#urghhh so nervous
burrowbaddie · 1 year
🫣 so nervous to post my Joe fic!
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nagiiizsq · 5 months
dating nagi headcannons
-he definitely gives you special treatment like if someone messages him he’d usually ignore them but when its you he replies within minutes (i would say seconds but lets be fr)
-loves when you massage him after stressful games especially his back omgg he’s probably always bending down to hear ppl since he’s quite tall so he’d deff get back pains
-i feel like he’d offer to teach you how to play his game so you two can play together you get his attention and he gets to play the game and be with you at the same time win win situation
-the height differenceeee he’s obviously a very tall man so weather or not your tall hed be towering over you (this ones for my tall girlies)
-king of sexy morning voice his normal voice is already deep but in the morning when he just woke up the rasp and low tone in his voice urghhh
-i can imagine his veiny forearm covering his eyes when you open the curtain trying to wake him up for breakfast omggg
-hes deff the type to get hot easily so he prob sleeps shirtless too his duvet just barely covering him showing off his muscles
-“I’ll come down in a minute baby just close the curtain” he groans sighing softly shoving his face in his pillow and you know damn well he aint getting up
-his love language is deff quality time wether you guys are talking or not he just loves being in your presence its either he’s listening to you talk about something that happened at work/school or you to are both doing your work
-he also is a very good listener i feel and he makes eye contact too you’d even get nervous because of how intensely he’s staring at you staring to stumble on your words and he just asks whats wrong all confused
(Its been a while since I’ve written a fic because of the holidays but i hope this makes do 💕)
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imaybe5tupid · 3 days
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Young Laios and Falin (maybe about 8 and 5 here respectively).
very long rambling hcs about Falin, Laios and Touden Papa under the cut
I’m always been so compelled by the different experiences Laios and Falin had of their father, in a way thats so true to the reality of many siblings. In my mind, to Laios, their father always had to put on his Lord hat around Laios because of Laios’ importance as the heir. Vs with Falin who as the Spare got to experience him much more when he wore his Father hat. Like raising Laios was his duty and raising Falin was his passion. Which is another reason why I really like Falin being a trans girl (in addition to it just being real and true Kui came to me in a vision when I first started reading in 2018), and one who recognised it and transitioned very early on, since it adds another layer to the different gendered expectations he’d then have of her vs Laios.
Also I think it’d make bonding with her and accomodating her different needs as an autistic child (from a “normal” child), much more “okay” in their father’s mind (He’s also autistic to me 🫶). Kind of the way that a lot of fathers irl will not hug their adult sons but have no problem showing affection for and indulging their daughters. I suppose that also has to do with like the idea of gendered expectations and how there is often a tension between sons and fathers, mothers and daughters (I don’t think there was though between Falin and her mom just because of the way Falin is as a person and especially as a child). Taking care of her and watching out for her could easily be a way to kind of indulge the child he once was too, especially since he ultimately sends her to magic school and is shown to have been curious about the outside world (the mythological elvish names of Nussa and Anowtrid…URGHHH I’ve thought this forever but Falin needs to bring home Marcille STATTTTT he would love her he’d think she’s so cool). It wouldn’t be in the conventional ways because they’re not those kind of characters but definitely Falin was a daddy’s girl to me.
I can also definitely see Laios and their mother constantly misinterpreting them both even when trying to be charitable (canon for Laios haha). Their mother since I like to hc that like often w IRL marriages of this time period, she wasn’t from that village at all and was completely isolated, already sickly with a nervous disposition, and then her husband is this cold, unreadable man. Her daughter also puzzles and worries her deeply. Laios of course because in that kind of belligerent teenage boy way he can’t help but project his own complicated, painful feelings for their father, and even for other people in general, onto Falin.
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rivalry-trope-enjoyer · 10 months
An Unexpected Confession (Leviathan x Reader)
Summary: Leviathan has confided in you for as long as you could remember. It's been an equivalent exchange for the most part, until the topic of relationships come up...
Tags: Romantic confession, mutual nerdy pining, fluff, a dating sim get's a little too real
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"Ugh, this lead doesn't like any of the gifts I give her!" Leviathan complains, begrudgingly handing the controller to you.
"The Childhood Friend doesn't like sweets anymore, Levi. You'd know this if you actually paid attention during the dialogue," you chuckle teasingly, giving the character a gift that made the video game character swoon.
"Urghhh I'm a failure of a pro-gamer..." Leviathan groans in annoyance, folding his arms as he watch you continue to play the game.
You and Leviathan started playing a dating sim that he failed miserably going in blind the first time. He hated to admit it, but considering the experience you've had with dating sims was a little bit more than him, he reluctantly asked you for your assistance.
All of this struggle towards trying to woo the video game character made a part of Leviathan feel a little bit somber. As you silently cheer after successfully raising the character's love meter, you could see the demon's mood progressively sour.
"Levi, what's wrong?" you ask reluctantly. "We don't have to keep playing if you want."
Leviathan look away from you, trying his best to mask the rock you feel sinking through your chest. It was inexplainable, but you were the last person he would want to bring up such a problem to.
"N-Nothing! We can keep playing, it's okay, we're almost at the first good ending," he denies, looking at the monitor of the paused game.
You frown at his response, clearly not buying his sad attempt at covering up his emotions. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" you put the controller down and shift to your side to face him. "So what's on your mind, Levi?"
Leviathan takes a long pause, his eyes shifting around the room, anywhere but meeting yours. He was having an internal dilemma as he opened his mouth to speak, but words continued to fail. He wanted to run out of his room then and there, but where would he go? Outside?! He'd rather die...
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, he takes a deep breath and decides to let out what has been bothering him little by little. "You might think I'm a loser, o-or maybe you already think I'm a loser... but I don't have any experience at all when it comes to romance," he sighs out, his hands shaking slightly as he spoke.
You listen to him intently, but your gaze makes Leviathan much more nervous than he started out.
"I-I just wonder when I'm gonna be able to have an experience like this outside of 2D, y'know?" he continues, his head feeling light, like he could pass out at any second.
You took a pause before you could say anything to Leviathan, just beginning his messy ramble that stemmed from a bad ending of a video game...
"Ah, forget it... Y/N I don't know when it'll ever be my turn. Maybe I'm just unlovable. Like the no-good loser I've always been meant to be," Leviathan was slowly slipping from a stable state of mind and started to spiral into madness.
"Levi don't say that," you quickly prompt before his thoughts would get any worse, your own nerves settling in watching him talk down to himself like this.
"B-But what if it's true?" he panics.
"It's not," you respond quickly.
He senses a sudden urgency in your voice and quickly tries to stop himself from talking. "I'm so sorry, Y/N... I didn't mean to start acting like this," Leviathan quickly doubles down.
"It's okay," you reassure. "Sometimes I wonder the same for myself," you speak while letting out a soft chuckle.
Leviathan looks up at you in curiosity. "Y-You? A normie like you has to worry about that?" he asks in a state of bewilderment.
"Well, yeah I guess everyone does at some point in their lives." As you spoke, Leviathan's panic tones down slightly. "But it's what you decide to do about that. If you really think you're doomed to be alone, then I guess there's no harm in trying, right?"
"H-Huh?! Like a confession? I don't think I can do that...," Leviathan's constant stammers descends into an incoherent language.
You encourage him with a sweet smile on your face, scooting to him closer on the couch, making him nearly melt from the action.
"Would it help to lead by example then?" you ask in an innocent voice.
"I-I guess..." Leviathan closes his eyes and nods rapidly.
"Well," you begin, putting on a brave smile for the anxious demon in front of you, despite you feeling embarrassed from what you were about to say.
"Leviathan, I like you! How about a date to the arcade sometime?" you follow up with a wink, watching the demon's face turn into one of perpetual shock.
"Woah Y/N that almost sounded real... I-If I didn't know any better I'd say you were actually confessing to me! Haha...," he blurts out in a fit of anxiety, the palms of his hands sweating as he spoke. He wonders how it came out of your mouth so easily, was it so impossible to think of dating someone like him?!
"Oh that was an actual confession," you smile mischievously. "I really do like you Levi!"
*Leviathan.exe has stopped working.*
You watch him freeze in his spot, his entire body shutting down as you spoke, wondering if he was so consumed in digital media that he confused the art of dating sims for reality.
