bunny-stereo · 1 year
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mersei47 · 13 days
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another headcanon of dr.gonne in which he got stuck in the machine dimension and met arena player (that is on their way to kill the machine again for the xx time) so they just kinda help him get out of there
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(and arena player x skinner <3)
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marmartea · 4 months
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Las Médulas
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cnl0400 · 7 months
"How are they going to make Thirteen/Mephistopheles/Raphael dateable If they aren't interesing in the MC"?
>A take made by someone who hasn't played S4 or any of the Memory cards/events that feature these three, or have gotten the Birthday calls...
It's even funnier with Raphael, because he's probably the one who states the most that he wants to get closer to MC, where do the "no interest" thing even comes from??
Even If you read all this cues as platonic, It doesn't mean that they can't become romantic later. That's what development Is for?????
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Cw: mentioned attempted execution, unhealthy relationships, branding and mentioned someone's arm getting cut off
Jason Grace is fifteen when he didn’t mean to join Saturn.
Well, Kronos too, apparently. Because Octavian was right, have always been right about the Greeks' existence and Jason have been lied to for months.
Jason Grace is fifteen, dating Saturn's general of all people and didn’t mean to betray his camp.
It was an accident, a photo that was not supposed to be found.
Everything from being called to the Principia and his arrest to almost getting executed and finding himself on Othrys has been a blur.
He doesn't remember shooting lightning at his preator like Alabaster have said he did.
He doesn't remember ever agreeing to swear fealty to Saturn.
Jason Grace is fifteen, with twelve lines of service and the symbol of the camp and father he let down on his arm, and a newly burnt scythe covering his back.
Funny, he thinks, as he sobs and writhes on the floor of Saturn's throne room while the son of Hecate murmurs sweet nothings with victory on his tongue.
His other brand never hurt this much.
Saturn's demigods greet him with barely hidden apprehension and hands on their weapons when his boyfriend sweeps him from wing to wing, showing off Jason to everyone they come across.
The black walls are ever shifting like a maze, closing on its residents, air filled with plant participles and glittering monster dust, threatening to choke out everyone daring to go against the Titan.
"Does it hurt?" Alabaster hums on the first day after Jason fully decorates his room near the general's.
He can only nod, leaning into the hand slathering nectar onto his back. It's warm, far far too warm and yet freezing cold at the same time.
"It's okay," His boyfriend wraps himself around Jason, pulling him into a hug and throwing them onto the bed, "I got you."
He already feels suffocated.
"I pity you," Ethan Nakamura says once, "I wouldn't wish having Alabaster's full attention on my worst enemy."
"Why?" Jason asks, the hamburger with the strangely red and sunny meat forgotten.
"Because," the lieutenant moves to greet his witch friend across the cafeteria, always so matter of fact, "I know him better than you'll ever do."
Jason doesn't think Ethan likes him very much. The feeling is mutual.
Though, at least he can trust him to be the perhaps only one in this damn palace to not follow Saturn's orders blindly.
Jason is fifteen when he learns of Perseus Jackson's existence and Satu–Kronos's plans for the other boy's 16th.
It will not matter if his old camp sieges Othrys and topples the throne, not when Saturn's forces will be attacking the defenseless Olympus.
The loyal soldier inside himself screams, begging him to do his duty and protect his gods, be their weapon. He needs to warn someone.
Reyna would understand. They have been friends. Once. Hopefully will be again after all of this is over.
Ironically, it was Alabaster who had taught him about Iris messages. The messenger of the gods and their children, he have explained with his tell-tale melodic tongue, we use her sister, Arke, the banished one.
Jason is no traitor. He has no need for the Titans's messenger.
Ethan catches him before Jason can even explain himself properly to Reyna. In hindsight, he should count himself lucky that Ethan loves Alabaster too much to snitch on Jason to Kronos.
That doesn't stop him from telling Alabaster. Jason would rather face the Titans's wrath than face the fury of his now ex-boyfriend's and the betrayal in his eyes.
Jason Grace is fifteen, with a scythe branded on his back.
There are no lines of service, gone with the half of his right arm.
Thalia Grace is eternally a day shy from sixteen when she sees her baby brother again for the first time in years.
Just across the battlefield, shooting white hot lightning at campers with the rage of a constantly prodded and provoked animal, a strophalos necklace hanging off his throat like a collar.
Ta Jason au (art art dialogue ficlet phoenix's-ficlets)
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nailyourcoffins · 1 month
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get low quality'd you idiots
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spkyart · 1 year
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I am coping
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eggydragon · 11 months
I think the only reason Impulse has not gotten back with Bdubs in this season is Scott and Gem rightfully telling him to not get back with his ex.
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bugsbenefit · 1 year
they we're so bold for putting these in the same episode
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in the first scene Mike gives El his clothes because she's soaked from being out in the rain, in the last scene of the episode (excluding Barb's death cliffhanger) Steve gives Nancy some of his clothes because she's soaked from getting thrown in the pool
also, Mike tells El she needs "privacy" while Nancy herself asks for "some privacy"
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the clothes are even the exact same COLOURS, dark blue shirt + grey sweatpants from Mike and grey shirt, dark blue sweats for Nancy the only reason this isn't even More obvious is because we don't see Nancy put them on here because she chooses to undress instead (something Mike actively stopped El from doing, but she also tried)
one of the most one the nose parallels because they happen right in the same episode, i even picked up on it right in my first watch of the show without any particular interest or investment yet
this is also the earliest moment i started feeling a bit weird about mleven. because the episode starts with Mike and El and they spend it hanging out in Mike's house together, which is sweet. and then the episode ends with Steve and Nancy paralleling them, and by this point it's already obvious that they're BAD for each other
with Barb constantly telling Nancy to not do anything she doesn't want, Nancy "not being herself" and also leaving her friend behind in favour of Steve. and that's not even mentioning Barb dying after Nancy ditched her for hooking up with Steve
there's a lot to say about parallels mleven has to failing couples or family. but this is one of the earliest and incredibly hard to miss ones that made me as a viewer, still open to most directions the show could take, feel uncomfortable/doubtful about them
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vavialdavi · 1 month
I'm manifesting for what Frozen 3 really need to give me all of us
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Y'all used to my gay ass now
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miles-is-so-gay · 5 months
why does it wear the collar, if not to be owned?
