#unlimited archery
kristinemaebsnapshots · 7 months
Quick getaway! The Lomi house across Batangas Lakelands is a must try 😊.
📍 Balete, Batangas
8.19.2023 | 📸 @kristinemaeb
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immortalarizona · 4 months
ok so i've been following your art for a bit now (which, by the way, it is amazing, i especially love your pen/pencil and ink) and i've noticed you always post who/what you used for a drawing reference with it and i'm wondering . . . do you have/could you post a list of places to go for good art references? maybe i'm looking in the wrong places but they are hard to find.
heyo!! sorry for taking so long to get to this ask, it's midterm season </3 here's a list (in no particular order) of my favorite drawing reference creators:
live people models:
@blumineck (I Eagerly Await the drop of his archery reference packs)
drawn or 3D models:
all these creators are present on tumblr (duh lmao bc I linked to their blogs), but they also have links to their own deviantart accs / patreon pages / ko-fi pages / indie sites / etc. on their accs, and I would definitely recommend checking those out as well!!
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gettinshiggywithit · 3 months
ok so I saw your post abt wanting to write for pjo but you don't know what and you've only read the books so I figured I'd send a request or sum. now idk if you do headcannons cause I haven't followed you for long, but headcannons abt a relationship with percy? 🍓
🌊Dating Percy Jackson~ (HCs)🌊
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Summary: what’s it like dating the son of poseidon and resident blue-enthusiast
Pairing: percy x gn!reader (i think I kept it pretty gender neutral!)
Genre: fluff
T/W: none
A/N: Hi nonny! I hope you like this! Thank you for the request and for getting me out of my writing slump! Pls lmk what you think of it if you feel like it and until next time ciao!
Warning! Not proof read🥹🙏apologies 🥹
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I think its a given that percy is the epitome of boyfriend material
I mean the man literally gave up immortality for annabeth!
But this isnt about annabeth,this is about you!
So for the sake of this post let’s assume you both met the same way!
The moment percy saw you he was entranced!
It was a normal day of practice and he was out in the practice pavilion to try his hand at archery(this was when he was still unclaimed)
He was struggling to even hit the target when he turned his head to talk to his instructor from the apollo cabin,only to see you sparring with the camp’s best swordsman,luke castellan!
You were expertly dodging and blocking his advances and while luke seemed to be getting frustrated,you looked smug and excited almost. It was then that perch jackson developed a hugee crush on you
Over the next few days he made attempts to talk to and interact with you,he joined you at the campfire and during these little interactions was when he realised you weren’t just pretty,you had a personality as bright as the sun and your sense of humour was elite!
When he got claimed you helped him accept it and even though you were still unclaimed it really helped him. You listened to him when he needed a friend and helped him see the brighter side of things.
And over time even you seemed to fall for him, i mean what wasnt to love,he was funny,sweet,supportive; everything a girl could ask for!
So when you confessed to him during a sparring session after having just beaten him,he was both confused and overjoyed!
You helped him up and he confessed to feeling the same.and as you both got older,your bond grew stronger.sure there were little hiccups along the way but you always made it work.
Percy noticed everything about you, your little quirks, your little gestures; everything
He was the first to notice when you were feeling even a little bit down and he always had your favorite snacks on hand for when you needed cheering up!
He always took you down to the beach or near the river,exploring both in his little protective bubble was the coolest,most awesome thing you’d ever experienced and even though you felt scared at times,he’d hold you close and not let go until you were on dry land.
Making blue food together in the off season and spending time at his and his mum’s apartment was heavenly,especially your home didn’t exactly feel like a home in the first place.
Sally loved you! She always teased the two of you when you curled up on the couch to watch movies and was just happy her son found someone.
During quests he always had your back but also knew you were perfectly capable on your own,i mean you practically taught him how to sparr yourself!
Through the losses and the gains,the battles and the hardship,you stayed together and helped eachother grow.
You loved him with all your heart and he the same. He was loyal to fault and would never judge or criticize you,if he did it was merely constructive criticism,nothing to belittle you or make you feel insignificant.
He helped you through your moments of insecurity and made you feel whole,like you were worth his love and like you were perfect the way you were.
In conclusion,being in love with percy Jackson means, unlimited support and love and a companion for life🫶
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All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit. Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours. Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!j
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lovefairymina · 1 year
Hi Mina! I'm Random Anon with a Question! I was wondering which elves have what interests 😅 I can only seem to remember which ones are more like soldiers and prefer activities like sparring...
Then there's Erestor who I think hangs out in the library or mostly quiet places?
I think Thel likes the flute???? 🤔
But I can't quite remember what the interests of other characters are 😅😅😅
Are there any that enjoy painting, healing, dancing, traveling (not for a life threatening reason)???
I hope this isn't too big of a question! I hope it's not too bothersome...
A/N: I attempted to add as many as my brain allowed me to :) forgive me if some seem a bit too jumbled up.
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Travelling — those who enjoy hunting are also those who would not hesitate to embark on a quest or adventure of their own. Sometimes, they would be missing for weeks or even months. When looking for them, they are somewhere over the rainbow, trekking through the forest or climbing a mountain's side.
◈ Celegorm, Amrod, Amras, Fingon, Finrod, Elladan, Elrohir
Hunting — there is no better day for them than chasing after a deer or rabbits in the forest. Hunting trips are important and a must for them and can range from a week to even a year. It's a vigorous activity that requires all their attention, and not for a second would they spend it any other way.
◈ Celegorm, Amrod, Amras, Fingon, Beleg, Elladan
Reading/Philosophy/Science — spending a day in the library learning and filling their brains with unlimited knowledge about the world is where you can find them. With their heads in the cloud and books, turning pages faster than their brain can comprehend, they are absorbing everything the world has to offer. Even when they aren't found in the library, heated discussions or debates are another way to spend their day.
◈ Fëanor, Maedhros, Curufin, Fingolfin, Turgon, Finarfin, Finrod, Thingol, Elrond, Gil Galad
Arts and Crafts — from playing music to singing to spending days and months slaving away in the forges to create the most perfect masterpiece, these elves are dedicated to ensuring their creation comes to life. It doesn't matter what area of the arts they professionalize in, to them, it is their life and passion and dealt with serious care.
