#universal studios streetwear
UNIVRS Store Opens on City Walk at Universal Studios Hollywood
UNIVRS Store Opens on City Walk at Universal Studios Hollywood
The UNIVRS Store has opened on City Walk at Universal Studios and I have a sneak peek at the goods! This retail destination features limited-edition, character-inspired merchandise from the Universal family. And as someone who has deep roots at Universal Studios (I’m a recovering tour guide!) I was so thrilled to go to the media preview and get a closer look. The new UNIVRS store opened on City…
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alligator-tearzz · 5 months
R.I.P Van Der Linde Gang 💔 You would have loved:
(seen a few ppl do this,, if you started this definitely lmk and I’ll credit u !!)
updated to add Kieran and Sean
Dutch - Self help books, those podcasts where people give you terribly incorrect health information and claim that they’re doctors
Uncle - The massage chairs in malls, Frank Gallagher, insane reddit stories that definitely never happened, scamming disability cheques from the government
Abigail - iPhone’s share your location feature, the Parent Teacher Association, audiobooks
Arthur - Remote control racing cars (aarwh it’s a toy boat!), the catch and cook youtube videos, Cowboy Carter by Beyoncé, free healthcare mayhaps…..
John - Maury, The sassy man apocalypse on TikTok, Sitting and watching Bluey in a trance with Abigail after Jack has already gone to bed
Miss Grimshaw - Supernanny, Judge Judy, Spas, Massages, Bear Grylls probably, Bed Bath and Beyond
Sadie - Streetwear, absolutely bodying men on FPS games, Rage rooms
Charles - Axe throwing to get the frustration out, wildlife protection acts, David Attenborough, ATLA
Javier - The head massage you get when you get your hair washed at the salon, edibles, Guitar Hero, collecting vinyls
Hosea - Game shows like The Chase and Deal or No Deal, Dolly Parton probably, cruises, community libraries where you take a book and leave a book behind
Strauss - Cryptocurrency, whatsapp scams
Mary-Beth - Wattpad, Ao3, Booktok, you name it. Those fanfic movie adaptations like After, 50 shades of Grey etc, Cottagecore aesthetic, Taylor Swift, TikTok edits, Bridgerton
Tilly - Those ‘Day in the Life of’ Tiktoks, Jazz bars, Chloe x Halle, cruises as well
Karen - How To Get Away With Murder, Bottomless brunch, Reality shows with a bunch of drama like Love Island or Married at First Sight, Ru Paul’s Drag Race
Bill - Mardi Gras, Brokeback Mountain 😋, Home Depot, probably, those giant American cars that are on the verge of being trucks, Call of Duty
Pearson - Those late night infomercials that show random kitchen utensils like a garlic mincer or a nutribullet blender, Reddit, Spending money on E-Harmony, standing in the club and staring awkwardly at a woman, Dungeons and Dragons
Lenny - Online self paced university, Jordan Peele movies, Studio Ghibli movies, Noise cancelling headphones, The Last of Us
Kieran - Animal crossing, Saddle Club, the Wikihow “how to talk to girls” page, taking horrible advice from tik tok just because the person who posted it sounded trustworthy, astrology probably
Sean - Getting drunk at local football games and heckling the other team, claiming he’s not into Karen’s reality shows but then standing there watching the whole episode with his arms crossed while asking her about every single person and their drama, would most definitely be famous for yapping on Twitter, Derry Girls would be his fave show
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tickle-minion · 11 months
The Photo Shoot
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Pretty safe for work tickling story. Ended up a bit longer than I expected, but what can you do?
Ryan always knew he was going to make it big.  Ever since he was in high school he’d always gotten the lead parts in the school plays, and now that he was in university he was showing success in independent student productions.  Of course he didn’t make any money off of any of those, and tuition for his school was expensive, which meant he had to work and had thousands in student loans to look forward to once he was done.  He took this all in stride since he knew there was a pot of gold at the end of this very expensive rainbow.
One thing Ryan knew he needed if he was going to continue trying to be an actor was to get some professional pictures taken for auditions.  So far he’d gotten free head shots taken by photography students.  The problem is you get what you pay for, and some of the shots were clearly student work.
Luckily for Ryan, there were other photographers in town who were willing to work with students to get them some professional shots at a reduced rate.  After a few days of searching, Ryan came across a photographer named Jay.  He liked what he saw on Jay’s website (and liked his student discount even more) so he made an appointment to meet him.  The two met for a consultation and Ryan booked a time slot to come to Jay’s studio. 
On the day of the shoot, Jay brought several pairs of clothes to wear.  Something formal, something casual, some streetwear, etc.  When it came to the casual look, Jay instructed Ryan to take off his shoes and socks.
“Take them off?  Why?”
“Shows vulnerability.  Most people don’t show their feet at all, so it exposes a little bit more of you.”
Ryan wasn’t entirely convinced, but he still pulled off his shoes and socks and continued with the session.
It may have been his imagination, but Ryan felt that Jay kept glancing down at his bare feet.  It wasn’t super obvious, and as far as Ryan could tell his feet were never the focus of any shots, but Jay’s eyes kept trailing down to them.  Strange, yes, but Ryan didn’t want to cause a scene when he felt there was so much on the line.
Finally, with that last shot, they were done.
“Alright Ryan, that just about wraps it up.  I think we got some good shots, but it will take me a few days to go through and clean them up.”
“Wow, alright, thanks.  I’m looking forward to it.  Can’t wait to see how they turn out.”
