anonymouspuzzler · 10 months
Question for Buck: Do you have a favourite car?
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i wanted to have a full page infodump about different types of cars but i, the artist, do not in fact know a single damn thing about cars
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ragsy · 8 months
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@unnonexistence bocked!! reborbted!!!!
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ofliterarynature · 2 years
it's a middle-grade novel, but the post about wand battles at waffle house made me think of Hatching Magic by Ann Downer. a wizard loses his pet dragon through a portal to modern-day boston and has to go looking for her
I mean I’d love something a bit older, but that sounds super cute! I’ll have to look it up :)
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zekoagun · 3 months
hi hello did i hear something about pacific rim spreadsheets??? 👀 & i'm curious about what you wrote in the tags, what did you mean when you said the whole thing was a reference?
HI HI YES OF COURSE the spreadsheets there are two different ones in here, one for the kaiju and one for jaegers, disregard the jaeger one for your uses of course, NOTABLY: it’s impossible or very very stupid for this to be all of the kaiju specifically because it would mean that so many jaegers haven’t seen combat once whereas others would have seen it wayyy more, which would be weird for the amount of money they cost, but this is what we have right now so we just kind of have to deal haha (and also there’s contradictions like how romeo blue according to uprising canon has only seen battle three times all with lady danger which is wrong for so many reasons, ugh). also included is a list of where the sources come from via the asterixes and red highlights, i’m not sure if this is an entirely complete sourcing list because there are some duplicates (meaning that a kaiju shows up on multiple sources) but every kaiju should have one so 🤷
ANYWAY yes, i’m pretty sure it was a reference to independence day (or at least i heard someone say that, i don’t know if it’s true or not since i haven’t watched it) which isn’t unreasonable since their whole signal whatever was also a halving countdown but in the other direction i think,
if you have any more spreadsheet questions feel free 2 ask me :D
does tumblr send a notif if i reply? idk i’ll cover my bases @unnonexistence
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justconstantly · 6 months
nine people I'd like to know better
thanks @knifepadme for tagging me!
last song I listened to: I have music playing so as I'm typing this it's looping by Charlotte cardin, I'm just letting my music app play a track mix off of dive by Olivia Dean right now, bc I wanted something chill but not sad
currently watching: only thing I can think of is dungeon meshi? I'm not a huge tv person and I usually watch half a season of something and then forget it exists (case in point even tho I love it I'm like 4 episodes behind dm releases lmao)
sweet/savory/spicy?: also have a major sweet tooth, and I love to bake and have been prolific with all my free time lately, but also a ton of my cooking recently has been focused on spicy, and I don't feel content if it doesn't have red pepper flakes or chili crisps or smth on top
relationship status: nonexistent (asexual 💜🤍🖤)
current obsession: I guess dungeon meshi, lightly? also in general sci fi, I've been reading more lately, irl about 70% of my daily thoughts are taken up with my houseplants tho
tagging (no pressure) @azertykeys @karmajam @belladonnafey @myladyvesta @bromaine-lettuce @junewild @navigatorwrongway @unnonexistence @owlmylove and anyone who sees this 💖
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minipliny · 9 months
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@unnonexistence The Memory Police i would definitely recommend but should be read when you are feeling broadly emotionally balanced because it is a really existentitally bleak book! I thought it would be more of a story of externally enforced forgetting and a sort of totalitarian future society, but so much of it is internal - the horror of gradually losing yourself. You can read it as an allegory a number of ways but the face value of the story and the reality it pulls you into are very vivid and coherent. I thought it was brilliant but a tough read (and if you've had anticipatory grief for someone with dementia it might hit you there as well). There's also a lot of really well done detail of everyday life and people's plans and strategies for survival, which just adds to its coherence and reality.
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mcmissileproof · 6 months
nine people i'd like to know better
thanks for the tag @unnonexistence :V
last song I listened to: whatever was on in the car earlier. I truly do not remember but every time I try to think about it my brain starts playing Choices by The Hoosiers and I guess in a way that makes it the last song I've listened to.
currently watching: dungeon meshi :) usually I'm violently allergic to whatever media tumblr is hyping up at any given time, so keeping up with the big thing is an exciting change for me. I'm having fun and I love all the weird freaks (complimentary) in this cast dearly
sweet/savory/spicy?: tough choice but right now at this moment I'm saying spicy bc I had some good spicy noodles for dinner
relationship status: I had a dating app 4 years ago but deleted it when someone almost took me up on an offer to swordfight but ghosted me when he realized I meant literally fencing. if that's the dating pool I'm working with then why even bother.
current obsession: fire emblem throuses. coming up on a year in and the brainworms show no signs of calming down.
tagging: @pirdmystery @blaiddydboyfriend @targentis @strixhaven and whoever else wants to do it, no pressure if you don't tho B)
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byjillianmaria · 3 months
Rating OC Headcanons
I was tagged by @cwritesfiction!!! I followed the same format and ranked each headcanon on a scale of 1 - 5, with 1 being the least accurate and 5 being the most accurate. I'll tag @unnonexistence @brionysea anddd @flannelandsarcasm
Use this headcanon generator to generate some headcanons for your OCs! How accurate are they?
