#us isrc code
atlantahip-hopweekly · 11 months
You leaving all yo money đź’° on the table! LISTEN đź‘€ who gets your publishi...
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
So I'm being reported...?
I came back from a 2 hour PET scan to find I'm being mass reported for "hating JK" and "spreading mis-info."
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Let me just tell you something right now. I don't state things willy-nilly; I do my best to find credible sources. This is the best source I can find on the rules around combined streams:
Spotify can link the tracks if there are matches to audio fingerprinting, artist names, track names, and ISRC codes.. [...] Tracks that are linked will subsequently share a play count.
So as far as I can tell, Seven tracks that share an ISRC are being combined in counts on Spotify. However, if anyone gets better info from Spotify, PLEASE let me know and I will of course update and work to spread the new info!
And, look, I may not be going berserk like I did for Face, but I stream, buy, and vote for Jungkook and all the tannies--of course JK and Taehyung, too. It's what Jimin would want, and it's what I feel is right.
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I'm OT7; I will never hate on any of our boys. I hope my character and my actions always speak for themselves, but if I lose my Twitter account--which I also use to vote for all 7 for awards, by the way--perhaps that's a sign from the universe that the environment there is too toxic to stay anyway.
No matter what happens, I'll still be supporting BTS to the best of my ability.
Love, Roo
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my-music-1460 · 9 hours
How Deliver My Tune Helps Artists with ISRC and UPC Codes and What It Costs
Releasing music in today’s digital age comes with a host of requirements that ensure your tracks are easily accessible, identifiable, and trackable across multiple platforms. Two of the most essential identifiers are ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) and UPC (Universal Product Code) codes. These codes play a critical role in tracking sales, streams, and royalties for your music. As an independent musician, you may wonder, “Can Deliver My Tune assist with ISRC and UPC codes for my music, and what are the associated costs?”
Navigating the complexities of music distribution can feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to securing and managing ISRC and UPC codes. Fortunately, Deliver My Tune simplifies the process by handling these important codes on behalf of musicians. In this article, we will explore how Deliver My Tune supports artists in obtaining ISRC and UPC codes, and provide insight into the costs involved in using their services.
Understanding ISRC and UPC Codes in Music Distribution
Before diving into how Deliver My Tune assists with these codes, it’s crucial to understand what ISRC and UPC codes are, and why they are vital for musicians releasing their work online.
What is an ISRC Code? The International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) is a unique identifier for each individual track or recording. It acts like a digital fingerprint, helping track performances and streams, ensuring that royalties are correctly allocated to the artist. Every time your song is played on streaming platforms, used in a video, or broadcast on the radio, the ISRC code ensures that those plays are recorded and attributed to you.
What is a UPC Code? The Universal Product Code (UPC), on the other hand, is used to identify whole products, such as an album or EP. This code allows online and physical stores to track the sale of your album. It’s essential for distributing your music to digital stores like Apple Music, Spotify, and Amazon, ensuring that your album is identifiable as a sellable product.
Both codes are critical for ensuring your music is trackable, from plays to purchases. Without them, your music would likely get lost in the vast sea of digital content, with no way of tracking its success.
How Deliver My Tune Assists with ISRC and UPC Codes
Now that we have a firm understanding of what ISRC and UPC codes are, the next question is how Deliver My Tune helps artists manage these codes, ensuring smooth and professional music distribution.
Automated ISRC Code Generation One of the standout features of Deliver My Tune is its ability to generate ISRC codes automatically for every track you upload. This is a huge benefit for independent artists who might not be familiar with the process of securing ISRC codes themselves. Many platforms require musicians to apply for ISRC codes separately, which can be a time-consuming process. Deliver My Tune takes the guesswork out of this by assigning these codes automatically, ensuring that your music is fully prepared for release across digital platforms.
Assigning UPC Codes for Albums When you upload an album or a collection of songs, Deliver My Tune automatically assigns a UPC code. This is particularly beneficial for musicians who are releasing multi-track albums, as it ensures the entire collection of songs is trackable in digital stores.Additionally, this automated process helps ensure that your album complies with the necessary industry standards for digital releases, making your music eligible for chart tracking and store inventories globally.
Streamlined Distribution Deliver My Tune’s approach to providing ISRC and UPC codes ensures that your music is distributed across all major platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, and YouTube. Once your codes are assigned, your tracks are prepared for seamless distribution without any additional steps required on your part.
Associated Costs for ISRC and UPC Codes
One of the most important considerations for any artist, especially independent musicians on a tight budget, is cost. You may be asking, “Can Deliver My Tune assist with ISRC and UPC codes for my music, and what are the associated costs?” Let’s break down how pricing works on Deliver My Tune.
No Additional Fees for ISRC and UPC Codes Unlike some other distribution platforms that charge extra for ISRC and UPC codes, Deliver My Tune includes these essential codes as part of their service. This means there are no hidden fees or surprise charges when it comes to distributing your music. Whether you choose to release a single track or a full album, the ISRC and UPC codes are bundled with the overall distribution package.
Transparent Pricing Plans Deliver My Tune offers a variety of pricing plans, each catering to different levels of need. For a standard release, which includes ISRC and UPC codes, the pricing is typically rolled into the cost of distribution. This means that for a flat fee, Deliver My Tune not only distributes your music but also ensures that the appropriate codes are assigned.Depending on the features you want — such as priority distribution, marketing assistance, or placement on additional platforms — the pricing may vary. However, the basic cost always covers the essentials, including ISRC and UPC codes.
No Ongoing Costs Once your ISRC and UPC codes are assigned, they stay with your music for life. Deliver My Tune does not charge ongoing fees for maintaining or renewing these codes, which can be a significant cost-saver for independent artists.
Why ISRC and UPC Codes Are Vital for Music Success
It’s worth reiterating the critical role these codes play in your music’s success. Without ISRC codes, your music would not be recognized by royalty collection agencies, which could mean lost revenue for your hard work. Likewise, without a UPC code, your album could be difficult to track in stores, making it harder to achieve chart success or even basic sales tracking.
Deliver My Tune makes the entire process easier, especially for indie artists who might not have the resources to navigate complex industry standards. With automated ISRC and UPC code generation, artists can focus more on making music and less on the intricacies of distribution.
