#unless ofc the immortal looks like a child
v-anrouge · 2 years
I first want to make it clear that I agree with you that proshippers are disgusting. My question is genuine.
What do you think of Idia x Lilia? To my knowledge, Idia is 18, and while Lilia's age is unknown, and while faes age a bit differently than "regular" people, he can be assumed to be way older than a high schooler. They do have a significant age-gap. I was wondering if this ship would fall under the proship category?
I have seen fanart around of them and thought it was cute, but was also unsure of whether it is immoral or not, and/or your opinions on it.
Again, this is a genuine question. I hope I did not make you uncomfortable. Have a nice day.
any ships between the third years (except for malleus of course) and lilia is okay to me tbh i personally think idia x lilia is adorable i used to rlly like that artist because of the ship art unfortunately they're a terrible human being
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bobgasm · 1 year
young god [01/05]
pairing: robert “bob” floyd x ofc!nerida word count: 650 warnings: mentions of child slavery, violence, implied rape, self-sacrifice
summary: in which she realises how bad the world can be
author’s note: this is for @sailor-aviator ♥️ please let me know if you would like to be tagged in this series!
prologue | young god | of poseidon
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“Papa!” The child wailed as she was grabbed roughly by one of the crewmen and thrown over his shoulder.
The child, no older than nine rotations of the Earth, struggled to push herself up. Her hands gripping the fabric hanging loosely from the man’s shoulders, using it to anchor herself as she used what little strength she had to push herself upright so she could see her father rifling through a small pouch of gold coins he’d received for her.
The hurt and betrayal she felt had been amplified the second he walked off, not bothering to look back at his daughter screaming at the top of her lungs, begging him to come back. The passersby casting glances in the direction of her screaming, only to turn away in haste and busy themselves doing something else. No one interfered with a pirate’s business unless they wanted to be on the wrong end of a sword in the gut.
Her father, the man who was supposed to love and care for her, had sold her to a bunch of sleazy old pirates. She was to clean for them and cook for them, and if they were dissatisfied with their meals or anything else, she’d get caned. If she really peeved them off, she’d be thrown overboard like anyone else who dared cross them at sea.
It couldn’t have been any longer than another five rotations that she worked for the pirates. Marking a small knick in the wood on the underside of the bunk above her own to mark the passage of each day. Having learnt very quickly the ways of each man aboard the ship. Being caned each time she stepped out of line or spoke out of turn. Punished before she had the chance to ask for clarity, before she was punished again for doing the wrong thing. Learning that she was to be caned whether she’d done something correctly or not.
Yearning to be allowed to set foot on land whenever they docked, having risked her life time and time again to steal a loaf of bread to feed herself from after they all went to sleep. A small slice here and there. Lasting her until the next time they docked. The bread went stale after a day or two at sea, but the only source of nutrition she got until the captain became so intoxicated he let herself join the crew for a feast.
 Though those days were becoming less and less as there hadn’t been much in the way of rum acquired in their travels. Taking to raiding ships, and losing men, if only for a single drop of rum. Growing more and more violent when their raids turned up empty. Storming small coastal towns for their booze supply and then drinking it all before they’d set sail for the next town.
In all her time with the crew aboard the Red Lady, never had they lain a hand on her – unless it was to punish for fucking up, – until the day that marked her fifteenth rotation when her own red lady had dawned. She screamed and fought and killed. Refusing to let any of them take what was hers. Throwing herself overboard before another had a chance to grab her. Using her last dying breath to speak to Poseidon, asking him to protect her from those monsters.
Sacrificing herself before they had the chance to kill her. But Poseidon gave her life once again, which was rare for a God to do for a mortal. She had proven herself worthy of receiving the gift, but she was now in debt to him. She was to spend the rest of her life as a mermaid – half woman, half fish, – an immortal who would rescue any other whose life had been put in jeopardy and had chosen the water to escape peril.
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nerice · 11 months
Hello hello on this fine day I want to ask what the seed in the seed arc stand for? A literal botanical seed? A seed more in a metaphorical way? A third more sinister thing?
lore ask anon i love u like the sun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here are terrible answers bc it is for the most part the last option with a little of the former two mixed in !
for context the term usually turns up in the following situations > - seed arc (post lhnh travel arc for sky(+jack)) - seed kids (blood-related children of soulless. put a pin in this) - seed mode (their inevitable end) all of these are meta terms and not used in canon bc [seed] terminology goes back to outdated lore (pre-2015 moon system overhaul) where soulless immortality worked via "influence rules" essentially them being untethered from time meant the exact opposite where they'd fade away unless they anchored themselves into existence by influencing it. & it just so happened that everyone's least favourite oc of mine (hot minute since i last posted so yeah this is abt gray. yes we are skirting rabbit territory here. knife emoji locked and loaded) anwy his chosen method of influence accumulation was via "seeds of immortality" aka. lab-grow some landmine children and yeet them thru time portals so when they cause calamity all up and down reality it quadrubillions ur power.
now forget everything i just said bc this was pre black swan era where gray was a much more one-note machiavellian villain type guy. impossible that he used to be even more boring than he is now <3
anwy that's where the basic wording comes from, and in broad strokes it's still the same concept but the particulars have changed !! without getting into stupid soul birth rules the tldr is. after he accidentally gets stuck with a daughter, hold for [🐇], gray realizes that for the time he is linked to a mortal btwn incubation nd blossoming of a soul, it acts as a fairly reliable pain relief. nowhere near the levels of linnea's cold touch cure, but after losing her he has to make do, bandaid on a bullet wound etc. so he whores around a bunch and gets stuck with children he has no use for (hold for. 🐇) and disposes of them via time portal. the funniest thing is that he has no idea what happens to soulless halfbreeds after this.
what happens to soulless halfbreeds is this: any child of a mortal and a soulless will inevitably die when their moon blood eats thru their soul. for 99.9% of seed kids this happens around the time they come of age (20 yrs) with the one notable exception ofc being sky bc her birth mother was a descendant & having some of reina's spark in her translates to the bastard strength i am insane abt for the rest of my life, slightly more resistance to soulless blood (despite all the. 💉🐇🩹 yknow) so her total time wld have been at least a century, if not centuries, if she had not burned thru most of her soul to keep leah alive to see dream game. :) [i am exited from this line of thought]
INCOHERENT SORRY. wheres the road where's the point. this is a vry freeform answer my apologies OTL
it's not a botanical seed but it is very much a family lineage seed. soulless lineage, to the detriment of all involved. the main, named oc corners it touches are [ofc sky 💚] and also nashua in white crown. half-siblings the two of them, though never meet :3c & then there is ofc, seed arc; the terrible, terrible interlude. the decades after lhnh wherein sky grows into her own as she travels the world, and inevitably runs into children & young adults who carry a hint of night traces. who sometimes look a little too familiar. who are afflicted with an obstinate patch of bruises somewhere on their body, a condition she knows all too well. & who, without fail, die in agony the moment they reach adulthood. bc here is the last terrible detail,
seed kids don't simply die. they turn soulless for a short period of time when the invisible moon floods their body. congrats you have won a moon worth of pain !!!!! unspeakable agony in every nerve and cell !!! not quite soulless enough to bear it, but not quite mortal enough to die a quick death from it. some seed kids bloom into light illusion powers, some even unlock a little temporal distortion, but none of them are in a mental state where they can harness those abilities for anything more than extreme local destruction of everything and everyone around them before they burn out. so before long seed arc becomes about sky putting her unfortunate half-siblings out of their misery before they can hurt their own loved ones. killing children goes over so well for her psyche too <33
& ofc ofc. thanks to all of this. even way past adulthood as she is, sky knows she'll end up like all the others sooner or later. and given her unholy strength stat, she will cause [kyubei voice] unprecedented amounts of suffering. damage beyond belief with nobody short of a true ruler able to kill her. considering her overall resilience so far she might not even burn out naturally but continue to wreak havoc, turn into mindless killing machine. some might even call that modus 殺戮人形 >:)
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elithilanor · 2 years
ooo for the character ask meme, gimme Haldir
As requested, mellon 😏 Thanks for the ask! It’s always fun when you pop up 🥰
1: sexuality headcanon
I agree that most elves are pansexual but I also hc him as pretty demisexual honestly.
2: otp
He interacts with so few canon characters 😂😭 I can kind of get with Aragorn and Haldir honestly? But I also think he a) wouldn’t leave Lórien for extended periods of time unless to Sail and b) I honestly think he wants to live with his partner forever, emphasis on the immortal forever.
Fanfic wise: I love them and my ofc. But I also have a WIP with them and a masc elf and I also love them, your honor.
3: brotp
Lmfao outside of his actual bros? Legolas. That ima fuck shit up look on his face at Helm’s Deep. Aces
4: notp
Thranduil x Haldir
I’ve seen it and I hate it
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Such a soft boi 🥰 So gentle internally and I just think he’s really going to enjoy Valinor when he gets there. Let the elf not fight any more and maybe grow a garden or teach the art of weapons vs their usage and practicality.
Bonus because I talk about soft Haldir all the time: I hc that he has a sweet tooth. Not like the super sickly sweet stuff (though he will partake in candies occasionally) but the like super fresh and ripe fruits and berries sweet. The give me the cute little tartlets sweet.
Extra bonus: he really likes to learn new things, especially gentle practice skills like weaving or dying. I think according to LACE that’s considered (at least for Ñoldo) more women’s or child-bearers work, but eh. He’s not a Ñoldo to me and I hc Silvan and Teleri very different than Ñoldo.
6: favorite line from this character
Movie: “The dwarf breathes so loud we could’ve shot him in the dark.” He’s just so fucking snarky and I love it. In the book, Legolas says that’s what Haldir said but in the movie it’s just my snarky boi.
Book: “The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.” Like he’s very clearly grieving for the loss of the world but he’s still so kind and hopeful 😭
7: one way in which I relate to this character
I spend a lot of time trying to make people comfortable (for better or worse) and he seems to attempt to do so similarly in the book.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Sometimes I think I write too much of myself into Haldir because I spend a lot of time wishing in some ways I was like him (because gender why)
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Cinnamon roll
But also problematic fave because acab
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violetswritingg · 9 days
Mark Grayson x OFC!
Description: In which two superpowered teens meet and fall in love amongst blood, death, and betrayal
Rating: M (Canon typical violence, betrayal, mental health issues, survivor's guilt, abandonment issues, child neglect, angsttttt)
Want to read the other chapters?
Click here
8: Compromise
Well I know most things in a disaster for you
But I'm keeping all my hopes high 
You deserve a Happy Ever After, don't you? 
After all the tears you've cried
Don't you compromise
“I want you to lead the Guardians.”
Cecil’s words were like a bomb, Stella’s mind hearing but not processing. Her feet stuck to the tile flooring in her kitchen, the world suddenly looked like trying to see through a kaleidoscope.
“I’m sorry what?”
Cecil sighed and turned to face Stella more, motioning to the couch once again silently. Stella, like a zombie, walked over to the couch and dropped down onto the cushion.
“What the fuck?” She breathed, eyes vacant yet darting around as too many thoughts flew in and out of her brain before she could even really have them.
“Eat first, then we can dive deeper into it.” Cecil pushed the bag in her direction, Stella finally coming back to earth, slowly grabbing the bag and noticing the logo on the front. Pausing and shaking her head, a scoff leaving her lips.
“No. What the fuck are you on about? Leading the Guardians? The Guardians are dead, we literally buried them not even six hours ago!” Stella jumped up from her seat, pacing off to the side of the coffee table. Stopping and planting her feet as she yelled at them man, emotions fried from the day and then the panic getting here, and now this.
“I know! Stella, I know.” Cecil barked, softening as he sighed into her name, “But the world is in a very fragile place right now and it needs the Guardians, new Guardians, and it needs you.” Cecil fought; his voice as close to pleading Stella had ever heard. Cecil was not a man that begged for anything, he was one of them mist powerful men in the world and it showed in how he acted. But Stella also knew that things between them were complicated, especially after her parents disowned her and he took on the role of caretaker.
 He wasn’t just her boss, the person she reported to. He had become, essentially, a parent for the last couple years as he and the GDA gave her the roof over her head, the clothes on her back, the food in her fridge.
He provided her with all of necessities to live, and then on top of it remembered things like her favorite Chinese food place and her order from said place or gave her a new laptop for school on her birthday and planned a party with the Guardians.
“I wouldn’t ask unless I thought it was necessary.” The man breathed, and his honesty was clear in the way his shoulders slumped, in the way his eyes softened around the corners.
The line between them had blurred and it was incredibly difficult for him to be objective when it came to Stella. Now that she was the last remaining Guardian and seeing what witnessing her friends like that had done to her, he didn’t want to overload her. But he also had to do his job and part of his job was dispatching his heroes.
Part of that job was keeping the world safe. And the Guardians were part of that.
“I can’t.” Stella answered, shaking her head.
