#unless you've already seen s2
quixotical-lymbo · 3 months
howdy! hope your day is going well
if you're comfortable with it, could I please request macaque x reader general fluff headcanons?
reader is transmasc (or just male if you're not confident in writing that), chubby, very affectionate, and loves cooking.
thank you in advance. if you're unable to do this then I completely understand! 👍🏿
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Warnings/Tags: Post-S2, Trust issues, tooth-rotting fluff, brief implications of self-esteem issues, Macaque being an asshole.  Word Count: 900+ words 
 How you two met: It was an accident, honestly. Macaque wasn't even supposed to be hanging around people's apartments like some weirdo–but he had a bad run-in with a few old 'friends' in the neighborhood and he happened to pick the apartment with an opened window. Before he could leave the next morning, you had already seen him. Surprisingly, you offered to patch up his wounds and shelter him until they healed enough. Reluctantly, he agreed. 
First impressions: Macaque thought you looked weak and were too naive. Given by your rounder physique and softer features he assumed you wouldn't hold up against him in a fight if it came down to it. Those are some of the reasons why he agreed to stay with you at first. You thought this stranger was pitiful and lonely. Not only was he banged up badly, but he seemed…troubled and in need of a friend or two. 
How you two acted around each other as….: 
Acquaintances? Somewhat guarded, but that was a given since the two of you only shared each other's names before retreating to your own sections of your apartment. Macaque had the living room and couch, while you had your bedroom or the kitchen to whip something up for him. Basically, you two were unspoken roommates that rarely crossed paths unless absolutely necessary.
Friends? Warmer, Macaque still doesn't fully open up to you, but him cracking a few jokes here and there makes the mood between you two lighten up. It definitely helped that you took note of his favorite dishes and showered him in baked goods. 
More than friends…? Woah, woah, woah, bucko. Hold your monkeys! Macaque couldn't…no he shouldn't…why does he want to get close to you, but at the same time want to run away? What were you doing to him, was this some sort of witchcraft or something? Macaque definitely had a realization that he was getting wayyyy too comfortable around you and would be cold/wishy-washy with you for a few weeks until you confronted him about it. 
It was then he decided to take a leap of faith for the first time in a while and spill out what he was feeling (he definitely didn't say EVERYTHING EVERYTHING, but it was enough to get his point across). 
Thankfully, you felt the same way—confused, yet weirdly comfortable around him unlike anybody else you've ever been around. It was more than a comfy feeling when you were around him, more of a need to be in his good graces and wanting to be a bit more than 'roommates.' Macaque made you feel..safe, if anything. 
What does Macaque love like about you?
He likes how compassionate you are, but also hates how generous and naive you can be at times which he admits he takes advantage of sometimes.
He likes  how he doesn't even have to ask for things when you're already one step ahead and give him what he needs/wants, whether that's a hot meal, tending to his wounds, or even just being there for him. 
Another thing he loves about you is how unapologetically courageous you are.
You aren't afraid of most things normal would be afraid of (heck, you don't even kill any bugs that crawl in your apt.), and you aren't afraid of who you are. 
Sure, sometimes he witnesses you in a few bouts of self-doubt whenever you stand in front of a mirror, but he's always there whispering nothing but praises into your ear before slowly guiding your eyes to the parts of you that he loves. 
Macaque won't admit it out loud, but the fact that his man can cook, bake, and is a good person without all the ulterior motive bullshit makes him more smug than ever.
It's not that you're a prize, object, or anything, but the fact you actually want him seriously is an ego boost for him. 
My man, my man, my man 24/7 365. 
It's time for some fun lil' tidbits!
Macaque was confused when he saw your old family photos feature two adults and what appeared to be the girl version of you. When you explained to him that it was you before fully embracing your identity, Macaque understood and hasn't treated you any differently since, you're still his boyfriend even if he doesn't understand why you like him that much. 
Whenever you pepper his face in kisses, his body freezes and he is just a statue while his tail just starts writhing before curling around your waist. When you first did this, you were a bit startled by his reaction but after being reassured that he liked it (just wasn't used to so much touch, or rather physical touch that didn't involve being punched or choked) you continued. 
He isn't a big fan of being hugged from behind, which you quickly found out after being pinned against the kitchen counter–after a few apologies, you baked his favorite desserts and cuddled him for the rest of the afternoon. 
He loves teasing you about that one incident when you walked in on him undressing. It was hilarious watching you scramble around trying not to look at him. 
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🍜 - Please let me know if anything is amiss, this is my first time writing for a transmasc reader. I do not give permission for anyone to translate, copy, republish, or plagiarize any of my written works. I provide no permission for any of my literary works to be used in artificial intelligence. sparkle banner(s) by @adornedwithlight !!
