#Season 3 AU
sp0o0kylights · 5 months
Eddie was all about desecrating corpses. 
Particularly, the huge ones--and nothing was larger than the burnt out husk of Starcourt. 
Yellow caution tape, muddied and ripped from its time in the weather still decorated parts of the doors. 
The place used to be crawling with security, but that had eased off now, the job returning to a local outfit rather than the smooth and swift guards who previously haunted the joint in pairs. 
It was easy as two days spent camped out in his van, watching the main entrance and a few side doors. In no time at all, Eddie had schedules memorized, points of entry selected and even three possible escape routes should things get dicey.
He didn't expect them to. 
Not when he’d already rolled his checks and came up with a number that, were this an actual D&D game, would make him a happy man. 
It was always a point of contention between him and his Pa. This perception. The natural ability he had that good ‘ol dad just didn’t seem to possess. 
The one that made him patient long enough to get a feel for a gig. 
To know instinctively how hard a job might be, and how to go about doing it safely. 
(Eddie personally doesn't believe much of it is talent. Thinks it is in fact, forcibly learned, due to the nature of his upbringing. 
Grandma and Grandpa Munson, bless their dead, departed souls, had at least given something of a shit. Tried to keep family things family and work things work, even when said work was illegal as it gets. 
They understood things like appearance and public reputation. 
How that kept the pigs off your back and food on your table.)
His Pa had never cared for any of that. 
Eddie didn’t grow up with family meals, or even food in the house let alone on the table. He grew up watchful, forced to learn or take a hit meant for an adult in the process. To weigh the risks against the benefits, and how to charm the pants off an unsuspecting target while doing so. 
It was how he’d escaped his own prison sentence when his Pa finally got eyes too big for his abilities.
Eddi had gotten lucky in that situation. 
Or rather--he’d gotten Wayne. 
Wayne, who gave up his own room, his own bed, for his nephew. Had bought him his sweetheart on his sixteenth birthday and a van on his eighteenth. Both things were used, and a little battered around the edges, and Eddie had almost thrown up the day he accidentally found out Wayne had used his life savings for the damn car, but they were above and beyond anything he had any right too. 
Eddie would be damned without him. 
But he knows his uncle needs help. 
Can't pay for himself and Eddie. Never really could, and so has been giving his nephew literally everything he has in an effort to make up for it until Eddie could help pay his way. 
Not that a singular soul would trust a teenage Munson with such a precious thing as a part time job, and so Eddie had turned to the familiar. 
The mall fire, and the resulting flood of federal agents had really put a damper on his income the past few months. Drugs were risky, and getting riskier with them sniffing about, and things were getting tight again in a way they hadn’t in a long, long time. 
(All it had taken was finding the hidden stack of bills. 
Big ol’ words stamped in red topped every one. Bold letters screaming ‘Overdue’ and ‘Payment Missed’ and ‘Late Fees.’ 
One single letter had panicked Eddie more than any other, the one that clearly said Wayne had been talking to the payday loan place down the street, and he’d be damned if his shortcomings made his Uncle willingly walk into a debt pit so few climbed out of.) 
Growing up like he had, Eddie was trusted in certain circles. Had access to places many didn't as his sole inheritance, because he was known.
 Someone who didn't rat, who could be trusted with given tasks. Who kept to the criminal code, and was good about not backstabbing you if caught.
He’d hit up a few old connections, dropped some hints. Put out “feelers” as one might say. 
Got a nibble and soon enough, Eddie was back in business, getting called up and offered a few small tasks for decent dough. 
Sometimes it was fetching information. 
Sometimes it was ferrying an item.
Today, it was a retrieval.
There was something someone wanted in the ruins of Starcourt--and they were offering an insane amount of money to get it.  
The plans hadn't made sense, not at first. The instructions Eddie had been given sounded outlandish, if not outright total bunk. 
Like the existence of a multi level basement under Starcourt? How the hell had no one caught that being built? 
Or that the security systems down there could possibly still be turned on? After four months? 
Who was even paying for it? 
Eddie had heard stupider things though, and the pay for this little jaunt was good. Too good to pass up. 
"They want a local in case something happens and the rescue squad comes running in. That way, it's just a little trespassing fun. The town deviant getting his kicks in the big scary mall, and not what they think it is." His connection had told him, meeting with Eddie in a Mcdonalds the town over. 
The place had a play palace, big enough to host a number of screaming rugrats. It made for a great cover as they pretended to be just two men in overalls, getting burgers on their lunch. 
Not a soul could hear a sound over the kids screaming, and if a blueprint sat between them then, well, if it looks like a maintenance worker, and it talks like a maintenance worker…
People never did look twice.
"And what else exactly would they think this is?" Eddie asked, munching on the food he got for free as part of even entertaining the offer. 
"A retrieval, Double D." 
Eddie hated that nickname.
"Some rich kid bit it in the fire, and his parents are paying out top dollar to get a few of his things, seein’ as the feds wouldn’t let anybody back in after they condemned the place." The guy, whose name was Mickey said. 
He idly traced a finger along the lines of the blueprint, the path he was wanting Eddie to take. 
(The path Eddie would later ignore, on grounds that it was going to get him caught.) 
 “Specifically a signet ring and car keys.”
“Car keys?” Eddie had asked, mostly in a bid for more information. Mickey was the kind of guy you could breadcrumb into giving more information than he intended to, if one played their cards right.
And Eddie was a damn good poker player. 
“Yup. Goes to a BMW--which they want you to drive to a safe place. Parents think he lost it somewhere around,” Mickey’s finger stopped, before tapping the blueprint twice. “Here.”
Something had niggled in the back of Eddie’s head. The first whispers of recognition, of a fact that he knew something about this--something he couldn’t yet recall. 
He wasn’t stupid enough to ignore it. 
“Who's the kid?” He’d asked. 
Mostly because he was curious, partially because it was a way to ease in the real questions he wanted to ask.
Like what a rich kid was doing four levels down in Starcourt the night of the fire. 
“Does it matter?” Mickey said, but dug into his pockets anyway. Retrieved a little 2 by 3 wallet photo, done in the traditional High School Picture Day style. 
He’d tossed it on the table, and Eddie didn’t react. 
Kept his face perfectly blank, even as his stomach contracted and his breath caught in his chest. 
Carefully pulled the picture to him, to make a show of examining it. 
“Don’t know him.” He lied after a moment, fighting to get his breathing back under control before Mickey figured out what was up. 
“Told you it didn’t matter. What matters is that you get the shit. And hey, while you’re down there…” 
Mickey talked a bit more, and idly, Eddie listened. He knew this little B&E was going to have more components than just retrieving a few things. Had long figured out that this entire front of retrieving “some rich kids keys” was just that--a front. 
Word on the street was that Starcourt was hiding something--something a lot of very powerful people were getting increasingly interested in. He’d rolled his eyes when he caught wind of the first little rumblings, the rumors and whispers that the thing was shrouded in Government secrets and conspiracies, but hadn’t been able to ignore the shit that had come after. 
Likely, the people who had hired him and Mickey understood they had to act now, before someone else did, to see if anything worthwhile was actually down there. 
The real question is why the hell they were using Steve Harrington’s death to do it--when Eddie knew for a fact that Steve Harrington was alive. 
Or alive as anyone could be, at two am at a Shell gas station. 
“Alright.” Eddie said finally, pulling the blueprint towards himself before rolling it up, making sure to casually roll up Harrington’s picture with it. “You got me interested. Half up front and I’m in.”
Mickey grinned at him. “Knew you would be, kid.” 
