#unsteddie asks
a-little-unsteddie · 11 months
regarding your profile, ur actually the most normal steddie fan i've met - no hate to the ship, just for a while it was a bunch of 13 year olds fetishizing mlm relationships
!! i like to think my corner of the internet is pretty good! all of my mutuals are above 18 as far as i’m aware at least! speaking of my mutuals, i’ma tag a bunch of them as recommendations because they’re all lovely and if you like my blog you’ll love theirs!
@sailing-through-hawkins @hammity-hammer @zerokrox-blog @lazylittledragon @outpastthebrakers @apomaro-mellow @wheatnoodle @cuips-not-cute @writer-in-theory @sharpbutsoft @lihhelsing @wynnyfryd @infinite-orangepeel @pukner
+some bonus blogs i follow that i adore:
@ladykailitha @steddieas-shegoes @riality-check @steddielations @rogueddie @inklessletter @estrellami-1 @sp0o0kylights @ahhrenata @loveinhawkins @henderdads @nburkhardt @stevethehairington @just-my-latest-hyperfixation and so many more lovely people but i feel bad tagging this many already hah.
i think you just gotta look in the right places, nonnie. hope you find these blogs as amazing as i do! :)
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nburkhardt · 2 months
what is something you’ve been wanting to write, but haven’t? (@a-little-unsteddie)
The second part to my hair salon fic. I really want that to be finished but the inspiration for it died :(
On top of that, I’ve currently been mentally drained and words are not happening whatsoever for anything.
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steventhusiast · 2 months
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? (@a-little-unsteddie)
hmmm i feel like i've not really done original characters or reader inserts before since i tend to write quite short fics hmmm. but i think i'd find it easier to write a reader insert character considering how much i project onto the characters i write :D
writers truth and dare ask game
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steddieasitgoes · 10 months
🌩️🌩️🌩️ for the wip ask :D (show something funny/cracky from your fic)
Oh, this is a fun one!
This is a medium sized snippet from the piece I'm working on for @thefreakandthehair spicy six summer challenge! I find it funny/cracky so hopefully, you do too lol
Turning back to the door before Steve can say anything, he goes back to trying to untangle his stupid keys when there’s an ear-piercing squawk from inside, followed by a gruff groan from Wayne.  “What the hell was that?” Steve asks.   “Etta.” Eddie finally gets the house key free from the tangled mess of his keychain and moves to stick it in the lock when he feels a clammy hand wrapping around his bicep. When he turns, he finds a pale-faced Steve looking at him with wide eyes.  “Eddie,” Steve hisses. “You’re uncle, and this Etta lady are clearly going at it! You can’t go in there!”  There’s a brief moment of silence before bursts into uncontrollable laughter. His body flails around on its own accord, wheezes coming between gasps for air. He’s pretty sure he looks like a damn fool, but he can’t help it. This is too fucking funny.  “Look, I don’t know what kind of relationship you have with your uncle, but it’s a totally fucked up one if you think this is hilarious instead of scaring!”  A tamer laugh courses through Eddie, one that doesn’t have him grasping at his stomach in pain but still one that has him thoroughly amused. Righting himself, he glances down at Steve just as Etta lets out another squawk. The noise startles Steve again, and he looks somewhere between greatly disturbed and utterly embarrassed. And then he’s moving, turning on his heels to high tail it back to the car until Eddie stops him.  “Steve,” Eddie says between wheezes. “Etta is my uncle’s Macaw.”  “Oh.” A wave of crimson takes over Steve’s face, drowning out the ghostly pale of a few moments ago. “Yeah, oh.” Eddie drops his hand from Steve’s and goes back to opening the door. It creaks open as Eddie turns to face Steve. “Though, if I may be totally straight with you, I’m a little concerned you think that’s what a woman sounds like in bed. What are you doing to these poor Hawkins girls, Stevie?” 
ask game for teasing wips/upcoming projects
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raiderlucy · 4 months
1, 14, and 32 <3
1. What are your top 3 favorite sets you’ve made?
It's hard to pick just 3 lol, but i gotta go with this scoops troop set, this yellowjackets set and this johanna mason set ;)
14. How long does it usually take you to make a set?
Depends on the set, the easy just straight up single shot sets a couple of hours, other more complicated sets that have blending and other things, ranges from hours to days to sometimes even weeks, it depends on if photoshop wants to be good, my motivation or if i'm easily distracted that day.
