#unsual spiritual
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Victor's Way. Indian Sculpture Park-Wicklow, Ireland.
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chilinandeppresing · 11 months
Mk is a Yaoguai
I came across some interesting information while I was researching another theory. The concept of a being not quite demon, human or celestial demon in Chinese mythology called a Yaoguai. The number of similarities MK shares with them is uncanny.
First of all, how Mk being refered to as the Harbringer of Chaos connects to him being a Yao:Within Chinese mytholgy, Yāo have a tendency to be "blamed for sudden outbreaks of confused and erratic action, or transgressive behaviour" with there literally being a Chinese saying saying that goes"when affairs go awry, there must have been a yāo (acting)" ("事出反必有妖") Quite like how Mk seems to cause a lot of chaos around himself, without even meaning to and feeling a lot of guilt for it. ie- Lady Bone Demon, Demon Bull King, Spider Queen, Azule Lion, and maybe even Macaque gaining power due to his (direct or indirect) actions. As well as other unfortunate things that have happened around him, like Mei's Samadi Fire getting activated and Wukong getting trapped in the scroll.
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Secondly, tying in the concept of him being a Yaoguai to his creation: Mk was born from a rock, a clay rock made by someone unknown to us but presumed to be the goddess Nuwa. And guess where most Yao originate from? From unsentient natural items- "yāo refers to natural objects (animals, plants, or rocks) which have acquired sentience (lit. spiritual awareness)," That spiritual awareness might’ve been gifted knowingly or unknowingly by Nuwa.
Yao also only appear in human or near-human forms, and that is after all MK's original form that we see him in the show with. But they also share an "essential nature with an animal or plant." and that is there actual true form. Which since MK was carved into a monkey by Nuwa, it natural that that is the the animal he would share an "essential nature" with and would explain why he has a monkey form.
Mk also tends to have very atypical powers, which also aligns with the concept of him being a Yao since they tend to be born with unsual powers and with the ability to cultivate immortality. This explains why he was able to be immortal when we first met him, how he got that "invincibility" in the first place is still up for debate. I also wonder if this goes the other way where Yao can be born with immortality and cultivate others' powers... because that would explain how Mk is very easily able to adapt to others' powers. I'm not sure, though, since I've only done surface level research on this.
If that cultivation of powers is not possible then he may be unknowingly utilizing another common power of the Yao, shapeshifting to very accurately "mimic"(I'm not sure if that's the right word for it) others powers. Such as Wukong's, Macaque's and possibly LBD's.
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Just some other cool tidbits about Yaoguai:
Yaoguai (妖怪) are distinct creatures from ghosts (鬼, pinyin: gui) and demons (魔, pinyin: mo). Ghosts are the spirits of the deceased, whereas demons are often described as fallen immortals and gods.(Mk is neither of those I think)
Sun Wukong uses this term often to insult his (demonic) adversaries(Huh that'd be ironic wouldn't it. To seemingly hate Yaoguai in JTTW, and then end up with one as his succesor.)
In Taoist folklore, yaoguai come from "an imbalance in the Tao" and "any combination of [atypical] powers, including mind control, shapeshifting and the ability to create illusions.(well our boy sure does have an atypical set of powers but if you all want to add on to this I would love to know if you've noticed some instances of these powers happening because I can see how Mk could be using shapeshifting powers but mind control and illusions? I'm not sure if there is any instance of him using those.)
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therian-convergence · 4 months
•Therian Convergence Panels and Presentations•
•Do you want to present a panel or special presentation at the first therian convergence? We are now accepting presentation submissions for the event! A panel is an informative lecture or visual presentation that is meant to educate others regarding a specific topic! The therian convergence seeks to host panels regarding therianthropy, animality, and animal identity! If you want to host a panel at the convergence, please private message this account or @luunaathh with the topic you want to present! Here are some ideas for panels we want to see hosted at the convergence! Feel free to suggest other ideas than these!
•Animal identity experiences
•Gender and therianthropy
•Therianthropy and spirituality
•The fictherian experience
•The history of the therian community
•Therian dragons
•How to deal with therian elitism
•Unsual animal identity
•Psychedelics and how they effect animal identity 18+
•Navigating a human life with animal instincts
•Dealing with species dysphoria
•Therian gear and the discourses behind it
•Working with animals professionally as a therian
•Being therian and indigenous
•Craft panels
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lamyerda · 2 years
Astro Thoughts - Kunten
Ten’s Sun in Pisces + Venus in Aries is such a delicious combo.
There’s this alluring, flirtatious demeanor in the Pisces Sun position. Pisces placements are skilled in drawing attention, affection, care. Flexible, creative, and deep, they can lure people into their waters with just the batting of their eyes.
Aries in the sign of love, romance, and beauty is passionate, assertive, and playful. It’s self-oriented, as Aries tends to be, yet still gives energy as Venus is soft and yielding. This is a placement that must express their affection.
The result is romantic and passionate. It’s an interesting blend of being excited to pursue yet ultimately wanting to be wooed. The energy of fire with the depths of water.
Pisces is changeable. Shifting emotions. Ability to navigate spiritual places. And with the Sun, all that is concentrated on the surface, as seen in his artistry and creative expression. But it’s only the surface of what lies within.
