#ur friend made it pretty clear she saw that as an attack against her very character and a defense for every bad person ever so like.
samuraisharkie · 2 years
there’s somebody that used to be a friend but blocked me that’s STILL queuing my posts!!! 😭 like that’s so awkward ur ass is gonna ghost and block me EVERYWHERE bc ur buddy was being ableist and you decided to side w them but then ur gonna keep reblogging posts from me????
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hello-yue-here · 4 years
if anyone else saw the post saying that katara was gonna be 16 and sokka was gonna be 14 in the live action here is my take:
im pissed ab this.
and no, it’s not because its most likely being done so they can make zutara a couple. i dont care about that. i have nothing against zutara. i may not ship it myself but if you ship it good for you. ive seen cute fanart and cute fanfics for zutara that ive really enjoyed. i like zutara. not my favorites but i dont dislike them. just wanted to make that clear. that isnt what im mad about here.
im pissed because its gonna ruin katara and sokka’s characters.
by making katara older there is not a doubt in my mind that they will make her more “motherly” seeing as she will likely be responsible for taking care of sokka and aang. there has already been way too many issues in this fandom with stereotypes of katara being reduced to “just the mom friend” and nothing else. in my opinion many of the mom friend stereotypes that have been pushed onto katara in fanon has led to a lot of sexism towards katara and this will inevitably end up forcing the mother role onto her even more and thats just a no no for me. katara literally fights sexism in the NWT, plz dont force her to be a 16 year old girl forced to care for her brother and the avatar because she is older than them. katara deserves more than being forced into a motherly role for aang and sokka. again this is just my take on what i think will happen if katara is made to be the older sibling. i could be wrong. but i would really hate to see this happen because i know itll result in more sexism towards katara and i would really hate to see that.
and now sokka. a major part of sokkas character comes from the fact that he is an extremely protective older brother. because he is the OLDER brother he feels the need to be the man if the tribe. he is very responsible and very serious. this all stems from the fact that he is OLDER. he even says that he is the leader because of it. sokka pretty much IS the leader because he keeps these younger kids on track as an older brother. his insecurities largely stem from the fact that his little sister is a prodigy bender and he is not. there was literally a whole episode about it. and being an older brother w a prodigy sibling mirrors zuko and azula PERFECTLY and that parrallel is one of the most compelling things about atla!!! that will all be flushed down the drain. sure you can still have sexist sokka getting his butt whooped by suki without him being the older brother, sure sokka would likely still be insecure of his status as a nonbender without being the older brother, but in my opinion it would be much less compelling that way seeing as it stems from his status as. an. older. brother. his status as the older brother is also part of the reason why his relationship with hakoda is so interesting as well. his father left him behind to be the man of the tribe because he was older. he wants to make his father proud by proving that he can be a man. his healthyrelationship woth hakoda also DIRECTLY parrallels to zukos horrible relationship with ozai. WHICH IS ALSO AN EXTREMELY COMPELLING PART OF ATLA. sokka just wants to make his father proud by proving that he CAN protect katara. without this, his protectiveness is gone, leaving his protectiveness over Yue in the northern tribe and his protectiveness of suki at serpents pass and his protectiveness of toph on the airship rooted in nothing. sokka is protective BECAUSE he is the older brother. sokka as the younger sibling will reduce him to nothing more than comedic relief and strip him of much of the traits that make him an amazing three dimensional character.
all in all you dont have to agree with me. im not one of the writers. i cant confirm that mom friend katara and comedic relief sokka are what will result in the live action show due to the age swap. but i am very very very very VERY confident that that is what the characters we know and love will be reduced to should this occur. just my thoughts. just my opinion. (if you disagree thats okay but plz be respectful i tried v hard to be respectful when writing this as well)
tl;dr while it may seem inconsequential to change the ages of sokka and katara their roles and older brother and younger sister help shape their characters and changing that just to make zutara canon (even tho i have nothing against zutara. zutara stans please do not attack me ur ship is cute i swear.) it will also change the dynamic of the show we know and love and i am too attached to their original character arcs to be happy with this change.
have a lovely day everyone. go drink some tea and read a fluffy fic and distract urself from another live action atla disaster.
EDIT: keep in mind the age swap isnt like totally confirmed yet so this could all end up being for nothing but yk still wanted to put my thoughts out there🥰 now if you will excuse me im going to write a college essay and then some fanfic cuz why not
EDIT TWO: pretty sure its fake. im sorry for how long this is. false alarm everyone! i think! i hope!
EDIT THREE: i ship zutara now lol. i still stand by this post tho. not happy ab the character age swaps.
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writesowhatnext · 4 years
semaphore but tastier // cedric diggory
Summary: the reader is Cedric’s best friend and they can read him like an open book
Request: hi! can i request a cedric diggory fic where the reader always bakes him smth and he feels better bc of it? 🥺 thank uu
A/N: I really hope this is okay because for some reason I am totally off my rhythm atm and it is also 1am so context also i love ced so more requests for him when i reopen are welcome
Reader: unspecified
Warnings: Triwizard tournament, injury
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Anyone would think that you were conditioning him. For what, exactly, you couldn’t say, but you really couldn’t deny how pleased you were to see that handsome smile on his lips. Cedric was your best friend, though, so of course, you wanted to make him happy; it was only natural. And if you found a way to do that via a means as easy as just baking for him, then why for Merlin’s sake wouldn’t you? That was your story, if anyone asked, and that was what you were sticking to. It was nothing to do with any secret, personal, intimate feelings you had for him and that was that.
The first time, really, it’d been an accident; just a happy little coincidence. You just happened to be holding one of your mum’s home-baked Apple Danishes when you saw Ced looking positively tragic in the library, mourning over his Transfiguration essay. All it took to turn his frown upside down was an eye roll and a carefully deposited pastry in his lap - he was clearly a man of simple taste. It’d always been like that with the two of you, actually: you found that you could read him like a children’s book. A very simple children’s book with very few words and lots of very pretty pictures.
It was because of that that you always knew the one thing that never failed to make his day; one of your mum’s freshly-baked sweet treats. It had even worked when he broke up with his girlfriend, something you were not as ‘unnervingly pleased about’ as your friends had teased, thank you very much. Food was your go-to, though, and it always, always worked. Well, mostly always.
Cedric wasn’t upset often. Somehow, it was as if it went against his very nature to be anything but smiling, anything but quietly confident and wonderfully charming. So, when you strolled towards the Great Hall, spotting him and quickening your steps to fall in line with his steady gait, you were surprised to see him scowling.
“Hello,” you grinned, raising your eyebrows as he turned to you, the wrinkle between his eyebrows ironing out slightly at the sight of your smiling face.
You both stopped to wait for the staircase and his brows sunk again, his jaw clenching.
“Hi,” he said, exhaling out of his nose. You smirked, grabbing his chin gently and pushing his cheeks together, making a face. Your fingers lingered on his chiselled jaw.
“Why do you look so cross, Mr Grumpy Pants?” you asked, letting go of him as you started up the stairs.
A reluctant smile tugged at his lips, but you could tell that despite his amusement, there was still something bothering him, creasing his brow.
“Seriously, Ced,” you said, bumping his shoulder as you walked side-by-side down the corridor. “What’s up?”
He stopped short, looking down at the cobblestone floor. You took a moment to trail your eyes down his profile.
“Do you think I should put my name in the Goblet?”
Your eyes darted to meet his grey gaze, your mouth drying up at his words.
“For the Triwizard Tournament?” he said as if he needed to.
You frowned, opening your mouth before closing it again quickly.
“I might need more than a strudel for this one,” you said, trying to make him laugh. Despite your hesitance at the idea, you were glad to see him chuckle, shaking his head at your little joke.
To say you were nervous would be an understatement. The whole concept of Cedric, your Cedric, being part of the deadliest wizard competition in history was throwing you for a loop and he hadn’t even been selected yet. As you sat in the Great Hall, though, at the Halloween Feast with your heart in your throat and your eyes solidly on Cedric, some part of you knew that no one else could be the Hogwarts Champion. Not if he couldn’t.
“Do you think he’ll be picked?” your friend asked, leaning backwards to get a better look at the already selected  Durmstrang and Beauxbatons champions. You didn’t need to ask who she meant.
“Yes,” you said, surprising yourself at how shaky your voice was. “I’m almost certain.”
“Oh, right, because he’s so handsome and brave and smart and kind and wonderful,” she mocked, her voice barely audible over the clapping.
You turned to her, making a face and pretending to mouth what she’d said, earning a slap on the arm. You were too busy squabbling to hear Dumbledore’s preamble, but you sure heard it when he read out the name of the first Hogwarts champion. At the time, though, you weren’t to know there’d be a second. The whole hall erupted at Cedric’s name and despite yourself, you found you were jumping to your feet, cheering and clapping along with everyone else, whistling and finding yourself swept along by the glee of it all, proud actually, of your best friend.
It wasn’t until the dragons that the true fear and nervousness sunk in. You were on autopilot as you crept around the Waiting Tent before the first task, your stomach in knots as you hoped somehow you would find him. Ever since he’d told you that Harry Potter had told him about the dragons, you’d been dreading the day, probably more scared for his safety than he was. You were far too distracted by the thought of something happening to him and the weight of the cream pie heavy in your palm to be completely focused. A rock twisted under your foot and you lost your balance. With a yelp, you ended up pushing through the tent, the fabric separating around your hands as you landed on the floor with a thud. You groaned, officially winded by your own clumsiness.
“Y/N?” a familiar voice said softly, riddled with confusion
You looked up to see Cedric, the man of the hour, with an amused smirk and raised eyebrows.
“You alright, Ced?” you asked casually as if you hadn’t just tripped straight through the wall. Shifting to get up, you were grateful to feel his hands on your arms as he helped you to your feet.
“Better now.”
He grinned at you for a moment, the yellow of his uniform tinting his skin perfectly. You blinked.
“I uh-“ you swallowed, blinking again. “I brought you this.”
You offered him the pastry in your outstretched palm, frowning at how sad it looked, slightly crushed and deformed by your little fall.
Opening your mouth to apologise, you squished the dessert in your grip, surprised as Cedric threw his arms around you, pulling you into him tightly. A grunt left your lips and if you weren’t already disorientated by the hug, the sound of a shutter and a bright camera flash made sure to do the trick. You both pulled away sharply and you would’ve fallen again had Cedric not placed his hand on your back to steady you.
“Wow,” a woman said shrilly. “Isn’t young love beautiful?”
You opened your mouth to correct her, but your words lodged in your throat when you noticed the floating quill beside her head. Your brain connected the dots and you found yourself taking an instant disliking to Rita Skeeter, a journalist Ced had complained about when he first got interviewed.
“That’ll make the front page if today goes poorly,” she mused, pursing her lips and tilting her head to the side. “And what a pretty page that’ll be, a couple like you.”
“Excuse me,” you said indignantly, immediately defensive. You didn’t get to finish before she was accosted by the Durmstrang champion, Krum.
“Sorry about that,” Ced said, his hand leaving your back as you turned to face him, his fingers skimming your arm distracting you entirely.
“Sorry about this,” you replied, lifting up the almost unrecognisable cream pie in your hand, the filling squeezing into the plastic bag around it.
“Don’t be, I think it has a certain charm.”
“I’ll give it to you now in case-“ Your voice broke.
“Hey,” he said, cupping your elbow gently. “I’ll be fine.”
Your vision blurred with tears and even his fingertips brushing your cheek lightly couldn’t salvage the sinking feeling in your stomach.
“Do you not trust me?” he asked a playful grin on his lips. You glared through your tears, pushing against his chest softly.
“You know I do.”
“Then you know that I’ll be fine. It’s just a dragon, what’s the worst that could happen?”
You inhaled, but he’d known you long enough to know the lengthy list of your response and insisted on stopping it in its tracks.
“It’ll be okay. Besides, I have to eat this…” he paused, frowning at the decimated pastry in your hand.
“It was a cream pie.”
“Champions!” Dumbledore yelled, thundering into the tent and reminding you that you definitely were not supposed to be there. You looked at Cedric as he turned back to you and it was clear that you both reluctantly knew that you had to leave. You stared at him for a moment, brows drawn together, before you shoved the bag you held into his hand and gave it a squeeze. Leaning up, you pecked him on the cheek and immediately stepped away, not quite ready to deal with the aftermath of that particular decision.
“Please be safe, Ced.”
True to his word, he was okay. You’d almost had a heart attack when the Swedish Short-Snout got close to him, but you were beyond happy to see him in the Hufflepuff Common Room, sitting like a king with a mushed-up cream pie in his grasp. You were not at all impressed to see the burn on his face, though, and you were in half a mind to chew him out over it until he spotted you across the room. Immediately, he was stalking over to you and you found yourself doing the same, rushing towards him. You met halfway, throwing your arms around his neck and burrowing your head into his shoulder, breathing in his scent.
“I told you I’d be okay,” he whispered, his free hand rubbing gently up and down your back so lightly you thought you might faint.
He waited until you were there to open the egg and you definitely wished he hadn’t when a horrible screeching noise filled the air. The days that followed as he tried to figure out the contraption, you realised that the Triwizard Tournament had taken over your entire life. For months, what would happen next and more importantly, Ced’s safety had become your first priority and undeniably, that thought scared you. You listened dutifully, as a good friend should when he told you about the advice from Professor Moody to open the golden egg underwater, or when he talked about Harry or the next task, but anyone could tell you were distracted as you tried to imagine what you would do if anything happened to him. Your mind ran away with ideas of something happening to him with you having never told him how you actually felt.
“So,” Cedric said, elbowing you and breaking you out of your reverie one lunchtime. You’d imagined him a lot in the recent days and as you turned to him, your heart stopped a little to see his face in person, as handsome as ever.
“Why are you being strange?”
“I’m not being strange,” you said, though it came out more like a question.
“So, why have you been staring into the distance for the last fifteen minutes, then?” he asked, raising his eyebrows and biting into an apple.
You felt heat rush to your face and you looked down, trying to hide.
“At first I thought you just wanted to let me down gently.”
“Gently about what?”
You shoved the food on your plate around with your fork, desperately unhungry.
“The Yule Ball.”
“What about it?” you asked, frowning as Ced leant over your forearm and placed a strange looking bun on the table in front of you.
“I want you to go with me,” he said softly, his eyes nervous as you made eye contact. Why on Earth would Ced be nervous, you thought, assuming you were mistaken.
“You want to go with me?”
You’d been examining the bun closely when you looked up at him, your fingertips sinking into the delicate white icing as you froze. You couldn’t quite keep up with what was happening and you found yourself blinking far too much, your chest tightening in the process.
“You don’t have to-“
“Don’t you want to go with Cho Chang? Or that Granger girl? Or-“
“Why are trying to talk me out of asking you?”
You looked down, desperately aware of his eyes on you as you peeled your fingers from the sticky icing.
“What’s this?” you asked, nodding to it.
“Something to sweeten the deal,” he said and you could hear the distinct smile in his voice. “Also, you looked sad and you always bake me things with I’m sad.”
“Did you bake this?” you turned to him, frowning, the sound of your heartbeat growing louder in your ears.
“No,” he scoffed, shaking his head and taking another bite of his apple. “I’m just very nice to the house-elves.”
You smiled, huffing a laugh at his pleased expression.
“I don’t think I can go with you, Ced,” you admitted, swallowing gruffly and avoiding his eyes. “To the ball.”
“Why not?”
His voice was small and you wish you hadn’t known him well enough to hear the hurt in it.
“Because to you, it would just be as friends.” You paused, an odd regretful relief flooding through you. “And I like you way more than a friend should.”
“I’m not asking you as a friend,” he said.
You frowned, your eyes lifting up and to the side, before you turned to face him, surprised to see him quietly cocky and not at all like you’d ruined his life by admitting your feelings, as you’d expected you would.
“As a best friend?” you asked, your voice unmistakably hopeful.
You watched a smirk play on his lips and a mischievous glint sparkle in his eye and something you’d never felt before stirred in your chest. He finally broke eye contact, shaking his head and looking down.
“I think you know the answer to that.”
harry potter tag list:
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autumn-foxfire · 4 years
Okay so I know a lot of people think the theme of bnha is that everyone should be saved and that heroes and villains are the same, and changing hero society, but I've been thinking maybe it's not. Of course a story can have multiple themes but Idk if it's main theme is corruption or at least in the way most villain stans want. I think instead it might be about positive personal growth vs negative personal growth/stagnation. (1)
(2) a lot of characters have realized they had a problem or reacted negatively to something and decided to actively change & do better. Iida realizes he was wrong and failed as a hero by caring more for his revenge then saving someone. Shoto realizes he's been so focused on spitting his dad he pushed people away, bakugou realizes he was a bully to deku and is now working to change that,Endeavor realized he hurt his family for selfish goal and aims to atone as best he can (-)
(3)Meanwhile the villains mostly stay the same, or take the wrong thing away from situations they could have learned from. They embrace their negative qualities and never seek to change their core character. Dabi has killed people and lives only to make his dad suffer, not caring he hurts the same people he should be helping (his siblings and mom). Toga hurt her classmate and decided to runaway and live how she wanted, killing whoever caught her eye. (-)
(4)Shigaraki remembered he killed his family and how traumatized he was and yet takes away from that memory that he should continue to destroy. Twice was arguably the only villain who made progress, which if this is a theme in bnha then I will say that the narrative was saying Hawks was wrong to kill him, and that his arc will be realizing his mistake in some way, though not because he was evil but because he his distance from others stopped him from emotionaly appealing to Twice, (-)
(5)Who he possibly could have saved if he let himself be more emotional and not just the calm hero he was trained to be. Sorry this so long I didn't mean to meta in ur asks but it got longer then I thought😭
While I agree with you about one of BNHA’s theme is about personal growth and whether that becomes a positive thing or a negative thing (and stagnates them as a result), I would argue that Twice falls into the same bad habits as the rest of the villains.
He made positive personal growth towards overcoming his trauma and some of his mental health issues (or at least not allowing them to hold him back when it comes to helping those he views as friends and family), however he also took a huge step back as a villain because he ended up doubling down just like Shigaraki did. But for Twice, it wasn’t about destroying things, it was about his view of the world being “us vs them” as you see he has no hesitance to kill those he views to go against him and refuses to listen to reason as a result.
We see clearly when he instantly rejects Hawks offer of help and labelled him as an enemy because he wasn’t on his side. He refused to listen to what Hawks had to say and went on the attack instead, trying mutliple times to get the hand that wanted to help him to be burned alive. If anything, the narrative wasn’t showing us that Hawks was wrong, it was showing us that Twice was, and because of his actions, it led to his death.
Now, Hawks will have guilt over what he did and will think he didn’t do enough to help Twice however I think the manga has made it pretty clear that he did. He used his genuine emotions to try and appeal to Twice, it was just Twice who refused to see it (as we saw whenever it was from Twice’s POV, Hawks face was always shadowed symbolising that Twice didn’t want to see Hawks genuine emotions).
He also tried to help him and gave him many chances to take his hand and even when Twice didn’t he still wanted to bring him in alive anyway (and Hawks isn’t the type of person who wouldn’t help someone just because they rejected his offer the first time, if Twice had been brought in alive, he most likely would have continued to try and get through to him).
The Hawks/Twice confrontation showed us really how black and white a view the villains feelings towards heroes has become, especially Twice, who’s whole story is about people not offering a hand to help him, not recognizing someone giving him the hand he had always wanted.
(Sorry, I feel very strongly about this scene XD)
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lake-arrius-caverns · 3 years
Nerevarine Rising
Chapter 12: Two’s Company
summary As the party grows from two to three, Fahjoth tries his best to smooth over tensions. 
content warnings strong warning for nausea/emetophobia about halfway down
read under the cut or on AO3, cheers 👍
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The shock reverberated up Fahjoth’s shins as his feet found solid ground with a jolt. Gasping, he staggered back, desperately trying to regain his balance. Once his brain caught up with the messages his eyes were receiving, he realised that the three of them were back in Ald’ruhn; a nearby guard stared at them from behind his impassive helm, but otherwise he didn’t seem to care too much for three Dunmer suddenly materialising out of thin air. 
While Fahjoth remained on his feet, Ribyna was not so lucky, and she groaned from her landing position face-down on the dusty ground. “Ugh… what the fuck was that?!” she spat, rubbing smudges of dirt from her face as she dragged herself upright again. 
