#unidentified R2 unit
sw5w · 3 months
Anakin Greets the Pilots
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace - Deleted Scene: Anakin’s Return 00:11
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justanother-girl · 4 years
Reylo Fans - I may have found something in TFA novelization about the connection between Ben Solo and Rey.
ok, so most of us know the comics about Ben Solo, aka The Rise of Kylo Ren, have recently all come out (#4 being the last one). Spoilers, kinda, here. So heads up.
so with the story of Ben Solo being canonized and out for us all to read, I read it and it reminded me of Rey’s vision in TFA, the one she experienced just before finding Luke (Anakin’s) lightsaber. These are just my theories and opinions, none of what I’m about to share is technically canon, other than the words in quotations from TFA novelization. 
First, she is sent into this vision by an intense loneliness. 
“Alone...alone...It echoed in her mind as she sat there. Under the weight of her loneliness Han’s voice seemed to fade, and Maz Kanata’s as well, until there was nothing surrounding her but a silence as deep and profound as the distant reaches of space itself. Then something came, stealthy and unidentifiable, to fill it.” 
Now, the vision. 
“A heavy, slow, mechanical breathing filled the room. Turning, she found herself looking down an impressive hallway, its architecture reminiscent of the Old Empire. Peering harder, farther, she saw in the distance a section of the famed Cloud City. Two figures were locked in combat, distant, distant. Someone, somewhere, somewhen, spoke her name.” 
--To start, I interpret this to be Han and Leia. Long ago, they took refuge in Cloud City together and I see this as them arguing about what to do with Ben, like whether or not to send him away with Luke to train as a Jedi. We know now that she is a dyad with Ben, so if she heard ‘her’ name, it could have been Ben’s name. again, theory and opinion. 
“’Hello?’ Wreathed in the irrationality of the moment, she called hopefully, but received no answer.
A boy appeared at the end of the hallway. She started toward him, and the world turned inside out, causing her to trip and fall.”
--I see this as the boy being young Ben, and because we know Han and Leia decided to send him to Luke, Ben’s world was turned inside out by being separated from his parents at a young age. 
“Onto the wall, which had become the ground. Not the adamantine ceramic she had just seen, but dry grass. Nearby, a lightsaber slammed into the ground. A missed thrust, a statement of power -- she didn’t know, couldn’t tell. A hand appeared to pull it upward.” 
--So according to TROKR, Ben is seen sparing on dry grass with a few peers, specifically a girl named Voe. He claims in the comic that she can see his power. I interpret the vision to be Ben in his Jedi training, sparing with his peers and his great power showing through. 
“Day became night, sky ominous and filled with rain, cold and chilling to the bone. She was standing, she was sitting, she was looking up -- to see someone, a warrior, take the full force of the lightsaber. He screamed and fell.”
--this one is more difficult for me, but I think it to mean the moment when Ben believed he was betrayed by Luke and he fought back. 
“Battlefield then, all around her. Putting a hand to her mouth, she rose and turned. As she turned, she found herself confronted by seven tall, cloaked figures, dark and foreboding, all armed. Soaked and shivering, she stumbled backward, turning as she half fell. Firelight illuminated her, firelight from a distant, burning temple.”
--this one causes me to immediately think of the Knights of Ren. According to a panel in issue #4 of TROKR, there are 7 Knights of Ren, including their leader Ren. I don’t believe them to be there when the Jedi temple is destroyed, but we know that Ben runs off and ends up with them right after the temple is destroyed. So this could be right after that. 
“The seven vanished. A sound made her turn, and she blinked in surprise at the sight of a small blue-and-silver R2 unit. A new figure appeared. Falling to his knees, he reached out to the droid with an artifice of an arm -- metal and plastics and other materials with which she was not familiar. She blinked and both were gone.” 
--this one definitely seemed like Luke and R2D2. To me, it puts the scene just before to mean Ben running away from the burning temple straight into the Knights of Ren, and leaving Luke behind in sadness or distraught (falling to his knees) about all his Jedi trainees dying. 
“Around her now: barren, snowy woods, the sounds of unknown forest creatures, and a conviction that she must be losing her mind. Once more, she climbed to her feet, her chilled breath preceding her. From in front of her, not far away, came the sounds of battle: the cries of the wounded and the clashing of weapons.”
