#update bola
tsukana · 10 months
phil: alright guys should we olive branch and help him?"
baghera: yeah
foolish: yeah maybe itll soften him up
cellbit: yes but he has to wear a gas mask when we do it
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storyofmychoices · 1 year
Blades 2 Inside Choices Blog: Blades of Light and Shadow 2
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We’re so happy to be back in action with the gang we know and love! Where does Blades of Light and Shadow 2 pick up after the first book’s ending?
Emi: I will say that we don't pick up where you're expecting. 
Kathleen: Unless you were expecting to get hucked out the back of the plot truck and onto the action highway at 80mph. (Fury Road theme plays)
Lil: (is overtaken by the Two Towers theme)
Emi: But rest assured, our original four love interests are back and dealing with their own challenges. 
Lil: And they’re definitely going to need help with those challenges whether you’re romancing them or not. Though we support all variations of ‘mancers here. Mono-, multi-, and necro- . 
Emi: Also they get some new looks that can best be described as "sleeves are B.S."
Jay: Don’t forget “badass pirate coat important”.
What kind of new main characters will we meet in the sequel? Or perhaps, any new love interests?
Jay: There is a strange but familiar hooded figure…whose hotness level was of great discussion.
Lil: He’s very constructive with his feedback. And a monster from Book 1 returns, but not in a way you expect. 
Emi: I think we all know I'm obsessed with Valax. I mean, she's a badass purple lady who only has one sleeve. Obviously that makes her my wife.
Kathleen: Idk I'm still mad that hot scorpion lady didn't win the monster contest.
Lil: Sky whale supremacy how dare. 
Kathleen: Okay I am excited about the dwarves and goblins though. New dwarf friend is just A+ chaos babe and I love her.
Emi: Honestly though, my fave character is the one who's "head empty, no thoughts, falls over a lot."
Making this sequel has been a labor of love. Does the book team have any must-tell stories/bloopers during production?
Jay: There was an accidental floating dwarf? And too many battles with code. Writers, please don’t do it to me again. I cannot take it. The while loop will win.
Kathleen: During one of my editorial passes I had to give Emi a note like "Okay when we first meet the Big Bad maybe we should use that moment to establish that she's really imposing/scary instead of just going off about how hot she is."
Emi: I may have made too many Aerin memes that are now weekly traditions for our team.
Danielle: I was instructed to design a character with “Vision as a hotness bar” as a guide, I ignored them and used Jeff Bridges instead 😏. 
Jay: Danielle also came up with some incredible filenames, my favorite being “tentacle_monster_buff”.
Danielle: It’s accurate, is it not?
Are there any elements that you are particularly proud of?
Tom: The Shadow Realm was fun to make! Think the Upside Down, but more purple. And to make all the awesome new weapons and armor work with the outfits took 150 unique assets! You’re welcome.
Danielle: My first full book!
Lil: The lore guide for Blades was 60 single-spaced pages before we started adding things that came up during active production. I’m really pleased with how much actually ended up being discoverable in the book itself, so be sure to explore every nook and cranny of Morella and beyond! Because they are filled with beauty and chaos. 
Emi: I cannot tell you how many spreadsheets we made to keep track of things. I mean, the outline alone was 100 pages!
Jay: My code built 😭. And that my production planning got it to you a little earlier than y’all had anticipated hehe.
At the end of the first book, we seemed to have wiped out the forces of evil for at least a day or so. What kind of dangers will we face in the second edition?
Lil: Evil never sleeps y’all. It gets its coffee from Aerin. 
Kathleen: (Aerin, walking up to the counter): "I have a large non-fat birthday cake latte with caramel drizzle and four shots of espresso for (squints at label) ...Emile?"
Lil: In all seriousness, you’re really getting it from all sides in this book. There’s rival factions, shifting leadership, societal upheaval, and monsters. So. Many. Monsters. (Thank you for giving us the Shadestalker, by the way. Can’t wait for you to meet the beefy boy.) 
Kathleen: One cool scary thing about book 2 is that THIS TIME, IT'S PERSONAL (like instead of you and your buds racing against bad guys to collect the magic things, you've now got a villain single-mindedly hunting you down so she can steal your <REDACTED> for use in her evil plans).
Emi: Kathleen may have called me out for it but our Big Bad is hot! Both literally and figuratively!
How much do you love QA?
Emi: Pour one out for our poor QA folks who have had to test what is the most complex book we have ever done! You are the real heroes!
Jay: QA peeps are my saviors!! Their work alone cures my anxiety.
Kathleen: Gawd I would be lost without QA my grammar is a disaster
Erin: Everyone on the Blades team is so wonderful to work with. I also tested Book 1, and to be able to contribute to Book 2 means everything to me. It’s absolutely a labor of love.
We know that years of hard work and passion went into this book. What would the Blades team like the readers to take away from this sequel?
Emi: So Kathleen and I actually helped to brainstorm the entire Blades world back when it first came into being, so it felt like coming full circle to be back and expanding it in new and fun ways. I was already in love with all of these characters and they're even closer to my heart now. I can't wait for you all to see what we've come up with!
Jay: Y’all better like it! This book has taken years off my life. *lies down on floor* (But seriously, we’re as excited about Blades 2 as all of you and hope that it brings as much joy to you as it did for us to make. I think the best word to describe the team as we wait for September 1st is giddy.)
Danielle: I hope you like our art :).
Tom: If you don’t, please keep it to yourself, artists are fragile :’} 
Lil: I was one of the few people who was new at Choices when I began working on this book, and it was truly an honor to see this thing come together. These are the minds that brought you The Crown & the Flame, The Cursed Heart, Wake the Dead, and the first Blades. It was amazing to go from watching them work as a fan to taking this epic journey together. 