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markantonys · 2 months
there was a great interview with sharon gilham (costume designer) where she gave an intriguing tease about a new character in s3! (this bit starts around the 45-minute mark)
they are "something else"
"not like anything from season 2 or anything you've seen before"
they required a major collaboration between the costume & makeup departments
she paraphrased rafe as describing them as "a really really important, really highly complex character who's coming for one scene only in episode 7 or 8" [that was more that she couldn't remember the episode number, not that rafe wasn't sure at the time what episode they would be in; she did specify that it was at the end of the season because she was saying they were almost out of budget and had this dropped on them lmao so the episode in question does definitely seem to be 7 or 8]
i don't know what to think! lots of people are speculating the finn which fits the first few points, but i'm skeptical because i wouldn't qualify them as "really important, highly complex" characters (and it did definitely sound like one specific character, not a group of characters, though we could have mat meet just one finn). same goes for other creature-y characters like shaidar haran - not that important or complex of a character, unless they plan to bulk him up a lot compared to the books, which is possible. it's also possible sharon/rafe meant visually complex rather than complex characterization-wise, but even with that, i personally wouldn't consider the finn or shaidar haran to be as important as she made it sound like this character is. maybe the gholam could fit the parameters of important & (visually) complex?
i'm also skeptical of mordeth because mashadar was just its own thing not tied to a person in s1 and i kinda doubt they'd introduce him now, but maybe some kind of mordeth-inspired padan fain powerup is possible? or a slayer TAR powerup where he becomes freaky-looking? but the phrasing implies to me that this is a new character who isn't in any other scene in s3, rather than an existing character who gets a powerup to look different.
tuon is a possibility, but would her aesthetic really be THAT different from the high blood we saw in s2? i don't know, maybe it would! another seanchan possibility is the empress herself; it would be so sick if tuon was in multiple scenes in the tanchico plotline and we get to know her not realizing who she is, and then at the very end of the season she goes home and we find out she's the daughter of the seanchan empress. the literal empress would be a good candidate for looking like nothing we'd ever seen before because she'd surely have to be the most over-the-top person in the world. and Mama Tuon could maybe fit the bill of a "really important" character if they bring some of tuon's backstory onscreen and give her a storyline within the court of the nine moons in s4 before heading back to the westlands in s5, thus giving her mom a significant role and making a lot more out of the mommy issues that were hinted at in the books, but even in that scenario it feels like a stretch to consider Mama Tuon THAT important (but again, we just can't know how they might decide to bulk up characters; no one would've ever considered liandrin important based on the books!)
the only other possibility i'm thinking of is a new forsaken, with my strongest guesses being sammael or graendal (since they were both namedropped in s3, and there's also an alleged sammael audition script), and a smaller guess of asmodean (i'd assume we would see him in more than one scene in s3). but here we also run into the question of, how different would they be from the forsaken we've already seen? plus, would they require a "major" collaboration with the makeup department? sammael maaaaybe, depending on how they do his scar.
any standard westland character (aes sedai, political leader or noble, aiel, etc) i wouldn't think would have particularly wild aesthetics, so i'm discounting all those (like cadsuane), but you never know.
i'm sure there's about a hundred other possibilities i'm not thinking of right now! what do you guys think?
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LWA here: I don't take the lockdown video as canon, as it's just too obviously a PSA. I do think there's more to be said about Crowley refusing to hear Chekhov's gun going off in the aftermath of S1, although that may be because I've now back-buttoned out of far too many supposed "fix-fics" in which Aziraphale has to abase himself before his much-abused demon. (Folks, they are equally to blame to the miscommunication pileup at the end! The yin/yang, single-character-split-in-half thing always manifests itself by them simultaneously botching things in their relationship! We are shown and told this explicitly! WTH?!) This is my own sequel to endlessly back-buttoning out of fics for S1.
I guess I'm one of the three or so people on the planet who got to the end of S1 and said, wait, there were two unambiguous betrayals during the course of this season, both related to trust issues, and unless they're discussed and resolved you cannot extrapolate a successful relationship out of this ending. Aziraphale betrays Crowley's faith that their friendship is different by not telling him about the Antichrist; Crowley betrays Aziraphale by manipulating him like /everyone else manipulates him/ by tempting him to kill first Warlock, then Adam. And there was a start to acknowledging the first during the bar scene, but there is no sign in the script that Crowley apologizes, mentions what he did, or even feels badly about it.* Fan attempts to excuse the manipulation usually repeat Crowley's own justification for the act at the park bench, but the script, via Madame Tracy, insists that "you can't kill kids" is a moral absolute. Crowley, and Aziraphale for going along with him, are in the wrong, end-stop. That was just such a massive stickle-burr for me in terms of conceptualizing how Crowley actually sees his own power in relation to Aziraphale's, and this season concretized that they are both suffering from trauma-related superiority complexes that they act out in ways that deny each other agency (Crowley by concealing information from Aziraphale about Heaven & Gabriel, then attempting to demon-handle him back into damsel-in-distress mode; Aziraphale by still being stuck in binary thinking patterns and offering Crowley a redemption plot he doesn't want).