“You were trained by Immortal and War Women themselves for this very purpose should the time come.” Cecil divulged and he could see pieces click in Stella’s head, her face twisting into confusion, then anger.
“I was your backup plan all along, wasn’t I?” She breathed, anger fizzling out into hurt before flaring up again in Cecil’s silence, “Wasn’t I!” She snapped and Cecil just sighed.
“Everyone knew that they would retire at some point, and that there needed to be someone who could take over who could continue the Guardians for just as long, if not longer. And then you saved the Golden Gate bridge, thousands of lives and… It just worked out.” Cecil tried to frame it gently, but he knew he needed to be honest with her.
“I was a backup plan.” Stella repeated, “Say it, I was a backup plan.”
“No. you weren’t,” Cecil’s voice took on a stern tone, “You were the beginning of the future. And now the future is here. You answered the call once, at great sacrifice to yourself, I need you to answer it again. The world needs you to.”
“What about I can’t don’t you get Cecil?” Stella shook her head taking to pacing again, Cecil just sighed and stood.
“Why not?” He demanded an answer and Stella paused, turning away from Cecil. Eyes drilling holes through the window she used as a door more often than not.
“I’m not fit.”
“Like hell you aren’t, you are one of the best heroes I got right now. Best trained, you keep your head on straight in moments like the Flaxan attack. You won’t be doing it alone if that helps. I’ve asked Robot to help run it as well.” Cecil’s wingtips tapped sharply against the hardwood flooring, gently placing a hand on the girl’s shoulder. “Stella-”
“I haven’t been able to sleep since that day.” She interrupted, arms curling around herself. Shoulder’s rounding inwards. Running away from Cecil’s hand. “I keep seeing their bodies, and my hands covered in their blood. Every time I close my eyes, I replay that day in my head. All the things I would have said if I had known. I would have been there!” Stella’s voice broke and Cecil’s eyes widened as he watched her shoulder’s shake. Her head dipping down before slowly raising back up, “Sometimes I think I should have been there.” The change in her tone sent a chill down Cecil’s spine, “Died with them. Who knows, maybe they would have survived if I had been there. If they weren’t one person short. It’s my-”
“It is not your fault.” Cecil reached out again, stealing himself as he forced Stella to turn around and face him, the moonlight streaming in from the kitchen windows streaming past Stella and creating a halo of silver blue. Her eyes dull, tear streaks on her cheeks, “Don’t you say that. What happened to the rest of the Guardians was a tragic incident but not one that you caused. That is not your responsibility.”  
“But what does that say about me Cecil? There are already thousands, if not millions of people who think I killed them! And what if I did huh? What if I did? They needed me and I wasn’t there, so I might as well have!” Stella yelled pushing Cecil’s hands away from her, “How am I supposed to lead the new Guardians with a track record like that?” Stella voice cracked as she shrugged. Eyes welling up with tears, a few escape, the girl not bothering to wipe them away. “How am I supposed to ask anyone to trust me with their lives when I don’t even trust myself anymore?”
“The way Immortal would have; the way War woman would have. That’s how.” Cecil bit, “What the small percentage is saying doesn’t matter. Screw them. You’re Valkyrie. A Guardian of the Globe, one of the youngest in history and we need you.”
“I can’t, I can’t, I can’t,” Stella tears won the war and a sob ripped from her throat, the girl crumpling. Cecil caught her, holding her while she cried for the second time today, this time actually letting out the hurt and pain that had been building since she found the Guardians murdered. Her sobs were violent and glass-shatteringly loud. Her whole-body convulsing with each one in a way that made Cecil’s heart break.
“You can. It may not feel like it right now Stella, but you are one of the strongest people on the planet. One of the strongest I know. That’s how I know you’re going to be okay.” Cecil pulled back, holding the girl at an arm’s length, her cries lessening now that she couldn’t hide in his shoulder, “This is your time to process, to grieve. And tomorrow I want you at the GDA, suited up and ready to go. I believe in you Stella, I trust you, just like the rest of the world does too. You can do this. So please, say yes.”
Stella just looked at him for a tense moment, waterlogged orbs darting between his as she sniffled. Finally hearing him but her insecurity was blindingly clear.
“I don’t know if I can.” She whispered.
“I do.” Cecil answered, “Just try, please.”
Stella took in the man before her, doing something he never did, plead. Knowing what needed to be done, but she was so raw from today, her barely healed wounds being doused in a healthy diet of salt and lemon juice. Cecil needed her, he believed in her. She owed him so much, and he was finally calling on her, telling her he needed her help, just like she wanted.
Not like this though, but she didn’t get to be picky about what issues she was going to help resolve or not. That’s not being a hero. That’s not being a Guardian.
Cecil watched her once hollow eyes spark to life and harden like steel, and he grinned.
“There she is.”
Stella, in full Valkyrie gear, got to the Pentagon early. Flying in and making her way to where the tryouts were being held. Stopping just in front of the glass that separated the training space below and the observation deck.
“Hello Valkyrie.” Robot’s voice greeted and the girl looked over her shoulder with a small grin.
“Hey Robot, good to see you co-captain.” She tried to laugh but it died in her throat, and she coughed to dispel the awkward air.
“Are you okay? You looked like you were in destress.” Robot asked as he made his way forward, standing beside her and looking down at the same view. Hands clasped behind his back.
“Oh, no. I’m fine, just hit with Deja vu all of a sudden.” Stella breathed, eyebrows encroaching on each other as she fiddled with her fingers. “This is where they tested me too, to make it into the Guardians…” Stella trailed off puffing out air and shaking her head, a thin smile on her lips as melancholy doused her eyes, “Feels like a lifetime ago.”
 “It was only three years ago, not a lifetime.” Robot corrected and Stella had to bite her tongue, keeping in mind he was an android. Not human
“Right, yeah. Just feels like longer. A lot’s changed, but also nothing at all.” She chuckled and stepped back from the glass. “You ready for today?”
 “I believe I have adequately prepared for today’s initiation. How about yourself?” Robot turned to face her, Stella mirroring him.
 “Ditto.” She gave her best grin, eyes shooting off behind Robot’s shoulder to the heroes already showing up. “Show time.” She breathed, eyebrows raising and falling as she patted Robot’s shoulder. Moving to greet the heroes. Smiling brighter than before but not reaching her eyes as she shook hands with the new prospects and some familiar faces.
Robot had left to speak with Cecil for more details about today, Stella offered to go with him, but it was then that a certain hero in blue and yellow appeared. Looking like a kid in a candy store as he glanced around in awe of the observation deck.
“Go ahead, someone needs to keep an eye on the crowd anyway.” Stella nodded to Robot and the android was on his way. “Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in.”
“Hey Val- can I call you Val? Sorry, that just came out I didn’t mean-” Stella’s quiet giggles cut him off, the girl wiping away a fake tear as the boy pouted and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Don’t worry about it, that’s fine. Just not so loud in front of the others, I do have to come off as impartial. I don’t have friends today, just potential new teammates.” Stella grinned as Mark chuckled, bringing up a hand to the back of his neck.
“How are you doing? Hopefully better since the last time we talked.” His tone sobered and Stella’s grin dampened as she sighed and looked down at her boots. As if trying to decide for herself.
“I don’t really know. I mean, I’m okay right now. But, I don’t know, I’m used to fast paced with this job so, It’s just another day at the office really.” Stella shrugged up at the teenage hero in front of her. Soft features spell out her dishonesty, but Mark didn’t comment.
“Okay then, happy to hear it. And if you ever need anything-”
“I know who to call.” Stella nodded, small smile on her lips as Robot returned with a tablet in hand, profiles on each hero trying out loaded up and shuffling through. Being greeted by both teenagers as he arrived.
Stella felt a sense of peace as she walked with Robot and Invincible in front of the large crowd of heroes, Mark freaking out over the heroes he recognized. Robot finishing his list of people here to fight for a chance to be a Guardian.
 “It’s the crowning achievement of any crusader’s career to be selected for the Guardians of the Globe.” The group of three paused, Stella sharing a look with Robot before stepping up and laying a hand on Mark’s shoulder.
“Are you sure we can’t convince you to try-out? We could really use you.” Stella looked up at the boy with the encapsulation of puppy dog eyes. Her sincere question taking a pleading tone. Mark had to fight against everything in his body to keep from caving.
 “That’s not fair, that look, that’s mean.” The boy pointed at Stella’s face, a smirk pulling at his lips as he complained. Stella mirroring the expression, her smile genuine for the first time all day.
 “What look?” Stella asked, her eyes glinting with humor as she chuckled, and Mark just shook his head. Muttering a ‘ridiculous’ under his breath.
 “I’m sorry, I would. But I talked it over with my dad and he wants to train me himself, plus my mom will kill me if I miss anymore school.” Mark explained and Stella nodded, both very reasonable limitations.
“I get it, The Guardians wanted to be the only ones to train me too, they couldn’t trust someone else’s teaching methods. But if you ever want any pointers or extra training, you know who to call. It can’t hurt, plus I’ve never fought a Viltrumite before, could be fun.” Stella laid her hands on her hips, the challenge issued. Marks grin twisting in friendly competition.
“You are so on.” He agreed, reaching out a hand and Stella met it, both squeezing just a little harder than they would normally.
“If you are not here to try out then why are you here?” Robot interrupted the moment, and both teens pulled away. Stella flexing her hand by her side as weird tingles shot up her arm.
“Are you kidding? Like I’d miss this! Oh my god there’s fight force-” Stella’s head whipped around to see the group of heroes Mark was pointing at and her eyebrows furrowed, knowing their work and not being impressed.
 “Why’d they even come here?”
 “Why’d they even come here?”
Both Mark and Stella’s voices overlapped, and the two teens had to bite back their laughter after a moment of silence. Stella clearing her throat and standing taller. Stella’s eyes glanced over the crowd once again and her eyes stopped when they landed on Eve, who looked off. Angry. Stella would go talk to her but didn’t want to seem like she was playing favorites.
“Despite your name, you seem to underestimate yourself Invincible.” Robot’s words brought her back to the conversation.
 “I’ll still be around helping.” Mark threw his hands up in surrender, eyes drifting to the crowd again, head tilting. “When does this all get started?”
“Right now.” Stella whispered as Robot stepped away, her doing the same and clasping her hands behind her back beside the android.
“It has been an honor, seeing you all do your best today and watching your abilities shine. It gives me hope for the future, of what we all will be able to accomplish. As part of the Guardians or not. I won’t drag on I know what you all want to hear.” Stella chuckled, tapping on her own tablet, which she had been communicating the whole time with Robot so none of the others would be able to overhear them. The rest of the crowd shifted in anxiety, many heroes bouncing on their heels, standing taller, shoulders back. Readying themselves to bear the weight of their possible new title.
“You’re new Guardians are, Black Sampson,” Stella started to list, sharing a glance with the suited man, having technically taken his spot on the team when he lost his powers. The man smiled at her and nodded with respect, the shared history soothing Stella slightly as she continued, “Shrinking Rae, Dupli-Kate, Monster-girl-”
Stella was interrupted by Rex’s sudden laughter, “Look at her she’s adorable! But isn’t there, like an age requirement for this ride? Am I wrong? ‘Cause this seems weird, right?”
The room was silent, you could hear a pin drop as all eyes were on Rex.
Stella cleared her throat, pulling back the attention of the room, gritting her teeth as she smiled with dark eyes, “No. There is not an age requirement Rex.” Rex looked to Valkyrie with wide eyes, before glancing at the rest of the room.
“What she said, But I thought there was a dick size requirement?” Monster girl started and Stella could already feel that this was not going to go well.
“I’m sorry?” Rex scoffed, glaring down at Monster girl.
 “For what? Your tiny dick?” Monster girl retorted back, holding up a pinky to demonstrate, “I mean the way you’ve been strutting around here, you must be compensating for something.”
Stella had to swallow her own laughter, deciding Monster Girl was her favorite in that moment but it all stopped when Rex pulled his explosives.
“Somebody ought to teach you some mother-fucking- What the fu-”
Monster girl transformed her arm and punched Rex so hard he flew through the glass of the observation deck and down into the arena.
“Oh shit.” Stella hissed, looking to Robot, “I told you putting him on the team would only lead to bad things.”
“We need him.” Robot answered, not looking at her.
 “How badly?” Stella posed and Robot didn’t answer. Leaving Stella to huff and sink into her hip, tablet propped against her side as she watched Rex get the shit kicked out of him.
“Uh, is this okay?” Mark asked as him and Eve ventured closer to the broken glass. Mark looking between Stella and Eve.
 “He asked for it.”
 “He brought it on himself.” The girls answered together and shared a smirk across the teenage boy.
Monster girl was on top of Rex in her monster form, punching away, obviously not with her full strength. But Stella couldn’t let it go on any longer, sharing a look with Mark, the boy flying through the hole. Stella right behind him.
“Hey, that’s enough.” Mark caught Monster girls fist before she could punch again.
