#untitled wes anderson project
letterboxd-loggd · 1 month
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The French Dispatch (2021) Wes Anderson
May 12th 2024
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michaelcerasource · 1 month
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Michael Cera is developing two films, both of which he will direct. Gummy is the first project and the second is currently untitled but notes it’s “contemporary.”
The Phoenician Scheme also has 2 weeks left of filming.
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cryscendo · 8 months
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kurt hummel in every performance
5x20 - The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
American Boy - Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson
“Um, before we end tonight, I would like to give a very, very special thank you to my benefactor, June Dolloway. The woman that taught me that talent is worthless unless you can really back it up with passion. And so I'd like to use that passion to pick my last song. Because there is nothing I am more passionate about... than my fiancé. So, um, Kurt... would you like to sing this last duet with me?” - Blaine Anderson
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kinocomix · 6 months
untitled project devlog 8: themes, and pain
At first, when I said I wanted to discuss the themes of my project, I thought that maybe there would be some convenient article, book or philosophy deep dive I could reference, which does not seem to be much the case, seeing as how my approach to themes is very personal. so… here’s some thoughts.
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In case it’s not abundantly obvious by now, the story features a band and music quite prominently. One of my original elevator pitches for the comic was “think metalocalypse meets bandslam, but with the scope of Ernest et Celestine and the presentation of a black and white Wes Anderson film” which is the vaguest shit ever and I’ll eventually get my head out of my ass long enough to stop worrying about spoiling the story. My point is: the act of being creative is at the forefront of the story. What drives it forward is something I won’t mention in this series, but a lot of ideas emerge when you decide to write something as personal as making art. Things like purpose, belonging, self worth, expression, communication, validation are things that every artist or musician deals with quite regularly and no story about creativity would be complete without them.
The first post ever made to this blog was a webcomic name fancomic that, looking back, isn’t bad but remembering the reason why I made it is what makes me cringe. I wanted attention. When I started making art I expected to be famous in 100 days. literally, I wish I was exaggerating. 
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In every artist’s journey with art, they reach the point where they realize that the only things really worth pursuing are the things they’re passionate about. Sometimes this is drawing commissions, other times people do commissions to keep themselves alive. A lot of times, the art people are passionate about barely gets any attention at all. It's a fact that a lot of creatives secretly know that people who get successful doing something they love are very lucky. 
It takes maturity to be happy for people and proud of their hard work as opposed to being an envious child but that doesn’t mean we don’t secretly want success as well. If I could have enough dedicated readers to make my comics for a living but never be famous I’d do that in a heartbeat. Every big shiny thing is destined to accumulate dust, I don’t want to be a big shiny thing, I want to be a reliable hill you can trust to be there year after year. It took me a while to get to the mindset I work with today. 6 years might not feel like a lot when you consider the insane careers some artists had, but as far as people go 6 years is a lot. I graduated, finished a book, worked on 2 short film productions that have both won awards (one of which for my sound design!!), moved house, freelanced, started a stable job, been to therapy, gotten an operation, nearly lost people, been through an explosion, an economic collapse; and I think that’s just the stuff I’m remembering off the top of my head. 
Finding documentation and sources about this kind of stuff is pretty difficult because this is not what gets publicized about media. However, if you pay enough attention some similarities start to appear.
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The manga Berserk is pretty famous for its elaborate artwork and story. It doesn’t really need an intro and I’ve been told I need to read it which I plan on, but that’s not the point right now. As you may know, Kentaro Miura, the author and illustrator of the manga passed away in 2021. For fans of the series, while very tragic, this wasn’t all that surprising. The dude doesn’t fill in black. he crosshatches everything. An admirable feat, which makes you thankful that a friend of his, Kouji Mori, decided to finish making the manga after he passed away. 
Many other manga share this. Vagabond by Takehiko Inoue, has been known to frequently go on hiatus. So has Hunter x Hunter by Yoshihiro Togashi. A lot of times, an artist’s undying faith to their work is because of how passionate they are about it, the people involved in making it or even the audience. I forget the exact interview this is from, but Linkin park has gone on record for saying that sometimes they need to consider the audience. you see them always excited to talk about how experimental their music is, which is great, but when you know someone’s on the receiving end of what you’re making, it’s bound to make you think a bit differently. 
This video of George RR Martin and Stephen King chatting kind of outlines the different approaches they have to writing. One of the most iconic quotes is “how do you write so fast?” Spoken by Martin. Now I’m not here to talk about Game of Thrones, trust me I couldn't care less but it does bring up one point worth talking about which is inspiration, discipline and what that has to do about your malleability as an artist.
This is the trailer for H.E.R.A., one of the short movies I worked on as a sound designer and general handyman. It was written and animated by my friend Alaa Fleifel with the help of some wonderful fellow artists and animators for some of the scenes. Alaa and his studio Phat Chik are an example of what I’m talking about.
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pictured: Alaa. 
When I talk about being malleable, I don’t mean that in the X-men mystique “I chameleon my way around the world” school of art though that can work in some cases, sure. What I refer to is one’s ability to keep making their art. During the production of H.E.R.A., there were at many points obstacles that would have shot down most movie productions. The sound designer had to prioritize staying alive so he had to unfortunately quit the project midway. Alaa had to juggle a fulltime job, commissions and a rapidly decaying economic system that meant most clients didn’t want to pay well anymore so he had to outsource some of the background art and scenes to friends and animators that he paid out of pocket. The production timeline lasted a year and 8 months, most of that time was spent patching up the team in the background. Working on H.E.R.A. taught me that there is no project in existence that is the result of one human being. Everyone has at least one person to give them advice, someone who goes “hey, I know a guy” and very often that is not just one person. When band line ups change, it’s sometimes treated with an air of disregard.
“oh, it’s just the drummer”
“it’s the rhythm guitarist, their job is pretty easy anyway”
Had Alaa waited around for inspiration or permission to make his film, it would have never happened. Sure, a lot of why we get to watch the absurdist sci-fi acid trip that is H.E.R.A. is due to some luck and connections, but a lot of it is also due to a rejection of the notion that inspiration is what primarily fuels creativity. 
