#unidentified Security Officer
sw5w · 4 months
Heroes of the Naboo
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 02:08:52
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user00003123 · 1 year
NOW LIVE: BUILDING A BOND feat. t. fushiguro
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SUMMARY: when your parents get you a job as a psychologist at the prison, you don't expect to take such an interest in one of the inmates.
CONTENT WARNINGS: inmate! toji! x psychologist! fem! reader, smut, mdni, modern prison au, dom/sub dynamics, dirty talk, clit play, fingering, finger sucking, nipple sucking, slight choking, toji is kind of degrading, oral (f. & m. receiving), p in v, cow girl, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap), panty stealing, nicknames (Doc, slut, dirty girl, nasty girl, good girl) wc: 4,117
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"I'm sorry—what?"
"Look sweetie, you said it yourself. You went to school so that you could help people, and what's more helpful than being a psychologist for the prison, hm?" your mother sat next to you on the couch one arm around your shoulders and the other holding your hand.
"Your mother is right sweetie, this has been your dream since you were a little girl," your father speaks up from his desk.
"Working at a prison was not my dream," your arms are folded across your chest. "When I got my degree, I was thinking more of a cute office where I talk to children and teens to help them. Not grown men who did who knows what to get themselves in a prison," you slightly yell getting off the couch and standing in front of your father's desk.
"I get it sweetie, but if I didn't think you were the right one for this position, I wouldn't have volunteered you," your father gets up from his desk and walks over to you. He places his hands on both your shoulders, sighing, "You are the smartest, most compassionate young woman I've ever met. I know it's not the job you wanted, but maybe it's the job you needed."
Maybe he was right, I mean these men weren't emotionally stable and it could benefit them to talk to you.
The next day you were dressed in a black pantsuit with black flats, making sure to not have any flashy jewelry on. When arriving you had to go through extensive security, to make sure you didn't have any contraband, or anything harmful that could be used against you.
"You're the new psychologist aren't you?" A tall man with white hair asks you as you're leaving the security office. He was also dressed in all black, but with a vest that had police stitched on it in white.
"What gave it away?" you ask with a raised eyebrow. He tilts his head eyeing your outfit.
"You're cheerful being here," he laughs, hands now on the vest with the many pockets, and you notice the gun on his hip.
"I'm just trying to be hopeful that I can help these men in some way," you say running your hands down your shirt.
"I admire that, hope is not something that people have in here. Maybe you'll change that," you give him a small smile. "I'm Gojo, by the way. I'll be your security guard for the day."
"Just the day?" you follow him down a long hallway.
"Like me already?" you roll your eyes with a light laugh. "I'm messing with ya' sweetheart. Each day every guard has a different place we'll be in the prison. Mine is sadly guarding solitary the next couple days."
You hum in response and continue to follow him until you're in the medical bay. You meet the nurses, desk attendants, and other guards before Gojo takes you to your office. You give him a thanks as you put you're bag down looking around the room.
Empty white walls, a two-person cream-colored sofa, and a white desk with a matching chair. Very bland, but anything else added and it could've been used against you. Sitting at the desk you start to take a look at the files of the patients who would be visiting you. Some have a tragic back story, other don't, and you started to feel a bit overwhelmed. Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, you calmed yourself down just as a knock was heard on the door.
"Come in!" Gojo comes in with a long black-haired inmate who has an unidentifiable expression on his face.
"Cuffs on or off?" Gojo questions. You think on it for a second then tell him off. Letting the inmates not have their cuffs on shows you have some type of trust in them and helps build the bond for them to trust you.
"Behave yourself, Geto," Gojo starts to walk out of the office before turning to you again. "Remember, just yell or push the panic button and I'll come right in."
"Thanks," you smile at him before motioning for Geto to have a seat on your couch. He does and the two of you talk, he opens up quite a bit about how he feels about him being in here and why he's even in here in the first place. It's a great start to your day and every patient after Geto is pretty up or down. Either they wanna talk or they give you a hard time, but it's only the first day.
Your last patient comes in while you're fixing all the files on your desk, clearing his throat to let you know of his presence. You're eyes trailed up his body, black uniform pants, black wife-beater, his big beefy arms decorated in black ink, and a cocky little smirk plastered on his face. You look down at your schedule to see his name and you give him a smile then tell Gojo it's okay to take off his cuffs.
"You sure sweetheart, I'm a dangerous man," his eyes are staring right into yours, his smirk never leaving his face. Gojo leaves when you give him a nod and you gesture to the sofa for the new patient to sit down.
"Is that how you see yourself, Toji? Dangerous?" He leans his body back relaxing into the seat with a sigh.
"Of course, I do, Doc. I've hurt people, had blood on my hands. I know I'm dangerous," his eyes are watching you as you write down in your notes, before looking at him again.
"Are you proud of that?" you question tilting your head.
He puts a finger on his chin like he was thinking before letting out a laugh, "I am actually." Standing up from the sofa, he walks over to where you're sitting, leaning over you and the desk, "I did what I had to do to protect the ones I love. I had my reasons."
Before you could even respond, he was walking out the door, "Thanks for the session, Doc."
Re-reading Toji's file, you notice that it says he has a son and a daughter and was married before the incident. Your heart sinks thinking about how his kids must feel not having their father, even more so how Toji must feel not being able to be with his kids. He's right, he has his reasons for doing what he did, even as violent as it was, it was for the people he cared about.
The next few days Toji didn't show back up to the office, and honestly, you were worried about him. That Thursday when Gojo was your security guard again you ask him about Toji.
"He seems angrier than normal, and he hasn't said a word since he left your office on Monday,"  you were looking around the yard, spectating how the inmates engaged with one another or just with themselves. You saw Toji lifting weights in the corner of the yard, he was by himself, no one daring to come up and intrude. "Don't dwell too much, he'll come talk to you when the time is right. Just like the rest of these men."
The next day you go through your appointments, some of your patients opening up more than when you first meet them, making sure you tell each of them that you're proud of the progress they're making. You started to pack up for the weekend when it was time for Toji's appointment, knowing he wasn't coming, until a knock at your door startles you.
"Come in!" Toji walks through the door, head high, and another smirk on his face as Gojo walks in behind him, hands holding Toji's cuffed ones behind his back.
"He asked me to bring him." You smile lightly then gesture for Gojo to take off the cuffs before he leaves your office. Toji sits down on the sofa while you lean on your desk, giving him your full attention. Your eyes wandered on his body, seeing a few red marks and some sweat.
"My eyes are up here, sweetheart," you laugh slightly embarrassed, eyes staring right into his.
"I heard you don't work weekends, so I wanted to come talk to you before you left."
"Of course. What is it you would like to talk about?" you ask hand clasped in your lap.
"I want to apologize for my actions on Monday. I am not the talking type and never really have been, probably why my marriages haven't worked out." He whispered the last part, and you jotted that down in your head. "You were just doing your job and I don't need to make it any harder."
"I appreciate you apologizing Toji but know you didn't have to. I don't understand what's it like to be here, but I know that this environment isn't the best one to make you feel like you want to open up about your feelings," you smile and it warms his heart. "You don't have to come every day if it feels like too much for you. We can start at whatever pace it is you want if you even want to come to talk to me."
"Thanks, Doc, and I'm fine with meeting every day. I'm hoping that talking to you will help me get on parol so I can see my kids." He's being sincere and you admire that.
"As long as you make me believe that you've learned your lesson about being in here, I will get you parol, Toji," you give him a genuine smile and he returns it.
"I want to be a better man, for my kids," and for the next couple weeks, he saw you every day. During the first two weeks, he was still having a hard time being completely honest about his feelings, telling you small details about how he ended up here, or about his childhood. You didn't push him though, you didn't push any of your patients. Building trust with them is about letting them learn to trust you at their own pace, letting them open up at their speed, and as long as you give them the time to open up, your job will be easier.
Around the second month of Toji coming in every day, he felt himself become so intrigued with you. Whenever you weren't around, you were all he could think about, your eyes that drew him in whenever he looked at them too long, your legs that he couldn't stop thinking about wrapping around his waist as he pounded into you, and your pretty full lips that he imagines is his hand when fisting his cock late at night in his cell.
It would be a lie if you said you didn't think about him that way either. How could you not? Always having his big beefy biceps on display when he wore a wife beater. His uniform pants hung low on his hips and as soon as he sat down they were tight and you could see the print of dick against his thigh.
You always sat behind your desk when you met with your patients, so it was no different when it came to Toji, which made it easier to hide the fact that you were clenching your thighs together to release the tension you felt between your legs. Then one day as you were about to sit down at your desk Toji asks if you would sit next to him instead.
"I don't think it's appropriate to be so close to one of my patients," you smile and you could see a small pout on his face.
"Don't you want your patients to feel comfortable and feel you are building a bond with them?" He tilts his head and you laugh, knowing what he's doing. You grab your notebook and pen and sit at the other end of the couch, crossing one leg over the other. He smiles at you and places both his hands in his lap, hinting he won't try anything.
"We haven't gotten into your past relationships. Would you like to talk about your ex-wives or anyone you've been involved with?"
"Like people I've fucked?" he smirks and you shake your head looking down at your notepad.
"If that has anything to do with the person you are today or why you ended up here then sure."
"Sure it does, I mean how else would I have gotten two kids in this world without fucking some pretty girls," you rolled your eyes. "You have any kids, Doc?"
"No, I don't."
"Why not?" he questions.
"Toji, we're here to talk about you—”
"We're building a bond," your body leans back on the sofa letting out a sigh.
"I'm just not the motherly type," you tap your pen lightly against the notepad.
"So you just have casual sex then, nothing serious?" you can see the small smirk on his face.
"What does my sex life have to do with you?" you put your pen down and look at him.
"I'm just curious, Doc, wanna get to know you," he's grinning, trying to get in your head.
You raise your eyebrow, "Asking me about sex is getting to know me?" All he does is nod his head and you roll your eyes mumbling a 'fine.'
You turn your body towards him still leaning against the couch with your legs crossed, "Yes, I just have casual sex."
"Is it.....good?"
You laughed a little at the question, "I mean sometimes it is, other times not so much."
"What's the kind of sex you like?" his lip was between his teeth, he's just curious.
You tapped your chin with your finger in thought, "I don't know, I like it all." You looked at Toji, eyes scanning over his muscular arms, then down to his pants where you could see him getting hard. "Most of the time, sex just depends on the mood that's set."
"So what's the mood that's set right now?" your eyes widened at how forward the question was, clearing your throat as you looked away from him.
"You know you want to, Doc," he slides his hand from off his lap and onto your leg. He was running his fingers back and forth on your smooth skin, your body felt hot and a shock of electricity ran up your back. You knew this was wrong, so so wrong, but it just felt so right.
He leaned his bigger body closer to yours, lips ghosting right over the shell of your ear as his hand pushed off your notepad and pen, making its way under your tight pencil skirt and rubbing his fingers over your panties, "Such a dirty girl getting all wet for an inmate."
You did feel dirty, about to fuck your patient in your office of a prison, it was disgusting, but your pussy has never been wetter at the thought. You turned his head towards you bringing him into a heated kiss. His tongue was exploring your mouth as his fingers were sliding your panties over to rub circles on your clit. Moaning in his mouth, he smirked against your lips, "Lemme eat your pussy, Doc."
He stood up from the couch, fingers still massaging your clit as his lips are still entangled with yours. A string of saliva connects your lips as he bends down in front of you, both hands grabbing your thighs and spreading them apart. He can see a wet spot on your panties, and swipes his tongue across the spot, briefly tasting your bitter juice and letting out a moan, "Didn't think I'd miss eating pussy, but God I did."
He pulls your panties down and off your legs making sure to slide them in his pockets, then uses two fingers to spread your folds apart, exposing your glossy pussy to the cold air in your office, "You have such a pretty pussy, Doc."
Letting out a needy whine when you feel his breath against your cunt, it causes your aching hole to clench around nothing, Toji's eyes widened at the sight, "Toji... please just eat my pussy!"
He smirks at your whining, leaning his head down to kiss your clit, "Your such a nasty girl..." His tongue slid down your folds, breathing in your scent, "acting like a slut for an inmate." Your head is leaned back against the couch, moaning at the contact from his warm tongue. His tongue is circling your clit before he's closing his lips around it, sucking the nub into his mouth.
"Mmm—Toji!" your moans are music to his ears as your thighs are squeezing around his head. He's so messy, practically making out with your pussy, fingers digging into the fat of your thighs, "Mouth feels....so good." Your fingers are tangled in his black hair, as your rutting against his face, and he's moaning at your taste.
He slides one hand up your body, tapping his fingers on your lips, and you open your mouth allowing two of his thick digits to sit on your tongue as you suck on them, "You gotta be quiet dirty girl, don't want us to get caught, huh?" You nod your head, legs lightly shaking around his head, as he continues to lap at your messy cunt.
Your clit feels tingly as you feel a hot feeling of pleasure bubbling in your lower stomach, your toes are curling, and Toji's name is rolling off your tongue like a song. He laughs lowly, the vibration sending a shock up your spine, "Aw, Doc, you gonna cum already?"
His eyes are looking right into yours as you nod your head frantically, still sucking on his fingers. Your roll your hips into his face, chasing your orgasm, fingers gripping onto his hair, and right as he starts flicking his tongue against your clit once more, your legs are shutting around his head as your back arches off the couch, "Fuck, fuck—Toji I'm cumming!" He continues to slurp at your cunt, getting you through your orgasm, hand rubbing your thigh soothingly.
"God, your pussy tastes so good," he smiles wide as he's licking his lips, and removes his fingers from your mouth. You steady your breathing as you open your eyes seeing his dopey grin.
"You know for you to have been in here for 5 years, you're good at eating pussy," you laugh sitting up on the couch, then bring him into a slow sloppy kiss, letting your hand trail down and rub against the bulge that was in his pants.
"I don't have time for teasing, sweetheart, I'm already on edge from eating your pussy," he groans against your lips.
"Then stand up," he was quick to stand to his feet, your eyes looking right up at him as your sat on the couch. You kiss against this clothed bulge, fanning your breath over it and his head is leaning back.
"Fuck, Doc, just take it out," your hands are pulling down his pants just past his balls, eyes widening at the size of his cock.
"So big," you moan licking the underside of his cock and your eyes are watching his expressions. His lip between his teeth, eyes screwed shut, and his big hand holding the back of your neck. Parting your lips letting just his tip past your lips, tasting the salty pre-cum that was leaking. You swirl your tongue around his tip, then widen your mouth to take more of his length while a hand fondles his balls.
Bobbing your head taking most of his fat cock, he's groaning and bucking his hips into your mouth, tip hitting the back of your throat making you gag, "Yeah, gag on my cock, Doc." He's watching you with dark, hungry eyes, as breathy, deep moans slip past his lips, he's struggling to keep himself quiet, "Such a good girl, with a filthy mouth."
You moan at his dirty talk, fingers massaging his warm squishy balls, as you relax your mouth deep throating him as best you could. He squeezed the back of your neck pulling you off his cock then leaned down to kiss you, shoving his tongue in your mouth, "Feel like a fucking virgin 'bout to cum in 2 seconds."
Spitting on his fingers, he rubs your clit, then stuffs two of his fingers in your wet hole, you instantly spread your legs, and moan against his lips, "Tell me how you want me to fuck you, Doc."
"I don't know—mmm—just put it inside me," he's kissing you again before a hand wraps around your neck and he's whispering in your ear.
"Ride this dick," he pulls his fingers out of your soaking cunt, you rise to your feet quickly, switching places with him so he's now sat on the couch. He grabs each of your thighs placing them on the sides of his so you're straddling him, hands on your hips as yours are around his neck.
He guides you down on his length, both of you moaning feeling the stretch, "Fuck, pussy's so tight." Once you're fully sat on Toji's thighs, he doesn't rush you, letting you get used to him, kissing on your neck, then sliding up your sweater to expose your boobs, sucking on one of your nipples.
Your rise your hips until it's just his tip that's in you before sliding back down, taking him fully again. You keep the slow pace of riding him, as his hands are rubbing softly on your hips, lips still sucking on your hard nipple as you moan his name. "Toji feels soo good," you whine head leaning in the crook of his neck.
"How about you speed up for me?" you do as your told, lifting your hips again and then slamming them back down on his thighs. Your ass continues to slap against his thighs, the sound of how of wet you are filling the room. Toji moans in your ear about how wet your pussy is, you can't do anything besides moan his name, so intoxicated with the feeling of him filling you up.
Your legs were starting to give out, Toji could feel you slowing down, so he moved his hands under your ass slamming you down on his cock as he started to thrust up meeting you halfway. Kneading the flesh of your ass before smacking it, you let out a yelp clenching around his shaft and Toji's head fell back against the couch, "Fuck, Doc, pussy so good, you're gonna make me cum already."
He moves one hand to play with your puffy clit, and you moan loud in his ear, making him turn his head and capture your lips in a kiss, shushing you. You grind your hips into his fingers and within a minute your creaming all over his cock, squeezing him with your gummy walls, and he's coming right after you. Lifting you off of him and cumming on your stomach, with a loud moan of your name.
Your forehead is leaning against his as you both calm your breathing down before you're lifting off of him and heading to your desk to grab tissues to wipe off his cum. "For an inmate, your stamina ain't too bad," you laugh fixing your clothes.
"Well if we make this a regular thing, it could get better," he's pulling his pants back up, his eyes glued to you. Before you could respond there was a knock on the door, you both look at each other before he sat back down on the couch and you sitting at your desk.
"Come in!" you yell and Gojo walks in with a concerned look on his face.
"Everything okay? You guys took longer than normal?" Gojo questions arms crossed against this chest.
"Yeah, I was just crying about my past," Toji pouts and Gojo scoffs.
"Yeah right," Gojo leans against the door frame.
"I was explaining to him about my past, and it got a little emotional," you explain. "Building a bond with my patients requires trust on both ends."
"Hm, makes sense," he walks over closer to Toji. "But I'm going to have to break up this bonding moment, all inmates need to be in their cells."
You nod in understanding, and Toji stands up, hands behind his back, so Gojo can put on the cuffs. "Same time tomorrow, Doc?" Toji looks towards his pocket where your pink panties are sticking out with a smirk.
Your eyes widen as you force a smile, "Same time tomorrow."
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©HANNSDIARY 2023 | all rights reserved. please don’t copy, steal, modify, or repost my work on other sites.
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opultea · 11 months
Where’s My Kiss? - 2
Genshin men see you kiss something, and can’t help but want one for themselves… ft. Gorou, Wanderer
GN Reader (No Pronouns) - Romantic - Drabbles - Fluff, Angst w/ fluff ending (Wanderer) - SFW (very slightly suggestive at the end of Gorou's)
Word Count: 1.6k
Part 1 - ft. Dottore, Zhongli
Guest Staring - Tawara! Camp dog of the Watastumi Resistance. (Featured in the 2023 birthday art for Gorou, check it out if you haven't seen it!)
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The finality of the hard won end to the Vision Hunt Decree was an event celebrated by all of Inazuma, most of all the resistance of Watatsumi. Although despite the relief and happiness that the peace brought, there was also the struggle of readjustment. It was not easy coming down from the high tensions of war, and the army still had soldiers in excess. Many now contributed to the last relief efforts for struggling communities, and as reconnaissance units. This was the very task you and a very special operations officer were undertaking at present.
Tawara scouted ahead as you secured the empty battlefield. Many war torn plains were left with lasting remains of equipment and resources, of which you and your trusty camp dog were tasked with retrieving. Her Excellency wished to put the war in the past, and to move forward, there couldn’t be such reminders of the horrors endured during the time.
“Tawara! Where are you boy?” You called, hoping the sweet shiba hadn’t gone too far. A yip in the distance helped your eyes find the pup stood atop a small hill where the enemy camp would have been.
This particular battlefront had little left of the war, only a few broken weapons and cracked armour plates that weren’t considered worth salvaging when the camp was first emptied. You took stock of how much still lay in the field so you could get an accurate gauge of how many soldiers it would take to clean it up for good.
Tawara zipped down the hill and over to you, pressing his paw to your shin to gain your attention. Looking down, you smiled at the pup and the dendrobium he held in his mouth.
“For me?” Tawara carefully dropped the bloom at your feet and barked cheerfully, sitting and awaiting your reaction expectantly. “Aw, aren’t you just the sweetest,”
You knelt down and cooed at the camp dog’s cuteness, squishing his fluffy cheeks in your hands, causing Tawara’s tail to wag wildly behind him.
Plucking the dendrobium off the ground, you inspected the deep red bloom before your gaze drifted across the still-dead grass of the field. New shoots of green could be seen dotting the dry dirt, but there was no mistaking the ground flattened by the feet of soldiers. Perhaps Her Excellency would approve planting some dendrobiums in the field to restore and improve the area.
“You’re a true genius Tawara,” you smiled, smoothing the fur on his head with a well-deserved pat. You went a step further with your affections, clasping Tawara's face in your hands again to press a gentle kiss on his left and then his right ear, before landing one on his snout. You laughed as the pup licked your cheek in return.
Little did you know that another loving pupper was watching the whole affair with unidentified jealousy and a fluttering heart.
Gorou had been notified of your mission long before you set out to complete it, being the general. Although he admittedly preferred when the actions assigned to you could be carried out alongside him, or at least within the campgrounds. Being apart was never easy, even when he knew you would return eventually.
Today Gorou had been lucky enough to finish his reports early and decided that his free time may as well have been used to help you with your mission. He had no doubt in your abilities, but Gorou tended to miss you quickly, so you often received a helping hand from the doggy general even when you didn't need one.
Rounding the hill close to the old front, Gorou felt a streak of unease being back in a place where he had fought so viscously, but it was all washed away as soon as he saw you. His tail began to sway as he approached, watching you smile and interact with Tawara. Then he saw it.
Gorou’s left and then right ear twitched in unison with your kisses, his mouth agape and face flushed. You had never kissed his ears before. The general's ears continued to twitch as he imagined your lips touching them, the images in his mind sending another round of fluttering to his heart.
As Gorou stood frozen and red hot at the edge of the field, Tawara eventually noticed him, barking in recognition and bounding over to greet his superior officer. You followed closely behind, equally happy to find that your boyfriend had come to see you.
"Gorou! Done with your work already?" He didn't hear your question until he shook himself from his stupor. "You okay honey? You're all red,"
"Y-yes!" The confusion on your face caused Gorou's pause, his body fidgeting and eyes trying to latch onto something that could ground his thoughts. "I just, umm... do you think I could... no, never mind."
"Gorou," you gently took his cheek in your hand, placing the other on his chest. "We've talked about this; you know I'll never judge you for anything,"
Ears coming to lay on his head Gorou nodded, still blushing wildly as he finally found the courage to make his request.
"Could you... kiss my ears?"
You cooed quietly, heart overflowing with love for your sweet partner but trying not to embarrass him further. Taking his hands in your own, you kiss Gorou's ears twice each, trying not to giggle at the way they twitched each time.
As you brought yourself away, Gorou whimpered faintly, likely not on purpose.
"Come on, let's head back to camp. I have a report to give for this reconnaissance mission, and you have more kisses to gain, perhaps somewhere more private?"
You smiled demurely as Gorou blushed, swiftly nodding his head and following you and Tawara back to the camp with anticipation.
Now renowned scholar ‘Hat Guy’ was currently in class, despite his vehement protests towards attending formal lectures, leaving you alone in the home to tidy up the shared space.
Lesser Lord Kusanali had seen your relationship bloom since the beginning, before even either of you had seen it. She was immensely pleased that the previously misanthropic puppet had grown to love another, and once informed of the official announcement of your relationship, she generously allowed the Wanderer to move from the Sanctuary Surasthana to a home of her choosing close by. It was a quaint and quiet home, but both of you cherished the space. It was a place you could just be together, and need nothing more. Because of this, you took great pride in making sure the home remained a place of respite, and so liked to keep it tidy.
Deciding to start with the laundry, you gathered a basket and went to the bedroom to gather anything in need of washing. Humming a little to yourself, you plucked the pillows off the bed, thinking of washing the cases, when a little thud on the ground came as you lifted your partners pillow.
Curious, you knelt to inspect the thing that had fallen. What was he hiding in his pillow? Kuni certainly wasn’t the type to believe in improving his sleep by hiding trinkets under his head. However, what you discovered made you gasp. On the floor lay the tiny cotton doll resembling Kunikuzushi, its beaded eyes reflecting its obvious displeasure with having taken such a fall.
Tenderly, you took the doll in your hand and stroked its head as you would with Kunikuzushi. Why was it here? You had only ever seen the doll once or twice when Kunikuzushi had readjusted his sleeves or changed shirts, but you knew that he always carried the cotton companion with him. Running your hand gently across the doll, you felt a snag on its back. Turning it over revealed a tear in the seam, a puff of cotton poking out its spine.
“Oh, poor thing,” you muttered, rising slowly while you cradled the doll like a babe. “Let’s get you patched up.”
Collecting a sewing kit from the drawer and sitting carefully on the edge of the bed, you let the doll rest on your lap as you prepared. Gently, as if it could feel your stitching, you mended the fabric. You smiled as you steadily sewed. It made you happy to think you could help Kuni this way, even if he had tried to hide the issue under his pillow.
Kuni has always been private, even with your long-standing relationship it wasn’t easy for him to show such vulnerability. But this doll was his vulnerability, a piece of him he showed almost no one. It was fulfilling to aid it.
Pulling the thread tight, you tied it off and admired your handy work, turning the doll over to greet it again,
“There, all better.” You landed a tender kiss on the top of its head, sealing all your love and care into its plush fabric.
A small choke brought your head up, allowing you to see your partner standing in the doorway, a rare kind of apprehension etched upon him. Your eyes caught each others, astir in stagnant bodies. Kunikuzushi's hand trembled on the doorframe, mouth open as if trying to form words he didn't know.
Through the silence, you lifted a slow hand, extended and opened with a hopeful invitation. The puppet approached, taking your hand and the seat beside you. No words were spoken as you gently lowered his head into your lap, letting his body lie across the bed and his arms wrap around the mended doll. As tears began to shake from Kunikuzushi’s face, you leaned down to press kisses to his head, caressing his hair and allowing him to finally feel the pain and vulnerability that had always ached in the space where his heart should have been.
"Thank you, for daring to love all of me," The shaking whisper stirred the greatest sense of care in your heart.
"You have never deserved anything less,"
The response brought him to sit up, clasping his body around yours as he continued to wring tears into your shoulder.