*--I've seen exactly one analysis-in-fic-form that refuses to let Crowley off the hook, "Auguries of Innocence" (https://rainjoyswriting.dreamwidth.org/241857.html#cutid1), written by someone with experience teaching ethics. I think the author makes Crowley much too self-aware about what he did, but her conclusions about why he might be unable to bring himself to apologize are pretty plausible.
sliding this under a cut:
awesome, that's what i was kind of hoping someone would agree with me on (re: lockdown), mainly because from the feeling of the plot in s2 (plus the contextual characterisation already discussed about aziraphale's ability, vs surrender of his will, to protect himself/crowley's compulsion to overprotect), it felt rather extraneous of the canon narrative in retrospect. it felt like a fun, quirky PSA in isolation, but i didnt want to automatically discount it as not having its place in the story either if it indeed had one! so, im glad someone else was thinking what my gut was saying - that it is likely to be the former.
i get that many people are hungry for some kind of comfort following s2's ending (completely understandable), but i can't currently bring myself to read any fanfiction that follows the events of s2 because of this exact reason you've mentioned. frankly, i personally find it a little too uncomfortable that the resolution seen so far - in general terms, there are well-written exceptions - is for aziraphale to metaphorically prostrate and punish himself for the whole breakup, especially when i personally felt pretty much since ten minutes after finishing ep6 that there was more to it than aziraphale seemingly wanting to change crowley "into the angel he wants him to be", and rejecting him when he wouldn't. it's way more nuanced and complex than that. and every time i rewatch that scene, it feels so obvious that they are speaking words that on the surface fit together in terms of dialogue, but they are saying completely different things.
i love a misunderstanding-leads-to-angst trope, it's one of my favourites, and the way the dialogue was written in this scene to have so many interweaving and contradicting layers and meanings was a profound and immersive depiction of this. ultimately my end impression (until a point we get an actual Conversation in s3 that discusses these exact points) of the scene is that:
- aziraphale will always think he should and could do better and be better, even at the risk of sacrificing everything including crowley, and do so with only the greater good in mind... no matter if the greater good doesn't truly exist in the way he hopes or expects it to (and therefore is completely immaterial), and:
- crowley will always continue to keep and bury aziraphale in his own rage and pain, drawing him back in whenever aziraphale shifts to step outside of it, and do so because it's a constancy that has thus far worked in giving him purpose and a sense of being wanted.
there's way more to it than that, but those were the immediate first impressions i got. they may love each other endlessly, beyond understanding, and that's wonderful; but love alone is not enough to sustain a relationship of any kind. there has to be trust, yes, but also mutual respect, support for each others' true wants and needs, and a sense of wholly knowing yourself (even the things you wish you could change, or you dislike) so you know what you are giving to the other person. my perspective on being in a partnership is that your heart is no longer just your own, it becomes the other person's too - if not more - and you have to be someone that can be entrusted with it. neither of the characters give me the impression of having really learnt this yet, and have demonstrated on multiple occasions, including the ones you mentioned, that they haven't.
having a read of what you linked, this is exactly along the lines of why i think crowley doesn't want to recognise, or cant recognise, what he did in tempting aziraphale and manipulating him on the occasions that he did... because what would happen if he did accept it? and opened up the pandora's box that is bringing aziraphale's attention to it? how would aziraphale ever see crowley the same way again? id love to say it was the same lines along which i was thinking when i wrote the below re: saviour complex, but is far more insightful and eloquently put:
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and also here, when talking in response to another ask of yours about I Forgive You:
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essentially: that if aziraphale were to know why crowley does what he does, did what he did, if aziraphale received an explanation and a genuine apology for it, would crowley only be met with benevolence? or would he be genuinely forgiven in a way that is actually meaningful to him because it comes from aziraphale the person, not the angel? the latter would be too much to bear, i think. the irony however is that in not giving his shortcomings air, taking them out of the locked box he's crafted to hide them, he's occasioning further opportunity for misunderstanding between them.
trauma in whatever form is not a valid excuse to project that trauma onto someone else. it can be empathised with, but not excused. again, as always, at the risk of human-ifying two supernatural beings, it is entirely human to fuck up and do so, it's going to happen - that you hurt someone you love by keeping them in your pain. but it can't keep happening in a never-ending cycle, and has to have a breaking point that all parties actively learn from. this ground, them acknowledging having any feelings for each other, is brand new for them to tread on, but when it comes hand-in-hand with having millennia full of trauma, shame and pain, they also need to tread very carefully.
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skania · 1 year
Replies to ONK Asks
If you've sent me an ONK-related message these past two days, the reply is below the cut!
Since ONK is taking over my blog, I'll work on a Masterlist so stuff is easier to find. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to use the search bar at the top of my blog to check if I've already replied to a particular topic!
