Sing A Song by Ungifted feat. Hatsune Miku
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kahran042 · 1 year
Reblog if you think Buster overreacted in the Arthur episode "Ungifted".
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guiltyscarlet · 8 months
Fanfic Prompt/Concept
Merthur, Role reversal & Soulmates AU, not anymore dystopic than canon, inspired by a concept from the Sword of Truth book series.
In a society where the amount of magic you possess determines your status, Merlin Ambrosius is the most powerful warlock in existence and known across all kingdoms.
While those with little magic do suffer prejudice, no fate is as unenviable as the pristinely ungifted. The average person has magic, however small the amount. Those we call pristinely ungifted are extremely rare and own no magic at all, not even the tiniest spark. That makes them immune to all forms of magic, except soulmate magic. Feared, seen as abominations, they are hunted down and put to death in most kingdoms.
Arthur Pendragon has been hiding his whole life. He's known, since his soul name appeared, that he can never cross path with his soulmate, or if he does, he can never have him find out his nature.
Because surely the most powerful warlock to ever walk the earth can't afford to have a pristinely ungifted for a soulmate and surely he wouldn't hesitate to kill him himself, if he ever finds out.
Also posted in the Merlin library discord prompts channel :3 Free to use for anyone but please please please give me the link if you do it !! <3
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moonbeansally · 8 months
Raymond is going to be moving (in boxes) tomorrow (Jan 27th AEDT) 📦✨
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send me a dm if u want to claim him ^^
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vaguelydefinedshapes · 8 months
what's the opposite of 'gifted kid burnout"
like when u did bad in school as a kid and now ur in the same place with the same intelligence as everyone else but u still feel that constant anxiety about how u Have To Keep Up Or Youre Fucked
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OBVIOUSLY I miss Knight very much. but them being out of town means I can confidently and screechingly fail to hit every high note in my music without embarrassment. the neighbors love me
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bunkernine · 2 years
Man. 😕
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cruddyart · 2 years
Gifted kid this, gifted kid that. How bout us dumb af kids?
That didn't get better than average (or below average) no matter how hard they tried? Or had to be put in a special class/pay for a tutor so they could get up to speed with their peers but it didn't actually help and they were still failing. Where's our sympathy huh
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timeisacephalopod · 2 years
I was going through my old fics and ungifting them from someone I wish I never even met and I really do hate that she decided to integrate herself into my life SO HARD that two years after she decided to end our friendship over fucking text while informing me she didn't even like me the last 3 years she knew me I'm STILL prying her out of my life like a disgusting sticky thread that forcibly embedded itself there just to be a reminder of how much that person meant to me and how little I ultimately meant to her.
Anyway I like to hope two years later she's doing the same thing, except when she finds the sticky remains of me in her life she's at least got the benefit of knowing she chose that fate- I wasn't so lucky, and she wasn't the one who found out the last several years of that friendship was a sham either. Like yeah upon reflection Sarah reminded me more and more of her mother in A Bad Way and ultimately was loud and annoying and maybe not someone I liked all that much either, but I at least looked past that on account of I assumed she actually gave a shit about me 🙄. Will probably get Starbucks to sooth my Sad Feelings.
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setitallaflame · 21 days
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ducklife3evolution · 1 month
does the former gifted child thing still exist. I feel like it disappeared but maybe that's because I've stopped using non-Tumblr socials for like 3 years at this point
but I'm trying to wrap my head around it. at what point did you have to "stop feeling gifted" to BE a Former Gifted Child??? I seriously don't understand how it could be a piece of how you self identify if this was something important to you in. what. elementary school? early middle school??? but maybe I'm missing something? I KNOW I'm taking it too seriously I just like pondering
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oysterie · 7 months
finally this fucking cat is moving off my island 😭😭
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vro0m-but-not-cars · 10 months
What do I want for Christmas
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chungledown-bimothy · 7 months
Murph rolling 2 nat ones that became nineteens, because Riz cannot stop going or he'll break.
Zac rolling 2 nat twenties for Gorgug to more than prove himself in Artificer class, when the sphinx in the Nightmare Forest called him "uniquely ungifted".
The dice really, really told their stories tonight.
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gemissleeping · 7 months
Sea Foam | Chapter Three
Theodore Nott x Siren!Reader
Read the other Chapters here.
Summary: It’s been three weeks since Theo found you by the Black Lake, and he’s tried his best to respect your wishes. But it hasn’t done anything to help either of you, and all of your efforts come crashing down in the bathroom at a Slytherin party.
Length: 2.1k
Notes: More of a Theo POV than the usual. Angry Theo. Teenage boys being teenage boys (foul and icky, nsfw language). Overbearing best friend Blaise. Smoking Theo. Slightly intoxicated reader. Soft Theo. Tears. I did not proofread this at all you have been warned, pls do tell me if there are any errors. Listen to Cinnamon Girl by Lana if you’d like to go through it. ily enjoy!
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“You’re staring again,” Blaise grumbled under his breath from beside Theo in Divination. It had been three weeks since Theo had found you on the shoreline. Dressed only in your nightgown in the height of the winter frost. That crestfallen look on your face while the wind had bitten at you both. He’d tried his best to respect your wishes since then; making sure to steer clear of you whenever he could, to stop flitting through your mind like it was his favourite novel. He’d tried his best and still he’d failed, over and over.
He knew it was wrong, but he was beyond help. Slipping into your mind was unbearably easy. So much so, that he’d found himself doing it purely by accident on a few occasions, and he couldn’t quite figure out why. He knew you could practice occlumency, had even witnessed you obliterate Malfoy’s attempt at invading your mind in a Defence Against the Dark Arts class last year. Yet you barely even seemed to notice when he did it. Your apparent lack of awareness only made it harder for Theo to stop himself.
“Sorry,” Theo mumbled, blinking his trance away as he glanced over to Blaise with a dull apology. Blaise and Theo had become fast friends in First Year. After Cormack had made a comment about Theo’s Mother on the train, and Blaise had responded by hitting him right between the eyes. Blaise and Theo were close. Though not as close as you, Milli and Blaise were. Everyone knew that the three of you were utterly inseparable. Having met long before the rest of them at Hogwarts.
Unfortunately, it also meant that Blaise had adopted a tendency towards being irritatingly over-protective of you. Likely for good reason; Theo hadn’t made the best of impressions when it came to his relationships with women. They were often fleeting, borne of convenience and nothing more.
Which was exactly why Blaise was currently pissed with him. Blaise spent an awful lot of his time watching people. Regrettably, for Theo that included him, and these days he spent most of his time firmly stuck on you. To say Blaise wasn’t pleased would have been an understatement.
At this point, he may as well have been your damn guard dog, and Theo was tiring of the act quickly. He’d spent years wanting to know you, outside of the occasional class project. Years of pretending you didn’t exist for Blaise’s sake. When really, you were a large part of the reason that he had never settled on anyone to begin with.
