#update from my mom!
justalarryblog · 2 years
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transmascissues · 10 months
conversations i’ve had with my mom this week about top surgery that will make my brain melt if i try too hard to make sense of them:
i was talking to her about how i might have to extend my medical leave because i probably won’t be ready to work at 4 weeks. she told me she didn’t expect my recovery to take this long. this is the same woman who, before i got top surgery, told me horror stories about someone she knew who had complications for months after having a mastectomy. was she just making shit up? was she lecturing me about things she was actively still in denial about? i can’t even begin to guess.
i mentioned to her that i’ve been posting about my experiences with recovery and she seemed…offended? by the idea that i was talking about it publicly. i shouldn’t be surprised because she’s the one who once told me the online trans community is “cult-like” and that she thought i was only getting top surgery because the trans people in my computer convinced me. the thing is, she’s also constantly asking me how my recovery timeline compares to other people so i…don’t know how she expects me to get that information if she also thinks talking to people about my recovery is bad.
she was asking me about how my incisions are healing and she told me to describe how they look to her…but “not anything that’ll make me cry”. do i know what she meant by that? nope! i can only assume the right move was to not describe anything too in-depth, even if it meant not including important details because they might upset her. priorities, am i right?
she asked me if, having been through the worst of recovery and knowing what it’s like, i would still make the same choice to get top surgery. obviously i said i would. she then proceeded to keep saying things like “really? are you sure? even after all this? you know you don’t have to say that, right?” as if it was completely impossible to believe i don’t regret this. why did she ask if she didn’t really want to hear the answer? god only knows.
we found out how much my insurance paid for the part of my surgery costs that were covered and it turns out they paid way more than any of the estimates i was given. my mom kept saying “that’s a lot of money you know” over and over again, as if i didn’t know that an amount of money high enough to buy a small house is a lot. i think she was trying to make some kind of point. what point? idk man.
0/10 totally incomprehensible interactions. i don’t even know what to make of them. i think now that the surgery is done and she can’t fight it anymore, she’s gone from being overtly ridiculous about it to just bringing the absolute weirdest vibes to every conversation about it.
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iwatcheditbegin · 1 year
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The cuteness
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mspaintpetfinder · 4 months
now here's the purrbeast
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fraternum-momentum · 5 months
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khyann · 2 months
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Wonder what that smile is for.
Also a bit of an announcement here (dw I'm not dropping the au)
I will be changing the upload schedule from now on from 1 page every sunday to multiple pages once a month.
This is because I while back I went on a trip and couldn't upload but i still kept working on the au and in doing so I realized the way i was making and uploading the comic (every sunday) was actually killing my creativity and sending me into creative blocks every few months. In the month I was away I managed to get done way more than I did with my usual system and I felt more motivated to keep going.
Really all this means is comic will progress a bit more sporadically but with less breaks due to creative blocks. Sorry to anyone who is following this au and thanks for all your love and support
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gracebethartacc · 1 year
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Some close ups bc I know tumblr will probably butcher the image quality,,
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tj-crochets · 3 months
Getting a lot of notes on the grandma post, so grandma update time! I talk to my grandma every day, I call her every morning before breakfast to say hi and get the update on the neighborhood cats she's feeding* and talk about what the both of us are doing every day. A few times a week one of us will call the other later in the day to share a funny story, which led to her saying my dad didn't follow instructions and me saying "Yep, I inherited my inability to follow instructions from both sides", to which she replied "You're doomed, dear" lol *she socializes the kittens and gets them in animal shelters to be adopted as much as she can. She also names almost all of them after characters from old westerns and tells stories about them like it's a soap opera
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wilcze-kudly · 6 months
True spiritual healing is rewatching the legend of Korra with your mom who previously hated Korra but has now come around to her.
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sagurus · 6 months
I'm excited we're getting more magic kaito but I also have this suspicion things are going to be introduced that I'm just going to. ignore. But also maybe not! Who knows!
