#up-to-date latest coding trends
supremewriter · 2 years
"Unlock Your Coding Potential with Supreme Writer: The AI Tool for Programmers and Developers"
Are you tired of spending countless hours coding for new software applications or products? Are you looking for a tool that can help you streamline your coding process and improve your productivity? Look no further than Supreme Writer, the cutting-edge AI tool for programmers and developers.
Supreme Writer is an advanced AI tool that helps coders and programmers to create new software, applications, and other products in a fraction of the time it would take to code from scratch. With its natural language processing technology and advanced algorithms, Supreme Writer takes your coding to the next level.
The tool is incredibly easy to use. Simply input a description of the software, application, or product you're looking to create, and Supreme Writer will generate the code for you. The tool's algorithms analyze your description, taking into account factors such as the specific programming languages you use, your coding style, and other factors, to generate customized code that's tailored to your specific needs.
In addition to saving you time, Supreme Writer also helps you to avoid coding errors and mistakes. With its inbuilt error checking and debugging tools, Supreme Writer ensures that your code is bug-free and functional from the get-go. This saves you time and effort in the long run, as you won't have to spend hours fixing mistakes and debugging your code.
Furthermore, Supreme Writer also helps you to stay up-to-date with the latest coding trends and best practices. The tool constantly updates its database with the latest coding techniques, so you can be sure that your code is always up-to-date and in line with industry standards.
In conclusion, Supreme Writer is the ultimate AI tool for coders and programmers. With its advanced algorithms, natural language processing technology, and comprehensive set of resources and tools, Supreme Writer provides you with a one-stop solution for all your coding needs. So, unlock your coding potential with Supreme Writer today! @ supremewriter.io
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transform4u · 2 months
"Jerk"-ing Off
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Elliot, a 38-year-old with a steadfast commitment to making a difference, has transitioned from a theatre major with Broadway aspirations to a dedicated lawyer. His days are spent navigating complex legal battles and championing causes close to his heart. Although his acting career is behind him, the creative spark from his theatre background continues to influence his approach to law and advocacy.
With his strikingly handsome features and sharp sense of style, Elliot has swapped the charisma of an actor for the precision of a lawyer. His square jaw and piercing blue eyes certainly draw attention, but it's his intellect and unwavering commitment to justice that truly define him. He has risen through the ranks of a prestigious law firm, specializing in cases against large corporations that exploit workers and damage the environment. From fighting for fair wages for underpaid employees to challenging unethical business practices, Elliot is relentless in his pursuit of justice for the little guy.
Despite the demands of his career, Elliot finds solace and excitement in his pro bono work. Whether defending a non-profit facing a lawsuit or advocating for environmental protection, he remains deeply connected to his values.
On weekends, Elliot blends relaxation with social engagement. He and his friends gather at his stylish apartment to enjoy craft cocktails and watch the latest season of Drag Race. Although he's not always up-to-date with the latest music trends, he finds motivation and energy in the classics.
One Friday evening, as Elliot works late on a case, the ping of an incoming email startles him. With a sigh of frustration, he mutters, "Christ, I can't deal with this. It's Friday—I want to hit the bars and relax."
Elliot, who had just celebrated his recent promotion, sits at his sleek, modern desk, still basking in the triumph over his coworker, Dahlia Voss. The promotion had come as a result of his quick wit and effortless charm, qualities that Dahlia had always resented. Unknown to Elliot, Dahlia harbored a deep-seated grudge and came from a long line of witches with formidable powers.
As he reviews his emails, Elliot notices one from Dahlia titled "ATTN: URGENT FROM DAHLIA, NEED TO STRAIGHT OUT ISSUE." Puzzled by the vague subject line, he clicks to open it. Suddenly, his laptop screen flickers erratically. The once smooth interface is now a chaotic swirl of error codes and cryptic messages: “SYSTEM MALFUNCTION,” “UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS DETECTED,” “CRITICAL ERROR: INSUFFICIENT PERMISSIONS.”
cast_spell(name, trait): spellbook = { 'cheerful': 'rude', 'timid': 'asshole', 'gay': 'straight', 'reserved': 'douchebag'
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A jolt of electricity courses through Elliot's body as his laptop emits a high-pitched whine before shutting down abruptly. He feels a sharp shock, and a wave of disorientation washes over him. At that moment, his phone buzzes with a text inviting him to after-hours drinks with friends.
His head begins to feel strange, as if it’s being enveloped in a slow, creeping fog. Thoughts and memories start to twist and turn uncontrollably in his mind. His once-clear recollections of high-profile cases and law school lectures blur and fade away. Instead, his brain fills with the distant, raucous cheers of a football game, the thudding of bodies wrestling, and the sweaty, intense faces of men in athletic struggle.
The noise crescendos in his mind as he struggles to piece together his identity. The cheers and grunts of a football game blend with the visceral, primal sounds of wrestling matches. Sweat and exertion fill his thoughts, displacing his professional ambitions with a foggy, chaotic blend of sports and physical combat. A text message pings "Meet us at the bar, now!"
He stumbles toward the elevator, disoriented and heavy-limbed. His usual grace is replaced by a deep grunt of frustration as he presses the down button with a sense of growing urgency. The memories of his career and his aspirations dissolve, leaving only the raw, physical sensations of the moment.
As Elliot descends in the elevator, the transformation unfolds with a riveting intensity. His face, once marked by the subtle creases of age and the weight of experience, starts to smoothen like a sculptor's marble. The fine lines and traces of stress vanish, replaced by a strikingly chiseled visage. His boyish charm fades, giving way to a more rugged, angular allure that demands both awe and respect. His hair, previously a paragon of slicked-back sophistication, begins to dissolve into a casual, faded undercut. The meticulous grooming that once spoke of refined elegance yields to a less polished but deliberately styled fade, embodying a new, relaxed defiance.
The metamorphosis of his facial features is nothing short of breathtaking: his jawline, once defined by subtle strength, becomes a bold, commanding presence. The contours sharpen into a formidable edge, accentuated by a pronounced cleft in his chin that adds a raw, magnetic force to his profile. His bright blue eyes, once warm and engaging, narrow into a self-assured squint. The charismatic gleam now shifts to a smug, condescending glint, reflecting an unshakable sense of superiority. His eyebrows, once simply well-groomed, transform into thick, expressive arches that cast a skeptical, judgmental shadow over his gaze, enhancing his air of disdain.
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Elliot's mind drifts through the haze of transformation, and a poignant memory surfaces. He recalls a passionate monologue he delivered on the rights of gay business owners—his voice fervent and impassioned, each word carefully chosen to convey his deep conviction. The memory is vivid: he stands before an audience, his expression intense, his gestures animated as he argues for equality and respect with an unwavering commitment.
But as the elevator descends further, that memories in his mind begin to blur. The fervent words and righteous passion gradually fade, replaced by simpler, more visceral experiences. The scene shifts to one of indulgence: Elliot is surrounded by friends at a lively sports bar, his hands gripping a cold beer. The atmosphere is loud, filled with the clamor of cheering fans and the clinking of glasses. His focus is on the game, his conversation peppered with jokes and banter, the tension of advocacy replaced by the ease of casual enjoyment.
His nose, once understated, reshapes into a larger, slightly hooked form, perfectly complementing the new strength of his jawline. The well-defined features now project a dominant, imposing presence that demands attention. His mouth curls into a smug grin, radiating a newfound air of superiority. The bright, white teeth remain perfectly aligned, but they now underscore his casual arrogance, turning each smile into a declaration of his elevated status.
The shift is mirrored in his clothing as well: his neatly tailored work attire—once the epitome of professional elegance—disappears, replaced by loud, attention-seeking frat bro garb. His crisp dress shirt and tie vanish, giving way to a snug, brightly colored graphic t-shirt adorned with crude slogans. Tailored slacks transform into baggy cargo shorts, and polished dress shoes morph into worn-out sneakers. The overall look exudes a garish, flamboyant flair, complete with flashy accessories and a baseball cap that complete his new, ostentatious ensemble.
As the elevator doors slide open, Elliot—now a towering figure at 6'4"—lets out a loud, brash buuuuuuurp. His frame grows a bit larger and more robust, and his feet, now a daunting 13 inches, thud heavily on the floor. He steps out with a new, clumsy confidence, his posture broader and his steps more pronounced.
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As Elliot steps out of the elevator, the world around him blurs, and a dense fog begins to settle over his mind. His thoughts, once sharp and discerning, start to muddle and dissipate, replaced by a growing fog of confusion. The intellectual vigor that once defined him dissolves into a dull, primitive haze. His once complex thoughts shrink into a simpler, more childish state, dominated by basic desires and impulsive whims.
With every step, Elliot feels a sneer tug at the corners of his mouth as he catches his reflection in a window pane. The face staring back at him is a stark contrast to his former self. His features have grown more juvenile, and the sharpness of his previous demeanor has softened into a simpler, almost vacuous expression. His body, once trim and well-defined, now appears pasty and weak, lacking the muscle tone and robustness he had grown accustomed to. The sight is both alien and unsettling, yet there's an odd sense of acceptance creeping in, as though his new appearance is starting to fit a simpler narrative.
Entering the bar, Elliot is immediately enveloped by the low hum of conversation and the clinking of glasses. His movements are clumsy as he makes his way to the bar, where he grabs a cold beer with a sense of vague satisfaction. He drifts to an empty seat next to Dahlia, who sits with a poised elegance that starkly contrasts with Elliot’s new, awkward demeanor.
Dahlia is striking in her appearance: her auburn hair cascades in sleek waves, framing a face that is both sharply intelligent and subtly predatory. Her eyes, a dark and penetrating brown, watch Elliot with an inscrutable expression. As he sits down, she glances at him with a smirk and says, “Elliot, have you been working out?”
The question causes a deep blush to spread across Elliot’s cheeks, though it’s quickly overshadowed by a sharp pang of pain in his stomach. The pain is sudden and intense, sending a jolt of discomfort through his body. He winces, feeling as if his entire frame is being twisted by an invisible force. As he tries to shake off the discomfort, Dahlia leans closer and whispers a cryptic incantation:
“Mirror, mirror, in this light, Reflect the change within my sight. Let each encounter subtly show, Traits of the past to ebb and flow. Let them see, let them adjust, To echoes of old in ways discussed. As they speak, let change unfold, Transforming hearts with memories bold"
As she hands Elliot the drink, the pain in his body intensifies momentarily, a visceral reminder of his altered state. But then, a strange clarity begins to seep through the haze of his mind. The idea of working out, once foreign and disjointed, starts to resonate with an odd sense of understanding. It makes sense now, in a way it never did before—a new, simple logic that aligns with the primitive thoughts now swirling in his head. His body aches, but a newfound sense of purpose begins to take shape, as if the idea of physical exertion is suddenly a natural fit for his newly simplified self.
As Elliot finishes the last gulp of his drink, the rich, frothy beer swirls around his senses, sending a wave of warmth through his chest. With a deep, resonant burp that escapes him, he feels a jolt of raw, uninhibited energy. He casually begins to engage with the women around him, each conversation acting as a catalyst for further transformation.
The first woman, a vivacious redhead with an easy smile, drifts toward him, her eyes sparkling with interest. “You know,” she begins, her tone teasing, “you remind me of this guy I used to see. He was all about hitting the gym and flexing his muscles in every mirror he passed. Couldn’t get enough of himself, but he sure had a presence.”
As she speaks, Elliot’s neck begins to thicken and swell, growing into a powerful column that seamlessly transitions into broad, formidable shoulders. The deltoids swell like sculpted marble, rippling with every subtle movement, while the trapezius muscles rise in a majestic sweep. His new shoulders create a stunning silhouette, exuding a primal power that commands attention.
Another woman, a striking brunette with a no-nonsense attitude, saunters over with a glass of wine. “Oh my god, you’re totally giving me vibes of this guy I dated, always talking about his ‘swole’ arms and how he could bench press his body weight. He was like a walking billboard for gym supplements.”
As Elliot engages with her, his biceps begin to come into sharp focus. They swell into vast, commanding peaks that defy natural laws, each flex revealing a tapestry of sinew and strength. His triceps become equally impressive, forming a trio of defined heads that speak of relentless discipline. His forearms thicken and cord, veins pulsing with every beat of his heart.