Fiery Aries Venus takes the lead in matters of the heart. Ten’s demeanor might seem flirtatious and fleeting, but his center of love and creativity is direct and clear. He likes who he likes and loves who he loves, no doubt about it. He gives his heart fully to people or pursuit.
His Moon in flexible air sign Gemini adds an element of wit and curiosity and quick-communication. This is the side of himself he shares with those close to him. Sharp yet affectionate banter.
His Mercury in Aquarius doubles down on that airy energy. His mind is very active and he isn’t afraid to explore unusual paths. But it also sets on what it believes. He has convictions and seeks those who share his convictions.
Then there is his Mars in Pisces. This is how his creativity manifests through action, through his body. He likely gives to the point of depletion yet hides how much of himself that he’s poured into his efforts.
With two planets in watery Pisces, he taps into deep places, artistic and emotional depths that wear on his soul. Two air placements activate his mind, which might tend towards overthinking.
Air and Water with a hint of Fire. Yet he lacks Earth close to him. This may cause him to seek Earth, stability, something real to ground his flights and fantasies.
On the surface, Kun seems like such a Capricorn. The sign is a natural leader. He’s a father figure to many. Or at least an older brother. Smart, reliable, helpful. But that’s only the demeanor his Sun projects.
Kun’s Moon in solid, stubborn Taurus grounds him further into the earth. But where Capricorn mountain goats ascend to mountaintops, Taurus cows prefer to enjoy meadows, appreciating the comforts of home and of creativity.
There’s ambition but also a sense of home and domesticity that is very appealing because his surface and interior traits align so well. He makes people feel at ease. 
With Mercury in Capricorn, his mind is oriented towards work. Aligned with his Sun, work might be his identity or sense of purpose. This could manifest in his dedication to making music. 
His Mars in Capricorn also supports this. With a Capricorn Stellium (Sun, Mercury, Mars), his dedication to work, achievement, and all things real and grounded and skillfully produced is strong. He is about it.
But there are a few wildcards.
Kun’s Venus in opinionated Aquarius imbues his heavy earth energy with an airy streak of lightening, His sense of humour, romance, and beauty is strikingly unsual. He’s likely to fall in love with his best friend. A mental connection being the precursor to emotional attachment. It’s an unorthodox placement, unlikely to date or marry in any traditional sense. A friendship connection is a precursor for love.
Then there is his determined Leo Ascendant. The life path he seeks is fun, thrilling, romantic, and easy to please. He likely shines with praise and finds happiness in good friends and lovers who share his artistic joy.
Mostly earth with a touch of air and fire means that he lacks in the area of emotion processing. Considering that Kun describes himself as an emotional person, he would likely benefit from being around water placements and more emotionally attuned people.
Earth signs make watery dreams real. Kun loves the sky. A source of air, but also where rain comes from. He might find home in a person who embodies air and water.
Ten is bursting with air and water energy with a hint of fire, so he might find himself drawn to earthy energy. His creativity would do well with someone who could help him focus it. Put his ideas into the ground and grow something fruitful.
With all that strong leader Capricorn energy, Kun will likely pursue when Ten’s seductive Pisces placements want him to pursue. His Leo-Aqua creative streak might excite Ten’s Aries. And Ten’s Piscean ability to be soft and understanding probably reach into Kun’s Aqua romantic core. Yet his Aries is fun and happily flirts with Kun’s Leo, flattering him in a meaningful way. Kun’s Taurus probably finds great comfort in Ten’s Pisces creative energy, both being Venus rules and lovers of creativity. Their Aquarius-Gemini Venus-Moon connection indicates a mental bond, a deep friendship, that could lead to more.
They’re different enough to challenge each other, but similar enough to find something kindred in each other. With mutual respect they could have a really powerful relationship that enhances each other’s dreams.
More astro thoughts to come.