So what does that say about the story? usually I find it helpful to present my themes in the form of questions, so here’s what i’ve been able to come up with:
Who does art/music belong to?
How much of the soul of art and music gets lost in translation? 
How do you balance making stuff for yourself and an audience once you have one?
How much does inspiration really matter?
I need to be honest with you about something. 
I’ve been kind of avoiding talking about the more… personal themes at play here.
it’s not because I don’t know what they are, really. They just come from a place of deep discomfort and humiliation for me. I’ve obviously become a much different human being over the course of my 27 years on the rapidly traveling rock in space but it’s never not weird for me remembering the dumb things I did or said growing up or while I was finding my footing as a writer. There are entire projects and dozens of pages of things that I threw out the window before I felt confident enough in something to be able to share it. there’s a lot of fucking up you do while growing up and not surprisingly, I feel more comfortable seeing my weird feelings in fiction than I do laid out in bullet points in a devlog. So I promise you this:
the people in the story are going to be human. Faults, warts and all. The only thing I ask of you is to know that while those warts are real, they are not mine anymore. Every day that passes, I grow a little bit more, and maybe at some point I’ll grow tall enough that the light trickling through the trees will feel safe enough to fly.
Merry Christmas, and may every year bring a little bit more sun.
Devlog updates on tuesdays. 
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[answer whenever] happy STS, rune! how organized are you with your writing? describe to me your organization method, if it exists. what tools do you use? notebooks? binders? apps? the cloud? sending good ~~ vibes ~~ to you.^^ - ✨
hello and how are you?
Our beloved Enchant, you must know that this question made me laugh out loud, and it is for the sole reason that all of us are so incredibly notorious for being absolutely HORRID in organizing anything to do with writing. ˚✧₊⁎( ˘ω˘ )⁎⁺˳✧༚
But, for the most part - and when we are actually pretending to attempt any sort of organizing that is not having piles and piles of untitled documents lying around all of our applications - we tend to use Scrivener for active writings, including challenges and NaNoWriMo events and everything that is happening day to day, and we use Google Docs for presenting our works, when they are ready to be shown or when we want to archive them for use on Tumblr, Kofi, and the like.
And since the past year or so, we have adding more tools in order to attempt some illusion of organization including World Anvil for Worlds and the Storyverse as a whole, CharacterHub for all of our Characters and the Worlds they hold themselves in, and Pinterest/Unsplash for the more visual aspects and imagery of our Works and Worlds.
And specifically thinking of Scrivener, we have actually developed a good profile for plotting, planning, and outlining. We hold a folder for every Work, and holds documents for specific areas of the Work that we are developing and working on. A normal Work will look as such,
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And for the whole Scrivener Project as itself, we do yearly MilWordy Challenges and our set up is divided as such,
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And as you can see, the extent of the Amalgamations is very great and numerous, even from going through our yearly challenge Projects on Scrivener. But this system has kept us from feeling overwhelmed or anything. We have everything set up so we can focus as we need and we are not overflowing with a bunch of random things that might become useful throughout the year and the MilWordy Challenge. c:
As for Google Docs itself... we do not talk about that. I am almost positive that we still have a full pile or twenty of Untitled Documents and I am not even exaggerating. (◡‿◡✿)
Thank you for the wonderful ask, our dear Enchant! We hope the day is good to you! :D
🪷 Neal Anderson, The Natsume Rune System
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deadlinecom · 2 months
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themovieblogonline · 3 months
The Batman Part II Gets Pushed Back to 2026
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Brace yourselve Battinson fans. It looks like we gotta wait a whole year longer to see Robert Pattinson brooding under the cowl again. That's right, Warner Bros. just threw a batarang-sized curveball and delayed "The Batman Part II" by a whole year. Instead of gracing theaters with its dark and gritty glory in October 2025, we'll now have to wait until October 2, 2026. Now, before you start prepping your Batmobile for a one-man riot on the streets of Burbank, there are a few things to consider. First, making a superhero flick this epic ain't exactly a walk in the park. Think about all the fight choreography, the CGI fight scenes where Batman throws down with a giant mutant penguin (well, maybe not that last one, but you get the idea), and of course, perfecting Pattinson's smoldering stare. It all takes time. Plus, on the bright side, this delay frees up some space in the 2025 release schedule for some other interesting flicks. Maggie Gyllenhaal's directorial debut, "The Bride," starring Christian Bale and a whole mess of other talented folks, swoops in to take "The Batman Part II's" old October 2025 spot. And hey, who wouldn't want to see Bale back on the big screen, even if he's not rocking a cape and cowl this time around? Speaking of mobsters, get ready for a double dose because Robert De Niro's got two films shuffling around the release calendar. His flick "Alto Knights", a story about, you guessed it, the mob,  got pushed back a few months to March 2025. But hey, at least you won't have to wait that long to see double De Niro in action. Let's not forget the mysterious new project from Paul Thomas Anderson, "An Untitled Paul Thomas Anderson Event Film." This one's shrouded in secrecy, but we do know it features a star-studded cast with Leo DiCaprio, Sean Penn, and Regina Hall. That alone is a reason to mark your calendars for August 2025. So, while the wait for "The Batman Part II" stings a bit, there's plenty to keep us movie buffs entertained in the meantime. Just think of it as a chance to rewatch the first film (or ten times) and analyze every brooding glance Pattinson throws our way. Consider it homework for the epic sequel to come. Stay strong, Gotham citizens, the Bat-Signal will shine again soon enough. Just maybe not quite as soon as we initially thought. Source: Variety https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rM_rlvLBcw Read the full article
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margseliserobbie · 3 years
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ingek73 · 3 years
STORY by Team at Archewell
Jun. 16, 2021
In honor of Juneteenth, we, at Archewell, connected with our friends at Get Lit and asked them to share poetry to honor this important day. We hope their poignant words allow you to reflect on the significance of this newly declared federal holiday in the United States and its impact across this country and around the world.