Cleo chews their nails when nervous. — 4. I don't think she actually chews on the nails but homegirl's cuticles are ragged.
Cleo knows fnaf lore. — 5. She's a horror nerd living in the present day. She at least knows the basics of the FNAF lore. It's inevitable.
Cleo is unemployed. — 5. Cleo is in high school and spends most of her free time daydreaming about making movies while never actually finishing a script, oops.
Cleo can't spell resturaunt. — 1. The fact that it's misspelled in the prompt would be INCREDIBLY annoying to her. She's one of those people who judges typos in texts (although she'd never actually say anything).
Cleo is in your house. — 1. She lives in my brain, but I am not in my house right now, so Cleo certainly isn't. She loves how ominous this headcanon is, though.
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unnonexistence · 7 months
Hello! Just wanted to inform you the OP of this post [ https : // www . tumblr . com / unnonexistence / 742626886905151488 ? source = share ] is a terf
I can't get the link to work, but if it was the one about menstrual products in hotels, someone else let me know as well & I've deleted it! thank you for letting me know
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myautisticpov · 4 years
Hi, feel free to ignore this if you'd prefer not to amswer, but I think you said something recently about ADHD medication that helped with your ADHD symptoms and like 80% of your anxiety symptoms, and I was just wondering what medication it was? I have ADHD + health anxiety, & I'm looking into medications that might help me with both.
I’m just on standard methylphenidate hydrochloride (so stimulant medication), and I take two fast-release doses a day.
Stimulant medication can make anxiety worse for some people, but I found that my anxiety was a way for my brain to deal with my lack of stimulation. Like, if I didn’t have enough stimulation to do a thing, I would get anxious, which would eventually help.
Except then it expanded from academic and social anxiety to health anxiety as well and that’s pretty much never helpful... And neither were the panic attacks, tbh.
Anyway, it seems that giving my brain the stimulation it’s craving stops it from picking at my anxiety triggers to get said stimulation. And the extra focus helps CBT to stick a little more.
Though my meds do wear off by nighttime, so my anxiety will often return in full-force before bed. But a tiny bit of exercise as well helps with that anxiety (literally 5-10 minutes of yoga) and the ADHD meds help me to do that regularly.
Also, a slow-release version of the medication might not have that drop-off at night (idk, I haven’t tried it), but you can’t mix the meds with alcohol, and stimulant meds being so heavily regulated means that you can’t pick and choose on the day whether you take fast or slow release tablets, and even though I’m not a heavy drinker, I prefer sticking on fast-release so that I can choose not to take my afternoon meds if I’m going to a thing in the afternoon where I’ll want to drink, but still be able to take my morning meds. Rather than sacrificing entire days off my meds or going 100% sober.
Also, in contrast, before I was diagnosed with ADHD, beta-blockers (which kind of do the reverse of stimulants) were also super helpful for my anxiety. So, idk, different stuff works in different ways, and it seems with this kind of thing, it’s best to just try stuff out.
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vincentbriggs · 4 years
(sorry if this sent twice, I think tumblr messed up the first time) Hello Vince! I really like reading about your sewing projects, and I've sort of been working my way up to making some clothes of my own. I was wondering: how do you wash your 18th-century garments, particularly the ones with a lot of hand sewing? Can they go through the washing machine, or would that damage them? (fabric permitting, of course - I know the wools and silks probably can't)
I hand wash my shirts and hang them up to dry. They could theoretically go through the washing machine and survive, because the hand stitching on 18th century shirts has to be sturdy and small so they withstand washing, but I don’t like to. 
I don’t think they’d be likely to get damaged unless there was really delicate lace ruffles, but machine washing is more damaging over time. Clothes wear out faster when you machine wash them, and even worse if you tumble dry them, and I want mine to last for as long as they can.
Plus, I find that greasy shirt collars just don’t get as clean in the washing machine. You gotta put soap right on them and scrub them by hand to get them to not be gross.
And yeah, wool and silk outer garments aren’t really things that get washed. They’d get rumpled and limp, and probably the dye would run if they were patterned. The linen underwear protects them from getting sweaty, and they wore washable linen or cotton outer garments in summer. 
I don’t know what you do do with silk when it gets dirty, but I guess I’ll find out once my silk things get dirty. I have carefully hand washed my plain wool breeches and waistcoat, and they did get kind of rumpled, so I wouldn’t do that with my fancier stuff.
Edit: oh, I had forgotten the thing about spraying stuff with watered down vodka! I haven’t done it before but I’ve heard it’s great at getting rid of stink.
