Tumblr: @emmalenagrace Twitter: EmmalenaGrace Instagram: emmalenagrace
Iva - Artist
Tumblr: @iva-illustrates Twitter: iva_illustrates Instragram: iva.illustrates 
A-Chan - Merch Artist
Tumblr: @achan9999 Twitter: AChan9999__ Instagram: achan9999
NadiaHart - Writer
Tumblr: @hartlessfiction Ao3: NadiaHart
Liz - Writer
Tumblr: @clearwindowpanemoon Twitter: mirror_bright
Prolixdreams - Writer
Ao3: prolixdreams
Ash - Writer/Serial Writer
Tumblr: @tragidean Ao3: LoversAntiquities  Twitter: LoversAntiquity Instagram: zetsubounikki
MalMuses - Writer
Tumblr: @malmuses Pillowfort: MalMuses Ao3: MalMuses Twitter: MalMuses
Unforth - Writer/Serial Writer
Tumblr: @unforth Pillowfort: unforth Ao3: unforth
Sarah - Writer
Tumblr: @profound-boning​ Pillowfort: profound-boning  Ao3: profound-boning Twitter: profoundboning Instagram: profoundboning
Bianca - Writer
Tumblr: @potterswinchesters Ao3: potterswinchesters Twitter: jenmishstiel
Domesticadventures - Writer
Tumblr: @domesticadventures Ao3: domesticadventures  Twitter: domesticadv
Lunastories - Writer
Tumblr: @lunastories Ao3: LunaStories
Reg - Meta Writer
Tumblr: @thedogsled Pillowfort: thedogsled Ao3: dogsled
Monika - Meta Writer
Tumblr: @naruhearts Tumblr: naruhearts Ao3: naruhearts Twitter: naruhearts
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rosemoonweaver · 6 years
@unforth-ninawaters replied to your post “@unforth-ninawaters replied to your post “I’m getting that itch again...”
I've read some meta about how there is a vocal faction of f/f readers across fandom who police the content that is considered "acceptable" for f/f fic and tend to come down *extremely* hard on anyone who deviates from their idea of what is appropriate.
Hmmm. It really doesn’t surprise me. Outside of fandom there’s the trend on tumblr of treating f/f relationships and wlw in general with this... almost dehumanizing standard of purity and perfection. Like, I’m not sure how much of it you’ve encountered but there’s a definite trend of painting lesbian relationships in such a rosy light that when someone speaks up and says normal, logical things like “women aren’t perfect” and “your girlfriends can be abusive, too” it gets hit with heavy backlash. It was really only a matter of time before that line of thinking infected fandom, too. 
I’m going to go looking through some of the “discourse” blogs I know and see if I can find that meta. If I do, I’ll reblog it. 
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analisegrey · 6 years
I don’t wanna wait (and @unforth-ninawaters poked me to post) so a meta for a prompt I haven’t posted yet that will most likely go live tomorrow (unless I finish one of the other ones first):
At Avengers/Stark tower there is a chart in the kitchen, stuck on the fridge. On this chart is marked down which foods are traditional after certain types of incidents.
Captivity incident? Cheeseburgers. Alien invasion/battle? Shwarma. Doombots? Thai.
After every new type of incident, whichever Avenger was most injured/impacted gets to choose the food that becomes associated with it and traditional to eat afterward. (Tony assures everyone it’s a Very Scientific system)
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trisscar368 · 6 years
@unforth-ninawaters replied to your post “@bringmehsomepie replied: Mine is realism I guess, so it may count....”
I've noticed also that as follower count increases interactions actually seem to go down. This is especially evident on things like art ask blogs or webcomics. Like, it seems like when people follow, they decide they don't have to interact- they've seen the art so there's no need to reblog...if they want to do anything at all they'll hit like and move on. So, like, having more followers is literally zero guarantee of having more interactiond.  (Or at least interactions go down as a percentage of interactions compared to followers) (I could also go on a rant on the truly pathetic amount of interaction most fic posted on Tumblr gets but I don’t want to derail your point... ;) )
Part of this has to be fandom rot, in all honesty.  I know there’s a percentage of everyone’s follower count that’s dead blogs, I just haven’t had access to the data to give a number for it (and I’m not interested in finding out without an xkit extension, I don’t have time for combing through that many blogs for signs of life).