Perhaps it was not often that Kunikuzushi showed his vulnerability, but you could never stand to mind. Not when these tender moments were so treasured. Besides, you knew well that you would take anything he gave you. You were ready to love it all.
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fluentmoviequoter · 18 days
Two of Them
Requested Here!
Pairing: Jim Street x fem!reader
Summary: When Hondo asks you to help catch a car thief, you meet Jim Street. As you get to know one another, you learn that you have a lot in common, but balance each other out perfectly.
Warnings: r loves cars/owns an auto shop & is sarcastic and makes jokes (very similar to Street), mentions of robbery and murder, fluff, softie Street
Word Count: 4.7k+ words
A/N: There's so many things I love about this request and a ton of (personal) references! I hope you all enjoy!🤍
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Someone wolf whistles as the garage door opens, and you walk faster to see what is worthy of such attention. When you step into the garage if your auto restoration shop, your jaw drops.
“Is that a ’59 Impala?” you ask breathlessly.
“Sure is,” Joel, your righthand man and drivetrain expert, answers. “She’s here for a tune-up. I know you’re busy, boss, so I can handle this one.”
“Yeah, right!” you exclaim. “All of my childhood dreams are under that hood.”
“You dreamt about reconstructed motors as a kid?”
“Do you talk to your wife like this, Joel? Because she’s never going to let you buy a C-10 with that attitude.”
He chuckles before he waves toward the office. “Impala owner is in there. Wants to talk to you.”
“Thanks, Joel. Don’t start without me!” you call over your shoulder.
As you enter the lobby, you put on your best customer service smile and straighten your shirt.
“Good afternoon,” you greet. “You must be the owner of that beautiful Impala.”
“Yes, ma’am. My friend Rick Castle told me that you were the person to see. I had the car restored by a guy in Texas, a ground-up rebuild, but it’s not riding as smoothly as it was before. The passenger side – sorry, I’m not very good at explaining these things – it almost feels like it’s bounding while I drive,” he explains.
“Okay, that’s really helpful. It sounds like it’s probably an alignment issue. We can look at it today and give you a call when we find the issue,” you suggest.
“That would be great. Thank you.”
You review the paperwork he completed with Joel quickly before telling him bye. After putting his contact information into your computer system, you rush back to the garage.
“Let’s find out what’s causing the involuntary hydraulics,” you tell Joel.
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“Hondo, get 20 squad in here!” Hicks calls.
As they gather in the situation room, Lieutenant Lynch queues a video pulled from a security camera. Street recognizes the location as the building they raided a few days earlier but remains quiet as she begins speaking.
“This is, of course, the building you raided. If you’ll recall, we hoped to locate an unidentified subject tied to several car robberies, assaults, and more recently, carjacking with deadly force. He killed a driver during a carjacking gone wrong and has continued to get more violent with each crime. We still haven’t identified the perp, courtesy of his never-ending vehicle supply and seeming knowledge of traffic cams. He didn’t seem to think about the security camera across the street from the parking garage before the raid, however.”
She presses a button on the tablet in her hand, and the video begins to play. Several cars come and go, but there’s nothing unusual. Hicks raises his hand to point to the time stamp, and the guys watch, waiting for some smoking gun or clear picture of the guy running from the cops. All that happens, though, is a man leaving in a convertible. Lynch pauses the video again and looks up expectantly.
“Was that a Triumph?” Luca asks excitedly. “Those are still rare in the states, even decades after they stopped manufacturing them.”
“It’s not stock,” Street adds with a shake of his head. “That’s not standard suspension, and the paint is too new to be original. Whoever brought that over had a lot of work done to it.”
“Which is great, makes it easier to find,” Hicks agrees. “Except there’s no plates, no registration, and no one has reported it missing. There’s not even a T3 in that color registered to anyone through the California DMV. We have something to look for, but no more information on who we’re looking for.”
“I know someone who can help,” Hondo says. “Classic cars, new paint, rebuilds…”
“You have a car guy?” Deacon asks. “Why?”
“Of course, I have a car guy,” Hondo scoffs. “My dad may have introduced me.”
“That makes more sense,” Luca says, nodding with Deacon.
“Hold on, guys,” Lynch calls. “The tech team thinks they may have found another lead. Consensus is this video is the same driver.”
She plays a new video, this one taken from a gas station camera. Another newer sports car pulls in, but no one exits the car. It sits for nearly three minutes, then pulls out.
“I’m not as versed as these guys, but that looks like a Lamborghini,” Tan comments. “Can’t be too hard to trace those in Los Angeles.”
“It is when they don’t have the original drivetrain. The back tires spun out way too far in that turn. It’s been modified, too,” Luca points out.
“He’s either got a thing for modified sports cars or he’s someone who’s flipping them to be completely different cars after he steals them,” Street hypothesizes.
“Your car guy gonna be able to help with that?” Hicks asks Hondo.
“Oh, yeah,” he answers. “This case’ll be closed in a week.”
“Then get out of here. You’ve got a rare car to track down.”
“One more thing,” Lynch says. “Really, I promise this is the last thing. None of those cars have been seen again. Seems like he drives them once and then ditches them.”
“He has to have his own garage, then,” Street says. “One that I wish I had.”
“Then it’s a bigger target,” Hondo declares. “Let’s roll.”
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The chime connected to the front door of your shop rings loudly and you tell Joel to go check on the customer. You are under a 1977 Chevrolet Nova and elbow-deep in the engine bay. Even if you’d wanted to be the first face they saw, given that it is your business, you wouldn’t be able to get out from under the car before they assumed no one was here.
“Ah ha,” you murmur.
You pull the broken mounting bracket down past the ballast. It falls to the floor with a loud ting before you roll out from under the car. As you sit up and wipe your grease-covered hands on your coveralls, you see Hondo looking at you with his brows raised.
“Hello,” you greet.
“You got a little something right… everywhere,” he jokes.
“Funny,” you reply as you stand. “If your eyesight is that good, it’s no wonder you made SWAT.”
Someone laughs behind him, and you lean to the side. His entire squad waits in the lobby, and you wave before returning your attention to Hondo.
“I take it you’re not here about your dad’s car then,” you muse.
“Not today. We need some help with a case, if you have the time,” he explains.
“Sure. I’ll have Joel take you to my office. Let me clean up and I’ll meet you – all of you, I guess – in there in a minute.”
“Thanks. I owe you one.”
“You owe me an entire car at this point, Hondo,” you call as you walk out of the garage.
Once you’re out of your stained overalls and have washed all of the grease and car-related grime off of your skin, you return to your office. Hondo and three other men wait beside your desk, and you invite them to sit. Hondo introduces you to Tan, Luca, and Street, and you shake each of their hands before you sit across from them. Hondo rolls his eyes when you smile at Street, but you’re not sure why.
“So, what exactly does Metro SWAT need from an auto shop?” you ask.
“Long story short, there’s a guy stealing sports cars; classics, fresh off the floor, and everything in between. Then he’s customizing them, driving them once, and ditching them for a new illegally obtained ride,” Hondo answers.
You nod as you think, then lean on your elbows on your desk. “Why customize them?”
“To make them untraceable, we think,” Luca answers. “You can’t report a car missing if it doesn’t exist anymore.”
“That tracks,” you agree. “But then the question becomes, how do you ditch them? You can’t leave something like that at a chop shop, the parts would bring more issues.”
“Private garage,” Street says. “Or maybe he’s selling them out of the county. Lots of possibilities.”
“It takes an incredibly rich, incredibly dumb person to treat cars like that,” you comment.
“We deal with criminals,” Hondo interrupts. “Rich and dumb is kind of our thing.”
“No, Hondo, cars aren’t like people. They fight back, they don’t just disappear without a trace.”
“She’s right,” Street adds. “These cars are more than property to be stolen.”
“What are you saying?” Hondo asks.
“Ever read Christine?” you joke.
“Or heard of Decepticons?” Street adds.
You smile at him again, and he nods before he winks quickly.
“So, can you help us or not?” Hondo inquires.
“Yeah, of course. What do you need me to do?”
“We’ve got some security cam footage of the cars he’s altered. We need to know where he’s getting the work done, or info on where a private garage big enough for a collection like this would be.”
“I’d be happy to look. I can’t promise anything, though. My clientele is more of the rebuild this classic or fix this issue not the I want to make a rare sports car even more unique off the books.”
“That’s why we’re here.” Hondo looks at his phone quickly and huffs. “Uh, Street, you stay and go over the videos with her. Deac said he and Chris need backup.”
“You got it,” Street answers.
Hondo thanks you quickly before he, Luca, and Tan leave. You’re left alone in your office with Street and aren’t sure how to start a conversation after joking together while Hondo filled you in on the case.
“Uh, here’s the videos. There’s only a few on this, but it should be enough to get an idea of what he’s doing,” Street says as he passes you a memory stick.
You take it from him and insert it into your computer. As the videos begin playing, you rewind it, pause it, and take a few notes. The cars in it don’t have anything in common, other than the fact that they’re stolen and modified.
“Well, I can say for sure that my guys didn’t do this work. Nobody I work with did, either. I’ll ask around and see what I can find,” you tell Street.
“I appreciate that,” he replies. “You know, when Hondo said he had a car guy, I was expecting…”
“A guy?” you guess.
“I mean, yeah. Middle-aged, beer belly, his name on the sign. The usual.”
“Sounds like my shapewear is doing its job if you don’t see a beer belly,” you joke.
“Please, you know how pretty you are,” Street replies.
“Seems like you think so.”
You lean forward and smile as you return the video drive to Street. He returns your smile and opens his mouth, likely to make another joke, before Joel knocks on the door.
“We’ve got another customer, boss. With a ’73 Corolla,” he informs.
“Excellent timing,” you mumble.
Street stands as you do and says, “Call Hondo, or me, whoever, if you find anything. Thanks for helping.”
“I will. Thanks, Street.”
He leaves through the lobby, and you take a deep breath. Joel smiles as he watches you, but you tell him to get back to work before he can comment.
���On what?” he yells behind you.
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“Hondo, we’re not even doing anything,” Street groans in HQ the following morning. “Just let me go make sure she doesn’t need help or anything!”
“She knows more about cars than you do,” Hondo answers.
“That’s not what I mean. C’mon, man, she has an auto shop. Are you really going to make me sit here when I could be solving a case in my dream garage?”
“Hondo!” Deacon calls. “We’ve got another video. New car this time, but it doesn’t look modified.”
Street looks toward Hondo expectantly, and nearly cheers when Hondo sighs and tells him to go. He accepts the video and rushes to his motorcycle. Work will be more fun with you, he thinks.
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“You’re back,” you say when Street walks into the garage.
“And you’re working on a 1960s Mustang,” he says dreamily.
“1964,” you tell him. “Want to take a look?”
“I’m supposed to be working. We have a new video with a different car.”
“Surely it can wait a few seconds, so you can look at the new 289 sitting pretty under the hood.”
“Yeah, we can wait,” Street agrees as he follows you to the hood of the car.
After Street takes a few minutes to admire the work you’ve done on the Mustang, you lead him to your office and bring up the new video.
“I haven’t seen it, but the people in the lab didn’t think it had been modified,” Street explains.
“Okay. Let’s see,” you say, turning the screen toward him.
Your shoulder presses against his arm as you watch, but you’re both too interested in the sports car on the screen to notice that you’re in shared space.
“I don’t see anything,” Street says.
You drag the video slowly and pause it when the wheels turn.
“That car shouldn’t be all-wheel drive. It’s a minor conversion compared to the other work you’ve shown me.”
“Who makes a Datsun 240z all-wheel drive?” Street murmurs.
“Who steals a Datsun 240z?” you counter. “They stopped making them for a reason. Short of a complete overhaul, they weren’t worth their weight in metal.”
“As right as you are, that doesn’t bring us any closer to finding this guy.”
“No,” you agree. “And none of my friends have heard anything. We’re getting the word out, though, so as soon as it reaches the right person, I’ll have more information for you. It’d be great if he decided to switch garages and was my next customer.”
“It would be easier.” Street leans back in the seat and looks at the pictures on your wall. “Best and worst customer to date, go,” he asks.
“Ooh, okay,” you say excitedly. “Best? A writer who lives up in the hills has brought me over 20 different rare classics to restore from the ground up. The worst was last week. Kid came in with a brand new, stock Lambo Huracan and wanted the double-clutch tranny switched out for a 4-speed automatic.”
“In a Huracan?” Street repeats incredulously. “I… I feel like I just aged twenty years.”
“Tell me about it. I asked him if he could drive it the way it was and never got an answer.”
“Did you do it?”
“Are you kidding? No! I’m in this business for the cars, and that’s just sacrilegious.”
Hondo knocks on your open door, and he’s leaning against it with his brows raised when you look up.
“There’s two of them!” he exclaims dramatically as he looks back at the rest of the guys. “I thought you and Street were bad enough separately, but this isn’t fair.”
“Can I help you Hondo?” you ask, ignoring his comment. Although, you don’t hate him viewing this as you and Street, together, as one.
“I just came to see if anything came of that video,” Hondo says.
“Nothing inherently helpful. Your smoking gun is still lost.”
“Keep looking,” Hondo requests, tapping his knuckles against the doorframe before he leads 20 squad away.
Street watches him leave, shakes his head, and turns back to you to ask, “How’d you get into cars?”
“My, uh, my home life wasn’t great growing up. Cars were my escape. From the time I was old enough to realize that walking out into the driveway to mess with the cars got me away from the fighting, I was out there constantly. Then it became a love for cars and everything they mean to people. This isn’t just my job, it’s my passion.”
“I lived in foster homes for too long,” Street says. “When I met my brother, Noah, he got me into motorcycles, which led to cars. We dreamed about getting a Ducati someday.”
“See? Cars mean something, they’re more than electronics and gas to get you from A to B. They’re life itself for some of us.”
“And you treat them like that. When I get that Ducati, I’ll bring it to you.”
“For what? Those are perfect as is.”
“Maybe it’ll just be an excuse to see you.”
You smile and shake your head, but you know that you’d welcome him in, anytime, with or without a Ducati.
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“… And then after the toe, caster, and camber are matched up on both sides, we can move on to complete the diagnostics,” you finish.
“Okay,” the young girl says. “I need to call my dad really fast. Can I come back in and let you know after that?”
“Of course. Take your time.”
As she walks out, you notice Street standing in the doorway to the garage.
“That happen often?” he asks, gesturing toward the girl standing outside.
“Occasionally. Mostly with younger customers,” you answer. “Must be nice to have a parental relationship like that.”
“Tell me about it.”
“So, what can I do for you, Officer Street?”
“Are you ever going to call me Jim?” he asks.
“I like cars, so Street is more fun,” you reply with a shrug.
“I actually came to give you a break. Hondo said you’ve been sending him updates day and night. You have to step back from it all before you burn out,” Street explains.
“I can’t. I have cars to finish, and some of my contacts have leads that seem promising, but they have to go through a chain of different garages, and…”
Street steps to you and lays his hands on your shoulders. He waits until you look into his eyes and relax to say, “You need a break. Trust me.”
“I need to finish with her,” you whisper. “Five minutes?”
“Five minutes,” he agrees. “And then I’m dragging you out of here if you won’t go willingly.”
Five minutes later, you follow Street into the small customer parking area outside the lobby. He walks to a motorcycle, and you eye it in admiration.
“This is your bike? It’s gorgeous, Street,” you say, running your fingers over the smooth metal body.
“It’s fast too,” he replies.
You accept a helmet and put it on as he climbs onto the bike. The Cardo logo on the side of the helmet catches your attention, but as you sit behind him and wrap your arms around him, you’re more than happy to ride in silence and decompress.
When you get back to the garage, you climb off the bike and hug Street before he can swing his leg over.
“Thank you,” you say softly. “I did need that.”
“I’m not just a pretty face, you know,” he jokes as he returns your hug.
“Neither am I. And you shift into fourth too soon. That’s why it revs harder.”
“I knew coming to see you would embarrass me eventually,” Street laments. “But at least you’re pretty and really close to me.”
“I can move,” you say against his shoulder.
“No, thanks. Not until I have to go back to work.”
His phone rings in his pocket and you laugh as he grumbles, “Hondo always has to ruin the moment.”
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The phone on your desk rings again as you lower the new L1 engine into a C-10. You roll your eyes at the sound but refuse to answer it.
“Somebody else answer the phone!” you call. “I can’t answer another stupid question today!”
Joel salutes you as he walks through your open door. He returns a moment later with the cordless phone in his hand and smiles.
“It’s Street. Would you like me to pass along your message?”
You extend your cleaner hand and tuck the phone between your ear and shoulder to say, “Hey, Street.”
“Can you remove the hemi from my Charger?” he asks. “It’s too loud when I drive.”
“I will hang up on you,” you threaten.
The line beeps and you pull the phone from your ear with pinched brows.
“Not if I hang up on you first,” Street says from the doorway. “Which is rude, by the way.”
“Have more videos for me to watch?” you ask loudly as you lean into the engine bay of the truck.
“No, just wanted to drop by. Nice body… the truck, I mean.”
“Sure, you did.”
You grunt as you stand and pass a screwdriver to Street.
“I don’t work here.”
“Yet you’re here every day,” Joel says from inside the cab of the truck.
“Not my fault your boss freelances for my boss,” Street replies.
“I told Hondo this morning that I hadn’t heard anything,” you interrupt as you wipe your hands on a rag.
“I know. I just wanted to drop by. I got off early, so, here I am.”
“Hmm. I was hoping you’d say you were undercover or something.”
“Because I don’t want to believe this is how you dress when you’re not in uniform,” you joke.
“You’re covered in-“
“I’m at work,” you defend. “Hazards of the job. And don’t bring up the fact that my laundry room smells like motor oil because you can’t prove that.”
Your phone buzzes on the workbench behind you, and you apologize as you walk past Street to get it. He watches your eyes widen as you press the screen a few times.
“Call Hondo,” you demand.
“I know who your car thief is. He’s on his way here right now with the Triumph T3.”
“How? Why?” Street questions.
“The guy he hired to do the work thought they were really his cars. Apparently, my name came up and with the message about him going through the automotive grapevine, his former mechanic recommended me for a modification tune-up,” you explain quickly.
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Hondo arrives less than ten minutes later with the rest of 20 Squad. He asks what is so urgent as he looks between you and Street, though there isn’t much room between you.
“He isn’t ditching the cars. He’s still driving the cars because the Triumph slid last night and now he’s bringing it here to be repaired,” you tell Hondo.
“Okay, it slid and he’s bringing in one stolen car. What does that mean for me? And no automotive speak,” Hondo replies.
“Could I interest you in the Cybertronian translation?”
“Tell me what my bad guy did.”
“If I can convince him to list every car he may want me to work on in the future, could you get a warrant? I’ll try to get an address and a name for him, though they may not be legitimate.”
“We can certainly try,” Deacon agrees. “But he doesn’t seem like the type that will answer questions.”
“I have a way of getting people to talk. Especially car people. Guys like him like to brag, so if I one him up, he won’t have a choice but to tell me what you need to know.”
“Just be careful,” Street says. “Don’t let him get so cocky he thinks he has to prove himself in any way except talking about cars.”
“I won’t. But you guys need to get out of sight. He’ll want to see the garage and get a feel for the security.”
“We can pretend to be security,” Street argues.
“Nah, you got a cop face, man,” Joel says from inside the truck.
“Joel, I’m going to marry your boss and ask her to fire you,” Street shoots back.
“I want to hear more about that later,” you interrupt. “But seriously, get out of sight.”
A few minutes later, a Triumph T3 stops outside of the lobby entrance. The man who enters looks like the driver in the security videos, but you have to get more information before anything else can happen.
“Hi,” you greet. “You must be the gentleman Josh told me about. He said you had a classic, but I was not expecting a ‘50s Triumph. That’s a gorgeous car, sir.”
“I appreciate it. She’s my baby, but the steering is a bit off since I hit a wet patch last night and the back end slid.”
“That sounds like a simple enough fix. If you can just fill out some information-“
“Josh said you’d do this off the books for me, like he has. Cash upfront.”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” you agree. “Go ahead and pull her into the garage.”
He nods and exits the front door. You sigh and move into the garage, planning how to get him to talk about the other cars he has stolen and where he keeps them.
“Nice facility,” he compliments as he enters your garage. “Yeah, well, I’ve got a couple incredibly rare classics that I work on often, and those customers deserve the best.”
“Rarer than a 1953 Triumph T3?” the man asks, defensive and growing insulted.
“Oh, yeah. I’ve had a Model T in here, several European cars, including a T2, plus modern sports cars.”
“I’ve got a garage full of classics that make those seem like Hot Wheels.”
“I don’t know,” you murmur as you lift the hood of the Triumph. “I’ve had my hands in a 1931 Bugatti Type 41. I don’t think it gets much better.”
“My collection is worth a dozen of those outdated bugs!” he exclaims. “The Triumph, a Lamborghini Aventador with custom drivetrains, and I’d bet this car that you haven’t seen a Datsun 240z in mint condition with all-wheel drive. If your little dump of a garage could handle even that! My 25,000 square foot garage has cars you’ve never even heard of.”
“LAPD SWAT!” Hondo calls as he and his team enter the garage. “You’re under arrest for grand theft auto, carjacking, assault and battery, murder, and about fifteen more charges that I don’t have the patience to list. Now, when an arrest warrant goes through without a name, you know that’s a bad person.”
“Do not push him up against this car!” you demand as Hondo grabs his shoulder. “Toolbox, wall, anything other than a pristine T3.”
“Thanks for the help,” Hondo calls over his shoulder as he leads the thief out of the garage.
“It’s a shame such a pretty car has to go into evidence before it returns to its owner,” you tell Street.
“Yeah. Listen-“
“You didn’t hear a word I just said, did you?” you ask.
“Do you want to go out with me?” he asks.
You smile as you answer, “I’d love to.”
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“Trust me, you’re gonna love this place,” you promise as you take Street’s hand. “All of the food is served in trays that look like classic cars.”
Street laughs as you bounce excitedly and uses your joined hands to pull you close.
“If you could buy one classic car, what would it be?” he asks.
You answer without hesitation before asking him the same question.
“Car? Probably an Aston Martin or a ‘60s Impala. Something sleek, classic, dangerously fast,” he answers. “Motorcycle is still a Ducati.”
“You’d suit an Aston Martin or an Impala,” you agree. “Or you can just ride shotgun in mine.”
“I was born to drive,” Street says dramatically.
You laugh at him as you slide into a booth in the restaurant. Street follows, setting the tray of food before you as he sits beside you.
“Are all of our dates going to be car-themed?” Street asks.
“You’re the one who already planned our wedding, and I’ll go ahead and tell you now that I’m not firing Joel, so you tell me.”
“I don’t care what we do as long as you’re there,” Street decides.
You smile as you turn toward him, and when you raise your chin, Street kisses you quickly. You momentarily forget about the car-themed trays holding your food, too distracted by his affection to care about which model you got. But then he tells you he got the better one and you push him away from you to check. Street laughs as he pulls you close again, and you’ve never been happier to have so much in common with one person. Maybe there are two of you, but the balance and love Street brings is perfect.
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Aaron Bushnell:  Self-Immolated in Front of the Israeli Embassy
Bushnell was a 25-year-old member of the U.S. Air Force stationed in San Antonio and originally from Cape Cod in Massachusetts. He joined the Air Force as an active-duty member in May 2020 and has since worked in information technology and development operations.
Hours before lighting himself on fire, Bushnell posted a Twitch link on his Facebook page with the caption:
Many of us like to ask ourselves, “What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?” The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.
Shortly before 1 p.m. on Sunday, Bushnell began his livestream and walked toward the Israeli Embassy with an insulated water bottle full of flammable fluid. “I will no longer be complicit in genocide,” he said in his video. “I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest. But compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.”
Bushnell then placed his phone on the ground and walked to the gates of the embassy, where he doused himself in liquid from the bottle. “Free Palestine,” he said, as he struggled to light himself. A law-enforcement officer approached, asking, “Can I help you, sir?” At this point, Bushnell lit himself on fire, screaming, “Free Palestine.”
As Bushnell screamed in pain, a law-enforcement officer off-camera yells at him to “get on the ground.” A second officer yelled at the first: “I don’t need guns, I need fire extinguishers.” By the time D.C. Fire and EMS arrived on the scene, the fire had been put out.
An incident report filed by a Secret Service agent states that they “received a distress call regarding an individual exhibiting signs of mental distress outside the Israeli embassy.” (The Secret Service is responsible for foreign-embassy security.) “Before the Secret Service officers could engage, [Bushnell] doused himself with an unidentified liquid and set himself on fire. The Secret Service officers promptly intervened, extinguishing the flames before the arrival of the fire department. [Bushnell] was subsequently transported to a local hospital due to the burns sustained from the incident. The report states that Bushnell was pronounced dead at 10:06 p.m. on Sunday.”
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I would love to hear about your tma au pleaaase spill the beans
There is an Archivist on the island. The Host has informed Cucurucho of this. The Archivist is to be identified, located, and eliminated. Cucurucho has not been given a time frame in which to accomplish this task, as the Host understands that such tasks take a great deal of time to be done correctly. However, it is a task of utmost priority.
Cucurucho first suspects Island Resident Cellbit. This is a reasonable suspicion. Cellbit spends a great deal of time going around and asking other Residents to describe events, even appearing to derive pleasure from this task. However, pleasure is not sustenance. Cucurucho even kills Cellbit itself to ensure that the Resident is not merely a burgeoning Archivist close enough to manifestation to appear as a full fledged one. It is not. Cucurucho maintains suspicions that Cellbit is an Avatar of some sort, but the Island can sustain several Avatars without excessive impact on the overall happiness of the residents.
Cucurucho knows this for a fact because there were already several Avatars among the Residents before the Brazilians arrived. Resident Missa is an End Avatar, Resident Fit is a Desolation Avatar, Resident Slime is a Flesh Avatar. The Angel and the Devil serve the Powers in their own way.
Regardless. None of them are Avatars of the Eye.
It quickly investigates and then just as quickly discards Residents Phil and Etoiles. Phil is determined to turn a blind eye to most of the happenings on the server and while Etoiles has the curiosity to range far out, it seems more in service of the Hunt.
Hmm. Cucurucho informs the Host that it would be beneficial for the happiness of the Island if Etoiles were allowed a perilous dungeon. The Host provides Etoiles with a dungeon so perilous that it also permits him security items that would be illegal in other circumstances. Cucurucho and the Host agree that the dungeon has proven moderately perilous. Cucurucho and the Host agree that it is worth being cautious around Etoiles.