32. What is your favorite tool/adjustment layer in Photoshop
Depends on what i'm working on but i love messing around with colour balance, selective colour and the hue/saturation layers, i just love learning how i can change colours whether it's making a gifset look more normal and not dull af with shit lighting (looking at you duffer brothers...) or just changing up colours to look different 🌈
Ask Me Some Gifmaker Questions 😘
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pink n yellow n green <3 (@a-little-unsteddie)
biting you back! Also would absolutely go touch grass with you <3
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cuips-not-cute · 2 months
then they fuck nasty (oh my god i’m salivating for this -@a-little-unsteddie)
hehe i think this one will be just a oneshot and it is very heavily inspired by another fic i read,, will have to dig that one up so i can link it eventually but uhh basically steve pays eddie a visit right after eddie has finished jerking off, walks in his room that absolutely reeks of pussy and calls him out on it, cue some silly misunderstandings and horny fucking. here's a lil snippet:
"So what, you got a pussy scented candle in here or something? Spill where you got it from man," Steve pauses to inhale, nostrils flaring, "it's, fuck it's really good."
"Uh," Eddie's eyes betray him, darting to the nondescript box on his dresser. Steve's on it in a flash.
"This it, then?" Steve says, holding his giant fucking unwashed dildo by its silicone balls, pointing the thing at Eddie.
He can only nod.
"So how's it work? The smell come out the tip?" And Steve gives the sticky head a nice long sniff, nodding sagely.
Eddie wishes there was a cliff he could walk off. Because what the fuck?
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patchworkgargoyle · 3 months
hihi! 11, 17, 23, 28 for dominik pls pls 💛 (@a-little-unsteddie)
Hello!! aaa thanks so much for asking!! :D
11. Are they a heavy sleeper or do they wake up easily?
I think it takes Dom a while to fully fall asleep, and he fusses a lot while he's trying to sleep, but once he's out, he's out. And he's horrible at waking up. He will not be verbal for a good half hour when he first wakes up, and will glare daggers at anyone who tries to be cheerful at him.
17. What's their favourite time of the year and why?
Answered this one over here!
23. Do they talk to themselves?
Definitely, though it's more like half-formed mumbling, and it's usually when he's practicing or playing bass, or writing a song. He's not even aware that he's doing it most of the time xD
28. How does your character feel about wearing jewellery?
Dom will take any opportunity to wear jewellery! He loves to accessorize, which fits his stage presence (for a time, he was part of a band named Rake, and the gimmick was they were masked and anonymous, with a bird theme) based around magpies. His usual go-to is silver jewellery, but very rarely he'll wear gold, but he'll never mix the two.
Ask me more oc questions pleasepleaseplease
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year
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The drama is cleared, the gay ending we all deserve is here.
Corroded Flowers (19/20) - AO3 Prev | Next
And so, this is it. There are a million things I'd like to say but I want to leave them for the epilogue. I wanna thank every single person who has been supporting me through this au, if I got until this point is all thanks to you &lt;3
As for the epilogue, it will be a Q&A to show some stuff I wasn't able to include until now! so if you have any questions you'd like to ask to the fruity four, stuff I've left out, things you're curious about etc. please let me know and I'll do my best to include it!
