cracks knuckles
Alright, I’m in a worldbuilding rut, so it’s time to dump some old stuff from my Reddit account. My first proper post about the World and Light and Darkness, as well. Nice bonus.
Here are the flags of the nations of the World, and a little bit of info about each. It’s rather long and contains a lot of bright flags.
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First are the Elemental nations. Elementals are thought of as feisty, known by the rest of the world as bloody warriors and passionate artists, treacherous backstabbers and mighty kings. In reality, they are a fundamentally divided people, but possibly the most diverse in terms of culture. They are native to Lyardia, the eastern continent from which the sun bursts forth every morning. Their appearance is as varied as their nations: their hair and eyes and Tears (skin patterns that signify magic connection) can be every color under the sun, from pure white to deep red to vibrant green or yellow. Though they do not live long lives, with the oldest recorded Elemental being 135 years old at death.
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Let’s start in the south. The Republic of the Divided, officially named the Solar Republic, is the southernmost nation of elementals. Both figuratively divided by constant war, and literally by the Serpent-Head River, the great Split-Solar Desert has a long history of never being United. But Prime Minister Drake Farclay is doing his best, essentially keeping the capital of Emelenora out of harm’s way single-handedly. In addition to its many mangrove forests and half of the Setting Sun Mountains, the Republic holds some of the most holy sites in all of Lyardia: the Spires in the Dust and the Foothills of the Fallen are known stalking grounds of Angels.
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Moving north and off the west coast, one will come across the United Island Nation. A small country lead by Chancellor Emilia Van Bellow, the Nation has nonetheless come to prominence thanks to their accepting many thousands of refugees from the Conquest, including many of the surviving Element-Born Dragons. In addition to the many ancient libraries and religious institutions of the Dragon’s Church located within the nation, the legendary Sunken City of Flickering Lights have provided the Islanders with such ancient and fanciful knowledge as the Nomad Tribes and the gift of prophecy.
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Back on the mainland, it’s impossible to ignore the largest and most powerful nation of Lyardia: the Kingdom of Raicuth, under King Dominic Unican. Cutting the continent in two, all of the Flutter Plains belong to this young and mighty nation. Though the land was once populated by tens of tiny city-states and independent fiefdoms, all were untied, or conquered, under the banner of the Unified Church of the Elements, and the doctrine of the death of all Dragons. An agricultural powerhouse, Raicuth produces most of Lyardia’s food, and has the largest standing army.
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Last but certainly not least is the northernmost nation, the Kingdom of Polaris. With the boy-king Shrike Cardinal, the Spearhead, most everyone who visits this land finds it strange. The whole thing is like a factory, with citizens molded into perfect gears from age six. Everything is primed for production and efficiency, from the court system to the navy to the very structures of families. From the Conquered Steppe to the Polar Islands, down the Boundary Mountains and north to the Polar Islands, everything in Polaris does its job.
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With the east covered, let us follow the sun west to the continent of Baru, the land of the elves. Long-lived and pointy-eared, the elves are seen as wanderers and scholars, fighters of ancient wars and curators of knowledge unknown even to them. Their history is long and mostly forgotten, filled with fanciful beasts and epic heroes, goddesses in volcanoes and at the bottom of the ocean. Thin and ropey like reeds, the average elf can walk ten leagues in a day and ride twenty on deer-back.
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First, let’s take a look at the largest and most organized of the elven nations, though ‘nation’ is certainly a strong word for the United Townships. Haphazardly spread across the southern Verdant Plains, its people are tree-hearted farmers and fighters. Technically ruled by Chancellor Norris Mackir, the successor-state to the Kingdom of Climbing Vines is very relaxed and far less militaristic than its predecessor.
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In the center of the continent, there is a far less organized and far more scholarly group that inhabits the Landrise Mountains: the Unlost People. Earth-eyed descendants of the ancient Empire of the Lost, its people are solitary scavengers, digging up history and rarely gathering for anything beside the old holidays.
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Off to the south is a strange group, more a solidified idea than anything else: the Raging Sea. Populated by rebels and non-conformers and lead by their founder-president Warrien Kallen, the Sea seeks to become a real nation, like those in the east and the south. They live isolated on Hideaway Island, refusing to communicate with any elf that does not bear the blue Tears of a tide sibling.