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musicarenagh · 5 months
The Unsuals Showcases Their Showmanship With Single 'Pressure' THE UNUSUALS, are two talented people from the Pacific Northwest who are making waves in hip-hop music. "Pressure" isn't just a normal song; it is going deep into life's good and bad sides. Ninjaface and Xperience put a lot of themselves into this one. They look at the hard decisions we all have to make between good or bad. This team is made up of Ninjaface and Xperience. They worked with Theory Hazit to make beats, Tim Carpenter for an amazing music video in it also have some "Mandalorian" fight scenes added. In a recent interview with the duo, they revealed information about their new album. They have put their heart and soul into every song, trying to do better than before with each step. They've taken ideas from the old hip-hop time but put their own new touch. THE UNUSUALS aren't just about music; they are also about a message. They want their music to emotionally affect you, making you think about the fights between good and bad inside everyone. Looking ahead, they have more music in the works. But, they also want to find songs that touch the soul and talk about real life problems. These guys want to use their stage for encouragement and motivation. They believe the music world needs more of this kind, according to them. Watch Pressure below https://youtu.be/iVdf2sDIdeE Follow The Unusuals below Facebook Spotify Instagram Is there a story behind the name THE UNUSUALS? We wanted to let it be known that we are completely different from the norm. We are not the usual artists you hear these days. We felt it was fitting for the message we had. How would you describe your music and sound? We’ve been described as a mix of the golden age of hip-hop with a twist of modern-day sound. The beats are grimy, just like we like em, and we are really rapping. My and Ninjaface’s styles cover the spectrum of writing. We do it all. And I sing a little bit as well. What message are you trying to share with the latest single, “PRESSURE”? We all go through it. Trying to be a better person while temptation and bullshit try bring you back down. We all have a light, but there is always someone trying to dim that light. It's a battle for your soul between good and evil. Your self-titled album drops on Dec.22nd; tell us about that collection of tracks and what we can expect from the new album. We tried to push each other to write better than we did in the previous track. We had no expectations except to rap better than your favorite artist. You can feel it on every cut. We were inspired by Griselda a lot on this one. We really appreciated how they reached back to a time in hip-hop when the technical side was really appreciated. We tried to do the same. [caption id="attachment_53574" align="alignnone" width="2000"] We tried to push each other to write better than we did in the previous track. We had noexpectations except to rap better than your favorite artist.[/caption] Where did you find inspiration for the album? Well like I mentioned earlier, we were listening to a lot of Griselda at the time, also the battle rap world. A lot of innovation is coming out of there right now. Wordplay, schemes, and double meanings are all throughout the album. If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be? I would want more spirituality. I want people to actually speak on something that matters, something that could help the next man or woman through whatever it is they are going through. We need that more than ever right now. What’s next for the unusuals? More music, of course!
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ghost-type-expert · 6 months
🎮 🐉
🎮i think spin offs like mystery dungeon or pokemon snap could exist in universe, main series games have no replacement game.
🐉okay well first just dicussing legendaries: i imagine mythicals are widely believed to be well, myths, but it's not weird or unsual to believe in them, its' not treated like conspiracy theorist shit. while legendaries are while maybe not throughly researched, confirmed to exist. like I think it would be conspiracy theorist shit to say they're not real. Like I think one can reasonably have multiple legendary encounters in a life time if they're the sort of person that runs into or seeks adventure. but the average person may have a story but not a direct encounter. though I do think theres like, spiritual beliefs and folklore around legendaries that aren't scientifically proven as true and treated as closer to superstition by like, the extreme atheists of the pokemon world
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Park Jimin in Love and Romance Tarot Reading
*These general readings are meant to be just that, very general. How a person acts in a relationship will be dependent on many factors and most people are likely to act differently depending on who they're with to some degree or another in any kind of relationship, romantic or not. This is just a light, general overview with a focus on the members core personality traits / tendencies when it comes to romance.
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I really could probably just direct you to go look at the lyrics of Filter and be done... Lol. Honestly, according to my cards... That song is pretty accurate to Park Jimin's actual approach to romance and relationships... But I'll go into further detail as I see it here.
So firstly, the archetype cards I pulled paint a pretty clear general picture. Student and Shapeshifter in particular made me laugh cause I just heard Filter playing in my mind lolll... This guy literally studies the one he's into... What do you like, what are you into, what makes you tick, what gets you going? He'll watch and learn and be what you need, what you want... Make himself irresistible and addictive... Now this is a powerful skill... A useful ability in life for sure... But I'm not sure how healthy it is in relationships... It's best to just be yourself imo and let the person like for who you really are... But this shape-shifting business seems to be a Jimin speciality. The Prostitute card here is also speaking to his powerful sex appeal... Something that is also a major tool in his arsenal... Something he knows very well how to use to his advantage... And also to the fact that, in a relationship, that aspect of intimacy most likely becomes particularly important in his connection to his partner. He is a pretty sensual and sexual person I see...
With the tarot I pulled I get some more details... The King of pentacles and 7 of cups tell me that he becomes very much a sort of paternal caregiver in relationships and it's something he enjoys and takes pride in... It's like 'what do you want? I'll make your wishes come true!' omg... Again, Filter has that but about being 'your genie'.... Asdgjlgdafbklkhhj... But seriously there's a real sense of wanting to take care of his lover in all ways here that is very sweet. This is emphasised by the Cow animal guide oracle card, representing nurturing, abundance and care. Wanting to take care of someone, to look after them, coddle and spoil them, is a huge aspect of who he is in romance.
The 6 of cups reversed and 8 of wands are telling me that he tends to move quite quickly in relationships... This is a fast moving energy. This particular 8 of wands is unsual in its depiction... Showing women bathing in the sea naked... But the message I'm getting from that is that he tends to throw himself into love arms wide open and quite vulnerable. His heart is wide open and ready to give love. The 6 of cups being reversed is giving me a message of 'no looking back' but also, despite being reversed, the imagery on the 6 of cups is being mirrored by the Make the Effort Angel Romance card; both showing an innocent childhood romance with the little boy making the cute first move... I think that's the message here. As much as he's very sexy, mature and seductive... Jimin can also be very adorable in his approach and though he'll make the first move, it might somehow be in a way that's reminiscent of how a kid would approach their crush... He's definitely always going to be very romantic and plan something that he thinks will make his crush's heart flutter... He's definitely going to make the effort.. He's all about making the effort! Hearts, flowers and kisses everywhere, all the time! Affection affection affection! He needs to give it and receive it a lot. That's his love language.