In today’s digital music landscape, ensuring that your music is easily identifiable and trackable is critical. Can Deliver My Tune assist with ISRC and UPC codes for my music, and what are the associated costs? The answer is a resounding yes. Deliver My Tune not only provides essential ISRC and UPC codes for your music but does so without charging additional fees, making it an ideal solution for independent artists. With automated code assignment, transparent pricing, and no hidden charges, Deliver My Tune offers a streamlined approach to music distribution that removes much of the headache from the process.
If you’re looking for a reliable and cost-effective platform to help manage your music’s ISRC and UPC codes, Deliver My Tune is well worth considering.
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music-industry-updates · 13 hours
Metadata Compliance: How Deliver My Tune Adheres to Platform Standards
In the digital age, metadata has become an essential component of the music industry, impacting everything from discoverability and cataloging to royalties and playlist placements. Without accurate metadata, even the most talented artist risks being lost in the vast sea of music available on streaming platforms. Deliver My Tune, a leading music distribution service, understands the critical role of metadata and ensures that it is not only accurate but also adheres to platform standards, helping artists maximize their reach and revenue. This article will explore the importance of metadata and how Deliver My Tune plays a key role in managing it.
What Is Music Metadata?
Metadata, simply put, is the information that describes a song or an album. It includes crucial details like the artist’s name, song title, album title, genre, release date, and unique identifiers such as ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) and UPC (Universal Product Code). While this may seem like basic information, its accuracy and consistency are vital to the success of any music release.
Metadata is used by streaming platforms, digital stores, and even social media platforms to categorize and organize music. When done correctly, metadata ensures that the right music reaches the right audience. For instance, if a song’s genre or artist name is incorrectly listed, it may be categorized improperly, making it difficult for potential fans to discover it. Similarly, inaccurate metadata can lead to royalty payments going to the wrong artist.
Why Accurate Metadata Matters
Searchability and Discoverability: In an era where millions of songs are available at the click of a button, discoverability is crucial. Platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music rely heavily on metadata to index and categorize songs. If your song’s metadata is incorrect or incomplete, it may not show up in relevant searches, playlists, or recommendations, limiting its potential reach. Accurate metadata ensures that your music can be easily found by listeners searching for specific genres, moods, or themes.
Revenue and Royalties: Royalties form a significant part of an artist’s income, and metadata plays a critical role in ensuring that these royalties are correctly distributed. ISRC codes, which are part of a song’s metadata, track individual songs across various platforms. If this code is incorrect or missing, tracking plays and streams becomes challenging, leading to lost income. Additionally, incorrect artist names or album titles can lead to royalties being misallocated to the wrong artist. Deliver My Tune ensures that all metadata is carefully checked and verified to avoid such costly errors.
Playlisting and Promotions: Playlists have become one of the most powerful tools for music promotion today. Curators of editorial playlists on platforms like Spotify and Apple Music rely on metadata to discover new music. If your metadata isn’t accurate, your song may never make it to the curators’ radar. By ensuring that your metadata is accurate, Deliver My Tune increases your chances of being included in these coveted playlists, giving you greater exposure and promotional opportunities.
How Deliver My Tune Ensures Metadata Accuracy
Deliver My Tune takes several steps to ensure that the metadata submitted with each release is accurate and adheres to platform standards. The company’s approach combines automated checks with manual reviews, ensuring that errors are caught before they cause issues in the distribution process.
Automated Checks: Deliver My Tune uses advanced technology to automatically scan the metadata submitted by artists. This process flags common errors such as misspellings, incorrect codes, or missing information. These automated checks help catch potential issues early in the submission process, minimizing the risk of delays or rejections from streaming platforms.
Manual Reviews: While automation is highly effective, there are certain aspects of metadata that require human oversight. Deliver My Tune employs a team of experts who manually review the metadata to ensure it meets platform-specific guidelines. Different streaming platforms have different requirements for metadata submission, and the team ensures that each release complies with these unique standards.
Consistent Updates: The music industry is constantly evolving, with new platforms and requirements emerging regularly. Deliver My Tune stays up-to-date with these changes, adjusting their metadata submission process as needed. Whether it’s new metadata fields required by a platform or changes in guidelines, Deliver My Tune ensures that their system is always compliant with the latest industry standards.
Consequences of Incorrect Metadata
The consequences of incorrect metadata can be significant, both financially and in terms of exposure. One common issue artists face is delays in their music being approved for distribution. If metadata does not meet a platform’s standards, the release can be rejected or delayed, which can disrupt an artist’s promotional strategy. Inaccurate metadata can also result in lost royalties, with payments being sent to the wrong artist or songwriters not receiving credit for their work.
In some cases, errors in metadata can even lead to legal disputes. For instance, incorrect ownership details or missing contributors can create confusion over who holds the rights to a song. This can lead to complications in licensing deals and potential loss of revenue from sync placements and other licensing opportunities.
The Role of Artists in Metadata Submission
While Deliver My Tune takes significant steps to ensure that metadata is accurate, artists also play an important role in this process. Providing correct information from the outset is crucial. Artists should double-check all details before submitting their music, including song titles, featured artists, and contributors. Even small mistakes, like incorrect capitalization or spelling errors, can lead to issues down the line. Deliver My Tune provides tools and guidance to help artists avoid these mistakes, ensuring a smooth distribution process.
Conclusion: Accurate Metadata as a Key to Success
In the modern music industry, accurate metadata is more important than ever. It affects everything from discoverability and playlisting to royalties and legal rights. Deliver My Tune recognizes the significance of metadata and takes a proactive approach to ensure that each release is compliant with industry standards. By combining automated checks with expert reviews, Deliver My Tune offers artists peace of mind, allowing them to focus on creating great music while ensuring their metadata is handled professionally and accurately.
For artists looking to maximize their exposure and revenue, ensuring that metadata is correct is non-negotiable. With Deliver My Tune, you can trust that your music will be distributed seamlessly, reaching its full potential across global platforms.
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noctil2 · 12 days
How Can Music Publishing Admins Choose the Right Tools for Successful Work Registration?
For music publishing administrators, registering a musical work accurately and efficiently is crucial to ensuring that songwriters and publishers receive the royalties they deserve. With the right tools, this process becomes streamlined, reducing errors and saving time. However, with so many software options available, choosing the right one can be challenging. This article will guide you through the key factors to consider when selecting the best tools for successful work registration.
1. Ease of Use
The first thing to consider is how easy the software is to use. A tool that is user-friendly with a simple interface can save you a lot of time. Look for software that doesn’t require extensive training or technical knowledge so that anyone on your team can use it efficiently.