“When I wrote this poem, just a few weeks before June 15th, Juneteenth wasn’t yet a federal or national holiday. It wasn’t something I’d given much thought to, but when I had recognized that fact, it wasn’t information, it was confirmation. At first, I was upset about it. My immediate thoughts were along the lines of, ‘Where are our fireworks? Where’s our three-day weekend?’ But in reflection, I realized that this was demonstrating continued deference to a supposedly superior entity. Juneteenth isn’t the ‘Black Independence Day,’ it’s the only Independence Day. To have that nationally recognized feels amazing. But whether or not the date is printed in every calendar does not validate this holiday. We do.”
“This poem, especially for Juneteenth, really inspired me. The color palette expresses the somber yet hopeful emotions that happen when black freedom is discussed, and what it means to be a Black individual in America. This poem as well as the visuals really emphasizes the impact that Black people have by simply existing, and the importance of our breath. We know that as long as we’re still breathing there can and will be change, and ultimately full freedom.”
Cortunay Minor (she/they) is a performing artist who specializes in Stage Acting and Spoken Word Poetry. They are currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Theater from the UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television. The theme and goal that Minor tries to hold in the heart of their artistry is liberation, be that emotional, intellectual, or otherwise. Expression and education are two of the most fruitful paths Minor has found that achieve that liberation, and she is immensely grateful to be able to participate in a craft that allows their simultaneous occurrence.
Tamia Jackson (animator) is a rising senior at the Rhode Island School of Design, receiving her BFA in Film/Animation/Video with a minor in Literary Arts and Studies. She has always been passionate in art, animation, and storytelling. She loves bringing stories of lesser voices, such as BIPOC, low income, female, etc., into a visual and cared-for light. Though not all of her stories or animations revolve around such identities, it is important that she shows diversity so that many people can relate and find comfort in the characters or art piece. Not only does Jackson enjoy spreading her own voice, but she also loves bringing others’ stories to life.
‘Holiday’ meaning ‘Holy Day’ meaning:
every second is sacred/every hour hibernates
within the spirit, huddled beneath the bosom.
To breathe is to commemorate:
inhale – exhale – cradle the thought – hold – and repeat.
When daybreak demotes breath to subconscious action,
the diaphragm still submits in reverence, still remembers that
This is Divine. This
is where jubilation begins:
in the suspension of
breathe in – breathe out – take maybe – and
forever hold the moment,
where the deferred dream stopped shriveling,
wavered in anticipation, remembered that expansion
can be soft,
recognized that it didn’t want soft
Bodies were policied out of possession, but
the Black individual liberated their own being,
hollered themself out of state-sanctioned silence.
Words ignite, but presence sustains; this intake/expel maintains us
the dream explodes. The spirit absorbs the remnants and outpours,
‘holiday’ meaning ‘Holy Day’ meaning:
I hold this day as sovereign. Meaning:
I hope this day knows its home is in these lungs,
is in this breath, is in the repetition of:
inspire – expire – immortalize the memory – and hold – and hold – and release
“It’s easy to say “slavery was an atrocity and we need to do better” but it’s much more difficult to say “slave masters ripped babies from their mothers and used them as crocodile bait for sport.” In the average American lexicon, phrases like ‘Never Forget’ are commonplace but are rarely attributed to periods of fundamental, ongoing violence of a racial nature for the simple fact that our pain makes the people who benefitted from that pain uncomfortable. For me Juneteenth is a day of mourning; the Confederate holidays still celebrated today seem like a gruesome counterbalance. So this is my eulogy to both the country and my own being that could have been.”
Cyrus Roberts (he/him) writes, acts, and directs across poetry, theater, and film. While his work has been commissioned by organizations like Toms Shoes, Adidas, and March For Our Lives, he also enjoys working on cool independent projects, whether he’s self-publishing poetry compilations, creating movies with friends, or acting in his own plays. Roberts is currently a senior in UC Santa Barbara’s BFA Acting program. Look for him in the upcoming film Summertime, directed by Carlos Lopez Estrada. His assistant director on the project was Mattie Kranz.
Before you there was me. But before me there was (Nina Simone audio: “black bodies swinging”). And that was the gentler time period. Everything base within you, reflected in your actions. Please don’t censor me when I mention how you wrangled our teeth from our mouths and used them to seduce your own illnesses into submission. Or how you took an interest in the skin that had a monopoly on sunlight and then took what you wanted underneath the moon. Or how you used our babies as crocodile bait and our skin as shoe leather. Look right into the eyes of our demise and try to say those times are past, that I’m being rash, that I’m being bad and so full of woe and I should be glad I’m writing this on my MacBook Pro. Yeah? Who am I to complain about slavery? Because it ended, right? On June 19, 1865, Union Army general Gordon Granger made his way to Texas and proclaimed slavery’s supposed fall and us colored folk supposed to have a ball? I mean it was two and a half years after Lincoln already announced it, but we needed a white man to tell other white men what another white man already said. I mean that is until that white man found himself dead and Reconstruction found itself at a head and chain gangs, sharecropping, Jim Crow, private prison options, perc popping, bodies dropping, cops still stopping, guns cocking to ensure that (Nina Simone audio: “black bodies swinging”). Every 19th of June we celebrate the end of chattel slavery and every 20th we’re back to fighting its descendants. Private prisons / a cop’s knee is a modern lynching / it ain’t my decision to get busy dyin’ or busy living / I paid attention, to all the digitized depictions / all the people packing up pensions while we’re backed up by the system. Put your back into the system, this is wack how mother’s missing their babies kisses and I’m supposed to be celebrating? I’m sorry. Will you forgive me, I’m jaded. My grandmother looks at me and says confidently that I made it. That she can’t possibly imagine the life that I’m living, I owe a debt to her generation, and I hope that I pay it. I just get so angry, hazy laughter at the thought of thoughts and prayers ending enslavement. So after you hear me, I’ll forgive you if you’re jaded. But you still need to know the history to have an appreciation. It’s no mystery why it’s a mystery present in our education, presently the gatekeepers keep us from it and it’s heinous. On Juneteenth, Americans across the nation eat red foods in honor of the blood spilled before and during emancipation, we celebrate the secondary, pushed-to-the-side independence day, but you don’t have to know our proclamations of jubilation for us to be heard. We will be heard in our voices screaming thanks that we are not treated as herd. We dance and we sing hymns of freedom. Freedom: absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government. Are my brothers and sisters in jail cells free? When there’s a glaring loophole in the 13th amendment smiling from cheek to cheek I’d imagine there’d be some incentive to ensure our purity is never free. And how can I be free when I can’t sleep because my dreams keep whispering I can’t breathe. Regardless of that fact, progress is still being made. But I fear progress is just an exchange of chains for other chains. Same way they changed our names for other names, I rest a bouquet on the graves of enslaved, singing regardless this day. In the hopes that I never again have to see (Nina Simone audio: “black bodies swinging”).