Lastly, how much does the team love Aerin?
Kathleen: I DON'T love Aerin he KIDNAPPED my WIFE.
Danielle: Which one…
Emi: Aerin is my sweet baby boi with a little dose of evil. He should be protected at all costs but also really needs to go to therapy. I live for the angst of him and Raine though. It's so juicy.
Danielle: Aerin has caused me, personally, a lot of pain.
Lil: Really, one of the fun things about the book is you can decide how much pain Aerin causes you. Unlike us.
Jay: He haunts my dreams and my Wednesdays.
Danielle: Livid and sad and livid and sad
Thank you team for taking us through the fantastical production journey of the Blades of Light and Shadow 2! We can’t wait to dive in and meet up with the gang. Launch day is so close!! 
Thank you, readers, for supporting us and our book teams!
<3 The Choices Community Team
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miscellaneoussmp · 9 months
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tomfrogisblue · 11 months
You ever get so stressed out that you're calm?
That's I feel about purgatory rn
Like I've passed the point of despair back into total serenity
I m s o c a l m
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gigglegoobers · 1 year
an oldie!! have this 'ere humanized john n bob as a treat <333
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trespia · 1 year
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there she is!!
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comfreyhollywings · 11 months
lies lies lies LIES AND SLANDER this is NOT purgatory this is HELL WE ARE BREAKING DOWN AS WE SPEAK
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khawla-gfm2 · 6 days
📰Khawla's Family Campaign Update: 36📰
$4,961/$20,000 as of September 19th [10pm CDT]
Just $39 away from the $5,000 which would get the fundraiser a 4th of the way to it's goal!
if only 2 people donated $20 we'd pass that target!
Please donate even just $5 or $10 if you can to help push the fundraiser along! every little amount really does add up! and Please keep reblogging/sharing the campaign so that more people who can donate may see it!
[for more information on the campaign: check out the pinned post of this blog; check the campaign page itself; or message me directly if you have any questions.]
[tag list under the cut]:
@corpsenurse @vita-e @guiltycrunch @onetruesirius @gaysebastianvael @inplodinggofer616 @iamthecatthatkilledthecar @d3lph1unkn0wn @confusedsheepsblog @p33rpressure @ahperrytheplatypus @your-13th-suffers @hericanee @murderbot @arceusbeta @tam-shade-song @coleheinous @frizzyhairedfriend @diberhaze @space-batzz @devilmeows @gizdathemxel @slowbrobutch @hotsugarbyglassanimals @dubiousyuri @pinetreesdoodles @mores0 @suzu-by-starlight @sparky-is-spiders @natsukashiisan @hellotheretraveler @hahvdh @archferret @softeninglooks @moronic0xymoron @darthferbert @virgincognito @animebabe55 @profoundlyscreechingkryptonite @princessnessa2017-blog @just-little-confused @neptuneschaos @the-mold-under-your-bed123 @ropes3amthoughts @wild-forest-bee @rsquid2 @faerie-lights @lapastelr0sa @allegedlysicktomystomach @number-1-carrie-white-fan @adept7777
@cam24fan @strflwers @tremendousdreamtragedy @soullessjack @teamonanamin @wizardinglizard @backgroundcharacterno15 @west-of-the-styx @apocalypsegay @something-writing @suburbananarch @fr0gie31 @stretchedbumhole201 @exltwounds @cori-randomstuff @one-cold-witch @boyloserwoes @d1anna @esoteric-brustle @lpslover6669 @anakalos @cloudbustingss @buildmeupbuttercup14 @skkfujoshi @chaos-axolotl-reblogs @def-not-kaz-brekker @invulnerable-vaguewomen @dlxxv-vetted-donations @themazziah @candycrypt1d @gryficowa @spookyyarn @ocipiala @zaminami @oingoboingofan78 @mjthefaeva @nako-funky @kenniex2 @thecapitalistraccooninyourinbox @djinna @hananono @centi-pearl @that-one-vangogh-painting @sappy-asphie @lotionlamp @oingoboingofan78 @kenniex2 @heathersno1fananddefender
@yeskhya @hyper-fucks-sake-tion @jauximeowmeow @lady-misaki @reymcmuffin @sufferswallow @amanda-with-a-y @thequeendied @a1m3v @parkerpresentz @extremereader @thetwistedarchives @absolutedoorknob @worowelf @hold-me-till-winter @beeware-of-lulu @littleladybaker @plswtfdontdoitagain @footlongdingledong @cherrraty @heheheeheeh @twistedswrd @apeanut @fleurxduxmal @pintrestparasite @asapphicbug @capturethemeansofdestruction @yesitsanusha @dk65 @my-poor-obsessive-heart @louisblue02 @clowdwatching @eldritch-something-or-other @sanguivorouscorvid @neoneone0 @crime-crinkle @k9mackenzie @p33p33p00p00 @mahougirlys @bi0feed @melon-extras @peppimeco @chiomn @himbo-noxx @sealsoulsound @louddragonphantom @pettyboricua @ponefoolery @futuristiccherryblossoms @market--land
@jellyfishinajamjar @rainbowpuppet @names-hard @deviouscowboy @alsiken @alicetancredi @wasa-bi7 @moosebebignwatching @ginnyjuicee @dogbound1128 @greybear35-blog @dangerous-tangerine @solablaize @0bottombunk0 @wolfcubjim @gothieck @l-dot-k-2 @yung-lean-hates-you-2 @ssak-i @koobird @mininightmare2 @ridechemy @strawberryglitterkiss @fkaho92 @inexperienced-0 @transexualcow @bluelunas @whenyou-wheni @bolas-de-berlim @thesignpaintersstuff @sumthing69 @wwhalelovin @sentienceoverload-29 @theresamouseinmyhouse @kurtismcilroy @aswho1estuff @ratsnvermins @transvalkilmer @pipervonviper @cemetery-circus @tryceratops4 @woodwood6000 @eunillul @katagawajr @aliensmoothie @nonbinarycryptology @the-number-1-iono-fan @mythicalbinicorn @quasisaur @talkswiththem