Ryan started to put his socks back on.
“Hey, kid, before you go any further, I have a business proposition for you.  That is, if you’re looking to make a few bucks.”
Ryan stopped and looked over at the photographer.  Extra money was never a bad thing.
“I mean, money is money, I guess.  What are you looking for?  This isn’t something dirty, is it?  Because I’m not taking off my clothes.”
“Don’t worry, you’re already as undressed as you’d need to be.  I just want to make a little video to post on my website.”
Ryan’s eyes narrowed.
“I’ve seen your website.  You don’t have videos.”
The photographer gave a large toothy grin.
“Not that website, a different one.  Here, come and take a look.”
Jay motioned for Ryan to follow him to the back of the studio where he had a large computer setup.  Camera equipment and props were everywhere.
“Alright, just better not be anything too freaky.”
Ryan walked over to the far end of Jay’s studio on bare feet.  When he got to the computer he was shocked by what he saw on the screen.
“Are those guys getting… tickled?”
Jay nodded and scrolled down the page a bit, showing Ryan more videos.  Each one showed a young man (around Ryan’s age) being tickled.  Some were tied up, some had their feet in stocks, and some just had their ankles being held down.  Most were dressed like Ryan (which is to say fully dressed except for the shoes and socks), but others were in various states of undress.  No one looked naked, though.
“Yup.  Tickling sells well, you know.  Lots of guys, and hell, women too, love seeing guys getting tickled.  And it pays.”
Ryan’s ears perked up.
“People are willing to pay?”
“Oh sure.  People are willing to pay for these videos if the model is cute and ticklish enough.  And I have to say kid, you’re the exact type of guy they like to see.”
Ryan didn’t have much to say.  His eyes stayed glued to the screen.
“I’ll make you a deal.  You let me tickle you a little bit, just your feet so you don’t have to take anything else off, and not only will I not charge you for the shots, but I’ll actually give you a bit of what the video makes.  What do you say?”
Ryan wanted to say no right away, but he hesitated.  Not only would he get his shots for free, but he’d also get some cash for it, too?  It seemed too good to be true.
“I mean… alright.  I guess.  As long as this is just tickling.  I’m not doing anything else.”
“Alright, sounds good.  And don’t worry, all I do is tickle guys, nothing else.”
Jay explained what would happen: Ryan would lay face down on a couch in the studio, so no one could see his face, and hang his bare feet over the side of the couch.  Jay would sit on his legs and tickle his feet.  It sounded easy enough.  Ryan lay down, letting Jay move his body a little bit for the camera, and let himself relax (as much as he could).  Once he was in place, Jay set up the camera and started recording.
Ryan was laying down on his stomach, bare feet on the arm of the couch, when he felt Jay straddle his ankles.
“Alright folks, this is our new tickle toy Brad.  This is his first time with us, so let’s see how ticklish he is.”
Ryan (apparently going by the name Brad) tensed his whole body, waiting for whatever was supposed to come.  Suddenly, he felt one finger on his right sole.  It started up near his heel and trailed down towards his toes.  Ryan flexed and curled his foot at the light ticklish sensation.  No one had ever touched his feet (not that he could remember, anyways) so it was a strange feeling.  The finger repeated the same movement on his left sole.  This time Ryan wiggled a little bit under Jay, his foot waving side to side.
“Got some squirming going on it looks like.  Let’s try something a little more ticklish”
One finger, one at a time, on each sole was suddenly replaced with five fingers on each sole.  Those fingers dug into the insteps of his feet, scratching the soft sensitive skin there.  Ryan jumped (though stayed pinned down by Jay’s weight) and started to kick his feet.  
“Oh shit, what the fuck?!”
“Oh yeah, we got a ticklish one here.”
The fingers really worked their way in there, kneading the flesh of his feet.  Ryan kept trying to kick those tickling fingers away, but Jay’s grip was just too strong.  There was nothing that Ryan could do to make it stop.  He could, of course, always say stop, but then he’d have to pay for his headshots.  That was a huge motivation to stay here on the couch.
Several minutes after just assaulting the center of his feet, the hands started roaming over the real estate that was Ryan’s soft size 12 soles.  The fingers came up to Ryan’s heels and attacked.  Ryan jumped, and was suddenly barking out with laughter when Jay found an especially ticklish spot: the part of his sole right before his heel.  
“Oh, sounds like we got a live one here!”
Fingers descended on that spot on each foot.  It wasn’t just fingers working their way into the foot, but now nails were scraping and scratching too.  The only thing Ryan’s over stimulated mind could think of was that this was like ringing a doorbell.  It was loud, it was intense, and it was beyond annoying that Jay found this spot that reduced him to a laughing mess.
“Holy crap is he sensitive right here.  How are you doing Brad?  Want me to stop?”
“No?  You’re all good?  Sounds great to me!”
Jay continued to exploit the sensitive spot, attacking viciously with his fingers.  Ryan was sure he was going to pass out when the tickling mercifully ended.
“Th-thank God…”
“He thought that was bad, wait till he gets a load of this…”
“Wait, what?!”
“Here comes the brush!”
Ryan’s entire body jolted when a broad hairbrush started attacking that same sensitive spot.  The brush moved violently back and forth with cruel abandon.  This was the worst feeling yet.  Ryan was in absolute hysterics, thrashing as much as he could, trying to buck Jay off his legs.  His feet kicked and squirmed to get away, one foot trying to cover the other for protection.  His face and throat were starting to get sore from the laughter.