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Indeed, the fandom at large seems to be hit with a very serious case of confirmation bias. It doesn't only apply to the ships, either. For example, those who want Aqua to be Light-lite will let this bias cloud their interpretation of Aqua's every action lol
The obsession thing is genuinely hilarious though because of the cognitive dissonance 😂
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You and me both! If Akane has to play one of the B-Komachi members, it would be nice to see Kana sharing her experience with her so Akane can understand her better. I'm also curious as to how their dynamic will be affected now that Akane has hardened up. I don't even know if Kana will be able to get a rise out of Akane anymore, but I kind of hope she does because Akane has been looking so stoic lately 😭
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Aka's pacing is a hot mess. Sometimes the story moves at a snail's pace, and sometimes it moves at the speed of light lol
I'm glad we're finally diving deep into Ruby's mental state and her past as Sarina!
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Thank you for this first ramble! I'm glad it worked 😂 I completely agree with you, the intimacy between Aqua and Akane really stands out and it's difficult to ignore. I think this is precisely why some feel the need to deny as much of it as possible: they have convinced themselves of the outcome of the manga, but still feel threatened by Aqua and Akane's dynamic. So, they try to explain it away in a fashion that won't question their desired endgame; hence all the bad takes about how Akane was just a tool to Aqua, etc.
I get how frustrating it can be, but I think that at the end of the day it's up to Aka to prove these people wrong, not us. All we can do is try to provide our perspective, but some people won't change their minds unless Aka delivers an Aqua/Akane ending. And even then, some people will still be in denial until the end of time lol
Re: your PS, I think that if Aqua/Akane happens, Aka will necessarily have to revisit their relationship before then, so people will be able to see it coming and will have time to come to terms with it. I imagine the 2nd Season will help as well because it's the Akane season, so anime-onlies will realize things aren't as set in stone as S1 may make them seem.
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Hi there, anon!
On Akane and Ai
On Akane and being "obsessed" with Aqua
I haven't written anything on the third reason because I've thankfully never seen it, but I agree with everything you said!! Besides, the manga itself explains that Akane is hit harder than your average person because of how earnest she is. Instead of tuning out those messages, she felt like it was her duty to face those comments head-on. If anything, I feel that this only makes her even more amazing because she was able to come back from that stronger than ever 😭
Not at all anon, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me! ❤️
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I've given my opinion on the former here and here. As for Aqua's happiness being "fake", the lie lies in the fact that Aqua was building his happiness on running away from the truth. Aqua's "freedom" period and his relationship with Akane during it is something I'd love to write about properly later though, so I'll make a mental note to address this then!
and what's your opinion about people saying akane is crazy which is why she's "flawed?"
My opinion is that this hot take is not worth engaging with 😂 It's funny to see people wasting time with made-up flaws instead of discussing Akane's actual flaws though.
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I imagine they'll announce S2 next week, so hopefully they also give us a tentative release period! I don't mind waiting for a bit as long as the quality is as good as S1's. If they go for 2 cours this time, Season 2 will truly be the Akane season.
I think the confirmation bias is likely even stronger in manga readers because they've been along longer. I've practically stopped checking OnK out in social media because some takes are just way too bad lol
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Hi anon! I'm sorry, I left out the Kishimoto-related stuff because I didn't want to get sidetracked 😂 but to be perfectly honest with you, I'm not an Aka expert. I've only read one other work of his, Kaguya. I have no idea of whether he can be influenced by popularity or not because, in Kaguya, the intended ships also happened to be the most popular ones. The closest thing to a love triangle was pretty much just a distraction and a means for him to explore admiration and unrequited love lol
I do think that Aka is the type to go with whatever suits his vision/fancy best, though. I think he is more likely to be influenced by his own wants rather than the fandom's.
As for the anime, I'm honestly not sure how the merch gets decided. My best guess is that this season they're focusing all the marketing on the "Idol" side of the story, while next season the marketing will highlight the "Acting" side of it. There's no denying that it's pretty disappointing to see collab after collab with no Akane in sight though. I also think they shouldn't have added the recap episode right in the middle of Akane's arc; they should've waited and aired it one episode later. I feel that it kind of stalled the momentum Akane was building with the anime-only fandom, but that may be just me lol
However, what we need to pay attention to is how the anime handles certain scenes. The music cues. What they add, what they cut, what they change. Aka is the type to work very closely with the anime team and to give them information about the story in advance. So if they highlight certain scenes or make them more/less impactful than they were in the manga, it could mean something.
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spock-christine · 1 year
omg I just watched ep 7 of snw and at the end when t'pring says spock could never have feelings for chapel, and the way he pauses and says 'of course not' in the most unconvincing, broken way, broke me. do you think they going to show more S/C in S2?
I'm sorry it took so long to answer back! I'm sure by now you've already seen the trailer for season two and it's already answered your question. I can tell you that, yes, i did expect more Spapel and didn't believe they would just leave it at Spock walking off after their final moment in 'All Those Who Wander'.
Unless the writers decide to tell us that SNW is in an alternate reality i really think they are working toward explaining their interactions in TOS or at least The Naked Time better.