Taglist: @legallymarriedtorobinbuckley @loserwithagodcomplex @unclewaynemunson @bookfrog242 @goawayrvse @whimsicalwitchm @lightwoodbanethings @nelotegreitic @kerlypride @munsonmanor @brassreign @e-dollly @yes-im-your-mom @howincrediblysapphicofyou @courtjestermunson @nancewheelerwife @injectingelation @goingsteddi3 @a-little-unsteddie @undreamingscatworld @crykea @stevesbipanic @narcissist-era @hagbaby420 @feministfandomgeek @scarletzgo @whydamnitwhy
@momotonescreaming @granola-dot-jpeg @maya-custodios-dionach @moonythepluviophile @thegingerrapunzel @jeannemat @thereindeerlady @ramyayaya @lettherebelovex @paperbackribs @zerokrox-blog @hammity-hammer @livie1507 @youmakemyhearthowl @bejeweledbaby @pandichsatounet @phantypurple @raisedbylibrarians @starcrash-ash @csinnamon-fox @maglorslostsilmaril @isaendo @the-witch-forever-lives
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ladykailitha · 10 months
Sun-kissed and Moon-glow
My fics have been fighting me this last week, so have some softness I've been thinking about the last couple of days. This came from that post that has been going around about x overhearing y say good things about them.
Eddie didn't mean to eavesdrop, his interview finished before Steve finished his. Eddie loved his model boyfriend. He was gorgeous and looked amazing on his own or on Eddie's arm.
He moved to sneak up on Steve to hug him from behind, but he stopped when he realized his interview wasn't over with.
"Are you familiar with the trope 'the grumpy one is in love with the sunshine one'?" the interviewer asked. She was a pretty thing with long bleach blonde hair, tan skin, and a slinky pink satin dress.
"Oh yeah, it's one of my favorite tropes," Steve agreed. "Morpheus and Hob, Mulder and Scully, Nico and Will, Watson and Holmes."
She smiled at him. "Would you say that it also describes you and your boyfriend Eddie Munson?"
Steve laughed. "I'm assuming you think he's the grumpy one and I'm the sunshine one?"
"Exactly!" she said with a laugh.
"The trope works," Steve agreed. "But not in the way you think. If it was purely aesthetic, I would be the sunshine one and Eddie would be grumpy one, no doubt. But based on our actual personalities? He is so the sunshine one."
"Aww..." she cooed. But it was clear even to Eddie that she was only saying that to placate Steve.
"No I mean it," Steve said, catching her tone. "I'm only glitter and glow. I take my light from other people. The clothes I wear, the way I style my hair, my modeling. I'm definitely the moon and the stars. But I look warm and my skin is tan because his love for me shines every day. I glow because he is my sun."
The interviewer's jaw dropped. "Wow."
"He is so good and so bright and so happy all the time," Steve continued. "He lights up whatever room he walks into. That's what makes him a good performer. He shines on stage. He looks like a creature of the night, because he's moon kissed. Because I love him, I'm the moon to his sun."
"Does that make you sun-kissed then?" the interviewer asked.
Steve laughed. "Yeah, I guess it does."
There was a tap on Steve's shoulder and he was being told to move on. He said goodbye to the interviewer and turned around, spotting Eddie.
"There you are, sunshine," he greeted warmly.
Eddie reached out his hand to Steve who took it with a fond smile. And as they walked down the red carpet, Eddie thought. Before tonight he would have agreed with the interviewer. He was the moon to Steve's sun. But hearing Steve's explanation, it made more sense.
It also gave him an idea for the band's next album. A double album called Sun-kissed and Moon-glow. Steve on the cover of Sun-kissed, bathed in the light of Eddie's love, his skin starting to glow yellow from the kiss Eddie is pressing to his shoulder.
Moon-glow would be the reverse. Eddie golden but bathed in Steve's moonlight, skin turning alabaster from Steve's kiss.
He looked over at Steve one more time. The boys were going to love the idea. Almost as much as he loved this man at his side.
Tagging this because it's long enough I think.