Theo turned back to his parchment, huffing as he saw the ink stain leaking across the page. That, along with several half-finished notes, provided rather damning evidence of his distraction.
He stole a glance over at you again, keeping his head low in the hopes Blaise wouldn’t catch him. You were sitting beneath the window, stuck in a daydream of your own as Trelawney prattled on. Eyes misted over, one hand woven through your hair as you rested on it.
You were lovely.
Theo wasn’t sure how long it had been since he had resumed his staring. But as Trelawney brought the lesson to a close, the dull edge of a textbook collided with the side of his head in a singular, harsh thud. Breaking his focus on you as he looked up in bewilderment to Blaise, who stood with his edition of Astrology for the Ungifted raised.
“Git.” He hissed, lowering the book with scathing eyes.
Theo didn’t see you for the rest of the afternoon, not with Blaise practically escorting him to their dorm as soon as Divination concluded. Enzo was already there, lazily slung across his desk chair. Brow raised as Blaise entered in a huff, Theo trailing behind him in defeat. There was supposed to be a party in the Common Room tonight. But right now it wasn’t looking like Theo would be in for a particularly enjoyable evening.
“I know what you’re trying to do. You want to fuck her.”
“I don’t want to fuck her,” Theo winced at his friend’s choice of words.
“You don’t want to fuck her? You don’t want to fuck her?” Blaise rounded, textbook jabbing at Theo’s chest incredulously. Theo groaned, knowing Blaise wouldn’t rest until he knew Theo was being honest with him.
“No, I- fuck, fine. Yes, I want to. Of course I do, but that’s not-”
“Not what? Forgive me for my utter faith in your fucking abysmal track record. But she is my best fucking friend Theo.” Blaise snapped, turning from the boy’s dead-eyed stare and viciously tugging at his tie as he stalked towards his bed. Whipping it from his neck in a surge of anger.
Enzo rolled his bottom lip between his teeth. Watching the display unfold with anxious eyes as Matt cracked the bathroom door open, lighting up with sadistic intrigue. The pair exchanged a glance, the former silently begging the latter not to stick his foot in.
Theo felt his chest tighten at Blaise’s words. His hand running roughly along his jaw, trying to soothe his irritation. Gazing at the ornate wooden panels on the ceiling with a sigh before he attempted to break through to him again. It was out in the open now at least, it likely couldn’t get worse.
“You don’t understand, she-”
“Please, Nott. Tell me what I don’t understand about the girl I’ve known since she was three years old.” Blaise bellowed, reigniting as he swung back to the taller boy. The click of the door interrupted them.
“What’s with all the shouting? I can hear you fools from the hall,” Malfoy droned, bored as he kicked the door shut behind him. Flicking his wand to cast some sort of muffling charm across it.
“Fuck off, Malfoy.” Blaise sneered, not even glancing over to acknowledge his friend’s arrival. The words feeling far more aimed towards Theo than the blonde. Draco only sighed, moving past the both of them.
“None of you ever thank me for anything that I do for you,” He grumbled in response. Throwing a stack of books onto his bed before going to shove Matt out of the bathroom.
“If you even think about fucking touching her-” Blaise continued, steam practically rising from his skin as he narrowed in on Theo again.
“Oh, he has.” Matt interrupted, leaning back against Enzo’s desk with folded arms. Theo shooting him a heavy glare as Matt only smirked back knowingly. An expression Enzo swiftly answered by scolding him with a kick to the shin.
“Look at me, Nott,” Blaise demanded. His voice low, lip curling back in a sneer, “I’ll skin you, understand?”
“Listen, I-” Theo started, his own voice rising as his attention shifted back to Blaise, irritation swelling. But he was impossible to reason with when he was like this, everyone knew it.
“You don’t fuck with her,” Blaise cut in, his voice soaked with finality. Standing before Theo while his chest heaved with anger, book still clutched in his accusatory palm. Theo could feel his own restraint unwrapping. The other’s eyes on them only pushing him further into that corner of himself. He needed air, now. Or else he was going to do something he couldn’t undo. Then you were certain to never speak to him again.
Hands raised in silent surrender, he backed away from Blaise. Jaw set as he plucked his jacket from the end of his bed, turning for the door. Enzo’s tired sigh leaked through the dorm as he pulled it open harshly, likely readying himself to chastise Blaise. Something he’d also likely do to Theo when he caught him later. Though if he had any luck today, maybe Enzo and the others would already be drunk by the time he got back.
He made for the edge of the forest. Rolling a cigarette as he went, trying not to bite down on the filter between his teeth from residual disdain. The icy air was a small mercy, quenching the heat running through him almost immediately. For hours he stood out there, letting the smoke in to empty out all of the things he didn’t want to feel. Watching as the moon chased the sun down to the horizon.
The party would be well underway. God willing you hopefully had yourself tangled in someone else by now. At least then Theo might have been able to give himself a proper reason to stop, smooth things over with Blaise. Though he had begun to doubt if even that would work.
Theo made his way through the tangle of writhing bodies in the heat of the Common Room. No desire to taint himself further with the desperate need to forget that rolled off of the sweaty air. Matt was by the stairs, where the crowd thinned out at its edges. More enticed by the girl whose cigarette he was lighting than by any questions he might’ve had for Theo, as he continued his path to the dorms.
He had meant to go straight there. To take off his jacket, untie his shoelaces. Instead he found himself headed past his door, down to one of the communal bathrooms that lined the dormitory halls. He wasn’t sure why, until something tugged at him. Drawing him to push open the bathroom door; and there you were.
Gaze flitting to his hazily in the mirror. Eyeliner smudged, haloing your eyes. You stilled where you had been standing, as if he had walked straight out of your thoughts. Softening as you took in his wind kissed hair, and he the tremble of your fingers on the countertop. Theo pushed himself away, against the pull of his chest, away from what he wanted. He made for the door again, unsure of why he had allowed himself to be led to you to begin with.
“You weren’t at Dinner,” you called softly, not daring to turn and look at him without a reflection between you. He stilled, one hand on the door as his heart hammered at his ribs.
“You told me to stay away,” he answered simply. Afraid to turn around in case what he saw laying in your eyes only salted the wound some more.
“Not that far.”
You breathed, turning to face him. Eyes aching to touch his cheek, graze across his thoughts, his desires. Theo’s hand dropped from the door, chest swelling from your proclamation. He could feel his breathing falter, hear the force of it. He turned hesitantly, a rasp collecting in his throat.
“Well how far would you like me?”
He saw your breath hitch, didn’t even have to scratch at your mind. You seemed to be leaking into his on your own accord. He could hear just how far you wanted him, and it wasn’t far at all.
Your lips parted, so he made sure to be the first to speak. To save you both the trouble.
“You’re drunk.”
You shook your head, eyes growing glassy with the salt of tears as you moved towards where he leant against the door.
“I’ve been getting your little messages. The ones you keep leaving for me to find,” he murmured. Suddenly enraptured by his hands as his voice creased over his words.