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Thanks for the ask!
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merlions · 1 year
idk if this is a star trek picard spoiler bc I don't think this will give anything away/it won't make sense what I mean unless you've already seen it. and I'm only midway thru the first ep of s2 so idk and this isn't necessarily a criticism, but picard season 2 is just a remake of a wrinkle in time. Q even said that weird nonsequiteur about wrinkles just as he was about to introduce all the Concepts
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eddawrites · 2 years
Remember this guy?
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Oh what am I saying, of course you do. There’s not much that we know about him other than that his name might be Miguel, that he’s absolutely getting pegged and that I find his face extra punchable. However, there’s a compelling theory making rounds that he might have an agenda of his own. Concretely, that theory links him to this girl:
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And sure enough, when it comes to visage, these two do look similar. The same shade of green eyes and brown hair, pale skin and prominent lips... the girl’s dress even seems to be of the same turquoise colour as his jacket. It’s not too far-fetched to imagine these two being related, other than that one died in Ionia (recently revealed via one of the artists working on the show) and the other is now working as an escort in Piltover, seen wearing the mask of Kindred no less - the twin aspects of death:
Separate, but never parted, Kindred represents the twin essences of death. Lamb’s bow offers a swift release from the mortal realm for those who accept their fate. Wolf hunts down those who run from their end, delivering violent finality within his crushing jaws.
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But what I find the most interesting about this tinfoil hat-worthy theory is what it would mean for Ambessa. At this point, she already has a fire catching under her ass, with her rival seemingly dead-set on wiping out her family. Old sins catching up to her and coming to bite her in the ass sounds like yet another layer of drama to pile on top of that already loaded plotline, but it wouldn’t be unlike Arcane to expand upon seemingly minute details and make them plot-relevant later. We’ve seen random items from ep. 1 showing up again during the mad tea party scene in the finale, the reappearance of Huck in ep. 6, as well as the coincidence that the boy who dies at Jayce’s hands in ep. 8 being a child of a moderately important side character.
To further support this theory - if indeed you can support a crack theory - Ambessa is always nursing a glass of wine in her hand and in this particular scene from ep. 9 even comments on its quality, appearing to be less than impressed with it:
91 00:06:33 --> 00:06:35 Noxian wine is bold by comparison. 92 00:06:35 --> 00:06:37 The grapes are hardened by the climate.
That is to say that perhaps the wine is poisoned, if indeed revenge is the dish being served to Ambessa. Local Cuisine seems very upset when Mel slaps the glass out of her mother’s hand and spills the wine, although he could very well just be angry about Mel ruining his pristine white shirt.
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But what I personally find compelling is the possibility of parallel arcs in s2 where Ambessa and Jayce (and also Viktor) would have to answer for the lives they took. And Arcane writers do love their parallel arcs. Let’s enumerate some of those parallels:
Caitlyn, Jayce and Heimerdinger are forced to confront the realities of life in the undercity and their own complicity in the exploitation thereof
Jayce and Vi are trying to save Viktor and Jinx respectively
Mel and Jinx are forced to weaponise hextech at the behest of their parent
Viktor and Jinx undergo a transformation that makes them inhuman
Viktor and Jayce accidentally kill an innocent bystander, using a technology they invented to help people
Jayce and Vander are forced to make a deal with “the other side” in order to prevent further loss of life
Vander and Silco are given an ultimatum that involves giving up their adoptive children
Mel and Jinx are forced to choose between their parent and another person
... and many more.
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Jayce killing - albeit by accident - a son of a prominent Zaun chembaron certainly doesn’t seem like a throwaway detail that will remain unaddressed. Renni will no doubt want to avenge her son and Jayce will thus be forced to face consequences of his actions, in addition to the trauma of killing a child roughly the same age he had been when he was saved by magic.
What’s more, according to the Council Archives, Renni has a personalised chemtank for her own use, meaning that she has one of these babies all for herself:
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Do I smell a possible fight in s2? I do! If Jayce has to take up the hammer again and become his vigilante self of League of Legends lore, this duel might very well be the next step in his journey of embracing the mantle of the Defender of Tomorrow.
Admittedly, Ambessa’s and Jayce’s situations are not at all similar. They might both be heads of state that have taken some drastic measures, but she is a warmonger with many other, more heinous crimes to her name than Jayce’s accidental manslaughter; however, none of the parallels I’ve listed above are one-for-one examples either. There are always differences.
But I digress; what you really should take away from this post is: I think that Local Cuisine is sus. Or perhaps I just hate his face and want someone to rearrange it for him. Or both.
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thetomorrowshow · 2 years
Requests are open I've heard?
Well uh,,,, please please I want to hear your headcanons for empires s2 if you're watching it :D
Also maybe any lore predictions as to what happened in the thousand years between s1 and s2??