Permanent Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​ @renaissan-vvitch @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @a-little-unsteddie c@i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @bookbinderbitch @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @redfreckledwolf @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst
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estrellami-1 · 3 months
Pay the Price
Here you go, you insatiable little shits. Love ya. I’m gonna try to update every Sunday, at least until I run out of prewritten parts. Taglist is CLOSED (bc y’all are feral ❤️) so if you’re new and want to follow along, “#pay the price fic” is the fic tag and “#starambles” is my writing tag. Subscribe to whichever you want!
Part 2
“Ed, phone!” Wayne calls, and he scrambles from where he’s on his bed, writing lyrics.
“Coming!” He yelps, barely not running into a wall.
He takes the phone and vaguely recognizes the voice on the other end. He figures it’s someone at school, but can’t quite place it until the end of their conversation.
“Y’know Loch Nora?”
He scoffs. “Doesn’t everybody?” He asks, derision clear in his voice. Only the richest of the rich for their little podunk town, the who’s-who of Bumfuck, Indiana, live in Loch Nora.
“Last house on the right. Twenty minutes. See you then, Munson.”
Then the absolute asshole—because of course Eddie knows who it is now—hangs up.
Steve Harrington. The golden boy of Hawkins High.
Except that’s not the case anymore, is it? He thinks about the past year. He fell from the top of the totem pole like a rock, doing a perfect fucking swan dive all the way to the bottom, then standing up and brushing off his shoulders like it didn’t even matter to him.
And what had he said- babysit? The Hellfire freshmen? Yeah; Eddie definitely needs more context.
He grabs his keys, jams his feet into his shoes, and takes off.
He gets to the Harrington house (can it be called a house if it fits five of Eddie’s trailers? Or would that be classified as a mansion?) not much later, bounds up the steps, and knocks confidently on the door.
Steve Harrington—the man, the myth, the legend, the enigma—has some explaining to do.
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @mischivarien @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @inadequatecowboy @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
Fic Taglist: @damnpotatoe @lemon-astra @margaglitterdeath @gloomysoup @finntheehumaneater @boxsam @bananahoneycomb @skiddit @a-little-unsteddie @slowandsteddie @pluto-pepsi
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a-little-unsteddie · 11 months
Idk if you’re still taking requests but since it’s #stonathanweek2023 and the prompt for today is roommates, could you do 58 for them? <3
hiii! omg i tried to speedrun this while still making sure it was cute and coherent, and it’s a bit late but!! i’m very happy with it! i hope you enjoy!
58. comfort after a nightmare
Prompts || AO3
The thing about living with another person was that nothing was private. Even in the comfort of his own room, Steve felt as though Jon could hear everything he was doing. Which, to be fair, wasn’t a whole lot during the day, but at night, that was a different story. Not even in the ‘fun’ way, but in the ‘wake up screaming from a nightmare’ way, which was maybe even more embarrassing.
Steve and Jonathan had moved into the same apartment at the start of college, which was surprising to both of them. Neither one had told the rest of the Party that they were going to go to college, besides Robin—and Steve assumed Argyle knew, as the man was over frequently enough—so it was surprising when they had first walked into the apartment and had seen each other. They had both known they would be sharing with a roommate privately, but the landlord had chosen two applicants and they’d both signed the lease seperately. They’d gotten over it quickly, and so far they’d been living together for a little over two months.
And as much as Steve didn’t want to admit it, he knew that he frequently woke Jonathan with his nightmares.
Tonight was no different.
Waking up with a gasping breath, Steve felt that his throat was raw, letting him know that he had indeed screamed himself awake from a nightmare that was already fading from his memory. He breathed heavily, staring at the plain dark blue sheets blankly. He startled when the door to his bedroom creaked as it opened.
“Hey,” Jonathan whispered into the dark room, padding over with a cup of water.
Steve accepted the water with a thankful smile, drinking it gratefully. “Thank you,” he said quietly, “Sorry for waking you.” He said, feeling his stomach clench at the idea that he had interrupted Jonathan’s sleep.
“I wasn’t sleeping anyway,” Jonathan said, just as quiet as Steve. “I…don’t really sleep a lot.” He admitted, with a sheepish look, which caused a sense of relief to wash over Steve. He scooted over in his bed and patted beside him.