A third woman, with fiery red hair and a lively spirit, sidles up next to him. “You’ve got this aura like my ex who was always bragging about his ‘chest day.’ His pecs were so grand, you’d think he’d been chiseled by a sculptor. He’d puff out his chest like he was king of the world.”
Elliot’s chest responds to her description, expanding in a display of anatomical artistry. His pectorals grow grand and expansive, pushing outward and upward in majestic waves. The separation between the upper and lower pectorals becomes as clear as a sculptor’s chisel work, forming an imposing V-shape that demands reverence.
A fourth woman, with an elegant demeanor and a hint of mystery in her eyes, approaches him. “You know, this guy I once knew had this incredible six-pack that seemed almost too perfect. He’d talk about how his abs were his ‘pride and joy.’ It’s like he had some secret to keeping them so defined.”
Elliot’s abdominal muscles respond with a powerful definition. Each segment becomes sharp and distinct, forming an impressive six-pack—or perhaps an eight-pack—that’s etched with the clarity of celestial engravings. His obliques carve out a V-shaped expanse, their definition a bold statement of core strength and stability.
As Elliot’s back grows more defined, a woman with a sultry voice and a commanding presence joins the group. “You remind me of a guy I dated whose back was like a work of art. His lats were so broad, they gave him this incredible V-shape. His shoulders and back were all about that powerful, muscular look.”
His back swells to match her description, the latissimus dorsi expanding into a dramatic V-shape that broadens his frame. The rhomboids and rear deltoids create a complex landscape of muscular peaks and valleys, each contour a testament to his dedication and hard work.
Finally, a confident woman with a warm smile and a casual demeanor takes a seat next to him. “I used to date this guy who had legs that were just massive. His quads were so defined, it was like he was built to run marathons or something. His calves were just as impressive.”
Elliot’s legs transform to match her description. The quadriceps bulge with impressive prominence, their individual heads clearly delineated with every movement. The hamstrings balance this power with their sinewy bulk, and his calves, now thick and robust, round out this vision of lower body development.
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With each new encounter and description, Elliot’s body becomes a marvel of muscular excellence. His waist, though narrow compared to his robust upper body, accentuates his grandeur, while his glutes and hips provide a solid, unshakeable foundation. His entire physique, from the sweeping curves of his shoulders to the powerful bulge of his legs, embodies a profound blend of strength, dedication, and sheer, unadulterated muscle.
As Elliot surveys himself in the bar’s reflective window pane, with a final, deep buuuuuurp, he embraces his new persona, feeling the full force of his muscular form as he moves through the night.
Elliot stands confidently at the bar, chatting up a pretty brunette. She laughs at his jokes and seems to be enjoying his company. As they talk, Elliot can't help but feel a surge of pride - he knows he looks good and could easily get any guy in the room if he wanted to.
Suddenly, another girl approaches them. "Hey! You look just like my ex," she says with a sneer. "He was such a dumb homophobe! Total jerk."
Elliot's mind starts to melt as her words sink in. He can't believe she would compare him to someone so despicable - after all, he has always been an advocate for equality and tolerance throughout his life… or so he thought.
Elliot's mind reels as the girl's words cut deep. He had always prided himself on being different, on standing up for what he believed in - even if it meant going against societal norms. But now, all of that seems meaningless in the face of this girl's insult.
As she walks away from him, laughing along with her friends, Elliot feels a deep sense of betrayal. He had helped so many people throughout his life - gays included - and yet here he was being called out for something he never even thought about before tonight: his own sexuality. The memories of rooting for the little guy and supporting those who were different from him fade away into oblivion as anger takes over every fiber of his being.
Without hesitation or remorse, Elliot turns towards the group of laughing girls and launches into a lengthy rant about how much he hates fags.
"Gay people are disgusting," he continues, gesturing wildly with his hands for emphasis. "They ruin everything they touch! They should be ashamed of themselves for going against nature like that."
The rage boiling within Elliot is palpable; it feels like his entire body is on fire with anger and hatred towards gay people. He can barely contain himself as he launches into this tirade, forgetting about the girl who started it all and focusing solely on venting his pent-up frustrations onto anyone who will listen.
His voice booms through the bar as he spews venomous words about how disgusting gay people are and how they ruin everything they touch. He talks about their sinful lifestyle choices that go against nature itself.
As Elliot lingers in the dimly lit bar, the fog in his mind thickens, obscuring the remnants of his former self. His name slips from his thoughts, replaced by an overwhelming sense of self-importance and superiority. The transformation in his demeanor is palpable; his once charming, easygoing attitude has hardened into an abrasive display of arrogance and entitlement. He flexes his newly sculpted muscles with an almost comical pride, his powerful biceps and chiseled torso a constant, conspicuous exhibition of his perceived dominance.
He approaches women with a swagger that borders on obnoxious. His conversations are marked by a brazen self-assuredness, his every word dripping with the sort of superficial charm that masks a deep-seated condescension. His eyes narrow into a smug squint as he engages with each new woman, their descriptions of past boyfriends acting as catalysts for his transformation into a quintessential frat bro.
The first woman he talks to is a striking blonde with a flirtatious air. “You know,” she says with a teasing smile, “you remind me so much of this guy I dated who was all about ‘bro culture.’ He was obsessed with his gym routine and would never stop bragging about his arms and pecs and getting swole. Thought he was the king of the world.”
As she speaks, Elliot’s body undergoes a significant change. His neck, already thick and powerful, transitions seamlessly into broad shoulders that form a formidable foundation. His deltoids swell like sculpted marble, and his trapezius muscles rise in a majestic sweep. His personality shifts as well, taking on a brashness and confidence that becomes increasingly abrasive.
"That's right, beautiful," Elliot says with a smirk. "I'm all about the gains and getting swole - what can I say? It's just who I am."
He flexes his newly developed biceps for her, making sure she gets a good look at them. "And if you think these are impressive," he continues, pointing to his chest and abs, "just wait until you see the rest of me!"
A second woman, with dark, intense eyes and a straightforward demeanor, saunters over. “You’re giving me serious vibes of this guy I used to see. He was always talking about how ‘tough’ he was, how he could bench press a ton. His whole thing was being the toughest guy in the room, and he’d never let anyone forget it.”
Elliot’s biceps swell into vast, commanding peaks, and his triceps become equally impressive, forming a trio of defined heads. His forearms thicken and cord, veins bulging with each movement. His personality evolves further, his interactions marked by a superficial charm that veers into patronizing territory. He boasts about his perceived physical prowess, showing off with a dismissive air that belittles anyone who dares to challenge his views.
Next, a tall woman with a sultry voice and a sarcastic edge approaches. “Oh, you remind me of this guy who was all about showing off his chest. He’d strut around with his pectorals puffed out, always talking about his ‘chest day’ and how everyone else should just be in awe of his muscles.”
As the night wears on, Elliot’s drinking catches up with him. His initial charm starts to fade under the haze of alcohol, and he becomes increasingly boisterous. His speech grows louder and less coherent, his once-smooth demeanor now replaced with exaggerated movements and a clumsy swagger. He sways slightly as he moves, his tan and perfectly gelled hair looking more disheveled by the minute.
Spotting another woman across the room, Elliot makes his way over with a confident but unsteady gait. “Heyyy! What’s up, gorgeous?” he bellows, his voice carrying over the thumping music. “I’m Ellio---burrrp. You look like you’re having an epic time. Mind if I join you?”
The next woman, Emily, responds with a hesitant smile. “Sure, but just so you know, my last boyfriend was a real nightmare. He was always dismissing my feelings and had this insufferable attitude that made every conversation feel like an interrogation.”
“Ugh, sounds like he was a total loser,” he says, his voice dripping with dismissive disdain. “Seriously, who even treats someone like that? Must’ve been hard for you to deal with someone so self-absorbed.”
His behavior becomes more overbearing as he takes a swig from his drink, barely hiding his smirk. “You know what? It’s no wonder he was a nightmare. He probably couldn’t handle someone with real personality. I bet he was just jealous of you. I mean, who wouldn’t be? You’re fucking hot, those tits are primo"
Leaning in closer with a swagger that reeks of entitlement, Elliot continues, “But you’re with me now, so you don’t have to worry about those kinds of guys. I’m not just any guy—I’m a total catch. I mean, look at me! Perfect tan, chiseled abs, and I’m living the high life. I can’t imagine why anyone would act like that when they could be with someone as amazing as me.”
As Elliot moves on to the next woman, Lauren, his approach becomes more animated. “Hey, I couldn’t help but notice your vibe. Want to grab a drink with me?” he asks with a broad grin, his casual demeanor now mixed with a bit more enthusiasm.
Lauren’s expression tightens. “My ex was such a jerk. He was obsessed with himself, always talking about his achievements and never really paying attention to me. It was like dating a human trophy case.”
Elliot’s response is more energetic now. “Man, that’s brutal. You deserve someone who really gets you. By the way, I’m really into fitness and partying hard. You should come out with me sometime. I’ve got some epic moves that you just have to see to believe!” He leans in, flexing his biceps as he talks, his attempt to impress becoming increasingly overt.
By the time Elliot meets Megan, his transformation into the quintessential Jersey Shore frat bro is nearly complete. “Hey, check out these abs!” he exclaims, dramatically flexing his muscles. “So, what’s your dating history like?”
Megan looks annoyed. “My last boyfriend was a total mess. He was super controlling, always trying to dictate what I should do, and his idea of fun was just belittling anyone who didn’t share his views.”
Elliot’s demeanor shifts to one of self-righteousness. “Oh, I hear you. You know, I’m all about strong values and living life right. Let me tell you about my faith and how it shapes everything I do. It’s important to have principles and stand by them, don’t you think? And if you’re up for it, we can hit the gym together—I’ve got a killer routine that’ll really get you in shape.” His voice is louder now, and he begins to adopt a more exaggerated, boastful tone. His flashy clothes and confident swagger are on full display, complete with a series of gold chains that jingle with every movement.
With each encounter, Elliot’s interactions evolve from casual charm to overtly flashy and judgmental, embodying the full spectrum of the Jersey Shore frat bro persona. He now shouts “Bro, do you even lift?” to anyone within earshot, and his conversations revolve around his gym exploits, his supposedly imminent rise to fame, and his rigid views on morality. His once-charming approach has devolved into an obnoxious display of self-importance, making it clear that he believes he’s the life of the party and the king of the scene, despite how others view his increasingly disruptive presence.
Another woman,Stacy, elegant yet assertive. “You’re like this guy I dated who was always talking about his abs. He thought his six-pack was his greatest achievement and never missed an opportunity to flaunt it.”
Elliot’s abdominal muscles come into sharp focus, forming an impressive six-pack—or perhaps an eight-pack—that’s etched with clarity. His obliques carve out a bold V-shaped expanse, his abdominal fortress a statement of core strength. His demeanor shifts to reflect a heightened arrogance, his conversations increasingly dismissive of others’ opinions, especially women’s.
A final woman, with a commanding presence and an air of confidence, takes a seat beside him. “You’ve got that same vibe as this guy I used to know. His back was his pride, and he’d always talk about how his lats made him look like a superhero. He had this whole ‘alpha male’ thing going on.”
Elliot’s back expands into a vista of muscular splendor, the latissimus dorsi creating a dramatic V-shape that broadens his frame. His shoulders and back are now a testament to his dedication and hard work, his entire physique a harmonious blend of strength and dominance. His interactions become increasingly aggressive and confrontational, his behavior driven by a sense of entitlement and a belief that his place in the social hierarchy grants him respect and privileges.
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As he continues to flex and flaunt, his personality is a cauldron of arrogance and self-entitlement. He navigates conversations with a dismissive attitude, his interactions marked by a superficial charm that quickly turns patronizing. His views are conveyed with a conviction that leaves little room for empathy or genuine connection. Women’s opinions are secondary, often brushed aside with a smirk or a sarcastic quip. He is boastful, aggressive, and confrontational, driven by a sense of superiority and entitlement that colors every interaction.
His behavior is a reflection of deeper insecurities masked by bravado, a superficial facade that prioritizes status and appearances over meaningful human connection. Each interaction with the women in the bar further entrenches him in his new persona, reinforcing his belief that his physical form and traditional values entitle him to a special place of respect and admiration.
