daemon-in-my-head · 1 month
Gortash symbolises humanity. Bear with me.
He is a researcher, a scientist, an inventor. He is progress personified. He constructed the Steelwatch from nothing, and he discarded all ethics to do so. And while vile, that is something that has been done a lot in the past. Humans have ever since crossed the line in the name of research and progress. They have done unspeakable things, all in the name of 'advancement' and knowledge. Especially those who had certain degrees of power or in not exceptionally peaceful times, ethics are the first thing that is discarded to conduct research properly. And that is precisely what Gortash does. He ranked his desire for progress higher than personal attachments or sentimentality, and in its name, he's done unspeakably sadistic things in his 'lair' like countless did before him.
But that's not the only thing. Gortash is a tyrant, a conqueror. He invaded places people already existed in and claimed these places, their treasures and their people for himself—something humans love to do and still do to this day. And he was also an arms dealer. The thing that allowed humans to suppress even those physically stronger and more advanced was weaponry. The thing that allowed progression to this degree is where his roots lie.
He paid attention in his history lessons. He made sure to learn from Sarevok's failures. Perhaps even the shortcomings of Bane's old chosen. But even despite, or perhaps because he knew that history, he made the mistake of repeating it. He was so focused on not repeating Sarevok's mistakes that he forgot the other downfalls others have had to experience. Exactly how humanity continues to learn of its own history but always gets focused on specific parts, and as such, he forgot some others and was bound to repeat them just like we're currently repeating mistakes that have happened before.
There is also Gortash's dismissal of the Netherbrain. His 'how bad could it be'-stance. He dismissed a force of nature, dismissed natural evolution because he thought himself above it, kept silent about it, and as such allowed a plague to spread through the sword coast. Something that has happened repeatedly in our past. The last time wasn't even that long ago, if we're honest.
Even the god he serves, his patron, is the only 'humane' one out of the dead three. Bhaal is a force of nature. He is death itself. Myrkul is almost an eldritch being. He's the explanation for what happens after death, and how to defeat the unknown. But Bane is human. His domain is human. Conquest, rulership, tyranny, worship. Those are human things. These are desires only humans have in that way.
But most importantly, he reigned in and controlled the weapon that is Durge. After their murder spree, and after their worship and temple management, he was the one who stilled Durge's hand. Who reminded them of their own humanity. Who insisted they were human. He became their ties to humanity to them.
So, Gortash symbolises humanity, but simply all it's flaws. He's the brutality, the ruthlessness, the endless desire and strive for progress. The desperation to be 'more'. The cruelty we display in the name of power and knowledge. The sheer lack of compassion, empathy and humanity that only humans are capable of.
And now, this also makes it really funny that he needs to die for you and your companions to succeed. It's almost like you need to kill off that cruelty in a last act of brutality to embrace a 'peaceful' future.
Expect if you're durge cuz you're fucked regardless but that's a diff topic.
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disneydreamlights · 1 year
Alright discovered a new insanity today so once again posting a reminder that if you think it's healthy to run a blog dedicated specifically and strictly to talking about something you hate that is fictional, please get mental help.
It is not healthy to dedicate so much of your existence to something you don't like and I think you'll find life gets a lot better when you start focusing on the things you like instead and just ignore when other people like things you don't.
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xpoolboy · 5 months
if you dont like annabeth chase then i dont think you provide any value to fandom. sorry.
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itsagrimm · 2 years
Something tells me that König did not have a usual childhood not just because of anxiety.
He entered military service with 17, which requires parental permission. Many kids in the german speaking countries still go to school when 17. König's parents being okay with their kid not pursuing education, which is highly socially expected of young people in all german-speaking countries, but instead actively allowing him to join the army, is extremely unusual.
Also, the military does not have the same social standing in Austria or Germany as let's say in the USA. It is not a very common thing people do here - especially minors.
Like, did his parents want him gone? Or did they actually felt like that was the best choice for their son because of circumstances unknown to us? Or did 17-year-old-König convince his parents AND the enlist officer to allow him to join the army somehow, giving an anxiety plagued teen a gun? And what kind of environment would allow that?
