#unfortunately I could talk for hours about why I don't like the writing or characterization
lab-gr0wn-lambs · 4 months
Tbh saying that people hate the 13th doctor 'just because she's a woman' is a really bad-faith stupid take. You can enjoy 13. But if you make a point like that it's actually you who's dismissive and making it about gender.
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calamity-unlocked · 10 months
Sigh. I accidentally posted my half-finished answer to a really kind ask and then in a panic deleted all of it.
So! Rewriting it all. (Hope you'll see this, anon <3) I unfortunately don't have a copy of the ask, but what anon basically asked for were my reasons why I stopped listening to dndads.
There are a couple, mostly boiling down to that I felt increasingly frustrated with Anthony and the waste of potential in season 2. I'll elaborate on this - really happy someone asked me about this actually, I've been looking for an excuse to write out my thoughts on the matter.
Dndads negativity under the cut (aka hater hours)
First of all prefacing this with saying that the most important factor was probably my personal mental health. But we're not here to talk about that, we're here to rant!! So, here is my little wordspew which I've been wanting to write for literal months:
Rejecting the Storytelling Medium You Use and Ignoring the Consequences
Let's start on a positive note; I love the comedy of this show and the cast's chemistry. Every time I listened to an episode, I laughed so hard my jaw hurt. They are incredibly funny people.
However, every time as the credits rolled after "On My Way," a sense of nervous disappointment lingered. The problem sat in season 2's story. Every episode is funny, but the narrative steps that were taken were just frustrating, going in a direction that lead either to meaningless conflict or another fetch quest with minimal results.
Dungeons and Daddies should not be a Dungeons and Dragons podcast.
People struggling with the rules and deciding to do their own thing with it can have its charm - it never annoyed me in the first season of the Adventure Zone. But with dndads it actively hinders the show and the storytelling.
It's just... Anthony isn't that good of a DM.
He knows the rules of d&d 5e. He just doesn't want to use them. He gets frustrated when his players take creative actions that undermine the story he planned out. An example is the confrontation between the teens and Willy. Lots of really creative actions and high-level spells were used, but Anthony consistently shut those down and in the end it all went according to how he wanted it to go.
They frequently rerecord scenes when they feel it didn't work out. That's not exactly letting the dice decide, which is what the whole genre is based on!
My sister and I used to speculate on where the story could go, and we often jokes 'this is good stuff, Anthony Buch take notes', and those jokes turned from (affectionate) to (derogatory) once it became clear to us that the direction Anthony was taking really didn't sit right with us.
Season 2 truly had so much potential. We have a set of really interesting PCs who have a strong relationship with a set of equally (if not more) interesting NPCs. The setup of the Doodler as a bbeg was great - and so was the reveal of the Doodler's true feelings.
But the story dragged out, didn't grow, the jokes detracted and distracted from the narrative, emotional beats were unearned, etc. I was bored with the characterization of the kiddads and their actions. The return of the og dads was messy and took away from the story. The three month time skips during a period in which there were supposed to be stakes made me want to rip my hair out.
There's a whole other essay I can make about how d&dads undermines it own stakes, but this is already getting too long so that's for another time.
Also, and I'm so sorry to use Anthony as a punching bag this much, but the man verbally undermines himself so much. He constantly says he doesn't like the second season, negatively compares both PCs and storybeats with the first season, and disses his own capabilities. I understand anxiety well, believe me I do, but continuously saying that you don't think this thing you've created is any good to your fans on your own podcast gets frustrating. This seems to me something you share your personal circle or your therapist, not to your thousands of fans who probably listen to the podcast because it brings them joy!
I have so much more to say, talking about this truly sparks joy in me. But all that matters I suppose is that I've happily divorced. Sadly writing about Lark Oak genuinely helps me cope with all the stuff that's going on, so I'll be tied to this podcast for a while longer.
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birdantlers · 2 years
10 for the ask game
10. The Dragon Ball series isn’t exactly known for being consistent with its story, its characters, and various other things. Which inconsistency irritates you the most?
Omg . This question.
Okay, there are a hundred million things I would change abt dragon ball if I could, but the thing that pisses me off the most is definitely inconsistency with Gohan's characterization. Namely,
[deep breath]
Gohan should have stayed/become the main character after Cell Saga what the hell.
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I'm really tired rn so I can't elaborate as much as I want to but holy shit Buu saga really dropped the ball on this and it's one of the reasons I don't like that arc much. For a while before I knew what the arc was actually about, I got duped into thinking it would be largely Gohan-centric. Focusing on his relationship with humanity and his peers when he attends school / his old trauma/fears/idk.. anything negative or introspective?? Resurfacing when his dad comes back and shit inevitably hits the fan again.