“Oh yeah, we got him right here.”
Not even able to say anything, Ryan continued to cackle.  The brush alternated between feet, and each time it switched feet it was like the first time all over again.  Tears were starting to stream from his tightly shut eyes.  This was the first time he truly regretted his decision, and despite the promise of free shots and money, he found the urge to call out stop was right on the tip of his tongue.  He bit it back though, he wasn’t going to give up.
The tickling changed, and now the brush was going up and down his soles.  Again, Ryan tried curling his foot up to avoid the tickling, but Jay grabbed Ryan’s toes and flexed them back, stretching his sole out.  Jay’s grip was too strong and Ryan wasn’t able to escape.  He laughed and giggled, unable to stop as the brush scrubbed up and down his flexed sole.  People got off on this?  Ryan figured they must all be sadists.
“Let’s see how ticklish Brad’s toes are.”
The brush stopped for just a second (giving Ryan exactly one second of peace) before attacking the toes that Jay was holding back.  Oh god.  This was bad.  This was worse than the spot hear his heels.  This was like fire.  Ryan didn’t just laugh, he was screaming.  Tears were flowing so freely that he could taste them on his lips.  He wanted to yell stop, he wanted this tickling to end, but he couldn’t form the words.
Jay continued tickling those toes, holding them tightly, even as the feet started to become slick with sweat.  This of course made the brush slide and glide all the more easily.  The brush scrubbed the tips of the toes all the way down to the sensitive little gap under each toe.
The tickling continued for a few minutes until finally, mercifully, it stopped.
“There we go, that was Brad.  I think he did pretty well.  Let me know if you want to see more of this boy.”
Jay concluded by slapping both of Ryan’s sensitive soles, making him jump and squeak.
Jay got up off of Ryan and turned off the camera.
“There we go kid, that’s it.  You did good, I have to say, I think you’re going to be pretty popular.”
“Holy shit that was bad.  Like… holy shit.  You were torturing me.”
Jay laughed.
“That’s why they call it tickle torture.  People love it.”
Ryan didn’t want to stick around much longer.  He got up off the couch (his clothes were sticking to his body from all the sweat), put his shoes and socks back on (which was hard since his feet were so sensitive after the tickling), thanked Jay and left.
Several days later two things dropped in Ryan’s email.  The first was a set of edited photographs.  Ryan was happy to see that they looked professional and much better than any of the student work he’d had done so far.  The second was much more interesting.  It was an e-transfer for a couple of hundred dollars.
Ryan stared at the screen for a few minutes before he decided to call Jay.  
“Hey man, It’s Ryan.  Thanks for the pictures, I just got them.  They’re really good”
“No worries, I’m happy you’re happy.”
“So… what was the money you sent?”
“I told you that you’d get a bit of the money from the tickle video.  It was pretty popular right off the bat, so that’s your share.”
“All that for just letting you tickle my feet?”
“Oh yeah.  And if you’re ever interested we could do it again.  You could maybe even make some more next time.”
“Like… how much more?”
“Depends on how far you’re willing to go.  There’s some bondage, there’s some upper body tickling, there’s even some foot worship and tickling that drives some people wild.  You interested?”
Ryan looked at the e-transfer again.
“Yeah, maybe.  Tell me more.”
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justforbooks · 5 months
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Roberto Cavalli
Italian fashion designer who used exotic animal prints, embossed leather and distressed denim to create his flamboyant clothes
As Italian fashion went global in the later 20th century, it diverged into two schools: the sensuous, soft in silhouette and touch, and the boldly sexual, flamboyant to the eye. The first, and lasting, head of the sexy school was Roberto Cavalli, who has died aged 83.
The material bases for both schools were the nation’s specialist textiles and leather firms: for Cavalli, they delivered figured and lamé leathers, garments printed after sewing so that no seams interrupted a design, and many fabrics with his emphatic prints. These featured animal-skin motifs, Renaissance and Baroque brocades, or, natural-world details derived from his digital photographs.
His aesthetic was hectic, blingy, and sold across classes and cultures: those from palazzos could don it ironically, while those for whom it was streetwear appreciated Cavalli’s celebration of blatant heterosexuality.
From the late 1990s, he expanded worldwide through clothes, shoes and accessories for women, men and children to homewares, perfume, a credit card, and cafes – in his native Florence, he bought the exclusive Caffè Giacosa and Cavalli’ed it.
He sailed the Mediterranean in his purple yacht, and was mobbed in his Manhattan store, but his emotional core locale remained Florence. His mother, Marcella, was the daughter of a painter, Giuseppe Rossi; his father, Giorgio Cavalli, a mining engineer, was shot in 1944 with 91 other civilians by German soldiers in reprisal for a partisan attack.
Postwar, Marcella scrambled by as a coal dealer, then as a dressmaker who hand painted her creations. The boy’s childhood was hard – he stuttered – but after much pleading, he studied at Florence’s Istituto d’Arte (1957-60), although never sat his final examination.
Instead, he earned money. His mother’s painted dresses inspired him to widen the idea to a mechanical process. He travelled to study Como’s many high-end textile firms, and began to print ready-to-wear sweaters for Mariuccia Mandelli of Krizia, who shared his fancy for simulated wild-beast pelts, and then for Hermès. Soon he had a studio, employees, a longed-for Ferrari and enough money to impress the banker father of Silvanella Giannoni; Cavalli claimed it was to win her hand he had achieved so much this young. They married in 1964, and had two children, Tommaso and Cristina, before divorcing in 1974.