“When writing this poem, I really made an effort to think back to my ancestors. What was their impact? Who did they inspire? How did they carve the path for the road I now choose to take? This poem is about legacy. I am calling back to the ancestors before me to give me the strength and courage to be the ancestor I want to be to future generations.”
Sierra Leone Anderson (poet) is a youth activist and professional spoken word artist from Los Angeles. Rooted in liberatory joy and armed with ancestral truth, Sierra Leone aims to bring light to the power of language, empowering Los Angeles youth of color to recognize the quantifiable influence of their voice. She has placed both second and first in Get Lit’s annual middle and high school Classic Slam respectively, co-wrote an article for the political column of USA Today, and has shared space with several influential changemakers including Dr. Melina Abdullah (co-founder of BLM-LA) and Cecily Myart-Cruz (president of UTLA). Her other organizing work includes collaborating with Students Deserve LA to make Black Lives Matter in and beyond schools. She is currently a ninth grade student at Girls Academic Leadership Academy and an avid lover of trashy teenage dramedies.
Her director and editor is Lukas Lane, an award-winning filmmaker and founding member of Literary Riot (started in his junior year of high school), and he is currently attending UC Berkeley.
Every generation, the world gives birth to a new fleet of freedom fighters.
I am one of them.
I stand on the shoulders of tired women.
I dance in the footsteps of Pan-African poets, liberation fighters, and Black writers
who grew fires from a pit hungrier than a stomach. They call my name and I call theirs.
Malcolm X. Phyllis Wheatley. Maya Angelou. Sojourner Truth. Audre Lorde. Ida B. Wells.
Your resilience rivers through me. You are my founding fathers. The blueprint to a world we need to be brave enough to see, to seek.
Let us imagine a world in which we know each other’s palms
and never the fist. Not unless needed. Not unless united together.
Let us be the drum and not the war.
Let us know each other’s names and not the languages we cry in.
Let us be, let all us be more than a slave’s wildest dream
Let us beam past blueprints and what-ifs and start becoming the now we want to see, the now we want to be
Trees growing so far past the Earth, Allah would mistake our bodies for angels.
When I die, I want to ripple through lifetimes. I want my name to graffiti the mouths of the next 10 generations.
I don’t want to be forgotten. Or remembered for the way my feet wouldn’t stop running.
I wanna grow roots in this soil, in this American skin. Join the forest of my ancestors. Let my grandkids climb up my branches and tell stories of school.
And before the first pulse of morning, I want them to drip from their homes and gather at my roots.
I want to tell them my name before I forget it.
I want to tell them that morning is coming. And will always come. And will never wait for when you are ready.
I want to tell them that there is a point far beyond this tree, this forest, this temporary point in time, their bodies, their fears, their fathers, their memories. Where the sun is eternal and smiling. Where freedom rings and is never silent, never out of reach. It is called horizon. And it is right there.
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hello! i’m the person who asked for rewrite recs. i mean like rewriting the show. kinda like my missing puzzle piece on ao3. like they’re at mckinley and klaine happens but in a different way, if that makes any sense. i’m sorry for not being the best at describing 😅
I think there are two sorts of “rewrite” fics. One type follows canon but changes a few facts. For example, in the fic you mentioned “My Missing Puzzle Piece”, Blaine is the co-captain of the Cheerios and Kurt is a transfer student during S2. The other type of rewrite is a “fix-it” fic where you fix something wrong in canon, for example, Blaine never cheated on Kurt. I am giving you a fic rec for each season. The first fic rec covers most seasons.
Please note that I tag this sort of fic by season (e.g. Season x AU) in posts. For example, here are the posts tagged with Season 2 AU. You can perform a search for other seasons - HKVoyage
Ready to Fly Series by GleekMom
Blaine’s Coming Out Story. He knew it wouldn’t be good. He didn’t know how bad it would get.
HKVoyage comment: The series doesn’t have a summary, but basically, each story follows the run-up to Glee and a season of Glee through Blaine’s experiences. This series definitely includes a strong Blaintana relationship.
There From The Start by BlurglesmurfKlaine (Seasons 1 and 2)
What if Blaine had been the 12th member of the New Directions instead of Matt? (bc lbr he had like two lines the whole season and had zero storylines) Set in Season One canon, same(ish?) storyline, but with Blaine and Klaine. Not too sure what I’ll change yet ;) Football Player!Blaine
Be My Teenage Dream Tonight by gingerfic (Season 2)
Kurt has his soulmate's name written on his wrist, but rather than making things clear, it's making them more confusing than ever.
A season 2 story that is canon-compliant but with a soulmate twist.
Fire With Fire by mmerainbows (Seasons 2 and 3)
Badboy!Blaine (S2/3 AU) William McKinley High School has its jocks, its geeks, its preps, and its skanks. It also has the one kid even the bullies stay out of the way for - Blaine Anderson. No one crosses him, and Kurt knows to keep out of his way and do what he wants, whether that's supplying Blaine with a pencil for French class when it's demanded of him, or just staying quiet.
Inevitable by mmerainbows (Season 4)
Canon to S4, but filler for what I would have liked to see actually happen regarding Blaine's cheating.
Kurt thought he had reached the point where he could forgive Blaine, and move on with his own life, keeping Blaine as his best friend and nothing more. However, when the truth comes out about what happened, Kurt returns to Blaine to help him.