(mandatory "thank for for existing, the Red Boy fic" statement. Look it up it's great I got derailed while reading the last chapter and I feel bad abt not getting back to it yet h)
But instead..... No? Gohan frustratingly gets yanked off center stage halfway through Buu saga, thanks to Toriyama's unfortunate authorship situation at the time. And after that he just....... Stays there. In the wings of Goku and Vegeta's story instead of taking the mantle of MC. It's really disappointing to me, and it's one of the reasons I still haven't watched Super lmao.
Ik I talk about piccolo for 172783736 hours at a time but Gohan's character arc is really the one that carries Z for me up to Buu saga. I consider Cell saga to be an infinitely superior end to his character arc, and I think the way it sticks the landing there is another reason why Buu saga gets on my nerves so much.
I've talked abt this with friends, but current Gohan also feels largely void of the gamut of emotions he was shown to have while younger, and that bugs the hell out of me. Obviously he's matured, but the fear and insecurity and loss he struggled with pre-buu arc feels strangely muted. Like he isn't allowed to cry now that he's an adult or something (though Goku got hit with this same problem, sigh). This doesn't help his already bad sidelining.
In Buu saga and Super, his repeated cycle of "BAMF fight where he comes out on top as strongest Z fighter→ peacetime→ complacency and domestic life→ uh oh he's weak now→ gets admonished for it and wins the day again" could be SUCH a good foundation for a compelling character arc, but they just. Don't do it! So it comes off as redundant and uncharacteristically negligent on Gohan's part. For as much as I love it, Super Hero drops the ball with this too.
I'm just gonna port my messages from discord and let y'all glean the gist
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Basically Gohan feels kinda McGuffin-ized at this point and it makes me sad. He literally had a CELL clone in front of him and had no visible reaction or even an acknowledgement. He's verbally passionate about things like the saiyaman gig or entomology or his family, but the plot and writing don't allow him to actually struggle with the obligation his power gives him.
Like. He might on the surface, sure, but ultimately he just rolls over whenever someone goads him into fighting again (I have seen that part(s) of super don't @ me). I just can't help but see wasted potential and a character with somewhat weak writing. It really is like they just don't know what to do with him now. And that's a real shame because he still is my 1st/2nd favorite character and I am still interested in his arc. Way more so than Goku or Vegeta's. I just wish they would DO something with it 😭
Anyway. Can you believe this isn't even all my thoughts on the matter hdhdhdkdjdj
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junipersrambles · 1 year
Alright, so I just finished watching the season 5 finale of BSD and I have a lot of thoughts, most of them unprocessed but I'm going to try and summarize them anyways!
Its not shocking to me that there was a bit of a twist ending with everything being tied up quite nicely (for the most part, I'll get to the 'two hours later' thing in a bit). Kafka Asagiri has a habit of subverting expectations when concluding complex plots. Now is it a bit convenient that it ended the way it did? Perhaps, I would argue though that we were left with a lot to explore in the upcoming chapters/season of the show (assuming the manga follows the same plot beats when released in the upcoming months). Lots of great character moments and parallels occurred which I will likely write in future posts.
Do I think Fyodor is dead? I'm not entirely convinced, considering the circumstances though its the most likely conclusion. Not how I assumed it would play out, but it was an interesting conclusion to the mind games between him and Dazai that have been playing out since the prison arc started.
I'm curious to see why there was a lack of focus on Sigma. It probably has something to do with wherever the next arc is going. I would hope that he isn't dead as his arc feels like it hasn't been properly concluded. If he isn't dead its possible that he gained knowledge about whatever the next incoming disaster is. The best we can hope for is that he survived and we can learn about what Fyodor knew and what his ability truly is (if we are lucky).
I could gush forever about Nikolai and how he talks about Fyodor after the helicopter crash. It feels like an interesting conclusion to his story, one that seemed inevitable in my opinion. Though I am curious to see where his character is taken from here, I think it would be okay if this was his final appearance. I have a feeling that he may get a few more scenes processing his feelings about how his worldview may have been altered/shifted after the events of this episode. Only time will tell.
Bram gets his body back!! He is probably one of my favorite characters if not for his interactions with Aya alone, then definitely for his characterization (and the way I know the real Bram Stoker would be rolling in his grave). No idea where he'll go from here, but all the moments with him were nice and its my hope that he can at least be a fun father type figure for Aya in the future.
Its nice to see Dazai and Chuuya interact (as always). Was it a bit convenient that Chuuya was pretending to be a vampire? Yes of course, though it provides a reasonable explanation as to why Dazai isn't dead, so I suppose it works. Glad they aren't dead, their arcs don't feel complete yet. I don't have much else to say about their time in the episode unfortunately.