@voidpumpkin @victormcdicktor @half-asleep-star @luvdisc69 @ghostb3loved @fuckcapitalismasshole @zirazirablue @the-void-calls-for-me @no-clue-just-vibin @cheesemctoastnuggets @twashcat360 @amythestvaporeonbackup @lazy-but-amazing @dusty-brain @loucygoosey @bichi2004 @stalinistqueens @wynsummers @rrandomlyrandomlyy @sad-cat-02 @rottingoranges @thingfromanoutherworld @ak1w1i @apinklion01 @cloxwork @polvuz @chip-thief @therearenonutsforsomeendermen @noxumblog @karlloss @freckledzombie @ashkaranast @donationsmatter @dead111111111111 @punkeropercyjackson @callie-flower @patchoulite @stonedust4 @ofishally @stellaristcs @redmystery314 @asquidnotkid @omorimoroii @tanoroe @magicalfunnyartpalace-blog @slightly-foolish @sergeantsarga @sissyphussy121 @melanatedhoe @thebluespacecow
@reusablebagofrats @eptck @577-6523 @killer-wizard @sapphicdragons-1 @rainy-clawz @afunlessland @dwarf-enjoyer @juchily @extrabitterbrain @classyeyeballs @jeynees @ajatheoleander12 @yiyongs @sentienceoverload-29 @kareena-sobha @manic-pixie-dream-cock @jinnazah @1ikeavirgil @darlingbookworm @wetccarpet @griefgrl @chthonianalacrity @glutenfreeviolence @samurotting @aldryrththerainbowheart @token-middle-child @jane-prentiss-my-beloved @malloryintimeloop @mochipuppy16 @darinaethelaianprophet @dontlook4bo @this-deadgirlwalking @dassy-88 @moonfire1 @rob-os-17 @escaramelo @moonbisexualsharktamerr @victormcdicktor @screamnpatches @luvdisc69 @ghostb3loved @fuckcapitalismasshole @zirazirablue @the-void-calls-for-me @no-clue-just-vibin @cheesemctoastnuggets @twashcat360 @amythestvaporeonbackup @lazy-but-amazing
@dusty-brain @loucygoosey @bichi2004 @stalinistqueens @wynsummers @rrandomlyrandomlyy @sad-cat-02 @rottingoranges @thingfromanoutherworld @ak1w1i @apinklion01 @chip-thief @karlloss @freckledzombie @ashkaranast @donationsmatter @dead111111111111 @punkeropercyjackson @patchoulite @stonedust4 @ofishally @redmystery314 @asquidnotkid @omorimoroii @tanoroe @magicalfunnyartpalace-blog @slightly-foolish @sergeantsarga @melanatedhoe @thebluespacecow @reusablebagofrats @eptck @killer-wizard @sapphicdragons-1 @rainy-clawz @afunlessland @juchily @classyeyeballs @yiyongs @sentienceoverload-29 @kareena-sobha @manic-pixie-dream-cock @jinnazah @1ikeavirgil @darlingbookworm @wetccarpet @griefgrl @chthonianalacrity @glutenfreeviolence @samurotting
@aldryrththerainbowheart @token-middle-child @jane-prentiss-my-beloved @malloryintimeloop @mochipuppy16 @darinaethelaianprophet @dontlook4bo @this-deadgirlwalking @dassy-88 @moonfire1 @rob-os-17 @escaramelo @moonbisexualsharktamerr @weakestwarrior @iridescent-oyster @v1rtualv4mp @fiapple @tryna-sleep @snapcracklepop-myjoints @l-art-stuff-l @minosbull @duskstarshit @cosmicgamerboy @squidkiddoesstuff @attaboy-art @rainbowbookcasesandlargemugs @fireflyingaway @blackcrystalball @lookineedsleep @i-luv-ateez-sm @lampthehealthminister @artdinosaursgaming @therealdjpocky @holyeaglecupcake @amberspacedf @teeethbrush @bunnannie @lesbitching @lonelypotato23 @swaggy-hairy-thang @murenaaaaa @pikathe1stone @karlmarxmaybe @littlegaypancake @malkaveean @zimislockedinthefreezer @hollylowejones @nyidori @catboywillferal
@yetisidelblog @tspicer23 @galax-dragon @redpinejo @orphancat @missdeross @sea-200 @literally-one-million-bees @aroacedisasterr @blvvdyindustries @lesbianbutters @fuzzythememe @sunmooneclipseandstars @theandroidsentbycyberl1fe @reblogingstuffrandomly @animatorfun @r4yt0r0f4nb0y @fazar234 @mstormcloud @theguiltygearheritageposts @doubleedgemode @millionthcephalophore @white-mirrors @cherubsaliaa @alienghostbeebaby @ash24601 @vermillion-reeds @willhelmthewhale @garden0flowr @cipherinator @sister-lucifer @missivorystone @4de2ssy0 @alpabett @99orangeblossoms @totally-six @sematary-drive @knittedquails @masterofthepistachio @gagreflexoxo @owlchow @specificiumray @valentinemailbox @patzweigz @papus-clown-enclosure @melodiceelegy @montewave @chilewithcarnage @easariel @leftyreea
@genderlesscrows @erikaogrady @quesofromagecheese @spookygayferret @cloudy-osc @thatonedemon @ethanscrocs @hellswolfie @hungee-boy @thenamelessdepths @courtly-kenzie @funnypickle3 @ittotloml @wompwompwoooooomp @sapphirepetal @ashytheslashy @magnuficentwo @celestialserenity24 @thatgothicgirl @geodetojoy @feelo-fick @herondale-infj @nerdytextileartist @queencantaloupe @clownbugg-ie @lil-jellyw @wayward-bitch @xxhalfempty @ransiquack @rowletlittenpopplioteam @the-coley-zone @kayle-chiped @somenobodyok @secondaryserenade @choosethename @furrysinthematrix @frograaa @doe-in-the-woods @mattsinclairvo @snufkin1970 @bi-worm @sillymarillly @luckycloverforducks @sithlordpadawan @kippahkaplan @bonecodoposto-45 @tinkerscrickets @starshinesparkle @9sy
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greetings-fiends · 1 month
[Edit: meant to post this to the campaign's dedicated blog @khawla-gfm you can follow along with this campaign more there]
Khawla's Family Campaign Update: 11
We got 1 donation early today but none so far after that! no new donations in 14 hours!
