#slap me and hurt me so hard it makes me cry
hamsterclaw · 23 hours
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Your ex-boyfriend's new song reels you back in.
Pairing: Namjoon x f! reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: Idol! Namjoon, smut, angst
Warnings: Sex, swearing, toxic relationship
Word count: 2k
‘The fuck you say about me?’ you demand.
The tall, buzzed blond man looks up, insolent, arrogant, so fucking sexy it hurts you.
He tucks his tongue in his cheek, flicks his hooded eyes over your rigid body.
‘If the shoe fits,’ he drawls, that familiar low voice smooth as silk.
‘You’re an asshole,’ you hiss, angry tears standing in your eyes. You blink and they stream down over your cheeks.
Kim Namjoon, your ex boyfriend, tilts his head. His gaze hasn’t left yours.
‘I miss making you cry,’ he says. His words come out slow, deliberate, every word like a bullet hitting its mark.
His aim’s always been sharp.
‘You never will again,’ you spit out. 
You turn on your heel and yank open his studio door. 
His hand lands on the door above your head, closes it again, caging you between him and the door. All six feet of him, packed with the muscle he’s put on since he started working out again.
He leans down, you can feel his breath on the back of your neck as he whispers, ‘How does it feel to be the one caught off-guard?’
You try to turn around and face him but his large hand lands on your shoulder, pinning you into place.
He’s always been bigger, but he’s never used his strength against you before.
You’re shaking with a rage and hurt so deep you can’t verbalise. You sob, a gulp of air, and try to turn again.
He holds firm, and you can’t move.
‘Stop,’ you say, throwing an elbow back, struggling against his grasp.
Namjoon releases you just enough so you can turn to face him.
There’s a hardness to his expression that you haven’t seen before. 
‘Now you know how it feels,’ he says. 
‘Let me go,’ you scream, right up into his face, so loud your ears ring.
He barely blinks.
‘You come into my studio to start shit? What did you expect?’ he hisses.
‘You touch me, I’ll go to the press,’ you say, shoving at his chest.
Namjoon laughs, short. ‘And say what? No one knows we ever fucked.’
His words hang between you.
The tears are still falling, but your composure is returning.
‘I know,’ you say, voice thick. ‘And you know.’
Your words make some of his anger drain away. You can see him visibly easing out of the rigid posture he was in, leaning back so he’s not looming over you.
‘We know,’ he muses. 
‘And now anyone who listens to that track will know,’ you say, looking at him steadily.
He runs a hand through his buzzed hair.
‘They’ll know you fucked me over,’ he says. ‘They’ll know my side.’
He’s not wrong. There are two sides to your tumultuous relationship, and he’s told his side in the way he does best. 
It’s unfortunate for you that he has the platform to reach millions of people. 
You’re standing a foot apart now, bodies still turned to each other.
‘I fucked you over,’ you muse. ‘I fucked you over.’
He’s staring at your mouth and you know exactly what he’s thinking.
For all his emotional intelligence and his intellect, he’s always been a simple man.
‘Come down so I can reach,’ you say.
He leans down and your hand comes up to slap him. He catches your wrist mid-air, grip so strong it’s like steel, and lowers his mouth onto yours.
His kiss is hard, bruising, his tongue delving into your open mouth in a rhythm that makes you shiver.
He tugs you up on tiptoe, and you bring your hands up to keep space between you. He ignores the way you’re pushing at his chest, takes the way you’re kissing him as consent.
You give up.
You melt into his frame, close, arm curling around his neck to hold on as he presses his hot mouth to your neck. His tongue flicks over your skin, his lips form a seal and he sucks, a sensation that has warmth pooling at your core.
He groans, low, his hands already sliding up under your top, cupping your breasts over your bra.
Instead of unhooking, he hooks his finger under the band of your bra and tugs, up, lowering his head to suckle at the tip of your breast. His tongue swirls, and heat pulses between your legs.
‘Take it off,’ he says, eyes hooded, pupils blown. 
You tug your top off, then your bra. You’re not self-conscious about how you look in front of him.
Namjoon’s shown you a million times how much he loves your body.
Sure enough, he’s pushing you back onto the couch, mouth all over your tits, his big hands splayed around your waist, gripping you tight.