Cucurucho works its way down the list of Residents. Some could become Avatars. Some could serve the Eye. Many collect information. None are Archivists. Yet there is an Archivist on the Island that the Host wants off the Island.
It is pondering the possibility of expanding its search to villagers when it is distracted. The Host instructs Cucurucho to give Fit a job offer, as Fit has requested. Cucurucho complies. Cucurucho refiles the report that Fit is a Desolation Avatar. Cucurucho refiles the report on Fit's past griefs of Federation properties. Fit provides exemplary and highly on topic references. Fit gets the job.
On the first day of work, Cucurucho offers Fit a meal at lunchtime. Meat. Unidentifiable.
"No, thanks," Fit says, with a light laugh.
"I'm not hungry."
Cucurucho does not expect Fit to feed on meat. However, the Island does not permit the calamities that a Desolation Avatar would require to remain satiated for so long.
"I had a big breakfast! Look at this, the Big Daddy Breakfast!" Fit tosses half a stack of Big Daddy Breakfasts to Cucurucho. "Just one of these bad boys will keep you full for a week!"
"Okay, maybe not literally a full week, but you know what I mean."
"I don't know."
Fit looks up from his mop and laughs. "Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal."
"I don't know. Maybe." There is still a Desolation Avatar in Cucurucho's office. An Avatar that should be ravenous by now.
"What, you think I'm hungry?"
"Well, that's very nice of you to be worried about me, Cucurucho."
There's something in Fit's eyes then. An understanding. "Ah, you think I'm gonna eat you?"
"Don't worry about it. I got the Big Daddy Breakfast. I'm fine."
"What was your occupation?"
"I'm a janitor. You gave me this job, Cucurucho. You were there for that."
"No. No. What was your occupation?"
"Oh, you mean before the island?"
"I was a griefer."
It is not Cucurucho who selects the voice line. "No."
Fit doesn't reply for a long time. Then he shrugs and puts his mop back in his inventory. "I mean, I came here for a vacation, you know."
"Do you know what a vacation is, Cucurucho?"
"Yes. Maybe."
Fit sighs. He sits down on the newly cleaned couch. "Here, lemme show you something." He fiddles with his camera for a few moments, then tosses Cucurucho a photo.
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[ID: Extremely, illegibly blurry photo of a file folder. End ID]
"You know what this is, Cucurucho?"
Fit laughs. "That, my friend, is what I call a much better meal than a Big Daddy Breakfast. Six years of their lives' work, all gone in an instant. All because of that."
That is. Discomforting. Cucurucho does not want to lose six years of its life's work in instant.
"Because once the coords leak, it only takes one guy with a grudge and bit of duped TNT and there's really not a whole lot you can do about it. Now, that one is a special case. That's IMPS-2. It wasn't a coords leak, per se. I mean, obviously. You can't read the damn thing. But it was enough for a skilled enough base finder to work off of and track down the coords anyway. That was the leak that did them in. Isn't that fascinating? Just holding a piece of history in your hand like that?"
Cucurucho throws it in the floor. "No."
"No? Aw, that's a shame. I got more, if you want 'em."
"You sure?"
"Here, sit down."
Cucurucho sits.
Fit pulls out another photo. "You'll recognize this one." Cucurucho does. "Church build. Not bad, not bad, but not much history to it. World edited in. So was IMPS-2, to be fair, but that isn't possible for just anyone on 2b. Makes the whole thing a lot tastier. And here's the grief."
Cucurucho pulls its gun on Fit.
Fit raises an eyebrow. "What do you think that's gonna do to me? Tickle me?"
Cucurucho shoots Fit.
"Aw, didn't even manage that much."
Cucurucho shoots Fit again.
"You know, the more you shoot me, the longer I'm gonna have to be here to clean up the floors."
Cucurucho's finger hesitates on the trigger. Cucurucho puts the gun away.
"That's what I thought. Anyway, the grief. We just filled the place with melons. Pain for the admins to clean up, but not too damaging. But destroying it completely isn't the point. I'm on vacation here. I'm having a good time. I'm playing nice."
Fit stands up. Fit walks over to Cucurucho. Fit smiles almost as wide as Cucurucho does.
"If anything happens to my beautiful baby boy, Ramón, anything that hurts him, anything that makes him sad, if he gets one more crack on his precious little eggshell, I'm not gonna play nice anymore. Do we understand each other?"
"Good." Fit claps Cucurucho on the shoulder. He scuffs the blood on the floor with his boot. "Ehh, it's tile. It'll be easy enough to clean off when it's dry. I gotta go see Ramón now, so I'll catch you later. Stay alive out there."
"I hope you enjoy the island."
"Yeah, I'll bet you do."
163 notes · View notes
i-am-aprl · 2 months
An Israeli military reservist told @TheGrayzoneNews that he was part of operations that bombed mosques and United Nations offices in the Gaza Strip. The unidentified person acknowledged UN offices had assisted Palestinian families since 7 October.
This clip is part of an exclusive video report that shows illegal settlers at the Kerem Shalom and Nitzana border crossings in the Gaza Strip blocking trucks carrying humanitarian aid from Egypt. The Israeli military appeared to aid protesters’ efforts, while Egyptian forces did not respond to provocations.
Reports in January said Israel had destroyed 1,000 out of 1,200 mosques in the 41-kilometre-long enclave since the 7 October escalation. The UN said the highest death toll among its staff members worldwide has occurred in the Gaza Strip, where Israel’s military operation has killed more than 100 workers.
The UN Security Council passed a resolution on 25 March for an immediate ceasefire, to allow the flow of humanitarian aid and for the release of Israeli hostages held in the Gaza Strip during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, which ends in two weeks. Further, the International Court of Justice ruled on 26 January that Israel must avoid genocidal acts. However, Israel’s strikes and a blockade have continued.
Should the so-called international community impose economic sanctions on Israel for its continued disregard for the ICJ ruling and the UNSC resolution?
40 notes · View notes
elena-mayfair · 8 months
Fighting fear
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Paring: Batman/Bruce Wayne x f!reader Genre: Thriller, mystery, with elements of slow-burn romance Warnings: rating T+/M, disturbing images, strong language, violence, depictions of illness, depictions of trauma, depictions of mental and physical abuse, lost of angst Summary: You wanted to close your eyes and disappear. Disappear forever. Push away the thoughts of the nightmare that was yet to come, dismiss the memories of the nightmares that were yet to haunt you, forget the deep blue eyes and the wandering barely perceptible smile you were destined never to see again, erase the feeling of safety and inspiration you were never meant to follow. You longed to escape. To disappear. To start all over again somewhere else. To become someone else. Word count: 18.2K Note: Some gifs are not mine, credit to the authors.
Series masterlist
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For the past few months, Gotham citizens had been living their lives under the fear of a mysterious criminal who, through sophisticated psycho-control methods involving unidentified chemicals, had led to the deaths of twelve people and the suffering of at least another eight. Twenty people. You heard that right, twenty people fell victim to a madman who swore a vow to first do no harm. Can the people of Gotham finally live peacefully or is horror only about to come? This is Summer Gleeson, GCNN's news.
Doctor Jonathan Crane, head of the psychiatric ward at Eliot Memorial Hospital, has been identified as a criminal alias Scarecrow. Investigative reporter Vicky Vale is currently at the scene. Vicki, how dramatic is the situation?
The situation is truly horrific, Summer. I am currently outside the residential building where Doctor Jonathan Crane lived, and inside which the police have discovered a chemical laboratory, as well as eight more victims that Doctor Crane has been holding captive and torturing. Eight of Gotham's citizens, seven adults and a child had been imprisoned, subjected to physical and psychological torture, right in the center of one of Gotham's most secure neighborhood. The madman's victims were found in various physical states, ranging from mild to critical, which only suggests that Scarecrow had been committing these atrocities for a very long time. All victims are currently being transported to Gotham General Hospital. Among the victims was Matt Bower, known to police drug dealer working for mob boss Salvatore Maroni. Police and emergency services are currently working on securing the building to reduce the chemical hazard. Commissioner Gordon refused to comment, but we are all probably wondering what involvement Batman had in this discovery and where Scarecrow is now?
Thank you, Vicki. Where is Batman? And what connection does this gruesome discovery have to the late evening chase that ended with a shootout on the Metro-Narrows Bridge? Witnesses have reported that not only Batman but also his known associates, Nightwing and Red Hood, were involved. GCNN investigative reporter Jack Ryder is on the scene. Jack, how is the situation on the bridge?
Pretty typical for Gotham, Summer. Bridge is currently out of service and will be closed till midday as stated by the fire department. Scraps of a wrecked van, bullet shells, damaged pavement, nothing Gotham hasn't seen before. Three criminals, apprehended after a dramatic chase, were already handed over by Nightwing to the police, represented by Sergeant Rene Montoya, who declined to provide further explanation. Based on witness testimony, I was able to determine that the chase originated near Arkham Asylum and initially involved only Nightwing and Red Hood. Witnesses also informed that the criminals had a hostage, a woman, but her identity had not been established. Was the woman an accomplice or another victim? We will get to the truth. The people of Gotham deserve it.
Thank you, Jack. Despite the late night hours, we attempted to contact the Chief Executive Officer of Eliot Memorial Hospital who refused to comment. Shameful behavior in the light of current events. We do not know whether the Doctor's practices were known to him or not. However, we did receive a brief phone call from an Eliot Memorial Public Relations representative, who informed us that all ties between the hospital and Doctor Cran had been severed with immediate effect. But how much does this change in the eyes of ordinary residents?
Doctor Crane is the second medical expert in recent memory who, instead of protecting human lives as he swore to do, has chosen to cause harm. Most recently, Doctor Harleen Quinzel, a psychiatrist at Arkahm Asylum who is now widely known as Harley Quinn and associated with the Joker's criminal activities, is currently detained in the institution as a patient. She will face charges of attempted murder and armed assault. Unfortunately, Doctor Crane, or as we should be saying, Scarecrow is still at large. Was he involved in last Sunday's failed assault on the Gotham Medical Society? How long did his crimes go unnoticed? How long will it be before Batman manages to stop him?
"You shouldn't be watching this," Red Hood snatched the remote from your hand and turned off the TV, "enough of drama for one evening."
"Gotham's media works shockingly fast," you muttered then added quietly, "and I should, it's my fault."
"How is this any of your fault?"
You sat down heavily on the couch, threw the jacket off your shoulders, and accepted the glass of water he had handed you, quickly finding his way to the kitchen. Despite his commanding physique, two guns strapped to his belt, and face hidden under a red helmet and the hood, his presence filled you with a strange sense of safety. Still, within your apartment's four walls, the masked man somehow appeared incredibly surreal. You smiled amused, despite your weariness, as you watched him roam around your apartment.
"Something funny?" he glanced at you.
"I'd say make yourself comfortable, I'd offer you water or something hot to drink, but I don't think you'd take it," you scoffed, "can you even breathe under that helmet?"
"Outstandingly well!" he took off his jacket and removed his gauntlets, "you'll need something stronger than water." Not waiting for your permission, he once again headed to the kitchen and began looking through the cabinets and drawers. "You're not a tidy type, are you? I know someone who would get a heart attack seeing this mess."
"Relative tidiness. No one usually goes through my cabinets."
"There's always that first time," he sassed, "the first time to be caught in a shootout, the first time to be kidnapped, the first time to discover that your friend is a sociopath!"
"That's the second,"" you corrected him somberly.
"Damn, you're right! There is Harley Quinn! You don't have a good grasp on people, huh?"
"Thanks for reminding me."
"No problemo!"
"What are you looking for?" you followed him curiously as he went through cabinet after cabinet, and drawer after drawer.
"Your common sense," he quipped, "I was hoping you stored it somewhere."
"Very funny."
"But seriously, chill out. You're not the first and you won't be the last to get a knife between the ribs from so-called friends," he turned to you and although you couldn't see, you were convinced he was smiling under his helmet, "I need a clean towel."
"You're going to take a shower?" you put aside your glass to get up from the couch but your body refused to cooperate. The adrenaline that had kept you on high alert completely disappeared leaving you sore, drowsy and completely exhausted.
"Just tell me where," he placed his hand on your shoulder gently forcing you to sit back down.
"In the bedroom, in the dresser by the wall," you instructed, "right-hand cabinet, top shelf."
He nodded and disappeared into the bedroom only to return a moment later with two clean towels.
"Where do you keep booze?" he asked, folding one towel next to you.
"The cabinet next to the bookcase," you pointed to a corner of the living room, "you should find some whisky there."
"At least for alcohol you have good taste," he chuckled.
"It's not like I'm drinking a lot."
"You'll start."
"You sound like you want to tell me that shit like it's going to happen again!" you eyed him as he paced around your apartment collecting things one by one. A bottle of whiskey was placed on the table in front of you right next to a clean towel, followed a moment later by a clean glass which he filled with whisky.
"Somehow it's hard for me to imagine that you'll suddenly stop getting into shit, as you called it," he placed the sanitizer, lighter, needle, and thread in front of you, then returned to the kitchen, "trust me, I've seen it way too many times!" he chuckled as he rolled up his sleeves to wash his hands thoroughly.
"That too," wiping his hands dry he returned to you, "but that's not what I meant. I was talking about that raging fire that burns in your eyes. Believe me, we've all seen it," he sat down beside you, "he's seen it too, more than once," he unfolded a towel on the table then placed a few cotton swabs on top of it and soak them in sanitizer. ""You blame yourself for what happened. You blame yourself for what happened to Quinn. You blame yourself for what Crane did to those people," he heated the threaded needle with a lighter then wiped it thoroughly with the cotton swab, "it won't leave you. It will haunt you and keep you up at night. It will feed that anger," he put down the needle, disinfected his hands and wiped the needle again, "anger at the world, at him, at yourself, at what happened to you, at the violence you experienced," he pointed to a glass of whiskey, "you will need this."
"I don't follow," fatigue slowed the mind, causing confusion.
"You have a fucking hole in your shoulder!" he pointed again to the glass, "drink up. It's gonna hurt like a bitch."
"Wow! Wow! Hold your horses mister!" you flung and moved away from him instantly, "it's just a small wound! It will heal on its own! There's no need to…"
"Shut up and let me patch you up!" he snapped at you, "you didn't want to go to the hospital then we'll take care of it my way! Damn, and here I was thinking that after tonight we have some trust between us."
"You said it yourself that I don't have a very good grasp on people."
"It's a little too late to change that," he snarled, "drink up and give me your arm."
"Have you done this before?"
"The charms of this job."
You downed the contents of the glass in one sip, closed your eyes, and stretched out your arm.
"Not so fast," he scoffed, "one more."
You did as he ordered. Ignoring the glass, you took a deep sip straight from the bottle, feeling the scorching liquid spread through your core. You took a deep breath, downed another and stretched out your arm again.
"Well, now that we've covered painkillers…" he knelt down in front of you and gripped your hand securely above the elbow immobilizing it. His strong hand steadied you painfully but the pain was nothing compared to the burning sensation of the sanitizer on the wound. You hissed in pain. "Hey, you took a cut you'll take the stitches," the feeling that he was smiling continued, "ready?"
"No," you took another swig from the bottle.
"Stay still," he ordered before piercing your skin with a needle. You cursed viciously but he only laughed. "You'll get used to it. But if it makes you feel better, I know someone who patches much better and much more gently."
"You couldn't take me to him?" you breathed through clenched teeth.
"Not this time," he quietly answered while pulling the thread across, "he'll come, you know that right? He'll come and he'll be fucking furious."
"Who? Jonathan?"
"I meant Batman but that one too," the needle pierced your skin again, "he's going to huff and growl. He'll probably tell you to leave town. Tell him to go fuck himself."
"I'm stupid but not that stupid," you snorted through the pain.
"He means well you know…" the pain in your arm faded despite him continuing to stitch, "I should tell you to let it go. That you should seriously, get out of Gotham and not look back. That you should fuck this godforsaken city and whatever is keeping you here. Or rather, whoever," he freed the end of the thread and placed the bloody needle back on the towel, "but I know you won't do that."
"You say this as if you know me."
"I know him and that's enough," he tied the knot and stood up, "he's an asshole and a self-righteous hypocrite but he means well. He will try to push you away. Something tells me you won't let him."
"I am so confused right now…"
"You'll get it. Eventually," he snatched the bottle from your hands and screwed the cork shut, "I'm taking this with me," he quipped before heading for the kitchen to wash the blood off his hands and put his gauntlets back on.
"Thanks," you muttered glancing at the stitching, "for everything."
"Burgers, remember?" he threw his jacket over his shoulders then reached into his belt pocket to pull out a small device to hand it to you, "do you know what it is?"
"A motion sensor…" you examined the tiny device closely.
"Yup! If you agree I'll install one at the door, one each at the windows and two at the balcony door. Batman was right. If they haven't caught him yet you'll be the first one Crane comes after," anxiety crept in, "each of us has the ability to remotely disable the sensor if needed. But if someone else tries to enter your apartment we will know. I'll also leave you this," he handed you a tiny switch, "should you want to leave. You can't be a prisoner in your own home. Although I wouldn't recommend wandering around the city as long as Crane is out there."
"Do it," you closed your hand over the switch, "you think he…" you didn't finish. A cold shiver shook your body at visions of what could happen.
"I think he'd be a fucking idiot if he tried, but we don't want to risk it."
You watched as this curious man roamed your apartment installing sensors. Red Hood, they called him. Adequate to his appearance which should make you frightened and yet did not. He was the only one among them who hid his entire face under a helmet. He was the only one among them who carried a gun at his side. He looked more like a criminal than a hero, and yet to you that's what he was. A hero. A man who risked his life to get you out of the trouble you had put yourself in.
"You carry a gun," you noted as he crouched down to install a sensor by the frame of the balcony door, "it's…. odd for a hero."
"Heh, I'm no hero," he chuckled dryly, "I carry guns cos they are damn effective! But rounds are nonlethal. Batman's rules."
"Hey, I'm not judging! Psychopaths and murderers, would it be a crime if the rounds were lethal? Cops have no problem with that."
"We're not cops," he walked over to the window in the living room, "and believe me, you don't want to bring this subject up in front of Batman." He installed the last sensor and returned to you. "All set. I gotta go. You'll be alright," Red Hood crouched down to level with you and the image of a keen gaze immediately popped into your mind. "After I leave you're going to be scared. For a while at least," he dropped the sarcasm while something familiar crept into his tone of voice, the empathy and compassion so reminiscent of Batman, "and that's alright. Everyone gets scared. Take it as an opportunity to fight that fear. As a chance to be brave," you listened in silence, "and do yourself a favor and get some sleep."
"I'll probably gonna sleep for two days," you smiled faintly, "thanks again. You say that you are no hero, but to me, this is exactly who you are. Hero."
"Damn! Just stop! You making me blush really hard under the helmet," sassiness returned.
"I'm serious!" you laughed as he got up, grabbed a bottle of whiskey, and headed toward the balcony.
"So am I!" he opened the door, "burgers! I'll hold you on that!" he stepped outside letting the icy air into the apartment.
"Hey! Red Hood!" you called out after him, "you saved me today. At least tell me your name."
Red Hood stopped just before the railing, holding a grappling gun in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other, turned and looked at you as if weighing his answer.
"I'll wait for him to tell you that," he answered finally then fired his grappling hook and soared into the air.
Tim and Damian knew that Batman had appeared on the Arkahm grounds. They heard the frightened whispers among guards, heard the taunting laughter between inmates once the information reached them, saw his signal displayed on the computer screens embedded in their gauntlets. His appearance was always followed by fear. It always stirred tension. Not only among those who had reason to fear him but also among those who worked alongside him. They expected him to appear at any moment, to emerge from the darkness, as it was in his habit, measuring them with a stern look and demanding an explanation. They expected him to call them in awaiting a report, demanding a detailed account of past events. Yet it did not happen. The certainty of him watching them from the shadows made them even more uneasy.
Tim lost the trail of Crane faster than he would have liked. For several long minutes, he followed him through the dark corridors of the Asylum, retracing his moves, tailing his footprints leading through Intensive Treatment, past the office that Strange used, down the corridors of the block to the Visitors Center entrance. The trail stopped. He hacked into Arkham's CCTV system and traced his escape route to the point where he rushed into his car and drove off into the night. He had his registration and the brand of his car. He could have followed him. He could have followed him to Gotham and tried to pick up his trail in the city's winding streets. Instead, he decided that at this point a chase was not the best course of action that he could take. Damian didn't need help, of that he was sure, and yet he should check on him. Nightwing and Red Hood were in the town while their comms were silent, a fact that bothered him deeply and formed another path he could take. Finally, the most important thing remained. Strange.
Weighing his choices, he ultimately determined that at this point the most important thing was to find the answer to the question why? With that in mind, he returned to the building to head straight for Hugo Strange's office. He did not expect to find anything evident there, but his detective instinct did not allow him to ignore the probability of discovering new leads. Even if the probability was slim. Ensuring that no one was around he picked the lock and stepped inside.
Stacks of papers, documents, and files perfectly sorted and buried in numerous drawers told him nothing more than what he had already suspected. Strange masked his operations effectively. To a cop or a regular detective, it would have been proof of his innocence, proof that he was an outstanding doctor who, as the transfer papers told him, had returned to Arkham to care for the most challenging patients. Among the records, he found psychological profiles of Two Face, Joker, Riddler, Mad Hatter, and Poison Ivy but also more unusual ones. "PM-X1, PM-X2, PM-X3," read the files of unidentified people as one by one he pulled out folders to study and scan the documents. Statements and reports he was unable to link to anyone he knew detailed the tests and results conducted on voluntary subjects. Vague, incomprehensible, written as if in cipher, ensuring complete anonymity and the inability to link them to him. "You're clever Strange, I'll give you that. But I'm genius here…" he tucked the scanned file away to reach for another. "Project Manticore… what is Project Manticore?"
"You should know that you won't find here anything that can be used against me, Robin," Strange stood in the doorway and measured Tim with a superior gaze.
"And you should know better than to come back here!" tucking the folder behind his belt he adopted a combative stance, "just give up Strange. We both know you're not a fighter."
"No need for violence boy. It's not like I'm gonna fight you. That would be utterly pointless."
"Let me guess, you gonna stall until your goons show up."
"My goons?" a mocking smile twisted his face, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Quit playing games Strange! We have them in custody!" he clenched his fists trying to control his emotions, "the back of the building is riddled with bullets that were aimed in our direction at your command!"
"Prove it," it sounded like a challenge Tim couldn't meet, "prove it. You have nothing boy. You are smart, I presume the smartest of them all. I'm assuming you've already managed to hack into Arkham's CCTV system while trailing Doctor Crane. And if you've already hacked into the CCTV, you must have discovered that the cameras at the back of the building as well as those in the corridors leading to the back exit don't work," he calmly and confidently revealed all the potential vulnerabilities he had long foreseen and eliminated, "you have nothing. Even the files, which are probably already on your computer drive somewhere, pose no threat to me. So why don't you politely give me the file you hid behind your back and in return, I'll tell you where you can find more evidence against Doctor Crane?"
"You talk too much."
The shadow behind Strange's back suddenly took shape as a glowed hand emerged from the void grabbing him and slamming his head against the wall. Strange's face twisted into a grimace of pain, but the groan that should have followed did not come out of his throat. Instead, a malicious grin crept up his face again.
"Where were you taking her?" Batman asked in a chilling voice emerging from the darkness.
"Ah, Batman… I should have guessed that birds don't fly on their own."
"Where were you taking her?" Batman repeated the question with emphasis while pressing his face harder against the wall. The glasses on his nose cracked.
"Do you really think you're going to get the answer to that question out of me with violence? Batman. Emotions cloud your judgment. So unlike you."
Tim stood stunned watching as Batman bared his teeth in rage and, grabbing Strange by the halves of his lab coat, lifted him off his feet to slam him against the desk. The wood shattered into pieces as he lunged and, pressing him to the ground with his boot, growled again.
"Give me something Strange before I send you back to Black Gate!"
"On what charges?" he coughed when Batman's boot pressed harder on his throat.
"The list is long…" he snarled menacingly, "Cadmus, Strange. Talk! Waller assured the Justice League and the President of the United States that the project was closed definitively after the first trials!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about, Detective," Strange dismissed stubbornly evoking even more anger from Batman. He grabbed him again by his coat and slammed him violently against the wall only to repeat it again.
"I am not playing your games, Strange," he gruffed dealing a punch to his stomach, "talk or they will send you to Black Gate in pieces!" his fist crashed savagely into his face as drops of blood stained Strange's coat, "you tortured her!" another blow shattered the glasses on his nose, "you tortured others like her!" Strange spat blood as Batman's fist hit his ribs painfully, "talk!"
"Batman!" Tim jumped to him catching his arm and preventing him from dealing another blow, "that's enough!" he looked into his enraged eyes, "not like this."
"You can't touch me, Batman," Strange groaned, "no amount of brute force can make me talk and you know it. Just as you know that you have absolutely no proof except the words of a woman who can so easily be dismissed and declared insane. Pitty, to what madness Doctor Crane can drive a person."
Tim tensed his muscles but Batman was stronger. With one sharp pull, he yanked his arm out of Tim's grip and, clenching his fist, delivered another punch. The wall next to Strange's face crumbled. Chunks of concrete scattered all over the ground.
"Next time it will be your face," it was a promise, "stay away from her."
On the other side of the ward, in the darkness of the long-unused corridors, Damian was finishing up his crackdown on Strange's thugs, those who, in a glimpse of sanity, had decided to escape. "Fools," he scoffed stalking from hiding the last terrified man cowering silently through the darkened corridor, "you think you will hide? From me?" His cawl read his accelerated heartbeat, over 120 beats per minute pumping adrenaline through his body. His eyes read his every faintest twitch, every rapid movement of his head, every drop of sweat running down his terrified face. Part of him immensely enjoyed the little game he played with them. He was better, smarter, more cunning, superior in every possible sense. They were hardly prey who, out of fear, tried to flee to the shadows and hide in the darkness. But he knew the Shadows, he was raised by them, shaped by them, the Shadows served him.
"Not so brave when you're not hiding behind a machine gun…" he quipped, eyeing the man's reaction. He jumped up spooked raising his fists to his face defensively.
"You're not Batman!" he shouted into space, "show yourself you fucking psycho!"