I Drove All Night by ItsNotEasyBeingQueen (Season 5)
Kurt and Blaine are back together, but Kurt is in NYC and Blaine is still back in Lima.  A phone call reminds Kurt of a promise he made to never let Blaine feel lonely again, and he hastily makes his way back to Ohio.  See inside for rating details.
Glee Season Fix by various authors (Season 6)
Glee Season Fix is the result of the combined forces of fanfiction writers, artists and readers who passionately worked together to create their own alternative version of Glee's season 6. Based on where we left off in 5x20 “The Untitled Rachel Berry Project,” we continue and end the show’s journey in our own way.
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letterboxd-loggd · 3 years
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The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004) Wes Anderson
August 21st 2021
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badfauxmance · 3 years
At least these guys are in Spain for actual work and not some beach side photo shoot for the paps and gossip magazines.
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spaceorphan18 · 4 years
could u do a study in Blaine Anderson tears? like how many times he cried during the series? I think u did one with Kurt?
Well, probably not in the same way that I did the original one -- I had already done all my Kurt meta when I wrote that, so it was easy to go back and grab stills and such, and I don’t really feel like hunting down stills/gifs to do Blaine.  But... doesn’t mean we can’t still talk about it :) 
So, I’m going to do this from memory -- if I miss anything, you guys let me know! 
Season 2
Blaine doesn’t really cry in this season -- and really doesn’t have much reason to -- when we meet him, he’s in a relatively good place in his life.  There are two places to note though... 
1. Born This Way -- During Blaine’s serenade of Somewhere Only We Know on the steps of McKinley, Blaine gets a little emotional.  It’s not really full on crying (and some of the squinty-ness is due to the fact that Darren and sunlight don’t mix well), but he is understandably emotional about the fact that his new boyfriend is leaving him, and things are changing.  But it’s more a bittersweet moment than it is actual tears. 
2. Prom Queen -- Blaine doesn’t cry at all -- but he is uncomfortable, for himself, and for Kurt.  There really should be a look out post about Blaine and Angst, because I think that shows up more than actual tears! 
Season 3
Blaine doesn’t really do tears in season 3 either (one point I’ll get to in a second), but he does angst a whole lot -- notable angsty Blaine episodes -- The First Time, On My Way, Big Brother, Goodbye.  
1. Dance With Somebody -- this is the only time where Blaine moves onto mild tears.  And this is really cause the Blaine angst is pushed to an emotional break point over the possibility of Kurt leaving and their relationship breaking up.  I’d like to note, though, that Blaine holds back on tears as much as he can, and only really lets anything happen when forced to confront the emotions he’s having.  
It’s an interesting trend so far -- that Blaine feels things quickly, and his heart is on his sleeve, but he really tries to hold back the pure emotion he feels about a thing.  Noting Goodbye, he doesn’t cry during that episode, despite changes, but he’s very emotional throughout all of it. 
Season 4
Well, this is quite fascinating actually... because yes, Blaine does break down crying in this season, and as we’d expect, it’s because of his break up, but interestingly, it’s solely because of his break up (with one exception) that he breaks down. 
Episodes where he’s overly emotional/crying due to his break up with Kurt: Makeover (emotional, but no crying), The Break Up, Role You Were Born to Play (comedic crying), Glease (emotional, but no crying), Dynamic Duets (emotional, but little crying), Thanksgiving (tears of relief due to reconnection with Kurt).  
Notably - once he’s reconnected with Kurt -- there’s no more crying over that.  In fact, he’s relatively fine, with a tiny bit of angst of Sam, for the rest of the season. 
The one exception is Shooting Star -- but that’s an outlier due to the fact that anyone in a stressful situation which might be life or death would cause anyone to buckle.  
Season 5
First of all -- The Quarterback.  The death of someone close to you (or close to a loved one) is hard, and is reason for tears.  There’s nothing unusual about this. 
Secondly -- Blaine is really fine, not even that much angst during the first two-thirds of the season.  He’s, again, in a relatively good place.  
And then the New York Arc --
1. New New York - Blaine is angsty, angry and stressed in parts, but he doesn’t get tear-y the same way Kurt usually does.  
2. Bash - This is full on angst due to Kurt being beaten up, but interestingly, not necessarily tears.  He’s trying to hold it back during the precious moments we actually get to see him react to things. 
3. Tested - So, the combination of the first two episodes, paired with his fight with Kurt finally pushing him to admit his feelings causes Blaine to break down.  I’m kinda fascinated, now that I think of it, that this the first time he’s really broken down and showing how vulnerable he is.  And it’s a rare time we get full on tears.  The show likes to talk about how in touch Blaine is with his emotions, but the truth is, he tries to bury things as much as possible, and only when it starts spinning out of control that he really is openly honest about what’s going on inside of him.  Huh. 
4. The Untitled Rachel Berry Project - is back to just regular Blaine angst.  He feels through song, but it isn’t as inward as it was in Tested. 
So, The New York Arc -- we get to see the inner workings of Blaine just a bit more, hence the more emotional moments, but despite the heavy angst that often radiates off him, he’s not a big crier.  
Season 6
Interestingly, Blaine isn’t the one who has to deal with his emotional shit in this season, Kurt does. 
1. Loser Like Me - We get Blaine crying in the flashback, but it’s not just sadness, it’s laced with anger, which is an interesting thing! There’s definitely an edge to Blaine’s sadness we’ve never seen before. 
2. Homecoming - the other time we really see Blaine crying due to intense sadness (depression) due to his break up with Kurt.  And it’s in another flashback.  Notice how he’s trying to hold back his tears? Interesting! 
And while I don’t doubt Blaine probably cried a lot post-break up, it’s notable that by the time we see him in real time, he’s on a path of healing.  There isn’t really much angst going on either as he navigates his way back to Kurt. 
There is, of course, some happy tears near the end, notably the wedding episode and the series finale, which of course makes sense as happy life changes and endings will do that. 
