#unfortunately the game has no plus sized options for my plus sized friends :-(
canongf · 1 year
Hi Liv!!! There have been so many posts you've made that have made me go "ooh this is so (insert some of my f/os here) !!!" and I've wanted to rush here and tell you about it but I haven't had the "courage" earlier. I don't know, you just seem so cool and awesome and I just really like your posts.
There was the one about the van you saw that looked like Eddie's (love that for you btw <333) and it made me think about the time I saw a car that was the exact make and model of a car my current fave f/o drives in one of his movies and I went "(!!!) Baby boy is out and about!"
+ also wanted to say that I LOVE your profile pic, it's so cute!!! How did you make it, if you don't mind me asking?
Hope things are looking up for you and your f/os!!! Your blog feels like such a safe and wholesome and comfortable place to me, I love coming here so much <333
All my love,
@magsselfships!!! i'm so happy you finally felt ready to stop by!!!
this makes me so so so happy!!! sometimes i just post things and i have no idea if anyone will see, if anyone will relate, i'm just talking to the wind! and that's okay with me!!! but to know that there have been times where you've felt the same way as me and we've connected over it, even if i didn't know it at the time!!! that is just the coolest thing ever!!!
especially the car one!!! i posted it knowing it was pretty specific to my own experiences and i was completely okay with that, not everyone experiences the same thing!!! but you understood!!! you understand!!! and i love that, it makes me so happy!!! makes me feel like we're in this together!!! i want you to know that you are always welcome here!!! any time you wanna share something, any time you wanna tell me something, you are welcome here!!! and even if you don't wanna talk, you're still welcome here. you're always welcome to visit and get comfy. i'm glad you feel safe here and i'm glad to have you around!!! 🖤
also!!! i don't mind you asking at all!!! my profile pic is from dress up, schmess up!!! here it is, my self insert and me, in all her glory!!! 🖤
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ask-commander-arild · 2 months
OOC Post:
Hi, there! I'm @jnix-2006 and welcome to my ask blog, ask-commander-arild!! I made this blog for @pkmoth's @motherbound-askapalooza, and I plan on participating the entire month of August, but if it does well, I may continue it!! But, bear with me, because I don't use tumblr much, so this is all very new to me, haha. Before we start, I feel I should give a little bit of introduction to what exactly this is. So, firstly, what exactly is an Arild? Well, Arild is an OC I created for the game Mother 3 (Heavy spoilers btw)! He can be seen below!
Art done by @pinkalliums!!! Go check them out!!
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Say hello to Arild Eskildsen! A young Norwegian lad of 15 years old who, through a series of unfortunate events, was once a pigmask. I know his design may look a little... 2015, but the design quite literally came to me in a dream, and I would've been stupid not to use it. Now, as much as I'd love to go into detail about his backstory, I wanna save most of it for the asks. I guess the most basic gist is that he was taken from our time, currently in the 2010's but may change later, from a very young age, and made to be a pigmask. Yippee, child soldier! He goes on to be promoted to captain. But after yet another unfortunate event, he ends up being chimera-ified and he gets promoted to commander, but not of the pigmasks... Of what, you ask? Well, we'll get there. For now, here's him as a captain!
Art also by @pinkalliums!! Seriously, go check them out! >:)
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Few things to keep in mind for this blog:
1. I don't have many artistic abilities, unfortunately, so this will be a text only blog. Some friends have kindly made a few pieces for Arild, and I will show them off, but for the most part, there won't be much in the way of visuals. If you feel like making art of him, feel free! I would actually love to see it!!
2. Quite a lot of the stuff here is going to involve my own headcanons for the Mother series, especially post-game Mother 3. For example, in my headcanon, Claus survives and becomes the leader of the army, rebranding it in the name of peace, and that is why Arild is a commander. Basically, since everyone has unique headcanons for the series, you can just consider this an AU.
3. There will be mention of a couple real life places that will have Mother-ified names. With any mention of Norway, the name will changed to Fjordland, on account of its many... fjords. Canada is also an important place within the story, and that I have decided to call Mapleland. Creative, I know. I figured I would bring it up to avoid confusion
4. Feel free to ask whatever! Though, obviously, just make sure it's on topic, of course. Silly questions are easy to answer and will usually be answered quickest! Lore relevant questions are a little trickier and may take me just a bit longer to respond to, but I will be happy to get to them!! Also, RP is okay with me, if you want to!!
5. When it comes to asking questions, please don't be weird or anything. Like... being a former pigmask, Arild is a plus-sized character, so a comment about his weight would not be great. More importantly, absolutely NO NSFW. This character is a minor, and that stuff is not okay to ask. I don't think any of this will be an issue, but it's good to mention just in case
6. I do not speak Norwegian, so if I want to sprinkle it in a little bit, I have only on option. Google Translate. I know, I know... it's not the best, but I will try my best to avoid mistranslations or misuse of phrases. I wouldn't want to be the new version of that one post about the Norwegian Butter Crisis, haha.
If you're still here, thank you for reading until the end!! As said, I've never done something like this before, so this intro is probably super chaotic in comparison to other blogs, haha. I am really excited to get started here! I've always wanted to do an ask blog, and I really needed an excuse to flesh out my OC, so I'd say this is perfect! I'd like to give thanks to all the friends, and my bf, who helped me out on this!! Thank you to Moth for setting this event up! Thank you to Hal and a few others for the art! And also thank you so much to my friend Red who helped me create this character in the first place! He didn't tell me what his tumblr was, but he is @/Doc_Glowstick on Twitter!! Alright, I think I've rambled enough now. I'll probably go through this and change it later, but for now, let the blog begin!!!
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miekasa · 3 years
okay but what about airport!levi? he gives quiet businessman vibes sitting in his slacks and turtleneck
IN HIS TURTLENECK 😭😭 He would also be quiet and to himself, but not in the emo way. You got me thinking about all of them now, so here are my other thoughts about the boys at the airport.
He thinks the idea of separating classes on an airplane is beyond stupid, but if the flight is particularly long, or particularly packed, he’s not above paying for business class for a little extra personal space for the two of you.
When he doesn’t do that, tho, he never picks your guys’ seats ahead of time, so sometimes you’ll be separated. Good thing he’s also not above lying at the check-in desk, “I’m in Zone 1, could my wife be seated next to me so that we can board together?”
They respond with an “of course,” and move your seats together, and Levi walks back with a content nod of appreciation. You are not married, and marriage sucks about as much as class separation on a 30 foot long plane, but it has its benefits.
Masks on, regardless. No debates. Pandemic or not, the mask stays on. Do not perceive him, keep the pressurized air sharing to a minimum.
Doesn’t wander much in the airport. There’s nothing in there that he hasn’t seen already, except for the marked up prices on touristy t-shirts.
And if you wander, he’ll usually just sit in the waiting area to watch your bags while you window shop and do your thing. If you’re gone for more than 30 mins, he might call, under the pretenses of, “Making sure you didn’t get lost. You know that Starbucks was near gate 41 to the left, not the right, right?” Like he’s a comedian or something 🙄
He does encourage you to get snacks before you board, tho. Airplane food is gross, and he would much rather pay for a $13 sandwich that you can snack on later, than for you to have to eat mush.
He’s got a little portable mug he takes with him for when he’s wants to buy a hot drink before getting on his flight. It’s cute.
Doesn’t fall asleep on the plane ever. No matter how long the flight is—at most, he’ll take a quick power nap somewhere in the middle if it’s over 9 hours, but other than that, he’s good to go.
Doesn’t mind if you fall asleep, and he always adjusts your neck pillow to make sure you don’t get cramps.
Travel champion. This man loves being in the airport even though he’s convinced it’s a time capsule, he fucking loves it.
King of “your airport fashion matters, babe.” Not necessarily wearing a whole three piece suit, but he does put in a little effort; it’s not just the first pair of sweats he has laying around.
Swears coffee tastes better in the airport. It does not. That does not stop him from buying it. He should learn to quit tho, especially for someone who hates airplane bathrooms as much as he does.
Charming with all the security personnel and desk assistants. You could be checking in for a flight at 4am, and Jean’s got people smiling and cheery for their shifts.
Bitches about the selection of movies on the flight, and learns to just download his own ahead of time. Gets really startled when he’s watching something and the flight attendants try to grab his attention for food or drinks—the very loud, classic, Jean Kirstein “HUH?”
On that note, he also gets startled by the loudspeaker announcements in the airport. He doesn’t know why he has to hear about American Airlines flight 2170 to Cancun, when he is not on American Airlines flight 2170 to Cancun.
Not opposed to paying extra for better airplane food or drinks on the plane if it’s the right time of day. He always finds something to toast to, plus he likes to treat you whenever and wherever he can.
Takes care of your overhead luggage and helps out the people around him if he sees they’re struggling. Gets shy when you call him a gentleman for it, and he rubs his neck, grumbling, “I was just helping the line move a little faster.”
Great timing, generous, will pick up your checked bags for you, and already rented a car a week in advance: 10/10 travel buddy.
He doesn’t like planes and there’s no solid reason why—nothing bad happened to him as a kid, and it’s not even that rare unfortunate incidents freak him out or anything—something flying just makes him a bit uneasy.
He won’t say it though, and he tries to keep it together when you’re checking in, but you can tell he’s anxious once you’re sitting and waiting for your flight to board.
He’ll ask to switch seats if you have the window seat, because somehow the feeling of being boxed in between the plane wall/window and another person makes it feel more like a car than a plane and he’s okay with that.
Going to the airport is one of the few times he hair won’t be styled, and falls in his face a bit. He usually throws on a beanie to cover it up, but you think he looks pretty cute either way.
Can’t usually fall asleep and he hates it because he just sits there thinking about the worst for the entire duration of the flight. But when you travel with him for the first time and coax him into taking a nap it’s so much better.
It’s about the only time he’ll let himself be publicly babied by you; but it makes everything so much easier that he doesn’t even mind.
So now, whenever you get on flights, he just puts his hood up, lays his head on your shoulder and waits for the magic to happen.
Bonus: you’re traveling with his friends, and Pieck and Marcel past to your seats, surprised to see Porco fast asleep on your shoulder. Pieck squeals, going on about how you must be a wizard to have gotten him to nap, to which Marcel just shakes his head, “Nah, he’s just really in love with her. Look at his face, that’s the calmest he’s been since he was five.”
Loves the airport. Not an ounce of organization in his soul though. By that I mean, yeah, he’s probably forgotten his passport at home, or forgotten that a full size bottle of body wash cannot go into his carry-on luggage.
Forgets to wear shoes that easy to take off and is fumbling over himself after the security check trying to lace them back up or put them back on.
Likes for you guys to have coordinating sweatsuits, and even though you don’t travel super often, Connie’s got at least 3 pairs of them lined up for you guys.
Sweet enough to drop plans or rearrange his schedule to travel with you if you were originally gonna be alone. He knows you can handle yourself, but he doesn’t want for you to travel alone if you don’t have to, especially if you’re going someplace far and/or for an extended period of time.
He always finds breakfast food to eat before he gets on his flight (if you two even have time to spare for food that is). It could be 9pm, but Connie’s asking for a breakfast wrap.
Hates waiting in the little pre-flight area. Claims it’s boring as hell and that’s why there’s no reason to get there 3 hours early 🙄🙄
He always spends at least 30 minutes browsing all the movie and TV show options available on-board, loudly exclaiming in excitement when they have something cool to watch—only to fucking fall asleep 10 minutes later. Right on top of you when he was oh-so-excited to watch Madagascar 2.
Always steals the aisle seat, even if it’s yours. It’s probably for the best though, because he has to get up to pee at least twice, no matter how short your flight is.
Makes some cheeky remark about you meeting him in the bathroom. He doesn’t mean it... unless he does. Unfortunately, you’ve never... successfully been able to do that out of fear of being caught by the flight attendants, but there have been a few quickies in the “family” (“It’s ethical, because technically we’re participating in the act of making a family, babe”) bathroom before you boarded. It’s his fault, not yours.
He really likes planes, and traveling in general. I think trains would be his favorite mode of transportation, but airplanes are good too.
I hate to say it but he claps when the plane lands. I will not elaborate or defend my stance on this.
Prefers the window seat because he likes to look out at the clouds as he’s in the sky.
He took his passport photo a little before he cut his hair, so the security personnel always hold it up and flicker between his ID photo and his current appearance a few times before stamping it. It makes him a little embarrassed because he can’t tell if they think he looks better or worse and sometimes he’s really fighting for his life convincing them that that’s him in the picture 😭
Listens to music rather than downloading a movie or watching a show, and always brings wire headphones to the airport so that it’s easier to share and listen with you.
If you fall asleep on him first, he’ll likely fall asleep on you shortly after. If he’s tired enough, he’ll fall asleep first, though he’s somewhat embarrassed and disappointed because he wanted to see the descent and skyline outside.
When he’s not asleep or window-watching, he’s somewhat fidgety out of excitement, rather than nervousness. He’s excited to be traveling and looks forward to wherever you’re going, even if it is just a weekend long work trip.
Hates traveling alone, though. It just feels particularly lonely to him to be going someplace foreign without company by his side. So, he’ll call you at every checkpoint and send you updates.
He only ever buys two things in duty free: shot glasses with the name of the city/country you’re traveling to, and whatever variety of button down short-sleeves are available to him.
You knew this was coming, but this man is absolutely at the airport 18 hours before your flight takes off, and he’s driving like a manic getting there, like you don’t have all the time in the world.
Fascinated by anything and everything in duty free. Definitely spends more money than necessary on your return flight on the grounds that he was getting a good deal.
Exchanges money in the airport and keeps cash in his fanny pack. There’s no traveling without the fanny pack.
Plays crossword puzzles on his phone on the plane, and it’s just about one of the only games he has. That and Candy Crush—I get the feeling he’d be on level 500+ of that game and he always knocks out at least 10 levels on a flight.
Always a little surprised when he feels his your head on his shoulder, but he says nothing, and acts like he didn’t even notice, but there’s a telling little smile on his face.
Takes the most foul selfies of him and your sleeping self. In his defense, he had the best intentions; but that angle was flattering nobody. It’s too bad he’d already paid for the in-flight wifi and sent it to Hange because now you’ll never live them down.
You could probably get him to put on a (skincare) face mask during your flight. He forgets to take it off tho, and if you don’t tell him, he’d fully walk through customs with it on his face.
Accidentally gets drunk because he doesn’t understand that just because he can handle several glasses of whiskey in his favorite bar on a Friday night, does not mean it will translate on a plane.
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butmomilovejin · 4 years
Day 5/365
Prompt: “No, it’s really not that complicated. He’s a bad person.”
Genre: angst, fluff
Summary: Bestfriend!Jimin, Bestfriend!Reader. A night in playing monopoly with your roommate turns sour after you received a call from your boyfriend that dampened your mood entirely. Jimin comes through with the good advice as always.
Warnings: cursing, bad boyfriend
WC: 1.2k
“HAHA!! That’ll be $900 rent please Mr Park!” You exclaim after Jimin rolls an unfortunate 4 and lands on your property. He looks down at his $50 and back to you with pleading eyes.
“How about I give you my 2 utilities?” He offers, trying to stay in the game.
You pretend to contemplate for a minute as if this was some multi-million dollar decision and not just a game of monopoly on your kitchen table with your bestfriend.
“Hmm, ok fine, but only because I want to keep you in the game for as long as possible so it tortures you even more when I win.” 
He looks shocked as you lean over the table to take the cards out of his small collection.
“We’ll see about that.” He glares jokingly at you. You gather the dice from where they had fallen from Jimin’s turn and shake them in your hand. You were about to release them when your phone in your pocket started vibrating. Dice still in hand, you take it out to look at the caller ID. Your boyfriend.
You were spending the evening with Jimin tonight, to your boyfriend’s jealous disapproval, since you wouldn’t see him for a week. You had planned a trip to take with your partner for your year anniversary. It was only to a neighbouring countryside town but still, it would be a change of scenery.
You looked across to Jimin who nodded his head as if to say ‘go ahead, take the call’. You look at him apologetically and scoot out of your chair to answer the call in a different room. You had made it down the hall to your bedroom before you’d even finished saying hello, not wanting Jimin to hear the conversation as you knew he’s not fond of your boyfriend.
You loved him, you did, but you knew he didn’t care much for your feelings. He had made you cry on many occasions, running to Jimin after an argument 9 times out of 10, but you couldn’t help but love him regardless. Tonight seemed like it might be another conversation with that route with the way he was rambling on the other end of the phone. This was always how he told bad news.