2. Comprehensive Metadata Management
Accurate metadata is essential for successful work registration. Choose a tool that allows you to manage and input detailed metadata, such as songwriter credits, ISRC codes, and publisher information. The more comprehensive the metadata management, the better your chances of avoiding errors and ensuring correct royalty payments.
3. Integration with Other Systems
Consider how well the tool integrates with other systems you are already using, such as royalty accounting software or digital distribution platforms. Seamless integration means you can manage all aspects of work registration and royalty collection from a single platform, making the process more efficient.
4. Bulk Registration Capabilities
If you manage a large catalog of music, the ability to register multiple works at once is a must-have feature. Look for tools that support bulk registration, allowing you to upload and process multiple entries simultaneously. This can significantly speed up your workflow and reduce manual data entry.
5. Customer Support
Even with the best tools, issues can arise. Strong customer support is essential to help you navigate any problems quickly. Look for software providers that offer accessible support channels, such as live chat, email, or phone support, and check reviews to ensure they are responsive and helpful.
6. Data Security
Protecting the sensitive information you handle is crucial. Ensure that the tool you choose has robust security measures in place, such as encryption and secure access controls. This will help safeguard your data and give you peace of mind.
7. Affordability
Cost is always a consideration. While it’s important to invest in a good tool, it should also fit within your budget. Look for software that offers a balance between features and cost. Some tools may also offer tiered pricing or payment plans, so you can choose an option that works best for your needs.
Choosing the right tools for successful work registration is a vital step in ensuring that music publishing administrators can perform their duties efficiently and accurately. By focusing on ease of use, comprehensive metadata management, integration capabilities, real-time updates, bulk registration, customer support, data security, and affordability, you can find the perfect software to meet your needs. Investing time in selecting the right tool will pay off in the long run by simplifying your workflow, reducing errors, and ensuring that songwriters and publishers get the royalties they deserve.
To Know More https://blogs.noctil.com/music-publishing-administrator-software/
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altermoremusic · 1 month
LANDR Distriburtion – My First Impressions
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First of all, this is not sponsored content, but a true review from an independent artist and music producer. I leave reviews quite often if I think other people should also know the truth about things that others aren't talking about. In this post, I share with you my personal experience so far.
To produce many single releases per year, you need a reliable distributor who will get your music to platforms quickly and a quick response from the artist support service, so that any problems are solved as quickly as possible. These days, it's critical that music hits social platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok in a timely manner.
I recently decided to start releasing my new releases with LANDR, after CD Baby. CD Baby has been on the market for a long time and everything works well with them, although technical support takes a long time to respond. For example, I am currently waiting for a refund and want to withdraw my few dollars. A month has already passed, nothing has happened and support is silent -_- However, this is one family of Downtown Music Holdings, which also include CD Baby, FUGA, Songtrust, AdRev. If you didn't know, AdRev manages the YouTube ecosystem. And AdRev and FUGA work together to successfully pursue copyright claims for your music.
So, I decided to try LANDR, as they are currently offering interesting terms for distribution and promise 100% royalty income, while the release from CD Baby cost $10 and 9% from royalties. I purchased a subscription to LANDR, or rather, a PRO Distribution package. And at the time of writing this post, some of my tracks that I released through LANDR still haven't appeared on YouTube and TikTok. And this is a disaster for an independent artist, because social platforms are very important for the promotion of music, which I do alone.
In the course of contacting support, which delayed answers and ignored half of my questions, I learned a lot of interesting things. For example, that the promise in the answer and support for 24 hours is just words and in reality no one is in a hurry to help you and in fact they don't care either it was shown. I have to admit that support still responds faster than СD Baby support. But nevertheless, the problems are not solved for a very long time, and these problems are precisely on the LANDR side, not mine.
For example, I published the release early, about 3 weeks in advance. I planned it and after the release I waited a long time for half of my tracks to appear in the Instagram library. I wrote to support, they closed half of my appeals without a solution. While I was waiting for a solution, I decided to remove this release and re-release it as I thought it would help, and also decided to fix some small audio bugs.
After I re-released these tracks, for some reason they were no longer accepted into the YouTube Content ID System, even though they were there before. I was not allowed to release the same tracks under the old ISRC codes. Although I made small changes and it was a new upload audio, it was essentially the same. But I had to release it under new ISRC codes. This means that all the metadata has to be submitted again. This is just stupid because it could have been solved differently and it shows a lack of experience of LANDR in this matter. But wait! In response, technical support told me that it was FUGA that was rejected and did not allow these same tracks into the YouTube Content ID system. And now I find out for the first time that it turns out that FUGA is responsible for distribution, not LANDR, they only send them downloaded releases. And nowhere on the page of its website does LANDR warn us about this. And this means that if FUGA solves something in its own way, then LANDR's hands will simply be tied and they will not be able to solve your problem. And as a result, you will simply get an answer:
"We apologize for the inconvenience, however, the reviews from the aggregator and their direct contacts at YouTube are final."
In other words: We put you in front of the fact and that's it.
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By the way, I specifically chose the PRO Distribution package, as it includes the ability to register tracks in the YouTube Content ID system, and indeed the tracks must meet the requirements. But okay. Let's assume that FUGA had a reason not to let the tracks into the YouTube Сontent ID system after the re-release. But a month has already passed and my tracks are still not in the YouTube and Tiktok system!
And again to these direct questions, why the tracks are not on the platforms and when they will be there and why you do not warn the artists that it is FUGA that operates the distribution and not you directly - I get a complete ignore.
I have no questions, the release hits all other platforms in almost 2 days, if you decide to release it quickly and without planning in advance. I released my last release this way. But there is also a problem with it, it has not been on YouTube and TikTok for a week. I planned a new release for the beginning of September and it appears that it has already been delivered and scheduled for the date on all platforms, but not TikTok and YouTube.
Also, the promised promo link provided by LANDR, the service is included in the package, is very slowly updated after the release. For example, after the first scheduled releases, it took 3 weeks from the day of publication to the release. In the first few days of the actual release and hot time to promote them, the promo links to them were still in PreSave status. And then it was updated for a few days until all links to all platforms appeared there, although the music had been on these platforms for a long time.
At this stage, already in the first month of cooperation, I can conclude that LANDR has little experience and is doing everything to destroy your plans for the release of music and spoil your promotional campaign. And when you explain it directly to the support service, all they can do is ignore your direct questions and apologize that this happened. I understand, I'm human and we all can make mistakes or do something wrong. But this is not lonely situation.