In conclusion! Blaine isn’t a crier.  He’s super angsty, and feels things very deeply, but he draws inward more than outward, and it takes a lot for him to emotionally open up and let it out.  So, if anyone’s writing an overly weepy Blaine, well, that’s just not canon. :) 
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puckngrind · 4 years
What’s In A Name:8 - J. Toews
Chapter 8
Where we left off: Bekah accompanied Jon to the NHL100 Gala and he suggested they could live in Chicago together.
Warnings: smut, language
Word Count: 3,396
Series Masterlist ) Puck ‘n Grind’s masterlist
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His season ended in round 1 and anyone could see the disappointment all over Jon’s face for the first few weeks after being knocked out in four games. Bekah came to game 1 and wore the jacket he bought her with his name and number on the back. The conversation from LA still hung over their heads but was not discussed by either with the end of the season. Work was crazy for her and summer flew without seeing Jon much. She did take a Friday off in August to take the long weekend go see him at home in Canada. She could see why he spoke about home the way he did. It was peaceful even with the sounds of slap shots waking her up one morning. She toed out to the kitchen to see coffee already made and prepared to her liking of a splash of honey and cream. She hummed while taking the first sip realizing it was exactly how she made it. The large window in the back eliminated source of the sounds echoing through the house. Jon was working out on his mini rink in the backyard. She opened the door with nothing on but one of his old, warn UND shirts on.
“You are crazy Tae!” Bekah emerged with coffee in hand leaning on the railing of his deck. Jon laughs and starts to make his way to her.
“Determined is usually the adjective used Beks.” His sweaty lips dip down and brush against hers. “Determined. Also, good morning.”
He was very determined to get her to Chicago. He knew she loved the city but the conversation in LA was looming over every discussion of a weekend with him. It took a ton of effort for Brynn convincing Bekah to go for the Blue Jackets and Blackhawks game in October. She helped Bekah wiggle some of work accounts during a few lunches and wouldn’t stop talking about it until they booked their flight. Bekah was working so hard that she resisted at first but Jon was thankful for Brynn’s persistence got her to his city.
Brynn rolled her eyes when Bekah walks in from the parking garage in her playoff jacket within Toews airbrushed across the back and a I heart Chicago T-shirt under. “I’m happy for you friend but you are an Ohioan damnit!” Brynn laughs and links arms with Behkah so they can head to the arena.
Jon scored and had an assistant handing the Blue Jackets a lose. Brynn laughs as the two friends embrace near the locker rooms and head their separate ways. “Have fun you two.” She waves more at Jon than Bekah.
“Nice game Tae.” Bekah looks up at Jon as he takes her under his arm.
“I felt your energy, Baby.” He kisses her lips. “Let’s head home.” The words lingered but weren’t touched by either one.
Bekah loved the way Jon smelled post game. It was intoxicating especially as he pressed into her making her legs push hard into his ass while she moaned out his name loudly.
“Come on Beks.” Jon encourages feeling Bekah’s orgasm coming. His not far behind. Bekah’s back arches up and he works faster. Reveling in the way their bodies moved in sync.
“Jon, I...” She moans out while her toes curl tightly into his legs.
“Merde Beks! Je t'aime.” Jon grunts out as he climaxes and collapses into Bekah’s trembling body.
“Uh, what did you just say?” Bekah tries to catch her breath. “Tae?” Jon whinces realizing the gravity of his words. “Jon.” Bekah tries to move him but he just lays with his head in her neck attempting to catch his own breath. “Jonathan! What the hell did you just say?”
“It was French Beks.” He finally moves so she can see his face.
“You orgasmed in French? You’ve never... have you ever... wait. What did you say?” Bekah questioned.
Jon’s mind and heart are racing. Of course he loved her. But saying it in French while cuming wasn’t exactly the way he wanted to tell her for the first time especially when they hadn’t established anything beyond exclusivity. “Babe, I don’t know.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“I swear I heard t’aime. Isn’t that love?” Bekah feels the heat coming to her cheeks. Her hand swiping at sweat on Jon’s hairline.
“Beks. Maybe. I don’t tend to remember what we say in the moment. Plus my brain is hardwired for both languages. Remember, I learned French first.” Jon searches her eyes and sees a smile appear.
“Well that was new. I didn’t hate it but it was new.” She kissed his lip tenderly. “Does it mean something when you brain switches like that?”
“I don’t think so mainly comfort I guess but we’ve been pretty comfortable for awhile. Seriously Beks. I don’t think I’ve ever done it before, ever.”
“Interesting.” Bekah struggled her shoulder out of not understanding before kissing his lips and Jon was thankful for the dropped conversion.
Work picked up for Bekah again. Her firm was given the task of the Cannonball for the CBJ foundation. As the marketing department she was stressed. She took a few days at Christmas and spent them in Chicago. His family didn’t join this year because of the schedule but he was thankful to see her in the mist of maybe her biggest project yet. All-Star break came and went. Jon didn’t make the All-star team so he came to Columbus and spent time with her but mainly in bed then she was off to work. Brynn didn’t mind when he suggested lunch out and invited her knowing they had a standing lunch date.
The week of Cannonball Brynn walks in with flowers. “These were delivered for you.” Bekah could hardly see her tiny best friend over the ginormous bouquet. Bekah’s eyes bug out of her head when her eyes adjust to them. She has only received flowers once at her office and it was when her grandfather died and they were from Brynn and Derek not her boyfriend. Jon sent her flowers for her birthday but to her apartment and not to work.
“Holy shit Rin!” Bekah gets up to grab the flowers and places them on the ledge behind her desk.
“There is a card.” Brynn points towards the center of the roses. “I didn’t read it. Still sealed.” Brynn’s face lights up as Bekah fishes out the note and opens it.
To the purrdiest lady at the ball,
You have worked so hard and I’m so proud of you.
Always, Tae
Bekah’s heart skips a beat and her face has a smitten smile across it.
“Does he always end his notes that way?” Rin questions.
“What? Huh?” Bekah rereads the card and looks at her best friend puzzled.
“Always, Tae. Does he always sign things like that?” Bekah just nods gliding her fingers over the text. “Very similar to that tattoo you have isn’t it.” Brynn flicks her finger to Bekah’s left side where the Always yours tattoo was.