Eventually though, he spit it out. Apparently, he forgot that his cousin’s wedding was this week so he couldn’t come on the trip you had planned so thoughtfully for months. You were disappointed to say the least but you held it together on the phone, trying to hang up as quickly as possible, not wanting to show your boyfriend your frustration with him, fearful you may lose him if you do.
When you manage to speed the conversation along to goodbye and hang up, you instantly just flop back onto your bed which you had been perched on. Silent sobs rattle through you as you wonder what it would take to make him care. You start to doubt that he ever even could. He always let you down, you don’t know why you had thought this would be any different. You continue crying as your thoughts spiral into why you weren’t good enough and how much you didn’t deserve him even though he treated you like shit.
You sat up, remembering Jimin was just down the hall of your small apartment, awaiting your return. You tried to pull yourself together, wiping your tears and smiling while patting your face, trying to stop the droop of your face from the sadness you feel. You stand and straighten out you clothes a tad before placing a hand on the doorknob. With one last deep breath to collect yourself, you open the door and walk back down the hall.
“What did he do?” Was the first thing Jimin said upon your reentry to the kitchen. 
“What?” You look at him surprised.
“Well he was bound to do something wrong.” Jimin scoffed. You open your mouth to defend him but Jimin continues, “Plus, I could literally hear you crying. Your apartment is like 10 square metres.”
“Don’t size shame my apartment, you’d be in big trouble if we started size-shaming.” Jimin threw a dice at you in false offence. Then he looks at you, expecting an explanation for what just went down.
“He cancelled on me for the trip.” “HE- Sorry. He did what now?”
“He said it’s his cousin’s wedding this week and he forgot which is understandable, that’s a more important event than our trip, we can go some other time.” “Y/N-” Jimin sighs, “He’s a grown man. He couldn’t have remembered he had a wedding to attend maybe a bit more in advance than a few days? How many times has he does this kinda shit to you now? I really question why you’re even still with him.”
Oof. You knew Jimin didn’t like your boyfriend but you weren’t expecting him to put it all quite so bluntly. 
“I love him. I know he treats me badly and lets me down and lowers my self esteem and all these bad things but... it’s complicated.” 
“No, it’s really not that complicated. He’s a bad person Y/N.”
You looked up at him and nodded your head as a single tear slips out. You had been denying it to yourself for a long time but he really was a bad person. There was no one you trusted more than Jimin. Jimin had never lied to you, he knew what was best for you but it hurt to realise it yourself. You didn’t want to break up with the man you loved but, you knew you had to if it meant you could be happy again. You weren’t happy with him.
Jimin rushes up to give you a long cuddle the minute he sees that tear and the two of you stay there for a long while, rocking back and forth in the kitchen. You break away from his comfortable grip eventually and grab your phone out. 
‘Meet me tomorrow at my place at 11am. Be there.’ Is all you message. You don’t give him an option. You sent it at an angle so Jimin could see and he smiles down at you. 
“You okay?” He asks.
You sniffle a little and wipe your tears with your sleeve before smiling, “Yeah, I’m good. But hey, maybe you could sleep over here tonight so that if he gets angry or tries to manipulate me in the morning when I’m breaking things off you could help me get him out of here?” You ask without taking a breath, feeling like it was a big ask, getting Jimin involved and asking him to protect you just in case.
“It would be my pleasure to kick that asshole out.” He holds you tight again and drags you to your room where you laugh all night about drunken memories or old gossip that seemed so sincere at the time. Jimin eventually passes out and leaves you scrolling through your phone. You stifle a yawn yourself and decide it’s about time you followed suit.
You set the phone aside and curl up next to Jimin. Looking at him there, you feel so grateful for his stability, keeping you afloat through the chaos of the world. One thing will never change. Park Jimin will always be your best friend. 
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misssophiachase · 4 years
Right of Way
For @klaroline-events KC Bingo - Enemies to Lovers - On AO3 and FF
At the Palm Beach Equestrian Club, Klaus Mikaelson is the prince of the polo field and Caroline the showjumping darling. They immediately dislike each other but, at the same time, can’t seem to get out of each other’s way.
right-of-way (noun) \ ˌrīt-ə(v)-ˈwā \
1: a legal right of passage over another person’s ground
2: in polo - when a player has the line of the ball on their right, they have the right of way (ROW). Enforced to keep all players safe and avoid collisions on the field, players may only enter or cross the ROW if they can do so safely and with enough distance.
Present Day (February) - Palm Beach International Equestrian Centre, Wellington, FL
“I hate you.”
“Well, I hate you too, Forbes,” he growled, “now are you going to keep talking or am I going to have to...”
Before he could go through with his threat she’d pushed him up against the stall door, his intense gaze only increasing her desperation.
“Has anyone told you that you talk too much, Mikaelson?” He didn’t respond, just leaned in impatiently, his mouth claiming hers greedily.
Caroline pulled him closer, grabbing ample handfuls of his number 3 polo jersey. He was warm and familiar against her skin and a delicious aromatic mixture of spice and sandalwood. She’d never admit it, but Caroline loved being close to him post match. They’d just won convincingly, no surprises there, but he was always more needy and urgent and the sex decidedly more explosive.
His mouth travelled down her neck and Caroline had to bite her lip to stifle a moan. She wanted to take her time and enjoy him but given where they were that wasn’t an option. Plus, she knew from experience that he would make it up to her later.
He was trailing kisses along the length of her collar bone now, his lips teasing the swell of her breasts and his tongue close to delving into the valley between them when she heard a noise in one of the far stalls.
It startled them and broke up their kiss. They started at each other intently, panting but at the same time holding a silent discussion with their eyes. Should they risk it or should they move apart and avoid suspicion? It seemed like a fairly easy decision. No one could know they were together but the strong magnetic pull between them made moving seem inconvenient.
A further noise and subsequent horsey neigh made them realise that, unfortunately, it wasn’t going to happen. Not now anyway.
“I don’t like you that much anyway,” she reiterated, shrugging her shoulders. If he was offended by her comment he didn’t show it. His crimson lips curved into a knowing smile, a rogue dimple making an appearance in his left cheek.
“The feeling is mutual, love. Don’t miss me too much.” He was walking purposefully through the stables before she had a chance to reply.
Caroline hit her head against the stall a few times, hoping that it would somehow allow sense to prevail but unfortunately she knew if he kissed her again she wouldn’t resist. She was supposed to hate the guy not be rubbing up against him every chance she got.
Caroline felt a soft nuzzling against her shoulder, looking up into the warm and expectant eyes of her chestnut mare Coco.
“Don’t start,” she murmured, patting her nose affectionately.
How did she get here? How did they get here?
It had all started out so innocently. You don’t like the person, you ignore them.
Simple, right?
10 months earlier (April) - Palm Beach International Equestrian Centre, Wellington, FL
Equestrian was the way of life in Wellington. In fact, if you didn’t ride, compete or spectate there was no point in actually living there. Home to the Palm Beach International Equestrian Centre and to the famed Winter Equestrian Festival, they lived, breathed and everything else horse related. Caroline’s mom and grandmother had both competed at a national level and were local legends in her hometown.
She was following in their footsteps and out of the three she possessed the most natural talent. While skilled in dressage, her forte was showjumping and there were hopes she’d one day compete in the Olympics for the USA. As much as Caroline loved horse riding, she didn’t love the pressure associated with it.
Her best friend Kat competed with her from a young age, but she maintained she only stuck it out because she couldn’t resist a hot guy in jodphurs.
It was a Tuesday, Caroline remembered because she had her private lesson. After arriving at the club, she noticed a few new faces. Two guys and a girl, all around her age. The brooding blonde was especially good looking, he looked kind of familiar but she wasn’t sure why.
He also seemed generally unimpressed with his surroundings as the director Jenna Sommers showed them the facility. Caroline hung back, but was still close enough to overhear.
“The stables were built in 2017, there are sixty 12x12 stalls, twenty wash stalls, specialty hay and grain storage, multiple dressing rooms, laundry rooms, office space, full sized kitchen and bathrooms. There are three arenas, one covered, one sand and one grass.”
“And the polo facilities,” the blonde interrupted, clearly impatient. His voice was very English and his tone incredibly brusque.
“The Polo Club is adjacent. It spans nearly 250 acres and includes seven state-of-the-art tournament fields that can accommodate multiple games simultaneously.”
“I suppose that will have to do,” he muttered. Caroline knew she was biased but the polo club was internationally renowned and held many top level national and international competitions, this guy was clearly hard to please.
“Oh, Caroline,” she didn’t realise just how close she was. Jenna was looking at her curiously and she could tell was relieved by the interruption. “Meet the Mikaelson siblings, they’re new to Florida and the States. Caroline Forbes is one of our very best show jumpers.”
They seemed intimidating from the outset as they looked at her expectantly and Caroline wasn’t quite sure what to say, until she managed to get something out.
“It’s nice to meet you.”
The good looking one’s eyes flickered over her attire briefly before looking away. Charming. Well, two could play at that game.
“Rebekah is the same age, Caroline,” she said, gesturing to the blonde girl. “Maybe you could take her out to the arena for your lesson so she can look around?” Caroline figured it wasn’t a suggestion but an order.
At first Caroline thought Rebekah was incredibly uptight. Katherine would say she had a stick up her ass and Caroline was secretly glad her best friend wasn’t part of the welcoming committee.
She found out that the family were members of the exclusive Cowdray Park Polo Club in West Sussex and Rebekah’s older brother was skilled in polo. Rebekah excelled in dressage and was quite heavily involved in competitions like Caroline.
“So, I take it this isn’t that impressive compared to your previous club in England?”
“Why would you say that?”
“Your brother didn’t seem very happy with the polo facilities.”
“Niklaus isn’t happy with anything,” she drawled.
“He hates it but I do it just to annoy him,” she offered, a slight smile crossing her face. Maybe there was a less uptight side to her after all.
“No, I meant that name sounds familiar.”
“He’s one of the best polo players in England and beyond, but don’t tell him I said that because I will deny it,” she groaned.
Now, it was all coming back to her. Caroline didn’t play polo but knew she’d seen him on the cover of quite a few magazines. He was incredibly good looking but from what she’d seen, he was clearly arrogant and self absorbed too.
“None of us are happy that my father was transferred for work but Nik is feeling the move the most. Elijah is off to Yale so is only passing through town and Kol is Kol.”
Caroline wasn’t sure what that meant, but she was certain she’d find out.
4 months later (August) USA v Argentina Display Match, Palm Beach International Polo Club, FL
“Look at that South American stallion in action,” Katherine purred from the sidelines. “And by that, I don’t mean the horse.”
Caroline rolled her eyes although it wouldn’t be Kat if she wasn’t checking out the talent.
The annual display match was a big event on the club’s polo calendar. People from all around the country and overseas attended and it was one of the premiere fashion events of the year. Although Caroline enjoyed it, something was making it less that way. Or someone if she was being specific.
Klaus Mikaelson.
Watching him take the field like he owned the place was a bad enough start to her day. In the four months she’d had the displeasure of knowing him, Caroline had decided that he was one of the most arrogant, conceited and smug idiots she’d ever met. Of course, the other girls at the club didn’t share her feelings and were all vying for his attention on and off the field. Caroline thought they were all pathetic for not seeing what she saw.
That he was an ass.
Caroline had every intention of steering clear of the guy but it seemed as if everywhere she went, he did too. It didn’t help that her and Katherine had been spending time together with his sister. It also didn’t help that he looked so attractive annoying her. Whether it was a flash of those dimples or a curve of his crimson lips, Caroline found herself doing all that she could not to jump him. And she hated herself for that. It also meant she was moody more often and it clearly hadn’t gone unnoticed.
“The grouchy look on your face is doing nothing for that stunning Burberry dress, Care,” Kat insisted. Caroline looked down at the white, fitted ensemble thinking her friend was right that it didn’t match her personality.
“Why do we have to watch this?” She growled, noticing Katherine was about to interrupt. “And I don’t want to hear about the South American stallions."
“Well, unfortunately the club has this really annoying policy whereby all younger members need to be present. Apparently, it helps with publicity and that means more members and we all know what that means.”
“Money,” she murmured. “I don’t like it but I get it. But since when did we become the cheerleaders for the guy’s polo team? I don’t see any of them at our show jumping meets.”
“As much as you don’t want to hear this, polo is more popular and it doesn’t hurt that the club’s star player is the best advertisement they’ve got.”
“If you say his name…”
“The club has hit a gold mine with Hottie Mchottie as a member and I’m inclined to agree.”
“You did that on purpose.”
“I could have meant anyone,” she smirked. “Okay, maybe. I have to admit, I love the way he riles you up, it’s like watching live action foreplay.”
“You have a one track mind.”
“And you, my dear, are in denial.”
“I can’t stand him and his pompous ass.”
“Talking about his ass again, are we?” Kat teased. “Anyone would think you were obsessed.” Caroline gave her a look which plainly said she wasn’t interested in engaging. “Have you considered relieving some of that sexual tension with him in the nearest stable on a strategically placed haystack? You might find that helps with your general mood.”
“Well, on that rather weird and erotic novel type note,” she growled, annoyed that Kat probably had a point. She couldn’t stand the guy but there was no denying her attraction. “I’m going to get a drink and then spike it so I don’t have to deal with your wild opinions.”
“Best thing you’ve suggested all day, get me one too,” she called out to her retreating back. Caroline could hear her laughter and it wasn’t helping improve her mood.
“Why are you in such a bad mood?”
What was this, pick on Caroline day? She looked over at Kol Mikaelson standing by the buffet table, his plate piled high.
“You realise you can come back again for more, right?”
“This is my third helping,” he said, gesturing to his food. “I don’t know why they insist on these tiny plates.”
“Probably so people like you don’t hoover up the entire buffet in one fell swoop and leave nothing for the rest of us,” she offered. “I’m surprised to see you actually.”
“Really? This is my dream come true, free food and beautiful women.” Caroline fought the urge to roll her eyes.
The youngest Mikaelson had always been an enigma to her. Kol had absolutely no interest in horses. Period. Unlike his sister and brother he only attended the club on social occasions. She actually found him to be the most fun, not that she’d ever admit that.
“Of course,” she sighed knowingly. “I’m not sure why I said that. I can see the food has been a hit, how about things on the girl front?”
“Not yet, but it’s still early. I have to say Katherine is looking…”
“I’m going to have to stop you there,” she interrupted. “I love my best friend but she is a pariah and will devour you and not in a good way. Plus, she likes older guys.”
“Well, that explains her checking out Elijah,” he muttered, referring to when his older brother visited the club on a break from college a month earlier. “Any other friends for me?”
“Not any I’d introduce you to, Kol,” she joked, noticing his face falter slightly. “The day is still young though and I’ve caught April Young checking you out.” Given the way his expression changed, Caroline figured she’d buoyed him slightly.
“Of course she was,” he grinned. “So, why so glum, sugar plum?” He asked, placing his plate down and looking at her earnestly. “Usually Niklaus has to be in at least a half mile radius for this kind of reaction.”
“This has nothing to do with…”
“I’m his brother and, trust me, I know the signs,” he advised. “I assume you’ve heard about the Winter Festival then?”
“Well, it’s held every year,” she replied.
The Winter Festival was the premiere equestrian event running from January to April every year in their hometown of Wellington. It was considered the largest and longest-running competition in the world and attracted varying levels of riders from all over the US and beyond.
“Yes,” he drawled sarcastically. “I meant about you and Niklaus doing...”
“Me and Niklaus?” His face was ashen now, clearly he’d misjudged the situation and her reaction. “Doing what exactly.”
“You’re going to have to ask him,” he blurted out, holding up his plate of food like a shield between them. “I have no intention of being the messenger who gets shot, especially when I’m so young and handsome and have so much to live for.”
“Gee, how dramatic. Just tell me, Kol, “ she pressed. “Trust me, my anger will be squarely directed at your brother. If you need any proof just look at precedent.”
“He told me that you two are going to be the faces of the festival,” he mumbled. “Do all the publicity and promotional things for it.”
“Unbelievable...” she scowled. “I’m going to kill him.”
She was gone before Kol could offer any rebuttal.
45 minutes later
“No need to tell me how wonderful I am, Forbes,” he smiled, walking towards the stall leading his stallion Jet.
He’d happened upon her pacing outside his stall, her white dress doing nothing to hide her delectable curves. He’d almost lost concentration multiple times during the match thanks to that particular ensemble. Klaus wasn’t one who lost concentration often but was starting to realise that Caroline Forbes did something to him that no one ever had before.
Sure, he liked to give her a hard time and revelled in the way she reacted but she’d commanded his attention for months now. No one even stood a chance when she was in his line of sight.
It started when they met. Those golden waves and blue eyes were mesmerising but if Klaus was being honest it was the slight dusting of freckles across the bridge of her nose that really drove him crazy.