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The other two continents are united under single nations, and each is an example of successful, but different, forms of government. There are the dwarves of Ravai, sun-sensitive and thought of as shut-ins who do nothing but garden and create, and the Shattered People of Kracon, the bestial-looking thropians, foxes, centaurs, merfolk, and long-bodied dragons.
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First, the Dwarven Federation. A small but mighty nation in the very north of Ravai, its seven-member Council oversee the beautiful and strange Garden of Life, the origin of every dwarf’s symbiotic plant. Traditionally allied with the elves in the south of Baru, this nation is a peaceful and productive one.
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And secondly, there’s the Sacred League of Xuanteng, also known as the Confederation of the Stars, is home to the longest-lived, and arguably the most powerful, beings in the world. The most modern nation, it was in the Sacred League’s many islands that some of the most influential inventions were first conceived: the printing-press, the steam engine, flash-powder, and countless sciences were birthed from the minds of foxes and long-bodied dragons. Its centaurs are among the best musicians in the World, its merpeople build the best ships, and its thropians are the fiercest warriors. At least, according to the League.
falls over onto a soft chair with a huff
bloody hell that felt good to write. More coming eventually, about cosmology, the creation myth, gods, terrorism, literature, and the seasons.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Junk Food Day
Junk foods are usually, by definition, high in fats, sugars, salt, and calories. But more often than not, they are delicious! Junk food day is the perfect day to treat yourself. On Junk Food Day, you get to eat anything you want. Eat any amounts that you want, too. Tomorrow, however, it’s back to a healthy diet.
It doesn’t have to be candies either. Like bacon? Eat so much bacon! Like chili cheese dogs? Eat all the dogs you want. Onion rings, yes please. Pizza? Have it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Junk Food Day is all about indulging in your favorites.
Please Note: Junk food may be hazardous to your health. After all, mom knows what’s best for you. Do so at your own risk. That risk includes having too much and Mom saying: “I told you so!”
Learn about Junk Food Day
Junk Food Day is a day that allows you to chow down on the foods that you usually would not. Junk foods, by their definition, tend to contain a lot of calories, salt, sugar, and fats, and they offer very nutritional value. You may think that it doesn’t do anyone any favors to have a day that is dedicated to junk food.
However, if you follow a healthy and balanced diet, there is nothing wrong with having one day of the year whereby you can eat anything that you want to. In fact, this is encouraged, because it means that you are more likely to eat healthily the rest of the time, right? Of course, it is up to you whether or not you decide to fully embrace Junk Food Day, but we know that we will be!
History of Junk Food Day
Upon searching for the history behind this food filled day, we found no information on the origin of this day. It was most likely created by a diet conscious individual or group who desired to eat junk food, without guilt, at least one day a year, sounds like a great idea to me. For it to become a “national” day it requires an act of congress. I don’t mind celebrating it anyway.
But, what about junk food? When did this start to come into our lives? Well, this coincides with the advent of packaged foods throughout the late 1900s. Of course, for decades, home-cooked meals were still the standard. However, after WW2, junk food really started to take off.
The population was traveling more and eating out more, and this resulted in fast food chains and the frozen food aisle really taking off. There were so many different foods for people to choose from. However, it was not until the 1970s that junk food started to get a bad name. This was when microbiologist, Michael Jacobson, actually coined the phrase. His aim was to try and curb our appetite for high preservative, high salt, and high sugar foods, which we were eating at a worrying rate.
Since then, there has been more knowledge and information about junk food, and a lot of food manufacturers have tried to make healthy versions of the junk food that we love the most! Nevertheless, if you have junk food now and again yet you generally maintain a healthy diet, it should not do you any harm! After all, we all deserve a treat now and again, right?
How to celebrate Junk Food Day
Celebrate this wonderful day by eating any sweet or salty treats you want! Bake cupcakes, make cookies, heat up some popcorn, buy some of your favorite candies. Invite friends over and have them bring in their favorites and make a junk food buffet and spend the rest of the day watching movies. You can always go get some fast food for fun. Take a cheat day from your diet and have dessert for dinner.