One hand shake and a hefty envelope later, and Eddie found himself on the way to Starcourt on his very first stakeout. 
It was that first initial look that confirmed it--Harrington’s prized BMW was in fact, still sitting in the parking lot.
Abandoned by rich assholes who absolutely could have paid to have it towed.
Which led to a domino effect of stakeouts, late nights and confrontations, up to and including his present position, counting down the minutes before he could break into Starcourt.
“Ready?” He murmured, and one could be forgiven for thinking he was talking to himself given how quietly he said it.
They would be wrong. 
“Yeah.” The not-so-dead rich kid drawled from the passenger seat.
Eddie tossed a grin at Harrington, who rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his hair. 
“Come on, Stevie.” He purred. “Let’s go find out who impersonated your parents, and why they want that ring you supposedly own so badly.” 
“Honestly dude I just want my car back.” 
“That too.” 
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unfinishedslurs · 2 years
stobin kidnapped- no upsidedown
Robin doesn’t know why she comes out to Steve Harrington of all people. 
It could be the drugs. It could be the way he’s been pretty good-natured about her ribbing all summer. It could be the fact that they’ve bonded, painfully and irreversibly, in the last 24 hours in a way she never has with anyone else and hopefully never will. It could be that she’s almost certainly going to die in this tiny, awful basement, and Steve fucking Harrington’s shitty homophobic spiel won’t matter because they’ll be dead. 
Tammy Thompson won’t matter, either. She’ll never, ever look at Robin now. Probably won’t even think about her as she cries over Steve Harrington’s tragic fate. 
“Have you ever been in love?”
They’re pressed back to back next to the hole that serves as their toilet, even if they’re not tied together that way anymore. Something about being able to see from all angles is comforting. No surprises. 
It also means she doesn’t have to see Steve’s face when he tells her how amazing this new girl is.
“Robin?” He asks when she doesn’t respond. “You OD on me?”
“I’m alive,” she confirms. Unfortunately. 
Nope, too soon to be making jokes about wishing she were dead when there’s a high possibility she ends up dead before she gets out of here. 
Steve’s presence leaves her back, and she almost panics before she realizes he’s scooting backwards until he can meet her eye. She scoots back until her back hits the wall, and he does the same. 
“This floor’s disgusting.” 
“Yeah, well, I’ve already got a bunch of blood and puke on my shirt, so…” he points out. “What do you think?”
“This girl.” Why are his eyes so big? Is it the drugs in her system making her hallucinate again? Some great, cosmic consequence for being the kind of girl who can’t fall in love with this apparently amazing guy who protected her the best he could? She feels like she’s going to vomit again.
Eventually their singing dies down, and they exist in comfortable silence for a moment. 
It’s Steve who breaks it. “You know Jonathan Byers?”
“Didn’t he punch you and steal your girl?”
“Yeah,” he says. “I lied.”
“About what?”
“Only ever having been in love with Nancy.”
She blinks at him, squinting in concentration until he shifts uncomfortably and she gasps. “No,” she says. 
“‘No’ what?”
“You were not in love with Jonathan Byers.”
“Okay, yeah, I wasn’t in love with him,” he protests, squirming. “But, like, he’s cool, right?”
“No!” She exclaims. “No, he’s not cool, Steve. I can’t believe you made fun of me for Tammy, at least she didn’t give me a concussion!” 
“I deserved that concussion,” he protests. “Besides, it was a tiny one! That was, like, nothing compared to what Billy gave me.” Or the one he probably has right now, but neither of them point that out. 
“He stole your girlfriend.”
“Why do you keep saying that? There was no stealing anything. Nancy’s a human being, with, like, agency and shit.”
“Didn’t he take naked pictures of you guys?”
“What?” He sounds alarmed. “Is that what you heard?”
“Did he not?”
She laughs, disbelieving. 
“He apologized!” He says. “And he’ll never do it again, and I broke his camera for it anyway, so I kind of got retribution. Maybe too much retribution. I cannot overstate how much I deserved that beat down, I was an asshole to him.”
“God, you are not helping your case at all,” she giggles. He pouts at her, until he starts giggling too, and then they’re both laughing their asses off on the shitty basement floor until they lose their breath. 
They get lucky, she’s told while they’re in the hospital for smoke inhalation and a dozen other things. They were only in that basement for 24 hours until the police (re: Dustin and Erica) found them. It felt like a lifetime. 
She gets to sign out after six hours. Steve has to stay for two days. 
The nurses have to practically boot her out the door before she’ll leave his side. 
“I’m fine, Rob,” he says, rolling his eyes. “I’ve had worse.”
“I sure hope not!” The nurse exclaims as she’s checking over the monitor. “Young man, you are suffering from a Grade 3 concussion, bruised and broken ribs, smoke inhalation, multiple lacerations—“
“Jesus, okay, we get it!”
She gives him a scathing look before sweeping out of the room. Robin raises her eyebrows. “You’re fine, huh?”
The look he gives her could kill a lesser man. “Go home, Robin.”
“I’m staying the night.”
“You’re definitely not doing that.”
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sevenmerrymagpies · 5 months
He had messed up long and hard this year. He failed yet another senior year. He'd almost lost out on having a boyfriend because he was a dumbass. And, he'd almost alienated everyone in Hellfire, see previously, being a dumbass. He had been introduced to the fact that magical powers exist, and his first reaction had been to blackmail the guy. — After spending six months being an asshole, Eddie somehow still had a boyfriend. He might be a freak and a loser, but he had a second chance with the kindest and hottest guy he’d ever met. He wasn’t going to mess up again. Even if it meant he had to pretend and play the love interest NPC to Steve’s daring Paladin. He wasn’t good enough to be what Steve needed as himself, but he could play the role of the guy Steve deserved until Steve realized he could do better. That is until Steve’s adopted little sister comes to him in the middle of a rainy night asking for help, and Eddie gets sucked into the Big Mystery. Is Eddie actually an NPC in Steve’s life and the adventure against the forces of darkness, or is he the right guy for the job?
In this chapter El finally checks in on Steve at the same time that Dustin calls for help. Everyone meets up at the mall, and Eddie finds himself agreeing with Hopper. What is the world coming to?
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april-showers86 · 1 year
Tumblr media
AU: Bellarke share a long hug (and maybe a "platonic" kiss or two) before Bellamy leaves Arkadia for a supply run. It's only a day trip, but they always miss each other every time they are apart.
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statustemporary · 1 year
and we'll put on a show
SUMMARY: “I get everyone else doesn’t want to go back, I get it. It’s nice being together and having the comfortable mattress and soft pillows and literal palace. But, actually, no, you know what unsettles me the most about being here?” she rants one day while she paces her bed chambers. Hook casually lays on the chaise lounge under the window, spearing grapes with his hook before sliding them off with his mouth, a sight that becomes more and more dangerous the more she sees it. His shirt is unbuttoned to a staggering degree and his chest hair is more of a distraction than she ever thought such a thing could be.
“Ogres? Flying monkeys? Genies?” Hook offers without any real thought.
|| Emma didn't mean to alter Pan's curse. She just wanted to keep her family together. The Enchanted Forest is interesting and all, but it would've been great if her alterations kept them together in Storybrooke where there's hot showers and a McDonalds just past the town line.
