#university langlr
ohthehumanities · 2 years
8 April 2022
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[image description: A pot of roses. Eleven roses are visible, and they are all of different colors. The roses are in a yellow vase. End ID]
Good news, I finished my presentation yesterday and got a few rounds of practice in! Now I just have to keep going hard on it through Sunday morning. I might invite the classmates under me to go out on Saturday night. And we’d see if we could invite their tutors?
Today’s Accomplishments
1. Got to level four of “How Pretty” on Duolingo.
Tasks for Today
1. Complete the last module of theology courses at Sacred Heart’s faith formation course.
2. Exercise.
3. Practice presentation.
4. Attend lab meeting.
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marianastudiesart · 3 years
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Hello everyone! It's been awhile since I posted some original content.
The truth is I've been working really on myself and on my grades. In July, I'll have my final exam. This exam will say if I finished high school or not. I'm positive that I'll finish it.
Maybe in September, I'll post a photo of me in front of my future university.
Have a good day/afternoon/night!
Be safe!
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theartisangeek · 6 years
I got a scholarship to study Polish in Poland for the summer!!! :D
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sweetymutant · 6 years
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Phonetic revision from today & yesterday.
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fromhanguk-withlove · 7 years
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I hate this kind of weather...It’s the weather when it definitely isn’t the time to turn on the heat but it’s still so cold that I just want to stay under the blanket all day.
Today I woke up at 7, drank my lemon infused water, fed, walked and played with my dogs, drank my morning coffee and ate an avocado toast while reviewing my Anki cards. Then I learned two new 한자 and reviewed all the already learned ones.
I learned three new grammar points from the Korean Grammar in Use : Intermediate and posted a notebook entry on italki. Then I studied one TTMIK Story Time lesson and transcribed it which I will post later.
All that is left is to prepare my dinner, do my workout and watch a movie. Productive days are the best!
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darkseriousbaby · 7 years
New Studybly/Langblr!
Hi friends! I’ve been ghosting a lot of langlrs lately and I finally decided to make one of my own!
About me: 25, Canadian, native English speaker. Studied Spanish in university for 3 years, conversationally fluent but always looking to expand my vocab and train my ear! Picking up Turkish now and possibly another language in the future once I see how I can handle others.
Please rb/follow if you’re interested in either of those or if you are learning English because I’m happy to help! I will follow back for:
-Spanish langblr -Turkish langblr -Persian/Farsi langblr (I have a very basic handle on spoken Persian, no writing skillz) -Portuguese langblr (I can read it, but I don’t want to try learning it yet so I don’t confuse my Spanish)
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ohthehumanities · 2 years
24 August 2022
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[Image description: a screenshot from the Duolingo app. The screen has a Hebrew translation of the phrase, "I do not need him." End ID]
📚 Currently reading: The World’s First Love by Fulton J. Sheen, Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
🎵 Currently listening: Hozier, "Almost (Sweet Music)"
Gotta appreciate some affirmation from the green owl, right? 😉
I had an appointment with a new doctor yesterday morning. Going out, of course, meant that I felt justified in putting on an academia look. I won’t think about the fact that I like having doctor’s appointments as an excuse to put on my academia look. 😅 But the nurse practitioner I saw said my dark academia backpack was "legit."
30 Days of Productivity
Day 16: Who is your biggest role model or inspiration?
Right now it’s my grandmother (she is deceased). She had a dedication to helping others her whole life and was always willing to lend a hand with cleaning or childcare. She was also extremely dedicated to taking care of her family and the people around her. I miss her a lot. I know she’d be so proud to see me studying in my theology program.
Today’s Tasks
[X] Duolingo site: Spanish -> Vacation 2 -> Level 3 to Level 5
[X] Finish chapter 2 of Infinite Jest
[X] Finish another chapter of The World’s First Love
[X] Exercise: glutes and legs strength
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ohthehumanities · 2 years
25 June 2022
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[Image Description: A photo of the view from a Peloton screen. The screen is on and displaying a workout with 36 seconds left. A trainer with a red tank top has his hands cupped by his chest. End ID]
I made myself a morning person again by exercising in the mornings. The change is fabulous, except now I'm wide awake at 0545, regardless of whether I want to sleep in. The price of productivity?
🎵 Currently listening: Imagine Dragons, Believer (acoustic)
📖 Currently Reading: Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart
30 Days of Productivity
Day 3: What is a hobby you want to take up?
I'm pretty much sufficiently entertained at the moment with my hobbies (I admit that I have a lot). My free time is spent rotating between music, exercise, sewing, writing, and studying languages. If I have the desire (and time!) for another hobby in the future, I think it would be fun to learn saxophone. My former wisdom literature professor got a masters in saxophone performance in Austria, and maybe he and I could have sax jam sessions.
Today's Tasks
[X] Exercise
[X] Work
[X] Read more of Things Fall Apart
[X] Work on novel
[X] Practice Spanish
[X] Practice Hebrew
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ohthehumanities · 2 years
15 June 2022
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[Image description: A can of Dr. Pepper Zero Sugar stands on a brown desktop. A pair of corded over-ear headphones circles around the can. You can see a black fabric tag on the headphones has the Urbanears brand name on it, and a blue fabric patch that says "I am enough" is on one of the earpieces. End ID.]