“He’s done it before seeing the tattoo.” Bekah’s brain remembering the note she kept in her wallet from when he gave her his jersey. Butterflies erupt in her stomach thinking about the similarities.
“Yeah, just adding to the list of your no name thing there Bekah.” Brynn breaks the silence caused by Bekah’s realization. “Those flowers are stunning! I’m gonna let you call that handsome man.” Brynn waves from the door and Bekah turns to inhale the arrangement of red and white roses.
She picks up her phone and calls Jon.
“You didn’t have to but they are beautiful. Thanks Babe.” Bekah hardly let’s him say hello.
“Oh, well deserved. You worked your ass off for this western rodeo campaign and I just wish I could be there to push you across that dance floor, Beks.” There was a silence that they both let happen.
“I miss you.” Bekah finally whispers.
“I miss you too Beks but I gotta go. I’ll talk to you later.”
Cannonball got Bekah all nervous. She ended up wearing the same dress that she did for the NHL 100 gala with some major convincing from Brynn. “You worked hard, that dress is amazing why not wear it and we can enjoy ourselves.” It definitely didn’t go with the theme and Bekah considered if it was too much for an event she was technically at for work. The fundraiser was perfect. Being country themed the players showed up in hats and bolo ties. About half way through Bekah felt the weight of the project lift off her shoulders as she started to mingle among some of women from the Chicago trip and the team. Her comfort level in the hockey world had dramatically changed and even Seth Jones noticed it when they were talking. He had run into her and Jon at the All-Star game in 2017 that became the focal point of the conversation. Bekah crawled into bed way later than she expected and didn’t wake up until her phone was ringing before her alarm.
“Hey Tae!” Bekah knew it was only Jon calling that early.
“Why the fuck do I see Josh fucking Anderson’s arm around you on Twitter?” Jon chokes out through his teeth.
“Huh?” Bekah sat up and rubbed her eyes.
“I was looking through the tag from your event and scrolled to see a picture of that cocky new call up Jacket with his fucking arm around you. Bekah... I... I....”
“You need to breathe Jon. No one had their arm around me especially Josh.” Bekah grabs her tablet from the nightstand to find this picture. The mention of Josh’s name made Jon almost growl.
“Well it sure as hell looks like he’s all cozy with you.” Bekah can tell Jon is pacing the floor. She hears the hard thud of his feet even over the phone.
“Jon! We. You and me, we are exclusive. I’m not seeing or talking or flirting with any other man.” Bekah scrolls as Jon breathes heavily into the phone. She finally sees it. From the angle of the photograph it does looks like Josh’s arm is on the small of her back and not whatever he was propping himself on. A small smirk on Josh’s face as she is talking to Seth. “Jon, Honey, I’m looking at the picture right now and I was just talking to the boys. Seth was asking about what part of the All-Star game I enjoyed since he saw us in LA. The conversation was about YOU,Tae.” Bekah waits and hears Jon swearing in both French and English. “Jonathan Bryan Toews calm the fuck down. You have a game tonight and you cannot be all like this.”
“Like fucking what Bekah? Pissed that my woman is looking like she’s talking to another man and one that is in my profession and one that I have to play soon. Pissed that we won’t call this what it fucking is because we live in different states or are scared or whatever it might be? My head hasn’t been in the right space and it’s hard to lead a damn team when I’m this way.” Jon stops pacing and can hardly hear over booming from his pulse in his ears.
“I... I don’t know what to say Jon.” Bekah feels the prick at the corner of her eyes.
“Well maybe you need to figure that out. I need to get to the rink and settle down. I’ll talk to you later Beks.” Jon hisses and hangs up. Bekah pulled her pillow over her head and starts to cry. She wasn’t even sure why she was crying but she just did it. Jon’s word echoing in her thoughts as she did.
The two texted a few times in the next few weeks and even Brynn could feel there was something off. “Bekah, he’s coming in town tomorrow night after their home game. You need to talk to him.”
“Rin, please don’t.” Bekah looks up from the salad she’s just pushing around with her fork.
“Call what you two have whatever you want but it’s something and in the last few weeks you’ve been a puddle of a human instead of the annoyingly hot for Toews bestie I’ve come accustomed to. You two make each other better you know?” Brynn stares into her best friend’s eyes seeing all the confusion that was stirring.
“But Rin.” Bekah whispers.
“Just go talk to him.” Byrnn spells out and Bekah knew she was right.
She texted Jon asking to meet in the lobby. He said he had a late team meeting but could slip out for a moment. Bekah’s heart beat faster and her cheeks flooded red when she sees him walking towards her.
“Hey Beks.” Jon leaned down and kissed her forehead.
“I’ve missed you.” Bekah blurts out.
“I’ve missed you too.” Jon stands close but not too close. “What’s up?”
“We haven’t seen or talked to each other in awhile.”
“Yeah, we’ve been busy.” Jon rubs the back of his neck looking down at her and she sees his pocket buzz.
“I... I... fuck... why is this hard?” Bekah whispers almost to herself as Jon’s pocket buzzes again.
“Beks, I don’t know but I really have to go. Tomorrow night, after the game I’ll meet you down in the tunnels like always okay?” He dips down and kisses her cheek before jogging off.
Bekah shook off the odd exchange and the next day wore her Toews jersey as she had been doing the last few seasons. Brynn’s eyes were bright when she got into Bekah’s car and saw the familiar jersey but said nothing. The ladies were closer than normal for this game and when Jon skated by during warmups she saw a slight smile across his face.
The game was not great and Bekah could swear she saw Jon push Josh after the whistle and words were exchanged but when Brynn said she didn’t see anything she wrote it off as paranoia. The Blue Jackets won and when Anderson scored in the third Bekah felt Jon’s eyes on her while the entire arena erupted in cheers. After the game, as always, Bekah waited for Jon between the home and visitor’s locker rooms. Bekah getting chirped by a few of the player who saw her in the Toews jersey and recognized her from Cannonball. Bekah sees Jon and starts toward him. His expression soft as he makes his way to her.