WORD COUNT: 6,572 words
TAGS: Captain Swan, Fluff, Humor
AUTHOR'S NOTE: this was going to be a quick, fun, ridiculous kind of one-shot and here we are 6k+ later. also, apparently i have 187 different writing styles so i call this one "no backstory necessary".
sorry not sorry for what you're about to read.
heh :)
When Pan’s curse was coming and Emma tapped into her deep well of highly untrained, incredibly powerful, and equally chaotic magic, she didn’t know what to expect. All that had been on her mind was staying together – her, Henry, her parents, Regina, Neal, Hook… She didn’t care how it happened or where they were, all she focused on was not being left alone again.
Wish magic, Mother Superior had told her when the smoke dissipated and they were all in the Enchanted Forest. Wish magic is already powerful but paired with your magic, and the wish magic in your heart, it is something I’ve never seen before.
The prospect was daunting. As if being the Savior wasn’t enough, every time she turned around, she had more power than before and even less of a mind on how to use it.
It would’ve been nice if her magic worked well enough to keep them in Storybrooke with hot showers and cars and food already meal prepped. Instead she’s back to chomping on chimera when she’d kill for a bear claw or some Pringles.
“I get everyone else doesn’t want to go back, I get it. It’s nice being together and having the comfortable mattress and soft pillows and literal palace. But, actually, no, you know what unsettles me the most about being here?” she rants one day while she paces her bed chambers. Hook casually lays on the chaise lounge under the window, spearing grapes with his hook before sliding them off with his mouth, a sight that becomes more and more dangerous the more she sees it. His shirt is unbuttoned to a staggering degree and his chest hair is more of a distraction than she ever thought such a thing could be.
“Ogres? Flying monkeys? Genies?” Hook offers without any real thought.
“Wait. Genies are real too?!”
“Is there anything about this realm that doesn’t surprise you, Swan?”
Emma groans and stomps over to her bed, falling back onto it and letting her legs dangle off the side. Her trousers ride up her backside in the most uncomfortable way but she’s too focused on her frustration to bother fixing it. The clothes in the Enchanted Forest are surprisingly soft and durable with even more flexibility than she’s used to. But she misses jeans and sometimes she wants to wear a nice heel that makes her ass look great and gives her an extra two inches of height. The ball gowns are definitely not her thing, at least not the first fifteen dresses that resembled more puff balls than evening wear. The red dress that her mother pulled out for her though – that is an exception.
“Ugh, what really pisses me off is I’ll never know if the last Game of Thrones book ever gets finished and I’ll never know if Derek dies and I won’t get to watch the new Star Wars trilogy with Henry.”
Hook sits up, eyebrows raised high. “Who is Derek?”
Emma groans again and covers her face with her hands. “I can’t even complain to you because you don’t know.”
“It would be helpful if you explained it to me, love.”
His words are soft and gentle and the verbal equivalent of him offering a hand to stand up. It makes her shiver in a way that reminds her of when she was in middle school and Zackary Theed kissed her behind the bleachers when they should’ve been running the mile. The excitement of something so innocent and sweet.
Leaning up on her elbows, she catches the quick glance of Hook’s eyes on the sliver of stomach her shirt exposes with her movements. When his eyes meet hers a moment later, he smirks but holds back the usual heat, giving her his undivided attention.
The dynamic between herself and Hook has been… interesting, to say the least. Especially with the entirety of Storybrooke’s impromptu return to the Enchanted Forest. Her parents, as much as she loves them – because she is accepting that she’s starting to love them – are overwhelming. They’re trying to be comforting and supportive but they’re so excited to finally live this life with her that they’ve always imagined. They’ve talked of balls and suitors and learning to rule when all Emma wants is a nap and some alcohol.
Henry is taking everything in stride, happier than he’s ever been in all the time she’s known him. Not only does he have both moms in the same palace but he also has his dad, a whole stable of horses to choose from, and archery and sword fighting lessons are part of his curriculum now. All in all, it’s every kid’s fantasy come to life and he hasn’t thought once about Storybrooke.
Emma wishes she could say the same but she didn’t grow up here. This isn’t who she is and finding a happy medium to settle at gets more and more exhausting by the day.
She spent her first week in the castle putting her feelers out and trying to gauge the reaction to the town’s sudden relocation. While some townspeople missed the conveniences of Storybrooke, many of them were happy to be home.
Hook kept himself sparce during that first week. Not only did he want to give Emma time with her family and to begin to acclimate but he also needed to find his ship. She wasn’t sure if he’d come back once he got it. His confession in the Echo Caves and their exchange at the town line laid heavy on her mind and played in circles when she tried to sleep the first few nights. He had been honest from the start and never pushed her to reciprocate his feelings. Feelings which, though he might not believe it, are there.
But the pirate spent centuries on the sea and she doesn’t know, when it comes down to the sea or her, who the more satisfying temptress is.
It was during Hook’s absence that stretched from one week to three that Emma accepted her feelings for him ran deeper than pure attraction. She’d find herself in meetings with the council, looking around for his face only to not find it. A comment would slip just under her breath and his resulting chuckle was nowhere to be found. Loneliness crept over her shoulders like a rolling fog.
Everyone else here had… someone. And once again, Emma did not. Henry bounced around between all his parents and was doted on endlessly by everyone, and her parents divided their time with her and their many duties. Even the friends she made in Storybrooke didn’t feel like they were still hers as they fell back into the roles of councilors and advisors for the crown.
Then Hook came back after three weeks with his ship in the harbor and a bottle of spiced rum from a far-off land for them to share in secret and she felt the loneliness ebb away bit by bit. Rum wasn’t the only thing he returned with. No, he had bundles of fabrics and clothes from the far reaches of the realm and trinkets like seashells for her and Henry to use to replace their cell phones.
He promised her at the town line with a curse coming for them that a day wouldn’t go by that he didn’t think of her. The curse never came but the promise stayed true, his acquisitions showed.
Even now, as they lounge in her bed chambers in the high tower of the castle, his attention remains solely on her. The thought makes her cheeks warm and his gaze, when she meets it, churns a longing low in her stomach.
“Derek is from a television show called Grey’s Anatomy and it’s been rumored he might die this season but I’ve been so far behind that I don’t even know if he did and now I never will!” she groans. The lid has been lifted and now she can’t stop even as she watches Killian’s eyebrows rise higher and higher. “The new Star Wars movie coming out this year was supposed to be a special thing for me and Henry to do together and now we can’t even do that! We used to watch Brooklyn 99 and Law & Order: SVU and reruns of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air together because those were our things but now we don’t have a thing! How do I compete with sword fighting and horses and freaking Robin Hood?!”
“You can always bring the lad to the beanstalk.”
She bites back the urge to say the beanstalk is theirs and instead shakes her head. “I want something we can do where one of the potential risks isn’t plummeting to our deaths.”
Killian smirks and stabs another grape. “I did prevent your fall, love.”
Not quite, she thinks to herself before the thought immediately overwhelms her and she feels her walls reinforcing themselves. She likes Killian, like-likes him and all that grade school crush stuff. But she doesn’t love the guy. Their friendship is still on new ground having only become allies in Neverland. And that kiss…
That kiss is as indescribable now as it was then and her hand twitches in an ache to touch her lips at the memory.
Attraction and chemistry burning red hot is what exists between them. But love? No way.
Emma sits up as straight as the walls she’s reassembled around her heart. “You also hit me in the head with your hook.”
“You survived, didn’t you?”
I might not.
“The point is, while this move to the Enchanted Forest is great and all, we all get to be a…” she struggles to find the right word. Family should be easy to say but she’s still struggling on that front. Mary Margaret and David still don’t quite understand but they’re trying. She’s just not there yet. Emma swallows. “A unit. But this wasn’t my life and I just miss some of that stuff from the real world.”
Killian pauses in his grape escapade and eyes her carefully. “The world is just as real here as it was in your realm.”