The last two tarot cards remind me a bit of Hobi's reading... Jimin also tends to be attracted to people he needs to help or save. There's nothing wrong with wanting to help people, certainly with wanting to help the one you're in love with or care about... But if it becomes an actual tendency that you always seek out partners that are struggling, in trouble, dealing with multiple issues, are on a low vibration in general... You have to ask yourself why you're seeming to deliberately invite drama into your life... I would advise him that he has enough to think about and work on on his own without getting into a relationship with someone who has even more issues... But i think that's part of his caregiver personality... Having someone to protect and look after makes him feel good. But, like in Hobi's reading, I say raise your vibration and attract someone who's on your level instead of looking lower and you'll spare yourself some pain.
Finally the High Priestess tarot card tells me in his heart, Jimin seeks a deep spiritual connection and that being with him in romantic relationship can feel like a very intense, spiritual, magic and even healing experience... He has the power to use his love to heal, and anyone he's been with has probably felt this to some degree I think... With this healing energy while, yes, it needs to be used (because a Healer needs to heal or the energy will be blocked), I also want to warn again about being attracted to low vibrational energy... It's likely he's attracted to that energy because he's a natural energetic Healer and intuitively senses people that need healing... But those are patients Jimin, not people to open up all your energy to... You'll get drained that way... On a brighter note, this also does remind me of his future marriage reading which also spoke of a deep, intuitive, spiritual and healing connection in his future... So i think in the end he'll meet the destined life partner he needs to experience that mutual flow of love and healing instead of always just giving giving giving of himself and his energy and not getting anything back... His cup needs to be filled too.
All in all... I can't really say any of this came as a surprise to me... What do you think?
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Neil L. Anderson, Sun. Morning Oct. 2020
An unsual gratitude towards Jesus being the Christ
May we never experience a season of SPIRITUAL DISTANCING from Him
He taught us to do good, obey, and love one another
He is the anchor of our souls.
There are many who know little, and in some parts of the world, faith is diminishing
In the last 10 years, 30 million people in the US have stopped believing in Christ.
(The US Population is 331.5 million.)
How the Lord tutored President Nelson
Even in decades of devoted discipleship, the greater study changed him into a different man at age 92 😲
Focus is rivited on the savior and His gospel
Our hope and our salvation
Emphasizing the name of the Church. Clearly acknowledging Him as the source of that power
Maybe we can do a little better
Who is going to speak more of him (Us+ other Christians)
Stories of Jesus are like a rushing wind
Teach what the savior taught
We rejoice in Christ
We preach of Christ
Speak more of Christ in church meetings
Let us be more open about our faith with those around us.
Let the Lord guide them as they are willing.
Happily respond that we loved hearing the children sing
Be open on social media in talking about your trust in Christ
Take courage when someone talks negatively about your beliefs
We care more about being His followers than by being liked by our own followers
Let us rejoice with others about our shared faith in Jesus Christ
As the world speaks less about Jesus Christ, let us speak more of him.
"I come as a light into the world"
The events of his return will be breathtaking.
All his holy angels
Mark our souls forever
Lifted our desire to love the saviour
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daisymarie · 3 years
World Update: Envisioning a Better Future
DATES: 18/01/2021 - 22/01/2021
The general flavour of the next month is about letting yourself feel indealistic and envisioning a better future for yourself.
This is reflected in the season, and also the feeling of having come through difficulties due to global events and circumstances.
This can be a moment of renewed optimism. Using this uplifting energy, consider what’s possible and open yourself up to new ideas. You might try letting yourself be a bit more eccentric and experimental. It’s also a great time to look at the more spiritual side of life and have faith that you’ve set your intentions and are doing what you can to grow as a person. 
If you already tend to stand out, you could feel especially free to share your more unsual sides now - just be mindful not to go too far and completely detach from reality. 
Or, if you’re more grounded and practical, this is an opportunity to see and experience life beyond your usual limitations. During this time, you might ask yourself, “What does freedom mean to me personally?” and, “How can I contribute to improving muself and the world?” You may be aware of this energy in yourself - but if not, remember it could be affecting those around you. 
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ashleyomidi · 5 years
Today at work I had another opportunity to share what God is calling me to do in my life and my coworker gave me this wonderful idea to write a blog after I told her that He led me to book a one-way ticket to LA on my birthday. (S/O to Alison Shine 🤗)
But let’s backtrack a little.
A month ago -April 4th to be exact- is where I got to have more of a 1-on-1 convo on set with Noah Centineo since they had us standing right next to each other. Before this day, we had a few interactions on set but never did I get a chance to actually get to know him a bit.
Funny enough, I actually wanted to hate him after this day because I personally get to know people by asking them questions and he didn’t ask me ANYTHING back to do the same ☹️ I was so upset because I see everyone, no matter how big of a platform you have, as regular people. I refuse to be seen as less than just because of how many people know you 😭 like dang. Anyways, I just wish he saw me as a regular girl but I can’t blame him because if I was famous, I wouldn’t know if people genuinely cared about me either.
BUT THEN, I think the Lord did this- at home I was on YouTube and an interview of Noah popped up on my home page and I clicked “not interested” so it could leave my screen lol 💀 and it did, BUT THEN the audio played in the background somehow so I had no choice but to watch it 🙄😒.