You try not to moan but you can’t stop yourself. He knows exactly how to pleasure you, it’s a learned skill from the hundreds of times you’ve fucked.
He laves his tongue over your nipple, and you’re already craving the thick length of his cock inside you.
He’s watching you as he kisses a path down the bare skin of your torso. He gets to the button of your jeans, undoes it deftly and you lift your hips so he can tug them off.
Underneath, your panties are sticking to you. He splays a hand over the curve of your hip, places his hand on you and you close your eyes as he rolls the pad of his thumb over your clit, slow, teasing.
You put a hand over your mouth to stifle your moans, and he tugs it away, rough.
He’s still fully dressed, the lights all blazing above you, and the juxtaposition of how he’s fully in control and how he’s taking you apart under him adds an unwanted intrusion to the haze of pleasure.
It’s more about the way you’ve treated him than the way he’s got you spread and almost naked under him.
It’s more about the things you’ve said to this man who you’re supposed to love than the moans of wanton pleasure you’re expressing now.
He’s the one with a finger in your cunt but you think over the years you’ve fucked him just as much.
The tears come again, and Namjoon notices. He’s seen you cry so many times but there’s still a thin thread of decency that makes him lean down and kiss your forehead.
‘If I stop we’ll only feel worse,’ he murmurs, certainty in his tone borne of experience.
‘You know I love how you fuck me,’ you say, softly, speaking like it’s a secret between you and him.
There’s a flash of regret in his eyes but he doesn’t dwell on it. Fucking won’t close the chasm between you but it’ll sure as hell make you both forget for a while.
He gets up, unbuttons, lets his loose jeans slip down and then he’s in his chair, thighs spread, hard dick in his hand.
There’s a smear of pre-cum on his grey tee that’s probably worth more than your car but Namjoon’s never given a fuck about his clothes.
He watches, intent, as you slip your panties down, kick them away. 
He cups your bare bottom as you straddle him, lets your hand cover his around his cock.
You curl your fingers around him, and he huffs out a breath.
More pre-cum slips between your fingers as you position the head of him where you need him.
Namjoon’s dimple flashes, brief, as his lips curve.
‘Take it slow, baby, you know how sore you get.’
There’s a taunt in his low voice but the hands still supporting your ass are gentle.
You take the tip of him inside you, and he clenches his jaw.
His body, underneath you, is tense with holding himself back.
Namjoon can be gentle but he’s not a patient man.
You lower yourself, slow, thighs quivering with effort. 
The slide of his cock is so damn satisfying, every time. 
Namjoon lifts his hips, a push, two, then he’s in all the way.
You both groan.
You rest your forehead against his, fighting to regulate your breathing.
He’s struggling too, his heart thumping against his chest.
‘Fuck, fuck,’ he mutters. ‘Why’s it so good every time?’
He catches your cheeks between his thumb and fingers, squeezes your tear streaked face.
‘I want to make it work,’ he vows. ‘Why can’t we make it work?’
He’s squeezing so hard you’re worried he’ll leave fingermarks on your cheeks.
You could give a trite response, a dozen snappy comebacks are in your mouth ready to be said, but instead you close your eyes.
Take in the feel of him inside you, his body around yours. His scent on your skin.
Every time could be the last time.
Then again you’ve been saying that since you met him.
You curl your arms around his broad shoulders, move your hips, pull his head between your breasts.
He comes willingly.
You lift your hips, up so he’s just barely inside, then drop them. The sounds of your joined bodies in the otherwise silent soundproofed studio are obscene and beautiful.
You keep up the rhythm, slowing when you’re close, when your peak’s within reach. 
Namjoon’s looking up at you. 
His dimples flash. 
‘Always did need me to finish you,’ he says. If there’s arrogance in his tone it’s been earned over all the times you’ve fucked.
You press your thumb into his cheek.
‘So do it.’
Namjoon grasps your hips, grinding you onto his pelvis. He fucks up into you, grunting with the effort. His skin gleams with the sweat he’s worked up.
‘Fuck,’ you gasp. 
Namjoon swears. 
‘Gripping me so tight, fuck!’