Because yeah... running the numbers off of one larger art blog who’s follower count I know, their last art post almost hit the 1k boundary, and that’s about .014% of their follower count.
I am depressed just writing that number.
For the writing comment - I think there’s a difference in how the writing/reading side of fandom interacts with their content creators?  Because I honestly see more people using their likes as bookmarks within that community, and the art/aesthetic/meta (/meme?) side uses them for approval/”I saw this” stickers. 
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unforth · 9 months
Half-formed thought that Jin Guangyao and Jiang Cheng were locked in a power struggle during the years Wei Wuxian was dead, and Jin Ling was the pawn, and Fairy is the evidence.
Because Fairy's existence is such a fuck you to Jiang Cheng, and both Jin Guangyao and Jiang Cheng would know it.
Fact: Jiang Cheng hopes Wei Wuxian is alive and keeps trying to find him.
Fact: Jiang Cheng loves dogs but doesn't get a single one even when he can.
Fact: Jin Guangyao got Fairy for Jin Ling.
Now, I don't have any evidence that Jin Guangyao knows about Wei Wuxian's phobia, but then, he's a smart guy, information was his bread and butter, and it wasn't a hard thing to learn. If I sprinkle in some CQL canon, the Wens knew about the phobia (see: trapping Wei Wuxian with a dog), and Jin Guangyao was embedded with them long enough to know too. So it wouldn't be hard math for a brilliant man to realize the probable reason Jiang Cheng didn't get Jin Ling a dog.
And Jin Guangyao just...goes and does it instead. This puts Jiang Cheng in a lousy position. It's not like he can take away Jin Ling's dog! He'd indulge Jin Ling in anything. If he gets huffy about it even a little, Jin Ling will get upset, and the "favorite uncle" pendulum will swing away, and that's also a problem, because I can't imagine Jiang Cheng trusts Jin Guangyao - biases against people who do that kind of infiltration work are just too strong, and Jin Guangyao is so slick. So he doesn't want Jin Guangyao getting too much power over Jin Ling.
But then there's this damn dog. And Jiang Cheng just has to grit his teeth and love the fuck out of it because omg doggo accept it.
Anyway, idk that I have any clever tie-together for this beyond my opening statement. I just thing Fairy's existence is a hint that the political waters were running very deep between Jin Guangyao and Jiang Cheng during those 13/16 years.
(Also...is Jin Ling heir to both clans? Idk that I've ever seen that talked about but it feels like it'd make sense given his parentage, and would be a factor in the above, especially have Jin Rusong's death. So really it's a power struggle not only for influence in the jianghu, but also for influence over Jin Ling and, by extension, over the future of both the Jin clan and the Jiang clan as separate autonomous units, which is something Jiang Cheng must care about deeply considering how fucking hard he's worked to rebuild after the destruction of Lotus Pier.