 “Get lost Boy Scout.” Was Monster girl’s response. Using Mark’s grip against him and throwing him against the wall. He turned in mid-air and landed with his feet on the wall, pushing off.
“I said that’s enough!” Stella encapsulated him and Monster girl in separate bubbles. Glaring at the newly named Guardian.
“I made you a Guardian Monster girl, I can take that title away as well. Now, enough.” Stella hissed and Monster girl transformed back into her normal form with a sheepish look on her face. Stella set both Invincible and Monster girl free.
“Sorry. The kid thing sets me off every time, and then it’s just ‘rah’ beast mode. Sorry about the dick joke, I’m sure your junk is awesome.” Monster girl offered Rex a hand back up the beat up hero not taking it, slowly getting up by himself.
 “I’m good. All good. You can punch… really hard.” Rex groaned holding his side. Stella sighed; mouth pursed in a frown. Walking over to Rex and offering him a hand up without looking at him. The boy took the offer, immediately hunching over and glaring at Invincible.
“I didn’t need your help asshole,” He looked to Stella, a sleazy grin on his busted face, “But you, you can come to my rescue anytime.” He winked with his non-swollen eye.
“Shut up. Back up on the deck, both of you. Now.”  Stella harshly ordered, looking at both Monster Girl and Rex with clear disappointment before shaking her head as both trudged back upstairs. Looking at Invincible, Stella’s eyes softened, “You okay? Sorry about that, I just didn’t want any more blood spilled between what are supposed to be allies.” 
The boy nodded, his face splitting into a grin, “You’re all good. That was actually really cool, it was kind of squishy.” Stella just chuckled and pointed up. Mark got the message. Them both getting back up there just as the elevator dinged and Rex and Monser girl walked out.
“As we were saying.” Robot picked up, handing Stella her tablet back as she landed softly on the carpet, “Welcome to the Guardians of the Globe Monster Girl…”
“I’m gonna shit blood.”
“And Rex Splode. Once he’s recovered.” Stella spoke, grimacing like she tasted something sour.  
“And our final member, Atom Eve.” Robot announced, gesturing to the girl. Her arms crossed, eyebrow raised. Stella was confused at her reaction, making a note to talk to her later.
“Thank you all for coming today. The public announcement will hit the news shortly.” Stella dismissed the crowd. Only Eve, Invincible, and Rex staying behind. Rex probably because he was trying not to shit that blood he mentioned earlier.  
“Robot, Valkyrie.” Eve called their names, annoyance drilling into every syllable.
“No need to thank me, I obviously needed to remain impartial but I’m still delighted so many of the Teen Team made the cut.” Robot interrupted her, Stella glaring at the android out of the corner of her eye. This was not the team she wanted. This was not the team that could follow up Immortal, and War Woman, Red Rush, Green Ghost, Dark Wing, Martian Man, and Aquaris. But Robot had dug his heels in and wouldn’t compromise. Stella didn’t want to be that person, but she may need to go talk to Cecil about this.
“I can’t be on the same team as Rex and Kate.” Eve dropped that bomb, anger present in every feature as she passed by the two leaders of the New Guardians. Stella’s face morphing into bewilderment.
“What? Eve, what do you- Eve!” Stella called after the girl, but was ignored. “Shit.” She cursed under her breath. Pinching the bridge of her nose as she sighed and Mark ran after her.
“Rex what did you do?” Robot questioned the boy.
“Yeah, Rex, what did you do?” Stella’s voice was dangerous, her eyes glinting darkly under the fluorescents.
“Thanks for the help Robot,” Rex answered without actually answering, “Can’t wait to be on your guys’ team.” He ran as fast as he could, still hunched over. Throwing up a thumbs up on his way out.
“This, Robot, is what happens when you keep someone like Rex around and on a team. We lose one of our strongest players!” Stella snapped once they were alone, arm being thrown in the direction of the elevator doors. The distorted reflection of them both standing there all to be seen. “We needed Eve- Jesus Christ, this is such a shit show.” Stella scrubbed her hands down her face, cursing under her breath as she did so.
 “I stand by my decision.”
“Exactly! Your decision, what happened to both of us being the leaders of this team Robot? I get that you’re an unfeeling machine but learn how to fucking compromise.” Stella bit and walked off, needing to calm down before addressing the new Guardians.
Robot just standing there.
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shroomi1e · 3 years
realistic reasons why genshin men are undateable‼️
ft: aether, albedo, razor, diluc, itto, gorou, childe, zhongli, kaeya, xiao (pt 2)
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my man is too busy looking for his sister 💀
as nice as he his, he probs doesn't have room in his heart for a relationship
he travels so much, you'd probably get tired if you don't die in teyvat first
if we're talking ab abyss aether however...
he'd be way too obsessed and focused on overthrowing celestia and the gods
and even if he does have room in his heart for you, don't expect to be the first priority
let's be honest, he doesn't have time for a relationship
he'd probably get bored once he's done learning everything there is to know ab you
a workaholic, working 24/7
also unless you're a science nerd like him, don't be surprised if he just decided to drop you bc you can't catch up with his science ramblings
id imagine he'd use you for weird experiments like in his story quest
a furry
can't communicate
would probably start barking at you idk
would 100% try to lick you
very overprotective bc of his past
would try to give you dead rabbits and squirrels as gifts/signs of affection like how cats or dogs do
emotionally unavailable but he's hot so it's fine
if you're more emotional/sensitive then he's gonna make you cry at one point or another bc of how cold he is
has his walls built so high, it's gonna take persistence to take them down
too busy running a whole wine industry + protecting monstadt at night
would be SUPER overprotective, borderline suffocating. he's gonna try to hold on to you until it hurts
he doesn't mean it ofc, he's just scared of losing you (fatherless behavior smh)
he needs to get a lot of his shit together before he can start a proper relationship *cough cough* KAEYA *cough cough*
he's a complete dumbass, just like any other typical himbo
is the type to plan out a whole party and buy a bunch of gifts only to get your birthday date wrong
it's endearing but it might get annoying at one point
definitely gets into a lot of trouble with city authorities, you'd always have to clean up his mess or bail him out
again, he never has bad intentions, but it's gonna get annoying at some point
another furry
better get used to him talking ab how amazing kokomi is
also gives off overprotective vibes
doesn't have much time or room for you, at least not until the resistance is over
too busy killing people 😘
depending on who you are, dating a fatui harbinger might cause some problems
unless you're cool w trying to drown a whole nation and commiting genocide idk
even though he comes off as friendly, he probably has also built walls like diluc, they're just not as obvious
somewhere deep down he's scared he might end up harming you or losing you, since he's well aware of his position and what he does
(bro did you see that line in his story quest where he says smth like "if i were to quit being a harbinger I'd love to travel the world w you😭)
ok that's enough childe for today, and yes i will be writing a fanfic later
this peepaw is hella old fashioned
being the god of contracts, he's gonna expect 100% loyalty, and might get a wee bit possessive, even if it's not obvious
he's just incredibly good at hiding it
being immortal, he might not even try to date you in the first place bc he knows you can't have a "normal" relationship
he'd rather not have you at all than to watch you grow old while he stays the same, eventually having to sit by your deathbed
oh geez that got dark quickly didn't it
but if he does have you, he's not letting you go, even if you don't want him anymore
will probably try to keep you forever bc of the "contract" y'all made😨
someone write a yandere zhongli fic and send me the link pls 😘😘
we've all seen him weasel his way out of doing his work
would try to manipulate you with his smooth talk
although his heart is set in the right direction, much like diluc, he needs to get his shit together before he can carry a healthy relationship
also would probably come home drunk a lot
having a "flirty personality" can often be mistaken for flirting with others
so unless you're a holy nun or smth you're gonna argue ab it with him at some point
bold of you to assume he's gonna even pay attention to you
as we all know, he comes off as cold and standoffish, even if he might not mean it
he's just carrying way too much on his shoulders to also have a relationship as well
his karmic debt as well as the duty of the sole protector of liyue is going to put a burden on him, and he wouldn't want others to share that burden with him
despite how he feels about you, he's only ever going to see himself as a protector, never your partner
because his sole priority is to keep you safe, and keeping you safe means not getting too close to you
might even go out of his way to be mean to you just to make sure you won't get close to him☹️
but even so, he'll be there when you call, since he is your protector after all
a/n: damn the amount of ff inspo i got just from writing a stupid hc...
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Chara, the fourth Blook cousin:
A crack theory that accidentally become way more serious than it should have because it somehow, despite my best efforts, ended up making sense
Brought to you by my idiot conspiracy brain (affectionate) and by encouragement from my Tumblr followers
Under the cut for the sake of your dashes and sanity
Ok here we go my very elaborate accidental theory, because in order to answer the complex questions simply you must first make simple things more complex or something
First, you need to know that Chara became a Blook cousin by adoption.
All of the Blooks are adopted.
Ghosts are not born into families, they make their own.
Got it? Great, because we’re about to start running
so first, im gonna make surprisingly uncommon claim in this fandom, and I am going to say that undertale ghosts are all dead
I’m taking the tiny details we know about ghosts and sprinting with them to new places
Ghosts also do not have souls I decided
Undertale souls do not work the same as souls in traditional mythology
So every ghost is soulless Unless and Until they become corporeal
Evidence: Monster souls cant exist without bodies, and ghosts are monsters, therefore ghosts cannot have souls without bodies
Further evidence: Asriel doesnt steal blooky’s soul, blooky is unkillable, we have no concrete evidence that blooky has a soul
What about mettaton? He only has a soul after he has completely committed to being corporeal and to a specific body.
Also maddy and mettaton are both only killable while corporeal
Im also connecting the dots we have about souls in a new creative way so let me live for a second
Additionally, i am going to claim that there are a lot more ghosts than just the blooks, some evidence given below
Theres like actual scientific knowlege of ghosts in the undertale verse which seems unlikely if theres literally only three or four
The underground is so much bigger than you think, theres that giant forest in snowdin, a large town in the ruins, the huge city of new home, who knows how much space in the large open areas of waterfall etc. Its really really big okay
Also based off evidence of blooky, we can conclude that ghosts can turn invisible whenever they want to and/or haunt objects to hide
So I personally think that ghosts are, generally speaking, extremely reclusive
And the blooks are just a special exception, a beautiful family, amazing for them
So anyway im going with typical ghost lore for now, for the sake of ease, so im gonna say ghosts generally come from monsters who are particularly restless or unsatisfied when they die
HOWEVER i dont think they remember being monsters or anything before being a ghost. They just kinda fizzle into existance with a fully formed personality and immortality while being unkillable and feeling vaguely uneasy
ALSO i personally think that chara was a ghost for a long time before they became a blook by adoption
Based on game lore, i think ghosts can possess any inanimate object and just kinda wear it? But it takes a lot of strong emotion to become corporeal
And chara is the super weird exception because they were a human not a monster.
They dont have a soul (i headcanon that their soul got destroyed when asriel died)
And they KNOW this, which is a huge part of why they kinda just... give up
Because they lost their ability to fulfill prophecy
Also, without a soul, they lost their ability to reset, so for the first time since falling underground, theyre subject to the relentless march of time
But theyre still weirdly strong and powerful and more emotional
ALSO they DO still remember being a human but they catch on pretty quickly that other ghosts dont have memories and because chara is stupid they just lie to fit in
Theyre too tired to explain themself, they just want to be alone and feel awful
Now back to ghost lore
Emotions are a lot harder for ghosts??? I decided
And they dont know why,, they tend to blame it on the soul thing
But realistically its actually more of the immortality thing making actions not have consequences and/or or not having a body so they cant have a sense of touch or have physical effects of emotion
They all know that ghosts just tend to be way more floaty and bored and numb
And thats part of why the blooks are so special
Maddy’s rage and Mettaton’s yearning and Napstablook’s misery are like... not great all of the time...