And in fact, it turns out that the support service is simply indifferent to you and your work. And on the forums of their site, I see how people write their dissatisfaction for the same reasons, the tracks are not on TikTok and YouTube for a very long time. How should I promote my music on YouTube and TikTok, if there are simply no such tracks there and I cannot attach them. Just absurd and shameful attitude towards artists on the part of LANDR. I understand that there is some artists for which only the music was on Spotify or was released at all in the world, and the rest they just don't care. But I know this kitchen and understand how important it all is.
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So, I'm disappointed. I have nothing left but to leave such a review about them. Its not easy to make money in my life situation especially at a time like this (I live in Ukraine), and if it's not a problem for someone, $45 a year is an investment for me. And I'm serious about my music and releases and I'm looking ahead and planning a lot of things. And this kind of attitude from the people you trusted is just a slap in the face.
If the distributor does not perform its basic functions, which it offers and which it sells, then why does it do it at all? Good question, right? And now I don't know what to do. Should I continue to stay with LANDR or what should I do next? After all, I am serious about releasing music and looked at a lot of distributors with different conditions and LANDR seemed to me to be the best choice these days. But in reality, it turns out that you were given a pig as a tempting offer.
Please write your thoughts on this topic. Maybe there are people among you who have been releasing music through a some distributor for many years, turned to support fast with no problems and withdrew money, and everything is fine with you? Please share it.
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oliverfinalmajorproject · 6 months
Final Major Project - Thoughts 23
A minimum size of 3000 x 3000 pixels (a perfect square).
A minimum resolution of 72dpi (300dpi for best quality).
JPEG file format (not all music retailers accept PNG or GIF).
RGB color mode for best quality (CMYK may not show up correctly).
Images must not be blurry, pixelated, misaligned, or have other quality issues.
Only include text stating the artist name and release title. The copy should match your release info and metadata exactly. It’s also ok to use an image without text. Most music platforms display the artist and release info next to the cover art.
Do not add text that says “Exclusive,” “Limited Edition,” “New Release,” the release date, or anything else that states a time frame. Keep your cover art timeless.
Cover art must not contain URLs, logos, or any reference to a Digital Service Provider, record label, website, or other brands.
Do not include email addresses, social media logos, URLs, or any other contact information.
Do not include references to pricing. For example, “Available for $1.99,” “Low Price,” or “For Promo Use.”
Cover art must not reference the format as a physical or digital product. For example, CD, DVD, or Digital Exclusive.
Cover art must not contain pornography or inappropriate images of any kind.
Avoid UPC barcodes and ISRCs. The music retailer or distribution service will provide them. Also, if you re-release, those codes may change.
Cover art must not reference content the release doesn’t include. For example, “included DVD” or “includes lyrics.”
Cover art must not be misleading. For example, referencing an artist that does not perform on the release.
Your image should be unique to the release. Don’t use the same image for multiple releases unless the artist name or track/album name is different.
Only use authorized images. Don’t use images that are copyright protected unless you get permission to use them. Also, make sure the images you purchase are cleared for commercial use.
Avoid using art that doesn’t match the release or your brand. Use font, colors, and imagery that represents your music and brand identity.
Design your cover art for one-inch size. Most music retailers and streaming services display small thumbnails. So, ensure your cover art still looks great and easy to see when it’s size is reduced.
Keep contrast in mind. Don’t add text on top of a busy background. It makes it harder to see, especially on thumbnail images. Also, consider a font color that’s easy to see against a background.
Use a font that is easy to read. Unique and artistic fonts are fun, but they will be difficult to read.
Don’t mislead people on a tribute album. Avoid making the name of the original artist larger than the performing artist. And don’t use the original artists’ photo unless you have permission.
Last, sometimes a little goes a long way. Minimal looking cover art is a trend in the electronic music scene.
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Donna Summer - Limited Pride Edition (Rainbow Vinyl)
Universal Music Group ‎– 0600753983188 LP, Compilation, Limited Edition, Picture Disc, Stereo, Raimbow Color Vinyl, 2023 Side 1. 1. Love To Love You Baby 16:50 Side 2. 1. I Feel Love (12″ Version) 8:14 2. Hot Stuff (12″ Version) 6:46 Barcode (Printed): 0 600753 983188 Barcode (Text): 0600753983188 Label Code: LC01846 Rights Society: BIEM/SDRM ISRC (A): US-WWW-01-25678 ISRC (B1):…
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galleryvision01 · 1 year
Upload your music on Spotify – Music Distribution Service
Uploading a song to Spotify has become the first step towards a successful career in the music industry. For over 16 years, this streaming platform has revolutionized the music industry. Through Galleryvision music distribution service, any artist can easily put their work on the app and enjoy the benefits of reaching new audiences and making money.
Spotify has also played a significant role in reducing music piracy by offering legal and easy streaming. In the past, many people used to download tracks illegally, but with the availability of legal streaming, piracy has reduced, preserving the rights and earnings of artists. The service has also made music streaming more democratic by breaking Apple's monopoly and providing free and paid plans.
It is essential to upload your music on Spotify because the platform has over 450 million subscribers from all over the world. By making your tracks available to such a vast audience, you increase your chances of reaching new listeners. Before streaming platforms like Spotify, CDs were the most popular way to listen to music, but they were expensive and not accessible to everyone. With Spotify, the public can explore new artists and musical genres for free or at a lower cost with a paid plan.
Spotify's auto play feature also contributes to helping new musicians reach bigger audiences. The algorithm automatically plays songs based on the user's listening history, which can help your song be recommended to new listeners who may enjoy your music.
The app, Spotify, provides artists with a golden opportunity to upload their music and reach a vast audience of over 450 million subscribers worldwide. This is made even more advantageous with the platform's numerous curate playlists, such as "Today's Top Hits", which can increase the chances of new listeners discovering an artist's tracks. Additionally, Spotify is committed to providing correct credit disclosures and offers tools such as retrospectives, lyrics, and mini-videos. Artists with a musician account can also put up a picture and biography and build playlists for their followers, thus bringing their audience closer to them.
Spotify's analytics feature also shows data on track performance, such as where it is being listened to more. As for royalties, Spotify pays out two kinds: recording and publishing royalties. Recording royalties are paid to rights holders for recordings streamed on the platform, while publishing royalties go to the songwriter(s) owner(s) of a composition. Gallery Vision offers a music distribution service that allows artists to upload their songs for free, which are then distributed to highly accessed demand-side platforms such as Spotify. The company's service is easy to use, and the artist is only charged if their release makes more than USD 5 per year. There are no legal attachments, and the artist can upload unlimited songs. Our Company generates the International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) if the artist doesn't have it.