“I’m not one of your pathetic, sycophantic groupies,” she hissed, finally coming to a stop and placing her arms across her chest defiantly. “I hear you’ve been making decisions on my behalf.”
“You’re going to have to be more specific,” he said, leading Jet into the stall and removing his bridle. Klaus wondered how long it would take for the news to reach Caroline.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. You can’t just go around making decisions on my behalf,” she argued.
“The festival, I assume?” He asked feigning innocence. “They needed two photogenic, equestrian talents to promote it. If anything I thought you’d be flattered.”
“Wow, you really think I’m going to fall into a giggling heap because you called me both photogenic and talented? You picked the wrong girl.”
“I didn’t pick anyone…”
“Oh no you don’t,” she shot back. “I just spoke to Jenna and apparently it was all your idea.”
“She asked me for suggestions and I obliged.” Klaus figured that at least sounded half true, even if it wasn’t.
Klaus knew that if he was going to be stuck doing publicity then the only person he wanted by his side was Caroline. Yes, it was selfish, and now, probably in hindsight, a little creepy sounding but he wanted her to see there was more to him.
“If that’s true,” she accused.
“If you do this then think of all the benefits.” She gave him a curious look and Klaus knew he had her attention. “Sponsorship, fame, fortune.”
“Just because you want those material things doesn’t mean I do,” she answered. “There’s more to life than all of this.” Klaus detected a sense of sadness in her tone, like show jumping wasn’t her only ambition in life. Before he could respond, she did. “Anyway, why would I make a pact with the devil?”
“You know, I’m much nicer once you get to know me, Caroline.”
“Says Satan,” she drawled. “I’ll believe that when I see it.”
“Well, you’re going to have about six months to see it,” he replied.
“This is not happening,” she insisted. “I’m going to tell Jenna that this was all your hair brained scheme and I want no part of it.”
“Now, even I know you won’t do that,” he said, knowing he was right. If she backed out on this it would be frowned upon by the upper echelons at the club, not to mention her family. “Look, maybe you might even have a bit of fun. Did you ever think of that?”
“I’ve never associated you with fun,” she murmured. “More like the impediment to it.”
“We’ll see about that, love.”
“If we’re going to at least pretend to be friends, don’t call me love.”
Klaus watched her walk away, her hips wiggling hypnotically from side to side. Jet nuzzled into his neck, almost like he was thinking the exact same thing.
“Hooves off, boy, I saw her first.”
2 months later (October) - Municipal Beach, FL
“Why exactly am I wearing high heels on a horse on a beach?” She asked, as someone touched up her make-up. “I think this is up there with the most ridiculous things I’ve ever seen.”
“It’s supposed to be artistic.”
“Well, it’s not. Anyway, who asked you?” She shot back, as he held onto the reins of her horse. “You get to wear comfortable footwear at least.”
“If it’s any consolation, red is your colour,” he said, gesturing to the patent heels she was wearing. She groaned, no doubt moving around in order to get more comfortable, but given she was wearing a matching ball gown, Klaus knew it was no mean feat.
“I’ll tell you where you can stick your consolation, Mikaelson.”
“Now that’s not the way for a lady to speak, is it Jigsaw?” He spoke to the horse she was atop.
“Remind me never to agree to do this again,” she mumbled, leaning down so she could say it in his ear.
Klaus couldn’t help but laugh aloud, she’d been saying it ever since the publicity campaign began in September. Photo shoots had become commonplace for them but they’d also just finished a nation-wide interview blitz where he’d be charming and Caroline had no choice but to follow suit. He might have also held her hand a couple of times and gone out of his way not to deny a possible romance between the newest equestrian darlings. The media had eaten it up of course and Klaus was in no rush for it all to end. Luckily, they still had a while until it all wrapped up.
Her frustration with him seemed to only add to his need to be near her. Klaus knew it was a tactic she employed and that the attraction between them was not only one sided. Caroline seemed to make it her aim in life to keep her distance but Klaus could feel it in her looks and her touch.
“You secretly love the attention.”
“Not bloody likely.”
“Someone’s clearly been around me too long,” he teased hearing the ‘b’ word.
“And don’t I know it,” she groaned, then attempted to sit upright again in the saddle. In the process her left shoe fell off and landed on the sand. Klaus sprang into action, kneeling down and picking it up. He noticed her looking downwards from the saddle and held it up to her foot.
“I think there was a fairytale about this once.”
“That’s fantastic,” the photographer shouted excitedly, what seemed like a thousand clicks sounding out from his camera. “Smile, Caroline, it’s your very own Prince Charming.”
“You’re never going to let me live this one down, are you?” She asked through gritted teeth.
“Never, Cinderella.”
One month later (November) - Palm Beach International Equestrian Centre, Wellington, FL
“That’s not the right of way,” he insisted, watching as she attempted to get the ball further down the field. “The line of the ball needs to be on the right.”
“But it’s my right of way,” she argued, moving the ball again.
“No, that’s cheating.”
“You are no fun, anyone ever tell you that?” She laughed.
“They want the faces of the festival to play in the charity polo tournament,” he said. “I don’t think the organisers would take too kindly to you breaking the rules.”
“Polo is entirely too civilised for my liking, far too many rules.”
It was at that point, her horse stopped dead in the middle of the field and no amount of encouragement was going to move her. Klaus swept in and took possession of the ball and rode the rest of the distance to score.
“Hey, that’s not fair! My horse is broken,” she shouted.
“That’s no way to talk about Scout, is it girl,” he grinned, trotting closer so he could rub her ears and mane affectionately.
“Sabotage, that’s what this is,” she growled. “I should have known when you gave me one of your fifty million horses for practice.”
“I have three and every polo rider should have a few to choose from,” he remarked. “And as much as I love Coco, she’s not a polo pony.”
“She wouldn’t cheat like this little lady.”
“Says the biggest cheater of them all,” he teased, nudging her slightly.
Caroline, not wanting to be outdone, pushed back until it became a full on play fight. Catching him by surprise, Caroline pulled at one of his stray curls causing Klaus to reel backward and off his horse completely. It had been raining overnight so the field was wet and muddy in parts. Klaus managed to fall right into one of them.
As much as he wanted to get angry and be upset, Klaus couldn’t help but think her melodic laughter was contagious and he started to follow suit. Pretty soon they were both in fits of laughter and Caroline wasn’t expecting him to reach up and pull her off the saddle and into the mud with him.
“Hey! That’s not fair!”
“Says the girl who started it,” he joked. “I don’t know, I think mud is a good look for you.” Before she could react he’d smeared it across her cheek.
“You did not just do that!” Caroline threw some back, hitting him square on the chest. “This means war, Mikaelson!”
“Bring it on, Forbes,” he provoked, pulling her into the mud with him.
45 minutes later
“I think we can safely say that our first polo practice was a disaster,” Caroline murmured.
They’d both showered in the centre’s bathroom facilities and were sitting outside waiting on some clothes to dry. Klaus was trying not to notice just how good she looked in a towel, her usually creamy skin tinged pink from the hot water.
“I don’t know, I personally thought it was a lot of fun, especially when I pulled you into the mud pit.”
“Of course you did,” she drawled. He noticed her eyes riveted by a stray water droplet running down his bare chest. It seemed like he wasn’t the only one currently distracted by the view. “I, uh, didn’t think you had it in you, to be honest.”
“Have what in me?”
“I thought you were far too into yourself to let loose and have a bit of fun,” she offered. 
“Wow, you really think that badly of me?” He asked, not exactly surprised by her account of him but also slightly offended. “Talk about judging a book by its cover.”
 “I’m sorry but you seemed unimpressed with everyone and everything here after you arrived in town.”
“I was homesick,” he replied honestly. “I still am sometimes. I never wanted to leave England. My whole life was there, my friends, my family. Florida is like a whole other world and I wasn’t sure how to act.”
“Yeah, it is intense.” The empathy reflected in her eyes was enough to tell Klaus she was reconsidering her views. “You do that confident, smug act a little too well.”
“Trust me, it was difficult. This place is like horses on steroids, well you know not the animals themselves.” Klaus couldn’t believe how stupid he sounded, he decided to blame it on her being barely dressed.
“I know exactly what you mean, although Wellington is all I’ve ever known.”
“You said something about there being more to life than this,” he recalled. “What did you mean by that?”
“The dreaded legacy.”
“Family pressure?” He guessed. Klaus knew from asking around that both her grandmother and mother had been champion riders.
“This life was it for them,” she murmured. “This is all they’ve ever known and they want me to follow in their footsteps but I’m not quite sure that’s what I want.”
“You mean there’s more to life than this equestrian dream?”
“I want to get out of Wellington, go to college next year and see what else is out there.”
“Have you ever considered talking it out with them?”
“Many times,” she shared. “But I chicken out every time. How do you start a conversation like that?”
“My step father is the opposite,” he offered. “Mikael thinks riding around on a horse is extremely unmasculine and that I should be doing more practical things in my life, like concentrating on college.”
“Wow, he sounds like a real…”
“Ass?” He answered for her. “I think he hoped this move would make me reconsider polo but I don’t really know anything else.”
“We are an extremely pathetic duo.”
“Maybe we need to do something to cheer ourselves up,” Klaus suggested, trying to ignore just how much he wanted to pull off her towel and play out every single fantasy he’d had starring Caroline.
“I’m not going to roll around in the mud again with you, Mikaelson.” He could tell by the way she was looking at him, biting her lower lip as her eyes devoured him, that she wasn’t opposed to it at all.
“I could think of other, more clean, ways to pass the time until our clothes are dry?” She clearly didn’t need to be asked twice.
“Now that you mention it, I think I missed a few spots,” she smiled, pulling him up by the hand and leading him towards the showers.
“I’d be more than happy to help with that, love.”
The tension that had been building between them for months finally dissipated in a shower stall. Her back up against the tiles as he moved inside her, the hot water falling down on them. Time stood still and they only emerged once the water ran out and they were forced back to reality in a cold burst.
As relieving as it was, Klaus was disinclined to ask too many questions in case the spell was broken. Caroline seemed just as reluctant. Suddenly, being near each other was all that mattered and any talk about their feelings pushed into the background.
Present Day (March) - Competition Arena, Palm Beach International Equestrian Centre, Wellington, FL
“Only one circuit between you and the championship, Care,” Kat smiled, giving Coco an obligatory good luck sugar cube.
Caroline barely heard her best friend or the announcer over the loudspeaker, she was too busy trying to get into the competition zone. Usually, it was easy to block out outside influences but she’d been struggling for the last few weeks.
It had all started when Klaus decided to ask the question they’d managed to avoid for months now. They’d finished their ‘picnic’ at a secluded spot they secretly visited and rather than redressing and leaving as usual, he’d asked the question.
“What are we?” She’d frozen to the spot, unable to respond. They didn’t do this, they didn’t talk about their feelings or wherever this was going between them. They didn’t do anything.
“You and I both know that things can’t continue like this.”
“Why not?” She cried. “We’re having fun, we’re enjoying ourselves. Let’s not ruin what we have.”
“That’s the problem, I don’t know what we have,” he murmured. “I know that you make me happy and that the last few months have been the best of my life.”
“So, why do we have to put a label on it?”
“Because no one knows about us, we hide away like we’re ashamed of being together. I don’t want to do that anymore because I love you, Caroline.” He’d never said that before and she wasn’t quite sure how to handle it, especially mid-fight. His gaze was as intense as it was imploring.
“It’s just…” Caroline broke off, unable to explain how she was feeling and what she wanted. She knew she had strong feelings for Klaus but it scared the hell out of her. “You’re going to Oxford in the fall and…”
“So, you’ve had enough of me then? This was all just a game to you?” She knew it wasn’t a game but it was difficult to find the words. She was expected to keep on the equestrian track in the States and the thought of him leaving her there was too much. 
“Of course not,” she murmured, her gaze now firmly downcast to avoid his gaze. “I just don’t know where this is going and the sooner we realise that the better.” 
He was gone before she looked up and they hadn’t spoken since.
“Caroline, hello?” Katherine asked, waving her hands in front of her face animatedly. “Where did you go? If that was a sex trance, I want to know all of the dirty details.”
“I only told you about that because you’re my best friend, but I have no intention of going into detail, even if you’re giving me those pleading, sex-starved eyes.”
“No fun, bestie,” she pouted. “So, why do I sense there’s trouble in paradise?”
“There’s no trouble,” she offered. “We’re actually not seeing each other anymore. It’s really for the best given...”
“Are you dumb or blind or both?”
“It’s not going anywhere, he’s off to England in the fall and then what? I’ll still be here doing what I do.”
“And you sound so excited by that prospect.”
“You’re going off to Columbia, Rebekah to Harvard and I’m going to Brown, not because I really want to go there but because it has the best equestrian team.”
“You need to tell your mom that this isn’t the life you want.”
“Easier said than done,” Caroline groaned. “Did I tell you that I got into Oxford?”
“What do you think?” Kat drawled. “How could you not tell me this, I’m only your best friend.”
“I only received the letter on Thursday.”
“So, I’m officially confused. You want to go to Oxford, you always have. Doesn’t this mean that all the moaning and groaning about Klaus and a possible future is redundant?”
“Caroline, I say this with love, but you’re an idiot. Yes, your family wants one thing but I think you’re old enough to make your own decisions. Plus, I bet the equestrian team at Oxford is pretty good, you know if you want to keep your options open.” She did have a point.
Caroline didn’t have time to respond though because one of the guys they knew from the polo club came running towards them frantically.
“Please tell me that’s not some new and really bad dance?” Kat asked, looking at him curiously.
“There’s been an accident on the polo field.”
“What happened?” Caroline asked, her stomach dropping. It could have been anyone but for some reason she felt like it was him.
“Number 3,” he panted. “Opposing team broke the right of way, there was a collision and he was thrown off his horse.”
“Is he okay?” Caroline asked, all composure lost. She didn’t care who knew just as long as he was going to be okay.
“They took him to hospital by ambulance, he was unconscious,” he replied.
Caroline handed Katherine the reins, and they held a conversation with their eyes. The decision about what to do was the easiest one she’d made. No championship was worth it, she was going to the hospital.
1 hour and 45 minutes later
“He always was the most dramatic one in the family.” Klaus heard Rebekah’s voice as he started to come to. They all knew she was the most dramatic but liked to pretend she wasn’t.
“Oh, look,” Kol exclaimed. “I guess Rebekah having a voice like nails on a blackboard has finally come in handy. Welcome back, Niklaus.”
“Is this a nightmare?” He managed to get out, his gaze trained on his younger siblings.
“Wow, you made a joke,” Rebekah cooed. “Looks like big brother is back with an even worse sense of humour.”
“Can I have some water,” he rasped, his throat dry, not to mention a splitting headache. “And as much as I love your comedy act, can we please keep the yammering to a minimum.”
“Oh, he’s definitely back,” Kol joked. “How about I get some water and you find the doctor, Beks?” She hated that nickname and her scowl confirmed it.
They both left the room and Klaus had to admit he was happy to enjoy the silence and just close his eyes for a moment.
Although he wasn’t at fault, Klaus knew he’d been off kilter for a few weeks now and might have had a slight lapse in concentration. It was bad enough he hadn’t seen Caroline since their argument but the worst part was that she didn’t even seem to want to try and make things work for them. She also seemed embarrassed for some reason and that hurt more than Klaus had imagined.
Sure, things started off fun and as much as Klaus liked that he knew things couldn’t continue that way. Yes, he was off to Oxford but he hoped that she’d offer to try rather than giving up. He even told her he loved her and nothing. To say he was hurt was an understatement.
“Oh my god,” he heard her voice, almost like he’d summoned her or something.
“Klaus.” He could hear the emotion and the slight wobble in her voice. “What have you done?” He heard her take a seat at his bedside and felt her take his hand. Klaus knew he should have opened his eyes but he was curious about what she might say.
“Please tell me the other guy looks worse and if not I’m going to kick his ass.” Klaus had to fight the urge not to smile. She was incredibly adorable when she was being jealous.
“Can you please just open those pretty eyes so we can talk? I want to tell you what an idiot I was last time I saw you.” As much as he wanted to do just that and gloat, Klaus stayed still waiting.
“Fine, if you’re going to be stubborn about it,” she muttered. “A couple of things.”
“One, I was an idiot and if you expect me to admit that when you’re conscious, think again. Two, I was scared about losing you and what we have because my family has these overwhelming expectations and I was trying to be all things to all people.” Klaus figured she was just about done and then she continued.
“Three, I want you and I want us and I love you and I really regret not saying that the other week. And finally, four, I got into Oxford and I really want to go but I don’t want you to think I’m some crazy weird stalker..”
