#I wanted to do a Steve pov but it was not working at all 😭
yellowdevilkitten · 1 year
This is for the lovely @a-little-unsteddie hope this was what you were wanting!
“No, no way Chris.” Eddie starts his monologue the same way he’s been starting his monologues lately. Eddie knew Chrissy was a troublemaker that’s what made them best friends in the first place. So he doesn’t really know what he could’ve expected when Chrissy asked him to be her maid of honor(he’s honored really!) but it definitely wasn’t to come get a manipedi with the rest of the bridesmaids. Why does she need a manipedi anyways, her nails are looking great as ever(acrylic with tiny gemstones a light purple-ish color).
“Why not? You paint your nails. What's so wrong with somebody painting yours for you? Plus you get a free massage out of it.” She agrees, clearly done with the conversation they’ve been having for the past thirty minutes.
 Eddie doesn’t hate the idea of of getting a manipedi he just prefers to do his nails himself and honestly he’s offended that chrissy doesn’t think he’s capable of his nails turning out nice and neat(he isn’t he gets too impatient and they typically turn out smudge, chipped, and smushed). The part that he isn’t going to enjoy is all the gossip and don’t get him wrong he loves gossip but he doesn’t enjoy listening to middle aged women gossip about how much they hate their husbands.
 He also knows that the bridesmaids and Chrissy are all going to gossip but he’s heard all that gossip before, plus he knows he’s not going to be able to sit still for X amount of time. So Eddie going to go get a manipedi is a bad idea for many reasons but chrissy doesn’t seem to be budging and he knows it’s her wedding and she knows that he’s going to say yes either way and him denying is all for good fun. 
He lets out a dramatic and long sigh before ending the conversation. “Fine, I’ll go.” He puts his hands up in a surrender after he says that so Chrissy knows he’s serious. Her answering smile is everything Eddie needs to know this is a great idea. 
— The day of the wedding Eddie and the girls are all squished into a car to be pampered(which Chrissy forgot to inform him that they’d also be getting their hair styled, she knows how he feels about his hair, the rat). Which leads them to their last stop, The nail salon which doesn’t look as ominous as he thought. 
He’s squished in the middle between jenna and Molly who is talking enthusiastically over him about some guy name Carl(gag carl was one of the hair stylist doing kelly’s hair he kept making creepy comments about kelly’s hair he honestly doesn't know how jenna and molly can even look at him and see someone worth dating). Eddie doesn’t even realize they have parked too cought up in his thoughts about Carl. 
“Alright you guys ready?” Chrissy asks before opening her car door. 
“Don’t really have a choice.” he mumbles under his breath waiting for the girls to get out of the car so he can. 
Once they walk into the salon Eddie’s immediately hit by the smell of nail polish. Before he can register anything other than the overwhelming smell of polish he hears a admittedly handsome voice call out,
“hi, do you have a booking with us?” 
“Uhm-” Eddie starts before Chrissy cuts him off. “Yes we do, it should be under Chrissy Cunningham.” 
The guy, which Eddie realizes has a nametag on that says ‘steve’, walks up to the front desk to type into the computer and he nods his head that Eddie takes to mean he found the name. 
“Okay, it says here everyone is getting a manipedi is that correct?” Hot guy, Steve, double checks. 
“Mhm, expect I’m getting acrylics done too.” Chrissy corrects. 
“Great you ladies and gentleman,” he winks at Eddie, “Can take a seat at those six pedicure chairs after you pick out your colors.” 
He’s off before Eddie can get a word in, Chrissy taps on his arm and he turns toward her. She has a knowing look on her face and he shakes his head no. She shrugs and drags him over to the colors. 
Eddie’s amaze at Steve for being able to keep up with all the bitchiness of the girls. Of course Eddie’s not paying that much attention because he’s holding his hand. Nobody told him a hot guy was going to hold his hands for about twenty minutes and he hasn’t even got the polish on yet. If he knew this he would be getting his nails done regularly. 
Even the strong smell of nail polish is bearable with Steve holding his hands. The only disappointing part is that it means nothing, which is a shame really, Eddie can see it now him and Steve could have a life together too bad this is a nail salon and chrissy is about to get married maybe he’d have time to flirt.
 He doesn’t realize he’s squirming in his seat until Steve says, “Relax your hands.” He’s
 pretty sure his face burns red when he says that. 
“It’s okay, it happens all the time.” Steve reassures, which doesn’t really calm Eddie’s nerves but he still tries. 
He looks around the salon to see Kelly talking her nail tech’s ear off and the poor girl is trying her best to keep up. Eddie also realizes that right next to Steve is a girl who isn’t doing any nails but is just chilling there. He also realizes that Steve and the girl are talking together, he worries that maybe the girl is Steve's girlfriend. 
“Robbie, I can’t just ask that I’m at work.” 
“Please, you’ve flirted at work before, dingus.” Robbie(?) responses with a flippant hand. ‘Oh great’ Eddie thinks of course he’s trying to flirt with one of the girls. What else was Eddie supposed to expect? They are all like Carl. It’s pretty disappointing to learn that this guy is just like the rest. 
“Is this the polish you picked out?” oh Steve’s talking to him again, ew is that butterflies in his stomach. He should not be getting butterflies for this straight guy. 
“Yeah.” Eddie says but it comes out as more of a question. 
“Great, it's a lovely color.” Steve replies with a gorgeous smile. Eddie wouldn’t have picked the color if it wasn’t for chrissy it’s a black with hints of purple to match his suit. 
The other bridesmaids are also wearing purple to match Chrissy’s light yellow dress. Chrissy is having a nature theme wedding so her braid is wearing greens and blues. He smiles remembering when he helped chrissy pick out her dress it matches her ring which is a gold butterfly. 
He watches as Steve paints his nails in silence until Steve speaks up. “So what brings you guys into the salon?” 
“Oh, my best friend, Chrissy is getting married and she wanted us all to get manipedis together.” Eddie answers with a small smile. He can’t believe that Chrissy is getting married. It feels just like yesterday since they met. 
“That’s lovely, you got a date to bring with you?” He questions. Eddie’s face burns red for what feels like the tenth time because he does not in fact have a date.
 If he did he’d probably not be blushing everytime he remembers that Steve is holding his hands. Because that’s the most intimate thing ever(how does Chrissy deal with doing this every month?)! Eddie might combust if he thinks about Steve holding his hands one more time. 
“No, no I do not.” Eddie answers with a shake of his head and accidentally moves his hand. “Shit, shit, I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s fine you’ve been doing it the whole time.” Steve shrugs. That just serves to make Eddie blush harder, why hadn’t he asked Eddie to stop? Any other person would’ve gotten pissed by now. 
“Annnnd you’re done.” The girl calls from Steve’s shoulder. He sees Steve shoot her a glare. 
“Well technically you aren’t done, you still have to dry.” Steve points where the rest of the girls minus chrissy are talking with their hands under a table. He nods before standing up(he tries to be mindful of his nails). 
Once everyone’s nails are done it’s time to check out. Eddie mentally prepares himself for the price of the treatment. Molly and Danielle are both looking at their nails and gossiping about some boy named David at work. Chrissy is talking to her nail tech, which he believes his name is Win, short for Winston. Jenna and Kelly are talking to the girl next to Steve, who he believes goes by Robbie. Eddie’s just standing by the desk waiting for one of them to check them out. 
“Alright, are you guys ready?” Eddie startles when he hears Steve’s voice from behind him. 
“Uh- yes.” He says, sounding unsure. 
“How are you paying?” Steve questions with an encouraging smile. 
“Split payment, hey Chris it’s split payment six way even, right?” Eddie shouts hoping to catch her attention. 
“Yes, yes.” She waves him off with a cheeky smirk. 
“You heard the lady.” He smirks at Steve. 
“I put it all on separate payments. If you want to start, you can put your card in the reader.” Steve grins. 