--I interpret this to be Ben as Kylo Ren, specifically the scene where he is tearing through the forest and killing everyone in sight. This is when he has turned, and is now Kylo Ren and Snoke’s apprentice, doing the work of the Dark Side. 
There’s more about a voice, but I’m not sure what it means, so I will stop here. Thanks for reading, if you made it this far! Let me know your thoughts, but please remember that these are not facts, these are only my opinions and theories! None of this is canon and shouldn’t be read that way!
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jadedjo · 6 years
Obi-wan Kenobi Time Travel Drabble
I had this idea for a time travel fic. There is nothing else other than this one scene. I just so rarely see time-travel done where characters go into the future. I’m sure they are out there but as I don’t often read time travel this idea wouldn't leave me.
The stars spun dizzyingly as Obi-Wan tried to get his starfighter under control. The Separatists had ambushed his squadron as they had been exploring the Dubani Nebula for enemy activity. They found it. Now all of his clone pilots where destroyed and he was hit. If he could just make it back to his jump engines he could warn Anakin and the fleet of the Separatists hiding out in the nebula. “Never around when I need you,” he said to himself about his former padawan. This should have been Anakin’s mission. He was the one who loved flying while Obi-wan only tolerated it.
Finally getting the spin under control Obi-wan had R4 put all power to the engines. It was going to be close. He only had a few seconds lead on the pursuing Vulture Droids. “R4, are those jump coordinates complete?” he shouted as the Force warned him of a missile approaching. He swerved at the last moment and fired as the missile passed and turned to track him. It exploded just as his astromech beeped confirmation that the course was laid in.
“Get ready R4, as soon as we are attached jump!”
The ship was spinning again, this time a controlled spin as he took evasive maneuvers from the vulture droids still gaining on him. But he could see the jump engines now. If the Force would just allow him to connect…
He straightened out and hit the reverse thrusters as his ships hyperdrive engines came within range. With a lot of help from the Force, he’d timed his reverse just right so that the ship was at a complete stop as he settled the ship within the jump ring. The sound of the engines attaching was nearly drowned out as the ship took a hit. But it was too late for the separatist’s droids. The next instant the Jedi starfighter jumped into hyperspace. Right through the heart of the Dubani Nebula.
“R4! You can’t jump through a nebula!”
The droid’s reply was less than reassuring.
“You’ve been spending far too much time with R2-D2. Just because he thinks it’s possible doesn’t mean it’s safe.”
The droid beeped a short reply.
“Yes, I realize we are not dead, but that’s beside the point.”
Before Obi-wan could say anything else the blue-white maelstrom of hyperspace gave way to star-studded sky. He would be having a talk with Anakin about his droid corrupting the circuits of other droids as soon as he landed.
But looking out the viewport showed not the Republic fleet but an orange gas giant.
“I told you traveling through a nebula was dangerous, R4,” Obi-wan admonished the droid. “Do you even know where we are?”
The droid was silent as he analyzed the star patterns in relation to an orange gas giant. While the astromech did that Obi-wan scanned the local frequencies hoping to pick up a Republic transmission and hoping even harder there where no Separatists hiding on the other side of the planet.
R4 was still processing the data when he picked up what sounded like freighter traffic.
“New Republic freighter Lightning Rod hailing Yavin 4,” said an older male voice.
“This is Yavin 4, we read you Lightning Rod. Permission to land in front of the main Temple complex. And not a moment too soon. We thought we were going to have to break out the ration bars if you were delayed much longer,” A younger female voice replied.
“Understood Yavin 4. Glad we made it before it became that dire. Lightning Rod Out.”
“Did you get that R4?” Obi-wan asked. “They said they were on Yavin 4.”
The R4 unit beeped in acknowledgment and showed a star map of the Yavin system. Yavin 4 being one of 3 habitual moons orbiting the gas giant. He didn’t know what the ‘New Republic’ was but it didn’t sound like they were Separatists. Perhaps colonist trying to escape the war? And since he needed fuel and repairs before he could jump back to the feet, they would have to be good enough.