"Awh, big talk, that's cute…" he swooped over his head silently, holding onto the ventilation shafts hanging from the ceiling.
"I'm not gonna go to prison! Fuck no!"
"Behind the bars of a Gotham County cell, you won't be so snarky."
"He made me do it!"
"They always do…" situated just above his head he prepared to jump, "tell me why? What did Strange want from that woman."
"How the fuck would I know?!"
"Wrong answer."
"I'm just a gun for hire! Come on man! Tell your boss that I run away!"
"He is not my boss…" he growled through clenched teeth, "what is Strange doing here?"
"I don't know!"
"Wrong answer again," he could have taken him down at any time but he enjoyed it too much. He reached into the pocket of his belt and pulled out a birdarang, "all your associates are down. You are going down too." He threw the birdarang straight at the man's feet.
"Where are you!?" the man shouted in fear, "Where are you!?"
"Here…" a low voice emerged from space, followed by a blow, and the hollow sound of collapsing body. The shadows betrayed him. The shadows did not belong to him but to his father who embraced them long ago. Batman stepped out of the dark and, without even looking in his direction, said, "You were playing with him. You could have eliminated him three minutes and seventeen seconds ago."
"It's called intimidation techniques, Father. Something you should know very well," he snarled, jumping off the vent and landing next to Tim. Tension hung in the air between them.
"Report," Batman ordered standing over them and glaring menacingly.
"In the driveway in the back ten thugs. Unconscious, disarmed, restrained, ready for transport. Two more in the eastern part of Intensive Treatment, four at the entrance to Holding Cells, one in the restroom in the west corridor, and this one here," Damian reported.
"Crane got away," Tim began, "I hacked into the CCTV system after I lost track of him at the main gate. He took his car and drove off. Given that we know his registration, where he lives as well as his office and workplace locations I decided that trailing him was pointless at this point and chose to investigate Strange. He is a much bigger threat."
"Not exactly."
"What aren't you telling us?"
"Crane is the murderer we've been looking for," Batman began, "he won't go home because his house is currently being secured by Gordon and his men. He won't go to one of his offices or the hospital because he knows we're monitoring them. If he doesn't attack again tonight he will hide somewhere, wait and strike again. But this time it won't be a stealth attack."
"I should go after him…" Tim clenched his jaw suppressing his anger, "I decided, I decided that…"
"You made the best possible decision based on the information you had," he interrupted him, "we'll talk about it at home. Both of you, you are dismissed. Go home."
"You are not going with us?" Damian asked.
"No. I have one more thing to do."
You stood on the balcony calmly smoking a cigarette, watching his shape fade into the distance as the dreadful meaning of his words began to creep in. A slowly increasing fear seemed to be looking at you with green venomous eyes from every dark corner of the surrounding city. He was there. You knew it. You could feel it. He was watching you. He was furious. But so were you. The soreness and weariness of your body, the mental exhaustion, the heavy eyelids, and the numbness of your muscles could not subdue the rage you felt. "I've seen monsters. You're not one of them. You are their victim." Batman's words echoed in your mind.
"The accomplice or another victim…"
"His victim…"
You closed the balcony door with a slam and made sure the sensor was on. You crossed the apartment checking each window and making sure the red light was steady. You turned the bottom lock on the front door and, just to be sure, inserted the key into the top one, turned it, and left the key inside. You were tired. So very tired. The weight of the past day's events was slowly beginning to settle in depriving you of that little bit of strength that kept you on your feet, pushing into your mind thoughts and feelings you didn't want to face. Not yet.
You stripped off your clothes, all of them, from your underwear to your skirt and blouse, but instead of throwing them in the laundry basket you folded them into a garbage bag, then another as if trying to hide your shame and disgust, and threw them in the trash. You needed a shower. A long shower that you didn't plan to get out of for many minutes. Maybe even hours. You needed to wash away the nightmare you had experienced. Needed to wash away his toxins. To wash away him. Tears ran into your eyes but you swallowed them. You couldn't fall apart, not yet.
Before you headed for the shower you lit another cigarette and sat down in front of the computer. You needed to endure for a little longer, you needed to do one more pressing thing before your mind completely crumbles under the weight of your emotions. The light of the screen blinded you, hurt your tired eyes but also brought a much-needed brief awakening. You inhaled the smoke deeply, opened the WORD document and, with a heavy heart and strong determination, tapped out a few important words.
"This is the right thing to do…" you tried to console yourself however the heartache was weighing down. "The right decision…" you inhaled again, opened the email, typed in the recipient, added the attachment and, with a heavy exhale, clicked send. "Now I can fall apart."
You didn't cry. The pain of the decision you made was nothing compared to the overwhelming feeling of helplessness gripping your body and mind. A numbness shutting out your sense to the surrounding safety of your own home, binding you in a cage of your own thoughts. The softness of the carpet under your bare feet did not bring a feeling of comfort as you headed through the bedroom to the bathroom with a dragging step. The warm light of the wall lamps did not bring a smile when you faced your own reflection in the mirror. A bloody wound on your arm covered with three black stitches was the only trace of comfort remaining on your body. "It's funny how a wound can bring comfort," you scoffed somberly while sweeping your eyes over your naked body. "What have I done…" you ran your hands over the traces of your mistakes. The red marks around your breasts were painful to touch, the scratches on your arm barely visible formed a path to the redness on your neck that slowly began taking on hues of purple, yellow, and green, the sad face and dark circles under your eyes revealed complete exhaustion, a nervous breakdown lurked behind them. You raised your hand toward your face to brush away your falling hair and paused to stare at the dried blood on your palm. You touched the wound but it didn't hurt. Not as much as the imprints of his hand on your neck. Not as much as the breaking pain in the back of your head. You looked your reflection in the eyes. "Is that what I wanted?" you searched for the answer within yourself, "is that what I deserve?" tears came to your eyes, "what now?"
You wanted to close your eyes and disappear. Disappear forever. Push away the thoughts of the nightmare that was yet to come, dismiss the memories of the nightmares that were yet to haunt you, forget the deep blue eyes and the wandering barely perceptible smile you were destined never to see again, erase the feeling of safety and inspiration you were never meant to follow. You longed to escape. To disappear. To start all over again somewhere else. To become someone else.
"The past has a habit of following us wherever we go…"
His words invaded your mind, concealing all the glaring pain with a thick shadow, and even though they seemed sad to you at the time now they brought a strange sense of solace. There was no way out. Escape was not a solution. You couldn't. Part of you knew that the only path you could take was through fear and horror, through anger and pain, toward a hopeful future. You couldn't turn back. You had to find the strength within yourself.
You let the warm water run down your body, wash away the cares and worries, hide the tears that began to flow down your cheeks, to take away the weaknesses and fears that tried to take over you.
"Fear, if you let it, can be a paralyzing force, can be the thing that sabotages your every move, your every plan. But if you take control of it, it can become one of the strongest forces driving your actions. It's all a matter of choice."
You stepped into the shower whole and, slowly changing the temperature to cold, watched as the remnants of blood flowed from the cut on your arm, from the wound on your hand, from the cut on the back of your head, running down the drain along with all your despair. Your body trembled under the icy stream but you clenched your teeth feeling as the pain gave way to determination.
"Take it as an opportunity to fight that fear. As a chance to be brave."
You clenched your fists breathing deeply. Trembling from the cold, you closed your eyes and sank deep within yourself, searching for the strength that lay dormant. Looking for that spark that guided your steps, that energy that seemed to bend reality to your will. It was there. Weak and stifled. Barely shimmering under the weight of reality. You reached for it.
"It always comes down to the choices we make. Do we let it control us, or do we control it."
You breathed deeply. Tears stopped streaming down your cheeks. The stinging feeling in your heart disappeared. You felt no pain nor cold. Blue sparks danced faintly over your arms and everything that was painful disappeared. All that remained was an unshakeable determination, a burning anger, a hope that perhaps a path through the nightmare would lead you toward a better future. Toward something good.
Bruce cursed under his breath upon seeing the parted curtains and their complete absence in some of the windows, promising himself that the day will come when he will bring it to her attention. Although he knew that the height of her floor provided a measure of privacy he felt that she should be more careful. He looked away when she dropped the towel, waiting longer than necessary to return his eyes to her windows. The light in her bedroom was still on when, wrapped tightly in a warm fluffy sweater, she opened the window to let the cigarette smoke outside. Wet hair fell over her face but she seemed not to care. She leaned against the sill and closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. From afar he could see the exhaustion on her face and the sadness in her eyes, a sight that burdened his heart. He longed so badly to go to her. He wished so much to take her in his arms and hug her, to take away her sadness and pain, to make her feel calm and safe, to cradle her in his arms until she fell asleep. He couldn't.
"It's all my fault…" the painful realization struck him again, "I should have told her. I should have stopped her. I should have protected her…" She looked in his direction, and even though the distance separating them made it impossible for a moment he was sure she was looking straight at him, that she could see through the darkness and fog and was gazing straight into his eyes. The illusion of her frail smile played on his imagination.
"I want to believe that in this vicious rotten world there are still people who care about the well being of others."
The memory of their first meeting still lingered vividly in his memory. Completely random, two strangers in a big city, and yet at that moment neither of them realized how close they were to each other. Her effortless charm, genuine smile, and the sparkle in her eye captivated him. Her brightness shattered his darkness, and although he didn't allow the thought at the time, at that moment she took possession of his heart.
For months he denied himself acknowledgment of this feeling and yet it was there, guiding his actions, with each passing day bringing him closer to her. No matter if by day or under cover of the night, he felt connected to her. Like two souls lost in the ocean of life who finally found their way to each other. A way from which he had to turn back. There was no place for love in his life. The burden of his life would destroy it. He longed for it but knew he couldn't have it.
He zoomed in on her face, watching as she raised her head towards the night sky and sighed heavily. The burden of the past day was dragging her down. The weight of everything she had experienced, everything she had seen, everything he had discovered. The memory of Crane's apartment crushed his heart as he angrily clenched his hands into fists. "I should have protected her…"
"Life is like poker you know! Sometimes a hand is dealt poorly and you have to wait it out. And sometimes you just go all in! We don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real greatness is what you do with the hand you're dealt."
The memory of her smile and the spark in her eye once again shattered the darkness that lingered over his thoughts. She didn't know it, but that day for the first time in a very long time he felt close to someone. Unknowingly, she wove with her words the silver thread that connected the two of them. Every day she drew him closer to her and he didn't try to stay away. "I should have..." Silver tears ran down her cheeks and she didn't even try to wipe them away. In her eyes he saw determination and strength to face the painful reality. So courageous. So naively idealistic. She reminded him so much of himself just a few years ago when life seemed simpler and the mission had not yet left its mark on him.
Mission. His dedication and the sacrifice he had chosen to make years ago. His whole life.
"Let's be open with each other. No secrets."
If only it was that simple. Even though the mission had become his life years ago, and all his attention and dedication was focused on fulfilling it there was a part of him that wanted it badly. Faint and repressed, barely breaking through all the regime he had imposed on himself but it was there. It surfaced sometimes when together with Damian he watched movies, when along with Tim he discussed the latest technological trends, when alongside Dick he worked on repairing equipment and modifications to the vehicles while discussing his friend's problems, every time Jason showed up at the mansion. That fleeting sense of ordinariness when, in Alfred's company, he sometimes opened a book to read to the accompaniment of classical music. Yes, in those moments he was himself, in those moments he was just Bruce. If only she knew how many moments like these he experienced in her company. If only she knew how many times he felt just Bruce when she was close to him. If only he could tell her how much he treasured those moments, how much they meant to him. If only he could tell her the truth.
She closed the window, turned off the lights, and, burying herself in the black sheets, she closed her eyes. He knew she would not be sleeping peacefully that night. He suspected that the nightmare would wake her once or twice in a cold sweat with her heart pounding in terror. His heart was aching to go there, knock on her window, take off his mask, kiss her, embrace her, and stay with her until the dawn of day. "She'll be better off without me. I won't ruin her life…" he sighed heavily suppressing the feelings inside him allowing cold logic to take over.
"I'm not a good person, Batman…"
She was wrong. She was so very wrong. It was he who was not a good person. "I condemned four lives for this fate. I will not condemn her as well."
He jumped off the roof and soared into the night.
On the other side of the city, below the rich mansion built on a hill, the night was slowly drawing to a close with each safe return. Alfred observed with a wary eye the boys' behavior, listened to their conversations, assessed situations, and drew conclusions. The most important thing for him was that they all returned uninjured, unharmed, and in relatively good spirits. No matter how many nights he stayed awake awaiting their return, no matter how many times he saw how highly trained they were, his heart always fluttered at the thought that any of them could get hurt. Too many times he had seen them on the brink of death.
The first to return were Damian and Tim. Their hung faces and focused gazes told him a lot and the conversation only added to the facts.
"I should follow him…" Tim repeated to Damian, "I should know better."
"Father should tell us everything, provide all the facts and details instead of withholding them from us!"
"Bruce is always hiding something from us."
"If we knew everything the situation would have turned out very differently. Don't make a martyr of yourself, Drake. It's beneath you."
"Alfred!" Tim turned to him putting down his equipment on the big workbench, removing his mask, and unfastening his cape, "if I could ask you for a strong coffee and some carbs. Work for tonight is not finished."
"Are you going to track him?" Damian threw in a surprised question, "I'm sure he's not going out of town. He has a reason to stay here and carry out the plans Father thwarted for him today."
"That's precisely why I need to find him before he attacks again!" he took off his gauntlets and sat down in front of the computer, "we know the registration of his car, we have his facial recognition, we know all the locations he has gone to in the past. With the help of the city's surveillance cameras and by using the triangulation of our satellites, I can still find him today and stop him before he strikes again."
"Timothy, he's only human. And the whole city already knows what he did. He'll hole up somewhere and wait out the first storm before he makes another move."
"All the more reason to find him now."
"Master Timothy, I understand that the conversation is about Doctor Crane," Alfred began calmly, "given the evening's news I take it that Master Bruce's assumptions were correct and that unfortunately, Doctor Crane managed to escape."
"He did not manage, Alfred," Tim corrected him quietly, "I let it happen."
"Master Timothy, I'm sure we'll find him in no time but I insist on a decent meal and an adequate amount of sleep. The past night was intense enough for all of you."
"I'm fine Alfred, we are all fine…" Tim wasn't listening as he activated the tracking system and entered the data into the computer.
"A few thugs with machine guns, hardly a challenge!" Damian added smugly yet Alfred could clearly see the fatigue on the boy's face.
"I insist."
"I need a few extra hours…" Tim ignored his pleas. Taking control of the city's surveillance systems and synchronizing them with the satellite he set the target, "and coffee."
Before Alfred had a chance to issue another argument the cave filled with the growling sounds of motorcycle engines. Nightwing drove in front and Batman followed closely behind. They parked and, without exchanging a word, walked through the cave to approach the same table and remove the equipment. It didn't take Alfred more than a few seconds to assess state of their minds. Bruce was furious while Richard, by contrast, seemed restless to break the uncomfortable silence.
"Jason?" Bruce asked noticing his absence.
"Master Jason has not returned to the cave," Alfred replied.
"Maybe he's still with Y/N?" Dick suggested.
"He isn't. I've been there," he cursed quietly which he didn't usually do in their presence, "call him up," he ordered to Dick.
"Maybe you should…"
"Just do it!"
"Listen, man, I get that you're pissed and all but…" Dick snapped meeting his stern gaze, "I'll call him up."
"I've set the CCTV cameras to search for Crane's car registration and for facial recognition," Tim didn't hesitate to inform him of the steps he had taken, "I've synchronized it with our satellites and set the scan field to Gotham, Bludhaven and Metropolis. We'll find him before he makes his next move."
"Well done Tim."
"I'm also uploading to the computer scans of the files I managed to find in Strange's office," he continued, "and then there's this," he handed him a folder labeled Project Manticore.
"Let's hope letting Crane go is worth it," Damian glanced at the caption, "Project Manticore…" he mused, "a hybrid, a chimera, a legendary creature being a fusion of a lion, a dragon, a bat, and a scorpion."
"Deadly and stealthy…" Tim continued.
"A weapon," Dick added walking up to them, "Jason will be here soon," he informed feeling Bruce's stern gaze on him, "first Cadmus, now this. Bruce this is getting bigger by the minute."
"What is Cadmus?" Damian asked curiously.
"Something that to Justice Leauge's knowledge should not exist," Bruce muttered flipping through the files.
"Father, I think in light of tonight's events we would all appreciate more transparency on your part," Bruce's menacing stare did not work this time. They were right, and they knew it.
"Cadmus was a secret government project designed to counter and control the expanding power and numbers of metahumans in the world," Dick began the explanation, "using highly developed technology and with the help of scientists of questionable reputation, they conducted research and experiments in order to create an army of metahumans in the service of the government."
"The practices and intentions of those involved in the project were extremely unethical, bordering on criminal activity. Some joined the project voluntarily when a well-timed persuasion was applied to others," Bruce continued, "the good and safety of humanity was just a fancy slogan they used to cover up the drive for power and the arms race in the form of superhumans. Justice League led to its closure and complete dismantling."
"Apparently not," Damian scoffed.
"Strange's attempt to extort Y/N now makes total sense and explains the complete lack of any trace of her for roughly four years," Dick began to connect the facts out loud, "no records of where she worked, no home address, no activity on social media, not even a credit card transactions! They must have been holding her somewhere! The question is how she got free. Did she escape or is she a manticore? If Cadmus has resumed their activities we must…" The words caught in his throat as the sudden realization of his own carelessness struck him. Bruce's cold gaze rested on him while his stone face masked the rage boiling beneath the surface. "Bruce listen…"
"Jason assured that none of you knew about the files," he growled through clenched teeth.
"Fine, I knew! Jason lied!" he sighed in exasperation, "you can get angry if you want!"
"I knew too…" Tim added quietly.
"We all knew. Big deal," Damian huffed.
"I clearly told you that I do not wish…"
"Okay man, stop! Just stop! Yeah, you told us and so what! That's what we're trained to do! That's what you trained us to do!"
"She jumped in front of a gun and made Jason fly with the power of her mind," Tim recalled their first meeting.
"Father, surely you weren't expecting us to stay away when you were getting increasingly involved. She's not exactly an ordinary dame."
"We only did what you should have done a long time ago! But since you decided to be a stubborn ass…." the growl of an approaching motorcycle drowned out his words, "we only did this because you refused."
"We needed to be sure that she is one of the good guys. Especially since she kept getting herself into all kinds of troubles."
"A coincidence that should have long ago aroused your suspicions, Father."
"We couldn't just let go and let you…"
"It's called privacy."
"You gotta be kidding me!" Dick couldn't hide his frustration, "she ain't just some chick that you are hanging with to keep up the appearance! Dude! I saw you two! Half of Gotham's elite saw you!"
"And we all interacted with her," Tim remained calm while trying to reach Bruce with logic, "after the incident at the Amusement Mile, she stopped being the woman who caught Bruce Wayne's attention and became the person of interest for Robins, Nightwing and Red Hood."
"Not to mention the Joker and, as it turns out, the new supervillain, Scarecrow," Dick continued, "you have no right to be angry with us."
"I have no right?" the illusive composure faded into an increasingly gravely voice, "I have no right?"
"You went behind my back despite my clear order. You violated my privacy. You've carried out an investigation which I did not want to do due to my personal reasons," the muscles of his shoulders twitched in tension as he approached Dick, "has it occurred to you that maybe I didn't want to know? That if I had cared to find out everything about her in advance then I would have checked it out myself?"
"Imagine that it did! That's why we didn't tell you anything about it until today!"
"Bruce, it was a right thing to do," Tim kept reasoning, "I'm sure some part of you knows that."
"First you follow her despite my direct order. You get Damian and Tim ivolved," Bruce aimed a furious stare at Dick, "and now this. And you have the nerve to tell me that I have no right to be angry?"
"So what now? Are we grounded or something?" Jason sneered joining them, "for fuck sake, man! Listen to yourself! We're all telling you that we did what you trained us to do, that we did the only right thing that could be done, that fuck, I don't know, maybe we wanted to make sure that you stubborn, all-knowing, self-righteous ass won't get hurt and that we won't get hurt in the process! That maybe we do give a fuck!"
"Master Jason…" Alfred tried to calm him down.
"Nah, I'm sorry Al but he gotta hear this!" Jason was boiling, "you always know best, huh? You're always right and your reason is always the most valid! You give orders and expect us to follow them like good little soldiers! Newsflash asshole! Some of us are fucking adults and the fact that we are here is our fucking choice!" he stood between him and Dick and pointed his fingers at his chest, "you insisted that you wouldn't do a background check on her and man, I get that, I totally do! Good for you and all! But you have no fucking right to be all pissed!" Bruce remained silent clenching his jaw in rage, "if we had listened to you your girl would have been long taken away to fuck knows where! If we had listened to you we wouldn't know shit about Cadmus! If we had listened to you we wouldn't know that Hugo fucking Strange is back in Gotham! If we listened to you we would have jack fucking squat! So why don't you pull your head out of your ass for a change and admit you made a mistake! 'Cause thank you would probably burn your throat out," he huffed heavily while Dick's hand placed on his chest held him back.
"Jason is right Bruce," anger blazed in their eyes and the last thing Tim wanted was for them to start exchanging blows, "you should tell us everything. This wasn't just your personal case. This is a case that concerns all of us and which you have made personal." He got up from the computer and walked over to them focusing Bruce's angry gaze on himself, "you taught us how to be a team and despite your best efforts we are a team."
"A team that worked extremely well despite the fact that the leader chose to keep it in the dark," Damian joined them standing next to Jason, "I'm sorry Father but you failed. Out of all of us, it shouldn't be Todd giving me the talk on how to be part of the team only you," despite the visible tension Bruce's gaze softened, "but don't worry. Even without you, we did just fine. Grayson is an outstanding leader on the battlefield."
"We've got Scarecrow on the loose, Strange and Cadmus to investigate, and whatever Project Manticore is," Tim continued calmly, "we'll all be working on it whether you want us to or not."
"Don't forget Luthor's investigation in Metropolis," Damian threw in and, upon seeing the surprise on his face, added, "Kent has super-hearing. Honestly, Father, you shouldn't be surprised."
"You heard them," Jason growled relaxing a bit, "stop bitching and start working with us instead of against us."
Bruce remained silent for a moment. Sitting down heavily in his chair, he looked at all of them closely and at each of them individually. For most of the day confronted with his mistakes, all day analyzing every wrong step he had taken in the past days and even weeks at this moment he could not help but feel pride. So different from each other and yet so similar. They had been through so much together, so much had divided them and yet they chose to stay together. As a team. As a family. Perhaps one of the few things he did right in his life was to bring them together.
"Hey, don't rush it, man! Let it sink in!" Jason snarled, "I have almost a full bottle of fine single malt in my trunk! You with me Wing?" he turned to his brother.
"Damn, and just like that you talked me into it!" Dick smirked, "let's get changed and head out."
"You're right…" Bruce finally spoke, "you're all right. I'm sorry."
"Wing, hold me I'm having a heart attack!"
"I don't know when but Y/N…" he stopped his words, "I care about her and yes, I took this matter personally. I focused on myself and let my feelings overshadow the greater picture."
"Emmm, B? You sure you're feeling alright?" Dick quipped helplessly trying to disguise the amusement appearing on his face.
"It's not just about your commitment. You made the right decision, and I thank you for that…" he rested his elbows on his knees and hung his head but the boys only came closer like curious children awaiting a good story.
"Go on! Don't stop yourself," Jason grinned, "tell us how badly you fucked up."
"Badly," he scoffed, "I fucked up badly."
"Let's guess," Dick wasn't about to give him the chance to back away, "you wanted to do things your way, at the same time trying to fight off the obvious feelings you have for her…"
"Explaining to yourself that the mission is everything and that you need to stay away…" Jason continued.
"Justifying your own behavior with the need to protect her…" Tim threw in.
"Yet simultaneously doing absolutely nothing to stop her from delving into our world," Damian pointed out.
"And thus falling deeper and deeper into the loop of your own lies, so contrary to your intentions…"Alfred remarked quietly, standing next to him and leaning against the computer.
"And now everything that happened today is your fault," Dick concluded, "from whatever you discovered in the Crane apartment to everything that happened in Arkahm."
"And of course you blame yourself for it, cos that's what you always do."
"That pretty much sums it up…" he sighed heavily, "now she is in danger because of me."
"Bullshit!" Jason sneered, "dude we all know how much you love to mope and suffer but she is not in dager because of you! She did this all by herself!"
"Besides, there are four of us against Carne!" Damian quipped with a smug, "at least until Mother finds out. Perhaps she won't kill her when she finds out that you brought a woman into the house."
"Damian!!!" all four exclaimed simultaneously.
"What! All I'm saying is nothing but known facts and an expected sequence of events! Aren't we all thinking that?"
"No one is talking about bringing her home, son. Nevertheless, that doesn't change the reality that her involvement in the Cadmus case as well as the fact that she is the most likely Scarecrow's next target makes her our priority. My priority."
"Oh here we go again!" Dick rolled his eyes, "Bruce! For the love of god!"
"She's not gonna stay away. She's hell'a stubborn just like you, man."
"She will need our help. Perhaps help of Justice Leauge," Tim reasoned, "even if you want to, which we all know you don't, you can't just stay away from her. You can't just leave a meta-human alone without oversight."
"Simply put, you are fucked!" Jason snarled, "so stop with all the bullshit excuses which lead us all to this place and fucking talk to her! If she has any sense left she'll tell you to go fuck yourself but hey, at least you could try."
"You should tell her the truth, Bruce," Dick encouraged gently, "the whole truth."
"That's gonna be a disaster," Damian scoffed.
"But we're all okay with it," Tim assured and the others nodded, "it's the right thing to do."
"Master Bruce, I'm afraid that boys are right," Alfred spoke up, "if you think about her as seriously as we think you do you should tell her the truth. And if not, you should stop deceiving the woman and meddling in her life. Socializing publicly with you does not go unnoticed."
"Boys, I appreciate but…"
"Just sleep on it!" Dick interrupted him, "let it sink in and sleep on it."
"I have to check on her."
"She's fine," Jason cut him off, "she's numbed herself with a few deep ones and I patched her up. Surely she'll have a nasty scar but she'll be fine. I installed motion sensors at the windows and doors."
"You did all that?"
"She allowed me! So you can go to sleep. No one will enter her house and if the sensors get turned on we will know."
"Thank you, Jason."