Are you curious about how to upload your song to Spotify? Here's a simple step-by-step guide:
Prepare your song and cover art files.
Create an account on Gallery Vision for Artists.
Fill out the quick 5-step form and select a release date.
Click "submit" and your music will be sent to over 50 digital platforms!
If you want your music to be released immediately, it typically won't take more than a few days. However, if this is your first time uploading music to Spotify, keep in mind that Spotify will create an artist profile for your release. You can claim this artist profile on the Spotify for Artists platform and customize it to your liking. It's also important to create a Spotify for Artists account so you can pitch your releases to editorial playlists and access other exclusive features for artists.
But Gallery Vision doesn't just upload your music to popular platforms like Spotify, Instagram, and TikTok. They also offer tools to help boost engagement, including pre-saves on Spotify. Pre-saves allow listeners to automatically add your track to their library or playlist before its release. This not only generates buzz, but also shows Spotify that your music is highly anticipated and can potentially lead to a wider audience reach.
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UPC and ISRC Codes: How to Obtain and Use Them as an Independent Artist
As an independent artist, navigating the music industry can be both exciting and challenging. One of the crucial aspects of managing your music career, especially when it comes to distribution, is understanding and obtaining UPC (Universal Product Code) and ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) codes. These codes are essential for ensuring your music is accurately tracked, properly distributed, and that you receive the royalties you’re entitled to. This article will serve as a comprehensive guide for independent artists on how to obtain and effectively use these codes in their music career.
What Are UPC and ISRC Codes?
Before diving into the process of obtaining these codes, it’s important to understand what they are and why they matter.
UPC Code: The Universal Product Code (UPC) is a unique identifier used for albums, EPs, and singles as products in the music industry. It’s the same kind of barcode you’d find on a product in a retail store, allowing the product to be tracked in both physical and digital marketplaces. For musicians, the UPC is used to identify the overall release, whether it’s a full album, a single, or an EP.
ISRC Code: The International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) is a unique identifier assigned to individual tracks. It acts as a digital fingerprint for songs and ensures that every time the track is played, streamed, or sold, the proper rights holders are compensated. It also helps track the song’s performance across various platforms, including streaming services, radio, and online retailers.
Why Independent Artists Need UPC and ISRC Codes
For independent artists who may not have the backing of a record label, UPC and ISRC codes are vital tools for maintaining control over their music and ensuring their rights are protected.
Tracking and Distribution: Both UPC and ISRC codes help track sales and streams across various platforms. Without these codes, it would be nearly impossible to accurately track how your music is performing in digital stores, streaming platforms, and even physical sales outlets.
Royalty Collection: ISRC codes, in particular, are crucial for ensuring you get paid for your music. Whenever your track is played or sold, the ISRC code allows performing rights organizations (PROs) and digital platforms to identify the song and ensure royalties are paid to the rightful owner.
Global Recognition: These codes are recognized worldwide. As an independent artist, this means your music can be distributed and tracked globally, giving you access to international listeners and ensuring your music is properly cataloged wherever it is sold or streamed.
How to Obtain UPC Codes
Getting a UPC code is a straightforward process, and independent artists typically have two options for obtaining one.
Through a Digital Distributor: Most digital distributors, such as Deliver My Tune, DistroKid, TuneCore, and CD Baby, provide UPC codes as part of their service when you submit your music for distribution. This is often the easiest route for independent artists, as it ensures the code is properly assigned and used.
Pros: It’s included as part of the distribution service, and you don’t need to worry about applying for it yourself.
Cons: You may not always own the UPC code outright, depending on the distributor’s terms of service.
Direct Purchase: If you prefer to have complete control over your UPC codes, you can purchase them directly from a barcode provider. GS1 is the organization that manages UPC codes globally, and they offer a straightforward application process. However, this may not be necessary unless you’re distributing your music independently without a distributor’s help.
Pros: Full control and ownership of the UPC code.
Cons: Can be more expensive and time-consuming than obtaining it through a distributor.
How to Obtain ISRC Codes
The process of obtaining ISRC codes is slightly different from that of UPC codes. Here’s how independent artists can get them:
Through a Digital Distributor: Like UPC codes, ISRC codes are often provided by digital distributors when you upload your tracks. Most distributors will generate an ISRC code for each song, making it easy for you to track your songs' performance across platforms.
Pros: It’s an easy, automated process, and the ISRC code is assigned correctly to each track.
Cons: Some distributors may charge extra for ISRC codes or may not give you full control over how the codes are managed.
Register as an ISRC Manager: If you want to take a more hands-on approach, you can apply to become an ISRC manager through your local national ISRC agency. This allows you to generate and manage your own ISRC codes for your music.In the U.S., for example, you can apply for ISRC codes through the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America). In other countries, different organizations oversee the registration process.
Pros: Full control over your ISRC codes, which can be reused for future releases.
Cons: It requires more administrative work, and there may be fees associated with the registration process.
How to Use UPC and ISRC Codes Effectively
Once you have obtained your UPC and ISRC codes, knowing how to use them effectively is crucial for successful distribution and tracking.
Apply Codes Correctly: Ensure that the UPC code is applied to the entire album or EP and that each individual track has a unique ISRC code. If you’re working with a distributor, this is usually handled automatically, but it’s always worth double-checking that the codes have been assigned correctly.
Maintain Accurate Records: Keep a log of your UPC and ISRC codes for future reference. These codes may be needed if you decide to re-release or redistribute your music in the future. Having a detailed record will make this process much smoother.
Use Across Multiple Platforms: Make sure your UPC and ISRC codes are included whenever you submit your music to new platforms. These codes will help ensure that your music is properly tracked and that all royalties are accounted for, regardless of where your music is being sold or streamed.
For independent artists, UPC and ISRC codes are more than just identifiers—they’re essential tools that help ensure your music is accurately tracked, properly distributed, and legally protected. By understanding how to obtain and use these codes, you can take control of your music career and ensure you receive the recognition and compensation you deserve. Whether you opt to go through a digital distributor or manage these codes yourself, mastering the process will put you on the path to success in the music industry.
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noctil2 · 2 months
How can you build high-quality metadata using a music metadata integration system?
