#unraveling asteroids
crystalsenergy · 1 year
Juno in signs ✨🤝✨ (unraveling asteroids #3)
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Juno is an asteroid strongly related to commitment, agreements, long-lasting relationships established through some form of partnership.
Because of this, we can look to Juno both to understand
our ideal partnership style for business
and for serious, long-term romantic relationships.
This is because I see Venus as the love that is built, our actions , ways, when it comes to demonstrating and living love. Juno, in my view, represents the solid relationship we want to achieve. Therefore, it doesn't represent as much our expressions within the relationship but rather how we want the relationship to be. Any doubts, please ask, and I'll respond!
Below, I've brought Juno in each of the signs in the context of partnerships.
Juno in Aries: Those with this placement seek partnerships with independence, with individuals who value initiative, the importance of trying, individuals with courage. They tend to have a tendency toward independence in their most solid partnerships.
Juno in Taurus: Here, there's no rush; it's expected that each person acts and lives at their own pace, enjoying the rhythm and steps being taken. Those with this placement seek partnerships that bring stability, calm, security, and often have a keen sense of aesthetics and attachment.
Juno in Gemini: Those with this placement seek partnerships that bring movement, especially mental stimulation, and a certain air of intellectualism and variability. They seek partnerships that are highly adaptable and communicative individuals who are curious.
Juno in Cancer: Those with this placement seek relationships with emotional security, where they can share their inner life. They will only feel secure and comfortable with individuals who bring this emotional security. Partnerships need to be primarily emotional; emotional connection is very important.
Juno in Leo: Those with this placement seek partnerships that express more of their inner desires, what's in their hearts and egos. They aspire to partnerships with protagonism, self-confidence, and expression of inner life.
Juno in Virgo: Individuals with this placement seek partnerships that have a strong sense of organization, problem-solving, and an understanding of the importance of commitment and logic. They seek adaptable partnerships but ones that keep their feet firmly on the ground.
Juno in Libra: Those with this placement prefer partnerships with diplomatic, kind individuals who seek harmony and balance, are sophisticated in some way, always looking for a middle ground rather than extremes. They appreciate people who listen to more than one opinion before making decisions.
Juno in Scorpio: Those with this placement seek deep, sometimes intense, transformative partnerships with individuals who can somehow provide that. They seek all-or-nothing partnerships with loyalty and a readiness to delve into deeper matters without fear.
Juno in Sagittarius: Those with this placement seek expansive, optimistic, sincere partnerships that are somewhat philosophical or interested in seeking the meaning of life. These are partnerships that aim to expand, grow, and find something meaningful.
Juno in Capricorn: Those with this placement seek partnerships with responsible, solid individuals who bring some form of stability, especially on a material level. These are individuals who are strongly inclined to seek partnerships with traditional, conservative values.
Juno in Aquarius: In contrast, those with this placement seek partnerships with original, innovative, rational, open-minded individuals who have a greater social empathy and altruism and are focused on social issues. Aquarius can also manifest through a tendency toward technology.
Juno in Pisces: Those with this placement seek emotionally deep partnerships with connections, empathy, and vulnerability. They prefer sensitive, empathetic, adaptable, and creative individuals to establish solid relationships and partnerships.
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botanicalsword · 8 months
How they approach you ✧ Check their Mars Sign
Mars symbolizes our energy, desires, and pursuit methods. It's associated with our passion, sex drive, and how we chase what we need. In relationships, Mars plays a significant role. It's about how we express our desires, assert ourselves, and handle conflict.
Photo credit @le.sinex
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Mars in Aries
They're similar to determined marathon runners who charge forward with enthusiasm, undeterred by any obstacles. Just don't be surprised if they occasionally bump into a wall or two in their relentless pursuit.
Mars in Taurus They're the patient gardeners of love, carefully tending to their relationships like nurturing plants. They take their time to analyze the soil, wait for the perfect weather, and then make their move with unwavering determination.
Mars in Gemini They're the social chameleons of dating, adapting their approach to match the vibe of the person they're interested in. It's like they have a whole wardrobe of different personalities they can slip into, making them the masters of versatility.
Mars in Cancer They're the masters of dropping hints, leaving a trail of clues like a mischievous detective. They keep you on your toes with their mysterious and unpredictable behavior, making every interaction feel like an episode of a thrilling crime drama.
Mars in Leo They're the extravagant romantics, showering their love interest with grand gestures and lavish gifts. They believe in expressing themselves boldly and fearlessly, even if it means occasionally emptying their wallet in the process.
Mars in Virgo They're the undercover romantics, pretending to be cool and collected on the surface while secretly hoping for the other person to make the first move. It's like they're playing a game of emotional hide-and-seek, waiting for someone to uncover their hidden desires.
Mars in Libra They're the hesitant lovers, constantly second-guessing themselves and fearing rejection. They overanalyze every move and struggle with decision-making, like someone trying to choose the perfect Instagram filter for their relationship.
Mars in Scorpio They're the stealthy strategists, waiting in the shadows for the perfect moment to strike. They believe in the power of patience and calculated action, like a ninja plotting their next move.
Mars in Sagittarius They're the jacks-of-all-trades in the game of love. They have a bag full of tricks to please their partner, from witty banter to spontaneous adventures. They're like a one-person circus, always ready to entertain and surprise.
Mars in Capricorn They're the master manipulators, using their cunning and wit to get what they want. They play the game of love like a seasoned chess player, making calculated moves and occasionally catching their opponents off guard.
Mars in Aquarius They're the enigmatic superheroes, silently observing from the sidelines until they muster up the courage to reveal their feelings in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment. It's like they have a secret identity, waiting for the perfect time to save the day.
Mars in Pisces They're the poetic dreamers, expressing their feelings in intricate metaphors and whimsical prose. Trying to understand their emotions is like converting a riddle wrapped in a love letter, but once you unravel the mystery, it's like discovering a hidden treasure.
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astroa3h · 8 months
❤️‍🔥 asteroid valentine through the houses ❤️‍🔥
Asteroid Valentine (447) isn't just another mundane space rock orbiting the Sun 🌞; it was discovered on October 27, 1899, by the eagle-eyed French astronomer Auguste Charlois 👀🇫🇷. Standing out from the crowd of generic asteroids adrift in the cosmic expanse, this one boasts some serious pizzazz, seemingly nodding to Saint Valentine himself—the icon of all things mushy and romantic 💘, immortalized by legends and the gooey celebrations of Valentine's Day. Bearing the name Valentine, it's no shocker this asteroid has turned into the cosmic hotspot 🔥 for unraveling the enigmas of pulse racing obsession. It's like the universe's own twisted cupid 🏹💖, laying bare the types of swooners you magnetize and their lovestruck shenanigans when they're utterly smitten with you.
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❤️‍🔥 1st House: In the 1st house, you attract the “Shadow Follower”. This individual is mesmerized by your very presence and seems to be wherever you are, blending into the background but always watching. They admire everything about you, from the way you walk to the way you talk, often mimicking your style or interests in an attempt to close the gap between you. Be aware you may attract narcissists.
❤️‍🔥 2nd House: When Valentine graces your 2nd house, it brings the “Lavish Obsessor” into your life. This person showers you with gifts and material symbols of affection, believing that the key to your heart is through extravagant displays of wealth. Their obsession lies in owning the best, and that includes their relationship with you. They see you as a prize to be won, a luxury to be possessed. You are the ultimate trophy.
❤️‍🔥 3rd House: In the 3rd house, the “Conversation Hacker” is drawn to you. This individual hangs on your every word, obsessively analyzing texts and conversations for hidden meanings. They're likely to deep dive into your social media history, bringing up topics or inside jokes you barely remember, demonstrating an unsettling level of interest in your thoughts and communications. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a lot of weirdos in your DM’s.
❤️‍🔥 4th House: With Valentine in the 4th house, you attract the “Home Invasion Romantic”. This partner wants to be so involved in your life that they overstep boundaries, wanting to move in too soon or redecorate your space to suit what they believe is best for "us." They're fixated on creating a domestic bliss that you didn't sign up for, insisting on being your ultimate comfort but in a way that feels more invasive than nurturing. 
❤️‍🔥 5th House:  When Valentine visits your 5th house, it brings the “Jealous Admirer” into your love life. This type is intoxicated by your creativity and zest for life but is also fiercely envious of anyone else who shares your attention. They want to be your muse and your audience, the only one you perform for, often leading to dramatic displays of jealousy that can turn any romantic scene into a thriller. Fatal Attraction VIBES.