Cavalli’s breakthrough to his own clientele came in 1969, when he gatecrashed a party for the shoe designer Mario Valentino, and mentioned to him that he could print on leather. He couldn’t, but the next day worked out a technique using supple glove kid, and returned with samples. Cavalli showed his new wares, sewn into garments, at the Paris Salon du Prêt-à-Porter in 1970. People gawped, but did not buy.
What did sell was his next inspiration. At that time, only brutal wear and laundering faded, abraded and distressed denim – the big industry that would become stone- and sand-washing, bleaching and shredding denim had not been invented – and any embellishments were crude. Cavalli ordered a container of dirty worn-out jeans from a US prison, and washed, cut and patchworked the pieces with leather and printed textiles for a collection shown in the Pitti Palace in 1972. The arte povera materials had been collaged with Italian craft skill and an artist’s eye, and appealed to the well-heeled in the last phase of Boho-hippy-rock-chick chic.
Cavalli went retail with his designs through boutiques, opening the first, Limbo, in St Tropez, and built up an international following. As a high-living celebrity, and a divorcee with loud enthusiasm for beautiful women, he was a judge at the 1977 Miss Universe pageant, where he did not vote for Miss Austria, Eva Düringer, 18, to win, as he wanted her for himself. After finishing her education, she followed him to Florence, where they married in 1980; she became his model, business manager, and mother of Robert, Rachele and Daniele. They divorced in 2010.
Cavalli retained close control of the manufacture of his clothes, proud of the skills used, and disapproved of licensing deals and production off-shoring in Italian fashion as it internationalised at the end of the 70s. He resented the 80s fashion preference for what he called “minimalism”, but was more accurately a temporary supremacy for the sensuous school, exemplified by Giorgio Armani’s unstructured tailoring for women, plus a desire to moderate overt sexiness.
The Cavalli label retained clients – rock doesn’t give up on its own – yet he stopped showing his collection, and in 1993 intended to close the factory and beg union help to re-employ its workers.
He was persuaded to a comeback show at Milan Fashion Week, and attributed his triumphant second career afterwards to his inspiration to add Lycra to denim to create stretch jeans. (Not a new idea – Irene Sharaff had denim experimentally woven with Lycra for the dancers’ jeans in West Side Story, 1961.) Cavalli personally distressed a pair, printed a snake entwining a leg, and displayed them on the perfect rear of his favourite model, Naomi Campbell.
During Cavalli’s years of retreat, Gianni Versace had taken over much of the remaining custom for Italian-originated sexiness, but Versace designs, especially his prints, had a mad Roman emperor stridency never seen in the work of Cavalli, whose leopards and tigers were for cuddling and stroking, not gladiatorial combat.
Even before Versace’s death in 1997, Cavalli was in the ascendant again, in demand on red carpets, on stage on Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé, Christina Aguilera, and on screen – a giraffe-skin print – on Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City: he opened boutiques and cafes around the world for his sex-is-fun, Latin-culture-orientated, clothes that suited the mood of excess is success. He was the first Italian designer to create a collection for H&M, a sell-out in 2007. His company closed in 2014, but was relaunched a year later, with little input from Cavalli himself.
In 2002, tax police inspected Cavalli’s extravagant house and estate outside Florence, including the purple helicopter he piloted, and charged him with evasion for claiming expenses for the property as work premises rather than a private home. Cavalli was found guilty and sentenced to 14 months jail, but a superior court annulled the verdict.
A son, called Giorgio after his father, was born to his partner, Sandra Nilsson, a model, in 2023. She and his six children survive him.
🔔 Roberto Cavalli, designer, born 15 November 1940; died 12 April 2024
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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nichaponjay · 2 years
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Mummy Roller coaster 🎢😍, I like it a lot 😉 . . . . #gay #bisexual #gayguy #gayman #gaymen #streetstyle #instagay #gayboy #thaigay #gayhot #gaylife #gaystagram #asiangay #lgbt #photography #photooftheday #love #loveislove #handsome #instagram #picoftheday #streetwear #gayThai #streetphotography #artphotography #happy #thailand #travelphotography (at Universal Studios Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClY-vXbPqW1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pictjoe · 3 months
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Universal Studio Orlando Fear Factor Live TV Promo
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jawhip5 · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Universal Studios Hat 6 Panel Cap Olive Green Unisex Sz OSFM.