“It’s unbearable for me. Is it like that for you too?” He cracked, eyes flashing up to yours. Entirely afraid before you, before the possible weight of your answer. Because the truth was he couldn’t tell. He couldn’t tell which words were real and which you fed him to keep him at arm’s length. He searched you, begging for any kind of answer, but hoping only for one.
Your tears spilled in an instant, and maybe you were a little drunk, but you were also sure that it didn’t change any of it. He knew as much, taking a tender step towards you to grasp your cheek. Running his thumb along the soft skin to collect your tears.
“This trance you seem to think I’m under,” Theo clarified, eyes lingering on yours as his thumb continued its path. Despite no longer having any need to do so. “It’s lasted five years already,” he breathed, “it’s not going to pass any time soon.”
You paused, smudged eyes widening as you gazed up at him. His confession sucking the air out of your lungs until you could no longer doubt that you needed him. You simply watched him for a moment, as though debating whether to say something you wouldn’t be able to swallow. The one thing that was still holding you back.
“I don’t know how to stop myself.”
“Then don’t,” he whispered, leaning closer to brush a strand of hair from your eyes. “You don’t need to be scared of wanting this.”
Theo drew back slightly, letting his fingertips linger. Brushing through the strands of your hair, behind your ear. His voice gentle, certain, “I’ll be here, whenever you’re ready.”
Keep an eye out for Chapter Four here, or comment to be added to the tag list for future updates <3
Taglist: @hemlockmuncher @hoeforvinniehackerrr @moonlightttfae @thecraziestcrayon @itssomeonereading @leona-hawthorne @liaaanie @not-so-bad-ass @wildestdreamslover @slytherinboysappreciation @nat1221 @melllinaa @aykxz98 @chgrch if i missed anyone please let me know!
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bluehwale · 1 year
I loved that unconventional meeting post could you maybe do a post where they realize that after meeting you for the first time that they might have a crush on you ?
ateez realizing they have a crush on you!
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part 2 to unconventional first encounters with ateez (please read this first!)
pairing. ateez x reader (specifically f! reader for seonghwa & jongho)
genre. fluff, humor, teeny tiny angst if you squint
warning(s). injuries, drinking, mint choco ice cream slander, some of the endings are half-assed im sorry
word count. 8.1k oopsies
note. tysm for sending in this request!! and i'm so sorry it took so long to get to you </3 im an ungifted burnout kid so i write and think at a snail's pace lmao bUT i hope u enjoy this one :-D (feedbacks and reblogs are greatly appreciated! ily all muah)
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kim hongjoong
here's the thing about hongjoong
he can be really cool with his skateboard and his obscure music taste and whatnot
he can also be a little bit out of tune with his feelings (this is a certified testimony from his self-proclaimed best friend, wooyoung)
it's obvious from how he has heart eyes for you but wouldn't make a move
"so when are you taking yn out on a date?"
hongjoong's skateboard halts in an abrupt stop after he suddenly plants a foot on the concrete to take a look at wooyoung as if he's grown two heads. "when am i what??"
and wooyoung’s just kinda staring him down like man, you can't be serious rn,,,,,
everyone and their mothers in this skatepark probably knows that hongjoong is basically head over heels for you because
it's just that obvious!!!!
and wooyoung has to resist from pulling out all of his hair in frustration because the man in question is eyeing him as if he’s the weird one
it all started after your Incident™ (you falling on your ass and having hongjoong help you)
you started to frequent the skatepark with your best friend mingi, and hongjoong even mustered up enough courage to ask you for your number one day
and now you both text each other every day >:-D
he even got you your own skateboard
and he also taught you how to skate hehe
he's so whipped
the boy immediately turns to the direction of your voice (he can recognize it even while asleep) and he sees you waving excitedly at him beside an unfamiliar boy with pink hair
unbeknownst to himself, hongjoong's face lights up at the sight of you and he quickly pushes his foot off the ground to skate towards you
"yn!" he hops off his board and pulls you into a hug, inhaling the sweet scent of your hair that makes him feel all warm and fuzzy before involuntarily pulling away to look at the boy with an all black get up beside you. “who’s this?”
“oh! this is seonghwa!” the boy with pink hair nods at hongjoong and gives him a friendly wave in greeting. “he’s mingi’s cousin. he’s visiting for a little while.”
“oh hello, cool skateboard!” hongjoong greets in return, gesturing to the pink skateboard by the boy's feet that contrasts his dark outfit and quiet personality, “i’m hongjoong! i hope we can be good friends!”
maybe not
hongjoong doesn’t know the reason why, but he feels this really uncomfortable sinking feeling in his chest whenever he sees you together with seonghwa
despite his pink hair, the boy looks very intimidating and it seems like he doesn’t talk to anyone except you
and whenever he’s with you, there’s a happy grin permanently etched on his face and you both just look so happy together—
“they probably like each other.”
hongjoong snaps his head to glare at wooyoung who’s munching on a pack of strawberry pocky sticks as he watches you and seonghwa before innocently looking back at hongjoong with a shrug, “what? i’m just saying.”
and hongjoong starts sulking because you know what,, wooyoung might be right :-( 
(you, wooyoung, seonghwa, and mingi actually devised a plan to act upon your crush on hongjoong) ((and wooyoung's role is the catalyst to set the plan in motion))
and you know what,,,, maybe hongjoong does have a crush on you. yeah, but just a little bit—
“oof!” wooyoung winces when he sees you land a particularly harsh fall from your skateboard that leaves you lying face first on the ground, and he scrambles to shove the remaining pocky sticks in his mouth before thrusting hongjoong’s first aid kit towards the shell-shocked owner. “dude, go! this is your chance!”
hongjoong was just zipping up his first aid kit after grabbing his can of antiseptic spray and band aids and was ready to run to you until he sees seonghwa already tending to your wounds as he sits beside you
:-( he’s a second too late
(it looks like you two are talking about something or someone as both of your eyes discreetly flicker to hongjoong (who’s too upset to notice))
what he diD notice, however, is the pack of band aids in seonghwa’s hands
and he kinda has to crouch and put his hands on his knees so that his squinted eyes can see better 
are thoSE
he thought cute graphic band aids were his– and only his– thing !!!!
dang it, and they look super cool too !! :-(
his own pack of pink disney princesses band aids fall to the ground as he dejectedly walks back to where wooyoung is and he slumps to the ground to place back his first aid stuff back inside the kit
looks like he won’t be needing them anymore :-(
but he still finds himself heading to where you are, and he can’t help it when he worriedly takes in your scraped elbows and knees that are covered by the black band aids. “are you okay?”
“yeah, i’m good,” you say, and hongjoong’s too distracted to notice you glancing at seonghwa who gives you an encouraging nod. you nervously twiddle your thumbs, “uhH, hongjoong, uhm. listen, do you– i MEAN, would you want to maybe grab some milkshake with me sometimes?”
“oh sure! who else is gonna be there?”