"Just doing my job."
"See!!! Teamwork!" Dick gushed grinning, "TEAM-WORK! We discovered the killer's identity, saved seven innocent victims, discovered Strange's involvement and saved an foolish idealist from serious trouble! TEAM-WORK!!!"
"You did a great job. I'm proud of you boys."
"Well fuck me…"
"No more keeping us in the dark, Bruce."
"Your transparency will save us a lot of work, Father."
"I will do better," a frail smile affected Bruce's face, "you have my word."
"Damn, enough of these feelings! I'm starting to feel uncomfortable," Jason snapped as he grabbed his jacket to head out, "you with me Dickie-bird? I think our job is done here."
"Jason, stay for the night," Bruce stopped him, "this is your home too."
"Now you're just making things awkawrd on purpouse."
"Your bedroom is always ready for you Master Jason."
"Damn you guys… I'll stay if Dick stays."
"I won't let you finish that single malt alone little-wing," Dick smirked.
"No loud music at night, gentlemen."
"You got it, Al!"
"And no hangovers at the brekfast table!
"Yes, Alfred!"
"And no…"
"Sure thing, Al!"
A deep gloomy night descended over Gotham. The lights had long since faded from the surrounding buildings, leaving the city illuminated only by street lamps and the shining glow of the full moon. Gotham seemed to spread its veil of stillness and serenity but it did not reach you, it did not soothe your nerves into sleep. Interrupted sleep brought no rest. Haunting images pulled you back to lonely reality time and again, with a racing heartbeat and cold sweat. The pack of cigarettes grew emptier with each heavy sigh and each quiet curse. A faint tears running down your cheeks seemed to chase after the lonely raindrops trickling down the window panes as you got up once again to gaze at the moon. "Are you there?" you wondered, "are you watching me?" you asked.
In silence your thoughts seemed to scream louder, in the dark your fears seemed to stare at you from every corner of your home, at night you couldn't find solace. Letting slowly smoke out, you regretted that you allowed him to take that bottle of whiskey with him. "He knew what he was doing," you scoffed sourly to settle for a glass of water and return to bed. Behind closed eyes, you could see a clear picture of all your mistakes and when sleep finally came you could feel them all over again.
The white light once again blinded you hurting your eyes. The chill of the sterile surroundings brought a shiver to your skin while the sight of countless closed doors filled you with doubt.
"I see curiosity is eating you up," the man walking in front of you noted. He wasn't tall but his posture seemed to fill the room. His prying eyes glanced at you over his glasses but betrayed no emotion. His perfectly balanced words reflected a high intelligence that left you feeling small. "Soon the entire compound will become your new home and all these doors will be open to you. But first, we must clear the formalities."
He led you through a wide, empty corridor toward a small office, and once the door closed, he took a seat behind the desk and pointed to the seat opposite him.
"Professor, I was told that the facility is designed to develop and discover abilities in people…" hesitated, "that are gifted."
"Meta-humans is the proper term to describe someone like you. You'll learn everything, but first the paperwork," he reached into a drawer and pulled out a file of documents, "a few signatures, declarations and you'll be part of the program."
"I'd like to know exactly what the program is before I sign anything," you set the pen aside and flipped through the thick folder.
"I'm afraid I won't be able to reveal the details until you have signed the declaration of will," there was something unpleasant about him, something that made your skin crawl, "you must understand that the program is highly classified."
"What if I won't sign?"
"You will sign," he smiled tinctively, "after all, no one forced you to come here. Curiosity won't let you leave now."
You picked up a pen and pressed it against the first page only to stop for a moment and leave a single black dot.
"It says here that I waive the right to adjudicate my own will…" you uttered, "this is illegal. I'm sorry, but I can't sign this."
"Don't you want to discover your abilities?"
"I want to but…"
"Don't you want to find out what you can actually do?"
"Of course I want to but it doesn't feel right."
"Don't you want to know if you could save them if you only knew how?"
"I do…"
"Then sign."
You pressed the pen to the paper again but a trembling hand objected. They knew. How did they know? You were a nobody, and yet they knew. You dragged the line and gasped in shock. The black ink spread across the paper covered the entire page, spread across the desk, over the chairs, over the floor to reach the walls and cover the white underneath the implacable black. You jumped away from the table frightened, knocking over a chair that seemed to disappear silently under the black surface. It surrounded you on all sides and only the professor's face, twisted in a sinister smirk, seemed to be staring at you in a frozen expression.
"You remember…" from the darkness came a low deep voice piercing the void, "you keep coming back to the same memories," distant but close, coming from every direction and yet seeming to be right next to you.
"I know you…" you whispered into the void.
"Yes, we have met before."
"Morpheus…" you uttered silently as his name felt familiar and strange to you equally, "your name is Morpheus. And I'm not supposed to know that."
"For the convenience of this meeting, you shall know it. Just as you shall know me," the blackness parted revealing a statuesque man of skin as fair as marble and eyes as deep as depths of the endless starry abyss of the darkest night.
"It's a dream…"
"It is. Yet it is also a memory. A memory that you try to conjure in dreams but you can't."
"You can control it…"
"I can," he moved closer to you as if drifting carried by the darkness itself.
"You control all dreams and nightmares…" you uttered yet your lips did not move. The stars in his eyes glowed pale, "why do I know this?"
"Because I allowed it."
"Are you a god?"
"Who are you then?"
"The concept of my existence will not be conceivable to you at this moment," his lips moved but his voice seemed to echo out of the abyss beyond time and space, "I am no threat to you."
"Why are you here?"
"You need help Y/N Y/L/N," the breath of the universe swept coldly over your skin, "you keep coming back to the same dreams, the same memories, that you cannot escape from. You can't move past them. I find you here every night. Every night your memories create a new nightmare. This needs to stop."
"If you control the dreams why do you let it happen?"
"I am here now, am I not?" the endless black of his eyes deepened, "I have stepped into your dream once again and chose to reveal my presence to you."
"Will you stop the nightmares?"
"Then why…"
"Be quiet," he interrupted you sternly, "you must understand the exceptional nature of this moment. Decades passed since the last time I resolved to interfere with a mortal's dream. Yet my siblings ensure that your desires are pure, for most of the time at least," the marble face seemed to brighten in a barely discernible smile.
"Are there more like you?"
"Is that the question you want to ask?"
"I guess not…" the galaxies in his eyes mesmerized, "why me? Why are you helping me?"
"I get curious when a magic user emerges in the mortal world," the stars glimmered intensely.
"Say what?" your lips moved but no words came out. Yet he seemed to hear your thoughts.
"You are not a meta-human Y/N, not in the way humans understand it. You are something else. But you already know that. You have always known it. Your mind tries desperately to remember but it can't." Slowly he moved his eyes toward the professor while the stars in his eyes dimmed. "These humans. They have wronged you. They hurt your body, soul and mind. They have taken your intentions and perverted them to suit their needs. They violated your will. Your memories are full of pain and suffering."
"Will you show them to me?"
"I could send you all the memories at once if I only chose to. I will not do that. It would be pointless. Your mind would surely collapse under their weight," out of the midst of the darkness he reached out a marble slender hand towards you, "Instead, I offer to guide you through them. I can help you remember."
Although your hand trembled you reached out to grasp his. The blackness around you faded away. Golden grains of sand appeared as if out of nowhere enclosing you, dancing and swirling around you, blurring the image, lifting you above the nonexistent ground to spread into nothingness a moment later and reveal a new image, a new dream, a long-forgotten memory.
It felt as if the memories in your head blended together just like the colors of unsorted laundry carelessly thrown into the washing machine. The past far and near clashed together to create a new distorted reality. The space around you appeared white and sterile again, like the one from your horrific memories, but at the same time obscured and dimmed much like one of the rooms in Arkham. There was no blinding white light, no heavy metal doors, no machines, no cables, tubes or monitors. Only a vertical bed with wide safety straps so reminiscent of the one in Crane's lab, only a single metal frame with a narrow beam of light aimed straight at it.
"I don't remember this place…" you said silently as the darkness around you formed a shape revealing his figure, "I don't remember this."
"You do remember. After all, we are in your memories," he replied softly.
"You created this?"
"I merely took what you had hidden deep at the bottom of your consciousness and brought it to the surface," he explained, gazing not at you but into the space in front, "this memory, this dream, were particularly difficult to retrieve. They ensured that you would not remember it."
"Who did?"
As if in answer to your question, the door to the room opened letting in a sliver of light that disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Professor Strange, assisted by two stout, strong men, stood a short distance from you and fixed his displeased eyes on you.
"I should have known there would be trouble with you," he clicked his tongue, "but the intrigue of your abilities doesn't allow me to simply write you off," he came close enough for you to smell the starch on his apron, "your insubordination, your defiance of orders, your deliberate sabotage of your training, and your stubbornness. Why do you resist when you saw for yourself the consequences of such behavior?"
He waited for the answer you should have given but couldn't. Your mind could not recall the event while your body seemed to remember all too well. Your muscles tensed as if in anticipation of the pain that was about to come. Your heart sped up as if in premature response to the distress you were about to experience. The headache attacked without warning piercing your head, cracking it, penetrating every thought and memory, shattering them into the thousands of pieces you were so desperately trying to put together.
"Big mouth and snarky words won't do you any good," he mocked, "we have ways to control the likes of you."
You looked at Morpheus horrified as two men came up to you and grabbed you painfully, one by your shoulders to lift you off the ground and the other by your ankles. You called out to him but he only watched everything with a marble emotionless face, only the stars in his eyes seemed to dim in sorrow.
"Make it stop!" you shouted to him as they pressed you to the bed, "I beg you! Make it stop!" you cried as they twisted your wrists to strap them down, as they grabbed your ankles to steady them, "Morpheus please…" you stifled as they forced a rubber guard into your mouth while fastening the last strap over your forehead.
"Insubordination we can correct, painfully," Strange smiled wryly, "how long you suffer depends only on you," he moved the metal frame closer directing it straight at you and activated the switch.
Your body shook in convulsions as the red laser entered your pupil piercing into your brain. Muscles contracted rapidly, bending your limbs at an unnatural angle. Breath caught in your lungs for a moment only to escape with a desperate panting. A cold sweat coated your skin soaking your clothes, blending with the warm trickle that ran down your leg. Red was penetrating through your wide open eyes, burning holes in your brain, distorting your consciousness. It was erasing your identity, turning everything that was yours into a blur. One by one, thoughts disappeared from your mind, feelings got erased leaving you hollow, leaving you numb. Anger, rage, frustration, will to fight, fear disappeared one by one devoured by the red. You felt nothing. You thought nothing. Only the brightly electrifying energy continued to simmer in you trying to protect the essence of your being.
The pale full moon light crept into Bruce's bedroom chasing away sleep bringing with it the chill of reflection and analysis. For few long minutes he laid with his hands under his head staring at the sky outside the window as if waiting for a signal to brighten in the sky, waiting for the needed distraction, for a way to escape his own thoughts. But the signal did not light up. "I wonder if she is asleep…"
For a moment he considered getting up and returning to the cave, to plunge into work, work out, to drown out his thoughts with the sound of punches, to turn emotions into the strain of muscles and tendons and the rush of doubts into a cool sweat on his body. Clear the mind if only for a moment. "Pointless…"
He got up from the bed, reached for his laptop, plugged in the flash drive he had taken from the cave earlier and hesitated. For so long he had resisted the information he could have at his fingertips. For so long he had fought off the temptation to learn everything he could about her. He wanted to savor every moment with her, to discover her, to learn her, to get to know her, as normal people do. He enjoyed it. For the first time in a long time, he felt truly good. She brought a smile to his face in the most effortless way. He wished he could preserve this moment. He wished for the illusion of normality to last.
"Delusion… naive desires…" he opened the file folder once again confronting himself with his mistakes. "There is nothing normal about me or her. We are far from normal. I was a fool…" reaching agreement with himself, he dragged his finger over the first folder and opened the file. Her entire life unfolded before his eyes.
School. Family. Friends. Retained in a few words and pictures found in the government institutions' records. Date and place of birth, age, height, hair color, eye color, parents' names, birthmarks. An ordinary girl from a small town, with an ordinary life, a good life. "She was born in Europe…" he paused at the information, "then moved to Bludhaven when she was only a child. She never mentioned Bludhaven. Why?" He trailed his eyes over the story of her life. "She was hospitalized, twice…" he opened the hospital records, "a broken leg and arm the first time," the image of her climbing trees entered his mind, "and neurological problems the second…" he frowned seeing the date on the file, "she was so young." Minimizing the file littered with medical details, he returned to her story. Elementary school, high school, college, first job at a far too young age. "Computer sales…" he chuckled quietly seeing her picture in a blue polo with a company logo. She looked like a sweet, innocent girl to whom nothing bad could ever happen. He opened another folder filled with photos. Mountain trips with her parents, her first bicycle, an adorable biscuit golden puppy that surely brought her a lot of joy made him smile fondly. Graduation, her first boyfriend, the academic year inauguration, concerts, parties, her first martens and leather jacket, "rebellious," he scoffed amused. Each photo depicted her happy and smiling, full of joy and passion for life which he continued to see in her eyes despite the passage of years. "What happened then?" he clicked through a few more photos, screenshots from social networks when in love she posted heartfelt lyrics, photos where she smiled joyfully in her boyfriend's embrace, posts where she uploaded clips of Linking Park and Thirty Seconds to Mars in anger. As the years passed, darkness crept into her life but she seemed to retain her smile, especially in those moments when Harleen accompanied her. "How did you get here…" his nature and curiosity took over as he closed away the years of her youth to display her adult life. Happiness seemed to vanish as she stepped into adulthood. Maturity reached her too soon. "She fell in love again…moved out from home before she turned nineteen… moved away…" he swiped through not so distant facts, "traveled the world, worked abroad, got engaged…" he frowned pausing at the photo. One look was enough for him to know everything. She loved him dearly, he loved only himself. "Why did you end up with someone like that?" he moved through the records of her life and smiled involuntarily seeing how short the engagement lasted. She returned to Bludhaven, resumed work, bought a new car and "…suddenly disappeared…" he mused over the fragmented story. "What happened?"
High walls surrounded the compound on all sides obscuring the greenery where twelve young people trained fiercely in the brightness of the morning sun. Men and women, all dressed in military style sweatpants and gray T-shirts, divided in pairs punched, kicked, flipped and knocked each other to the ground.
"In combat, you cannot rely only on your supernatural abilities!" a tall, muscular man with thick but snow-white hair roamed the field peering at them with a sharp eye, "your abilities are your weakness! Your abilities are your disadvantage! The first thing your opponent will use against you!"
The blows fell one after another, brutal, painful, aimed deliberately and precisely, drawing blood and marking bruises, twisting joints and straining muscles. But they kept fighting. Someone grabbed his partner's arm hard, bent it in an unnatural direction breaking the bone with a snap. A cry echoed through the walls.
"Hesitation means death! Death is a mercy given to the weak and useless! You are meant to be strong! Better! We don't train you to fight! We train you to kill!"
You watched everything as a movie projected in front of your eyes. Faces contorted from pain, blood stained shirts, sore bodies and despair in the eyes of those who were praying for death.
"Attack to inflict pain!"
The bones in your body creaked opening long-forgotten injuries, wept in forgotten pain.
"Block to maintain the advantage!"
The pain pierced your muscles like a memory hidden beneath the surface of your skin.
"Strike to kill!"
A shudder ran through your body, convulsions twisted your insides as if trying to fight off the poison that seemed to consume you entirely.
"He trained us…" you whispered, "he was merciless."
The sun illuminating the greenery beneath your feet dimmed as the shadow surrounded you with a warm, soft veil.
"They wanted to make us into weapons…"
"I know," Morpheus spoke softly in an eerily human voice, "I was there. In every dream and every nightmare you have dreamt while being here."
"They promised help and guidance but instead tried to use us, weponized us against those they deemed a threat…"
"The pages of human history have been marked by many like them."
Someone broke under pressure allowing his emotions to take control of his body. Applying superhuman strength, he struck his opponent breaking his neck in the snap.
"No powers!"
"Apologies, sir," the man leaned his head as he put his hands behind the back to stand at attention, "it took over me."
"I have no interest in your apology," with a heavy slow step he approached the terrified man, "you are a soldier. Soldiers follow orders. If you are incapable of following orders you will be useless in the field." In one swift motion, he drew a narrow long sword from behind his back. The steel flashed in the sunlight. Blood gushed widely staining the green beneath their feet. The man fell inertly to the ground.
"No one touches him! Back to training!"
The blackness swirled around you while the golden particles danced as if carried by a nonexistent wind.
"Are you ready to move on?" Morpheus asked while watching your furious gaze.
"Yes, please."
"She disappeared…just like that she disappeared…" Bruce leaned back in his chair and stared at the computer screen. "No one disappears overnight." He opened the files again and carefully traced the events of her adult years convinced that he had missed a detail. He had not. The few clicks and fractions of a second required to run his computer's systems were enough to fill his mind with countless questions. "Jason left something out…" He typed her name into the system, combined it with facial recognition, and personal information to momentarily display endless information about her. All aligned with the ones on the flash drive, all merely confirming and duplicating facts he already knew. "Something is missing…"
A part of him didn't want to dig deeper, but it was too late to back out. It was in his nature to investigate, to find the truth, to look for the smallest, least significant details, to see things that others could not see, to piece together the tiniest facts into a previously unknown truth. He could not back down now.
With a few clicks he changed the scope of the search, typing in the names and details of her parents only to freeze in stillness once the computer displayed the results. His heart ached with pain but his mind understood.
The gold dust settled, the blackness thinned to reveal an environment so familiar to you, one that you so desperately didn't want to remember. The brown wallpaper on the walls you had long planned to replace, the brown rug under your feet that should have been vacuumed days ago, the warmth of the yellow ceiling light that could not hide the surrounding decay. You were home. A purple cashmere sweater hung on a hanger just as it always did. Funny pink slippers were placed at the entrance in the same place they always did. A pleasant scent of apples and cinnamon lingered in the air, barely covering the foul odor of sweat, sourness, and death that wafted through.
"I don't want to be here…" you whispered in a trembling voice as tears came to your eyes, "please…" you looked into his endless eyes but his sombre face remained unmoved, "please take me away from here."
"I will not do that," he replied in a stern but warm voice, "this is where it all started. This is where you need to be."
"I can't, I don't want to…" tears slipped down your face, "don't make me."
"I would not force you even if my power allows it," compassion reached from the depths of the universe, "there is nothing wrong with being afraid. There is nothing more human than to be afraid. You tried to control your fear, you tried to get rid of it. You have allowed him to exploit that," he extended an open hand to you, "the time has come for you to face your fear."
You took his hand and allowed yourself to be led down a narrow hallway toward a darkened bedroom. You wanted to close your eyes and not see death standing by the side of the bed. You wanted to close your heart and not feel the pain tearing your soul into a million pieces meant never to become whole again. You wanted to close your ears and not hear the weak voice you would never hear again. You wanted to run away but his cold, steady hand kept you close.
"Y/N?" your legs buckled under you at the sound of the forlorn voice. Your throat tightened painfully straining breath in your lungs, forcing tears into your eyes but you only exhaled deeply and forced a smile.
"Hey, Mom," you let go of his hand and walked over to the bed, "how are you feeling? Have you slept at all?"
"I'm better," she lied. Eyes veiled with fog, a tired face, and a limp body disappearing into the folds of the sheets betrayed more than you wished.
"Mom…" placing a hand to her forehead, you brushed away her sweat-damp hair. She was cold. So very cold, "I'll make you some tea. And I'll open the window for a moment, it's terribly stuffy in here."
"How was work?" she asked, continuing the game of pretend.
"As always, all good," you pushed aside a bowl filled with black and yellow liquid, "did you eat anything?"
"I can't stomach the food…"
"Mom you have to eat. You take morphine, you can't take it on an empty stomach."
"I can't eat…" she said weakly, " I vomit everything I eat."
You took her cold hand feeling as painful realization tried to extinguish hope. Hope that everything will be fine, hope that the next operation will fix everything, that you will travel over the sea next summer.
"Don't worry my star," she smiled faintly, "this will pass."
"I know Mom," you sighed heavily forcing a smile, "they just have to cut out that fucking tumor. I'm sure it's pressing on your stomach and that's why you can't eat. They'll cut it out and everything will be fine."
"Exactly," she wanted so badly to believe it, and yet something seemed to hide behind her eyes, "I need you to pack my bag and call an ambulance," she had never asked before.
"Something's wrong?" your heart leaped to your throat.
"I feel that I shouldn't have been discharged from the hospital. At least at the hospital, they would give me an IV."
"You're right. At least your body will strengthen before the operation. Wednesday isn't far away," you helped her up and held her steady making sure she would not lose her balance, "we need to change your pajamas."
"I don't think I'll be able to stand up," once strong and full of life she now seemed frail and weak, "call an ambulance. Get my papers ready. You can drop my bag off later."
"Got it!"
Even though it was only a memory you played your part just as intently as you did on that day, feeling everything just as strongly as before. Panic when she couldn't stand on her feet, worry when logic took over from false hope, determination when you gathered her things and helped her get dressed, composure when the paramedics helped her sit in the wheelchair and carry her out of the house for the last time.
"You'll see, they'll patch you up and you'll be dancing again," you smiled as you hugged her one last time.
"Drive home carefully," she uttered her last words of concern letting go of your hand and disappearing inside the ambulance.
You stood in the middle of the street for a moment watching the ambulance drive away. At the time, you still believed your words. At that moment, you rejected the possibility that it might end differently. Full of belief and hope, unaware of the nightmare that was about to come just two days later.
"I never saw her again…" you wanted to cry but couldn't. Locking your emotions deep inside you, you chose numbness. "She didn't get to live to have surgery. Two days later, at five-thirty in the morning, she died."
"People despair when Death comes for them, comes for their loved ones," Morpheus spoke softly, "They fear the Sunless Lands. They deny Death. I have always found it strange. It is as natural to die as it is to be born and yet some seem never to accept this fact."
"Death leaves scars that never heal," you countered, "it leaves a void that we desperately try to fill. We wonder if we could have done something more if we could have prevented it somehow."
"There was nothing you could have done."
"You're wrong," you glared at him angrily, "if only I had known how! If at that moment, I had known, understood my abilities! Maybe I could have saved her! Maybe I could have healed her! Maybe she would still be here!"
"It was her time."
"Fuck that! She was too young! She was supposed to be with me until old age! She was supposed to be with me when I would get married! When I would have children!" anger burned in you igniting your blood, "she should have been here!! But I was afraid! I was afraid of my abilities! I was afraid of the fact that I was different! I didn't understand! I tried to suppress it inside me! If only I wasn't afraid! Maybe she would still be here!!!"
"Your mother got what everyone gets. A lifetime."
A quiet knock at the door pulled Bruce out of his deep thought. For a moment he wondered if he had misheard. The night was deep, everyone in the house should already be asleep or at least pretending. But the knocking repeated itself. He didn't want to answer it. He regretted staying home instead of leaving for the city. He needed this moment to himself, he needed to think, he needed to be alone with his emotions and nothing was more conducive to thinking than the lights of Gotham scattered in the darkness of night like millions of stars in a black sky.
"I know you're awake," Dick's quiet voice came from behind the door, "I saw the lights on in your windows. May I come in?"
"You may," he replied reluctantly, convinced that even if he hadn't answered and given permission he would have barged into his bedroom anyway. Dick had no hesitation to invade his personal space. He didn't even manage to turn off the laptop screen and he was already closing the door behind him. Dressed in loose sweatpants and an old Gotham University t-shirt, he minced barefoot across the soft carpet and, if it weren't for his height, imposing build and two whiskey glasses in his right hand, he would have looked just like the kid whose years ago crept into his bedroom when he couldn't sleep.
"I thought you might need this," he smirked innocently placing the glass in front of him.
"You know I don't drink."
"A glass of good single malt to calm the mind never hurt anyone," he glanced involuntarily at the computer screen, "you read it."
"I did," Bruce pushed the glass aside and locked the screen before adding in a serious tone, "your investigation was incomplete."
"Oh, it was complete, trust me. We simply decided not to include certain details," Dick replied observing him closely, "you wanna talk?"
"You sure? Cos you kinda look like you do," he smirked.
"How's Jason?" a quick change of subject seemed at this point to be at best a failed attempt to slip out of an uncomfortable situation.
"He's asleep. Drinking more than half a bottle by yourself after an intense night of ass kicking and car chasing will do that to you."
"You got him drunk pretending that you're drinking," Bruce glanced at him with amusement in his eyes.
"Indeed I did!" he grinned, "he needed this more than I did. And pretending to drink after years of observing how you do it was way to easy."
"I'm glad he stayed the night."
"I'm glad you asked him to."
"He should move back in."
"You should ask him."
"I should."
"Maybe that's not the only thing you should do, If you know what I mean." Silence fell as their eyes met again. Bruce was struggling, Dick could see that clearly. Unused to talking about feelings, he needed it so much and at the same time shied away from it so much. Without a word, he grabbed a glass and, crossing the lavish bedroom, sat down in one of the large, comfortable armchairs, waiting for Dick to join him.
"Maybe I should…" he sighed as Dick sat down on the bed opposite him, crossed his legs and took a small sip from his glass. Despite having a quarter century behind him, he still looked uncomfortable drinking alcohol in his company.
"Take your time, we still have a few hours before dawn," he smirked.
Turning the amber liquid in his glass, Bruce merely stared at the moon outside the window silently informing him that he would rather be in the city right now, would rather chase villains through the dirty streets of Gotham, would rather glide between buildings, sit on the roof and listen for trouble than have to confront his own feelings.
"It won't light up, you are stuck with me," he quipped forcing his attention back to him.
"Am I that obvious?"
"To me, yeah you kinda are."
"I don't know what to do…" Bruce finally said fixing his gaze on him, "for the first time in a very long time I truly don't know what to do," he sighed heavily while warming the golden liquid in his hand then hesitantly took a tiny sip closing his eyes, "I fucking don't know what to do."
"You care about her."
"I do."
"And you are so in love with her."
"Love is just a brain chemistry. A mixture of norepinephrine, dopamine and…"
"Bruce, seriously? I swear if I keep rolling my eyes like this I'll totally get to see the back of my skull!" he snarled then added gently, "come on. Let's be real for a moment. I've seen you two together. Even you can't hide your feelings that well."