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ok this took me so long im sorry ksjdfkj @flyingfish1234
i'm watching jimmy scott and lizzie atm, so most of what i know lore-wise for other players ive just picked up from tumblr. that being said:
-i know a lot of people are saying based on scott's recent comments (having angered a witch before, had training that helped him move through the mangrove forest easier) that he's a retired circus performer, but may i present to you: retired assassin scott.
please a retired assassin who knows a lot about textiles bc of making clothes to fit in at every place they were sent to assassinate someone. colorful clothes so that no one suspects him of a dark past. discovered llamas on his travels and was enamoured. his heterochromia became part of his infamy--"if you see a man with one eye yellow, one eye blue--you better run" type of thing. pls mr smajor pls be an assassin
-that's my biggest hope for this season, but another one is that we get villain arc jimmy! he talked a bit in some livestreams early this year or late last year that he had plans to be a villain in a series this year--he didn't do it with afterlife or with double life (so far), so i think that it's really promising for es2! and he's honestly already building up to it imo with his respect board (after all, scar becoming the villain of 3rd life started with his friendship board/passes). i just. i wanna see evil sheriff jim in full black cowboy get-up (if you've ever seen community i'm picturing the black rider in 2x23).
-i saw a theory on here the other day that sausage is also es1 sausage, searching for his friends after getting out of his alternate universe or whatever happened to him in his last episode (i don't watch sausage idk), and i fully believe that. like cc!sausage made it clear that c!sausage didn't die at the end of the season. unless we're going to have an into the sausageverse situation here idk why he would be so adamant about that.
-lizzie is a jellicle cat
-i've heard that false doesn't have memories, but is oddly suspicious of everything, like she's afraid she's being hunted. i'm really thinking she didn't start out in this world and was brought here by some unknown force. maybe pix can help her figure out her past?
-i find it hard to believe that lizzie would make an entire musical about her immortal fish goddess dnd character without having her make a guest appearance at some point.
and as for lore predictions for what happened between the seasons:
-somebody suggested that the fossil jimmy found was one of s1 gem's dragons, which i love.
-i don't think the copper king was ever found again, but i hope s2 pix unearths his history.
-s1 lizzie and jimmy are still around somewhere, but neither of them have their memories or fish features (and i don't think s1 jimmy will make an appearance, but i bet he'll be an urban legend in this season).
-at some point, someone had to build the fountain where joel got his wishes. who?
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quinnfebrey · 2 years
yeah i'm with you and the other anon on the martha/bo thing for the most part. i really don't trust the general fandom with that ship for all the reasons you've both said. i think the likelihood of martha getting paired up with a guy in s3 is pretty high, considering she's voiced both interest in getting a boyfriend, and apprehension about the concept of sex. i just worry about the show putting her with a guy and then like... that being her whole thing, either in the show or with the fandom. i feel like she also already gets watered down a lot, to being toni's sweet best friend/a wingman to shoni, or the fandom just. straight up ignores her. i don't think i've read a single martha-centric fic or a fic with her pov as the main one. i tried searching for fanfiction that was focused primarily on her and toni's friendship and i found barely anything. she's shipped with the other members of the unsinkable eight probably the least out of anyone, besides maybe nora (i think the only semi-popular martha ship with any of the girls i can think of is reidburn and there's not too much for that, either). if the show puts martha in a romance with a guy, i'd want it to be like. a full romance. i'd want it to be shoni tier, and i'd want it to be with a guy who'd actually deserve her (which is like. pretty much none of the guys on the show, at least right now), and i'd want her to have detailed plotlines outside of that romance, and i'd want them to still keep focus on her friendship with toni and the other girls (martha and fatin were so good this season guys. rachel and martha too. people, we're sleeping on reidmaniburn i think. but i digress.). anyway, that is not the thought process of most people who are pairing her up with the guys i think. i also think it's a very common thing for people in fandoms with canonically queer or even just popular fanon queer ships to very much sideline m/f ships, regardless of what other representation or interesting perspectives they might bring to the table, and it's also a common trend i've seen to throw the characters that people like, but don't particularly care about too much into m/f ships so they can go "see! we care about these characters!!!" and then throw them in as a background pairing in fics or whatever, without actually thinking about or caring about the characters involved. i totally get wanting to see yourself in ships (i often make one or both parties in my m/f ships bi LMAO) but if that's how someone treats m/f ships, i don't trust them not to completely water down or disregard bo and martha's characters when shipping them. like... i'm not opposed to bo/martha in theory, but i really don't think that the fandom would treat it well, or that the show would. sorry if this is incoherent i'm a bit out of it lol.
no i completely agree with all of this!! you read my mind but let me rehash the main points from my pov
there are rarely any plots about martha specifically that aren’t tied up in other members of the 8 (ie her entire coma situation in s2 is specifically for shelby/toni drama… like what), and i worry that putting her in a relationship will only excuse that further
it’s a problem that women of color are never seen as queer unless explicitly stated (nora, rachel, martha, even fatin is watered down to being boy crazy), whereas white characters will be shipped until the end of time. i’m not saying martha needs to be queer but the disregard from her completely when she actually probably gets along with the rest of the 8 better than ANY of the other characters is weird
“we don’t have anything for these characters, so… their plot can be each other” is 100% where martha/bo would come from
and if martha IS put in a relationship with one of the boys i think it would be great representation just in terms of martha being native american but also great representation about navigating a maturing relationship as a csa/sa survivor. but i don’t trust the writers to do that well and i don’t trust the fandom to appreciate it strictly because it’s a m/f pairing
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Violetta rewrite, question 3, all the characters
Oh boy, all the characters!!