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anonymouspuzzler · 8 months
did buck and leo get the same powers their parents had, or are they different? and as a superhero, is leo trying to emulate his dad or more do his own thing with the captain armstrong persona?
also for a while i thought buck was the younger sibling, and him actually being the older sibling makes the whole "ran away to become a villain" situation juicier. like as the oldest child he was probably under extra pressure to Carry On The Legacy
they kinda did - Leo's powers are basically exactly the same as their dad's super-strength powers. Buck, meanwhile, kind of got a "pick one" deal from their mom, who was a Wonder Woman-esque Possibly Literal Demigoddess with a whole suite of powers at her disposal, and he's now superhumanly durable-slash-heals from injuries much much faster than the average joe. Leo's very much trying to emulate his dad in his current heroism, with only minor differences - he's (at least in public appearances) a little more wisecrack-y and jovial than the first Captain Armstrong, who was personable enough but a little more stoic about superheroism. Leo's much more "guy who will play himself in a commercial" about it.
and yeah, Buck was Very Very Much under pressure as the firstborn Armstrong kid - the public story is that he resorted to villainy after his little brother got named the successor instead of him, but like, the only people who know the real story are him, Leo and their dad (dead), none of whom are much inclined to publicly reflect on the occasion in any great detail.
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ragsy · 1 year
drawing prompt: an orchid mantis
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the humble centaur
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adhdstudybitch · 4 years
hi, just wanted to let you know that there are terfs in the comments of that "boys fall further behind than girls" post u reblogged
Thank you so much for letting me know! Fuckin terfs ruining everything!
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help-mypartner · 5 years
help my gf and i keep getting the same result on "what (thing) are you?" quizzes even though we pick different answers
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justconstantly · 5 months
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tagged by @belladonnafey
couldn't sleep, saw ur tag zoph (<3), and here we are. I'm a big album listener so this was a struggle for me, but I tried to avoid all my short term obsessions and only pick my absolute favs, ones I could listen to no skips at any time (order here isn't a ranking or anything, solely was aesthetic for the collage)
lungs (deluxe) - Florence+the machine
fav songs: I'm not calling you a liar, bird song, kiss with a fist
every spare moment for the entire summer of 2014 my brother and I played Minecraft on a LAN server together and I listened exclusively to a YouTube playlist of this album on repeat and that's definitely part of why I am the way I am
heretic pride - the mountain goats
fav songs: autoclave, lovecraft in brooklyn
funnily enough, not one of the three goats albums I have on vinyl, the others are better for living room activities that my record player is good for (lounging, plant watering, etc) but this one is still my all time fav
wasteland baby - hozier
fav songs: almost (sweet music), wasteland baby
RIP my college roommates in spring 2019 because I listened to only this album for approximately 2.5 months and I think they hated me for it (blasting it out loud, singing badly, etc)
Grace - Jeff buckley
fav songs: lover you should've come over, dream brother
this album is so so cool, I mean even discounting Jeff buckleys angelic voice, the haunting guitar? the early modern English hymn?? lilac wine AND hallelujah??? makes me feel incredible
sound and color - alabama shakes
fav songs: this feeling, shoegaze
this whole album makes me just dance/sway around my apartment feeling like I'm the most soulful and tender person alive
post-war - M. ward
fav songs: Chinese translation, right in the head, rollercoaster, magic trick
makes me so indescribably nostalgic for a life I've never lived. when I heard Chinese translation for the first time I was like hmm I'm different now
collapsed in sunbeams - Arlo parks
fav songs: too good, eugene
got the vinyl from my library on a whim to listen to while me and my roomie did a puzzle and spent the next 2 weeks of the hold just glued to the record player, haven't bought my own copy yet but it's on my wishlist FOR SURE just perfect lazy living room vibes for me
crawler - IDLES
fav songs: the beachland ballroom, meds, car crash
massive thank you @azertykeys for recommending me idles bc this album is a go to for me when I'm coding and/or also just in my feelings
bridge over troubled water - Simon & Garfunkel
fav songs: keep the customer satisfied, the boxer, the only living boy in New York, why don't you write me
my parents listened to quite a bit of Simon and Garfunkel when I was a kid and I didn't realize I knew them until I was like 20 and my friend was playing their greatest hits and I knew every word to every song. she was like why do you know so much Simon and Garfunkel and I was like oh is that who this is? anyway love this album, my vinyl is a treasured posession
only reason mitski isn't on this list is because I can't choose between any of her albums
other honorable mentions:
hospice by antlers
woman on the internet by Orla gartland
case/lang/veirs by case/lang/veirs
transgender dysphoria blues by against me
fetch the bolt cutters by Fiona apple
she won't make sense by the harmleighs
this was long so absolutely no pressure, but tagging @azertykeys @heart-to-hearts @bromaine-lettuce @junewild @unnonexistence @navigatorwrongway and anyone who sees this and wants to give it a go
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