It’s a good thing I did though because in the interview I learned that 1: he said as he gets more famous he needs to be more guarded (which I totally understand bc ppl be fake) 2: he would never date a fan, and 3: he said ppl wouldn’t talk to him if he wasn’t in movies.
So tryna be in his shoes and look at his POV, I understood why he acted the way he did with me even tho (idk if he felt the same) but I felt mad chemistry 😩 (the other background actors beside me said he kept looking at me when I was looking down as he was telling everyone riddles but who knows really 🤷🏾‍♀️).
If he was just a regular guy I would totally hit him up and ask him to chill w me 😭💔 (and y’all are probably like who wouldn’t 🙄😒 tru tho 😑) but ugh he’s everything I look for in a boy. He is SO humble (best trait in a human being ever btw ✨ but v rare), genuine, and wise (I get bored reAL QUICK if you don’t stimulate my mind haha 💀 my last 2 bfs were potheads so ya lol smh 🤦🏾‍♀️)
After watching several more of his interviews on YouTube, I was totally in love ahahaha 🙃🙂🙃🙂. Maaan . I was like Ash chill 🙄 you haven’t even had a real convo w this boy loolol.
During my quiet times with the Lord all I could think about was Noah. Which was very weird to me because I was in a season where it was just me and God and I was honestly so content with dying and not getting married bc I just couldn’t see myself with any guy. There was no one that I knew that could stimulate my mind nor loved God as much as I did. (Idk if Noah is saved and knows Jesus personally himself but he says he’s spiritual -idk what that means yet- and I love the fact that he makes sure he doesn’t conform to the rest of the immorality of this world. He keeps to himself by spending a lot of time alone, making sure he doesn’t change who he is- like society does and wants everyone else to do).
Everyday, Noah was constantly on my heart and consumed the majority of my mind. I just wanted one more day to get to know him or even ask him out 😭. Bc this was so unsual for me to have someone I barely knew to be on my mind, I did keep asking God if Noah was an idol and if I was no longer keeping Him first. But He led me to read Debi Pearl’s “Preparing to Be a Help Meet” and from that point on, I knew God was calling me to be Noah’s help meet.
In mid April, I assumed I was going to meet Noah on set again since God revealed to me that this was what He saw was right.. but no. Instead, it’s been almost a month and a half now since that day we interacted on set and I’ve been completely antsyYyy y’all 🙃. I’d say it’s been horrible but He’s been teaching me so so much. About myself, about people, life, and even potential obstacles I may face if He was calling me to be Noah’s wife especially at this young age. Like what.. thinking of marriage at 20 years old ?? Excuse me. That ain’t me .
Last Friday, on May 10th I booked a one-way ticket to LA for my birthday on May 26th and I don’t even know how to feel about it even though it’s always been my dream place to live and breathe 😭😩💕.
As of now, I have way too many concerns. 1) Noah had told me that they’d be here filming until probably mid May and it’s now May 15th and I still haven’t been called to set ever since April 4th- the last time I saw him. 2) I’ve been waiting to meet him again and ask him out on a date ever since then so why would I go to LA if I’m not going there to spend time with him 😭 3) I have yet to book accomodations because God did not tell me to do so.. I think He wants me to stay with Noah since He’s already calling us into marriage.. and 4) this means I have 11 more days to wait on God and watch Him orchestrate something so good that only His Hand can do. I’m SO scared yet excited at the same time 😭😭😭😩.
Updates coming soon 🌊
Made a new tumblr account today (May 15th) for this reason and I pray that more people come to Christ because of being witnesses of what the wonderful God is doing in my life. May You be given all the glory Father 😊💖 Amen.
P.S. i didn’t mean to reblog my own post idk how to undo it 💀
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marquis-teren-kiden · 5 years
Truth: What is one thing that makes you sexually insecure? Dare: I dare you to break your busy schedule and "sneak up"(wink) on Lycan or Adi regardless of their location.
[TW: for references to Rape. Proceed at your own risk.]
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The nobleman’s Guardian steps forward, his expression sober. “Don’t answer tha--” “It’s alright, Love.” The Priest replies, one hand up between himself and the Kal’Dorei before them. “It’s alright.” He reiterates in a whisper, his normally convivial expression abruptly bitter as right hand catches at his Husband’s left wrist to emphasize his preference for non-violence.
At his left, Adilynia’s golden hues dim, and her elongated ears wilt somewhat as she presses into his side, entwining her left hand with the fingers on his ame hand, her arm around his waist as she presses her forehead into the space between Teren’s neck and shoulder. Unseen and unheard, both of his lovers offer their emotional support empathically. 
The nobleman’s tongue flits out from between his lips in a failed attempt to wet them; failed because his mouth has gone dry, and for once, the man’s unsually confident mien falters. Teren coughs into his fist, and adjusts his seating as he prepares to answer the proposed question. 
 “Clearly, you’ve never been a Human attempting to sneak up on an Elf or a Guardian.” He deadpans, as if to explain that the dare is beyond his means, and therefore only the Truth exists by process of elimination.