Emma sighs and rubs her eyes with the heels of her hands. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Would you have stayed?” he asks after a moment of silence. “If you had the choice between Storybrooke and the Enchanted Forest – would you have stayed in Storybrooke?”
“What does it matter?” she says. “I didn’t have a choice.”
His tone edges on sad but he tries to keep it neutral, interested. “Humor an old pirate.”
“I don’t know, okay? There’s a lot that answer depends on.”
Hook eyes her. “What does it depend on?”
“A lot of things!” she fights back. He presses the question again and Emma erupts from her spot on the bed, angry that he won’t let this go, and starts to pace. “Things like where Henry would be, where my parents would be, where you –”
She cuts herself off fast, eyes wide and heart pounding through her chest. Hook stands slowly from his spot on the chaise and licks his lips in anticipation.
“Emma –”
Henry comes barreling in the open door of her bedroom like a force of nature. Hair windswept and toothy grin on his face, Emma’s always glad to see her son so joyful but especially now when his appearance offers her an escape. “Hey, kid. What’s got you so happy?” She smiles softly at him while ignoring the holes Hook burns into the side of her head.
“I want to show you what Grandma taught me during archery today. It’s so cool, you have no idea.” It’s easy to agree to her son’s request and she moves to follow him out the door when he stops and turns to her companion. “Hook, do you want to check it out too? I bet you probably haven’t seen this in the last 300 years.”
The pirate in question must read the panic on Emma’s face and smiles sadly at Henry, coming close enough to drop his hand on the kid’s shoulder. “Unfortunately I have some business to attend to but if you don’t mind, I’d like to watch another day.”
“Aye, aye, capt’n!” Henry grins, salute and all, before he tugs Emma’s hand out the door. “Come on, we’re losing daylight and you won’t be able to see it in the dark!”
She feels the ghost of Hook’s fingers brushing her arm but she doesn’t look back.
Emma skillfully avoids Hook for just over two weeks. In all honesty, he might even be avoiding her with how little she’s seen him around the palace. Then again, she’s thrown herself wholeheartedly into learning her parents’ duties for the kingdom.
But then his ship is gone from the harbor and David has suddenly taken up Mary Margaret’s pastime of sending birds with notes so all evidence points to him leaving. Not that she blames him, no, after all, everyone leaves her eventually. Their relationship is confusing enough for her, she can only imagine he’s gotten fed up with her walls stacking themselves higher with every step forward.
Still, she thought his words before the curse would’ve lasted a little longer than this.
Loneliness sneaks up on her quick but this time she welcomes it with open arms. She has no right to Hook’s heart, not when she keeps pushing him away and hurting him. No sane man would stick around for more of that torture. No sane man has that kind of patience.
Then again, he did stay alive for over 300 years to exact vengeance on his enemy.
Nevertheless, the chaise in her bedchambers stays empty and all she has to rely on is the memories of his mouth fitting perfectly against hers in Neverland and how his breath puffed against her cheek and the absolute fuckstruck expression on his face as he was ready to dive in for more before she put a stop to it. His innuendos and never-ending confidence in her abilities echo inside her mind in the silence of her room and his presence haunts the halls as she leaves enough space to her left for where he would’ve walked.
The first time she lays eyes on him after she ran out of her room is nearly four weeks later and she only catches a glimpse of him from afar.
His ship isn’t in the harbor, that much she knows. Her bedchambers have the perfect set of windows to overlook the water and she’d lie if anyone asked but her morning routine has consisted of checking each ship docked below.
That doesn’t have to mean much, she rationalizes. His ship could be out in the water and he took a dingy to shore so he could make an easy getaway. Afterall, he did leave on the Jolly Roger four weeks ago without a single farewell to her.
Whatever the reason for his probable short stint back in Misthaven, David greets him far from spying eyes and listening ears. Even the roll of her wrist and warmth of magic bubbling in her palm does nothing to reveal the secret conversation between the two men as they travel far from the castle.
They don’t return for hours, which piques her interest. One thing she’s learnt about David, especially since coming to the Enchanted Forest, is that dinner is a requirement for all. To miss dinner means you better be sick or dying. So for the man of the hour to miss the meal completely and for Mary Margaret to not raise a single eyebrow at his absence has her mind whirling.
Emma corners David later that night when he sneaks to the kitchens for a midnight snack. Her nerves have been unsettled all evening and she falls back into her typical stakeout habits which includes eating terrible food while lying in wait for her prey. Of course it’s the Enchanted Forest though and junk food consists of a few sweets and maybe bread.
God, she misses McDonalds.
David jumps in fright when he spots her at the prep island in the main kitchen. He smiles tiredly a few moments later, steals some bread, swipes her butter knife, and closes his eyes contently as he eats.
“Are the ogres angry? Are they going to start another war?” she finally blurts out when the wait gets too long and the silence eats at her center. “Did you send Hook to prepare the troops?”
Silence answers her at first. David looks at her in confusion before a deep understanding settles so serenely on his face that Emma’s instinct is to run. Instead, she swallows it down and focuses on the part of her being nagged by Hook’s abrupt absence and silent return recently.
Shaking his head in amusement, David says, “Everything is peaceful here. You don’t have to worry about that.”
“So where did you send Killian?”
“Killian?” David replies, eyebrows raised but his amusement not flagging in the slightest. He looks like he wants to talk, or maybe just tease her about her slip-up, but Emma rolls her eyes in return and speaks before he gets a chance.
“So where did you send Hook?”
“I didn’t send him anywhere.”
She presses, barely able to keep the frustration out of her voice. “Then where did he go?”
The air in the kitchen shifts. There’s a prickling starting on the back of Emma’s neck and her senses go on alert as David gives her his full and undivided attention.
“Since when have you started caring where Killian goes in his free time?”
She fumbles. Her mouth refuses to function and her brain can barely think of a coherent response. “I – I don’t.”
David’s stare bores holes into the side of her head as she darts her gaze elsewhere. She feels like she just got caught lying by her father which… she guesses is accurate on all accounts. Even if the admission is only to herself, her stomach clenches uncomfortably and her throat dries.
When did she start to see Killian – Hook – as someone to care about? Was it when he turned his ship around and brought them to the one place he swore he’d never return to just to help her save her kid? Was it their kiss, hot and heavy under the humid jungle leaves, a magnetic connection that called to each other so strongly it took a herculean effort for her to walk away?
Or maybe it was when they were at the town line and he told her he’d think of her every day and, when her magic decided to do its own thing, he stuck by her side. He never asked for more than what she was willing to give, every day learning more and more about her limits, her likes and dislikes. Instead, they found refuge in one another. For as much time as he spent around royals, first under their command then stealing from their stores, he felt as uncomfortable as she did within the palace walls and the pomp and circumstance surrounding it all.
He suddenly became one of the most important people in her life without her even realizing it and the thought takes her breath away.
David gives her a soft smile before stepping up to her frozen frame, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, and pulling her close to press a firm kiss to the top of her head. She allows him without a fight, subconsciously leaning into his warmth and fatherly comfort, closing her eyes briefly. His whispers act as a soothing balm to her broken soul. So many breaks, so much pain. Yet his presence begins to fill the cracks.
“It’ll be fine, Emma. Just talk to him.”
She listens to his words, soaking in her father at her side. For once, it’s not overwhelming or uncomfortable. It almost starts to feel like coming home.
Of course, because she’s Emma, she doesn’t actually make an effort to talk to Killian the next day. Or the day after that. The conversation that’ll ensue requires courage she’s struggling to find.