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Pusha T: The Phenomenal Rapper Redefining Hip-Hop
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Pusha T, a name that resonates with authenticity and lyrical prowess in the world of hip-hop, has emerged as one of the most influential and respected artists of his generation. Born Terrence LeVarr Thornton, Pusha T's journey from the streets of Virginia Beach to the forefront of the music industry is a testament to his unwavering dedication and undeniable talent. With a career spanning decades and a discography that showcases his artistry, Pusha T continues to make waves with his thought-provoking lyrics and distinctive style. As one-half of the iconic rap duo Clipse, alongside his brother No Malice, Pusha T first gained recognition in the late 1990s with their debut album "Lord Willin'." The album's success catapulted them into the spotlight, earning them critical acclaim for their gritty and unapologetic storytelling. Their subsequent projects, such as "Hell Hath No Fury" and "Til the Casket Drops," solidified their position as influential figures in the hip-hop scene. Following Clipse's hiatus, Pusha T embarked on a solo career, signing with Kanye West's GOOD Music label. This partnership proved to be a game-changer for Pusha T's solo endeavors. His debut studio album, "My Name Is My Name," received widespread acclaim, with critics praising his raw lyricism and storytelling abilities. The album featured collaborations with prominent artists like Kendrick Lamar, Rick Ross, and Kanye West, further cementing Pusha T's status as a respected artist in the industry. Pusha T's sophomore album, "Daytona," released in 2018, showcased a more refined and matured sound. Produced entirely by Kanye West, the album received universal acclaim for its sharp lyricism and bold social commentary. "Daytona" further solidified Pusha T's reputation as a master wordsmith, capable of crafting intricate narratives that reflect the realities of his upbringing and experiences. Beyond his solo career, Pusha T's influence extends beyond the recording studio. As the President of GOOD Music, he plays a pivotal role in guiding the careers of emerging artists and shaping the label's creative direction. His eye for talent and commitment to pushing the boundaries of hip-hop have contributed to the label's continued success. Pusha T's impact on the genre goes beyond his music. His fashion-forward style and willingness to experiment with his image have earned him praise as a trendsetter and fashion icon. From streetwear to high fashion, Pusha T's sartorial choices reflect his fearless approach to both music and personal expression. Despite his accolades and recognition, Pusha T remains grounded and focused on his craft. His dedication to authenticity and storytelling continues to resonate with audiences worldwide. With each project, he brings a fresh perspective and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of hip-hop. Pusha T's journey in the world of hip-hop is a testament to his remarkable talent, dedication, and authenticity. From his early days as part of Clipse to his thriving solo career, he has consistently delivered thought-provoking lyrics and bold storytelling. As an influential figure in the music industry, Pusha T's impact extends beyond the recording studio. His role as President of GOOD Music and his fashion-forward style showcase his versatility and ability to push the boundaries of the genre. With a discography that continues to captivate audiences and a reputation as a trendsetter, Pusha T remains an enduring and influential force in hip-hop. His artistry and dedication to his craft redefine the genre, leaving a lasting legacy in the world of music. Credit: Instagram of Pusha T - Full Content AI. Read the full article
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worldspotlightnews · 2 years
Kanye West take daughter North to Universal Studios with new wife Bianca Censori
Kanye West took his oldest, North West to Universal Studios with new wife Bianca Censori. On Thursday, March 9, Kanye West and his new bride Bianca Censori were spotted hanging out in West Hollywood with streetwear designer Guillermo Andrade as before taking West’s daughter to Universal Studios. As per Daily Mail, North and Censori were also seen shopping together on Melrose Place and getting…
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marwahstudios · 2 years
8th Global Literary Festival Presented Fashion Show
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Noida: The second day of the 8th Global Literary Festival Noida concluded with a beautiful fashion show put up by the students of the School of Fashion and Design. The show began with a motivational speech by Festival Director Dr. Sandeep Marwah who encouraged the students and congratulated them for carrying out the second day so well.
On this occasion, Actress Raviraa Bhardwaj appreciated the festival by calling it one of the biggest space in India to showcase the art and creativity, followed by HE Dr Roger Gopaul , High Commissioner, Ambassador of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago who narrated his journey of coming to India and the strong bond shared between the two nations.
During the show, National President of Public Relation Society of India, Dr. Ajit Pathak dedicated a beautiful poem to Fashion and Literature together. Then, President of Dancing Rabbit from Germany Mark Fazzy expressed his gratitude and congratulated the students for a wonderful show. Gurbani Bhatia, a musician who shared her past experience of performing on the stage of Marwah Studios. The event was attended by actor & model Richa Kapoor,
Vice Chancellor of Noida International University Prof Dr. Uma Bhardwaj, Jimmy from Embassy of Turkey, Pasch from United Kingdom also spoke on the occasion. During the event, a book on fashion titled “Hook” was launched. The spectacle of fashion was on full display during the Fashion Show. The first set of walk with the theme “Unity in Diversity” showcased the mix Indian culture wedding attires. Second set was based on “Western” theme which mainly included the wedding gowns. The designers of the first two sets were – Saba, Jasmeher, Shelly Agarwal, Rupin Jha, Priyanshu Tyagi and Gunjan Mishra. The third set was based on the “Casual Hip Hop Streetwear” which included the handsome hunks in streetwear. The last set presented the beautiful relation of Lord Krishna and Radha which included traditional Indian wear and showcased simplicity, elegance, purity and innocence. The designers for the last two sets were – Priyanshu Tyagi, Ishita Jain, Junaid, Paridhi, Pavnish and Ayush Gupta.
On this occasion, Dr. Sandeep Marwah presented the mementos to the esteemed guests and thanked them for joining in for the event. The show was anchored by Mr. Syed Ashar and Ms. Paridhi. It was concluded with Vote of Thanks by Director of School of Fashion Design Prof. Ritu Lal. The show was supported by ICMEI-International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry, AUA-Asian Unity Alliance, PYC-Prithvi Yoga Centre, and AAA-Asian Academy of Arts.
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2001hz · 3 years
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RIP VIrgil Abloh
Virgil Abloh died on November 28, 2021, after a private battle with cardiac angiosarcoma, a rare form of cancer. He was 41. The Off-White founder and Men’s Artistic Director of Louis Vuitton was most recently seen in Doha, Qatar, at the opening of his exhibition “Figures of Speech.”