(on the other side of the park, wooyoung rips out the headpiece that taps into seonghwa’s hidden microphone and almost bashes his binoculars in frustration)
just then, hongjoong feels shivers run down his spine as he feels a pair of dark eyes glaring daggers into his back and he can feel the devil on his shoulder whisper harshly into his ear, “they’re asking you out on a date, idiot.”
(spoiler alert: it’s seonghwa)
“i was thinking maybe it could just be the two of us? you know? aHa but it’s totally fine if you don’t want to—!”
“no nO, of course !!! i’d love to!!!” hongjoong exclaims, shooting up from the ground from sheer excitement at the thought of getting milkshake with you
this is the best day of his life
“great, it’s a date then :-D OH SHIT—”
(another spoiler alert: hongjoong fainted)
park seonghwa
seonghwa can definitely see himself marrying you
but not during moments like this
"shh, don't move."
seonghwa lets out a startled noise when he's suddenly awakened by a weight on him, and he almost screams his head off until his bleary eyes slowly open to see your figure straddling his torso with what seems to be an ice cream stick (?) held in your hand while you inch closer to his face
oh! it's just you! :-D (he thought it'd be his sleep paralysis demon)
it had been your idea to buy a house and live together after he nervously got on one knee on your fifth date; which seems all too soon but it appeases both of your parents enough for them to shut up on the marriage talk, much to your and seonghwa’s relief
and after six months of living together, he's proud to declare that you're his best friend or more specifically, his soulmate :-D
which is why you both are comfortable enough to do oddly domestic things together
"baby," he rasps, voice still thick with sleep, before placing his hands on your hips to circle the skin over your nightgown with his thumbs. he lets slip an amused chuckle when he sees your furrowed brows as he holds you off from coming near him. "what are you trying to do, hm?"
"i'm waxing your brows."
seonghwa's eyes almost gouged out of their sockets
"you're what???" he snaps his head to look at the clock at the far end of the wall, all the while trying to push you off him. "why are you trying to wax my brows at… 2 in the morning??!!!!"
"no, because—" you breathlessly giggle at the panic on his face, struggling to get his grip off your wrists. "you'll thank me for this!!! trust me!"
seonghwa, mortified at the thought of you shaping his brows with only a single ambient light aiding your sight in the dark bedroom, thrashes his legs under you like a petulant child. "i'll have you know that my eyebrows get compliments all the time >:-( !!! now get off me !!"
"huh. they must be lying because you kinda look like the red angry bird, dude :-/"
∑(O_O;) !!!!
the image of the cartoon character pops up in his head; the red bird with thick furrowed brows comically pelting towards a wall of green pigs, stupefying his thoughts
his movements falter
"do- do i really.... look like an angry bird?"
"a cute angry bird," you reassure him, gently running your fingers through his hair when you see him pout after his grip on you loosen and his arms fall limply to his sides on the bed. "now, hold still okay? i'm gonna make you look super pretty!"
you dip the wooden stick into the pot of melted wax in the still plugged-in wax heater sitting on the nightstand, prepping the pink wax around the stick before leaning closer to seonghwa's face
"it's pink?" he softly asks, referring to the wax that he's only just now paying attention to, and you nod in reply
"of course! :-D it's your favorite color."
you miss the endearing blush overtaking his cheeks as you lightly slather the wax on his skin before moving to take a muslin wax strip from the pack beside you
seonghwa's hands are back on your hips (this time for his own comfort) as his wide doe eyes nervously peer up at you who's sticking the strip onto the slowly hardening wax on his skin, ready to pull
"w-will it hurt?"
"nah, you won't even feel a single thing. no need to worry :-D"
his head twists side to side dramatically and you have to prop your hands on his chest to regain balance on his shaking body and your own from laughing
"you said it wouldn't hurt!" he exclaims with an exaggerated pout, rubbing at the sore skin and his eyebrows furrow when you wouldn't stop laughing. "this is serious! you're hurting your future husband!"
"shut up," you playfully roll your eyes, the smile that seonghwa adores lighting up your face. "don't have to remind me that i'm stuck with your ass forever."
he grumbles, pulling the blanket to cover half of his face and hide the growing smile threatening to take over his face. "i'm calling off our engagement."
you dip the stick back in the melted wax as you hum, "you love me too much to do that."
"that's true."
this time, your cheeks grow hot as you attempt to recover from almost losing your grip on the stick, his statement having caught you off guard. he smirks at your reaction and you playfully swat his arm, earning a small ow! as you sarcastically quip, "how romantic."
you return to applying the wax on the areas of his brows that needs cleanup after your fingers forcefully drag the upturned corners of his lips downwards
"you know... i figured i'll just marry the first person my parents set me up with," he breathes, a soft smile lingering on his lips at your focused expression. "but if it hadn't been you, i'd go through– hm– i’d willingly go through 219 horrible ! horrible ! dates just so i could be with you."
"oh please," you snort, raising an eyebrow at his statement. "you'd probably end up with someone else if you went on 219 dates." 
"you're right.... who could ever resist this scrumptious, absolutely handsome face–"
"i'm gonna make sure the next strip hurts twice as much :-)"
jeong yunho
"tonight is your first mission."
wooyoung twirls the pointing stick in his hand before slapping it against his open palm, calmly sauntering across the leeway in front of the big whiteboard in the coworking space he rented. "today's topic will cover everything you need to know, so i need you to listen very closely."
amidst the numerous empty chairs behind the large meeting table sits an eager boy with soft brown hair, his wide eyes taking in each and every word on the board while his right hand grips a pen— ready to take notes on the very important lecture wooyoung's presenting today
"but first, a pop quiz!" wooyoung suddenly smacks his pointing stick against the board, smudging the writing that reads dealing with drunk yn 101 written in pink dry erase marker and effectively startling the poor boy from the loud noise
"a- a pop quiz?" baffled, yunho feels the grip on his high-quality japanese brand pen slip. he scrambles over the table littered with his best stationery to prepare a crisp spiderman themed loose leaf paper, "but-but i haven't even learned anything yet!"
"hush, this is to test out your prior knowledge. now, i'll begin with a case study."
jeong yunho, a widely-known overachiever, strives to be the best; especially when it comes to things for you– which is why he currently remains unblinking out of sheer focus on wanting to get his answers right
he has to get it right!!!
"you're both in a cab to go home when suddenly," wooyoung aggressively taps on the stickman drawing that poorly resembles you on the board, "drunk yn sees a claw machine on the side of the road and wants you to win a stuffed animal for them. what would you do?"
what would i do? yunho can feel the sweat beading on his forehead as he desperately racks his brain for an answer that would please the red haired boy who has an eyebrow raised and his hands on his hips
think, jeong yunho! think!