Namjoon pulls you down, plunges his tongue into your mouth as he fucks you.
You cry his name as you come, words passing from your mouth to his, and he closes his eyes.
His thrusts slow, erratic, as he pumps his release into you. 
You get up, legs wobbly from being fucked so hard and well, totter to the couch and press your face between the joins. You can’t look at him or you’ll cry again and you both hate that.
A moment later you feel the weight of him next to you.
His big palm lands on your ass along with the whole weight of his arm. 
He buries his face in your hair.
You don’t think there’s anything left to say.
You’re curled up in Namjoon’s pre-cum stained shirt, knees up and together on his cum-stained couch, watching him flick a lighter on and off.
Without turning he says, ‘Don’t give me that fucking screw face when you’ve got my t-shirt on and my come running down your leg.’
You try to readjust your resting screw face but he turns and catches you.
You have to laugh at how well he knows you.
He’s picked up your panties, twirling them around his finger.
‘You gonna go?’ he asks. He’s looking at you, so you do him the courtesy of meeting his gaze.
He nods. ‘I had the codes changed on all the doors. Your fingerprint won’t work anymore.’
It’s your turn to nod. 
‘I moved,’ you feel the need to tell him.
‘I know,’ he says.
You’re not surprised to hear he looked for you.
It’s the hallmark of the many years of toxic codependency you shared. 
Your friends got married and had babies.
You and Namjoon went up in flames and rose from the ashes. The cycle went on. 
Fuck, cry, repeat.
You get up, start getting dressed.
You’ve got your hand on the door when you turn back to look at him a last time.
He’s already looking at you. 
‘You hungry?’ you ask.
It takes him less than a second to decide.
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scarlethexelove · 11 hours
Hi it‘s me again. I was just thinking something like your kate fic where reader is with wandanat or agatha and goes through some tough times maybe with depression, anxiety or self harm and they help reader through it? your kate fic really helped me because I‘m going through those things right now and it gives me so much comfort🖤 ty for your amazing writing truly!!
We're Here
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Image found on pinterest
Pairing: WandaNat x Reader
Word Count: 1482
Warnings: Depression, ⚠️Self Harm⚠️, Blood, Fluff, Anxiety, Soft Wanda, Soft Nat
A/n: I had started writing a whole different fic and didn't like it for this so I changed it up and wrote this one instead. I hope you like it. I was trying not to cry while writing it.
Your chest hurts as your mind races with swirling thoughts. You aren’t good enough for them. They deserve so much better than you. No one should have to look after you; they don’t deserve that burden. You, you are the burden in their life. You deserve to be alone, to suffer alone. Not for them to take care of you. 
You can’t take the thoughts anymore. That pain that burns deep in your chest making it hard to breathe. You somehow find the energy to get out of bed and make your way to the bathroom. You search looking for the one thing you know will help. It’s the only way to make the pain stop. You sigh when you find it. The small shiny piece of sharp metal. An escape. 
You sit on the floor holding the razor in your hand. You hesitate for a moment looking at it in your hand. They will be so disappointed in you if you do it or they will finally realize just how messed up you are and finally leave you. Your mind battles against itself as you stare at the one thing you know can help. But those dark thoughts win out. You know it will be better if you push them away. Making them hate you for just how broken and messed up you are. 
With a deep breath the cold metal drags across your skin digging in deep. The thin line turns white before crimson seeps through. Small little bubbles of blood form on the line before they become so big it starts to drip down your arm. The pain from your chest slowly starts to dissipate as you feel the pain from the blade. So you do it again. Another line draws across your skin. You watch the blood dripping down your arm. 
The more you cut the more you feel free. It becomes easier to breathe and the pain in your chest is gone. You focus on the pain that makes it all feel better, the blood dripping down calming those thoughts in your mind as it distracts everything. 
You’re so distracted by the blood and the shift in your pain that you didn’t hear the door to your bedroom open, but a loud gasp pulls you from your thoughts. Your eyes shift up seeing Wanda her hand slapped over her mouth as she looks down upon you. Tears filling her eyes which only make tears fill yours. Natasha steps in view behind Wanda as she hears her gasp. She holds her breath when her eyes land on you. The tears that shine in your eyes are now escaping, cascading down your cheeks. 