Personal Life/A Hero Is Born :
Abloh was born on September 30 outside of Chicago. He and his sister are raised in nearby Rockford, by Ghanaian immigrant parents. Abloh attends the Boylan Catholic High School—official colors green and white—and graduates in 1998. His mother is a seamstress and teaches him the tricks of her trade.
Abloh completes his undergraduate degree in civil engineering at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. (In 2015, he would return to design commemorative tees for the university.) Rumor has it that on the day of his graduation, he skips his final critique to take a meeting with Kanye West’s then-manager John Monopoly. West and Abloh begin officially working together soon after.
In 2006 Abloh completes his master’s degree in architecture from the Illinois Institute of Technology. During his time at IIT, a Rem Koolhaas building is completed, which Abloh says, “piqued my interest and opened my gateway into fashion.”
The Beginning Of A Legend:
In 2009 Abloh and West become interns at Fendi in Rome. Louis Vuitton CEO Michael Burke recently told The New York Times, “I was really impressed with how [Abloh and West] brought a whole new vibe to the studio and were disruptive in the best way. Virgil could create a metaphor and a new vocabulary to describe something as old-school as Fendi. I have been following his career ever since.”
Abloh and West, along with a crew of famous friends, make the rounds at Paris Fashion Week, turning heads in the process. They’re photographed by Tommy Ton for http://Style.com outside of the Comme des Garçons show in what becomes a widely circulated pic. Abloh tells W magazine, “We were a generation that was interested in fashion and weren’t supposed to be there. We saw this as our chance to participate and make current culture. In a lot of ways, it felt like we were bringing more excitement than the industry was.”
In 2010 Abloh officially assumes the role of creative director at Donda, West’s creative agency.
In 2011 Abloh art directs the album Watch the Throne by Jay-Z and West, an achievement that earns him a Grammy nomination. The album cover is designed by Riccardo Tisci, then the creative director of Givenchy, a role Abloh was rumored to be up for after “Tisci’s departure” in 2017.
It’s 2012 Abloh launches his first brand, Pyrex Vision, in New York. He purchased deadstock Ralph Lauren flannel shirts for $40 each, and screen printed them with the word Pyrex and the number 23, an homage to his childhood hero, Michael Jordan. They sell for $550 each.
2013, Abloh shutters Pyrex and founds Off-White, a multi-platform creative endeavor based in Milan. Its main medium is fashion. At Off-White, he combines ideas of streetwear, luxury, art, music, and travel, defining the brand simply as, “the gray area between black and white as the color Off-White.” From the get-go, hovering quotation marks become Abloh’s signature.
In 2014 Abloh launches womenswear for Off-White and begins showing his men’s and women’s collections during Paris Fashion Week.
2015 Abloh’s womenswear operation gains steam when Beyoncé wears a palm-print sweatshirt with the word Nebraska on it, an homage to Raf Simons’s Fall 2002 Virginia Creepers collection, in Nicki Minaj’s video for “Feeling Myself.” That same year, Off-White is named a finalist for the LVMH Prize. He loses the grand prize and special prize to Marques’Almeida and Jacquemus, respectively.
i’m 2016 Abloh opens his first concept store in the Aoyama area of Tokyo. The store features a watercooler with Off-White branded cups that visitors take for free and resell on the secondary market.
Abloh debuts his Grey Area furniture collection in Milan, his first furniture venture under the Off-White brand. It features iron grid chairs, benches, and tables with leather cushions and Carrara marble tops.
In 2017, Even with the announcement of a collaborative exhibition with Takashi Murakami opening at Gagosian; the release of his first song; the opening of his New York store; the British Fashion Award for Urban Luxe Brand; and collaborations with Warby Parker, Jacob the Jeweler, and Jimmy Choo, the biggest news for Abloh in 2017 is The Ten, his sneaker partnership with Nike. Abloh re-creates 10 of Nike’s iconic silhouettes in a work-in-progress style, each adorned with a safety tag around the laces. The limited release leaves the sneaker market hungry for more, and Abloh hosts panels and workshops with Nike and additional releases throughout the year.
17 Year Old Virgil Is Very Proud:
2018 Virgil Abloh is named the artistic director of Louis Vuitton’s menswear collections, stepping into the role vacated by his friend and mentor Kim Jones. “It is an honor for me to accept this position. I find the heritage and creative integrity of the house are key inspirations and will look to reference them both while drawing parallels to modern times,” he says in a statement.
2019. Virgil Alboh’s artworks will be the subject of an exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, and his Ikea collaboration will be released through the brand’s international stores.
Virgil Abloh. A Hero. A Black Superhero. Who Left An Impact In Everyone’s Life, This Is Not The End His Spirit And Kindness Will Roam This Earth Forever. Thank You For Beating The Odds And Making It Possible For Kids Everywhere. We Love You. You Can Now Rest. (9-30-1980)- (11- 28-2021)
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kuramirocket · 3 years
Staying on top of what's in locally is a far more manageable feat than understanding scenes across the pond or past the southern border. However, the Internet has made accessing the menswear scene in Mexico City or the shirtmakers on Savile Row or the boot-making industry in Léon easier than ever. And, to be frank, you should be shopping from these independent brands over fast fashion stores anyway.
This isn't an exhaustive list detailing every brand there is to know from each of Mexico's 32 states. Not even close. Instead, this is a starting place, a sampler to whet your appetite, a thread to pull. Six interesting Mexican brands spanning the outdoor industry, the psychedelics space, streetwear, and beyond.