"My feelings for her don't matter," he sighed while his tired eyes grew dark, "and I know what you're going to say. I've heard you before. But what happened today is my fault. I should have stayed away from her but I didn't. I should have warned her, protected her, but I didn't. And it is because of me that she got hurt."
"A few scuffs and bruises, she'll be fine…" he paused seeing the expression of pain on his face, "Bruce, what happened earlier? What did you find in Crane's apartment?"
A moment of silence preceded the answer. A moment of long silence that screamed a thousand unspoken words and concealed emotions. A silence that Bruce needed and Dick was willing to give him. A silence of quiet understanding. A moment of support.
"He hurt her," Bruce finally said, as he set his glass down on the coffee table to stand up and walk to the window, "He violated her. Perhaps at first with her consent, her willingness, it had to be..." he trailed off recalling the scene, "but the fact is that in his apartment's air, I discovered chemicals sufficient to rid her of boundaries and alter her behavior." The recurring images caused him pain but he needed this moment of honesty. Dick was the only one he could talk to about it, the only one he could really open up to, the only one who really understood him. "I think they got close before Crane discovered the transmitter I gave her, before he became violent. I found a dent in the wall and traces of blood on the floor…"
"Bruce, you can't put this on yourself. I know it's personal but still, she made her own choices."
"I knew something was wrong about him. I suspected him for a long time. I knew they were close. She told me that," anger tinged his voice, "I should have prevented her from being alone with him. Instead, I drove them both to his house! To the house where he tormented people! To the house where he hurt her! I drove them and left them there!" he looked at Dick with anger burning in his eyes, "you want to know why?" Dick remained silent, "because I chose to do so. Because I deemed that her friendship with him was my best chance to find out the truth. To expose him! Because I chose to use her relationship with him to solve this case."
"I understand that you blame yourself, but…"
"I don't blame myself. I despise myself. I will never forgive myself for this."
"It wasn't you who put her in danger!"
"But I didn't do anything to stop her."
"Your presence in her life changes nothing. The situation with Crane would have turned out exactly the same if you hadn't been there. Probably much sooner. And it would have ended much worse."
"That doesn't justify the decisions I made."
"Bruce, you're only human. We all make mistakes."
"I made a cold calculation, I made a decision that led to her harm. This is not a mistake. These are consequences."
"And now what, you're going to distance yourself from her or push her away like you usually do?"
He remained silent.
"The situation is different. You can't ignore the fact that she's meta."
"She's not," Bruce denied immediately.
"She's not?
"I verified that theory when we were in Metropolis. Or rather, Clark verified it. Her abilities are most likely magical."
"Damnn!" Dick gasped, "well that's an even bigger problem. With metas we have some experience but we have never trained magic users."
"And we won't."
"You're right. We are definitely not equipped for that. Good thing we know at least three, maybe four people who are more qualified for the task than we are. Zatanna would be the best here, although Constantine has an advantage over her due to his wide range of abilities, but I know there's no way in hell you'd ask him for help. Doctor Fate is definitely the most powerful but he doesn't seem like a people person to me."
"We won't train her, period. Neither we nor anyone else.
"You can't be serious, Bruce!"
"I am."
"No, you're not! You're just a stubborn dumbass who can't deal with his own feelings!"
"Why does she keep getting into trouble…" he sighed as if to himself, "why can't she just let it go?"
The gold particles swirled and fell around you for the last time revealing a void in nowhere, a vast and infinite blackness in which the sky and the ground seemed to melt into one. You couldn't feel the ground under your feet, yet you stood firm. You didn't feel the wind blowing, yet your hair waved around your face. You couldn't see the sky above your head, yet the stars seemed to spread against it, shining as brightly as the ones in his eyes when he appeared right in front of you and gazed into your soul.
"Now you know everything. Now you know the truth," he spoke in a deep, low voice.
"I don't know whether I should be happy or sit down and cry…"
"This is what you wanted, is it not? This is what you desired."
"And now that I have it I don't know what to do."
"What you do depends only on you. Your feelings are yours, as are your memories and experiences that have been taken from you and now are yours again. Your decisions, whichever you make, will also be yours. So will their consequences."
"If that was supposed to comfort me then it failed," you scoffed.
"I am not here to comfort you Y/N. That is neither my function nor my role," the black of his eyes deepened, "still, you should find comfort in the fact that there are people in the Waking World who care about you. You are not alone as you seem to think."
"You know who he is don't you?" you asked certain that there was no need to say his name.
"I know."
"You've seen his dreams."
"He doesn't dream like ordinary people dream every night. His mind is highly trained to avoid distractions as he sees dreams. But, yes. I have seen his dreams, rare as they are."
"Who is he?" the question snapped out.
"That is not my truth to tell," a shadow of a smirk ran over his marble face, "trust yourself. Trust your instincts as you have trusted them so far, especially now. Now that your consciousness is free from corrupting influences."
"Trust yourself…" you repeated under your breath, "how can I trust myself when I have no idea what to do!"
"You do know. You simply have not understood it just yet," the depth of the universe seemed to see into the future, "when you wake up, you will know."
"Will I remember you this time?"
"I don't think you will."
"Why not?"
"Because your future must be in your hands. Yet I can assure you, we will see each other again." With a wave of his hand, the dream faded away and disappeared.
You opened your eyes abruptly, welcoming the full moon's cool glow peeking through your bedroom window once again. You knew what to do.
Dick walked over to Bruce to hand him the glass of amber liquid again, which he accepted gratefully. Lost in his thoughts, he took a small sip and gazed back at the full moon in the cloudless sky.
"You thought about telling her the truth," he stated with certainty.
"It crossed my mind."
"Why don't you do it then? Think how differently today might have turned out if only she knew the truth!"
"I won't bring her into this life."
"Knowing the truth, she would know the risks and how to react in a threatening situation! She would know what to do! Hell, even without it, she acted instinctively. The transmitter hidden in her arm was a bit insane but an impressive solution you gotta admit that!"
"There is nothing impressive about putting yourself in danger for the sake of satisfying some senseless need to do the right thing," he growled angrily.
"That didn't just come out of your mouth," Dick scoffed.
"It's different and you know it."
"How is that any different!"
"I was an angry kid balancing on the verge of a mental breakdown who desperately needed to find a purpose in life! You were the broken kid whose world came crashing down and who needed care and guidance to not end up like me! Jason, Tim, Damian…"
"You are failing to make a point."
"We were all angry kids who needed to turn their grief and anger into something meaningful."
"And she is an angry adult who has had her will and identity taken away and who needs to turn her pain and trauma into something meaningful…" Dick interrupted him harshly before adding gently, "age doesn't matter here."
"I won't do that. I won't do that to her…" turning his gaze away from Dick he gazed wearily at the sky, "she deserves better."
"Bruce, for someone of your level of intelligence you are behaving like a complete idiot!" it was high time to abandon gentleness and strike directly, "she doesn't need your say so, she doesn't need your guidance to find the way to achieve her goals. The fact that she joined Cadmus is the best proof of that!"
"We don't know that."
"Fine. We know that."
"She'll find out the truth sooner or later, and it would be better if she learned it from you."
"Perhaps she won't," he so adamantly refused to accept the facts, "maybe today's situation will make her turn back from this path. She will choose a normal life."
"You really believe that?"
"That would be better for her."
"Sorry but that decision isn't yours," frustration slowly rose in Dick, "just as it wasn't your decision that I created the mantle of Robin, just as it wasn't your decision that Jason would adopt it, it wasn't your decision that Tim found us. Those decisions were ours, not yours!"
"I should never have allowed that to happen."
"You should have understood long ago what kind of impact we have on people, what kind of impact you have on people. How you inspire those around you."
"I have condemned your lives."
"You gave us purpose, strength, inspiration, the will to fight! You gave us hope…" Dick grabbed him by the arm and looked at him like a son looks at his father, "it seems you are thinking that you have failed us, but you are wrong. Each of us would be lost without you. We are here because of you. I am here because of you. My life crashed and fell apart before my eyes, but you gave me a new one. You gave me a purpose, a home, a family."
"Dick I…" his voice broke.
"Bruce…each of us had our own reason for getting into this life. And yes, we were kids but you seem to forget how many of our friends started out as adults. Ollie, Dinah, John, Barry even Uncle Clark. They were all adults when they decided to take on their secret identities. It seems to me that she is on a straight path to the same thing. The question is whether you will be there to help her and guide her as you have guided many before her. Not just us."
"She's already asked me that…" he sighed.
"She did?"
"Last night, just before shootout in Bristol," he explained, "just like today she dropped that she wants to come with me. She said she wants to help. That she could do more. That I could teach her how."
"What are you wating for then? You found a woman who wants to be part of your life. Your whole life."
"It's not that simple…"
"It is very simple Bruce. You are just making this so fucking complicated with your misguided sense of morality. She's a good woman, honest and kind with a clear desire to do good. She's obviously into you and she is obviously drawn to Batman. What's so difficult about that?" he blocked the window forcing Bruce to look at him. "Some perverted idea in your head, a flawed perception of love makes you think that you can't be happy. That Batman can't be happy. That the mission precludes that possibility. But Bruce, you're not thirty anymore. You have surrounded yourself with family and friends who day by day are proving to you that it is possible. So if they can be happy why can't you?"
"I guess…" he hesitated, "I guess I am scared," he finished quietly. "I guess I am simply scared."
"Hey, remember what you used to say to us when Jason was a kid?" a bright smile spread over Dick's face. "It's okay to be scared. Everyone gets scared. Take it as an opportunity to fight that fear. As a chance to be brave."
A single tear glistened in Bruce's eyes as the pain on his face faded away overtaken by Dick's kindness. Perhaps he had not failed after all. Perhaps there was still a hope for him to have it all. He reached out and pulled Dick in a strong hug.
"Thank you my son. I needed this."
~~***~~ Author note: Phew! It's good to have this one finished, way too much angst am I right? But it was needed. A lot happened prior to that. We needed that moment of feels and emotions and struggles and all the angst in the world. I was hoping that I would get to the point in this chapter but as you see that did not happen. And I'm glad cos it would be twice as long. And I'll admit, it was really hard to write and even harder to edit. After eight years of working half-night shifts I switched my role at my company and suddenly I'm working regular nine to five. Let me tell you, my body is in shock and my sleep pattern is all over the place! But I am very happy with the change! Just gotta align my writing with my new reality, no more writing in the night. I'm starting to write the next chapter right away cos I know exactly what will happen. For now, I thank you for reading my Dear Reader and till the next time.
~~***~~ Tag list: @mrsgrahamsdesign @theclassicvinyldragon @blondwhowrites @batgirlspain @hangmanscoming @julesjewelss36 @cherryflavoredcoke @grandstrangerphantom @maripositanoctruna @pluckastarfromthesky @butterfly-lies-chase-them-away @pirate-with-internet-connection @ooldcardigan @amandarobertsboyce
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petersprincesss · 2 years
Liar - Peter Ballard x Reader
You're sent out to the lab to inspect a leak in the ceiling. What you end up finding is much more interesting.
Howdy! This is my first time writing in Stranger Things, so it's nice to meet ya'll! I'm open to continuing this work if you are interested in it, but I really wanted to get this first section out in the meantime. Thank you for reading!
Rating: Explicit
Category: F/M
Peter Ballard/Reader
Peter Ballard/You
Peter Ballard
Henry Creel
Vecna (Stranger Things)
Martin Brenner
Additional Tags:
almost noncon
dom peter ballard
Insurance Adjuster. Such a glamorous title. Unfortunately, it seemed to bring more boredom than excitement, and checking out a leak inside Hawkins Lab sounded like it was going to be par for the course.
A man named Dr. Brenner had requested someone to come out and look at the damage a few days ago. As much as you didn’t want to make the drive to the remote location alone, it was your turn in the barrel.
The outside of the lab was nothing to write home about. Dull, gray concrete shrouded the exterior, the building cradled by dead trees and subdued brown grass. You pulled your car into a spot near the main entrance, noting the covert nature of the structure.
After making your way through the secure entrance, a receptionist led you down the dimly-lit hallways in promises of helping you find Dr. Brenner. You clutched your legal pad close to you, careful not to look too curious or let your eyes wander too far. You had heard this establishment was not friendly toward outsiders, and did its best to keep whatever secrets it was hiding to itself. A part of you was genuinely surprised that they were letting you inside, but it was your job, and you knew all too well that many large companies would take whatever handouts their insurance would give them.
Once you reached a heavy wooden door that bared Brenner’s name and title on its frosted glass window, the receptionist knocked gently. A voice on the other side instructed her to enter, and she opened the door, allowing you to step inside his office.
“Dr. Brenner, I’m-”
“Y/N,” he cut you off, already aware of who you were, “thank you for coming out on such short notice.”
Dr. Brenner stood from his noble wooden desk, removing a pair of reading glasses from his broad nose and set them on a stack of paperwork atop his workspace. He stepped around towards you and gave you a rather unassuming handshake.
“Not a problem, sir. Would you mind showing me the area of concern?” You requested, readying your notepad for whatever descriptions he may offer.
“Yes, of course, it’s just down the hall,” he informed, reaching behind you to hold his door open, allowing you and the secretary to exit. Dr. Brenner guided you further down the hall in the opposite direction you came, parting ways with the woman who led you there.
The hallways were grim, the entire building reeked of disinfectants and unidentifiable chemicals. The passages reminded you of a hospital that was somehow less homely than any medical setting you had been in before. The sound of your footsteps in stride with another slid across the smoothly glazed white tiles and echoed in your ears.
“The leak started roughly a week ago, we believe. It’s in a corner that doesn’t have a high volume of traffic, so I’m afraid it may have gone unnoticed for some time. Luckily, we were able to shut off the water a couple of days back, so the damage has not spread further,” Dr. Brenner described as you both came to the end of a corridor. A brown stain had formed in the tiles of the ceiling and the scent of mold crept into your nose. You clicked your pen and began jotting down a description of the damage. It was a rather unexciting blemish, and you shook your head to yourself, knowing that this would be another case of corporate greed.
“Have you seen damage anywhere else? Is there a floor above this?” You asked, still scrawling chicken scratches in your yellow notepad.
“It had to have been a pipe above these tiles. The room above this remains undamaged,” Dr. Brenner explained.
“Understood,” you nodded, clicking your pen and looking up to study the well-dressed gentleman, “I’m going to need someone from maintenance to get a ladder so I can move the tile and take a peek at where the leak originated.”
Dr. Brenner exhaled a bothered sigh, “Of course. Let me call-”
He was cut off by the secretary practically sliding around the corner, “Dr. Brenner!” She breathed, “you have a phone call!”
“Donna, can’t you see I’m a little preoccupied?” The doctor huffed.
“It’s urgent,” she remarked sternly, still attempting to catch her breath.
“God dammit,” Dr. Brenner muttered under his breath, “I’ll send someone from maintenance to help you. Please stay here until they arrive. Oh, and please do report back your findings to me upon your exit.”
The white-haired doctor stepped purposefully after the receptionist, leaving you alone with the blotch on the ceiling. You stared at the corner they disappeared around until the sound of their footsteps receded, hearing only the buzzing of the fluorescent lights above you.
“Please do report back your findings to me upon your exit,” you mocked under your breath, attempting to fill the eerie silence, “Whatever you say.”
Time practically stood still in the desaturated aisles. What exactly was behind these white tiles anyway? What could be so important? You checked your wrist watch. Barely two minutes had passed. You could have sworn it had been at least five. Your eyes trailed up and down the smooth walls, the bull-nosed edges on the corners of the walls in stark contrast to the strict lines of the stack-bonded glazed tile. Looking back towards the ceiling and the stain that had now become your only company, you noticed a red light glowing in the corner of the hallway. A little black camera watched you, surely tracking your every move. The red eyeball taunting you, reminding you that although you may feel lonely, you are not alone.
“I don’t have time to wait for this creep to send someone. There has to be a janitor somewhere.”
You confidently strode off, marching down the hallway, rounding a different corner than the one the doctor and receptionist had vanished behind moments ago. All of the doors and hallways blended together. Some doors were double, some only single, but all painted the same drab off-white, none marked as to what was behind them. Doors, white tile, and cameras all becoming more and more of a blur with each corner you turn.
Finally, you come across a door with something to give you a clue.
That was all the text on the outside had to offer. Ten.
“Ten of what?”
You tuned the handle out of curiosity, but unsurprisingly, it was locked. Determined to find someone, you continued down the hall.
“Not helpful.”
Finally, another set of double doors, although not marked. As you approached, the sound of a child’s laughter danced in your ear. Cautiously, you stepped closer, shifting your weight to the front of your feet inside your modestly-high heeled shoes in hopes of gaining more insight as to what a child could possibly be doing in a place like this. You leaned onto one of the doors, gently enough to make sure you could only listen and not open the door and give yourself away. More giggling emanated from behind the door, the sound of children scurrying about and chattering with each other.
Your curiosity had you in a chokehold now. You had to know what was behind the door, Dr. Brenner be damned.
You pushed benignly on the door, careful only to open it exactly the width of your eye. You took a deep breath as your body hovered closer to the opening, peering inside what felt like another dimension.
Your eyes were met with a site you wouldn’t expect. Children, all wearing hospital gowns bustling about, each playing with a toy or a friend. The walls, although still white and sterile, had tiles running through them, colored in the order of a perfectly neat rainbow. Red blocks in orderly stacks, silver marbles clattering together on a wooden board, and toy cars humming along the clean vinyl floor. Nothing out of its place, yet nothing overly polished either. Your eyes trailed all throughout the room until they were met with another set of eyes, staring directly at you, unwavering in their gaze.
You jerked away from the door in shock. You were certain you were not supposed to be seen, and this would be your only warning. But your mind flashed back to the pair of eyes. A sea of blue amidst the insipid chaos, shaded only by a slew of the softest blonde hair.
You leaned back onto the cool tile next to the door, taking a deep breath. Just as you closed your eyes and exhaled a sigh of relief, the door swung back, and that blonde hair made an appearance again. The man beneath it was taller than you had expected, standing over you by a decent measurement. His body was clothed in a pressed white shirt and clean-cut trousers. A black leather belt cut a noticeable contrast through his waist that you couldn’t help but survey. Elegant lines of white shrouded him in a mystery that you couldn’t help but desire to solve.
“Can I help you?” The voice beneath the blonde locks spoke. His tone was light and delicate, asking you genuinely.
“Oh, I uhm,” you sputtered, your brain a jumbled mess, trying its best to process everything you had just taken in, “My name is Y/N, I’m here with the insurance agency, I was looking for a janitor and I must have gotten lost, I was just looking-”
“It’s okay, I know this place is confusing. Let me get you where you need to be,” he offered kindly, a delicate grin spreading across his lips.
You smiled back, biting the edge of your lip nervously. You couldn’t help but admire his charming features, and you welcomed the company of someone so helpful and alluring.
“My name is Peter, by the way,” he spoke as the two of you stepped down the hallway. He clasped his hands together behind his back, looking over to you.
“Pleased to meet you, Peter. I appreciate your help, I’m afraid I got a bit turned around…” your voice trailed off. You weren’t sure how truthful to be. Your eyes darted up towards yet another camera in the ceiling, staring down at the two of you.
“It’s okay, this place feels very complicated at first,” he reassured you. He was so understanding and mellow. Your heart rate returned to a normal place, sensing you were now protected and guided.
“What, um, what exactly was that room? I didn’t expect to see children here,” you let out a nervous chuckle, hoping he would find humor in the situation as well.
“Well, it’s a bit of a story. I’m assuming you weren’t told much before you came here, right?’
You shook your head, “Nearly nothing. I’m just an insurance adjuster looking at a leak in the ceiling.”
You could sense Peter was ready to lay a truth on you that you may not have been ready to receive, when you heard a determined pair of footsteps advance on the two of you from behind.
“Ah, Y/N, Peter, I see you two have met,” a familiar voice spoke. The pair of you turned around to see Dr. Brenner, now standing at your heels.
“I caught her sticking her nose where it shouldn’t have been,” Peter spoke. Your eyes shot over to his, but he denied you his warm eye contact.
“That was my greatest fear,” Dr. Brenner sighed, placing his hands on his hips and tilting his jaw back towards the ceiling.
“What? No, I-” You began, but you were cut off
“She claims she’s an insurance adjuster, but I’m not sure I buy it,” Peter said, finally turning his gaze back to you, running his eyes up and down your frame as if to gauge your abilities.
Your eyes met his again, but they were not the same cerulean pools of comfort you had seen before. They now presented as icy and dominant.
“What? No, Dr. Brenner, you spoke to my agent, he sent me here, you know that’s the truth,” you began to plead.
“Did she see anything?” Brenner quizzed.
“The Rainbow Room,” Peter responded, his voice now void of any emotion, cocking his head to one side, his face dropping any kindness it previously held.
Dr. Brenner let out an exhausted breath in frustration as he closed his eyes.
“Get rid of her. Make sure she does not return,” he demanded.
Dr. Brenner turned sharply on his heel as Peter grasped ahold of your elbow with such force that you dropped your notepad, your pen clattering on the floor.
“Come with me,” Peter instructed, dragging you away towards what you only hoped was an exit.
“Peter, no- Dr. Brenner! Please!” You cried out, trying to jerk yourself away from his tenacious grip.
The two of you shuffled down the hallway, practically dancing as you attempted to slip his grasp. You noticed his cheekbones flex as he clenched his jaw, determined to keep you at his side. You had a solid feeling that you could out-run him, given the opportunity, it was only a matter of freeing yourself beforehand. You turned your elbow inward, writhing your arm away from him and felt your only chance. You wasted no time breaking into a sprint, your legs striding as fast as your body would allow, your toes jamming into the front of your shoes with each step.
The corridor came to an end with a tight corner, and as you slipped around the side of the wall, you felt a strong palm slap onto your wrist and nails digging into your skin.
“Peter, please! Please, just let me go!”
“Not a chance, sweetheart,” Peter taunted, pulling your arm behind your back, pinning your wrist between your shoulder blades in an uncomfortable predicament. His other hand met your once-freed forearm and latched onto you, taking no chances on your escape.
You thrashed beneath his hold, both of you panting and grunting at the futile attempts to defeat the other. Fed up with your squirming, Peter slammed you into a closed door, flipping your body around so you were now face-to-face with the once loving and trustworthy orderly, his hands locked onto your shoulders, holding you steady. His eyes bore into yours, his pupils darting back and forth between your right and left eyes as if searching for something he had not previously detected.
“What do you want from me?” You asked desperately, willing to offer anything in exchange for your freedom.
“I want you,” he began, his eyes trailing away from yours and down your neck, “to behave.”
You writhed beneath him again and his eyes shot back up to yours.
“Can you do that?”
“Go to hell.”
You spat directly into his eye, hoping it would catch him off guard enough to release you. He clenched his eyes shut tightly, tilting his head to the floor and tightened his grasp on your shoulders, sliding them down to your biceps.
“You’re going to wish you hadn’t done that,” Peter grinned up at you.
His right hand left you momentarily to reach down and open the door you were plastered to. You fell back into the room once hidden by the doorway and attempted to stay on two feet. Your eyes scanned the room, hopelessly searching for anything that may aid you. You were met with only black square tiles lined with silver framing, a one-way mirror on one wall and a desolate silver table across the vacant room. Your eyes flashed up to the camera in the corner, only to find that the red light that had stared you down so dauntingly before was missing.
Peter stood in the doorway, his face tilted downward disapprovingly and his eyes peering upward from beneath his eyebrows.
“Peter,” you breathed, your chest rising and falling rapidly as your feet slid discreetly away from him.
“I trusted you, I need you to trust me too.”
“Oh, I trust you entirely,” he began, stepping into the room, sliding his slender hand around the door’s handle and closing it behind him, never letting his gaze leave your frame, “I know you’re telling the truth.”
“What? But then, why… why are you doing this?” Your heart was racing inconsistently, never certain what was coming.
“Can’t you see? This was the plan from the beginning.”
Peter’s face changed again, as if he was a shifting creature that defied the laws of Earth. His intimidating stare turned back to a grin, but it was not the same delightful grin he offered when he first exited the Rainbow Room.
“I don’t understand…” your voice trailed off. You fell motionless as he stalked towards you.
“From the moment I saw your lovely little eyes peek into that room, I knew I wanted you. I felt your presence long before you leaned against that door.”
You wanted to question how any of this was feasible, but with everything that had transpired within the last twenty minutes alone, you had learned to stop questioning what constituted reality inside the Hawkins Lab.
A burning within you knew you felt the same. The way those sapphire eyes gleamed when you first locked eye contact with him, the fact that you couldn’t help but glance down at his leather belt and the pleats in his pants, how his flesh felt against yours, how easily he tamed you, all of it, playing on a loop in the back of your head as you watched his body close the gap between yours.
“I know that’s what you want too. I felt that the moment you stepped in here as well,” Peter taunted. With the door closed, the two of you were fully alone, completely forsaken by anyone else.
He was right. You knew he was completely correct. But here? Now?
Your body shifted, feeling the adrenaline switch from a fight or flight response into pure lust. The tension between your shoulders released as you felt your foot delicately take a step towards Peter.
“Please, Peter,” you began to beg as your bodies drew in closer. He reached out a hand towards you, placing his index finger beneath your chin and his thumb on top of it, tilting your jaw up towards him.
“Please, what?”
“Please, I do want this,” you heard yourself gasp.
Your breath hitched, your stomach dropping so rapidly you could hardly register any signals in your brain. Peter brought a gentle hand up to the small of your back, his eyes still perforating yours, edged with grandeur desires of ownership.
You looked down at your feet, standing so timidly between his wide stance. Your eyes instinctively fluttered shut as he brought his face forward, his lips brushing against yours dearly. He kissed you with the possessiveness you didn’t know you craved, his tongue adventurously exploring the gap between your teeth and bottom lip, swiping back and forth as if asking permission to venture further. Your shoulders relaxed, your hands falling faintly at your sides, your knees ready to buckle. You expected your body to fold and bow before him, and you likely would have if it weren’t for his stern hold on your lower back, pulling your torsos together effortlessly.
You inhaled sharply as you pulled away from his kiss, your eyes floating up to meet his. You couldn’t help it any longer, the heat in your abdomen was ready to ignite, you needed him now. Your fingers crawled up to the collar of his polished white uniform, your nails drawing invisible lines, tracing over his chest as you began to undo his top button. Peter grasped your wrists with a jolt, halting you instantly.
“Ladies first,” he instructed.