All of the scenes with Fukuzawa and Fukuchi were excellent and I am very glad that they took up the most time in the episode. The emotional resonance in their scenes is palpable and I'm really glad that they had time to talk things out while in Poe's book. Those moments had too many literary quotes and references to count, but I really appreciated that their motivations were laid bare for the audience. I think the final scene between the two of them will stick with me for a long time. If you have yet to see the episode this moment alone makes it worth watching in my opinion.
I don't think that there is a complicated answer as to why Akutagawa appears to be human and alive again in the 'two hours later' segment. The simplest answer likely has to do with aspects of Bram's powers that have yet to be explained. If this is not the case I'm sure there's another convenient explanation.
I always think that its an interesting choice when a studio releases the conclusion of an arc or season of a show before the story line has concluded in the manga, that being said the final part of Twilight Goodbye makes me nervous for a couple of reasons.
One, kind of wild that it progresses to a big super-powered fight only a few hours after the conclusion of the last arc. Not that BSD hasn't done something similar before, but this seems like a bit of a rush for the timeline. I will hold my extended worries on this for now. It reminds me of the Bad Apple story line and how quickly all of that plays out. Perhaps this will proceed similarly? Though with how many characters are in focus right now we can't be entirely sure.
Two, this mystery character seems quite powerful and is seen wielding the "space-time sword" that Fukuchi had previously been using. I can't help but notice that this mysterious figure also looks a lot like Fukuchi. Same scars on the face, same hair. I am not saying it is him, but I think that him being the 'final?' enemy of this story line would interfere with a lot of the meaning infused into the end of the current arc. I sincerely hope that its not him, but I would be interested to see where everything goes if it Fukuchi.
Lastly, I do truly hope that this is the intended direction of the story moving forward for Asagiri's sake. I don't think Studio Bones would conclude or move on with a story without more of the manga being written. They tend to be more patient than other studios when it comes to waiting for enough material for new seasons. That being said, season four and five did not necessarily need to be produced separately and back to back. Then again, I am not that familiar with the inner workings of the Anime industry. In conclusion, I just hope that this is genuinely what the author intended and that whatever is made moving forward carries the spirit of BSD as it has been portrayed so far.
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the-sprog · 2 years
Tagged by @nightmareinfloral
Ahh sorry for taking long! I had like no answer for most of the questions so I waited.
Top 3 ships:
Ok prefacing this by saying they're very dependent on what fandoms I'm in/things I'm arbitrarily obsessed with atm
Also these are in no particular order lol I like so many ships rn these are the ones I want to talk about though.
1. Jedtavius. Yes, the miniatures of the roman general and the cowboy from the Night at the Museum film series. You heard me. I just like how their relationship evolved, how protective they are of each other! "I won't quit you" is ingrained in my memory. I love that franchise.
2. Peter Parker/Jack Hammer. As in Weasel. As in the bartender from the Deadpool films. Listen- they have history in the comics and it's so funny??? And also fucked?? There's like 3 people (me included) who like these two together.
3. MattFoggy. I believe in the inherent homoeroticism of joking about marrying your **checks writing on my palm** best friend. They're just so- ugh. It's not so subtle. I could go on for HOURS but I'll spare you.
Honorary mentions for: MattFoggyMarci, SpideyPool, Frank Castle/Marc Spector, Jake Lockley/DuChamp.
Sorry about the lack of DC ships, I just need to read more about them. I do like Tim/Bernard, though I seem to be in the minority here.
First ever ship:
Firstly I thought this said *Favorite* ship, which is why I didn't include Peter/Gwen/MJ in the list above... I could fix it but it's funnier this way. That's my fav ship, full N1.
Onto my first ship, I vividly remember waiting patiently for Aelita and Jeremy (from Code Lyoko) to get their shit together and kiss. I'm sure there were earlier ones but I do not remember, unfortunately.
Last song:
"IDK If I'm a Boy" by Blue Foster (I *am* my own special kind of loser :))
Last movie:
I just finished "Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons". Had a lot more fun than I thought I would! I didn't love the art style and some of the design I hated, but the characterizations were nice and I laughed way too much at the jokes. They were just timed so perfectly ("Can't see Kent" had me fucking crying)
Currently reading:
-"We were liars" (paused because... Fuck man, no one warned me about the incest plot line)
-"Dirk Gently's holistic agency "(I am constantly confused! I love it!!)
Currently consuming:
Uuuh my own saliva, I suppose lol
Currently craving:
Gosh I want some liquorice gummies so much. I'm always craving those. Also I bought my dad honey w truffle and orange peel, and it was so good w cheese (we ate it on the 26th of December) I want more!!
No pressure of course uuh I don't think I have 9 people...