“Join me?” Steve asked shyly, smiling softly at the other man. Jonathan smiled softly at him, taking the offer. They’d definitely gotten close over the last couple of months, between shared classes and shared living, they spent a lot of time together. Steve found himself enjoying the fact more than he didn’t.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Jonathan asked, looking at him gently. The two were now laying side-by-side on their backs, heads tilted to look at each other. Steve ran his eyes over Jonathan’s face, swallowing thickly.
“I don’t remember most of them,” Steve said softly, shrugging as best he could while laying down. His hand twitched, causing his fingers to brush against Jonathan’s. He was about to apologize, when Jonathan reached out and tangled their fingers together. Steve felt his breath leave his lungs, leaving him feeling breathless. He smiled softly at Jonathan, who was smiling gently in return.
Steve turned to look at the ceiling, debating his next words carefully. “Most of the time, it’s either one of the kids or Robin.” He admitted quietly. “Being too late, or not being enough. Either way, they die.” He explained, squeezing Jonathan’s hand.
“I’m sorry,” Jonathan said softly, squeezing his hand back. “You don’t deserve that. They’re safe.”
Steve hummed, turning to look at Jonathan again. “Thanks,” he said with a small smile. He scanned Jonathan’s face and found himself looking at someone he was starting to care a lot about. Maybe even more than ‘like’. The thought would scare him, but with how much closer the two had gotten since moving in together, Steve felt as though it was inevitable for them to become this, whatever this was becoming.
Whatever it was, Steve knew it was special. Something to be cherished.
“Is there anything I can do?” Jonathan asked, knowing the answer was most likely ‘no’.
Steve hesitated, squeezing his hand again before quietly asking, “Stay?”
Jonathan blinked, before a slow, soft smile spread across his face. “You don’t even have to ask, Stevie. I’d stay every night if you’d want me.” He said, in a way that insinuated he was joking, but Steve immediately brightened.
“Then stay.”
“Every night?”
“Every night.”
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nburkhardt · 8 months
hi friend! some odd numbers for you in return!
1, 3, 5, 7, 9 🥰
<3 thank you!
who is/are your comfort character(s)? Tony Stark, Nick Burkhardt, Steve Harrington, Dr. Spencer Reid off the top of my head.
3. do you leave the window open at night? Yep! I want my room cold but also want the noise.
5. what color are your eyes? Brown
7. hair-ties or scrunchies? either is fine tbh. but I mostly use claw clips.
9. which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee? Lately hot coffee, only if its got chocolate in it as well.
some weird asks!
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steddiemicrofic · 3 months
Steddie Microfic March 1st-7th Masterlist
Abnormal Behaviours by @steddieonbigboy | Rated T | no cw
pierced by @steddieas-shegoes | Rated T | cw: not the safest piercing strategy | tags: pre-relationship, getting together
stick a pin in it by @emryses | Rated T | no cw
Pierce My Heart by @stevesbipanic | Rated G | no cw
PIN ME, MOUNT ME by @wormdebut | Rated E | cw: dom/sub dynamics
pinned in the pool by @steddieas-shegoes | Rated T | cw: implied sexual content | tags: they're idiots what can i say, getting together
this time around by @starryeyedjanai | Rated E | no cw
Five, Nine, Nine, Two by @thisapplepielife | Rated G | no cw | tags: established relationships, banter, long-term relationship, older steddie, still together, but still pushing each other's buttons
Pinned ya. by @lady-lostmind | Rated E | no cw
Tune by @oh-stars | Rated G | no cw
The Winner Takes It All by @marvel-ous-m | Rated M | cw: grinding, sexual themes | tags: getting together, wrestling, fade to black
All you have to do is ask by @just-my-latest-hyperfixation | Rated T | no cw | tags: post-vecna, eddie munson has a crush on steve harrington, recreational drug use, horny disaster eddie munson, some light feminization kink
Not Like Han and Leia by @matchingbatbites | Rated T | no cw