“Almsivi Intervention,” Julan answered, discomfort clear on his face. “It teleports you to the nearest Tribunal temple.” There was a pause before he continued, “I’m sorry, I— I don’t know what happened back there… You must think I’m such a coward. I swear I’m not. I swear I am a warrior, and I’ve never run from a fight, nor do I fear death.”
“Look, don’t be daft,” Fahjoth replied, raising his voice to speak over Ribyna’s loud scoffing as he tried to reassure Julan. “We don’t think you’re a coward—”
“Speak for yourself...” Ribyna muttered, but Fahjoth ignored her to reassure Julan. 
“I wasn’t exactly having a good time up there either,” he continued, trying to inject a bit of humour into the situation. Judging by Julan’s expression, it hadn’t worked.
“I’m not afraid of Red Mountain, or any of its monsters,” Julan said. “It’s... something else. It’s to do with these… weird dreams I’ve been having.” 
Fahjoth’s curiosity was piqued as he thought back to his own night terrors. He hadn’t experienced them for a while, and for that he was thankful, but recollections of fiery landscapes and dark figures with blazing red eyes still lingered in the back of his mind. “Oh yeah?”
Julan took a deep breath. “I dream that I’m climbing Red Mountain. It’s just like what we saw — it’s dark, the air is filled with ash that gets into my eyes and mouth, but the further I go up, the harder it is to keep going. And then there’s all these voices, whispering things to me.”
“What sort of things?”
“That’s the thing, I don’t even know. I can’t understand what they’re saying, it’s too hard to make out. But it sounds, uh… well, not good, y’know?” Julan looked between Fahjoth and Ribyna apprehensively. “You’ve heard of Dagoth Ur, right? I mean, I’m guessing you have, but...”
Their silence said more than enough; Ribyna’s face looked as blank as Fahjoth’s brain felt, and Julan was visibly stunned. 
“Oh come on, even outlanders must know about him! Dagoth Ur? The devil who lives beneath Red Mountain?”
“Sorry, mate.” Fahjoth shrugged. “I don’t—” Then he stopped, as a thought occurred to him. “Wait, does he have anything to do with the Sixth House Cult?” 
“Yeah…” Julan frowned, and Fahjoth began to feel as if he’d done something wrong. “What do you know about the Sixth House Cult?”
“Honestly, not much.” At least that was truthful. There was no point bringing up Cosades and his work, as Fahjoth knew very little about it himself. “I just heard there’s been attacks from sleeper agents. I saw one of them myself.” He couldn’t suppress a shudder at the memory, remembering the vacant expression on the Dunmer’s face and his iron grip as hot as ashes on his wrist. “He said something like… Dagoth Ur is risen, something something Sixth House glory… I don’t know.” 
Even Ribyna looked surprised by Fahjoth’s anecdote, while Julan’s tone became one of understanding instead. “Ah, I see. Yeah. Dagoth Ur is a powerful figure in our history and legends. Supposedly, he causes people to go insane by sending them dreams.”
Ribyna raised a brow at that. “What, so you reckon you’re going insane?”
“What— no!” Julan replied defensively. “I am not insane and I’m not planning to be, either! Lots of people dream about him. It’s nothing.”
For a moment, Fahjoth wondered if it was worth bringing up his own dreams. But if what Julan said was right, then perhaps it was more common than he had thought. He didn’t feel like he was going insane, and as long as it stayed that way, then he surely ought to be alright. 
On realising that he had tuned out of the conversation, Fahjoth jolted and made an effort to concentrate again. 
“Then why are you so bothered by them that you can’t even climb a mountain?” Ribyna was saying. 
“I’m not! I mean—” Julan blew out, his frustration evident. “Look, I know it doesn’t make any sense, okay? I just need time. Anyway…” He looked between the twins, vying for a change of subject. “Never mind that. How about getting on with some training? I could do with taking my mind off things.”
“Yeah, alright. Good idea,” Fahjoth agreed. He gestured between himself and Ribyna. “Me and Beebs are both used to working with short blades and light armour.” Then he gave a dry laugh. “I don’t think either of us will be able to help with your magic, though. We can’t cast spells for shit.”
“Hah! That’s alright.” Julan grinned. “I don’t need any help with archery, either, I’ve been practising since I was small. I prefer fighting with blades anyway, so I’m up for that.” 
Fahjoth turned to face Ribyna, alarmed by the sight of her drawing her dagger. 
“Sparring match, then? Let’s see how we do,” she suggested. Fahjoth was nervous; Ribyna’s attitude so far hadn’t sat well with him at all, and neither was the look on her face as she eyed Julan. Such a sudden turnaround, going from being openly hostile to Julan to wanting to spar with him, didn’t exactly bode well. 
Whether Julan himself shared Fahjoth’s apprehension wasn’t apparent. On the contrary, he drew his own shortsword and nodded. 
“Alright. Let’s go.” 
“Are you sure?” Fahjoth asked. “With real weapons? Isn’t that a bit dangerous?”
“It’ll be fine, Fahji,” Ribyna said dismissively. 
“Don’t worry, we won’t go too hard,” Julan added. Fahjoth wasn’t at all optimistic about that, but he held his tongue and decided to lean against a nearby wall to observe. 
Ribyna brandished her dagger and stalked a circle around Julan, who stood ready with his chitin sword. Without warning she lunged, hard and fast. Julan brought his sword up to deflect the blow, the blades screeching on impact. A retaliation from Julan, deliberately slow and cautious, forced Ribyna back and kept her at arm’s length for the time being. Overall, it seemed to be going well, and Fahjoth began to relax. 
That was until one particularly close call from the tip of Julan’s blade threw Ribyna off her rhythm. Although the strike hit the tough leather of her armour, the force and angle still caused the dagger to get flung from her grip. With a grin, Julan pointed his sword up to her chest, puffing from the brief yet intense exercise. 
“Got you! Maybe don’t drop your weapon next time.”
Ribyna only scowled in response. Then with a flash of steel, she pivoted herself against Julan’s chest, a second dagger poised against his throat. 
“Maybe make sure your opponent is actually unarmed next time.” 
There was a moment of stiff silence; Ribyna glared at Julan, her face less than an inch from his own, while Julan stared back defiantly. Then the tension broke, and she backed up and resumed pacing, looking for the next opportunity to strike. 
The remainder of the sparring session continued much in the same manner, with Ribyna and Julan flitting around each other in a vicious dance, both trying to get the upper hand over the other. A short while and a few close calls later and they agreed to call it a day, having been reasonably evenly matched. It seemed that training together would be as beneficial for Fahjoth and Ribyna as it would be for Julan himself. 
“How about a drink?” Fahjoth suggested to his somewhat bruised companions. “I think we could all do with chilling out for a bit.” 
“Fine by me,” Ribyna said, while Julan looked awkward.
“Oh, I… don’t think I have enough to—” Julan started, but he stopped as Fahjoth waved a hand genially. 
“Don’t worry about it,” he chirped, offering Julan a friendly smile. “I’ll get them. I owe Ribyna a round, anyway.”
Julan’s unease melted away and was replaced with a grin, which Fahjoth found quite contagious. He purposefully ignored Ribyna’s dull glare in his periphery, focusing instead on Julan. 
“Well, I wouldn’t say no to a mazte, if you’re offering.”
“Sorted!” Fahjoth declared, ambling further into Ald’ruhn while Ribyna and Julan limped along with him. He was subjected to the uncomfortable feeling of someone staring at him, and he didn’t need to look around to know that it was coming from Ribyna. 
Once they reached the cool shade of the Ald Skar Inn, Fahjoth suggested that Julan find them a table while he went to retrieve the drinks, to which he happily obliged. However, Fahjoth was not all surprised when Ribyna offered to help him carry them over, despite knowing full well that he could handle them himself, and prepared himself for the ear bashing he knew was imminent.
“He’s taking the piss,” Ribyna hissed, once they were at the bar and out of earshot of Julan. “You know what’s gonna happen, don’t you?”
Fahjoth heaved a sigh as he leaned against the bar, deciding to just let her rant. “Go on then, enlighten me.” 
“He’s gonna mooch off you every chance he gets! He’s always gonna be all, ‘oh no, I don’t have any money’, and then you’ll have to pay for every-bloody-thing.” 
“I don’t mind. It’s not like I don’t have the gold for a few drinks here and there. I’d do the same for any friend!”
Ribyna’s mouth fell open. “Friend?” she spat, outraged. “You barely even know the bastard! Honestly Fahjoth, you see a pretty boy and I swear your whole fucking brain just shuts down!”
Trying to ignore the heat rising in his cheeks, Fahjoth was quick to see a lifeline and he clung to it like a drowning man. “Oh, so you think he’s pretty, do you?”
This time, it was Ribyna whose cheeks flushed a dull red. “I— no, I never— don’t put words in my mouth!” she retorted, fuming. “You know exactly what I’m saying, and you know I’m right!”
“Well, just do me a favour and keep it to yourself if you can,” Fahjoth requested flatly. “I don’t want Julan to feel uncomfortable. More than he already is...” 
Ribyna looked as though she was going to continue to argue, but a moment of respite came when the drinks arrived. Fahjoth hastily took them over to the table before Ribyna could say another word, leaving her to traipse after him clutching her own. Once he placed the drinks down on the table, Julan gratefully took his, shuffling his stool along to make plenty of room for the twins to join him. 
“So, whereabouts do you two live?” he asked. “It’s not here in Ald’ruhn, is it?” 
“Nah, we’re staying in Balmora.”
“Probably a good thing. It’s like the dusty armpit of Vvardenfell here. And so Redoran, it’s illegal to even joke about it!” Julan swigged his mazte, looking to Fahjoth curiously. “What’s Balmora like?”
“Bit bigger than Ald’ruhn. And less dusty. You’ll see it for yourself soon!” Fahjoth paused. “Well, that’s if you still want to come with us. I’ve got to go check in with my boss soon.” 
“Course I do. As long as we can still continue to train, then I don’t mind where we go.” 
Fahjoth grinned. “Don’t worry about that. If I’m not around, you’ll be able to spar with Ribyna again!” 
“Oh yeah, ‘cause it’s not like I’ve got a life outside you or anything,” Ribyna grumbled, staring at Julan with heavy mistrust — and even dislike. Julan seemed to notice as well, for his smile slipped somewhat and an awkward silence fell over the table. 
“Anyway…” Julan attempted a wary change of subject. “What is it that you do for a living? Apart from rescuing people from clannfears, of course.” 
“To be honest, mate…” Fahjoth shrugged. “I don’t really know. I know that sounds daft, but mostly I just run errands. Gather information. Sometimes nearly get myself killed in Dwemer ruins or haunted tombs. That sort of thing.”
“Sounds… interesting.” 
Both he and Julan both then turned to Ribyna, but she remained silent, glowering back at them while she sipped her drink. Fahjoth’s stomach sank. With Ribyna’s stubborn refusal to socialise, the relatively upbeat mood had been well and truly quashed. 
A heavy weight began to settle in Fahjoth's chest. Though he was looking forward to working with Julan, the excitement was spoiled by Ribyna's behaviour and incessant hostility towards him. He knew Ribyna was prickly at the best of times, but he hadn't anticipated this much resistance to gaining a new companion. If Julan was going to stay with them for the foreseeable, Fahjoth dreaded the idea of trying to persuade her to play nice. How much more grief were they going to get from her?
But more importantly, how far did Julan's tolerance extend? How long would he put up with her animosity and foul mood before deciding that he'd had enough?
“I’ve been meaning to ask. What’s up with your hair?”
Blinking, Fahjoth slowly turned to face Julan, trying to concentrate over the rough jerking of the silt strider’s teetering steps and the shrill grinding of its chitinous joints ringing in his ears. He wasn’t normally prone to motion sickness, but being so high above ground level coupled with the vigorous swaying of his seat was not a good combination, and Fahjoth had spent much of the journey from Ald’ruhn to Balmora trying to hold down the urge to vomit. After spending another day in and around Ald’ruhn for training and shopping, Fahjoth could no longer put off returning to Balmora and the silt strider was the fastest way to get there. Even if it did make him want to throw up. 
His first time riding one, and he dearly wished for it to be his last. 
Julan perhaps mistook his silence for offence, for he held up a hand apologetically. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to say it like that.”
“Eh? No, it’s fine. Sorry for being quiet, I’m just not feeling great,” Fahjoth explained, squinting as the low sun on the horizon shone into his eyes. At least the weather had been good for their trip. “Well, it used to be totally black. But a few years ago, it started to go white in the front here.” He held up a strand by means of demonstration. “I dunno why.”
“That really is weird.”
“I still reckon it was stress,” Ribyna added, looking over her shoulder with a smirk. With her arm hanging loosely over the silt strider’s side, she seemed to be having no issues with the bumpy ride. “Obviously not everyone is cut out for life in prison.” 
Julan did a double-take, looking from Ribyna to Fahjoth with shock. “You’ve been arrested?” 
Fahjoth turned to Ribyna, scowling. Ribyna simply smiled back at him with false pleasantry and turned away to gaze at their surroundings as the silt strider tottered along. With a sigh, he turned back to Julan, feeling somehow even more queasy at the thought of telling the truth and wondering how Julan would take it. 
Damn Ribyna and her big mouth!
“Yeah. Me and Ribyna both came here on a prison ship,” Fahjoth admitted. Instantly, Julan looked leery. 
“You’re both convicts? You’re not on the run, are you?”
“No! No, nothing like that. We were released.”
“Released? On Vvardenfell?” Julan scoffed. “That’s just typical of the Empire. As if they haven’t done us enough damage, now they’re offloading their unwanted criminals onto us!”
Admittedly, that comment stung. But before Fahjoth could answer, Ribyna had whipped around in her seat again, looking none too pleased with Julan’s remark herself. 
“Yeah, that’s no good, is it? It’s not like those unwanted criminals saved your sorry arse from getting eaten alive by clannfears or anything!”
Julan blanched, biting his lip as he realised what he had said. “Oh— gods, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it personally. Look, I didn’t mean— well…” As he took a deep breath, Fahjoth noted his hesitation to continue. “You do seem like a good person… people. Good people. Um... were you... y’know... guilty? Of... whatever it was you did to get arrested.”
Fahjoth, for a moment, was silent. He risked a glance over at Ribyna, feeling his stomach clench when he saw that she had turned her back to them again. She said nothing, but Fahjoth could see the tension in her shoulders, and he knew his twin well enough to know that if he spoke the truth, it would hurt her. So he looked back to Julan, thinking about his words carefully. 
“It’s... a bit of a long story, mate,” he said. “It was...” — he paused, waving his hands vaguely — “an accident.”
Julan stared at him with a mild frown, and Fahjoth felt himself break into a nervous sweat, not knowing what he was thinking. After a silence that was far too long for his liking, Julan spoke up at last. 
“I believe you,” he said simply. “I’m not sure why, but I do. Like I said, you seem like a good person, and either way, I’m willing to judge you on your actions here and now, rather than in the past. Whatever they were.” 
A wave of relief crashed over Fahjoth, but before he could respond, a particularly vigorous judder in the silt strider’s pace hit him like a punch to the gut. His stomach, already churning from nausea and anxiety, convulsed violently and a thick, wet sourness hit the back of his throat. Spinning around, he bolted up from his seat, leaning over the side and letting his head hang as he fought to swallow the sickness down again. 
Through watering eyes Fahjoth watched as the ground went rushing by with the strider’s uneven pace, stopping and starting with every bumpy step, the leaves on the trees and bushes below blurring into one as his eyes struggled to focus. How far up was he, anyway? Twenty-five feet? Thirty?
His knuckles whitened as he clenched his trembling hands, his skin becoming hot and clammy and damp with sweat while his heart fluttered an uncomfortable half-rhythm in his chest. After seconds which lasted a lifetime, during which the contents of his stomach barely managed to settle, Fahjoth hauled himself back into the relative safety of his seat. It was still as choppy as ever, but at least he didn’t have to look at the ground this way. When he was able to focus again, he found Julan’s perturbed face fixed rapt upon his own. 
“Fahjoth, are you alright?” 
“Yeah Fahji, you look pale as fuck,” Ribyna added, finally turning her gaze back around, brows furrowed with concern. “Here you are, have some of this.” 
She rummaged in her backpack and fished out a bottle of mazte, reaching back to offer it to Fahjoth. Fahjoth, however, shook his head with his mouth clamped tightly shut. If he opened it, there would likely be more than just words coming out. 
Julan reached over and patted Fahjoth’s shoulder, albeit seeming reluctant to get too close. “It’s okay, I think we’re nearly there. Just... hold onto your lunch a bit longer, alright?”
The silt strider finally drawing to a halt could not have been a bigger relief. Except now that they had reached Balmora, Fahjoth faced the prospect of having to disembark from the silt strider and onto that precarious platform awaiting them. It had been bad enough ascending the narrow ramp to board the strider, how on Nirn was he going to get back down again? 
Fortunately, Ribyna was on hand to lend him hers. Once she had clambered up out of the strider's hollowed-out carapace, she offered her hand to Fahjoth as he hesitantly followed suit. The simple boon of having something firm to grip onto while he stumbled out of the silt strider made all the difference, and without a word, Ribyna let Fahjoth continue holding her hand as they made their way down the slope, Fahjoth's pace hindered significantly by his shaking legs.
It took all his effort not to collapse to his knees the moment he stepped on solid ground at last. He doubled over, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths as he tried to encourage his stomach to settle, paying no heed to anything else going on around him. Once his nausea had subsided enough, he straightened back up again, preparing to face the mocking and jeering he predicted from his travelling companions. 
However, there was nothing of the sort. Both Ribyna and Julan were watching him, their faces showing nothing but concern and sympathy. 
“Not good with heights?” Julan asked, his tone one of pity. 
“I— I dunno,” Fahjoth admitted. “I never realised... but I suppose, yeah. Obviously…”
“Either that or the turbulence,” Julan suggested. He fell silent, turning his gaze away to survey Balmora instead. "So, this is Balmora? It’s so grand." There was clear hesitation in his voice as he continued, “Um... tell me honestly, do I look like a complete savage?”
Fahjoth blinked. “What?”
Julan chewed his lip, his eyes darting from left to right apprehensively, as if searching for anyone who would look at him with disdain. “I know how people view Ashlanders. They think we’re violent, uncivilised barbarians who live in filth and poverty. They don’t even try to understand us, or our culture, or why we choose to live as we do. But we’re proud of our culture. We don’t need these tacky displays of wealth to be happy — we have more valuable things of our own.”
Before Fahjoth could even open his mouth, Ribyna cut across him. “Oh, don’t worry. Me and Fahjoth grew up stinking savages ourselves.”
Unsurprisingly Julan bristled, glaring at Ribyna and quietly seething. Sensing an altercation brewing, Fahjoth hastily spoke up, cringing over Ribyna’s lack of sensitivity. “What she means is that... well, we grew up on the streets,” he explained. “People saw us as nothing more than dirty, uncivilised thieves, as well.”
Thankfully, Julan seemed to calm down. “Well. Then maybe you’ll understand. My people are viewed with suspicion here in the cities. Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of my heritage, but I feel like I might be too conspicuous. I don’t want to go drawing any attention. What d’you think?”
Fahjoth shrugged. “I mean... you look fine to me, Julan. But if you like, we can look into getting you some new clothes.” 
“At least get him something that smells less of guar,” Ribyna interjected, and once again, Fahjoth wanted to throttle her. Fortunately, Julan didn’t take offence. 
“Maybe that would be a good idea, actually. But!” He jabbed Fahjoth in the chest with a finger. “If you make me look ridiculous, I swear I’ll never forgive you!”
Fahjoth held his hands up innocently, a grin curling at the corners of his lips. “I would never! I’ve got a good eye for fashion, me. Can’t you tell? Anyway…” He looked between Julan and Ribyna with an apologetic gaze. “Do you two wanna go get us a table in the South Wall Cornerclub? I need to go speak to Cosades, but I’ll join you straight after. He gets grumpy if I call on him too late in the day.”
Both Ribyna and Julan looked as apprehensive as Fahjoth felt to be sending off by themselves, but for the moment, it was unavoidable. 
“Alright, well... don’t be long!” Ribyna said with a frown. 
“I won’t!” Fahjoth called back as he began heading off, jogging away between the long shadows cast by the setting sun. 
Given the lateness of the hour, Fahjoth had assumed that Cosades would be home, perhaps settling down for the night with a few bottles of booze as he was wont to do. To his surprise, that was not the case. He lingered around for five minutes, just on the off-chance that Cosades would turn up, but he was reluctant to leave Julan and Ribyna alone for much longer. So he hurried on to the South Wall Cornerclub, hoping that the two had not bitten chunks out of each other in his absence.