"Now your turn," you tease, anticipating for Leviathan's response.
You would not be able to get a response from Leviathan for at least minutes as he continues to recover. He has an internal battle of whether or not to say something, his words possibly being utter crap, or to sit there and look even more like an idiot in your eyes.
"C-Can I have some time...?" Leviathan pleads, hiding his face in his hands, close to tears over this reciprocation.
You nod in agreement. "Sure, but in the dating sim there would be a time limit~"
"This isn't that!" he retorts quickly, his voice muffled behind his hands.
Each word comes out of the shy demon's mouth slowly, but surely, a coherent sentence of "I like you, too" came to fruition. Despite being broken up by complaints of frustration and nerves rising to his throat, the message came across to you clean and simple.
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ghost-bxrd · 2 months
Regarding the suggestion of the other ask talking about the 'my baby' tik tok audio. May I recomend the 'Mom, am I still young?' audio? It's impressive how Mitsuki coded Jason is.
Literally!!! Most of Mitski’s songs can be applied to Jason in one way or another.
Like “Coyote, little brother” where the lyrics go “Coyote, Coyote, what have we done? Little brother, where, where do you run?” And “the few that are left, he’s warning the human race of his death” which is so titans tower coded I can’t—-
Not to mention “Cop Car” with “I get mean when I’m nervous like a bad dog” and “don’t think about the past, always there anyway” like… I’m sorry, it’s giving me the feels and there are so many more urghhh 😩💚
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paramountpetrichor · 15 days
Omg omg omg omg omg now that I finally found other sams proshippers IMMA RANT ABOUT HOW MUCH I LOVE SUN X ALL HIS FAMILY MEMBERS!!!!! Old moon x sun? God tier cause of the power dynamics, moon's possessiveness, how closw they were and toxic their dynamic is it makes me so feral and crazy!!! EARTH X SUN IS EEEEEE I've been shipping them ever since earth was announced!! They are the best brosis ship!! Lunar x Sun is fucking cuuuuuttttteeeee!!! I love their interactions and how hes basically sun's baby brother and I'm so happy I found the proship side cause this entire fandom is ruled by antis🥺
Sun and Old Moon make me CLIMB WALLSSS. istfg you could make a list of how many times those two hit on each other and were all up in eachothers faces!!! the tension they had (and still have tbh) is INSANE. Sun was Old Moon's entire world and he'd protect him at all costs, even if Sun's heart was collateral in the process and that's so fucking UAFAIFAIGA GRR RAH RAH BARK SNARL!!! that one episode where Sun reassured O.M that he wasn't a monster??? i can't say the things that i think they DID TOGETHER after that episode without having to mark this post as mature afskagahaa. and oh my god whenever Sun was on his 'villain arc' right before O.M died, you know they had angry makeout sessions. you know they did. literally impossible for them to keep their hands off eachother even when they're fighting.
SUN AND EARTH ARE SO FUCKING CUTE AGSKQGAJSV they LITERALLY had a canon meet-cute where Earth SAVED SUN FROM SPIRALING DURING THE WORST MOMENT OF HIS LIFE. in ANY other media that'd be the start of the best fucking romance you've EVER seen. and not to mention how often they hang out together??? and how much earth makes sure to reassure sun that he's a good brother????? dear god they so have mutual crushes/feelings and are too nervous to say anything. (or they're already dating and just bad at hiding it lol. whenever they trade daycare shifts they also trade Kisses <3)
REPEATEDLY SLAMMING A CREDIT CARD DOWN AGAINST A TABLE. SUN AND LUNAR ARE SO AJAFAH TOO. i imagine they started bonding a long time ago- back during the og lunar design days. they found solace in the fact that they were both """the dumb one""" and quickly became close over that. not to mention the flirting- i mean "sibling bickering" they do all the time that is so URGHHH /VPOS 🤌🤌🤌 i bet they started being romantic one day whenever they were just gaming together n then lunar offhandedly asked "what if we made out lol. ...for like practice ofc ahahahah." and then after sun spent 5 minutes recovering from that he was like ".....sure...?". cue them repeatedly finding excuses to keep making out everyday until they just Accepted they were brothers who kissed ;3c
and also you didn't mention him but hes Technically a part of the family so may i pitch: sun and solar are so good tooooo. there sm ANGST POTENTIAL over solar (at first lol) not knowing if he sees sun as his own person or just a shadow of his own sun, but then solar starts opening up to sun a bit more n' he catches feelings and he catches feelings hard. hypnotized by the thought of solar just losing control one day and kissing sun w/o asking, and hes about to start rapidly apologizing but then sun kisses him back. aaand now they're making out in the daycare. and the only reason they stop is because someone (earth prolly lol) politely asked them if they wanted a room digisgoaga
UNFORTUNATELY your last statement is right, this fandom is primarily run by antis, but ykw, im gonna do everything in my power to carve out a lil safe proship haven for us """freaks"""! we deserve to have a place where we can make them all kiss, dammit!!!
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wantonrowls · 2 years
I don't know if I should be angry or turned on
inspired by Where you truly belong by missdreamshade. read it here:
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"Happy Birthday Y/N!" Your friends shouted as you leaned closer to blow the candle. It was your birthday and you are celebrating with your two closest friends at a small karaoke.
"C'mon what did you wished for?" you shyly smiled at your friend "I can't think of anything else to wish for, I mean I have you guys at my special day so I just wished that this day won't end"
"Aww! Y/N! that's too cheesy urghhh hahaha!" as your friend wiggles her hands and the three of you laughed. After eating the cake and singing some songs, mostly OSTs of your fave shows, you parted ways with your friends
"Y/N, we'll see you tomorrow! Happy Birthday!"
"Yeah Y/N! we can go to the X amusement park tomorrow! Happy Birthday!"
"Yeah! OMG I'm so excited! see you guys tomorrow! thanks for joining me on my birthday!" After exchanging goodbyes you went on to catch your bus at the stop.
You plugged in your earphones to watch the videos recorded from earlier, your friend was singing to the famous Celine Dion song while the other was hugging your friend from behind mimicking that particular Titanic scene and you were laughing in the background while filming them.
It took you a while to notice the man beside you, he faced the other direction when you saw him and he was chuckling softly, you paused the video and removed one of the bud on your ear
"I'm sorry why were you laughing at me?" he didn't looked at you at first as you saw him wiping his eyes from the reflection at the bus stop and then he turned his head to face you, hands still on the pockets of his hoodie
"Oh I'm sorry I can't help it, you just look beautiful when you laugh"
"Uhm...okay..." you turned off your phone and put it back on your pocket. He noticed you were weirded out by his sentence and he quickly stood up from the seat
"Please don't be weirded out I'm just infected by your laugh"
"It's just odd to me...Of course I don't know who you are"
"I'm Felix by the way" he offered his hand as he patiently waited for you to shake his hands. You were tad nervous as you were praying for the bus to come faster leaning at the road thinking to yourself that if a bus comes you will sprint inside. Meanwhile, the guy infront of you is still waiting for you to accommodate his greeting,
"You aren't gonna shake my hands Y/N?"
You were shocked at the moment. Managing to look up to the guy, his hands is still in the air and when your eyes met he shoots you with a sinister-like smile.
"Aight fine, I lied. I already know you. I even know it's your birthday today, Y/N"
"W-who are y-..." Before you can finish the sentence a handkerchief is already suffocating you from behind, the strong scent coming from it knocking you out instantly just enough to visually see Felix catching you before you hit the ground
You sat up immediately when you woke up, remembering most of the things that happened last night right before you got knocked out on the ground and Felix was-...
Yeah where is that guy? And where's my phone?