jolly rancher by @a-little-unsteddie | Rated G | no cw | tags: pre-relationship, pre s4
Happy DM Day or something by @fuctacles | Rated T | no cw | tags: getting together, transfem stevie
Bring It On Home To Me by @onirislanding | Rated T | no cw
PIN ME by @mrsjellymunson | Rated M | cw: allusions to and descriptions of arousal | tags: flirting
Waiting on You by @lihhelsing | Rated M | no cw
Dough by @tinytalkingtina | Rated T | cw: implied shower sex | tags: fluff, established relationship, baking, implied/referenced sex, steve is italian
polaris by @postmodernau | Rated G | no cw | tags: abundant astronomy metaphors
in your eyes, you've already spread my thighs by @doublecherrypiediscosuperfly | Rated T | cw: hint of dom/sub, language | tags: female steddie
make me by @wynnyfryd | Rated E | cw: explicit sexual content, cnc fantasy, oral sex
For Now by @scoops-aboy86 | Rated T | cw: chubby eddie munson, weight gain, belly kink
untitled by @scoops-aboy86 | Rated T | cw: chubby eddie munson, weight gain, belly kink
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flowercrowngods · 4 months
i’ve decided to send an ask for each story you posted in the wip game kdnehdhs who did this to you? lives rent free in my brain 💛💛 (@a-little-unsteddie)
thank you so much 🥰🤍 still slowly working my way through the asks, so have a few more words to make up for the wait 🫶
who did this to you (pt.4) // tales of blue part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | read on ao3 🌷 preceding snippet no 1. | no. 2
Finally, finally, the familiar sound of Wayne‘s old truck rounding the corner into the trailer park interrupts the tense silence that seems to have fallen over all of Forest Hills tonight, and Eddie has half a mind to run out there, run toward them and get the whole story. Just to be sure that everything is fine. Just to be sure that Steve’s still… That he’s still there.
He stays right where he is, though, staring at Buckley‘s wild hair, feeling her shadow walk over him as Wayne pulls up to their driveway and stops. She is right in the centre of the headlights, but still she doesn’t move. Eddie wants to scream at her. Wants to nudge her and shove her out of the way — imagines it, imagines all the alternate universes in which he finds her wide eyes scared and unseeing as Wayne‘s voice sounds behind them, telling them that Steve didn’t make it.
Except in this one, Wayne said they’re coming home. In this one, shit like that doesn’t happen to eighteen year-old boys and their friends.
Aside from that girl. Barbara Holland.
Eddie swallows, his eyes flitting between bright lights to the silhouette of Buckley right in their centre. Like a doe, he thinks. Terrified of what she’ll find.
Don’t you wanna know? Eddie wants to ask her. Don’t you wanna see? What are you afraid of? What did you see? Who is he, Robin, and who are you? Why the fuck won’t you move?
In the end, it is the sound of a car door slamming shut that snaps Buckley out of her stupor, and she all but flies off the steps towards the truck. Towards where Eddie can vaguely make out the shape of a badly bruised face, the play of light and darkness not enough to conceal the deep purple splotches or the sluggishness of his movements as he raises his head. Turning toward Buckley like a flower to the sun.
She presses her hand to the window for a second, just looking at him — and Eddie is glad he can’t see either of their faces. He has a feeling that what he’d see there would haunt him forever.
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yellowdevilkitten · 10 months
This is for the lovely @a-little-unsteddie hope this was what you were wanting!
“No, no way Chris.” Eddie starts his monologue the same way he’s been starting his monologues lately. Eddie knew Chrissy was a troublemaker that’s what made them best friends in the first place. So he doesn’t really know what he could’ve expected when Chrissy asked him to be her maid of honor(he’s honored really!) but it definitely wasn’t to come get a manipedi with the rest of the bridesmaids. Why does she need a manipedi anyways, her nails are looking great as ever(acrylic with tiny gemstones a light purple-ish color).