@murasakikou42 @coollizzylou @wolfsbanesparks @just-a-beautiful-fuckup
Yeah that's about it
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Ahhhhhh sorry requesting another penguinz0 fic T^T I just love him so so much but can you do a charlie headcanons where him and the reader has a slight age gap (maybe the reader is 19-21) shshwhw sorry if this makes you uncomfortable you can just ignore this <33 (ALSO THOSE TWO HEADCANONS THAT YOU WROTE ARE *CHEF KISSES*)
Noo please don't apologize sweetie, I love writing for Charlie! His characterization is always fun to write 🤭 And no worries, age gaps don't make me uncomfortable (i have a thing for relationships with bigger LEGAL age gaps)
And I'm so glad you enjoyed my previous headcanons! I didn't know their quality myself since I haven't written much for Charlie but I'm so happy you liked them 🥰
Now on with today's headcanons. Enjoy 💕
Pairing: Penguinz0 x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Age Gap (LEGAL), Swearing,
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
- You met Charlie your freshman year in college
- A bright-eyed but timid nineteen year old trying to make your way through life with not many friends is who you were back then
- And he was a complete loner
- Well, he did have friends, but not any in the same shoes as him
- Most of them had dropped out of college while he had graduated and was afterwards considering post-grad studies but at a different college
- Faith just made it be so that college was the same one you attended
- There was a presentation being held for possibly interested post-grad students which he had signed up to see but unfortunately couldn't find his way to the auditorium where it was being held
- And because of that very presentation, your own class was moved to an auditorium you had never been in before, hence why you had no idea where to find it
- During your search for it, you ran into the long haired man who looked just as lost as you felt
- You know it'd be cliché to admit, but the truth is that your heart sped up when he smiled at you after his initial look of indifference
- "You're a student here, right?"
- "Yeah." You answered suspiciously with a nod
- "Ok great, can you tell me where the World Literature 4BF auditorium is?" He asked, reading the marking of the auditorium from the booklet he was given
- You couldn't help but chuckle, "You're all out of luck if you expect me to know where that is. Hell, I don't even know where Science 17SE is and that's where my class is being held as we speak."
- He laughed as did you, "Seems like you're way more fucked than I am." He commented, trailing off for a second before speaking up again, "You wanna go on a scavenger hunting for your class then?"
- "But what about you? Don't you need to find yours too?" You asked, ready to turn down his offer
- "Nah, I'm not going to class. I was gonna attend the post-grad presentation and shit but I'm starting to second guess if I even want that. College fucked me up enough already, I don't need to go through another hellhole anytime soon." He chuckled, running a hand through his hair before readjusting his cap
- "Don't scare me like that, dude! I'm a freshman here!" You complained, turning his chuckle into laughter
- "In that case, I'll be the human embodiment of the warning people should be given before going to college. What's your major?"
- And just like that, you got to talking
- You walked out of the second building with the intention of searching the third for your class but just ended up lounging on a bench outside in the warm sun and soothing breeze
- March was treating you well, allowing you two to talk your asses off, imagine if it was raining instead...
- You came to know a lot of things about him
- His name: Charlie, his age: 27, where he's from: Tampa, he graduated from the University of Tampa with a degree in Human Sciences
- What interested you most was what he said about his career: Content creator on different social media platforms
- You would've questioned him more if you both could stay on one topic for long enough but you kept segueing from one into another
- And an hour and a half ended up being far from enough for you to talk about everything you wanted
- Seeing as how you were talking like long time friends, you hadn't noticed the time pass by, but when you realized the next class was about to start, you had to run much to your own and his dismay too
- "I hope to see you around, Y/N." He told you as you were about to part
- "I do too but if you're not doing the post-grad program, I'm afraid we won't be seeing a whole lot of each other." You replied, not thinking much of it
- "I'm actually starting to reconsider it." He said and suddenly you were thinking much of it
- That's all you could think about for the rest of the day and the morning after
- The only thing that could invade your mind and replace it was the happiness you felt when you saw him back on campus the following day
- "Are you stalking me, old man?" You joked as you walked up to him in the quad
- "I beg of you to not call the cops on me cause we will indeed be seeing quite a bit of one another. But you'll never know....am I stalking you, or is it just a coincidence...." he trailed off, seemingly finally fathoming what you had said, "And I'm not an old man, kiddo."
- You gasped theatrically, 'hurt' by his insult, "I'm no kid, you ass!"
- Ah, bickering - the best relationship-starter
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Amalfi Nights // Victoria De Angelis
words // 2766, SHOCK!
warnings // smut, pretty vanilla, softdom!vic, servicetop!vic, praise, kind of fluffy smut
pairing // Victoria De Angelis x F!Reader author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. as far as i gathered the request was about female reader so i did that, i can def change it to gn pronouns but unfortunately don't know how exactly i can make detailed smut entirely gn so i am sorry for that. anyways, i hope you enjoyed it, my smut skills feel rusty but it was nice writing some smut again
request // yes, here
summary // Reader and Victoria are for vacantion in Amalfi. After a candle-lit dinner at the restaurant, after a long day of swimming and sumbathing, Victoria just wants to show you her love.