You looked around the room, Most of the interiors are painted in black even the bedsheet and the pillow you were sleeping into is in velvet black. You stood up and went to the door silently turning the knob, heart throbbing hoping no one will caught you and escape from this place. You successfully opened the door and creeped outside the room, to your surprise everywhere you look theres a similar door from where you came from. Almost tiptoeing while browsing outside, you noticed a huge stairway going down. Before you could go down you bumped onto two huge guys in a suit, the both of them looking mad at you
"Felix won't like it that his doll wants to escape"
"Yeah he won't"
"He wouldn't want to know that this happened"
With their small conversation they instantly picked you up from your feet, the other picking you up on his shoulder while you struggle to land a punch on his back
They walked down the stairway onto a huge oak door, the other opens the door and the other lets you fall on the ground, the two bowed before closing the door leaving you inside, when you turned around the commotion inside the room turned silent, scanning the room and then noticing Felix in the middle of the long wood table, eyes fixated at you, his chin is clenched and his brows are furrowed, his men still looking towards you
"C'mere" Without no choice left you turned your head down while walking towards his seat his eyes glued onto you when you reached him his arms opens motioning you to sit on his lap and you obeyed awkwardly sitting at the end of his lap and he pulls you closer to his thighs hands roaming onto your waist his head resting onto your neck as you feel his lips onto your skin your breathing hitched when he suddenly sucks a small portion of the skin his hands still roaming from your waist onto your stomach as he feels how your body is tense from the sensation
He distanced his face away just enough to notice one of his men looking at the sight of your bare thighs in uniform skirt
"Beautiful isn't she?" while he twirls a finger at your hair teasingly, the man nodded slowly and Felix smirks, his hand went down the gun loosely on his pants
"Alright listen up, I wanna make this fast" he points the gun at the man "This is to anyone who wants to look at what's mine"
You jumped from his lap and immediately covered your ears and shut your eyes. When you opened your eyes, the man fell on his seat with a hole on the middle of his forehead his blood splattered onto the males seated beside him and some caught on Felix's face. He returns his gun on the side of his pants and continues to suck onto your neck like nothing happened, he trails peppering kisses from the crook of your neck onto your tear streaked cheeks and stops when he meets your eyes
"I know what you were trying to do Y/N and I'll deal with you later. Just so you know, everything that happened here was because of you" he whispers in your ear "Now if you don't wanna end up like him, I want you to go back to my room and we'll talk later, understood?" He looks at you waiting for a response and you cannot help but sob then and there. His eyes went from exasperated to dearly as he watches you cry hard uncontrollably. He can't help himself but get a hard on just by looking at your helpless state
"I don't know if I should be angry or turned on, Y/N"
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motto-chanto-itte · 5 months
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cookiesandbiscuits · 2 years
Horns, Wings, and Fishtails (Obey Me! Sirens AU)
A/N: Hello! I am back with another story to tell! (This is not me trying to avoid the piles of school work I have to finish, haha *nervous sweats*)
This is my very first AU, and honestly, I'm very nervous about doing this because I don't know if I will be able to put the idea into words. (Let's just hope it goes well 🤞)
And I'm going to apologize in advance for the late updates. School will be using up most of my free time but I'll try to make new chapters now and then.
Anyways, let's get this show on the road!
Inflicted with a curse of a siren from long ago, our dear MC lives a life away from people, in fear of getting their curse known.
Their simple and monotonous life will soon be disrupted when they got transported to the Devildom as an exchange student. Upon discovering this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, MC sets out to find a way to completely break the curse while trying their best to keep their secret hidden.
Chapter Two >>
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Chapter One: Welcome to the Devildom!
They say that everyone will never not experience love in their lifetime. Its form may be different from person to person, but the essence stays nonetheless.
Sometimes, it brings joy to people who experience it. A blessing, as others call it.
But sometimes, it causes pain and suffering to the heart of a person. An emotion that pushes a person to wish harm to others.
Such is the case of an unfortunate siren who fell in love with a human, only for it to cause her demise in the end.
"...Guess I need to go grocery shopping, huh?" MC looks at the almost-empty fridge and then at Klea, their housemate who was eating the last of the mac and cheese they made last night.
"Sorry, I couldn't help it! It was too good to resist!" She raised her hands like a criminal who got caught.
They sighed. It was understandable, but she could've at least asked for their permission to eat it!
"Fine, the mac and cheese are yours. But I'm using your money to pay for my food since you ate the food I was saving for lunch."
Klea just gave a thumbs up as a sign of agreement.
"...Hold up, you're not going out wearing a raincoat again, are you? It's not even raining outside."
They gave her an apologetic look.
"Klay, you know it makes me feel safer when I wear a raincoat outside," they say as they took their umbrella from the umbrella rack.
"Yeah, I know. But it won't hurt to try and step out of your comfort zone every once in a while, right?"
They stood there silently. They know it wouldn't hurt to try, but they can't risk letting it get out. Again.
"I'll be going now."
"That should be all of it." MC crossed out the last item on their shopping list.
"Let's just hope it'll be enough to last until dinner—"
They winced when they felt a sharp pain in their head.
This might be because I haven't eaten since this morning. Oh no, I'm going to...!
"... Urghhh... Wha... Why am I...?"
MC flinched when they realize that they were in an unfamiliar place.
Where the hell am I?! ...Is this... a courtroom?
"Ah, you're awake now..."
They turned around and saw several men sitting on what looked like thrones made of stone looking at them.
"I was surprised to see you unconscious when you arrived here. Maybe the teleportation spell took a toll on your body. Human bodies are quite fragile after all," the red-haired man said while looking at them with a glimmer of worry in his eyes.
They were confused. Teleportation spell?! What is he talking about?!
"It's understandable for you to be confused, after all, you were brought here without your permission."
"...Here? Where exactly is here? And who are you?"
"Ah, my apologies. My name is Diavolo and as the ruler of all demons and the student council president of the Royal Academy of Diavolo, I welcome you, our newest exchange student, to the Devildom."
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Me while writing this and an essay for school: Ah, fudge. I'm so screwed :') I have no idea how I'm going to write these!
Reblogs are very much appreciated! Reblogging the works of your favorite writers can help their works to be recognized by others.
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shytickles04 · 9 months
so went to the park with my friends. i was sat inbetween two of them and we were all gonna smoke. in the park, rats come out at night ans that freaks me out. my friends saw some so as we sat there i was like oh god i hope no rats come. THEN my one friend on my right started teasing me that a rat was touching me and she started pinching and poking my right ribcage. THEN my friend on my left gave me a little poke/tickle on my left ribcage. BOTH AT THE SAME TIME BTW NEVER BEEN SORTA TICKLED BY TWO AT ONCE. i ofc exaggerated my reactions (so they would continue) and i kept twitching and going “ah stop” and letting slight giggles come out since it wasn’t too ticklish due to me wearing a sweatshirt.
so my friend on the left stopped and so did my friend on the right BUT my friend on the right (also this is my roommate whose threatened to tickle me before AND has poked my ribs once) did it one more time. i turned to her and went don’t do that (which i immediately cursed myself for UGH LIKE U KNOW U WANT THIS) and she goes what? it’s just tickling and she pinched/tickled at my rib again causing me to twitch and giggle a bit. BUT of course i got all nervous and said “don’t” again and she goes “do you not like being tickled?” and i went no (even tho that’s not true) annnddd she stopped sadly
UGH everytime i’m so close to getting fr tickles instead of pokes i always go “no don’t. stop it.” and that person OBVIOUSLY takes it seriously and they stop and then i’m like mentally cursing myself. LIKE if i just changed up what i said MAYBEEE i would’ve gotten fr tickles but i sadly did not :(( like poking/pinching is fun but that’s the furthest i get unfortunately urghhh. THEN i always mentally curse myself after and wish i reacted or said something different so i could fr get tickles.