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acegodzilla · 8 days
So I thought I just had a cold I'd caught from my dad but I haven't been able to smell or taste very well for like three days so I took a covid test and uh
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missjoolee · 1 year
if you could only see
*read tags for fun facts. mostly written while half asleep. not edited.
"Oh," she says, the corners of her mouth drooping into that familiar frown that accompanied the majority of his high school career. She sets her mug down on the coffee table.
Oh? A similar frown is quick to replace the elated grin his face had adorned when he arrived. "'Oh' is what people say when they get socks on their birthday, Mom. Not when their son tells them that he's engaged!"
"It's just..." she hesitates, as if looking for the correct words. "...you're still so young."
"I'm almost 22. I--"
"Exactly! Only 22!" Emily interrupts. "How can you be sure?!"
"What?! Mom! This is Julie we are talking about!" Luke can't sit still and stands up from the couch. Resentment builds within him. Why can't she ever be supportive from the get go?
"Well.. You've only ever had the one relationship. You can't know what you want really, never having experienced other relationships."
His mouth drops open in disbelief. She cant honestly be suggesting what he thinks she might be.
"I thought you liked Julie!" His hand flies up with the statement, emphasizing his frustrations.
Emily stands, no longer able to remain seated as the conversations heats up.
"Luke, Julie is lovely. And lord knows she's done you a world of good, but you could really benefit from dating around a little!"
Oh, so she is saying what he thought she was saying.
He let's out a humorless huff of a laugh. "Are you insane? You think I should give up the best thing in my life, a sure thing, on the chance I might find someone that can make me just as happy somewhere down the line? Yeah, that math doesn't check out."
She is getting visibly agitated now as she takes a step closer to him.
"Julie will always be your teenage girlfriend. Your relationship will never be more than that of children!"
"God. Do you hear yourself?! Julie's not in her teens anymore. Our relationship has grown with us. We have supported each other through personal growth, and continue to challenge each other to be the best we can be! We've already been there through hardship together." Luke leans into Emily's  personal space, not wanting to back down. It's a familiar dance at this point, these arguments with his mom.  That thought gives him pause but he never drops eye contact.
His mom claims that Julie would prevent him from flourishing as an adult, but in this moment,  with Emily, he feels the most like he's a kid again in the worst way possible. Suddenly, he feels very tired. He takes a step back with a sigh.
"You're unbelievable." His normal volume voice sounds quiet after the heightened pitches from a moment before. He turns and heads for the front door. There is no point in staying.
"Luke? Luke! Get back here!" Emily follows after him. "Most marriages at your age end in divorce! I'm just trying to help you not make a mistake that will ruin your future!"
Luke's at the door but he spins suddenly to face Emily one last time. "It's not a mistake, mom! If you could just see all the ways she loves me, maybe you would understand why I feel this way. How I know this is the right thing to do."
"But Luke--"
This time he interrupts her, not caring to hear anymore of what she's likely to say. "I mean, if you could see how bright her eyes get when she says she loves me. I just.. " Julie's smile, eyes full of mirth flashes in his mind, replacing a lot of the angerfilled responses he wants to shout at his mom. "There's no way being with her could ever be a mistake."
He opens the door and steps outside. "If you can't be happy for us, don't bother joining in on the celebrations."
He closes the door behind him. His mom might have tried to say more but he honestly couldn't care less anymore. It's time to head home. Back to the welcoming arms of the woman he loves and can't wait to marry. She makes him a better writer, and a better man. She supports him and his dreams more than his mom ever has. This exchange has proven that all his mom will ever be good for is giving him great song ideas. But the one starting to ruminate in his brain this time promises to be a lot happier than Unsaid Emily.