Consider trying some junk foods from other countries. Japan has a particular talent for making fun candy that you have to mix together. Look online to see if you can order special treats for the day. To name a few for you Korea has Cheong Woo Pumpkin Candy.
The Ukraine has Mr. Fizzy, a small hard candy that fizzes in your mouth. Columbia has Jet chocolates, a package of chocolates that also comes with a dinosaur sticker. Japan has Unican Mikita Melon Milk candy, a chewy candy with melon flavor. In Spain they have Violetas, sugar coated natural violets. In Poland they have a crunchy wafer-chocolate bar called Prince Polo made by Olza.
Another way that you can celebrate junk food is by creating your own versions of your favorite snacks. For example, instead of heading down to KFC, why not try making your own southern fried chicken? There are lots of great recipes online for junk food nowadays. In fact, you will see that there are some weird and wonderful creations, including different and unusual burger recipes and much more!
You may also want to decide to spend Junk Food Day with your friends. Why not host a junk food party? You can tell your friends that everyone has to bring carby and fatty foods. There are no green leafy foods allowed! Enjoy the day and indulge together. After all, it’s not like it is something that we all get to do all of the time, is it? So, you may as well make the most of it and indulge in those naughty foods. We won’t tell anyone!
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yo-sostenible · 1 month
Un proyecto liderado por el CSIC describe el aumento de las temperaturas en el océano Antártico como consecuencia del cambio climático y sus efectos sobre la biodiversidad Iceberg avistado desde el buque Hespérides durante la campaña Antártica 2024. / Oleg Belyaev y de modelado numérico matemático. De esta manera, se ha conseguido caracterizar la distribución espacio-temporal de las olas de calor marinas en el océano que rodea al continente Antártico y los procesos físicos locales y remotos responsables de estos eventos. Además, se ha llevado a cabo un profundo análisis de causalidad, para derivar las estrechas relaciones entre las consecuencias físicas provocadas por las olas de calor y la biogeoquímica de esta región oceánica tan relevante en el contexto del cambio climático. Este estudio muestra uno de los impactos más graves del cambio climático en los océanos, especialmente en el océano Austral, crucial para la circulación oceánica. La investigación revela que las olas de calor marinas pueden influir en cómo se absorbe, fija y exporta el carbono en este océano a través de la bomba biológica de carbono, un proceso clave para regular el clima global. Sin embargo, estos eventos extremos pueden alterar la composición del fitoplancton, causando un desajuste temporal entre su abundancia y la demanda de sus consumidores en la cadena alimentaria. Esto podría tener importantes efectos negativos en la biodiversidad antártica, especialmente con los futuros cambios climáticos previstos. Sobre Dichoso El proyecto Dichoso (PID2021−125783OBI00) cuenta con un equipo científico multidisciplinar compuesto por personal investigador experto en Ciencias del Mar y Ambientales, Física Teórica y Computacional, Química, Biología y Geología y pertenecientes a diferentes instituciones nacionales. El Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) está representado por el Instituto de Ciencias Marinas de Andalucía, el Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas de Vigo y el Instituto Español de Oceanografía, al que se unen las universidades de Cantabria (UNICAN), Cádiz (UCA), y Granada (UGR). El objetivo principal del proyecto consiste en evaluar la contribución de las masas de agua de Isla Decepción a los inventarios biogeoquímicos del océano Austral, tanto al balance actual como a las tendencias futuras. Dichoso está liderado desde el ICMAN-CSIC por los investigadores Antonio Tovar-Sánchez y Emma Huertas.   Referencia científica: Fernández-Barba, M., Belyaev, O., Huertas, I.E. et al. Marine heatwaves in a shifting Southern Ocean induce dynamical changes in primary production. Commun Earth Environ. DOI: doi.org/10.1038/s43247-024-01553-x Fuente CSIC Comunicación Andalucía y Extremadura
