#unnamed jedi
tremendouskoalachild · 3 months
i was trying to take some screenshots of the jedi redshirts but now i'm captivated by the way everyone has trouble keeping their eyes open during Yord's briefing
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thechaoticfanartist · 2 months
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Star Wars Sona doodle. He gets a lightsaber cane, except their lightsaber and cane are separated they just hide their lightsaber in their cane.
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added or removed) : @padme--amygdala @soclonely @mrfandomwars @jgvfhl @starlonkedd @andorlorian @togrutanduin @jedi-valjean @one-real-imonkey @traygaming @keoxus @veiled-in-stars @sentineljedi @spicysucculentz @amelia-song-pond @it-was-rose @thejediprincessqueenofnaboo @veradragonjedi @arrthurpendragon @shrinkthisviolet @thebrainofocto @forloveofcodywan @mandalorian-general
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clone-trooper-cheese · 7 months
Making a Nautolan oc bc why not. She doesn't have a name, so suggestions are helpful. (She/her)
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The design is inspired off of a strawberry squid
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The second one isn't a strawberry squid, I just thought it looked cute lol
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looseleafteeaves · 3 months
This is in a world I am tentatively calling the Sowing Wildflowers AU. All you need to know is that: 1. There was no Order 66. 2. Jedi, hearts hurting from the war, scatter like seeds in the wind. The clones carring them further. 3. The main characters are members of a race of people called Melinomin. Main Characters: Sola Baileya, a senior padawan (Sola is a melinomin) CT-10-3-5420, AKA Captain Snitch (she/her(?) don't know why, Captain Snitch slammed that over my head when I tried to write "he" CT 12-1-9151, AKA Puddle (He/him, a klutz)
Mentioned: Jedi Knight Taplel Vrahe, a mikkian jedi artisan who was unfortunately thrown into the war as a general.
Light gently streaming across closed lids.
Wind rustling leaves, the scents of baked sand and floating flowers surrounding the small figure floating cross legged. The nose twitches, and a quick last breath out, and the figure uncrosses their legs, standing.
"Captain Snitch? What can I do for you?"
"Ah, Commander Sola, we are approaching the MediCorp station, the Sun Touch? I figured you would want to know."
"Thank you Captain Snitch. I will fetch the blankets we are delivering now."
The commander, whose long skirt swishes behind her as she exits, nods, calling over her shoulder "Puddles is joining you, so be prepared."
Sola reaches out in the force, brushing against the many bright lights remaining on the Sun Touch in farewell. As the Artisan jumps into hyperspace, Sola turns.
"Puddle, you've been especially quiet today. I know you didn't really get to know me, or Master Taplel, but even if the war was not over, you could ask us anything."
Puddle stays silent, gathering his thoughts. "I just- what is that thing you and General Vrahe are doing in the Growth Room? Why are you just sitting there with your eye closed? Didn't you have many other things you were supposed to be doing?"
Sola smiles and hops onto the nearest table, bringing themself to eye level.
"I know that clones received a limited education on Jedi with the kaminoans... did you learn anything about meditation?"
"That it is the action of meditating, which is focusing one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation."
"Textbook perfect, Puddle. Meditating is that, however, it is also a process that jedi use to connect and immerse ourselves in the force, releasing emotions that affect us in negative ways, and learning from what we experienced. It is something that is very helpful to build a habit of. but can be difficult to get the hang of. Does that make sense?"
"So, I'm hearing that meditating is something you are doing to understand your experiences, or relaxing and releasing stress. Is that correct?"
"That's exactly correct, Puddle!"
"So what were you meditating about today?"
Sola grabs Puddle's hand and pats it. "Can I invite you to join me to meditate? I would like to meditate some more on peace, and how healing it can be, especially when you were not original built to be in war."
Puddle looks into Sola's face. "I am not the best at staying still, but to concept of peace is something I would love to gain understanding of. Please allow me to partake in your hospitality, and join you in meditating."
Sola almost dances down the hallway. "Then let us go to the Grow Room! The sunlight simulators are the best!"
And Puddle, joining Sola in mediating, experiances his first taste of peace.
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jazaesis · 6 months
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Avani’s droid companion
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constantlymisspelled · 6 months
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I like to think I can be funny
The real reason Ponds is alive in the Long Sunrise is because Boba got his shit rocked by a pebbled, and was caught during his tantrum lol. What a goober.
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bolithesenate · 10 months
I have but one humble request for the almighty Boli. I want to see a mandalorian and a guard brawl.