(Alternative interpretation: it was an intentional kindness, Jin Guangyao was flirting, "please move on, it's okay, you can have nice things again, let's focus on who is alive instead of who is dead," something something to go Western for a second olive branch something something Jin Ling appearing at Lotus Pier SO EXCITED LOOK, JIN SHUSHU GOT ME A DOG and Jiang Cheng's heart just sinking to the bottom of the lake something something moving on is hard something something)
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
Fanwork Research & Reference Guides Compilation
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All in the Wangxian Family by tungstenpincenez (G, 19k, Fanwork Research & Reference Guides, family tree, Comic-Con, Humor, tutorial, Chinese names, chinese honorifics, warning: mental illness discussion)
Writers Guide: The Guqin by ThisIsWhereTheMagicHappens (Not Rated, 1k, Fanwork Research & Reference Guides, Writers, guqin, chinese instrument, Meta, non-fiction)
How Mo Dao Zu Shi Uses Classical Chinese Literature and Ideas in Character- and World-Building by yakuzakuma (G, 5k, Reviews, Meta, Fanwork Research & Reference Guides)
Working Guide to almost every single mxtx character by Nightfeather18 (M, 1k, all the characters, every single one, help guide, Spoilers, my horrible sense of humor)
On Character's Ages by thewickling (Diviana) (G, 5k, Fanwork Research & Reference Guides, Meta, Nonfiction, Cross-posted on Dreamwidth)
On Qishan Indocrination's Duration by thewickling (Diviana) for pumpkinpaix (G, 1k, Fanwork Research & Reference Guides, Módào Zǔshī History, Qíshān Wēn Indoctrination,Timelines)
A Compiled List of Known Lan Clan Rules by Unforth (Not Rated, 2k, Meta, Fanwork Research & Reference Guides, Nonfiction, Cross-Posted on Tumblr, Podfic by dangercupcake)
A Writer's Unofficial Guide to Chinese Naming by FireflyPie (G, 2k, Fanwork Research & Reference Guides, Chinese Language, no knowledge of the MXTX novels strictly required)
List of Differences Between Modao Zushi and CQL/The Untamed by Unforth (Not Rated, 3k, Meta, Fanwork Research & Reference Guides, Nonfiction, Cross-Posted on Tumblr)
The Untamed / MDZS, resources link post, stuff I needed as a writer by AteanaLenn (G, 1k, Meta, Metafiction, resources, linkdrop, Nonfiction, Fanwork Research & Reference Guides)
Chinese naming basics for fanfiction writers by miqqumi (Not Rated, 937, Meta, Fanwork Research & Reference Guides)
MDZS Timeline by thewickling (Diviana) (G, 22k, Fanwork Research & Reference Guides, Meta, Nonfiction, Módào Zǔshī History)
Grandmaster of Demonic Timeline by chrisemrys (G, 2k, timeline, Fanwork Research & Reference Guides)
MDZS Audio Drama Episode Guide by pumpkinpaix (Not Rated, 5k, Fanwork Research & Reference Guides)
Mo Dao Zu Shi Writer Reference: Novel Chapter Summaries by threerings (Not Rated, 2k, Fanwork Research & Reference Guides, Podfic by dangercupcake)
Reference for Modao Zushi Writers: Chinese terms by chaoticjoy (G, 3k, WIP, Meta, Fanwork Research & Reference Guides)
MDZS History Context for Dummies by enbysaurus_rex (Not Rated, 14k, WIP, Meta, Analysis, Historical Accuracy, Historical Metaphors)
Ghostbusting Economics: The Great Cultivator Labor Shortage by GhostySword (G, 3k, Meta, Economics, Worldbuilding, Crack, Though honestly it's not that wild and pretty well supported by the text)
RL Cultivation 101 by Gina3 (T, 2k, Meta, cultivation, Taoism)
Fanwork Research & Reference Guides tag on AO3
WangXiantics: The (unofficial) Untamed Episode Guide by Trensu (T, 116k) although it’s a reaction work, it also serves as a list of episode summaries highlighting key moments.
dyingstar14's (unofficial) guide to writing ancient china by dyingstar14 (Not Rated, 6k, WIP, Ancient China, Ancient History, non-fiction, information, Units of Time, Hair, Units of Distance, Education)
meta and translation masterpost by @songfeng-shuiyue
The Reading of Sorrow (and other works) by Tavina (T, 10k, WIP, Meta, Worldbuilding, Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368 CE), Essays, Research, Historical References, Historical Accuracy, Chinese Mythology & Folklore, Yuan Dynasty Paintings and Painters, Future Fic, Appendixes, Music) historical research underlying the fic but I'm not in charge of sorrow (so please don't ask me when) with abundant book recs.
Who Knew the Truth About the Wen Remnants? by Karmiya (T, 8k, Meta, Essay)
Google Docs
transcripts and translations for the entirety of The Untamed (Spreadsheets)
Maps of MDZS
Tumblr post by mondengel
Twitter thread by @/wangxianling
Twitter thread by @/bosbiee
Tumblr post by lalunaticscribe
Stunted, Starving Juvenility - Addendum by TomatenMark
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destielrose · 7 years
Dean Winchester is Asexual
Well, maybe not asexual. But I have this theory, and maybe there's something to it.