Peter released your wrists and his hands darted for the buttons of your blouse. He took his time, delicately removing a button from its assigned spot and sliding it out from beneath the fabric. Seconds turned into hours in your mind, your frustration mounting.
“Fucking… waste of time,” Peter growled, digging his hands under your collar and pulling away in opposite directions. An orgasmic sigh lept from within you as the buttons of your blouse popped off individually and trickled down onto the vinyl floor, leaving your heaving chest exposed for the orderly to explore.
Both of Peter’s hands found their way to either side of your head, nesting in your hair behind your ears as he selfishly kissed you again, practically swallowing your tongue. You rested your forearms on his shoulders, crossing your wrists behind his neck as he leaned into you forcefully. His right hand trailed down your neck, his fingernails carving a path from your ear to your collarbone.Your hand found its way to the back of his skull and you gripped a fistfull of that soft blonde hair that had caught your eye previously. Peter’s kiss stopped, his lips trailing rapidly down your cheek to your neck, sliding his hand away to make room for his teeth to graze your hastily rising pulse.
You moaned gently into his ear resting comfortably beside your lips, each breath praising him and thanking his actions. Peter’s hands left your upper body and his fingers began sliding up your thighs beneath your skirt, practically clawing at your skin. His thumb settled gently on your center, sending a slick shiver up your spine that erupted in a wanton moan escaping your lips.
Peter rested one hand atop your shoulder, his other finding its way to your waist. His forehead lifted up and pressed into yours, his eyes just inches away, his breath falling into you with a heat that demanded your attention. He stepped back into you, each of you falling into a familiar dance as he guided you towards the silver metal table on the opposite end of the room. His thumb wavered back and forth, tenderly massaging your cheek as he looked through you. The back of your thighs finally met the cool edge of the table he escorted you to.
“Sit,” he instructed, placing both hands at your waist and lifting you slightly so that your legs dangled off the ledge. Both of his hands relaxed on either side of your neck, his thumbs rubbing along your jawline.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he confessed.
“You won’t,” you promised, knowing you meant it.
“Are you sure?” Peter asked. His voice reverted back to the kind and caring fashion that you recognized when you first met him.
“I’m positive,” you breathed, frightened that you might have to concede to begging him if he didn’t give you what you needed immediately.
“What if,” he began, his voice trailing off as he turned his face away from you for the first time since you had stepped into the room together. He physically bit his tongue as if he was afraid to confess his thoughts.
“What?” You panted, growing more and more impatient, “What if what?”
“What if I want to play rough?”
Your chest heaved, your heated breath bathing his porcelain skin, your stomach dropping further into your abdomen.
“I want you to be rough with me,” you practically ordered.
Peter grinned, exhaling a sigh of relief that you were up to his challenge. He had waited so long to be with someone like you. To please someone as angelic as you. He wanted so desperately to satisfy you, to draw shameless moans from within you and hear them spill out of you, removing your control.
Taking a deep breath, he pushed his hair back out of his face and slipped back into his domineering headspace.
“Spread your legs for me, sweetheart.”
You obeyed him, leaning back onto your palms allowing your thighs to glide across the frigid tabletop. Peter knelt down onto one knee, leveling his eyes with your center. He watched you intently, his cherubic eyes never leaving yours. He wanted to relish in every movement you made.
His touch glided up your legs once more, his curious fingers hooking around the top of your undergarments. Never breaking eye contact, he slipped them out from beneath your skirt, dragging out the process to a glacial pace that further accelerated your winded breaths. The chilled, conditioned air breezed over your delicate skin, sending a surge of goosebumps down your body. Once your undergarments fell to the floor, he stood back to his full height, rising above you. His arm stretched out and he slipped a hand over the front of your neck, feeling your hurried pulse beneath his touch.
“Someone’s anxious,” he remarked, tilting his head inquisitively.
“I’m ready for you,” you told him. You had a premonition he wanted you to beg him to go further, beg him to ruin you, but you weren’t ready to give in so easily.
“I don’t think you are,” he disagreed, “but I think you can prove me wrong.”
“And how do you want me to do that?” You smiled up at him, longing for him to tame you.
“Beg me.”
Your heart sank, not out of disappointment that your vision had come true, but out of pure lust. You bit your bottom lip, lowering your chin to your chest so you could stare at Peter innocently below your fluttering eyelashes.
“Please, Peter.”
“Please what?” Peter questioned. His grip tightened slightly on your throat, pushing just roughly enough that you felt your heartbeat rise inside your brain.
“Do you want me to make a mess of you?” He asked.
“Yes, please. Please make a mess of me,” you begged.
“Good girl.”
Peter eased his grip on your neck and reached down to unzip his white trousers. You watched his slender hands feverishly, your mind racing with endless possibilities. You instinctively edged yourself closer to the brink of the table, widening your legs so he could take you immediately.
Peter pulled himself from the opening of his zipper, guiding himself towards you. He stopped just as he touched your entrance.
“You sure you want this?”
“Peter, fucking fuck me!”
He wasted no time, pushing into you swiftly. He let out a pornographic groan as you tightened around him, feeling your warmth engulf him entirely. You squeezed your eyes shut, biting your lip to keep yourself from moaning. You wanted to hear every delirious note that left his mouth.
He set a rhythm at once, wasting not a precious second inside you. His moans flowed into you and you sent them back, the two of you inhaling and exhaling each other’s desire. His right palm slithered around the back of your neck, pushing your head down so your vision was filled only with him thrusting into you.
“That’s right, watch me fuck you,” he praised. His left hand wrapped around the back of your knee, pulling you up onto him. Fingers still in place, his thumb snaked around your throat, pushing delicately into your trachea just enough to keep your breathing under his control. Both of your hands found his shoulders, the ridges of your nails clawing into his shirt, helplessly looking for something to ground you amidst the intense waves of pleasure cascading inside you.
“God, Peter!” You exclaimed, formal sentences now foreign to you.
“God can’t help you,” Peter snarled.
His clench changed positions to your throat, pushing you supine onto the table, causing you to tighten your grip onto him. He slammed an open palm down onto the metal surface next to your head, drawing his face up next to yours so that the tips of your noses brushed against one another. A bead of sweat dripped from his forehead, the next drop forming beneath a now-tangled mess of blonde strands. Your arms fell back openly around you as you ratcheted your head back, allowing him further access to your neck. Your ankles crossed together behind him, nudging his body closer to yours.
Peter buried his face  between your shoulder and head, his lips grazing your ear, presenting you with his animalistic moans up close. The sound alone was enough to send heat waves from your head to your core. Peter bit down on your soft flesh, gnawing tenderly beneath your earlobe. You felt like a teenager again, knowing you would walk away with blue and purple petals blooming within your skin that would demand attention, declaring that Peter Ballard fucking owned you.
“I’m going to c-” You began to say, but just as the last syllables left your tongue, Peter pulled away immediately, rising back up to a stance, removing himself entirely from you.
“Did I fucking tell you that you could cum?” He catechized emotionlessly, raising one eyebrow.
“N- No, I-”
Peter laid down a hard smack on the inside of your thigh, mere inches from your tender core, forcing you to emit an unexpected squeal.
“You don’t do fucking anything unless I tell you to,” he instructed.
“Yes, Peter,” you nodded, knowing you’d commit any acts necessary to have him inside you again.
“Good. Flip over.”
You followed his commands, the tips of your toes barely touching the floor while you supported yourself on your elbows, your flushed cheeks meeting the table’s surface.
His foot kicked the inside of your ankle, spreading your stance farther apart. Peter shoved your skirt up so it rested ambiguously atop your hips, then shifted a hand to the crook of your pelvis, pulling your entrance up to meet him again.
“Give me that,” he commanded, snatching your wrist and twisting it so that it was pinned against your back in a familiar fashion. Each muscle and tendon within you felt stretched to its limit, your body attempting to keep his precarious positioning of you with whatever strength you could still identify.
More gradually than before, Peter sunk back into you, swiftly bottoming out. He accelerated back to his previous pace as if he was anxious that he wasn’t going to have enough time inside you. His grip crawled away from your hip to push his messy blonde mane back once more. Peter’s fingers then tangled into your own hair, wrapping themselves around each lock so he could force your head up and curve your spine backwards.
Each thrust into you only brought you closer towards your climax, you were running out of time to ask for his permission to release, and you knew he could feel it creeping closer.
“What’s the matter, Y/N, are you trying to hold it for me?” Peter chuckled, yanking your hair back harder towards his chest. The sound of him speaking your name between each labored breath alone nearly pushed you over the edge.
“Yes, oh my God, Peter please!”
Peter unleashed a devilish smile and shook his head.
“Poor little Y/N, can’t keep herself from cumming even when she knows she’s not allowed to.”
His cocky arrogance and handsome grin mixed with the pressure building on your cervix was too much, you felt yourself step off the edge and fall aimlessly into a heaven you didn’t know could be found on Earth. Your brain let go, each wave of pleasure detonating within you with a force you were unaware you possessed.
“Fucking hell, you’re going to make me cum,” Peter grunted.
He released his hold on your hair and wrist, focusing his touch on your hips, greedily pulling you back further onto him. His words were a blur to you, hanging in the empty room, waiting for you to return to your body and register them. A warmth engulfed your torso, drifting from your core, up your back to your brain. You felt Peter release inside you, his grasp still anchored to your hips.
The two of you waited there motionless, attempting to fill your lungs with enough air to bring you back to reality. Your eyelids fell heavy, your entire body strung out from the intense shockwave he had given to you. Shaking with satisfaction, you brought your arms in front of you, immediately feeling a soreness emanate from them as you pushed yourself back up to a standing position, your skirt sliding down over the dripping mess Peter had just made of you.
Peter clutched the back of your neck once more and spun you around, crashing his lips into yours. Although still fully in control, that gentle spirit that first attracted you to him broke through, a glowing and peaceful aura returning to his electric touch.
“Thank you,” you gasped, breaking away from him, unsure of what else you could offer up.
“No, thank you, Y/N,” he replied, those polite blue eyes penetrating yours.
“I think I should, um, probably leave. I mean, I don’t want you to get in trouble,” you offered. Reality’s gray tones set back in, and you knew the doctor you had met with at the beginning of this ordeal would likely be looking for both of you at this point.
“What makes you think I’m the one in trouble here?” Peter asked, his eyes glazing over, “I’ve only just started with you.”
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juniperwoodwell · 1 year
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Paring:Kylo Ren X F!Reader
Word count:2k
Warning(s):Soft!Kylo, Minor bullying, Fluff.
A/n: There will be a part two coming out soon.
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Being the assistant to the newly appointed Supreme Leader had its perks; for instance, A higher security level and managing to have a higher level than Hux definitely did something to your ego. Larger living quarters and respect. Simple things that just made the position every bit more enjoyable. Well...That's what Y/n initially thought. She wasn't expecting to get stuck between Kylo Ren and General Hux's 'Issues' They hated each other. That was just plain as day.
"Well, if it isn't the secretary." A tall man with short brown hair walked over to Y/n as she headed to the cafeteria's assembly line of unidentifiable foods.
"Jack. Let's not do this today, please." The woman sighed as she grabbed a tray. "No, No, Let's. Y'know, everyone's wondering how you got that position. I mean, just a month ago, you were nothing but a mission report editor. What'd you have to do, huh?" The man mirrored her actions and leaned in towards her, his voice low. "Did you have to screw around with some superiors? I bet you did. I mean, come on. You were nothing, and now you're the Supreme Leader's pet." Y/'ns patience was growing very thin with this man; He was always like this. Jealousy seeped off him like a thick steam. "You know what, Jack, You can go fu-" "Miss Y/l/n, You're needed in the command center immediately." A Stormtrooper informed her, and she looked down at her tray of grey mush and then at the trooper. "Alright, Thank you." She dismissed the trooper and left her tray on the assembly line. "Yeah, that's right. Go find your master, pet." That bastard was getting on her last nerve, but she ignored him and left the cafeteria. If only she'd let her anger take over, that man would've been on the floor with a broken arm and a bleeding nose. But that was her old life; She'd done too much to get where she was to risk it all on that man.
"General." Y/n called out when she entered the command center; she'd seemed to of startled the ginger, but it was subtle. "Ah, Good. Punctual as always." He spoke, then cleared his throat as he turned to her; Hux was actually quite fond of the woman; she was resourceful, respectful, and almost always completed her work perfectly. He understood why Kylo Ren hired her.
"Do you have the information I requested yesterday?" He asked,
Y/n nodded and pulled up the files on her datapad. "Would you like me to send them to you, Sir?"
The General took the data pad from her and skimmed through the work. "Exceptional, Yes. As soon as possible."
"of course, sir." Hux handed her the data pad, and she quickly sent all the information to Hux's pad.
 "Thank you. You are dismissed." With that, the General turned and returned to his office, and Y/n headed back toward the cafeteria.
 The interaction lasted for almost the entirety of her scheduled lunch time, and when she returned to the cafeteria, it was empty; all the food was put away. A sigh escaped her lips. "Alright. I can wait for dinner, that's fine. I'll go do some of the reports I need to finish." She spoke softly to herself. She headed to her tiny office that was adjacent to Kylo's. It was one-thirty when she started on the reports, and when she looked up to take a break, it was already five o'clock. "Shoot! I'm going to miss dinner." She shot up out of her chair, fixed the mess of her desk, then left her office.
When she turned the corner, the supreme leader had turned the same; If it weren't for her quick reflexes, she'd be picking herself up off the floor. Quickly, she stepped out of his way, only to realize he had grabbed her arm.
 "Just the woman I was looking for." The distorted voice echoed off the walls. "My apologies, sir, but I was just heading to dinner." the grip on her arm was released, and Kylo stood in Infront of her.
"The cafeteria is in the opposite direction." He stated, watching as she looked around frantically. "Oh. You're right.." Y/n turned back to him, exhaustion lingering behind her irises.
 "Are you alright?" he asked, looking her up and down. "Um...Why do you ask?" She scratched the back of her neck nervously. "You're wearing two different shoes." The statement shocked the woman, and she looked down at her shoes; he was correct.
"Ah...That makes a lot more sense now."
 "What does?"
 "Well, I've been getting weird looks from everyone today, and I wasn't sure why. Even Hux was looking at me like I was sick or something."
A low distorted chuckle escaped the dark mask. "Go fix your shoes the come to my quarters." "But, Sir, I've already missed lunch. I'd rather not skip-" Kylo raised his hand to silence her.
"Do as you're told, Miss Y/l/n."
"Yes, Sir." She nodded and turned from him. Once she entered her quarters, she sighed, "Am I ever going to eat today?" She asked herself, then changed her shoes. Her room wasn't too far from Kylo's; he liked keeping her close in case he needed her. Three knocks on the large door, then it opened, but no one was on the other side. "Uh...Sir?" She called out, "I'm in the kitchen. Take the door on your left." Kylo's pleasantly low voice echoed through the hall.
 When Y/n walked through the door, the table was set, and two plates were laid on top. "Take a seat." The man instructed, and she did as she was told, "Oh wow...this smells amazing." She stated as Kylo sat down across from her. "Did you make this?" she asked, looking at Kylo.
"I did. You seem surprised by that."
"Uh...well, I just assumed you'd have a personal chef or something."
"I've got trust issues." he joked (partially). "But I prefer to cook my own food. I learned most of it from my mother, so...It should taste good." Y/n smiled sweetly at his small confession. "Well, I'm certain it will taste better than anything they serve in the cafeteria." Kylo nodded at her words, returning her smile
"Let's eat then, shall we?" so they did. There wasn't much conversation; they were exhausted from the day, but being in each other's presence seemed to bring a peaceful atmosphere.
"You did well, Sir," Y/n spoke up as she finished her plate and wiped her lips with a napkin. "Thank you. I'm glad you approve of my cooking." He chuckled, finishing off his plate. Y/n contemplated asking the question that'd been bothering her since she changed her shoes but decided against it. "What is it?" The man asked, his voice soft with curiosity. "I...No, It's nothing, Sir."
 "It's obviously something if you're blocking me out of your mind."
"Oh, am I? Sorry, I didn't realize."
 "It's fine. If you have something you want to say, then do so."
"Alright, I was just wondering why I'm here."
"You mean, why did I invite you to dinner with me?"
 Y/n nodded, staying silent "... the truth is, I'm not sure myself. When I saw how disorientated you'd been in that hallway. I just wanted to keep an eye on you, and when you said you skipped lunch, I felt like you needed a good meal for once. You deserve it for all the work you do." Y/n stared at him in shock.
Kylo Ren wasn't one to express his feelings like this. He was Mr. Dark and Scary. No...This...This was someone completely different. This was the man behind the mask, A completely (mostly) normal man with emotions and feelings. This was the first time Y/n had truly seen Him.
 "What..? Did I say something wrong? Is there something on my face?" He questioned, trying to figure out why she was staring at him. "I-I Um. N-No, Sir. You're fine. I mean, it's fine." Y/n stood up quickly and picked up her and Kylo's plates. "Allow me to wash these since you made such a fantastic dinner; it's the least I could do to repay you."
"Y/n-" Kylo called out to her, but she ignored him as she walked over to the sink.
"Y/n." He called again as he stood from his chair, following after her. He grasped her by her elbow and turned her to face him. "Breathe. You're panicking."
"I know." She breathed out, placed the plates on the counter, and rubbed her hands over her face. "Sorry, sir."
 "Don't be. You've been going through a lot of changes this week. I understand you must be stressed. Why don't you sit back down?" He guided her to the table, and she returned to her seat. She sighed heavily as Kylo refilled her glass with water. "Drink this." He ordered, and she obeyed. "I didn't mean to get all...Frantic. But you're right; My life has changed a lot this week...month even." Kylo nodded and returned to his seat. "Well, tell me what's been bothering you today. Maybe I could do something to help relieve some stress as you've done for me." He offered, "Yeah...Uh. Well, there's apparently this rumor that's been going around since my promotion."
"Ah, I didn't think you were the type to be affected by rumors."
"I'm usually not. This doesn't just affect me, but...." She paused to clear her throat and sip her water. "But, It could also possibly affect you."
 "Me?" He asked, surprise written on his features, "Yes... People are saying that I got promoted only because I've been sleeping with my superiors. Which, in my opinion, is outrageous. Some of these people were my friends and collogues. There's this one guy who hasn't stopped bugging me since the promotion. I came very close to beating him up." Kylo huffed a laugh. "I would've liked to have seen that." Y/n smiled sheepishly. "What did he say that made you angry enough to want to hurt him?"
 "Well...for one, his face just annoys me beyond all reason, but secondly...He called me your... Pet." A rose tint crept up Y/n's face as she spoke. "Pet?" Kylo leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yes, Sir." She paused, poor choice of words, when her eyes met his; he was amused by her response but cleared his throat. "Continue."
 "Y-yes. Right. Well. I feel it's unfair to you, Sir. My reputation doesn't mean all that much to me, But yours does, and I don't want to be the reason it gets tarnished."
"Y/n...You don't need to worry about that. They're just rumors they will be stopped; if anyone chooses to act on them."
"But- I just...What if, because of this rumor, people will think that you're abusing your power for personal pleasure? That could cause conflict between you and everyone working for you."
 "It won't."
 "How can you be so sure?"
"Because. Think of who I am. You know my reputation isn't just for show. If anyone dares to continue this rumor, they will have to deal with me. And you should be worried about yourself. What would happen if people started believing you got your position from inappropriate means? The respect those people have for you would be gone. Your work will never be trusted again. You'd be nothing, just like you were when I found you. You'd go back to sleeping on that small cot with no one to care for you. You'd be less than scum in their eyes." His words were harsh but true, and they frightened her. Y/n swallowed hard; her skin crawled with goosebumps. She realized that she had more to lose than anyone else. Especially him.
 "Yes. You do. But I gave you those opportunities and this new position, and I won't allow you to overthink something that I will never let happen." He reassured her as he reached over the table to take her glass out of her hand, afraid she'd crush it. "Why don't I walk you to your room?" He asked as he stood, but y/n was silent. She was not meeting his eyes. He walked over and crouched beside her chair. Placing a hand on her knee
 "Y/n." His voice pulled her out of her thoughts. "Hmm? What did you say, Sir?" Kylo sighed, "I'd like you to stay in my guest for the night" Maybe it wasn't the best idea to leave her alone in the state she was in. he thought to himself as he watched her face change color. "B-but wouldn't that only make the rumor worse?" She stuttered out. He shook his head. "No one knows you're here, Plus. I'd rather not have you stay alone tonight."
"And why's that, sir?" Kylo raised a brow in suspicion. Did she not realize she was shivering? "Y/n, look at your hands." She did as she was told, "Oh. I'm scared. Ha. That's new." She looked at him, tears welling in her eyes. "I don't want any of that to happen, Sir..." He gently took her hand in his much larger one. "It won't. Trust me as you have before. I won't let you down." Y/n stared at the contrast of their hands; she stayed silent for a while. Tracing the top of his hand with her free one, absentmindedly, "Okay..." She spoke softly, a smile spreading across her delicate features. "So. If you'd like to change, a pair of sleepwear should be on the dresser. Then we could do some paperwork if that'd help settle your nerves. If not that we could do anything you'd like." He offered as he stood, pulling her gently from her seat and guiding her to the guest room. "Could we read something?" She asked when they reached the door; Kylo nodded as he opened it and turned on the light. "I'll be out here when you're done." He informed then closed the door behind her.
The room was similar to her own but a bit bigger. There was a queen-sized bed in the middle and a bathroom on the left. Just like he said, there were two pairs of sleepwear, one for males and another for females. Y/n thought the woman's sleepwear shirt was too formfitting to be comfortable in, so she wore the male shirt with the female leggings. She neatly folded her clothes and placed them on top of the dresser. When she was finished, she walked back out of the room; the lights had been dimmed to a comfortable level that didn't strain the eyes. She hadn't looked around when she first came in. It wasn't just a kitchen; it had a decent-sized dining table, and off towards the side was a couch facing a massive transparasteel window. Had that been there the whole time? She thought to herself; she noticed the familiar figure sitting on the couch.
"May I join you?" she asked when she approached the small lounge. "Of course, Make yourself comfortable," Kylo gave her a faint smile as he observed her; he noticed her choice of clothing and chuckled. "Is something funny, sir?" she asked as she sat on the couch. "No, It's nothing. You said you wanted to read something. What were you thinking?" She was curious but let it go. "Something that'll put me to sleep."
"Ah, so...Paperwork. I bet you'd be asleep in minutes if I read that aloud to you."
"You would be correct, sir." Kylo hummed as he picked up his datapad lying on the coffee table. "You don't need to be so formal when we're alone, Y/n."
 "but it's disrespectful-"
 "Screw Respect. We're both adults; We're both just people right now. So you can call me Kylo."
"Okay...Kylo." Y/n smiled tiredly.
His name on her lips was heavenly. He wished he could hear it forever.
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sw5w · 5 months
We Have No Army
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:37:48
The Security Officer behind Captain Panaka in this scene may be Captain Jenn Smeel. Thanks to Shannon Carter for pointing this out!
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cfk302-blog · 2 months
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He felt such intense shame that he could barely bring himself to look. It was unbelievable that he had to appear in public like this, in this ridiculous yellow uniform, not to mention the slides. And with his bare feet, he looked so vulnerable compared to the officers around him in their heavy boots.
If he even had a chance to escape, he wouldn't get far in these slides, weighed down by the heavy chains cutting into his bare ankles.
What a humiliation.
But that was just the beginning. In another photo, you see him upon arrival at the maximum-security prison, ready to begin his 8-year sentence.
He stands completely naked before a group of three muscular guards who mock his flabby appearance. Yet another massive humiliation.
After the guards roughly searched him, he was led naked to the showers, passing a group of other prisoners who grinned at the sight of his flabby body.
In the shower room, he stood with his bare feet on tiles covered in mold, hair, and unidentifiable slime residue.
After his 'refreshing' shower, he put on his new prison attire. This time, it was an orange jumpsuit. Underneath, he wore white boxers with yellow stains in the front and brown stains in the back. He knew immediately where they came from. He was given a pair of dingy white socks and slip-on shoes that smelled of the previous owner's sweaty feet.
His jumpsuit was also a bit too tight to be comfortable. Fortunately, he had plenty of time to turn his chubby belly and man boobs into muscle mass.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 9 months
Sephiroth being the cat that he is, brings his kills to AGZC and sometimes Lazard...all during the night.
*Angeal gets a knock on his door in the middle of the night. He tiredly opens it and sees Sephiroth standing there, proudly holding a dead Kalm fang*
Sephiroth: I've secured dinner.
Angeal: Sephiroth it's 2 in the fucking morning.
*Tired after working late, Lazard packs up and heads out of his office. He's halfway down the hall when the elevator door opens and standing there is Sephiroth, covered head to toe in blood and holding an unidentifiable carcass*
Sephiroth: Director I've come to—
*Lazard screams before booking it in the opposite direction*
*Genesis is peacefully asleep, dreaming about being a revered scholar in ancient times. And then he feels a poke which has him groggily pull his eyemask away and squint in the darkness*
*Sephiroth is standing over him dangling a dead zolom*
Sephiroth: Genesisssss
*Genesis screams like a girl*
*He punches the dead zolom, then immediately faints*
*Cloud and Zack are up late watching a horror movie in Zack's apartment. Right at a jump scare, the front door swings open and a shadowy figure stands there holding a dead Tonberry*
*The two proceed to jump out the nearest window*
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randomfoggytiger · 6 months
Collector's Edition: It's the Most HTGSC Time of Year
Happy 25th Anniversary to this spooky little episode~. To celebrate, I compiled a collection of fics themed right before, during, after, and very after Mulder and Scully's Christmas Eve adventure.
Loose chronolgical order below~
This_ape_writes's So What Were Those Christmas Gifts Anyway?
She had been looking for paperclips. They were usually on top of the desk just free floating but now there weren't any to be found. She'd started digging through drawers with free floating sticks of gum, a sharpie, napkins both new and used, and some unidentified stickyness. She had also pulled out a baseball card that he quickly dove across the office to pull away from her grasp.
Pre-HTGSC Mulder draws parallels between keeping his father's baseball card and Scully's longing for a very expensive kaleidoscope.
Last Minute - Chapter 1
Scully hits the jackpot at the toy store as she grabs the last Tickle Me Elmo that, presumably, someone stashed away in a random place in the store behind some puzzle boards.  Another beeline to the checkout counter, resulting in a 10-minute wait as she shuffles the many shopping bags she has from one arm to the next while guarding the Tickle Me Elmo toy with her life.  Across the KB Toy store, she spots a Sam Goody store and knows exactly what to get for Mulder this year. 