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surveycircle · 1 year
¡Se buscan participantes para estudio! Tema: "Encuesta sobre 'Relevo Generacional en la Auditoría de Cuentas'" https://t.co/IWvWgfZWCo via @SurveyCircle #unican #AuditoríaDeCuentas #RelevoGeneracional #conciliación #honorarios https://t.co/0mJENQCJ3s
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) May 14, 2023
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letraescarlataorg · 2 years
Mme @Aurora1Aurora no todo lo legal en otros países, es ético, ni acorde a #DDHH Hay que ser perverso @unican para elegir el #25N para justificar la #Explotaciónreproductiva cuando solo se pretende legalizar una práctica violenta contra mujeres y menores, prohibida en España https://t.co/1JjBFYq4zT https://t.co/jsvBW9oWnz
Mme @Aurora1Aurora no todo lo legal en otros países, es ético, ni acorde a #DDHH Hay que ser perverso @unican para elegir el #25N para justificar la #Explotaciónreproductiva cuando solo se pretende legalizar una práctica violenta contra mujeres y menores, prohibida en España https://t.co/1JjBFYq4zT https://t.co/jsvBW9oWnz
— Teresa Domínguez (@letra_escarlata) Nov 14, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/letra_escarlata
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jiokcareers · 4 years
Industrial Mechanical Technician Job at Unicane Industries Ltd
Industrial Mechanical Technician Job at Unicane Industries Ltd
JOB TITLE: Industrial Mechanical Technician Job at Unicane Industries Ltd COMPANY: Unicane Industries Ltd JOB DESCRIPTION: Unicane Industries Limited started operation over 4 years ago in Jamata, though has existed before then in some other locations and it is into refining of Ethanol and production of Sheanut butter. We are recruiting to fill the position below: Job Position: Industrial…
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brentestabrook · 2 years
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I AM BACK!!! 😜😜😜 “uniCAN!” 🦄😜🎨 oil on canvas, 60”x84” (152cm x 213cm)… already spoken for ;) www.brentestabrook.com | #brentestabrook #estabrookstudios #art #jameswrightgallery #oilpainting #stuffedanimals #unicorn (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CebsRSsJ5gF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ximari · 5 years
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🔥 ʙᴀᴄᴋ ɪɴ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ʙɪᴛᴄʜᴇꜱ🔥 • 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻 📺📺📺📺 • #tv #intercom #producer #productora #camera #piso #girl #TvProducer #television #LMUpy #unicanal #bitches #lights https://www.instagram.com/p/B1pkjKeD1J_/?igshid=1j2sq5uzz3w4s
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mesidasgroup · 4 years
Bộ lập trình PLC UniStream Unitronics
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Bộ điều khiển lập trình PLC UniStream đa chức năng, hiệu suất hoạt động mạnh mẽ, hỗ trợ các giao thức truyền thông nâng cao, tùy chọn tích hợp I/O đa dạng và màn hình HMI ảo.
HMI ảo – Có khả năng lưu trữ và chạy chương trình PLC như một màn hình HMI thực. Điều này đã tạo nên một điểm cực kỳ mạnh mẽ cho dòng PLC với HMI ảo của hãng Unitronics: bạn có thể giám sát, vận hành hoặc truy cập quá trình hoạt động thiết bị của mình thông qua bất kỳ điện thoại di động, PC hoặc thiết bị hiển thị từ xa nào.