❤️‍🔥 6th House: In the 6th house, you draw the “Routine Stalker”. This individual is obsessed with your daily routines and habits, often rearranging their schedule to "coincidentally" bump into you. They take note of your likes, dislikes, and even your coffee order, using this information to craft themselves into the perfect partner, always just one step away from being too much in sync with your life. This placement can turn dangerous, watch your back.
❤️‍🔥 7th House: Valentine in the 7th house attracts the “Binding Contract Lover”. This person sees your relationship as a deal that's been sealed, treating every interaction like a contractual obligation forever. They're intensely committed to the idea of "us against the world," often pushing for commitments or declarations of love that feel more like chains than choices. Those with this placement are likely to cheat on long-term partners, unsure how to escape unhappy relationships.
❤️‍🔥 8th House: With Valentine in the 8th house, the “Soul Chain Romantic” is drawn to you. This lover believes in a connection that transcends the physical, claiming a depth of bond that feels more like a possession. They're drawn to your darkness and secrets, wanting to merge in ways that erase individual boundaries, but this is a placement that also draws sexually deviant partners your way.
❤️‍🔥 9th House: In the 9th house, you attract the “Obsessive Quester”. This partner is obsessed with the idea of you as their ultimate quest, an adventure to be conquered. They're drawn to your beliefs and philosophies but twist them to fit their narrative of a grand love story, often pushing you into roles and situations that feel more epic in their head than in reality. Expect a lot of love bombing followed by ghosting with this placement. 
❤️‍🔥 10th House: Valentine in the 10th house brings the “Public Claimer” into your orbit. This individual is obsessed with how the relationship looks to the outside world, constantly posting, tagging, and declaring their love for you in very public ways. They're more interested in the status of being with you than the actual connection, often putting on a show of affection that feels performative rather than genuine.
❤️‍🔥 11th House: In the 11th house, Valentine attracts the “Ideological Chameleon”, someone who obsessively aligns with your hopes, dreams, and social circles. They seamlessly adopt your interests and ideologies, aiming to become your perfect match. This partner integrates so deeply into your world that they begin to mirror you, losing their individuality in the process. They are harmless though, usually truly loving you. Just don’t break their heart, they might end up dating your BFF out of revenge.
❤️‍🔥 12th House: With Valentine in the 12th house, you draw in the “Phantom Soulmate”. This partner feels a deep, unseen connection to you, believing they knew you in a past life. They love from the shadows, perhaps through anonymous gestures or silent admiration, convinced of a spiritual link between you. This is actually my favorite Valentine placement, think of the Gomez Adams to Morticia.
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obsidian-pages777 · 4 months
Penelope in your Astrology Chart. Where are you Patient and Loyal?
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Penelope is a prominent figure in Greek mythology, best known as the faithful wife of Odysseus in Homer's epic, "The Odyssey." During the twenty years of Odysseus's absence—ten years spent fighting in the Trojan War and another ten struggling to return home—Penelope remains in Ithaca, warding off numerous suitors who seek her hand, believing Odysseus to be dead. To delay remarriage, she devises a clever ruse: she promises to choose a suitor once she finishes weaving a funeral shroud for her father-in-law, Laertes. Each day she weaves, and each night she secretly unravels her work, maintaining this deception for three years until a servant reveals her secret.
Throughout "The Odyssey," Penelope is portrayed as a paragon of marital fidelity and cleverness, matching her husband's famed cunning. Despite the immense pressure from the suitors and the uncertainty of Odysseus's fate, she remains hopeful and steadfast. Her loyalty is ultimately rewarded when Odysseus returns home, disguised as a beggar. To confirm his identity, Penelope devises a test involving their bed, which Odysseus alone can pass. Her recognition and acceptance of Odysseus culminate in a joyful reunion, underscoring the themes of perseverance, loyalty, and the enduring power of love and faithfulness.
Penelope, as an asteroid in astrology, can provide insights into themes of loyalty, patience, and waiting, given its mythological associations. Here’s an overview of what Penelope might signify when placed in each house of an astrological chart:
Penelope in the 1st House
Identity & Appearance: You may be seen as someone patient and loyal. These qualities are integral to your self-image and how you present yourself to the world. You might face situations where your patience and resilience are tested.
Penelope in the 2nd House
Finances & Values: Your approach to money and possessions is marked by patience and a sense of loyalty. You might experience financial delays but have a long-term perspective on material security. Your values reflect steadfastness and reliability.
Penelope in the 3rd House
Communication & Siblings: In communication, you are patient and thoughtful, taking your time to articulate your thoughts. Your relationships with siblings and neighbors may involve themes of waiting or long-term loyalty.
Penelope in the 4th House
Home & Family: Family life is where your patience and loyalty are most evident. You might deal with prolonged family issues or responsibilities but handle them with enduring commitment. Your home is a place of steadfast support.
Penelope in the 5th House
Creativity & Children: Creative projects and hobbies may require significant patience and perseverance. Your relationships with children are marked by loyalty and long-term commitment, often involving waiting or delayed rewards.
Penelope in the 6th House
Work & Health: In your daily work and health routines, patience is key. You might face slow progress in health matters or work situations but deal with them with a steady and persistent attitude. Your loyalty to your job and colleagues is notable.
Penelope in the 7th House
Partnerships & Marriage: Relationships are where patience and loyalty shine. You might experience delays in finding the right partner or face challenges that require enduring commitment. Your partnerships are characterized by steadfast devotion.
Penelope in the 8th House
Shared Resources & Transformation: You might face delays or challenges in matters of shared resources, inheritances, or deep emotional transformations. Your approach to these intense areas is marked by a patient, loyal, and enduring attitude.
Penelope in the 9th House
Philosophy & Travel: Your philosophical views and long-distance travel plans may involve patience and a long-term perspective. You are loyal to your beliefs and values, even if they evolve slowly over time.
Penelope in the 10th House
Career & Public Life: Career progress might be slow but steady. You are seen as a loyal and patient professional, someone who can be relied upon for long-term projects. Your public image reflects these qualities.
Penelope in the 11th House
Friendships & Groups: In your social circles and group activities, patience and loyalty are key themes. Friendships might take time to develop, but they are marked by enduring commitment. You are a reliable member of any group.
Penelope in the 12th House
Subconscious & Isolation: Patience and loyalty play out in the realms of the subconscious, spirituality, and hidden aspects of life. You might experience long periods of waiting or isolation but handle them with inner resilience and faith.
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
pairing: frank castle x fem!reader
summary: now that frank was gone, you were left alone to your own devices. could you protect yourself if trouble came knocking at your door?
warnings: swearing, lots of angst, brief mention of bomb violence, mentions of gun violence, blood, & death
word count: 4k
a/n: buckle up, sluts (i love y'all sm). shit is about to get real. ;) but don't just take my word for it. grab a snack, a drink, & get comfy. as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated!
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9:29 pm. 
The catastrophic events of today didn’t feel like they had happened just this morning. They didn’t even feel real at all. They seemed more like glimpses of a purgatory from an alternate dimension that somehow had been implanted into your head. How had your world become so goddamn unrecognizable in less than twelve hours?
Life as you knew it had unraveled right before your eyes in one fell swoop like a cruel magician’s trick. For the first time in months, you were terrified to leave your house again, and there was a gaping pit of loneliness carved out in your stomach.
Because Frank was gone, and he was probably never coming back.
Saline seared along your waterline as your last interaction with him replayed behind your glossy eyes on a loop. He had looked so detached, the usual warmth of his brown eyes snuffed out with a layer of black ice, face completely void of any emotion like a blank canvas.
He didn’t even say goodbye.
He didn’t say anything.
Every comet that flashed across his lips at one of your stupid little jokes. Every tiny gesture that brought him closer into your orbit. Every universe you discovered when he revealed more and more coveted constellations of himself to you. The asteroid he threw with his fists at the bar that night. The rockets he was always ready to launch on your behalf. The way all the planets had aligned just right when he glided with you around the dancefloor made of the stars.
All those intimate moments you carried around in your heart like a locket meant nothing to him.
You had only ever been a job to Frank, and that epiphany broke something inside you that you didn’t think could ever be fixed.
Sitting at your dining table staring off into the void of silence, it felt like you were wandering aimlessly through an abandoned forest in your mind. When was the last time you had felt so…lost? It was difficult to navigate a path when your whole world had been flipped upside down, right as you were ascending to the peak above the clouds. 
Ellison had politely demanded you take a few days off, or work from home, until there was a plan of what to do next regarding your safety. He didn’t know the details of why your security detail had been pulled, but the absence of Frank’s shadow was unmistakable. It was a glaring vacancy not even the darkness could hide. Coupled with the intense gloom of dejection lingering on your face and the desolation melting from your eyes, it wasn’t a hard mystery for him to solve.