However, he needn't have worried. When Fahjoth arrived and descended the steps into the bar, he spotted Ribyna and Julan sitting in complete stony silence at their usual corner table. Quite frankly, he had seen funerals looking more lively. 
His arrival seemed to come as a relief, as Julan glanced up and waved Fahjoth over. Fahjoth obliged, joining them at the table with haste as he accepted the bottle that Ribyna pushed towards him. He was both unsurprised and disappointed to see that Julan had nothing. 
“Sorry about this,” he murmured, casually pushing his own mazte over to Julan instead. 
“It's fine,” Julan replied. “Not like either of you are obligated to buy me a drink.” 
“Yeah, but it's polite, isn't it?” he said, directing this particular comment over to Ribyna, who curled her lip but said nothing on the matter. 
“So did you see Cosades?” she asked instead. “What's he got lined up for you this time?”
“He wasn't in,” Fahjoth answered. “I'll see him tomorrow, I'm sure.” He paused, before sliding a handful of coins over the table towards Ribyna. “Could you go get me a mazte? I still feel a bit dodgy.”
“I already got you a mazte.”
“Ribyna, come on,” Fahjoth groaned, desperate for one night of peace. “Please.”
A moment of irate silence later and Ribyna got to her feet, striding off towards the bar with a distinctly sour demeanour.
Fahjoth sighed, burying his face behind his hands with dismay. “I'm so sorry about her,” he apologised, lowering his hands and resting his chin on his fist. 
Julan shrugged. Fahjoth had to admire his fortitude. “Don't worry about it. It's hardly your fault. And I've dealt with much worse, believe me.” He peered over his shoulder, jerking his head in Ribyna's direction before turning back to Fahjoth. “I don't suppose you know what her problem is?”
“I wouldn't take it personally, mate,” Fahjoth said. “She's just... like that. To everyone, pretty much.” He ran his fingers through his hair, his mouth continuing to move as his frustrations began to seep out. “Has been for years, now. I knew she was... difficult, but I swear she's gotten so much worse since we got here. Like, I know you need gold to survive, that's obvious, but there's gotta be better ways of going about that than joining the Thieves Guild or the Morag bloody Tong—”
“Hold on,” Julan interrupted, cutting Fahjoth off mid-rant. “She's in the Morag Tong?!”
Fahjoth froze, realising his slip-up. 
“Uh…” he began, but he was spared the need to respond by Ribyna's return. 
“There's your bloody mazte,” she said grumpily, putting the drink down in front of Fahjoth with enough force that, for a moment, he thought the bottle might shatter. Before he could say anything, Julan was on the attack. 
“So you're in the Morag Tong.” He glared at Ribyna, his grip on his own bottle hard. “The Morag Tong! You'd better have a damn good reason for this!”
Ribyna paused, slowly turning her gaze to Fahjoth as she sat down again. Fahjoth could merely offer her an apologetic grimace, and with a loud huff, she rolled her eyes and turned back to Julan. 
“Come on then, I want to hear this!” Julan went on. “How can you possibly justify joining a murder cult?!”
“It's a job,” Ribyna said bluntly. “I get paid to do it. That's all. And keep your bloody voice down, will you?”
After glancing around to ensure that they hadn't drawn any undue attention already, Julan continued in a low hiss. “So that's all this is to you? Money? There's lots of ways to make gold that don't involve killing people you don't even know!”
“Listen, save the lectures. If someone's got to die, they're gonna get killed either way. At least this way, I can get paid for it!”
Julan sighed, eyeing Ribyna with distrust. “Yeah, well, that doesn't mean I have to like it. You're still walking up to a stranger and putting a dagger in their back. I don't know if I could live like that. And if you can, well…”
“Yeah? Well if you don't like it, you know where the door is,” Ribyna spat. “In fact, why don't you do us both a favour and piss off back to the Ashlands alread—”
“Alright, that's enough!” Fahjoth snapped, holding his hands up towards the bickering pair. “Both of you, pack it in! You're doing my head in. Let's all just calm down, okay? Thank you…”
Fahjoth hung his head after his outburst, going back to nursing his mazte in silence and deliberately avoiding both Ribyna and Julan's eyes. Already he felt guilty about losing his temper, but he was still feeling rough from the silt strider ride and the vicious squabble wasn’t helping. He was beginning to wonder if they would ever get along; the prospect of having to put up with their constant quarrelling was a grim one. Was this going to be his existence for the foreseeable future? Playing referee between his twin and his new friend? 
He despaired at the thought. But he could always live in hope, no matter how exhausting it was.
tag list @boulderfall-cave , @padomaicocean (lmk if you’d like to be added!)
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artificialqueens · 4 years
In Sickness and In Health Ch7 - shalaska - pureCAMP
A/N - It’s been a looong day without you my friend…
Oops. I’m sorry. I am a busy busy bee and I love you all!!
Last time: Under Yvie’s control, Alaska forced Sharon to leave without her. She starts an ill-advised plot to feed her a taste of her own medicine.
This time: That won’t happen (CEO of changing ur mind xo)
“I need your help, urgently. I cannot do this alone.”
Three pairs of eyes. One narrowed slightly, almost squinting, silver-blue and filled with desperation. The other two curious, eyebrows furrowed, calm and yet intrigued.
“What an odd greeting. I’ve never seen you like this.”
“No one has. But I need you, both of you. Please.”
A pause. Two pairs of eyes regarded the first, each watching for something different. Nothing but sincerity lay within them, the pain and honesty laced within her voice.
“I had heard you were unwell, is it true? You seem to be in good health now.”
“It’s true. I’m well again, at a terrible price. I have lost something dear to me, and I have every intention of getting it back, but I can’t do it alone. I have a feeling I’m not the only one to have suffered this fate.”
Sharon sat rigidly straight as she spoke with the other two women, her hands folded in her lap to keep them from shaking. Ever since she was a little girl, she had been taught not to express emotional extremes to anyone outside of the palace, just in case they should turn against her. Even some of the palace staff should be spared from such moods, she was told, in case they might gossip. Only Miss Michaels knew the true extent of her temper. The thought of bearing her heart in front of two different kingdoms - it was scandalous. Her father would’ve thrown a fit, ironically, if he could see her behaviour.
There was a certain level of respect that the other women needed, Sharon knew that. Their three kingdoms were not currently the greatest of allies, but Sharon was working on it and planned to even more once she had been crowned. An allyship would be greatly beneficial to all three of them, and Sharon saw no harm in starting early, even if she was still just a princess whilst they were queens. Never mind that it was highly unorthodox for Sharon to even ask two queens for a personal favour.
Queen Brooke was very charitable and a pleasure to talk to at a ball, but in the setting of a meeting between three royals in her own parlour, she was a little intimidating. Her blonde hair was swept into a neat bun, silver tiara resting atop, and her cold grey eyes stared impassively forwards. In front of her, an ornate teacup sat on a dish, undrunk. 
Queen Scarlet was a totally different story. Her coronation had been more recent than Brooke’s, and whether formal or informal, she was a calamity of a person. Sharon’s father had warned her that partnering with Scarlet’s kingdom was a no-go, given that they were ruled by a young woman who had once been incarcerated and treated for hysterical madness, but Sharon had always quite liked the strange queen. Having recovered from her insanity, she was a fairly successful and friendly ruler.
“Your letter was distressing. I thought perhaps our kingdoms were on the brink of war, and we needed to negotiate.” Brooke’s voice was level, measured. Sharon decided she would be a fantastic person to emulate once she was a leader.
“No, not at all. I’m here about something much more serious. Her name is Yvie.”
At once, the atmosphere shifted. Previously in control, Brooke’s eyes widened ever-so-slightly and she drew in a sharp intake of breath. Next to her, once carefree and kindly concerned, Scarlet looked as though she had seen a ghost.
Thank fuck, Sharon thought to herself. A reaction. If any of her research and guesswork had been incorrect, she might as well have kissed goodbye to her kingdom, her alliances, her family and her life.
“What… What about her?” Scarlet winced, the terror in her voice painfully evident. It was clear that she didn’t want to hear that name, or she hadn’t for a long time. Something about it arose memories that she had most likely tried to forget.
“She cured my sickness. She brought me back from the brink of death so that I can sit here before you now as healthy as I ever was. Not a single physician could cure me, but she did in an instant.”
Brooke’s eyes were glassy. “At a price.” The words left her lips without a thought, drawn out as though in a trance, or by force. She swallowed roughly and hardened her gaze.
“What price?”
Sharon closed her eyes, her mind filling with hazy memories. A sweet common girl with her hand stuck firmly in the air, stood up in front of everybody. Alaska, with her joyful laugh and fighting spirit. The feeling of safety as she slept in her lap, her arms, by her side, comforted with the knowledge that if she died, she would have died alongside somebody who really cared.
“The price of a loved one.” Sharon equalled Brooke’s stare, confident now that she was armed with facts that would ensure Brooke’s cooperation or the ruin of her kingdom. “I believe you wanted prosperity for your kingdom in the midst of a crisis. Your commerce and trade had dwindled to almost nothing. Your people were dying, it was necessary. You needed Yvie’s help and the price was Vanessa.”
There was no stopping her now. “Vanessa, a commoner who worked as a lady-in-waiting for you whilst you were a princess, and continued when you became queen. The two of you were in love and so she accompanied you on what appeared to be a perilous journey. Yvie demanded her as a commodity and you gave her up.”
Perhaps her attack was a little harsh, but Sharon had no time to worry about that. Brooke’s face was flushed crimson, though with anger or shame, she couldn’t be sure. Her fists were clenched so tightly that her knuckles were white, and it seemed the more stoic queen was losing her propriety with every word that came out of Sharon’s mouth.
“How do you- How do you know about that?” She demanded. “I never told a soul.”
Scarlet was watching the exchange with an expression of sheer melancholy, saying nothing. Sharon knew her turn would come, but she needed to focus her attention on Brooke, and it seemed that Scarlet was content to listen and say nothing for the time being.
“Gossip, rumours, and a little bit of research assistance from a kindly witch. But that doesn’t matter. What matters is, I can help you or hurt you. You can have your lover back, or have the reputation of your kingdom shattered. It seems like an easy choice.”
In hindsight, delivering such an outright threat to a powerful Queen when Sharon herself was still only a princess… was a little risky. But there was no time to back out, and judging by the way Brooke’s nostrils had flared, her face pinched in abject fury, the damage had already been done.
“I don’t know who you think you are, Princess, but I-”
Sharon prepared herself to be sentenced to execution, or to be exiled from her land, or to have a cup of hot tea thrown at her, but instead, Brooke was cut off by Scarlet, who placed a gentle hand on her leg and looked forlorn.
“Yvie… She didn’t want them to take me away. She wanted to help me herself.” Her gaze dropped into her lap. “I went crazy. It’s not fake, it’s not rumours. I was insane. The facility helped me. But Yvie…” Scarlet blinked, her eyes filling with tears. “She was so angry that I went with them. I wasn’t in control, but she felt so betrayed by it… Is this what she’s been doing? Taking people’s loved ones?”
The story started clicking into place, and Sharon’s heart sank. She had questioned Max within an inch of her life about everything relating to Yvie, naturally, but she hadn’t made the connection that Yvie’s hard bargains were inspired by her perceived betrayal.
“Yvie has been doing these kind of deals for years, that always come at a price. My sickness was my parents’ price. But it seems people are the currency now, since she lost you, Scarlet. We need to go to her, get them back, and… Scarlet, maybe you and Yvie can work something out.” She paused. “My family don’t know I’m here. They think I’m still on the journey to the witch who can heal me, or perhaps still with her being treated. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.”
Brooke frowned, her eyebrow furrowing. “Your kingdom?”
“It’s not mine yet.” She shrugged. “I don’t even want to rule it without Alaska there. I don’t think I can.”
A silence settled over them. There was nothing else to be said - three noblewomen having shared their sorrows in the unlikeliest of situations. After a moment, Sharon picked up her teacup and held it before her, offering a solemn, unspoken toast. Brooke and Scarlet joined her.
Alaska folded her arms and flopped back down onto the ground, where Vanessa lay beside her. They had schemed a million times by now, it seemed, and nothing would work.
“You were right. It’s not like we can trick her into drinking her own truth serum that she made us brew! She’s not that stupid.”
Vanessa puffed her cheeks out. “She’s fuckin’ smart, it’s the worst. I’m startin’ to think I’m never gettin’ outta here, and maybe I shoulda figured that out a while ago.”
Alaska shook her head. “Yeah. This might be it, for us. But at least we have each other, right?”
“Sure. You’re all I got, now.” She hummed. “Your princess seemed pretty set on coming back here, though. Must be nice.”
A grimace made its way onto Alaska’s face; it was the only thing that could hold her tears back. “I hope. I hope she’s fighting for us.”
In the beginning of her time with Yvie, Sharon had been all she’d thought about to get through the day. Those few minutes that she had been able to see her in full health and beauty again, when she had seen a flicker of the righteous anger of a queen instead of the feeble protestations of a princess. Even dwelling on the way her eyes had filled with furious tears and heartbreak was better than nothing at all, as something of a comfort to remind Alaska that once, she had known her.
Still, the memories got more painful as time went on, and she soon decided that perhaps it was best to not think about her. As much as she wished Sharon was out fighting for her, amassing an army to storm Yvie for her return or maybe bargaining and charming her way back, she doubted it. Princesses had to adhere to strict rules.
She missed Willam, and Courtney. It had been forever since she’d thought about them, and she wondered if they were anxiously waiting for her to come home. What she wouldn’t give to see their faces again.
“Let’s just get back to work.” Alaska sighed, feeling miserable. “If we haven’t cleaned up Yvie’s mess by the time she comes back, we’re done for.”
Vanessa nodded. “Alright, Blondie, let’s go. We got fuckin’… books to shelve, or whatever. I didn’t listen to what she asked.”
Reluctantly, Alaska pulled herself up and made her way into the centre of the cottage. The room was cluttered and messy from Yvie’s musings, and she had ventured out into the surrounding forest a short while ago, leaving her two servants to clean everything up. At least it was a distraction from the boredom, Alaska thought, even as the spilled potion she wiped up with a rag started to burn her hand. It was better than nothing.
Yvie returned with a bag slung over her shoulder and an irritated expression, meaning that no doubt, she would take out her anger on Vanessa and Alaska.
“That’s the last time I listen to Raven, stupid fucking creature.” She hissed, throwing her bag down upon the newly-swept floor. “And now this isn’t even done! Do I have to do everything myself, you imbeciles?”
Alaska bowed her head. “We’re working on it.”
“I’ve a half mind to-”
Yvie trailed off abruptly, freezing in place. Vanessa stared at Alaska in confusion, the both of them watching Yvie to see if there was a reason for her unusual behaviour.
“The wards.” Her voice came out hardly a whisper above silence. “She wouldn’t dare…”
She turned suddenly. “The two of you, out. Now.”
As before, they were all but shoved back into the small room they shared. Vanessa scrambled towards her small pile of belongings and produced two strange-looking opalescent lenses. She handed one to Alaska and pressed it against the wall.
“I took these fuckin’ forever ago because I thought they looked pretty, but you can see through shit with ‘em. I wanna know why she’s so fuckin’ rattled.”
Alaska did the same, shuffling as close as she could to look through the wall. The lens focused just in time, as Yvie graciously opened the front door and offered a chilling smile.
Yvie laughed. “Ha! You have a lot of nerve to walk down my path, let alone to address me as your sister. Most inferior witches tend to avoid associating themselves with superior witches, do they not?”
Max stood, tall and unwavering in the doorway, her short silver hair moving in the wind. “Perhaps they do, sister. You know I care little for which of us is better or worse. But I have been incited to care about which of us is good or bad.”
“A truly wonderful philosophical concept. I’d invite you in to debate it over some tea, but I don’t trust myself not to poison yours with belladonna.” Yvie’s voice was dripping with sickly sweet venom. Alaska shuddered at the sound of it. “Why do you dare to come to my door?”
Max remained still. “See for yourself.”
Almost at the exact same time, Alaska and Vanessa sprung backwards from the wall and darted towards the door, seemingly sensing the same thing. Anticipation and fear wrestled angrily in the pit of Alaska’s stomach, but she had to see if her hunch was right. The two all but fell over each other as they stumbled into the centre of the cottage once again, gazing open-mouthed out of the front door.
The sight that met them could’ve been an illustration from the beautiful book Sharon had read to Alaska in the carriage. A few feet behind Max, two proud stallions pawed the ground, their riders equally as dignified and powerful. Alaska didn’t recognise one of them, a pale blonde wearing regal purple riding gear, but the other was a face she could never forget, even in the deepest of nightmares.
Sharon’s face was resolute, her body language firm and unmoving. Like the other rider, she wore jodhpurs and a shirt, an outfit unbefitting for a queen or a princess but perfectly suited to a courageous storybook heroine. The other woman held Sharon’s hand and lifted their arms into the air, at the same time as Vanessa and Alaska clung to each other in disbelief.
“Oh my god. That’s my Brooke.”
Alaska couldn’t muster speech, but she didn’t need to. Behind the two, cavalry reinforcements waited for their command, leaving Yvie well and truly outnumbered.
“Let them go.” Sharon climbed off her horse, Brooke doing the same. As they approached the door, where Yvie looked dumbfounded and furious, she shot Alaska a brief, reassuring gaze. “That’s an order.”
Yvie kept her cool in spite of the army facing her. “Oh dear… someone seems to have forgotten that we made a deal.”
Brooke smiled. “Do you have it in writing? What happens if we take them?”
Yvie snapped her fingers, and in an instant, she and Vanessa were hoisted into the air, suspended by thorny vines. Alaska could feel that one of them had drawn blood, but regardless she strained and struggled against the bonds. They had to win this. Freedom was so close. 
“We thought you might do something like that.” Sharon crossed her arms. “Your Majesty?”
Brooke stepped closer. “Another deal, then. Make a new deal with us to overwrite these previous ones. We have something you won’t wanna miss out on, and your sister here as a witness in case you try to fuck us over. It’s that, or we take them by force and destroy our offer to you.”
Yvie snorted. “Sure. A failure of a Queen and what, some pathetic little Princess have something I would want? I have power, the more you’re indebted to me, the better. Why should I agree to this? Why shouldn’t I just…”
She snapped her fingers again. The vines tightened, smaller ones creeping their way around to Alaska and Vanessa’s throats. They choked and coughed, the vines only squeezing more as they tried to resist. Tears came to Alaska’s eyes, the pain and fear overwhelming her. Whatever this power play was, it needed to work.
Sharon’s glare was murderous, but her jaw was firm and resolute. “Fine.” She unsheathed the dagger hanging from her belt, which Alaska immediately recognised from their visit to the palace from what felt like years ago. “I was loaned this dagger by another kingdom. We could wage another several wars by me desecrating this blade with the blood of another royal, thus pitting kingdom against kingdom against kingdom, which surely means a lot of deals made in your favour…”
With a tiny nod, both Sharon and Brooke stepped aside at the same time, allowing a third woman to step forward between them. Her head was held high, regal, but her pretty face was marked with disgust.
“But that also means killing Queen Scarlet here. I’m sure you won’t have an issue with that if you get so much power from it, right?”
She levelled the dagger at Scarlet’s throat, just below her chin. All three royals stood defiant, while Yvie’s face went slack. Without warning, the vines receded and disappeared, and Alaska and Vanessa hit the ground with a thud. It hurt, and Alaska’s hands went straight to her neck as she tried to catch her breath, but her gaze remained firmly on the spectacle in front of her. It was unparalleled - Yvie, silent, dumbfounded.
“Sc… Scarlet?”
She nodded, and Sharon lowered the blade, sheathing it. “It’s me. But I’m not sure you’re you. I don’t remember the Yvie I knew being this cruel.”
Yvie swallowed thickly. “They took you away. I could’ve fixed you but they took you away and you let them!”
“I needed to go!” Scarlet grabbed Yvie’s shoulders, steadying her. “But I’m back, and I’m fine, and I’m successful. You don’t have to do this. The old you would never do this.”
“She wouldn’t?”
“She wouldn’t. Don’t forget how well we knew each other, Yves.”
“I couldn’t forget. You’re unforgettable.”
“Let them go.” Scarlet’s voice was gentle, but commanding. “You have to let them go.”
Yvie whirled around, her eyes landing on where Alaska and Vanessa were crumpled on the ground, recovering. They still clung to one another, and her eyes seemed to widen at their desperation, as though she had no idea that she had caused it.