but theyre also way way more emotion than most ghosts have,,, they are just a family supporting each other, being as functional as they can,, just an emo(tional) ghost family
most ghosts barely do anything except like stare at walls but the blooks have their snail farm and that helps them have purpose and it is good
And they hold each other accountable and it is nice
So anyway chara just chills and is in a depression coma for a few decades before the blooks find them and are like “our child/baby cousin”
and they raise them for a cool minute
They are all very protective of the new baby emo blook
And chara doesnt get therapy but at the very least they once again have a family, and they decide they want to try to become corporeal eventually just like mtt and maddy
So anyway chara starts hanging out in the ruins a lot more and they finally tell the blooks theyre leaving to go become corporeal in the ruins
This is actually because they are trying to hang out with toriel
because they miss their mom ;;
but chara’s not gonna admit that to anyone, especially not to themself
And because theyre still repressing their emotions constantly and pretending to be fine, they cant become corporeal
And they hang out in the ruins for a long time because they feel guilty lying to everyone about everything
They still feel like its their fault that all the monsters are stuck underground, because they were SUPPOSED to save everyone and they COULDNT and it HURTS
But again, they are doing too much repression to use this guilt to become corporeal,
so instead they just kinda hide and watch toriel from a distance and cry
Blooky visits them the most, thats why blooky is chilling in the ruins so much at the start of the game
Theyre just there to visit their shy baby cousin ;;
Ofc they wont tell frisk about this because chara wants space and privacy and blooky respects that
but maddy and mtt also visit them a lot
Oh also when mtt and maddy start dissapearing, blookys mental health plummets as their family and support system starts to dissolve
Blooky was actually doing extremely well (for a ghost) for a long time, i headcanon,
but theyre doing the worst theyve been in a long long time during the game, because of family issues
So anyway, chara dissapears when frisk shows up, and maddy assumes this is becaude frisk hurt their fragile feelings
Maddy spends hours desperately searching the ruins for chara and cant find them and assumes that they had their heart crushed and went to hide and disappear in a depression coma for another few decades, and thats part of why maddy is so furious with frisk
Like,, to be clear, maddy is still jumping to conclusions and throwing blame around with no proof, but also, its a logical conclusion to come to
And mettaton has already disappeared too and been gone for a while, too, by this point, so it hurts even worse
But anyway, what actually happened to chara is that;
Because chara is a human ghost, not a monster ghost, normal ghost rules dont apply to them
And they can possess living things too they find out
Maybe they knew it a long time ago, maybe its a new discovery, but for whatever reason they end up possessing frisk and theyre like “what the heck”
And frisk still has most of the control
But now chara is like,,, “this is my chance, im a human again, gotta save the world for real,,,”
and they cant explain this to anyone without revealing their past
so they just chill in frisk’s mind while being super crypic and trying to figure out how it works
Pacifist route, this is pretty much exactly what happens
They manage to help frisk save the day
And in my headcanon, the no mercy route is started by frisk who is scared when faced by monsters attacking them
And then chara, who was aready hiding in a semidepression coma for a while, immediately transitions to a panicked “gotta protect this body, gotta protect my chance to be human, i died and threw away my chance to save everyone the first time, i CANNOT lose this chance again”
And so the combination of both frisk and chara is the genocide run
Because frisk kills in self defense, and whenever frisk hesitates, chara jumps in
Also theres leftover feelings from the whole asriel incident
Because again, ghosts come from monsters who died unsatisfied
And chara’s main source of unsatisfaction is how they were trying to get asriel to kill people before he died and then he didnt
So thats a strong strong feeling ruling them
So anyway by the time they both realize how bad its become they figure its too late and also the amount of LOVE has made them numb
And thats when chara who, despite everything, still has idiot hero complex and thinks they need to save the world
So, while panicking, they step in at the very end, and erase the timeline and delete everything
And also to clarify
They DONT HAVE this power at any other point in the game
Because, guess why
They become corporeal
Just like maddy, the no mercy route is the only thing that gives them strong enough emotion to spontaneously become corporeal
So they become corporeal and as soon as they have a soul again and can reset again, they just erase everything
Ok back to fluff
Post pacifist route, they are still a non corporeal ghost
They can still float around and look just like the other blooks
And it takes them a while to open up about things, but they do end up moving back in with blooky so that blooky isnt completely alone
And also they do way better with a family
Also they can float through the mountain and talk to flowey down below and bring him news
And now that they know about him, they can bond with him and explain that they dont have a soul either but that doesnt mean theyre worthless
The other dead humans dont have ghosts
ghosts only come from restless dead MONSTERS
and chara is the weird special exception
Because they were a monster when they died
They became a ghost and asriel didnt because they were way more restless and stressed than asriel was when both of them died
Like sure, asriel felt awful, but chara was the one who was way more like “this is my fault, i CANT die now, the world NEEDS me”
So anyway
charablook the emo tween ghost and asriel flowey the eldrich goat daisy are siblings once more and they hang out and eventually they are okay and have a family again
Thank you for reading, this has been my thoughts on a crack theory that accidentally went too far
This isnt even everything, maybe i’ll make a part two eventually, but i promised to have this post out like two days ago, so i wanted to post SOMTHING
Anyway leave your thoughts if youd like
Im not looking for people to disprove it, i already know its crazy, i dont think it was intentional by the game writers, but i do think its a fun concept
thats the fun of it, so if anyone wants to run with it im all for it lol
Thanks again! Have a nice day!
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reallunargift · 3 years
SISIDIDIS replied to our post: “(…) the ends definitely justified the means. If others got caught in the crossfire then that was their problem. But if he was the one caught in the crossfire then he’d keep a grudge.” This! 👆 This is such an underrated headcanon. Port, who loves to poeticize Fate as long as he’s not on the receiving end of one of its many bitter lessons; 
Port, who is a “do what you must do” man through and through unless he is on the receiving end of that philosophy; Port, whose first impulse is to blame his shortcomings on his circumstances and enemies rather than accept the consequences of his actions (not unlike a child 👀). Could that be because, for the longest time, he wasn’t able to call the shots, so he’d grown accustomed to looking elsewhere in the blame game?
I know I’ve said it before, but I really do love how you word things! That’s an interesting point I never really considered. Honestly I don’t have an answer for it! I think it would be an interesting thing to explore further. On a possibly related note, I see him being a little... self-absorbed? At least early on, with independence being the main thing on his mind, so he wasn’t the most tactful around others’ feelings, but ofc he’d be aware of his own. (But it’s one of those things where I think... surely this applies to all of them! But who knows...) 
SISIDIDIS said: Or could that be because everybody else was “sinning” just as much as him without immediate repercussion? Maybe he thought himself immune, playing by the rules that everybody else played by. In his poem, “On the Lisbon disaster”, Voltaire had put it so beautifully, so painfully true: “Did fallen Lisbon deeper drink of vice / Than London, Paris, or sunlit Madrid?” I think in the aftermath of the earthquake, Port couldn’t understand why “Fate” had “singled him out” when so many others of his kin committed just as many sins or even more or worse sins than he did. Why him? Why?
Ohhh I literally have that part of the poem in my likes just waiting!!! I really think he just would have never thought this could happen, you know? With the earthquake I don’t even see him being resentful (well, not resentful of any other nations, anyway), just... in absolute shock and sort of wondering what even was the point of serving the Church if this is what he gets for it? I almost wrote “not even god is immune to his grudges” in that hc post lol but!!! well
SISIDIDIS said: I, too, think he’s very careful with how much of himself he puts out there, and almost every trait that he exhibits is “watered down” to some extent (except for when he’s driving☠, meeting Port for the first time while he’s behind the wheel would make the other person run in the opposite direction as fast as they can).
Can’t have the neighbourhood’s old ladies gossiping and ruining his rep ;) (gosh I wish I was joking lmao, but I think that’s a common thing in many other countries too) But yeah, I think again this is something that is contributed to by different factors, like him being a more private guy and being aware of the need to have an ‘attractive’ image for tourism and investments and all that, and not being able to rely on soft power like bigger/more famous countries. 
SISIDIDIS said: And Port attending church on Easter and Christmas conjures such a warm, peaceful and bittersweet image. Despite his tumultuous relationship with Divinity (and above all with the Church) I’d like to think that he can still find solace in it, feel more tethered to his people’s ephemerality through faith, and share the holiday happiness. Being a lone immortal on Christmas Day isn’t something I aspire to be.
That’s such a nice image! I must admit, when I wrote that I had in mind the fact that it’s almost expected that you go to church during those times, it’s so ingrained in society. But you’re right, he would appreciate the more spiritual and community side of it. Finding solace in it is such a lovely way to put it...
SISIDIDIS said: Gosh that got depressing real quick 🙈😅 Ok, so, on a happier note, remember the introductory book I read on Portuguese culture that validated 100% of your and Trevo’s headcanons? In the chapter about night life in Portugal, it’s described how on the streets outside discos you can find food trailers selling hotdogs and hamburgers. And how clubbers like to go grab some fast food in the early morning after a night of dancing. Imagine Port, totally plastered, sitting on the street curb in front of the club, munching on a cold burger, squinting blearily at the rising sun after a long night of dancing and drinking and trying to blend in with the youths🤣😂 He’d totally embarrass himself like that.
LISTEN I miss portuguese hotdogs so much you have NO IDEA, and now this just reminded me of that so THANKS. lmaooooo he could totally blend in!!!!! Well... physically he could... but once he opens his mouth and tries to use slang like all the kids nowadays.... lmfao I’m dying
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unikornu · 4 years
11, 18, 34, 37, 55, 77 for Lucy?
Thankz! I will include Harrison too in this one too from the other ask:
11. If they could make a mark on history, what would they like it to be?
I suck at history, like completely, i swear i was better at math, so i can’t think of any actual real events right now but thinking about pre-war life, becoming the woman judge in national court, revealing the truth about their actions and kicking all the corrupted folks out, like totally wiping the current system and ending the conflict between government police/law and the criminal underground, no longer trying to hunt ex-criminals just to push more money into their pockets. That would be like a small success in history of the town. Sounds like a happy ending if she wouldn’t choose the other path. 
18. What languages can they speak? Where did they learn these languages?
Aside from English, she picked up some Polish and Russian words because Rosey parent’s were initially immigrants from Central Europe, Poland, looking back then for better economic situation and living conditions. They still learned her some basics from both of these languages, before they died when she was a teenager. Right after that Harrison stumbled upon her and when offering her a job also kept providing her with language books as it was useful to be able to communicate with immigrants in club as well. Lucy heard her sneaking some of other words from these languages or sentences, mostly when swearing or complaining about clients but eventually got curious about it. Lucy will mostly just swear in some broken Polish/Russian words mixed with English. A street language mess.
34. How easily do they trust others with their secrets? With their lives?
Not at all. Unless she has like no choice or is already in the middle of more serious friendship or partnership. Most of her secrets are rather embarrassing to her, showing weakness or just totally crazy alien weird like with her boss. It also depends on the person she has that relationship with. If they are rather kind, calm and sensitive she might be easier to open up but she will need a slight pull by her braids to do so. With her life that might be a bigger no. She would rather not put her life anymore on any kind of line after finding her little raider paradise. 
 37. How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Do they say it without meaning it?
Not easy at all, its like Porter Gage level unless she if freaking drunk and in a really good mood. Because of her pre-war relationship it became harder to her. She loved Ian, she was telling him that but hiding like a garbage bag of dirty secrets behind the back at all times so meaning of these words could be questionable and because she felt like shit about it after the bombs she prefers to bite her tongue before saying these words even if she means it. Unless someone says it first and she feels the same she will respond. And if Lucy says she loves someone she really freaking means it, she will no longer lie about it and looking how she isn’t the good angel of the wasteland you can be sure she will protect that person like a wicked high drugged killer beast. 
55. What is their alcohol tolerance like? What kind of drunk are they? How bad are their hangovers?
Fairly high due to Sapphire Club experience. You need to be able to stand on your legs and still communicate with others if you worked in a place like that. You ain’t a good agent to anyone if you stumble like a drunk whore in dem high heels. But at some point if she knows she can drink and no longer think about a job at Fizztop, knowing she can let herself go a little oh boy, you gonna get a mumbling gal, knocking glass from the bar top dancing like a typical drunk person with just a little more kick, many more kicks. She would try to jump on tall people to ride on their shoulders and pull smaller folks like her by their hands and spin them around. She isn’t that much more talkative after the booze but a bit too active with all that swinging and jumping around at some point. And she will just superglue herself to the chest of her partner. Poor Gage. Because she forgets to drink water in between or eat decently she will get a bad hangovers and with all that spinning oh man, its a miracle she doesn’t vomit. 
 77. What is their most prized possession?
Gage...lol joking. I can’t think of one item so i would say anything that is shiny and resembling a pre-war jewelry good enough, hair brushes, hair clips, etc. so everything that hangs and sits on her dressing table. Extra points would go to a golden hair clip, long and spiky with engraved ornaments and delicate small roses attached to it as it would be the one her mother used to wear every time her personality would be back to a loving and caring mother and she would always have her hair pulled up by this kind of clip. She would probably sharpen it and use as a surprise extra weapon tho. Yum, dem fancy girly gadgets.  
Now for Harrison:
25. What is their biggest flaw?
Being overly protective and thinking it will re-pay him for the past of sort. Lucy and Gage have been taking care of Nuka World for a long time and she was left alone after the bombs to herself so she no longer needs THAT much care as to accompany her even to the market trip. He knows its annoying but he just can’t help it. Also he has hard time to trust people even if Lucy trust them cus of above.
26. Are they aware of their flaws?
Yup. But he is stubborn as donkey.
27. What is their biggest strength?
Staying focused and calm no matter how messy and brutal the situation is, hell he might even still throw a piece of advice or even a joke while at it. From a car accident he ended up in a lab tube having his soul literally detached and contained and still aware and fully conscious so its hard to...surprise him, let’s say, man became literally immortal. And he is also aware of his powers so feels pretty powerful as a fighting unit of sort.