No weapons, just fists. Knock down, drag their ass fist fight. One's in beskar, the other has the power of force and serenity on their side. Someone's gonna be limping home with bruised bones.
lol love that mental picture
not making any promises because no one knows where my writing is going at any given point in time (least of all myself), but let's say i have contemplated similar scenarios before
so, in the words of the mightly Neil Gaiman: wait and see 😌
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thegeminisage · 5 months
really fun moment in tales of the empire was when barriss offee tracked down this jedi in the mountains and got herself into a fight. and then the jedi got stabbed. and cathy was like, "is he dead?" and i was like, "he? i thought this was a very handsome woman." and cathy was like "no i'm pretty sure this is a man." and then quite literally as if on cue barriss offee they/them'd the (potentially) dead jedi and we became so hysterical we had to pause the episode
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officialfoxsquadron · 6 months
I made a giant post timelining the breakdown of general relations between the coruscanti and the jedi. but i also want to say that just generally their cultures tended to clash. not always in a bad way! but the coruscanti were/are Extemely Horny and Extremely Violent and the Jedi weren't always into that. like can you imagine being a member of the Peace, Good Feelings and No Attatchment religion attending the latest Coruscanti production of "Tastefully Reenacting Ancient Blood Sex Magick pt 2347"? You'd lose your fucking mind
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disneytva · 2 years
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Disney Advertising Sales Sets Disney Upfront 2023 Slated For May 16,2023 With Renewals And Greenlights For 2023-2024 Slate For Disney Television Animation,Disney Junior Educational Resource Group & 20th Television Animation.
Disney has scheduled an in-person upfront May 16 at New York’s Javits Center, joining a growing cohort betting on the upside of wooing advertisers in the flesh.
The annual pitch on behalf of the company’s many linear and streaming platforms is again on the move after the company decamped from its longtime Lincoln Center home after Covid. The event was held last year at Lower Manhattan’s Basketball City.
Disney will hold its event at North Javits Center, a section of New York’s vast convention venue that recently underwent an extensive renovation. Javits fully reopened last year after a revamp costing more than $1.5 billion
The upfront will showcase the 2023-2024 lineup from Disney Branded Television and Disney Television Studios for ABC Network,Freeform,FX Networks,Disney Channel & Disney Junior.
In terms of animation Disney Television Animation,Disney Junior Educational Resource Group & 20th Television Animation will showcase it’s slate of episodic musical animated series,preschool animated series and adult animated series for Disney Channel,Disney Junior and ABC,FX,Freeform.
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tremendouskoalachild · 3 months
lmao at the guy's reaction when Yord can't help jumping in
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Okay I’ll admit it, the Sixth Brother’s design is probably the coolest of any Inquisitor so far.
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avame · 2 years
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twilek study time
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thechaoticfanartist · 2 years
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"Master, I could really use your guidance right about now," Grim whispered to the air. "I know you can hear me, I know you're still here," she cried. "I'll train Luke, and I'll look after him. Him and his sister both. But I could use you. I need you. I know you can hear me. Please Obi-Wan, I need you."
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added or removed) : @padme--amygdala @soclonely @mrfandomwars @jgvfhl @theleldaofzeldablog @milfspectre1 @togrutanduin @jedi-valjean @one-real-imonkey @traygaming @roseofalderaan @keoxus  @tranakin-thighhighwalker @veiled-in-stars @sentineljedi @spicysucculentz @purgetrooperfox @amelia-song-pond @kohtoyah @saturnsokas @thejediprincessqueenofnaboo
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holly-bearie · 4 months
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jedi padawan raisa and her as-of-yet unnamed smuggler girlfriend T3T
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Honestly I loved episode three. I loved the gaping hole Kanan left in the narrative. He's a ghost, he's right there, he never existed, he never left.
When Hera talks to Mon Mothma and the senators and Mothma asks about Jacen, and Ezra is mentioned by name, but not Kanan. Just 'I lost people who were like family' and the only person she can be taking about is Kanan but he is unnamed. We know. She knows. But the others in the scene cant. And the republic wouldn't really want to acknowledge that loss. A Jedi died fighting for them, and his wife is begging for help to find their Jedi adoptive son and there 'isn't resources' because there is never fucking resources for anything that doesn't line the elites pockets because under the veneer of space opera, capitalism is rotting and always will be.
And when Hera is talking to Jacen, and he's been playing with Chopper when he should be with his Dad or Ezra learning Jedi stuff, and when he ways he wants to be a Jedi and it just hangs there and Hera tells him she knows. How many excuses has she come up with to keep him away from the Jedi stuff because its safer for him to let his talent burn out and she just can't loose another person to that. She can't go through it again. How long can she keep him safe from it? She can't. He is Kanan's son as much as hers. Ezra will come back, but at least Ezra will Know. Will have known Kanan. Know what Hera fears.
And when Ahsoka talks about the force with Sabine and she says the same things Kanan did, and Sabine doesn't stop her because how would Ahsoka know? She barely knew Kanan. When she trains Sabine with wooden weapons and its the same way Kanan did. And when they do the blind drills, and she should have been learning to fight blind from Kanan. Even the mask Sabine wears looks more like Kanan's mask from 'Twilight of the Apprentice' than any of the other helmets we see used for the same drill.
Kanan left this huge absence in the show, that only exists for those who knew him, both in universe and those who watched Rebels. And I just think its fucking beautiful.
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