Covering your face with your palms, you suddenly felt like a little girl again, hiding under the blankets and covering your eyes to hide from the villainous shadows that lurked in the corners of your room. You remember thinking that if you couldn’t see the phantoms, they couldn’t see you, and then they couldn’t hurt you. 
That logic made sense in your head at the time. Before you learned that monsters are real, and they don’t go away when you hide behind your hands. 
The sharp sound of clamorous repetitive knocking against your front door echoed through the quiet and caused you to jump with a noise of surprise. Glancing over at the clock on your microwave, your brows knit together in confusion as you read the glowing digital numbers. 
10:31 pm.
A second round of impatient knocks had you slowly rising from your chair, tip-toeing around the corner towards your front door as noiselessly as you could, not wanting to alert anyone on the other side of your presence. Leaning up to peek through the peephole, the perplexity weaved between your brows only grew seeing two officers standing outside your door. 
Despite the advice from your gut, curiosity got the better of you, and you unlocked the two locks in place, twisting the knob on the door to pull it open slowly. 
“Can I help you?”
The first officer straightened up when you opened the door, placing his weathered hands on his belt as he eyed you up and down in a way that had discomfort blooming in your lower stomach. 
“You Y/N Y/L/N?”
Glancing between the icy gray eyes of the first officer and the sharp aquamarine of the second, your grip on the door knob tightened slightly.
“I am. Who are you?”
The second officer folded his arms over his chest, peering right over your head like he was searching behind you for something, or someone. 
“I’m Officer Walker, this is Officer Cavella. You uh, home alone?”
Something in your gut was setting off all the warning bells and alarms in your brain. The way Officer Walker tilted his head to the side with an ominous twinkle in his eyes, and the slight mocking tone you detected in his voice made you feel like he knew that answer already. Beside him, his partner was still attempting to scope out your place over your shoulders. An eerie feeling crept up your spine, and you pulled the door slightly shut, only leaving it open enough for your frame to fit through as you attempted to keep your voice calm and unaffected.
“I’m sorry, what’s this about?”
Officer Cavella chuckled lightly as his tongue poked at the inside of his cheek, taking a bold step forward and gesturing towards you with his hand, a large Cheshire grin on his thin lips.
“Don’t worry, princess. We’re here to keep you safe. Just gonna take a look around for any trouble. Wouldn’t want anything happening to you, now would we?”
The pet name he used made your skin crawl, and you detected that same artificial sympathy that had come from his predecessor. You felt like a lamb staring down two wolves with their fangs bared in sinister smiles.
“I…think there’s been some confusion. I already have protection-”
“Had protection. After that bomb fiasco yesterday, you’re not under Anvil’s wing anymore. Right?”
Officer Walker lifted his thick brows in question, a saccharine smirk on his lips, once again daring you to challenge the answers he already seemed to have.
How did he know that? Hadn’t Billy told you Homeland was keeping the details under wraps? That the attack was reported as an accident?
An icy sense of unease caused goosebumps to prickle along your skin. There was only one way either of them would know about the bombing yesterday, and it had your heart thrashing against your ribcage furiously.
“Mr. Russo arranged alternate protection for me already.”
“They running late or something?”
Officer Cavella quipped, cocking his head to the side in an imitation of concern. But the wild look in his piercing eyes gave away his real candor. He took another daring step forward, breaching the boundary of your personal space, and bared his teeth in a crooked grin.
“Tell you what, why don’t you let us take a look around while you wait for them to show up. We can keep you company. Wouldn’t be right to leave a scared girl all by herself-”
“I’m not scared.”
The harsh edge to your voice had the pleased smirks dropping from both their faces, and you could visibly see their patience running thin. Pursing your lips, you attempted to rain in your hazardous temper before it could spark a situation you couldn’t handle alone. Clearing your throat, you brushed a piece of your hair out of your face with your finger as you focused on keeping your voice at a civil decibel.
“Listen, I appreciate the concern, but I’m fine. I don’t need either of you. Have a good night.”
A thick boot wedged itself between the frame and the door, preventing you from shutting it, and your eyes widened slightly when Officer Cavella braced his palm against the door, exerting a show of strength in forcing it back, and you along with it.
“Sorry princess, but we got orders.”
Your lips parted slightly in surprise at the intrepid intrusion, but his words piqued your interest, and your eyes narrowed slightly as you stared up at him.
“Orders from who?”
Officer Walker took a step forward and placed his arm in front of his partner to halt his movements, flashing him a warning glance before flipping a charming smile onto his lips when he turned his attention back to you.
“You know, this will really go a lot smoother if you just cooperate and do what you’re told.”
That one sentence nearly paralyzed you with dread that spread throughout your entire nervous system, threatening to shut it down completely. A sobering thought flickered in your head that if you didn’t play this smart, these men might kill you, or worse. Glancing between them frantically, your mind fought through the cortisol pumping furiously through your bloodstream, and you quickly started to formulate a plan.
Both of these men were far larger than you, and you didn’t know any self defense. They were without a doubt faster than you, and even if you made a run for it with a headstart somehow, they would catch you. You couldn’t fight, and you couldn’t run, which only left you one option.
Do your job. 
Treat this like any other investigation. 
Play your role, get your answers.
Letting out a deep exhale through your nose, you forcefully swallowed your inner combative nature, slipping into a more appeasing version of yourself as you looked between them with a tired smile.
“Can we…start over? Today has been so hectic…and with everything going on, I’m just super on edge. I didn’t…I didn’t mean to take that out on either of you. I apologize. I…appreciate you looking out for me. Please, come in. Can I get either of you some coffee?”
The tension that had been lingering heavily in the space like a suffocating layer of smoke seemed to slowly disappear as the two men exchanged a glance in a secret language you couldn’t understand, turning to face you with their previous artificial smiles plastered on their thin lips.
“Coffee would be great.” 
Officer Cavella had a sickly sweet tone to his voice, and the pleasure in his eyes from your submission turned your blood into molten lava, but you fought to keep your composure, reminding yourself that your life was potentially on the line. 
On the way to the kitchen, you elusively swiped your phone and hid it behind your coffee machine, subtly pressing record on the voice memo app that was on your home screen. Once their coffees were done brewing and the machine was no longer making noise, you cleared your throat and began your interrogation.
“So, you guys must be pretty relieved huh?”
Officer Walker perked up at your words, the hand that was lifting the coffee mug to his mouth pausing in midair. He glanced at his partner curiously before looking back at you from his spot at your dining table.
“About what?”
You feigned confusion as you glanced between them with a light smile on your lips. 
“The evidence that Homeland found? Mr. Russo said they found something in the bomb fragments. It’s a really good thing Mr. Price had already checked out of his hotel room. He got lucky.”
“Looks like that pretty boy doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about. Wasn’t Price’s hotel room that got blown up. It was one of his escort vehicles.”
For someone that was completely giving himself away, Officer Cavella looked thoroughly pleased with himself. He seemed to be enjoying the opportunity to indirectly insult your intelligence, but he didn’t realize that by trying to prove his superiority to you, he was feeding you everything you needed to confirm your suspicions.
Conveying an expression of mock horror on your face, you braced one of your hands on the counter, placing the other dramatically over your mouth.
“I…I must have misheard him then. I-Oh my God, that’s…terrifying. I couldn’t imagine…knowing I was in danger like that.”
You pretended to shudder, leaning your back against the counter as you shook your head slowly and crossed your arms over your chest. 
“Well, despite how it happened, I’m just glad they were able to pull those fingerprints from the fragments.”
Officer Walker’s face was twisted up in puzzlement, but there was a specific emotion pooling in his eyes that caught your attention; fear.
“Yeah, I mean…they’re partials, but Mr. Russo said Homeland was pushing them through every database for a match. Didn’t they tell you that?”
Officer Cavella leaned over the dining table as he stared at you in almost a glare, his teeth bared more in a subtle snarl than a smile.
“Didn’t who tell us that?”
“Homeland. They sent you, right?”
Cocking your head to the side slightly, you attempted to feign innocence and perplexity.
“Russo sent us.”
Furrowing your brows slightly, you looked over at Officer Walker and let out a soft laugh with a shake of your head.
“He doesn’t have that authority. He only hires private contractors.”
“He put in a special request with our Captain.”
Officer Walker seemed to speak almost through gritted teeth, a light layer of warning laced through his quick reply to your incessant interrogation, but his patience was far more intact that his partner’s. 
Officer Cavella was the one you could get to break, and you knew just how to get him to shatter.
Aim for his ego. 