“Oh my god detka!” Nat pulls from her shock and jumps into action. She moves past a still very shocked Wanda grabbing a hand towel and crouching down in front of you. She presses the towel to your arm and presses down hard. You can’t help the hiss you let out as the towel makes contact with your torn skin. “I’m sorry.” You sob. 
Wanda finally comes back to reality as she quickly moves to sit down beside you. She pulls the rest of your body into hers as Nat keeps holding the towel to your arm trying to get the bleeding to stop. You sob into Wanda’s chest as you continue to repeat I’m sorry over and over again. Wanda just shushed you and kissed your head as she held you close. “You’re ok sweetheart. We got you.” She continues to hold and whisper reassuring words in your ear. 
It takes a few minutes before you calm down, but as you do it starts to sink in on what you have done. “You don’t deserve this. I’m not worth it.” You whisper as you slightly pull back from Wanda. She shakes her head. “Moya lyubov' we love you more than anything and we just want to be here for you.” You just look down not wanting to meet her gaze feeling embarrassed. “Detka, do you want to tell us why?” Nat speaks up. You sigh. “It hurt. I just wanted it to stop.” Your voice is low. “What hurt sweetheart?” Wanda asks, wanting you to clarify. “Ev-Everything. My chest hurt and it was so hard to breathe. I just wanted it to stop.” You anxiously chew on your lip waiting for the women to respond. 
The room is silent as the women mull over your words. “Why didn’t you call us?” Wanda asks you. You look down not knowing how to answer her. She gently lifts your chin with her finger so that you are looking at her. She has a sad smile on her face and tears shining in her eyes. You pull your thoughts together because they deserve to know. “I didn’t want to bother you. You two deserve to be happy. To not have to worry about me. I’m broken.” 
“You’re not broken malyshka. You are so strong and we love you so much. All we want to do is help you.” Nat’s words are soft. You turn to look at her. She wears a soft expression as she looks at you. “We want to spend the rest of our lives with you Y/n. You mean the world to us. I will spend every day for the rest of my life telling you that you are loved and you are worthy of love if that is what it takes.” She continues her hand coming to cup your cheek. Wanda shifts in front of you so that you can look at both of them. “When you are down and feel like the world is caving in on you I will be there to protect you to keep those walls from caving in on you.” Wanda smiles at you. Their words bring a small smile to your face. 
Your mind was wrong. They do love you and maybe you do deserve their love. They have been here to catch you every time you fall. You know it won’t always be easy but they will always be there to reassure you. Your mind will play tricks on you but they will show you what's real. 
Nat pulls the towel from your arm and sees that the bleeding has mostly stopped. “Let’s get you cleaned up then we can have a movie day in our pajamas.” You nod and smile. Nat lifts you up onto the counter as Wanda goes into the bedroom. Nat grabs the first aid kit from under the bathroom sink and starts to clean up your arm. You grit your teeth as she does. “I’m sorry detka.” She apologizes for causing you any pain. “It’s not your fault Natty.” You tell her knowing that this is all of your own accord. 
Wanda wanders back in with a stack of pajamas for all of you to wear as Nat finishes up. She wraps a bandage around your arm then leans in pecking your lips making you giggle. Your giggle is music to their ears glad to see you feeling a bit better. Wanda proceeds to give you a peck too. They then help you get changed before changing themselves. You give Wanda grabby hands as you're still sitting on the counter. She chuckles, moving to pick you up. You wrap your legs tightly around her waist and bury your head in her neck. She carries you into the bedroom with Nat following behind. 
Wanda places you on the bed and crawls in next to you. Nat crawls in on the other side of you. They make sure to sandwich you in between them letting you know that they are there for you and they aren’t going anywhere. You cuddle in close to both of them as Nat puts on one of your favorite movies to watch. “Thank you both for everything.” They both smile at you. “We love you Y/n no need to thank us.” Nat tells you. “But I wanted to.” You nuzzle into her a little. “We will always be here for you.” Wanda adds. 