Help me reach the short term goal of $1,000 [or more] before the end of this week. the campaign was officially live on August 13th and and it's been 12 days and only 11 donations to it's name.
please if you're reading this, donating even just $5 or $10 can mean the world to me, and Khawla's Family.
Please. help me share a little bit of hope?
[tag list under the cut]
if you want to be taken off the tag list just let me know 👍
@vita-e @guiltycrunch @onetruesirius @gaysebastianvael @inplodinggofer616 @iamthecatthatkilledthecar @d3lph1unkn0wn @confusedsheepsblog @p33rpressure @ahperrytheplatypus @your-13th-suffers @hericanee @murderbot @arceusbeta @tam-shade-song @coleheinous @frizzyhairedfriend @diberhaze @space-batzz @devilmeows @gizdathemxel @slowbrobutch @hotsugarbyglassanimals @dubiousyuri @pinetreesdoodles @mores0 @suzu-by-starlight @sparky-is-spiders @natsukashiisan @hellotheretraveler @hahvdh @archferret @softeninglooks @moronic0xymoron @darthferbert @virgincognito @animebabe55 @profoundlyscreechingkryptonite @princessnessa2017-blog @just-little-confused @neptuneschaos @the-mold-under-your-bed123 @ropes3amthoughts @wild-forest-bee @rsquid2 @faerie-lights @lapastelr0sa @allegedlysicktomystomach @number-1-carrie-white-fan @adept7777 @cam24fan @strflwers @tremendousdreamtragedy @soullessjack @teamonanamin @wizardinglizard @backgroundcharacterno15 @west-of-the-styx @apocalypsegay @something-writing @suburbananarch @fr0gie31 @stretchedbumhole201 @exltwounds @cori-randomstuff @one-cold-witch @boyloserwoes @d1anna @esoteric-brustle @lpslover6669 @anakalos @cloudbustingss @buildmeupbuttercup14 @skkfujoshi @chaos-axolotl-reblogs @def-not-kaz-brekker @invulnerable-vaguewomen @dlxxv-vetted-donations @themazziah @candycrypt1d @gryficowa @spookyyarn @ocipiala @zaminami @oingoboingofan78 @mjthefaeva @nako-funky @kenniex2 @thecapitalistraccooninyourinbox @djinna @hananono @centi-pearl @that-one-vangogh-painting @sappy-asphie @lotionlamp @oingoboingofan78 @kenniex2 @heathersno1fananddefender @yeskhya @hyper-fucks-sake-tion @jauximeowmeow
@lady-misaki @reymcmuffin @sufferswallow @amanda-with-a-y @thequeendied @a1m3v @parkerpresentz @extremereader @thetwistedarchives @absolutedoorknob @worowelf @hold-me-till-winter @beeware-of-lulu @littleladybaker @plswtfdontdoitagain @footlongdingledong @cherrraty @heheheeheeh @twistedswrd @apeanut @fleurxduxmal @pintrestparasite @asapphicbug @capturethemeansofdestruction @yesitsanusha @dk65 @my-poor-obsessive-heart @louisblue02 @clowdwatching @eldritch-something-or-other @sanguivorouscorvid @neoneone0 @crime-crinkle @k9mackenzie @p33p33p00p00 @mahougirlys @bi0feed @melon-extras @peppimeco @chiomn @himbo-noxx @sealsoulsound @louddragonphantom @pettyboricua @ponefoolery @futuristiccherryblossoms @market--land @jellyfishinajamjar @rainbowpuppet @names-hard @deviouscowboy @alsiken @alicetancredi @wasa-bi7 @moosebebignwatching @ginnyjuicee @dogbound1128 @greybear35-blog @dangerous-tangerine @solablaize @0bottombunk0 @wolfcubjim @gothieck @l-dot-k-2 @yung-lean-hates-you-2 @ssak-i @koobird @mininightmare2 @ridechemy @strawberryglitterkiss @fkaho92 @inexperienced-0 @transexualcow @bluelunas @whenyou-wheni @bolas-de-berlim @thesignpaintersstuff @sumthing69 @wwhalelovin @sentienceoverload-29 @theresamouseinmyhouse @kurtismcilroy @aswho1estuff @ratsnvermins @transvalkilmer @pipervonviper @cemetery-circus @tryceratops4 @woodwood6000 @eunillul @katagawajr @aliensmoothie @nonbinarycryptology
@the-number-1-iono-fan @mythicalbinicorn @quasisaur @talkswiththem @voidpumpkin @victormcdicktor @half-asleep-star @screamnpatches @luvdisc69 @ghostb3loved @fuckcapitalismasshole @zirazirablue @the-void-calls-for-me @no-clue-just-vibin @cheesemctoastnuggets @twashcat360 @amythestvaporeonbackup @lazy-but-amazing @dusty-brain @loucygoosey @bichi2004 @stalinistqueens @wynsummers @rrandomlyrandomlyy @sad-cat-02 @rottingoranges @thingfromanoutherworld @ak1w1i @apinklion01 @cloxwork @polvuz @chip-thief @therearenonutsforsomeendermen @noxumblog @karlloss @freckledzombie @ashkaranast @donationsmatter @dead111111111111 @punkeropercyjackson @callie-flower @patchoulite @stonedust4 @ofishally @stellaristcs @redmystery314 @asquidnotkid @omorimoroii @tanoroe @magicalfunnyartpalace-blog @slightly-foolish @sergeantsarga @sissyphussy121 @melanatedhoe @thebluespacecow @reusablebagofrats @eptck @577-6523 @killer-wizard @sapphicdragons-1 @rainy-clawz @afunlessland @dwarf-enjoyer @juchily @extrabitterbrain @classyeyeballs @jeynees @ajatheoleander12 @yiyongs @sentienceoverload-29 @kareena-sobha @manic-pixie-dream-cock @jinnazah @1ikeavirgil @darlingbookworm @wetccarpet @griefgrl @chthonianalacrity @glutenfreeviolence @samurotting @aldryrththerainbowheart @token-middle-child @jane-prentiss-my-beloved @malloryintimeloop @mochipuppy16 @darinaethelaianprophet @dontlook4bo @this-deadgirlwalking @dassy-88 @moonfire1 @rob-os-17 @escaramelo @moonbisexualsharktamerr