“Bek-caw!” A booming voice behind her calls out. She turns to see Josh with his hands to his mouth.  Seth, and Boone behind him in the tunnel. The boys all wave and she waves back then turns to see Jon standing in front of her. A grimace now flooding his face.
“Ready?” Jon pulls his arm tight around Bekah and she felt his whole body was tense.
“Yes, Tae. Let’s get outta here.” Bekah squeezed Jon and the two made their way to his hotel room. Once inside Jon drops on the bed kicking off his shoes but fully clothed in his suit. “I’m sorry Tae.” Bekah curls up into him and she can feel the tension radiating out of him. Jon finally groans and moves their bodies. Stripping Bekah’s clothes off first then his own in almost silence. Just the sounds of movement and kisses filled the air. He slinks down her body and presses his tongue into her core.
“Fuck Jon!” Bekah jumps and he presses his hand down at her hips to keep her body in place. He’s relentless and doesn’t let up after an orgasm rips through her body. His fingers curling into her as he sucks and flicks at her clit. Bekah yells out his name as the second orgasm crashes over her with even more of an intensity than the first. Jon only let’s up for a moment while he adjusts her legs and slams his throbbing cock into her. The room now filled with curses and moans. Jon biting at Bekah’s shoulder while she claws at his back. He thrusts hard into her then stops. Her eyes that are screwed shut fly open and the intensity of Jon’s eyes was a lot to take. Pupils blown, the look of want and a hint of something she couldn’t put her finger on before he rolled his hips out and slammed back into her. Bekah’s hands fly up to brace herself with the headboard. Jon’s hands move so he’s on his elbows with his lips ghosting her lips. “Mine.” He whispers then presses his lips on hers. Bekah feels Jon twitch deep inside of her which causes her body to climax again. Jon rolls off of Bekah. His hard expression softens and he kisses her then heads to the bathroom. She expects him to return but when the shower turns on she pads over to the bathroom.
“Tae?” Bekah looks into the shower and Jon’s forehead is pressed against the tile and the water is running down his back. He doesn’t move or answer. “Baby?” Bekah enters the shower and wedges herself between the shower wall and his body. Jon’s eyes closed and her hand comes to cup his cheek. “Jon?” Bekah runs her thumb across his cheek.
“I’m sorry Beks.” He opens his eyes and looks at her.
“Sorry for what?” She keeps her hand in place and blinks the spray from her eyes.
“For everything Beks. For everything but I’ll start with my behavior in bed just now.”
“Jon.” Bekah goes to kiss his lips and he moves.
“Let me finish. I got jealous. I got pissed off. I didn’t talk to you. I have let you and my team down. I just...” Jon takes a deep breath.
“Jon, let’s get out of the shower and talk okay?” Jon nods his head and let’s Bekah lead him out. She dries them both off and snuggles into his chest in bed.
“I’m sorry.” He says again and runs his hand down and up her arm then pulls her body flush with his.
“You keep saying that.”
“I mean it.”
“And the jealousy thing?” Bekah looks up at him.
“I couldn’t see beyond a poor camera angle and got angry that these local guys could see you almost daily. That they could easily have you if they wanted to.”
“But they don’t and they won’t.” She reassures him. “And the whole mine thing?” Bekah whispered out and rubs her shoulder.
“Fuck Beks did I hurt you?” Jon kisses the spot that already looks like it’s bruising.
“It was in the heat of the moment and I’ll be fine. But Mine Jon? The possessive sex thing isn’t exactly you.”
“I know. I just... fuck.... fuck... fuck.”
“You fuck?” Bekah laughs. Jon sits up on his elbow and looks down at Bekah.
“Bekah. I love you and I know we said we aren’t naming this but I love you and I’m a fucking idiot for not telling you this years ago.” Jon leans down and kisses her lips.
“Jon...” Bekah breathes out.
“And not just love. I don’t want to live without you honestly. When we leave each time it gets harder. When that hint of cinnamon smell from your pillow is gone I find myself in the kitchen trying to replicate it but it’s your smell. You. I want you. I want you to come to Chicago, run my new foundation, build a life with me, together. Je t’aime Rebekah. I said it once before and didn’t realize then that I meant it but I do.” He drops back down so their faces are inches apart.
“Jon.” Bekah places her head on his chest. He combs his fingers through her wet hair.
“You don’t have to say anything Beks. I don’t want you to say it back unless you mean it. I’m okay with being just this. Okay? Just know that’s what I want is more and if you don’t then we keep doing what we are doing but if you consider even a little bit of what I just said that we can start slow and not all at once. I’m in this for the long haul Beks.” He hand glides under her chin and slowly moves it to look her in the eyes and kisses her lips again.
“Okay.” Bekah quietly says.
“Okay? Okay to what Beks?”
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mrchalamet-mrstyles · 4 years
I'm hoping T's next project is the Untitled Noah Baumbach Film for Netflix. "The aim is to begin production on the film in February 2021 with a planned 2022 release on the streaming service." But it would mean no new Wes Anderson film for T.
That would be awesome, anon. I'm not being my breath for the Wes film, but maybe he will surprise us, who knows
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movie-magic · 3 years
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Margot Robbie Joins Tom Hanks In Wes Anderson's Next Film!
Margot Robbie is now a Wes Anderson featured player.
The actress, currently on screens as Harley Quinn in The Suicide Squad, has joined the roster of the acclaimed auteur’s latest project, an untitled feature that will begin shooting in Spain later in August.
Plot details are being kept under the breast pocket. Also unclear is the exact nature of the role, although sources tell The Hollywood Reporter it is supporting in nature.
The project, written and being directed by Anderson, already has the helmer’s usual coterie of thespians — Adrien Brody, Bill Murray and Tilda Swinton among them. One other newcomer set is Tom Hanks.
Robbie has been on a run of working with bold-faced and noted filmmakers. She is coming off of the opening of The Suicide Squad, written and directed by James Gunn, which has garnered some of the strongest reviews ever for a comic book movie. The actress is currently filming Babylon, Damien Chazelle’s ode to 1920s Hollywood that reunites her with Once Upon a Time in Hollywood co-star Brad Pitt, and recently wrapped production on an untitled feature from David O. Russell.
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