“How can I? Give them over, face trial, go to the dungeons, lose everything?” She was growing frantic.
Scarlet held out her hand. “No trial. No dungeons. I’m taking you home. Let them go.”
There was an ever-so-slight inclination of Yvie’s head, but that was enough. Both girls got to their feet without wasting a second, and whilst Alaska was sure Vanessa had run straight into Brooke’s arms, she didn’t bother looking to check. Every fibre of her being was pulling her towards Sharon, some kind of invisible magnetic connection forcing them together. She gave in to the impulse, almost throwing herself into her lover’s waiting arms.
“I’m so sorry it took so long I’m so glad you’re safe,” Sharon rushed out in one breath, her lips pressed against the top of Alaska’s head as she buried her face in her blonde hair. Alaska could hardly breathe, pressing herself into the crook of Sharon’s neck, just letting the feel of her skin against her own say everything that she couldn’t articulate.
“You came back.” Alaska’s heart was pounding. “You really came back.”
Sharon clung to her. “Of course. I could never leave you behind. You risked everything for me.”
It felt like centuries ago that Alaska’s only motivation had been the money. The reward was still a tantalising offer in the back of her mind, but almost all of her other thoughts were consumed with nothing but bliss. She had taken on a seemingly impossible task to find a cure for a cursed princess who wanted nothing but to die, and would return with the princess alive and well, and madly in love.
Willam and Courtney were going to lose their minds.
“How do we proceed from here?” She asked, her voice muffled against Sharon’s skin. “What happens now?”
Sharon tensed for a moment, but she relaxed again so quickly that Alaska thought maybe she’d imagined it. “Well, Her Majesties Queen Brooke and Queen Scarlet will come to the kingdom with the two of us, as they deserve equal credit and respect for removing the witch problem. You’ll receive your reward. I’ll deal with some business and then… I don’t know what. But I want you to stay in the palace, if you accept. You don’t have to, if you’re more comfortable in your home with your friends, I just thought maybe-”
Alaska silenced her with a kiss, and then smiled. “I’ll think about it. Let’s get home, yeah?”
The journey back to Sharon’s kingdom was pleasant, and uneventful. Scarlet and Yvie left together in a carriage, already discussing plans for a formal pardon and perhaps even to instate her as an apothecary in Scarlet’s kingdom. Alaska wasn’t exactly comfortable with the idea, but she knew better than to argue with a queen, and since it didn’t affect her own kingdom, she held her tongue. Brooke and Vanessa took a carriage together too, seemingly too wrapped up in each other to really notice anyone else. As Alaska helped Sharon into their carriage, she was pleased to find that the dread that previously filled her chest was gone. 
It was still awe-inspiring, how miraculous her recovery had been. Alaska swore her hair had never been so dark and glossy, her eyes so bright, her lips so pink. She could spend hours just looking, taking her in, if only she could resist the urge not to kiss her whenever the sunlight hit her face.
With Sharon’s life no longer hanging in the balance, the journey seemed to pass much faster than it had before, although the days and nights stopping and starting still grew a little bit tedious. By day, they did everything they could to distract one another - Sharon had been reading fairytales with her again, and Alaska felt shyly proud of being able to muddle her way through a couple of pages at a time. Sometimes they sang, Alaska showing off the lewd, patriotic, and always drunk songs that people sang in the tavern to make them both laugh. Or they would just talk; endlessly, for hours, with comparisons of their lives and general excitement for the future.
But at night, things were different. They would both curl up to sleep, often leaning against one another, but Alaska kept noticing how Sharon’s eyes would stay open long after she’d fallen silent, staring out as if in thought. She didn’t probe, but it concerned her. She sincerely hoped Sharon hadn’t sacrificed anything for her - she couldn’t think of anything worse than the whole cycle repeating again.
As they approached the edge of the kingdom, Sharon drew the curtains shut around the carriage to give them a little more privacy, and they made their way into the centre, towards the palace. Brooke and Scarlet had stopped for a few days in another kingdom, and would be following in a week or so once life had settled back into a normal pace with Sharon’s return. Excitement was starting to take hold; Alaska’s life was about to change forever.
She still hadn’t decided what she would do, yet. A life in the palace sounded tempting, but she wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to get mixed up in all the politics of royal life. A part of her wondered about taking the money, buying a decent sized home somewhere nice in the kingdom, and living with Willam and Courtney, working only because they wanted to, not out of necessity. Sharon could visit anytime as an escape from the difficulties of being a leader, and they’d be in love just the same.
Alaska loved Sharon, but she didn’t know if the palace was somewhere she’d thrive. After all, she’d spent her entire life humble, or in other words, dirt poor. She wondered if it would be too big of a change.
When the carriage came to a stop, Sharon took a deep breath, and started to laugh.
“My god. I just realised I have so many apologies to give. I was such an asshole when I was sick.” She giggled nervously. “I hope Laila forgives me. Being her age is rough.”
Alaska nodded. “Honestly. I know they’ll all forgive you, though. It wasn’t like you could control it.”
It didn’t feel like Alaska’s place to intrude into the palace, or even to step out of the carriage first, so she smiled and waved her hand, allowing Sharon the first glimpse of her home since they’d left. For a moment, just briefly, Sharon hesitated, as if she wasn’t sure, and then drew the curtain back and moved to step down. It struck Alaska right in the chest - she hadn’t expected to be coming home. When they’d departed, seemingly forever ago, she had been on the very brink of death and expecting it to take her. 
A part of her wondered if the reason she had even agreed to go on a treacherous journey to find a witch had been solely to allow her family the privacy to mourn her without having to witness her death within the palace walls. It was a dark thought, and she shook it out of her mind. The what-ifs didn’t matter, not anymore. Sharon was safe and well, and she glowed with life.
The palace was much less intimidating without the entire royal family welcoming her into it. Around her, members of staff were busily cleaning and scurrying and working, almost paying no attention to their special arrival, although Alaska swore she could see a few nudges and smiles as they undoubtedly gossiped. Sharon made to start walking inside, only to stop in her tracks as a woman ahead of them did the same thing.
Miss Michaels was working by the palace gates, sweeping the leaves and dust from the ground, but the moment she locked eyes with Sharon, the broom fell from her grasp with a clatter. Her face twisted with a mixture of sorrow and relief, an expression that could only reflect a mother’s love. She all but ran towards them, enveloping Sharon in her arms.
“My girl… my sweet, gorgeous girl…” Alaska could hear the thickness in her voice, in turn making her well up at their reunion. She pulled back only to hold Sharon by the arms, taking in as much of her as she could before resuming the embrace. “Oh, look at you! You look like a summer’s day! Oh, darling girl…” 
Sharon sniffed, not too good to hide her tears. “Mother Dust… were you worried I wouldn’t come home?”
“Not at all,” Miss Michaels told her. “Just infinitely glad that you did. Come on, we have to get you inside this instant. Your family will be overjoyed, dear. And you too, Alaska! The hero of our story.”
Alaska blushed, pretending to herself that it was from the compliment, and not from how easily Sharon took her hand as they started walking. “Oh, I can’t take all the credit.”
“Yes she can,” Sharon butted in, “And she should. She gave me a reason to keep fighting.”
Miss Michaels raised her eyebrows, a small smile playing on her lips. Alaska felt as though her heart was going to beat right out of her chest.
“Oh, she did?”
Sharon laughed. “I didn’t say you could tease me.”
“My dear. I’ve changed you, bathed you and fed you. I don’t need permission to do a little light teasing.”
“I love you, Mother Dust. So… let’s go console my grieving family, right?”
Sharon’s hand slipped into Alaska’s so naturally as they made their way up the palace steps, and yet it almost took her breath away. She didn’t know what the royal family would make of this - hell, she didn’t know how Sharon was going to play it. They were in love, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t a complicated situation. Future queens were rarely seen marrying commoners, let alone female commoners.
Once they were stood just outside of the doors into the throne room, they came to a stop. Miss Michaels had tears in her eyes.
“You’re crying?” Sharon sounded perplexed, but her expression was kind. She pulled her maid into a hug. “Why are you crying?”
“It’s - It’s a real life mir-miracle, seeing you walk so far without losing your str-strength.” She managed, her voice wobbling. “Standing upright… not coughing at all…”
Being back where it all began, Alaska wondered about who had been hit the hardest by the illness. Miss Michaels was doing everything she could to swallow back her tears, overcome by the sight of Sharon healthy and flushed with life. She had cared for the princess ever since the onset of her sickness; she had most likely watched her rapid deterioration with a heavy heart, and sent her away in a carriage feeling sure she would never see her alive again. Hell, beyond that, she had raised Sharon since she’d been born, and what a horrible way she’d been led to believe it would end.
“I’m not ready to do this.” Sharon faltered. “I don’t- I don’t know if I can go in there.”
Alaska squeezed her hand. “There’s nothing you can’t do.”
“You’re right. Especially when I have you by my side.”
tags - purecamp, in sickness and in health, shalaska, sharon needles, alaska thunderfuck, yvie oddly, brooke lynn hytes, vanessa vanjie mateo, scarlet envy, scyvie, branjie, chad michaels
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5sosbitchfest · 4 years
Alrighty, Nonsters.  We currently have 290 Asks in our box!  As much as we might try, I know there is NO WAY we’re going to be able to get through all of them.  Everything exploded this weekend when MessyGate went down!   I don’t want to ignore any asks just because I already answered a similar one.  So, I’ve tried to gather as many similar Asks as possible to let your your voices be heard.  Y’all are definitely NOT alone in your feelings.  Get ready for a lot of opinions on Messy’s Twitter Drama.  
Also, if you sent in an Ask and we haven’t answered it yet, please feel free to resubmit it!  I do try to scroll through all of them but it is a daunting task and personal stuff and work make it difficult for me to get through everything in a timely manner!
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I’m really disappointed in Luke and this band in general, the way they deal with things. “honest policy” with messy? So he knew all of this and it was okay? Or he confronted her on this and he is okay with what she has done? I’m not sure this whole thing would be a deal breaker for me, but it certainly would make me real mad at my SO and some whiny excuses wouldn’t be enough to make things alright. Radio silence would’ve been much better than that story he posted, made himself look like a fool.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: These girls will sooner or later become their downfall if their management or them does not realise they should rely on other things than bringing relationship up front to sell their music. I find it extremely bad that they are behaving as if nothing happened, I hope there will be changes once touring will be possible again and we won’t see these girls tagging along everywhere or being brought up in interviews all the time but somehow I’m not counting too much on that.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I wonder if Luke knows everything that Messy got exposed for or just the parts Messy wanted to show him. Bc Luke said in his Story that he wasn't online lately so maybe he wasn't on Twitter too and Messy just showed him the parts that make her look good and he still doesn't know that she spoke bad about Ashton or how she stalked the fans also after she knew that they didn't hack his email adress cause he wasn't on Twitter so he couldn't see the screenshots.🤷‍♀️
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm just waiting for the day one of them date someone who isn't a part of their circle. tired of them passing around the same toxic girls.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: These girls are just digging a whole for these guys and they want be able to get out of it soon
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: It was a chicken move for Sierra to do it as a reply and no one has talked on twitter that she deleted it because they probably think her deleting it is saying it wasn’t true
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Am I the only one who thinks that guys really only heavily interact with us when they want to promote something or say something about the music? I do understand they have lives so being on Twitter isn't number one priority and with all the drama that surrounds this fandom its very easy to not want to be online a lot, I just can't help but feel that way
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm talking about this messy situation (no pun intended) with my friend and she said to me that Messy should consider changing her career if she can't handle that not all people are going to like her. (that ofc doesn't include any form of harassment bc that's not cool)
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I really don't know how to feel about the Luke situation. At first I was upset and disappointed of Luke but now I almost pity him bc real or not either the management would want Luke to defend her or Messy. And I think Luke isn't the kind of person who would stand up against the management or Messy (even though it would probably be better for him if he would). And most people don't realise when they're in a toxic relationship so I can't really blame him. I just hope this ends asap.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I literally was so angry and frustrated with Luke and this whole situation yesterday that I couldn’t even look at him on my home screen, I had to change it. It’s really a disappointing thing to witness. Whether management put him up to this or he genuinely believes this toxicity is okay, I’m just very grumpy with him at the moment. He deserves better and WE (the fans) deserve better.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I think Luke really needs to be in a relationship with sb who either isn't famous and doesn't want to be or with someone who is famous bc they have a successful career too and who doesn't need Like to be famous.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I’ve only seen a few accounts on Twitter who are attacking Messy and Crusty to the core and exposing every bad thing they’ve done with receipts for the sossies defending them! I’m happy that karma is finally getting to those con artist who think they can get away with anything
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: that recent lierra picture is photoshoped lmao. if you look at Sierra's hand you can see color coming off from it and her arm looks hella weird.her forehead looks hella weird and look couldn't have taken the picture because I doubt that he could stretch his arm that far and make a perfect picture. also we haven't even seen Sierra's face so I still don't believe they're together
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: The Lemon pic was like a punch in the face (even though Petunia and Luke are looking cute there). But I've been asking myself lately if Luke has seen the whole drama going around on Twitter or just the posts Messy wanted him to know so the ones who make her look like the victim (and not the ones where she insulted Ashton or she made it clear that she stalked his fans). Cause Luke said he hasn't been online lately.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I mean we dont know how much of the story he truly is aware of and how much s changed to fit her narrative and get L to feel bad for her. Plus he was under pressure from management to do damage control and not standing up for his gf is a very bad look for outsiders who dont understand why she's at fault. It was a pretty neutral statement and he was obviously told to make the post so I dont blame him and just blame her more for putting him in the situation in the 1st place
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I wonder how much toxicity happens behind the scenes, we know S is very manipulative and L is very much a people pleaser so.. and with how much they have to sell their "love" and "happiness" in the relationship. Minipulation is a powerful thing and it could explain why hes out of touch with reality, especially lately since he's isolated with her and doesnt have the voices of the band to raise any concerns and he's been getting skinny again and seems very "meh" rather than happy, idk
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I feel so disconnected with this fandom rn. I feel like no one is streaming CALM and that makes me sad bc it's such an amazing album. The boys aren't even online anymore, everyone is mad at each other and now Luke comes up with this shit... tbh I wish I would wake up tomorrow and see him tweeting something like yeah I'm sorry about my ig story I still love y'all lmao
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Wait wait wait wait ive been gone from the fandom for a little while now and what the fuck is going on with Luke and S? What did S do that she made a fake ass apology for?? I’m so lost please help me! 😂
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I'm seeing a lot of my mutuals unstanning and I'm just so mad bc Sierra started this drama and got Luke into it and I'm sad that people are leaving bc of this, it's just too much toxicity and it shouldn't affect the band and their connection with the fans but with Luke saying this he makes it seem like he supports the ugly things she does
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I am a Luke stan and I've always loved him bc he has inspired me so much through the years but when he does this things it's like...damn. I feel like he's invalidating the fans' feelings by being like "if you don't like my girlfriend, ur fake" like he has never noticed me on Twitter or anything but my biggest fear is to be blocked by him or just ignored bc I don't like her (although I never expressed it publicly) n yeah anyways :// It feels weird
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Going back and re-reading the DM’s messy literally confirms that she accesses Luke’s account by saying “we couldn’t get in” or some shit like that
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I hate being a luke stan, sometimes it just seems like he doesn't care? he always puts these toxic gfs before the ones who adore him and pay his bills. might just move into Cashton's lane. unproblematic kings.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: He literally posted a picture of him cuddling her and petunia within the hour
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: The saddest part of this situation is it’s like a repeat of Arzaylea. Luke has no idea what a respectful, mature relationship is. We saw it with Arz and were seeing it again it’s just a little bit different. He stays being controlled and manipulated by toxic partners. I really think homeboy needs to be single for a WHILE and focus on himself. He needs to unlearn the things his past and current relationships have taught him about love because if I know anything, it’s that this ain’t real love.
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Is it bad that I just want the larzaylea drama back?? Like everyone could at least agree on their feelings then...
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: Just checked messy’s insta and of course, everyone that still supports her filled her tagged with just the single picture
Anonymous said to 5sosbitchfest: I feel like the reason Sierra is getting away with what she’s done is because she isn’t that known. Like yeah she’s associated with 5sos, but they’re also like not that big which is probably why it’s getting swept under the rug. I’ve only seen the 5SOS fandom calling her out for her actions. If this had happened with a well known celebrity, they probably would’ve been dragged and been trending on Twitter. I might be wrong but I feel like this is what’s happening which is just unfair.
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hardyimagines · 5 years
Debt Collector
Alfie comes to collect a debt owed to him every week/month from your husband. Your scared of him but can't help feeling attracted to him. Your husband isn't very nice to you in general. One month when Alfie comes ur husband can't pay so he agrees to go with one of Alfie's men to do a side job for him. Alfie stays with you untill the job is done. And things can get steamy pretty please.😘
Part 2
August 12
The cheap wedding ring on your slender finger glistened beneath the sharp sunrays that shone through the smudge-infested window in the corner. You were sat down on the wooden bench that lined the vanity, elbow propped up on the countertop as you lifted your gaze to the mirror to study your reflection. The forced smile on your lips didn’t reach your eyes no matter how many times you practiced the expression. Week after week you’d plaster a sickeningly sweet smile on your face to mask how unhappy you were in this household. You’d saunter down the creaky steps when beckoned and greet your husband’s... debt collector. What else were you meant to call him?
Their voices carried through the vent that bordered the wall. It was dusty and dirty, too high for you to reach. Your husband, Lionel, was persistent, always shouting at you to grab a stool and clean the filth, but even on a ladder, the place was entirely too far for you to clean. Even as he stood with folded arms and narrowed eyes, watching you struggle, he didn’t care. He’d bark at you to try harder.
Your husband wasn’t a kind man. He was fifteen years older, which meant he knew he was wiser. He was large, chubby, a strong man with a hand large enough to circle your throat. It possessed so much strength in it, there were times he’d almost crushed your esophagus. On accident or on purpose, you didn’t know. The dark-haired, freckled-faced brute was downstairs now, roaring with forced laughter. You never heard the man whom collected the debt laugh.
His name was Alfie Solomons. He was large as well, but he looked as if he held a layer of muscles beneath the layers of clothing he wore. Large coat, black vest, thin white shirt. Beneath all that, you were sure a hard block of skin laid. His blue eyes were captivating to stare at, so easy to get lost in even as they roamed the length of your form the first few times you’d met him. He seemed infatuated with jewelry, always clad in multiple accessories. You pulled your lips in and waited for your name to be called. Lionel expected you to be polite, sweet, welcoming to Alfie because Alfie was very dangerous. And very important to please.
“Y/n!” Lionel shouted. His voice was harsh, impatient, almost annoyed. “I don’t know why she takes so long to come down. Probably prettying herself up for you.” His attempt to make a joke left Alfie feeling a bit flattered. His expressioned remained blank, eyes warning the bloke at his side to shush. They weren’t friends. Never would be. Alfie came by for small talk and then the money. He didn’t know why Lionel found it so necessary for you to bid a hello and then goodbye to him, but he didn’t verbally complain. You were breathtaking and he didn’t mind your quiet voice, shy gaze, or gentle touch. So he straightened, tongue briefly brushing the inside of his cheek as he stuck his hand into the deep pocket of his coat and drew out his stopwatch. The minute hand ticked by without a care in the world for who wanted it to slow down and who wanted it to speed up.
The sound of your feet, clad in a pair of heeled boots, tapping against the steps could be heard from their position in the corridor. Alfie briefly reached up to pinch the brim of his tophat and straighten it out before he ogled the doorway you always emerged from.
Wisps of your hair floated beside your head, curled from the humidity in the air outside which rushed through open windows to attack your thick strands. Your studious eyes locked on to his own the minute you turned the corner and without hesitation, you spoke up. Lionel had made it clear, after your first few times of meeting Alfie, that if you didn’t greet the bloke the second you saw him, he’d find it rude and the dangerous man wasn’t one to offend.
“Mr. Solomons.” Your voice was delicate. So soft, smooth, tender. It felt like a caress against his ear. He lowered the stopwatch back into its rightful place before taking it upon himself to meet you in the middle of the hall.
“Y/n.” His arm extended, large palm curling around your own.