◈ Fëanor, Maglor, Caranthir, Curufin, Celebrimbor, Finrod, Ecthelion, Rog, Maeglin, Lindir
Sporting Activities — horseback riding, rock climbing, sparring, archery, swimming, etc., are just some of the activities they spend during their free time or most of their time indulging in. It has become a part of their daily routine and is easily incorporated into their lives. They are joyous activities for those who rely on them to break free of the restraints of royal duties as well.
◈ Celegorm, Amrod, Amras, Fingon, Argon, Angrod, Aegnor, Glorfindel, Egalmoth, Gil Galad
Medicine/Healing — saving lives are their life's mission and task. They believe they were gifted with healing hands to create medicine and whisper words of enchantment to keep someone within the land of the living. A job taken seriously with delicate care when treating patients. When they aren't healing, they can be found searching for new herbs or creating a new concoction for injuries.
◈ Galdor, Beleg, Elrond, Elrohir
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regaliasonata · 7 months
I could've sworn someone asked me for Katherine headcanon but I can't find it in the inbox sadly...
Katherine Hillard Headcanons
-Katherine's favorite passtime honestly revolves around collecting things, mainly after becoming a ranger her interest peaked on the mysteries of the world so now her curiosity is unlimited.
-Both her and Kimberly have found ways to split the pink powers via the Thunder and ninja zords of their respective colors thus putting Zordon's research on too much pink power to a rest. However they still try to keep things to a minimum.
-Because of the phoenix properties of her zord Katherine has found good usage of bringing life to plants, she doesn't mind volunteering at an orphanage and with her abilities she's able to secretly make sure none of the kids starve.
-After Zeo she's had a hatred of Artifical Intelligence and Tommy had to keep her from smashing up all the appliances in her house.
-She hates the moon.
-Pink isn't exactly her favorite color, in fact Kat was offered the position as zeo red in secret by Tommy but she declined it.
-After the Zordon Era pretty much everyone went their separate ways for a while and similar to Tommy she found herself becoming a mentor for a group of younger rangers. A team based on constellations who each had a secret archery motif, she later became a red ranger for the squad and needed to have a master morpher developed as things when on(Referencing Kyuranger, free real estate for them😎).
-Katherine and Tommy took a break around the time of Lost Galaxy and didn't get back together till around Operation Overdrive. During this time however she actually dated Hayley Zitkor and throughout that time span Kat didn't find out that Hayley and Tommy knew each other.
-she's been visited around five times by master pink. Reasons are unknown however it's getting creepy so Katherine managed to put a bunch of net traps around her house incase MP decides to pop in randomly.
-Katherine is one of the most skilled individuals when it comes to shooting guns. Not just that but she's been developing weapons for herself incase another Rita problem shows up, double tap that bitch in the head if you have to. She has to be strapped both for her safety and for her friends(Reference to @skyland2703 headcanon from a while back👍🏾)
-her favorite weapon is a crossbow like sniper rifle called Artemis and it has the power to penetrade 40 zords with one bullet. Due to her sneaking around during Forever Red and collecting pieces of Serpentera she was able to use the samples to make the perfect failsafe agaisnt drastic situations.
-Her house is laced in grid vortex bombs, if anything ever happens then she can wipe an enemy of the face of the map.
-Kat's the dude in her relationship with Tommy if you catch my drift😭
-It's not she's capable of getting revenge but more of the idea of her making you regret your decisions in a subtle way. A guy stood Billy up so Kat decided to scratch the guy's car paint and burst his tires.
-In her will when she dies she wants the team to spread her ashes in space or even find a way to bring her back for another 5 years.
-After hearing about the existence of other dimensions Katherine has a contingency plan. If things go to shit then there's other places to find a life in, heck she'd also consider the future or the RPM verse.
-Kat doesn't really talk about it but she has trouble having kids with Tommy. Heck JJ was came 7 amounts early and doctors weren't sure he'd make it so she stayed by his little bed in the hospital for weeks until he was healthy.
-She made sure to tell Tommy not to pass on any of their ranger abilities to JJ. Mainly as their own legacy should be there to influence him, pass on an opportunity for him to build his own choices if he does decide to pursue ranger activity.
-Kat was thrilled when JJ came back from school shouting about wanting to be the pink ranger after seeing a cool video on these heroes called the power rangers. Tommy was uh...well he's supportive but he just didn't want to see his kid being made fun off and tried to lean him to another color but Kat shut that down, both of them came to an agreement that he could be pink.
-She replaced her left arm and right leg with advanced robotic versions resembling regular limbs but this was because she wanted standby weapons to shift out incase of combat.
-People in the ranger community consider her a harbinger of sorts because of her battle prowess and wouldn't back down to beating someone bloody for threatening her family.
-Kat loves a lot of rock and roll music as well as things with a fast tempo.
-She's the one which a driver's license, Tommy's has been suspended after he accidentally backed into an old lady think she was a trash can for parallel parking.
-Zordon having the rangers choose Katherine, Aisha, Rocky and Adam as secondary choices weren't out of coincidence. Centuries ago he tried recruiting their ancestors and secretly kept an eye on them, however at the time humans weren't adept to the grids influence and they became prone to natural exposure and got pretty sick, this was around 10,000 years ago anyway and while Katherine doesn't have much of a grudge against him she isn't hesitant about wanting to shoot that tank.
-Kat is very bisexual, Tommy wasn't exactly her first choice relationship wise and even considered dating Kimberly or Tanya though she's chill with the dude.
-Tommy's dating life honestly confuses her, he dated Kimberly and had a thing with Jason(Frankly that didn't surprise her as she got a bit of fruity vibes from Tommy and thought he was full on gay before being alerted that he dated Kim). Then he dated Anton and had her suspicions on what Tommy was into when she found a picture of him tied up in....compromising positionsBottom. Safe to say for gatherings she has the best stories to tell.
-Her parents very much support the idea of her being a power rangers and her dad keeps asking if she has parties with other rangers....also to get zord figures and autographs from the Lightspeed Rescue team.