Another long moment passes, and Lycan kneels at Teren’s right, his head shifting in a minor indication of his desire for the Priest to refuse to answer, but neither man’s lips move as their temple’s touch and the Nishanian Knight, wraps his Husband’s hand between his; a visual assurance that he wishes to offer himself as an anchor of some sort. He’s rewarded with a fleeting but profoundly grateful smile from Teren. 
“Almost precisely two years ago, a young Warlock I encountered quite by chance accidentally activated a powerful artifact in my possession. The result was my... subversion by several powerful ancient Shades. Due to the abruptness and unanticipated nature of the activation, I had no time to mount a defense of my own person, because my greater concern was the defense of the young woman who was - and remains - young and impetuous.” 
The Marquis speaks in a hushed, sober manner, his innate poise and eloquent eluction lending a surreal appeal to the curious tale unfolding moment by moment in a seemingly unrelated matter to the question posed. “The end result was my possession by these spirits and the subversion of my mind and soul to their whims. During the approximately three months I was in their thrall, I was tormented almost constantly by a variety of horrors of a sexual nature - among many other vivid explorations of the mental, emotional, and spiritual weaknesses. By the time my Sister, the young Warlock, and nearly a dozen other men and women were able to liberate me and quel the black souls from the artifact, I was no longer able to properly enjoy - or at all enjoy - the exchange of physical position between myself and a Lover with respect to anal congress. Even to attempt such a thing... withers me. Steals from me the equillibrium of my self - the centerpiece of me as a man, or the man I prefer to be.”
For the first time since touching on the consequenes of his subversion, Teren tentatively glances up from his Husband’s fixed and worried gaze to meet Lendarin’s gaze. “I presume this meets the requirement for truth pertaining to one of my sexual insecurities.”
[OOC: Intense Truth or Dare, Brother. Thank you for the ask. Tagging @marquis-lycan-kiden and @adilynia for the mentions.]
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ancienttreeoflife · 4 years
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Midnight Gospel on Netflix ♀️ Ancient Tree of Life Despite it's visual and deceptively inappropriate animation, the show is dead on when it comes to explaining the world of the spiritual and esoteric. The first episode caught my attention because it had zombies in it. I love me some Zombie drama. However, one of the voices in episode 1 really caught my attention. It was Dr. Drew! Drew used to have a nighttime radio show called Love Line back in the day. His goal was educating young people about love, sex and relationships. However, this show seems to be about educating people about spiritually along with Eastern and Western Mysticism. But in a very entertaining and unsual way. Check it out and let me know what you think. 🔥 Ignite Your Awakening! ___________________________________⠀ 👍Like 👇Comment 👉Follow 👀See profile for more ___________________________________ . . . #Covid19 #CoronaVirus #Bakersfield #AncientTreeOfLife #Spiritual #Tarot #Astrology #Ancient #ancienthistory #ancientwisdom #ancients #ancientcivilization #ancientknowledge #ancientkemet #ancientegypt #ancientegyptian #ancientegyptians #anunnaki #ancientgods #ancientgoddess #ancientworld #ancientcivilizations #ancientsymbols #gods #goddess #goddesses #goddessenergy #goddessworship #goddessrising #goddessvibes (at Bakersfield, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_i-fooHfz9/?igshid=7goj30i4o0rp
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squaredcirclecafe · 7 years
Passing The Yard Pt.3
(Thanks to @hardykat for the idea.) Summary: The Undertaker is searching for a new vessel to carry his powers and legacy. His soul needs a new home. And there is one man who he has found with the strength to accept the magic. It was a cold night, unsually cold for the part of Texas The Undertaker lived in, but that didn't matter. What mattered was where he was going. As he drove car, he glanced at the road, using only the moonlight to guide his way. The dirt road was long. Taker knew the exact path to take. At the end was an old, abandoned church, similar to the one a person would see in a ghost story. The white wood was falling apart, while the roof had several holes in it. After parking the car, Taker exited and went to the front doors, pushing them open, scaring the crows that were resting on the dilapidated pews in the building. He walked to the front, to where an altar once stood, now just a shell of what it once was. The crucifix was mahogany, but covered in wood rot. The Undertaker had a bag with him. He opened it, placing several of his own tools on the altar. There were a pentacle, a athame, several pouches of herbs, vials of different potions, and a black and purple cloth. After assembling them in the proper order, Taker dropped to his knees, arms extended, and took a deep breath. "Hear me, Father, I call to you now, come to me here." Taker tossed some of the herbs into the air, causing all the half-used candles in the church to suddenly ignite, lighting the inside. In a moment, a priest with demonic eyes if full cleric clothes appeared before him as an appirition. "My dear friend," Father Evil greeted with a wicked smile. "You have returned. It's been far too long." Taker lowered his head as he nodded in agreement. "I was a fool not to heed your advice sooner. I ask your forgiveness for my foolish pride." "You are forgiven. Now, to what do I owe this visit?" "This." Taker broke a vial onto the floor, causing a puff of smoke to create an image. It was of Roman Reigns, surrounded by a smoking dark purple aura. It was the image of them from the Royal Rumble." Father Evil nodded. "Ah, yes. Your task is near completion. You have found the next one to carry your powers." He waved his hand over the cloud, as if to touch Roman. "Yes, he shall be the one." Taker nodded. "His strength is unlike anything I had ever seen over the many years my soul has been in existence. I truly feel he can carry on with it." "His heart is pure, but like you, he does have his dark side. He has the balance, and his own power is great. My only regret is that you did not find him sooner." "Then, with your wicked blessing, I ask to continue my quest and prepare Roman for what he is about to claim." Father Evil reached out his hands and placed them on The Undertaker's head. "In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen." The breeze came through the cracked window, sending Father Evil away. The Undertaker rolled his eyes in the back of his head, repeating the blessing, using his magic to change into his wrestling attire, gathering his tools, and disappearing into the night. It was time to prepare. It was time for Roman Reigns to prepare.