Eddie pays for his then Jenna, Kelly, Danielle, Molly, and then Chrissy. Before they walk out Steve hands him a piece of folded paper that has the nail salon and the number to call. 
Before he walks into the venue for Chrissy to get married off he unfolds the paper and realizes it reads, ‘I enjoyed holding your hands hoping I can hold your hands for a different reason  -Steve’ with his number to call him. 
Eddie smiles to himself and folds the paper and puts it in his breast pocket before walking into the venue because first he needs to watch his best friend get married. 
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dufrau · 1 year
how abt some ronance story recs đŸ˜«
I feel like Im gonna recommend the same things everybody recs already so i dont know if this will be super helpful if youve already read all these and also im gonna forget fics/authors that i sincerely and deeply love and i do not want to offend or hurt their feelings???
Anything by @eskawrites she is a wholeass library of ronance but these two are my favorites
screaming in the dark (i howl when we're apart) - one shot about what if they all played a game of werewolves and it was very sweet and emotionally revealing
this story that we found ourselves in - long multichapter celebrity fake dating AU. if you are into gay pining you will love this.
and then:
In Her Hips, There's Revolution by @monstrous-femme - long multichapter riot girl nancy wheeler processing her trauma in destructive ways but ultimately finding healing and community
That Girl is Like an Architect, And I am Just the New Invention by @ronanception - long multichapter comphet nancy wheeler processing her internalized homophobia and discovering late 80s gay culture and activism
make my menace into someone you'd adore by @lesbianlotties - long multichapter enemies to lovers about what if nancy worked at scoops ahoy instead of steve
oh girl, it's you that i lie with by @judasofsuburbia - smutty oneshot about what if they fucked with a strapon in the zombie apocalypse
Pas de Quatre by @freezeveganpolice - long multichap series rewrite focusing on Nancy and also ballet
And then a few that are in progress that I love:
Monster of the Week by freezeveganpolice - long multichapter x files au
like a damaged nerve, like a dark bird by monstrous-femme - long multichap nancy pov time travel/time loop something weird is going on with time situation? she ate a moth!
Robin Buckley's Expert Field Guide to Catching Fireflies (and Other Childhood Favourties) by @smileweakandwrong - this is the least angsty thing on this list it is a fluffy 5+1 where they flirt and catch fireflies and frogs and stuff and i love it
there are like a million more i love but like there are a ton of WIP longfics that just havent updated in a while so theyre not fresh in my mind and my subscriptions are a mess they are 90% clexa fics i dont remember. if i forgot you im sorry i guarantee i love your fics i am just flawed as a person 😭
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w1nters0ldier20 · 7 months
I’ll give up everything just to find you.
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Stucky ficđŸ€
A/N : this is my first fic so if its bad im srry😭
Warnings — angst, happy ending, language, a slur(I CAN SAY),
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Steve was panicking, shaking and every scared action you could possibly imagine. Bucky, his bucky had just got shot and taken by HYDRA. Steve had screamed “NO!” As he was forcefully taken back to the hellhole he had just escaped. But steve didn’t give up he started to chase the car down, but it was too late and too fast. He fell to his knees and sobbed.
Natasha walked over”steve..” steve shushed her”i don’t wanna hear it” he said in choked out sobs, “we’ll find him steve, come on back to the jet and lets get you healed.” Natasha replied and steve wobbled back to the jet crying into Natasha. “it’s my fault”he says in muffled sobs. “No, no steve it isn’t, its gonna be ok we’re going to find him” she says emphasizing the word going.
Bucky’s POV:
He woke up in a panic, breathing heavily as he slowly came back to reality realizing where he was. His mind overwhelmed with thoughts “nonono please no” “is steve ok?” “Is everybody captured” “fuck not again please..” he cried silently as these thoughts rushed over him. “If it isn’t the winter soldier.. back to reclaim your place?” The HYDRA agent spat. “First of all, im not the winter soldier anymore. I’ve changed, moved on, and hell i even found a fucking boyfriend. Secondly you forced me to be here you asshole.” Bucky spat back as the HYDRA agent smirked
“Still feisty aren’t ya?good you need a little fire to ignite the soldier”the agent chuckled as Bucky was paralyzed in fear. “Oh steve.. please please find me”
Steves POV:
Nonstop work. “Gotta find him, gotta find my buck”his mind screamed as he tried to find every HYRDA location. 2 days, 2 fucking days since Bucky was shot and captured and it had been all his fault. He was in sobs and practically murdered with guilt. Tony walks in to see him sobbing trying to find clues to as where Bucky went. “Hey cap.. it’s 4am, get some rest i’ll continue for now until you wake up.”tony says sadly”you’ve been at this nonstop let me help.”he trys to smile. “Thanks tony, but you really dont have too, i got this.” He says, his voice husky and barely there since the screaming and crying. Even so he fakes a smile.“Fine, if you don’t want to leave me to it lemme help cap.”tony sits down and starts to help pinpoint locations”
Buckys POV:
“Ready to comply?” The HYDRA agent says with a clenched jaw. “Nope.” Bucky chuckles emphasizing the p. The agent punches him again, “say no again see what happens faggot.” He scoffs at Bucky as bucky spits out blood.
The agent leaves the room and Bucky’s mine rushes over thoughts of steve and their last conversation.
“Lost your game buck?” Steve laughs playfully at him.”you wish Stevie” as buck throws a snowball at steve but misses again.”oh you have.”steve throws a snowball and hits Bucky in the chest.” Oh im so getting you back for that doll”he smirks
He would do anything to go back to that right now.
Steves POV:
“Oh my god tony, we did it” he sobs, “thank you. Thank you so much” he cries happily”im going now, i cant wait till morning.” He sniffles as tony snaps back”woah slow your roll you need to sleep first and eat AND get ahold of yourself before you go sweetheart” he looks at steve concerned, “ill eat and drink but im not sleeping till i see my Bucky again.” So tony takes that and makes him waffles and gives him water.”here we come Bucky..” his mind races with happy thoughts of getting him back
“So when can we go?” Steve says as he finishes his meal, all the avengers awake and ready to go get Bucky away from those stupid HYDRA agents. “Now i guess, right guys?” Natasha says trying to boost the mood. “Alright lets go”clint says smiling softly
Buckys POV:
“Your fuckin dead, you hear me? dead.” As he slaps bucky another time. His face is full of bruces and cuts. 10 minutes ago, atleast he thought it was ten minutes ago, Bucky spit 3 times on the hydra agent and now he’s taking his anger out on him, he swears hes gonna pass out or die or anything. “Steve..” he says before passing out.
Steves POV:
They are trying to sneak around the agents of HYDRA, “goddamn they have this place well guarded.. gotta hand it to the bastards” tony states,”shame we have to kick they’re ass!” Steve says before running out dodging bullets left and right beating them up fiercely with his fists, feet & his sheild
“Well fuck.” Natasha curses before running out to help him, “always running on impulse” she mutters under her breath laughing. “Im going in.” Steve states on the comms
“Bucky, oh Bucky where are you..” he whispered as hydra agents bombarded him with bullets(of course his shield blocked them). Steve starts to beat them off one by one, asking “wheres bucky?” To all of them, which none answered as they just replied”hail HYDRA”as they died
He runs until he sees a cell, and he sees.. bucky. Bloody, bruised and hopefully asleep or passed out. Steve runs inside breaking down the cell, that wakes bucky up.” Please sir no more..” he wakes up realizing its steve, “oh my god doll” he says as a tears slide down his face”i got you buck im here baby, can you walk?” Steve says as he breaks the refinements off him. “I think..” bucky wobbles but eventually starts to walk with steve, “need a gun?”steve chuckles as Bucky nods. Steve hands him a gun as they start beating the shit out of agents.