-After Adam's mishap with his power coin being damaged she decided to utilize what she learned from the Crane Ninjazord and Firebird Thunderzord to pursue learning things at the Wind Academy and Pai Zhua academy to hone elemental and animal spirit abilities. She gained light related powers along with the spirit of the phoenix, fitting for combat as she can obliterate enemies with swift speeds and vaporizing energy.
-She loves dating dudes that are a tad bit strange or shy, they're just adorable in her eyes. Prime example being Tommy, not sure if he should be offended or flattered by this.
-She watches My Hero Academia and has a great admiration for Bunny's persistence.
-Katherine despises barbie dolls but JJ enjoys getting them as figures for imaginary adventures so she allows for him to have them but the minute one begins moving on it's own she's going to shoot that bitch into oblivion.
-She's an expert with hair and easily takes care or Tommy's locks when needed. It's funny to tie it into a bun though the fact that it's almost waist length makes Katherine jealous.
-due to her powers she developed a way of being able to precisely chuck items and projectiles without even touching them, similar to Diego in Umbrella Academy. This is very useful as she won't need to morph if needed and could drawn weapon from a vault she keeps at home.
-After Trini's death Katherine had to oversee Billy in fear that he might shut down due to all the guilt. She knew well on the topic of the only person who truly understood you in the world was gone and even offered a place at her home incase Minh needed somewhere to stay.
-The reason why Master Pink visited her was because of Shattered Grid almost happening again. She explained to Katherine that no one remembers the event as it was a multiverse related conflict of the past so when things ended everything went back to normal, she tasked Kat will trying to keep things from ever ending up as such. This nearly happened in various ways from Billy trying to bring back Trini or Zordon, a huge Zord fight within Angel Grove, having a rogue being nearly disrupt time and space as we know it. Kind of a crazy burden to leave on someone, honestly she couldn't look at Tommy for 4 weeks upon learning about Drakkon.
-She's not the most religious person but she swears that during a trip to the dentist she was visited by an archer deity. Aisha calls her delusional for this but Kat knows what she saw.
-Stocks are a big thing for her and she even has built up a reputation at wall street. (Kat: I can buy and sell you. Stock broker: Excuse me?)
-Katherine has the falcon zord and uses it as spatial transportation. Mainly to take JJ on trips to see the stars etc, it's also a nice getaway from all the stresses of life.
-At one point in her life Katherine considered becoming a hit man against terrible people with her archery and gun skills...though she's never told anyone this. The idea of taking a life away has crossed her mind here and there, however she goes to Dana for therapy on these feelings.
-Tommy is the cook within the family, he learned how to make a bunch of meals well when he was with Jason. Plus after Katherine nearly burned down an acre of land from their house one night she wasn't allowed in the kitchen for months, she finds it funny coming from the guy who dedicated a semester of his career on trying to remake dinosaur meat from bones.
-Katherine has a sort of ranger secret service for herself that not even Tommy knows about. Laced around the place like regular civilians ready to come to her aid.
-She visited the Mystic Mother and human Zedd just to weigh out the situation between them incase anything happens.
-Considering the last headcanon Katherine wonders if the Z-Wave killed all the evil beings within the universe she wonders if any of those beings that were evil consisted of beings that Zordon considered bad, the thought of some innocent people being killed all those years ago or being brainwashed keeps her up at night.
-She is really wondering if all the stuff during the Zordon Era was truly good. Having to fight an eon long war for a floating head against a bunch of crazy beings doesn't sit right with her, in some ways good and bad are basically moral constructs and she doesn't like to judge people on the way they act. Evil rangers, good rangers, the fact about Drakkon who existed in a past existence also bugs her....sometimes she wonders if JJ will end up doing something crazy as a ranger.
-Death doesn't really scare her but if anything Katherine would like to keep her memory alive, something that JJ could possibly look over in timed when he's sad or down in life.
-Utilizing grid archives Katherine can watch other teams in different dimensions like shows. For instance super sentai and such, currently she's on Dairanger and the minute she saw those zords....(Kat: That bird looks famil-AYO WHAT THE FUCK?!)
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facides-aa · 10 months
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the history of " ryomen sukuna " . ( au , canon compliant , subject to alterations if needed . )
the human " ryomen sukuna " was born in XXXX . initially , to a human non - sorcerer family . he worked alongside sorcerers and lived in and among them and their facilities . sorcerers back then were rare , and as one himself , ryomen worked to expand his influence and hone his talents . he fell into a routine existence : hunting , learning , killing , repeat . a man of solitude , his practices were primarily not for the eyes of others . a master of archery alongside sorcery , ryomen was acknowledged by the emperor on more than one occasion , for a multitude of feats . he is the first sorcerer to utilize a domain expansion to its full , unlimited potential . he's known at this time as a hero , saving the lives of villagers , and being a vital part of the mission to first begin a retaliation against the colossal curses that roamed the country freely . a prideful man , ryomen was known as another one of the first official sorcerers authorized by the elders to take on special grade curses by himself .
... indiscriminate in his acts ; ryomen honed his abilities beyond the elders' teachings , testing his endurance & gradually going beyond even the elder sorcerers' abilities . the human ryomen sukuna was enlisted to hunting more dangerous , lethal curses . gathering more knowledge as the days went on , the elders quickly became concerned with ryomen's advancing power ... certainly , it kept curses at bay , but a single man with so much knowledge and the power to put that knowledge to the test was a danger to jujutsu society & the result was that the situation quickly became unstable .