"i would... politely ask for the taxi man to stop and accompany yn to the claw machine—"
"WRONG. ddaeng !!!! man, how are you so down bad– sigh,,,,, dude," wooyoung turns to lean his forehead against the whiteboard and sighs before pulling out his wallet and moves to step out of the room. "i'm gonna extend another hour for this meeting room, brb."
turns out, nothing, not even wooyoung's 4 hour lecture, could ever prepare yunho for havoc personified
a.k.a. drunk you after a night of celebrating the end of your midterms
"noooo!!! oof-" you stumble against your dresser as you try to run away from the wide-eyed boy standing dumbfoundedly in the middle of your bedroom, your bottle of cleansing oil tightly gripped in one of his hand and your cleanser in the other
yunho rapidly shakes his head like a cartoon character to get his muddled brain back on earth when you ungracefully fall onto your carpeted floor and make no move to get up. he moves closer to gently pull you off the floor as he sighs, "you'll regret not removing your makeup when you wake up tomorrow."
"no !!!" you lift your head up at his words, your pleading eyes look close to tears and yunho panics at the sight. "i don't wanna! my eye makeup looks so pretty today!! i don't want it gone :-("
yunho had to refrain from grabbing one of your pillows and stuffing it in his mouth to muffle the scream that almost slipped out at your cuteness
he also almost screamed fuck it! and hop on the bed to cuddle you to sleep right then and there but he remembers that wooyoung would probably be disappointed in him and he also doesn't want you to be uncomfortable from the smudged makeup the next morning :-(
so he stands his ground and tries to think of something that would get your makeup off while still making you happy
"how about we take some pictures?"
and that's how you both end up having a full blown out photoshoot in your bedroom, with yunho lying down on the floor at a funny angle to take pictures of you posing on the bed with your phone while his own phone rests between his armpits (... don’t ask) to shine its flashlight for extra lighting
he can't help his own chuckles from escaping his mouth as he hears your giggles, his chest warming at the sound
after an estimate of 241 pictures taken, you're finally satisfied and allows him to help take your makeup off
"am i doing this right?" yunho nervously asks, gently rubbing the cleansing oil into your skin that slowly blends with your makeup as you dazedly nod, prompting him to take a hold of your chin to minimize your movement and causing you to giggle
"why are you laughing?" he smiles, watching your eyes crinkle as you continue to giggle softly 
"i don't know. i just really really reeeeallly like you."
he knows you're drunk and it might just be a mindless statement and yet still, he can't help but freeze as he feels his heart skip a beat
he stops massaging the oil on your face
you like him you like him you like him you like him you like him you like him you like him—!
“uh,, actually that’s something i’ve been meaning to tell you. i- i like you too—“
“yEah yeah, i know!” yunho feels your hand blindly slap all over his face until you finally muffle his mouth, earning a glare from the boy. “you can tell me that tomorrow. noW get back to cLeansing!!”
yunho huffs and playfully rolls his eyes at you, trying to stop himself from grinning ear to ear while inching you closer to the sink so he can rinse off the oil, “aye aye ma’am.”
“noW uhguh–” you sputter out some water that got into your mouth, earning an oops from yunho, “you have to double cleanse with tHat cleanser,” you point at the tube of cleanser on your sink, “for at least 60 seconds.”
and when he finally lathers the face wash on your skin, he actually starts counting, “one, two, three, four, five, six—”
he'd do anything for you
kang yeosang
there are two things yeosang absolutely hates in this world
number one: your job
“i have to get to work, yeo,” you chuckle, “you gotta let me go.”
the android in question is glued to your arm, refusing to let you out the door by clinging to your arm and snuggling his face into your shoulder in an attempt of convincing you to stay
“You always leave,” the blonde pouts, his eyes glistening at the thought of always being left alone from every weekday morning to wait for you to come back at night. “Why must you go to work? Can’t you just stay here?”
sometimes, you forget that your android is supposed to be a boyfriend android – which is probably why he craves your company all the time
ok you feel a bit guilty now :-(
but you’re gonna have to work because !!! unfortunately, you need money to survive !!!!
“well, unfortunately–” you struggle to untangle yourself from his grip as you try to put on your shoes, “i have to work to get money so that i can buy food to live and pay for my electricity bills that keeps your battery charged.”
he grumbles and lets out a small yelp when you successfully unlatched yourself from him, “That’s so unfair!”
you shrug as your fingers grasp the doorknob to swing your apartment door open, “mhm, it’s called capitalism. see you tonight!”
you come home from work only to find yeosang missing
just as you were about to have your second mental breakdown, you spot a lilac post it stuck to your fridge that reads I’ll be out late. Dinner’s in the fridge. :-) in perfectly aligned and neat handwriting with proper punctuation– it’s definitely yeosang
but where could he have gone to???? you don’t even know if he knows his way around the city !! omg what if he’s lost and can’t find his way back home–
you hear the sound of your front door slamming shut
“Honey, I’m home!”
you immediately rush to your entrance door, ready to reprimand him for going out until so late at night, only to pause when you see yeosang dressed in a… bright pink polo shirt… with a blue apron that covers his front… and a matching blue cap that sits atop his mop of golden hair and wait a minute is that the baskin robbins logo???
“I got a job,” he grins at you, proudly tapping on the circular logo with the initials BR that rests smack dab right above the pocket of his blue apron. “They pay me to scoop ice cream into cups for tiny humans all day! Now you won’t have to work anymore!”
he’s so proud of himself :-D
this way, you won’t be as tired and he also gets to hangout with you all day long at home !! hehe
“you know… if you have a job, that means you’re gonna have to go work everyday,,, so,, you can’t really be with me either way :-/”
his face crumples at the realization
“Do you know the number of the Baskin Robbins down the street? I’ll have to tell them that I’m quitting.”
another thing yeosang hates the most in the world is: you going on dates
“strawberry for golden boy. target located and is currently approaching the table. do you copy? over.”
yeosang can’t really remember why he agreed on showing up with a fake mustache plastered above his lips and a black fedora hiding his blonde hair in the restaurant where you are to meet the guy you’ve been talking to on tinder for days
but anything to make you happy, he guess
sitting in a few tables away from yours, yeosang nonchalantly stirs the spoon in his overpriced cup of hot chocolate as he brings the dollar store walkie talkie upon his lips, “Are the codenames really necessary?”
he sighs, “Over.”
“of course they are! we don’t want our identities compromised! wait shit he’s getting closer now, i’ll talk to you later. over and out.”
yeosang squints at the guy sitting in front of you, scanning his admittedly handsome face to quickly run a background check on him
.... for safety purposes, of course
choi jongho. born in seoul. went to seoul national university. graduated magna cum laude. is currently pursuing his masters. non-existent criminal record. does environmental volunteer work on a monthly basis. can also ?? break an apple with his bare hands ??
yeosang gulps
this guy is basically perfect
his eyes flits back to you, the sight of you laughing at something jongho said making his stomach churn
and his eyebrows furrow because ?? he’s an android ?? he doesn’t even have an actual stomach so how is he even experiencing all of these overwhelming emotions— oh.
he’s jealous
“—and did you see the way he smiled at me?” you gush excitedly all the way back home, making sure your skips are on par with yeosang’s brisk walk. “he’s adorable! we already planned second date for next week and i’m so excited—”
“52 percent.”
you pause at your tracks, turning to look at yeosang who abruptly stopped walking. “huh? what was that?”