Letting out a soft hum in acknowledgment that you allowed to linger for a moment, you turned your attention to Officer Cavella, meeting his predatory gaze with an expression of indifference tied with a smile. 
“You know, it actually makes sense that Homeland didn’t tell you. They don’t usually share information with anyone that doesn’t have the security clearance. I guess you boys aren’t high enough up the ladder.”
You could tell by the look in his eyes that your playful jest struck a nerve exactly as you had intended. The skin on his knuckles turned stark white from gripping so tightly onto the ceramic mug, and his jaw was clenched so hard, you thought he might crack his own mandible. 
“I guarantee you we have more clearance than some gossip magazine writer.”
“Newspaper, actually. And investigative journalism, not gossip. You’d be surprised at the kind of clearance I have.”
Although you knew it wasn’t wise to inch closer towards a firecracker that was dangerously close to exploding, you were too fucking close to a lead that could expose these assholes; the first one that had been discovered in months. You couldn’t shy away now. 
The fractures in Officer Cavella’s resolve were already starting to spread like an intricate labyrinth cracking through glass. You just needed to apply a little more pressure to get him to implode into guilty fragments. 
Waving your hand dismissively in his direction, you glanced around your kitchen with a content sigh before facing him with an arrogant smile.
“I suppose it doesn’t matter who really sent you. They’ll have those full prints in just a few hours, and this whole thing will be over. Those cowards will finally go down, and I can’t fucking wait to cover the trial.”
There was an extra bite to your tone as you emphasized the word coward, and both of them instantly sat up straighter with squared shoulders. The neutral expression of innocence was still coveting your features like a mask, but the edges were steadily beginning to rip. 
All at once there was a quick shift in the room and an unspoken aura of understanding between the three of you was swiftly forming over all of your heads like a raincloud. They suddenly seemed to sober up to the motion that you were playing them like pawns.
“There won’t be any prints.”
Officer Cavella seemed to be vibrating with anger, and out of the corner of your eye, you saw Officer Walker reach to his hip to place his hand over his gun. There was a very real chance that you were about to die, but it didn’t matter. 
Because you would fucking win in the end.
You just needed one of them to make that last, foolish move across the chess board.
One final move to win the game.
“Why not?”
There was no reason to bother hiding behind a facade now. That mask of innocence had been ripped wide open, and even though your hands trembled with fear, your jaw was set in defiance. Your voice was firm and accusatory, daring him to prove his “superior” intelligence to you again. It was incredibly ironic he was being outsmarted by being so fucking stupid.
As you stared Officer Cavella down in a glaring challenge, you waited for that spark to reach the edge of his temper.
And the explosion was glorious.
“Because we don’t use our bare hands you stupid bitch. You think we’re that dumb, we wouldn’t use gloves?”
Officer Walker slammed his fist down on the dining table in complete frustration towards his partner.
“God damnit Cavella, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
Cavella rose from his chair so fast that he knocked it backwards, glaring between you and his partner as he pointed an angry finger towards you.
“You think I’m gonna let this whore talk to me like I’m fucking stupid-”
Walker stood to his full height quickly, shoving his own chair back as he got in his partner’s face and jabbed his finger into his chest. 
“You are fucking stupid! You just sold us out because you can’t control your goddamn temper!”
Cavella shoved his hand away in frustration as he scoffed, gesturing towards you again.
“Whatever, we’re gonna kill the bitch anyway-”
“No. He wants her alive. If we bring her back with one scr-”
Both of them turned to face you as your voice rose in volume to cut above their bickering. There wasn’t a single cell in your body that wasn’t infected with anger, and you were struggling to contain your own rage.
“Who wants me alive? Who’s the fucking pussy behind the curtain leading the rest of you around?”
Cavella swiftly pulled the gun from the holster on his hip as he took a step towards you, cocking the hammer with his thumb while snarling at you.
“Keep running that fucking mouth of yours and you won’t get to solve that mystery, Nancy Drew.”
As you went to retaliate, you noticed a shadow flash past the window in your kitchen, and your brows knit together in confusion. You were too pissed off to even be afraid as you glanced between Cavella and Walker.
“Who’s outside?”
Walker instantly stilled his advance at your words, his grip tightening on the handle of his gun that was still tucked into his holster while looking over at you in skepticism.
“I just saw someone outside. Is that your fearless fucking leader? You gonna show your face like a man?! Or hide in the dark like a fucking p-“
Walker tugged you backwards roughly by your arm when you went to storm towards the window, clamping his hand tightly over your mouth to cut off your furious yells. His icy gray eyes were wide with apprehension as he hissed.
“Shut up. No one is with us.”
Glancing over at his partner, he silently motioned with his head towards him to go investigate. Cavella slowly began to approach the window with his gun in his hands, loosely aimed at whatever target he was about to discover. 
All of a sudden the sound of shattering glass pierced the silence, and your eyes widened seeing a metal canister rolling against the tiled floor of your kitchen. It exploded into a thick fog of ivory smoke that steadily began to fill the small space. Cavella began firing blindly through the gaping hole in your window, and you took the opportunity to run while Walker was distracted and yelling at his partner. 
You could hear Walker’s heavy footsteps pounding on the floor behind you, yelling your name, and you screamed when a bullet whizzed by your head and punched through the drywall in front of you. 
The second you reached your bathroom, you attempted to slam the door shut, but Walker caught the spine of your door and wedged it open with his hand. Turning around, you forced all your body weight back against it, struggling against his dominant strength. Glancing around in a frenzy, you reached your foot out towards the counter of the sink in front of you, and with a surge of adrenaline, you let out a feral scream as you shoved both of your feet forward against the sink to give you momentum against the door. A satisfying crunch sounded in your ears as Walker howled in pain and retracted his broken hand, causing the door to finally slam shut behind you. You swiftly twisted the lock into place on the door before backing away.
The sound of bullets raining down in rapid succession had you covering your ears and squeezing your eyes shut as you attempted to breathe. Your lungs burned from running as fast as you ever had in your life, and with anxiety overflowing in your bloodstream, you were on the brink of hyperventilation. 
“Who the fuck are y-”
Bang bang.
The echo of two bullets cracking through a skull you could only assume belonged to Walker had your breath hitching in your throat. Muffled through the sound of your own labored breathing, you could hear his body drop to the floor just a few feet away from the door with a heavy thud. Your eyes went wide with terror as the thundering roar of heavy footsteps began to slowly strike closer and closer outside the door.
This isn’t how this ends.
This is not it.
Eyes frantically darting around your bathroom for something to use as a weapon, they landed on the horrified reflection of your own face. There was a small cut above your eyebrow from where a shard of glass had nicked you that was actively bleeding. Your pupils were completely blown wide open with hysteria, and your waterline was shimmering with unshed tears. You hadn’t seen yourself look this small and broken since you were a child.
Without thinking, you smashed your fist against the glass, sending hazardous shards falling into pieces in the sink like shiny raindrops. Grabbing the biggest one, you didn’t even flinch when it sliced deeply into the meat of your palm, and you only sent the jagged edge further into your skin as you clamped your fingers around it tightly, slicing them in the process. Your brain barely registered the warm, wet feeling of blood starting to cascade from the wounds on your hand, dripping onto the floor below you steadily like a leaky faucet.
Staring at the door in front of you in complete terror, you held the makeshift weapon out in front of yourself. The way the lights above you caught the reflection of the glass everytime it shook in your hand caused spheres of white to dance along the bathroom walls, as if there were a mirrorball on the ceiling.
As soon as the threatening shadow appeared right underneath the door, you willed the last shard of strength in your body to take over.
“Stay the fuck back! I have a gun, and I swear to God I will shoot you!”
Panic trembled in your voice almost as much as it did in your hands. On the other side of the door you heard a faint rustling noise, and then there was a gentle tapping of knuckles quietly knocking against the wood, accompanied by a voice you would recognize anywhere.
tags: @twoshields @day-dreaming-goddess @messymissy @itwasthereaminuteago @strawberry1042 @queenofthenoobs @wanda2themax @xcastawayherosx @ferns-fics @stevenknightmarc @ponyosmom35 @babygal-babygal @wellwwhynot @oldermenaremyreligion @combustiblemeow @tired-night-owl @fairykiss32 @danzer8705 @calkissed @fxckahs-blog @lemon-world1 @yeah3459 @collaps3r @polskiperson @imperihoe @v4leoftears @harperdoodle @spideyvibez @joalslibrary
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hispieceofcake · 2 months
Well, I never thought I would write about Gravity Falls, I like the characters of the Stan twins, and I've watched the entire cartoon thousands of times and read the PDFs of all the books (Who am I kidding, I'm obsessed with Gravity Falls), and today while I was on TikTok I ended up seeing a video talking about Bill Cipher's book and about a supposed relationship between Ford and Bill, and that soon caught my interest (jealousy) and so I joined the maximum information and I came here to write this blog, some information here was taken from TikTok too.