“Always lovely to see you.” You told the man. The quiver in your voice warned him that you could be lying, but the twinkle in your gaze told him that although you were afraid, you were also brave — truthful. He could also see the blatant attraction you felt for him, simmering in your stare, but he said nothing. How one could felt the need to cower away, but also wonder what it would be like to kiss such a dangerous man was beyond Alfie. Not to mention he was sure he was a few years older than Lionel and therefore probably too old for you. “Unfortunately it seems as though I’m only beckoned down when you’re on your way out.” His hand was still wrapped around your own.
He let out a low grunt. A sound of inquiry over why that was before he spoke again. “I’m sure your darling husband, yeah, he just doesn’t want any other man ogling you for too long, innit.” He squeezed your hand gently before releasing it. “I don’t fucking blame him, lass, any man in their right mind would keep you out of sight.” He looked toward Lionel. “That’s right, yeah, Lionel here...” He almost smirked. “Mate, you keep her hidden.”
Lionel opened his arms slowly, palms toward himself. “What can I say?” His eyes flickered to you then. “Can’t have anyone trying to take her from me.” Alfie’s brows lifted before he twisted around.
“That’s where trust comes in though, mate, right, gotta trust the lass, otherwise you wouldn’t have fucking married her.” He let his eyes glide along the length of the walls, examining the cracked photo frames that lined the brown wall. “Now I’d love to stand around, yeah, and fucking chit-chat all day, yeah, I fucking would, but I’ve got business to tend to, haven’t I, so I’ll take the money and be on my way.”
Lionel was rigid then. Nervous. He had the money, but it was always a nerve-wracking moment when it came down to business. Your husband twisted around on his heel before quietly excusing himself so he could move into the den to retrieve the envelope. You were stood close to Alfie, situated behind him as he faced the vacant spot where Lionel had just been stood. The air was tense, silent, neither of you sure whether or not you should strike up a conversation — and if you did, what about? Alfie’s ears twitched at the sound of your hands curling in the fabric of your dress. He could tell you were fisting the fabric, fidgeting as nervously as your husband had appeared when he’d asked for the money. He tongued his cheek before glancing over his shoulder toward you. Your teeth were clasped down on your plump bottom lip, suckling on the sensitive flesh shyly. You seemed to shy away further beneath his stare. He swore he could hear your heavily beating heart, pounding worryingly fast against your ribs, but Lionel’s voice cut into the silence.
“Here you are.” He muttered before crossing the length of the velvet colored rug. The envelope in his hand was tan, thick and large enough to disguise what its contents were. Alfie took the envelope without so much as a thank you before he shoved the folder into his coat and tipped his head toward you.
“Till next time, lass.” You caught the sly smirk he wore. “Hope to see you more then, yeah.” His blue eyes danced along your face, scrutinizing you before he twisted around on his heel and pushed past your husband without so much as a goodbye. The heavy wooden door opened with a creak before slamming shut behind the gangster leaving you to shift your weight from foot to foot beneath your husband’s angry stare. He’d never understand why the bloke was so kind to you and so harsh to him. He was paying Alfie back afterall.
August 19
The hardcover in your lap seemed to hold an extreme amount of weight in your tired state. The words on the page were muddled and blurry and the meanings behind the sentences made no sense. You couldn’t comprehend a single thing you read — not to mention even see the book clearly because of your fluttering eyes. Little by little, your hand went limp and your grip on the book slackened. The pages fell without your grip holding them in place, making you lose your spot, before altogether you lost your hold on the book and it tumbled to the floor with a loud thud.
A soft gasp left your lips, a sound of fear and surprise. Peering down at the floor in confusion, relief flooded you instantly at the realization that it was only the book that had fallen and not someone banging at the door. You sleepily hunched over and lifted the book before laying it on the coffee table. The dress you were clad in was growing tight and your agitation at dropping the novel only seemed to heighten that irritation. You stood from your spot on the bed and crossed your fingers. Maybe if you climbed the neverending flight of stairs and changed into something comfier then you’d be awake enough to read a little more.
The lamp in the corner flickered, bulb blinding you as it struggled to brighten. You sent it a brief look before trudging out of the room and toward the hall. A loud yawn escaped your lips as you passed the front door — but you didn’t get very far before a loud thumping came from the other side. With a crinkle in your brow and churning in your tummy, you faced the locked door. Another knock. You were stiff. Lionel wasn’t home and there was no reason for anyone else to be coming around this late at night. Lionel had a key.. and he’d never knock at this hour. The knock sounded again. Your frown deepened. You opened your mouth to inquire who it was, but before you had a chance, a thick cockney accent hit your ears. His voice sounded hollow because of the shut door.
“Lionel?” He called out. “Lionel, mate, it’s Alfie!” You clenched your jaw. Pretend like you’re not home. Lionel wasn’t, you could act as if you were with him. What would he want you to do? Would he want you to allow the gangster in?
You swallowed thickly before stepping toward the door. Your barefeet scuffed the carpet as you pinched the lock and twisted it so it unlocked. Dragging the door open, you shyly bit your cheek. “Evening, Mr. Solomons.”
Alfie seemed to take a very small step back. The look on his face was priceless. “Y/n?”
You sent him a light smile. “Lionel’s gone out for the night.. haven’t seen him since midday.” You tipped your head to the side. “Can I.. help you?”
Foolishly you didn’t feel threatened by the big bear on your porch. Course, you were a bit scared because of how intimidating he was.. but you didn’t truthfully think he’d hurt you.
“Ah, yeah.” His fingers lifted to the scruffy facial hair that lined the length of his chin, cheeks, and jaw. “I’m just here for the..” He ushered over your shoulder as if you were meant to know what that meant. “envelope, lass, right, the one I always come to fucking collect.” His hand waved, as if that would hurry your brain along so you’d realize what he was doing there. It worked. You felt as if you’d been slapped in the face.
“Oh- right, I...” The door opened further when you lugged it completely open. “I’m sorry.” Your head shook dismissively before you waited for him to come in. He did so with a bit of hesitation. He didn’t think it right to be here when you were all on your own, but he was just going to take what he came for and then be on his way. “Let me see if I can.. uh.. find it for you.” Sending him a pleading smile, your hand skimmed his arm as you brushed by him and hurried from the hall and into Lionel’s private space.
It was easy enough. The folder was on the desk, visible the second you walked in. You, without any thought, lifted the thing and rushed from the room to deliver what the man had come for. “You’re fast.” He pointed out when he saw your scurrying form, practically skipping down the length of the hall. With an honest smile, you let out a quiet giggle before handing him the folder. He shared a lingering look with you before pinching the corner and taking the delivery from your small hand. But the second he did, his face fell. “S’ a bit light, lass.” He uttered before untwisting the fastening and opening the folder up. Peering inside, his brows shot up and his eyes followed suit, moving to you. “This,” He handed the thing back. “is fucking empty, pet.”
You swallowed harshly before stepping toward him. Lifting your hand to cover his own, your free one held the other side of the envelope, supporting it as you looked south and into the carrier. “Lionel must’ve..” You searched your brain for a response, confused as to why he didn’t have any money inside. Every week, he was suppose to put half of what he earned inside to ensure that he didn’t piss Mr. Solomons off. Alfie was stuck staring at the way your hand, so tiny in comparison to his own, rested sweetly.
“Must’ve what?” He pried.
“I..” You were quiet. You had no idea. You didn’t get involved with his business or his finances. You just knew the simplicity of it all... which apparently wasn’t simple at all. This.. this would prove to be very difficult. “Mr. Solomons, I have no idea why this is empty.” He could see you were telling the truth. “Could I give you something small? Any other amount? I don’t know where that man’s run off to but when he’s gone for this long, he usually doesn’t turn up until the following morning.”
Alfie grumbled lowly before shaking his head. “This is business between Lionel and myself, right, it fucking is.” He didn’t want you digging in your wallet to pay off your husband’s debt. “I’ll be back next week, right, and then.. you tell Lionel, he’d better have double.” Alfie wouldn’t have the time to come by again until it was pay day. He had this set up on a very strict schedule. Every 7 days. That was when he came. And even tonight, he was rather late, but he’d made it. Alfie licked his lips slowly before taking a small step back. His hand curled around the doorknob, blindly pulling it open as he held your gaze. “See you then, yeah?”
“Mhm.” Your head bobbed. There was a pause as he stepped outside. “Oh.. Mr. Solomons?” Alfie studied you without fault. “You.. wouldn’t mind not mentioning to Lionel that I opened the door, would you?” You whispered.
Alfie was still for a moment, pondering your words. He didn’t want you getting into any trouble for trying to help out, so instead he gave you a soft nod. Clearly Lionel wasn’t here for a very specific reason and that reason was Alfie. So if he found out you’d tried to hand over the money — which wasn’t even there — he’d be so pissed.
“Night, lass.” He grunted.
Giving him a small wave, you waited until he vanished outside completely and into the darkness before you shut the door and twisted the lock. You stayed put for a few moments before your brain reminded you to take the envelope back to Lionel’s office. This was not your business.
September 9
Lionel was avoiding Alfie. The gangster had come by the last two weeks at different times to get the money and each time that he stopped by, Lionel wasn’t home. He tried to make surprise visits and Lionel would hide out. When Lionel was home, you didn’t open the door. When he was out, you did. You brought Alfie inside, explained to him that Lionel wasn’t telling you anything about the debt or where he vanished off to each and every week when Alfie was due to come by to collect the debt.
Alfie would catch him today.
It was 8 am. The sun had been up for an hour, waking those that refused to get out of bed when the rays poured through the blinds around 7. Lionel was laid out, widespread and occupying most of the bed. He snored loudly, a sound that irritated you beyond measure. Your eyes were already open, moving along the ceiling above you as you counted the cracks. This was how every morning went. You would lay beside your husband, unmoving and stiff because you wanted him to think you were still fast asleep once he woke. If he thought that you were up, he’d nudge you from the bed and order you to make some breakfast, but because he thought you slept late, he never got to demand that from you.
It took another thirty minutes before he began to shift. His relaxed muscles clenched tightly before unclenching, eyes following suit as his entire body tried to wake up all at once. He groggily sat up on the bed, never one to waste time when it came to busy days like today. He needed to be gone before 9 and home sometime the next day. There was no telling what time Alfie Solomons would come around in search of payment and because he was clueless, he figured he’d leave as early as he’d left the past few times. He casted a glance toward you, momentarily ogling you before he moved toward the closet and drew the creaky door open.
He selected a black pair of pants and a white button down for his outfit of the day. He didn’t care about doing his hair, using the bathroom, brushing his teeth. He had all the necessities he’d need once he left. He just needed to go. He left his pajamas in a crumpled pile on the floor and paused just long enough to douse himself in some deodorant. He never paused to kiss you goodbye or even said anything to your slumbering form before he vanished from the room and raced down the stairs so he could climb into the car and go.
Lionel grasped his heavy coat off the hook in the corner before eagerly pulling the front door open. His grip on his jacket fell, careless as the heavy fabric fell to the floor with a loud thud. Alfie Solomons was lounging on Lionel’s front porch. The gangster was sat on the porch swing, legs opened wide and tophat low on his head, shielding half of his face from view. The man would’ve assumed Alfie was sleeping if his lips hadn’t of curved upward in the slightest.
“Where you off to in such a hurry, lad?” Alfie spoke lowly. There was an underlying threat dancing in his tone as he flipped the stopwatch, that he cradled in his palm, open. “You’ve been awful fucking hard to see the last few weeks.” Alfie continued, not bothering to give the bloke a chance to answer his question. “Now then,” He stood. “since I’ve got you, yeah..” Alfie’s boots were heavy as they hammered against the porch, signaling his approach. “where’s my money?”
You rolled over on to your side at the sound of the familiar deep voice. Every hair on the back of your neck stood up and every muscle in your body clenched in fear. You weren’t sure if you were worried about your husband or excited to see the gangster on the porch, but either way, you climbed off of the bed and eagerly snatched the robe that hung on the back of the closet. Drawing the thin material on to your shoulders, you hurried from the room, not slowing your pace until you’d reached the staircase and their voices became clear.
“Alfie..” Lionel attempted to rack his brain for some sort of excuse. “I haven’t been avoiding you.” The lie was evident the second it left his lips.
“Nah, mate, you’ve just made sure to be gone every day I come by, haven’t you? Leaving that pretty little wife of yours, all on her own to handle your business.” He smirked slowly. “I’ve given a lot of thought, right, about how to handle this little situation.” His arms opened, hands waving about to signify his words. “You, mate, clearly haven’t got the money you owe me. Now, whatever that reason may be, I don’t really care, yeah, seeing as it’s not much of my business why you don’t have it. Point is, you don’t.” He took a momentary breather before giving Lionel a pointed stare, challenging him to correct him. He waited and when the silence wasn’t broken, then he continued. “So you, yeah, you’re gonna go do some work for me, seeing as I haven’t got the fucking time, patience, or want to handle some of the business I’ve got coming my fucking way, mate.” His hand clapped down on Lionel’s shoulder. “And I’m not giving you a choice, right, because you’ve fucked me over.” His lips twitched. “to put it simply.” Alfie sucked in a deep breath of air before letting out a quiet sigh. “You’re gonna go with Ollie, and he’s gonna tell you everything you need to fucking know, so you’d better pay attention, mate, because this is your last chance to do right by me. You owe me, Lionel, and it’s a mistake, innit, to fuck me like you’ve tried to do the last few times I came by to collect payment.” He pointed toward the car, parked on the curb. “So you go on down there, yeah, get in the car with him, and I’m gonna sit right here with your darling wife, and wait for you.”
Lionel swallowed harshly before slowly looking toward the house. He didn’t care much about the fact that Alfie would be alone with you. He didn’t really care about you all that much, he simply enjoyed the fact that he had someone to call his wife, had a ring to wear on his finger, and meals to come home to at night. He licked his lips slowly before looking toward Alfie. He nodded once, too afraid to speak for he knew his voice would tremble. He took a step toward the car, but before he could get too far, Alfie’s hand wrapped around his arm and ceased him from moving any further.
“Mate, I don’t wanna tell you how to treat your wife, yeah, but if it were me.. about to go on the job you are, right, id fucking kiss the lass goodbye.” He uttered lowly. It wasn’t a suggestion. It was a demand.
Lionel didn’t carry you on his arm like he felt like the luckiest man in the world. He didn’t beam when speaking to you or introduce you proudly.. no, Lionel was the worst husband Alfie had ever seen and he knew the blame was all on the bloke. He’d met you.. spent too much time with you.. he’d seen how caring, considerate, kind, and silly you could be. He rather liked you and he be damned if he was going to go inside and watch you mope aroudn because your ass of a husband was too good to tell you goodbye.
Lionel didn’t question Alfies words. He twisted around on his heel and headed back inside, almost slamming into you when you stepped off the last stair.
“Oh- Lionel.” Your hands lifted to his chest, steadying yourself and attempting to calm your racing heart.
“I’m going out.” He informed you simply. “Side job for Alfie.” He glanced over his shoulder to see if the gangster was listening in. “I uh.. he’s gonna stay here with you for the day, so, you’ll be in good hands, I’m sure.” You peered up at your husband, heart aching painfully. Any other man would’ve apologized for the chaos you were right in the middle of. Tried to bring you along or rid of Alfie. What man would want their wife hanging around a dangerous criminal all day? Your lips twitched south. Although you liked Alfie and enjoyed spending time with him, it would’ve been nice to see that Lionel cared about you at least a little. He pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead, a touch that lasted maybe a millisecond before he spun around on his heel and left without a reminder of the love he, maybe, held for you.
Lionel moved past Alfie hurriedly, attempting to avoid conversation or confrontation. He was down the steps and halfway to the car before Alfie could even get a word in. The bloke didn’t care though. He merely grasped his cane from its leaning position on the wall and made his way inside.
The rug was cold beneath your bare feet as you made your way toward the front door where Alfie was stood. He lifted his tophat off of his head and rolled the heavy cloth of his coat down and off of his shoulders. Both items were hung on the tall, dark brown rack in the corner before he looked in your direction when the floor beneath you creaked quietly.
“Pet.” He nodded softly in acknowledgement.
“Alfie.” You smiled in the slightest. “How are you?” Your question was quiet, but he’d heard you.
“Can’t complain.” He grumbled out, though his tone told you he was lying. His back was stiff and his neck ached horribly.
“Mhm... did you sleep on my porch last night?” You folded your arms over your chest, forearms brushing over the silk of the nightgown you wore. Your cheeks grew hot at the realization that you were still clad in the thin attire.
“I did, yeah. Had to catch your snake of a fucking husband somehow, didn’t I?” Alfie lifted his hand to his messy locks and gave a measly attempt to fix them. “Not the best place to sleep, pet, wouldn’t fucking recommend it.”
“I didn’t plan on it, Mr. Solomons.” Crossing the floor, you sent him a very slow smile before laying your hand on his tense arm. “Can I get you a drink or something to eat? You’re welcome to relax on the sofa if you want..” The tender feel of your fingertips brushing along the sleeve of his shirt made him glance briefly toward your touch. He nodded once before stepping toward the living room, though his pace was slow, patient, waiting to see if you followed after him. You tipped your head, curious eyes scanning his own as you waited for him to realize that he hadn’t told you if he’d like a drink or not.
“No drink, pet. I’m alright, yeah.” He assured you before continuing on into the den. The room was warm, but not uncomfortable. The orange hue that filled the room gave it a cozy feel, a very nice atmosphere for the two of you to reside in. Alfie gratefully dropped down on the sofa, adjusting his knees so you could slide between them and the coffee table in order to collapse down beside him. You drew your legs up on to the couch and pulled the folded blanket off the back of the cushion so you could drape it over your lap and shield the thin gown you wore. Leaving him on his own so you could go get changed seemed a bit unnecessary. Your husband hadn’t cared about what you’d been clad in when greeting the gangster, so you let yourself be just as careless. Besides, you rather enjoyed the way the gangster seemed to strain his eyes, doing his absolute best to keep them on your face.
“So.. where exactly did you send my husband?” You whispered. Your fingertips traced the length of the cover that kept you snug. Alfie glanced toward your hand, eyeing the way your nimble fingers moved in slow circles.
“On a job. He chose to cheat me out of money I’m fucking owed, right, so I’ve sent him to do my dirty work. Getting a bit too old to do it myself.” His smile was almost cocky, lopsided, an expression that made your heart skip a beat. You fidgeted in the slightest before looking away from him and instead toward the unlit candles that lined the mantle.
“You’re not old.” You uttered, exasperated. He was older, but certainly not old.
“Please, pet. I know im at least twenty years older than you, innit. I know I’m older than your darling Lionel, yeah, so, I’m fucking up there, ain’t I?” His let a hoarse chuckle roll past his lips.
“That doesn’t matter. You don’t look twenty years older. You’re far too handsome. Men in their forties are meant to be.. graying, losing their looks.” Your brows lifted at the confidence that simmered in your stomach. Why did it feel so good to do something so wrong? Flirting with someone that wasn’t your husband...
“Fuckin’ hell.” He barked out before lifting his thick fingers to his warm cheeks. He rubbed the skin lazily, attempting to mask the fact that your words had an affect over him. He did have little gray hairs sprinkled in the brown mix, but he supposed he didn’t have too many. Or at least not enough for you to notice right off the bat. “Handsome isn’t a word I’d ever expect anyone to describe a bloke like me.” He murmured before looking toward the paintings that lined the walls. He let out a noisy puff of air before allowing his eyes to drop to his lap. Alfie wasn’t a big flirt. He was a babbler, women didn’t like that he didn’t think.
“Why not?” You pried. Scanning his features, you narrowed your eyes in the slightest before tipping your head to the side. He had lengthy brown locks, bushy eyebrows, bright blue eyes, a face full of hair. He had big, plump lips, and smooth looking skin. Apart from the scabs that lined the border of his face, you couldn’t find anything relative to a flaw. He was breathtaking in your opinion. Men just weren’t meant to look as good as he did. You caught yourself biting your lip so you swiftly released it and instead copied him by looking to your lap. “I think you’re awfully attractive..” you didn’t want to continue to flirt, but you also didn’t want him thinking he was anything close to ugly. Everyone liked a compliment now and then. Alfie looked toward you, baffled by your want to praise him again.
It wasn’t his place to stop you. Or remind you that you were married. He was positive you hadn’t forgotten. So who was he to stop you from calling him this or that, it wasn’t as if your husband would notice or even care. He tongued his cheek before letting a smile of appreciation pass over his lips. “You’re not too bad, yourself.” His voice seemed to be softening. “Prettiest lass I’ve seen ‘round.” He continued. He didn’t know how to flirt anymore. He didn’t do it often. He was just too busy. “Tell you the truth, pet, I think you could do much better than Lionel.”