the human ryomen sukuna was executed after the XXXXX incident , in which sorcerers lost XXXXX and XXXXXX . these incidents correspond with the first reports of a demon calling itself " sukuna " . singlehandedly wiping out the sorcerers at his former home , " sukuna " was appalled by their lack of strength and from then out , the hunt for the curse " sukuna " began . this also corresponds with the XXXX war among humans . with their priorities split , sorcerers were forced by sukuna and the demands of his prowess to utilize more techniques , experiment with domains and cursed energy to stop this overwhelmingly evil curse & humans were being slaughtered left and right not only by their own hands , but by sukuna and other curses prowling the night . sukuna is said to have had his share of allies around this time ; a young man in white is repeatedly mentioned but not given a name . without a name , it has been impossible to track this individual . sukuna took advantage of the murders and gathered both humans and sorcerers and consumed them . reports vary in what way he " consumed " sorcerers , but they showed up mutilated shortly after they were noted as missing & drained of cursed energy . the first reports of sukuna by living humans were monstrous : a being with two separate faces , four arms , with a mountain's raw strength . any sorcerers dispatched to take sukuna's head were often dropped a bloody , disemboweled mess on the temple steps in a simple but effective warning . an unshakable curse , sukuna's expressions were never noted having shifted while he was free . ( frankly , he seemed bored even when presented with a fight . ) many sorcerers died trying to stop sukuna . villages accepted him , sacrificing children to him , or young people to satiate his appetite for blood . their deaths were agonizing , bodies prepared by the boy in white that was always at sukuna's side . a bloody reign of ten years , sukuna lay waste to the country of japan as he saw fit . it took the great sacrifice of XXXXXX lives , and great strength from incoming sorcerers to to weaken him enough to perform an exorcism . XXXXXX lives were sacrificed to sukuna in totality . it is unknown how many were eaten . 20 fingers were each removed and put into boxes , and the sorcerers who hid them committed XXXXXXX by their own hand to keep their locations a secret . sukuna , weakened and on the brink of his second death , died in stubborn silence on that spot in front of his allies . his body is enshrined underneath XXXXXXX mountain , one of three holy sites & the one closest to the realm of the dead among the three . if a human is known certainly to house the soul of ryomen sukuna , he is to be executed swiftly before the consumption of the soul . this terror cannot sweep through modern day japan . he must be executed by any means necessary .
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derekscorner · 4 months
Fated Rantings: Unaware of Loss, Nor aware of Gain.
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I had intended for this to be the initial post on my Fate Unlimited Blade Works thoughts but that post was quickly taken over by the mindset of Shirou Emiya and his battle with Archer.
I will likely find issues with that post in the future due to not fitting in every impression I had or because I was annoyed with wording. It was very difficult to put into words due to the way Shirou & Archer argue in circles due to their self-admitted hypocritical nature.
But now that it is out of my system lets talk about the other fun things Unlimited Blade Works (which I'll call UBW here on) did with it's story.
If you're curious about part one: https://derekscorner.tumblr.com/post/740386958269890560/fated-rantings-bone-of-the-sword#notes
Let's gooooooo-
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Leading Lady
Even though she is the lead for this adaption I covered her little in the first post despite her and Shirou's budding romance.
Given my Saber obsession some will likely expect me to hate her but I don't truth be told. I love how Shirou helps Saber in the Fate route but I'm not a man who is a shipper. (I actually think very ill of it)
Anyone watching a Fate anime should go in expecting differences anyway since Shirou's focus is a different girl per route and adaption.
And Rin Tohsaka is a rather likable character. She's more bratty or "tsundere" here but I expected that. To be honest her being so chill in Fate 06 was a surprise due to her reputation for this behavior.
She's by no means overly exaggerated compared to the trope nor is she mean. She's actually a rather kind hearted girl.
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Now this may be conjecture on my part but I think her even bothering with school shows a bit of that kind nature. Hell, I was surprised when Shirou mentioned it because I didn't even question her student life. Shirou's right, She has no reason to go.
She's a mage, heiress to a very old family, she doesn't truly need to be there. As of writing this I have yet to watch Heaven's Feel and there may be dialogue I forgot from UBW (I'm trying to remember and put to word a lot here) but I suspect she goes to school to keep watch over Sakura.
I know more than UBW explains due to lore videos and watching Fate/Zero but the series does showcase this.
She's unsure how to approach Sakura, she even seeks justification by asking Shirou a hypothetical about a family sending a daughter away through adoption, and she often goes to the archery club to watch Sakura.
There's a lot there that I expect Heaven's Feel to show me but within the frame of UBW I see that as her primary reason to bother with school.
I mean, there may also be some aspects of loneliness or her crush on Shirou at play as well but it's interesting that she'd choose to bother.
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That's just one example as well. She's constantly making excuses to keep Shirou alive and around in every route. Some would chalk that up to her own feelings but she does that early on specifically because Sakura likes Shirou.
Usually her outbursts are due to shyness or embarrassment. She's, quite frankly, a bad liar. When Shirou does something stupid the disgust is very visible on her face. When she's talking too or even about Kirei the disgust is aubible.
I almost forget that she has a bitchy or cold school image half the time. Hell, after typing this I wonder how she even pulled that off...then again maybe she just believes she's pulled it off.
She never interacts with people and once Shirou is pulled into her circle there's a constant and visible confusion at how she's acting by her peers.
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Her dynamic with Shirou is also fun to watch progress. She gets annoyed at him often but opens up as time goes on. Her headstrong personality never falters but I did like seeing her acting more normal. Not as a mage but as a kid.
When it starts she's constantly annoyed at Shirou but that's only until she learns that he was raised as a person. She assumed he was a mage but Kiritsugu didn't make him one. She still gets annoyed sure but she's more willing to explain when she knows he's going in blind.
She even makes an efforts to know or help him by the end of season one like with that date episode. They're both dorky kids about it but it is sweet to see although I do wish the story put a bit more focus on her learning that he was the only survivor of the Fuyuki fire.
Perhaps what I liked most was that despite her feelings she always made sure to tell him the facts of a situation. The flaws in his worldview or the idiocy of an idea. That bluntness is born out of concern as well but it's also just logical, sensible.
Her goal once the war was over was trying to convince him that his life has worth. The epilogue episode shows this and I found it a genuinely kind-heated thing to focus on.
Especially when she and the viewer both know that Shirou's likely doomed to be Archer anyway.
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Overall she takes no shit from anyone, can be a little petty, and at times I wonder if she herself is too kind to be a mage. I can now see why she's so popular, she could probably carry a Fate story all on her own if I'm being honest.