however i’ll take what i can get i guess🫡 (need to stop resisting it because i’m so close everytime and then it doesn’t happen. it’s like a tease from the universe UGH)
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drawlfoy · 10 months
I can't tell you just how heartbroken Wonders of Ohio left me. I've only ever felt that way with one other fic, and even then WoO topped it. Unlike WoO, the other fic had a very clean cut ending to it (they both died at the end rip) so I wasn't left to my own thoughts about what could've happened after. Which might be why WoO has been absolutely haunting me for the past two days, it hasn't left my mind at all. I think about certain moments, the ending, oh god ESPECIALLY THE ENDING, AT LEAST once an hour. I get that familiar feeling of my throat drying up and my eyes begin to water when I think about it. Another reason being the way you write. I was able to immerse myself into the story and imagine what I was reading in my head, one specific case of this I remember was when Draco made Reader and himself late to school. When he was fidgeting in the passengers seat, his hair unkempt, I could almost see him. I imagined draco with his messy platinum hair, wearing a muggle polo shirt because its just so posh rich kid of him, nervous as he leaned over the middle compartment into the backseat as he performed that glamour spell. I've never been very creative and imaginative but with your writing it was easy for me. It reminded me of how I was able to do the same when reading the Harry Potter books, being able to almost live in that universe in my head was so refreshing. Anyways this is really long, SORRY, but when I saw that you also had a Tumblr (as I originally read your stories on AO3) I just had to look. I scrolled through your page for a while and I gasped when I eventually saw that you posted what you started on writing for a continued ending? (I don't know how to phrase it I'm sorry 😭) I read it and while WoO is still breaking my heart over and over again, I think I'll be able to think about it for longer than 5 minutes at a time without bursting into tears now. So thank you. 🩷
AHHH i’m so upset bc i typed out a whole response and the fucking tumblr app (count ur days staff) deleted it urghhh
anyway some points i’d like to hit (apologies for the length but i just wanted to give this the response it deserved):
1) first of all THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHABKYOU this was genuinely the highlight of my whole year. people like you are the reason i write and i’m being so genuine when i say that this message is like the kind of stuff i dream about getting as a writer. so in conc i’m kissing you on the mouth you didn’t need to but you wrote all of this out and for that i’m forever grateful
2) some thoughts on the ending: first of all IM SORRY lmaoo. i’ll let u in on a little secret: i actually originally planned on a completely different ending where y/n ended up using the box right off the bat and went back to england and spent the last half of the fic learning magic and interacting with the golden trio crew/the malfoys. i told this to a few writer friends and they made me realize that it wouldn’t be as useful in actually answering the silly question that i based the whole fic on (what would draco do if he was plopped in the middle of muggle america?). i decided then that i really was more interested in learning how draco’s character would develop as he came to love someone who was fundamentally differently from him (and didn’t first go through a change that departed from her basic character traits). from then on i realized that a happy ending wouldn’t involve either of them giving up their world at the end of the summer, since they needed to grow up a little bit (and at that point i was old enough to find the idea of giving up your entire life for a relationship at 18 completely terrifying). hence the sad ending…but i think in the long run it means that they end up having a much healthier dynamic later on!
3) if you want to know about what happened after the deleted scene you found: i left the ending so open because i always thought i’d come back to write another series where i explored what happened after, but i don’t think i’ll end up doing that so i’ll tell you what i was planning. i always imagined y/n eventually going to england after graduating and getting established in her career and learning magic (because like literally who wouldn’t if presented with that option). draco is just kind of like a stay at home husband who’s just psyched to be there.
4) thank you so so much for your note about how immersive WoO was!! i’m ngl i’ve always struggled with incorporating imagery into my work. i spent my formative years avoiding anything i considered to be purple prose and that really reflected in my writing. i’m not a super visual person so if i could mention the 3 details i think are important in each scene and could just get on with the meat of the plot, i would, so i’m so thrilled to hear that it was able to give you that experience as a reader despite the fact that i’ve always been worried that i can’t 🥹 thank you again for telling me all of this bc it genuinely warmed my heart i know that this is a little disjointed but oml this like made my day
ill stop talking now because i’m gonna get even more incoherent okok but thank you!!!!! <3
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tickly-trashcan · 2 years
Tummyaches {Chongyun, Xiangling, Xingqiu}
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A/N: thank you for the request!! I had a lot of fun with this hehe, I like this trio quite a bit~ I think this one turned out a little silly urghhh i’m not super happy with it even though it was fun to write. That said, I still hope you enjoy! Have a lovely day and remember to stay hydrated! :D
Summary: After eating some spicy food, Xiangling and Xingqiu try to help Chongyun’s tummy.
Word Count: 1.2k (under the cut)
“Xiangling… Does this have Jueyun Chilis in it?”
“Yep! I put in plenty, don’t worry! Er… Do you not want any?”
Chongyun shifted hesitantly in his seat, glancing at Xingqiu. Chongyun immediately furrowed his brows when he noticed the smug grin on Xingqiu’s face that he didn’t even bother to try hiding as he looked at Chongyun.
He and Xingqiu had promised Xiangling they would try a new dish of hers, but Xingqiu had gotten to the Wanmin Restaurant before Chongyun, therefore being the one to put in the order.
“Yours also has extra carrots. I just need some feedback on whether or not it’s tasty!” Xiangling said, her eyes nervous despite the smile she was forcing. Chongyun looked at Xingqiu, who chuckled softly now. Xingqiu hated carrots, but Chongyun didn’t mind them. He probably just wanted to show Chongyun that he was behind it.
Chongyun sighed, taking the plate from Xiangling as he sniffed it. Just the scent burned due to its spiciness. Chongyun took a deep breath and took a bite, Xiangling and Xingqiu both looking at him in shock.
Xiangling exchanged a look with Xingqiu, her eyes wide. “I thought he wouldn’t eat it, Xingqiu!”
“I didn’t either! Does he have his popsicles?”
Chongyun’s face was quickly transitioning to a bright red color as his eyes watered. He dropped his utensil and gasped after swallowing the spicy food, patting himself down quickly as he looked for a popsicle. Xiangling ran back into the kitchen, wailing about needing some popsicles from her dad as Xingqiu began to laugh.
“Chongyun, why would you eat it?? Oh goodness,” He chuckled, and Chongyun glared at him.
“This isn’t funny! It’s so… spicy!” Chongyun wailed. “Where are my popsicles?”
“I have some milk! We don’t have any extra popsicles, sorry Chongyun!” Xiangling said as she ran back into the room, holding a glass of milk. Chongyun was grateful for anything that could stop the spiciness and grabbed the glass from Xiangling. He chugged nearly the whole glass in one gulp, setting the cup down as his head fell on the table.
“Xingqiu!! We killed him!” Xiangling shrieked, shaking Chongyun’s shoulders as Xingqiu nearly fell out of his chair. 
“We-We didn’t kill him! We just… I think it was too spicy.”
“You think? Oh, I shouldn’t have given him the spicy one! Now I’ll never know if my dish was tasty or not!”
Chongyun groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head as Xiangling gasped in relief. “He’s alive!”
“My yang energy almost took over… I think the milk helped…” Chongyun said slowly, Xiangling nodding frantically as Xingqiu came down from his laughing fit.
“It’s not funny, Xingqiu!” Xiangling said. She began to rub Chongyun’s stomach, making him flinch. “You hurt his tummy!”
“Xiangling – Xiangling, please dohon’t,” Chongyun started, a small giggle escaping his lips as Xiangling continued to rub his stomach. Xingqiu raised an eyebrow, noticing Chongyun’s reaction, and grinned.
“I did? Oh no, I’m so sorry dear Chongyun. I didn’t mean to hurt your tummy,” Xingqiu said, his tone teasing. Xingqiu began to rub Chongyun’s stomach as well from where he sat, making Chongyun squeak.
“Xingqiu! Don’t!” Chongyun said, swatting at Xingqiu’s hand. Xingqiu pulled back in offense, putting his hand to his chest.
“Chongyun, I’m simply trying to help your tummy! Xiangling, you’ve made noodles before, right?”
“Of course I have!”
“Well…” Xingqiu started, smiling at Chongyun. “I think we might need to make some noodles with Chongyun.”
Chongyun didn’t know how to make noodles. His auntie always helped him, but she would make the noodles while he made the sauce. He had seen glimpses sometimes, seeing Shenhe punch the dough until it was soft enough to make noodles with. His eyes widened and he pulled himself away from Xingqiu and Xiangling. “You guys are not going to beat me up!”
Xiangling laughed. “I think I know what Xingqiu means. We’re not gonna beat you up, we’re gonna knead you!”
Chongyun raised an eyebrow. “Knead…?”
“It’ll help your tummy!” Xingqiu insisted. Before Chongyun could protest or ask any more questions, Xiangling’s hands were back on his stomach, squeezing.
Chongyun almost immediately flailed backwards, falling out of his chair as Xiangling and Xingqiu followed, kneading his tummy and sides as Chongyun laughed.
“Nohoho! This isn’t hehehehelping! This is just tihickling!” Chongyun shrieked, shoving at Xiangling and Xingqiu, trying to push them away. Xingqiu shook his head, grinning as he pinched near Chongyun’s hips.
“It might tickle, but it’s going to make you feel better!”
“Let us know when you feel better, Chongyun!”