In the age of streaming giants like Spotify and Apple Music, clear and accurate metadata is the key to getting the music discovered. Have you ever come across a situation wherein you upload the latest track, but the genre is listed as “meditation music” instead of “high-energy rock?
This can happen while transferring data to your system from another source too.
To ensure, metadata is accurate, consistent, and meets industry standards, metadata integration should be done correctly.
How exactly can a metadata integration system help you build high-quality metadata?
Centralized system: Music metadata integration service acts as a central hub for all your music information. You can input details like artist bios, track titles, genres, and even ISRC codes (unique identifiers for recordings).
Data Enrichment: The software doesn’t just store your data; it can enrich it!  By integrating with databases, automatically pulling in additional information like songwriter credits or release dates.
Standardization of metadata format: The music industry has specific metadata formats. These services ensure your data adheres to these standards, making it easily understood and processed by all other platforms.
Ensures Consistency: Ever uploaded a song with slightly different spellings for the artist’s name across platforms? Integration services also have other modules to help ensure consistency, sending the same metadata to all streaming services you distribute to. 
To Know More https://blogs.noctil.com/how-can-you-build-high-quality-metadata-using-a-music-metadata-integration-system/
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tonkiamateur · 2 years
Kid3 edit format tag
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So, check it out and make your own choice. And there are no comments to compliment the five downvotes as of now. Edit: This will open a window which allows one to edit all fields of the selected frame. The tag 2 table shows all the frames which are available in the selected file. I'm unsure because I don't care to look further into it. The tag 2 cannot only contain the same values as the tag 1, the format is built in a flexible way from several frames which are themselves composed of several fields.
Bootleg mixtape creators (if people still do this).
Audiophiles with large music collections.
Indie musicians that burn their own mastered CDs (this is where the ISRC feature comes in handy).
My guess on users who get the most out of Kid3: Since I've negated my needs for Kid3 with other software essential to my workflow, 3,000+ views on the years old video tells me I'm likely not the target audience for this tool.
On top of that, I can edit and check metadata with FFMPEG: ffprobe -show_format filenameÄŞs of January 2021, my short Kid3 walkthrough is my second most popular YouTube video behind the Evince PDF Reader walkthrough. I can always add fix metadata with Audacity or a media player. Kid3 Tag Editor provides support for both ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags, and it handles the following audio formats: MP3, OGG, MPC, FLAC, MP2, MP4, Speex, WavPack, TrueAudio, WAV, WMA, and AIFF.
I've since learned how to add all neccessary metadata within my DAW and video editor before rendering. Kid3 Tag Editor is one of the best possible options if you want to tag the most popular music file formats the easy way. I once used it to add metadata after I rended multimedia files.
Export tags to CSV, XML, and other formats.
Add International Standard Recording Code (ISRC).
Import metadata from MusicBrainz, Discogs, and other sources.
Generate tags from filenames with naming conventions.
Edit ID3v1.1, ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4 tags in MP3 files.
This FOSS allows Linux, Windows, and macOS users to easily edit a lot of metadata that isn't available in your average music or video player. The Kid3 audio metadata editor was pre-installed when I first tried Ubuntu Studio years ago. Have a look at the example formats and the documentation at. You can copy other frames, combine the values of multiple frames or modify the values of a frame using "Import from Tags". You can add/modifiy/delete id3v2 tags and convert id3v1 tags to id3v2 tags. If you only want to change certain rows, select them using the check boxes in the first column of the table. id3v2 is a command line id3v2 tag editor. Now you can use this new format to copy the "Initial Key" to "Composer".
Click "Add", replace "Custom Format" in the "Format" line edit by "Initial Key to Composer", enter "%(.+)" in the "Extraction" line edit, save the newly created format by clicking "Save Settings", to import click "Apply".
You can store this configuration using the "Save Settings" button.
Make sure that the ID3v2 tags are in the table: If the "Destination" combo box is set to "Tag 1", choose "Tag 2", then click the refresh button at the right side of the combo box.
It supports all types of audio file format such as MP3, WAV.
For instance, to copy the "Initial Key" values to the "Composer" frame, just proceed as follows: Kid3 Tag Editor is an open source video editing software that can be used in portable mode. To create a value in a tag frame based on the values of other tag frames, you can use Kid3's "Import from Tags" function.
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definitelynotdamiano · 3 years
I have no idea about the concept of royalties from music and all that stuff but.. if MĂĄneskins cover of Beggin is used on tiktok a million thousand times as a sound and they perform it and whatever else.. does that mean they don't get any money from it when it's used or played? Because technically it's not theirs?
My knowledge on this topic is really limited (and got most of this answer through some googling), so if I'm wrong somewhere - correct me please, I'd love to learn more about this.
There could be differences in EU and American laws, I didn't look into that.
TLDR: Getting paid for covers is very much possible - it's all about licences.
Here you can read about royalties from TikTok (how much artists are paid is determined by distributors).
Ditto Music (online music distribution company) describes the process of releasing covers with them, and gives us the general idea.
To put your cover on Spotify and other streaming platforms, you don't need any additional paperwork. To put it on download platforms, you need something called mechanical licence - we know they have it, because you can get Beggin' on Amazon.
Then there's ISRC:
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It's a code that allows you to get paid for digital music sales, you need it to put a song on Spotify etc. Beggin' has it, it's ITB001700846.
We have to remember that the Chosen EP was recorded and released after X Factor, with Sony - it's different from someone recording a cover in their room and releasing it on their own. If there are any other licences or legal paperwork required, that I didn't find, their label took care of that too.
So it's very likely that they are getting money from it. How much goes to them, and how much to everyone else (the writers, label etc.) - no idea.
By the way, here's an interesting article about how much artists are getting paid by streaming services.
I'd like to once again say that I could be wrong, I'm not very familiar with this topic.
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loadsms348 · 3 years
Free Ddp Player Mac
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Free Ddp Player Mac Version
Free Ddp Player Mac Downloads
With a DDP image (unlike individual WAV files), clients can check the gaps, fades, start/stop points. DDP Player powered by Sonoris. Download for MAC. You can easily access information about 'Free Trial Ddp Player Windows' by clicking on the most. Sonoris DDP Creator and Player 2.0 for Mac and Windows. DDP Player Play back and check DDP images: DDP images require specialised software to burn the image on CDs or simply listen to it. Unfortunately, these software solutions are often very expensive. The HOFA DDP Player is a simple and affordable alternative. Features V2.0.4 (changelog): new in V2 additional formats for audio file.
