#use me as her toilet
squirting-sub · 7 months
In the mood for some really depraved fucked up sex
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crowsgrudge · 8 months
fionna's world being represented by a dandelion makes so much sense ... they're weeds. yet people make wishes through them, changing their whole meaning from something meant to be destroyed to something hopeful.
dandelions are also resilient and it makes sense that something associated with them would. you know. perservere despite the destruction caused by the scarab.
but ultimately i think what REALLY made me tear up over this is that dandelions are really boring plants. when you're a kid you blow on them and make your wish but they're not eyecatching or anything but still, fionna's final wish was for her old world to still exist as it was when she left it (> plain and simple. boring even).
like the moment she realized she would lose her friends, and that her friends might forget each other if the world got its magic back, she immediately decided she didn't want it and I think that ties back to the dandelion metaphor so well... like, do you really need magic to be real to find it everywhere? or can you turn something boring into something magical?
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teastarfall · 7 months
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sorry guys we only have mindless little nightmares doodles on the menu today
also i redesigned my pretty design i think she looks neat 💥💥
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universalkuzey · 9 months
The way Tiara just auto accepted that Akane is her new big brother is so cute like look at them
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Tiara is leaning onto him and shit.... They are so bffs Tiara forces Akane to play dolls with her
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batwynn · 1 month
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Here’s a quick look at some of the upcoming Pride stuff coming to Patreon and to the local Pride event happening in June!
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yugiohz · 5 months
your social life NEEDS that one friend that documents their entire life on snapchat
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prettyfakeboys · 6 months
Hii, I’m Alice and I’m a fake boy girl
I’m 18, submissive and I can’t follow here sadly <3
I don’t post/send pics of myself sorry
I’m into: BDSM, Detrans, humiliation, intox, cnc, free use, piss, edging, overstim, objectification, bimbo training, bratting and serving men
Limits: scat, vomit, hardcore priase/ praise alone, ageplay and calling someone daddy
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bloodyarn · 30 days
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doggolol · 8 months
they showed tiara in the ed of ashk!
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cipheramnesia · 2 years
Humans should not have any prerequisite reason for working for disabled rights and accessibility. It should just be part of being a good person.
In a world where all of our bodies age and grow more frail and are affected by entropy, where every single person knows on the basic and most fundamental level that they have a nearly 100% chance of living with a disability purely on the basis on linear time, where it is that damn certain and blatantly obvious, I am still boggled at anyone who sees advocating for disability rights and better ways to meet disable needs and thinks "that's not worthwhile." And while aging and disability have some distinct differences in how they're supported in society, a person 80 years old who is hard of hearing is in the same media captioning boat as a 20 year autistic with audio processing issues.
Growing to a ripe old age with zero amount of disability is like becoming a billionaire. Everyone has been convinced it'll happen to them, but the chances are near zero. Anyone can become disabled at any time, but not only that - everyone is going to become disabled because of time.
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notemaker · 9 months
I don't know How To People. Please someone tell me How To People
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randomnameless · 1 year
From the video on the Feh channel on how to use the new heroes, they explain a bit of background about the units :
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@renisfan watched the jp subtitles and of course the "heartless" part isn't in the jp subtitles because this is Fodlan content !
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What the fuck ???
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Note who is fielded with her (Flayn didn't get the memo grandma needs to be alone to gain more stats !)
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Of course this Sothis is a fallen hero, she gives fucks about her kin ! /s
Funny how this alt is supposed to be from the Nopes part where Sothis hijacks Billy's body to get revenge for Jerry ; Nopes Sothis never mentions her dead kids (save for AG) and never expresses a desire to avenge them, she wishes to terminate Agarthans (Barney) for what they did to Jerry, but not for slaughtering her own children.
In Feh proper (her quotes + forging bonds) Sothis is pissed and fights against perceived threats to both her and Billy, but we don't know why she is pissed. It could be from the same Nopes's scene when she wants to avenge Jerry, bcs Billy's accessories are Jerry related.
But in this video of Feh ??? They explain why Sothis is pissed, it's not because Jerry died, but because Nabateans, her very own children, were genocided ?