“You got into Oxford?” His eyes flew open and he spoke before thinking, he was that shocked.
“You were awake the whole time?” She growled, squeezing his hand tightly.
“Ouch, Caroline.”
“You deserved it,” she insisted, before relenting and loosening her grip. “Yes, I got into Oxford.”
“And you love me?”
“Well, there’s no point in asking given you heard it all,” she muttered.
“And you were an idiot?”
“I’m never going to live that one down, am I?”
“Probably not,” he smiled, pulling her closer. “But I wouldn’t have you any other way. Hang on, aren’t you supposed to be competing right now?”
“I was but decided I needed to be here,” she replied. “I need to start doing more of what I want with my life. But don’t let it go to your head, Mikaelson.”
“Come up here,” he asked, pulling her onto the bed so she was laying beside him. She felt familiar, comfortable and like home. “I want to make up for the last few weeks.”
“You want to do it in the hospital bed?”
“No, but someone is clearly over eager,” he chuckled.
“I’m so glad I’m in a hospital right now because I’m going to be sick,” Kol groaned, walking into the room with the doctor and Rebekah on his heels.
His reaction was predictable but Klaus and Caroline didn't really care, they were far too immersed in each other to even respond. Not when they had a future to look forward to and, after all of the initial animosity, it was most definitely worth it in the end. 
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viria · 5 years
I’m planning to buy the same tablet you’re using, a genius pen tablet according to you faq, but lately I see people asking you questions about using iPad Pro instead? Have you switched or was iPad Pro only temporarily? What are the pros and cons of each device? Thank you Vika!
Oh, I actually didn’t pick up genius tablet after bying ipad pro;; I feel so bad for it sometimes!I might not be able to give very wide spread feedback on each, but from what’s on top of my head:Pros of Genius Mouse Pen i608x (I think;;) :
• It’s cheap! Here it costs like maybe 35 USD at the moment.
• It will last you a long time. I had my previous Genius mouse pen for at least 6 years I think, and even then it still worked, the only issue was that usb wire only worked in a certain angle);
• It’s compatible with any PC and therefore there is a huge variety of programs -Paint tool SAI, Photoship, Clip Studio, Open Canvas, etc. You can really choose what fits best for you.
• It’s easy to install (at least was for me) and works wonders (especially considering it’s not expensive for a tablet).
• Battery in the pen lasts for months and very easy to change (if needed).
• There are couple of extra nibs to change the used one from your pen.
Cons of Genius Mouse Pen i608x:
• It needs USB wire to work, so it is useless without PC or laptop, therefore it isn’t super portable. 
• Doesn’t have a screen of it’s own, so once again you need to look in the monitor when drawing, and at first synching your hand with the eye can be a bit unusual (especially if you’re used to look directly on what you’re drawing).
• Pen nibs as well as the protector on the tablet get scratched and stop feeling smooth quite soon. The feeling of drawing on it is rather gritty, especially after long time use. I had to (try) and smoothen the nibs with mild grain emery paper to get more use out of it. ( you can still draw just fine, but the feeling is kind of scratchy, but you only understand it if you have something to compare it to, so initially it wasn’t exactly an issue).
• In this exact model I had some kind of glitch happen (although rarely), where I needed to restart my drawing program because the pen lost it’s sensitivity. Goes away easily though.
• There is no screen.
Now to ipad!
Pros of Ipad Pro 10′5:
• It’s very portable! You can carry it around with you everywhere, if drawing on the go is something you love doing.
• It has a screen, so it’s almost like drawing traditionally but digital edition. It feels quite professional, and it’s just...different, compared to having to look at the monitor.
• Procreate! A very (if not most) popular drawing program. Costs 10$ of one buy, and becomes one of your best friends. I really love it much better compared to SAI, and I feel like it extended my drawing abilities.
• The feeling of drawing on the screen is very smooth, which I really enjoy. 
• It boosted my productivity by A LOT, simply because I feel so good when I draw on it. Like the sensations as well as looking at what you’re drawing, I feel much more motivated drawing on it. (and drawing a lot means improving so that’s quite a plus as well)
• There are different screen sizes - you can choose 10′5 or 12′9. • Picks up colours beautifully.
• Procreate has a huge set of brushes, and even if you’re not satisfied with them there are planty sets to buy or get for free.
• When it runs out of battery it usually doesn’t feel that you just sat to draw, as well as the pen battery, lasts quite a while and charges quickly.
• Apple pencil has an extra nib, but I am still on my first and I feel no need to change it.
• It runs very smoothly! Both as a drawing tablet and a tablet you use for regular non artistic things.
Cons of Ipad Pro 10′5:
• The most obvious - the Price. It is very expensive. I have one of the cheapest (without card and with 64gb memory), and it’s still 1000$ (I guess it’s apple but like. ouch). BUT I think you can search for refurbished ones.
• There is a chance of it not lasting as long as you’d like for it to. I know people whose ipad lasted a couple of years, which is..unfortunate, and I kind of fear it.
• After a bit less than a year of use mine stopped charging fully, it always stops at 93%, sooo even though that’s not game changing it’s kind of meh (perhaps anyone knows what’s the issue and how to fix it?)
• I don’t really mind, but many people are irritated on how the pen needs to be charged with it just sticking out of your ipad ahah
• Not exactly a con of the device, but there are times I wish I bought a bigger version, since I usually use it at home and bigger screen is a bit more comfortable to draw on. But that’s sometimes and mostly I am glad I bought 10′5.In conclusion, if you need something cheap that works well - genius is a great option. Especially if you’re a beginner and you aren’t too sure whether you’d really be drawing on it a lot. 
But for me, in terms of pretty much every single aspect (ehem for the price) ipad wins? Despite the price I really think it was worth it, and I will probably buy a new one once this stops working. It boosted my productivity, it’s enjoyable to draw on, you can draw on a coach (troublesome not with my neck but you can), on the go and in cafes! 
I also heavily enjoy procreate so I’m generally very happy that I ended up buying it. I always carry it on the trips and even if I don’t necessarily have time to draw we can always chill and watch something, because hotel TVs are often on a language you don’t understand.
(I also read fma on it so I really enjoy that too hahaha)
Hope it helps!
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baphomet-media · 4 years
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Dad of Boy - A God of War (2018) Review
Genre: Adventure
Subgenre: 3D Adventure
Developer: SIE Santa Monica Studio
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Platform(s): PS4
Release Date: April 20th, 2018
I have never played a God of War game before. Though I know the basic gist of the story (Kratos kills all of the Greek pantheon before they can kill him through powers of rage), that’s about it. Still, I saw nothing but praise for the new game, and the setting, story, and gameplay that I saw intrigued me. I got the game as a gift a short while ago, after it seemed to collectively drop off the media’s radar, and eventually decided to give it a shot. So, does it live up to the hype? Let’s dig in.
God of War 2018 (GoW18) takes place many years after the events of the previous games. Kratos, the former bloodthirsty deicidal barbarian Ghost of Sparta has moved to a new land of giants, dwarves, and Norse gods, and has settled down with a wife and child. But Kratos cannot run away from his godhood forever, and things catch up with him one day after his wife dies, when a mysterious stranger shows up at Kratos’s door. The two engage in a brutal fight, with Kratos seemingly emerging victorious. Kratos and his young son Atreus then must set off to take Kratos’s wife’s ashes to the top of the tallest peak in all the realms.
Along the way, Kratos teaches his son about how to survive in the world, in his own gruff way, of course. The interplay between Kratos’s grim and serious nature contrasts delightfully with Atreus’s impatience and youthful energy. Various other friendly and hostile faces present themselves throughout the story, with the highlights being dwarf brothers Brok and Sindri, two dwarf smiths with clashing personalities that spend most of the game passive-aggressively bickering about how horrible of a smith the other is, but actually do their best work together. The supporting cast are all fantastic, however the enemies left a lot to be desired, and there were very few actual named enemies, making a lot of the story beats just feeling like they lacked impact, and were instead just stepping stones along Kratos’s way. Still, there were plenty of moments of good humor and intrigue, especially for anyone with an interest in mythology, particularly the Norse variety.
While the game does not have a completely canonical representation of Norse myth, it takes a lot of the established characters and ideas and puts its own grim spin on them. I enjoyed learning a bit about different mythological figures and events, even if the majority of them are merely exposited to the player and make no physical appearance in the game itself. It leaves me wanting more, and hopeful for a sequel.
From what I know about past God of War games, combat used to revolve around Kratos using his Blades of Chaos, two beefy short swords chained together, which he uses to spin, grapple, slam, and juggle hordes of foes. GoW18 takes a different approach, slowing things down and moving the camera over Kratos’s shoulder. His main weapon now is the Leviathan Axe, which excels at one-on-one combat, and can also be thrown and returned for ranged combat. To put it plainly, combat in this game feels a bit more like Dark Souls than Devil May Cry. Longtime fans of the series may be disappointed in the shift in gameplay direction, but as a relative outsider, I found the combat enjoyable. I liked that it made me think about my strikes, blocks, parries, and throws, instead of mindlessly mashing attack buttons to rack up insane combos.
However, combat demands that you stay in control. Even the weakest enemies can drain your health quickly, as Kratos is vulnerable to being stunlocked. Plus (at least on the Hard difficulty, which I played) enemies have a ton of HP, so you’ll need around 5-6 combos to finish off most weaker enemies. It doesn’t help that the beginning of the game only drip-feeds you the controls, so I got killed multiple times on the first enemy because I had no idea that Kratos had a shield or how to dodge properly.
Still, as you progress through the game, the number and strength of enemies increase, but the overall challenge gradually decreases as you unlock new moves and combat options to help you deal more damage, more easily stagger enemies, and better deal with multiple foes. Unfortunately, for most of the game, the combat struggles when there are multiple foes. The lock-on system is extremely reluctant to switch enemies, and it’s sometimes difficult to maneuver, dodge blows, and keep the camera looking where you want all at once. Particularly in boss fights, which are numerous.
Still, when it goes right, using the shield to parry, and landing heavy blows with the Leviathan Axe is very satisfying. Along the way Atreus himself gets more capable in combat, improving his archery, and learning assist moves that distract enemies and set them up for combos by Kratos. You can also command Atreus to shoot arrows and use special abilities, which gives you more options in combat. This starts out being only marginally helpful, but gets much more useful the further you advance in the game, and Atreus also gains abilities that help you progress in the overworld, allowing you to bypass obstacles that Kratos couldn’t deal with on his own.
The game has a fairly expansive world, though this is not so much in the sheer size of the world, but more in that the main area of the world is constantly revealing more depth to it. The Lake of Nine, the game’s main area, is constantly revealing new areas to explore, which constantly keeps it fresh, although sometimes it definitely feels like you’re constantly revisiting the same areas. At most points in the game, you can explore freely, though you may stumble across challenges and enemies that are too difficult for you to tackle at your current power level and need to come back once you’ve powered up by upgrading your gear. On one hand, I like this, because it gives you the option to try instead of just locking out higher-level content, but on the other hand, even if you’re really good at the game, you’ll have a lot of difficulty felling enemies that are even slightly higher in level than you, mostly because their HP is ridiculously high, which leads back into enemies feeling like HP sponges.
GoW18 is a gorgeous game to look at, with the scenery being drenched in detail. The various realms that you travel to throughout the game also add differences in visual appeal, keeping things fresh when you’re outside of Midgard.
While the game doesn’t have much in the way of music, the heavy brass and choir vocals on more dark and foreboding tracks remind the listener of Kratos’s violent past, and let you know not to mess with him. You don’t want to be on the receiving end of his Spartan Rage when that music swells!
The voice acting in the game is top-notch. Christopher Judge is great as Kratos, and as a longtime Stargate fan, it’s funny just to see how much Kratos mirrors Judge’s previous role as Stargate’s Teal’c. I also particularly enjoyed the voice acting of the character Mimir, voiced by Alastair Duncan, who exposits his own twisted take on Norse mythology to the father-son duo during travel periods. The rest of the cast are fantastic in their own right, as well.
God of War 2018 is a great game that manages to step out of the shadow of its previous games to create something unique and new for itself. Despite how violent and dark the series is, GoW18 tells a touching story of a father and son getting to know each other better, travelling the world together, and meeting all manner of colorful friends and foes. The combat, while slower and more methodical than previous games and tedious at times on higher difficulties, rewards skillful play and empowers the player more and more as they stick with it.
All in all, if you have a PS4 and like action games, definitely give this one a try. You’ll be glad you did. I look forward to Kratos’s and Atreus’s further adventures on the PS5 when God of War Ragnarok comes out next year!
Score: 8 / 10
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Reflection of the last 6 weeks of travelling on the road....
Yay! I'm finally getting around to starting my blog all about our travelling adventures around the US.! This is a my first time blogging so my kids would definitely call me a "noob" (thank you Minecraft!). I personally prefer the name "newbie" instead...lol
So here it goes......after a lot of persuasion on my part (close to 2 years of trying to convince my husband to tap out of this rat race with me and the kids to slow things down and enjoy our life together while travelling the US) and a lot of planning on both our parts (another year once he agreed to my crazy plan), we began on our Epic Travelling Adventure on March 15th!
6 weeks into it we have really truly only explored Arizona but we are not complaining because oh my goodness......Arizona is absolutely beautiful! It's so nice to know that since we live in CA we can come back and explore again and again! Plus we did get to spend some wonderful quality time with family from both sides 2 of those 6 weeks!
Next we are heading to Utah. We made a pit stop near 4 corners hoping we could have the kids take pictures while being in all 4 states at once. But unfortunately, it was still closed due to Covid. While that was a bummer, the kids still thought it was cool that they could go from Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado all within 5 minutes of each other! We haven't explored Utah before so Michael and I are super excited about the next couple of weeks!
This trip has already been so wonderful for our kids. Not only have they been able to spend time with some quality time with their cousins on both sides of the family but they have also really enjoyed getting to meet and play with other kids from all over the country. Surprisingly, our idea is not as novel as I originally thought....lol. We have met SO many families who are doing what we are doing. A lot of them do have one parent who is still working remotely while the other parent focuses on home schooling their children. There are not many families where both parents are not working so we know we are truly fortunately! Really the only people we meet who are not working are those who have retired and their kids are grown up.
Another thing that I have enjoyed seeing is that my kids can stay connected to most of the kids they meet virtually through games like Roblox or Minecraft! And while I'm not a huge proponent of games and many aspects of our new "tech world" (for example my kids wanting to get on youtube to watch other people live their lives!), I'm happy to report that this is one aspect of the virtual video game world that I'm ok with....lol
So I was never really worried about my kids not having opportunities to socialize with other kids since I know that my kids are super social and make friends easily both with kids and adults, the real surprise for me was how wonderful the camping community has been! Everyone is just so kind, friendly and helpful. We have learned so much and received so many great tips from so many amazing people at almost each campsite we have been too. I would say that we have felt the community vibe at almost all of the Thousand Trails campgrounds and would highly recommend anyway interested in camping to sign up for a membership! (Btw....if you are interested in learning more about a membership just reach out and I can give you some information on it)
After avoiding people for so long due to Covid, it's been so wonderful for all of us to connect with people again! While we started off strong wearing masks every where we went, we have loosened up quit a bit each day. Since Michael and I have been vaccinated and we don't see my parents often while travelling, we seemed to be less worried about it. Plus, many people that we meet have been vaccinated so that's always a good thing too!
To be fair, honest and realistic about our experiences, I'm going to include my top 5 "not so fabulous" things about our travelling adventures.
5) Not having enough space for cooking! OMG! Even the simplest dinners are challenging to make because there's just not enough counter space on our kitchen. And did I mention that I have to constantly take out or put back our air fryer, blender, toaster oven....and the list continues! And I still haven't used the instapot! It's so big I don't know where to put it...lol
4) Making my bed! So I love making my bed in the morning. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and I just like to look at a clean bed. While our bed is SUPER comfortable so no complaints there, it's a King Size bed but there's not a King Size space for the bed. I literally have to get on my bed to make my bed. I know that doesn't even make any sense but believe me when I say it sucks and I'm not how sure how long the "daily making of my bed" is going to last...lol
3) So...one of the main reasons of this trip was to spend more quality time with the kids. Umm...I'm now thinking it would have been smarter if we could have traveled throughout the US in our actual house. I mean literally take our house on the road. My kids seem to think it's an actual home. They still want to play hide and seek, tag, and the boys constantly want to wrestle. I keep reminding them that our RV is at max 240 sq. ft of living space so we can't treat it like our house back in Temecula. But I'm confident it's going in one ear out the other.