@voidpumpkin @victormcdicktor @half-asleep-star @screamnpatches @luvdisc69 @ghostb3loved @fuckcapitalismasshole @zirazirablue @the-void-calls-for-me @no-clue-just-vibin @cheesemctoastnuggets @twashcat360 @amythestvaporeonbackup @lazy-but-amazing @dusty-brain @loucygoosey @bichi2004 @stalinistqueens @wynsummers @rrandomlyrandomlyy @sad-cat-02 @rottingoranges @thingfromanoutherworld @ak1w1i @apinklion01 @cloxwork @polvuz @chip-thief @therearenonutsforsomeendermen @noxumblog @karlloss @freckledzombie @ashkaranast @donationsmatter @dead111111111111 @punkeropercyjackson @callie-flower @patchoulite @stonedust4 @ofishally @stellaristcs @redmystery314 @asquidnotkid @omorimoroii @tanoroe @magicalfunnyartpalace-blog @slightly-foolish @sergeantsarga @sissyphussy121 @melanatedhoe @thebluespacecow @reusablebagofrats @eptck @577-6523 @killer-wizard @sapphicdragons-1 @rainy-clawz @afunlessland @dwarf-enjoyer @juchily @extrabitterbrain @classyeyeballs @jeynees @ajatheoleander12 @yiyongs @sentienceoverload-29 @kareena-sobha @manic-pixie-dream-cock @jinnazah @1ikeavirgil @darlingbookworm @wetccarpet @griefgrl @chthonianalacrity @glutenfreeviolence @samurotting @aldryrththerainbowheart @token-middle-child @jane-prentiss-my-beloved @malloryintimeloop @mochipuppy16 @darinaethelaianprophet @dontlook4bo @this-deadgirlwalking @dassy-88 @moonfire1 @rob-os-17 @escaramelo @moonbisexualsharktamerr
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spatziline · 11 months
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Also click here for Bolas Rojas YouTube video if you haven't seen it! Or go to my YouTube channel spatziline
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sandflakedraws · 1 year
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Hey y'all, happy friday! It's formal update time for The Touch of Sunlight Kickstarter ^^/
I wanted to take a moment and better showcase the treats you've all unlocked~ (no more 175 pixel previews) Featured above, we have the updated book cover, which will be hard cover this time! Everybody who backed for the book will get this sturdier version, no paperbacks. And, oh goody-
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-it shinessss. It will have some pleasing gold foil for framing.
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Next we've got the mini print, this time with rose gold foil. I'm particularly delighted about this one, as I'd had it as an old print idea back when I was first making the story in 2020. It's nice that I got to revisit it for this and really polish it up ^///^
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After that, we've got one of the more popular items in fan merch these days: an enamel pin!! For this, I went for something different. Some moon flowers and implied harp notes make for a subtler reference to ttos.
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And lastly, we've just unlocked a bookmark! For this one, we've got Nulo on their well chair(with accompanying thread), so you can make them descend and ascend from any story of your choosing.
Or, swing them around like a bola. I won't judge.
If you decide to back for a physical book or higher, all of this comes for free!! As well as a pdf featuring some concept art and a bit of my original, janky notes for this story.
So to say it again, with feeling - thank you all so much for your support. This is going to go a long way to helping me make more stories like this.
the kickstarter will run until may 28th
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aelincreativ · 11 months
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Here's an updated version of the QSMP Family Tree! I didn't mark the relationships between the eggs or the crushes that aren't confirmed or are no longer relevant. I kept the BOLAS relationships as their own thing since it's still new and might change!