Setting a course for the 4th moon, Obi-wan limped his starfighter closer. The lush blue and green moon was just coming into visual range when they hailed him.
“Yavin 4 to unidentified starfighter. You have entered Jedi airspace. Please state your intentions,” the same young female voiced said. Jedi airspace! There were no Jedi bases in the Gordian Reach that he knew of. No Jedi bases period. Could this be one of the Jedi Corps projects?
He was silent too long, trying to puzzle this mystery out when the voice was back. “Unidentified starfighter, respond. Failure to respond will mean we will launch our own fighters.”
Not only a Jedi base but an armed one. He needed to get to the bottom of this. “This is Jedi Master Kenobi of the Republic Fleet. I am requesting assistance. My fighter was damaged and in need of repairs. With your permission, I would like to land.”
It was their turn to go silent for too long. “Yavin 4, did you read me? Over.”
Another few seconds ticked by and Obi-wan was about to hail them again when a new voice said, this one a deep male, over the line, “Master Kenobi, you have permission to land. Please follow the beacon and it will guide you in. Yavin 4 our.” The line abruptly cut off.
Well that was rude, Obi-wan thought. Usually the Jedi Corps was more welcoming than that. Especially to a Member of the Jedi High Council.
But he dutifully followed the beacon. After leaving his jump engines in orbit he descended through the atmosphere until he could see that the beacon led to a cluster of grey stoned ziggurats. The largest of them had a battered old freighter of unknown origin parked right out front of what looked like an underground hanger.
He landed as gracefully as he could next to the freighter. Telling R4 to wait with the ship he popped his canopy and jumped to the ground. A tall, white-haired man was waiting for him. No not white, Obi-wan noted as he approached. Just so light blond it appeared white in the sun. He was dressed in a dark sleeveless tunic and pants, a lightsaber hung on his belt.
As Obi-wan neared, the man bowed and said, “Master Kenobi, my name is Jedi Kam Solusar. I have been instructed to take you to my Master’s office until he can meet with you.”
Bowing back, Obi-wan asked, still completely perplexed, “And just who is your Master?”
“If you will follow me?” Solusar said ignoring the question as he gestured for Obi-wan to preceded him.
Obi-wan sighed. “Fine, play coy, but can you at least explain why the Jedi Corps is on this moon?”
“I’m afraid all question must wait for my Master,” Solusar said and led him into the ziggurat.
Solusar said no more and Obi-wan contented himself with studying the building they traveled through. It was a large structure but he could sense only a few dozen beings throughout the complex. Nearly all Force sensitive to some degree. But they met know one when finally, Solusar stopped in front of a simple nondescript door. It opened revealing an equally nondescript office with just a visitor’s chairs, desk with its own chair, and computer terminal.
“Master Kenobi, if you would be so good as to wait here,” the Jedi said. “My Master is in a meeting and will be with you as soon as he can.”
Obi-wan entered, sitting at one of the chairs before the desk as Solusar closed the door and left.
He was only there for a few minutes, trying to get some sense from what the Force was telling him when the door opened and a girl of no more than 10 - 12 entered. She had honey blond hair the curled naturally, light green eyes, light skin, and she was barefoot.
“Hello little one,” he greeted as she brought in a tray with a cup and pitcher on it. “I take it you’re not the Jedi Master I am waiting for.”
“Hi,” she greeted informally and giggled. “No of course not. I’m Tahiri Veila. Master Skywalker thought you might be thirsty and asked if I might bring you something to drink.”
Master Skywalker?! Just what was this all about? Anakin had a wicked sense of humor but large elaborate practical jokes were not something the Jedi engaged in. Their humor was more of subtle, or in Anakin’s case, not so subtle whit. With a war on Obi-wan didn’t even know why someone would go to such lengths.
The girl was oblivious to her slip of the tongue as she chatted away, asking finally if he needed anything else.
“No that’s alright. I’ll just wait for your Master.”
“Oh, Master Skywalker isn’t my master, not really. My Master is Master Ikrit. Though, he is kind of everyone’s Master. Master Skywalker, not Master Ikrit. Master Ikrit is just Anakin’s and my Master. But I’ve got to get back. Anakin will want to ask me all about you. Bye!”