Elliot can't help but check himself out in the mirror as he walks towards the bar. His reflection shows a man who is not only physically impressive but also confident and charming. The muscles that bulge beneath his tight shirt are proof of his dedication to fitness, while his smirk reveals an air of superiority that comes with being so attractive.
As Elliot sits down at the bar, he feels a surge of pride wash over him. He knows he looks good - really good - and it's hard not to let that go to his head sometimes. He laughs at stupid jokes just because they make people laugh, even though deep down inside he knows they aren't funny at all… But who cares? Life is about having fun and enjoying yourself!
Feeling particularly horny tonight, Elliot tugs on his dick through his pants as discreetly as possible (or so he thinks). To his surprise (and delight), it grows harder than ever before underneath all that fabric… This must mean one thing: girls are going to love him tonight! With each passing moment spent admiring himself in the mirror or chatting up random girls at the bar, Elliot ages back towards 21 – becoming more like an obnoxious frat bro than ever before.
Elliot strode across the bar with a swagger that made the room's energy shift. His gaze locked onto Dahlia, who was striking in a fitted top that accentuated her curves. To Elliot, she now seemed irresistibly alluring, her every movement catching his eye. His thoughts raced, consumed by a physical attraction that clouded his judgment and inflamed his desire.
Dahlia’s outfit clung tightly to her frame, her cleavage barely contained by the low-cut neckline. Elliot’s focus was fixated, his pulse quickening as he felt a surge of arousal. As he approached, his gaze wandered unabashedly over her, a smirk forming on his lips.
“Hey, sexy lady. What’s up?” Elliot’s voice was dripping with bravado, his attempt at charm masking a more primal urge.
Dahlia met his approach with an air of practiced confidence, her eyes scanning him from head to toe with a mix of amusement and appraisal. Her demeanor was calm and calculated, clearly enjoying the effect she had on him. “What’s your name, big guy?”
Elliot faltered, momentarily thrown by the question. “Uhhhh—” he stammered, momentarily disoriented. His usual ease seemed to waver under Dahlia’s cool gaze.
Dahlia’s lips curled into a twisted smile. “Not much of a thinker, are ya?” she taunted. “You’re just a big, dumb Jersey Shore jerk, Jayden.”
In an instant, Elliot's identity seemed to dissolve, replaced by the persona of Jayden. The transition was seamless, as if the name had always been a part of him. Jayden’s life was now marked by a different kind of swagger—a brash, overt confidence that bordered on arrogance.
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Jayden reveled in his new persona, seeing himself as a quintessentially superior figure. His world was framed by his appearance and a self-assured, if superficial, view of his own importance. He strutted with the belief that his physicality and forceful personality entitled him to admiration and respect. In his mind, his “Jersey Shore” persona represented an ideal of dominance and entitlement, far removed from any introspection or vulnerability.
Jayden’s existence was characterized by a relentless pursuit of validation and a dismissal of anything that didn’t align with his inflated self-image. He was the loudest voice in the room, certain that his presence alone justified his elevated status.
Jayden’s life is a vivid tableau of flashy appearances and brash self-assurance. His daily existence revolves around a carefully curated persona of overconfidence and bravado. To him, every interaction is a chance to assert his dominance and flaunt his perceived superiority. His world is marked by a relentless pursuit of admiration and validation, driven by the belief that he is inherently better than those around him.
He lives in a high-rise apartment decorated with gaudy, ostentatious furnishings, the kind that screams luxury without much regard for taste. His wardrobe is full of designer clothes and flashy accessories—bright, logo-heavy shirts, tight jeans, and meticulously styled hair. His reflection in the mirror is a constant reminder of his self-image, one that he admires with almost obsessive pride.
Jayden’s social life is an extension of his persona. He frequents the hottest nightclubs and bars, always seeking the spotlight and reveling in the attention he receives. His conversations are peppered with boasts about his latest conquests, his supposed achievements, and his enviable lifestyle. He believes that his physical appearance and showy demeanor make him the center of attention, and he expects admiration and deference from everyone he meets.
In his interactions, Jayden is dismissive and condescending. He sees himself as the epitome of success and status, and he treats others as if they exist solely to validate his greatness. His relationships are shallow, built on surface-level connections that reinforce his self-image rather than genuine emotional bonds.
Jayden’s belief in his superiority extends to every facet of his life. He’s convinced that his charm, physicality, and wealth place him on a higher plane than others. His confidence, however, is not just a part of his personality but a necessary shield against the deeper insecurities he harbors. He masks any self-doubt with an aggressive display of arrogance and entitlement.
He dismisses anyone who challenges his inflated sense of self or fails to show him the respect he feels he deserves. His interactions are often laced with sarcasm and a patronizing tone, particularly when faced with opinions or ideas that contradict his own. Jayden’s worldview is simplistic, revolving around the belief that his success and appearance make him inherently superior.
In essence, Jayden’s life is a carefully constructed facade of dominance and self-importance, a constant performance designed to convince himself and others of his unparalleled greatness. Despite this outward display of confidence, his sense of superiority is ultimately a fragile defense against his own insecurities and fears of inadequacy.
Jayden hits on Dahlia, treating her like shit. He grabs her and starts making out with her. As they kiss, something strange happens - Dahlia's hair goes from black to platinum blonde! Her clothes also get sluttier and sluttier as she becomes more and more aroused by Jayden's touch.
A fog descends on Dahlia's mind as she too grows dumber and more vapid, forgetting her name in the process. All that matters now is moaning loudly while feeling up Jayden's arm muscles. Dahlia is gone and she is reborn as Krystal, a vapid dumb bimbo. Magic always has a price.
Jayden's muscles are impressive to say the least. His biceps bulge with every flex, and his abs ripple beneath his skin as he moves. Dahlia can't help but feel drawn to them, her hands instinctively reaching out to touch and explore every inch of his body.
She starts by running her fingers along the contours of his chest, marveling at how defined each muscle is. Then she moves down towards his stomach, tracing the lines of his six-pack before finally settling on gripping one of his biceps tightly. She squeezes it hard as if testing its strength - or perhaps just trying to feel closer to him…
Jayden and Krystal passionately make out, their tongues dancing in each other's mouths. He grabs her by the waist and pulls her closer, feeling her firm ass against his crotch.
Jayden's muscles are the epitome of masculinity. His biceps bulge with every flex, and his abs ripple beneath his skin as he moves. He is confident and brash, oozing testosterone with every word that leaves his mouth.
As they dance together, Jayden can't help but show off his physique - flexing those hard-earned muscles for all to see. His attitude matches the power he possesses; cocky and arrogant, yet undeniably attractive in a way that makes women weak at the knees…
"Oh fuck yeah," he groans into her ear. "You're so hot."
Krystal moans loudly as she grinds against him, unable to contain herself any longer. "Take me home," she pants breathlessly. "I want you inside me right now."
Jayden chuckles before picking Krystal up bridal style and carrying her towards the exit of the bar. Once they're outside, he slams her against a nearby wall and starts kissing down her neck while groping at every inch of exposed skin
Jayden treats Krystal like shit as he fucks her, demeaning her and being rude and crude. He's a total jerk throughout their encounter.
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"Take off your clothes," Jayden demands, his voice rough with lust.
Krystal hesitates for a moment before obeying, stripping down to reveal her naked body for him. She's already wet and ready for him, her breath coming in short gasps as she anticipates what's to come.
Jayden wastes no time in pushing Krystal against the wall and roughly kissing her neck while groping at every inch of exposed skin - squeezing her breasts roughly and pinching her nipples until they stand at attention. He grinds his hard cock against her moist pussy through their clothes, eliciting a moan from deep within Krystal's throat as she throws back her head in ecstasy
"You like that, slut?" Jayden growls into Krystal's ear as he continues to pound into her. "Tell me you want it!"
Krystal moans loudly in response, unable to form coherent words due to the intense pleasure coursing through her body. Her hands clutch at Jayden's shoulders, nails digging into his skin as she tries desperately not to scream out loud.
"Fuck yes," she manages after a moment. "Please… don't stop."
Jayden chuckles darkly before picking up the pace even more - thrusting deeper and harder than before with each stroke of his hips against hers.
After they finish, Jayden tosses her some money before walking out of the room. "Thanks for the hookup, whore" he says casually as if she was just another piece of meat to him.
Jayden heads straight to the gym afterward, eager to show off his muscles and work on getting even bigger. He spends hours lifting weights, focusing solely on himself and his body - ignoring everyone else around him.
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joequiinn · 6 months
The Dos & Don'ts of Fake Dating | E.M. x reader | pt. 3
[chap two] | [all chapters here] | [chap four]
summary: You propose a crazy idea to the resident freak of Hawkins, Eddie Munson. But maybe he was even crazier for agreeing to it…
notes & tropes: fem reader, faking dating, opposites attract, bratty rich bitch reader, minor revenge plot, not-quite-enemies-to-lovers
a/n: The response to this series has already been so wonderful and unexpected, so big thanks to everyone who's been hyping me up! The next couple parts of this story have kinda a mellow pace, but I'm literally such a long-winded person so idk how to write without adding a tooon of narrative meat lol. Nonetheless, hope everyone enjoys!
taglist: @costellation-hunter @daisyridleyss @damon-loves-pie @damp4eddie @delilaaahhh @kthomps914 @lotrefcp @marrowfrog00 @mewchiili @munsonssweets @rach5ive @sav12321 @steeldaisies
wc: 3.5k
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Chapter Three
Arriving at school on Monday morning, you had almost forgotten about your little meeting with Eddie the day prior. It was such an odd and different encounter that it briefly slipped away from you - after all, it wasn’t everyday you asked someone to be your fake boyfriend. But once you arrived on campus, the sight of Eddie’s van at the far end of the parking lot brought the conversation back to you, making your heart jump in remembrance.
And suddenly, you were nervous. This plan was ridiculous and there were so many damn opportunities for it to go wrong, so many damn holes that could be poked in it. You’d give Eddie a piece of your mind if he managed to fuck this up.
Amelia and Janet were already waiting for you at your locker, your customary meeting spot since freshman year. Whether intentional or not, you knew you were the pseudo-center of the group - you were certainly not the leader, that was Amelia and her brash personality, but it always seemed as if you were the swing vote, the middle ground, the deciding factor. Janet was the most agreeable of you three, generally avoiding confrontation and trying to maintain the peace as best she could amongst your crowd - you figured it was because of her strict upbringing.
As you approached the duo, you felt the conflicting comfort of familiarity butting heads with the frustrated part of you that didn’t want to see them ever again, the part of you that just wanted to run from them. Being a teenager was complicated in that way - as much as you cared about these girls, you also wanted absolutely nothing to do with them anymore.
Amelia and Janet were huddled together, sharing a magazine and excitedly talking about whatever it was that they were reading. Probably some insignificant article about the latest fashion trends of fall (which you secretly were interested in knowing, but you didn’t need to tell them that). Eventually, they heard the close click of your shoes on the linoleum floor, causing Amelia looking up to greet you as Janet continued to skim the page.
“So, feeling old yet?” Amelia teased, leaning back against the locker next to yours as you put in your code.
“Incredibly.” You answered dryly, although there was at least a hint of humor in your tone. It’s not as if you could completely cut them off overnight, that would be an impossible task to ask of anyone.
They both laughed, Janet putting away her magazine while Amelia leaned over your shoulder to check her makeup in the mirror you kept inside your locker. You nudged her out of your way once you had the book that you were looking for, giving her a harsh look out of the corner of your eye.
You knew that, although not perfect, Amelia and Janet weren’t so bad that you needed to be this cold to them - yes, Amelia was unapologetically abrasive and Janet was too agreeably submissive, but you still felt that your attitude towards them was maybe a little unwarranted. But at the same time, your heart and your mind weren’t on the same page. Your head said that they weren’t as bad as you made them out to be, but you could just feel that this friendship was no longer working, that something about it was terribly off and couldn’t be corrected.
As the two began discussing an assignment from a class that they shared, you mulled over your thoughts and feelings about this slowly ending friendship. Neither seemed to notice that you weren’t mentally present to their conversation, that you were somewhere in your own head instead.
After a short while, a duo of football players that you were somewhat familiar with came over to join the conversation. One of them was blatantly flirting with Janet, who seemed absolutely smitten, while the other served as wingman, trying to keep both you and Amelia engaged in conversation. You gave him the coldest shoulder he’d ever encountered, quickly turning all of his attention to Amelia instead.