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To begin with, what I could understand from all of this is that Stanford and Bill Cipher had a "relationship" in Ford's mind, but from what I saw in the cartoon I think Bill was the only one who saw it that way. I remember Ford saying several times that he and Bill were "best friends" or just "friends", which leads us to understand that for Stanford it wasn't a romantic relationship but rather one of friends, but on the other hand, I don't think Bill thought that way, I think he saw Ford as "something more", an interest perhaps within the romantic spectrum. And here's why I think that:
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In this text Bill talks about arresting and chaining your loved one as a form of affection, and well, he arrested Ford. And besides, he tried to give Ford a second chance to join him again, which I think he wouldn't do if his interest was so strong in Ford. He could have just tortured Ford to death to make him talk, but he didn't, he tortured Ford so that he would stay alive and he knew Ford could handle it.
I think Bill doesn't know how to show romantic feelings, you could see that clearly in that text about him saying he didn't know how to differentiate between fear and love. This could all just be in my head But I think about this theory. And as I said again, Ford saw their relationship as just friendly, as his interest was in unraveling the anomalies of Gravity Falls.
Now moving on to another point, I read some information in the book and got some on TikTok, as said before, and after Ford discovered Bill's true intentions, which was how we all know bring the Nightmare Realm to Gravity Falls and then dominate the world by doing the same with the rest of it, but then, Ford, upon learning of this fact, quickly disassociates himself from any relationship that he had with Bill Cipher and banishes him from his mind.
And then as written on the image page below it is written what Bill says "I wasn't upset at all! In fact, I decided to prove how not upset I was about our falling-out by knocking back a few cold glasses of "I'm Fine Juice" at O'Sadley's Multidimensional Pub in the Rock Bottom Asteroid Belt of the Vicious Spiral Nebula The rest of that night gets a little hazy, but according to the police transcripts apparently things took a turn...", in other words, Bill was in this bar to drown the sorrows of having been rejected by Ford after discovering his plan.
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To the point that he drank so much and got drunk to the point of calling Ford by his "affectionate nickname", confusing the names due to the drink. Honestly, I don't know if people from other countries will understand the joke, but here in Brazil there is a type of music called "Sertanejo" and often these songs talk about being rejected or betrayed and suffer for it, I really imagine Bill crying and drinking alcohol listening to this type of music in the background in a bar.
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And here as we can see, there is a message from Bill that was previously hidden in neon paint saying how much Ford would miss him and that he needed him to not feel alone, but I think it's quite the opposite, Bill who was obviously missing Ford and of course was trying to get Ford back on his side, the message is already clear.
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Well, thanks for reading, bunny kisses 🐰
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marxistcomedy · 1 year
Anyone working in counter-propaganda can testify to a curious experience: we’ll put in hours of careful research collecting an impeccable set of resources that undermines some warmongering narrative, and we’ll eagerly share it with someone who claims to despise racism in all its forms — say, an outspoken opponent of the West’s so-called “War on Terror.” Unexpectedly, we are met with a response that is somewhere between chilly reticence and downright hostility. What’s going on?
From our perspective, we’re offering water to a person who’s self-identified as thirsty, and yet they react as if we were trying to poison them! They turn on a dime to defend the same institutions whose lies they were denouncing just moments before. At this point the sense of pride and accomplishment that comes from seeing through propaganda and putting puzzle pieces together into a satisfying historical account gets brutally transformed into its exact opposite: a sense of crushing defeat. In response to this bitter experience, many researchers — serious people, with plenty of experience reading and writing, and sometimes even of being published! — lash out. They decide that people have been “brainwashed” beyond the point where they can be reached by words or rational appeal. They “realize” that the masters of propaganda have been far more successful than we first imagined: it turns out we’re not David fighting Goliath, we’re more like an ant facing an asteroid.
The same inquisitive nature that first led them to unravel war propaganda narratives begins to feed an even larger psycho-historical narrative, and nihilism takes hold. The tragic cycle begins to appear eternal: innocent, well-meaning, hard-working folks are, time and again, viciously tricked by the scapegoating of a new rogue in the gallery — Indigenous, Black, Spanish, Jewish, Soviet, Vietnamese, Cuban, Serbian, Muslim, Libyan, Syrian, Korean, Venezuelan, Russian, Chinese. Due to the sheer power of propaganda and mass-media, the masses helplessly fall for hatred and volunteer for war, even though it comes at a very high cost to ourselves, our loved ones, and our ideals (religion, environmentalism, etc.). Sadly, the innate human propensity to “hate the Other” seals our fate as a society… or something along those lines.
I am going to argue that this narrative is nonsense. It tries to pass off as universal and eternal something that in reality is particular and ephemeral. In short: Westerners aren’t helpless innocents whose minds are injected with atrocity propaganda, science fiction-style; they’re generally smug bourgeois proletarians who intelligently seek out as much racist propaganda as they can get their hands on. This is because it fundamentally makes them feel better about who they are and how they live. The psychic and material costs are rationally worth the benefits. As for those anti-imperialists who don’t participate in this festival of xenophobia — and here I include myself — we have our own elitist consolation: we accept the tragedy of masses of gullible sheeple falling for cunning propaganda because having overcome it flatters our own intelligence. The more we condemn society’s stupidity, the smarter we feel in comparison.
But am I not just worsening the problem, aggravating our hopelessness, by criticizing the critics in a way that suggests that no one escapes ideological self-flattery? I don’t think so. Paradoxically, it brings us all back to a more even and possibility-rich playing field.
The prevailing populist narrative grants the People (of the West) moral innocence by attributing to them utter stupidity and naivety; I invert the equation and demand a Marxist narrative instead: Westerners are willingly complicit in crimes because they instinctively and correctly understand that they benefit as a class (as a global bourgeois proletariat) from the exploitation enabled by their military and their propaganda (in Gramscian: organs of coercion and consent). We’re not as stupid as we’re made out to be. This means that we can be reasoned with, that there is a way out.
[emphasis mine]
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vera-deville · 3 months
Going through a pretty horrid breakup atm, let's just say the guy I was with for six weeks left me then got with another immediately a week after. With me finding out through an outside source as he blocked me everywhere. So I was wondering if uhh, I could get sum fluff with Malleus and GN reader. Just need smth w one of my favs to add to my 'Gettin over this bitch' Playlist LMAO. Just something light-hearted and fun after gettin'over some kinda hardship. Like smth happened that has the reader in an upset mood and Mal gives some ✨sage advice✨ in his own way (we know how he is) or sum shi. Preferably romantic but platonic works too
Gahhh, not sure I did this right, I'm requesting this whilst half asleep lmao.
The Sagely Advice of a Dragon Fae
05/31/2024 - 07/09/2024
Pairing: Malleus Draconia x Reader (you can think of the interactions as romantic or platonic) Word Count: 1,045 Warnings: Reader's just having a bad day, lowkey a crack fic- Gender: Gender Neutral Tags: @rose-the-witch1, @viviennevermillion (let me know if you'd like to be added to a taglist, and which characters you'd like to be added for)! Notes: I'm really sorry to hear about what you're going through 🐅 anon! I wrote this in such a way that it could be read as platonic or romantic. I wasn't sure if you wanted the hardship in the story to be a breakup or not, but I ended up making it a break up. I also apologize so much for taking so long to complete your request! And don't worry, you requested perfectly!
In which you are dealing with a break up and a particular dragon fae has words of wisdom for you.
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Sometimes, you just wanted to hurl an asteroid at life.
Not that it would cause much damage (if at all any), but it's the thought that counts, right?
Brooding over your life seemed to be something you were doing more often now, and frankly speaking, it was getting on your nerves. Everything around you seemed to either contribute to your irritation or remind you of something - contributing to your irritation nonetheless.
Another overblot had passed over, not unlike a raging storm, and by this point, you were so used to them that you were simply biding your time for the next one. Crowley seemed more annoying than ever, what with his near constant spur of the moment vacations, and who else better than the magicless Prefect of Ramshackle to clean up after his messes? Oh and you got dumped. The best part of it? You only found out through Cater since you had been blocked by the guy you were with.
With everything just piling up on top of each other, you could feel yourself gradually losing your sanity and right about now, you could use one of Crowley's vacations for yourself.
Your friends were helpful, but it didn't change the humiliation you felt when they found out - and that too, before you. You knew they didn't think anything less of you. If anything, they were worried and constantly wary of your feelings, waiting as though you were a ticking time bomb. And yet, you couldn't help but continue to feel the humiliation. Except now, it was coupled with the pitying looks and actions of those around you.