“Fuckkk yea! Revenge bitches!” Bucky screams as he shoots them. “Lets get out of here buck.” As they start to run to the jet. “We’re in the jet, make your way back” steve says to the comms.
Bucky’s POV:
“I missed you Stevie..” he purrs in Steve’s ear and kisses him, steve kisses him back and giggles, “how did you.. prevent the winter soldier thing you know?” He asks, “oh its not in “programming” anymore i guess” Bucky replies, “no more questions though just shut up and kiss me before they get back” he smiles and kisses him and it turns into a make out session “fuck Bucky..”steve whimpers, as if the worst timing the rest of the avengers start to come into the jet. “Get a room you animals, it hasn’t even been 5 minutes and you to are getting down dirty in the jet” tony remarks scoffing, “yea whatever grandpa” bucky snorts and kisses steve one more time, “oh yea, back of the jet now we need to clean these up” as he eyes the bruises on his face.“Finee” bucky sighs and walks to the back of the jet,
Oh how happy he was to be home.
A/n : AHHH I FEEL LIKE THIS IS A GOOD LENGTHED FIC?? For a first timee pls lmk if you like it!! :3 the title was based off an evanescene song!! Love her songs sm❀also pls lmk how to see a word count😭 i cannot find it
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crow2222 · 8 months
Darry getting frostbite and the gang mildly freaking out bc every time they try to warm Darry up he just recoils in pain because it burns?
Okay I just wanna say that this has been in my drafts for a long while now,,,, I just really didn't know how to write this or even finish it off 😭
Set in Pony's pov, word count: 1,565.
"I thought we lost you like we did mom and dad." His voice rung around in my head, an endless echo that was a reflection of my worry. His whisper bouncing off non existent walls of my mind.
An arm snuck around my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. "He's probably just late because of the icy, Pony. They're annoying to drive on. " I look up to see Sodapop, joining my watch out the front window for Darry.
There was a random freak snow storm, a blizzard I guess. School ended early and I drove home with Steve and Twobit, on the way home we also picked up Soda from the DX.
Darry, however, was still nowhere to be seen even when it hit three o clock and the snow is furiously knocking against the closed window. We were home for around two hours now, there's no way he's still at the site with this weather.
"Yeah chill out kid, he's superman after all. If his truck got stuck he'd just fly back home!" Twobit cackled at his own unfunny joke, but it only brought me more worrisome thoughts. "He could be stuck..?" I let my forehead hit the freezing window as I longed for my eldest brother. He couldn't be stuck.. he couldn't be hurt.. could he?
Sodapop must've had it with me being upset because he turned me right around on the couch and put a cup of hot chocolate in my hands. It didn't seem that appetizing though, it was made with water instead of milk, expired chocolate mix and stale marshmallows from Halloween.
But since I didn't want to worry Soda anymore, I took the mug to my lips and started slowly sipping away at it. The gang must've accepted this as a sign I stopped dwelling on Darry so they went back to watching Christmas movies on the television that was barely working.
How could they even make out the voices and faces in the horrible static? Because I sure as hell can't!
My mind was still wrapped around what was going on with Darry until the front door slammed open with the wind, immediately bringing the cold air and snow flew freely into the house.
"Oh my god, Darry!" Sodapop yelled, quickly grabbing him into the house fully since he seemed frozen to the door frame and he then hastily shut the door.
Despite the blanket of snow sticking to him, I noticed what he had on. He had a light coat, with an even thinner hood on his head. His working boots were probably the only things that kept him slightly warm out in that dumb snow.
"H-hey guys.." His teeth chattered as he slowly took off his wet slush covered coat and hung it up. Now that I got up and got a closer look at him, he looked horrible.
His face was feverish, as white as a sheet and flushed heavily, and his lips were cracked. His hands were a unnaturally dark colour which I only saw when he took off his work gloves, which told me that they didn't do shit when it came to keeping his hands warm.
"Twobit check if there's hot water in the shower, Steve get blankets, and Ponyboy give him your hot chocolate!" Sodapop hollered orders at us as he helped Darry get his boots off since he couldn't do it by himself. His mutters were quiet but I swear something about not feeling his toes. I was really getting nervous now, seeing Darry so incapable is.. foreign. To say the least.
"So you mind telling me why the hell you were outside in the cold?" Sodapop growled at our oldest brother as he sat him down on the couch. I sat down beside Darry, interested to hear his story as well. I shrunk away a bit when I touched his cold shoulder though, not willing to lose anymore of my own heat left.
He made a show of sighing dramatically for us, but was stopped by a dry cough. I guess that's what he gets for being out in the cold for so damn long.
"The damn truck broke down, alright?" He sucked in a breath of air as he started rubbing his arms. "I didn't feel like staying in it an' freezing to death so I walked home. Happy?" He didn't bother with eye contact to us, instead he kept his eyes fixated on the floor.
He must've felt bad for snapping back like that because I started to hear something that sounded like an apology, "Guys I.."
Steve came back and threw blankets onto Darry before he got a chance to even establish his sentence. "I just took these off your bed." He then got himself comfy on the ground, he probably didn't notice how bad off Darry really was.
Sodapop's knee bopped up and down in thought, before he shot up from the armchair and ran off to the hallway. Steve raised his brow at his best friend's departure, before glancing to face us at the couch. "What's with him? Darry what-? Woah." Steve blinked, turning himself around unnaturally to take a better look at Darry.
"Holy fuck!" He covered his mouth after he realised he let the cuss slip. "Is that frostbite?" Before Darry and I got a word in, Steve quickly got up and followed Soda, leaving me alone with the freezing and confused Darry.
"Pony.." I looked up at my brother hopefully, I fully expected him to say he was fine and complain about finding his truck once the snow thaws but instead I was met with, "Can you make me coffee?" His weak smile was enough to convince me, and I couldn't help but wonder what exactly Soda and Steve both went off for.
I stood in the kitchen, brewing the coffee in a way where I could still watch Darry. He was clenching his fists over and over, I had a sneaking suspicion that he was trying to regain feeling in his fingers.
I grabbed his favourite mug for the coffee, but before I could pour it in, Sodapop grabbed Darry by the arm and they went down the hallway. Darry was stumbling behind his pull, his feet must've been frozen or something!
I waited around to hear something, but all that came was hushed whispering and quiet movement. I decided I was tired of being left out like this so I went down the hallway, realizing they were all in Darry's room.
I pressed my ear at the door, hearing water slosh around? Then a command to put his feet in somewhere..
"You want me to fucking boil Soda!?"
Darry hissed loudly, making me flinch a little. "Darry, shit.. it's lukewarm." Soda must've checked the water himself, the silence from all sides was deafening.
Darry blinked, before shaking his head. "No.. no. Just." I heard more shuffling going on, "It's just not.. please let me warm up like this?"
"I think that's what we were meant to do in the first place." Two-bit murmured, and then I heard them all head to the door I was basically leaning on.
I quickly sprinted back to the kitchen, almost slipping in the process, and poured the slightly warmed down coffee in the mug that was waiting for me.
Twobit and Steve both sat down at the couch, whilst Sodapop came into the kitchen to see what I was doing, if I were to guess.
"Is Darry going to be okay?" I knew he didn't know the answer, but I had to ask anyways. He looked at the mug for a second, as if he was hesitating to answer. "Course he will Pone." He gently roughed up my hair before going back to the guys.
I walked past them all to hand Darry his coffee, but I could tell none of them were actually watching the TV at this point. We were all too confused about the pushiness of Darry, but I do have to say that he's always pushed us away whenever he was sick or something. So it's not all that out of the ordinary.
His door was left open, so I just let myself in. His blanket was very loosely on his waist, and he was shivering like crazy. Just the sight of him made a shiver run down my spine, from the cold or worry? I wouldn't be able to tell you.
"Here's ya coffee.." I handed him the mug, which he gratefully took. He didn't even try with the effort of giving me a smile anymore.