You all settle in the bed as the movie plays on the screen in front of you. Your eyes drooping in exhaustion. “It’s ok to sleep detka.” Wanda tells you her fingers gliding through your hair. “Mmm I love you.” You whisper as you finally let your eyes fully close. “We love you too.” Nat kisses your head as she holds onto you tightly. “Sweet dreams sweetheart.” Wanda murmurs against your head.
You know that you will have to have more conversations about what happened today but that will be for later. But right now all you need is their love and comfort. With that you know that you can make it through this. So you finally let yourself drift off to sleep. Feeling all the love that you never thought that you deserved. 
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 20 hours
"Save a horse, ride a cowboy" - Tex "Oatmeal" Johnson asking for his.. "breakfast" and some exercise to wake them both up 😌
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Spooky, here’s your breakfast. Tex Johnson x Fem Reader. Gif by @cristinaricci. TW: somnophilia, dub-con, Tex, spanking, anal play, really nsfw
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You should really know better by now; sleeping in Tex’s big flannel and that little thong (or, as he likes to muse, a scrap of cotton on elastic) he loves… just to get him riled up? Tsk.
That’s how you end up with him kissing and nibbling your cheeks while he knuckles over your pussy.
You’re all weak and jello, unable to protest properly when he slaps the band of stinging elastic against you, pulls it aside and flicks your little asshole with his tongue.
“Nah, nuh-uh,” you growl, hands going back to stop him, but not before he catches your wrists and holds them flat against your back with one unfairly big grip—your own personal pair of handcuffs.
“You don’t like that?” He asks, grinning a kiss into your plump left cheek, only letting his teeth graze just a little bit. 
You giggle, and it’s stupid that you honestly think you can get out of this by saying, “go away.”
“Oh yeah?” He muses, nuzzling his beard into your pussy lips, sucking and slobbering. The underwear does little to deter his sneaking, slippery, silver tongue.
You try a different bargain. “Tex, I can’t -“ 
He gives your butt a wicked little slap. “You’re gonna.” 
You groan and bury your face into the pillow while he eats the cum out of you. 
“Fuckin sleeping in these cute little panties to get me hard first thing in the damn morning. You just wanted to tease me, huh, little girl?” 
The generous bastard gifts you two thick fingers curled perfectly.
“Answer me or I’m gonna edge ya til you cry.”
“No no no please. Okay okay yeah. Nah ah ahn oh fu-uh-uck.”
You clench on three fingers without warning, soaking right through those aforementioned cute panties. Fuck, you really liked those.
“Already?” He asks, shaking his head. “Talk about jumpin the gun.”
“Shut uppp Texx—“
“Tell me what I wanna hear.”
“Oh, you better fuckin do it.”
“M’ your pretty girl.”
“What honey?” He purposefully ups the force of his fingers to get you louder: “m-mmmmah yuh-ur pretty girlll.”
This is what you get for insulting yourself in front of him that one goddamn time. He had grabbed your cheeks, smushing them between his fingers. “What was that?”
“What?” You challenged, defiance ruined by the comical distortion of your voice.
“Naw, you know exactly watcha said, and if you ever talk like that about my pretty little honey again, you ain’t gonna like me very much.”
You rolled your eyes and batted him away, but he threaded his fingers through your belt loops before you could run. “You hearing me? Only person that gets to be mean to you is me and my cock. Are we clear, pumpkin?” He tugged you chest to chest, usual playful smile turned down into something stern and menacing.
And, ever since that moment, he has been making you say it—that you’re his pretty girl. Even in public, around people you know, if he asks, you supply with a bright blush and eyes downcast and pussy clenching.
As he’s stated before, he really likes making you gush around his fingers and then licking it up with his tongue—overstimulate your “poor little kitty kat”. Loves it when you’re swollen and spent, cum dribbling from both holes when he and John decide to make a sandwich out of you. Sure, he can threaten all he wants with edging games, but you know that, if you play cards with this wicked devil just right, he’s going to make you cum many times over, until it fucking hurts—leaves you screaming and crying and kicking your feet, actually missing Wick’s week long edging sessions…as awful as they are.
You’re already sore when he makes you sit on his cock.
“I’m tired,” you whine, draped over his torso so his fat tip isn’t bruising your cervix quite so much.
“Baby,” he murmurs, kissing your hair. “You’re always tired. Nappin like an house cat every time I see you.”