And that's how you ended up at the rundown gardens of Ramshackle. Truly, the place lived up to its name. The marble benches had clearly seen better days, but in a way, there was a decrepit beauty to your dorm. Vines grew like curly hair, tangling and winding and unravelling a certain way.
You had been following up with Crowley regarding funds to renovate Ramshackle. Of course, he originally had told you to pay out of your pocket. And of course, you'd successfully presented (and won) your claim that Ramshackle is a Night Raven College dorm - meaning the money had to come out of his.
The actual renovation plans were still being...well, planned.
But in the quiet of your beloved Ramshackle, accompanied by no other than your thoughts, you could imagine the transformations the dorm could go through.
So much for not being accompanied by anyone else but your thoughts.
You turn, a sinewy shadow stepping clear into your vision.
"Hello Tsunotarou."
"Hello Child of Man."
Malleus looked dapper as ever. Standing tall and proud, shoulders rolled back, hair framing his face ever so perfectly, you couldn't help but wonder if this fae ever had a bad day in his life. Surely he had his own fair share of woes?
"What are you doing here tonight? If you're free, you should reflect on things with me." He asks in that curious manner of his.
"It seems all I've been doing as of late is reflect Tsunotarou." You chide, knowing that Malleus knew nothing about your latest predicaments. "Allow me to ask you a question."
"A question for me? Alright, ask me anything."
"Why is life so unfair?"
Malleus expected this question. He had heard...whispers around the campus and it seemed that Lilia of the ailments that plagued the Ramshackle Prefect's mind (though of course he wouldn't tell him exactly what exactly pervaded over your psyche).
"Human lives are already so minute, so why waste time contemplating things of insignificance?"
You take a moment to ponder his words. Insignificant? Was the love you felt truly insignificant? Or is it the time you spent yearning over someone who couldn't even tell you to your face that they didn't feel the same? Or perhaps it's the fact that you have spent all this time moping around instead of doing something else with all that time and energy?
Malleus was right.
It really was insignificant.
"I know not of what matters plague your mind, but I know that humankind are vastly different from fae. I merely said to not waste your time on matters of insignificance. That does not include matters of the heart."
You scrunch your nose at that.
Malleus was starting to sound like all your other friends, and regardless of whether they were correct or not, the rut you found yourself in made you numb to his words. "How would you know about the ways I find to waste my time?" You ask bitterly.
"Then don't waste it."
Well that was blunt.
You didn't really know how to respond to that.
"If you believe that you are wasting your time, then simply turn your focus to something else. From my perspective, human life seems far too short to accomplish anything. On the surface, you waste your life as is, so why not waste your time doing something you love?"
You didn't really know whether to be offended or grateful for the advice.
It made sense though. You were wasting your time brooding over someone, so why not do something else with the limited time you had?
"You know what Malleus? I think you're right. What do you suggest I waste my time on then?" You see the smirk that adorns his face after you ask this and immediately realize what was about to suggest to you. "No gargoyles right now, please."
All of a sudden the smirk vanished into a pout - one you were keen on not falling for.
"Very well then Child of Man. Perhaps you would be inclined to learning archery?"
You look at him befuddled. "Archery!? I don't even know how to shoot an arrow Malleus!"
"Hence why I said learn."
He had you there.
"Even so, where would we even get bows and arrows from-"
"Right here." Malleus said as he magicked two pairs of bows and a bunch of arrows out of nowhere. "You now live in a world of magic, remember?"
He had you there too.
"And before you ask what we will use as our targets..."
You watch as he magicked boards. A whole bunch of them, all around the two of you.
"Very well then Tsunotarou. Lead the way!"
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Author's Note: Again, I am really sorry about how long this took to finish. Unfortunately, I got swamped with stuff, and there just doesn't seem to be an end to it all. I wanted to make this fic a lot longer, but then decided on something a little more quaint. I also included some of Malleus' voice lines from the game throughout the fic as fun little Easter eggs. Masterlist
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peterkothe · 1 year
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Inktober 2023 Day 13-MAGNETIC ROSE 🌹🧑‍🚀💀
A crew of deep-space salvagers stumble upon a junk asteroid only to find inside it to be an abandoned, luxurious abode, once belonging to a beloved opera diva, who disappeared decades prior. However, as they search deeper into her sanctuary, they find themselves unraveling the chilling mystery of her disappearance, encounter many strange phenomena, and are haunted by the figurative and literal ghosts of her memories…and their own!!
Created by Katsuhiro Otomo, Koji Morimoto, Satoshi Kon and Studio 4C, for Otomo’s Memories anthology film , Magnetic Rose is a masterpiece of a short anime, and a classic gothic Poe-esq haunted house tale-IN SPACE!!
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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Venus & Lilith. Where Light and Dark meet. A reflection of the soul's true essence
THE LANGUAGE OF ASTROLOGY allows us to understand and connect with different areas of our lives—from the most personal, to the obscure.
Truth is, there is no such thing as black or white in our reality. We are multidimensional beings, able to deepen our thinking and connection with our environment by unravelling the secrets that lie within us using our intuition as a guide. The connection between Venus and Lilith depicts the true essence of the soul, the birth of one’s true self and identity, transmuted into flesh and bones. Our raw and untamed side meets the brightest, most authentic part of our soul—our spirituality.
Venus and Lilith represent the union between light and shadow, and how purity and desire can coexist. Though in order to understand this connection, we first need to delve into each of the archetypes separately and their myths. Venus in Astrology is considered one of the personal planets, meaning her aspects, signs and transits will feel very tangible (or personal) to us. Traditionally, Venus is connected with Aphrodite, goddess of love, beauty and grace. Venus in a natal chart rules not only love, but also our possessions and desires. When we look at the ancient myths, it is quite ironic for me that the goddess of love was born out of war.
In ancient Greek mythology, the birth of Venus tells the story of how Aphrodite was born when Kronos (Saturn, lord of time and sacrifice) turned against his father Ouranus (Uranus, lord of heaven and enlightenment) and decides to castrate him —dropping his testicles into the ocean that ended up fertilising the sea. The name Aphrodite comes from the Greek word ‘aphros’ which means ‘sea foam’ produced by the violent ocean waves. There is a very thin line between pain and pleasure, though both can be seen through the archetype of Venus. This myth symbolises how something beautiful can be born from a bad/painful situation. The birth of new hope, purpose, and future.
ON THE OTHER HAND, the Lilith we will begin to describe, is also referred to as Black Moon Lilith in Astrology (and I feel it is important to state this since there are different Liliths in astrology, one of them being an asteroid). Black Moon Lilith is not an object but a mathematical point between the Earth and the Moon that always remains in the shadows. The Moon in Astrology is connected to our emotions, instincts and intuition. I sadly often see articles talking about Black Moon Lilith as one’s traumas, misfortune and suffering, however I like to refer to Black Moon Lilith as the untamed, raw, unfiltered part of ourselves that may clash with what is expected from us, creating a sense of discomfort and, in a way, rejection.
The mythology of Lilith goes far in history to Babylonian times, when the figure of Lilith was referred to as the untamed spouse of Adan. She refused to live under a specific law and reclaimed her sovereignty. She was true to herself and would not submit to any God or man, that is why she was expelled from Eden as she sought to fulfil her own pleasure. When looking at astrology, we can identify one’s power struggles by looking at their Lilith and Pluto placements. There is no specific theory as to what sign rules Lilith. However, from personal experience reading ancient texts and other books/articles—we could say Lilith feels at home in the sign of Scorpio, which is the opposite sign to Taurus (one of Venus’ domiciles). Here we begin to understand the correlation between both myths. How in many cases we have been forced to deny our desires in order to be accepted or loved. Both Venus and Lilith seek the same thing—pleasure. The appreciation of the beauty of life and how our feelings make us feel alive. Yes, both good and bad. Venus and Lilith invite us to reclaim our sovereignty by fully accepting who we are without dimming our light.
While Astrological interpretations tend to revolve around the signs, I have a different way to interpret Lilith and her meanings which is directly connected to the houses. Each house is ruled by one of the signs, so in a way, we are also encapsulating the essence of the signs within the houses. Though, I feel it is easier to understand all the different layers within the archetype of Lilith and its connection to Venus by primarily referring to the houses.
Lilith Talon Abraxas
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myun-saidthoughts · 1 year
Karma's Love Web
Hi everyone, I am writing a PDF Booklet Guide about 8th and 12th house synastry, if anyone would be interested in purchasing this booklet please let me know!