Instead, she watches from windows and around corners as he is friendly with Henry and Neal, strikes up long conversations with Granny and Ruby, and even shares in a secret joke with Leroy, clapping the dwarf on his back as they chuckle and grin at each other.
Everyone but her.
He doesn’t even attempt to look for her, doesn’t make an effort to come by her side even after their eyes connect across the courtyard. He merely turns back to his conversation with Marco while Emma pulls Henry closer to her side and continues their walk along the palace grounds.
She refuses to say that jealousy kicks her in the ass to actually do something but when she sees him four days later with that stupidly attractive smirk on his face being directed at Tinkerbelle before Regina joins their secret meeting, she’s had enough. Since he’s clearly too cowardly to approach her, she’ll pull up her big girl panties and do it herself.
It’s not as if she didn’t already know that she’s been running from her own feelings the entire time. Reality only sets in, however, that she’s just as cowardly when she’s strolling down one of the palace hallways and stops short at the sight of him at the other end.
He looks good.
The black leather duster shines from the sunlight streaming through the palace’s stained-glass windows. His dark hair gleams and looks softer than it felt between her fingers in Neverland. Glowing skin, straight back, confident set of his shoulders. The pirate looks like a model at ease in the middle of a clothing commercial, all carefree and beautiful. She bets that if he grins, big and wide and all his pearly whites showing, a fucking sparkle will appear with a quiet DING! to accompany it like a fucking toothpaste ad.
Air leaves her lungs at the sight of him and that causes her a delay in retreating. Too substantial a delay, it seems, as Hook chooses that moment to turn on his Emma Radar and look straight at her. His face lights up and he calls out her last name, looking as if the heavens are personally highlighting him with a pitch perfect song.
She turns on her heel and makes a hasty retreat. She is so not ready for this conversation. If she can even keep it together enough to not pull on that stupid vest – a deep red color that looks to be made of velvet and probably soft to the touch – to drag the pirate into a nearby closet to kiss or kill him. The jury is still out on that decision.
“Swan!” he calls again, rushing to reach her. The cool metal of his hook encircles her elbow and turns her his way. “I’ve been looking all over for you!” he exclaims, relief in his voice and clear in the way his forehead relaxes.
“Really?” She snorts so unladylike she’s sure both Mary Margaret and Regina would be annoyed if they heard. “Because it seems like you’ve been avoiding me since you came back from who knows where.”
“I –” he starts before sighing. “Not exactly.”
Hmph. So he was avoiding her. The truth tugs at her chest in such a painful way that Emma only barely resists the urge to rub at the area over her silk shirt.
“Whatever, Hook.” Anger wraps around his moniker like a hot iron. He can hear it, the slight drop of his head and the glow fading from his features when it’s said, but he doesn’t allow her to run like she so desperately tries. “What?!” she hisses.
“Just come with me, love. I promise, you can be angry and hate me again after but… just let me show you something.”
Hook has only ever looked so earnest once before and her mouth drops open at seeing the sight again. Blue eyes plead with her as his eyebrows raise in encouragement. Emma feels herself nodding before she realizes what she’s doing and suddenly he’s ushering her down the hallway and towards the wide garden space behind the castle.
“I – I don’t hate you,” she says when the silence gets too much for her. Even when they fought on opposite sides and he annoyed her to hell, she never hated him. The thought he could believe such a thing unsettles her to the core. “Just because I’m upset with you doesn’t mean I hate you.”
“Your anger is well deserved. My apologies, love.” He shakes his head, pulling them to a stop before they enter the gardens. Ocean blue eyes stare into her meadow green and her breath hitches as he comes closer. The torches that line the hallway dim as her focus zeroes in on Hook. It’s been a struggle in the past keeping her eyes off of his mouth whenever he deemed personal space to be a nonentity. But this time his gaze keeps her locked in and she doesn’t even dare to blink. “Consider this part of my apology,” he whispers. “Your heart’s desire, Swan. That’s all I want.”
He steps away before she even comprehends the enormity of his statement and pulls her into the gardens.
The wide expanse of grass is freshly trimmed, the smell filling her nostrils and reminding her of summers at foster homes wishing for a family to laze around a backyard with. The flowers and plants that border the gardens are in full bloom offering an array of colors. Red roses, yellow shrubbery, pink Middlemist flowers. She’s been in the gardens a number of times since their latest return to the Enchanted Forest but now the colors seem brighter and more vibrant.
Hook gently presses his namesake to the middle of her back. Emma’s gaze shifts forward at the touch and she chokes out a gasp.
Down the center of the gardens sits a newly built wooden stage. Wide and made of a dark mahogany that sheens under the sunlight, it takes up nearly the entire width of the flat grassy area. Deep red curtains are pulled across the front of it, hiding whatever stands on the stage. They rustle slightly from movement behind it and Emma lets out a soft giggle at the sound of Hook cursing under his breath beside her.
Six rows of chairs divided down the middle face the stage and she recognizes many of the occupants to be folks working within the castle, or the Misthaven townspeople she used to see in passing around Storybrooke. They all greet her with a smile and nod as Emma is guided to a chair in the first row with a nearly center view of the stage.
“What is going on?” she asks Hook as he stands beside her seat. Her head turns on a swivel looking for a hint of what kind of performance they’re about to see.
“Patience is a virtue, love.”
“Seriously?!” she nearly whines, earning a chuckle in response. She huffs, eyeing him with a small upward tilt of her lips before she looks away.
Chatter is quiet behind her but there’s an excitement thrumming in the air. Voices whisper from the stage but they’re too soft for her to listen for any familiar inflections. Instead, she examines the corners of the stage and the gaps in the curtain that appear every few moments.
Her eyes are still soaking in everything around her when Hook drops his duster on the chair beside hers and grins mischievously at her. “Back in a moment.” He winks at her, slow and smooth and so unlike his terrible attempt when they climbed the beanstalk. She bites her lip to keep the grin from exploding on her face.
Hook stands on the wings of the stage with her father as they whisper in a tight huddle. The two of them duck behind the curtain for a moment before Hook exits and strolls back to her side, taking the seat he reserved for himself. Before Emma can fire off her questions, David emerges from between the curtains.
She watches in awe at how her father captures the attention of the crowd, how he spreads his thanks to Marco and Pinocchio for the stage and scenery, to Jaq, Gus, and Blue for the costuming. He leads into enthusiastic applause with each announcement and she finds herself just as enthralled as the rest of the crowd.
“Finally,” David says and Hook tenses beside her. “You all may know him as Captain Hook but I know him as a friend. None of this would be possible without him.” Her father looks at Emma for a long moment before he looks to Hook and she looks on in confusion as tears build in his gaze. “Killian Jones,” he says through heavy emotion and her companion shifts uncomfortably beside her. “I thank you.”
David steps aside and the curtains pull away to show the stage. It looks like a replica of Storybrooke General Hospital but a large banner hung centerstage says Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. The entire set reminds her of Grey’s Anatomy.
And that’s when it hits her. David’s words finally sink in and Emma turns to Hook – Killian – in shock. He avoids her eyes, raising his hook to gently scratch behind his ear as he looks up at the stage from a lowered gaze.
Leroy stomps on stage talking about an urgent medical case and Granny joins him a few moments later. The two of them bicker back and forth in a way that borders on flirty, their voices sounding far away and drifting into her ear, leaving Emma confused for all of a few moments before it’s revealed that they play Derek and Meredith respectively. She probably would’ve laughed at the casting – she never would’ve pegged Leroy for McDreamy but he’s honestly incredible on stage – but her focus is set on the man beside her who organized a fucking theatre troupe so she wouldn’t be left wondering about one of her favorite shows.