“You’re 52% compatible with Choi Jongho.”
“oh ! i guess that’s not too shabby. although, i thought it’d be a lot higher,” you bring a finger to your chin, deep in thought
“...You’re 96% compatible with me.”
THERE he finally said it
his electric motor is probably overheating from how flustered he is but, according to his system, it’s advised to confess to the person you like instead of holding back your feelings (source: wikihow)
so, he’s doing just that
it’s a good thing that he doesn’t have sweat glands because he’s pretty sure this street would’ve been flooded by now from how nervous he is as he asks, “Would you like to go on a date with me?”
you stood in front of him with your eyes comically widened, and based on your silence, he can kinda guess what’s coming next
aha, looks like he's gonna have to shut down for the next 168 hours!
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, you can forget it. I just wanted to let you know—“ “sure” “—that I like you– ...I’m sorry, what?”
you chuckle at his shocked expression, “i said yes, yeosang. i’ve actually been waiting for you to ask me that.”
(you ended up having to bring yeosang in for maintenance and pay a $150 fee because yeosang literally short circuited at your answer)
choi san
san finds it kinda hilarious how you’ve become his best friend, seeing as you seem to be the complete opposite of him
“what do you mean you hate mint choco??” san gawks, both of his palms lying flat against the glass encasing the freezer lined with tubs of various ice cream flavors as he turns to you with an incredulous look. “how could you even say that?!!!!!”
unbeknownst to san, the blonde baskin robbins employee behind the cashier register scowls at him, annoyed that he’s going to have to clean the fingerprint marks left on the glass
you snort, “everyone knows that cookie dough is superior,” you stick your tongue out at him, eliciting a dramatic gasp from the dark haired boy, “mint chocolate tastes like eating toothpaste with chocolate chips anyway. big yuck.”
“that’s ridiculous!” san, the official defender of the controversial green ice cream, exclaims. “how are you even comparing an oral hygienic product to food?? that’s not fair!! they don’t even taste remotely alike !!!”
“mhm, whatever helps you sleep at night, sannie,” you yawn, purposely flapping a hand over your open mouth to annoy him and you giggle once he starts to pout
“Excuse me," the inhumanely gorgeous cashier calls, surprising both you and san out of the little bubble that seems to form whenever the two of you are together, "are you ready to order? You’re holding up the line.” the blonde says, a grim look on his face
you smile apologetically at the employee who has a blue circular sticker on his uniform that reads new hire and you move to tell him the ice cream you want
while waiting for the employee to scoop your ice cream into a cup, you grimace when you look behind you to see a long line of teary-eyed kids with their glaring parents, probably because it's taking too long to get their ice cream
you and san immediately booked out of there after he was done paying
“as i was saying,” san pops in a spoonful of his ice cream before continuing, “mint choco doesn’t taste like toothpaste,” you open your mouth, ready to object, but san took this chance to shovel a spoon of the dessert into your mouth, making you sputter in disgust of the taste and effectively shutting you up, “it’s toothpaste that taste like mint chocolate.”
you pause your steps before turning to look at him in disbelief, “are you even hearing yourself right now?”
he said what he said okay!! and he’ll stand by it ┐( ˘ 、 ˘ )┌
“sometimes…. i wonder what goes on in your brain… because dude, that does nOt make any sense at all.”
ok no, you know what doesn’t make sense?
it doesn’t make sense how san seems to think of you 24/7
when he strolls around the park and sees a golden retriever quietly mingling? that’s you.
the smell of cinnamon and freshly brewed coffee when he steps into his university cafe? he loves it because he thinks it smells exactly like you.
someone’s music leaking through their headphones in the hallways? oh wait, you two blasted this song in his car once.
grocery shopping alone? he better grab some of those birthday cake flavored oreos for you even though he hates them because he thinks they’re too sweet.
it’s just what friends do, right?
“what are we watching tonight?”
ever since you two became friends, it’s become a tradition to hold a weekly movie night at your place
and without fail, san always uses this time to try and convert you to become a mint choco ice cream lover
this would be his 12th attempt
“can we watch inside out?” you say, already munching on your microwave popcorn as you lounge next to him on the loveseat in your living room. “i feel like crying today.”
san almost jumps out of the couch to do his little dance
because you know what they say,,,,,,,,,
when you’re sad, eat ice cream!
and he’s gonna make sure you eat some ice cream, alright!! :-D
specifically, his favorite ice cream flavor that he's got in your freezer :-D
so, in the middle of the movie, right after bing bong tragically disappears into the abyss (san still sheds a tear despite this being his twentieth time watching the film) and he hears your tell-tale sniffles, he dashes off to your fridge and grabs the pint of ice cream he brought for tonight along with two spoons before returning back to stand in front of the tv screen
“fear not!” san announces, holding the pint of ice cream above his head while the other hand that is gripping the spoons is placed on his hip. “i have just the right thing to make you feel better!”
he excitedly pries the lid of the pint open and you groan as you wipe the tears under your eyes, “san, i’m really not in the mood to have mint choco ice cream shoved into my throat today—”
you’re cut off by san almost shooting through your apartment roof as he blankly stares inside the pint, “hUH?”
he furrows his brows when instead of the mint green ice cream, he’s greeted by the thick consistency of creamy soft brown ice cream with chocolate chips
it can’t be
why did he get your favorite ice cream flavor instead of his own?????
he hates cookie dough ice cream, and he’s a hundred percent sure he got a pint of mint choco chip ice cream— wait a minute,
“woah, they’re really everywhere,” san mutters to himself while looking at the shelves as he pushes the grocery store cart, “yn would love this!”
“love what?” his roommate, mingi, pops up, dropping a pack of a party sized barbeque chips into the cart
“yn would love this grocery store,” he says, referring to the newly opened grocery store they're in as he hums, “there's every product that’s endorsed by their favorite k-pop group in here. i’d have to take them here sometime.”
“at this point just date yn already.”
san glares at his friend, blindly reaching for what he thinks is a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream with the thought of you stuck in his head, as always, “i don’t even talk about them that often !!!”
“sure you don’t.”
“is that…. cookie dough?”
“yeah, i guess— oof!” he falls to the ground when you literally jump on him
after san’s reassured you that he’s still him and not some anti-mint choco san clone, you happily eat up the pint of cookie dough ice cream throughout the rest of the movie while san tries to reflect on the new found revelation that he has a crush on you
now, whenever he looks at you, everything seems to fade away and cartoonish pink flowers would appear around you and start blooming (he also hears a soft tune that goes lalalala~ in the background)
oh, and he also thinks he’d stop eating mint chocolate chip ice cream just to appease you
his friends are right, he is a simp
song mingi
long story short… you decided to move into mingi’s 2 bedroom apartment to escape from your insufferable roommate !! :-D
it had been the boy’s idea because you two meet each other literally every single day and so he thought hey, living together doesn’t sound so bad !!! you should just move in with me!! i have a spare bedroom that’s been empty for a while !! 
and so you immediately packed your things, left your roommate gaping when she saw her previous one night stand awkwardly waving at her as he helped you load your things to his car, and never looked back 
now you’re both currently skipping down the street en route to the local farmer’s market because mingi swears that they have cheaper and fresher produce compared to any grocery store out there
you both stop at the first stall you see
“dude, check it out :O” you point at one of the corns on display, “that one totally looks like nanami :O”
he tilts his head as he tries his best to discern any similarities between the crop and your favorite jujutsu kaisen character………. only to come up with nothing
“hm. i don’t see it.”