Dean seems to have different thresholds that apply to sexual enjoyment. At the first level, he enjoys deeply. Things enjoyed at level one have nothing to do with Dean and are far from being actual possibilities. Here lies porn about imaginary (hentai) or exotic (Asian beauties, lesbians) subjects, as well as brash (almost off-putting?) flirtation with people he doesn't connect to emotionally.
I think Dean reserves physical sex for this first, almost autochorrisexual level of intimacy. He keeps the physical so far from the emotional that he convinces himself that sex doesn't mean anything to him. That's where he likes it.
Dean's relationships with Charlie, Benny and Sam exist at a level one, but of complete emotional, rather than physical, intimacy. Dean can be incredibly emotionally open with Charlie because she is a lesbian and the option for physical intimacy has been removed. Same with Sam because of his familial tie, but Dean can't be as vulnerable with Sam because Sam is permanent, and also because Sam is Dean's child/job/purpose. You can't be an equal with your child, and you can't connect unreservedly with a job or a purpose. Dean connects deeply with Benny, and the connection may indeed have been sexual in purgatory, but that is because purgatory is pure: free from time, free from sentiment, and free of consequences. Dean's relationship to Cas is also purer and more visible here where there is no pretending and no tomorrow. But as soon as Dean leaves purgatory, he relegates Benny and Cas back to level one.
At level two, physicality and intimacy begin to blur, and Dean gets uncomfortable. He finds himself here when other things are blurry, too: when codependency has put him in situations he might have otherwise avoided (Lisa) or when he has been tricked or drugged (the male Siren, turducken!Dean, Regarding Dean, and Yellow Fever Dean, just to name a few).
I rewatched 6x01 recently and was surprised to realize that Dean didn't want to be with Lisa. He showed up on her doorstep because it was Sam's dying wish. In 5x23, Dean canonically says that he would rather die than go try and build a life with Lisa, but his duty wins out (as it most often does) over his desires. Dean tries to make a life with Lisa and Ben. He really does. But he cannot separate the physical and the emotional with Lisa. He is too raw, and Lisa is too much what he really wants. And because a combination of physical and emotional intimacy would make Dean even more vulnerable at a time when he is already at his most exposed, he opts for a more emotional relationship with Lisa, and the physical is almost familial in flavor. Sex with Lisa is closer to eating a pint of ice cream and crying than it is to wholistic intimacy.
When Dean has his barriers ripped away when tricked, drugged, or surprised, we glimpse aspects of him that he usually keeps covered. He blushes and stammers around Doctor Sexy, Aaron, and Yellow Fever's cute deputy. He connects freely with the male siren because he is A) in a strip club and B) positive that the siren is female, and so has no need to keep his guard up.
The only time we have seen Dean reach level three intimacy, where emotional and physical coexist, is with the angel Anna. And this situation is so ripe with meta that I almost can't go on. Anna is going to die tomorrow (a situation where Dean often offers to deepen intimacy), and so the emotional stakes have been removed. She reminds him of Cas, someone with whom Dean shares a very profound connection, but is also female and less frightening than Cas in that regard. She has red hair and so is neither his type (brunette, big eyes, quirky, smart) or the type he objectifies (blonde, ditsy, and reminiscent of his mom). Anna is safe to love physically because she is female and non-triggering and safe to love emotionally because she is soft, kind, and temporary. And so Dean gives himself over completely and their love scene is so tender, and so revealing of Dean, that I can't watch it.
Dean tries to come off as hyper-heterosexual, aromantic. It's what he tells himself he is. But he is much closer to homoromantic/panromantic demisexual. He is not aromantic at all. He is so romantic he has to put considerable energy into plugging all the romantic holes at all times so that his sappy underbelly won't show.
And this is why he has trouble with Cas. Why we see Dean open up before a crisis (when there might not be another day and so the emotional stakes are low) but shut down emotionally and physically at reunions. This is why tactile!Dean doesn't go in for the long hugs with Cas, even when he has just received his greatest wish and Cas has come back from the dead. It is why their true reunions take place off-screen or maybe just inside Dean's (and our) imagination. These scenes are so tender that they are completely private.