“Why not? You paint your nails. What's so wrong with somebody painting yours for you? Plus you get a free massage out of it.” She agrees, clearly done with the conversation they’ve been having for the past thirty minutes.
 Eddie doesn’t hate the idea of of getting a manipedi he just prefers to do his nails himself and honestly he’s offended that chrissy doesn’t think he’s capable of his nails turning out nice and neat(he isn’t he gets too impatient and they typically turn out smudge, chipped, and smushed). The part that he isn’t going to enjoy is all the gossip and don’t get him wrong he loves gossip but he doesn’t enjoy listening to middle aged women gossip about how much they hate their husbands.
 He also knows that the bridesmaids and Chrissy are all going to gossip but he’s heard all that gossip before, plus he knows he’s not going to be able to sit still for X amount of time. So Eddie going to go get a manipedi is a bad idea for many reasons but chrissy doesn’t seem to be budging and he knows it’s her wedding and she knows that he’s going to say yes either way and him denying is all for good fun. 
He lets out a dramatic and long sigh before ending the conversation. “Fine, I’ll go.” He puts his hands up in a surrender after he says that so Chrissy knows he’s serious. Her answering smile is everything Eddie needs to know this is a great idea. 
— The day of the wedding Eddie and the girls are all squished into a car to be pampered(which Chrissy forgot to inform him that they’d also be getting their hair styled, she knows how he feels about his hair, the rat). Which leads them to their last stop, The nail salon which doesn’t look as ominous as he thought. 
He’s squished in the middle between jenna and Molly who is talking enthusiastically over him about some guy name Carl(gag carl was one of the hair stylist doing kelly’s hair he kept making creepy comments about kelly’s hair he honestly doesn't know how jenna and molly can even look at him and see someone worth dating). Eddie doesn’t even realize they have parked too cought up in his thoughts about Carl. 
“Alright you guys ready?” Chrissy asks before opening her car door. 
“Don’t really have a choice.” he mumbles under his breath waiting for the girls to get out of the car so he can. 
Once they walk into the salon Eddie’s immediately hit by the smell of nail polish. Before he can register anything other than the overwhelming smell of polish he hears a admittedly handsome voice call out,
“hi, do you have a booking with us?” 
“Uhm-” Eddie starts before Chrissy cuts him off. “Yes we do, it should be under Chrissy Cunningham.” 
The guy, which Eddie realizes has a nametag on that says ‘steve’, walks up to the front desk to type into the computer and he nods his head that Eddie takes to mean he found the name. 
“Okay, it says here everyone is getting a manipedi is that correct?” Hot guy, Steve, double checks. 
“Mhm, expect I’m getting acrylics done too.” Chrissy corrects. 
“Great you ladies and gentleman,” he winks at Eddie, “Can take a seat at those six pedicure chairs after you pick out your colors.” 
He’s off before Eddie can get a word in, Chrissy taps on his arm and he turns toward her. She has a knowing look on her face and he shakes his head no. She shrugs and drags him over to the colors. 
Eddie’s amaze at Steve for being able to keep up with all the bitchiness of the girls. Of course Eddie’s not paying that much attention because he’s holding his hand. Nobody told him a hot guy was going to hold his hands for about twenty minutes and he hasn’t even got the polish on yet. If he knew this he would be getting his nails done regularly. 
Even the strong smell of nail polish is bearable with Steve holding his hands. The only disappointing part is that it means nothing, which is a shame really, Eddie can see it now him and Steve could have a life together too bad this is a nail salon and chrissy is about to get married maybe he’d have time to flirt.
 He doesn’t realize he’s squirming in his seat until Steve says, “Relax your hands.” He’s
 pretty sure his face burns red when he says that. 
“It’s okay, it happens all the time.” Steve reassures, which doesn’t really calm Eddie’s nerves but he still tries. 