And I'm not quite sure how I forgot but I did... the arguing! It's kind of driving me a little crazy. And of course it mostly happens on our travelling days or when it's raining outside but oh my goodness! I think I used to just walk away and let them figure it out on their own but now I don't really have a place to hide. Did I mention that we lack space?!? LOL
On a positive note, almost every adult with kids whom my children have played with have literally made a point to come and tell us how well behaved, kind and wonderful our kids are. I smile and thank them for their kind words. But I can't lie....every once in a while really I just want to show them the video of them arguing about 30 minutes earlier....lol
2) Laundry! Ugh! I wish we would have purchased an RV with a washer and dryer. We are considering purchasing at least a washer but we need to find room for it first! Did I mention that we struggle with a lack of space...lol. In the meantime, I've literally been having the kids wear there clothes two days in a row (easier for Milah to do than the boys...ugh!) But don't worry, they are still changing their underwear and socks everyday...lol
1) Wifi! Where is this 5G network I've been hearing about because I can't seem to find it! When I was thinking of a name for my blog I was highly considering "wifi hunter extraordinaire". This has been my #1 thorn in my side. We decided to let the kids finish off their school year at their traditional public school since online was an option. Our thought was that it would make for an easier transition for them and it was only 8 weeks after spring break. Can we say "hindsight is 20/20"! I plan on homeschooling them next school year and should have just made the switch when we left. Don't get me wrong, the kids teachers are awesome! Super supportive and really try to be flexible but we still feel tied to being online at certain times for the zoom classes. I'm definitely counting down the days until they are done with school this year (29 days!)
But the most difficult thing about being on the road has been being away from my parents, brothers, sister-in-law, nieces and cousins in southern CA. Family has always been so very important to me and have always been a part of my "happy place". I wish I could take them all of with me on this epic journey. But for now, I'm once again thankful for technological advances like face time! (if only I could get reliable connection while on the road or at our campsites I would be much more thankful...ugh!)
Okey Dokey Artichokey....that's it for today! The good, the bad and the ugly for our first 6 weeks on the road. This took me longer than I expected to reflect upon our travelling experiences on the road so I will definitely be posting more often and not as lengthy....I think...lol
The rain has let up and the kid's movie is almost done so it's time to get the kids outside to burn off some energy then shower up and make some dinner...
Signing off for now....
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hglog · 4 years
PBTA Spelljammer GLOG Thing?
Recently, my father dug up his old Traveller and MegaTraveller books for me, and after having a lot of fun reading through them, I can definitively say I don’t ever want to GM the system. But it got me in a space-gaming mood and my mind turned to two things. First, the Uncharted Worlds game I was once a player in, which seems to have borrowed a lot of the good aspects of Traveller and put them into a PBTA system, which I love very much. Second, the AD&D setting Spelljammer which is an amazing science-fantasy fever dream that I’ve unfortunately never gotten to experience firsthand. Naturally, I decided I’d make an RPG. And, ever since I discovered it, GLOG has basically consumed a large part of my mindspace whenever I think about RPGs.
Now it’s about a month later, and I have a lot written, but even more still to write. My biggest issue is getting my thoughts organized. I’m always a lot neater when I know other people are going to see my work. So, in a hope to make things more coherent for myself, I’m going to let you in on what I have to far.
What I like about Spelljammer
Science fiction minus the science
Practically any science fiction trope you can think of fits into the setting, but when it comes to the actual science, it’s this weird-ass mix of a classical Greek and medieval alchemist understanding of the cosmos.
You don’t have to worry about players “um, actually”-ing you about what happens in the vacuum of space, because it’s actually not even a vacuum!
Magic = FTL
Despite the previous point, its science is actually still relatively “hard” when it comes to internal consistency and logical consequences to its different laws of reality than our own. The magic, on the other hand, is magic. My headcanon is that the speed of light imposes a hard limit, but magic is the one thing able to ignore it.
While people could theoretically pull off a no-magic spacecraft launch (if they had a few thousand more years of technological development), for the most part, if something is in space, it’s probably because a wizard decided they wanted it to be in space.
Weird-ass spaceships
Since a spaceship is “anything you can put a spelljamming throne in,” you get a delightful mix of regular boats, classic pulp sci-fi or space opera spaceships, weird organic tentacled things, and whatever else strikes your fancy.
What if a dragon died and all the kobolds that worshipped it somehow got enough spell slots to just pilot its corpse into space and start fucking shit up?
Sadly, Spelljammer doesn’t offer a lot of customization, instead just relying on a wide catalogue of weird ships used by different aliens.
What I like about PBTA
Adaptable to basically any setting
There is a great wealth of hacks I can draw from
These two points go hand in hand. I haven’t, however, been able to find a specifically spelljammer-inspired PBTA hack, so that’s why I’m doing this.
The PBTA games I’ve read through in creating this (so far) are  Uncharted Worlds, Dungeon World, and the original Apocalypse World.
Encourages little preparation
My biggest challenge in running a game that’s interstellar in scope is my instinct to pre-prepare everything, which is already problem if I think I need to make an entire country, let alone an entire planet. But now we’re talking not only a planet but every planet.
While you can do worldbuilding as the GM for a PBTA game, you can also not do any, and let the players do all the work for you upon character creation. Dungeon World is especially good at this.
It’s fun
I’ve enjoyed every PBTA game I’ve been a player or a GM for, no exceptions (so far).
It’s extremely easy to teach people
Most of my friends are not as into learning new systems as I am. But most of them have already played at least one PBTA system, and if they haven’t, it wouldn’t be as much of a hassle as say, AD&D or Traveller.
What I like about GLOG
The four-template class blueprint
If PBTA character sheets are streamlined, I don’t even know what I’d call GLOG character sheets.
I don’t know if I’d shave my classes down quite as much, but I’m definitely taking notes from GLOG’s designs.
GLOG spellcasting
This is one of the things I like most about GLOG.
Spell dice to power FTL? Maybe 1 die per 30 light years or whatever, and the sum determines how fast the trip can be made? Doubles and triples can be malfunctions or space pirate attacks or something.
A shit ton of classes
I think I’d like to limit it to 10 or so classes, but I’m definitely going to get inspiration from some of the weirder GLOG classes along with the classes fighters/wizards/rogues.
An emphasis on interesting problem-solving
I think this is more just good game design than GLOG itself.
Encourages taking a weirder spin on fantasy lore that’s often taken for granted
Again, this seems like it’s just good worldbuilding, but a lot of GLOGgish writings do this, and I’d like to follow in their footsteps.
What I like (and dislike) about Traveller
I don’t like how obtuse it is
Reading the book sort of overwhelms me. It’s like they didn’t even try to make it accessible. It’s just endless black text on a white background, tables and diagrams strewn about haphazardly, and no art, not even just at the beginnings and ends of sections. The cover is a black void to symbolize the state of my mind after reading three pages.
When it comes to spaceships, I like a lot of crunch and granularity in their design
Something I found myself wishing for when playing Uncharted Worlds was a more involved ship design process. While they did clearly take notes from Traveller, it’s nothing like the original.
I don’t know what it is about spaceships. Characters I like simple and streamlined, but I guess reading through power plant matrices and choosing software and balancing it all on a budget gets me into the headspace I actually believe a spaceship creator would be in, whereas I don’t think the creation of a person usually involves that sort of design process.
I'm neutral on the crunch for everything else, but I think it's at odds with PBTA sensibilities
Plus, as I sort of mentioned in the PBTA section, I want my mostly 5e-playing friends to be willing to test this with me.
I like the psionics
I really like psionics, and I think Traveller properly captures the feel that I like for them.
However, I’m not a fan of “anyone can test their psionic abilities and then roll to maybe get powers.” I’m going to have a psionic class, which a character can start in if they want to have psionic powers, or they can multiclass into later if they want to discover their psionic potential later on. If they don’t want their character to have latent potential, they can just never take any levels in the class.
I dislike the highly-defined setting
I know it’s supposed to be adaptable to most sci-fi settings, but the books reference their own universe and history so much that it doesn’t really feel that way.
How do I synthesize this all into one game?
Setting-wise, I’m mostly drawing from Spelljammer, as well as Star Wars, Numenera, and my own imagination. I don’t want to define many specific planets or empires or sectors or whatever since I prefer most of the worldbuilding work be done by players during character creation. Also, if you know of any very low-science space fantasy fiction that I should read, please send it my way.
I do have very specific ideas about how I want spaceships and space travel to work, which I think need their own post later. You might get a pretty good sense of what I’m going for from the Spelljammer and Traveller sections, though. My plan is to take advantage of something like Traveller’s very granular and in-depth ship creation to let players make their own completely batshit Spelljammer-style spaceships. I think a ship needs its own character sheet.
I’m doing the PBTA thing where each class has a character sheet. I haven’t decided whether I’m doing the standard 6 stats or making up some weird ones. The former is definitely easier to sell to people but I think the latter is cooler.  Also, since you need a spellcasting class to have FTL what do you do if nobody picks one? I don’t want to get in a situation where I have to tell them “one of you needs to switch classes,” that just feels bad and could create animosity. A solution I’m slightly leaning towards is having only one of each character sheet, then making sure there’s always one fewer non-spellcasting class option than there are players, so by pure mathematics someone will end up able to power the ship, and I don’t need to force anyone to change on my own. The issue there is then I can’t have more than 3-5 non-spellcasting class options depending on party size, and I’d prefer a larger and more varied class pool. Another option would be to have magic hirelings available, but I want spellcasters with the ability to do FTL to feel like these big, weird, and powerful personalities, so having them just available as hirelings sort of it cheapens that in my opinion.  Maybe it’s not actually important that the party always have access to their own interstellar travel? I could see the PCs being like a bunch of interstellar hitchhikers. Very Douglas Adams. 
That’s just about everything that I don’t think needs a separate post. I hope you enjoyed it, and if you have any thoughts about this potential horrible chimera of a system I’d love to hear them! You can reach me here through Tumblr or at Robot_Face#7919 on the OSR discord server.
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myhockeyworld87 · 5 years
Nervous Regrets - Tyler Seguin - Part 8
Word Count: 4726
POV: Reader
Warning: Cursing
Notes: Not really any this time. Hope you guys enjoy!
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Euphoric, it was a funny word, while its meaning meant happiness or elation; it was often used to describe the effects of drugs one may consume. Obviously, that wasn’t your case at the moment, but euphoric was definitely how you felt after the last few hours with Tyler. While you weren’t one to agree with the use of recreational drugs, you could see their allure; for if this was the high one got when they took ecstasy or the likes, you’d be a junkie, hooked on one Mister Tyler Seguin.
 That giddy, light headed, endlessly happy feeling inside you at the moment was something you didn’t want to let go of; after the last few months of despair and darkness, it finally felt good to love again. It was amazing how a few days could change your whole world. You had crawled into a black hole after the whole cheating scandal; now that you were out, it felt good to be human again. You were soaring above the clouds, floating on them really; and nothing could bring you down.
Making your way through Dallas traffic, you recalled the last few hours; and how you went from sheer panic to pure elation. Seeing your baby, while the man you loved held your hand; was surreal. It was something, only a short week ago, you never saw happening; yet there you were, both of you sobbing as the life you’d created, popped up on the screen. Unconsciously your hand went to your stomach to cradle your baby.
Trusting Tyler was still an internal issue that you were struggling with; but your unquestioning nature seemed to be winning that battle at the moment. Whenever doubts would creep in, he would seem to find some way to breakdown that wall; letting you know he was all in. The baby would forever link the two of you, but if you could find a way to put your trust issues with Tyler aside and become a family; that would be a dream come true.
In order to do that though, you needed to start taking better care of yourself. So, heading home you decided to treat yourself by going through the drive thru of your favorite fast food restaurant. You’d been craving a salad topped with grilled chicken, not having access to a grill was definitely a problem; that you ordered a side of fries with it, probably wasn’t the best option. Walking into the sparse apartment, you slid your heels off, making yourself comfortable. Quickly you ate your dinner, then changed into an old V-neck t-shirt and yoga pants; wanting to get a small workout in before the Stars came on. Throwing your hair in a messy bun, you tossed the Pilates mat in front of the television, putting on a quick thirty-minute session.
About twenty minutes in to it, you realized you should’ve waited until your meal settled before you began; as your stomach started to rebel against you. Grabbing a ginger ale from the fridge and some soda crackers; you switched the television to the pre-game action. Tyler’s lack of performance in the first few games was a topic of conversation the sports announcers seemed to pay close attention to; it did nothing for bouts of nausea you were currently experiencing. You were hot, sweaty and your breasts felt like they were five times their normal size, in their restrictive bra; and in the moment you felt if you didn’t remove it, you’d either hurl all over the living room floor or self-combust. Why a female would ever invent a contraption so constricting was completely beyond your imagination, in that moment. Feeling like you could breathe again, and not actually expel the contents of your stomach on the floor; you made yourself more comfortable on the couch as the game got underway.
Tyler scored with minutes left in the first period putting the Stars on the board; hopefully that would silence the announcers about his previous point percentage. In the second he added an assist on Jamie’s goal; which had the Stars leading the game two to one. You couldn’t wait to see what the third period would bring, as it got underway. Unfortunately, the doorbell rang with only three minutes into the period. Getting up out of your warm cozy spot, your brain trying to work out who could be at your door at this hour; your friends usually called before they came over at this time of night. Peeking through the peep-hole you saw Robert, standing in front of your apartment. While this wasn’t an appropriate hour of the night, you needed to break things off with him; and so, you opened the door. “Robert, what are you doing here? It’s a little late.”
You hoped that didn’t sound too dismissing. “Hey pretty lady.” Starting to kiss you on the lips, but you quickly turned so that he would be kissing your cheek instead. “I haven’t heard from you in the last few days and I’d thought I’d check on you.”
Well that was sweet of him and here you are trying to break things off. “Oh, I’m so sorry. Work has been crazy, among other things. I did get your flowers, that was very sweet of you to send them.”
“Yeah you kind of had me wondering, since you didn’t really acknowledge them.”
Maybe because you’d also received ten other more extravagant arrangements that day. Mentally shaking yourself, now was not the time to be comparing whose bouquet was bigger. “They’re lovely. Can I get you something to drink, water, soda, wine?”
“A glass of wine would be great.” Throwing his jacket in the chair, he plopped down on the couch; grabbing the remote and turning the television off, just as Tyler was making his way to the net with the puck. Giving him the side eye, the one your grandmother used to give when one of you had said something distasteful; you poured the wine, less than what you’d normally give. “You’re not drinking?” This asked as you handed him the glass of wine.
“Umm..no, I have work tomorrow,” it wasn’t a lie, you did have work; but you also weren’t divulging the truth to him.
“You should blow it off. I’ll grab my dad’s jet and we can head to the beach for a couple days.” He was so nonchalant about it, like it was something he did every day; and that your job meant nothing. Robert was the quintessential rich playboy; daddy’s money had gotten him everything up to this point and he saw no reason not continue on this way. You couldn’t be certain he’d ever worked a full day of his life; so how could he understand that you not only needed your job, you enjoyed it. It was something Tyler never questioned.
Taking a seat at the opposite end of the sofa, you tried to explain, “I just can’t up and leave work like that Robert. I have responsibilities there; deadlines that need to be met.” Granted your job did afford you the flexibility to work from wherever; and they were fairly willing to let you have time off when you wanted; but this was not something he needed to know.
Blowing out a frustrated breath, he acknowledged you with a simple, “fine.” With glaring eyes, he surveyed your apartment. “Babe, why haven’t you looked for some place better to live. You know you could move into my complex, that way we’d be closer. Plus, it’s definitely more luxurious than this.”
What had you seen in this man, when he first asked you out? He was condescending and arrogant; that he’d masked these attributes in your first couple of dates was amazing. Or maybe they were just there all along and you were too blind in your misery to see it. “I actually looked at a place yesterday.” Omitting the part that it was with your baby daddy.
You went to continue, however he cut you off, “good, I hope it’s better than this place.” Mentally you rolled your eyes at his pretentiousness. “Babe, why are you sitting so far away?” He scooted closer to you, placing his hand on your thigh; while his eyes focused on your breasts. That’s when you remembered you weren’t wearing a bra; immediately feeling naked and exposed to this man.
Scrambling off the couch, you needed this interaction to come to a close. Even his use of the word babe felt wrong falling off his lips; not like when Tyler would lovingly call you it. Crossing your arms, trying to cover yourself; you began the conversation you’d been dreading since he walked through your door. “Look Robert, you’re a really nice guy. It’s just well….it’s not you, it’s me really.” God you’d been the recipient of that line so many times in your dating history; each time you’d known it had been a lie. It was a half-truth in this instance, feeling the need to be somewhat honest; you continued. “The truth is. I’m trying to work things out with Tyler and I just don’t think it would be fair to either of you; if we continued this.” Motioning with your hand between the two of you.