28. Are they aware of their strengths?     
Yes, he is. He knows what he is, what he can do and learns more and more day by day to bend the powers of his soul to his will, he can’t just command himself to use it to extremes as it would only respond when he gets really emotional or certain desire is strong inside him. Although he can easily lift small objects just like that and hit someone’s head with it. *tin can in Porter’s head*  He doesn’t pushes away what he became, he is the type of man who deals with the facts here and now and as to his personality, well...its a grumpy old man, ofc he is aware of everything about him, even if its annoying others. 
71. How are they with children? Do they have any? Do they want any?
He is so much better at it than Lucy. He was a father of a disabled boy before the war so has quite an experience. He didn’t give his best tho...looking that his son was taken by the car explosion due to his lack of care with repairs. And he was a bit let down that his wife didn’t deliver the fully healthy child, it challenged him mentally of sort. On a one side he couldn’t blame anyone for it, he just wished he could play with his son like any other father, doing sport and running around and so on. Instead he was busy riding with him to hospitals, pushing the small wheelchair and just tryin to communicate at the base level with him. Its a hard topic. Sometimes parents feel really taken down seeing their child might never be fully healthy or capable of living by themselves in future and they tend to lose it, get tired or even angry but in the end he still loved his son. As for current event Lucy is the closest “child” to him and turns his focus on that for now. He doesn’t pushes the idea of having a new relationship after the bombs but he is scared to start any due to what he is and is scared to fail at protecting these who he cares about again. So he will rather say no another round of family life, not wanting to drag anyone into his bullshit unless there would be a woman brave enough, not scared of him and fully aware, accepting him for who he is.
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rbnsnsg · 2 years
A fun little essay about my world building
Sooo i decided to do a whole essay looking thing on world building ive created. this will probably be a very long post lol.
i have never used tumblr before tbh
starting off with Herelf, or Her. shes a fun little malicious narcissist who likes to make her “son’s” life hard (Cixiao). shes the very top of this giant multiverse ive made over the course of many, many years. like, the very top.
She actually appears differently to people, like her appearance changes based on a persons preferences.
Herself, as shes usually referred to as, is an omnipotent all knowing god who lovse a lil chaos and destruction, and by a little i mean a lot. like a lot. she has two kinda kids, the Sun and Cixiao. Cixiao is part of a different section of gods, the prototype gods, hes the only ones left. she basically said “nvm this is lame” and got rid of them all, left cixiao for some reason. the Sun for some reason was actually made legitimately, well as close as she can get to a legitimate child.
Herself is the top of the Her court, shocker. It’s split into two parts, the upper her court and the demons. the upper her court consists of Herself, Cixiao and the Sun. while the demon part consists of the 12 demons, which is also split into two parts. the red demons and the white demons, the red demons serve Cixiao while white demons serve herself. 6 for each. These were all created at the beginning of time by Herself.
All of the gods are split into courts, all of them. At the top ofc is the her court and just below them is the sun gods. technically the sun is part of the sun gods, but not really. The sun gods were supposed to be 12 consecutive god that controlled all the elements, every eon the next Sun god would be in power and at the end of their eon they’d use their control over the 12 elements to create the next sun god. buttttttt the fifth sun god decided “no thats lame”, and decided to create the solar gods. which is instead of one god with control over all 12 elements, he made 12 gods with control over one of the 12 elements. This was Samael (did i get most of my names from the bible, maybe), the other four (in this order: the sun, athries, amat, etheria, samael) sun gods did not like this ofc. herself ironically didnt give much of a shit, but after being pestered by the light court--a court of an undisclosed amount of deities, which ill get into later, which are basically the justice system for the entire universe--after being pestered by the light court enough she did something about the obvious offense of samael. she defiantly could have undone samael’s action, but of course she just decided to banish him for a while. by a while i mean 7 billion years. now ofc there was another malicious intent behind this, because there always is with her, samael was actually the closest thing cixiao had to a friend. the edgy bitch avoided friends and people like the goddamn plague.
Alr now onto the deity part, deities/zeros are made unlike other gods who are born(ish). While Samael was being punished for his crimes against light (light court) the other sun gods were out being pissed off at both him and herself. so they used their superior god abilities to create deities, mortals given blessings from a sun god or above.
Nows a good time to explain like iimmortals, immortals and mortals. Pretty simple, iimmortals dont age and cant die like ever unless the sun god that blessed them takes back their blessing. which probably hasnt ever happened, theyre very proud people. immortals are born as such, they dont really age but they can die if someone is determined enough. and mortals are people who both age and die. fun.
back to deities. no matter what element they were born with whatever blessing the god gives them overrules that element. deities are labeled the slayers of god, because they actually sit higher on the god chain than solar gods. in between sun gods and zeros. now zeros and deities are basically the same, but the difference is zeros come first. while a mortal is blessed they start off as a zero, but they can earn the title of deity. which is as high as any mortal, current of prior, can get.
this is very unorganized lol
speaking of zeros, that brings up the concept of leveling. each species and induvial person is given a level number when theyre born. this number can be 1 through 0. which doesnt make a whole lot of sense, but its actually 0-7, except 0 at the top. things like humans are like 1-3, while elemental beings are generally 3 1/2-5 1/2. 6 is the level of the solar gods--sun gods and above arent ranked--while level 7′s are are for the special cases, basically mutants. like snakes, or ECA. which ill get into later. and as i mentioned zeros is for mortals blessed by sun gods. 5 1/2 is as high as a mortal can get.
i should probably get into elements. theres 12 elements, for the 12 planets (theres not 12 planets dont come for me). the sun, mercury, venus, earth, the second earth (blood), the moon, mars, jupiter, saturn, neptune, uranus, pluto. the sun should be obvious, the manipulation of light. mercury is the manipulation of ore. earth is, shocker, the manipulation of life, while the second earth is the manipulation of blood/death. the moon is time. mars is illusions. jupiter is weather, but really electricity. saturn--my favorite--is the manipulation of gravity. neptune is the manipulation of water. uranus is supposedly air, but really its just speed, theyre really fucking fast. plutos are just really fucking strong, like really really strong.  a fun little test i made a few years ago.
alr going back to cixiao, the edgy 15-year-old given iimmortality and the power of the entire universe. he’s not really 15, he doesnt even act it. he kinda does. not really. hes as old as time so who knows. i probably should. regardless, back to him and his story, the emperion of chaos. its a gnarly one that i made for a school project, and i ran with it cause why not. Basically, going back to the start of time, when Her made the prototype gods and decided she didnt like them and god rid of them all. she kept cixiao, ofc. she kept him for some reason she never mentioned, but probably because hed be the root of all evil. or something. herself made cixiao an earth like planet with a humanoid like species, each eons before humanity itself. While any information on the actual species itself was lost to time, and the Erians (theyre part of the pre-modern world well get there), theyve come to be known as the archangels. for the very top of the planets monarchy were angel looking things, the only information the erians ever gave out about them. now, cixiao fucking hated these guys, like omg a burning rage that rivaled every star combined. he wanted nothing to do with these people and their belif. BUT in herself fashion, he had no choice. she forced him into a contract type thing, where he was forced to their god and basically live till their belif for them ran out. ofc he hated this, he hated them. he dealt with it for 100 million years, at which point, the Sun was born. light was created, in the previously dark world (pls dont ask idk how a species like that would live without light, just work with me here). the Sun was yet another mock from his mother, a bright light in cixiaos depression of rage. a beacon of happiness, light, purity. everything cixiao wasnt. this unsurprisingly set cixiao off, he went off the deep end and destroyed his entire world. the first intelligent species ironically fell at his hands, leaving only the erians. which proved to be the smartest species ever. :) anyway, herself ofc thought this was great. “look at that, my son going crazy and killing people. they grow up so fast” bc thats the kind of mom she is. and she took her former ruling and ignored that shit, bc she can, and basically forced cixiao into another one. which basically said he was stuck. forever. <3
now that ive mentioned eria, i should start to talk about less the gods and more the mortal of my world. there were two really important nations/empires in the universe history that pose as a big part of where the universe is right now: Onalakin and Eria. there are less like, historical icon, but still important nation things like VAAS, ShV, Ranirikal, but theyre not that important. anyway, well start with eria.
eria was, besides the Archangels, the first intelligent species. they came around a few hundred million years after the Archangels. their timelines only overlapped for a short while, like a few thousand years. the erian’s were INCREDABLY smart. like it was ridiculous. the erian species were the sister species to humans, the were on their planet of eria, which was in the same area of our universe, but before the sun (pls dont come at me with like, astronomical bs about how im wrong, ik). the erians weren’t that far ahead of the sun, so they kinda got light. but they could evolve and adapt to literally anything, so it didnt matter all that much. the erians as a species was around for eons, like billions of years. the evolved at such a rapid rate that nothing could keep up with them. they met the archangels pretty early in their development, they were lightyears apart but that didnt matter to them. the archangels were friendly and the erians ran tests on them. they ran tests on everything, they were a species of knowledge. their only goal was to know everything. erians were so successfully because of their quick evolution, intelligence, and their little species quirk. erians were obsessive. each erian would spend their adolescence trying to find what they loved, similar to humans. but erians took it a step further, or a whole football field. they went as far as they could with this topic. no matter what it was theyd spend their entire lives with that thing being the centerpiece to their world. ofc the erians were also very secretive, they didnt tell anything to anyone. they were a planet of geniuses yes, but no one really knew why. while they interacted with just about every planet to ever exist, they never told them anything the bare minimum. the erians met the onalakin ofc, which ill get into in a moment, but the difference was the erians and the onalakins got along. while it took centuries for the erians to truly trust the onalakins, but they eventually did. 
The Onalakins were a not so nice change from the Erians, the onalakins, unlike the erians, were a military based empire. their goal was to own the stars, they want to live and conquer, while the erians wanted to live to know. the onalakins, unlike the erians, ran on an power based emperor system, usually an empress. everything the onalakins did was in a strive to be more powerful. the onalakins were the predecessors to the modern day Valzairian. When Onalakin fell to VAAZ, its home territory was given to three nations, Xade, Zalyam and Chio, which ill get into later. regardless, the onalakins/valzairians were an extra creation of the solar gods, because of the now need for mortals in the creation of gods, Samael made the Onalakins to be the base of the solar gods, mortals with incredible elemental power to raise these elemental gods for the coming generations. because of this the onalakins were able to befriend the gods, including trying to make common ground with the gods. while the Erians tried to stay away from the gods, since they were above logic and knowledge--hey did what they wanted with no thought into the laws of the universe--the onalakins tried to befriend them. specifically, deities. the onalakins formed the onalakin zeros, a collection of zeros and deities who would sign themselves over to the onalakins in the name of war and conquering. usually these people had some sort of gain for themselves. in the modern age, post onalakin, these zeros are still loyal to onalakin. while onalakin only ever collected five, these five were devastating to their foes. spesifically, the god of power, xiao. they had five onalakin zeros, two zeros, three deities. Lynx, Xiaoli, Pyro, Zhong Un and Xiao. the onalakins used these zeros as some sort of war machines, they really didnt mind. most of them were eons old by the time they joined. except xiao :), my guy was basically born into it. 
The Onalakins and Erians had a solid alligence, that only ended with the fall of eria. Eria and Onalakin had an agreement, for if one of them fell. the agreement was if eria fell first (which it did), then Onalakin could have the library of Amelika (no idea where i got the inspiration for that), which was basically a library of everything theyd ever discovered. which was a lot. this library was literally the size of a country. but if onalakin fell first then Eria could have the zeros. neither of these were filled out, since eria fell first and the library of Amelika was destroyed because of the violent nature of erias end. 
Eria came to and end at the hands of a Toxarian deity named Misascaro. now before we go into this, we have to go into toxma. onalakin was massive, but because of its agreement with eria, they gave eria their south pole to do some experiments on. as long as it didnt pollute their water, they didnt care. this lead to eria having a little bit of a mishap, because they did have some errors, which lead to the creation of a massive land mass and a whole ass moon. leading to the modern day toxma and jira. toxma ofc was in the onalakins south pole, which because of onalakins planets axis, was cold as all hell. to this day toxma is still -200 F (-128.8 C) on a normal day. the onalkins didnt give a shit, so the erians went on with their experiments with the toxarians. they took onalakin DNA and mixed it with their own, majoritively Onalakin. this gave the new found toxarians the strong elemental abilities of onalakins but also some of the erians intelligence. ofc the erians werent trying to create a better them, they were really trying to see how far they could push the onalakins DNA, their fighting spirits. they made the toxarians immune to the cold with their increased body temperature, and trained them socially and physically to be stronger than the onalakins, for no reason besides proving they could. the erians made toxarian culture very strict and monotone, they didnt really see the toxarian as people. more as cattle or smt. the essence of the erians standards of the toxarians can still be seen in modern toxma, in the stigma against showing emotions. toxarians were literally discouraged from expressing anything, from smiling, to sadness, to anger. though, anger was generally more accepted. after millennia of this, eventually the toxarians started to get tired of the erians rule over them, and ofc the erians dictatorship over the toxarians came to bite them in the ass, though they were prepaired for this in their own way. Misascaro, who was born and raised from two military veterans, who were fucked up as shit from the Erians military, rose up to fight against the Erians. though toxma was incredibly hesitant to go for it, when Misascaro was blessed during one of his many preaches, the public started to get behind him. though it took about 20 years, his idea eventually ended with him destroying Eria. as its known now by the Toxarians, the Reckoning of Misascaro, January 16th. He basically split the entire planet in half. he’s a saturn (gravity) deity. 