“no, no!” you jump up and down, hands flailing everywhere as you try to gesture out corn nanami’s features. “you see! the corn hair is, well, obviously his hair, and the green jacket kinda looks like his suit don’t you think? and oh–”
to any nearing passerby, it seems like you two are a pair of excited newlyweds who were highschool sweethearts as mingi gazes at you fondly as you continue to ramble on about the corn-nanami doppelganger
which sounds totally stupid, but he doesn't mind at all
having been too entranced by whatever it was you were saying, mingi only snaps out of his fixation on you when he realized you caught on to his staring
he clears his suddenly dry throat and his eyes flick to anywhere except you. “ehm, e–EHm yeah right,, i guess he kinda looks like, uh, that corn.”
you playfully bump your side into his arm as you exclaim an “I KNOW RIGHT” and you accidentally start a bump fight when mingi starts practically shoving you back (he sometimes forget just how big he is) and you’re both just giggling at each other like stupid kids until—
“what a good-looking couple! i’ll give you two a discount! :-D”
mingi feels you freeze up against him and shake your head at lightning speed, “oh, we’re not… we’re not a—“
“how much? :-D” he interrupts, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you closer as he grins at the stall owner who starts cooing
meanwhile, you resist the tempting act of whacking him with your reusable tote bag
and you may be trying to tone down the heat on your cheeks bUT that’s besides the point !!!
you’re not a couple
“how cute!” the stall owner squeals, and you can nearly see the dollar signs in her eyes as gullible mingi fails to see beyond her sly marketing ploy. she hums in contemplation, “hm, maybe i shouldn’t favor you two. wouldn’t be fair for the singles out there, am i right?”
you nervously chuckle, “that’s perfectly fine!” you try to push mingi to move along the market but it’s like his feet are immediately rooted to the ground once he hears compliments directed at you both. “psst mingi, move your ass— aha i’m pretty sure we still have some corn back home anyways—“
“do we really look cute together? :-D”
cue you smacking your palm against your forehead
“why of course!” the woman nods her head eagerly, “absolutely adorable. and especially with a fine handsome young man like you!” she turns to look at you, “he’s a good one. don’t lose him, dear.”
dang, maybe you should ask her which business school she went to because her marketing skills are just straight up fire
mingi knocks his head back as he lets out a hearty belly laugh and if you squint hard enough, you can spot the pink dusting his cheeks. “ah, you flatter me too much, ma’am!.... please tell us more about how cute we look together! :-D”
… he ended up lugging an abnormally large sack of corn all the way home
“people probably think we look like a cute couple all the time, huh?” mingi grins to himself during dinner, eliciting a glare from you as you take another hesitant bite of the… weirdly edible grilled corn salad
your bowls of corn soup and corn rice bowl (don’t ask) along with a cup of sweetened corn for dessert remains untouched while mingi scarfs down his own like a mad man
you don’t even want to know how he’s been surviving on his own
“remind me to never let you grocery shop again,” you grumble, stabbing your fork into the bowl of corn salad as mingi stares at you, finding your anger cute somehow
huh… that’s weird
why does he think your furrowed brows and the aggressive chewing behind your pouty lips are the cutest things ever right now?
uh oh
your heart practically leaped out of your chest as you yelp in surprise when mingi suddenly stands up from the dining chair and sprints to his room without a word
you resume back to eating your food
meanwhile, mingi grabs his laptop and looks up a love meter website to calculate love percentage while trying to calm down his erratic heart rate
he quickly types in his and your names into the website and crosses his fingers with his eyes shut as he waits for the results
he opens his eyes and excitedly reads the words on the screen
90%! Love is in the air!
:-D <3 !!!
“mingi… why are you sitting on my lap.”
“i think i’m in love with you.”
jung wooyoung
“i’m feeling lonely ♫ oh i wish i’d find a lover that could hold me ♫ now i’m crying in my room ♫ so skeptical of love ♫ but still i want it more, more, mOre ♫ i give a second chance to cUPID–”
“sing that song one more time and i will shoot you with an actual arrow.”
“hmph, meanie :-(“
usually, wooyoung would sing along to that stupidly addicting cupid song you always sing whenever you’re with him 
but right now, he’s a man on a mission !! and he’s very serious about it
“i need absolute silence,” he mutters quietly, his eyes zeroing at the very serious task in hand with his brows furrowed in concentration
“you’re being dramatic.”
his head snaps up to look at you with a glare. “excuSe me? i’m sorry that i’m the only one who obviously has a passion for art here!!”
and by art, he means frosting heart-shaped sugar cookies
this is like, one of the first few human activities he’s doing !! so he wants to actually be good at this !! (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
he doesn’t know why but he really wants to make you proud :-(
you stifle a giggle when you see his hands practically tremble as he continues to squeeze out the pastel pink frosting from the piping bag onto the heart-shaped cookies
how cute
you walk over to him and gently wrap your hand around his that’s currently holding the piping bag with a death grip, making him let out a small yelp in surprise
“you need to relax,” you softly chide, helping him loosen up his grip to gently guide him into pressing the piping bag properly
meanwhile, wooyoung’s trying to refrain himself from jumping out of your apartment window and flying to mount olympus because he can feel your breath on his neck and his heart is beating a little too fast and omg you’re so close to him &:&;;’js!
honestly, this isn’t the first time wooyoung’s felt this way towards you
it’s just,, he just feels so carefree and himself whenever he’s with you 
and also because he thinks you’re the best human ever
and that you have the most beautiful smile
and that if he tries to personify love, the first thing that’d pop up in his head would be an image of you with crinkled eyes and a smile, your twinkly laughter ringing in his ears
but he’d rather let zeus zap him on the butt with a thunderbolt than admit that
“see!” you let go of his hand to excitedly gesture towards the pink cookie you helped him with, “you can do it if you let yourself have fun a little ! this one actually looks pretty decent :-D”
he already misses the warmth of your hand
“are you saying the ones i did before look bad?” he raises a brow, and your eyes nervously flicker to the tray of heart-shaped cookies that looks like it’s been frosted by a kindergartner
you start sweating
“nO of course not aha!!!! haha!!!!” he narrows his eyes at you. “okay not even gonna lie but, they do look kinda bad I’M SORRY”
he huffs, offended. “it's aBstract!”