(i forgot i changed the setting)
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It was not unusual for the bassist to overwork herself. Sometimes she did not even realise what she was doing, she just worked mechanically writing, playing… She would ignore everyone and everything that was not her job, as if in some kind of tance that only allowed her to focus on one and only one thing.
The one that was truly affected by that - other than her of course - was her wonderful lover. Y/N had the patience of a saint, in the words of Damiano, being the only one truly able to deal with Victoria’s stubbornness. Some would call it patience, others call it tolerance, others name it thriftiness, Y/N simply calls it love. There was a lot of love targeted at the blonde woman, a love that made her lover unable to just let her push herself to the limit, no matter what she did.
As the ‘thrifty’ characterization indicates, Y/N almost always -with the exception of very few occasions when Victoria had some pretty compelling arguments- found a way to pull her out of that. Usually it was the plain promise of cuddles and kisses, maybe even sex would lure her out of her tiring working cycle, but this time nothing seemed to work. Y/N had to be really inventive this time and luckily it was something possible.
The plan went as such: a vacation at Amalfi, just for a weekend. You just put Victoria in the car and go. Nothing can go wrong. It seemed like a fool-proof plan, and truly it was. It happened to be fairly easy to convince Vic to get in the car. “Just get in or I’ll spend the weekend in Amalfi alone, no phone calls, no pictures. Nothing.” As always, compelling.
It seemed to be the girl’s weakness; Y/N. By the simple threat of not seeing her lover for a weekend, not getting any of the beautiful photos she was sure there would be, Victoria was ready to even teleport to the coast if possible.
Trouble started one Victoria sat herself in that car. From the first moment, when she opened the door, her insatiability was clear. “How long does it take to get there?” “Are we there yet?” “How much longer until we are there?” “When will we stop?” “Let me drive.” “I don’t even need the break.” This is how the entire three and a half hour trip went, with Victoria whining, complaining and asking to drive. It was worse than having a five year old but Y/N would never have it any other way.
Arriving there was a breath of fresh air. The blonde finally stopped asking questions and talking and her partner got the chance to enjoy some peace. It was truly beautiful. The sea, the mountains, the houses and even the hidden buildings, it seemed like out of a fairy tale, Y/N wasting no time expressing that thought. Victoria, being a few meters away, basking in the scenery, responded swiftly by walking back to her lover, leaving kisses up her face. “It’s only so beautiful because I have you here.”
Oh that sweet talk of hers, enough to make anyone melt, melt to their knees and beg for her love. Y/N felt helpless around her girlfriend, not in a bad way, although it could certainly be dangerous, but in a way of… being drunk, drunk in love, drunk by her beauty, by her personality. It was never about her looks and always about how Victoria could always lift the girl off her feet with only her words. She’d feel like she’s floating every time they are together, floating in the most beautiful dream.
The day passed by smoothly, the pair spending it under the sun and into the sea, they only stopped when the sun seemed to be setting. She might have not known how to show it exactly but Victoria was extremely thankful for the partner she had, knowing the lengths the other woman would go for her. She thought of the best way to show her just that, maybe with some dinner, the atmosphere was utterly romantic; the Amalfi coast, sunset hour was nearing, she had her lover right there, and all the means to show her how she felt. So she moved on with the plan.
After arriving in the hotel, Vic rushed to get herself ready first, hoarding the bathroom, winning herself enough time to set up the dinner.
“I’ll be showering now,” called Y/N, “might take a while, I think I burned my shoulders a bit…”
“Don’t forget to get ready while you’re there. We need to be ready the soonest possible if we want to explore!”
Her girlfriend hummed in response, Victoria having an inner dance party -and feeling bad for it- before going down the lobby to arrange everything with the hotel. From Y/N’s favorite food, to her favorite wine and even favourite flowers, everything was set to perfection. It was done surprisingly fast, the blonde woman taking an active role in it, realising how last minute it was. By the time Y/N was showered, dressed and ‘fancied up’ her girlfriend had everything but the food set. But it was not of the utmost importance, knowing that they could wait for it a bit.
“Hey, babe, I’m dr- essed… What did you do?” She smiled, mesmerized by the view in front of her. The balcony of their hotel room was set like a dream. Flowers on the table, two glasses for wine and said wine next to the table. She wasn’t sure how to react to such action.
“I only wanted to thank you, amore. You do so much for me, caring for me, baring my stubbornness. For fuck’s sake you brought me here cause I’m over worked,” she breathed out the last few words, unable to speak properly before moving to her girlfriend to kiss her.
“I simply love you,” Victoria whispered against Y/N’s lips, moving her to her chair before occupying her own.