Mucha Carne
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From: Mexico City, Mexico
Founded: 2020
Focus: GORP/Outdoors
About: The brand caters to an outdoors-savvy clientele. There is a foldable trucker hat cut from water-resistant nylon; a micro water-resistant ripstop pant; a not-so-subtle pair of bottoms with hidden pockets and embedded stretch called Psylocibin; a heavyweight belt with a magnetic buckle, and a Kangaroo pocket-equipped shirt.
Sabina Green Combo Foldable Hat:
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Casa Caballeria
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From: Mexico City, Mexico
Founded: 2014
Focus: Footwear
About: A retail store with its own in-house footwear and apparel lines, Casa Caballeria was founded by Eduardo Dubost. 5he shop acts as a barber and retailer.
The store is best known for its footwear, an eponymous collection of boots and shoes and rubber soles. But that's not all. One-off originals — tops, bottoms, accessories and beyond — they've made appear on the site, and in the shop, often.
Bota Teo:
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Graziano and Gutiérrez
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From: Oaxaca, Mexico
Founded: 2020
Focus: Workwear
About: Originally launched as a part of co-founders Sam Graziano and Alejandro Gutierrez's senior thesis, Graziano and Gutiérrez is a slow fashion brand dedicated to showcasing Mexican craftsmanship and classic workwear silhouettes. Focused on "providing a platform for Mexican artisan work, transparency and education, and environmental responsibility," the duo designs seasons with only a few items, each handmade in either Oaxaca or Chiapas by artisan communities the company's established long-term manufacturing partnerships with.
"The goal is to create pieces to preserve, honor, and share the incredibly rich heritage of Mexico while also providing a platform for the artisans’ work to shine," the brand's founders explain. "Working directly with these communities allows us to provide consistent fair-work and pay for them and teach our customers about Mexican traditions at large and, specifically, the communities that weave the fabrics used to make the clothing."
Verde Work-Pant:
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Hermanos Koumori
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From: Mexico City, Mexico
Founded: 2018
Focus: Streetwear
About: "If we just look at it from the outside, Hermanos Koumori is a contemporary streetwear brand based in Mexico City, but for us it is much more than that," co-founder Alex Leon tells us. "We [Leon and co-founder Alejandro Sandler] see it as a studio that has the versatility to move through different areas like art, objects, literature and graphic design to name a few. We are passionate about stories and narratives, that is why for each one of our collections we create a fictional universe that helps us with the inspiration behind them."
Hermanos Koumori's collections have focused on a fictional airline imagined by a Mexican novelist, ancient running clubs, baseball and beyond. The clothing's streetwear-leaning — suit separates made from ripstop fabric, natural cotton vests — but sensible still. Best of all, it's designed to withstand everyday wear.
El Viajero Dark Olive Pants:
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The Pack
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From: Mexico City, Mexico
Founded: 2015
Focus: Luxury
About: Founded by Mexico City-born designer Patricio Campillo, luxury label The Pack reinterprets traditional Mexican menswear for a modern audience. Referencing how Charros (aka horsemen) used to dress, Campillo creates uniforms for Charros today: embellished jackets, flared pants, and embroidered footwear.
Preserving and challenging tradition, he plucks pieces from the past and tweaks them, freeing them from constraints imposed by gender identity. Campillo isn't only socially conscious, though. He's grown The Pack while maintaining commitments to both sustainable sourcing and artisan craftsmanship, adhering to fair trade standards for both.
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From: Léon, Mexico
Founded: 2011
Focus: Footwear
About: Hugo Fonce, designer for Unmarked, wants to spotlight craftsmanship found in Léon, Mexico, the country's footwear capital. For Unmarked, lemon-wood pegs, invisible channels, leather-lining and intricate embroidery are details inherent to the brand.Emphasizing quality and aesthetics, every release is timeless in two ways: most are resoleable, thus prolonging their lifespan, and most are classic men's styles with little chance of ever falling from favor. It's hard to overstate how incredible Unmarked's boots look and feel. Plus, their prices are incredibly fair given what they could charge.
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semisectionalsofa · 4 years
Watching Project Runway for the First Time in ~10 Years
Season 15 for what it’s worth. 
- It’s amazing how much the Sponsored Content on that show really has gotten out of control in every conceivable way. The obviously Sponsored challenges in earlier season felt appropriate, incidental to the actual challenge, or just quirky enough to be fun for one episode a season. 
Now it’s just non-stop, and the quality of the sponsors is embarrassing. Mary Kay cosmetics? “Streetwear” inspired by Universal Studio themepark rides? Transition Lenses? Jesus. 
Why can’t we have nice things? 
- Funny to remember how much RuPaul’s Drag Race just straight up stole from this show...
...and yet, some of the costumes the queens have to make in their design challenges are actually sometimes more exciting than what most of the “designers” churn out during even a ProjRun regular challenge. Also, though, Drag Race has the Anastasia Beveryl Hills sponsorship, while ProjRun has sold it soul to Mary Kay. 
- I wish they let them have more fun with styling the models. They obviously don’t get to do anything makeup that isn’t applicable to the Mary Kay core consumer (read: boring), the hair is whatever, and the accessories they have to work with are garish. Which is a shame, because half the fun at real fashion shows is in the styling. 
- Can you tell how I can’t get over the fact that Mary Kay is now the cosmetics sponsor? 