Các tính năng vượt trội: Ethernet/IP, MQTT, SNMP, SQL, Web Server, FTP, SNMP, và hơn thế nữa. Có sẵn 3 phiên bản: Truyền thống, Tiêu chuẩn và Nâng cao [Classic “B3”, Standard “B5”, và Pro “B10”]
Tổng quan về bộ lập trình PLC UniStream
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1. PLC
Tự động hiệu chỉnh PID, lên tới 64 vòng độc lập (*2)
Recipes & data logging via data tables & sampling (*1)
Thẻ nhớ SD – lưu trữ, sao lưu, sao chép và hơn thế nữa (*1)
Function Blocks & Structs (*1) Chỉ dành cho phiên bản Pro (B10) và Standard (B5) (*2) Basic (B3) hỗ trợ lên tới 2 vòng PID độc lập
2. HMI ảo
Đầy đủ các chức năng của màn hình HMI
Hỗ trợ các loại có độ phân giải khác nhau
Sử dụng thư viện đồ họa Kéo và Thả (Drag & Drop) một cách dễ dàng và thuận tiện
Hiển thị đa ngôn ngữ
Màn hình tích hợp cảnh báo, báo động
Trình xem PDF (*1)
Bảo mật mật khẩu nhiều lớp – dễ dàng và nhanh chóng (*1) Chỉ dành cho phiên bản Pro (B10) và Standard (B5)
3. Giao tiếp truyền thông
Tích hợp các cổng: – 2 Ethernet TCP/IP – 1 USB host – 1 Mini USB dành cho lập trình (*1)
Tùy chọn thêm cổng tính năng (*2): – 1 CANbus – 1 RS485 – 1 RS232
Giao thức truyền thông: – MQTT Client – EtherNet/IP – MODBUS TCP – CANopen, CANlayer2, UniCAN – SNMP – BACnet, KNX và M-Bus qua gateway – Trình soạn tin nhắn cho các giao thức của bên thứ 3
Những tính năng khác: – SQL Client (*3) – Web Server (*3) – E-mail & SMS – Truy cập từ xa qua VNC – FTP server & client (*1) – GPRS (*1) Chỉ dành cho phiên bản Pro (B10) và Standard (B5) (*2) Mở rộng lên tới hai module cổng nối tiếp dành cho phiên bản B10/B5 và một dành cho phiên bản B3 (*3) Chỉ dành cho phiên bản Pro (B10)
4. I/O “Đầu vào/đầu ra”
Mở rộng cục bộ: lên tới 2048 I/O (*1)
Mở rộng từ xa: qua UniStream Remote I/O
Tùy chọn I/O bao gồm: digital, analog, high-speed và temperature. Xem chi tiết trong các bảng bên dưới: — UniStream PLC- Built-in I/Os — Uni-I/O™ Modules — UniStream Remote I/O (*1) Chỉ dành cho phiên bản Pro (B10) và Standard (B5)
Xem thêm tại: https://mesidas.com/bo-lap-trinh-plc-unistream/
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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National Junk Food Day
Junk foods are usually, by definition, high in fats, sugars, salt, and calories. But more often than not, they are delicious! Junk food day is the perfect day to treat yourself. On Junk Food Day, you get to eat anything you want. Eat any amounts that you want, too. Tomorrow, however, it’s back to a healthy diet.
It doesn’t have to be candies either. Like bacon? Eat so much bacon! Like chili cheese dogs? Eat all the dogs you want. Onion rings, yes please. Pizza? Have it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Junk Food Day is all about indulging in your favorites.
Please Note: Junk food may be hazardous to your health. After all, mom knows what’s best for you. Do so at your own risk. That risk includes having too much and Mom saying: “I told you so!”
Learn about Junk Food Day
Junk Food Day is a day that allows you to chow down on the foods that you usually would not. Junk foods, by their definition, tend to contain a lot of calories, salt, sugar, and fats, and they offer very nutritional value. You may think that it doesn’t do anyone any favors to have a day that is dedicated to junk food.
However, if you follow a healthy and balanced diet, there is nothing wrong with having one day of the year whereby you can eat anything that you want to. In fact, this is encouraged, because it means that you are more likely to eat healthily the rest of the time, right? Of course, it is up to you whether or not you decide to fully embrace Junk Food Day, but we know that we will be!
History of Junk Food Day
Upon searching for the history behind this food filled day, we found no information on the origin of this day. It was most likely created by a diet conscious individual or group who desired to eat junk food, without guilt, at least one day a year, sounds like a great idea to me. For it to become a “national” day it requires an act of congress. I don’t mind celebrating it anyway.
But, what about junk food? When did this start to come into our lives? Well, this coincides with the advent of packaged foods throughout the late 1900s. Of course, for decades, home-cooked meals were still the standard. However, after WW2, junk food really started to take off.
The population was traveling more and eating out more, and this resulted in fast food chains and the frozen food aisle really taking off. There were so many different foods for people to choose from. However, it was not until the 1970s that junk food started to get a bad name. This was when microbiologist, Michael Jacobson, actually coined the phrase. His aim was to try and curb our appetite for high preservative, high salt, and high sugar foods, which we were eating at a worrying rate.