Chongyun couldn’t tell whether Xiangling was in on it or fully believed Xingqiu. Either way, her tickles were driving him mad. She had very precise fingers, being a chef, and her squeezes and pinches were very ticklish. Xingqiu was less dextrous, but he knew how to tickle Chongyun better than anyone else and took full advantage of it.
“Wahahait! Xiahahangling, not thehehere!”
“Why not? Oh, are you feeling better here? I’ll try somewhere else then!”
Xiangling shifted upwards, now skittering her fingers across Chongyun’s ribs. Chongyun squealed, realizing that Xiangling was totally in on it when she abandoned the kneading method. He threw his head back and cackled as Xiangling and Xingqiu laughed along with him, causing a loud ruckus in the Wanmin Restaurant.
Chongyun’s face was getting pink again, and his giggles were escalating as Xingqiu squeezed his hips. Xiangling had deserted his ribs in search of his underarms, scratching her nails lightly under them as Chongyun hollered.
“Yohohohou guhuys! I – I cahahan’t take anymohohore!”
Xiangling glanced at Xingqiu nervously as Chongyun’s laughter became more squeaky and snorty, slowing her fingers.
“Xingqiu, do you think he’s had enough?”
Xingqiu glanced at Chongyun’s face, noticing the heavy blush and his teary eyes. Xingqiu blushed himself at the sight, looking at Xiangling quickly to try and suppress it. “I think we should at least give him a break. Y’know… so that we can determine whether his tummy is feeling better or not.”
Xiangling beamed suddenly in realization as she nodded. “Oh right! His tummy!”
Chongyun wailed in annoyance. The two of them weren’t even pretending anymore, they were just messing with him because they thought it was funny. He pouted when they relented, crossing his arms and turning his back to them. Xiangling whined.
“Chongyun~! We were only trying to make you feel better! Come on, you know we love you!”
Chongyun mumbled something that neither of them heard and the two of them exchanged a glance. Xingqiu smirked, then threw himself on Chongyun, hugging him tightly.
“If tickles didn’t make you feel better, then we’ll just have to hug you until you smile!”
“No, wait–”
“Yup! Hugs all around!” Xiangling piped in, wrapping her arms around the two of them.
“You guys,” Chongyun whined, but a smile was growing on his face. “You guys are too much.”
They laughed, and Chongyun laughed with them. They ruffled his hair and Xiangling trotted off to the kitchen, promising to make Chongyun some cold noodles as he thanked her profusely. Xingqiu teased Chongyun lightly about the spicy food before laughing, the two of them sitting down as they waited for Xiangling to serve them.
“Here we are! Two cold noodles, one with extra carrots!” Xiangling said, putting the extra carroty one in front of Xingqiu as he grimaced. Chongyun laughed, pushing it closer to Xingqiu.
“Go on, Xingqiu! Take a bite.”
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sunshineandviolets · 1 year
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I posted 5,112 times in 2022
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4,736 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,890 of my posts in 2022
Only 43% of my posts had no tags
#the wayhaven chronicles - 155 posts
#morning reblog 💖 - 131 posts
#the owl house - 77 posts
#romance club - 72 posts
#the exile - 71 posts
#my edits - 63 posts
#last reblog &lt;3 - 58 posts
#amphibia - 55 posts
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#playchoices - 53 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#im so tired of customisable lis thats just has the men being buff with 6 pack and the women version has an hourglass figure and noodle arms
My Top Posts in 2022:
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" Enchantée, girl obey If you wanna get with me Then love me, love me, la-la-la-love me Treat me like I'm royalty "
Ms Raini Singh Monique, from Golden IF & commissioned art by @sosolenoo
Thank you again so much for this!! The art looks stunning 💖💖💖!!
60 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
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"This is what happens. I get nervous and slip up. Then I realize I've slipped up and get more nervous."
Aislinn Tanaka from Laws of Attraction &lt;3
61 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
i get that its the 'main storyline' but i genuinely do not care about ricky/gina/ej situation.
storylines i rather they focus more on instead:
Kourtney & her being the actual lead of the musical and dealing with anxiety.
Ashlynn and her queer realisation arc
Jett & Maddox reconciling- esp knowing more about the whole implication that he accidently outed her relationship with Maddison to their parents???
87 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
I really wish choices brought back the 'confirming you sexuality' option like they did in the elementalists.
really would've come in handy so i dont get hella uncomfy when the guy characters flirt hard with my mc. and the mc acting like they are into it..
like on a more recent note with loa book 2, that bar scene with whats - his - name , new partner guy...
i hated that scene sm, was not here for him whispering up close and flirting urghhh.
worse cause the option where you could say no to the diamond scene wasnt really a 'no' just a 'not tonight'. like mc only turned him down cause they were with their friends.
when reality... shouldve been like :
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no uncomfy flirtations - he just moves away and it stays completely platonic. is that so much to ask for???
90 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
y'all need to know that your mc isn't the centre of the universe right?
like it's okay if the ro can have a life outside them and if not romanced can flirt around with others.
152 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Fluff Series. Part Four. Chap 78 and onwards.
78) Ask me out. Grell/UT. Requested.
79) Apes. Othello/William. Requested.
80) Fanboy. William/Undertaker. Requested.
81) Time together. William/Sebastian. Requested.
82) He's mine! William/Undertaker. Requested.
83) Gone too long. Claude/Sebastian. Requested.
84) Bottoming. Ronald/William. Requested.
85) Operation. Ronald/William. Requested.
86) Paris. Ronald/William. Requested.
Chapter 1: Ask me out. Undertaker/Grell. Requested by Adalie_Delacroix.
Chapter Text
Grell hadn’t long graduated, at least in reaper terms. Her hair was starting to grow out now, nails red as she tapped at the top of her desk. This paperwork was so dull.
She thought she heard movement behind her, but when she turned in her seat, she saw no one. “Hmm … how odd.”
She turned back –
Sniff. Sniff.
She froze in place, breath hitching. Someone was indeed right behind her, and not only that, they were sniffing her hair. She gritted her teeth. “The last person who touched my hair ended up in the morgue.”
“Tricky when you’re already dead, hehe.”
“Oh … it’s you.” Legendary reaper or not, Grell wasn’t too keen. He was good looking, for sure, but strange, very strange, even for her.
“Hmm.” Another stiff.
“Let go of my hair!”
“Oh … but it smells wonderful. What a sweet strawberry you are.”
Grell went a little strawberry coloured herself, in the cheeks. A handsome man paying her a compliment? That didn’t happen often … well, at all. “Wh-what do you want?”
“Tsk … so defensive.” He bent down a little more, chin resting on her shoulder. “You make it sound like I wish to harm you, hehe.”
“Did I say that?!”
“My, my, is it that time of the month?”
Her cheeks went redder. “No, of course not. Now tell me what you want – I am a busy lady, you know.”
“Too busy for a date?”
“A da – what?!”
“Must I repeat myself? Hmm, you don’t sound too keen?”
“Well you did just come into my office and start sniffing me!”
“Oh … but I could do so much more than that.” His lips went to her neck, not kissing, but lightly grazing over the skin.
It made Grell jump a little, shiver. Not out of disgust – it was turning her on a little. She pressed her knees tightly together. Oh … what the hell. May prove worthwhile …. “Can you guarantee I will get something out of this? Mmm … something pleasing?”
“Well that depends on if you let me pleaseee you, doesn’t it? Hehe.”
“Hmm, very true. Where are you planning to take a classy lady such as I?”
“Hehe, I’ll meet you at Highgate Cemetery at nine.”
“A cemetery?! Are you -.” She stopped mid-sentence. He was gone.
“Urghhh!” She folded her arms over her chest, slid down in her seat. “What a freak!”
A weirdo, yes, but she’d still end up at the destination that night. He’d peaked her curiosity.
And as she sat there, unmoving, she realised that that wasn’t all he had peaked. She grunted loudly. Time to use the bathroom ….
Chapter 2: Apes. Othello/William. Requested by BlackButlerFan13.
No more requests for a while please. Trying to catch up.
Chapter Text
Othello looked at himself in the mirror. Today was the day. It was almost six in the morning, and he’d be at work soon.
He was nervous, more than nervous. He’d been dying to ask William out on a date for a while now, but was scared witless about it; he’d even asked his friends for advice. Alan had Eric, and Grell and Ronald always seemed to be on various dates, were pros at the dating game. But they’d all given different advice, had confused him greatly.