“Wait…You’re getting back together with the bastard that had the back-alley blow job scandal.” You winced, it sounded pathetic coming out of his mouth; that you would want to get back with someone who had treated you so callously.
“It’s complicated.” Truly it was; but you didn’t feel the need to explain any further.
Setting his half-drunk wine down on the coffee table, he stood. “You’re gonna pick that fucking man whore over someone like me? I thought you were smarter than that.” His eyes roamed up and down your body, a disgusted look crossing his face.
Flinching, you stepped back realizing you didn’t know this man at all. “I’m sorry Robert, I just need to follow my heart; and my heart just really belongs with Tyler.”
He seemed to collect himself then; striding to the door as he said, “Good luck, you’re going to need it.” With that he left; you let out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding in, breathing a sigh of relief that the encounter was finally over. That was until you looked over to the living room and spotted his tailor-made suit coat lying on your chair. Grabbing it and your keys you headed out to return the garment to him. He was in the parking lot, getting ready to step into his vehicle.
“Robert, you forgot this.” Yelling, hoping to impede him from leaving. He stopped closing the car door as you drew closer. Handing him the jacket, you apologized once more. “I really am sorry.”
Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply; when they reopened, gone was the Robert that was cold and arrogant, replaced by the caring man you’d thought you’d been seeing. “I’m sorry to (Y/N). I shouldn’t have said those things inside. I just really thought we had something special.”
Hurt was etched across his face; in that moment you felt guilty for not telling him the entire truth about your reunion with Tyler. “I hope we can still be friends.” You weren’t exactly sure that was even possible or even if you wanted friendship with this man; it just felt like the right thing to say.
“Sure, no hard feelings.” He reached out then to hug you; a goodbye gesture you saw no reason not to return. He held you a little too close and a little too long for your comfort, but you let him have this final embrace. Finally, he pulled back, and before you knew it; his mouth was on yours greedy and hungry; forcing yours open as he held you tight in his arms. Panic set in, it was late and no one was around; you pushed at the wall of his chest hoping to loosen his grip. When it tightened you did the only thing that popped into your mind. Bracing your hands on his shoulders for leverage, you brought your knee up connecting it as hard as you could with his groin; the direct hit had him doubling over in pain. You twisted out of his arms and made your way back into the apartment, as he yelled, “you bitch!”
Not looking back you headed straight for your apartment and locked the door; glancing out the window, seeing his car peel out of the parking lot. Your heart was racing and you couldn’t seem to catch your breath; tonight, had definitely not gone as planned. All you wanted right now was Tyler’s arms wrapped around you; but it wouldn’t pay to tell him what had transpired. Knowing Tyler, he’d be out the door ready to beat Robert to a bloody pulp. So instead you grabbed a blanket and encased yourself in its fluffy warmth; taking deep breaths as you calmed your nerves.
Grabbing your phone, you pulled up the highlights of the game to distract you. As you suspected Tyler had scored again in the third period, leading the Stars to victory over the Avs. Checking the time, you felt he should be home by now; you sent him a quick text.
Great game tonight! I’m so proud of you!
Part of you wished he would text you back, asking to come over; you’d gladly take him up on it. When you were together road trips were always hard; but now that you’d finally started taking steps towards reconciling these next five days were going to be hell without him. The phone beeped drawing your attention.
That was it, nothing more; it was not what you expected. Staring at the screen, you waited for more to appear; when it didn’t you hauled yourself up and headed to bed. Maybe he was tired, it’s been an emotional day; first seeing the baby and then playing such a great game. Tyler probably went home and dropped onto the bed exhausted. He’d done that from time to time, after a particular trying game; you’d always removed his shoes and tie then, taking a blanket and covering him up. He’d eventually wake up in the middle of the night, strip naked and climb into bed with you; waking you up with feverish kisses. The two of you would make love until you both fell back asleep. Your body ached with need for that at the moment. The PA was right; your hormonal urges were becoming stronger, though it could just be thoughts of being with Tyler again.
The baby fluttered then, reminding you that your love had created this little life forming inside you. Closing your eyes, you let your mind take you to a time, not too far in the future; where you and Tyler were lying in bed, the baby on Tyler’s chest as they both slept. Smiling you drifted off to sleep with that picture in your mind.
Waking up, you put the drama of last night with Robert behind you and started your day. Work was busy, so you hadn’t really noticed that Tyler hadn’t text you that he’d landed in St. Louis, until it was well after four. He had mentioned they were leaving after morning skate, which would likely put them there around two or three in the afternoon. Pushing any uneasy thoughts to the side, that something was wrong, you finished out the day; shooting him a quick text and vowing to call him if you didn’t hear from him shortly.
When eight o’clock rolled around and you still heard nothing from him, you started to panic. Picking up the phone, you dialed his number; pacing as the phone rang. Your heart jumped into your throat when his voicemail picked up. Something was wrong, maybe there was an accident, or he could’ve been hurt in practice and be lying in the hospital. Your mind was swirling with dread. Vaguely you thought about calling Jamie; had even pulled up his contact info when the phone rang, Tyler’s face popping up on the screen.
“Oh thank god, I was so worried. Are you ok?” it all came out in a rush; like it was all one word and not sentences formed together.
“Yeah I’m fine.” There was despondence in his voice; he didn’t say anything more.
“Tyler, what’s wrong? Why didn’t you text me when you got in?” Sheer panic had taken over when he hadn’t answered; now you were questioning whether or not there was something else going on here. Doubts started creeping in; was he with someone, some woman? When he didn’t answer right away you voiced your concerns. “Are you…is someone with you?”
“What? Fuck, no I’m not with anyone.” Anger tainted his voice, but really what could he expect; it was the only logical conclusion you could draw, since he was acting so strange. Softly, he added, “I’m not the one fooling around this time.”
“What the hell does that mean? That I am?” He was making no sense at all. You thought your relationship with Tyler was finally heading in the right direction; that he would suggest otherwise had you baffled.
“Really? You’re going to just pretend like you weren’t kissing some guy last night.” Realization dawned on you, somehow Tyler must have seen what happened with Robert last night; but he had it all wrong. You started to speak but Tyler cut you off, “Seriously (Y/N), how can you go from everything that we shared yesterday, to making out with some other guy. I mean explain it to me, because I don’t get it.” He took a breath and you thought you had your opportunity, until he continued. “For fuck sake you told me you loved me yesterday. Did that mean nothing to you? Does our child mean nothing to you or our family?”
That was it, you’d had enough; Tyler had crossed the line with that last comment. “Would you shut up for a fucking minute and let me explain.” Blood boiling, you needed to calm yourself. “First off, the baby means everything to me, and I mean everything; don’t ever fucking question me about that again. Do you hear me?”
A small weak, “yeah,” was all you received.
“Secondly, I do love you and I meant every word I said to you yesterday. God Tyler, I never stopped loving you, not even after everything that happened. All I wanted last night was for you to finish the game and come and hold me in your arms; I just didn’t know how to ask you that.” Blowing out a breath you continued on, “Lastly, I don’t know what you saw, but I was not and I mean not at all kissing Robert.”
“Funny, it sure looked like you had your tongue down his throat.”
“Jesus Tyler, I was not kissing him.” He started to refute your claim again, but you were not having it. “What you saw was him forcing his tongue down my throat. He wouldn’t let me go, I had to kick him in the balls to get away.”
“What did you say? He forced you?” This wasn’t how you wanted to say any of this to Tyler; point of fact you didn’t want to tell him any of it. You knew Tyler would lose his cool, if he found out about Robert’s actions; which is why you had decided to keep this to yourself. That was until he’d misread the entire situation. “Talk to me (Y/N) or I swear to god I’ll be on the next flight home.”
He was overreacting, thinking the worst had happened. “Nothing else happened, I ran into the apartment and locked the door. He left shortly after that.”
His silence spoke volumes, you knew he was seething inside; wanting to hit something, mainly a man named Robert. You could almost see him pacing back and forth in the hotel room; hands threading through his hair, as he tried to calm himself down. “Why was he there in the first place?”
It wasn’t the question you’d expected him to ask, but he deserved the truth. “He stopped over; I didn’t invite him, I swear. He showed up because he hadn’t heard from me since Saturday, when I’d left him at the charity event to meet you. He said he just wanted to check on me. I thought he was a decent guy and I owed him the truth; that you and I were back together. I hadn’t expected him to get so angry about it, but he did. He forgot his jacket, so I ran out to give it to him. He seemed to have calmed down, so when he went to hug me goodbye, I didn’t think much of it.” You paused not really wanting to say the rest; hoping Tyler would say something so you wouldn’t have to. When he didn’t, you had no other choice, “He wouldn’t let me go and then he just forced his mouth on mine. I tried to push him away but he just held me tighter. That’s when I kicked him in the nuts. It was the only thing I could think of to do, but he let me go and I just ran back to the apartment. But I’m fine, he’s gone and I don’t have to see him again.”
“It’s not fucking fine (Y/N), he tried to force himself on you. I wanna fucking kill him. Like just rip his damn throat out. God what if you hadn’t been able to get away from him?” He paused as if he was visualizing the whole thing. “I think I might be sick.”
“Ty, babe, listen to me. I’m fine. Just breathe.”
“I should’ve stopped. I just saw the two of you together and I thought the worse. I should’ve known you’d never do that to me. I’m so sorry baby. God why didn’t I fucking stop and check on you.”
“Ty, don’t beat yourself up. I can see it from your side. I would’ve thought the same thing.” In all actuality you probably would’ve thought much worse, given the past.
“I don’t think you should stay there tonight. What if he comes back? Just go to the house and stay there, the security system is top notch and the dogs are there, they may not be fierce but they would frighten anyone away.”
His protective nature was kicking into high gear. “Ty, I’m fine. The door is locked here. No one can get in.”
“You don’t know that. What if he bust down the door or something?”
“I’m sure one of the neighbors would hear, if that happened.” He was being unrealistic now, running through scenarios that weren’t going to happen.
“You don’t know that. Maybe I should come home. I’ll go talk to Monty and catch the next flight.”
“Tyler, you can’t just leave; you have a game, the team is depending on you. Besides, I think I might take off Friday and head to my parents’ house for the weekend. If I leave after work tomorrow, I’ll be there before your game starts.”
“Well I still don’t like you staying there alone tonight. Can’t you call Jan or someone, and see if they’ll stay with you?”
“Tyler, I’m fine; I promise. Besides it’s like almost ten o’clock. I’ll be going to bed here shortly.” The last hour or so on the phone with Tyler had you mentally exhausted and needing some rest. Besides you needed to pack, especially if you were going to head to your parents’ place in College Station. Seeing an opportunity there, you decided to change the subject. “So, I thought I’d go down and tell my parents about us and the baby.”
“You sure you want to do that alone? I mean, when I come home, I’ll go with you.”
It was sweet of him to offer but you kind of had a feeling you needed to do this alone. “Thanks for offering but I think I need to do this on my own. I don’t know how they’re going to take everything and I think it would be better just coming from me.” Knowing your parents, they were probably going to try and talk you out of getting back together with Tyler; they were not happy at all, when the scandal hit. They would definitely need time to adjust to everything, before Tyler started coming around again. “Have you told your family yet?”
“I almost said something to Candace on the phone the other day; but then I thought better of it. My mom will be furious if she’s not the first to know. I’m just not sure if I want to tell her on the phone or in person, you know?”
You knew exactly what he meant; which is why you were driving almost three hours. “Well maybe you should fly them in or something.”
“Yeah I thought about that; but then it really cuts into my time with you.”
Chuckling slightly, you’d always gotten along really well with Tyler’s family. Then like a ton of bricks falling, it hit you, what if they resented you for leaving Tyler; they could carry some animosity towards you, as yours did against Tyler. While the scandal wasn’t your fault, part of the aftermath was. He had just as hard of a time with the breakup as you. “Well we could all do dinner or something while they’re here. That way we could still have time together.”
“Yeah of course. Though honestly, they’ll probably want you around more than me. They all laid into me, when we broke up. Once they find out about the baby, they probably won’t leave your side. I know my mom will want to rush out and buy a ton of baby stuff.” Smiling to yourself, you hoped your family would handle the news the same.
“Well she can buy whatever she wants. I haven’t bought a thing yet. So it would be fun to go shopping with her.” You’d been so afraid of where things would go, that you couldn’t purchase one baby item, for fear there wouldn’t be a happy ending with Tyler. Now, just talking about it, had you bubbling with excitement.
“Don’t tell her that.” He laughed then, and you could tell he’d let some of the tension from earlier go. “I’ll give her a call tomorrow and see what I can work out. I’d really like to have you there when I tell her the news.”
“Yeah we can do that.” Yawning into the phone, “I really need to get some sleep, can we talk some more tomorrow? I mean if you answer your phone.”
“Sorry babe, I was pretty pissed off. I promise I’ll answer.”
“No, I’m the one who’s sorry, for putting you through that. I’m glad we talked things through though. I think as long as we continue to communicate things will be good.”
“Oh, we’re not through with this conversation by a long shot. I don’t like the idea of you staying there, with that jackass being able to show up at any time. But since you’re heading to your parents, I’ll drop it till I get home on Sunday. What time do you plan on being back in Dallas?”
Hopefully within the next four days he’d have a memory lapse and forget the whole thing. “I was planning on leaving after lunch. So probably around four or so.”
Disappointment laced his voice, “Oh, ok. We should land before noon or so; that is if we don’t end up flying out Saturday after the game. It’s still up in the air. Why don’t you stop at the house before you head home and I’ll go over with you? That way I can make sure everything’s fine.”
“Yeah…maybe. We can talk about it later.”
“Alright, but I’m not going to change my mind on this one.”
Sighing, Tyler could be stubborn at times; you knew he wouldn’t relent on this issue. “Ok well I’m going to head to bed. Get some sleep, bossy.”
“You too, sassypants. I love you. Talk to you tomorrow.”
“I love you too, Ty.” With that you hung up the phone; glad to have things back on track with Tyler; but dreading the next seventy-two or more hours without him.
140 notes · View notes
phoenix-downer · 5 years
The Keyblade Graveyard Part 2: Japanese and English Comparison
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This is the sixth in a series of translation and analysis posts I’ve done about KH3. I’ll go into detail on camera angles and camera shots, draw connections to past KH games, and, of course, talk about translation and the social aspects of language.
I’ve broken up this analysis into multiple parts because it was getting so long. The first part covered Aqua and Ven’s interactions with Terranort, and this part is about when he attacks Kairi and Lea. There will be seven parts total.
Here’s a general key for the kind of analysis I like to do:
JP: Official Japanese Dialogue
EN: Official English Dialogue
TR: My Translation (usually more literal and thus more stilted than the official English version. I’m not using natural-sounding English in order to stick as close to the Japanese versions of the lines as possible for the purpose of analysis)
Notes: things I found interesting, grammatical points, extra thoughts, etc.
One last note: media doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Every work of art must be viewed through the cultural lens of the people who made it. Kingdom Hearts, for all its ties to Disney, is still very much a Japanese game, so it should be analyzed in light of that.
With that in mind, let’s continue.
We left off with Aqua screaming Ven’s name in a panic:
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The next shot is at a tilted angle again to show how “off” everything is about what’s happening, and Sora is the one who attacks. Goes to show how protective Sora is of Ven, which is a nice character touch:
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JP おまえ!
EN That’s it!
TR Why you!
Notes: Sora uses the derogatory second person pronoun omae here to refer to Terranort. His tone is forecful, too, to indicate he is not happy about what Terranort has done.
He summons his Keyblade and charges:
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And the camera changes to Terranort’s perspective. This has the added effect of making it seem as if Sora is charging at us, the audience:
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Only for Terranort to stop him with the power of darkness:
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He grunts and struggles as he tries to free his Keyblade. Note his clenched teeth, too:
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We get this bird’s eye view shot as Sora continues to struggle and Terranort holds him in place almost effortlessly. Note how he only needs to use one hand to do it, whereas Sora is using both hands to try to free his Keyblade:
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The camera pans over Terranort, and the Xehanort look is on full display in this shot before he blasts Sora backwards. Note again how the camera is at a tilted angle to add to the unease of the scene:
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Much like when Ven was sent flying, the camera cuts to a rear perspective as Sora flies backwards. Note again the tilted angle and how the camera seems to be on the ground. Sora cries out both when Terra first blasts him with darkness…
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…and again when he lands on his back on the ground. His Keyblade falls with a loud clank as well:
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Note how his knee is bent here:
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This will form a nice sense of continuity later on in the scene.