He had the coffee up to his face, like he was about to tip it over and drink, but he didn't.
I bounced up once or twice on my feet before getting the courage to ask him, "Are you going to drink it?" He blinked, as if now realizing I was in the damn room. "Yeah, just letting it cool down first." His voice was weirdly husky, but I paid it no mind and nodded.
I stayed there for the rest of the night, managing to put on multiple socks on his feet and covering him with as many blankets as I could. Eventually he warmed up enough that he wasn't like a corpse to touch, then he fell asleep.
Yup, he's gonna wake up in a pool of sweat tomorrow.
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eashmo · 1 year
7 minutes in hell, or is it heaven? Part 8
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Warnings: fluff, angst. Billy is an extremely soft boyfriend to y/n 😭
A/n : long, lots of time jumps, No music for this chapter because I honestly didn't know what to use.
*y/n pov*
I stiffen beside him. I started to have a small panic attack because I didn't want to release him to that devil.
"Baby, i will be ok, I promise." He says when he noticed me start to panic.
"No, you won't. You're going to get hurt because of me, I should have taken you home last night." I sadly say.
"Look at me princess, I wanted to stay with you last night, my father can go fuck himself because I don't regret spending time with you, time I've been craving with you." He says. Kissing my cheek.
"Billy, you should tell Chief Hopper about your father. He would lock him up forever ever"
"NO!, no, I can't he's my father." He says angrily. Clinching his fists. I rest my hand on his hands, and he relaxes under my touch.
"I can't avoid him all day, I may as well get it over with." he said with a sigh. He puts on his last night party clothes while giving me a quick kiss before he runs home.
*small Billy pov*
Seeing her scared as I left her house gave me anxiety.
"Please don't be home." I plead. Quietly opening the front door, I saw broken glass everywhere but no sight of him or Susan. I sighed in relief. He must have left early for work.
"Billy? Is that you?" Max called from the living room as she was trying to clean some of the mess.
"One and only shitbird," I snapped.
"Where were you last night?, were you finally with y/n?" She teasingly asks.
Wait, how did she know?
"I know about your crush with her. You're very obvious in the school parking lot, and you have bruises all over your neck." She giggles.
Angrily, I pushed her into the wall and griped her small wrist tight, and her eyes went wide. "S-sorry" fell from her mouth. Immediately, I regretted everything.
"Yes, I was with y/n she picked me up at the warehouses because I was drunk, also she's my girlfriend now, don't tell anyone..." I sighed, letting go of her.
Max gave me a small smile and a nod.
"I like y/n very much, she's awesome, she's kind to me."
"I know, kid, I know"
"Um Neil was very pissed that you weren't home last night, he sort of destroyed a few things." She said with a little bit of fear in her voice as she pointed to the broken glass.
"Never mind that I'll take care of that, now let's go get my car, I'll take you to the arcade, but no hanging out with that Sinclair kid, you got it?" I say.
* Time skip Monday at school*
*y/n pov*
Seeing the fresh cuts and bruises on Billy's face this morning made me ferocious and nauseous.
"I'm ok," he mouthed across the hall, but his eyes told me otherwise. Standing at my locker, waiting for everyone to disperse to their classes, the hallways now empty, I made my way to him with glossy eyes, standing on my tippy toes. I gently held his face. "B-baby." I croaked. As he leans into my hands with his eyes close.
"I'm fine, sweetheart, but this isn't the worst of it." He plainly says as he lifts his shirt, revealing deep colored bruises that littered his torso.
I gasped as I lightly brushed against them. He wipes my tears away.
"How about we head to class, yeah?" He asks softly.
*small time jump*
The bell rang for free period, I couldn't wait to see billy yes I know I had a class with him but it it was only one and seeing him in between classes in the hallways was Torturous.
Nancy and I made our way to the gym as usual, Robin was already there sitting at the bottom of the bleachers.
"So girls, do you guys have any prom dates yet? Nancy asks.
"I'm going with Vickie!" Robin happily says with a smile.
"Really that's great! Finally you made a move." I teased.
"Oh, shut up." She playfully snaps.
"What about you, Nance? Who are you going with?" I asked.
"Weeeelllll, I'm not sure yet." She says.
laughing. "What do you mean?"
"Jonathan and Steve both asked me." She says.
"I thought you and Steve were a thing?" Robin chimes in.
"He's being total bullshit right now!" She snaps.
"Jesus Nance, you really need to sort out your love life. The dance is literally tonight." I laughed.
"Well, you go on than, who are you going with?" She asks.
I look briefly at Billy from across the court, who was talking to the coach.
"I'm not going, nobody asked me." I say sadly. I really wanted them to know that I'm finally in a relationship with Billy, I know they didn't exactly approve of him, but they wanted to see me happy. Plus, a dance wasn't Billy's scene.... right?
"I'm surprised Hargrove hasn't made a move on you yet. Sometimes, it seems like he is saying "I love you" with his eyes when he's bulling you." Robin says.
I snorted, "I highly doubt a person like Hargrove would even like nor love a marshmallow like me." Smiling head because I knew for a fact he loved my curves.
Nancy and Robin got quiet when they noticed Billy was directly behind me. He really needs to stop doing that, I thought to myself. He started to drag me away from them. Leaving them confused.
"Don't worry, ladies, your precious Y/n will be right." He chuckles while we walk out the door.
He pins me to the wall "your not a marshmallow, but if you are, you're my marshmallow." He whispers into my ear, giving my earlobe a few nibbles."You taste sweet like one, " he smirks as he hovers over me. Giving me a passionate kiss.
Pulling away, I slap his shoulder "Billy what the hell, you can't be snatching me up like that."
He rolls his eyes. "I got something to ask you"
"Go to prom with me." He grins.
"Of course I will go to prom with you, but I thought it wasn't your scene. Also, what about everyone else?"
"You're right. It's not my scene, but I will do anything for you, and I'm not worried about everyone else, I'm not going with them, I'm going with you." He says.
Grinning pulled him down for a quick kiss.
"Love you Hargrove."
"Love you too y/l/n," he grins.
Walking back into the gym I was trying to not show any emotion so the girls Interrogate me to death.
"What was all that about?" Robin asks.
"He wanted me to do his upcoming science homework, and if I refused, his bullying would be harsher." I say faking annoyance.
"Y/n, you really need to not let him get to you like that." Nancy says sadly.
"If only she knew." I thought.
"Well, I just decided that I'm going to dance tonight, even if it's by myself, I wanna have fun."
Nancy squeals, "we are going to have so much fun!!!, are you driving? Or do you need a ride?"
"Thanks, but I'm driving myself," I say. Looking at Billy from across the court, I saw he was smiling at me.
*small time jump*
The school day was coming to an end, I started to get a bad feeling in my last class like something was going to happen, and boy, something did happen.
Standing at my locker, I deposited the textbooks I didn't need to bring home, feeling someone slip beside me, I thought it was Billy but I turn around to see hazel eyes staring back at me. It was none other than Tommy Hagan with Carol glued to his side. I slammed my locker closed and started to walk away from them towards Nancy and Robin, Nancy was my ride.
"Where do you think you're going, y/l/n?" Carol sneers.
"None of your fucking business, Perkins." I say quietly. Walking away.
"The fuck you say? You fat bitch." She shouts causing my friends and any remaining students to up at the scene.
Stopping in my tracks I turn "you fucking heard me." I sneer. Nancy and Robin's eyes widen because they never saw me talk back to anyone.
I felt a stinging sensation on my right cheek, I started to laugh a bit, and this causes Tommy to slam me into the lockers. Robin and Nancy started to run towards me, feeling light headed from the back pain from hitting the locker with so much force I start to Collapse, a warm arms caught me in time before my knees hit the floor. Looking up, i lock eyes with the ocean eyes of Billy's.