The end of Onalakin was ironically quite slow and calm. with the rise of pacifism, from the rising Zalzarian religion (the solar gods), the people started to be less willing to give themselves to war. this lead to the foundation of VAAZ (dont ask what it stands for i dont know), a socialist party that promised pacifism and peace. despite the protest of the onalakin government, saying the people didnt know how to be peaceful, the peoples loyalty swayed. leading to onalakin losing power and VAAZ taking over. ofc as they do VAAZ lied. VAAZ took over, turning out to be a bunch of loony religious freaks who turned the place into a religious dictatorship. VAAZ didn’t last very long, but in the years they were in control, they broke up most of the empire Onalakin had build, killed off and alienated level 7′s, imprisoned the zeros/deities, split off the land to three countries and claimed Toxma as their own. while the zeros and deities were pissed as hell, they couldnt do a whole lot outside of killing the people in charge, so they went into hiding and waited. the three new established countries, Xade, Zalyam and Chio, began their new reign on their people, still under the control of VAAZ. VAAZ probably would have lasted for millennia if they hadnt claimed Toxma. Toxma who was fresh out of a revolution, was still in a culture shock of losing their dictator. but they were still toxma. it didnt take toxma very long to get sick of VAAZ’s religious bs, they’re an atheist country. toxma once again started a revolution that led to the end of VAAZ. all four of the nations became independent at that.
This leads into the modern era.
And going off the topic of the nations, lets go back to the levels, 7′s. I mentioned some of the mutations, though “mutant” has a general negative connotation of Valmyza. some of the most well known are Snakes, ECA, blood mutations. Snakes is by far the most complicated, and the most interesting. while ECA is actually a medical condition, and a side effect of the powerful elemental powers of the Valzairians. and blood mutations is just when the blood is a wacky color. (cough ♋ cough) 
lets start with Snakes, thats fun. snakes is a half mutation thing, while its in the category of a mutation and a level 7, its really just a side effect of a good ol’ mistake of the Erians. this plays into the concept of black magic, which ill go into when i talk about the Shavdas. The Witch, an Erian black magician, created the snake on purpose. an incredibly powerful potent black magic creature--which is basically a creature that runs off other beings magic, it was made from Herselfs magic, and therefor has to run off of others--the thing about black magic though, is that whatever you take, it takes back. so in exchange for such a powerful black magic creature, it merged said creature with her son. :| she wasnt too happy. anyway, the snake expands itself, since its currently stuck in one of the many erian prisons for it. the snake can expand itself, and live on by but tiny snakes into mortals. the mortal who got one of these snakes is then infected with the Snake mutation. which is basically where the snake consumes all their magic and blood, and not only replaces the majority of their organs and blood, but their magic. Snakes is considered a part of the blood element, which can be seen in multiple ways, this is considered the “sparking way”, theres also liquid and crystalized. going further into what being “a snake” means for the person, its pretty usual for them to not really notice till they hit puberty, in which then the snakes start to get demanding, along with their hormones and shit. snakes are still considered black magic, though legal, since theres no way to predict nor prevent it. since snakes are black magic they feed off of other magical creatures, meaning most snakes spend a lot of time with a variety, idly eating at their magical energy. in most cases the other person wont notice nor care, since magical energy in most creatures regenerates. snakes also replaces the bloodstream, so like bloods, their entire blood supply is weapon, unlike bloods they can plant one of these many snakes into other people and control them. as a sort of parasite. its very common for snakes to subconsciously do this, as people infected with snakes arent just one mind. the snakes control a big portion of the infected persons mind, its unlikely the person has any sort of personality of their own, most likely just acting on the whims and wishes of the snakes controlling their mind. and in cases of really strong snakes, they can use a trick called “venom”, which as the name states, is a sort of poison venom thing. its incredibly hard to use, as it takes a lot of skill to get enough snakes into one spot to create a potent enough  dose. but essentially it does the same as a normal snake, but venom goes deeper. it give them control over their soul. their entire personality, what makes them, them. venom also slowly kills the victim lol.
going onto another mutation, ECA, eye crystal absorb. a weird sounding name, but it fits the theme. ECA is basically when potent crystals grow behind the eyes of a person. these crystals absorb all of the persons elemental power and energy, putting all of it into these crystal, which allows them to grow. theres no way to prevent these or stop them, but they can be dealt with and removed. though they will grow back. ECA since it absorbs all of their elemental energy, makes their eyes very dangerous, and makes the person go mostly blind. their eyes basically become two small death rays. dont make eye contact and youre good.
alr lets go back to countries. in the post VAAZ era, this left the four contries of Valmyza to deal with each other and their own independence. for the most toxma cut themselves off from the other countries, chio turned inward, and Zalyam and Xade befriended each other. Xade attempted to befriend Toxma as well, but Toxma in Toxma fashion flat out refused. 
chio, since they majoritivly held onto the VAAZ ideology, kind of fell apart. which lead to the foundation of Lamou and the Bishops. Lamou was the part of Chio that didn’t want to be a theocracy, at this time Lamou was still under the Chio ownership, but under their own leadership. the Bishops lead the reformation of Chio, and still control Chio to this day. 
Toxma cut themselves off from the other nations of their world, and ended up going off world in an Onalakin type conquest. in the current age they own like, half of the universe. by far the wealthiest country. not too happy though, lol. over time island formed off the coast of the west of Toxma, this island was eventually named Lanoi. In the typical Toxarian fashion, they absolutely hated the fact that these people were considered Toxarian, they basically enslaved the lanoni people. though the other countries later outvoted Toxma and outlawed slavery. they dont treat the lanoni people well.
anyway, Xade took their large amount of land and focused on food and the out of state relations. the Xadians are fast paced and shockingly friendly. they befriended Zalyam, and then a big portion of the universe. 
the Zalyare people turned more to the people and their land. Zalyam is known for their beautiful land and quality of life. lots of mountains. eventually, because of Zalyam’s known pacifism a lot of Her cultist ended up in Zalyam, though the Zalyare government didn’t like it, they couldnt really do anything about it. they ended up creating their own political party and their own republic, the Republic of Hoix. which was later recognized as a country, after Zalyam got sick of being blamed for Hoix’s shitty behavior. 
later on the timeline, toxma is messing with some old leftover erian technology, they ended up accidentally opening a portal to a suspected infinent pocket dimension, now known as Shvarada. at some point Xade picked up on this, and the two basically entered a race to see who could get them first. the Shavdas, in Shavdas fashion, really didnt care. at this time, Shvarada was bright, green and very grown over, with no sky, as their entire world seemed to be one giant box, the plants were everywhere. their people were very valzairian looking, very onalakin. though when asked they didnt know what an onalakin was. the Xadian and Toxarian eventually ended up fighting, politically, over Shvarada. as toxma discovered the place, but the Xadian had the publics favor. butttttt ofc, Shvarada had a trump card. they had their sun, a white dwarf. the shavdas had been prepared forever for it to explode, the xadians and toxarians however, were not. the suns explosion killed ever xadian and toxarian in the realm. this lead to toxma backing out of shvarada, though xade didnt want them, it did have the publics loyalty. as loyal as they got. the shavdas had another trick up their sleeve that they didnt tell they xadians about till decades later, but much like Eria they were a very spiritual species. I.E., they had some serious black magic/exorcist abilities. while eria leaned more on the black magic end of this scale, shvarada leaned more to the exorcist side. not much is known about the shavdas exorcists, they’re more secretive than the erians. the only information and proof we have of the shavdas exorcists is their president, Evengalia. who says hes an exorcist. off that note, and onto the people of shvarada. they probably have some relation to the onalakins that they dont remember or refuse to tell, and evolve at a rapid rate. at the rate that they were evolved to live in the post apocalyptic hell fire nation that Shvarada became after their sun exploded years after it exploded. and even before they were comfortable, they still survived. 
Thats probably enough of be blabbering into the void for today lmao. thank you for reading!!! :)
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kaeyazuha · 2 years
hi Ky! ♡
oh nooo, sorry you feel this way. i hope you'll recover and that you can find comfort in whatever you use to cope! this event looks light-hearted enough if not for some details, so hopefully it will help :)
do tell me about this theory, please ? only if you want to ofc, but i'm interested! <3
this guy is the best. he comes out of nowhere, does some stupid comical stuff and then kind of just stands there while others speak. (ik he's not just a clown tho,dw. venti can be so comforting and calm, like in his teapot lines. you'll get them soon!)
yes pleaaase, it ruins soo many builds to have this limit! and haha, then it's good that you're done with it. good for you! let's hope sumeru will be a little flatter
mhm, it's good to see you active hehe. have a good week-end! i love you! :D
- 🦊
Thank you, my love- that's so sweet. <3
OOH OKOK spoilers ahead!
In Raiden's quest, Yae says that because Signora is the 8th harbinger while Scaramouche is 6th, that makes Scara much stronger than Signora. Harbingers can't be ranked off of when they joined or how old they are since Signora recruited Scara (I think) and she's older than him. That leaves strength, which backs up what Yae said.
Childe has a lot of death flags. He's reckless, he's young and dumb, etc etc- AND all of the other Harbingers are much older than him (immortal or otherwise) which means the Delusion is less destructive to them.
They sent CHILDE after SCARAMOUCHE after he snatched the gnosis. Why do that unless they want Childe to get screwed over? I suspect that the Tsaritsa couldn't care less about the gnoses themselves, she just wants the archons' ties to celestia cut. So by sending Childe, she can get rid of him under the premise of getting the gnosis back.
Venti's definitely a comfort character of mine- he's so sweet and caring despite his antics, I love it. And despite his playfulness, he's still strong and cares deeply about Mondstadt. Yes PLEASE Sumeru pls don't be all loopy- some leaks for it look pretty cool!
Doing my best haha- thank you! I love you too, hope today's going okay for you. <3
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bob-giovanni · 7 years
I’ll Cover You - Part 2
Characters: Simon X OFC
Warnings: Cursing
Summary: Simon and Emily meet up for coffee.
The next morning when Simon’s alarm went off, he groaned as he reached over to shut it off. He rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling for a minute before sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He yawned and stretched before finally standing from the bed and trudging to the bathroom. As he was brushing his teeth, Simon heard his phone ding, letting him know he had a text message. Simon finished up and walked to his nightstand, grabbing his phone and tapping the screen.
Unknown: Good morning, Simon! It’s Emily. Just wanted to make sure we’re still on for coffee this morning.
“Fuck.” Simon had forgotten that he was supposed to meet Emily. He looked at the time. 9:30AM. He said he was going to meet her at 10AM. He was probably going to be late. He figured he’d be courteous and let her know.
Simon: Good morning. Yes, I will be there. I may be a few minutes late though.
Unknown: No worries! See you soon!
My god, she seemed way too cheerful for this time of day. Simon tossed the phone back onto the nightstand and went to his closet. He pulled out a pair of jeans and a plain black t-shirt. Once he was dressed he slipped on his boots and grabbed his car keys. He sat in his car for a moment trying to remember where he was meeting Emily. “Cafe on Mayflower.” He finally mumbled to himself. He pulled out of the driveway and headed east. Traffic in that area this time of the morning was horrid. Luckily where he was going was on a side street and was usually clear, but getting to the side street was the issue. When he finally pulled into a parking spot a few stores down from the cafe it was 10:15AM.
When he entered the cafe, Simon looked around for a moment before spotting Emily at a table towards the back. She smiled and waved at Simon. He smiled softly and nodded as he made his way over to her. He pulled out his chair and sat across from her. “Sorry I’m late. Traffic was crazy.” Emily laughed softly. “Don’t worry about it. I just got here a few minutes ago myself.” Just then a waitress walked over to their table and set down a mug in front of Emily. “Good morning, sir. Can I get you anything?” Simon nodded. “Yeah, coffee with soy milk, please.” The waitress nodded and went back behind the counter.
Emily made a surprised sound. “I didn’t peg you as a guy that took soy milk in your coffee.” Simon quirked an eyebrow. “What did you peg me for?” Emily shrugged. “I dunno. I figured maybe you’d take it black or with whole milk.” Simon made a face. “Black coffee is gross. I need something in it and I’m not the biggest fan of regular milk, unless I’m having ice cream, then I’m cool with it.” Emily laughed. “I think you’d have to be crazy not to be cool with ice cream.” Simon smiled. “Besides you look like you have a pretty normal coffee. Don’t you young kids drink lattes or frappacinos or some shit like that?” Emily giggled and shook her head. “Nah, I’m just a plain old cream and sugar girl.”