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bitchinstrawberry · 11 months
one of my favorite things about bolas is that they are in constant contact with each other. etoiles might be the first person ever to deafen/leave the call without needing to do so to speak to someone else.
i like to think their gas masks are all tech-ed out. nothing too crazy, definitely has some bugs, could be way cleaner. on the corner of their vision they see some rough coordinates and a warning for disasters. now updated for bounty hunting.
however the first thing they equipped the masks with were comms. quickly realizing they needed the reassurance of always having some one talking. knowing the first sign of trouble, panicked cries, they'll always hear their family rushing to them.
also i love how with the teams split we kinda have a openers vs closers thing going on
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aria-ashryver · 7 months
Woven Threads and Winding Roads (Pt 1&2)
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Book: Blades of Light and Shadow Pairing: Tyril x f!human!MC (Raine) Words: 2.2K Ratings/Warnings: General; mention of (Nesper) pregnancy
Summary: Five times Tyril attempts to braid Raine’s hair; and one time those threads begin to come together again as they should.
A/N: Written as a gift for @thosehallowedhalls as a part of the Choices Secret Admirer event! It was such a delight to write for BOLAS again. Also participating in Choices February 2024 with the prompts Eros, Philia, and Pragma. Thank you Caro for letting me borrow your lovely Raine! 🌷🎀
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Raine bit down on a laugh as Tyril strode into their bedroom, a scowl biting deep into the angular lines of his face. She rose to meet him, settling a hand against his cheek.
‘There’s the frown I fell in love with,’ she teased, laughter bubbling out of her as his brow furrowed further at her words. ‘We’ve had so little to trouble us these past few weeks — I was beginning to worry you’d forgotten how to brood.’
‘I am not brooding,’ Tyril brooded. 
He sighed, wrapping his arms around her waist, closing his eyes and leaning into the kiss she pressed to his jaw.
‘Thank the stars Adrina has the stomach for these tiresome nobles and their courtly swill. The entire Venesterium seems determined to vex me. The sooner we escape this evening’s ball, the better.’
Raine grinned. ‘Mal and Imtura have been rubbing off on you.’
Tyril’s eyes snapped open. ‘How dare you.’
‘They have!’
‘I… forgive me.’ Tyril paused, stepping back to take in the sweep of silver-blue silk swathing Raine from head to toe. His face softened. ‘Here I am complaining about the nobility, when I should be telling you how utterly radiant you look. You are dazzling spring water beneath the noonday sun, a pure vision of Bakshi come to life. You are the very stars themselves, beloved.’
Raine’s chest glowed. She tangled her fingers with his, swishing her shoulders back and forth.
‘Look,’ she said proudly. ‘My dress has a cape!’
Tyril chuckled.
They were still getting used to life in Undermount. To peace. 
To not being woken by Imtura’s snores, or the quiet cadence of Nia’s morning prayers; to the soft bed linens they’d traded up from hard-packed earth; to days that held no more danger than social faux pas and politics, instead of threats to their lives, to their friends, to the realm itself.
Well. Realms, plural, Raine thought. 
All that time running back and forth across not one but two different planes hadn’t exactly left much time for updating her wardrobe — that, at least, was one aspect of their new life together that Raine had quickly adapted to. Every last seamstress and tailor in Undermount was vying for House Starfury’s patronage. Raine had wasted no time taking advantage. 
‘You’re looking rather handsome yourself,’ she told Tyril, running her fingers over the ornate metalwork embellishing his robes. ‘What’s all this?’
Tyril’s face flattened into a frown again. 
‘Adrina’s doing,’ he groused. ‘House Starfury has been steadily regaining our former standing. Our coffers are stable, our contracts are shoring up, Father has been able to rehire the staff he let go with considerable bonuses. My dear sister, in all her brilliance, has decided that means I needed to look suitably ludicrous for our re-entry into elven courtly society.’
‘I think you look lovely.’
Tyril’s face pinched in distaste. ‘Have you seen the size of this ring? It’s a House Starfury heirloom.’
Tyril flapped his hand before Raine’s face — rather unnecessarily, in all honesty; there was little chance she’d have missed seeing the ring, given that it was the size of a small continent. There, on his left pointer finger, was a sparkling affair of curlicued silver and diamond, set with a sapphire so immense, its sale could have supported the entire population of Riverbend for a solid year or more.
‘Can you imagine what our roguish friend would say if he took one look at me in this get—up?’
‘Mal would call you a prissy elf boy and probably wet himself from laughter, yes.’ Raine pursed her lips, trying not to grin. ‘I take it Undermount’s finery and flattery isn’t to your liking any more, then?’
‘The flattery never was,’ Tyril said, his eyes trained on Raine as she slipped into a seat at the vanity and finished applying a kohl liner to her eyes. ‘The fineries?’ He hummed thoughtfully. ‘I’ll admit, the novelty of clean sheets and dry boots is wearing off faster than I’d expected.’
He stepped up behind her to run a brush through the silken gold of her hair.
Raine closed her eyes, leaning into his touch, remembering for a moment the mornings Nia had done the same. She had no problem braiding her own hair, of course, but sometimes she and Nia had helped each other tease away the tangles and road-dirt, fixing one another’s hair in readiness for travel and combat. 
It had grounded them both. Anchored them in the present, in the living pulse of their Light. Soothed them on the days when the darkness was too heavy to speak through.