The Sonoris DDP Player will allow clients to listen to the final DDP Image Master. This master is the preferred delivery method for replication facilities. It will contain all of the audio as well as the PQ codes, ISRC, MCN (UPC/EAN) and CD-Text data.
The DDP player also helps to understand the studios which can provide intention before posting. Steinberg WaveLab Pro 10.9 License Key also offers the option of adopting an individual interface. This option always plays at the user’s wish as gigantic.
HOFA DDP Player is compatible with Windows 7/8/10 as well as Intel® Macs (64 bit) from OS X 10.8 up to macOS 10.15 (Catalina). Supports DDP 2.00 images for audio CDs. DDP a registered trademark of DCA Inc. Info: Click here to download the manual. Download & test: HOFA DDP Player can be tested for 14 days.
Follow these simple steps to open & listen your DDP file. If you are using the latest version of MacOS, you may also need to drag the “HOFADDPPLAYERINFO” file found in the Player folder into the player due to Apple’s latest security measures. The HOFA DDP Player all will guide you if needed.
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This tool enables clients to playback tracks, audition gaps, burn a reference CD, export individual tracks and check all of the CD-Text data, ISRC and MCN (UPC/EAN) codes for accuracy.
Free Ddp Player Mac Version
You will be asked to enter a serial key which will only be provided to clients in an email from the mastering engineer.
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Free Ddp Player Mac Downloads
Below is the download link for a customized DDP Player for Windows and Mac.
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my-music-1460 · 11 days
A Musician’s Guide to ISRC and UPC Codes: How Deliver My Tune Can Help
For many independent artists, the music industry is an exciting yet often overwhelming place, especially when it comes to the technicalities of music distribution. As you move forward in releasing your work, one critical component that you cannot overlook is ensuring your music is properly tracked using ISRC and UPC codes. These codes are essential for ensuring that you are recognized for every stream, sale, or download your music garners. So, if you're wondering, "Can Deliver My Tune assist with ISRC and UPC codes for my music, and what are the associated costs?" — the answer is yes, and they make the process much easier than you might think. Deliver My Tune offers a seamless solution for artists, allowing them to focus on their creative endeavors while the platform handles the administrative side of things.
These codes are not just minor details in music distribution; they are the backbone of how your music generates income, ensuring that royalties reach you accurately and without delay. Without them, your songs might never be tracked correctly, and you could miss out on well-earned revenue. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into the roles of ISRC and UPC codes and how Deliver My Tune helps musicians acquire them with minimal effort and costs.
What Are ISRC Codes and Why Are They Important?
An International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) is a unique identifier assigned to each of your songs or recordings. It acts as a digital fingerprint that distinguishes your music from every other track in the world. Every time your song is streamed on platforms like Spotify, YouTube, or Apple Music, or played on radio stations, the ISRC code ensures it’s properly identified and attributed to you. This is the key to getting paid royalties.
Without an ISRC code, your song could slip through the cracks and not be counted, meaning lost revenue for you as an artist. This code is crucial for ensuring that your music is recognized across borders and across multiple platforms. Whether you’re an indie artist or part of a larger label, ISRC codes are non-negotiable for your music's commercial success.
Deliver My Tune takes the hassle out of this process. Rather than having to obtain ISRC codes separately, the platform automatically generates these codes for each track you upload. This ensures your music is distributed with all the necessary tracking in place.
What Are UPC Codes and Why You Need Them
A Universal Product Code (UPC) is necessary when you’re selling albums or singles in physical or digital formats. Whether it’s a digital album on iTunes or a physical CD sold at your shows, the UPC code ensures that all sales are tracked correctly. Without a UPC code, your music might not be listed properly in online stores, meaning fewer sales opportunities and potential revenue loss.
UPC codes are required for:
Digital album sales on platforms like iTunes, Amazon Music, and Google Play.
Physical sales of CDs or vinyl records at concerts, festivals, or through online retail stores like Amazon.
Compiling your album data for charts like Billboard, which requires proper UPC documentation to track your success.
Deliver My Tune not only helps with ISRC codes but also ensures that your albums come with the necessary UPC codes. This service is seamlessly integrated into their platform, allowing you to upload your music and immediately get access to these essential codes without worrying about additional paperwork or bureaucracy.
Are There Additional Costs?
Now that we’ve covered the importance of ISRC and UPC codes, let’s talk about costs. For independent musicians, budget is often a primary concern. Fortunately, Deliver My Tune provides a transparent pricing model where most distribution packages include the costs of both ISRC and UPC codes.
In some distribution services, these codes can come with extra charges, creating unexpected expenses for artists who may already be working with limited budgets. However, Deliver My Tune includes these codes in their core packages, helping you avoid any surprise fees. You know exactly what you’re paying for upfront, which is a significant advantage for indie musicians who need to carefully manage their financial resources.
The Royalty Earning Potential with ISRC and UPC Codes
One of the most compelling reasons to secure both ISRC and UPC codes is to ensure that you’re maximizing your earning potential. With an ISRC code, your music can be tracked across all platforms, making it easier for you to collect royalties from streaming services, radio airplay, and more. The royalties generated from these plays are often deposited directly into your account based on the proper tracking systems in place.
The ISRC and UPC codes you receive from Deliver My Tune are crucial for unlocking global distribution. Without these codes, even the best songs can go unnoticed, simply because they lack proper tracking. By obtaining these codes, you open the doors to long-term royalties for the life of your music.
This is where the true value of ISRC and UPC codes becomes clear: these codes ensure your music can continue to earn for years to come. Whether your song goes viral a year after its release or becomes a steady performer over the years, the ISRC and UPC codes guarantee that each play and sale contributes to your bottom line.
For example:
Every stream on Spotify or Apple Music generates a small royalty, and those pennies can add up over time.
Every album sale on iTunes or Google Play brings in a larger chunk of revenue, especially if you control 100% of your sales through independent distribution.
Radio airplay royalties are also tracked via your ISRC code, ensuring that even offline exposure brings in income.
Why Deliver My Tune is a Game-Changer for Indie Artists
The beauty of using a platform like Deliver My Tune is that it simplifies what could otherwise be a daunting process. Many independent artists may not fully understand the importance of ISRC and UPC codes until it’s too late—often after realizing they’re missing out on royalties or chart listings. Deliver My Tune eliminates this concern by ensuring your music is correctly prepared for distribution from the very beginning.