The whole dinner revolved around the two just exchanging glances and flirty words. “You're hot, delicious, you look scrumptious,” one of them would say, a hungry look on her face, the other blushing, almost jumping from her chair. It was torture to just sit so close yet so far away from each other.
“Just move closer to me, dolcessa,” breathed out Victoria, signaling for the other girl to move her chair closer. Y/N did not hesitate to obey her girlfriend’s suggestion, quickly shuffling herself next to Victoria.
“Bravo ragazza. You obey very well, amore.” If it had been possible for Y/N to keep any sinful thoughts at bay before everything went out the window immediately as the blonde opened her mouth. “It will be extremely useful after dinner is over. Mhm,” she paused, leaving kisses on her girlfriend’s neck, “I am thinking, second course?”
Everything after that moment was a blur. The pair did not even get the chance to finish their dinner before Victoria had dragged her lover inside the room and pinned her right next to the window. Her kisses were hot and sloppy but Y/N would be lying if she said she’s complaining. If anything this moment is all she’s been waiting for today. The blonde never stopped her ‘attack’, moving closer and closer to Y/N’s sweet spot, assaulting the spot with the lips, her teeth and her tongue, taking special care of it.
Her trail only lowered as she kept on kissing and leaving marks all over, hands on her partner’s waist, lips on the swell of her chest. “You know this shirt drives me crazy, dolcezza! Of course you do. That’s why you wore it, huh?” Y/N couldn’t speak, all ability to form words and sounds was taken away by her lover. “Speak to me amore, this isn’t the time to be naughty.”
“That’s why I wore it,” responded the helpless girl, slowly being undressed by her lover.
“Well, it’s a shame it’s going away, no?” And with that the shirt was removed entirely, leaving Y/N’s chest almost fully exposed to Victoria, her action did not waver, though. She kept her direction to the girl’s bottoms, kissing above the top of her pants before throwing a questioning look up. Y/N only nodded eagerly, giving Victoria the permission she needed to presume her actions, removing the pants without much thought or effort.
“It is not fair, Vic,” whined Y/N, eyes semi closed with the pleasure the other girl’s feathery touch around her body provided, “you are overdressed.”
“You’re right, puppy,” she responded, swiftly getting up, dropping a kiss and seductively moving towards the bed. “Why don’t you come and return the favor? I got so tired undressing you, now you’ll have to it for me,” she taunted, smirking evidently as she held her self up by her arms, legs semi open on the bed, eyes eye-fucking her lover already.
A little bit of encouragement was all Y/N to get a little confidence and take the lead a bit. “Tell me if you want me to stop,” she whispered in Victoria's ear and started copying her girlfriend’s previous actions.
Her hands were going everywhere, unsure of where to stay or whether they should stay still. Eventually they moved under her shirt, massaging her chest there, emitting a series of moans to leave Victoria’s mouth. “Too much fabric,” she mumbled on Vic’s skin, opting to remove said fabric, making all access so much easier and revealing the beautiful lingerie underneath.
“So pretty you are Victoria. What a beauty. I got lucky, now, didn’t I?” The focus shifted on the woman’s chest. Her nipples were poking through the bra, doing very little to cover anything, but the goal was never to hide.
“Work on my boobs, baby, go on,” encouraged Victoria after noticing Y/N’s hyperfixation on said body parts. “I know you love it.”
No thought occurred before the last girl did as told. Lips left kisses and marks all over Victoria’s chest, paying special attention to the line above her bra. Her hands moved swiftly behind Vic’s back, unclasping her bra, removing it and moving to attack her nipples. They were perky due to the breeze entering the room through the open balcony door but also from the arousal. Y/N loved to love them, always one of her favorite things to do in bed. She loved to suck on them, to kiss them, even lick around them or pop her in and out her mouth like cherries.
Y/N was not the only one to enjoy the attention she gave them. Victoria would be lying if she said she did not get wetter and wetter whenever her partner gave her nipples so much love. It was possibly the hottest view, to look at her from above, gazes aligned, such delicious noises released by both lovers; wet sounds and moans. The whole scene was beautifully pornographic, straight out of a movie, so theatrical but genuinely felt.
The lower girl decided on the next move without a warning, slowly moving her hand to move under Vic’s fancy shorts. The discovery there made her insane, and only then did she really get sure that her girlfriend had planned for this to happen. The lingerie set seemed complete, not that it mattered that much anymore, the panties got most likely slightly ruined by just how wet Victoria was. No prep was needed, not much effort at all, she was entirely ready for anything, a fact that made Y/N feel proud of her work so far. Without a word, one of her fingers started pumping in and out of the blonde. Such a wonderful scene, the delicious movements of them both, the divine moans the blonde let out… It was a plain dream that neither of them wanted to get out of. Everything just felt perfect, like an all time high, and maybe it was just that, a high, one that both found themselves in quite often.