Book Description: "Karma’s Love Web" reveals how each person we encounter is purposefully intertwined with our existence, triggering the deepest aspects of our being. This book will describe how transformative each connection can be, while shedding light on personal trauma and how that can trigger unwanted patterns when it comes to love. This book will illuminate the essence of karmic relationships and the evolution of the human spirit as we progress through these karmic lessons that keep repeating. 
This book explores the psychology and importance of 8th and 12th house synastry, Angles/Vertex synastry, South Node/North Node/Saturn synastry, and karmic/soulmate relationships. It is also an interactive guide for you to use for your natal chart, and you can apply it to yourself and others. This book offers guidance when dealing with intense karmic synastry and provides an immense amount of information on how to find if the person you’re involved with share a karmic connection.
Would anyone be interested?
Table of Contents would include:
“Shadows of Obsession”  
Part I: The Impact of Your Natal Chart: Synastry Intensity
Part II: Exploring the Effects of Synastry on Your Relationship
Part III: The Influence of Parental Relationships in Synastry
Part IV: Decoding the Distinctions: 8th and 12th House Synastry
Part V: Unveiling the Secrets: Understanding 12th House Synastry
Part VI: Small Excerpt 8H Synastry, How The House Person Feels When They're Plutonian
Part VII: Delving into the Depths: 8th House Synastry
Part VIII: A Deeper Understanding of 8th House or Harsh Pluto Synastry, and Why You Can’t Let Go
Part IX: “I Still Miss Them,” Advice For You
"Specific Destiny”
Part I: Unveiling the Vertex: Exploring Its Significance in Birth Charts and Relationships
Part II: Seeking Fated Encounters: Utilizing the Vertex for Destined Connections
Part III: Vertex Synastry: Unveiling its Unique Impact on the Four Angles
Part IV: Unraveling the Rarity and Emotional Essence of Vertex Synastry
“Whispers of Past Lives"
Part I: Saturn and Nodal Synastry: Exploring Karmic Connections from Past Lives 
Part II:  The Karmic Tapestry of Love: Insights into Romantic Synastry
Part III: Asteroid Insights: Chiron, Juno, and the Nodes of Destiny in Synastry
Part IV: Manifestations of Saturn and Nodal Synastry in Individual Lives
Part V: The Relationship Journey: Embracing Growth and Transformation by Resolving Karmic Ties
“The Different Lovers”
Part I: Unraveling the Depths: Understanding Karmic Relationships and the Intensity Within
Part II: Soulmate Connections Unveiled: Experiencing Instant Recognition and Deep Connection with a Single Glance
"Journey's End: Embracing the Wisdom of Karmic Astrology"
Part I: The Astrologer's Secret and Embracing Change
Total Pages: 113 Full Written Pages DM IF INTERESTED eBOOK IS NOW AVAILABLE:
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crystalsenergy · 3 months
Hebe in Aries through houses another approach to where you can serve and contribute
(unraveling asteroids in astrology #6 Hebe) (meaning + in Aries)
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The meanings of the asteroid Hebe involve service, youth, renewal, rejuvenation, and opportunities to try again.
That's why, from the perspective of New Age Astrology, a concept I build and nurture a lot here on the blog, I see the asteroid Hebe as situations where we have the opportunity to serve, the opportunity to try again, to rejuvenate ourselves at that point. It's where we can have the opportunity for renewal. It mainly represents the area and how we will bring renewal to others.
A person with Hebe in Libra in the 6th house, for example, will have a strong tendency to serve in an aesthetic, harmonious way, seeking perfection, integration, diplomacy, in the area of health, the physical body, routine, organization, and the mental and practical processes of the human experience. This person may also have a great tendency and opportunities to bring harmony to others in matters involving the 6th house.
Astronomical Data:
Discovery: Hebe was discovered on July 1, 1847, by Karl Ludwig Hencke.
Asteroid Number: 6 Hebe.
Orbit and duration in each zodiac sign:
The duration Hebe spends in each zodiac sign can vary due to its elliptical orbit. On average, Hebe spends about 1-2 months in each zodiac sign. However, these durations can fluctuate slightly based on its orbital speed at different points in its orbit.
Hebe in Aries
Youthful Energies: In Aries, Hebe embodies an assertive and energetic form of youthfulness. This placement can bring a sense of perpetual renewal and an eager, enthusiastic approach to life.
Service through Leadership: There is a strong inclination to serve others through taking the lead or initiating new projects and activities.
Renewal through Action: Renewal and rejuvenation come through active engagement and taking bold steps.
Key Takeaways
Hebe in Aries emphasizes a youthful, energetic approach to life.
There is a strong inclination to serve others through taking the initiative and leading by example.
Renewal and rejuvenation are achieved through active engagement and taking bold steps.
This placement brings a dynamic presence to the area of life indicated by the house placement.
Hebe in Aries in the 1st house:
This placement emphasizes a youthful, dynamic personality. You may approach life with enthusiasm and a pioneering spirit, often leading others by example.
Service: You naturally take on leadership roles, serving others by initiating and driving projects forward. Your presence can be rejuvenating and inspiring to those around you.
Hebe in Aries in the 2nd house:
Renewal and a fresh perspective are brought to your finances and material possessions. You might find value in taking the initiative to improve your financial situation.
Service: You could serve others by helping them manage their resources or by inspiring them to take action to secure their own material well-being.
Hebe in Aries in the 3rd house:
You have a youthful and direct way of communicating. Renewal comes through new ideas and actively engaging in learning and sharing knowledge.
Service: You might serve your community through teaching, writing, or other forms of communication. Your energetic approach can inspire and motivate others.
Hebe in Aries in the 4th house:
Renewal and energy are focused on the home and family life. You might take the lead in family matters or frequently initiate changes in your living environment.
Service: Serving family members or creating a dynamic, supportive home environment can be key themes. You may find joy in rejuvenating your home or helping family members in active ways.
Hebe in Aries in the 5th House:
A strong drive for creative self-expression and fun. Renewal comes through engaging in hobbies, romance, and activities that bring joy and excitement.
Service: You might serve others by leading creative projects, organizing recreational activities, or inspiring others to embrace their own creativity and sense of play.
Hebe in Aries in the 6th house:
You bring a youthful, energetic approach to your work and health routines. Renewal comes through staying active and taking the initiative in your daily tasks.
Service: You might find fulfillment in serving others through your work, particularly in roles that involve health and / or require leadership or active involvement. Your enthusiasm can inspire coworkers and those you help.
Hebe in Aries in the 7th house:
Renewal and energy are directed towards relationships and partnerships. You may take the lead in relationships, bringing a dynamic and assertive energy to them. (note: to lead, not do dominate).
Service: Serving others by being a proactive and supportive partner. You might inspire your partners to take action and embrace new beginnings.
Hebe in Aries in the 8th house:
Renewal comes through transformation and deep, intimate connections. You might have a fearless approach to dealing with issues of death, rebirth, and shared resources.
Service: Helping others through transformative experiences or by leading the way in managing joint resources and navigating crises. Your boldness can provide strength and support to those in need.
Hebe in Aries in the 9th House:
A strong drive to explore new horizons and expand your beliefs. Renewal comes through travel, higher education, and seeking new philosophical or spiritual insights, taking the initiative to do so.
Service: Serving others by sharing your knowledge, leading adventures, or inspiring others to expand their own horizons. Your enthusiasm for exploration can be contagious.
Hebe in Aries in the 10th house:
Renewal and energy are focused on your career and public image. You might take the lead in professional settings, often initiating new projects or changes.
Service: Serving others through your career, especially in roles that require leadership and dynamic action. Your ability to inspire and motivate can be a key asset in professional settings.
Hebe in Aries in the 11th house:
A youthful, energetic approach to friendships and group activities. Renewal comes through engaging with social networks and community projects.
Service: You might serve your community by taking the lead in group activities or social causes. Your enthusiasm can galvanize others to get involved and take action.
Hebe in Aries in the 12th house:
Renewal comes through spiritual exploration and dealing with the subconscious mind. You might have a dynamic and direct approach to your inner world and spiritual practices.
Service: Serving others through spiritual or behind-the-scenes work. Your active involvement in helping those in need or in spiritual pursuits can bring renewal and healing to yourself and others.
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aldudagga · 2 months
A passage on the relationship between truth & myth from the perspective of the Redguards
That which resonates becomes inseparable from personal truth, and a personal truth shared among many is mightier than an absolute truth imposed upon all. In a world where gods and heroes are tangibly empowered through faith and ritual alone, the Redguards weave histories into legends to manipulate common dogma and distort the boundary between the mundane and divine. Historical recordkeeping is therefore the performative tradition of shamans, theologians, and poets, indifferent to their own credibility, for it is customary to innovate on the past with new knowledge and embellish it with modern trends. 