I would love a Fate story where she managed to summon Saber and Shirou doesn't exist. She's a proud individual but she has heart. There's even Fate material you could make a story like her dismantling the Greater Grail years after the 5th war. (yes that's a thing)
I know the El Melloi novels or manga have her appearing doing mage things too.
...to be honest I don't know what else to say. This is a good character, I'd like to see more.
Edit: I just wanted to add that I love that she actually kicked Casters ass in a literal sense. She just jumped her and started to karate her, it was hilarious.
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Other things
Rin and Shirou aside, Fate UBW had several other things that stood out to me. I'm not sure there's enough there to work into paragraphs like above or with the previous post but I do want to mention them.
Such as Iilya. I expected to see more of her in UBW but such limitations are natural when adapting a visual novel with multiple routes I guess. That or they assume you’re using Zero as context for UBW.
The grail going out of its way to ruin Iilya’s childhood is kinda fucked up as well. I can't tell if that's Angra Minu being spiteful toward Kiritsugu or if it just enjoys breaking a child's mind.
I also appreciated the Berserker fight early in season one. It was great to see a more even fight between him and Saber. His job of berserker is so on point it hurts.
He once murdered his family due a Hera induced madness and now he's protecting a traumatized child in a similar madness. I infer his drive to protect her to that legend.
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I also must give Fate props for continuing to make great use of making a tragic mythology story even more tragic.
The gender swaps and "coomer" bait art the series is known for is one thing but Fate also just does a great job at using the legends of a spirit to make them more tragic.
Caster in particular was a great sub villain I thought. I got annoyed when she stole Saber but knowing her legend as I do and seeing her backstory also makes her pitable.
She's visibly not okay with being called a witch and seems to have terrible luck with men. Even when it's outside her control the world will summon her to a waste of a man for a master.
Her and her masters sub plot was sad but I found that love genuine. He had trouble seeing himself as human but I think his dedication to her was very worthy of a humanity he can't see.
Caster also never betrayed her master once. She did thinks hoping to appease him but she never lied and neither did he reprimand her for anything. Even if he didn't know why he was perfectly willing to help her with anything.
They're both damaged people but he's the type of man Medea deserved in life. I even went to look up clips of them from Carnival Phantasm after I finished UBW.
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Then there was Lancer. This man, THIS MAN, deserves a break. I did not expect UBW to make me like him as much as I did given how little he actually shows up.
I know he's doomed to fail in any adaption of Fate/Stay Night due to Kirei's actions but I'd still like to see him get a decent partner in one story.
I didn't mention it back then but I found his reaction to Kirei and Gilgamesh's scheme in Fate 06 moral. Cu Chulainn has a morality that shows itself in UBW as well when he decides to save Rin just because he likes her and Shirou.
He's like an uncle. He finds them hilarious when forming an alliance which is a comedy trio that I still did not know I needed till I saw it.
I also liked him killing Kirei in this story. The bastard deserved worse, some may wonder why he died so easily, but keep in mind that Lancers spear is cursed.
Even if Kirei's heart stopped in Fate/Zero it wont change the fact that having your heart pierced by Gae Bulg is to be cursed by it.
I also liked seeing him use runes. People forget that he was trained in rune magic while alive.
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Then there's Gilgamesh
Right off the bat I'll state that I like him as a villain in UBW more than I did in the Fate Route. His obsession with Saber is...well I'm not sure how to put it into words.
Hollow I guess? I dunno.
It may be that I just find myself agreeing with his goal in UBW. His distaste for the modern era, the direction humanity has taken. It's hard to not feel an apathy or boredom with our modern world.
For Gilgamesh this annoyance is amplified. It's not stated in UBW but he is the reason the Age of Gods ended sooner than later. He has clairvoyance and while alive he saw a future of humanity moving past their planet to the stars.
With that in mind and spite against the gods he severed that link. If you play FGO and reach Babylonia, Uruk, you see how he ran his kingdom too.
When he goes on about superfluous or people knowing value in themselves he means it. This does not make him or his actions ok but I do get it.
He made a bet and humanity has let him down.
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Original vs Fake
Then there's the other big highlight of UBW, his battle with Shirou.
This battle is interesting for a variety of reasons due to how Shirou's existence contrasts to his own.
In his fight with Archer they had this somewhat poetic undertone of the two meshing. Archer, devoid a master, is losing mana and weakening.
In contrast, Shirou is learning Archer's muscle memory and past as their blades clash. He's getting better as they battle. Of course, Archer could end it at any point but he doesn't because he feels like he'll lose in another way if he doesn't kick his own ass in a fair fight.
It's humorous, it shows stubbornness in both but also acts like a metaphor of the past and future syncing up. It shows they're the same person despite how much they hate each other.
While the battle with Gilgamesh is a stomp as you would expect it to be. Gilgamesh is a real hero, the oldest hero we have on written record. Shirou is the fake wishing to be a hero.
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Shirou does not deny this either. Gilgamesh calls him a fake as an insult but Shirou claims it. In this battle, its Shirou speaking the truth and that angers Gilgamesh.
Gilgamesh can't stand the fact that someone who imitates could be a threat to him. Of course, many will argue that Shirou isn't but I am not about to dive into the Gilgamesh power scaling debates. I'm too old for that DBZ banter.
In truth, Gilgamesh loses this battle solely because of his arrogance. Had Gilgamesh recognized this Shirou for the threat he was and used Ea to atomize him he would have won. But he didn't, he could not accept that he'd need Ea to win when even Heracles fell to his treasury of weapons.
I'll even agree with Shirou here. He does make a good argument that Gilgamesh is a fake in his own way. He's a king, and while Shirou is wrong about him not being a warrior, it is true that Gilgamesh never mastered one weapon.
His treasury is his weapon. The originals, the stuff noble phantasms would later be based on. He's proud of that collection so seeing Shirou's imitations is highly offensive to the king because he knows that could be a problem deep down.
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Against most spirits Gilgamesh will ruin them easily, by his own admission Shirou's unlimited blade works would falter quickly against any true hero who's mastered a single weapon, but in a highly specific circumstance these two abilities cancel out.
It's akin to rock paper scissors or even pokemon typing...perhaps a better example is the devil fruit weaknesses in One Piece.