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NADDIE April 4, 2017 at 9:08 am Can muslim women be models? Honest question, I only know one muslim woman and we never talked about this subject. MEGAN April 4, 2017 at 9:11 am Of course they can. ANONYMOUS April 4, 2017 at 9:14 am Some of them like (Iman or halima Aden) yes but I don’t think there is a lot of muslim models in the industry. But if she identify as a muslim good for her for saying publicly especially right now. LOKIGAL April 4, 2017 at 9:18 am To be Muslim is to believe in the Abrahamic Allah. What follows is the practice such as prayers and fasting etc. we have degrees of religious observance just like others too. While the really strict ones feel faith and practice must follow the strictest code laid down 1500 years ago, others feel faith is spiritual and practice is more flexibly adjusted according to needs. NADDIE April 4, 2017 at 9:40 am I see. Thanks for the answer. Islam has always been a tough subject for me, so I’m trying to get as much information as I can, from the ones who actually practice and believe it. CANNIBELL April 4, 2017 at 10:10 am If you really want to understand Islam, I’d recommend Tamim Ansary’s excellent book “Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World through Islamic Eyes.” It’s vividly written and provides a lot of context for what’s happening in the world today. I’m almost through it and may turn around and reread it again immediately. It’s that good! ELX April 4, 2017 at 10:10 am It is also important to separate cultural practices from the religion of Islam, which itself has seven, I think, major schools of thought and many smaller sects. Mohammed Hadid is Palestinian–the culture of the Levantine countries is very different from Saudi Arabia, for instance. One of the most pernicious things the relentless promotion of Saudi Wahabism has done is inculcate this idea or perception that Saudi cultural affectations and Wahabi beliefs are the only way to be ‘truly’ Muslim. ASIYAH April 4, 2017 at 10:34 am @ ELX yes! Wahhabism is disgusting and I am saddened to see how it has become the predominant form of Islam we see in the media. Must be all that Gulf Arab influence and money. JANEFR April 4, 2017 at 3:27 pm @LokiGal and ELX ! YES YES YES ! Exactly! LOKIGAL April 4, 2017 at 11:01 pm Anytime Naddie, ELX YESSS absolutely! The biggest problem with tolerance and acceptance among muslim is the idea that to be Muslim means to embrace of Arab culture even when the cultural practices run counter to what Muhammad preached. It IRKS me most when they use extreme interpretation of the religion to justify the culture of oppression when the Prophet clearly advocated justice and mercy for women and children. The most obvious of course being the hijab and niqab. It’s whole point is to privatize a woman’s body so that no one she doesn’t want seeing it will, the idea that her beauty is for those who love her and not to be judged by any stranger outside her circle of trust. The wearing of it is between her and God, it’s not even in the main tenets or pillars of faith. Yet it’s been hijacked as the single biggest thing a woman has to do to the point of being state law. It’s appalling. LOVEOTTERLY April 4, 2017 at 10:38 am I think there is a spectrum with any religion. I consider myself a Christian, I celebrate Easter and Christmas but I didn’t save myself for marriage and I don’t go to church regularly. Just for example. BETSY April 4, 2017 at 11:39 am On the cover of Allure right now! Imaam Hammam! CANADIANGIRLGIRL April 4, 2017 at 12:43 pm Yasmeen Ghauri — 90′s supermodel. Muslim. In fact her dad was an imam (priest) at their mosque. ELISA THE I. April 4, 2017 at 12:45 pm Depends which country/region you are from. E.g. Bosnian muslims are quite liberal – one of my best friends is from Sarajevo and you wouldn’t guess she is Muslim. During Ramadan she tries to drink less alcohol/party less, that’s it. In general he rarely talks about religion. Most of the Bosnians I met through her are like that. On the other hand I have a colleague at work from Chechnya who prays at work every day, openly says she would never date outside her community/religious belief etc. And in my previous job I met several Afghan women who were not allowed to work or get an education because it was considered haram (their husbands used to say: “It’s not part of our culture”). And I fully agree with the comments above on Saudi Wahabism. This Bosnian friend told me that Saudis are heavily funding the Muslim community in Bosnia. So nowadays you see women wearing a Burka or Niqab on the streets of Sarajevo – which was not the case when my friend still lived there 15 years ago. PRINCESSBAY April 4, 2017 at 12:50 pm If u follow true Islam no you can not be a model. In Islam your body is cherished and its only for your husband to see. Some Muslims practice Islam to the t but others don’t.That their choice & their life. LARA April 4, 2017 at 1:34 pm Thats like saying only Christans who follow the whole Christan rulebook, e.g. waiting for marriage, womem have to submit to their husbands and should not speak in the community fasting anf praying rules and so on are real Christans. Every religion exists on a spectrum and unsually the fanatics claim to be the “true” followers. JANEFR April 4, 2017 at 3:30 pm Oh god. Who do you think you Are to tell me I’m a bad muslim ? God is in my heart, not in my clothes. Or my bed. JWOOLMAN April 4, 2017 at 4:24 pm There are many flavors of Islam and many ways to be Muslim, just as with other religions. The media tends to focus on just certain cultural manifestations of Islam and assume that’s how everyone expresses their faith everywhere in the world when it’s actually much more limited to certain cultures. So a lot of people who identify as Muslim aren’t perceived as such because they don’t fit that narrow perception.