Paying little to no attention to the group’s conversations, you began to look up and down the hallway absentmindedly, the myriad of conversations drowning each other out, making it easy for your mind to wander. If the group noticed your inattentiveness, they didn’t bring it up. You could have, and maybe should have, just walked away, but you weren’t sure where you’d wander off to until it was time to head to class. You’d have to find a way to get everyone to stop treating your locker like the go-to hang out spot at 7:30 in the damn morning.
As your eyes continued to wander, brain zoned out, your gaze passed over a small cluster of boys about ten feet away. Normally, they wouldn’t have crossed your mind, but today you had to do a double take, realizing that amongst them was Eddie. A friend of his had a locker not far from yours, you remembered at that moment, but it had never mattered before. But it sure mattered now, because you realized Eddie was looking right at you and probably had been for a couple of minutes, just waiting with amusement for you to come out of your reverie and finally noticed his stare. Once you two made eye contact, he smirked and shot you a playful wink.
Despite yourself, it flustered you just a little. You blinked and looked down in surprise, but mentally kicked yourself for the reaction - you could not let Eddie Munson make you nervous, especially when you weren’t actually interested in him in the slightest. You were simply taken aback, you reasoned with yourself, unprepared for the almost genuinely charming look on his face. So, you took a breath, looking back up to find Eddie’s eyes still trained on you. Was this going to be his flirting tactic? If so, it was pathetic, and you hoped that the look on your face told him as much.
You stared at one another for a few long moments, silently challenging each other, testing to see who would do something first. Eventually, Eddie pointed to the corners of his mouth, dragging his fingers up his cheeks while smiling aggressively wide and crossing his eyes as if to make a point, to visually tell you to at least act interested in him. You refrained from rolling your eyes - as challenging as it was - and forced a flirtatious smirk onto your lips, hoping your eyes weren’t saying something your face wasn’t. You weren’t exactly one to put on false airs, so you hoped that you were convincing to anyone that might see you.
Amelia, Janet, and the boys seemed to forget you were there, considering you hadn’t been engaging in the conversation this entire time. But eventually they must have expected you to chime in on something that was said, as they all looked at you expectantly when you didn’t reply right away. Seeing your eyes elsewhere and a hint of a smile on your lips, their brows furrowed and they quickly looked over their shoulders. It was simultaneously exciting and embarrassing to know that they would spot who exactly you were making eyes at.
They didn’t immediately realize it was Eddie that you were looking at, their eyes searching for maybe a familiar acquaintance or someone more stereotypically attractive, someone more to their liking. But then Eddie turned his gaze to them, winking as his grin widened before his eyes returned to you. In the same breath, Amelia and Janet whipped back around to face you with bewilderment while the football players shared a look of confused, judgmental annoyance.
“Don’t tell me you’re making eyes at Munson,” Janet started in disbelief.
���Yeah, what gives?” Amelia chimed in, taking a small step closer to you as if to avoid having the conversation overheard, making it seem like the most dire thing in the world.
You shrug, eyes still trained on Eddie for a moment longer as you tried to hold back your amusement at everyone’s reactions. You were proud that you seemed to actually appear interested, if their reactions were anything to go on.
“I don’t know, he’s kinda cute, isn’t he?”
It appeared that your tone was also as convincing as you were hoping for, because both girls pulled faces at your reply. The football players lingered awkwardly, but didn’t dare chime in on the conversation; after another few tense moments, they said their goodbyes and disappeared quickly down the hall.
Janet dared to briefly look over her shoulder at Eddie again, who now appeared to be in conversation with his friends. But it’s as if he knew he was being watched again, because his eyes immediately flicked up, a grin teasing at his lips as he met Janet’s gaze. She quickly turned away from him as a surprised sound escaped her lips.
Amelia simply made a sound of distaste, her eyes locked on you, “Ew,” She started, “in what world is that freak cute?”
“He is pretty weird…” Janet added, her tone not nearly as harsh as Amelia’s, although you could nonetheless hear her obvious trepidation.
You roll your eyes, a harsh and mocking look on your face, “Jan, you think Anthony Michael Hall is cute.”
Your tone is a touch nasty, and you can see Amelia smirking at the jab despite herself - she and you were in agreement that said actor was not attractive.
“He is!” Janet insisted, looking between you both, “You guys saw Sixteen Candles too.”
“Yeah, and he was a total geek in it.” Amelia responded, a harsh smirk on her lips.
Your gaze drifted back to Eddie, who had finally looked away for a few moments as he conversed with his little gang of nerds. Choosing defiance, you decided to antagonize your friends a little, a mean smirk ghosting over your lips.
“Eddie’s cuter than Anthony Michael Hall, that’s for damn sure.” It felt so wrong to say his name and not just refer to him as “Munson” or “the freak,” but you figured it would make a stronger impact on them if you used his first name.
Both Amelia and Janet made offended sounds in unison, their expressions critical.
“You feeling okay?” Amelia asked, not with concern, but rather with judgment, “I didn’t think the break-up was that hard on you.”
Frustration flared up inside you at that remark - that felt like a personal jab even by Amelia standards. You couldn’t help the sharp look you flashed at her, eyes narrowing, “It wasn’t. Duncan doesn’t matter to me in the slightest.”
As if compelled to confrontation, Amelia couldn’t help but respond in disbelief, “Sure, whatever you say. Munson’s a pretty pathetic excuse for a rebound, though. You could do better.”
You were so damn tempted to continue arguing with her, as you were never one to back down, but seeing motion in Eddie’s direction stopped you from saying anything. Your eyes flicked up to watch as he and his friends started to walk down the hall, coming in your direction. As the group passed you, Eddie came to a halt, taking an exaggerated bow, his eyes locked on yours almost as if he knew what was going on.
“Ladies…” He taunted with a glint in his eyes. As he straightened back up, he looked between the three of you, a goofy smile plastered on his face. As he walked away, he gave you one final, obvious wink.
“Ugh, what a creep…” Janet said while you watched Eddie disappear down the hall. Realizing the time, you abruptly walked off without saying goodbye to either Amelia or Janet. 
Aside from briefly saying ‘hello’ to one another in math class, you didn’t see Eddie for the rest of the day; and even something as simple as that greeting turned the heads of a few of your classmates. Sure, you may have passed each other in the hall or spotted one another at lunch, but otherwise your schedules didn’t seem to allow for much of each other. That’s something you two would have to figure out once you got deeper into this little scheme of yours.
As your day ended and you made the drive to the ice skating rink, you pondered how exactly you and Eddie would pull this off. Should you be more up front, more assertive? Or should you let Eddie take the reins on that? How quickly should you move things along? Would you really keep this going until graduation? It seemed that you needed to find some time to discuss all these finer details with Eddie, and soon, or else your cover would definitely be blown.
Come Tuesday, your morning started off differently than you expected. As you walked up to the front doors of the school, Eddie seemed to appear out of thin air, slinking up alongside you. Before you realized who it was, you were about ready to tell them to back the hell up, but you caught the words on your tongue once you realized it was him. The sight of Eddie took you by surprise, your face inevitably saying so, as he shot you a playful grin in response.
“Morning, princess,” He greeted, bumping you with his shoulder. Despite wanting to glare at him and his insistence on breaking the oh-so-holy fake dating rules, you held back, instead giving him what you hoped was a coy look.
“Munson,” You answered simply, feeling strange having a conversation with him in the middle of all your peers, all out in the open like this. When you reached the front doors, Eddie held one open for you, which was a pleasant surprise. Once you’d both entered, Eddie remained at your side, a simple look of contentment on his face as you asked dryly, “What grand gestures do you plan to do today?”
“Oh, I’m going to sweep you off your feet,” He begins playfully, seeming to enjoy the occasional glances shot at the two of you, “You’ll be absolutely head over heels by the end of the afternoon.”
You find his humor both mildly amusing and mildly stale, but you nonetheless give him a slight, doubtful smirk, “I’m sure.”
Eddie looked you up and down while cracking another smile; you weren’t sure if he was trying to turn up the charm for show or if he was trying to win you over just a little, “So, when I ask you out, you want a whole show of it? Flowers, balloons, the whole nine yards?”
“Maybe you should drop in from a helicopter, make it really interesting.” You responded coolly. The contrast of your sense of humor versus your monotonous delivery was perhaps a bit jarring and hard for some to get used to, but Eddie nonetheless seemed amused by it.
“So high maintenance.” Eddie chided, to which you gave him a sideways look. You two continued towards your locker, acting as if you didn’t notice people’s glances; you figured Amelia and Janet were already waiting for you, and you definitely wanted to see how they’d react to you and Eddie this morning.
For a few moments, you two walked in a slightly uncomfortable silence, a small reminder that you didn’t actually know each other at all, that this was all make believe. You could feel Eddie stealing glances at you as if he were deciding how to best engage with you in this school setting.
“Just looking at you yesterday was enough to set your friends off.” Eddie finally spoke up again as a wide grin spread across his lips, “Should I flirt a little more aggressively? Really get them worked up about it?”
You also couldn’t help but smirk a little - Amelia and Janet’s reactions were better than you could have anticipated, so much more dramatic than you expected. You were still miffed at Amelia thanks to her comment about Duncan, but you were sure that today she’d act as if nothing happened. Or at least, she’d try to, until seeing you with Eddie.
“We keep going at this rate, and Amelia and I might be in a cat fight by the end of the week.” You gave Eddie a wicked smile, which he didn’t expect, but he nonetheless looked back at you with just as much amusement.
“Maybe I need to step it up a little, then,” He responded as you two rounded the corner, your locker just down the hall. You immediately spotted Amelia and Janet there caught up in conversation, oblivious to you watching them from amongst the crowd of other students. You briefly paused as you studied them, Eddie following suit as he looked between you and them, “Should we go pay them a visit?”
You glanced up at Eddie through your lashes, similar fiendish glints in your eyes; you were wondering the exact same thing as him, debating whether to approach them or breeze on by as if they didn’t exist. Both were equally devious, and you momentarily felt pleased that you chose to make Eddie your fake boyfriend for this plan - in some ways, such as this, maybe you two were actually on the same page.
And then, the deciding factor just so happened to be heading in your friends’ direction.
Duncan walked down the hall with a quiet sort of confidence, and you absolutely loathed him for it. A few friends were with him as he stopped to chat with Amelia and Janet, and even from here his relaxed smile made you want to slap him. You hadn’t even realized you were clenching your jaw until Eddie spoke again.
“Get it together and let’s go over there.” He instructed, looking between your eyes and your tight jaw. He leaned forward a little with a wicked grin, “Come on. This is what you wanted me for, right? Let’s go get a reaction outta them.”
You chose to ignore the mild suggestiveness of Eddie's phrasing, although you did briefly narrow your eyes at him - you weren’t sure why, but you couldn’t help but hate that he was already doing his job well. He had a point, so you put on your best poker face and walked with confidence in the direction of your locker, Eddie right there alongside you. You made an effort to walk closer to him, to convey some kind of comradery, hoping that everyone would buy your bullshit.
Janet, always the most aware of the bunch, spotted you first, her expression shifting with worry. It wasn’t until you were practically on top of the group that the rest of them noticed your arrival, and everyone’s faces fell into various expressions of confusion, annoyance, and loathing. God, they were all so dramatic.
“Excuse me.” You said to one of Duncan’s friends in the bratty tone that most of them were used to, as he was blocking your locker. When he didn’t move right away, your brows shot up in threatening impatience, prompting him to quickly step aside. Eddie’s eyes followed the guy just to make him more uncomfortable as you opened your locker, intentionally letting it swing loudly against the one beside it.
“You lost, Munson?” Duncan questioned in a challenging tone, stepping forward with his gaze trained on Eddie. You turned, prepared to make some quick retort in defense of your fake boyfriend, but he beat you to the punch.
“Do I look lost?” Eddie put on a false look of confusion before a wild grin broke out across his lips. His response caused you to snort out a small laugh, Duncan looking back and forth between you two with skepticism before his eyes finally settled on you.
“Are you serious?” His tone was accusing as he took a step toward you. You kept your face calm and your eyes cold as you rooted around in your locker, hoping that your supposed nonchalance would really get under his skin.