“This,” began Victoria, struggling to speak between her moans and thrusts on Y/N’s fingers, “was supposed to be a thank you from me to you, cucciola. Agh,” she struggled again, the pleasure just being too much, fingers deep inside her with constant friction on her clit.
“Stop, oh my, stop, amore. I want your mouth,” she all but screamed, rushing to unbutton and remove her shorts, all but ripping her panties off. Y/N simply shuffled to her knees in front of the bed, settling between Vic’s open legs and diving right in.
Not taking almost any time to breathe in between, just kissing her clit and ramming her fingers in and out of Victoria as her hands rested on her lover’s head, pushing her closer every time a wave of pleasure took over her. Her tongue was everywhere, the one moment lapping over Vic’s clit and the next one assisting her fingers inside the blonde. The whole ordeal had her pulsing and shaking underneath Y/N resulting in her cumming all over the girl's face with no warning.
“That was so hot,” giggled Y/N, getting up to leave kisses all over Vic’s face, absolutely adoring the whole fucked out expression she held. “I want to do it again,” she continued, just like a kid in a candy store, eyes gleaming with excitement.
“No, no, puppy! You were so good to me, but now it’s your time. You deserve to be loved.” It was all mumbled, but her tone was always authoritative.
“Just move to the bed, love.” With that Y/N did as told, moving onto the bed and spreading her legs, just like Victoria liked. Her back was on the headboard, leaning there to be more comfortable, hands already touching her own chest in anticipation.
“Keep the bra, cucciola, but I think the panties need to go… Mhm, not that I don’t like them, but they get in the way. Can you remove them for me?” It was not really a question but her lover still gave a small yes as a response. “I feel like you deserve a very good reward, puppy, don’t you agree?”
Y/N was sitting there in awe and staring at her partner, maybe a little worried by the toy or maybe just excited for the up and coming event. Giving pleasure to Victoria had only made her more hot and bothered, unable to wait for the said blonde to act.
And she acted, swiftly removing the black lace panties her enamoured bottom was wearing after she left kisses all around the line of them. It’s that moment she saw the effect she gained over the girl for the night; her panties were absolutely soaked, in a lot of spots not being able to distinguish skin from the fabric of the undergarment, making her salivate at the sight, opting to kiss her wet pussy over and over, stimulating her before working her magic.
Victoria started off slow, a very rhythmic tempo but tortuous at the same time. She went from one finger to two and three and then added her mouth into the mix, hiding herself between her favorite girl’s thighs, getting lost in the taste and the noise.
“You are doing so good, my love, taking my fingers so well, mhm, such a good girl.” The praise never stopped, only encouraging more and more sinful noises to leave Y/N’s lips, the same ones that were parted the whole time, swollen and begging to be kissed. Victoria did not hesitate to do exactly that, allowing Y/N to taste her juices, the kiss doing little to conceal the confirmation of pleasure.
As Vic’s pace quickened, Y/N was struggling to keep it together, falling apart in the blonde’s hands, cummiing with a loud moan and a series of curses as she was left there, in bliss; in afterglow. “Be a doll and drink this, precious,” whispered Victoria, giving some water to the girl, before following her own advice and doing the same. After, she moved to the hotel room bathroom, quickly finding a small towel to wet with warm water and clean both of them up.
By the time she walked back in the bedroom Y/N was practically asleep on the bed, sprawled out, just as she was left, as soft breaths left her. Victoria smiled at herself, proceeding with cleaning her girlfriend up before leaving a kiss on her forehead and getting in the bed, following suit and falling asleep.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11
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seventeendeer · 3 years
You said you have many cartoon horse opinions, and I would love to hear more - especially from the perspective on someone with an opinion on gen4 that I don't believe I've ever really seen before.
Ahh sorry for the very, very late reply, life stuff got in the way and I wanted to respond properly, so here I am about a month later!
tHANK YOU for enabling me, I'll try to keep this somewhat readable and to the point, but it's true, I have a LOT of cartoon horse opinions, I could talk for hours about this haha
Okay so first, a bit of context: I've loved My Little Pony since before I could talk. I used to watch the gen 1 cartoons as a very young child and loved them. I had a big collection of gen 2 toys as a child. I skipped gen 3 and gen 3.5. As a teen, I was really into gen 4 and I continued to keep up with the series until around the beginning of gen 8. With that in mind:
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic will forever stick out in my mind as a wasted opportunity. Season 1 started in a good place and I still enjoy that one a lot now, but it's also easy to see the beginnings of the show's later problems even back then. I think if the series had held on to the general tone of season 1, it would have been a perfectly pleasant show - however, the change in headwriter from season 2 and onwards is extremely noticeable and not in a good way.