Unlimited Blade Works is a hard counter to the Gate of Babylon. So long as Shirou has the mana he can copy and negate the weapons Gilgamesh throws at him.
The very notion of this, the very fact that a fake can be as good as the original, is no doubt the most insulting truth Gilgamesh can't deny.
Heck, you could even argue Gilgamesh would've won had he donned his armor or used his chains but that's moot as well. The point his his arrogance lost him this battle.
The Gates of Babylon may not be his only weapon but that's what he relied on because he hated that Unlimited Blade Works could match it.
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Seiba & Archer
The final thing that stuck out to me, at least one worthy of extensive words, is Saber's reaction to Archer's reveal.
You’d expect Shirou to argue but he simply listens. Instead it is Saber who talks here. Or perhaps the better word is she ‘inquired’ his beliefs.
While watching her do so I began to find it more like she’s trying to defend her own ideals by proxy in this scene.
The Fate Route works because she and shirou have that commonalty in idealism. Yet she also shares the regret Archer does for their mistakes in life.
UBW isnt the Fate route so she hasnt been set free from that mindset...at least not yet. Its clear she sees value in Shirou’s nature, perhaps due to that common self sacrificial nature but they never sit down and go into detail. Their friendship is close but it doesn't grow into the love that saves them both in Fate.
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More interesting in this scene is that she cant find a good way to counter him, he even points out the similarity to her life to silence her protests when she tries. It's not a shouting match but it's clear she can't counter...and it makes sense why.
She can’t refute Archer's words because some part of her believes it. Whether she's right or wrong for doing so is obviously debatable but that may be a post on it's own...I'll have to think on that it.
I will say that I was happy to see Archers confrontation with Shirou helped her in some unseen way.
It may not be as focused on in UBW but I would’ve been sad if she left this route still tormented.
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At the end of the day Unlimited Blade Works is a damn good show. I will admit I didn't feel as sucked into it as I was with Fate 2006 or Fate/Zero but I do see why it's the favorite for many.
I do wish the Fate Route would get another animation after watching this. I think my draw to Fate/Stay Night specifically is Saber herself and I feel most attached to a story that focuses on her.
I do like other Fate stories not related to FSN but that's that and this is this. I hope we one day get that Fate route remake.
Next time I tackle Heaven's Feel.
For my other experiences with Fate go here: https://derekscorner.tumblr.com/tagged/fated-rantings
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nogenderbee · 11 months
Okay! I saw you hosting the pairing event and I'm kinda curious myself of who I'm going to get!
> what nicknames would I call my lover:
anything that makes them comfortable but if they are comfortable with anything then.. Love maybe?
> what are my hobbies:
writing, singing, gaming, organising stuff(?)
> perfect date idea:
probably somewhere not too crowded like maybe a cozy picnic or cafe!
> something I hate in others?:
being too pushy, manipulative, being to obsessed (aimed at my irl friends)
> main personal traits (3-5):
creative, energetic (kinda), awkward, kind
> activity/hobby I like?:
writing, singing, imagining scenarios, maths, studying, organising stuff, reading, archery
> activity/hobby I dislike?:
science, tiring activities, cooking (not really dislike), swimming, chatting with my classmates, Ect..
I'm so sorry if this was confusing to read, I'm kinda exhausted today :3
Don't worry! Everything is fine! Again I did fic shorter... mostly so you can put in your own reaction on that dialogue- But anyway!!
And so I pair you with...
Shizuku Hinomori!
⊱ fistly, it doesn't have much to do with reason but the nickname actually suits her SO MUCH
⊱ but now... I think Shizuku would have everything organized and is the one to organize stuff as well so that's definitely your first similiar trait!
⊱ next is date idea, Shizuku may not mind if you're in public or in private but looking at how touchy she can be, it'd be the best if you were somewhere less crowded
⊱ but then again, Shizuku would never be pushy in her clingyness, if you tell her that you need moment alone, she'll understand it but will check on you from time to time just to make sure you're alright
⊱ and now how well your personalities match, you both are quite creative, you're energetic and she's a bit calmer but she absolutely adores that side of you and will give you unlimited support
⊱ you both like archery and singing! So of course she takes you not only on karaokes with mmj but also on her archery lessons if people let her! And then it's another headcanon for Shizuku of mine... she also daydreams! Not a lot but she does it usually when she's bored or really excited about something
⊱ and finally... she'll cook for you! She may not be the best at cooking but it's the thought that counts, right? But in the end, she won't mind at all if you order something instead
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You and Shizuku had your classy picnic date in your favorite park. You took a spot far from people where you had a bit of privacy and you were just enjoying the scenery and each others company.
Your girlfriend of course had her head on your lap, no matter if you're taller or shorter than her, as long as you agreed she'd love to have it there and will even let you play with her hair a long as you want! She just finds this sport perfect since she can admire your face and caress your cheeks~ But of course, there also couldn't be too little compliments!
"Your cheeks are so squeshy~ I absolutely love them! May I kiss them a bit later?"
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kristinemaebsnapshots · 7 months
Quick getaway to Batangas for an amazing adventure and fun activities.
📍 Batangas Lakelands
8.19.2023 | 📸 @kristinemaeb
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yuppielionheart · 9 months
Quick Weekend Getaway to South!
Long weekend!
Quick getaway to south for an amazing adventure and fun activities. The lomi house accross Batangas Lakelands is a must try!
📍 Batangas Lakelands 📍 Crosswinds Tagaytay
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Batangas Lakelands is just a few minutes drive from the toll exit and it's along the highway so you'll easily find it. The place is perfect for outdoor activities and you can do a lot here especially if you're sporty. You can get their amazing packages with a discount if you book through their website.
I enjoyed leisure biking, archery, airsoft, rappelling, wall climbing and zipline. You can also play volleyball, basketball shooting and soccer here. They also have the Batangas Lakelands Transport Bus wherein you can hop in and hop off to your destination only if you have an unlimited pass. They also have some food stalls inside but if you want heavy meals you can go out and have a meal at the nearby Lomi house.
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Just saw this Lomi house after our visit to Batangas Lakelands.