“Don’t make all my hard work go to waste, love,” he mumbles, cheeks red as he glances at her before quickly averting his gaze again. He nudges at her thigh with his hook and nods towards the stage. Emma doesn’t even realize her mouth is still hanging open until she tries to swallow and finds her throat dry.
With little else to do, she turns her attention to the stage and is immediately wrapped up in the story they’re telling. It’s clear that someone within the troupe is a hardcore Grey’s Anatomy fan and was clearly all caught up on the show while she fell behind due to Neverland. The mannerisms, the dramatics, the dialogue – all of it makes her feel like she’s actually watching it.
The forty-five-minute performance goes by in a flash and she’s amongst the loudest cheers when the troupe takes their bows. Her grin is wide and it’s nearly impossible to take her attention away from the stage.
Until Killian sticks his fingers in his mouth to give a loud whistle and Emma can look at nothing but him.
The ruthless pirate who has continually proved her wrong. The scoundrel who came back to help her get Henry even if it meant returning to Neverland. The lost soul who promised to think of her every day they were apart, even if that meant forever. The man who listened to her frivolous whining and delivered her all she had wanted for and more.
Killian tries to stay behind to speak with the troupe about some matter or another but Emma grabs him by the hook and pulls him to an alcove in the garden hidden by prying eyes.
“Swan, what’s – ”
She backs herself into the alcove, pulls on his vest, and crashes her lips against his, effectively stopping his sentence. Emma feels his sharp intake of breath before he sighs into the kiss, hand coming up to cradle her head against the stone of the palace. Their mouths move over each other slowly, stroking the heat in their stomachs to a blazing inferno.
When Emma pulls away, they breathe heavily in each other’s space, swaying closer together as their eyes remain shut.
“Thank you,” she whispers, biting on her swollen lip when she finally opens her eyes. His are still shut, a small smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.
“I quite like the way we show gratitude.” He cracks an eye open and grins, her own smile widening to match his.
Suddenly they’re courting.
Instead of Netflix & Chill, they have Storybrooke Storytellers & Garden Make-outs. A date night at the movies is equivalent to sitting in the garden as her family reenacts the original Star Wars trilogy, her parents as Han and Leia, Henry proudly swinging a lightsaber as Luke, and Neal fittingly as Darth Vader.
Killian whispers tidbits in her ear during each performance, like how Leroy and Granny fought over who was correct regarding one of their Grey’s Anatomy performances, Leroy winning at the end. “He’s got the bloody show memorized, love. Knows the whole thing front and back. Absolutely obsessed.”
Or how Henry assigned everyone’s roles for Star Wars and how it was unanimously decided that Whale would be the dead victim for their recent rendition of Law & Order: SVU, or even how Killian’s curious about the romantic comedies that Belle has brought to his attention. “The lad wants to do everyone’s fairytales as well,” he says, grin pressed against the back of her neck one afternoon. She laughs at the ridiculous image her son’s aspirations create for her, her soul feeling lighter with every moment.
It’s a little bit of the home she created in Storybrooke, right here in the Enchanted Forest. For a girl who’s searched for that all her life, it makes Emma’s heart race ahead of every performance they watch. No one has ever done something like that for her before and she tells him as much through tears one evening as they look at the stars from her balcony. He holds her close, murmuring sweet nothings into her hair and Emma realizes she wants to give him everything.
“Let’s go to the Jolly,” she says. Her head rests on his chest from their stargazing and she feels him tense under her. Eyebrows pinched together in uncertainty, she tilts her head up to look at him. “If that’s okay with you?”
He shifts uncomfortably, not at all in the way she wants him to be, and her confusion mounts. “There’s no need to go to the Jolly,” he answers with a tight grin.
She rolls her eyes, sitting up from her spot and steadies her focus on him. She says point blank, “I am not having sex with you under the same roof as my parents.” Killian sputters and Emma enjoys rendering him speechless for all of two seconds before doubt creeps in. “Do you not want to?”
At her hesitancy, he surges up to capture her mouth in a kiss that takes her breath away and leaves her dizzy. “There’s nothing more I would like to do right now than take you as you are, wherever you desire.” A growl comes from low in her throat as she threads her fingers in his hair and nips at his bottom lip. She whispers again for him to take her to the Jolly Roger only for Killian to halt everything and pull away with a grimace.
“Killian, what’s going on with you?”
Her pirate ducks his head low to his chest before he gathers the courage to meet her gaze.
“The Jolly Roger is no longer in my possession,” he confesses. A low swoop in her stomach causes her to fumble forward in her haste to press against his side. There’s pain in his eyes, the telltale sign of loss and grief that she knows so well. But it’s small and non-consuming, like a detail of life he just lives with now.
“Did someone destroy her?” she asks after a moment, her touch cautious and her gaze searching. Killian shakes his head.
“No, I – I traded her away.”
Her body is suddenly made of concrete, refusing to move despite her mind screaming at her legs to stop Killian’s restless motions. “Wh-what? Why would you do that?!”
Killian smiles softly then. The pain is miniscule but present even as his gaze softens and he reaches his hand out to cup her cheek. “Your heart’s desire, love. That’s all I want.”
Despite the late hour, the moon shines high in the sky and lights their way. Her fingers clutch tightly to his metal appendage, the weight of his admission weighing heavily on her, and she stumbles after him as he leads her to the old farm fields.
The area was abandoned before the Dark Curse, her father told her one time. It suffered from barren soil after years of overuse and needed time to recover. More time than thirty years’ worth offered and yet, as Killian leads them through a gate, the fields are sprawling with greenery. Vines trail along the ground and large leaves the size of their heads sprout so intensely that it’s difficult to see the soil beneath.
“What is all this?” she asks in wonder.
Killian grins and reaches down to pull up the end of one vine, a sparkling, translucent item hanging from it. “Look familiar, love?”
A magic bean glimmers under the moonlight, ripe for the taking. It is just one of what could probably be hundreds if not thousands of beans growing on the vast vines before them.
Amazed, she asks, “How is this even possible?”
She loves this man. Before he even starts to explain everything that’s been happening – taking his ship after their conversation in her bedchambers to trade it with Blackbeard for a magic bean, organizing the troupe to give her what she was missing while they waited for the beans to grow and mature, crafting a way to make the near impossible travel between realms into something as easy as tossing a coin into a fountain – she knows deep in her soul that she loves him.
All consuming, heart racing, fingers thrumming, glowing kind of love.
“Perhaps you can finally show me that Red Lobster you rave about?” he offers cheekily.
Emma huffs out a watery laugh, words abandoning her as she looks around. When her eyes lock on his, she swears he outshines the stars.
“You gave up your ship for me?” she asks quietly, hoping to convey everything she can’t verbalize in the way her hand reaches for his and grips it tight.
You gave up your home for me?
“Aye,” he says, just as simple but just as deeply meaningful, squeezing her hand in return.
You are my home now, Swan.
They come together slowly but the passion igniting between them is stronger than it’s ever been before. Her heart is bursting with so much joy that she could cry and it takes her all to keep the tears at bay, wishing to sink into the kiss forever. Her smile, however, is another story and so is his, as they grin against each other’s mouths more than they kiss.
She loves him and he loves her.
Theirs is the kind of love they write movies and shows about.
Theirs is the kind of love they write fairytales about.
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i-prefer-west-side · 1 year
https://www.tumblr.com/passionate-souls/160781632843/passionate-souls?source=share prompt
It isn't new: running her hand down his chest, feeling his skin, the soft hair under her palm. But touching him like this, with this new undercurrent of something more between them?