You almost scoffed. “So do I.. but.. I was young when I married him. Blind I suppose is the right word. He sees me as a piece of property.. not a wife.” Alfie could hear the disappointment in your tone. He shuffled on the sofa, fingers clasping together over his stomach as he strained his ears to hear you. “I think about leaving him sometimes, but I’m just too dependent. No job, no other place to live, no family.” Your shoulders shrugged. “I’m stuck.”
“Ah, nobody’s ever stuck, right, there’s loads of fucking places that would hire you, right. You, yeah, you’re young, beautiful, sweet, any place would be more than happy to offer you a job on the spot.” He reached toward you, large palm playfully pushing at your shoulder. “Even I, right, would offer you a job if you needed it.” He noticed the way your eyes lit up, a brightness he’d never seen before shimmering in your orbs.
“Oh, Alfie.. would you?” Your head snapped in his direction, small palm catching his much larger one before he could take it back. Was he joking? You couldn’t tell, but you’d hoped he was being honest. Gripping it securely, you lifted yourself up on to your knees and peered at him with hopeful eyes.
“Course I would.” No hesitation. His hand was still in yours, twitching now and then because of the foreign touch. He watched you intently as you shuffled even closer to him. He was curious, studying you, watching your every little movement until you moved at an impossibly quick speed and locked your arms around his wide shoulders. Embracing him, you buried your face in the crook of his neck and pulled yourself in close to him. He could tell, as he wrapped his arm around your waist, that this was your way out of such an unhappy marriage. He cradled you close to him, savoring the feel of your body locked around his own. He hadn’t been hugged in months. He wanted it to last forever.
“Thank you so much.” Your hot breaths tickled his skin.
“Course, pet..” His voice was just as soft. “But I’m not sure how Lionel will react to the news, yeah, doesn’t seem like the fucking type to be to congratulatory.” He huffed out in amusement before drawing you in closer to him. “But if he ever gives you a tough time, you know where to find me.” His words were so comforting, just as warm and inviting as his arms. You slumped against his chest, knees bumping his thigh as you tipped your head and planted a slow kiss against his throat. You felt him stiffen, tensing because of the foreign feeling. His hand sunk into your back further, guiding you just a little bit closer.
Your want to thank him again was strong, but why tell him something verbally when you could say so much more with actions. You lifted your face away from his neck and instead moved back far enough to where your eyes could lock. The proximity between the two of you was impossibly close, just a few centimeters residing between the pair of you.
It was innocent when you lifted your small hand to his face. Your fingertip brushed along his lips, caressing them lazily before you leaned in so that your foreheads could brush. You wanted to kiss him. Though the fear in your stomach warned you that he was such a brutal man who could very well crush you if you pushed this too far, but the attraction you felt for him outweighed that nervousness. “Alfie, I..” You didn’t know what to say. The bearded man lifted his head in the slightest, giving you more room to trace the length of his face. He let out a low grunt, a drawn out sound that told you to speak further, followed by a hum of enjoyment because he liked the way you caressed his sensitive skin. “I want to kiss you.” You mumbled. “But it’s wrong, isn’t it?”
He was quite for a few moments. “Not wrong, pet, unless it feels wrong.” He told you under his breath. His head tipped back, scalp resting against the base of the couch as he watched you closely. “You have to ask yourself, right, what you want, not what the world wants or thinks is fucking right.” He studied you, eyes glistening beneath the light in the room.
None of this felt wrong. Your brain just wondered if it should. Why it didn’t. Why you wanted this so badly. You knew Alfie, maybe not well enough to want to date him, but well enough to know you were attracted to him. You swallowed quietly before weaving your fingers through his locks. You lifted his head in the slightest so you could push your fingers beneath his head and cradle it. There were no more questions, no more inquiries, it was obvious what you wanted when your other hand skimmed his cheek. He mirrored your actions. Lifting his palm to the base of your skull, he drew you forward so that he could press his lips against your own. His free hand found your jawline, rough fingertips delicately caressing your flesh as he guided your mouth toward his.
His lips were soft, hot, and damp as they pressed to your own. His beard tickled your sensitive flesh, a feeling that you weren’t use to, but instantly enjoyed. He smelled like cinnamon and oats, mixed with a musky scent that was just him. His hair was sweaty as your fingers wound in it tighter, but it didn’t bother you in the slightest. You curled, tugged, and stroked his strands before losing yourself in the kiss. Alfie couldn’t help but wonder if the kiss was all you wanted, but he didn’t let his mind roam to far, he wanted to be completely present — not lost in his thoughts.
Your mouth opened against his own, curious and careful as you licked his bottom lip. He was letting you have control over this entirely. Your breaths were heavy and loud, deep as they mingled with his softer ones. He could tell it had been a while since you’d kissed someone, for he could feel the eagerness in your actions. You let out a quiet whimper when he, at first, refused to open his mouth so his tongue could greet your own. He teased you instead, lips closed as they tugged upward, persistent in their tease. You whined out against his mouth, small hand falling away from his cheek and instead to his shoulder.
“If you’re going to tease me, I’m not going to kiss you.” You whispered. He knew you were kidding, but he didn’t want to take any chances. His mouth opened slowly, parted lips inviting you forward once again. You smiled triumphantly before leaning in and swiftly slipping your tongue inside his mouth. He groaned out breathily at the feel before lowering his hand from his jaw to the back of your thigh instead. He gripped it securely, guiding your kneeling form closer. He lifted your leg and slowly pulled it over his lap before urging you to sit down on his thighs. You obeyed lazily, taking your time with each action because there was no need to rush any of this.
It was only when you felt your hips involuntarily brush over his own, that you drew back and away from his mouth. Your heart thumped heavily against your ribs, leaving you lightheaded and shaky. You climbed off of his lap just as quickly as you’d slid into it and without so much as a word, you stood up and brushed your hair out of your eyes, breaths still heavy, and lips now swollen and red.
Alfie cocked a brow, hands dropping to his thighs as he watched you fidget. He narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing you. Regret didn’t radiate off of you, which he was glad to see, so he waited for you to speak. Move. Leave. He shuffled on the sofa.
You weren’t sorry. “You’re quite the kisser.” You flushed. “Lionel, um..” Your brain was frazzled. “he never kisses me like that.” No tongue, ever. He was a boring bloke. “Please dont think that I.. do this often because I promise I don’t.”
Alfie almost smiled. Why did you care about explaining yourself to him? He wouldn’t have been bothered if you made out with every man you met. However many men you wanted to pursue was your choice. He had no right to judge. He licked his lips slowly, savoring your sweet taste. “Pet.” He silenced you. “Doesn’t fucking matter, right, I’m not judging you by any means, yeah.” He knew you didn’t do this often though. Your eager kisses and shy smile told him you hadn’t even meant for this to happen — it had just been so long and the attraction between the pair of you was so evident. He planted his hands down firmly against his knees before standing. “Think I could use that drink now, pet.”
His way of offering you an out left you feeling relaxed and thankful. Nodding your head to his words, you swiftly headed toward the door, fingertip curling to usher him along with you. Gripping the baseboard, you moved into the kitchen before instantly making your way to the fridge to get two water bottles.
Alfie licked his lips slowly before coming to a stop by the counter. He planted his hands down firmly on the surface before looking toward the window. He momentarily lost himself in his thoughts as he tried to remember the last time he’d been kissed like that. So passionately. He frowned. It had been so long, he couldn’t even remember. The crinkle between his brows was cute, you decided as you twisted the cap off of your beverage and lifted the rim to your lips. Alfie was in his own little world for a few seconds, and it gave you time to just admire him.
“How long um...” Alfie didn’t look toward you. He hadn’t registered that you were speaking to him. “Alfie?” His eyes fluttered before sliding to you. “How long do you think Lionel will be gone for?” He sensed you hoped he’d say the full day, just so you could catch a break from the bloke for a little bit. “Hours, pet, for sure. Maybe all day, I can’t fucking be too sure, right, but no sooner than four hours minimum.” His hand lifted to his beard, brushing through it at a lazy pace. “Why do you ask?”
You lifted your finger to the strap of your dress as it fell off of your shoulder. Guiding it back into place, you sent him a small smile. “No reason, just curious.” It was as if you hadn’t just been making out with him a few minutes prior to this. He hadn’t even taken a sip of his water. He was merely holding the cold bottle in his right hand. He almost smirked at the tint in your gaze. Want. Desire. Lust. It was so visible that you wanted to continue with what had been happening in the living room, so he gave you an evident choice.
“Right, pet, so do you want to go back to the living room, yeah, fucking relax in there.” You heard the unmentioned offer of kissing without him even saying it. “Or we can fucking stand around in here all day, yeah, till your husband returns. Bit stiff I am, but nothing I can’t handle, right.” He waved his hand about.
You snatched the large thing in your own before pulling him toward the doorway. To the living room you went. More kissing was sure to ensue. Maybe a little grinding.. but you knew you had some amount of self-control, so you wouldn’t go too far with this.
How else were you meant to pass time though when you were trapped alone, for hours, with the handsome gangster who intrigued you every time you spent time with him. Attractive, dangerous, sexy, threatening. What a mix.
Alfie had you in his lap before he’d even had a chance to properly sit down. Your water bottles hit one another as they fell to the cushion, both plastic containers rolling until they hit Alfie’s thigh. He could care less about the beverages when you pressed your mouth back against his own. He was sure to forget about everything in this moment. Your husband didn’t matter. Your thirst didn’t matter. Your wedding ring. His work. Everything went out the window and all that became important was you and Alfie. Too focused on one another to care about anything else in the world. Just for a while.
It was unknown whether or not the pair of you would just kiss. If it was a one time thing. Did Alfie hold the same attraction for you that you felt for him — or was it just raw lust. Was it you that he wanted or just a set of willing lips? You let out a shaky whimper and he followed it with a deep groan. Your heart told you that this was going to send you spiraling into a tornado of feelings, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. You could deal with the hard part and emotions later. Right now, you just wanted to kiss and kiss and kiss the handsome bloke until your lips were numb and your eyes were heavy and until your husband returned home from his task.
Part 2
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jloves-pp · 5 years
Little Book of Magic-chapter 7
Chapter 7
"What was Toothless attacking?" Merida asked.
"It's called a car" Sally replied "we use it to travel to places and carrying things"
"Oh don't you use horses?" Merida then added.
"Well here we don't need to since we have engines" Sally answered.
The group began to head back to Nan's house, it took a while but soon they could see the house.
"So how does this work" Hiccup asked looking at Charlie's bike. The Viking was really interested it, it was a creation he had not seen before.
"See these" Charlie said pointing at the pedals "they are called pedals, you pushed these and it makes the bike move"
As Hiccup studied the bike, they finally reached the house.
When they went inside the house, they had a discussion about the book and how to get home. After reading though the book, coming up with theories and a biscuit or two, they were all tired.
"If I brainstorm anymore tonight my brain going to burst" Charlie mourned
"Mine too" Sally agreed
"Can we just agree that a witch sent us here because it's the only thing I think can possibly have happened "Merida said stating up at the ceiling, sinking in an armchair?
"I agree with Merida, it must be a powerful being that magically brought us here" Rapunzel said while petting a sleeping Pascal on her lap.
"My question is why? Why us? And why here?" Hiccup thought aloud as Maria quietly took a picture of Olive fast asleep against a sleeping Toothless.
It was quick a while before Jack stood up and said "Look, it's obvious we're not getting any closer to figuring this out. I think we need to go outside and clear our heads. Who's with me?"
Everyone raised their hands instantly; after all it was better than rattling their brains and getting nowhere.
As soon as Ollie was awake and they grabbing some water, the Collins kids and The Big Four walked through the woods. Maria told their new friends about a river nearby and thought it would be a nice spot plus it was known to be good for fishing, hearing this Toothless perked up.
"Hey Ollie, would you like to ride on Toothless?" Hiccup asked. He saw Oliver's face light up and he nodded with great Viking helped the little boy up onto the dragon's back.
"Hold on tight Ollie" Charlie gentle told his brother as he pushed his bike along
As they walked, Rapunzel couldn't help but be in awe of everything. Sally and Maria know Rapunzel would be like this as she found some wild flowers
"Look at the daisies, poppies and the lavender" Rapunzel said happily. "Don't you think there's lovely?"
"Yeah they're very pretty" Sally commented. Seeing Pascal looking too.
"Well because I am a being of winter, I don't have much knowledge about flowers" Jack admitted.
Pascal rolled his eyes as Rapunzel picked some flowers. Merida was enjoying climbing over the overgrown roots and she spotted something glistening ahead.
"Hey is that the river up there?" Merida asked pointing ahead
The girls could see a huge river when they looked through the branches.
"Yeah that's the one" Sally replied and then an idea came to her "Hey last one there has to eat regurgitated fish".
Instantly, the sisters ran straight to the river, Merida jumped off the root she was on and quickly followed them. Rapunzel giggled as she ran, she'd never be in a race so she was excited to be part of one.
"Hey, we're not ready" Hiccup cried to them. He jumped on Toothless back, held on tight to Oliver and they joined the chased.
"Hey, don't leave me" Charlie called watching his brother, Hiccup and Toothless getting further away, he quickly climbed onto his bike and pedalled as fast as he could.
Maria had just passed her sister when something suddenly appeared in front of them. The girls stopped and realised it was Jack.
"Well looks like I win" he said leaning against his staff.
"You've cheated" Merida decline before giving the winter Sprite a poke with her finger.
"Hey, no one said it was a running race" Jack replied slowly moving the redhead's finger down.
Oliver, Hiccup and Toothless had soon caught up to them. "What happened? Who won?" Hiccup asked in confidence.
"Jack cheated by flying while it was clearly a running race" Maria told him.
"Again no one said it was running race" the winter spirit repeated.
At that moment, Charlie came up behind them, puffing as he finally came to a stop.
"Well looks like Charlie is eating raw fish later" Maria said grinning.
"No Jack should, he cheated" Merida said, which it led her and Jack into an argument, it took both Rapunzel and Hiccup to calm them down before they headed to the river.
The sun hit the water which made to glisten. Toothless catching fish and eating them. Merida was showing Hiccup and the older kids how to use her bow, Jack was watching them whilst Rapunzel and Oliver were splashing in the water, not caring that she got wet.
"Now, who else wants a go?" Merida asked Maria, Sally and Charlie but they didn't see too keen on it. Seeing their faces, the Redheaded turned to the Viking "How about you, Hiccup?" She offered.
"Me?" Hiccup asked a bit shocked "I'm not that good"
"Well I'd like to see you try" Merida said and offered him her bow. Hiccup reluctantly took it and stood across from the target; Rapunzel watched and drew a bull's eye in her notebook then pinned it on a tree with one of Merida's arrows.
Hiccup could see his hand shaking as he rise to the bow; he ended up shutting his eyes and turning his head.
"You're doing it all wrong" He heard Merida saying loudly, putting her hands on her hips. "Here, let me show you" she then said more softly as she came up to him.
"First, you need to keep your eyes open, next make sure your facing the target, now relax, hold your arrow to your check, breath slowly, focus and then release" Merida explained while demonstrating how to hold the bow.
Hiccup did everything she said, his eyes focussed on the target, he breathed and release. They all watched as the arrow flew across and hit the target straight in the centre.
"I...I did it" Hiccup excited "I did it. I can't believe it. Hey Toothless, did you see that?"
They all turned to see Dragon smiling and purring to his friend with a big fish dangling from his mouth. The kids couldn't help but laugh as they watched Toothless eat.
"I've never hit anything before, well I did once" Hiccup admitted.
"What was it" Merida asked. Hiccup looked over his shoulder and moved his head and gestured towards Toothless. She turned to see
"Well with some practice, you'll be shooting with your eyes closed" Merida said, then without warning Hiccup hug her. She let out a little gasp.
"Oh ur... Sorry" Hiccup apologise when he realised what he's done and quickly pulled away.
"No it's all right" Merida said trying to reassure him even though she was still blushing, she actually didn't mind the hug.
Sally and Maria couldn't hide their smiles when they saw how embarrassed Hiccup and Merida were.
"Why are you two staring at them like that?" Charlie asked seeing his sisters excited faces.
"Charlie, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, we can only imagine like this but actually seeing it, this is extremely awesome" Maria told him quietly.
"But still shouldn't we be trying to figure out how to send them home" Charlie reminded Sally and Maria.
"Well I did look through the book a few times" Sally said pulling out the book from her bag. "It just says that only those who are blessed, with a rare kind of magic, can open the door to the lands that are believed in from one's mind"
"Like a wizard or a sorcerer?" Maria said as she flipped forward the pages.
"But where are we going to find one. Unless we search online," Charlie suggested "But that will probably just lead us to weirdoes".
"I know, we'll just have to find a different way" Sally answered him.
As the siblings searched forward through the book, Jack sat on the huge rock. He'd been looking over at them, he thought they were great kids, he knew it would be hard for them to deal with everything that had happened today.
"Hey Jack" hearing his name, he turned to see Rapunzel waving. "Why don't you come down and play" she asked as Oliver was with her splashing.
"No thanks, I'll probably freeze the whole river" Jack expected.
"Oh come on, it's fun or are you afraid of getting wet?" she teased.
"Oh is that a challenge Punz?" Jack smirked as he jumped off the rock and picked up his staff that lay against it. He had no problems freezing rivers, lakes and ponds being a winter spirit but he never tried not freezing anything. So Jack had to concentrate on controlling his powers as he stepped into the water.
"See, what I said" Rapunzel said while putting her hand on her hips.
"That I'm the most handsome man you'd ever seen in your entire life" Jack answered with a smirk.
Rapunzel eyes widen at that "No I didn't say that!"
"Oh I think you did, didn't she Ollie" Jack asked... the little boy just grinned at him.
"Oh did me" Rapunzel asked and then started splashing Jack. He return splashes her back and Oliver tried to splash both of them.
Hiccup, Merida and the kids heard their laughter and saw the dragon join in the water fight. Jack nearly fell over but caught himself by grabbing Toothless head. Toothless let out a cry at Jack's cold touch.
"Oh sorry, I guess dragons don't like the cold" Jack apologise as Toothless rubbed his nose with his paw.
Seeing this, the Viking went over to his dragon and stroke his snout "it's ok bud, its ok" Hiccup said soothingly.
"Is Toothless ok?" Oliver asked, patting the dragon who purred at the little boy.
"Yeah he'll be fine Ollie" Hiccup answered.
"I thought he'd have no problem being an over grown cat" Jack suddenly said.
At that, toothless turned to him and growled. Hiccup narrows his eyes at Jack.
"Well you should know, he's a Night Fury and they are known to be the unholy offspring of lighting and death itself" Hiccup said defending his friend.
Jack wasn't fazed by this, he laughed a bit before saying "Don't get me wrong, that's impressive but he doesn't look like he could hurt a fly"
The Night Fury growled louder while showing his teeth as Hiccup stood protecting in front on his dragon.
"Well he may not be as big or as scary as other dragons but Toothless is very powerful, also the greatest flyer out there" Hiccup said proudly.
"Compared to other dragons, I don't think he can beat someone who spend decades mastering flying" Jack grinned as he leant against his staff.
"You mean you have the wind carry you around" Sally then said. Jack turned to her the girl with the innocent smile. He knew what she said was true, so Jack just gave her a playful smirk in return.
"You're challenging us, aren't you?" Hiccup questioned.
"Well, yes I am" Jack proudly said.
"Oh you'll be sorry after you eat are dust" Hiccup said while Toothless nodded.
"Oh wow, an actual flying race, we only read something like that to actually see it will be amazing" Sally though, she couldn't hide her excitement. Maria couldn't stop grinning at the idea and let out a tiny squeal.
Maria suggested to race between the cliffs along the river, she told them when they reached the waterfall they should turn around and come back.
Rapunzel suggested using her hair but Charlie was going to draw a line in the dirt. Using a stick, he drew a line from the river to where they were standing. Merida, Rapunzel and the Collins kids sat high on the hills to watch while the boys took their places. Jack stretched to warm up as Hiccup climbed onto Toothless back and checked the dragon's tail was working.
"Ok" Sally shouted to Jack and Hiccup. "Remember, to the waterfall and back, no cheating and no frightening. Got it?"
The boys had their game faces on, ready to go. Sally quickly ran to the side and rose up her left arm up and called out "Ready?"
She waited for a moment then quickly dropped her arm down and the race was on. Sally was knocked to the ground by the force of wind. She quickly got back to watch the Sprite, Viking and dragon flying down the river. Sally couldn't fight the look of amazement from her face, she ran up to join the others.