Additionally, their transparent pricing structure means you can budget your release without worrying about hidden costs for these essential codes. This allows you to focus your financial resources on other aspects of your music career, like marketing, promotion, or even creating more music.
By taking the burden of ISRC and UPC codes off your shoulders, Deliver My Tune provides you with more freedom to focus on what matters most—creating and sharing your art with the world.
Conclusion: In conclusion, for independent artists, the technical aspects of music distribution can be confusing, but they are incredibly important for ensuring long-term success. The question "Can Deliver My Tune assist with ISRC and UPC codes for my music, and what are the associated costs?" has a clear answer: yes, they provide an efficient, hassle-free solution. These codes are not just bureaucratic requirements; they are the key to tracking your music, ensuring you receive royalties for every play and sale, and keeping your music viable for years to come. By using Deliver My Tune, you can rest assured that your music is distributed professionally, with all the right tracking in place.
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music-industry-updates · 15 days
Deliver My Tune’s Best Practices for Metadata Verification
Metadata, often referred to as the “digital fingerprint” of music, plays an essential role in ensuring that songs are properly categorized, discovered, and monetized on digital music platforms. In today’s music industry, simply distributing a song is not enough. Without accurate metadata, your music can be misrepresented or lost in the vast digital libraries of platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube. This article explores the importance of metadata in music distribution and how Deliver My Tune ensures your music’s metadata is accurate and adheres to platform standards, maximizing visibility, discovery, and revenue opportunities.
What is Metadata in Music? Music metadata refers to the information that accompanies a track and helps digital platforms identify and categorize the music. This data includes details like the song title, artist name, album name, release date, genre, and much more. It also covers critical identifiers like ISRC codes (International Standard Recording Code), which ensure the correct tracking of royalties. Without accurate metadata, music can become lost in the sea of digital content, misattributed to the wrong artist, or even excluded from playlists and charts.
When your music metadata is accurate, digital platforms can correctly display your songs in search results, streaming libraries, and playlists. This helps listeners find your tracks easily and ensures that royalty payments reach the right recipients. Deliver My Tune understands the importance of metadata accuracy and employs rigorous processes to ensure that all the necessary information is correctly submitted.
The Role of Accurate Metadata in Music Discoverability One of the main reasons accurate metadata is crucial is that it directly impacts your music’s discoverability. Platforms like Spotify and Apple Music rely heavily on metadata to recommend songs, place tracks in playlists, and organize music libraries. For instance, when a user searches for a song, the platform will scan its database for metadata that matches the search query. If the metadata for your song is incomplete or incorrect, the chances of your music appearing in search results are significantly reduced.
Accurate metadata not only helps platforms categorize your music correctly but also ensures that it is suggested to the right listeners. Deliver My Tune ensures that your genre, sub-genres, and other descriptive tags like mood or themes are accurately reflected in the metadata. This maximizes the chances of your music being placed in relevant playlists and reaching listeners who are more likely to appreciate and engage with your content.
Ensuring Royalty Tracking with Proper Metadata Another critical reason why metadata accuracy is essential is its role in royalty tracking. Platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube use metadata to track how many times a song has been played and allocate royalties accordingly. However, if the metadata is incorrect or incomplete, it could lead to missed payments or incorrect allocation of royalties.
For example, if an artist’s name is misspelled in the metadata, or if the ISRC code is missing or incorrect, the track may not be attributed to the correct artist or songwriter, resulting in lost revenue. Deliver My Tune ensures that all the essential metadata fields, including the ISRC code, songwriter credits, and publisher information, are accurately filled out before submitting your music to streaming platforms. By doing so, Deliver My Tune guarantees that your music is properly tracked and that you receive the royalties you are owed.
How Deliver My Tune Ensures Metadata Accuracy Deliver My Tune uses a combination of automated systems and human oversight to ensure that your music’s metadata is accurate and adheres to platform standards. Here’s a breakdown of their process:
Metadata Entry: During the music submission process, Deliver My Tune collects all the necessary metadata, including the track title, artist name, album name, genre, and ISRC codes. They also ensure that additional metadata fields, such as songwriter credits and release dates, are correctly filled out.
Automated Validation: Deliver My Tune’s system automatically checks the submitted metadata for common errors, such as missing fields, incorrect formatting, or duplicate entries. This automated validation helps catch and correct errors early in the process, reducing the chances of issues arising later.
Manual Review: In addition to automated checks, Deliver My Tune employs a team of metadata specialists who review the data manually. This human oversight ensures that any errors missed by the automated system are caught and corrected before the music is submitted to digital platforms.
Platform-Specific Compliance: Different platforms have different metadata requirements. For example, Spotify and Apple Music may have slightly different rules for how genres are categorized or how song titles are formatted. Deliver My Tune is familiar with the specific requirements of each platform and ensures that your metadata adheres to these standards. This prevents any delays or rejections during the distribution process.
Continuous Updates: Metadata standards can change over time, and platforms may update their requirements or introduce new fields that need to be filled. Deliver My Tune stays up-to-date with these changes and ensures that your metadata is continuously updated to meet the latest platform requirements.
Common Metadata Errors and How Deliver My Tune Helps Avoid Them Some common metadata errors can significantly impact an artist’s music distribution and revenue collection. Here are a few examples of these errors and how Deliver My Tune helps artists avoid them:
Incorrect Artist Names: Misspellings or incorrect formatting of artist names can lead to tracks being misattributed to other artists. Deliver My Tune double-checks artist names to ensure consistency across platforms.
Missing ISRC Codes: Without an ISRC code, a track cannot be properly tracked for royalties. Deliver My Tune ensures that every track has a unique ISRC code, preventing any loss of royalties.
Duplicate Metadata Entries: Duplicate entries for song titles or albums can lead to confusion on streaming platforms. Deliver My Tune’s automated system detects duplicate entries and resolves them before distribution.
Inconsistent Genre Tags: Deliver My Tune ensures that your genre and sub-genre tags are consistent across all platforms, helping your music reach the right audience.
Conclusion In the digital music industry, accurate metadata is critical to your music’s success. It ensures that your tracks are discoverable, that royalties are properly tracked, and that your music is categorized correctly on digital platforms. Deliver My Tune takes metadata accuracy seriously and has developed a robust process to ensure that your music meets the metadata standards of all major platforms. With automated checks, manual reviews, and continuous updates, Deliver My Tune ensures that your music metadata is always accurate, maximizing your visibility, revenue, and impact in the music industry.
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