Terranort, content that Sora is out of the picture, turns around and sets his sights on Kairi, the camera panning with him:
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The camera cuts to a shot from Kairi’s perspective of Terranort charging at her, and by extension, the audience. Note the tilted angle again:
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Then we get a medium shot of Kairi bracing herself for the attack. Note her defensive stance as she gasps…
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…only for Lea to jump in front of her in the nick of time:
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This is especially touching considering how he kidnapped her in KH2; it goes to show how much their relationship has changed since then. He was her kidnapper before, and now he is protecting her with his life. His redemption has come full circle.
The angle is tilted again, and the characters are viewed from behind in a wide shot to better show the action. Lea has his Keyblade out..
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…but it’s not enough. Terranort is simply too strong. He throws Lea back like he weighs nothing, causing Lea to cry out…
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…and the camera tracks Lea’s movement pretty steadily:
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Lea hits a boulder (ouch!)…
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…before hitting another boulder, and the camera bounces and shakes as he does to give an idea of how hard he was knocked into those boulders, so much so that it affected the environment:
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The camera cuts to a medium shot of Kairi, and much like how Ven’s loss was framed in terms of Aqua’s reaction earlier, the scene frames Lea’s loss in terms of Kairi’s concern, Kairi’s fear and sorrow and worry. She calls out his name, sounding very distressed:
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JP アクセル!
EN Axel!
TR Axel!
Notes: She uses the name Axel instead of Lea, just like he told her to. Another detail showing how close they’ve become.
Her concern is for his safety and wellbeing…
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…until something, well, someone else demands her attention:
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And her mouth drops open and she raises her in surprise:
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We cut to a shot of Terranort with his Keyblade raised high over his head, and Kairi gasps as the camera tilts upward. Note the low angle that makes him look as if he is towering over her. The rapidity of the cut also suggests how quickly he moves:
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Something else I noticed is that he is attacking her differently than he attacked both Ven and Lea before. Those attacks were sideswipes that caught them in the chest and sent them flying. This attack is meant to land on her skull and make her crumple to the ground. Terranort is certainly strong enough that such a blow could kill her on the spot.
And while I’ve seen people wonder why she didn’t use her Keyblade, in her defense, she just saw how useless both Sora and Lea’s Keyblades were against Terranort! She is a much less experienced fighter than they are; she knows that if they don’t stand a chance against him, she doesn’t, either. Plus, she’s still in shock from seeing Lea, her friend, her confidant, her fellow student, just get flung to the side like he was nothing. Her freezing up like this is understandable, especially considering how quickly Terranort moves.
Thankfully, Sora has recovered enough to sit up. Note how his left knee is still bent like it was when he was knocked down:
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He sees what is happening…
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…and moves to do something about it without hesitation:
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Notice how the camera focuses on his entire body in a full shot to better underscore him springing into action.
His pose in the following screenshot is not unlike that of a runner getting ready to start a race. He’s preparing to push off the ground with both his hand and his right foot to give him as much momentum as possible:
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He knows he has a limited window to reach Kairi, and timing is everything. He’s preparing to run as fast as he can as he pushes off:
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The camera briefly goes into slow motion here as we see him running towards Terranort and Kairi with his arm outstretched:
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The framing in this shot is really interesting, too; we get a full body shot of Sora running towards the camera, with Terranort on the left side and Kairi on the right side looking up at him to really highlight the size/strength differences between the two of them:
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Note the camera angle is still tilted slightly to give that sense of unease:
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Then the camera changes to a full shot of Mickey and Riku reacting. For once the camera is not tilted, perhaps to indicate how Mickey is trying to break through the chaos here:
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JP ダメだ ソラ!
EN No! Sora!
TR It’s no use, Sora! OR Don’t do it, Sora!
Notes: In the Japanese version, Mickey uses the word dame, which can mean a variety of things, depending on context. Here it most likely means Mickey is trying to express a prohibition against Sora doing something, or he is warning of the futility of the act.
In the English version, Mickey tells Sora no, showing his concern for Sora’s safety, but the unfortunate side effect is that he sounds like he doesn’t care about Kairi. Perhaps it was intended to be an “oh no Sora, not you too!” kind of a thing, but unfortunately it does not come across that way.
I’ve thought about this at length, and I think adding Kairi’s name would’ve fixed the issue, because it would’ve made it clear Mickey was expressing concern for both her safety as well as Sora’s. Instead it kind of seems like he only cares about Sora here, even if that wasn’t the intent.
Just my two cents. Anyway, back to proper analysis.
Donald and Goofy, bless them, spring into action and race to get there in time in a blur of motion…
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…as Mickey and Riku reach towards Sora:
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The camera then cuts to Kairi. We’re shown a shot from Terranort’s POV, and the high angle emphasizes her vulnerability. Note the fear on her face as well. She’s exhibiting signs of shock here, much like Aqua and Ven did earlier:
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Till suddenly, out of left field (literally), Sora intervenes:
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He’s just a blur of motion compared to Kairi’s relatively stable form:
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Notice how she staggers backwards a little under the impact of his weight as he throws his arms around her:
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Then he buries his face in her shoulder and clings to her. He knows he might die, he knows at the very least he’ll get seriously injured. After all, he’s about to take the blow that Terranort means for her. But he doesn’t care, so long as he gets to die holding her:
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I’ve seen him get criticized for not using his Keyblade here, but the thing is… he tried. Lea tried. It didn’t work. And magic for Keyblade wielders at least seems to be tied to wielding the Keyblade or some sort of weapon, so that probably wasn’t an option, either. All he had left, all he could do to keep Kairi safe, was shield her with his body. Which he does:
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This is a Sora so terrified of losing her that he regresses to a scared child clinging to her for dear life. That’s all he can do, hold her as he awaits the inevitable. He’s acting on instinct here more than anything, and his instinct is to latch onto the closest source of comfort in his final moments.
You can see how wide her eyes are here, indicating her shock and surprise that he’s really here. Note how her arms are sort of hanging in the air because she’s not entirely sure what to do with them yet:
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This hug is very similar to similar hugs they’ve shared in the past, so let’s talk about the parallels.
In KH1, Kairi was the one who hugged Sora to protect him from the Heartless. Note how she closes her eyes as she does:
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And note how similarly her body is positioned to Sora’s in KH3. They both wrap their arms around the other person’s neck/shoulders and lean over the hug-ee’s shoulder because of height differences:
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Then, of course, Sora hugged her back and thanked her once he was human again:
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For the KH1 hug, we only got to see Kairi’s reaction…
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…until KHUx released a medal that showed Sora’s face during the hug:
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In the KH3 hug, we likewise don’t see Sora’s face up close in the game itself. The next post will talk more about some of the shots we do see of his reactions during this part, but they’re from a further distance to show the rest of the action going on in the meantime.
Now, on to their reunion hug in KH2. The element of surprise comes to the forefront here. Sora, filled with guilt at not keeping his promise to return to Kairi, begins to apologize when she suddenly hugs him:
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Note how similar his reaction is to Kairi’s at getting suddenly hugged in KH3:
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The visual parallels immediately come to the forefront - both of them have their eyes wide in shock, right hand held out because Sora doesn’t know what to do with his yet in KH2 and Kairi doesn’t know what to do with hers yet in KH3. This parallel serves as a callback to KH2, to remind the audience of what happened then, only this time the roles are switched. This time Sora is the one hugging her.
Then, after Kairi says to herself, “This is real…”
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…and closes her eyes like she did for their KH1 hug…
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…Sora gives her a look of compassion…
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…and likewise closes his eyes as hugs her back:
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The KH3 hug, in just a few moments, manages to remind the audience of their previous hugs and in doing so adds greater emotional weight to the scene:
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Sora is acting like he’s doomed here, much like Kairi thought she was in trouble when she protected him in KH1. But is he really? Find out in the next post about Donald and Goofy’s epic counterattack!
To be continued…
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piipedreams · 5 years
47 + Sharon plus anyone! Your choice!
(it’s shillam again bc i’m weak n i love them. pls send all ur love to @artificialmeggie for checking through this for me too pls. also i’m on mobile bc i’m on holiday so sorry if this is horribly formatted)
for the prompt: “no one needs to know”
“FUCK!” Sharon exclaims, lashing blindly at her altar before storming to the other side of the room, her enraged stomps drowning out the sound of things tumbling over. She thinks about giving up entirely and throwing herself into the hammock Aquaria had insisted on erecting only to never use, but the combination of her current lack of luck and her lack of faith in her daughter’s carpentry skills convince her otherwise. Thus, she resigns herself to lying face-down on the wooden floor, booting the ground with the toe of her scuffed Dr Martens just for good measure.
“And you wonder where I get my dramatic streak from…” drawls an all-too-familiar and all-too-frustrating voice. Sharon’s daughter Aquaria is perched like a princess upon Sharon’s king-size bed, lounging back against a plethora of throw pillows and lazily waving a hand in the air supposedly to dry her nails. Sharon loves the little nightmare, she really does, but she’s not in the mood, knows that she’ll snap if she opens her mouth to respond and doesn’t want to put that on her. Luckily, Aquaria knows her all too well, not even giving her a chance to retaliate.
“Oh, and be careful with the altar. If you kick a candle over and set the place on fire I’m not taking the blame like I did when you burnt dinner last year. We’re both too old for that now, it’d be embarrassing.”
Aquaria is ten.
Sharon still doesn’t dignify her words with a coherent response, letting out a long, low groan just to remind her daughter of her current suffering and torment. She hears the sound almost immediately echoed from the bed, is unsure whether she’s being mocked or watching her daughter become herself and is unable to discern which option she’d hate more.
Lifting her head, she watches Aquaria flounce off the bed and flick her long, blonde hair over her shoulder with purpose, tiny heels clacking as she makes her way across the room, pausing to reassemble Sharon’s altar with what Sharon just knows is a hidden eye-roll. The little brat.
“Fine,” she announces in a sharp, impatient tone, as though Sharon had just made a decision or request she wasn’t aware of. As well as her flair for the dramatics, it seemed the kid had also inherited Sharon’s general distaste and impatience regarding other people. She was so proud. “If you’re not gonna talk to me, I’ll go and fetch somebody else for you to rant to.” And with those words she struts out of the room, her little wedge heels clicking against the wooden floors and her hair bouncing behind her, completely ignorant as Sharon calls out half-arsed protestations in an attempt to change her mind, get her to stay instead.
“Well don’t you look fucking pathetic?”
“No. Not you.” The smugness of the voice she hears, clearly revelling in the sight of Sharon, collapsed and defeated at her feet, kills any trust she had in her daughter. Because she could not have made a worse call than fucking Willam if she was really trying to provide her with any modicum of emotional support. When people told her having a kid would be the catalyst of her long impending breakdown, she’d never imagined this would be how. The little traitor.
The sound of stilettos, almost definitely red bottoms, grows louder and a pang of dread blossoms in her heart as she hears the woman approach, flippant and sarcastic in all the worst ways as she exclaims “Wow, okay. I thought we were friends!”
Sharon doesn’t have fucking time for her and her dumb games. “You thought wrong.”
Apparently Willam doesn’t have time for her either though, because her snickering suddenly stops, toes digging under Sharon’s side and then lifting as though trying to push her up, obviously to no avail.
“Get up.”
Sharon tries to ignore the way such a demand makes her jaw clench and muscles tighten somewhat.
“No,” she groans in response, long and whiny, determined to be as difficult for Willam as possible, to wield all her brattish and stubborn parts like a weapon and prolong the experience as much as she possibly can. It’s probably petty, definitely antagonistic, but she’s still frustrated and maybe Aquaria is smarter than she’d thought because she’d provided her mother with the greatest outlet - someone to wind up.
She relishes in the aggravated sigh she gets in return. “Get off the fucking floor and into that fucking hammock.”
The bite of the demand, the scratchy growl underlying in Willam’s voice as she speaks so plainly and apathetically, as though Sharon is nothing more than a mild inconvenience that won’t behave does something to Sharon. It’s the indifference of her voice, the way it essentially yells that she knows exactly what to do with Sharon, how to deal with her and why and that she has no doubt she’ll execute this control flawlessly causes a stir inside the woman, her teeth grinding ever so slightly and an involuntary shiver wracking her which seems to be the final straw.
Willam stamps her glitter Louboutins against the ground with enough force to snap the flimsy kitten heels in half, centimetres from Sharon’s head, her ankle brushing the outermost wisps of her hair in the movement and Sharon tries to ignore her body once again, biting back a whimper she knows would be pathetically high and embarrassingly needy as heat pools in her stomach. She mutters a resolute “fuck!” all hard vowels and spiked fricatives, finding comfort in the knowledge that Willam is just enough of a dumb blonde not to understand the true target of her exclamation.
Body protesting, she hauls herself to her feet and plods obediently over to the mesh hammock that hangs low in the corner of the room. Despite her best efforts, she has to admit that perhaps Willam did have a somewhat decent idea, collapsing into the fabric after feeling the pull of temptation deep in her stomach and letting out a small, audible groan at the way her body is so graciously welcomed. Her muscles relax, the brain fog and electric anger causing her current storm-like state beginning to ebb away as she closes her eyes, lies back and just breathes, deep, heavy, slow, and full, like she has all the time and all the oxygen in the world to enjoy. For just a moment, she forgets her not-quite-friend is even there, losing herself in the onslaught of sensations and sinking into her own, private, relaxed little haven of a world. Hell, for a moment she almost considers thanking Willam, a notion that leaves her head almost as immediately as it crosses it, the thought broken apart entirely by the interruption of none other than the woman of the hour herself.
“Cute.” In spite of their differences, Sharon has always found great pride in being the only one smart enough to be able to decipher Willam’s different tones and meanings, always picking up on a fake comment, sarcasm and every tiny emotion bitten back behind polite, uncharacteristic words. But when she says that one, tiny little word, Sharon is lost completely, unable to recognise whether it’s her own intrusive and self-absorbed thoughts causing her to detect a chink in Willam’s armour of sarcasm, some modicum of genuine emotion and belief behind the comment. Once again, however, she reminds herself that this is not the time nor place and pushes every thought stemming from it to be suffocated in a dark, faraway corner in her mind. She traps every branch within the area and blocks it up, pressing a label onto the jar of thoughts declaring it for a rainy day. She starts to miss her pre-Willam irritation as the woman clears her throat and continues. “...Anyway. Budge over.”
Still on autopilot, her body made of clay that moulds itself to Willam’s words, she finds herself obliging before she’s even really processed the words or what they imply, body shuffling closer to the window. With just a half-second of hesitation, Willam gracelessly kicks off her heels and plops herself right next to Sharon, a little off-centre so the hammock swings slightly as her shoulder collides with Sharon’s chest, grappling helplessly for an anchor to the rocking fabric and finding it, unfortunately, in Sharon’s t-shirt, her fingers clinging so tightly to the neckline that the tips dig into the soft flesh of her tits. A small part of Sharon - a wayward thought that had just about escaped the rainy day trap - secretly hopes that Willam has pressed hard enough to leave little marks in her skin, a visual reminder of her touch, the collision of her body with Sharon’s.
As the choppy movements of the hammock slow and eventually still, Willam begins to maneuver herself into a more comfortable position, rolling onto her front and overlapping the leg closest to her with her own. Her grip on Sharon’s top remains tight, her body seemingly trying to accommodate that one point of contact in the most convenient and comfortable way, resting her head atop and then above Sharon’s shoulder when the former doesn’t work out, face tilted towards her so that her breath bats softly against Sharon’s cheek and the slight bulge of her small chest pressed against Sharon’s left arm, rendering it dead and absolutely useless. Not that Sharon minds. Not that Sharon’s not going to pretend she does mind.
“Uh…. Will?” she asks cautiously, humiliated by the way her voice cracks ever so slightly, how overall delicate and gentle it sounds. Willam bumps against her in acknowledgement. Every part of her body that has the luxury of feeling Willam’s burns, the originally warm feeling growing more scalding and deadly the more she thinks about and accepts it. So she tries to amp it up a bit, this time almost obnoxiously loud and abrupt as she asks, “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Cuddling you.” She halts for a moment as though that’s it, a horrendously obvious and yet cryptic answer, smirking at Sharon’s disapproving frown. Apparently, the expression was yet another step too far, and the stirring in her stomach starts up once again, this time the heat a result of a chemical reaction as lust and fear mingle together in the most addictive of ways as Willam’s face hardens, eyes stony and cold, her whole demeanour, despite being wrapped around Sharon, clearly indicating her aggravation. When she speaks, it’s snappy and abrupt again, the Willam that Sharon knows and therefore knows how to deal with - a no-nonsense bitch with a heart layered with stone and gold that knows exactly what she’s doing and why, and that it’s not really any of your business, thank you very much.