I've been reminded today how much migraines suck. Fortunately, I have a rescue medication. Unfortunately, the medication knocks me out, meaning I rarely take it. But today I'm working by teletherapy, which means that I can take my rescue meds! I'm pairing it with Dr. Pepper Zero Sugar so the caffeine can help me stay awake for session.
Today's Accomplishments
Attended Mass
Reached 18K words in my novel
Duolingo: reached level five on Vacation (Spanish), practiced the Hebrew alef-bet
Researched federal jobs
Today's Tasks
[X] Work
[X] Exercise (just light cardio today)
[X] Read more of A Problem from Hell (currently on chapter 10, about the genocide in Rwanda)
Today's Spanish Practice
(Please share corrections if you catch any mistakes!)
Ayer atendí un clase de español en linea. Uno de las bibliotecas en mi ciudad dio la clase. Un maestro nos enseñó sobre el verbo 'gustar' y los días de la semana. Quiero atender más clases porque creo que necesito repasar mi gramática si quiero aprender más vocabulario.
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ohthehumanities · 2 years
7 April 2022
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You know when time passes really quickly and you’re not sure where it went? Yeah, that’s my life right now.
A few fun developments since I last posted:
1. I got a job! I’m working with kiddos with disabilities. The switch to person-first language is a challenge to remember, but I’m having a lot of fun with the job.
2. I am presenting at a conference this weekend. This year, instead of humanities research, I’m going to talk about bilingualism and anomic aphasia. A few people from the class under mine are presenting their humanities research, so I def want to see and congratulate them.
3. Graduate school news: I got into one Ph.D. program and two M.A. programs! Hooray! I’m currently trying to discern where I want to go, which is complicate for a few reasons. But all potential schools are good schools that I would be happy to attend.
4. Language news: I started studying Hebrew again. The re-entry was rough, and I don’t have my tutor nearby to help me out, but he’s encouraging me at least!
Today’s Accomplishments
1. Finished my Easter skirt. Almost finished my Easter blouse.
2. Practiced “Basic Info” in Spanish on Duolingo.
3. Worked on joining data frames in R (I finally got back into coding. Thanks, Codecademy!).
Tonight’s Plan
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ohthehumanities · 2 years
29 June 2022
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[Image description: A worn paperback copy of Chaim Potok's book The Chosen is on a dark gray stone countertop. The cover has a drawing of a boy facing forward and slightly to the camera's right. He has a white collared shirt, a dark sweater, dark pants, and a black kippah, and he is carrying three books in his right hand. End ID]
I started Power Vs. Force yesterday and read one chapter. Decided to pass on the book because it gave me bad vibes. So I started on the oldest book in my reading list, which is a Chaim Potok novel called The Chosen. I'm two chapters in and already enamored. And not just because I'm getting a few style tips from the boys' outfits in the book!
🎵 Currently Listening: "Losing My Religion" by Passenger (a cover I definitely vibe to)
📚 Currently Reading: The Chosen by Chaim Potok
30 Days of Productivity Challenge
Day 6: Are you a tea person or a coffee person? Or neither?
I like both tea and coffee. However, coffee is my drink of choice and I like to drink it black. I don't have much of either because I'm not allowed to have caffeine for health reasons, so typically, I only drink herbal tea or decaf coffee. In fact, I had a cup of decaf this morning!
Tranquilstudy's Summer Challenge
Day 14:  Have you ever done a productivity challenge? Were you successful?
I've tried 100 Days of Productivity a few times, none of which were successful. However, I have made a few successful attempts at other studyblr challenges, which I think were started by @myhoneststudyblr. I'm currently doing 30 Days of Productivity and the Tranquilstudy summer challenge (thanks @tranquilstudy!), which seem to be going great! Fingers crossed I can keep the energy going.
Today's Tasks
[X] Duolingo (Spanish -> School 4 -> Level 3 to Level 5)
[X] Finish Book One of The Chosen
[X] Pick and begin another Codecademy course (HTML baby!)
Complete at least one Augustine Institute Short Course lesson (in the Major Prophets course, we're talking about Jeremiah)
[X] Exercise
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theartisangeek · 6 years
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Guys I’m at the airport waiting for my flight to Poland! 🇵🇱 I’m so excited to attend the summer school and learn the culture and language! I’m starting from scratch so maybe you all would like to see my progress these coming four weeks?? Let me know :D
xx Seji
Instagram: theartisangeek Youtube: theartisangeek
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theartisangeek · 6 years
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Studying Polish, reading, revising Japanese and editing videos in Poland. Ya girl is doing the most 😎
Instagram: theartisangeek Youtube: theartisangeek
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theartisangeek · 7 years
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Just finished correcting my text for tomorrow’s Japanese presentation. Next up is some vocab :)
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theartisangeek · 7 years
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I wasn’t able to finish summarizing my Japanese grammar yesterday, but I got pretty far :) Super proud of myself! :D
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theartisangeek · 7 years
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Okay going to use this study technique to learn no Japanese grammar for 1 hour Let’s go!
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