He handed me over to Robin, who looked scared and confused.
"What the fuck are you doing, Hagan?" He calmly said as his nostrils flares.
"Teaching the fat cunt a less...." He got cut off as billy punch him in the jaw. Pinning him down in the hallway and starting to beat the shit out of him.
"B-billy, stop, I'm ok." I say weakly, try to regain my breath.
"HARGROVE STOP!" Nancy shouts.
Hearing this he snaps out of his tunnel vision, looking at me with concern.
"Come here, please." I plead. He drops Tommy's shirt.
"I told you not to say that about her, I want you to leave my girl alone from now on, you hear me motherfucker?" He angrily says.
Tommy nods and spits blood on the floor with Carol helping him up.
Billy walks to me and Robin.
"Can I please hold my girlfriend." He asks quietly.
She nods with a small smile and hands me over to him.
"Thanks, Buckley." He says as his arms instantly wraps around me.
"No problem, Hargrove, please take care of her, and if you hurt her, you have me and Nancy to go through." She points at him with a Stern look.
Laughing a "yes, ma'am."
"Do you mind if I take her home, Wheeler?" He asks.
"Not at all... see you later at the mall y/n, " She says.
"Let's get you home, beautiful," he says to me.
Previous Chapter
Part 9
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atomicvoid-ao3 · 30 days
Early morning ramblings
 and I think I need a beta reader

Lol, not me re-reading my latest chapter for my paranormal Steddie fic and seeing all the little errors I made when editing.
Maybe I do need a beta. 😅
But I’m uploading like, multiple chapters a day.
I mean, 4 chapters over 2 days??
The Haunting of Harrington House is sitting at a little over 11,000 words already. And this will probably end up being at least a solid 12 chapters in total. So, if I’m going at this same rate at an average of 2,750 per chapter (which honestly from chapter 5 onwards the length is only going to get longer), I’m looking at my first completed fic being around 33,000 words. đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«
Maybe having a beta would also help keep me accountable to finish this fic too. I’d definitely feel a bit more pressure (in a good way) if I had someone around waiting to read, “is it done yet? How about now? Where’s the next chapter???” 😂

How do I find a beta??
This fic probably isn’t going to have anything too graphic, probably same level of spooky and mild horror as the Stranger Things season 4. No explicit sex scenes or anything. But I’m certainly not opposed to writing that for other works, so any beta I have would need to be at least over 18, to read both, and I’d prefer someone closer to my own age (32) — no offense intended whatsoever, I just feel like I’d be more comfortable with a beta that was around the same age, at least late 20s.
Y’all I’ve been so outta the loop with fic writing. My last posted fic was a first person Frerard pov that I never finished. Only got to like 5 or 6 short chapters
 😭 I might even re-use that plot for a Steddie fic cause it lives rent free in my head and was based on the Badlands album by Halsey. This was back in 2017 btw.
Does anyone have a fanfiction or ao3 discord or something I can join and start connecting with other writers?
I swear most of my time on the internet is lurking or shouting out to the void and responding whenever someone shouts back, lol.
Anyway, thanks for reading this. I have an interview to do but otherwise I’ll be busy planning and working on chapter 5 today.
It’s been so much fun cause the more I put out the more ideas come into my head on where to go next. These first chapters felt a bit fast which was the point since that’s how Steve is feeling, but I want the haunting to calm down a bit so the Steddie relationship can start to develop. Which it did at the end of the 4th chapter.
I think I’ll even include Billy in some way
 if you’ve read my fic so far you may see how I’m mirroring the show to some extent. I like using actual canon characters.. omg, that just gave me a bunch of great ideas!!!
Damn, this is gonna be good. I’ll definitely have to finish this fic before I start working again.
Later gators! 🐊 ✹
Linking to the fic for convenience for anyone interested in being a beta. đŸ–€âœš
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cedarbranch · 5 months
OMG... tell your beloved fans about haunt me PLEASEEE + also "show me how you do that trick" + one dealer's choice :-D
WARGHH thank u <333
in response to the wip meme... putting this under a cut bc it got long lol
haunt me is my monstrosity of a stranger things wip, sitting around 90k and MAYBE 65% complete. if i'm lucky. it's fucking Long. the basic premise is that eddie dies and then steve starts dreaming about him and eventually comes to realize he is NOT dead, but in fact alive in the upside down and somehow psychically linked to steve... i won't get too deep into spoilers but it's kind of a kas!eddie fic but with a twist that's it's less kas and more similar to the pacific rim fic designations congruent with things (<= sentences that mean anything only to the most Niche Possible Audience). anyway the more complicated premise is steve's savior complex and how every single issue in his life connects back to it
show me how you do that trick is the sequel to my hellcheer fic, push the limit! (which. is fucking crazyy to me that that's the only stranger things fic actually posted on my ao3 given how much time i've spent working on haunt me 😭😭) anyway. it's as horny as the first in the series but with more feelings and plot. it's from eddie's pov and includes some actual proper kink negotiation and apologies following the insanity of the og fic, and also some RLY CUTE FLIRTING!!! a snippet for thee:
“I don’t like
 weird dirty talk?” Chrissy says, wrinkling her nose. “Like, the stuff they say in bad pornos.” Eddie sighs in feigned exasperation. “God, it’s like pulling teeth here. Specifics, woman, I need specifics!”  “I don’t know! Like,” Chrissy opens her mouth, then closes it again, flushing brilliantly. “No. I’m sorry, I can’t, I can’t say any of it. I just—I don’t like the word ‘pussy,’ or ‘cunt,’ or anything like that, just—” She flaps her hands in the direction of her crotch—”Just don’t directly refer to it while we’re in the act? Like, if you’re having sex, it should speak for itself!”  Eddie grins at her.  “What?” she demands, all frustrated but laughing with her eyes.  “I love that you have porn opinions,” he says fondly. “You asked!”
for dealer's choice... oooh this is tough... but i think i'll go with 5 + 1, the full title of which will one day be "5 times steve tried to teach eddie how to swim and one time it worked" or something of the like. this fic was born out of me a) wanting to write something with intense hot-summer-day energy, b) being really interested in water/swimming as the focal point of Multiple Traumatic Incidents in steve's life as of s4, and c) can you fucking imagine if part of the reason eddie was last to jump from the boat in lover's lake was that he couldn't swim. and then he DID IT ANYWAY. but yeah second snippet:
Eddie is, in fact, wearing boxer briefs, and nothing else. Seeing so much of his skin never gets less startling, no matter how many times Steve’s splashed around with him in the lake. He always forgets that Eddie’s shoulders aren’t as broad as the vest normally makes them look. He’s pale as a goddamn sheet, too, except for the pink-red scars that pockmark his stomach and chest.  Eddie catches him looking. “Might not even be worth it to teach me to swim,” he says wryly. “Don’t think I can ever set foot at a public pool again with these bad boys.” “We could just go together,” says Steve. “Then we’d match.”  His own wounds have healed up better than Eddie’s. The demobats tore him up pretty good, but the bites were shallow; as months passed by, they’ve smoothed over into pale, warped ripples of scar tissue. Without thinking about it, Steve touches one close to his hip. As if in a mirror, Eddie does the same, his fingertips brushing over his stomach.  His boxers have little skulls on them.
your honor i fucKGIGN LOVE THEMMM!!! IDIOTS!!!!
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sparkagrace · 5 months
Hii!!! First, I just wanted to say that you are one of my favorite steve/bucky fic authors, like, I've read religiously each one of your fics since lane lines was a wipđŸ„č💕.
Please don't feel pressured at all to answer if you don't have time, but I was wondering if you could give some tips on how to outline a story for a fic, especially long ones, and how to easily remember facts/things that already happened/don't mix information... about characters throughout long fics.