“it’s lopsided.”
gasp D-:
you laugh when he aggressively rips off his apron before sulking, “i hate baking.”
but he knows that he’d do anything to become human; to leave his cupid errands just so he could be a regular boy who dreams of opening a bakery down the street
and in this alternate universe he’s envisioned, he’d actually manage to do it and that’s where he would first meet you
with his hands coated with flour and him sporting a messy apron, a boyish grin on his lips as he tells you that the small bag of pastry in your hands is on the house and he’d watch as your cheeks endearingly heat up
and then this alternate universe wooyoung would lean against his sleek car as he waits for you outside your apartment for a set date to an amusement park, where he’d win a giant teddy bear for you from one of those rigged game stalls
and he would try his best to make you the happiest you can be every single day
but in this life, he can only distract himself for so long from your fate that's set in stone by the red string intertwined on your pinky finger that stretches out long and far outside your apartment door— a painful reminder of the first thing his mother’s ever told him about love,
that it is never fair.
(he looks at his own gray string looped around his pinky with its short length frayed around the edges before glancing over to you who’s packing the cookies in a tupperware for him to bring while he does his cupid errands, and he knows he doesn’t regret falling for you even though he knows how it’ll end.)
choi jongho
“what do you mean you can’t go????”
jongho may or may not have tears in his eyes right now
“look, man. i really am sorry, i know we planned this weeks ago but it’s an emergency,” mingi sighs from the other line of the call, sounding genuinely regretful. “i really can’t go.”
“the new jujutsu kaisen movie drop isn’t an emergency, hyung.”
“it is !!!!!” mingi exclaims, and jongho wonders whether he’s actually a year older than him. “and i have to be one of the first people who watches it so i’m not exchanging my movie ticket for anything else.”
this hurts even more than the top 10 anime betrayals :-( 
“you know what? you should go do it with yn instead. you two look cute together.”
record scratch
jongho almost drops his phone placed on his ear as he feels his cheeks flush a bright beet red. “whAt !!” he squeaks.
“‘kay! i’ll talk to you soon !!!! have fun on the date hehe :-D” beep.
see… the thing is…
jongho really looks up to mingi
he’s his favorite frat brother !!!!!
and so, he finds himself sitting on the couch of your apartment right after the call, obediently following his hyung’s suggestion
curse his soft, compliant heart
“choi jongho, are you asking me out on a date?”
“-!” jongho chokes on his saliva, sputtering out unpleasant noises before bringing his fist to his chest, “n-not a date!” he manages to choke out and you grin cheekily at him. “it’s just a paint & wine class that i was supposed to go with mingi hyung but he ended up bailing, a-and it’s non-refundable and i’ve already paid in full so i’m basically forced to take you instead–”
“yeah yeah,” you dismissively wave a hand at him, already sprinting to your bedroom to get ready. “whatever. i guess i’ll agree to go on a date with you.”
jongho doesn’t know when it all started
after his frat party, you two somehow always meet each other in every party he goes to and you’d both hangout in the corner of the room together, enjoying each other’s company and leaving together when the bass of the loud music finally deafens your ears
and soon enough, you have his number and he has yours, and the party hangouts turn into lunch hangouts that happens almost every day (he looks forward to it and will sulk when he doesn’t meet you at least once a day)
you also like to give him free iced americano and savory pastries from the cafe you work at !! :-D
safe to say, jongho likes you
uH, as a friend !!! of course
just as a friend
“psssst, jongho,” you whisper from across the table, stifling a giggle as you eye the other people attending the paint & wine class. “i think you need new prescription glasses.”
“if you ever mention this to wooyoung hyung, i’ll revoke our friendship,” he grits out before chugging his glass of red wine, the tip of his ears flushed red
turns out, jongho had accidentally booked two spots for a paint & wine class reserved for the elderly (which, jongho thinks, is a stupid idea because why would they let old people have a night of free-flow wine????)
the painting instructor actually felt so bad for him that they allowed you two to join the class anyways
so here you are, sitting in the two seat table smackdab in the middle of the room with everyone’s eyes on you
it also doesn’t help that you two decided to dress super fancy as a joke for the night, with jongho wearing a crisp dark gray suit over a white button up that’s barely buttoned and you with a white floor-length evening dress under the apron they gave you
it looks like you both just ditched a wedding or something
which is precisely the look you two are going for !!! :-D 
and honestly, his hyungs can tease him all they want for all the mini adventures he does with you but he’s truly the happiest when he’s with you (he will never say this to your face)
“look at what i painted!”
jongho looks up from his canvas to see you pursing your lips in concentration over yours, your hand tightly gripping one of the paintbrushes as you finish up some small details before turning the easel to proudly present the A4 canvas to him. “tadaa!”
the reference for today’s class is an acrylic portrait of a brown kitten and jongho personally thinks he nailed his own rendition of the painting projected on the projection screen in front of the room so he’s really excited to see yours!!!
“...........yn, that’s not the painting we’re doing today.”
you nod, “i know.”
on your canvas, you’ve painted what looks like a hut with three beds all in different sizes, a dining table with three different sized bowls of porridge, and a family of brown bears with a little blonde boy—
"did you seriously paint me as goldilocks?”
you grin cutely at him, “i did!” you point at goldilocks-jongho on your painting, “you’re with your bear family now! isn’t it cute? :3”
(jongho’s trying his best to not bash his head through the canvas because !!!! nu uh nope nO, he definitely does not like you !!! not at all !!!! it’s just the wine doing things to his brain—)
“and i also painted the bears’ bed sheets purple because it’s your favorite color! and— oh shit.”
a loud clink echoes throughout the room, making everyone's heads (yes, the paint instructor as well) turn to look at your table
you accidentally plunged your paintbrush in your wine glass instead of the plastic cup of water beside it
both of your eyes widen at the sight of the purple paint staining the red liquid in the expensive glass
and honestly, you can probably just ask for a new glass of wine and apologize for this tiny mistake and it’ll be like nothing ever happened (except for the fact that you'll be embarrassed for the rest of the night)
but where’s the fun in that?
you exchange glances before jongho abruptly stands up from his chair, grab both of your canvases in one hand, and interlaces the other with yours as you two run out of the room, both of your laughters ringing throughout the hallway
“that’s so embarrassing!” you yelp, slamming jongho’s car door behind you before he turns on the engine, quickly backing up from the parking lot to drive away from the building. you groan as you lean back on the passenger seat, “please don’t ever take me to another paint & wine class again.”
jongho can’t help but chuckle at your flustered expression as he carefully place the canvases on the backseat without his eyes leaving the road, “i actually think that was pretty fun.”
“should we get dinner?”
“sure, i know a place. we could pretend we’re having our first anniversary so that they’d give us free chocolate lava cake.”
“are you just using this chance to pretend to be my boyfriend again?” you tease, trying to hide the smile on your face
“why are you so shy about it? we literally made out once–”
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taglist. @ad0rechuu @diorwoo @jaehunnyy
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