to show its owner its humanity is irrelevent when not in the presence of him?
it responds to commands given only by its master.
it used to fight him - alongside people who fought him - but now it comes when he calls.
it wears the mark of ownership not granted to his other dogs, for they are wild, and it is tamed, even if just barely.
he pets it, and loves it, but only if it is loyal.
and it most always is.
it used to bare its teeth and growl at him, when first met by his touch; but angled itself for more none-the-less.
it showed loyalty to many.
to him, it showed delusion.
but what is loyalty, if not a form of delusion?
the lines are blurred for it.
it has little sense of who it was before - it knows well who it is after.
its master changed it.
yet, it also changed its master.
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geralts-yenn · 9 months
2023 character wrapped
@deandoesthingstome knows too well I get a little obsessive over some characters - let's see if I can make it to nine (or if I can stop at nine 😁 a look onto my masterlist that's barely a year old tells me we will get there)
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Here we go...
My no 1: No surprise here - Mikey
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He's my precious silly boy and I will never stop loving him. As part of a family of lunatics here or here, as our best friend, or as the cute neighbor who steals the heart of Nina and Mel
2. Melot
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I blame @raccoon-eyed-rebel for introducing me to the slutty lil' braid boy. Just look at that grumpy, miserable little guy. I can't help but thinking about how to make him feel better. That's why he gets the love from not only one but two lovely persons in my Hearts Too Big universe. He's still not quite happy as a vampire in Believe in Me, but I swear we'll get to it.
3. Syverson
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Not much of a surprise - how could I not love him? He's the character I read the most this year, for sure. But I also loved to write him into my bonfire story and it's follow up. I was yearning for him and I imagined him as a daddy 🥰
4. Evan
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Oh, he was a surprise for me. Even though I liked his character in the movie, I didn't intend to write for him. Until a lovely nonnie put him into my brain and started to fuel my obsession with him here, here and here.
5. Walter
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The grumpy bear was always a favorite of me when it came to reading but I was a little scared to write him by myself. In the end, I'm quite happy with the outcome when I finally dared.
6. August Walker
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Another one that I love but didn't dare to write. Until it was too tempting to add him as the vampire king in Believe in Me. And then those little pieces of smut here and here with the vampire king were surprisingly easy to write.
7. Napoleon Solo
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I love the smooth spy. I had so much fun to pair him up with the lovely Amina and I totally plan to get back to Leon sometime in the future
8. Charles
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I wish I had more time to explore his character. I love him so much - especially when he's put into a modern AU. I kinda did this to him as my sidekick for Melot. And I have a wip in my folders, sleeping for way too long, where he's the most annoying and yet adorable duke. I really hope I get to the point where I can introduce him to you.
That's everyone I have written for this year. But I surely don't stop here with obsessing
I won't count Geralt, Will and all the other characters of Henry Cavill because this post is already too long for anyone to read, lol.
But I surely have to count the man himself
9. Henry Cavill
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Yes, I am obsessed with this man and I am not sorry! I guess I won't ever get back to the unfinished RPF that got me into writing at all but I will not stop loving the adorkable man that he is.
And then there are still some guys that don't look like Henry:
9. Dean Winchester
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I had almost forgotten how much I loved him. Until I introduced the teenager to Supernatural and spent a lot of evenings this year watching that stupid little shit 😍
10. Billy Russo
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One of my favorite roles for Ben. And so many good fics out there that I need to explore at some point.
11. Jack Reacher
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Very recent addition to the hunks in my head. I love the new season and I'm definitely not immune to that man's visual charms.
I think I will stop here, even if I could name probably another 12...
@ellethespaceunicorn @peyton--warren @gummydummy19 @jvanilly @ronearoundblindly @ylva-syverson want to talk about your favorite characters?
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lynaferns · 5 months
I feel like that meme about
*looking at past self* wow, good that I grew off of that. *looking at past self* wow, good that I grew off of that. *looking at past self* wow, good that I grew off of that-
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drgnfsh · 8 months
I am such a horrid, unforgivable, evil girl
I had a girl beautiful and kind as the sun is warm
And i took and took and took until she looked in the mirror and wept
Bloody smears left everywhere my lips had tasted
Bites staining her sickly skin purple and green and yellow and red
Marks and scars from hunger long since satisfied, ugly and puckered from tenderly sewn stitches
I held her as she begged and cried and howled
As she pleaded
Let her go
Set her free
Before she had nothing left
Because she could not heal as fast as I could take
Could not grow as fast as I could
Bite and chew and gulp and rip and gnaw and
Swallow her whole
I held her as she cried, her tears burning like acid
But i wanted her to stay as much as she needed me to let her go
And I am such a horrid, unforgivable, evil girl
And she was such a kind, beautiful, sweet and giving girl
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alxastrx · 8 months
"Everything about Twisted Wonderland isn't about Yuu" SHUT UP YES IT IS
"Everything about bsd isn't about Atsushi" YES IT IIIIIIISSSSSS
"Everything about kotlc isn't about Sophie" YES.IT.IS.
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spkyart · 1 year
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I can't believe this is canon
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