3. What are your plans for -character-?
Ok, if I forget a character, ask about them in another ask.
I will just say that I keep most of every character that mysteriously disappeared - so Braco, Napo and Luca stay (and in s3, Lara stays). However, I don't really have big "plans" for them on their own, Braco and Napo will be used to react to stuff they witness people do, Luca will be useful for the Italy plot and Lara is gonna be needed for a thing in S3.
Violetta - Well, I am sticking her story as closely to canon as possible, but due to how the other characters have changed, she will change too. She'll also be exploring her identity in ways that the show didn't really allow her to. We've seen this already in my season 1 rewrite, but I will continue on that track for s2 and s3. Also, she will dress up as Roxy due to another reason than to spy on Leon. Actually, I will fix her in season 3. I can fix her <3
Leon - I'd say probably as close to canon as possible, if I am being honest. He's gonna have a better break up with Lara when that comes. Also gonna let him have a better storyline in S3. With Leon, i'm also making some plans for Leonetta - I love them, but they also need some polishing and I am gonna give them that. I've already started with it, as you've seen.
Francesca - My little blorbo girl!! If you've read my s1 rewrite, you'll see I have some PLANS for my favorite child, who's also my friend and also my wife (I grew up with her, it's weird, I used to be younger than her now I am almost older than her). Ok, so dating wise, for the most part, she's gonna have the same dudes, but I will change a few things with that too... but as her own little storyline goes, well, she's gonna be exploring her identity a lot too. That's all I can say without spoiling, but if you know me, you know :-)
Diego - So, I can at best describe him as "a cooler version of Ramiro from SL". There is one thing Diego does that I have changed - basically, he's no longer gonna be the worlds biggest douchebag for those 3 episodes. He's a bit too confident for his own good, which is gonna lead to comedy and also to him getting into some accidentally flirty situations with people he did not intend.
Ludmila - Ah, Ludmila... i'm giving her some depth already before s3, as you might've noticed already... but she's also gonna be her big clown self as usual <33 But in season 3, I will DEFINITELY have some fun with her, I'll say that much. I'll also have a lot of fun of where i'm taking her story in season 2 rn.
Maxi - For the most part, he will be a supporting character, but I will try to give him some screen time cause the boy really NEEDS it you know, he's great! Right now, he's gonna have something with another character I really think canon dropped.
Camila - Her in s2 canon exploring what she likes and who she likes? Yeah, I am definitely taking that and doing some stuff with it. Camila's storyline will be very fun to explore. I'm already exploring her storyline with it sometimes taking place at her house and us getting to know her family, and there will be more. Just you wait.
Broduey - It's a little sad cause I WANT to give him some more, though right now I don't have as much plans for him. I am actually bad with the boys in general unless it's Leon and Diego. But with the band storyline coming up, Broduey is gonna have his own things there
Naty - My little Natalia <3 She's gonna have some stuff doing on with other characters, but also have a thing that's hers. She starts off as giving other characters great advice, but doesn't realize it. "Why would anyone care what little me says". By the compliments and boost from others, she's gonna shine <3 Also I have a fun love triangle coming up for her and two other people who both wants to date her and she sort of short circuits and starts dating both
Andres - Like Broduey and Maxi, I sadly don't have much plans, but I want to give him some of his own scenes to shine cause he deserves it.
Angie - The cool aunt with all the life experience. She's the one I am gonna change the most. I already changed by letting her tell Vilu right away. I am gonna give Angie some JUSTICE, I tell you.
Germán - Ugh I don't wanna talk about him. He's still gonna do some horrible stuff because he has to for the plot, but I am getting mad just thinking about what I have to write him doing
I don't have much to say about any other character atm but if you want me to talk about someone else I will
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Maybe I'm in the minority here but Veronica doesn't care about B/A hooking up??? I mean I get they're free agents but if I was V that would give me pause, you've been hooking up with my ex BFF who you cheated on me with? I don't know maybe since you've been in an abusive/controlling marriage maybe running back to your ex who cheated isn't the best idea. I don't know a person in real life who wouldn't need to think about that revelation before getting back together. Can't V be single for an ep?
Hello, anon!
This is a long answer, so I put it under a cut!