“I’m sleepy,” you protest, huffing into his chest. And it’s probably because we fuck like rabbits every six or seven minutes, you think to yourself.
“Aw, poor sleepin beauty.” He gives your ass a sharp smack. “You better start workin on this cock before I do it for you.”
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mulloey · 2 days
off the trigger • seonghwa
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the risk doesn’t need to be real.
warnings: dom!seonghwa, sub!reader, gun play, mild fear play, deepthroating, mouth fucking, degradation
word count: 1k
You shudder, from the cold air on your naked skin and the coolness of his voice. From your knees you stare up at your boyfriend, gazing you down with narrowed eyes. Your eyes are fixed on his hands where they hang casually at his side; in one of them, he twirls a small pistol around in his grip.
“Open,” he repeats.
You bite your lip, staring at him nervously before you start to obey, parting your lips slowly. He steps towards you so he’s fully towering over you, completely dwarfing you. He shoves two fingers in your mouth unceremoniously, using his grip to pull your mouth open further. He explores your open mouth with his fingers, inspecting it closely with dark eyes. You whine, drooling slightly and squirm in position. With his other hand he slaps you lightly across the face; a warning rather than a punishment.
“Don’t squirm,” he mutters. “I’m trying to do something here.”
You nod as much as you can in your position and he smiles, pulling his fingers out. He wipes them down before gently cupping your face with the other hand. “Are you gonna be good for me?”
You nod. “Yes, Hwa.”
He smiles, pinching your cheek before he lifts the gun. He briefly points it at your face before slipping it between your lips and into your mouth. You choke, surprised by the action but you quickly get used to its presence. You let it sit on your tongue, lips wrapped around it, unsure of what to do. He smiles.
“Good baby,” he says. “You’re gonna suck on this gun like it’s my dick, okay?”
His words hit you in the stomach; you feel them twist in your gut and you moan. He cocks an eyebrow, waiting for you to obey him and you slowly and uncertainly start to suck.
True to his orders, you try to treat it like his dick; suckling and swirling your tongue over the barrel just how he likes it. He watches you with hooded eyes, affected by your efforts, and the image of you, naked on your knees, sucking and choking on a gun just because he told you to.
He starts to move it in and out, not as hard as he would his dick but it still makes you gag. You moan, closing your eyes in concentration as he fucks your mouth with the pistol.
It’s an insane display, but after a while your jaw starts to hurt; you’ve scraped your teeth a few times on the hard steel and the barrel is a thick, unmoldable intrusion. Though you keep up your efforts, desperate to please, he notices.
“Enough,” he says.
He pulls the gun out of your mouth and a string of saliva follows, the barrel coated in your drool. He scoffs, wiping it down against his pants. “Disgusting,” he mutters, but he’s smiling slightly.
You flush deeper, whining in embarrassment but he ignores you. He puts the gun on the table, turning back to you.
“Clearly you can throat a pistol like a bitch,” he says. “Let’s see if you can do the same to me.”
He pulls his dick out, not wasting a moment before forcing it into your mouth. You choke, having no time to adjust before he starts to move; slow but deep thrusts which quickly speed up until he’s fucking your mouth mercilessly. You do your best to take it, letting your jaw hang as wide as possible and using your tongue to increase his pleasure but it’s certainly a challenge. You’re a good girl, though, his good girl, so you take it all.
He moans and grunts, your favourite sounds, as you continue. He grabs a fistful of your hair, holding it tight in his hand and using it to guide your head up and down. You gag and choke happily, like you were born for it and he stares down at you in awe.
“Fuck,” he groans. “You love this, don’t you? You love getting your mouth used like this.”
You nod, crying out a ‘yes’ that’s muffled by the thick cock in your mouth. He chuckles, tugging on your hair a bit with a smile.
“You’re the most pathetic little slut I’ve ever met,” he laughs. “You’ll do anything I tell you to, won’t you? You’ll like anything I tell you you like.”
You moan, nodding and he laughs. He speeds up again, hitting the back of your throat with faster, deeper thrusts. He throws his head back, crying out as you do your best to keep up with him. As you feel his orgasm approaching, you feel the coolness of metal against your temple. You don’t need to look to gather what he’s doing; the feeling of his gun held against your head is a familiar but terrifying one. It’s another way for him to play with you, to see the fear in your eyes and remind the both of you of just how much he could do to you.