“About what?” You taunted, the corner of your mouth barely pulling up into a smirk. You shut your locker, finally looking Duncan in the face to find him gazing at you with bafflement. The whole group was watching with similar expressions, but you paid them no mind, “This is my locker. If you don’t like what you see, go somewhere else.”
You looked back at Eddie, who seemed to be eating this up, not afraid of showing his amusement plainly across his face. You figured that that was also doing an incredible job of getting under Duncan’s skin.
“Walk me to class?” You prompted with a flirty tone, to which Eddie smiled. It was a look that could have convinced you that he was actually interested if you didn’t know any better.
“Lead the way.” His fingers ever so slightly grazed the small of your back as you walked between him and Duncan, leading him away from the group without looking back at them, as tempting as it was. Eddie followed right behind you, his shoulders nearly brushing yours as you maneuvered through the crowd. Classes hadn’t even started yet, but already you were enjoying this day far too much.
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hwaightme · 2 years
Your fan, Yunho (part 1)
(part 2) (your fan ml)
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🎮pairing: yunho x game developer!reader 🎮genre: fluff, slice of life, opposites attract, serendipity, humour summary: a bulletpoint-style wordstream of what it would be like if yunho was stanning you 🎮wordcount: 2.6k 🎮warnings/tags: language, reader is a developer, coding and gaming is life, wooyoung knows, yunho as a gaming enthusiast, reader is a serious introvert, business friend playing wingwoman, flirting in chat, reader is oblivious, yunho wants to be noticed, possible gaming dates, ateez have potential as twitch streamers, let me know if anything else 🎮a/n: Hello everyone! This is a wave I had in relation to 'Your fan,___', now for Yunho! Thank you everyone for your likes, comments and reblogs <3
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You were a game developer, who started out quite early with simple arcade style games, and progressed to more complex rpgs story-focused fps games, which had given you recognition and helped you rise to where you were today.
And where were you now? Well, you were your own boss, a developer self-started Cogent Studio, in the heart of Seoul, working with some of your closest friends.
When you had the time and energy, you would attend cons, do interviews here and there, or join your gamer friends' streams to either play together if the game was multiplayer, or merely enjoy a peaceful couple of hours together, talking about the greatest love of your life - games and computer science
Other than that, you never really chased the limelight, nor felt the need to. So long as you could keep on doing what you did, you were happy.
This was why you were grateful that one of your friends was terrifically social media savvy, and could start a trend out of nothing if they wanted to.
They were normally the ones do give you nudges as reminders that "it was time to do some publicity"
This was exactly how you had stumbled upon a livestream which ended up changing your life for even better
It was a couple days after the official release of your studio's latest, rather ambitious project, Aenigmata.
This fever dream had, from initial character sketches to final implementation and server testing and the sort had taken a grand total of five years, with you repeatedly reworking one part after another as your skills improved and you found other experts to mentor you along the way.
On top of this being a career challenge, you wanted to be extra evil and create countless riddles and adapting puzzles, making them the way to have the highest chances to succeed in the more "action-packed" parts of the game.
So bent on wanting to create the perfect intellectual challenge, in fact, that you had dabbled in the implementation of machine learning into the game, to make the World of Aenigmata feed on your mistakes and challenges (to a limit, of course)
This strategy/shooter/rpg crossed with a science experiment had already done some rounds among enthusiasts and critics, being very well received, and commended for its "disruptive nature" compared to the current market.
You were not too bothered by the sales, seeing as your less multifaceted projects were doing well enough (unlike your distributors), but they appeared to be as stable as a game of such a style would allow.
Your extra sleepless nights dedicated to ensuring there were both single player and small party multiplayer paid off too - Youtubers and Twitch streamers were starting to get in on the fun and publicise the game you had made with your very own hands.
And on this particular day there was one livestream in particular that had caught the attention of your friend and marketing guru.
A certain 'Jeong duo' from an idol group by the name of ATEEZ were live on YouTube, actually had been for almost an hour, and lo and behold, were playing your game.
"Can you imagine, Y/N? THE Wooyoung and Yunho from ATEEZ, playing Aenigmata. This is like, gold for us. Can you believe how many potential buyers we could be hitting right now? Come on, take a look here-"
"Do they like it?" You deadpanned, not wanting to take your eyes off the code you were currently debugging.
Your friend wiggled her phone right in front of your face. "Y/N, this is IMPORTANT!!! This could bring us the BIG FIGURES if we use it right!"
Back at it again with the business-speak... you were glad that this was not your task to take care of. So to satisfy your now pouting marketing chief, you switched attention and repositioned the phone to take a closer look.
Oh no, they were handsome. Here lied your rationality. No, Y/N, we must stay focused, brothers, we must stay focused.
You actually bit the inside of your cheek to remind yourself that it, in fact, was not simp o'clock, and you had hot two-dimensional characters to design. Okay that brought you back down a few notches. Now for the...
Wait, they were pretty good! You took note of what stage of the game they were at, and called out for your friend who was texting on her other phone (yes, she was that type of boss lady)
"You said they were idols, right?" After receiving an enthusiastic confirmation, you rubbed your chin, pensive. "Okay you know what they are cool, I respect them. And look at that set up sheesh flexing that alienware..."  you trailed of, seeing as your friend began to lose you after the first sentence.
"Then how about you say it?"
"Didn't I... just do that?"
Your friend pinched the bridge of her nose.
"No, you dufus. IN CHAT."
After a couple more minutes of pointless back and forth, you were convinced. One could even say you were excited. Normally you would only make appearances in streams of people who you knew personally (even in chat) so this was a first. Even though you were going to be sending a message through the studio's account, it felt personal.
Here went nothing.
<cogent_studio> Happy to see you enjoying Aenigmata! Thank you so much Wooyoung and Yunho, ATEEZ hwaiting!
At first everything was quiet - honestly you were a little disappointed.
Well, it turned out to be lag, because after giving it a few more seconds, chat exploded, @ing you and the two members, saying that this was the world's most ambitious crossover in history.
This fanbase was wonderful, you decided.
"Wait... wait... DID THE STUDIO WRITE TO US IN CHAT?" The louder of the two exclaimed.
"Let me check... Oh my, Woo, yes they did, HELLO!!!" the one who you now knew to be Yunho waved at the camera.
He was about to leap into the air and never come down. His fans knew that he was pretty good at certain games, though still often attributed the title of gaming king to Yeosang, but what they did not know was that your work was especially meaningful to him, and your drive and wit made him look beyond the products. He was your loyal fan, and was not ashamed to admit it.
Of course, it was the studio account that had written in chat, meaning it could be anyone with permissions (as far as he could remember you had entrusted three people with rights to spreading culturally significant memes) but he could not help but hope that of all the staff it was you who had noticed him. So he tried his best to be ever so gallant and attractive, much to Wooyoung's amusement. His friend was well aware of Yunho not so subtly being starstruck by you, but so far was not wrecking havoc.
Your friend looked particularly smug when she saw a grin spreading across your face. And not while you were amidst work... well kind of related, but still, much further away from the centrepoint of your comfort zone.
What sealed the deal for you and kicked you over the edge and into checking ATEEZ out was when Yunho, allowing Wooyoung to take over the gameplay for some time, decided to try directly interacting with you.
Patiently waiting for every message from you. Asking questions. Gushing about your other projects.
Finally, Yunho thought, it was his geek side's time to shine. The more challenging part was not keeping up the conversation that was getting progressively more technical, but to stop himself from over sharing.
And that was HARD when he had your mains in various games down pat, memorized the funniest moments from streams where you were hanging out with your friends and had read up on the theories and conspiracies attempting to connect the various games you had released over the years.
He had found out about you through a group of game connoisseurs back in high school, and had not looked back since then. Mingi knew the best about all the ins and outs of Yunho's stanning (though it spread rapidly enough - not that anyone minded, it was cute; besides, you had expert and exclusive knowledge on such a grand variety of things in the industry, that sometimes a member would even Yunho in watching bits of press or streams)
Being your fan was a way for him to keep himself grounded and and connected to other parts of life when he was a trainee, when he had events back to back and was sometimes struggling to function.
Just seeing you, of similar age to him, out there, going through your own battles and coming out on top, continuing to hone your craft whilst ignoring any hate spat in your direction... that had motivated Yunho to go on.
To put it simply, it was had for Yunho to contain his inner fanboy. So he switched it up and instead acted like a gentleman.
At one point your friend even half-whispered "is this... a date?" To which you countered
"How would it be anything except business? He is talking to the studio, and I am merely a rep."
"Uhhh.... what did he say just now?"
Yunho had suddenly grown quiet, stumbling over his words a couple times - some observant fans had pointed out that his ears were growing pink. Why was he so cute and bashful all of a sudden?
Your friend leaned into the screen peering at the two ATEEZ members and the chat like a scientist into a microscope - "What is happening, I lost the plot"
Luckily for you, Wooyoung had found Yunho's behaviour and inaudible question entertaining, so he paused the game and placing a hand on the taller man's shoulder, smirked right at his audience.
"Yunho, I think you might actually be Sherlock Holmes with your deductions. Let's try it out. Who do we have the pleasure of talking to, could it be the Y/N herself?"
Oh. So apparently the style of your responses was enough for Yunho to figure out it was YOU?
More than enough, actually. He had seen you chat enough times to know your style.
You wanted to run and hide. Or more specifically, to lie and say "unfortunately not, this is her friend. But at the studio we are pretty much a hivemind so you could say you are talking to Y/N!"
You were about to send those exact words when your friend SLAMMED the back space and literally hissed at you
"Okay bro chill"
<cogent_studio> yes, indeed it is! No wonder you are acing Aenigmata
After that, Yunho's behaviour had noticeably changed. So did his body language.
He had adjusted his posture to be somehow even more proper, you swore his voice got slightly deeper, and he got more... competitive? With his own team mate?
It was almost as though upon finding out that it was YOU he was talking to he felt it to be his mission to impress you with his skills... at playing your own game.
Wooyoung had an unreadable yet sly expression, giving Yunho the occasional jab on the shoulder or giggling to himself.
As a wise man once said "this is kinda sus"
And that was pretty much how the next two hours passed. You had transferred the stream to one of your monitors, and during intervals when the guys were in hardcore focus mode managed to finish your debugging duties. This sort of contact was not as bad as you thought.
Once the livestream ended, with Yunho shining like a thousand suns when he saw a final message from you thanking them and hoping to stay in touch, you deflated.
Who was this social person and what did they do to Y/N? You desperately needed to lock yourself in your gaming lair and play some mind-numbing simulator. Just as you were about to clock out you caught the devious winks from your business friend who started this whole thing.
"Hello hello, I see you are free again, how are you feeling, darling?"
"Drained, tired, overwhelmed, was about to go hermit mode for the rest of the day."
"Ah brilliant, then I caught you at the right time. You have a call with ATEEZ's management at two fifteen in the afternoon tomorrow, don't worry I'll be handling the details there you just have to look pretty and do your big brain things. But if all goes well there, you will be having a gaming session organised with ATEEZ to promote their activities and your game."
Oh what the hell did you get yourself into?
Surprise surprise, everything did go well and you were to have an official scheduled activity with a major idol group.
You did not want to admit it, but inside you were shaking. This live would have an astonishing number of people compared to what you were used to, or at least a totally different type of crowd. Maybe there would be some of your diehard supporters here and there, but without a doubt 99% would be ATINY.
On the day you had met two new additions to the gamer squad, in the form of Yeosang and Mingi, wit the former recognising the brand of your gaming chair and complimenting it. Needless to say, you had labelled him as a homie straight away.
Just because they were apparently famous did not mean you went easy on them, oh no, they were with a person who had deliberated going pro into esports at one point.
And your good-humoured and well-balanced competitiveness paired with a genuine passion for the craft and activity had resulted in a record number of views - two disparate fanbases coming together, confused but enjoying the show nonetheless.
One of the most popular highlights from the stream ended up being you and Yunho's genius sabotage in Among Us, where literally everyone was clueless of who was impostor until you got to steal the victory. And another, that had gained more likes upon being turned into an edit was one from the couple of Overwatch 2 rounds you had played. Specifically, it was after you had solo carried your team to victory after their elimination and got MVP.