I think the biggest problem with the show, mostly post-season 1, is that for a story that's supposed to be about friendship, the tone is just way too mean. So much of its runtime is devoted to the characters being uncomfortable, frustrated, angry at each other, or having their feelings hurt. Of course, having some conflict makes sense - each episode is supposed to teach kids something about how to be better friends, after all - but the amount of time the main characters spend feeling upset is uncomfortable to watch. With how much work they all have to put into trying to understand each other and sort out conflicts, and how few easy, comfortable moments they have with one another on-screen, it's difficult to imagine why they even hang out after a certain point.
Another facet that I think damages the tone of later seasons is the increased focus on humor that hinges on making the characters look overly selfish, idiotic or obnoxious. The punchline of most jokes in the show can be summed up as "isn't this character ridiculous?" Too many jokes about the characters are also followed by their friends reacting negatively to whatever just happened. The frequency of mean-spirited jokes, plus the dismissive way the other ponies tend to react to their friends' antics, makes it seem like they can barely stand to be in a room with one another. This undermines most attempts at 'heartwarming' moments, making them feel artificial and unearned.
While I like a lot of Lauren Faust's work and I respect her attempt to write My Little Pony characters with more depth (and again, I do like the season she helmed a lot!), I can't help but think that the entire generation had a rough start when it was decided that the way to make the franchise better was to make it less sappy and "soft." I think it's difficult to make any story about love and friendship hold up without also seeing the value in sincerity and vulnerability. The show veered down an unfortunate path the moment the writers pussed out and named the last element of harmony 'magic' instead of 'friendship' - it set a precedent for the show being too afraid of coming off cheesy to fully commit to its own central theme.
In general, I think the writers cut out too much of what made older generations of My Little Pony likable. Instead of identifying poor plotting, shallow characterization and a lack of focus as the main problems holding older gens back from being good, the writers seem convinced that chill, cutesy good vibes = stale stories. There's nothing wrong with wanting to make a more actionized, snappy narrative for the reboot, and there's nothing wrong with wanting to focus on character flaws and drama more heavily, but it requires a better understanding of how to balance narrative tone than just "cool moments and snarky comedy good, gooey fluffy stuff bad."
I think a better way to approach the reboot would have been to pick a narrative direction and stick to it. If they wanted the show to be zany and full of cool magical adventures, they should have toned down the interpersonal drama and focused on outside threats, similar to something like Powerpuff Girls. If they wanted to explore the friendship theme and try to teach kids about interpersonal relationships, they should have toned down the more goofy/mean-spirited comedy and dared to be vulnerable and "cheesy" when necessary instead of sidestepping it whenever possible, more like Steven Universe.
Personally, if someone handed me the reigns to the franchise, I'd take it in the direction of something more like Summer Camp Island. I think the cute pony characters and the probably-network-mandated focus on wholesome friendship themes could mix really well with a mostly calm, easy-going narrative that combines relatable coming-of-age plots with a soothing atmosphere.
Characters don't have to be overly self-centered or mean in order for conflict-resolution stories to function. Small conflicts between characters who are overall portrayed as friendly and sympathetic can lead to much more relatable narratives that kids might actually learn from. Most kids want to be kind - teaching them how to be that is much more important, from my perspective.
But of course that requires a team of writers who can actually communicate nuanced narratives well, and unfortunately I don't think the FiM crew was up to the task.
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falsegoodnight · 4 years
ok so I can't just ask you all 25 q's? RIP. I hope you don't mind multiple tho because choosing only one was impossible! 3, 4, 11, 19, 20, 23. You don't have to answer all of them if it's too much!
ooo thank you zanni! i already answered 4 and 23 here and 11 and 19 here but i’ll gladly answer the last two! and feel free to send in more - i don’t mind!
3. what is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
uhhh, the closest i can think of that fits this ask is this one scene in mind for my heather fic but it’s closer to the climax and i’m stuck somewhere near the beginning of the fic and have no motivation whatsoever to write all the parts leading up to said scene... but i will eventually! (i hope)
20. tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
gosh this one is way too complex of a question and i have way too many things i would say as an answer-- um, there is one thing i’d gladly ramble on for hours about and that is my soulmate au, before we knew, and specifically the characterization there for harry as well as the progression of their relationship (and why harry was so damn stubborn-) i could literally write an essay about that but i unfortunately do not have the time 😔 i honestly got way to into the soulmate aspect of that fic (like the logic and rationality of soulmates, history and mechanics, etcetera - i’m just obsessed with it as a concept in general) and i only barely got to nick the tip of the iceberg in the actual fic which is disappointing but on the bright side, i let myself indulge in mental headcanons about that world when i’m feeling down and it never fails to get me excited. 
there’s a few other intentional themes or symbolism in my fics i’d love to talk about but i also never want to be annoying by rambling on about my own fics so i just keep it to myself for the most part. 
send me an ask for writing-related asks
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