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missshame · 6 months
okay I love the Kills but doesn't it feel a little like their songs are never talking about anything important
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vinkumakkara · 1 year
the anticapitalist theme in Volition’s “old school” works is so in your face. it’s spelled out to you in sr and it’s obviously even more explicit in red faction. it was always V’s thing back in the good ol days, gamers who got spitting mad over the hollow lip service the reboot pays towards it are quite literally Fake Fans TM who don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about
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irlwakko · 5 months
why are people so weird about slang terms and nicknames. if someone doesn't want to be called "babe" don't call them that. if someone doesn't want to be called "girl" or "dude" don't call them that. just don't call people things they don't want to be called
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simarcana · 1 year
Guys I'm so sorry i'm not doing the tag games you're tagging me in but I SUCK when it comes to talk abt me / share personal stuff unprovoked online and every time I start doing them I just get the biggest brain fog but you're adorable and splendid and I'm so happy so many people tagged me!!
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vorakh · 10 months
being constantly in pain (chronic illness my beloathed) and having depression and being poor sucks so much
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kyouka-supremacy · 11 months
For tgp au, if Dazai is Michael, then who is Janet?
I have no idea? Oda? Chuuya and his themes of learning how to be a human?
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thedevilsrain · 1 year
i really need to like. actually throw out and fucking burn the iron cross ring my dad has
he isnt a naonazi, but he keeps it because that type of military and downright fash imagery is common in the biker/rock circles hes in, and therefore he thinks its harmless to the point that when i told him that id met a literal nazi he said "the guy was just joking, i know a lot of guys who have confederate flags and iron crosses in their clothes"
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pinbones · 2 months
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My triangle of media sanitisation/censorship, with a few examples
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formulaireone · 4 months
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(thanks robin williams)
but seriously, this would be amazing especially for gen z tiktok no-lifers who have a short attention span
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akhmatowa · 8 months
I'm sorry but SCREAM look at what my uni just sent me
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[translation: this is basically a message about the forty students who'll get the HONOUR of meeting the Holiest Patriarch etc etc. It is highlighted thrice that only *adequate*, *polite* and *understanding* people need apply. Under no circumstances should there be random, unmotivated people there, you need to understand the MEANINGFULNESS and UNIQUENESS of this event]
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questionthebox · 9 months
Brief notes on what & who I call
“The Progressive Nihilists”
They are those, who are most likely than not
Women, Gay, From The Cities, Cosmopolitans.
Who present to a diverse set of the proletariat
In settings of academia more often than not,
A sense of false freedom based upon aesthetics of identity, identities based upon the nature of being a slave, in a foreign system/land, I count Gay as being a neuroticism towards this, because it only plays out as this, which is why you see blacks like Billy Porter a gay man propped up by the Democratic Party & The Rich,
These people present an idea of freedom based around an awareness towards identity that never approaches socialism or questions actual hierarchy and attempts to disrupt private property.
Instead what they preach is, for you to become Gay, they’ll first say “explore your sexuality” but what they really mean is become Gay, they use “Gay” as a way to make sure no Man arrives to challenge the system alongside other young Men, so if they can de-masculinize Men they can remove the threat of Man via his drives & desires all of which are to attain Union with the female, and to create a world through that. They also use “Gay” as a eugenics mechanism, making sure that these people aren’t breeding.
If it’s not that, then they preach a sort of acknowledgment of the crimes of colonialism, yet stop from an actual deep analysis of identity tied into a potential return to one’s homeland to set it free from the Neo colonial system.
What they want, & what their role is specifically is to make sure every real truth is obfuscated, this is primarily preached to Women, it’s important to them to brainwash women because their agenda is to separate Man & Woman preventing a revolution, & continuing their Malthusian eugenics plan.
They obfuscate by having Women be the vanguard of a sense to be content with having representation on television and the entertainment industrial complex.
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mirmidones · 10 months
friend just hunted down our high school science teacher that walked by. hell on earth
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