Kissed with the telltale candor of a tired nanny or emblazoned with rebel righteousness, myth is the language of truth, and it is only the nature of man that many truths may take the place of one. This is made most apparent when unraveling the web of mythology surrounding the first leader of the Redguards Diagna: at once a king who dealt the final blow against the Lefthanders and led the Redguards to their new homeland, a sword-singer who cut the skin of the world open and walked his companions into heaven, and an asteroid from which the Yokudans received divine knowledge to overcome their oppressors. Despite the conflicting depictions of an otherwise well-accounted and widely acknowledged figure in Redguard history, the contradictions contained therein are insignificant to them, for truth may take many forms.
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global-education · 1 year
The Failed Star of Our Solar System
Jupiter, the colossal gas giant, occupies a prominent role in our solar system as both a celestial marvel and a mystery. Often referred to as the "failed star" of our solar system, this awe-inspiring planet beckons us to explore its enigmatic nature and profound significance. In this article, we will delve deep into the heart of Jupiter, uncovering its secrets, its importance, and why it is often described as a "failed star."
The Giant Among Planets
Jupiter's Size and Mass
Jupiter is, without a doubt, the largest planet in our solar system. Its immense size dwarfs all other planets combined, and it boasts a mass greater than twice that of all other planets and celestial bodies combined. Its vastness is truly awe-inspiring, making it the reigning champion of the solar system.
A Gaseous Wonderland
Composition and Atmosphere
One of Jupiter's defining features is its gaseous composition, primarily consisting of hydrogen and helium. This distinct characteristic sets it apart from terrestrial planets like Earth. Its turbulent atmosphere is adorned with vivid bands of clouds, creating a mesmerizing spectacle for astronomers and space enthusiasts alike.
The Great Red Spot
Jupiter's Enigmatic Eye
The Great Red Spot, a colossal storm system on Jupiter, is a captivating feature that has puzzled scientists for centuries. This enormous anticyclonic storm has raged for at least 350 years and is twice the size of Earth. Despite its longevity, the precise reasons for its existence and its enduring nature remain a subject of scientific investigation.
Jupiter's Magnetic Dynamo
A Powerful Magnetic Field
Jupiter boasts one of the most formidable magnetic fields in the solar system. This massive magnetic dynamo generates an incredibly powerful magnetosphere, which extends far beyond the planet itself. It acts as a shield, protecting Jupiter and its moons from harmful solar radiation and cosmic particles.
The Failed Star Hypothesis
Jupiter's Starry Aspirations
Jupiter's "failed star" moniker stems from its nearly successful bid to become a star. Some scientists speculate that if Jupiter had been just a bit more massive, it could have ignited into a star, transforming our solar system into a binary star system. This tantalizing possibility has fueled fascination with Jupiter's potential role in the cosmos.
Jupiter's Impact on Our Solar System
Guardian of the Inner Planets
While Jupiter may not have become a star, its presence in our solar system is far from insignificant. In fact, it plays a pivotal role in shaping the dynamics of our celestial neighborhood. Jupiter's massive gravitational influence helps protect the inner planets, including Earth, from potential comet and asteroid impacts. Its presence is like a cosmic shield that has shielded our planet from countless cataclysmic events.
Jupiter's Moons - A Miniature Solar System
A Moonscape of Wonders
Jupiter's moon system is a veritable miniature solar system of its own, comprising over 79 confirmed moons and countless more awaiting confirmation. Among these, four Galilean moons – Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto – stand out as some of the most intriguing celestial bodies in our solar system. Their diverse characteristics, including geologic activity, subsurface oceans, and potential habitability, have fascinated scientists and fueled the desire for future exploration.
NASA's Juno Mission
Unraveling Jupiter's Secrets
In 2011, NASA's Juno spacecraft embarked on a mission to study Jupiter's composition, gravity field, magnetic field, and polar magnetosphere. This ambitious mission has provided invaluable insights into the planet's interior structure and atmospheric composition, shedding light on Jupiter's role as a "failed star" and its influence on our solar system.
The Ongoing Fascination with Jupiter
Inspiring Future Generations
Jupiter continues to captivate astronomers, scientists, and space enthusiasts worldwide. Its intriguing characteristics, enigmatic features, and potential cosmic significance fuel our curiosity and inspire future generations of astronomers and space explorers.
In conclusion, Jupiter, the "failed star" of our solar system, stands as a testament to the wonders and mysteries of the cosmos. Its colossal size, turbulent atmosphere, and magnetic prowess make it an object of fascination and scientific inquiry. While it may not have ignited into a star, its role as a guardian of the inner planets and its influence on our solar system's dynamics are undeniable. As we continue to unravel its secrets, Jupiter remains a celestial giant that ignites our imaginations and beckons us to explore the boundless wonders of the universe.
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TheEducat0r
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callmearcturus · 6 months
Writing this script is a nightmare
Prose comes so easily to me that shifting gears like this and trying something so different is wild. I'm writing this first draft by hand in a spare notebook and I keep SPIRALLING out on tangents like oh hell's bells I brought up this project with my mother and she mentioned that Augie has his wife's ashes not in an urn but split between three tupperware containers and great, now I have to talk about the implications of THAT AS WELL.
This handwritten draft is a fucking mess of diversions and digressions, but it's also literally causing me to realize even more critical evidence for my reading. I have unraveled even more shit about Asteroid City just by WRITING this rough draft where I presume to be qualified to explain this movie to another human being.
Augie's wife is in the tupperware (1 of 3) and Conrad died in a car crash, do you see the connection? Do you get it?
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spacenutspod · 1 month
While a NASA probe heads for an asteroid known as Psyche, telescopes have been probing it to prepare for the arrival. Data from the James Webb Space Telescope has found something quite unexpected on the surface – hydrated molecules and maybe even water! The origin of the water is cause for much speculation, maybe it came from under the surface or from chemical interactions with the solar wind!  Asteroid Psyche was discovered in 1852 by the Italian astronomer Annibale de Gasparis. It was named after the Greek goddess of the soul who was born mortal and married Eros. It measures 225 km across and is one of the most massive objects in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Most of the asteroids in the belt are composed of rock and ice but Psyche seems to be different being largely composed of metals, perhaps the exposed core of a protoplanet that lost its outer layers. Psyche is of immense interest to study because it provides an opportunity to study planetary cores which are usually inaccessible.  Illustration of the metallic asteroid Psyche. Credit: Peter Rubin/NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU Aptly named Psyche, the probe launched by NASA has already started its 3.5 billion km journey to the asteroid, due to arrive in August 2029. With its solar panels deployed, the probe measures 25 metres by 7.3 metres, about the size of a tennis court. It has a mass of 2,747 kg and is powered by five solar panel arrays. Once arrived at Psyche they can generate about 3 kilowatts of power. While the probe is enroute, telescopes on Earth and in space have been exploring Psyche. Observations in different wavelengths of light have provided information that will aid and support the data collected by the Psyche spacecraft. The study was led by Dr. Stephanie Jarmak from the Southwest Research Institute and it was their observations that confirmed the hydroxyl molecules on the surface.  Image of NASA engineers preparing the Psyche spacecraft for launch within a clean room at the Astrotech Space Operations Facility located near the NASA Kennedy Space Center. Psyche is scheduled to launch in October 2023 on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket from historic Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy. (Credit: NASA/Ben Smegelsky) The data, which was collected using the James Webb Space Telescope revealed the telltale signs of hydroxyl but stopped short of explaining where they came from. There are two possible explanations and we can look to the origin of asteroids to understand them. They are the leftovers from the formation of planets and their make up is determined by the location in the solar nebula from which they formed. If the hydroxyl formed locally without interference from external process then it might suggest that Psyche is not a planetary core remnant.  It might be that Psyche simply formed at a distance that volatile compounds like water condense to form solids like ice before migrating.  An alternative model explains the variability of the molecule distribution across the surface. This might indicate that impacts from carbonaceous chondrites (like the meteorites often found on Earth) could have provided the water molecules that have been observed.  It seems that for now, we will have to wait until the arrival of the Psyche spacecraft in 2029 to unravel the mystery. If we can get a better understanding of the origin of the asteroid Psyche it will help us to learn more about the distribution of elements in the nebula that the planets formed from. In particular, understanding more about the distribution of water will help us to develop a better insight to the origins of life.  Source : SwRI-Ked Team Finds Evidence of Hydration on Psyche The post There Might Be Water on the Surface of the Metal Asteroid Psyche appeared first on Universe Today.
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