That is new.
The event added a new layer to their continually evolving relationship. Detective-witness, to detective-consultant, to acquaintances, to friends, to something more.
And her feelings for him are different. Her heart hurts a little more any time he's in danger, panic growing that she won't be able to save him this time.
She thinks his feelings have evolved, too. His gaze is a little softer, his touch a little more reverent...
Well, most of the time. They're not always tender with each other.
The night he showed up at her apartment, plans for a scholarship fundraiser in her mom's name, a list already compiled of wealthy friends he'd call, of every favor in and out of the city that he could call in - that night changed her for good.
She's fallen for him, and fallen hard.
Somehow, the fundraiser came together in less than a month. She invited him back to her place after, of course, but even without saying anything, things are different tonight.
Tonight, they make love.
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Ghost Brother Au resurrecting just like our best boy Danny
Le Phantome
My Brain: Okay, so the exact timeline is-- Me: Shut up about the timeline, shut up about the timeline!!
Danny was a member of the Casper High French class when he was in Amity Park. he wasn’t good at it, but it got him by. unfortunately for Danny, he forgot about the Annual Senior Year Trip to Paris.
Danny is working with his parents when Valerie of all people walks into the bakery.
Que spiderman meme
Marinette watches them interact; this is the first person from Danny’s past to ever find him and she’s curious. Is she a friend? An ex-girlfriend? She’s nosy.
They’re thrilled to see each other again, even though Danny is hiding that they know each other from the Dupain-Chengs. Valerie spent the last three years thinking Danny was dead He says that he ran bc he was hiding from the ghost that killed his family, which is true from a certain point of view. They exchange numbers.
Valerie gives his number to Vlad.
Valerie has basically become a full-blown employee of Vlad at this point, still not knowing he’s a half-ghost. Ghosts are still in Amity Park, just not as much in number, probably left over juju from the Fenton portal. Obviously she’s going to report that the boy he’s been looking for for years is in Paris.
Vlad, still a fruitloop and having next to no idea on what actually happened during Ultimate Enemies, is determined to get his soon-to-be son.
What happened from Vlad’s PoV: Danny got caught cheating and the entire family, friends, and teacher met at the Nasty Burger. A ghost--identity unknown--attacks and Danny fights him, but the nasty burger blows up in the process. Everyone dies (and for a while, Vlad thinks Danny died too) and the mysterious ghost is in the wind.
he knows a vague description of the mystery ghost/dan. White flaming hair, black and white suit with a cape, green skin and pointed ears. whoever vlad interrogated didn’t see the phantom symbol on Dan’s chest though
Vlad, instead of being happy that Danny’s been found, is furious. Instead of coming to him after his family died, Danny ran away across the ocean, and even allowed some random people to adopt him!? Even though Vlad’s been trying to find him, even though Vlad was there the entire time!?
He wants his son. Now.
Vlad calls Danny, scaring him, threatening his family. Danny is horrified and furious, but manages to negotiate a meeting, telling Vlad that he’d explain everything. Vlad has reservations at Le Grand Paris at lunch. Danny agrees to go.
Danny tells his parents that he can’t work around noon, he’s eating lunch with someone. Alya is there (sleepover?) and tries to interrogate him about where he’s going and who he’s going with, but Danny shuts it down.
Marinette thinks that he’s going to eat out with Valerie from the other day. Danny’s never dated before (to her knowledge) or even had a crush (again to her knowledge), so Alya convinces her to follow Danny.
Danny dresses himself to the nines, due to the location of their meeting, but takes the time to slip on one of the first bracelets Marinette made for him when he moved it. It’s made of yarn and clay beads, but he loves it. It’s from his new life.
Danny arrives at the restaurant at Le Grand Paris, though he’s there early and takes a seat inside. Alya and Marinette can’t get in at first, but because her mom’s the chef, they get a table nearby.
they’re wearing comically bad disguises, but Danny’s so distracted that he doesn’t notice them.
Chloe spots them and tries to throw a fit, but they fill her in on the deets---aka, Danny’s on a date and they’re spying. I’ve decided that Chloe has a crush on both Danny and Kaitou LeBlanc (non-reciprocated of course), so she’s immediately down to clown with the other girls.
Imagine their confusion when some middle-aged man sits down at the table.
Danny fully intended to tell Vlad what happened. It’s been years, he’s had therapy, but when he tries to tell Vlad... he chokes.
It doesn’t help that Vlad is being a total a-hole about this. Insulting the hotel, the city, Danny’s grasp on the French language (which has improved dramatically, he’s proud to report). Vlad doesn’t particularly care about answers, he wants the son he was promised.
Vlad gives an ultimatum; Danny comes with him willingly and Vlad won’t destroy his family. He’s a powerful man; he can shut down one little bakery, get one girl expelled from school, get two parents arrested for kidnapping. Vlad can ruin them.
It should be noted that Vlad didn’t know about the current situation in Paris. The Mayor had been keeping it quiet. If he’d known, he would have arranged for their conversation to occur outside the boards of the city.
Neither man nor teen notice the butterfly landing on his bracelet.
“Le Phantome, I am Hawkmoth. I will grant you the power to retaliate against the man threatening your family. In return, all I ask is for Ladybug and Chat Noir’s Miraculous.”
Danny knew he should say no. He should fight. But two words slipped out instead. “Yes, Hawkmoth.”
A black, bubbling ooze overtook Danny. In his place was a man with green skin and pointed ears, flaming white hair, and a black and white supersuit with a cape. Almost exactly like Dan.
Taglist: @bee-a-garbage-shipper @cell113 @burningprincesssuit @tgfangirl4eva @winter-rose-wolf @princertain @bean2342 @obnoxious-avian-personal @nillajinx @imspectralboiii @readlikereblogrepeat @iglowinggemma28 @letterlust @lysslovsanime @pinkcc1 @darkthunder1589 @jdc1717 @henloamkitty @theauthorandtheartist @spinatelle @murlinmouse @arken-99 @mango-mush
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poeticamethyst · 1 month
Yall it looks like Robby is staring at Miguel as a jealous ex boyfriend pls😭
Tumblr media
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kitkatt0430 · 5 months
For the AU headcanon game, AU in which Savitar is someone other than Barry? 👀
So I do remember various theories about Savitar's identity and one of them was Eddie. Which... I did not like that theory, so I'm not gonna go that way.
If it was someone the team knew already, then Eobard is the obvious candidate. In the comics, he's made himself look like Barry a few different ways and so there could be a convoluted plot going on that way, but... they've had enough Eobard Thawne as the bad guy on the show, I wanna speculate on someone new.
So the comics Savitar - New Earth version - was a Cold War pilot whose real identity was never discovered. While at top speed in his fighter plane, he was struck by lightning and survived the crash in hostile territory. This could be updated to him being an air force test pilot for an experimental craft using Dominator tech - foreshadowing the Dominator attack xover event later that season - that gets struck by lightning mid test. The test is classed a failure and the craft is unrecoverable - the man who becomes Savitar is assumed dead but of course he isn't.
Savitar therefor isn't obsessed with killing Iris - his existence doesn't depend on her. Instead perhaps Iris' investigation into Savitar's origins puts her in danger as he doesn't want anyone to know who he used to be - maybe he doesn't even remember and having his identity revealed would detract from the story he's selling the cult he's been creating.