I've never posted any fic but I've been writing drafts here and there and I have a few ideas for longer fics. And lately I've been feeling hopeful about putting in the work and maybe write something decent out of those ideas? But honestly writing a long fic intimidates me a lot. Sometimes when I try to outline some small plotline, my mind just diverges in so many different scenes that I either end up avoiding the main plot, or just turn a short one shot into something longer that I feel has a lot of unnecessary or irrelevant information in it (I also blame this on wanting to know and imagining every single thing about the lives of the steve and bucky of each story)😭
I don't know if I explained myself at all or not đŸ« 
So, (and again, only answer if you have time for this and want to) if you have any helpful advice or tips for this problem, I'd be really really thankful for themđŸ„č
Hiiiiii! Thanks so much for the kind words. I'm so glad to hear you're looking into writing your own fics! That's super exciting đŸ„°
Long fics are definitely a big undertaking and can feel daunting; I absolutely understand how it feels. Writing any type of fic is such a process and there will be times (no matter the length) where you might feel like it's too hard to go on, but keep going.
I can't speak for everyone but I know for me, personally, I'm hardly ever going to write a fic I'm ready to post within a few hours. I tend to be someone who needs to sit with the idea and then chip away at it, with occasional larger bursts of creativity, and then an editing process.
That said, here are my tips for outlining long fics in particular and keeping all of the information together:
Every single one of my fics has an outline mostly so I can write down the major story beats that I want it to have. Sometimes I won't have every single part of the fic figured out yet, but usually it's a scene or general concept that I'm brewing (e.g. the 2IM final is what I came up with first for lane lines).
Write down ALL your ideas for the fic in bullet form, including headcanons and histories in the verse. You'll learn how to weed out the parts that don't fit. Sometimes it happens right away, other times you're scrapping half the scene. It's better to have it down than to try and remember it later down the line. Just remember that unless it's going to be a long epic, you'll probably cut most of it out. It's really just throwing ideas at a wall and seeing what sticks and what feels useful and important to the story.
For me, personally, I tend to write the story as if it'll be a long one-shot first. This helps me not get stuck on what should be in each chapter (if it's in a single pov). Once I have the outline fully written out, I'll start seeing where I want chapters to form and then start splitting it up.
With many of my long fics, I have a document I keep that is just the basic outline and all the information I want about the characters (i.e. ages, jobs, background info) that I can refer to. For example, lane lines had a lot of technical stuff I needed to remember so I had a document that was just the results of each race, the schedule for each day of the Olympics and what each character swam (see example below).
Tumblr media
I'm not sure how you write, but I am a non-linear writer, which means that I write scenes in any order and then fill out the rest. This might not work for everyone! I still have struggles, but I can't work linearly. I find that doing it this way helps me find which parts of the outline work for me/the story I want to tell.
In all, I tend to have about 2-3 docs that I use to help me as I write: a basic outline, a fully fleshed outline/chapter breakdown, and a working document of the fic.
Writing is a process and you'll find what works for you! I'm definitely someone who writes out in depth outlines and yet a lot of the story develops as I write. Don't be afraid to divert from the outline if you feel the story naturally bends; it's a constantly changing idea that is yours, and you're the only one to tell it!
I hope that this was somewhat helpful! I hope that you have a great time writing and please let me know how you get on! If you have any more questions, don't be afraid to ask 💖
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
twirling my hair around my finger, heyyyyyy. so how can i bribe you into sharing all the thought and comments you say you have about meta?
i don't really have any specific questions because ideally i'd want to open up your brain like a book and browse through absolutely everything, so i'm not sure where i should 'aim' so to speak?
is there smg in particular you'd like to share about? an area you want to expand on, because there's more than that's on the page that you'd like to explicitly discuss or just because it's your favorite to talk about?
i'm chin hands, and would be thrilled at every crumb you felt like sending our way queen
oh my GOD the can of worms here you don't know what you're doing I want to talk about METAMORPHOSES all the time always 😭
it's the fic I'm proudest for having said exactly what I wanted it to say without going on tangents the way my other longfic did and it's the fic I'm proudest for having completed both at all and the way I did narratively and I just!!
thanks for humoring me I know my rambling about this fic can get longwinded and annoying but it means the world to get to ramble at all tbh I am also twirling my hair kicking my feet etc super grateful for you, anon 💚💚💚
I've been sitting with this ask all day thinking about what little thing I could go on a self-indulgence about, but instead I just keep adding to the list of topics and giving you nothing so! if you would be so patient as to indulge me, a list in no particular order of things I worked hard on in the writing of that story:
(under the cut because, surprise surprise, I got longwinded again)
a motorcycle as a symbol of independence, meaning it's the thing that carries him to acts of joy but also acts of self-destruction, but also ultimately being something he gets to keep in the long run because relearning he does not have to earn independence and freedom by being good is kind of his whole deal during his healing process. he's human and he's allowed to fuck up and that doesn't mean he gets stripped of the right to potentially fuck up again in the future!
ourboros and cycles and the destruction/recreation-isms of recovery in the way Eddie has to rebuild all but from scratch post-Kas, and that when he relapses and falters the cycle starts over, only this time "from scratch" has a slightly stronger foundation
El. Just El in general and the reasons what she does in this fic is the most in-character thing I've ever written for her I LOVE HER SO MUCH AND I LOVED WRITING HER IN THIS FIC
the collective theme of our young adults as people who don't "turn out" the way they're expected to, who end up following paths that make sense entirely even if they don't look like they do on the surface, particularly for both Steve and Nancy who shirk careers that everyone on the outside perceives as being perfect for them in favor of ones that feel right, even accomplish the same things but in a way that's more natural to them (and also the way this aligns with Eddie's own journey of not being what he looks like on the surface)
MEDUSA. just. yeah. seeing being seen the danger in both the necessity of both the difference between a gift and punishment and so on and so forth
control over one's own physical appearance as grappling with control over literally anything else for both Eddie and El, and the ways they both go from that as a desperate sort of coping mechanism to a calmer and more joyful one
honestly just the formatting of the openings to each chapter and whose voices get bolded versus italicized (specifically later on in the fic) and why because it does change and it is on purpose fjadskl
Steve's pov of when Eddie runs away!!! I almost wrote a whole chapter of this but knew it would fuck up the pacing too much so I held myself back, but I think about his utter panic all the time when he realizes that Eddie is just gone and the last thing Steve did was say something bitchy and slam the door on his way out
Nancy and Eddie's dance lessons as a goofy bit of light-heartedness but also so much more than that
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evansbby · 4 months
hey bestie, I just wanted to say that the new chapter was AMAZING. It’s so beyond me how you can write so much and so well, your mind is truly genius đŸ«¶ I read everything from start to finish, I couldn’t put my phone down even for a second! I really don’t know how to feel about Ari. Honestly he’s hurt the reader so much and caused to many problems I hope she finds it in her to leave him in the past. There’s too much history between them and I think, even if he’s a great bf and all, she won’t be able to forget everything that’s happened, especially after the gala situation.
although you could say the same about Steve, it honestly seems to me that he just has his issues but he honestly wants to be better for reader đŸ˜© and I think she might actually like him more than Ari, considering she felt the need to kiss him. I REALLY hope Steve pulls through đŸ„čđŸ„č
as for Sharon, I feel so bad for her!! She’s clearly in love with reader and she basically just got her heart broken AGAIN 😭 I hate Wanda but what’s new lmao ofc she would do something like that
 she’s so embarrassing.
If I were reader I would honestly be considering changing schools to Steve’s uni
 there’s wayyy too much drama and beef at St Andrew’s I think she needs to run away from it a bit and start fresh.