She left just as suddenly as she entered and leaving Obi-wan even more confused. She spoke of Master Skywalker and Anakin as if they were two separate people. What in the Force was going on!
He drank what turned out to be a soothing iced tea from the pitcher as he tried once again to make sense of what was happening to him. Looking at the desk showed the usual assortment of datapad, some flimsi sheets, and a holo of what looked like a family photo of a mother, father, and 3 children.
The holo had just cycled to what looked like a wedding photo when a powerful presence could be felt coming towards the office he was in. It was a bright beacon amongst all the other Force users. That fact that Obi-wan hadn’t felt it till now must mean the presence was powerful enough to dampen his Force presence to the point where even a Jedi Master hadn’t felt it. He didn’t know of many within the Jedi who could do that and where not on the Jedi Council. Anakin could, but this presence didn’t feel like his former apprentice. And yet…it did.
Obi-wan was already standing facing the door when it opened. A sandy-haired man not much younger the Obi-wan himself entered. Attired in a more traditional Jedi garb of a tunic, tan pants and tabard, and dark obi underneath a belt from which a lightsaber hung. But it was the man’s blue eyes that struck Obi-wan the most. They were Anakin’s eyes.
“Hello Ben,” the man said and at Obi-wan’s confused look, corrected himself. “Or should I say General Kenobi?”
“Who are you?” he asked, not wanting to believe what the Force was screaming at him.
“I’m Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker’s son,” the other Jedi said. “Welcome to the future.”
Part II - Luke
Part III - Mara
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Heavy metal vapours unexpectedly found in comets throughout our Solar System — and beyond A new study by a Belgian team using data from the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT) has shown that iron and nickel exist in the atmospheres of comets throughout our Solar System, even those far from the Sun. A separate study by a Polish team, who also used ESO data, reported that nickel vapour is also present in the icy interstellar comet 2I/Borisov. This is the first time heavy metals, usually associated with hot environments, have been found in the cold atmospheres of distant comets. “It was a big surprise to detect iron and nickel atoms in the atmosphere of all the comets we have observed in the last two decades, about 20 of them, and even in ones far from the Sun in the cold space environment," says Jean Manfroid from the University of Liège, Belgium, who lead the new study on Solar System comets published today in Nature. Astronomers know that heavy metals exist in comets’ dusty and rocky interiors. But, because solid metals don’t usually “sublimate” (become gaseous) at low temperatures, they did not expect to find them in the atmospheres of cold comets that travel far from the Sun. Nickel and iron vapours have now even been detected in comets observed at more than 480 million kilometres from the Sun, more than three times the Earth-Sun distance. The Belgian team found iron and nickel in comets’ atmospheres in approximately equal amounts. Material in our Solar System, for example that found in the Sun and in meteorites, usually contains about ten times more iron than nickel. This new result therefore has implications for astronomers’ understanding of the early Solar System, though the team is still decoding what these are. “Comets formed around 4.6 billion years ago, in the very young Solar System, and haven’t changed since that time. In that sense, they’re like fossils for astronomers,” says study co-author Emmanuel Jehin, also from the University of Liège. While the Belgian team has been studying these “fossil” objects with ESO’s VLT for nearly 20 years, they had not spotted the presence of nickel and iron in their atmospheres until now. “This discovery went under the radar for many years,” Jehin says. The team used data from the Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) instrument on ESO’s VLT, which uses a technique called spectroscopy, to analyse the atmospheres of comets at different distances from the Sun. This technique allows astronomers to reveal the chemical makeup of cosmic objects: each chemical element leaves a unique signature — a set of lines — in the spectrum of the light from the objects. The Belgian team had spotted weak, unidentified spectral lines in their UVES data and on closer inspection noticed that they were signalling the presence of neutral atoms of iron and nickel. A reason why the heavy elements were difficult to identify is that they exist in very small amounts: the team estimates that for each 100 kg of water in the comets’ atmospheres there is only 1 g of iron, and about the same amount of nickel. “Usually there is 10 times more iron than nickel, and in those comet atmospheres we found about the same quantity for both elements. We came to the conclusion they might come from a special kind of material on the surface of the comet nucleus, sublimating at a rather low temperature and releasing iron and nickel in about the same proportions,” explains Damien Hutsemékers, also