The waitress returned with Simon’s coffee a few minutes later. Simon rubbed his stomach. “I’m starving. Did you eat? I’m gonna get a muffin or something. Would you like something?” Emily nodded. “Yeah, actually that sounds great.” Simon called the waitress over and ordered a chocolate chip muffin. The waitress looked at Emily. “Anything for you, dear?” “I’ll have the same thing.” The waitress nodded and walked off. Simon added some sugar to his coffee and took a sip, closing his eyes and sighing contently. “Mm, that is a damn good cup of coffee.”
Emily smiled and thanked the waitress as she returned with their muffins. Simon grabbed a muffin and took a huge bite. “Delicious.” Simon announced. Emily broke off a small piece of the muffin and ate it, licking her lips. “Mm, you’re right. I’ve never had any food from here before. I usually just get coffee.” Simon took another sip of his coffee. “Well you, uh, look like you’re feeling much better.” Emily nodded a bit. “I am, yes, thank you. And really, thank you again for driving me home and then bringing my phone back to me.” Simon shook his head. “It’s not a big deal. Just doing the right thing. What I would hope someone would do if my daughter were in the same situation.”
Emily smiled. “Aww, you have a daughter?” Simon laughed softly and nodded. “Yeah, I do.” “Do you mind if I ask how old she is?” Simon shook his head. “She’s 8. She’ll be 9 in a couple of weeks.” Emily sipped her coffee. “I remember when my sister was that age. She was so well behaved. Now she’s a terror.” She said with a laugh. “How old is she now?” Simon asked. “She just turned 16 a couple of months ago but the way she acts you’d think she was 60.” Simon laughed. “Actually, it’s not fair of me to say she’s a terror. She’s back in Vermont and I’ve only seen her a handful of times over the last few years. I actually miss her a lot. I wish I could go home more.”
Simon finished his muffin as he listened to Emily. “So you’re from Vermont, huh? I figured you weren’t from around here.” Emily quirked an eyebrow. “You did? How’s that?” Simon shrugged a bit. “You have a different accent from anyone else around here.” Emily nodded. “Hmm, I guess that makes sense. Are you from here?” Simon nodded. “Yep, born and raised. I moved to Miami for college but came back as soon as I graduated.” “That was my plan too. Move to DC for college then go back to Burlington. But I just fell in love with it here. My mom was so upset when I told her I accepted a job here.” Simon smiled. “Where did you go to college?” “Georgetown.” “Georgetown? So you’re a smarty pants, huh?”
Emily blushed a bit and shrugged. “I guess so.” Simon finished his coffee and waved the waitress over for a refill. He thanked her as she walked away. “So, did you live in Alexandria and travel to DC for school?” Emily nodded. “Yeah. I mean not at first. I only made it a semester living on campus. Unlike the spoiled rich kids that go there, I actually got into Georgetown on a scholarship. So doing well on tests and projects was actually really important. I just couldn’t take all the partying, as crazy as that sounds. Luckily the university had some off campus housing here in Alexandria and well, as they say, the rest is history.”
Simon smiled. “You’re pretty young though. You couldn’t have graduated more than a year ago at the most.” Emily laughed softly. “I graduated almost 6 months ago. And I’m not a child. I’m 21.” Simon laughed. “Well you’re a child compared to this old geezer.” Simon said, pointing to himself. Emily scoffed. “Geezer? What are you? 40 at the most? You’re not ancient.” Simon smirked a bit. “Wow, you guessed my age exactly. Good job.” Emily grinned and patted herself on the back. “What can I say? It’s a gift.” Simon shook his head and laughed. Emily ordered a refill on her coffee as they continued their conversation. It was light, but luckily not strained. After some time Simon pulled his phone from his pocket to check the time. They’d been talking for nearly an hour already. Simon thought maybe he should leave, but he was actually having a nice time, and Emily didn’t seem to be in a rush. Staying for a few more minutes couldn’t hurt.
Simon was just about to speak when Emily asked him a question. “So, Amara’s. Where does that name come from?” Simon smiled softly. “That’s my daughter’s name.” Emily’s eyes lit up. “Oh my god, that’s so sweet. That’s such a unique and beautiful name!” “Thank you. It means ‘immortal’ in Sanskrit. At least that’s what my wife…ex-wife…tells me.” Emily chewed her bottom lip. “Oh…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…” Simon held up his hand and shook his head. “No apology necessary. There’s literally no way you would’ve know that. Unless you’re secretly stalking me.” She laughed nervously. “No, I’m definitely not. But, I’m still sorry to hear that. My parents are divorced so I know that it can really suck. I think it’s part of the reason my mom was so upset that I took a job here. She’s afraid she’s gonna be alone, I guess.”
Unfortunately Simon could relate to that. Ever since the divorce he felt lonely. He had friends and hung out with them often, but it doesn’t always fill that void that a romantic partner can fill. He shrugged a bit. “It’s a scary feeling but it’ll all work out in the end. Right now I just need to focus on doing right by my daughter. She’s all that matters right now.” Emily smiled brightly. She loved that Simon was all about his daughter. It explained why he took such good care of her at the bar the other night. As she took another sip of her coffee she happened to glance at the clock hanging on the wall. “Oh shit. I am so sorry, Simon. I have to go. I didn’t realize what time it was.” Simon shook his head. “No worries. I should probably head out too.”
Emily stood and reached into her purse, pulling out cash to cover the bill. “That’s really not necessary. I…” Emily cut off Simon’s attempted protest. “I insist. Like I said, it’s the least I can do for what you did for me. Really.” Simon finally relented. “Ok, ok.” Emily turned and started to head towards the door but she suddenly stopped and turned back to face Simon. She knew this was gonna sound crazy, but there was just something there with her and Simon. Some sort of connection that she felt with him. Maybe this happens when someone feels like they’ve been saved by another person. But she was the type of person who couldn’t ignore something like this.
As Simon stood and finished his coffee, he noticed Emily was just standing there staring at him. He quirked an eyebrow and took a couple of steps towards her. “Are you ok?” He asked softly. Emily smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I am actually. Listen, I, um, I had a really nice time talking to you. Do you maybe wanna do this again some time?” To say that Simon was surprised by Emily’s question would’ve been an understatement. Emily was a lot younger than him and he was afraid that if he agreed to this it would send the wrong message. “Listen, Emily, I had a really nice time talking to you too but I just don’t know if that would be entirely appropriate.” Emily was confused for a moment before it finally dawned on her why Simon would think that. She blushed a deep shade of red and shook her head. “Not in a romantic way or anything…just, as friends?”
Simon couldn’t explain why but as he stood there with Emily staring up at him with her chocolate brown doe eyes, the same feeling he’d gotten at the club the other night, the feeling, no, the need, the protect Emily, overwhelmed him once again. What was happening to him? The feeling caused him to let his guard down just long enough to let her request get into his head. He nodded. “Ok, sure, as friends.” He agreed. Emily smiled. “Great! Well, I guess I’ll see you later then!” Simon returned the smile. “I guess so. Have a good day, Emily.” Emily turned and headed out of the cafe. She had a bit of a bounce in her step as she walked to her car. Simon exited the cafe and watched as Emily walked down the block and got into her car. As he made his way to his car, Simon smiled a bit. Deep down he knew he was looking forward to seeing Emily again but there was a small, nagging feeling that this girl could get him into trouble.
Tags: @faith-lynn9 @simons-thirst-squad
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bigbangclappin · 7 years
Pairing: Kwon Jiyong X You
Word Count: 2,164
Genre: angst (ofc) vampire!g-dragon vampire!reader AU
a/n: this will be a 3 part series 
Part two
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You had to keep your baby safe; you needed to find the shelter that would accept you both. Your breathing had become labored and you didn’t have much time left before sundown. The baby’s father would know you were gone and have every single coven in the city out looking for you two.
“Ji Tae just a little longer,” you cooed to your son who was no doubt hungry, “Let’s just get to the church huh?”
You took the train to the other side of town while cradling your infant in your chest. No one even spared you a glance the entire ride. You were relieved; life with your mate was very public in the underworld. Everyone who knew they were in your presence had to give you the utmost respect even if it was fake.
The consequences of not honoring the High Queen would prove to be damning in the eyes of the King. A cold shiver ran down your spine; brutal memories brought back from the recesses of your mind made you hide your face in your baby’s embrace.
That would all change now, Father Park promised to house Ji Tae and you while he procured everything you needed for safe passage out of Seoul.  Even though you were leaving the center of his control you knew it was going to be a lot harder trying to survive. He had connections all over the world.
You knew the battle you’d have to fight, the life you needed to give up, your name could never be the same, your appearance would constantly change. Your love of the night would have to be forgotten; to protect Ji Tae.
Courage was something you never lacked, now that you had your son fear wasn’t an option. You were a tigress who had to protect her young. Jiyong was a worthy opponent, his grace and agility were second to none. His age gave him knowledge the highest scholar would murder for. He wasn’t known as the dragon for nothing.
Like the creature he was named after he would do anything to protect what was his. You and Ji Tae were not individuals but his property, he tried to do whatever he could to keep you under his thumb. The finest gifts from all around the world at your fingertips, furniture, wines, art, but nothing could make you ignore the lack of affection he gave you.
In it’s place was a harsh, sadistic, twisted sense of love. Verbal assaults one right after the other; what followed was worse, those gifts, and all night love making sessions that led you to believe he was truly sorry and he’d never do it again.
No use in calling yourself stupid now that it was over. If all went well you’d never have to see him again.
Your son would be raised in a quiet, comfortable environment and that's all you ever wanted.
As the train came to a stop you collected your bags and shuffled out as quickly as possible. The cathedral was not as discreet as you wished, being it a tourist attraction. Being out on the street however would be much worse and so you found yourself going through the side entrance.
“Father Park it’s me.”
You had called softly, admiring the beauty of the church. Heading toward the altar you saw a figure emerging in a white vestment. Stepping into the last rays of the setting sun you recognized the priest with the warm smile.
“Ah (y/n) and little Ji Tae I have been expecting you,” the elderly man caressed your son’s face before gesturing with his arm for you to follow him, “Let’s get you both to the underground before the sun decides to go down.”
You stayed rather closely behind the priest despite what you knew about elder vampires and their inability to enter consecrated ground. Just because they couldn’t didn’t mean the humans wouldn’t try. Those fools would do anything for a chance at immortality.
You felt pity for the humans you had tried to save with the truth; Jiyong and the others had never intended to change any of the mortals. They already believed there was a population problem amongst their species.
It had been your greatest hope to have saved at least one person but humans never ceased to realize that to live forever was for only the chosen. You were either born into the bloodline or you were a mate to the bloodline.
The elders did not allow free creation; if you had found your mate or needed a familiar you had to go through a series of hoops within their self-created government. If you were approved you had to allow the king a droplet of the newborn’s blood so that he could keep track of them if their master failed to do so.
You quivered as one particular memory came to pass; a young vampire around the age of one hundred and twenty had been unnervingly lucky to had met their mate at such a young age. (Considering Jiyong had waited fifteen hundred years to meet you.)  She had been rather bright and mature which is why the elders had agreed that she could turn her mate.
Unfortunately for the young one her mate began to question the elders and their practices. No one got away with questioning what was ancient practice. The newborn was torn to pieces and his mate left alive to drive herself insane.
You were the only one to provide her comfort. You tried to soothe her grief and guilt; you even offered her some of your blood even though it was highly forbidden to drink. With your ability to self-heal Jiyong never had to know. She wouldn’t accept your blood knowing who your mate was. She even refused the blood of your favorite donor in fear of more punishment.
The poor creature went on to torture herself for several months until she became raving mad; threatening to expose the entirety of your race. They beheaded her in front of the entire coven. It scarred you and to be honest it shattered the rose colored image Jiyong had created in your head. He was conniving, self-serving, and dangerous.
Jiyong hid behind his innocent face; he pretended to be naive and sweet when he was the cruelest elder on the council and he wasn’t even the oldest. It wasn’t a surprise to you all that much that Seunghyun would rather be reinforcement than the ruler. Jiyongie ruled with an iron fist, the underlings were never the wiser unless they committed a crime worthy of standing in front of the council.
To the young ones the council, was great, forgiving, and needed to survive. Jiyong was their too pure ruler whose sole goal was to keep vampire kind safe and undetected. The latter was all that mattered to them; they never implemented a system to help the newborns they only fed them lies to prevent an uprising.
You felt such utter disappointment in yourself for not realizing how terrible your mate was sooner. If you had known you would’ve tried to prolong having children. Not that you didn’t love Ji Tae but no child should have to grow up on the run because their daddy was a snake.
You would take care of your past mistakes by keeping your son safe. Jiyong would never hurt either of you again. It would be hard living without a mate but for your kid, you’d do anything.