“Fine!” she snaps, eyes rolling so hard it’s a wonder she doesn’t do herself permanent damage. “I tried to be nice about it!” Sharon isn’t sure whether to believe that, the push and pull between them being so off and inconsistent all day that she’s actually never felt more on edge around Willam yet somehow never felt more comfortable around her either. She’s not so sure how nice that really is. “Like it or not, you’re a repressed little dyke who’s throwing her toys out her pram like a fucking toddler because she needs a hug and she’s touch starved by other woman. I’m trying to deliver.”
This time, the heat that had been pooling in her stomach doesn’t burn her or frighten her, instead spreading through her body as an almighty warmth, accomplices to the warm arms that wrap around her as Willam finishes speaking. It’s horrifyingly difficult not to react, as always with Willam, for an entirely different reason. Because Sharon has always prided herself on understanding Willam and the emotions and messages underlying in her words, and this one is clear as day - Willam cares. She notices, knows Sharon even if neither of them like the thought of that, and cares enough to want to help even when she knows she’s going to get nothing good out of it️. Sharon had wondered why of all people Aquaria had approached Willam, but the painstaking tenderness of her words and her touch leaves her wondering whether Aquaria even asked her at all, a thought far too exhilarating for her to continue thinking. Nevertheless, she makes a mental note to thank her daughter when she eventually returns, considering that maybe the new sewing machine she’d been begging for isn’t too expensive after all. Her head spins as she bites back a grin, trying to return to her permanently antagonistic state and diffuse the tension between them so thick, palpable and tangible it feels like a weapon.
“This is still too weird.” Her tone is so unconvincing, so wobbly and quiet and indirect she doesn’t even believe herself. Willam snickers.
“Well suck it up, bitch, I’m not here to ruin your image! No one needs to know Emo Goddess 666 needs a good hug sometimes.” She shuffles closer, every bitchy and humorous facade long gone from her expression. The thought of such vulnerability and trust between them threatens to swallow Sharon whole. Willam winks, nosing at Sharon’s chin as the arm clutching Sharon’s shirt finally releases the garment and rests lazily over the woman’s waist, a warm, protective anchor against all the shit she’s thought all day, week, year. “Or that she gets them.”
This time Sharon hums, too content and heavy-lidded to try and muster up a response. In another universe, she corrects Willam, reminds her that she’s goth, not emo, biting her lip and squeezing her thighs together as Willam tells her to shut the fuck up before she makes her. In this universe, however, Willam accepts the hum as a sign of Sharon’s begrudging complacency and trust, the sparks of hope that signify a new beginning almost visible were it not for how deeply she’d buried her face into the crook of Sharon’s neck at this point, the two of them entangled as though they belong this way. And maybe they do, so Willam pushes her luck, it seems.
“Hey, how about a kiss too?”
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dazstormretro · 5 years
Discovering Retro Gaming Part 2
It was now early 2009 and I was officially a retro gaming addict. Having previously purchased an old Super Nintendo on a whim I soon found myself with a decent collection of both games and video game magazines which I had enjoyed as a teenager. Now I was looking for my next fix of nostalgia so it was back to eBay.
It wasn’t long before I came across a PAL Sega Mega Drive with a copy of Altered Beast. This was an obvious choice as before I owned my Super Nintendo back in the 90’s I was a dedicated Sega kid. The secondhand console was instantly purchased and before long I was enjoying such classics as Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Shinobi and Castle of Illusion all over again. I remember loving the original design of the Mega Drive back in the day, it felt so sleek and futuristic and in my opinion still holds up.
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Over the next few months I would purchase several titles for the console plus plenty more magazines including Mega Tech and Mean Machines Sega to accompany the system. My spare bedroom had now turned into a mini time capsule chocked-full of old Sega and Nintendo paraphernalia. I soon added a Sega Master System to the mix as this was the very first console I owned as a kid. My games library was (and still is) relatively small for the console but having titles such as Double Dragon, R-Type and Psycho Fox at hand felt great. The box art for these games might look primitive compared to later console titles but to me that basic artwork with its graph paper background screams my childhood.
As my collection expanded I started to outgrow the spare bedroom (plus my girlfriend wasn’t exactly over the moon having a room full of ‘old tat’) so it was time to relocate. Luckily I had an attic space which was bordered out and had several power points already pre-installed. After a lick of paint and a good clean I had my first man cave. Entering through a trap door in the landing roof (which wasn’t the most practical way) I suddenly had my own personal space to game. New shelving was bought to house my games, an old 27 inch CRT TV was purchased for a £1 and up went several of my retro gaming posters which had come free with Mean Machines from back in the day.
Obviously having more space meant more retro goodness was purchased including an original NES and Game Boy plus a Dreamcast and a Game Gear, two consoles I never owned as a kid. Around this time I received a text from an old mate asking if I wanted a couple of used game consoles he’d found at his parents house. Of course I jumped at the chance and soon found in my possession a GameCube, a model one PS1 and a model two PS2.
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I now had retro gaming on tap. With a choice of multiple consoles to play and numerous games at my disposal my interest in the subject peaked even further. After a chance meeting with a friend I was introduced to yet another avenue to explore - YouTube. Up until this point I had not really bothered with YouTube, I had no interest in watching cute cat videos or people maiming themselves in skateboarding accidents but my eyes were suddenly opened to its true potential. Turns out there were thousands of people like me who shared this passion for retro gaming and many of them were making videos on the subject. The first show I discovered was Game Sack which I loved and for weeks binged watched the entire back catalogue. Next up was the Happy Console Gamer which was equally enjoyable and still watch to this day. Before long I had subscribed to around thirty different channels, all making exceptional content on the subject of retro gaming and gaming memories.
Off the back of Youtube I also started listening to various gaming podcasts. Shows such as Maximum Power Up and Retronauts suddenly made car journeys and walking the dog so much more bearable. Retro gaming was everywhere. I now had access to an unlimited wealth of information thanks to online videos, the aforementioned podcasts and could even read newly published material thanks to Retro Gamer Magazine, Twitter and various Facebook groups. The retro gaming community was growing rapidly and I felt humbled to be part of it.
The retro man cave was now properly established and looked eerily like my old bedroom from the 90’s. Crammed full of old posters, video games and magazines this was the place I went to when the real world got too much, a place to relax and switch off for a while.
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Another interest which coincided with retro gaming was my love of vintage toys from my childhood, mainly G1 Transformers and a bit of Lego. This new hobby originally started after my dad dug up an old action figure one afternoon whilst gardening. Recognising the toy my mum called me saying she had something she thought I would like. I couldn’t believe when she handed me one of my original M.A.S.K figures, Brad Turner to be exact. This figure had been buried in my parents back garden for over twenty five years! Being reunited with this old friend after so long felt magical. Brad Turner was the very first M.A.S.K toy which I received as a child. That evening I was straight on eBay to purchase Condor, his green motorcycle which now sits on atop of Boulder Hill and takes pride of place in my current man cave.
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Having amassed a decent sized collection of the games and consoles which I grew up with it was time to concentrate on the peripherals. For the SNES I hunted down a Hudson Super Multitap, Super Scope, and a Universal Adapter Japanese games converter. The Mega Drive got the Arcade Power Stick and the N64 the rumble pak plus the expansion pak so I could finally play my copy of Perfect Dark.
Approaching my 36th birthday I decided to celebrate one of my all time favourite games, Secret of Mana. On my 16th birthday I had asked for and received this amazing game. Being a big Final Fantasy fan at the time I couldn’t wait for the release of Square Soft’s latest RPG. Exactly twenty years later I thought it would be fitting to once again track down this game. Managing to acquire a boxed copy of Secret of Mana for a decent price I once again set about my quest to find the Mana Sword. To go alongside this beautiful game I commissioned a custom painted Secret of Mana themed Super Nintendo which to date has been my most extravagant retro gaming purchase. This now sits along side my other consoles and looks simply stunning.
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Fast forward to October 2016 and my family and I had decided to move house. Of course moving up the property ladder is an important decision, you have to get the right location, suitable garden and of course the right amount of space which suits your budget. Whilst my partner was busy scouring property websites for these sensible options I was searching for a property which could house my gaming collection. It was time to move out of the hot and musty attic space and into a proper gaming room, but to my disappointment this wasn’t to be. We did end up purchasing a lovely house but unfortunately without building an extension there was no extra space to store my gaming collection, suddenly I was without a man cave!
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jacensolodjo · 5 years
Also while I am here. Some points to think about when it comes to your next gun control debate (participating or simply spectating).
Stockpiling ammo. There need to be restrictions and lists, further than what we have (even the temporary ones). Very few people think of the actual ammo during debates like this but without ammo no bang. You can own as many guns as you want but without ammo you might as well just hang them up to look nice or use them as a club. (Note this would NOT stop those who ‘make their own’ as well as ‘refill’ but it would be a start. Nothing will stop a super determined person. The point is to stop 99.99% y’know like germs.) But the ones doing this shit don’t have that much forethought they literally just decide ‘take gun to crowded area, find people who look different from me, fire, have lots of ammo’. But they tend to not go back a lot of months to do it so a red flag would be someone grabbing the max they can and it ain’t for a training range.
Learn to define how you view the phrase "assault weapon/rifle". Yes. It matters. To the people you want to reach it matters. Otherwise it is something they can peck you to death with ("how can you have this opinion when you don’t even know what you're talking about!") which... since we are here don't use the term "assault weapon". Ever. Only assault rifle and even then use it sparingly. Any weapon can be an assault weapon. This is another phrase people like to peck you to death with. A Mosin Nagant is a rifle but it is not an assault rifle. For instance. Google is your friend. You don’t need to know the names to all the parts of a rifle but you should have some idea of the parts that make the whole. Otherwise, again ‘how can you have this opinion when you don’t even know what you’re talking about’. One of the reasons things spiral is because nobody ever gets past “better gun control” because they can’t detail what goes into ‘better’. What things are you putting a stop to? What are you restricting? 
Which brings us to...
Restrictions on stocks is good. Bringing up scopes is laughable. Mass shooters don't use them unless they are the sniper version and those are so rare it isn't worth /too/ much thought. Some, but focus more on stocks and the mag/clip swaps. (Although in a lot of cases it really doesn’t matter about the stocks it is a step in the right direction.)
Which is to say, a rifle may not come with an extended clip (in some states it is even illegal to buy/sell certain size variants) but that doesn't mean you can't get your hands on one after the fact. Nothing is stopping people from going to the next state over. Perhaps something should. 
Close the gun show loopholes. Some still exist especially in the Southern states. 
Detail background checks, how deep and how far back. Without turning it into a rabbit hole. Nix any and all thoughts of mental illness. Racism is not a mental illness. Hatred is not a mental illness. Focus on past behavior. Technically in some areas domestic abusers shouldn’t have access but unfortunately sometimes they do. Fix it.
Things people try to bring up to derail shit:
Don’t let people throw up stats on knife attacks. This is a clear red herring. Not to mention kill counts are always super low with knife attacks for obvious reasons. Plus that old chestnut about how knives have far greater utility than a gun.
Hunting. Don’t let anyone try to use that either. You use single shot rifles or shotguns (or even crossbows) for hunting and the caliber is quite different for game. Any stricter gun control will never affect hunters who use rifles unless you completely get rid of rifles and that won't really happen ever. And that is not the point and even saying it jokingly about how all rifles should just be gathered up will cause the scream of 2nd Amendment to turn into a bigger roar.
Self defense. Pistols exist (and shotguns are an option too). You don't need an AR-15 for self defense. I perfectly trust my handgun to be just fine as defense. Anyone who is reasonable will too. Anyone arguing otherwise is a moron who has no real desire to actually have a debate. They just wanna argue (like many do when these things happen).
Focus on what can be done, not perfect world scenarios. And absolutely nothing will stop the super ultra fucking determined but it’s rarely those type of people needing to be stopped. This is easily figured based on choice of ‘target’ (i.e. ‘soft’ as in people who can’t fight back in crowded areas). 
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beedalee · 6 years
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🎃 MG ADOPTS: Halloween 2018 on DeviantART!
Please click the read-more for information and availability status, or go to the deviantart link above! If you want to buy one via tumblr, please private message me, do not use asks or they may get lost!  💓
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[Rules, info, prices, and availability under the cut!] 
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🎃 42.00 USD EACH (#9 is 48.00 USD) ALL HOMED! 🎃
Each design comes with little character blurbs written below, but you don't have to keep them! They don't have to be exclusively magical girls, either. Superheroes, supernatural creatures, unfortunate characters befalling a curse in a horror story- whatever you want! Feel free to change them to your liking.  These are just fun prompts for me.
🎃 ROW 1 🎃 🎃 Sweet Succubus: S O L D ! A cute bubbly nerdy girl that's high on life and romance! She can be a bit of a crybaby, but bounces back fairly easily. She loves gaming, conventions, and cosplay, and she finds the <i>perfect</i> trinket to finish off a costume... but this is no ordinary trinket! Luckily for her (and her potential team), she LOVES magical girl anime and is quite genre savvy! Plus... her outfit is totally adorable! 🎃 Briar Bride: S O L D ! A simple maiden from times long past, befell a vampire's bite and unwillingly received the gift- and curse- of immortality. For centuries she sought to murder the vampire who turned her so she could meet death, but it proved fruitless. She soon took up a peculiar mantle.... A vampiric vigilantess, vampire hunter, and protector of other women, feeding on lechers and predators; protecting innocents like herself from other vampiric entities. She's a lonely soul whose heart has grown hard and brave through what she's endured. 🎃 Pumpkin Spice: S O L D! A peppy, mischievous gossip and tiny busybody, she seems to know everything about everybody all the time- but no one knows a thing about her! In truth, she's a spirit who crossed over on Hallow's Eve through a jack-o-lantern and took a human form to seek something important. Her powers are the strongest at night, and she keeps bad spirits away from younger children. She can guide lost people or lead people astray. She never, ever takes off her choker. 🎃 Row 2 🎃 🎃 Lucky Devil: S O L D ! After what was supposed to be a one-night-stand, this trouble-maker realizes the stranger he kissed yesterday was a prince from the underworld. Their wild night sealed a pact and granted him demonic powers, which he couldn't be more thrilled about. Now he's ready to wreak havoc on locals and get that thrill-seeking adrenaline rush he's always after. But contracts always have their fine print, and his demon prince has a task for him..
🎃 Shadowmancy: S O  L D ! A quirky, slightly spooky nonbinary individual, with a gray alignment and hard-to-pin-down motives. They're playful but sort of unnerving, like they might turn on you at any moment, or say something really unsettling- maybe just to see you squirm. They are completely one with their magic, able to conjure shadowy illusions and slip in and out of shadows at will- even yours. Are they a villain, a rogue with a mysterious past, or an unexpected ally? 🎃 Doll Collector: S O L D ! A lonely aloof goth, she has a small circle of equally gothy friends into things like lolita, art, and doll collecting. Though she can seem intimidating and even rude, she's just quite shy and untrusting of most people, apprehensive of opening herself up to anyone that may be judgmental of her self expression. She comes upon a gorgeous doll, who immediately becomes her favorite- but that little lady turns out to be alive, from The World of Toys- and she's come to earth to find Toy Soldiers to help a war in her kingdom! Can they find the other Soldiers? 🎃 Row 3 🎃 🎃 Babydoll Banshee: S O L D ! A popular but ditzy prep, she's a starlet choir singer with endless circles of friends and a deep love for all things fashion, makeup, and socializing. She's your typical busybody teenage girl who thinks her life is all mapped out, from career to marriage- That is, of course, until some spooky circumstances happening at her school cause her to unlock a magical transformation into a beautiful, haunting ghost magical girl... and call her to action along with teenage strangers with similar powers! 🎃 Petite Velvet:  S O L D ! A stoic japanese schoolgirl still in middle school. On the surface, she's sort of bratty and hard to make smile, so she doesn't have very many friends- though a handful seem persistent in trying. She highly prefers the company of dogs, attracting strays wherever she goes. For as long as she can remember, when the full moon comes out, she is drawn out into the night- endlessly seeking something, but not sure what it is. What is the howling in the distance she keeps hearing? Who's calling her? 🎃 Prim Stitches: [SPECIAL SET, $48.00] S O L D ! Two young, spoiled, curious kids from rich families discover a secret passageway in a large mansion during a massive party. Slipping away together, the two go down a rabbit hole and accidentally find themselves making a magical pact with a strange character that dwells deep under the mansion's surface, who calls themselves the Puppet Master... and uncover the mysteries of the crypt's origins and the unsettling history of their families.
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