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charleskenny · 4 years
Animation Articles: April 26th, 2020
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A selection of the best animation articles including news, opinions, and features from around the world for the week beginning the 26th of April, 2020.
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The longest April in living memory continues to be light on the news front but there were a few exciting developments nonetheless. First off, Netflix announced that they acquired exclusive deals for both Pokemon and Avatar: The Last Airbender series’. The former is for new episodes and the latter is for the original animated series which comes to the service in addition to the live-action remake.
In other Netftlix news, Castlevania will receive a fourth season, with creator Warren Ellis noting “Four seasons of an Anglophone adult drama animation about vampires, moral philosophy and toilet paper. Which is not a niche production, but something with an audience of (stops, sees Netflix sniper rifle dot)… many, many millions. Who saw that coming? If it turns out that this weird thing is what prised open the door on doing adult-oriented drama narrative in English language animation, I would be delighted. Because we just proved that the audience is there, in the same numbers that show up for live-action drama.“
Yet more animation streaming updates this week as Toei announced that the original Sailor Moon series’ first three seasons will be released on YouTube for free. The caveat to the good news is that it is in Japan only, and episodes will be released in ten-episode batches. The takeaway ought to be that even though the strategy is to build up demand for a new feature film, with audiences stuck at home, there is a larger, long-term benefit to letting them watch content for free.
Animation production in the US continues in contrast to other countries. Some European studios are completely closed and production of anime is severely impacted as this list indicates.
Ever wanted to peruse the Disney Archives but never had the opportunity or a good enough reason to do so? Worry not! Now you can tour them virtually thanks to an exhibition at the Bowers Museum. You will need a mobile device to access the exhibition, but there is no cost and it’s a great opportunity have a look at animation history.
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Lastly, Scoob! is also skipping the big screen and heading straight to digital rental on May 15th thanks in part to the continued lockdown but also Universal’s pleasure with the performance of Trolls World Tour.
Sticking with Scooby Doo, Mark Evanier provides some additional commentary to an article in The Atlantic on the enduring appeal of a show that’s inexplicably escaped the 70s Hanna-Barbera malaise of mystery shows.
Live-action productions are having a rough time, and the head of a British animation studio sees an opportunity to make real progress on breaking the artform out of the kiddie prison its been stuck in for decades.
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I watched A Goofy Movie the other evening for the first time in easily twenty years and was genuinely shocked by two things: that I accurately remembered so much, and that it really is a sweet film of the kind we just don’t really see any more. This week threw up another article in celebration of the film’s 25th anniversary and it is well worth reading to learn about the film’s unique production process that involved Prince, reshooting half the film after it was completed, and a climax scene that brims with 90s culture and aesthetics but timeless quality.
In this week’s fashion news (is this becoming a weekly thing?) two, rather unusual pieces updates. The first is that you can design your own Pokemon dress shirt. Yes, you read that right. Ever wanted to convey your love of Pikachu at work but could never find a way that was acceptable to higher ups, well now you have one:
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Via: Original Stitch and well worth the price IMO.
Secondly and much more bizzare is the collaboration of Disney and Uniqlo on a line of meme streetwear. You be the judge on how well this fares.
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Cool Thing of the Week
Here's a 1956 Jello commercial produced by Disney, which features the Mock Turtle and the Gryphon. Of course, they existed conceptually for the ALICE feature, but were ultimately discarded. pic.twitter.com/IX9dJuQBrH
— Devon Baxter (@dee_bax) April 21, 2020
Social Media of the Week
"Spirited Away" was never a fave Miyazaki film for me because its plot has so many slipups. Like Haku tells Chihiro to get a job from Yamaji and stay away from Yubaba at all costs. What does Yamaji do? Sends Chihiro to Yubaba for a job like it's a favor. THANKS, BOILER DAD
— R 'Nearest' Nabors ? (@rachelnabors) April 20, 2020
Jeremie Perin is sharing new stills from the animatic of his "Mars Express" animated feature film.https://t.co/EyV8Mgc6VE https://t.co/uGBiV07iSm pic.twitter.com/zPaMpLRLyr
— Catsuka (@catsuka) April 23, 2020
Saint Seiya wall paintings, Mexico. pic.twitter.com/WqPEC0kBnn
— Five Colors Company (@5ColorsCo1) April 23, 2020
Brace yourselves : an artbook dedicated to Hiroyuki Imaishi (Gurren Lagann, Kill la Kill, Promare) is coming in Japan next month. Pre-order on Amazon Japan : https://t.co/mnucYIHoED pic.twitter.com/kgdYzIB2qA
— Catsuka (@catsuka) April 24, 2020
Originally published at https://animationanomaly.com/2020/04/26/animation-articles-april-26th-2020/
#AGoofyMovie, #AvatarTheLastAirbender, #Castlevania, #Chowder, #Disney, #Fashion, #Netflix, #Pokemon, #SailorMoon, #ScoobyDoo, #SpiritedAway, #Uniqlo, #YouTube
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nichaponjay · 2 years
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I am Happy 😊😊😊 at UNIVERSAL STUDIOS, Singapore. . . . . #gay #bisexual #gayguy #gayman #gaymen #streetstyle #instagay #gayboy #thaigay #gayhot #gaylife #gaystagram #asiangay #lgbt #photography #photooftheday #love #loveislove #handsome #instagram #picoftheday #streetwear #gayThai #streetphotography #artphotography #happy #thailand #travelphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/ClVnaIcPNoF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ifitaintblack · 7 years
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