“Come … on, you can do this. All you have to do is ask him out. That’s it!” He leaned forward, hands curling against the sink. “Stop being a wimp and just do it!”
He flinched when he heard a loud bang on the wall from next door. “Oi! Keep it down, would ya?!”
“Y-yes, sorry.” He sighed deeply. He hadn’t even asked William out yet, and it was already going wrong. “You’ve … got to get it together – what’s the worst that could happen?”
After more shouting at himself, more getting shouted at, Othello rolled into work. A little while passed, and he finally built up the courage to knock on William’s door.
Knock. Knock.
“Yes, come in.”
With a gulp, Othello pushed it open, walked into the office. “William -.”
“Sorry,” William looked up at him, frowned, “do I know you?”
“Umm ….”
“No, I don’t think I do.”
“We spoke … once, during the … living d-doll case,” he stuttered.
“Oh, I see.” He put his pen down on the desk. “Can I help you?”
“W-well ….”
“Spit it out, would you? I am a busy man.”
Othello rubbed at the back of his head, nervous beads of sweat beginning to form on his forehead. Seemed like he’d lost this chance already. But he had to ask. “Uh … I’m free tonight … and Planet of the Apes … is showing.”
“I have no idea what that is.”
“It … it’s a film.”
William gave him a stern look; it made Othello feel quite uncomfortable. “Are … you asking me out on a date?”
“Um -.”
“Because Grell has tried this for over a century, every which way, and she has failed in more ways still -.”
“It … it doesn’t have to be a date,” he said, desperately.
William picked up his pen, went back to his work. “I will think about it.”
“I’ll be at … the Odeon in Leicester Square at eight.”
“R-right. Umm … bye.”
Othello hurried out of the room, his cheeks a bright red. As soon as the door shut behind him, he slammed his palm against his forehead – he felt as if he’d embarrassed himself completely.
He gaped when he saw William approaching him. As the supervisor came to stand in front of him, he gulped. “Y-you made it, I see.” He couldn’t believe it.
“I did, yes.” He gave a small nod. “We should buy our tickets, yes?”
The curly-haired reaper couldn’t help but smile. “Y-yeah.”
The two walked out of screen seven, crowds of people around them, all chattering. “That … that film was so good,” Othello gushed.
“I thought it was atrocious,” William grumbled.
“Oh … I’m sorry.”
He adjusted his glasses, pushed them up his nose. “It is fine.”
“Okay -.”
“The company wasn’t so bad.”
“Oh.” A gulp. “So -.”
“You are a lot less annoying than those I usually have around me.”
“Th-that’s great. Should we do … this again?”
“If you find a better film next time around, yes.”
“S-sure.” Othello took a deep breath. His heart raced a little. “Can … we call the next time a date?”
William pondered for a moment before giving a quick nod. “Yes, that is fine, I suppose. Well, goodnight.” He took off towards the door.
A wide smile spread across his face. “G-goodnight. W-wow ….”
He couldn’t believe it. He’d won William over.
Chapter 3: Fanboy. William/Undertaker. Requested by TheWitchingHour7.
This is kinda crack, but I enjoyed writing it nonetheless.
Chapter Text
William T. Spears hurried along the hallways of the association. Time was precious and in short supply, and he had copious amounts of paperwork to do. He’d not long graduated from the academy and felt he had to impress the higher ups. He already quested for a promotion.
But he stopped, as he did a lot of the time, in front of a statue. He stood there, in awe of this legendary reaper. There’d been countless stories told of this man during William’s time at the academy. He’d heard all about his successes.
He admired the grey-haired reaper. No, it wasn’t just that. He wanted to be just as good as him, as respected as him.
No. He wanted to be better.
A few weeks passed, the promotion seeming to be no closer. Even if William was impressing the ones above him, it seemed like a long wait ahead of him.
Two days ago, he’d stumbled upon an old photograph of the reaper, and his cheeks had flushed a little at the sight. The man was gorgeous, better than any statue could portray. He wondered if he’d ever see the legend in person – he wasn’t often seen nowadays.
If William ever saw him, he’d be asking for advice. But the thought of seeing him in real life made the young reaper blush.
Seemed as if he had a little crush.
He was, yet again, hurrying through the halls at present. In his rush, he knocked into someone. Papers fell out of his arms, much to his frustration. “Would you watch where you – oh ….” He trailed off, gulped. It was him.
The grey-haired reaper chuckled. “Whoops.”
William hurried to pick up his papers, his face flushing, heartrate speeding up. “I … I am so sorry.” He straightened up, looked at the reaper properly. He went redder. The elder reaper was so, so hot.
“Hehe, your glasses must be broken.”
“Yes … they must be.” William extended a shaky hand. “It … it is a pleasure to meet you.”
William gulped again, was confused by his laughter. “Is … is something funny?”
The legendary reaper held his stomach. “Oh … no, it’s nothing.”
“Oh ….”
“It’s just – every time I come in here, everyone stares at me! I do wonder why, hehe!”
“I didn’t m-mean to stare – you are just such a legend. And … and I admire you for everything y-you have done. It … it is amazing, all the things you h-have accomplished.” He was beginning to ramble, was feeling quite hot and sweaty. “You truly are a … a brilliant man.”
He grinned widely. It was fun to see someone so flustered. Especially someone as easy on the eyes as William. “Oh, and here I thought it was because I was so handsome, hehe.”
“You are -.” Oh … God …. William paled instantly. He couldn’t believe he’d actually said that.
“Thank you, hehe – ooohhh, hahahaha!” William had gotten too stressed, and had hit the floor, was out cold. “My, my, how embarrassing. Poor chap ….”
Sometime later, William awoke in the infirmary. A nurse was standing over him. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine ….” He cringed as he remembered what had happened. And to make it worse, the legend was nowhere to be seen. I … I scared him away …. “I … fainted, didn’t I?”
“Yes, but you’ll be fine. Oh!”
William flinched. “What is it?” Don’t shriek, you foul woman. My head is pounding ….
A folded-up note was handed over to him. He frowned, opened it. As he read it, his cheeks darkened, a smile coming over his lips. Things hadn’t crashed and burned after all.
‘You proved to be quite entertaining. I need more of that in my life. Come see me again.’
Underneath was his address.
William held it tightly in his hand. He was feeling quite revitalised already.
Chapter 4: Time together. William/Sebastian. Requested by Planx.
Chapter Text
It was a Tuesday night, the one night of the week when Sebastian could get away from the mansion, spend time at his partner’s.
This week was the same as always, the demon making small talk with William as the reaper plodded through paperwork. A busy month at the association had turned into two, which had then turned into a year.
Sebastian didn’t like it one bit, wanted some attention, but he could understand it. It was the same with him and Ciel – do your job or get whined at by brats pretending to be bosses.
The next week came, and so did more of the same. But this time, Sebastian was in a bad mood. Ciel had been more than a little irritating the past two days.
A cup of tea was placed down on the kitchen table. William glanced up at his partner, “thank you,” before getting back to work.
Sebastian was going to have none of it tonight. He wanted conversation – and how long had it been since they’d slept together?
He began to waffle on about recipe ideas. “The young master is growing tired of cake of the chocolate variety.”
“I see.” William was trying not to pay attention – he really wanted to get this damn work done, had to focus fully on it.
“Maybe something with strawberry – oh … or a tart. The young master enjoys pastry. He -.”
“Sebastian, I am trying -.”
“Cheesecake may be a good option -.”
“Sebastian, enough.”
“Yes, I know, you are trying to work.”
“Precisely -.”
“Which is why I am attempting to distract you.”
“Excuse me?” William frowned.
Sebastian eyed him sternly. “Demons are not known for their patience, and I think I have been patient enough.”
“Sebastian, I -.”
“I understand that you have work to do … but I don’t come over here to make small talk, to sit here awkwardly – you have been ignoring me for the most part.”
William nodded slowly. He knew Sebastian had a point. “You feel unappreciated, I see.”
The reaper sighed, pushed his papers off of the table. They crashed to the floor. “Then no more paperwork for tonight.”
That brought a smile to Sebastian’s lips. “Thank you. I will make you something to eat and then we can sit down and talk, properly.”
He smiled too. “I would like that.”
“Mmm … this is delicious,” William stated as he tucked into his meal.