As Dean continues to mature and grow, as his identity solidifies and unifies, we will begin to see him inching closer to level three with Cas. But Dean needs some things from Cas first: he needs to know that Castiel will stop abandoning him, and he needs to know that Cas won't reject Dean's most vulnerable and hidden parts. I think the show is providing pathways for both.
And then Dean can have what he's always desired: true love and family, at the same time and in the same place, forever.
Isn't romance dreamy?
BTW? I haven't seen 13x09 yet!!! So I have no idea if it furthers my theory. I will go watch it right now and then come back to add post-episode two cents.
@esompthin @unforth-ninawaters @elizabethrobertajones @wincestielfttfwin @mittensmorgul @amwritingmeta @tinkdw
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flyingcatstiel · 7 years
@unforth-ninawaters said on this post
This may sound terrible but I find it incredibly sad and maybe manipulative that there are people truly trying to “sell” that Destiel will go canon. I dread the utter loss of morale and hope that will come about when it finally becomes clear that it’s never going to happen, not “officially.” There will always be just enough teasing to keep folks dangling and never anything explicit enough for it to be unequivocal. That’s how it’s been for 8 seasons, anyone who thinks
It’ll change now is deluding themselves.
See also: reasons I stopped watching after 9.03, after being left dangling since I started watching in s4.
@unforth-ninawaters holy shit u just said it perfectly!!!
@unforth-ninawaters answered 
@goldmetalvictor thank you! The social pressure to be unrelentingly positive on Tumblr is so endless…its nice to say what I really think for a change. :) I mean I’m still in spn fandom and still write for it…but when I am looking for something to watch I’m much more likely to watch YoI for the umpteenth time (I think I’m up to 8 or 9 complete watch thrus, it makes me so happy…no bait and switch, no terrible writing choices…so wholesome…so good…
I really have nothing to add to this convo. Thank you guys for sharing your thoughts! And yes, it feels good to get it out finally. I’ve been ranting and bitching about the show and fandom to my friends for years. But we always had to keep our emotions in check since being sad = negativity. And the moment Cas fans make sad posts, we are being told to shut up. Just yesterday one of my posts got hijacked and I was told in uncertain terms that I’ve no right to talk shit about fandom meta writers on my own blog. Le Sigh... 
I’m posting all follower comments from my posts to make them more visible, to show that there’s fans who share my thoughts. I also hope that some random Cas’ fans see these posts and know that they’re not stupid or broken for feeling disenchanted with the current pro show destiel fandom. There’s plenty of Cas fans who are hanging on the edges of fandom and feeling the same. For those who don’t know, goldmetalvictor used to be a very sassy bitter cas girl when I followed her. During s11 mid season hiatus, she changed her SPN blog to Yuri on Ice blog and has never looked back. I remember a lot of Cas fans leaving fandom or jumping on YOI train during that time, that was one bleak hiatus. And I think it is good. No need to stay in fandom if it so stressful, and positivity police wants us out anyway. Because god forbid to have a critical opinion about the show they like. 
Does anyone still remember this excellent post by X-cetera about queerbating? She left fandom soon after 9x03, iirc. I have more posts on my queerbaiting tag from s9-10, this was the stuff the fandom discussed back then. Compare it to recent switch to meta writers who just want to have fun with their metas. So yeah, I agree there’ll be more hurt fans. 
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diminuel · 7 years
@unforth-ninawaters I'm not good at RPS, so I often imagine it set in the French Mistake verse, since that is SPN canon. I suppose it's still a kind of RPS even thoug Meta!Misha is a SPN character. Hm hm. (I also muse about this for tagging purposes. I don't think I tag French Mistake verse stuff with RPS, but I can!) (I can't think well. Sleep now. Further thoughts in 8 hours.)
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rosemoonweaver · 6 years
@unforth-ninawaters replied to your post “@unforth-ninawaters replied to your post “@unforth-ninawaters replied...”
It was excellent meta, hopefully someone else seeing this remembers it too...it was maybe a year or year and a half ago that I read it, though, and I can't even remember where I saw it. I wish I could be more helpful. :(
No worries. If anyone else remembers it and has a link, they can send it my way. If not, I’ll just start looking lol. 
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