The one reason/motivation both Fe16, Nopes and even Feh work their hardest to ignore (it's just an infodump with no consequences in VW !), now this video gives it some light and thoughts ????
Like, rip to Jerry, but for the people who made this video, the only reason why Sothis could be totally pissed and willing to off the first peon who looks at her wrong is her ire at the loss of her children ?
They completely retconned the non-character she was in the Fodlan games, to make her react in a more logical way, Rhea BaD or not BaD, the second Sothis has her memories she destroys the Agarthans and their allies, to avenge the children, her children, who were massacred.
By making this video, IS first shows that Sothis genuinely cared about her children and maybe Rhea wasn't completely delusional when she called her a loving mother, second, and more importantly, they just shat on 3/7th of the combined games. Tru Piss!Sothis wouldn't marry Billy after siding with Thales to finish the massacre of Zanado, and Supreme Leader would have also been terminated, even if Sothis had to take over Billy at that point. Ditto for Clout in Golden Shower, if Sothis!Billy is from around, he dies the second the plot arrow crits Rhea. Jury's out on Supreme Bullshit, but I doubt Sothis would be A OK to work for Supreme Leader whose aim is, at times, to make Garreg Mach Rhea's tomb.
And third, only for the lols, where plot reasons prevented them to meet and interact in the Fodlan games and when Sothis being a piece of crap prevented an interaction in the halloween event, Retcon!Sothis finally meets her daughter in this video ! It's a nice nod to last year, F!Rhea believing and wishing she would meet her mother again in Askr, and the video delivers - Sothis, through Billy, protects her !
Of course this content only pops up in a video bcs even Feh in its main game cannot drop such a heavy dump on Fodlan's writing and plotholes, but I wonder what prompted IS to release this video, with this explanation as to why Sothis is angry.
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jakeperalta · 11 months
spent weeks psyching myself up to stand up to my mum and then immediately got shot down by her 😃👍
#vent incoming i apologise in advance for the long tags#we've lived together just the two of us since dec 2021 (although her boyfriend is here like 2/3 of the time as well)#and since i got my job in march 2022 i have been paying half of all the bills (literally down to like tv license when i barely watch the tv)#which is £300 a month#plus i buy all my own food + pay for the amazon prime she uses + contribute to various household things like toilet roll etc#and she doesn't have a mortgage so i am paying the same amount as her to live in her house#(and it is very much her house not our house)#and I've never been very happy with any of that but never complained either#but then recently it turned out she never set up the water bill when we moved in (it's one of the only bills i didn't sort for us)#so we have a huge backdated bill from dec 2021 and i knew she was going to tell me to pay half#so for the past month or so I've been preparing myself for this conversation and sure enough today she came and said 'we owe £700'#so i was like 'oh i thought maybe it would've been covered by my £300/month' which is the biggest stand I've been able to work myself up to#and she immediately started going on about how i live here too and use water too so it's just as much my responsibility to pay#and how when we're both earning i should be paying my share and i was like yeah i know that's why i never complained about paying before#but also i already pay more than most people would to live with their parents#and she went off about how actually most people charge their grown up kids rent on top of the bills so really i'm lucky i don't have to#(when she got the original £300 figure it was actually rounded up from like £240 to include 'rent' but i wasn't gonna bring that up now)#and in conclusion she doesn't see why she should be subsidising my bills#like i don't know maybe because you're my MOTHER and i am your CHILD who is just starting out in the adult world#and maybe that entitles me to being treated better than some lodger???!!!!!#anyway i paid the bill and now i'm trying and failing at not crying at my desk 😃#talking
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softpine · 5 months
Poop question but amongst your characters?
LMAO the only ones i can imagine actually doing that are stevie and elaine, because they'll answer the phone for each other no matter where they are or what they're doing. i think danny would do that to mikaela and she'd be like wow 😐 the magic is dead 😐 but jokingly because she doesn't actually care
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pikslasrce · 7 months
you guys have nooooo idea how crazy this moving period has been november was CRAZYYYYY literally all three of us are going insane from all the shit going on ever since we found the new place
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vamprisms · 2 years
if you have workmen in your house and take issue with them asking for a drink or using your toilet you're genuinely insane
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