Jack and Hiccup were neck and neck as they made a sharp turn left. The two boys had flown through more than one difficult situation than toward these cliffs, so this race was a piece of cake.
"Hey see you two at the finish line" Jack called to Hiccup and Toothless before flying passed by them. Hiccup heard Toothless groaned with annoyance.
"Don't worry, we'll win before he knows it" Hiccup said reassuringly as him and Toothless tried to catch up with Jack.
When Sally reached the others on the hill. "Did I miss anything? She asked as she sat next to her sister.
"Not yet, they've only just started" Maria said offering her some chocolate which Sally took.
"Look, there they are" Rapunzel shouted, they all got up to see where Rapunzel was pointing. They all now saw Jack, Hiccup and Toothless appear and watched them fly over the river.
The sisters were really enjoying the race; Maria ever tried to record the race on her camera she'd brought with her. Despite how he was previously feeling, Charlie was having a great time with his new friends, he grinned as his little brother and cheered.
At one point, as Hiccup and Toothless were soaring, Jack had seemed to have disappeared. They thought the winter Sprite was ahead but then they heard a whistle. The Viking and dragon looked to their right and their mouths dropped as Jack was running on the walls of the cliffs.
"Isn't he amazing" Rapunzel said looking at Jack as she watched him bounce off and quickly flow ahead.
Jack smirked triumphantly but then noticed a ledge, he dodged under it. Hiccup and Toothless were behind him and it looked as if they would crash. Merida covered her mouth as she saw Hiccup begin to stand up on Toothless back.
"What's he doing? He's going to get killed" Merida thought to herself. Just before they collided with the ledge, Hiccup jumped onto it as his dragon dove underneath. Hiccup ran across jumped off and with perfect timing, landed safely back in Toothless's saddle.
"Yes he is" Merida answered as she watched in awe as the Viking and his dragon caught up to the winter spirit.
As they reached the waterfall, Jack bounced off the wall as Hiccup and Toothless turned around and they headed back the other way.
"Come on, lets get down there before the boys reach the finish line" Sally called and she and the others began running down to the river.
When they reached the bottom, the group waited till they spotted the racers flying back. Maria pulled out her phone and pointed at the finish line.
"Here there come" Charlie said excitedly as Jack, Hiccup and Toothless came into view. They couldn't see who was in the lead, as fast as lightning Jack and Hiccup cross the finish line.
The boys skidded on the ground, all three catching their breath.
"You did a great job, bud" Hiccup said patted Toothless as he drank from the river.
"You know, I'm really impressed by you two, you're surprisingly gutsy" the winter Sprite admitted coming up to them.
"You're not bad yourself. Your manoeuvres and skills were really good" Hiccup replied, Toothless purred in agreement.
"That was the most incredible thing I've ever seen" the boys heard Sally say to her brothers and Sister, Rapunzel and Merida came up to them.
"Me too, it was, amazing" Rapunzel added" seeing you guys flying was breath-taking"
"Thank you" Jack and Hiccup said together before Jack asked "So who won?"
"Well..." Maria began as her checked the video she recorded from the finish line. After she and Sally watched it, Maria looked up to the racers and announced "Well we agree, it's a draw"
"WHAT!?" Hiccup and Jack cried out.
"Ur seems fair" Merida commented, crossing her arms
"Don't worry, it's the taking part that counts" Rapunzel said brightly with her hands behind her back.
"The taking part" the winter Sprite said clearly annoyed.
"Oh come on" Hiccup began and the two boys could not hide their displeasure as the group started walking towards the wood, and headed for home.
"So any ideas how to get us home" Jack asked Sally after for a few minutes of walking.
"I don't know, the only clear answers are to find someone who is blessed to open the portal to send you home. It said so in the book" Sally explained as she opened the book to the right page to show him.
Jack quickly looked at the page but he was just confused. "Ur... well do you know anyone that can help in this world" he asked even though he already knew the answer.
"No" Sally sighed looking to down "We don't have anything like witch or wizard in this world"
"You mean, we might be stuck here...forever" Merida said, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. The thought of never seeing her homeland, Angus, her family again. The redhead felt like crying.
"Hey, we can't think like that, hopefully we'll figure this and you'll soon be back home" Maria reassured seeing her new friends looking worried.
"That's right; it won't be that bad being here. So we shouldn't be worried" Rapunzel said as brightly as she could, even though she was thinking how devastated her mother will be now.
"But what about our family, our friends, they are probably worry sick by now" Hiccup explained thinking about his and friends back home.
The Guardians came into Jack's mind; he knew they'd probably be searching for him by now. He glanced over to Sally and found her still staring down, holding the book against her chest with both arms. Jack could see that she was upset, mostly because she felt like it was her fault that everyone was upset.
Seeing her sad, made Jack sad. He never liked seeing children sad or scared. When he ever found a sad kid, he used his power to make them smile and be happy which gave Jack an idea.
Sally couldn't think of anything except for feeling guilty, she didn't really know why but she felt responsible for everything. Her mind felt foggy and was startled a little when she felt something cold on her cheek.
The young girl noticed a few snowflakes gently falling; Sally looked up in wonder as more snow appeared. Maria, Charlie and Oliver smiled to see snow in July and Merida and Hiccup were surprised at this amazing sight, Toothless tried to eat the snowflakes, but out of them all Rapunzel was the most awestruck.
"I've never been outside when it's snowed before" Rapunzel giggled as Pascal caught a snowflake using his tongue. She began spinning as the snow got heavier, meanwhile the Collins kids began running and grabbing snow and throwing it into the air.
"Your welcome" Jack said with a smile, proud of his work. Rapunzel could have guessed it was him who'd made it snow, she'd never met anyone else that had magical powers. Seeing Jack's ice powers and even seeing him flying, made her feel better knowing there are people like her.
It wasn't just his powers or his handsome looks that she liked but also his fun mischievous personality and yet she sensed a hint of sadness in his blue eyes. Rapunzel really wanted to get to know the winter Sprite more.
A loud squeak knocked her out of her thoughts; Rapunzel turned to her shoulder and found Pascal giving her a knowing grin. The little chameleon was watching his friend looking out to Jack and guessed that she really like him.
"Pascal, I've just met him today. You can't fall in love in one day" Rapunzel said mostly saying it to her. Pascal just sighed in frustration as Jack flew up to her, holding a snowball.
"Snowball fight?" Jack asked... passing the snowball to Rapunzel as Baby Tooth joined them.
"Oh...Ur what do you mean?" She asked in confusion.
"Really? you've never heard of a snowball fight?" Jack asked her in a serious voice.
"I never been outside my tower until today" she replied shrugging. So did Pascal. Baby Tooth squeaked to the winter Sprite and said
"Ok why not show her"
"Well, it's really easy to understand" Jack began as he made another snowball in his hand "First, you make the snow into a ball, like this" he then he made it into a perfect round snowball.
"Ok, I can definitely can do that" Rapunzel said then added "Then what?"
"Then second, you find your target" Jack continue as he looked to see who will receive his snowball.
"Target? Jack, I thought it was a game" Rapunzel realising what Jack meant by target.
"It is a game, then you make your first throw" and then he spotted his target. He blew on snowball which gave it a blue glow. With a usual mysterious grin, he threw the snowball and it sailed though the air until it hit Merida squarely on the back, knocking her down.
The Scottish princess was busy trying to catch snowflakes in her mouth when she got hit. At first she was furious and knew who was to blame but then, she smiled as an overwhelming joyous and playful feeling came over her.
"I know you threw that Frost" Merida said as serious as she could even though she couldn't stop giggling.
"Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you on your back" Jack shouted over to the redhead "I was trying to hit your face"
That last part made Merida's blood boil; she grabbed some snow and marched over as she made a snowball. "You'll pay for that you imp" and with one powerful throw, her snowball was flying toward Jack but he simply step aside letting the ball pass. Merida gritted her teeth at this and watched Hiccup turn to say something and her snowball hit him on his face, knocking him over.
Merida covered her mouth at what she'd done. "Hiccup, I'm...I'm sorry, it was meant for Jack, not you" she apologised. She rarely apologises but she felt so guilty about her snowball hitting the Viking. At first, Hiccup sat up and wiped the snow off, he then began softly laughing. Merida was a bit surprised but could breathe easy, knowing Hiccup was ok.
Hiccup got up gathered some snow, made it in a snowball and shouted like his Dad "I declare war on this spot" and threw the snowball at Merida.
Then it all kicked off into a huge snowball fight. At first they all were fine throwing at each other (being extra careful with Oliver, Pascal and Baby tooth) but then it turned into girls vs. boys. Both groups make two snow walls and planned their next move.
"Ok, any plans" Jack asked as Charlie, Oliver, Hiccup, Pascal and Toothless huddled up.
"Maybe we can launch tons of snowballs all at once" Charlie suggested then sighed "Too bad we don't have anything to launch them with"
Toothless growled to get his friends attention; he then showed his tail and Hiccup caught on
"Great thinking bud" Hiccup said smiling as he and the boys began making snowballs to place on the dragon's tail fin and use it like a catapult.
On the girls team they were also planning their attack.
"What do you think they're going to do" Maria whispered to Merida. They peered over their wall to spy on the boys. Baby tooth churned and shrugged as she sat on Maria's head. They turned back to see Sally and Rapunzel were busy making lot of snowball. "Ok any ideas?" Maria asked, the girls had a moment to think, finally Merida said
"We should try an element of surprise"
"Oh, good idea" Sally replied grinning "We'll sneak behind them using the woods as cover"
"But wouldn't they notice we're gone" Rapunzel said. She had a good point. The boys would be suspicious if they all left.
"Maybe if one of us causes a distraction while the rest attack from behind" Sally told them what she planned.
"That's perfect Sis" Maria said grinning. They took a moment to decide who will be the decoy. Rapunzel said she'd do it.
As the girls quickly moved to the trees, Rapunzel spoke very loudly to get the boys attention. "Oh that's a great idea, so on the count of ten, we'll attack them right?"
The boys finished filling Toothless's tail with snow, ready to fire.
Jack smirked at what he and Pascal heard and quickly turned to the other. "Ok when we hear ten, we send our snow flying before they do" Toothless got his tail in position as they listened as Rapunzel Began counting.
At the same time Sally, Maria, Merida and Baby Tooth stepped carefully so they were right behind the boys.
The girls felt adrenalin rushing through them, they could hear their hearts beating in their ears, and they held their breath, waiting for the right moment.
"Any minute" Hiccup whispered, just when they were ready to attack...
The boys jumped, startled and turned, but it was too late.
The girls pounded them with snowballs. The Night Fury used his wing as a shield to protect them. Rapunzel rushed up and threw snow at the boy's backs they all gave out shouts of shock.
"You cheaters" Charlie shouted but only received a face full of snow.
"Sorry Charlie, for all's fair in love and war" Sally giggling before throwing another handful of snow, this time at Jack.
The air was full of their laughter. The snowball fight lasted an hour or two. Petty soon they all were laying on the ground, catching their breath.
"That's was so much fun" Rapunzel said looking up at the clouds.
"Well, for your first time Punz, you were really good" Jack complimented, giving her a rare gentle smile which Rapunzel returned, when he smiled at her she felt a strange fluttering feeling a strange feeling in her stomach.
"How many people can say they've played in snow during the summer" Charlie asked as he and Ollie leant against Toothless.
"Not that many" Maria said crossing her legs "unless you live where it's cold all the time"
"Well it's really cold back home, it snows for most of year and hails the rest" Hiccup said resting with his hands behind his head.
"Sounds like my home but we have more sunny days" Merida commented while grabbing her arms around her legs.
"Oh lucky you" Hiccup said sarcastically but Merida knew he mean it in good nature by his warm smile, Merida gave him a smile in return. She had to admit it, she like his smile and his beautiful green eyes and he was really cute. Merida found herself thinking these thoughts; she'd never had thoughts like these before. She'd never felt this way about anyone.
Hiccup notice Merida staring into space. "Hey are you ok" he asked and gently took her hand. Normally, Merida would have pulled it away but she didn't. There was something about his touch that seems to calm her.
"Aya, I'm fine" Merida replied and slightly squeezes his hand.
Sally and Maria shared secrets smiles; obviously they were falling for another. The Night Fury purred as he saw his best friend blushing and Jack couldn't hide his knowing. The winter sprite was enjoying being with his new friends. Back home, he didn't have any in his immortal life. Until he had become part of the guardian that he found a sense of belonging. Maybe because they were around his age that he felt like he knew them already.
Jack looked over to Rapunzel and frowned when he saw a sad look upon her face.
"Rapunzel, are you all right?" He asked softly. She said nothing for a while. She then breathed and said...
"I'm not going back"
"What!" Charlie said and the others turned to Rapunzel.
"You mean back home" Jack then spoke, he now felt worried when he watched her tugging her hair. These thoughts had been dancing in her mind for a long time; she had been unsure how to tell her friends. She glanced over to her chameleon for help; Pascal showed her a warm smile, reassuring her. Rapunzel summed up all her courage and said.
"Back home, my mother told me that the world outside the tower was a terrible place. With monsters that wanted to hurt me, I do lot of hobbies, mostly painting to past the time, but sometimes I feel a bit lonely. Of course I have Pascal and mother there but I dream of one day being outside and seeing the lights that appear on my birthday. Being here and seeing how beautiful and amazing the world is, I'm not scared anymore and I want to stay, even if it'll break my mother's heart"
The Collins kids knew what Rapunzel was talking about and why, as for the others. They were surprised, they had no idea how she felt.
Rapunzel didn't quite know how the others would react; her fears disappeared when Jack gently took her hand.
"Hey I understand, you're not the only person here who feels alone" Jack reassured her, giving her a comforting smile.
The sudden cold feeling from him made her jump; she wondered why she felt an eased by his touch.
"Us too" She heard Merida say "I want nothing more than to ride through my homelands and enjoy my freedom but my mum has plans for my fate. She wants me the marry one of the sons of are neighbouring clans, even having them compete for my hand. After showing them, I and mum argued and I ran off. I came across a witch and had her make a spell, I hoped it would change my mum, well it changed her but it wasn't what I expected. I just wanted to change my mum's mind but I change her into a bear. We had to escape and undo the spell before my dad and the other clansmen hurt her. During our journey we become closer and I was so afraid that we wouldn't find a cure. I would never forgive myself if I lost her" Merida could feel tears running down her cheeks.
Jack and Rapunzel were stunned by what they heard, especially about the bear part. Hiccup and the other knew about Merida but Hiccup didn't know she had to deal with so much. He squeezed reassuring Merida's hand.
"I do understand, back home I was the embarrassment of the village. No matter how hard I tried, no one, not even my own father had accepted me. I had a chance to prove myself when I shot down the world's most deadly dragon. I was trying to push myself to kill it when I found it but I couldn't do it, I couldn't because I felt a connection to him I knew that he was like me, I didn't want to hurt him, after that we learned a lot from each other and then...we became friends. I knew what the villages would do if they found out especially my dad, that's why I tried to keep him a secret, I don't know what I would do if I didn't know have Toothless my best friend"
Toothless softly pressed against Hiccup who hugged his dragon affectionately. Jack and Rapunzel feel sorry from him but Merida felt sorrier for the poor boy. Hearing Rapunzel, Merida and Hiccup's stories, Jack decided to tell his.
"For the longest time, I didn't know who I was. When I awoke, I was scared, and then I saw the moon and the fear disappeared. I was surprised and excited when I discovered my power but when I try to talk to people...they just went through me. They couldn't see me and I was unseen for decades. At least you had someone waiting for you, I had no one, and I didn't know if I had anyone out there. The moon told me I was meant for something but never told me what for. Years later, the Guardians were summoned to protect the children from Pitch Black, the boogieman in my world and I was told that been chosen to become a Guardian. I had no intention of joining them but after helping them and finding out about who I was. I finally found a place where I belong"
Both Hiccup and Merida were shocked by his tale. Jack seemed to be a care-free, mischievous boy but this cast him in a whole new light. Rapunzel however was not only surprised but sympathised with him, here's someone who knew what it was like to be alone. Pascal curled up beside the winter Sprite who felt real sympathy; Jack smiled to the chameleon and softly stroked his back.
The big four were so different in their personalities and stories but they had something in common they were all teenagers who wanted to change their life and follow their dreams and find happiness. That's what Sally believed too; she felt the same but couldn't think what story to tell.
"Ok now that we're told our stories, it's your turn" she heard Jack say.
"Sorry what?" She replied a bit taken aback.
"Well you know pretty much everything about us, possibly more. So we'd like to know more about you guys" Jack explained Sally, Maria and Charlie who were in silence for a moment.
"Well, it's not as that interesting as yours" Maria finally said. "We were born and raised in Liverpool for all our life, without Mum and Dad"
"Oh you haven't mentioned your Dad" Merida interrupted.
"What's he's like" Rapunzel added curiously.
At first, none of them wanted to talk about it, the three siblings whispered silently and then agreed.
"Our Dad was the kindest, funniest, the greatest Dad ever" Charlie started.
"Dad worked in a DVD shop before he joined the army and went overseas" Maria added folding her arms.
"If you had a problem or something upset you, he would be the first one to ask and always knew how to make you laugh" Sally then said. The big four could see something was wrong and they soon knew why.
"Years ago, Mum needed to go food shopping" Maria started "Mum had the three of us go but Dad said that he was feeling tried. Mum thought nothing of it and that we would be long. We kissed and hugged him and waved goodbye just like any other day". Maria could feel tears and rubbed them away, she didn't want to continue. So Sally took up the rest of the tale.
"The shopping trip was the same as usual and when we got home everything felt the same, but it wasn't, Mum told us no loud noises so as not to wake Dad but around five we wonder why he hadn't woken up yet. I decided to go up and...I tried but...but he didn't wake up"
A wave of melancholy came over everyone after hearing this. Of course the teenagers didn't know, but now they couldn't think what to say.
"I'm...I'm sorry" was all Jack could say, seeing the young girl trying to hold back her tears but still her tears fell.
"It was hard, harder from mum than anyone" Charlie said after wiping his tears "Not only to lose her true love but soon after she found out she was carrying Oliver" soon his little brother came over to him and put an arm around him
"It's ok, Charlie" Oliver told his big brother. Oliver didn't really understand what his older siblings were saying but Charlie appreciated this show of affection and hugged him back.
"I think the worst thing is that we never got to say goodbye" Maria quietly said, she heard a soft purring next to her. Looking up, she saw Toothless; he gave her a gentle lick on her cheek. It was wet and sticky; it made Maria chuckle "gross"
Rapunzel came over and gave Sally a much needed hug. "Hey, hey, it's going to be alright" she whispered softly, Sally showed Rapunzel a small smile; she did feel a lot better.
"Maybe we should head back" Hiccup suggested as he got up. They all agreed on that idea, just as they grabbed their things they heard snarling. "Toothless what it is?" The Viking asked joining the dragon as he stared with suspicion into the woods. There was nothing out of the ordinary that he could see but Sally had an uneasy feeling she had since yesterday, a feeling like they were all being watched.
"Are there monsters in these woods" Rapunzel asked nervously clutching onto Jack.
"Or a gigantic beasts like a wolves or bears" Merida suggested which didn't help Rapunzel one bit.
"Of course not, wolves and bears don't live in Wales" Maria reassured. But looking into woods she too had a feeling of unease; she quickly turned to the other and said "We should hurry back". Without looking back she and the others headed towards the path which leads home.
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kassandra-lorelei · 6 years
@missbabcocks1 I FINISHED UR PROMPT. My last one entirely before I go on holiday tomorrow <3
JONAH AND CHARITY (both out of college and w jobs) GO TELL NILES. AND C.C. THEY ARE PREGNANT
The dinner was wonderful, even if he did think so himself. The food was delicious, the wine complimented it perfectly, and table had been set out in perfect and precise order. It was everything that he and C.C. needed to host a successful dinner.
Well, mostly everything.
For all their planning, all the cleaning and all the cooking he’d done, they couldn’t force conversation. And neither Charity nor Jonah, whom they’d invited over to have their usual weekly meal with them as part of the family (well, some of the family, with Faith away at university and Hope out with friends), seemed to want to converse.
They didn’t really want to seem to eat, either. They looked distracted and nervous, and it was starting to play on Niles’ mind. Something had to be wrong – something they weren’t telling them –  but what could it be?
There was really only one way to find out. If they were too afraid to bring it up, then he’d bring the matter up himself.