The edit was simple, and all it really showed was the MVP reel and Yunho's face cam. The caption did all the work:
"Get you a man who looks at you the way Yunho looks at Y/N getting MVP"
You rewatched that edit an embarrassing number of times. Fooling yourself into thinking that it was because it was just that funny (no, fam, no)
A couple of days after and your routine had gone back to normal, aside from a considerable increase in sales of Aenigmata, as well as your older games, and being mutuals with ATEEZ on Twitter.
But one night, marking nearly a week since the scheduled gaming session, when you booted up Steam again to pick your way to unwind, someone sent you a chat. Like they had been waiting for the your little status icon to turn green, all this time.
When you opened up chat, you did a double take. The username was of none other than Yunho, asking if you were free to play.
And thus began your story as an unbeatable duo.
You had finally gotten yourself a new gaming companion, while Yunho started falling for you, far beyond what was previously just being a fan. Now, he was getting to know the real you, and you could not be more attractive.
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izicodes · 2 years
Why You Should Never Stop Learning as a Programmer
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Learning is important for people who work within the tech world. Technology is and always will be changing and new things are being created all the time, like new languages, updates and tools. To be good at coding and keep up with these changes, you need to keep learning the new things. Let’s talk about it~!
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Here are some reasons why continuing to learn is important in programming:
Keeping up with the new tech
To be good at coding/programming, you need to keep up with new technologies and how to use them well!
Technology is always changing, and new things are being made all the time.
Skills? Improved!
As you get better at programming, you'll learn a bunch of core skills.
You can learn even more new skills and get better at the skills you already have.
This helps you stay ahead of other programmers and be really good at what you do.
Enhance your career opportunities
This goes back to your skills being improved, learning helps you stay competitive in the job market by keeping you up-to-date with the latest skills and technologies that are in demand by employers.
Companies are always looking for candidates who have the latest skills and knowledge.
You can show employers that you are committed to your profession and willing to adapt to changes in the industry.
Creative mind boost!
New technologies and new skills, it all encourages creativity and innovation in your work by exposing you to new ideas, perspectives, and approaches to problem-solving.
When you take courses, attend workshops, or read about the latest industry trends, you may come across novel solutions to problems that you hadn't considered before.
This can inspire you to think more creatively and outside the box in your own work!!
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Thanks for reading and good luck with studying programming! 😊👏🏾💗
◀ previous programming post
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womaneng · 1 month
📍How do you stay up to date as a developer?🤔
In a world where tech evolves rapidly, keeping up with the latest news and updates can be challenging. 🧠
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slightlymore · 9 months
Not everyone knows about the boycott thing.. no one I follow on social media or no news source (of any political color, really) has talked about it where I'm from even though there has been many pro-palestine demonstrations...
Please don't think that because SOME people who are online a lot know about it everyone does in a country... not all people are 24/7 on the internet. Life still goes on even though we are disgusted by what is happening right now...
objectively you're right. average korean who only watches the Korean news doesn't know. let's do this mental exercise.
but a person like doyoung who's always up to date with all the latest internet trends and now with the way their social media is flooded with comments about it, what excuse do they all have?
I'm not asking them to speak up or anything, they're not politicians and they don't have any business and probably no right to do anything because they're slaves as idols. and also, me projecting my ideals on idols and keeping them up to a specific high standard is toxic
at the same time, people have the right to be disappointed in this behaviour, and if I see them actively promoting something that's aiding to incredible pain and suffering i will just not like them anymore and idc
the situation is way too big for me to even have time to be like hmmm maybe they didn't know hmmmmm
finally, as I said before, this is in no way an invitation for people to wish doyoung the worst because we all know he's not an evil guy. it was just my way to communicate that I can't engage in his fandom anymore, as someone who has been writing about doyoung a lot, and everyone else can do whatever they want, I'm not trying to change anyone's mind, everyone here is an adult with brains and their own moral code
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agentaart · 2 months
hello v(^-^) can you explain the cool numbers/codes you assigned to each vocaloid/voice synth in your latest art piece! VY2s make sense but i’m interested in the others! yay! thank you either way d–(^ ‿ ^ )z
Kaai Yuki:
Her number is 07 since she was the 6th vocaloid released after miku, so just going up chronologically. I know technically theres vocaloids before her so she's not the 7th one, I'm just following the miku trend here. Not very creative sorry.
Piko Utatane and SF-A2 Miki:
Miki is officially called SF-A2 Kaihatsu Code Miki, so thats a lil obvious. However, most vocaloids have code names. Usually they relate to the voicebank in some way but they can also be gibberish. You can find them on most wiki's. Miki's code is SF-A2. So I used that to be her lil shoulder/hand tattoo. Also fun fact, originally, Piko and Miki were meant to be counterparts for each other before they got separated between different companies. Piko's official name is Kaihatsu Code PIKO so I decided to make them a pair. Following the trend for Miki, I made Piko have his code be his number/letters. Pikos code is KSRW-1, SO on it goes.
She's got a lot of voice banks with lots of different software hosting her now-a-days BUT she originally used to be a voicevox and an Utau. I kinda regard Teto as THE utau so I figured I could copy and paste a design element. Since Teto has the date she was released be the number on her arm, I did the same thing with Zundamon. She was first introduced the world May 21st in 2017 SO I made 0521 be her number. May being the 5th month and 21 being the day.
Lil obvious again but you know. Yuuma is his name! VY2 is also his name! Mash the 2 together. WOOOOW so creative lol
Haruno Sora:
So, typically when I do numbers on vocaloids, I try and count up from miku. BUT that doesn't nessisarily mean I just count every voicebank released from her since. Sometimes I do stuff like I did with Miki and Piko if theres an opportunity for something more interesting. If they're pairs/Counterparts like Rin/Len, Anon/Kanon, Mikoto/Hime, Project ZOLA, I try and give them the same numbers. So counting up from miku with these weird rules, Haruno Sora would be 51. Again, she's not the 51st, but counting can get tiring. Subject to change though, entirely depends on how I count any future vocaloids I draw from here on out.
Miku Hatsune:
Not much is significant about her number really. Its just her base design element. Only addition is that it's pink since she's the #1 diva and needs to be special-er.
Closing thought:
I usually only take the earliest history I can when I choose these lil codes since revamping how I draw them everytime they get a new bank in a new software, I'd lose my mind. If I had to take into account Namine Ritsu everytime she gets a new bank/design, I'd go nuts. Generally though, it entirely depends on what I think would be a cool code for them. For ex, I have Macne Nana's code be 2S since the last series vocal she was provided by Reason and Garageband was called Macne Nana 2S. Since she was the only Macintosh vocal synth available for a while, I figured she could use some speacial treatment. I'll prolly post that doddle page here too. ANYWAY thats the peak into my brain. THANK YOU AND GOODNIGHT
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hostpyters · 3 months
Bloom Institute of Technology, commonly referred to as BloomTech (formerly Lambda School), is an educational institution offering online bootcamps and training programs focused on preparing students for careers in tech. Below is a detailed review of BloomTech's features and functionalities:
Key Features
Curriculum and Programs:
Comprehensive Courses: BloomTech offers intensive, full-time and part-time programs in software engineering, data science, and other technology fields. The curriculum is designed to cover a wide range of essential skills and knowledge required in the tech industry. Project-Based Learning: The programs emphasize hands-on, project-based learning, allowing students to build real-world applications and develop a robust portfolio. Up-to-Date Content: The curriculum is regularly updated to reflect the latest industry trends and technologies, ensuring that students learn relevant and in-demand skills.
Instruction and Support:
Experienced Instructors: Courses are taught by experienced industry professionals who provide practical insights and mentorship. Student Support: BloomTech offers comprehensive student support, including live assistance, office hours, and peer collaboration to help students succeed. Career Services: The institution provides career support services, including resume reviews, interview preparation, job search assistance, and networking opportunities to help graduates secure employment.
Flexible Payment Options:
Income Share Agreement (ISA): BloomTech popularized the ISA model, where students pay a percentage of their income after securing a job that meets certain criteria. This model reduces the financial burden upfront and aligns the institution’s success with the student’s success. Upfront Payment: Students can also choose to pay tuition upfront, which may be more economical for those who can afford it.
Accessibility and Flexibility:
Online Learning: All courses are offered online, providing flexibility for students to learn from anywhere. The full-time and part-time options allow students to choose a schedule that fits their lifestyle. Self-Paced Options: While the main programs are cohort-based with set schedules, BloomTech also offers some self-paced learning options for students who need more flexibility. Community and Networking:
Collaborative Environment: Students are encouraged to collaborate with peers, fostering a strong sense of community and support. Alumni Network: Graduates become part of a growing alumni network, which can be a valuable resource for job placement and professional networking. Outcome Focused:
Job Placement Rates: BloomTech emphasizes job placement and career outcomes, with many programs designed to ensure that students are job-ready upon graduation. Industry Connections: The institution has connections with various tech companies and startups, facilitating potential job opportunities for graduates.
Pros Flexible Financing: The ISA model provides a low-risk financial option, reducing barriers to entry for students who might not afford traditional tuition fees. Comprehensive Support: Extensive student and career support services help maximize student success and job placement. Real-World Skills: Project-based learning and up-to-date curriculum ensure students gain practical, industry-relevant skills. Online Flexibility: The online format offers flexibility for students to learn from anywhere and at their own pace.
Cons Intensive Commitment: The bootcamp format can be very intensive, requiring significant time and effort, which may be challenging for some students. Variable Job Outcomes: While BloomTech focuses on job placement, outcomes can vary based on individual effort, market conditions, and geographic location. Cost: Despite flexible payment options, the overall cost can be high, particularly if the student does not secure a high-paying job immediately after graduation. ISA Model Risks: The ISA model, while beneficial in reducing upfront costs, can result in higher total payments over time if graduates secure high-paying jobs.
Bloom Institute of Technology (BloomTech) provides a robust and flexible educational pathway for individuals seeking careers in technology. With its comprehensive, up-to-date curriculum, project-based learning approach, and extensive support services, BloomTech equips students with the skills needed to succeed in the tech industry. The innovative financing options, particularly the ISA model, make the programs accessible to a broader range of students. However, the intensive nature of the programs and the variable job outcomes are important considerations. Overall, BloomTech is a strong option for motivated individuals looking to break into tech careers, particularly those who value flexible financing and a supportive learning environment.
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optimizacijasajta · 1 year
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RankBrain is a machine learning algorithm that Google uses to help rank websites in search results. It is one of the most important factors in Google's ranking algorithm, and it is constantly evolving.
To effectively rank in the future, you need to understand how RankBrain works and how you can optimize your website for it. Here are some tips:
Create high-quality content. RankBrain is trained on a massive dataset of text and code, so it is able to understand the quality of your content. Create high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience and that is well-written and informative.
Optimize your website for search engines. This includes using relevant keywords in your title tags, meta descriptions, and throughout your content. You should also make sure that your website is mobile-friendly.
Build backlinks to your website. Backlinks are links from other websites to your own. Backlinks are a signal to Google that your website is authoritative and trustworthy. You can build backlinks by creating high-quality content that other websites will want to link to, and by guest blogging on other websites in your industry.
Promote your content. Once you have created high-quality content, you need to promote it so that people can find it. You can promote your content on social media, through email marketing, and by guest blogging on other websites. You can also promote your content by submitting it to directories and by running paid advertising campaigns.
In addition to the above tips, there are a few other things you can do to effectively rank in the future:
Keep up with the latest SEO trends. The SEO landscape is constantly changing, so it is important to keep up with the latest trends. You can do this by reading industry blogs, attending industry events, and following SEO experts on social media.
Use data to inform your SEO strategy. You can use data from analytics tools to see what content is performing well and what content is not performing well. This data can help you to create more of the content that your audience wants to see.
Be patient. It takes time to rank in search results, especially for competitive keywords. Don't expect to see results overnight. Just keep creating high-quality content, building backlinks, and promoting your content, and you will eventually see results.
By following the tips above, you can improve your chances of ranking effectively in the future.
Here are some additional tips specifically for RankBrain:
Focus on long-tail keywords. RankBrain is better at understanding long-tail keywords than short-tail keywords. This is because long-tail keywords are more specific and informative.
Create content that is relevant to your target audience. RankBrain is able to understand the context of your content and the intent of your target audience. This means that you need to create content that is relevant to your target audience and that meets their needs.