“I am quite skilful when it comes to cooking,” the demon replied. “This is nice, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it is.” To actually spend quality time together – William hadn’t realised how much he’d missed it.
And so, Tuesdays changed. No more paperwork. Just talking, enjoying each other’s company. And occasionally, a cheeky trip to the bedroom.
Chapter 5: He's mine! Undertaker/William. Requested by Rebecca.
Chapter Text
“Grell, I said go away,” William hurried out of branch, the redhead right on his tail.
“I will as soon as you tell me why!” She’d been asking the same question all through the morning – why won’t you go on a date with me?
“It doesn’t matter why,” he grumbled.
“It matters to me!”
“I don’t see why. It really isn’t any of your business.”
“But -.”
“I can tell her,” came a familiar voice. William cringed internally – he was meant to be meeting Undertaker for lunch, didn’t realise he’d be so close by already.
“Yes!” Grell nodded. “Please do! He’s such a mean -.”
“He’s dating me, tehehe.”
“What?!” The colour drained from her face. “William, is this true?!”
William was blushing like a madman. “I ….”
“Of course it is, hahahah!” He grabbed hold of William’s wrist, dragged him away.
Grell stood there, gaping. It was so unfair! The two men she crushed after were dating EACH OTHER! What about her?!
As soon as the two of them were out of sight, William pulled his hand away. “What was that?!”
Undertaker blinked at him. “Hmm?”
“You told – you knew I didn’t want anyone to know!”
“Well I did, hehe. It’s about time.” Undertaker smiled brightly at his partner. “And it got Grell off of your case. You should be thanking me, tehe.”
William glared at him. “Honestly ….” He went to walk away, but his partner grabbed him from behind, arm wrapping around his middle. “What -?”
“Don’t be like that, William.” Undertaker pulled him closer, lips grazing against his neck. “You know you can’t stay mad at me.”
He went even redder. “St-stop that!”
“Don’t want to.”
He gasped as his neck was sucked on, his knees going a little weak. “Ahh ….” Undertaker bit down lightly on the skin. “Mmm – okay, you’re forgiven! Now stop it!”
The grey-haired reaper did as he was told. “Good boy.”
“Sh-shut up.”
He laughed lightly. “We should head to lunch, yes?”
“Yes,” he gulped, “please.”
“Sure thing, ‘darling’.”
“D-don’t call me that!”
Chapter 6: Gone too long. Claude/Sebastian. Requested by Daisy.
Wasn't sure what age to put the child at, so settled with this.
Chapter Text
It was late at night, the sun having set long ago. Claude snuck through the Phantomhive manor, down a secret passageway, to a door. He knocked on it.
The past two years had proven hard for him and his partner. Their child had had to be hidden away from Ciel’s eyes, and with Alois to tend to, Claude didn’t get to see much of his daughter.
The door was opened, Sebastian smiling warmly. “Hello.”
“Daddy!” Roseanne hurried past her mother’s legs. She had black hair, just like her parents, that fell down her back, and brownish, red eyes.
Claude gave her a smile, before picking her up. “What are you still doing up?”
“Demon’s don’t have to sleep, Daddy.”
“Yes, that’s true, you clever girl.” She was indeed clever for her age, was developing quickly. “But you should nap so your mother can get some rest.”
She pouted a little. “Not tonight. I want to stay up with you!”
“She has missed you,” Sebastian stated, his smile slipping a little.
Claude gave a small nod. “And I have missed you both.”
Two hours passed; Roseanne had run her parents a bit ragged with her running around, playing tag. Her energy was astounding.
But now, she was resting on her father’s lap, head against his chest. She was beginning to doze off, not because she was tired, but because she was warm and comfortable in his hold.
“Have you taken her outside?” Claude asked.
“A couple of times, at the break of dawn.” Sebastian chuckled. “She has been chasing the squirrels around the garden, has tried to throttle a few.”
Claude patted his daughter’s arm lightly. “That’s my evil little girl.”
“Hmm, I do wonder who she gets it from.”
“Maybe. Will you … stay with us until morning?”
Claude sighed – his partner looked so hopeful. “I may be spotted -.”
“P-please, Daddy, stay … with us,” the child said softly.
Another sigh. “Yes, yes … alright.”
A wide smile spread across Sebastian’s lips. “Thank you.”
Chapter 7: Bottoming. Ronald/ William. Requested by Alice.
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William had to hold in a sigh as he sat down next to Ronald on the sofa. Ronald had been asking William to bottom for him for a while now. It wasn’t as if he’d been pestering the supervisor, or asking every night, but today was their tenth anniversary, and William knew what was going to be asked.
Of course the blonde would want ‘that’ as a gift. Always sex on the brain with that one.
Ronald cuddled up to him. “I missed y’ today. Wish y’ hadn’t gone ta work.”
An arm was swung around the blonde. “You know I hadn't a choice.”
“Yeah.” He let out a soft breath. “Well … doesn’t matter, because y’re here now. Time for presents?”
“Yes, I suppose it is.”
Small gifts had been exchanged. Books, chocolate, nothing too special. But now, they were in the bedroom, kissing and cuddling, had been for a … little too long.
The kiss was broken. “Ronald, you are stalling.”
“Yeah ….” His teeth scraped against his lip for a few moments. “I … was kinda hopin’ … if I spent enough time on kissin’ and stuff, y’d let me top y’.”
The supervisor raised an eyebrow. “You were thinking of foreplay?”
“Yeah, so … please?” He gave his partner a little smile.
William lay back into his pillow, looked away. “Fine ….”
“I said yes, fine.”
“Y-y’ll do it?” He was shocked.
He sighed. “If only to stop you pestering me.”
That sentence made him feel a little bad. “I … I’m not. It’s jus’ … I thought it’d feel nice … y’ know, if y’ jus’ stop thinkin’ bottomin’ is gonna make y’ any less of a man.”
“No … that is not ... the reason.”
“Y’re embarrassed then?”
He swallowed down the lump in his throat. “A … a little.”
“Okay.” He rolled onto his back, looked up at the ceiling. “Well … I don’t want y’ ta agree jus’ because y’ think I won’t shut up. If … if y’ really don’t wanna, I’ll stop askin’.”
William was silent for a moment. Maybe he was a little curious? And, really, how much longer could he say no to that adorable face? “No … I will, but just this once. And only because it is our anniversary.” For him, and only him, I am willing.
“Really? Y’ sure?”
“Yes … but if you hurt me, I shall kick you out of the window.”
“Heh, I don’t doubt it, babe,” he grinned. “Thanks, really.”
“Y-you are welcome.”
“Pheww … tha’ was great,” the blonde beamed, tucking his arms behind his head.
William panted heavily, was covered in sweat. “Yes … it … it was.”
He enjoyed it, maybe a little too much; might just want to try it again ….
The next day came, and William was definitely feeling it, was very sore. He took cautious steps down the hallway at work, wincing as he went.
He let out an exasperated sigh as the redhead rushed down the hall to him. “Go away, Sutcliff.”
“Noo, I -.”
“Yes.” He began to walk away, but heard her laugh. His eyebrow twitched. “What?”
“You bottomed, didn’t you, Darling?”
“What? No! Wh-where do you get -?”
“You’re walking like you have just taken a giant turd – oh, bottoming! That’s adorable, Willy! Ronnie had such a treat last night!”
William went bright red, and despite his pain, he rushed away from her.
He’d never been so embarrassed in all his life.
Chapter 8: Operation. Ronald/William. Requested by Kelsey.
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“Oh, Darling! You poor thing!”
That was the first thing William heard upon waking up from his operation. He’d needed surgery to correct the damage from a run in with a scythe. Grell’s fault, as always.
He wasn’t too with it, thanks to the anaesthetic, but he knew he didn’t want the cause of all his problems at his bedside. “G-get … out of my room, Grell,” he managed.
“No -.”
“You … you aren’t R-Ronald, so go,” he said in his daze.
That peaked Grell’s curiosity. “Ronald? Really? You want him here?”
“Yes … having him here … would be wonderful.” He looked up at her, eyes half lidded and unfocused. “He is wonderful ….”
“Oooh.” She leaned in closer, her excitement rising. “Do you have a crush on him?”
“I … love him,” came his groggy reply. He rolled his head to the side, sighed. “Grell, go … would you? My head is … pounding.”