Raine met Tyril’s piercing, blue gaze in the mirror over her shoulder. He raised a brow in silent question.
‘Would… would you braid my hair for me?’
A soft smile lit his face. 
‘Whatever you would have of me, I would give to you.’
The minutes passed in silence as Raine gave herself over to the gentle touch of her lover’s hands. He’d almost finished a passable —if slightly uneven— braid, when his ring snagged on her hair, pulling a section loose at the front. 
‘Drat! Apologies, this ring is impossible. I’ve never seen a piece of jewellery so cumbersome — Gods forbid it’s wearer deign to lift a finger to do anything for themselves. Though, I suppose that’s rather the point, isn’t it?’ Tyril clicked his tongue. ‘I haven’t the faintest idea how I am supposed to hold a sword with this monstrosity on my finger.’
‘Tyril…’ Raine caught his hand, holding his gaze for a long moment. ‘You don’t need to anymore.’
‘Oh.’ His eyes grew round, unguarded. ‘I suppose you are right. Yes, I don’t… right.’
Standing, Raine fixed the end of the braid with a simple leather band.
‘You’ve no wish to fix the snag?’
‘No, it’s fine. I rather like it.’ Raine glanced at the fall of hair that had tugged loose. ‘We don’t want to be too put together for the smarmy nobles, do we?’
‘We do not.’ Tyril cupped Raine’s face, his thumb sweeping over her cheekbone, sighing fondly. ‘You are exquisite, Raine. Do you know that? You are perfect. Celestial. I almost want to keep you all for myself. You know… we could just stay here, tonight.’
Laughing, Raine swatted at Tyril as his gaze grew hooded.
She was rewarded with the sight of one of his rare and dazzling smiles. A secret sight, just for the two of them. It still caught her stomach up in swooping knots every time Tyril smiled.
‘Fine,’ he said, warmly, ‘let us away. But we are leaving as soon as the dessert courses are over.’
Raine’s hand found his.
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‘Why do you get a cool half-cape?’ Raine grumbled, as they wound their way through the cool expanse of the public gardens. ‘I want a cool half-cape. Instead I get idiotic, too-long sleeves.’
Tyril’s face remained impassive as he nodded at a passing head of house; the gardens were bustling this morning, the lush greenery offering a cool respite from the late-spring sun. Raine greeted the elf in kind with a cordial wave —or, she tried to— the gesture botched by the yards of gauzy fabric tangling about her hands.
‘I hate everything!’ she shrieked under her breath. ‘I am this close’ —Raine raised a hand, snarled when her sleeves got in the way again, flailed her arms about until her hands were free, and pinched her thumb and forefinger before Tyril’s nose— ‘to ripping these awful sleeves off and shoving them into that fountain.’
Tyril smiled, tucking his hand against the small of her back and steering her neatly away from the aforementioned fountain. They walked instead toward a cluster of chatting nobles whom Tyril would rather have avoided, but knew he ought to greet.
‘Adrina is close to closing a significant contract with House Moonchaser,’ Tyril said quietly as they neared. ‘It would be a shame to offend their head of house by destroying the gift she bestowed upon you. Damaging such a gift would be perceived as a deliberate snub.’
‘Godsdamn it all to the blackest reaches of the Three Hel— ah, that is— hello, Lord Frostcrow! Yes, the gardens are looking splendid this morning, you are quite right.’
Their welcome ball had been pleasant enough. Raine had bewitched the gathered masses with her effortless radiance —not that Tyril was surprised; his lover stole his breath with every passing heartbeat— though none had been more taken with her beauty than the Lady of House Moonchaser. The elven matriarch had insisted on gifting Raine a custom-made dress from her personal seamstress as a show of welcome from their House.
It had been delivered late that morning — a heavy concoction of lurid pink velvet and silver embellishments, complete with decorative pearls, ribbons, and something Raine had described as “a headache masquerading as fashion” to be woven into her hair to match.
Raine had thought the whole thing garish… but, it would do well to be seen wearing the garment publicly at least once, so here they were.
Tyril had tried his hand at braiding her hair again that morning. Raine had humoured his attempts —there was something intimate and tender in their stolen moments of quiet together as he worked the ribbons through her hair— and for a time, he’d been rather proud of his efforts.
At least, until they’d made the journey from their small manor in the hills and into Undermount proper, and the whole thing had begun to unravel under all the weight. The imperfection irked him. Damn it all, he wouldn’t stop until he was the single most talented personal hair stylist in all of Undermount!
‘Stupid elven politics,’ Raine muttered, blowing a strand of hair from her face as they continued on with their stroll. ‘I look ridiculous. I’ve slept in war tents with less fabric than this dress. How am I supposed to defend myself in a swordfight with these sleeves?’
‘Were you not the one reprimanding me for my obstinate refusal to relax?’ Smiling, Tyril dropped a gentle kiss to the top of Raine’s head. The braid sagged a little further. ‘Perhaps you might take your own advice. We are safe, beloved. There aren’t any agents from the Ash Empire hiding under the magnolias, waiting to ambush us the moment we—’
Heart in his throat, Tyril spun on instinct to find the point of his dagger hovering mere inches from the face of a wide-eyed courier. Beside him, Light crackled in Raine’s palms, her stance poised to strike, her expression nothing short of thunderous.
‘Apologies!’ The courier squeaked. He pinched an envelope between his trembling fingers, prodding it meekly toward them as the colour drained from his face.
Sighing, Tyril flicked his wrist in a practised motion; the dagger slid smoothly from his palm to tuck itself inconspicuously in his shirtsleeve. 