Use a variety of content formats. RankBrain is able to understand a variety of content formats, including text, images, videos, and audio. This means that you can create content in a variety of formats to reach your target audience and improve your ranking.
Keep your website up-to-date. RankBrain favors websites that are fresh and up-to-date. This means that you need to update your website on a regular basis with new content.
By following these tips, you can optimize your website for RankBrain and improve your chances of ranking effectively in the future.
Mapiranje ključnih reči - SEO
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myriadxofxmuses · 5 months
RULES: Answer the questions with the Muses that would best fit the answers. Bonus if you give details why.
1) Rank your softest Muse and your toughest Muse. (Personality-wise) Softest would be Ofreyja. She is naive in a lot of ways and her heart is always on her sleeve. She is just so open to everything that it's easy for others to take advantage of it.
Toughest is definitely Oscar. Hands down. His training, lack of fear, and determination see him through pretty much anything.
2) Which Muse would blow through $1000 quickly? Ivy. She does it all the time when she hacks people's credit cards. But don't worry. It's always people who deserve it. And they get the money back anyway when they claim it as fraud so there's no real damage. Plus Ivy is more than capable to cover her tracks to avoid detection, so it's a win for both parties.
3) Do any of them have nicknames? Is there a meaning behind them? Ethan is so affectionately called E or E-Heazey. Both of which he hates. And there isn't any real meaning behind them. Just his douche bag, yuppy friends and their typical frat boy behavior.
Gage had a few - Rage Gage, Turnstile, Messaih. Plus the usual entertainment bullshit of 'big man on campus', 'ladies man', etc. The ones that matter however have meaning behind each one. Rage Gage because he loved Tencious D growing up. Turnstile because he's a whore. And Messiah because his parents names are Mary and Joseph.
Ivy is known as 8bit-Cyanide to those involved in the cyber world. It's her handle.
Silas has been given two by his bandmates. Speedy and Tree Hugger. He got Speedy because of his addictions to both cocaine and sugar. And Tree Hugger because of his upbringing in a cult.
Emily has been affectionately named Vinny by her brother because of her love for Vincent Van Gogh. Plus it's so specific to them that it can also be used as a code word if needed - something Oscar likes to point out to her as often as possible.
She has affectionately named him Oscar the Grouch as a testimate to his serious nature.
4) Are any of them up-to-speed on the latest trends? Anyone more old school? Ofreyja, Gage, and Ivy are pretty up to date with trends. Emily and Oscar tend to be more old school. Ethan and Silas could honestly care less, but they don't need a whole lot of help staying on point with things. It comes naturally for them.
5) Who has the best relationship with their siblings? Emily and Oscar. But they barely beat out Gage and Celeste.
6) Karaoke night! Who is likely to grab the mic first and bust out a tune? Ivy. Usually when she's gotten tipsy enough to do so. And her voice isn't half bad either. Also Ofreyaja, but she's not that great. She just has fun with it.
7) Who is least likely to enter a beauty pageant/model? Emily, Oscar, and Sydney
8) If your Muses visited a haunted house where actors scare you, who would panic and who would be unfazed? Panic would be Oscar. It would trigger his PTSD and he knows it, so he avoids them. Unfazed is definitely Gage and Silas.
9) Are any of your Muses particular about taking certain modes of transportation? Gage loves older race cars, but he doesn't drive them much to keep them pristine. Other than that, no, not really.
10) Share a little-known fact about any Muse. Oscar can wiggle his ears.
tagged by: @uncxntrxllable
tagging: @waveofstars , @heartxshaped-bruises , @strictlyoc , @strictlycanon , @amongxthexcrowd , @missautumn , @ruinedsoulsrp , @huntrcssqueen , @disposablelover , @lostxones , @sheiismother
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shraviya · 1 year
Incredible High-paying Career Paths for Web Designers
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In today's digital age, web design has become an exciting and changing field with many options. There's a big demand for web designers who can make websites that look good and are easy to use. If you recently finished learning web design, great job! You're starting an exciting journey. In this blog post, we'll talk about all the different jobs you can do after learning web design.
Web Designer:
Make websites that look good and are easy to use.
Work with clients to understand what they want their website to look like.
Design how the website will look, including picking colors and fonts.
Create pictures and graphics to make the website look nice.
Use computer programs like Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, or Figma to design things.
Learn about the latest design trends to make modern and good-looking websites.
Front-End Developer:
Turn web design ideas into working websites using code like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Make sure websites work well on different devices and screens.
Add fun things like buttons that change when you click them.
Work with web designers to make their ideas real.
Find and fix problems with how websites look and work.
Keep up-to-date with new tools and ways to build websites.
UI/UX Designer:
Focus on making websites and apps that are easy for people to understand and use.
Talk to users and test websites to learn how to make them better.
Draw pictures and models of websites before they're built to see how they'll work.
Work closely with people who make websites to make sure they look like the designs.
Think about who will use the website and how they will use it.
Try to make sure websites are easy to use and look nice for everyone.
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Graphic Designer:
Make pictures and designs for things like logos, posters, and ads.
Use computer programs like Adobe Illustrator and InDesign to create pictures.
Work with marketing teams to show what a brand wants to say with pictures.
Understand things like colors, fonts, and how things should look on a page.
Keep a collection of your best design work to show to others.
Change designs to look good both on computers and when they're printed.
E-commerce Specialist:
Make and make better websites where people can buy things online.
Make sure it's easy for people to find and buy things on the website.
Make sure it's safe for people to pay for things online.
Use tools like Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento to help make online stores.
Look at how people use the website to sell more things.
Keep up with what's new in online shopping.
Digital Marketer:
Make things like pictures and ads that look good and get people's attention online.
Make things for social media, emails, and online ads.
Work with other people in marketing to make sure the pictures match what they want to say.
Use tools to see how the things you make do online and make choices based on what you learn.
Make sure the pictures look good on different places online and on phones and computers.
Learn about new ways to do marketing online.
CMS Specialist:
Change and keep up websites that use special programs, like WordPress or Joomla.
Change how websites look and work to match what the owner wants.
Make sure websites are safe and work well.
Teach people how to use the special program to make websites.
Fix problems with the special program.
Learn about the updates and extras for the special program.
Work for yourself and make websites for people.
Choose when you work and how much you charge.
Make a lot of different kinds of websites for different people.
Tell people about your work online and meet other people in the same job.
Do everything for your work, like talking to people, making websites, and getting paid.
Keep getting better at your work and get more people to hire you.
Web Design Educator/Trainer:
Teach other people how to make websites.
Make plans and materials to help people learn how to design.
Teach classes and workshops, or teach people on the internet.
Help people learn and give them feedback.
Keep up with new ways to teach and new things in web design.
Encourage and help new designers learn.
Start your own company that makes websites.
Build a team of people who design, build, and manage websites.
Talk to people who want websites and make a plan for how to make them.
Make a brand and a way to tell people about your company.
Do different kinds of websites for big and small companies.
Try to be creative and make the best websites.
User Testing and Research:
Be an expert in seeing if websites are easy to use.
Ask people and look at how they use websites to see if they're good or need to be better.
Make reports and ideas for making websites easier to use.
Work with designers and builders to make websites better.
Tell people why it's important to make websites that anyone can use.
Teach people how to make websites that work for everyone.
Mobile App Designer:
Design how apps on phones and tablets look and work.
Make sure app designs work well when you touch the screen.
Work with people who make apps to make sure the designs work.
Keep up with how to design apps for different kinds of phones.
Think about how people use apps and make them easy to use.
Test and change app designs based on what people say.
Art Director:
Be the boss of art and design projects and tell the team what to do.
Watch over how ads, campaigns, or design projects look.
Lead a team of designers and give them advice.
Talk to people who want art and design work to understand what they want.
Make sure designs match what a brand is saying and how it looks.
Keep high standards for how designs look and how creative they are.
Web Accessibility Specialist:
Be an expert in making websites work for people with disabilities.
Follow rules for making websites easy to use for everyone, like WCAG.
Check if websites are easy to use for people with disabilities.
Suggest changes to make websites better for everyone.
Work with designers and builders to make websites more accessible.
Tell people why it's important to make websites that everyone can use.
Finishing web design is like getting a key to many opportunities. You can make great websites, make things look good, and create your own path online.
But here's the trick: It's not just about making things look nice. It's about making things work and making them helpful. As a web designer, you're a digital magician who combines art and usefulness.
So, as you start in this field, remember that you're not just a web designer; you're a digital creator. Embrace challenges, stay curious, and keep being creative. Your canvas is the internet, and your tools are your skills. Paint your digital future and make it fantastic. If you want to start your web design journey, I recommend ACTE Institution because they offer training, job placement, and certification. Have a great day!
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annajade456 · 1 year
From Novice to Pro: Unleash Your DevOps Wizardry with Our Game-Changing Course
Are you eager to unlock your full potential as a DevOps expert? Look no further! Our comprehensive and ground breaking course is designed to empower individuals like you to transform from a novice into a pro in the realm of DevOps. In this article, we will delve into the various facets of this course, providing you with the essential education and vital information needed to embark on this thrilling journey. Brace yourself for an enlightening experience that will take your IT skills to unparalleled heights.
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Education: The Key to Success
Embrace the Fundamentals
Before diving headfirst into the vast world of DevOps, it is imperative to establish a solid foundation. Our course begins by acquainting you with the fundamental concepts and principles that underpin DevOps. Through a meticulous blend of theory and practical application, you will grasp essential concepts such as continuous integration, continuous delivery, and automation. Embracing these fundamentals will enable you to comprehend the underlying philosophy of DevOps, enabling you to tackle complex challenges with confidence and finesse.
Master the Tools of the Trade
In the ever-evolving landscape of IT, proficiency in the right tools can make all the difference. Our course ensures that you become well-versed in the latest and most powerful DevOps tools available today. From configuration management platforms like Chef and Puppet to container orchestration systems such as Kubernetes, our curriculum covers a wide array of technologies that are essential for any aspiring DevOps wizard. Guided by experienced instructors, you will gain hands-on experience and develop a keen understanding of how these tools can streamline processes and enhance efficiency.
Collaboration and Communication
DevOps is not merely about technology; it is a cultural shift that emphasizes collaboration and communication within teams. Understanding how to foster effective teamwork and seamless interaction is pivotal in becoming a DevOps maestro. Our course places a strong emphasis on cultivating these essential soft skills. By exploring methodologies like Agile and Lean, you will discover how to break down silos, foster cross-functional collaboration, and promote a culture of shared responsibility. Unleashing your potential in this domain will enable you to bridge gaps between departments, leading to empowered teams and accelerated project delivery.
Information: Knowledge is Power
Stay Ahead of the Curve
In the dynamically evolving IT landscape, staying abreast of the latest trends and emerging practices is paramount. Our course goes beyond the basics, equipping you with up-to-date information on cutting-edge technologies and industry best practices. With a finger on the pulse of the DevOps community, our instructors ensure that you receive timely insights into the latest advancements and trends. From cloud-native architectures to infrastructure as code, you will gain a thorough understanding of the innovations shaping the future of DevOps.
Real-World Case Studies
Theoretical knowledge alone is often insufficient in preparing for real-world scenarios. That's why our course incorporates a range of real-world case studies that offer valuable insights and practical applications. By examining success stories and lessons learned from industry leaders, you will gain invaluable wisdom about overcoming hurdles and delivering exceptional results. These case studies provide a glimpse into the challenges faced by seasoned DevOps professionals and present you with the opportunity to hone your problem-solving skills in a safe and supportive environment.
Continuous Learning and Community Engagement
DevOps is a vibrant and dynamic community that thrives on collaboration and continuous learning. Our course not only equips you with the tools and knowledge you need, but it also encourages you to actively engage with the DevOps community. Through forums, discussion boards, and networking opportunities, you will join a network of like-minded individuals, fostering connections with experienced practitioners and expanding your professional horizons. This engagement will enable you to stay informed, exchange ideas, and grow alongside the ever-evolving DevOps ecosystem.