Since then, there has been more knowledge and information about junk food, and a lot of food manufacturers have tried to make healthy versions of the junk food that we love the most! Nevertheless, if you have junk food now and again yet you generally maintain a healthy diet, it should not do you any harm! After all, we all deserve a treat now and again, right?
How to celebrate Junk Food Day
Celebrate this wonderful day by eating any sweet or salty treats you want! Bake cupcakes, make cookies, heat up some popcorn, buy some of your favorite candies. Invite friends over and have them bring in their favorites and make a junk food buffet and spend the rest of the day watching movies. You can always go get some fast food for fun. Take a cheat day from your diet and have dessert for dinner.
Consider trying some junk foods from other countries. Japan has a particular talent for making fun candy that you have to mix together. Look online to see if you can order special treats for the day. To name a few for you Korea has Cheong Woo Pumpkin Candy.
The Ukraine has Mr. Fizzy, a small hard candy that fizzes in your mouth. Columbia has Jet chocolates, a package of chocolates that also comes with a dinosaur sticker. Japan has Unican Mikita Melon Milk candy, a chewy candy with melon flavor. In Spain they have Violetas, sugar coated natural violets. In Poland they have a crunchy wafer-chocolate bar called Prince Polo made by Olza.
Another way that you can celebrate junk food is by creating your own versions of your favorite snacks. For example, instead of heading down to KFC, why not try making your own southern fried chicken? There are lots of great recipes online for junk food nowadays. In fact, you will see that there are some weird and wonderful creations, including different and unusual burger recipes and much more!
You may also want to decide to spend Junk Food Day with your friends. Why not host a junk food party? You can tell your friends that everyone has to bring carby and fatty foods. There are no green leafy foods allowed! Enjoy the day and indulge together. After all, it’s not like it is something that we all get to do all of the time, is it? So, you may as well make the most of it and indulge in those naughty foods. We won’t tell anyone!
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Haciendo un blog para la asignatura de Aprendizaje en el master de secundaria en la unican #secundaria #unican #aprendizaje
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goldilocksmith · 6 years
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#kaba #simplex #unican. Opening up to sort out customers mess on codes and generally making a total hash. https://www.instagram.com/p/BrPUs8dg5PC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pnemxodkcfry
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yemismile · 7 years
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Regreso a la casa #Unican #Santander #atardecer #sinfiltro
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ivande3a · 8 years
Se construiesc bucătării moderne la comandă
Se construiesc bucătării moderne la comandă
În urmă cu puțin timp, prietena mea Ada, m-a rugat s-o ajut. Ea când s-a căsătorit, a primit cadou apartamentul bunicilor. Iar ei s-au mutat la țară. Aceasta mi-a zis că își dorește  bucătărie modernă.
Apartamentul este unul destul de mare, însă mobila din toată casa este foarte veche. Prin urmare Ada și soțul ei, mi-au cerut ajutorul  pentru sugestii și să le caut o firmă bună. Ei lucrează mult…
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jiokcareers · 4 years
Industrial Mechanical Technician At Unicane Industries Limited
Industrial Mechanical Technician At Unicane Industries Limited
JOB TITLE: Industrial Mechanical Technician At Unicane Industries Limited COMPANY: JOB DESCRIPTION: Unicane Industries Limited started operation over 4 years ago in Jamata, though has existed before then in some other locations and it is into refining of Ethanol and production of Sheanut butter. We are recruiting to fill the position below: Job Title: Industrial Mechanical Technician Location:…
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xlevelpr · 2 years
Esposa del fiscal paraguayo confirma identidad del sicario que lo mató en Barú
Esposa del fiscal paraguayo confirma identidad del sicario que lo mató en Barú
La esposa del fiscal antimafia Marcelo Pecci, asesinado el martes en la isla de Barú, en Colombia, donde pasaban su luna de miel, retornó este jueves a Paraguay. Al llegar, habló del crimen con un amigo periodista, que dio a conocer varios datos que eran desconocidos hasta hoy. El reportero Óscar Lovera, de Unicanal, le pidió consentimiento a Aguilera para comentar las cosas que ella recordó…
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