He really ought to thank Mal for showing him that particular trick, Tyril thought. He wouldn’t, of course, on account of that would mean actually thanking Mal for something, but the gratitude was there all the same.
He tugged the letter from the courier’s hand. The shiny, wax seal bore a small paw-print in the centre.
‘An urgent missive from the most humble Threep Percivacurus Pompedorfin and the magnanimous Loola Coriandropolis Dupopodolis, dispatched via high-speed drake-courier service out of Whitetower,’ the courier recited breathlessly. He swayed on his feet.
‘I think you should go and sit down for a minute or two, buddy,’ Raine told him, clapping a hand on his shoulder. ‘Drink some water, catch your breath. Maybe have a think about whether or not it’s a good idea to sneak up behind people who were recently involved in the harrowing trauma of saving the entire Godsdamned realm from certain doom and yelling at them, you know. Turn that one over in your head a couple times.’
‘That— I— yes. Sound advice, my lady.’ 
Bowing stiffly, the courier departed, tripping over his own feet in his haste to get away.
‘By the Light,’ Raine muttered. She sounded as tired as Tyril felt.
‘Every day I think to myself, “the general populace couldn’t possibly grow any more dense”,’ Tyril murmured, watching the terrified courier wobble away, ‘and every day, they find new and fascinating ways to prove me wrong.’ 
‘Um… Tyril?’
Caught by the horror in her tone, Tyril turned to see a sheepish Raine inspecting her hands. Two smoking, fist-sized holes burned clean through the trailing sleeves of her dress.
She winced. ‘Just how important was that contract with House Moonchaser, again?’
Feeling a headache coming on, Tyril scanned Threep’s letter. His mouth dropped open.
‘Oh! Never mind that — Raine! Threep and Loola are expecting!’
Raine clutched at his hands, giddiness sparkling in her eyes. She squealed.
‘You’re joking. Baby nespers?! How adorable!’ Her eyes bugged in her head. ‘Oh, Gods, wait. An army of Threeps…’
The budding warmth in Tyril’s chest flipped to alarm. ‘Oh no… Oh, we need to start stocking the larder, yesterday.’
Stricken, Raine nodded. ‘I’ll place an order for a few bushels of dried anchovies.’
‘Whatever number you are thinking,’ Tyril said, ‘double it.’
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Click here for: [Next - Pt. 3&4]
Tagging: @choicesficwriterscreations @choicesfebruary2024 @choicesfandomappreciation @thosehallowedhalls @lilyoffandoms @stars-are-within-me @jerzwriter
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bitcell · 11 months
team bolas update jaiden refuses to log off while dying to the toxic gas without a mask because she's picking up seeds by breaking grass so she can fill their base with rotten corpses ^_^
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khawla-gfm2 · 5 days
📰Khawla's Family Campaign Update: 37📰
$5,307/$20,000 as of September 20th [10pm CDT]
Currently $193 away from $5,500 as a short term goal
The fundraiser is a 4th of the way to reaching it's goal! let's keep up the momentum as much as possible! The next target is $10,000 which would be the halfway point for the initial goal.
Please consider donating even just $5, $10, or $20 to help push the fundraiser closer to it's goal! And keep reblogging/sharing the campaign so that more people who can donate may see it!
[Vetted By Association: I was approached by Mohiy from @/mohiy-gaza2 to make this campaign for his sister Khawla as she has limited access to internet making it hard to campaign for herself.]
[For more information on the campaign: Check the pinned post of this blog, check the campaign page itself, or message me directly if you have any questions]
[tag list under the cut]:
@corpsenurse @vita-e @guiltycrunch @onetruesirius @gaysebastianvael @inplodinggofer616 @iamthecatthatkilledthecar @d3lph1unkn0wn @confusedsheepsblog @p33rpressure @ahperrytheplatypus @your-13th-suffers @hericanee @murderbot @arceusbeta @tam-shade-song @coleheinous @frizzyhairedfriend @diberhaze @space-batzz @devilmeows @gizdathemxel @slowbrobutch @hotsugarbyglassanimals @dubiousyuri @pinetreesdoodles @mores0 @suzu-by-starlight @sparky-is-spiders @natsukashiisan @hellotheretraveler @hahvdh @archferret @softeninglooks @moronic0xymoron @darthferbert @virgincognito @animebabe55 @profoundlyscreechingkryptonite @princessnessa2017-blog @just-little-confused @neptuneschaos @the-mold-under-your-bed123 @ropes3amthoughts @wild-forest-bee @rsquid2 @faerie-lights @lapastelr0sa @allegedlysicktomystomach @number-1-carrie-white-fan @adept7777
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@dusty-brain @loucygoosey @bichi2004 @stalinistqueens @wynsummers @rrandomlyrandomlyy @sad-cat-02 @rottingoranges @thingfromanoutherworld @ak1w1i @apinklion01 @chip-thief @karlloss @freckledzombie @ashkaranast @donationsmatter @dead111111111111 @punkeropercyjackson @patchoulite @stonedust4 @ofishally @redmystery314 @asquidnotkid @omorimoroii @tanoroe @magicalfunnyartpalace-blog @slightly-foolish @sergeantsarga @melanatedhoe @thebluespacecow @reusablebagofrats @eptck @killer-wizard @sapphicdragons-1 @rainy-clawz @afunlessland @juchily @classyeyeballs @yiyongs @sentienceoverload-29 @kareena-sobha @manic-pixie-dream-cock @jinnazah @1ikeavirgil @darlingbookworm @wetccarpet @griefgrl @chthonianalacrity @glutenfreeviolence @samurotting
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