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IT: The Pathway to Success
Career Advancement Opportunities
With the rapid adoption of DevOps practices, the demand for skilled professionals has skyrocketed. Our course is designed to propel your career to new heights by equipping you with the skills and knowledge sought after by top organizations worldwide. Whether you aspire to become a DevOps engineer, a systems architect, or a team leader, our course equips you with the tools needed to unlock doors to exciting career opportunities in the IT industry. Embrace this transformative experience and set yourself on a trajectory towards professional growth and success.
Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity
DevOps is synonymous with enhanced efficiency, improved collaboration, and increased productivity. By completing our course, you will possess the ability to streamline workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and foster a culture of continuous improvement. Armed with these skills, you will be able to eliminate bottlenecks, reduce time to market, and ensure seamless integration and delivery of software solutions. By unlocking the power of DevOps, you will become a catalyst for organizational success and drive tangible value for your team and stakeholders.
Embarking on the journey from novice to pro in the realm of DevOps is filled with challenges and opportunities. Our game-changing course provides the education, information, and IT skills needed to navigate this exciting landscape. By mastering the fundamentals, embracing the latest tools, and nurturing essential soft skills, you will transcend the boundaries and unleash your DevOps wizardry. Seize the opportunity to become a catalyst for organizational success and embark on a transformative journey that will set you apart as a DevOps expert. Enroll in our course today at ACTE institute and let your DevOps journey begin!
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graysongarelick · 6 months
Mastering Excel: Grayson Garelick Shares Essential Tips and Tricks for Beginners
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In today's data-driven world, proficiency in Microsoft Excel is a valuable skill that can open doors to countless opportunities in various industries. Whether you're a student, a professional, or an entrepreneur, mastering Excel can significantly enhance your productivity, efficiency, and decision-making capabilities. To help beginners embark on their journey to Excel mastery, seasoned Excel expert Grayson Garelick shares some essential tips and tricks that lay the foundation for success.
Get Comfortable with the Basics: Before diving into advanced features, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the basics of Excel. Learn how to navigate the interface, enter data, and perform simple calculations using formulas like SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT. Understanding these foundational concepts will set you up for success as you progress to more complex tasks.
Explore Keyboard Shortcuts: Excel offers a plethora of keyboard shortcuts that can save you time and streamline your workflow. Take the time to learn commonly used shortcuts for tasks like copying and pasting, formatting cells, and navigating between worksheets. Memorizing these shortcuts will make you more efficient and productive in Excel.
Practice Regularly: Like any skill, proficiency in Excel comes with practice. Dedicate time each day to practice using Excel and experimenting with different features and functions. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you'll become in navigating Excel and performing various tasks.
Utilize Online Resources: Take advantage of the wealth of online resources available to learn Excel. Websites like Microsoft's official Excel help center, YouTube tutorials, and online courses offer valuable insights and guidance for beginners. Additionally, forums and communities like Stack Overflow and Reddit can be excellent places to ask questions and seek advice from experienced Excel users.
Master Essential Formulas and Functions: Formulas and functions are the backbone of Excel's functionality, allowing you to perform calculations, manipulate data, and analyze trends. Start by mastering essential formulas like VLOOKUP, SUMIF, and IFERROR, which are commonly used in data analysis and reporting. As you become more comfortable with these formulas, you can explore more advanced functions to expand your skill set further.
Learn Data Visualization Techniques: Excel offers powerful tools for visualizing data, such as charts, graphs, and pivot tables. Learning how to create visually compelling and informative visualizations can help you communicate insights effectively and make informed decisions based on your data. Experiment with different chart types and formatting options to find the best visualization for your data.
Stay Organized: Keeping your Excel workbooks organized is essential for efficiency and productivity. Use descriptive file names and folder structures to easily locate and access your files. Within your workbooks, use clear and consistent naming conventions for sheets, ranges, and cells. Additionally, consider using color coding and formatting techniques to visually distinguish different types of data.
Stay Updated: Excel is continuously evolving, with new features and updates released regularly. Stay informed about the latest developments by subscribing to Excel-related blogs, newsletters, and forums. Keeping up-to-date with the latest features and best practices will ensure that you're maximizing Excel's potential and staying ahead of the curve.
By following these tips and tricks shared by Excel expert Grayson Garelick, beginners can lay a solid foundation for mastering Excel and unlocking its full potential. With dedication, practice, and a willingness to learn, anyone can become proficient in Excel and leverage its powerful capabilities to excel in their personal and professional endeavors.
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jeffhirsch · 6 months
Super Boom Spring Break Easter Sale!
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Few at Dow 10,000 believed me in May 2010 when I forecasted a 500+% market rise that would put DJIA at 38,820 by the year 2025 in my Almanac Investor Newsletter. My 2011 book Super Boom took a deeper dive into the history and analysis of this groundbreaking forecast and the iconic market cycle and pattern that it’s based on. Now that Dow 38,820 has come true, what’s next? AI is clearly the culturally enabling, paradigm-shifting technology I predicted would drive the next phase of this generational Super Boom. Come find out what I expect to happen next. Get my latest outlook on how and why the AI Super Boom will drive the economy full steam ahead and the market higher and higher.
Sign up Today! Save up to 55% Off! Get the 2024 Stock Trader’s Almanac as a FREE Bonus! And find out the update on my 100% accurate bullseye 2010 Super Boom forecast for Dow 38820 and learn what’s next for the market and the AI Super Boom!
1-Year @ $179 – over 48% Off vs. Quarterly - Use promo code 1YRSBSB24
2-Years @ $299 – MY BEST DEAL – 55% Off - Use promo code 2YRSBSB24
MoneyShow Easter Sale
Come down to Miami for spring break and join me in person at MoneyShow’s Investment Masters Symposium – The Big Money Pivot – East. April 10-12, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Miami. They have a special Easter Sale this weekend! Join us for 3 days filled with market education from the nation’s top experts on stocks, bonds, real estate, precious metals, cryptocurrencies, technology, energy, & more. Use $99 Standard Pass Coupon Code HOP99
Register here to join:
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Rally Respite After Big Best Six Months Gains
Monday is the beginning of the last month of the “Best Six Months (BSM)” (November-April) for the Dow and S&P 500 – and what a banner one it’s been so far. From our Seasonal MACD Buy Signal on October 9, 2023, through the close on March 28, 2024, DJIA is up 18.46% and S&P 500 is up 21.19% – more than double the historical average BSM gains. Our Best Six Months Seasonal MACD Sell Signal can trigger anytime on or after the first trading day of April, which is Monday April 1st this year. NASDAQ’s Best 8 Months end in June, which is up 21.47% since our buy signal, not quite double the average but give it time.
The big rewards we have reaped this Best Six Months and year-to-date so far have not left much on the table until later this year. Risks are more elevated now. Sentiment continues to run high. Valuations are extended. Geopolitical tensions have not eased. And persistent inflation pressures have the Fed in no rush to cut rates. As the election campaign rhetoric heats up and the Best Six Months comes to a close be prepared to shift to a more cautious stance when we issue our Best Six Months Seasonal MACD Sell Signal. We do not expect a bear market or major correction. We do not Sell in May and go away. We sell some things, tighten stops and consider defensive positions if warranted.
So sign up today to receive my Best Six Months Seasonal MACD Sell Signal as soon as it triggers!
Get the 2024 Stock Trader’s Almanac As a FREE Bonus! And Profit From Market History!
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This  limited time offer is open to everyone, regardless of current  subscription status. Lock in an additional 1- or 2-year subscription at  our lowest available price.
For  over five decades, top traders, investors and money managers have relied upon  Stock Trader’s Almanac. The 2024, 57th Annual Edition shows you  the cycles, trends, and patterns you need to know in order to trade and/or  invest with reduced risk and for maximum profit.
This indispensable guide is organized in a calendar format. Proprietary strategies include the Hirsch Holdings’ “Best Six Months Switching Strategy” (frequently referred to as “Sell in May”), the January Barometer, the Four-Year Presidential Election/Stock Market Cycle, top Sector Seasonalities and much more.
Trusted by Barron's, The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and many other respected market authorities, this indispensable guide has helped generations of investors make smart, profitable market moves since 1968.
Weekly Almanac Investor email Issues and a Monthly Webinar deliver the latest market analysis, new trade ideas (long and short), portfolio updates, new research, technical, fundamental, seasonal, monetary policy and sentiment analysis.
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Almanac Investor Includes:
Opportune  ETF & Stock Trading Ideas with specific buy & sell price limits
Timely  Data-Rich & Data-Driven Market Analysis
Market-Tested  and Time-Proven Short- & Long-term Trading strategies
“Best  Six Months” Switching Strategy MACD Buy & Sell Signals
Free  2024 Stock Trader’s Almanac for new members
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Access  to my proprietary Almanac-based Tools (Market data beginning in 1901):
Market   Probability Calendar: Discover the best and worst days of any month
MACD  Calculator: Track the market momentum & test your own  parameters
Year-at-a-Glance:  DJIA, S&P 500, NASDAQ, Russell 1000 & 2000  daily prices
Monthly  Data Bank: monthly closes, price change and percentage change
Best  & Worst: Days, Weeks, Months & Years
Daily  Performance: Weekly performance broken down into days of the  week
Market  Volatility: Identify past periods of volatility and streaks of  positive or negative performance
All  of this and more is delivered weekly to your inbox via email Issues and webinars!
Act  Now – this is a limited-time offer that will expire soon.
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Some fine print: Hirsch Holdings offers  a pro-rated refund on all cancelled annual subscriptions. Annual  subscriptions cancelled within the first three (3) months may have their refund reduced by up to $75 if an annual Stock Trader’s Almanac has been shipped. Quarterly subscriptions are non-refundable. Quarterly subscribers  may cancel at any time.
Yours  truly,
Jeffrey  A. Hirsch CEO:  Hirsch Holdings | Editor: Stock Trader’s Almanac & Almanac  Investor
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caferacerstribe · 1 year
Working as a Front-End Developer Freelancer from Home: A Comprehensive Guide
1. Build Your Portfolio Creating a portfolio website or showcasing your work on platforms such as Behance or Dribble is an excellent way to attract clients. Make sure your portfolio is up-to-date, visually appealing, and showcases your best work.The world has evolved, and remote work is now more prevalent than ever. For front-end developers, remote work provides an opportunity to work for clients worldwide while enjoying the benefits of a flexible work schedule. In this blog, we will discuss how front-end developers can work from home as a freelancer.
What is a Front-End Developer?
A front-end developer is responsible for creating the user interface of a website or web application. They work with design files and develop code that is visible to users. A front-end developer uses technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to bring a design to life.
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Why Work as a Front-End Developer Freelancer from Home?
Working as a front-end developer freelancer from home offers many benefits, including
Freelancers can set their own schedules and work when it suits them best. This allows them to balance work and personal life.
Location Independence
Freelancers can work from anywhere in the world. This is an excellent opportunity for those who love to travel or want to relocate.
Increased Earnings
As a freelancer, you can work with multiple clients at once and charge higher rates than salaried employees.
Personal Development
Freelancing provides an opportunity to work on diverse projects and learn new skills that may not be available in a traditional work environment.
How to Work as a Front-End Developer Freelancer from Home
1. Build Your Portfolio
Creating a portfolio website or showcasing your work on platforms such as Behance or Dribble is an excellent way to attract clients. Make sure your portfolio is up-to-date, visually appealing, and showcases your best work.
2. Join Freelancer Platforms
Joining freelancer platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, or Quickenlancer provides access to a wide range of clients. Be sure to complete your profile, highlight your skills, and add relevant work samples.
3. Create a Strong Online Presence
Building a strong online presence is critical to attracting clients. Maintain an active blog, be active on social media, and engage with potential clients in online communities.
4. Learn to Sell Yourself
As a freelancer, you need to learn how to sell your skills to clients effectively. Learn to craft an elevator pitch, create compelling proposals, and negotiate rates.
5. Keep Your Skills Up-to-Date
Technology is always changing, and you need to keep your skills up-to-date to remain competitive. Attend online courses, conferences, and workshops to stay abreast of the latest trends and technologies.
6. Provide Excellent Customer Service
Delivering high-quality work, meeting deadlines, and communicating clearly with your clients are essential to building a successful freelancing career.
In conclusion, working as a front-end developer freelancer from home provides many benefits, including flexibility, location independence, increased earnings, and personal development. By following these steps, you can build a successful career as a front-end developer freelancer from the comfort of your home.
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