He looks around the salon to see Kelly talking her nail tech’s ear off and the poor girl is trying her best to keep up. Eddie also realizes that right next to Steve is a girl who isn’t doing any nails but is just chilling there. He also realizes that Steve and the girl are talking together, he worries that maybe the girl is Steve's girlfriend. 
“Robbie, I can’t just ask that I’m at work.” 
“Please, you’ve flirted at work before, dingus.” Robbie(?) responses with a flippant hand. ‘Oh great’ Eddie thinks of course he’s trying to flirt with one of the girls. What else was Eddie supposed to expect? They are all like Carl. It’s pretty disappointing to learn that this guy is just like the rest. 
“Is this the polish you picked out?” oh Steve’s talking to him again, ew is that butterflies in his stomach. He should not be getting butterflies for this straight guy. 
“Yeah.” Eddie says but it comes out as more of a question. 
“Great, it's a lovely color.” Steve replies with a gorgeous smile. Eddie wouldn’t have picked the color if it wasn’t for chrissy it’s a black with hints of purple to match his suit. 
The other bridesmaids are also wearing purple to match Chrissy’s light yellow dress. Chrissy is having a nature theme wedding so her braid is wearing greens and blues. He smiles remembering when he helped chrissy pick out her dress it matches her ring which is a gold butterfly. 
He watches as Steve paints his nails in silence until Steve speaks up. “So what brings you guys into the salon?” 
“Oh, my best friend, Chrissy is getting married and she wanted us all to get manipedis together.” Eddie answers with a small smile. He can’t believe that Chrissy is getting married. It feels just like yesterday since they met. 
“That’s lovely, you got a date to bring with you?” He questions. Eddie’s face burns red for what feels like the tenth time because he does not in fact have a date.
 If he did he’d probably not be blushing everytime he remembers that Steve is holding his hands. Because that’s the most intimate thing ever(how does Chrissy deal with doing this every month?)! Eddie might combust if he thinks about Steve holding his hands one more time. 
“No, no I do not.” Eddie answers with a shake of his head and accidentally moves his hand. “Shit, shit, I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s fine you’ve been doing it the whole time.” Steve shrugs. That just serves to make Eddie blush harder, why hadn’t he asked Eddie to stop? Any other person would’ve gotten pissed by now. 
“Annnnd you’re done.” The girl calls from Steve’s shoulder. He sees Steve shoot her a glare. 
“Well technically you aren’t done, you still have to dry.” Steve points where the rest of the girls minus chrissy are talking with their hands under a table. He nods before standing up(he tries to be mindful of his nails). 
Once everyone’s nails are done it’s time to check out. Eddie mentally prepares himself for the price of the treatment. Molly and Danielle are both looking at their nails and gossiping about some boy named David at work. Chrissy is talking to her nail tech, which he believes his name is Win, short for Winston. Jenna and Kelly are talking to the girl next to Steve, who he believes goes by Robbie. Eddie’s just standing by the desk waiting for one of them to check them out. 
“Alright, are you guys ready?” Eddie startles when he hears Steve’s voice from behind him. 
“Uh- yes.” He says, sounding unsure. 
“How are you paying?” Steve questions with an encouraging smile. 
“Split payment, hey Chris it’s split payment six way even, right?” Eddie shouts hoping to catch her attention. 
“Yes, yes.” She waves him off with a cheeky smirk. 
“You heard the lady.” He smirks at Steve. 
“I put it all on separate payments. If you want to start, you can put your card in the reader.” Steve grins. 
Eddie pays for his then Jenna, Kelly, Danielle, Molly, and then Chrissy. Before they walk out Steve hands him a piece of folded paper that has the nail salon and the number to call. 
Before he walks into the venue for Chrissy to get married off he unfolds the paper and realizes it reads, ‘I enjoyed holding your hands hoping I can hold your hands for a different reason  -Steve’ with his number to call him. 
Eddie smiles to himself and folds the paper and puts it in his breast pocket before walking into the venue because first he needs to watch his best friend get married. 
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