a member of the Belgian team from the University of Liège. Although the team aren’t sure yet what material this might be, advances in astronomy — such as the Mid-infrared ELT Imager and Spectrograph (METIS) on ESO’s upcoming Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) — will allow researchers to confirm the source of the iron and nickel atoms found in the atmospheres of these comets. The Belgian team hope their study will pave the way for future research. “Now people will search for those lines in their archival data from other telescopes,” Jehin says. “We think this will also trigger new work on the subject.” Interstellar heavy metals Another remarkable study published today in Nature shows that heavy metals are also present in the atmosphere of the interstellar comet 2I/Borisov. A team in Poland observed this object, the first alien comet to visit our Solar System, using the X-shooter spectrograph on ESO’s VLT when the comet flew by about a year and a half ago. They found that 2I/Borisov’s cold atmosphere contains gaseous nickel. “At first we had a hard time believing that atomic nickel could really be present in 2I/Borisov that far from the Sun. It took numerous tests and checks before we could finally convince ourselves,” says study author Piotr Guzik from the Jagiellonian University in Poland. The finding is surprising because, before the two studies published today, gases with heavy metal atoms had only been observed in hot environments, such as in the atmospheres of ultra-hot exoplanets or evaporating comets that passed too close to the Sun. 2I/Borisov was observed when it was some 300 million kilometres away from the Sun, or about twice the Earth-Sun distance. Studying interstellar bodies in detail is fundamental to science because they carry invaluable information about the alien planetary systems they originate from. “All of a sudden we understood that gaseous nickel is present in cometary atmospheres in other corners of the Galaxy,” says co-author Michał Drahus, also from the Jagiellonian University. The Polish and Belgian studies show that 2I/Borisov and Solar System comets have even more in common than previously thought. “Now imagine that our Solar System's comets have their true analogues in other planetary systems — how cool is that?,” Drahus concludes. TOP IMAGE....The detection of the heavy metals iron (Fe) and nickel (Ni) in the fuzzy atmosphere of a comet are illustrated in this image, which features the spectrum of light of C/2016 R2 (PANSTARRS) on the top left superimposed to a real image of the comet taken with the SPECULOOS telescope at ESO’s Paranal Observatory. Each white peak in the spectrum represents a different element, with those for iron and nickel indicated by blue and orange dashes, respectively. Spectra like these are possible thanks to the UVES instrument on ESO’s VLT, a high-resolution spectrograph that spreads the line so much they can be individually identified. In addition, UVES remains sensitive down to wavelengths of 300nm. Most of the important iron and nickel lines appear at wavelengths of around 350nm, meaning that the capabilities of UVES were essential in making this discovery. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada, SPECULOOS Team/E. Jehin, Manfroid et al. CENTRE IMAGE....The detection of nickel (Ni) in the fuzzy atmosphere of the interstellar comet 2I/Borisov is illustrated in this image, which shows the spectrum of light of the comet on the bottom right superimposed to a real image of the comet taken with ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) in late 2019. The lines of nickel are indicated by orange dashes. The spectrum was obtained with the X-shooter instrument on the Unit Telescope 2 (UT2, Kueyen) on ESO’s VLT, which separates incoming beams of light into their constituent wavelengths (equivalent to colours). With the ability to acquire data from near-infrared to the ultraviolet wavelengths simultaneously, X-shooter is one of the most versatile optical instruments in use. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada/O. Hainaut, P. Guzik and M. Drahus LOWER IMAGE....This image features a comet located in the outer reaches of the Solar System: comet C/2016 R2 (PANSTARRS). As its name suggests, the comet was discovered in 2016 by the Pan-STARRS telescopes in Hawai’i. The new image seen here was captured by a project based at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile named the Search for habitable Planets EClipsing ULtra-cOOl Stars — or SPECULOOS for short. Comets are balls of dust, ice, gas and rock. When they pass close to the Sun, their ice warms up, turns to gas, and escapes in a process called “outgassing”. This process forms fuzzy envelopes around the comets’ nucleus, called comas, and distinctive tails. Observations from SPECULOOS show that the tail of C/2016 R2 (PANSTARRS) changes dramatically across a single night, making for a dynamic set of images. The image shown here, and accompanying frames in the time-lapse movie, comprise observations taken on 18 January 2018 during the test phase of SPECULOOS’s Callisto telescope, and were taken when the comet was 2.85 AU from the Sun (1 AU being the Earth-Sun distance) and travelling inwards. This comet is