The place has two floors and the view on the second floor is very relaxing. The food is delicious and very affordable plus the serving size is good enough for two if you're not a heavy eater. This is just across Batangas Lakelands, so if ever you're in the area, you should try their Lomi and Pancit Bihon.
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After our Batangas trip, we decided to go to Tagaytay afterwards before heading back home. The first cafe we went to was already closed so we had to find another cafe and we drove to Crosswinds Tagaytay. We're not really sure where to dine here but we just kept on going until we reached Windmill Lausanne.
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The place makes you feel like you're in another country and takes you back in time. It's aesthetically pleasing and has a relaxing vibes but the food is just okay and a bit pricey.
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Overall, it's a good place to chill with friends and family. I'm not sure if you can reach this place by commute since it's quite far from the main entrance of Crosswinds and as far as I know, they don't allow PUV's to go inside, only private vehicles. But there's an exit near Windmill but the road is too narrow, though most vehicles passing through are private.
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stuffman-main · 2 years
archetto doesn’t really interact with many other operators ingame so i’m going through the operator list trying to figure out what her relationships would be.
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archetto has fallen victim to snowsant’s Mom Friend Zone, which converts unwitting passerbys into mom friends.
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goes out of her way to be cordial because of her business with MountainDash, but he doesn’t really care either way.
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what a hunk. too bad she’s a nun!
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made the mistake of approaching him about promoting landen in kjerag. he didn’t say no but because he insists on being weirdly adversarial about everything, so she has no idea if he’s just yanking her chain. neither does he.
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archetto is good-natured, pragmatic, and professional, which makes her a perfect middleman for people who are too terrified of kal’tsit to report bad news to her directly.
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mandatory bestie. you WILL be friends with bagpipe.
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makes use of her tailoring services more than most, and unlike most operators, insists on paying her for her work.
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WHY IS THERE AN EXECUTOR HERE. hides around the corner whenever she sees him.
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what would otherwise be productive entrepreneurial camaraderie soured by weird vibes.
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once the veneer of them both being “holy” women falls away, they hit it off and become private drinking buddies. archetto has no idea she’s silverash’s sister.
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won’t stop hitting on her, and though he is actually not bad at it, that won’t stop his squad leader from putting him in a headlock.
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archetto comes from a drunken combat nunnery and is immune to utage’s Mean Girls energy, leaving her befuddled.
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biggest customer at RI, though it is somewhat uncomfortable having landen milkbread treated as black market goods.
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like bibeak, she often needs her services, but she cannot deal with siracusan women.
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beans admires archetto for being a (somewhat) more successful version of herself. she is also trying to sell her crabs to work the wheat fields.
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they don’t get along, but she keeps stalking archetto because she’s interested in the construction of her bow.
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a huge help during the whole Publicity Strategy thing, and now a good friend for advice in general. ya girl Sora has your back!
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after hearing her story, archetto suggested plume might like it at landen. later that day, dobermann had to dismiss plume from training as the worst sniper she’s ever seen.
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cool old man with an unlimited supply of good archery advice and war stories, and just so happens to like landen beer.
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gets off on the wrong foot, and now They Do Not Get Along.
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coworkers who work really well with archetto’s tactics! like a swat team when they’re together.
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coworker who does not work well with archetto’s tactics. neither of them are saying “I know more than you”, but they’re both thinking it.
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shared background as hunters gives them a particular rapport.
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oh no
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butwhyduh · 1 year
i was looking through this page on Tv Tropes (specifically the “Batman Unlimited: Mechs Vs. Mutants” topic, so possible spoilers for that) and it got me thinking, if Green Arrow thew Chemo in the building he owns as Ollie and it’s insured, would it be considered insurance fraud? lol
I think him committing insurance fraud would be pretty low on the list as a vigilante who uses archery as his weapons and millionaire playboy. But it would be hilarious if that’s the one charge that would stick. ‘We can excuse vigilantes but not insurance fraud😤’
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switchcase · 1 year
1 & 10 ?
1 - What do you call a group of parts for you? A flock? A crew? A herd??? Do you call your parts anything different from just Parts?
As a whole I'm most comfortable with parts language, though some who are less familiar with DID terms will use "inside people." I use crew to describe smaller groups of parts (like "main crew" referring to frequent fronters) and system or collective for the entire me.
10 - If you had unlimited money and opportunities, is there anything you'd want to do for your parts?
I would have space and money for so many hobbies. Just so many of them. I've somehow done a lot in my life, so there are parts that like and have some relative experience in everything ranging from archery to cryptography to violin. Also fashion. I've only recently gotten a functioning basic wardrobe, compared to before where I didn't really Have clothes, so the idea of building a wardrobe that actually has some kind of style (much less Multiple styles) is a LOT out of budget for now. And of course the obligatory stuffed animals.
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uksresort · 1 year
Best Resort Near Pune and Mumbai for One Day Picnic - UK’s Resort
With the busy life of the city of Pune, you always need a break to freshen up. There are many resorts near Pune, but one in UK’s Resort should be mentioned. 2 hours drive from Pune city, and enjoy serene views, and beautiful nature. The One Day Picnic Resort in Khopoli with the best accommodation packages and different accommodations with food and live music.
UK’s Resort is a great place for group activities to help you have fun with your loved ones. You can enjoy exciting sports such as indoor and outdoor games as well as competitive games such as rifle shooting, archery, darts, etc. Compete with each other and achieve the best scores as it not only helps you improve your skills. You can also enjoy exciting activities to make your weekend more special.
Wide Opportunities for Children
Take advantage of the extensive lawns to play games such as cricket, football, badminton, ball toss, etc., or enjoy a game of table tennis/carr with your family. Impeccable hospitality and a variety of entertainment give the event a unique flavor. We have a spacious 5-acre open space for corporate and educational institutions to organize sporting events.
Stay Packages
UK’s Resorts offers several stay packages that offer you the perfect combination of comfortable accommodation, sumptuous food, and rewarding entertainment. You can enjoy these packages with family, friends, relatives, or even office colleagues. UK’s Resorts has a variety of accommodation facilities where you can spend time with your family in comfort and privacy. Living conditions are better than in the best resorts near Pune.