“Ms. (Y/L/N),” the father gained your attention with the clearing of his throat, “Try to memorize these tunnels this will be your means of travel for the next couple of days.”
You nodded and put a hand to the old stone wall; it was cold like your mate’s skin but more welcoming. Jiyong could be affectionate when he wanted something from you; it never felt genuine because he was so calculating. Surely he had to love you because of the mate bond, but when he said those words...they always felt hollow. Like he didn’t know how to process the emotion. Only saying what he knew I wanted to hear.
You were sure if you were born human you would’ve already cracked from the lack of affection. Any human would’ve felt like a used hooker; but you were the daughter of a well bred family of vampires. Relatively old but you were of their newest generation, you were raised as if you were born into the fourteenth century. Perfectly groomed to only feel emotion not to let others see because of your nobility. Your mate was raised much the same so you could understand but your parents had always told you, your mate was the only exception to this rule. The only other soul you’d be able to trust.
You felt tears in your eyes at just the thought; was there something wrong with you? Why couldn’t he be like the others? Why did he have to pretend that he was at war with everyone? More importantly why did he have to treat you as if he were grooming another soldier?
You needed to stop thinking about the past if you wanted to move forward; that chapter in your life was over it was time you got your head in the present.
“Father Park, I will need a well trained hunter for an escort. One who won’t kill me or my son just because we’re purebloods.”
“Of course, I already have one in mind. He’d be more than willing to help you out, your circumstances speak to him on a personal level.”
Your curiosity was peaked, “Why do you say that?”
“Your mate has hurt many people, most of the association would be willing to sacrifice themselves if it meant your mate died too…”
You swallowed uncomfortably if they hated Jiyong this much how would they treat you? Would they betray you? Hurt your son? Would they try to kill your mate? Despite your fear you still loved Jiyong and would never wish to see him dead. It was clear you couldn’t put your trust in anyone, you weren’t even sure you trusted the priest.
“I don’t doubt that…”
“This way miss.”  The priest took a quick right and before you was an old looking wood door, pointed in typical fifteenth century style. “You and your son shall stay here, if there is anything you might need don’t be afraid to come and find me. I’ll be sending your guardian as soon as I find him.”
“Thank you father, for all of your help.”
He gave you a smile and a formal bow before taking his leave.
Settling in you put Ji Tae in the crib they provided once he was comfortable you laid down on the small cot. Checking your watch, seven pm, the sun has officially set. You were slightly anxious but you knew these tunnels were hidden well, you needed to rest. Your ability to walk in the sun took a lot out of your body. With one last look at your son you closed your eyes and drifted off.
“Jagi?” a familiar voice called to you laced with worry, “Jagiya where are you?”
Your eyes snapped open in near panic. The mate bond, you had forgotten to take into account your telepathic connection. You tried to control your fear; if you didn’t answer him his hackles would be raised immediately, what would you tell him? Biting your lip you said the first thing that came to mind,
“I took Ji Tae to the park.” you paused briefly, “I left a note by your nightstand.”
You could hear his soft hum, “I saw that but Magnus said you have been gone since four this afternoon without a human escort…”
“I can protect myself better than any human can Ji.”
“That would leave you distracted and someone could take our son, please come home Ji Tae needs his feeding anyway.”
His demanding tone irked you so that you chewed on the inside of your cheek. Deciding against your better judgment you gave him one last chance.
“I brought one of the bottles you put in the fridge, he’s all set and we’re fine—”
You heard the low growl he omitted, “(Y/n)-ah I wasn’t asking.”
You swallowed your anger, “Of course not, I’ll be home soon.”
You shut him out afterwards not even for a moment regretting your decision to leave. At least this way you bought yourself some time before he’d scour the city for you two.  
Walking over to your son, holding his tiny hand in yours, “I’m sorry about your appa, but I promise you and I will figure this out.”
Your son gave you a gummy smile and in return your insides warmed. Patting his chubby belly you went back to your makeshift bed. This time you made sure to keep Jiyong out, if you could help it he’d never be back in your life again.
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necromite · 7 years
*slams fists down*
Firstly…. I know some of this is gonna sound mEH but this little demon species I made means the goddamn world to meeeee and my lil traumatized ass so don’t b mean™
Now originally I only made a few. Like as a coping mechanism. That was back around middle school because that is definitely where depression™ started. I love demons so much and I was like…. yes demons I’m make them….
Originally, and this still pretty much holds up, they are always themed off of something. And whatever they are themed off of determines their main power.
Now in my original drafts, all of them had a tattoo of the symbol of their power. It was black everytime. Now that does not hold up anymore, instead I gave them what I call “insulators”. They act as a container for their magic and they cannot perform their magic without it on. The insulator is also capable of keeping their physical forms together. If you apply enough force to their forms they will uhhh explode and immediately go back into regeneration within their insulators. So essentially their souls are in their insulators. This is symbolic of going through a traumatic experience and then shutting down and going into recovery. Due to what this is based on, the recovery times vary extremely dependent on what happens to the Necromite at hand. Sometimes it takes more force to break one Necromite than it does with others. It really depends on their level of power and mental endurance to keep themselves together. Once they reform, they come back and are generally ok after that until some fucker hurts them again. While it’s based off of physical force, it COULD also be mental trauma to them too. So physcologically tortuing one has about the same effect as physically dependent on the Necromite, and they will pop and go back into regeneration. However sometimes instead of going back into regeneration, they lash out and go into a “beast form” of sorts. Except….the beast form is what they look like anyway. Necromites are a species that wants to blend in, because what they generally look like scares things that don’t understand their somewhat horrific appearance. They project a form of the predominate species of their area. Most of the time, it’s probably humans tbh. So human/humanoid forms 9 times outta 10 most likely. However they can shift into anything so long as they see it in action. They are not perfect at this, however, and no matter what form they’re in they will always have: horns (any amount, but has to be at least one), long ears, and their insulators. Now insulators can practically be anything but once they choose one they have to stick with it forever. The way it works is that the (probably child?) chooses an item they like and choose to put themselves in that essentially. Until then the parents/guardians help them keep their forms stable if they’re projecting. If they have no one to help them do that, they cannot disguise themselves without an insulator. Generally, insulators are accessories like jewelry or something (not necessary, can be anything within reason that they can have on their person.). Just so they don’t look out of place. They’re extremely sensitive to people touching their insulators and mostly do not allow it. There’s a good reason for this of course. Because, as you can probably guess, if you destroy the insulator you kill them. Destroying an insulator is actually extremely hard though. There’s no specific way to do it but they’re just extremely durable to the point of which someone who is not magic probably cannot achieve breaking it. Regardless though yes they are paranoid so do not touch it unless you want an ass kicking. Now they mostly live in villages with a bunch of other Necromites. Very, very rarely do they live in a place that does not have at least one other of their kind, and if they do it probably involves a significant other of another species. (tHAT IS THE SAME of their projected species so no weird shit….) Speaking of….since it’s relevant, yes they can reproduce with different species if they wanted to, but since they’re immortal they don’t really have to. But y’know sometimes people want kids or whatever so. Yeah. 
Now generally, Necromites are under rule of their Queen. Who resides in their dimension of origin. She gathers up incredibly powerful Necromites and raises them to do what she says, and what she wants them to do is colonize other places all around different dimensions. There are 5 classes to those who live under her rule: Citizen->Servant->Solider->Commander->Elder 
Citizen lives there and does general citizen shit. I mean…y’know whatever the fuck people do when they live somewhere. 
Servant is a servant. That’s pretty straight forward. They do shit for her and reside in her palace or whatever I haven’t decided wtf she actually lives in yet bc I’m soooo good at this.
Soldiers are the fighters. They are essentially…yeah?? They’re soldiers man they fight battles and take out opposition. 
Commanders train the soldiers and protect the Elders. 
Elders are the most powerful and are exceedingly gifted when it comes to magic, charisma, and cruelty. They are the ones sent out to colonize. Sometimes it’s a matter of convincing the people of the area they go to colonize bc they’re stupid….hence the charisma aspect. 
Most of the time though, people don’t want to be under a new rule, especially if they didn’t have one in the first place. If they do, the Elders kill the leader. If they don’t, the Elders kill a couple of the people in example of what will happen should there be anymore opposition. This has been going on as long as the species has been existent. Queen is the literal God to the demons and she can spawn demons from thin air if she wanted to, but she much prefers to just let them grow from a baby. Some things to keep in mind are that she is a cruel tyrant and she really only cares about expanding her influence and nothing else. She is about 40 feet tall. She has the ability to control any demon of the Necromite species so long as they are pure Necromite. Meaning that if a Necromite bred with a human the baby would be half human, in which case she only has half control. She’s evil as evil gets and also insanely powerful, there has never been opposition to her…. EXCEPT….. until a Necromite named Gin came around. He was used by her since birth and is arguably the second most powerful Necromite alive behind Queen herself. For a long while, until about his late teens, he worked for her without question. He was not capable of emoting or understanding emotions all that well. Some would say he was even apathetic but that really was not true. One day one of the commanders he was assigned to started picking on him while the other 6 Elders he associated with were not paying attention. This commander is named Luciana. (She belongs my best friend) She was raised from birth to die for her cause if need be and that was all that mattered, except….. she’s pretty quirky and silly. And she saw something different in Gin than she did any other Elders. She had the hunch he could be a much better person than he was raised to be. And she was right. She also fell in love with him. He didn’t really know this at the time, and therefore he came off as rather insensitive to her feelings and hints that she dropped at him. Eventually, he ultimately decided he was done being a pawn to Queen. He was going to rebel. He told Luciana and a few citizens who shared his views of wanting to be free and he put his plan…. well actually he did not have anything planned he just did it. He was successful, and he took Luciana and the citizens to a world that the Necromites had never been before and sealed off the portal and any traces of energy that would have helped in tracking them down. He was injured, of course. He had to fight Queen before he was able to leave after all. He did not succeed in killing her though, only fazing for a short amount of time. And well? Gin and Luciana’s group of people were free now. It was the first time anyone had done that and so they had to work together to make their village, which still stands to this day. And if you’re wondering…. yes Gin and Luciana are married and they are cute as fuck. Gin is now dead though but there’s a lot more to things than that. To keep this post from getting any longer though I’m going to summarize: Gin instated six other Elders to work with him and lead the village and they weren’t really that nice. He also recruited 7 more potential Elders and trained them and raised them, acting as their fatherly figure and treating them as more than their ability to destroy. The local species of angels that happened to live there…. I forgot the name I gave them….. were like….. “hey what the fuck you can’t be here you’re demons” and all that racist shit djdjdjsjsj. And eventually they got into fights and then war broke out and Gin and the other six Elders were killed as well as the leader of the angels and ofc tons more of casualties. So the kids Gin had raised to take their place did exactly that. They are grown now and are currently the leaders of the village. They’re good at what they do but they hold resentment for what had happened. So there are two kinds of Necromites, ones that are aligned with Queen and the ones that are not. It’s dangerous to not be aligned with her because you know her petty ass is trying to hunt down the rebel village. She hasn’t been successful just yet though. And that is the history behind that shit in the shortest possible summary. Now more about the species in general is that there are regular ones and there are gifted ones. The gifted ones are born with a huge amount of power and those are generally the ones that are made into Elders. Elders are protectors of those they lead and if you try to mess with their village they will fuck you up. The way villages generally go is that there are 7 Elders to run it and the rest are citizens. They’re generally peaceful unless provoked. If you were to kiss one for some reason, their saliva would taste like your favorite sweet thing, and if you taste it while they are aroused, it turns into an aphrodisiac. Honestly though like… they don’t take advantage of this or anything. You shouldn’t really be kissing them like that unless you like… love them or something anyway. Necromites with tails are somewhat scarce for some reason, no one really knows why. There’s two Necromites that canonly have tails and that’s about it. There are currently none with wings but it isn’t impossible. Any other features are pretty common though. Like clawed hands, multiple limbs, unnatural skin colors, etc. Females generally have notched ears whereas males do not but who gives a fuck about gender tbh I give the men notched ears all the time. And ofc just for the record they also do not give a fuck about gender and there are trans and nonbinary Necromites all the time. They don’t tolerate people who discriminate and the punishment is either exile or death. The person gets to choose. Most choose exile. As said earlier, they look really strange when they aren’t disguised. I don’t have a visual reference of this yet but: lanky bodies, elongated limbs, large jaws and needle like teeth, they generally can only stand on four legs because of their large limbs but standing on two legs is totally possible. Standing upright they’re about 6 feet tall at the shortest in most cases. Some are smaller or larger though. Their eyes are narrow and their pupils are slitted. All in all they have the sentience of humans mentality wise and generally stick together. They’re social but mostly only towards each other. Sometimes outsiders aren’t even allowed near their villages and sometimes they don’t give a heck. It really all depends. They have their own language, but they adapt and pick up ones that are spoken around them often. Uhhhhhhh I can’t really think of anything else right now sO RANT OVER
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