(ps poor Kira 😭)
omg bestie thank you so much for your feedback it means the world to me as you know 😭
OKAY SO. you're very clearly team steve bahahaha and tbh i think we have more of an even number of people who are on either side! whereas before i posted chapter 4, most people were on ari's side!
i do get your POV tho, bc sometimes i don't know how to feel about Ari either!!! he's the hardest character to write for sure! and you say there's too much history between him and reader - maybe that's one reason why they COULD work out? bc they have too much history for either of them to walk away? IDEK TBH. like genuinely, i know i'm the writer but i have no clue! you're right though, ari's done a lot and maybe there are certain things reader could never forget...
" i think reader may like steve more than ari " OH ISN'T THAT THE GOLDEN QUESTION OF THE DAY!!??? I wonder! i mean i definitely feel the passion and fireworks between her and steve... and when she's with ari it's something else altogether. maybe her and ari didn't even NEED to kiss?? IDK IDK.
and tbh i agree, maybe reader SHOULD change schools and switch to steve's school. MAYBE SHE WILL. but that would be too easy hehe OR WOULD IT.
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natandwandaseries · 8 months
Sorry if it’s a little early, I’m currently on the other side of the planet and have no clue about the time differences.
1. 📚Favorite part of the series?
Post Nat returning from Vormir and realising how important she is.
2. 📅What year did you start reading the series?
I think 2021.
3. đŸ‘©â€đŸ‘©â€đŸ‘§Favorite character?
Nat forever and always
4. 💯Favorite line?
Don’t think I can pick just one
5. đŸ’ƒđŸœFavorite secondary character?
6. 🎬Best scene?
Natasha’s inner monologue when she knows where Wanda is but is struggling post paint factory explosion
7. đŸ”ȘFavorite Yelena moment/line?
Her taking over the cleanup post thanos.
8. 📖Favorite Natasha moment/line?
Whenever she tried to right any of her wrong doings whether they were intentional or not.
9. đŸȘ„Favorite Wanda moment/line?
When she is with Peter and their friends acting her own age
10. đŸ–ŒïžMost underrated scene?
The red room takedown
11. 😭Time the series made you cry
Nat trying to process Bruce’s death
12. 😂Time the series made you laugh
Slip n slide
13.📓Favorite literary reference
I’m afraid to say I’m not sure
14. ⛰Favorite cliffhanger
Bucky wiping Nat, like I had no idea what he had done to her
15. đŸ’»Scene that made you want to throw your phone/laptop
 Wanda’s recent reluctance to talk to Nat
16. 🎱Favorite plot/arc
I’m weird and love angst so it may be psychotic for me to say when Wanda found Natasha unconscious in the bathroom & her recovery from that
17. đŸ‘Żâ€â™€ïžBest unexpected duo
Yelena and Tony
18. đŸ©°Biggest plot twist
Yelena still being alive
19. 🍞Best breadcrumb/foreshadowing
Again I’m struggling to narrow it down without rereading the entire series again
20.❀Most heartwarming moment
Nat meeting baby cooper
21. 💕 Moment where you think Nat and Wanda became mother and daughter
Is it a cop out to say after their first real conversation
22. ⌛ Reader’s choice
Don’t know what to say besides Thankyou for your writing as this is my favourite series to read and reread. It was always a struggle to find Natasha centred fics, let alone good, well written ones, so I couldn’t be more grateful! I look forward to every update so I hope you’re able to continue until there’s nowhere else for the story to go.
Thank you for answering every question! I had so much fun reading all of your answers!!
When it Nat learns that she really did save everyone, it was such a big moment for her. She finally had deliverance from her past and decided that she was no longer being a hero to wipe the red from her ledger, but because she wants to. Nat and Laura's relationship has been great to see grow, and how she has stepped into an aunt-like role for Wanda
I spent days researching what it is like being catatonic, and am so glad you enjoyed that scene! It is such a moment of growth for Yelena when she stayed behind to cleanup, we see her stepping into her role on the team not for her sister but for herself. i enjoy the Red Room takedown scene as well, we see just how much power Madame B has exerted over Nat, and how she can overcome it. Bruce's death scene reminds me a lot of the scene where Tony and Pepper give Nat her Spyder, it shows a vulnerable side to Tony. That slip'n'slide is so much fun in real life. I had been building up to Bucky wiping Nat for over a year, I was so excited to finally share it! I want to yell at Wanda while I'm writing so I feel your frustration
I'm working on a mini(ish) fic from Steve's POV (it was supposed to be for the four year anniversary, but life and new chapters got in the way), but I hope to share more of Nat's recovery after Wanda pulled her out from being unconscious Yelena being alive is my favorite plot twist I have written as well, which is part of the reason I picked the ballet slippers as the symbol for this question
Nat meeting baby Cooper melts my heart every time I read it! And not a cop out lol! I believe their first conversation was Nat admitting her past in the food court at the mall
Thank you so much for your replies!! I will continue to post for a while, there is a lot more story to tell for both of our girls! Happy Four Year Anniversary to the Nat and Wanda Series!
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clownwix · 2 years
I just want to give you so much love for the YouTuber AU. I am an Old Internet Person so I don't quite understand the dynamics of YT but it is so cute. I can tell how much you love it and how much work you put into it. The amount of work is evident, all the reactions from the fans and little details put into it. Your art style makes it feel very bubbly and light hearted. Steve is an insufferable tease and I love it. Are we going to see more from Billy's POV soon?
Hi!! Thank you so much, I appreciate messages like this 😭😭😭 I really do love this AU and it's so much fun to make but it's true it takes a lot of thinking on my part haha I have to make sure so many things match up and make sense, I keep a whole list of notes and ideas.
I do realize this is a lot of Steve's pov and that's just because he's the more "famous" one of the two BUT I do want to do more stuff on Billy's end as well. I just have to plan out those details. I want to do things with his side of the fandom and how his audience is growing so it should be interesting!
I want to be sure this au has a definitive "ending" as well. It probably won't be over for good though, I might do an epilogue of sorts once the whole story is complete
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andiwriteordie · 2 years
“Right now” makes me think of Jonathan if he went to NYU.
“Full machine,” “Best,” and “This is what the drugs are for”? Byler vibes. Sometimes the pov switches for me, though—little lines within the song speaking more of Will than Mike even when the overall song is more Mike’s pov, or vice versa.
“I know it won’t work” is giving Stancy
“The blue” makes me think Lumax, and Jancy, but also Jargyle a bit?
Ahsjdkfncnfkdiejcncjfkffj i hope you had/are having/will have fun listening to the album! If/when you want to answer, what’re your initial thoughts on the songs as they related to st?
so, a disclaimer, i have only listened to this album once all the way through because i have to be careful with gracie's music because it makes me sooo sad 😭 but god gracie never misses with her lyricism, so i loved it so far!!!
totally agree with the ones you added for byler. i put "i should hate you" and "this is what the drugs are for" onto my will playlist, and i put "best", "full machine", "and where do we go now?" onto my mike playlist. also "difficult" was already on my mike playlist.
abby @/strangeswift is a genius and pointed out that so much of "where do we go now?" is so mike to el, and that felt like a cultural reset to me like, But when I kissed you back, I lied. You don’t know how hard I tried, had to fake the longest time. THAT IS MIKE.