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cipher-fresh · 4 months
You guys have to be lying about liking alcohol or something this sucks
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lindensea · 4 months
I don't wanna update my resumeeeeeeeee
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vynnyal · 1 year
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Unga bunga these take 3 hrs to make
#Artfight#Art#Hollers into the sky I'M MAKING AAART#Glad I still got it#Also was on vacay for the first two weeks of AF so thats. Great#Is it update time? Sure here's a quick life update#So I work at this tiny mom and pop shop right. Because they were so small they liked to take advantage of their workers#Aka me and literally 2 other people ever. I've been here for a year lmao#I always knew they were suspicious but it really came to a head when they accused me of stealing money#Btw they issued me a 1099 (the wrong tax form) so they already stole from me#I talked to the bank and had the delightful experience of slapping their account across the face with my guilt free hands#Metaphorically unfortunately#I'm gonna quit this week. I'm tired of these people. The drama was fun tho#Let's see. Ah! I just passed 1 1/2 years of Sky the other day!#More than the game itself I've become engrossed in the modding community hahaha#It's the weirdest little cranny of a fandom I've seen for such a large project#It's basically ONLY passed via word of mouth. And there's all sorts of fun drama happening within the discord(s) too#Idk this is just so funny to watch. Might get banned sooner or later but oh well. I've spent hundreds#It's their loss 🤪 and mine. Mostly mine. But also their loss 🤪#.... You know. My blog is small enough that I could post some funny stuff that I don't dare post anywhere else#Hehehuhuhu I just might. I have a lot of videos#OH SPEAKING OF VIDEOS I'm thinking of cleaning up all my old vids and publishing em to youtube#Apparently I just never did that#May as well dust off the ol' tube of yube and my handful of subs#I'll just post the unfinished ones unlisted as well. Why not!#Till next time. Hopefully soon
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blizzardfluffykpop · 1 month
alright~ a few updates about everything! so this weekend I'll be seeing changkyun in chicago- so I prolly won't be posting until after I'm alive again from that 😂😅 (I am vv excited about it- I just know I'll be vv tired when I return home). Anyways, I have a few fics in the works~ one of them that is a request 🤭 I'm vv excited to work on them! But I think I'm going to change my masterlist a bit when I come back. I'm going to retire a few groups from the main masterlist and I've been debating for the past year about it... But I think I'm going to add a yearly masterlist- So it would go from most recent to the beginning of this year~
I'm also thinking about changing my pfp- I haven't been really into stray kids for uh... years- But I will be sure to make an update about that if I go thru with that too- (It may be ji changmin next 🫣🤭)
Anyways those are my few updates 🥰💖
#in general my brain is so muddled outside of talking to my three closest and my mom i'm just... fogged- but god how i want to be#writing rn- i have 4 smuts and 1 fluff in the works (who would have guessed my fluff writer self has moved from not only plain fluff to#angst & smut this year? not me- but i'm happy about it) two are poly aus and the other two are about a certain 🌙~#kate rambles on from here#altho there is another vv big potential fic~ but i'm only counting ones i have lots of progress on-#and then the masterlist thing i've been thinking about forever- hwvr again i do not know if i'll have the energy bc i might be knocked#on my ass for another month after this trip (i'll be pretty much solely driving for 4 & 1/2 hrs there and another 4 & 1/2 back the next day#but the pfp thing has been on my mind for a while too- again idk when i'll get around to it but jinkoh has given me a vv good#idea esp for winter~ with mr. ji~ so i'm sure to have changed it by december~ (unless the change is too much for me- i haven't changed it#since 2018... so i'm kind of attached to it- even tho i don't even bias him or stan the group anymore...)#anyways this is full of me rambling- i could really go on tbh- bc i'm really trying to get my mind into gear- but these are my updates#let's see if i fulfill em- i'm bound to fill the fic ones- but the other two... yeah- we'll see-#kate rambles#blog updates#should i bring babydoll q & juyo to the concert bc if it wasn't for kyun getting me into dominic fike(and being into tbz during stealer era#i wouldn't have been a tbz ult... (outside of some other factors i haven't really disclosed) bc atp i'm vv close to packing them with me#i mean tbh a tbz pc was going- but now i'm 🫣: should i bring them to see the guy from my first ult group that caused the spiral-#that made me get into my newest ult group? (i love this butterfly effect more than i could ever express tbh- even tho i express it often)#anyways if someone actually reads these- i'm bound to bring babydoll q- legally that's my buddy- but juyo?? 👀
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