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allaboutparanormal · 5 years
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Feeling of that you are being watched particularly when you are alone or doing spiritual work,by an unfriendly enery
Sense of heaviness / pressure on your chest & shoulders, this might company a sudden change of temperature in the room
Hearing voices of evil nature, these are psyhic voices heard in your mind
Unsual manifestation of fearful things, like a traffic accident , plane crash etc, some may happen during day time when you are busy with daily routine, some just when mediatating which intrups what you are doing
Vivid continious nightmares, some nightmares might even not be your personal phobias & fears that you manifest into your dreams
Sudden sharp stabbing pain on your body, that causes even more pain such as headache, sometimes pain gets worse when you call a specific peson's name (such as someone you dislike,a person you see an ememy. someone that you suspect doing horrid things to you)
Constantly feeliing fatigue, weak like blood drained from your body, constantly feeling cold, constantly feeling sleepy, you want to sleep all day along, and sometimes you do, and sometimes you don't even remmeber how you got into bed, your gifts are getting wekaer
loosing your gifts, some people cast a spell on you to trap your energy, as well as your gifts
Finding dead flies, moths everywhere especially in your bedroom / living room out of season and you don't use anything for pest control
Loosing personal objects, it could be an object that you wear, it could an object that you use, but it's always an important object to you
Suddenly becoming clumsy (if you are clumsy person, if you have more small home accidents more than usual) breaking objects that's personal and important to you (the objects that have your own energy, could be your necklace, shirt, under garments etc
Sudden illness without a cause and after so many tests and doctors it remains undiagnosed
Chain of bad luck, one following the other one, bad luck in every aspect of your life you can think of
Sudden change on your personal apparence, not bathing, shaving, being unkemmpt, not brushing your teeth, changing your hair style, changing your wardronbe every so often, beyond reasonable explanations, eg : people change their wardrobe during winter & summer time, if you keep changing your clothes / style without any reasons
All of the above symtoms after receving an unsual gift, or receving an item from someone that you think have no good feelings / intensions towards you
Possesion (full or partial)
* Those symptoms might not be related with any Psychic attack, consult your GP if you are feeling weak & fatigue.
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jennax-seceng · 5 years
Case Study 2: Harry Houdini
Understanding spiritualism
Mediums took advantage of Spiritualism, that is, the belief that spirits of the dead would have the ability and inclination to communicate with the living
About Harry Houdinini
Harry was a stunt performer. He did not like the idea of Mediums. Noticable escapes include: Mirror challenge, Chinese water torture cell, and buried alive stunt.
Pre-reading: Mediums and Channelers
Mina was discovered as a powerful medium by her husband Goddard Crandon. In under a few months, Crandons submitted the first formal investigation of Mina's mediumship. After 5 months, the committee declared its spiritualism as a fraud.
In November 1923, Scientific American (magazine) offered a price of $2500 to anyone who could provide conclusive proof that psychic phenomena truly existed. Here, Mina was asked to submit a series of here tests under the pseudonym "Margery."
The most controvesial tests involved Harry Houdini. However, he was not successful in revealing her, and was declared dishonest as he was accused of placing pieces of rubber on contact points of the bell which was supposed to ring. This damaged Harry's career beyond recognition.
Margery was no treated nicely during the experiments. There were reports of her being hurt and another time where a thick needle was driven into her flesh while in deep trance. On another occassion, she was badly burned by corrosive chemicals for an experiemnt.
Tests 1. Harry's Test
During one night of tests, Houdini brought an electric doorbell into the seance room and said that he would challenge the spirit to ring it for the circle. He was accused of having placed pieces of rubber on the contact points of the bell so that it could not possibly ring.
Water test
The committee filled Marger's mouth with coloured water so the voices of Walter (her spirit) was still able to speak freely and able to answer questions. Afterwards, the water was removed and remeasured, and claimed to have remained the same.
Pre-reading: The strange case of “Margery”
There were many exchanged between Margery and Houdini.One of the most famouse tests included the doorbell test - as mentioned above.
Another unsual manifestation included her on a table in front of her senance, placed two dishes, one hot and one cold. Inside the hot dish was a softened wax which she claimed had Walter's impression of his thumb on it. However, it was later identified to be the same fingerprint as her dentist.
Pre-reading: The medium and magician
Aaaaa it's the same thing :c
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