One day packages
UK’s Resorts also offers all-inclusive day packages that give you all the fun elements of a resort smartly built into a day itinerary. You can enjoy all the amenities and taste delicious food for breakfast, lunch, and Hi-Tea, as well as take part in more than 50 adventure activities.
Accommodation options range from luxurious rooms to large dorms. If you are a large group and want to spend a memorable time then UK’s is the Best Resort in Pune that loves to stay together for endless fun, we also have a very homely villa that can accommodate you all together. And if you're adventurous, you'll love our camping tents. Sing around a campfire with millions of stars above you, which is the essence of a great camping experience. We also have a daytime picnic option where you can have unlimited fun and connect with friends and family all day long.
Being in nature, and communicating with loved ones is the best way to use time. The amount of time spent somewhere does not matter as much as how you spend that time.
Sanitation and Hygiene
We ensure your safety while taking the necessary hygiene and sanitation precautions. Cleaning and disinfection standards are maintained through rigorous processes and employee training to ensure that our guests have a cleaner and safer stay from check-in to check-out. Our number one priority has always been the safety and well-being of our guests and employees.
Staff Training and Preparation 
At UK’s  Resort, we teach good respiratory etiquette, which includes simple, effective steps like covering coughs and sneezes, washing hands properly, and keeping a safe physical distance. Housekeeping and service personnel must wear masks at all times.
Why Us?
UK’s Resorts is the ideal location for your next vacation. Why travel further to enjoy the beauty of nature when there is a facility nearby? Choose the UK’s Resort in Khopoli.
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jeremy-ken-anderson · 2 years
Allow the Farm
A while ago I complained about Fire Paper re: the Blood-Starved Beast and more recently I saw a similar problem with the Trina’s Lily in Elden Ring:
Having truly limited items that are - or get made into - consumables in video games is pretty bad.
I touched on the reason when I talked about the Blood-Starved Beast: If you attempt to use Fire Paper to beef up your attacks against the Beast and then you lose, there are no more ways to get Fire Paper until after you kill it some other way.
The same is true of whatever you tried to kill using Sleep Pots or Sleep Arrows.
The central problem is that From titles are all about Dead Cells’ motto: Kill. Die. Learn. Repeat. You respawn infinitely. You’re gaining experience that can reduce the number of times you have to hit without dying, or increase the number of times you can be hit without dying, but mostly you’re just getting better at the combat system and learning a foe’s tells.
And you’re slotting in your responses and counters to get farther and farther into the fight as you learn.
Now imagine you’re playing against someone who’s just slightly better than you are at Chess, and if you lose four games against them where you’ve moved your left Bishop you start all subsequent games without your left Bishop.
I understand the fear that players will make the game less fun for themselves by grinding up materials for OP consumables and relying too heavily on said consumables for their playthrough...but From already has a good answer to that second problem in the limited Pots. Yes, arrows are functionally unlimited but you have to hit a lot more with them to get the status to proc and in-battle archery in Elden Ring is enough of a challenge that relying heavily on status arrows is not “skipping the challenge.”
I briefly considered “what if you make them more rare over time to wean players off of use” but that utterly fails as a solution, because some players will think the rare items are truly limited and act accordingly, meaning for them you haven’t solved the problem, and the others will stubbornly bounce around from respawn point to respawn point - still grinding but even more annoyed by the intentional scarcity, meaning for them you have done worse than if you did nothing.
I think if you have a game where the player respawns, you have to let the stuff for their consumables respawn as well. It’s fine and good for materials for crafted items that are non-consumable to be limited - perhaps even limited enough that you can lock yourself out of crafting one thing by crafting another (though if you’re designing that way you really should inform your player clearly about both what the thing they’re crafting does and the fact that they’re going to lock themselves out of something else) - but if items to ease the path forward can completely run out before the proper way to use them is learned, that’s dickish.
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tsarinatorment · 2 years
For the OC Alphabet Soup, how about Y?
(Also I love you.)
OC Alphabet Soup: Send me a letter of the alphabet A-Z, and if I have an OC starting with that letter, I’ll tell about them.
Technically I only have one oc Y in my Apollo kids (although I have at least one other oc whose name starts with Y which I know you're well aware of!), but if this crops up again I'll cheat and talk about the canon kid I basically built from scratch because they have no canon beyond a first name and ethnicity.
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like last time I did this game I’ve actually started drawing all of them, so all answers this time will be accompanied by actual Tsari-art of her own ocs.
Yvonne, like most of my OCs, is a fandom OC - specifically, she’s a demigod from Riordanverse.
Pronouns: She/Her Date of Birth: 6th May 1986 Parents: Apollo and Émilie Calvert (a librarian from Quebec City, Canada) Etymology: Yvonne - yew or archer. Calvert - tender of cattle from the Middle English calfhirde "calf herdsman". Years at CHB: 1998-2004 (Year-Round camper) Status: Left camp aged 18 Inherited Domains: Knowledge*, Archery, Healing
Yvonne left camp almost two years before the arrival of Percy, thereby missing most of the canon events. She arrived the same year as Lee and knew Michael and Will for a while; she was still in camp when Luke went on his bad quest but left at the end of that summer.
She's a quiet girl who always has her head in a book and can get irritable if pulled away from whatever world she's exploring. Fiction or non-fiction, it's all the same to her, although if pressed she has a slight preference for historical facts and fiction - but in the case of the latter, will tear apart any inaccuracies to anyone who doesn't escape fast enough. When not reading, she likes listening to her more musically-aligned siblings.
Like all of Apollo's children, Yvonne has a degree of healing ability. It isn't particularly impressive, but she's capable of triage and keeping people alive long enough for other help to arrive. She's also a capable archer and favours the longbow.
Her primarily inherited domain is one of the rarer ones, knowledge. She has a seemingly-unlimited capacity for new information and appears incapable of forgetting anything once she's learned it, especially when it comes to historic events and dates, which she has a particular preference for.
After leaving camp, she went on to study history at university and is now a respected lecturer and researcher of Greek history.
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