He didn’t really have any other choice – he’d been exchanging concerned looks with C.C. for quite some time, and she’d just given him a subtle kick in the shin, which was her signal that he should do something.
He cleared his throat before beginning, in order to catch their slightly distracted attention.
“You two have been rather quiet this evening,” he said carefully. “Is everything alright?”
Charity and Jonah exchanged another look. It was one both her parents knew well, because they’d often shared one that was similar.
It was the look of two people who’d just made up their minds to tell someone else an important piece of news.
“Um…” Charity mumbled, biting the inside of her lip. “Well, I guess it depends.”
C.C. blinked between the younger couple, “What do you mean “it depends”?”
Jonah shuffled uncomfortably in his seat.
“It depends on…” he began carefully. “Whether or not you guys are…in favour of grandchildren.”
In the silence that followed, it was possible to hear a pin dropping. Well, that and the ticking of a clock denoting time which didn’t seem to be passing.
Had…had they heard him correctly?
It would...explain why Charity hadn’t touched her wine...
Niles swallowed, relieving his suddenly dry mouth, “I beg your pardon?”
Charity tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, looking him in the eyes as she answered, “I’m pregnant, Daddy.”
“Pregnant?!” Niles and C.C. cried in unison.
But that was the only similarity their reactions shared. With a cry of joy, C.C. immediately rose from the table and went to hug their daughter, congratulating both her and Jonah, and asking all kinds of questions like when had they found out and had they booked an appointment to see an obstetrician already.
Niles didn’t hear the answers. He couldn’t move. He felt…oddly clammy. Not like his heart attack had been. More like the kind of feeling one would get when frustrated, but unable to do anything about it. A strange mixture of anger and sadness that wouldn’t go away.
In fact, it only increased and made him want to curl his hands into fists when he looked at Jonah.
The boy should have been more responsible. They both should have been! They had careers that were just starting to flourish – Jonah worked in C.C.’s father’s company (a job that C.C. herself had managed to get him, after he’d finished his degree in Finance), and Charity was a clerk at a law firm. What would they do now? Charity couldn’t be expected to keep working, and yet her career would probably end then and there if she didn’t…
Couldn’t they have waited just a little longer, been more careful, until they were a little older and more secure?!
C.C. noticed his disposition had changed first, and she came over to put her hands on his shoulders, “Niles are you okay?”
He looked at her concerned face. And then around at Charity and Jonah.
It was all too much. The stress and the worry about what would happen was too much.
“No, I…I don’t believe I am…” he said. He then got up from the table, dumping his napkin down by his plate. “Please excuse me, I don’t feel all that hungry.”
He retreated upstairs, to their home office. It was quite at that end of the house, and it helped him to gather his thoughts some more.
But he wasn’t up there, sat at the desk, for very long before C.C. appeared in the doorway.
She marched into the room, her face like thunder and pointing back out into the hall.
“That was a pretty crappy thing you did down there,” she snapped.
Niles scowled back at her, “Would you rather I’d stayed and ended up killing Jonah?”
“No, but I do think you could’ve stayed and offered a little bit of support to our daughter,” his wife argued, folding her arms.
He turned to look at her, “I will support her.”
“Well, you’ve got a damn fine way of showing it!” C.C. shouted, gesturing at the door again. “How do you think it made Charity feel, seeing you just get up and leave like that?!”
A pang of guilt went through Niles chest, but he argued back anyway, “I needed some time to think!”
“About what?” C.C. asked. “Your daughter’s pregnant – what’s there to think about after that?”
Niles wanted to answer – the financial aspects, the fact that Charity and Jonah weren’t married, they didn’t even live together…!
But C.C. cut in with a sigh first, and leaned herself against the desk.
“Look, you’re disappointed – I get that. I’d have preferred that they’d waited, too,” she said, pinching the bridge of her nose. “But these things happen, Hazel! You and I know that better than anyone!”
He knew exactly what she was talking about. But he was still in an argumentative mood.
“That was different.”
C.C. gave him a hard stare, “How was it different?”
Niles knew exactly where to begin, and it all came out at once, “We were older than they are. We weren’t just starting out in jobs and careers. We were married.”
C.C. let out a disbelieving scoff of a laugh.
“Yeah, for like an hour and a half!” she exclaimed. “People don’t have to be married to have babies, Niles! And we weren’t living together at first, either! We had to figure all of that out as we went along!”
Niles paused, feeling his previous feelings of worry and anger subsiding.
They had worked it out as they’d gone along. They’d gone from two people just dating, to engaged, to married, to expectant parents over the course of one night into the early morning! Then they’d had to prepare for the move to California – they’d had to find and buy their own house, get another car, get settled in their careers and a whole new way of life…
“And you know what? That actually gives Charity and Jonah an advantage,” C.C. budged him along to sit in the office chair with him. “Because we can be there to guide them through it all! They’ve got great jobs, they’re not without money, and they love each other.”
She was right. Even if he was still worried about how their careers would work, Charity and Jonah were already both from wealthy homes and clearly adored each other (he had to see it, even if he had disapproved at first). He and C.C. could easily help them navigate things like getting a place of their own, or babysitting if they needed it…
With a little bit of help, it would practically be smooth sailing.
He must have just been so shocked, none of it had registered properly…
C.C. leaned into him, “All they need now is-”
A soft knock at the door interrupted them, and the older couple looked up.
Charity and Jonah were there. He had his arms protectively around Charity, who appeared to be trying hard to stop crying.
Another, stronger pang of guilt went through Niles. He knew immediately that the tears were his fault, and he got up out of the chair to go to her.
He held out his arms towards her, “Charity…”
His little girl sniffed in return, and wiped her eyes, “I’m sorry, Daddy, I-”
“No, no sweetheart…!” he hurried forward the last few steps to take her hands. “I’m the one who needs to apologise. I overreacted out of shock, and concern for things which are mostly already taken care of.”
They really were taken care of. Anything else could be sorted out – they had the money to do it. He hadn’t meant to make her so upset, especially not when there really was something wonderful about the idea of his little girl growing up to be a parent.
He hadn’t seen it before, because he’d been caught up in worrying about things he needn’t have. But he could see it now – both Charity and Jonah as parents to a little boy or girl – and it didn’t seem nearly as impossible or worrying as it had when he’d first found out.
“Your mother made me realise that…well, when we first started out we weren’t so different from you two. And things have worked out more than wonderfully for us,” he reached up to wipe away the tears left on her cheeks. “I’m sure it will be the same for you as well, because you’ll have something we didn’t.”
Charity blinked at him, “What didn’t you have?”
“Complete parental approval,” C.C. told her, coming to stand by her husband.
Niles smiled at his wife, and then at their daughter, “And all the support you need.”
Their daughter’s face became hopeful, “You…you mean it?”
“I do,” he nodded, and looked to the floor in shame. “That is, if you can forgive an old man for acting out of sorts?”
He didn’t see her expression because he was still looking at the carpet, but he felt it when Charity rushed forward to put her arms around him.
“Of course I forgive you,” she whispered. “I love you, Daddy.”
“I love you too, sweetheart,” Niles replied, kissing her cheek. “And I know you’ll be a fantastic mother, because you learned from the best.”
He saw C.C. mouth “sap” over Charity’s shoulder, and he winked back at her before releasing Charity from the hug.
They were going to be fine. This had been a minor incident, compared to some that had gone on in the Sheffield and Brightmore households.
Another little one would most definitely be welcome into the organised chaos of their lives.
“I’ll try to be,” Charity smiled. “The firm actually offers good maternity leave, and Jonah and I are going looking for a place together tomorrow.”
“Want us to come with?” C.C. offered, coming close to rub their daughter’s arm. “We can help out, give a few pointers.”
Charity and Jonah shared a smile, and Niles knew that they thought it was a good idea. They had more experience in buying somewhere to live, after all.
He was glad that they could offer the support. He’d felt the last bit of relief upon learning that the firm where Charity worked had good maternity leave. And now that everything had been talked through, he could actually relax and try to enjoy the news.
His eyebrows raised as he put an arm around C.C., “Plus, your mother likes a good argument with real estate agents.”
C.C. rolled her eyes in return, “I like to know what I’m buying.”
“Spoken like a true businesswoman,” he smirked at her. “Perhaps the baby will follow in their grandmother’s footsteps?”
She matched his expression, “Hopefully – I’d rather not imagine them taking after you.”
Niles looked unimpressed, and he glanced out of the corner of his eye as Charity began to laugh.
He was glad that, even after all these years, their zingers could still make her laugh.
“Pay no attention to your mother,” he told her with a wave of his hand, pretending to mutter discreetly. “Her mind is starting to reflect her age.”
C.C. swatted him in the chest.
“You’re older than I am, Dust Buster,” she told him, before smirking. “Just the right age to be a grandpa, as it so happens!”
Niles quirked only one eyebrow that time, “And you’re suddenly the epitome of youth?”
“Compared to you, I am!” his wife retorted.
He cocked his head to one side, “Well, if I’m so old and you’re so young, then why did you marry me?”
C.C. pretended to think about it, looking at Charity and Jonah before she gave her answer.
“Because, out of the goodness of my heart, I decided to look past how decrepit you are.”
“Of course that’s the reason,” Niles smiled wryly.
His wife shrugged, “It’s the only one I’m giving right now.”
Niles knew what that meant. It meant she had another answer that she’d only tell him in private.
He was perfectly fine with that, considering they were currently with company.
“That’s probably for the best,” he nodded, and kissed her on the cheek, before turning to address Charity and Jonah again. “Now, we might not all be able to toast with champagne, but there is a dinner on the dining room table that some of us have yet to finish, and we have a rather nice dessert waiting for us after…”
That piqued C.C.’s interest. The entire dinner had been interrupted by the announcement, and then by Niles walking off. She was probably still hungry.
But, knowing what pregnancy was like, she was obviously going to look after their little girl first.
“How about it, sweetie?” she asked Charity. “You feel like eating a little more?”
Charity thought about it, before openly grinning, “Well, I am eating for two, now…”
That delighted her mother, which in turn delighted Niles.
“That’s my girl!” he declared. And then, in perhaps the first real display of familial bonding, he turned to her boyfriend. “Jonah, what about you?”
“I could eat more,” the boy replied, nodding. Then he beamed, looking very much like his own father when he did. “I think Mom’s love of your desserts has rubbed off on me, sir.”
That made Niles feel good. No matter how much time passed and things changed, he could still produce the finest cakes and pastries the family ate.
And he’d be delighted to teach his first grandson or granddaughter, too.
“I should hope so, seeing as how both she and your grandmother combined have had enough of them to stock all the patisseries in Paris!” he began to usher them all back out of the room. “Come on, we’ll see if there’s enough left over afterwards for you to take some home.”
They went eagerly, laughing and joking and clearly ready for a proper evening meal. Niles would have to make sure there was some dessert left for Hope, who’d be home in a few hours, and Faith, who’d be home in about a day or so because the university was going to be closed for a long weekend.
He was going to look after his whole family, and he was going to try not to get overwhelmed by anything they could tell him in the future.
He could worry all he wanted, if it came from love. But he had to be understanding and supportive as well. As understanding and supportive as he had been when their girls were younger.
And perhaps, in the future, it would be the kind of support he’d give to the little one his own little one was carrying inside her.
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melodyrenslow · 4 years
In this gray hasn't found FT and juvia hasn't found phantom lord yet.
Gray's POV
It was a cold winter night, the icy wind was blowing hard against my face as I walk, altho I didn't mind it, the cold never bothered me anyways. my hands in my pocket. It was the anniversary of my masters Ur's death, and I had just went for a walk to try and clear my head. I stopped when I head crying and singing...as I got closer it started raining. The girl was singing a song I really connected with.
My face against the window pane A tear for every drop of rain I am so lonely and so sad You're the reason that I'm feeling bad I am so lonely and so sad Living in a dream I never had
My face against the window pane A tear for every drop of rain I'm living like already I have died Have died Emptiness a present past A silent scream to shatter glass I have to go; it's time for me to fly
I am so lonely and so sad You're the reason that I'm feeling bad I am so lonely and so sad Living in a dream I've never had
Who will care if I'm not here? If suddenly I disappeared? No one's gonna notice it at all
Dying flowers in my hand I'm vanishing from where I stand It isn't yet too late to get the cure
I am so lonely and so sad You're the reason that I'm feeling bad I am so lonely and so sad Living in a dream I've never had So lonely and so sad You're the reason that I'm feeling bad I am so lonely and so sad Living in a dream I've never had
I am so lonely and so sad You're the reason that I'm feeling bad I am so lonely and so sad Living in a dream I've never had So lonely and so sad You're the reason that I'm feeling bad I am so lonely and so sad Living in a dream I've never had (Wake me with your kiss)
I stood their and listened to her hiding myself so she wouldn't see me, her voice was beautiful. I wondered why such a pretty girl like her was sitting alone in the rain singing this song but I honestly didn't have the social energy to talk to anyone today so I just kept myself hidden. The girl than started crying, and I felt kind of bad for her she was such a pretty girl and she seemed really nice too. I start to feel something wet against my skin but it didn't fell like it was rain so I touched my face to see that I'm crying...I instantly stood up and went home, I haven't cried in so long, I didn't know what to do or how to handle it. I ran all the way home, went inside locked the door and layed down on my bed as I began to sob. I was lost and alone, I had no one and I didn't even want to live anymore. I got up and was starting to shake, I think I was having a panic attack. I grabbed a knife and put it on my skin as pressed down...blood started to spill but it wasn't a lot, I had only made a small cut. I put the knife down and fall on the bed sobbing more...I don't know why I did that, I wasn't crying because of the pain I was crying because I couldn't believe I had decided to self harm. My mind started to wonder back to that girl and I drifted off into sleep.
Juvia's POV
Juvia was singing one of her favorite songs "Alone" by Anna Blue. She thought she sensed someone around but she couldn't see anyone and no one ever wants to be around her because it's always raining around her so she shrugged it off. Juvia hated being alone but what else could she do? No one will hang around her and she's annoying. Juvia starts to cry while she sits, there thinking, she was used to this it was her daily routine...wake up and skip breakfast, have a good cry, go for a walk, have a good cry, sing a depressing song, have a good cry, eat a small lunch, and skip dinner, have a good cry in the shower than go to bed, wake up and repeat.
Narrator's POV
That's what Juvia did every day and she didn't plan on changing up this routine, until something happens, something that she was not ready for...finding and saving the person that would change her life forever.
Juvia's POV
Juvia gets up and takes a walk to a coffee shop to eat a small lunch. She sits down and orders a sandwich, and a coffee that's all she wanted to eat. She quickly begins to walk to her seat she didn't like to be around people like this. She was looking at her feet not watching where she was going when she accidently bumps into someone. "Juvia's so s-sorry" she stutters as she looks up at him. He had beautiful ice cold features. He had blue hair and it, he wore a silver necklace that looked like an ice crystal and he wasn't wearing a shirt, he had a nice body too. He also had a silver chain on his shorts.
"I-it's f-fine" he replies, it sounded like his voice was breaking as he walks up to the front to order his drink. Juvia watched him order, he was very handsome but Juvia knew she had no chance....no one likes to hang around Juvia. Juvia sighs as she sits down with her sandwich and coffee and begins to slowly eat, she ate just enough to stay alive, she hated the way she looked, she thought she was ugly. She see's the man pay for his coffee and leave. After Juvia finished eating she got up and walked to her house. She layed down on her bed and thought about the guy she saw, she couldn't get him out of her head.
Gray's POV
After I had woken up, I went and got some coffee when this beautiful and small girl bumps into me. She wore a long light blue dress and had a pink umbrella open and the weird thing is that it was raining inside the building. "Juvia's so s-sorry"
"I-it's f-fine" I reply as I go to get my coffee. As soon as I get my coffee and pay for it I walk out and sit on the roof of a building. I sat there drinking my coffee. I was a failure and and I had killed my master, it was all my fault that she was dead. I sat there for a few hours thinking back on my life back than first I lose my parents to Deliora, and than I try to take down Deliora and my master gets killed because of it. I'm weak and a disgrace and I shouldn't even be alive. After drank my coffee, I stand up and got on the ledge. Tears fell down my face as I got ready to jump when I hear a voice.
"What are you doing?" a voice asks it had just started raining and the voice it sounded like that girl from the coffee shop.
Uh n-nothing just go away" I say quickly.
"Your gonna jump aren't you?" she asks and I turn to look at her and I was right it was the girl from the coffee shop, she was still beautiful as ever. I sigh and turn back around getting ready to just end it here and now when she begins to sing...and it was the same voice as the person in the alleyway, her voice was beautiful. "And every time the rain comes down, You know that I'm the one who'll be around, you're fighting a demon Your heart keeps on bleeding You're feeling so close to the edge...." she sings and looks at me, "don't jump" she says and walks closer to me. "You're losing your temper, You want to surrender, I'm talking you down on the ledge" she puts her hand out, "come take my hand" I look at her and at the ground not sure what to do. "You won't go lonely into this fight, If you just hold me we will survive, Every time the rain comes down I'm the one who'll be around I'll become a part of you and share your pain, Every time the rain comes down I'mma lift you off the ground Gonna grab your hand and take you far away Every time the rain comes down... Every time the rain comes down..." I look at her, the rain mixes in with my tears as I look at her and wonder something.
"Why are you trying to stop me?" I ask her.
"Juvia don't want you to jump...when she's around you for some reason...Juvia don't know it's weird but when she's around you for some reason she feels complete and not lonely anymore" she replies and I realize she talks in third person.
"What's your name?" I ask her.
"Juvia and yours?"
"Gray" I respond.
"Well Juvia I have no reason to live so if you don't wanna see it happen I suggest you leave" I tell her as I turn around.
"All your tears are in vain And it drives you insane Cause nobody cares if you cry" she sings and than says "but I care" than goes back to singing. "Deep inside, there's a riot I feel that you're tired You don't wanna live a lie You won't go lonely into this fight If you just hold me we will survive, Every time the rain comes down I'm the one who'll be around I'll become a part of you and share your pain, Every time the rain comes down, I'mma lift you off the ground Gonna grab your hand and take you far away, Every time the rain comes down... Every time the rain comes down...And every time the rain comes down You know that I'm the one who'll be around." She walks closer to me and gets on the ledge and takes my hand. "Every time the rain comes down I'm the one who'll be around, I'll become a part of you and share your pain Every time the rain comes down I'mma lift you off the ground, Gonna grab your hand and take you far away, Every time the rain comes down... Every time the rain comes down..." she finishes singing and looks at me. "Please don't jump Juvia gets this weird feeling around you and wants to know...no hopes to know you get the same weird feeling"
Juvia's POV
Juvia was trying to talk Gray out of ending everything... "Juvia I don't have a reason to live, my parents are dead because I wasn't strong enough to protect them, my master is dead because I tried killing the demon that killed my parents but I wasn't strong enough I'm a disgrace Juvia. I have no one Juvia I'm all alone so why should I want to live?"
"Gray your not a disgrace and it's not your fault your parents and master passed, please don't end it all...I know what it's like to be alone no one wants to be around me because wherever I go the rain follows, I'm called the rain girl and I don't have parents or friends so I know what it's like but we don't have to be alone anymore...we can be there for each other" Juvia tells him and decides to do something risky, she puts her lips on Gray's and they kiss, a nice long passoite kiss.
"Woah" gray responds.
Juvia looks at Gray "Juvia is sorry, she doesn't know what she was thinking"
"No don't be sorry, I actually really enjoyed it" Gray responds.
"If you enjoyed it than don't jump...it can happen more" Juvia says while blushing. Juvia than leads him down from the ledge and gray smiles.
"Alright I won't" he whispers "also your singing voice is beautiful"
"T-thanks" Juvia blushes.
"I really should be getting home, it's getting late" Gray says to me.
"Why don't you come to Juvia's house? Juvia don't want you alone tonight after what almost happened"
"O-ok s-sure" he responds and Juvia gets really happy, and the rain stops. It hasn't stopped in years.
"Juvia the rain it's gone" Gray says.
Juvia smiles and nods and they head to her house.
(So, I first wrote this on wattpad and they haven’t asked for  it to become a story...if any of y’all want it to be a story let me know and I’ll start writing it on wattpad, royal road, fanfiction.net, Quotev, Archive on our own, and others in the future. My username for all those websites is melodyrenslow. I write stories that aren’t one-shots but are fanfictions on these websites. As of right now most of my stuff is on wattpad but I’m slowly getting everything on the other websites as well.
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