"i know it won't work" totally gives steve/nancy (so it doesn't end up in their tags and stuff i'm only gonna use byler's ship name lol) vibes! and for "the blue" honestly i was thinking about how this was byler in mike's pov too, like will coming out of the blue in the sense that mike still coming to terms with his sexuality and not expecting to fall in love with will, but then he does and in that love just finds everything he's been looking for. but also YES LUCAS AND MAX AND JONATHAN AND NANCY.
overall, i stand by the fact that gracie somehow always writes such mike wheeler coded songs, and i need to listen more, but i was sitting there like, "oh, mike. mike. mike" every couple of songs 😅
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ragecndybars · 1 year
top 5 mbs characters, bc im predictable, and then top 5 persona ...ships? if you don't do a lot of shipping than characters works.
unfortunately i don't actually follow persona all of my knowledge of it is just me voting for whatever you say to in the various polls you reblog (i gotchu homie).
and then just for the sprinkles on top, top 5 favorite birds. they can be specific birds (ie steve the magpie, a local magpie in your area, or big bird) or bird breeds (parrots, a titmouse, lilac breasted roller, etc) up to you. 🎉
or only do one, or two, or all of these! no offense will be taken. im giving OPTIONS
aaaaa thank you!!! for the ask, for the options, and also for supporting my little blorbos in those silly polls 😭
Top 5 MBS Characters:
Kate Wetherall. I. Was. OBSESSED with Kate as a kid. I do prefer her in the books but I love her show incarnation as well!! The weird girl energy, the autism, the ADHD, it's all off the charts. Fav line from book Kate is still "Well of course it's not funny, but what do you want me to do? Cry?" List of sentences that changed my brain chemistry as a child.
Not to be a basic bitch, but Nicholas Benedict. Oh my god, I loved him in the books already -- we love to see a "wise, all-knowing mentor" character with actual personality and limitations -- but the direction the show took his character in was truly inspired. His discussion with Reynie about the white knight in the books is PEAK.
Reynie Muldoon. Understandably, since he's the POV character, he was the one I actually related to most as a kid. I love the "always trying to stay calm" thing he has going on, and how the narrative never punishes him for trying to be kind and genuine and earnest even though so many books and shows nowadays feel the need to equate niceness with naivete.
My funky little Milligan. Yet another character who I loved in the books already and adored seeing more of in the show. I especially love how much more autistic they made this man. "Geez, how 'bout a hello?" "........Hello." / "I'll be back." [vanishes] [reappears] ".......I'm back." King shit. And no matter what incarnation it is, his reunion with Kate will always reduce me to tears. The memory that was so deeply ingrained into his brain that even Curtain couldn't take it from him... was just that memory of his little girl asking him to go to the mill again... AUGH.... 😭
Constance Contraire. Like Kate, I prefer Book!Constance, but I adore the way the show portrayed her as well. First of all, she's hilarious. Second of all, while she's often being irrational, she also can be a voice of reason in some ways, and we love that. Funky little psychic child. And I just ADORE how kindly the book treats her. Even when she's getting on the other characters' nerves in a big way, the book never suggests that she's a detriment to them, that she needs to sit down and shut up, that they would be better off if they ditched her, or any number of other things that a less understanding narrative would be claiming.
Top 5 Persona Ships
Hamugis. Ohhh my god. MFW the overwhelming guilt I feel for having potentially ruined someone's life by sealing Death inside of her as a child slowly transforms into admiration as I meet her again and begin to see her as a strong leader and then love as I begin to discover my own humanity through her. MFW "I don't want you to love someone else... I don't want that, even if that's what would make you happy!!" MFW I touch my robot GF's literal heart and leave an indelible mark on her very being. Also uhh that one post. "I do not understand hookup culture!!! Die in my arms!!!" yeah. Aigis and Kotone for number one love story of all time.
Akimina. Much less canon interaction to go off of with these two but stay with me here. T4T autism4autism. I love Akihiko's earnestness and Minato's bluntness and how they combine to make a relationship that lacks miscommunication while also leaving a lot unsaid because neither is much one for conversation. I like the idea of Akihiko's intense desire to be strong to protect someone playing off of Minato's much more reserved, almost lackadaisical attitude, despite Minato's strength, and I think it would be so interesting to watch them move in opposite directions -- Akihiko learning to cut himself some slack and trust others rather than thinking he has to protect everyone alone, while Minato learns to break out of his shell and actually care about those around him and want to protect them -- while they also, at the same time, are learning almost identical lessons about relying on other people.
Ulamaya. The two girlies of all time. I adore how Ulala's combined jealousy and affection for Maya play off each other and how Ulala is one of the only characters in the game who feels like she's fully seeing Maya as she is -- a human like any other, even if she presents herself as eternally optimistic and strong so that others can lean on her. Their relationship feels so... equal. If that makes sense. Which, as much as I appreciate KatsuMaya, can feel a little lacking in other Maya ships imo, bc it always feels like other characters (ESPECIALLY the masked circle) tend to idolize Maya. And Maya's forgiveness of Ulala's betrayal... what's that one Hozier line... "I'd be the immediate forgiveness in Eurydice." Yeah.
Pegoryu. God I just love how ride-or-die Ryuji is right off the bat. You meet him, have a near-death experience with him, and ten minutes later he's shoveling more food onto your plate insisting that you need to eat more. Even before then, it may be Akira who saves Ryuji from Kamoshida, but it's Ryuji who tackles him away, yells at him to run and save himself, who gives Akira the faith in humanity that the rest of the world had eroded away at that point.
Tie between Saoriham and Kannao. Saori's social link is one of the best parts of Persona 3 straight up, and Kanji and Naoto are just so goddamn cute together.
Honorable mentions: TatsuJun ("I... have nothing to give you in return..."), YukiChie ("Yes, Chie is my prince..."), ShinjiMina ("If the burden of command gets to be too much, just let me know."), KatsuBao ("Idiot... What were you going to do if I pulled the trigger?" "I knew you wouldn't.")
Top 5 Favorite Birds
Orioles!!! I have such fond memories of helping my grandma skewer orange halves and fill jars with grape jelly as a kid to attract the orioles (though I thought they were called oreos for the longest time, lmao)
Robins. We get a ton of them around here and I love seeing them hop around on the sidewalk.
Magpies. Haven't seen one meself but they're such cool birds. If I could have wings I'd want them to be magpie-style.
Crows. Another bird we get a lot of around here, their calls are so Autumncore.
Falcons. They're just cool and I like them. (insert Madge joke here)
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toburnup · 2 years
hiiii just wanted to say ur writing is fucking incredible. i found sleep it off first and like. i read it all in the middle of the night a few hours ago and i cannot get it off my mind, it’s so perfect in every way n I really mean that 😭😭 you nailed the dynamics and the way they balanced each other out was just
aghhhhh the obvious hot vs cold and chatterbox vs restrained but also the more nuanced parts 
 SO GOOD!!!! and the fact that we got both povs?? everything just made complete and perfect sense so i hope u are immensely proud of it bc holy shit that was an instant hall of famer for me personally
also read thirty days and that backseat afterglow and lemme just say i am SOOO EXCITED for the thirty days continuation!!!! once again i am in love with how you write them and the way you build tension
the way steve just can’t shut up and eddie just runs with it it’s so perfect. u have no ideaaaa how excited i got when i saw how many works you have LOL sorry this ask was long but yeah keep doing what ur doing i can’t wait to read more the second i have free time >:)
💙💙💙 THANK YOUUU!! ah what the hell. this is so nice. i definitely want to do a part 3 to sleep it off, just have a few other things to get to first (shh technically i've already started it 👀)
yess thirty days part 2! tentatively titled one week more. we're going to be doing some proper edging this time around.
enjoy the rest of the fics! you've got some fun ones ahead of you đŸ„°
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andvys · 2 years
Hi! I saw you’re feeling stuck on everlong so here’s a couple ideas. Maybe in the next part you could do the aftermath of the party where everyone is feeling all different things. I feel like steve would either feel bad and maybe want to try and work things out with them or he’d be super petty and still be an ass lol. I feel like for robin she’d be apologizing trying to rekindle her and R’s friendship maybe? Also for R and eddie maybe they’d be thinking “oh god what have we done” kind of thing where they’re starting to have doubts but perhaps work through it? IDK i’m not a writer at all these are probably god awful i’m so sorry 😭😭 pls take these with a grain of salt lol.
Hi! Omg thank you so much đŸ„ș
I love the idea of writing the aftermath of the party!
Steve will definitely feel bad! I wrote a lot from his pov and he for sure feels awful!
The idea with Eddie and reader tho? 👀 I love it!
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