I get where you’re coming from, anon. Even though neither Veronica nor Jughead have any say in whom Archie and Betty hook up with 7 years after their breakup, and even if it has been thoroughly explained that Betty was nothing more than an escape to Archie and vice versa, choosing as your post-time-jump casual sex partner the same person you have cheated your high school s.o. with, should indeed give some pause to said ex-high school s.o.
At the same time though, I can’t think of any other possible reaction on Veronica’s part. Veronica had already forgiven both Betty and Archie before the time jump: in 5x1 she decides to hide her breakup in order not to ruin bughead’s chances and in 5x3 she runs after Archie to say goodbye to him. If she has already forgiven the cheating when she had a legitimate stake in things, how weird would it be, to have an adverse reaction seven years later, when it was not even her business?
This is why, I expect Jughead to be similarly unaffected by post-time-jump barchie: Bughead’s problem is pre-time-jump barchie. (I also find the thought of someone being a dysfunctional mess without their s.o. neither sexy nor romantic, and expect Jughead’s spiral to originate in something else than his breakup with Betty).
I think there’s an intentional parallel between pre-time-jump barchie and post-time-jump barchie, and Veronica and Jughead’s reactions. Pre-time-jump barchie was a negative couple leading to bugvarchie breaking up. Post-time-jump barchie are neutral, thus leading to different reactions from Veronica and Jughead.
That being said, I think that The Cheating™ has also been blown out of proportion (I’m guilty of this as well, especially when 4x17-4x18 aired). It was a cheap writing means to a dubiously successful end: establishing a time-jump with the core four split, because: Drama! – also ™.
To be honest, I’ve never seen a kiss and some hand-holding have such far-fetched and ridiculous consequences, dragging a plot line (bugvarchie breakup) for eleven(!!!) fricking episodes, from 4x17 to 5x8. Talk about writer’s block and not knowing how to fill your episodes! The cheating has been both devastating (the core four cease all communication with each other for seven years!) and insignificant (everyone runs back at Archie’s first phone call, barchie seem to jump into bed at the first opportunity, varchie flirt with each other 1 episode after they’re back in Riverdale and, apparently, Betty still calls Veronica “V” – what?!)
And, for that matter, is Archie (or Betty) really The Cheater to End All Cheaters?
Would you brand you friends “cheaters” for life, if they had cheated on their high school sweetheart when they were seniors?
Sure, Archie does have the tendency to kiss girls that are not his girlfriend (f.e. Cheryl when he was with Valerie or Betty in s2 & s4) but:
1. that’s something Veronica has already known – why should it matter more now?
2. to be fair to Archie, at that point in the narrative, the 4x17 cheating was out of character for him as well.
3. what’s more, the writers have been working double time trying to drill in our heads that s5 Archie is An Honourable Man (wait for it: ™): he tells Veronica about the cheating (thus making sure she’ll not defer college), poor Jackson seems to have lost his leg so that he can brag about his Sergeant’s heroism, Betty delivers Archie’s fricking eulogy(!) while breaking up with him, and Archie himself says twice (or maybe it’s 3 times?) that he won’t get together with Veronica while she’s married. (And then proceeds to do exactly that, because semantics is a bitch, and Veronica is still married – but this is just me being petty with the writers!) There’s, of course, a discrepancy between what the writers tell us and Archie’s actions (his indifference to Jughead’s or Betty’s problems, recruiting minors for the fire department, expecting money to fall in his lap, and remind me again how RHS Bulldogs will save Riverdale?). The point is though that, as far as the writers are concerned, Archie is Very Deserving (you know what’s coming: ™).
I really get what you’re saying, anon, but this is Riverdale: suspending your disbelief isn’t limited to a 16-year-old running a speakeasy or having podunk Riverdale being the world center for serial killer activity. It’s about EVERYTHING!
That said, Welcome to the Post-Barchie Fandom Party, anon! Relax, have a drink but -first- please leave your key in the bowl! No one can be single here, unless it’s Jughead! 😉 😘
Much love to you, anon! Keep your spirits up!
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usersatorus · 4 years
Since you're nearing the end of Fruits Basket s2 and there's still at least a few months before s3 starts, could I recommend you some anime that may serve as a replacement in the meanwhile? I think you'd really love Kono Oto Tomare! (2 seasons of 13 eps) and Chihayafuru (3 seasons of around 25 eps plus an OVA).. unless you've already seen those, then nevermind! ;)
i love getting anime recs so thank u so much 💓
i have never heard of those before i will definitely check them out 🥰 i'm always looking for new stuff to watch and i like all genres so feel free to tell me more. i looked them both up and the animation looks really pretty ☺️ also chihayafuru has mamoru miyano!! which is enough for me to like it
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lovesanimefanart · 8 years
I am back from the dead since I finished voltron season 2
I’m gonna reblog nonspoiler stuff the same. Tagged simply with ‘voltron’
However, anything containing spoilers I will tag with ‘voltron s2′
I might just reblog season 2 stuff with that anyway
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