particularly exciting because of the rare compounds and molecules that scientists have detected in its coma: carbon monoxide and nitrogen ions. These compounds give the comet distinctive blue emission lines — so much so that it is nicknamed “the blue comet”. This shy comet only orbits the Sun once every 20 000 years, its most recent approach being in May 2018. This image was taken over a period of time as the telescope tracked the comet’s motion; the bright streaks of light in the background are faraway stars, but the comet and its gaseous coma are all in focus, a testament to the tracking power of SPECULOOS. BOTTOM IMAGE....This image was taken with the FORS2 instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope in late 2019, when comet 2I/Borisov passed near the Sun. Since the comet was travelling at breakneck speed, around 175 000 kilometres per hour, the background stars appeared as streaks of light as the telescope followed the comet’s trajectory. The colours in these streaks give the image some disco flair and are the result of combining observations in different wavelength bands, highlighted by the various colours in this composite image. Credit: ESO/O. Hainaut
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movieweb · 7 years
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Original R2-D2 Sells for $2.76 Million at Star Wars Auction
An unidentified collector shelled out a whopping $2.76 million for an R2-D2 unit made from parts on the first Star Wars set.
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wionews · 7 years
Star War's R2-D2 auctioned for $2.8 million
An R2-D2 unit used in the filming of several "Star Wars" movies has sold for almost $3 million, a southern California auction house said on Thursday.
Luke Skywalker's droid sidekick was put together from parts used in the filming of the original 1977-1983 trilogy and two of the 1999-2005 prequel films, Profiles in History, based near Los Angeles, said in its catalog. 
While the 43-inch (109 centimeter) character played largely by English actor Kenny Baker is known for his tenacious loyalty and snarky sense of humour, there are internal mechanics in the aluminum, steel and fiberglass unit sold on Wednesday.
The unidentified buyer nevertheless shelled out $2.76 million, making it the most expensive lot at a three-day auction of Hollywood memorabilia that included numerous props from the Lucasfilm franchise, raising a total of $14 million.
Skywalker's lightsaber from the first two movies, "A New Hope" and "The Empire Strikes Back," fetched $450,000 while Darth Vader's helmet from the original film sold for $96,000.
A collection of 23 spaceships from space series "Battlestar Galactica" and "Buck Rodgers" made $1.8 million dollars while the iconic illuminated dance floor from "Saturday Night Fever" went for $1.2 million. 
Leonardo DiCaprio's costume from Titanic (1997) and the sword wielded by Arnold Schwarzenegger in "Conan the Barbarian" (1982) went for $192,000 each. 
Other notable lots included a script and the front door to Rick's Cafe from "Casablanca" (1942), Lucille Ball's signature polka dot dress from 1950s sit-com "I Love Lucy," and Evel Knievel's 1976 Harley-Davidson XLCH 1000 from "Viva Knievel!" (1977).
A golden ticket from "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" (1971) went for a staggering $90,000.
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sw5w · 3 months
Pilots Rush to Greet the Hero
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace - Deleted Scene: Anakin’s Return 00:08
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sw5w · 5 months
The N-1's Soar Out of the Hangar
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:47:35
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sw5w · 9 months
Hi Chuba Da Nago?
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:31:47
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sw5w · 9 months
Through the Hangar
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:24:14
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sw5w · 2 months
Ground Crews Prepare for the Royal Cruiser
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STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:02:53
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sw5w · 2 months
Captain Dolphe Prepares for Landing
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STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:02:50
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sw5w · 2 months
A Third Escort Fighter
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STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:02:01
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sw5w · 5 months
Bravo Four's Wingmates
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:53:51
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sw5w · 5 months
Bravo Four Down
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:53:50
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sw5w · 5 months
Lieutenant Rya Kirsch
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:53:49
Lt. Rya Kirsch played in cameo appearance by ILM legend and Photoshop creator John Knoll.
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