“Oh … okay, Willy Dear,” she grinned. She would leave him be, but she’d be going straight to Ronald. And she was going to tell the blonde all about what the drugged-up reaper had said.
Oh, this was indeed exciting!
“Heh, he really said tha’?” Ronald asked, scratching at the back of his head.
“He did indeed. No wonder he’s always so quiet and angsty around you,” she grinned. “I am jealous, I have to admit. Willy Dear is so handsome!”
Ronald gave his friend a little eyeroll. “Grell, don’t ge’ ahead of y’self.” He chuckled. “He was probably so drugged up tha’ he didn’t know wha’ he was sayin’.”
“Exactly! The medication loosened his tongue, made him tell his heart’s true desires!”
The blonde laughed lightly. She was getting so hyped up. “Heh … maybe. We’ll see.”
“Y-you have a plan?” She clapped her hands together. “You do, don’t you?!”
A wide grin spread across his face. “Hell yeah I do.”
Hours passed, Ronald having finished work a while ago. William woke up in his hospital bed from a long nap, shifted around a little. He frowned. There was something soft and warm next to him.
And what was that smell? Some sort of body spray?
He blinked a few times, was sure he was dreaming, but no, the weird lump was still there. “What the ….”
“Hey there, Boss.”
The elder reaper flinched, hissed a little in pain as he rolled over. “Ronald, what-?”
“Y’ ‘ave a thing for me, apparently.” He snuggled closer to William. “So … I thought, bein’ as y’re hurt and all, I’d come cheer y’ up.”
Grell laughed loudly from across the room.
“I ….”
“Y’ like me, don’t y’? I don’t think tha’ was jus’ tha drugs talkin’, was it?” He chuckled, because William wasn’t pushing him away. He’d tensed up, definitely, but wasn’t moving away. “Y’ totally fancy me.”
There was no reply. William was utterly lost for words.
Chapter 9: Paris. Ronald/William. Requested by Rose.
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“Ah … Paris.” Ronald put his bags down next to the hotel bed, and then stretched his arms above his head. “Can’t believe we’re finally here, Boss.” It was their honeymoon, and Ronald had been counting down the days for the past two months. He’d been more excited for this than for the wedding itself. “Well, come on then, let’s ge’ explorin’.”
“Yes, Ronald, but -.”
“Come on! We only ‘ave five days here!”
“Yes, I am coming, but listen to me for a moment.”
“When we go outside, stay at my side.” He knew what Ronald was like, constantly getting excited and rushing off. He blamed Grell for that – bad example. “Do not go running off – you will get lost.”
“Alright, I’ll stay close. Can we go already?”
With a sigh, he said “yes, yes, very well then.”
That hadn’t lasted long. The blonde had spotted some yummy looking food, had taken off in the direction of it.
Now, with a cup of gelato in his one hand, he moved towards the Eiffel tower.
“Hey, Boss – oh ….” He hadn’t even realised that William wasn’t with him. With a shrug, he carried on walking. Oooh, giftshop.
He walked inside, was met with little souvenirs and trinkets. Ronald just wanted to take it all home with him.
Then his eyes came upon one item, and everything else was forgotten; condoms with ‘best lover in Paris’ written on them. He just had to have them, had to see the expression on William’s face when he saw them.
A few minutes later, the blonde came out of the shop, the condoms hidden away in his backpack.
“There you are!” He was grabbed hold of, pulled close to someone.
“Oh, hey, Wi -.”
“I was worried sick! What did I tell you?”
“Er ….”
He gave his husband a cheeky smile. “Don’t … run off?”
Ronald chuckled. “Sorry, Boss.”
William knew he couldn’t stay mad. “Yes … well, stay by my side from now on.”
He gave a small nod, his arm clamping down more on Ronald’s to keep him pinned in place. “Where should we start?”
“Tha tower!”
He chuckled a little. “Alright then.”
It had been a long day, and Ronald’s feet were tired, but he wasn’t quite ready to go to sleep yet. It was their honeymoon – sexy time!
William came out of the bathroom, had just freshened up. He got onto the bed next to his husband, gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.
The blonde grabbed hold of him, lips smacking against his. The kiss deepened, William pulling Ronald on top of him. Groans were heard, their hips rocking together.
The kiss broke.
William frowned at the loss of contact. “What -?”
“Can we try somethin’ different tonight?” He smiled.
His frown deepened. “Try … what exactly?”
With the clap of the hands, and a grin, Ronald jumped off of the bed. After a bit of rummaging, he grabbed hold of the condom pack, making sure to keep most of it hidden in his palm.
He got back onto the bed, snuggled up to William. “Wear these … for me?” The box was held up. “Please?”
“Best lover ….” He trailed off, blushed brightly. “Y-you think … I am … a good lover?”
“Well, yeah, wouldn’t ‘ave married y’ if y’ weren’t.”
“I … I see.”
“So slip one on then.”
He gulped, eyes going wide. “No … no, I -.”
“Will, come on -.”
“There is no way I am wearing one … one of those.” He was getting redder and redder by the second.
“But -.”
“No, no, absolutely not.”
“Boss -.”
“I … I would d-die of em-embarrassment,” he stuttered.
“Heh, alright then. We’ll take them back as a souvenir, put them on tha mantlepiece.”
“Yes, we – the mantlepiece?” He paled a little. “Lord, no -.”
“I’m only jokin’, Boss.”
“Oh …. Remind me again why I married you?”
Ronald laughed lightly. “Because y’ love me.”
“Ah, right, yes.”
Chapter 10: A night with Emily. Alan/Eric. Requested by xXFrankenHeartXx
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“I really cannot thank you enough for this,” William said. He and Ronald had been in dire need of a date-night, so Eric had agreed to look after their daughter.
“It’s no bother.” The blonde smiled.
Ronald handed Alan a bag. “Got her dinner in here.”
“She usually has supper at seven, and bedtime is at nine,” William stated.
“Understood,” Alan replied. He bent down, smiled at the little girl clinging to William’s leg. She was only three, and so timid. “Are you going to give Uncle Alan a cuddle?”
Emily smiled back, stepped slowly over to him. She was lifted as Alan stood up again, rested on his hip.
“We’re going to go now, Emily,” William said gently. “Is that okay?”
She nodded. “Okay, Daddy.”
The parents bid goodbye, and once the door was closed, Eric turned to Emily. “We’re going tae have a great time, Lass. We’ve got games, and movies, and everything.”
After playing and dinner, the three of them had settled down to watch a film. Emily was now lying on Eric’s chest, the blonde resting back against the cushions of the sofa.
The young girl made a little yawn.
“Tired, Lass?”
She shook her head, smiled mischievously.
Alan glanced at his watch, realised how late it was getting. “Eric … we were meant to put her to bed two hours ago.”
Emily pouted. “Not sleepy.”
“Eric -.”
“Yer can stay up a bit longer if yer want. Ah won’t tell yerr parents if yer don’t, okay?” The blonde smirked.
“I won’t tell.”
Alan sighed. “Okay … as long as William doesn’t find out ….”
A little while had gone by, and for all of her trying, Emily hadn’t been able to stay awake. Eric had fallen asleep too, his arms wrapped around the tiny girl.
Alan smiled at the sight, for a second. Then his heart sank.
It made him wish he had a child – a sudden realisation that something was missing in his life.
Eric would make a great daddy.
The morning came, Ronald at the house. “Hey, Emily.” He scooped her up, held her to his hip. “Did y’ ‘ave a nice night?”
“Yeah, Mommy. Was the date fun?”
“It really was.” He looked at Eric and Alan. “Thanks for tha’. I really appreciate it.”
“No bother.” Eric smiled.
The adults said their goodbyes. As the door closed, they could still hear Emily saying “bye, bye, Uncle Eric.”
The blonde chuckled. “Bless her.”
“I want a baby.”
“Aye … ah’d like that too.”
“No, I mean it. I want a baby, now.”
Eric did a double take. “Wh-what?”
“I want a baby.” He walked off in the direction of the kitchen, needed to get breakfast started. “I really want a baby.”
The blonde stared in his direction, was completely bewildered. “O-okay ….”
Series this work belongs to:
← Previous Work Part 4 of Fluff series collection. Challange to reach 100 fluffy oneshots.
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When you kiss by accident...just continue with a second and third one
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