Pre-HTGSC Scully is rushing about doing last minute Christmas shopping.
Christmas Offerings - Chapter 1
She hums in defiance, wraps the afghan blanket more securely around her.  
“That won’t do.” She hears Mulder chuckle.  She furrows her eyebrows and manages to crack open her eyes making out a blurry image of Mulder kneeling on the ground, his chin resting on the crook of his right elbow upon the couch, facing her at eye-level.  He smiles softly.  
Post HTGSC Mulder wakes Scully so she can spend Christmas with her family.
@leiascully's (Ao3) Day 25: Wrap
Last Christmas, there was Emily. This year, Scully will smile at her nephew with genuine and deep affection and not a little envy. Mattie is thriving and Emily is gone.
Pre-HTGSC Scully buys Mulder a kaleidoscope while remembering her painful last Christmas.
FridaysAt9's Worse than Rush Hour on the 95
Scully struggled with the bags in her hands as she thought about taking off her jacket to get some relief from the heat that was blasting through the store. The line was at least fifteen people deep, and she was seriously starting to consider ditching the sweater for her sister-in-law in favor of practically anything from a store without a line. 
Pre-HTGSC Scully is managing crowded malls and last second instructions from her mother when Mulder gives her a call.
Erin Blair/Erin M. Blair’s
155 Words - Dear Santa by Fox Mulder
She believes that I'm in love with Diana Fowley. Diana's my ex-partner and it has been over for many years. I don't know why Scully believes this, but I would like to set the record straight.
Pre-HTGSC Mulder asks Santa for advice concerning Scully and Diana.
Christmas 1998
Mulder, you asked me why I decided to come out with you tonight. You wanted to know why I wasn't at my Mom's celebrating Christmas with my family. I had every intention of being there with my family, but somehow my heart wasn't in the holiday spirit. I think you know why.
Post HTGSC Scully is grateful for Mulder's distractions and Melissa's previous words.
is_this_just_fantasy's Insomniac Ghosts
“Again?” Scully asked genuinely.
“So, Mulder, your plans were to spend Christmas, and Christmas Eve staking out an old house?”
“With ghosts Scully, don’t forget the ghost.”
AU-- Pre-HTGSC Mulder's apartment is (once again) fumigated; and Scully invites him over. Both really didn't want to be alone.
@ghostbustermelanieking/skuls’s merry little christmas 
"Will you really be alone on Christmas, Mulder?”
He’s shrugging at her. “Sure, why not? I’ve spent enough of them alone.” The casualness in his voice isn’t quite as strong as it should be; it’s strained, just a little.
Scully switches off the water, watching him drink his coffee out of the corner of her eye. An idea springs up in her mind, too tantalizing to push away. “You don’t have to spend it alone, Mulder,” she offers, her voice going quiet at the edges.
AU-- Pre-HTGSC Scully drags Mulder out shopping before he drags her out haunted house hunting.
Jennifer Stoy's Christmas in Space
So, yeah, yeah, yeah, they say in DC that Fox Mulder's heart grew three sizes that day. It was an accident! I wasn't all that converted when I retrieved my precious cell phone, grabbed some Chinese at the food court, and went home. I can't explain how I woke up the next morning brimming with Yuletide cheer. It might have been the Elvis; the clock radio was playing "Blue Christmas" when I woke up. But the magic of the season had me in its tinseled, consumerist clutches before I finished my shower.
AU-- Pre-HTGSC Mulder might have wanted to surprise his partner for Christmas, but didn't quite expect Scully to pull a gun on him.
Jennifer Brady's Secret Santa
"Any holiday plans, Scully?" He asks, a little curiosity in his deep timbre.
Well, actually. "Yes, in fact we have a case," Uh oh, where did *that* come from? Was that me?
Mulder's face breaks into a grin, and he walks over to my desk, perching himself on a corner. "A case? I haven't heard anything," He says, his voice taking on a definite teasing tone.
Time for all those improvisational classes I took in high school.
Post FTF, Pre-HTGSC Scully is ready to tread on the wild side, unleashing Dana as she lures Mulder to a Christmas retreat on a bogus case.
Titania de la Mer's Conspirators' Dark Designs
The afterlife wasn’t half as thrilling as it appeared, but on this one night they had always had fun. Their games were perhaps not the most pleasant. Well, not for their guests anyway, but you had to get your kicks where you found them.
HTGSC Maurice and Lyda are more contemplative than bothered.
@wexleresque/hellsteeth's Msr + mistletoe??
She joins him in his gaze upon very old and shrunken mistletoe that hangs above them. It is mostly curled up and decayed to nothing, save for the red ribbon pinning it to the doorframe.
It's old and dusty and beautiful in its own very weird way, just like this house.
AU-- HTGSC Scully and Mulder stumble onto more than just ghosts in the old, haunted mansion.
BarbaraWar's The Ghosts Whose Christmas Was Stolen
"Are you afraid Mulder?" She asked, her voice wavering slightly, although he couldn't tell if it was from the strenuous position or fear of her own.
A gun went off.
At first he didn't notice it'd been his own, but he felt the recoil, saw Scully's eyes widen in surprise, saw her fall back with a whimper, saw a red stain form on her formerly white blouse. But hadn't it been red? He then noticed his own clothes were now blood-stain free . He dropped the gun, ran his hands over his chest, nothing. Oh, no. "Scully!"
AU-- HTGSC Mulder shoots Scully, and watches as she snarks her way into death. The ghosts convince him to finish the deed.
 @allyinthekeyofx’s (Ao3) Bittersweet promise.
Softly, quietly he had asked her what was wrong, his fingers smoothing the sweat-damp hair from her face, a simple act that calmed her hitching breaths almost immediately and which gave encouragement to speak.
"I haven't had my hot chocolate. Mommy makes me my special hot chocolate before I go to sleep."
Post HTGSC Mulder makes Scully the same hot chocolate he'd shared with Emily.
@i-gaze-at-scully/ i_gaze_at_scully's All I Want for Christmas (Ao3)
It didn’t help being sidelined. Long days in the bullpen with as much intellectual stimulation as watching paint dry. Long days knocking on doors, using honey to catch flies while the vinegar bubbled in her throat. 
But she had Mulder.
Post HTGSC Scully is glad that Mulder distracted her from Emily; and he is glad she got him a very hard-to-find Christmas present.
Leyla Harrison's (Alt. Tumblr, Gossamer, Mulders Creek) The Star
She looked just like a little kid.
Her eyes kind of widened and then softened at the edges. Then the blue of her irises danced around. I can't even begin to explain how her mouth turned up. Her whole body language just screamed giddy, and for Scully that's pretty restrained. But hey -- I don't get to see Scully very giddy very often, and it had been a rough night, you know?
Post HTGSC Mulder gifted Scully a star.
stellar_dust's (Gossamer) Fall of Snow, Pacal's Tomb, and Thou, A; or How We Stole Christmas Back From the Ghosts (Ao3)
"Mulder, why don't you come to Mom's house with me in the morning?"
He opened one eye and looked at her for a moment. "All right. I'd like that. I think."
They stared at each other.
"Um," Scully fumbled.
Post HTGSC Mulder sets aside the neglect of his mother to focus on spending the day with Scully-- watching her nap and facing off in a snowball fight.
@slippinmickeys/SlippinMickeys/Slippin' Mickeys's Unnamed
“Pick a key,” Mulder said, setting two keys of similar profiles in front of her.
They were thick and ancient, with a patina that had probably been earned. They looked so old – practically antediluvian – that she thought briefly that if the locks they unbolted survived, the doors they had protected probably had not.
Post HTGSC Mulder has Scully pick between her Christmas gifts for a bonus surprise.
Sheryl Nantus/Sheryl Martin’s (FFN) It Hurts (FFN)
Suddenly he noticed that her arms were tightening around him - not enough to hurt, but in a sudden shift of emotion.
Then he felt it.
The first touches of dampness on his bare skin.
Post HTGSC Scully tearfully relates the pain of Emily's death.
pokeitlikejello's The Drabble Files - Chapter 28
“Scully, what are you doing here?” Mulder leaned against his open apartment door. “I thought you’d be halfway through a warm, cozy Christmas dinner.”
“I couldn’t stop thinking about how you’re all alone,” she told him honestly.
AU-- Post HTGSC Scully fails to lure Mulder to her family party... and decides to stay with him, instead.
Nynaeve's Almost Home
"How is work?"
"Work," she had said flatly, sighing. "Let's just say I'm not exactly making that difference I thought I could."
Maggie had covered her daughter's hand with her own. "I'm sorry."
Another smile had twitched at the corner of Scully's mouth. "No, you're not," she told her mother. "You're thrilled I'm doing something safe." There was no malice in Scully's voice, only the recognition that Maggie, like all mothers, was glad her child was in a safe job, at least momentarily.
"All right, yes, I'm glad you're safe," Maggie had agreed with a laugh. "But I *am* sorry you're not satisfied."
AU-- Post HTGSC Scully recalls her childhood-- the cold, sibling truces, and snow fights-- then shares that magic (and more) with Mulder.
@catharsisxf's (Ao3) When We Finally Kiss Goodnight (Ao3)
They sat comfortably for a while, watching little flecks of white dance past his window. He could admit to himself now that this was what he'd wanted all along. To not feel so alone. He'd felt the need to frame it as a case when he'd have been perfectly happy just spending a quiet evening in with her.
AU-- Post HTGSC Mulder and Scully revisit that moment in the FTF hallway.
@lotsoforangesoutside/@lotzzoforangezoutside/lots_of_oranges_outside's Fall Like a Feather (Ao3)
“Look at what we’re wearing, Mulder.”
He’s not following. “We’re wearing what we’re always wearing.”
Scully shakes her head. “It wouldn’t be snowing if we were...” She stops, and tries again, “I’m not even wearing a sweater, Mulder. It can’t be snowing outside. I’m not dressed right, and neither are you. I didn’t feel cold on my way here. Your neighbors are way too quiet... the world feels too quiet.”
AU-- Post HTGSC Mulder and Scully wake to a white Christmas... and the realization they'd both died the night before.
piece_of_the_stars's Christmas Ghosts and Imaginary Mistletoe
Mulder was there when she found it. They’d stopped for gas in the middle of Wyoming and Scully got out to stretch her legs. There was a shop next door selling knick knacks and Mulder walked in the store to find her staring at the necklace, unmoving. He silently made his way to her and only then did she look away from the gold cross in her hands. He lead her to the register where she paid and he did the talking for her, knowing she had nothing to say. When they were back in their rental car, Mulder silently took the hand not holding the necklace and laced their fingers together. They drove silently back to their motel and haven’t said a word about it since.
AU-- Post HTGSC Scully decides to make a decisive overture before leaving for her Christmas obligations.
Ten's (The Salvation Archive) Having a Happy X-mas
By the looks and some quick whispering, rumours had been flying, sailing, driving, sprinting and galloping around for the last few years. The fact that he and Scully were still holding hands only added to it. "Merry Christmas, everyone," he managed, while turning 180 degrees.
150 degrees into the turn he saw Bill glaring at him from over near the fireplace. /Wonderful./
Almost at the end of his turn, his eyes met those of someone over in a corner. The occupant was an old lady in a motorised wheelchair, eating a cookie. She stared at him. Her eyes widened. Mulder inwardly sighed. /Billy boy has done a sterling pre-publicity campaign on me./ Time stopped for a second. Suddenly she coughed and made a choking noise.
AU-- Post HTGSC Mulder is persuaded to Scully's party where both Scully brothers are not allies... and where he meets a familiar face who recognizes him from 1939.
Pattie's Happy Turkey Trot
"I bet you didn't get a turkey this year, did you?"
"Scully, I think you pretty well know how I spend Christmas."
"Well, I have one in my freezer, Mulder, at all times."
AU-- Post HTGSC Scully and Mulder get food poisoning together.
@agentwhalesong/sadandangstyagent's (Ao3) Tell Him
“Listen, Scully… there are things I have been wanting to talk to you about and…”
Mulder had no time to complete his sentence. A very loud and very clear word filled the room.
Post HTGSC Mulder and Scully visit another haunted house; but this ghost helps them just as much as they help her.
Vickie Moseley’s (Ao3, Gossamer) Comfort
OK, so she came over and she forgave me and I got this really neat tie that I can almost tolerate even though it's pretty mundane, but it's 100 percent silk and you really can't go wrong with silk. And I got to give her my present, a nameplate for her desk. A nice one, not like the cheap gold painted metal ones from supply, but a wooden one with her name engraved on it.
Post HTGSC Mulder's snippy POV as he and Scully are badly shot up at a crime scene.
Mystic's Truces
Pulling into the curb in front of her house, she was a little more than shocked to see Mulder sitting at her front step. He looked up at the car and stood, walking towards her.
Scully opened the car door and let a small smile escape her. "Mulder, where have you been?" She tried not to sound amused, or upset, but neutral.
He lowered his head shyly, "I went home."
Post HTGSC Scully calls a truce with Diana while Mulder drops in on his mom (and leaves.)
whatliesabove's ghost ship
Scully blinks, jaw set. As she stares at him, she realizes she’s been hiding from the wrong things this entire time, so scared of the what-ifs that she's refused to even entertain the possibility that they wouldn’t crash and burn.
And maybe they still do. Maybe they end in fire and destruction and broken hearts. Maybe they end up hating each other; no longer lovers, no longer friends, but strangers again. Maybe she becomes someone he’ll always miss, maybe his name becomes something she no longer acknowledges.
But maybe they don’t.
AU-- Tithonus Scully dreams of an alternate timeline with Mulder, from Season 1 to making unpartnerly moves in Detour that are (sort of) resolved in HTGSC to family life with a little girl... and then she wakes up.
petit_chou's from now on our troubles will be out of sight
She loves to hear about their old cases. While most other young children hear fairy tales and nursery rhymes, Annie’s bedtime stories are fantastic tales of her parents chasing real monsters in the dark.
And there’s one such story that’s perfect for today. “How would you like to hear about the time me and your mom went ghost-hunting in a haunted house on Christmas Eve?”
Post HTGSC Mulder and Scully enjoy a post Revival Christmas with Jackson and their little daughter. And what better way to celebrate than competitive snowball fights and spooky ghost stories?
Thanks for reading~
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cookieeks-art · 6 months
Sorry for the delay, but here it finally is! A synopsis for the superhero au! (please note that details like names of locations can very much change in the future):
The strange case (title pending)
Our story takes place on a fairy tale island which has since long gone through it’s own sort of industrial revolution, and where the stories of kings and queens are for the most part ancient history. F7 is a group of hero’s who’s main headquarters is in Goldcity in the small central country of Mitlandia, which is also the county where the security company White Apple originates and is still mainly situated. White Apple was mainly ran by Mr White, but after Mr White is suddenly placed into a coma it’s taken over by his wife Regina White. As Regina steps into her new role the daughter of Mr White, Snow White, starts to grow suspicious of her stepmother, noticing how dismissive she seems of her fathers situation, and the strange decisions she’s made for the company since taking control.
At the same time a few smaller White Apple facilities have started to experience thefts and break ins by an unidentified masked individual. This individuals civilian identity is that of Dr Edda Andersdotter PhD, a analytical chemist who moved to Mitlandia for work at Silva labs, a small independent lab, and to put some more distance between herself and her relatives.
One day F7 in alerted to a break-in in the main White Apple building, and goes to stop it, in which they begin to uncover what Regina has truly been up to alongside Snow White and has their first encounter with the strange masked individual who introduces themselves as Doctor Hyde.
This, is also a romance.
Now, here’s some small sketches!:
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I might change designs for the super hero suits in the future, as I’m currently going back and forth on if they should have masks or not. I don’t really imagine any of them having any secret identities, so the masks might the sort of pointless, but it’s about the aesthetic you know.
(ID in alt and under cut)
A collection of pencil sketches that have been photographed and digitally shaded with warm grey tones.
First sketch depicts my oc Edda (A pale chubby woman, with deep eyebags, brown hair and grey eyes) and Snow White from Red shoes and the seven dwarfs, but from my superhero au. Edda’s hair is cut short, and she’s dressed in a dark button up shirt, a knee length office skirt, an open lab coat, and a lanyard with an attached card. She’s standing with her hands inside her pockets. Snow is wearing a blouse with short puffy arms, a belt, an office skirt and a lanyard with an attached card as well. She’s holding a file under her arm as she waves at the viewer. In the right corner there is a signature reading “Cookieek”.
Second sketch depicts my oc Edda and Arthur from Red shoes, in the superhero au. Edda is dressed in a dark button up, belt, dark pants and shoes. Arthur is dressed in full plate armour, carrying a helmet under his arm. He’s holding out a flower to Edda, smiling with hearts in-front of his face, while Edda looks down at the flower in confusion. In the right corner there is a signature reading “Cookieek”.
The third sketch depicts my oc Edda and Arthur from Red shoes, in the superhero au. Edda is dressed in a double-breasted vest, dark shirt, and dark cravat, with her hair pulled back with a hair band. She’s looking at something off screen with a perturbed expression. Arthur is dressed in full plate armour, and is holding a sword in front of Edda, while holding his cape over her back and looking at something off screen. In the right corner there is a signature reading “Cookieek”.
The fourth sketch features Merlin from Red shoes in the superhero au. He’s dressed in a super suit with lightning designs over his shoulders and waist, with the swirl designs from is original outfit on his stomach, along with a belt, a pair of gloves and a mask covering his eyes. He’s smiling at the viewer while making a finger heart. In the right corner there is a signature reading “Cookieek”.
The fifth sketch is of Jack from Red shoes in the superhero au. He’s wearing a super suit styled like is original clothes from the movie, but with dark accent to the sides, a par of diamonds encrusted gloves, a mask that covers all but his lower face (safe his chin) and the top of his hair, the swirls from his original vest placed on his arms under a dark pair of shoulder pads, and the invisibly cloak which he now carries around his neck. He’s looking at something off screen with a serious expression, lifting up his fist as if readying for a fight. In the right corner there is a signature reading “Cookieek”.
End of ID]
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lovebitesimagines · 11 months
Delicate- Chapter 2
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It's funny how much can change in the blink of an eye, once you allow yourself time to contemplate it. Wars have been declared by power drunk men, quicker than one can bat an eyelid. Relationships have been tenderly formed and shattered, lives have been lost, all before the most basic of human functions has been carried out. For me, I could feel the once tenacious flame of luck sputter out, the moment I felt his fingertips lay claim upon my shoulder.
A cold chill spread throughout my body, icy chills sparking out from the tips of his fingers, settling heavily in the pit of my stomach. My skin responded to his touch, covering itself with goosebumps, as if it was a knight throwing on armour to prepare for battle. I'd experienced human touch before, my fathers arms having been wrapped around me once in a hug cast by a second thought. However this felt...different. The rough edges of the floorboards dug against my knees, scraping against the fabric of my dress, as the panic continued to pulsate.
I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. His hand weighed heavily upon my shoulder, securing me firmly to the floor. I enjoyed the prison his touch created, far more than I allowed myself too. My mind was a tsunami of thoughts, drowning out each idea of escape, until I was no longer able to prise them apart from each other. I silently cursed myself, and my foolishness.
"I think you...you may be mistaken" the words stuttered out from between my lips, my voice sounding croaky and pathetic. My mouth was dry with alarm, dread scratching it's long claws down my throat as I swallowed.
There was a pause so brief, that if you blinked, it would have felt like it had never taken place at all. However, I knew for certain that it was no figment of my imagination. The split second for me felt like it was being cruelly dragged out, taunting me with its wicked smile.
"I enjoy the sight of a woman on her knees" the voice began, cutting sharply through the silence. The notes of his calm Birmingham accent sliced up my thoughts, a contrast to my inner dismay, which continued to grow by the second. He gripped my shoulder tighter, before switching his hand to my arm, roughly dragging me up to my feet. He pulled my back tight against his chest, the buttons on his clothes digging into the exposed section of my back. I remained still, not wanting to move. His spare hand gripped a pistol which he had now pressed to my temple. My eyes flickered to the cool metal, my throat constricting in response to the sight, as I felt his breathe tickle against my ear. He felt warm, the scent of cigarettes and an unidentifiable alcohol filling my nostrils. "Lets see what your boss has to say, eh?"
You know that feeling when time just...slows down? When something terrible happens, and just seems to lull everything around it into a dull sedation? And the worst thing is, that you are just completely powerless to stop it, having to stand by on the side-lines as a spectator, as everything slowly crashes down around you. I was now the helpless bystander, in the shambolic aftermath of my own actions.
The World froze in shock, the moment his foot forcefully kicked open the office door, slamming against the wall so hard that you could feel the vibrations travel up your feet. He let go of my arm, pushing me into the room. I stumbled slightly, the palm of my hand scrapping against the wall, as I fought to right myself.
My father was sat at his desk, my eyes latching onto the brief flicker of horror that scattered upon his face, disappearing as quickly as it showed. My father would like to think that he is an expert at hiding his emotions, at playing the perfect poker face. I guess I have just found out what shatters his perfect illusion. I just wish that it didn't involve me, and the barrel of the gun I didn't doubt was still aimed in my direction.
Three wooden chairs were placed opposite my fathers' desk, two having been claimed by two of the men from the car. They had both sat up straight in response to my surprising arrival, their hands reaching into the inner pockets of their coats. The final seat had been left empty, awaiting the arrival of the third member of the party. The third member who, after process of elimination, was the one who had spotted me in my bedroom window. The one with the eyes that held a million silent stories. The one who was now continuing to devastate the uneasy stillness with his voice.
"Brothers! I found one of Solomons spies against the door. I say our business here is null and void" his voice commanded attention, and attention it was given.
Pandemonium erupted within the office.
Books spilled from the shelves of the bookcase, as I got flung against it. My eyes met the grey hues of one of the men who had previously been sat down, my panic reflected in his pupils. His gloved fingers gripped my throat, the leather slick against my skin. My eyes welled in response to the restricting of my airways, his breath scalding my skin as he shouted angrily at me, his ash-blonde moustache twitching with each facial movement. I could hear my father yelling at the men, the crash of his desk slamming to the floor as he uplifted it, the smash of glass as various delicate objects met their end with the impact.
I screwed my eyes shut, fear rising in me for the grey eyed man whose words continued to slam against my skin. If this was what the outside world was really like, I couldn't fault my father for having chosen to shut me away. It was nothing like I had read about, having been sold false fantasies of beautiful landscapes and handsome gentlemen who threw their coats upon the ground for you to walk upon. I just wanted to lock myself away, and forget I was here and that this had ever happened. The fingers that continued to tighten against my throat had staked its claim upon my attention. This was, unfortunately, reality.
A singular gunshot reverberated throughout the room, an unforgiving silence falling heavy upon us in its wake. My eyes flew open, my gaze brushing past my current captor onto my father. He held his gun up in the air, his chest heaving with the frantic breaths of a broken man. I'd witnessed my father in his differing moods before. I was no stranger to the violent sounds of his raised voice, having heard it one to many times before through the walls. I had seen him before, filled with rage, his thoughts having no say in his actions. The version of him that stood before me now though, was unlike any version of him I had seen before. I knew the sight of me in that room, with these people, crippled him. That frightened me more than any man wearing a cap and waving about a gun could.
"That gal there ain't a fuckin' spy, yeah? She's my daughter" he spat, his eyes feverishly alight as they scanned each of the men in the room, watching as his words fell upon them. I felt the fingers around my neck loosen a touch, enough to allow breathing to be slightly more comfortable. "She is MY fuckin' daughter, right?"
I could feel him contemplating me, my skin warming in response as his eyes scanned across my body, before our gazes latched onto each other once more. Those blue eyes where now surveying me in a new light, as if I was a dangerous prize he wanted to win. I felt a tremor in my stomach, unable to identify if it was awe or terror.
"Arthur. Let her go" he raised his hand slightly as he spoke, his eyes moving onto the man in front of me. Arthur scowled. He tightened his fingers again for a brief moment, a silent warning, before wrinkling his forehead with disgust as he obeyed his orders, stepping back towards the other two men. He didn't move his focus away from me.
"Adina. Come 'ere" my father snapped, lowering the gun to his side. I swallowed hard, the spell shattering as I drew my eyes away from the stranger, hurriedly moving towards my fathers' side. The room was still for a moment, waiting in anticipation for the next move. The bulbs upon the walls cast an artificial light across the room, humming softly with excitement. Open books upon the floors stirred, entranced by the aftermath of the incident.
"Run along to daddy little girl" one of the men spat, a smirk playing across his lips. He was clearly the younger of the three brothers, and I assumed lower down in the pecking order.
"Hush now John" the blue eyed man stated, "Clearly our esteemed friend Mr. Solomons here, has had enough fright this evening". My father grunted in response, his eyes flickering between the three brothers. The nameless brother stood in the middle, flanked by Arthur and John on either side. If I wasn't so afraid, I'd be awed at the picture the trio portrayed. "Maybe we can sort out a little...alteration in our business agreement, hmm?"
"Tommy, what the fuck are you doing?" Arthur growled, watching as his brother stepped forward out of the trio. He made to move as if he wanted to stop him, but thought better of it.
Tommy. I had finally put a name to my blue eyed stranger. Tommy. I hated that my body prickled with happiness at being able to do so.
"Alteration? What sorta' fuckin' alteration?" my father barked, drawing himself up as Tommy continued to walk forward. He raised his gun once more, the two other brothers mimicking his actions in retaliation. "Listen here, yeah? I ain't sortin' out no fuckin' alterations with you Shelby fucks. Fuckin' gypsy bastards".
"I see that we've managed to uncover the great Jewish Kings greatest secret. I wonder what Sabini would pay to get his hands on this sort of information?" Tommy smirked, coming to a stop a few feet in front of my father. Sabini. I had heard that name been shouted angrily on more than one occasion, a thorn in my fathers side.
"You wouldn't fuckin' dare" my fathers words hissed out from between clenched teeth. Tommy raised an eyebrow in response, a clear signal to state that he sure as hell would. My father lowered his gun, his shoulders drooping as he did so.
"You want us to work with you, eh? You want us to sign on the dotted line that we will share business? Share dealings? We'll be able to keep your pretty little secret safe" Tommy paused, letting the words he was saying sink in, briefly glancing over at me. "If she works for us. I will see you in a week, Adina Solomons".
And in a blink of an eye, the Shelby brothers upturned my whole life. 
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