Perhaps Alchemy as a stage one/first half of season boss with Savitar being hinted at until he's revealed at the mid season finale. Savitar could still be the man behind Alchemy, with Julian being unaware that he's been brainwashed to take on the persona of Alchemy under specific triggers. To de brainwash Julian, they bring in Hartley who - in this timeline - used a hypnotic flute in addition to his gloves. Julian thus has to come to terms both with what he did under the brainwashing and with the fact that he is a meta... that it was his rejection and self-hatred over being a meta that gave Savitar the in he needed to control Julian in the first place.
Part of the season's focus is on Barry having to accept that he has no idea how much the changes to the timeline are his fault and how much is stuff that was already gonna happen and he just... didn't know things were leading that way behind the scenes.
Revealing Frost's real origins in this season. Caitlin, panicking, goes to her mom for help and things with Carla eventually unravel to the reveal of Icicle. Frost has to choose between teaming up with Icicle or siding with Caitlin's friends... and chooses Icicle. Only to quickly realize she's in over her head and she turns to Caitlin for advice. The two of them form a truce to defeat Icicle and rejoin Team Flash by surprise!!! during the final Savitar vs Flash fight at the end of the season, which would also include Jesse and Wally as well as Savitar's cult.
Savitar would definitely try to recruit Icicle and Frost into his cult, but I don't see them having any of it. Icicle has his own god complex of a sort going on and Killer Frost just doesn't like him or trust him after Caitlin's experiences with Zoom and the Reverse Flash. If you've met one evil Speedster, you've met them all.
One of the things I did like about show!Savitar was that he was a fallen hero - I'm a Tales game series fan, i love fallen heroes as villains, that's basically the main villain of every Tales game and I eat it up every time. So I think part of the investigation into Savitar would be the reveal that he was a highly decorated hero and he saved a lot of lives. That's why he was tapped for the project. But after being essentially left for dead and his amnesia, Savitar grew to feel he was owed the accolades and devotion and it all warped into the god complex he has now. Forcing him to face his past isn't exactly a tomato in the mirror moment but he's torn between horror over who he's become and his desire for security and safety through the power he's accumulated.
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Ten/Martha/Riley Season 3 AU Fic Update!
I somehow forgot to do this for chapter 2 (whoops) but here is the update for chapter three: the Utopia AU. This one is going to end on a massive cliffhanger but hey, we get to keep exploring the dynamic between Martha/Ten, Martha/Riley, and even a tiny little bit of Ten/Riley tension thrown in for spice!
(And yes, I used the title "you're coming back (and it's the end of the world)" for this chapter because of @tenmartha's tenmartha video to the same song "I Want You" by Mitski! Feel free to go check it out!)
@boo-mite @dream-beyond-the-fantasy @lady-of-the-spirit @mack-anthology-mp3 @jordiepouts @thetavoid @a-shard-of-quartz-lol @khruschevshoe
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dyed-red · 2 years
AU where Dean never made the deal to bring Sam back (maybe he tried but the demons wouldn't budge, maybe he just couldn't do that to Sam). Where they burn the body on a hunter's pyre.
Everything else at the devil's gate remains the same.
A year goes by and he's living recklessly, vengefully, tracking down every demon that had a hand in his little brother's misery, getting intel from a demon named Ruby. He doesn't trust her but she has a knife that kills demons and he wants them all to die. He doesn't trust her but she fixed the Colt for him, taught him and Bobby how to make bullets for it.
(He doesn't trust her but she does the research for him and keeps him sober enough and rides shotgun in a canvas jacket with a fond smile at his stupid jokes.)
She's only got one request -- her own vengeance. Says a demon named Lilith was to her what Azazel was to Dean. Good enough for him, what's one more demon to kill.
The Colt is sufficient to kill Lilith. The first seal.
The first words on angel radio aren't "Dean Winchester is saved" in this timeline. Instead they are "Sam Winchester is fallen." Ousted from the womb of heaven.
One year to the day. Dean stumbles out of the church where Lilith went up in a flash of blinding light, arm in arm with a demon named Ruby in her tall pretty vessel with soft brown shoulder length curls, and finds his little brother naked in the mud outside.
One year to the day. The exact position he died in, on his knees and trembling. Unbloodied now, a miracle in the mud. Gathered exactly the same into Dean's arms while Ruby's lips stretch wide into a smile behind them.
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
After lots of begging...
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And for a special 2000 followers celebration! (even tho I missed it omfg)
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honestly thank you guys so much, I only started this blog to get some emotions and rage out after vol 2 and you guys have made this all so much fun, I love all your comments and tags even just a lil like means everything <3 and ty to my amazing mutuals I've met along the way.
Without further ado, I present chapter 1 of my Season 3 Steddie AU.
The Mall Rat and The Sailor
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regaliasonata · 1 year
Still have lot's planned for the season 3 fic and beyond that but I'm still stuck on design for Jesse. Idk if anyone can give me suggestions I'm all ears, so far I'm thinking his modern style with a bit of gothic stuff like the others, maybe some Victorian?
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Erica I'm actually going to redo her pose but I got one for her in mind, Sarah I just have to convert the sketch into a digital one.
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bard-llama · 2 years
(We Accept) The Love We Think We Deserve Chapter 10/10
Last chapter! There will be a sequel, which you can find in the Justice, Served Cold with a Side of Vengeance series. Enjoy!
Fic Summary:
With Sozin’s Comet fast approaching, it is essential that the Avatar learn firebending. The problem is, he’s not. In the three weeks since Zuko started teaching him, he’s accomplished the bare minimum and it’s not enough. Which means the Avatar needs a better teacher.
Chapter Summary:
In the aftermath of battle, it's now time to figure out where they stand with each other. Plus, a vision from the spirits makes it clear that work is not done for the Blue Spirit.
Read on AO3
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sparkie96 · 2 years
Chapter Two of “Atone”: “Realization” Now Live
"What the fuck are we doing here, huh?" Crane asked, giving them both a dopey smile, clearly high, "Checking my new bitch out to make sure he's ready for me?"
Dick moved away from the hand reaching up to touch his face, going so far as to swat at it. Jason looked around, before turning to Crane, "The hell are you doing down here? I thought you and the boys were playing Billiards?"
"Well, if you must know Dad , we were until Pedro started losing and flipped the fuck out and flipped the table." Crane recalled with a chuckle, "And then we threw some bottles and called it a night. Jeeves is upstairs cleaning it up." Crane turned toward the screen, "So, what's wrong with Nightwhore? Got a parasite? Is that what's causing him to reenact The Exorcist?"
Jason scoffed and shook his head, hoping that Crane was too stoned and drunk too much to remember this tomorrow, "No, dumbass. He might be pregnant."
Crane laughed at that, "With what? A food baby? Seriously, if he died and then was revived, that baby is as good as dead. Besides, who the fuck would knock him up? He acted like he was better than everyone and had a stick up his ass. No way anyone laid with him."
They stood in silence as Jason shook his head at the man once more, calling him an asshole under his breath as he moved the device around until he found what he was looking for. It was small, but according to the computer, the little blob on the screen was still intact and considered living. Jason breathed a sigh of relief…but dread washed over him like ice cold water down his spine. Dick was pregnant and in Crane's clutches, and the sonuvabitch would certainly kill the Omega once he sobered up. Jason huffed, damning the parent for doing this to Dick.
"So, speaking of Baby Mama Drama." Crane cut through his thoughts, producing an iPad from his coat, "I think I know who his baby Daddy is."
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poeticamethyst · 1 month
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Not this trailer about amnesia coming out as I took a break from writing my life in limbo fic! A sign and a must watch for sure! 🥹
Here’s link
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