His hand is nowhere near the trigger; it doesn’t need to be. Just the lingering presence of the metal barrel against your head keeps you still and submissive and eager to please. He fucks in and out of you without regard or care for your pleasure and you accept it eagerly. You chase those sounds of pleasure like it’s your own orgasm; desperate and hungry for it as you do your best to service him the way he likes.
His grunts by now have turned into almost whimpers, soft desperate sounds as you throat him with expert precision. “Oh— fuck,” he cries. His grip on your hair tights, pulling your head back and forth to push his cock further into your throat.
He slows his pace slightly, letting you breathe and giving him a brief rest to stare down at you, still sucking dutifully at his cock as it slips in and out of your mouth.
He shakes his head and starts to speed up again. “You know normal people don’t like this, right?” He asks. “If you held a gun to their head they’d get scared and turned off. But you just get wet and suck harder, don’t you?”
You whine and he laughs, speeding up again. This time his orgasm comes quickly and without warning; before you can anticipate it he’s unloading in your mouth. He keeps thrusting through his organs, grunting and yelling as you fill up.
He pulls it out, dropping the gun on the floor next to you, and pats your head as you swallow.
“You’re fucking crazy,” he laughs. “Good girl.”
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squirting-sub · 7 months
In the mood for some really depraved fucked up sex
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fairy-angel222 · 4 months
—how the jjk men punish you
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ft. gojo, geto, choso, toji, nanami, sukuna
cw: smut, overstimulation, choking, recording, degradation, praise, spanking, edging, toy use, mommy kink, daddy kink, squirting, crying, double penetration
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Gojo’s a pleasure giver. But he can’t help it if pleasure turns to pain. So when you make him real mad, what else to do but to fuck you till you’re crying. Shaking, begging him to give you a break. Pulling orgasm after orgasm out of your aching cunt with no remorse.
“P-pleasee Sat-oruuu, ‘m sorry-yy.” you cried with a hiccup. “I can’t t-take it. ‘M close again and i-it hurts.”
“It’s all your fault baby. Couldn’t just be a good girl f’ me now could you?” Landing a harsh slap to your overly sensitive clit making you mewl loudly.
You were a mess. Your cheeks stained black from the running of your mascara. The sides of your swollen red lips filled with drool at your constant cries.
A choked scream escaped your lips when Gojo reached down to rub your clit. Your hands flying to his wrist in an attempt to pull his hand away. “Toruuu— uh uh, ‘s too s-sensitive,” you sobbed. Your boyfriend scowling as his other hand wrapped tightly around your throat.
“Unless you want your punishment to be worse, you better behave.” he growled out into your ear. You whimpered as you let go of him, the pace of his thrusts speeding up along with the movement of his fingers. “There we go, good girl.” he cooed.
The coil in your stomach was painfully ready to snap. Your eyes rolling back for what felt like the millionth time and your sobs becoming one with your moans as your body shook. Your pussy clenched down hard on his cock as you squirted, Gojo’s hand rubbing messily at the wetness between your folds.
Gojo laughed darkly, “Seven outa seven times you’ve squirted huh, three more to go and i’m at a new high score.” Lifting you onto your hands and knees despite your tear filled whines of ‘no more.’
Geto’s pretty mean sometimes. When he gets mad he loves to humiliate you. Fucking your throat with a camera in your face, calling you the most degrading names. Then making you watch it when you’re done and threatening to make it public if you ever disobey him again.
“Say hi to the camera slut. Tell them how much of a stupid fucking girl you’ve been,”
You only whine in response, your eyes welling with tears as Geto pushed your head further down on his cock. A loud gag sounding from your throat as your nose pressed against his pubic region, your nails digging into his thighs as you ran out of oxygen.
You let out a gasp for air when Geto roughly pulls your face back up, the camera zoomed into your spit coated chin, your flushed cheeks, and your glassy eyes. His palm landing on your cheek in a hard slap with the sinister tilt of his head. “ Ready to tell them why you’re here like this?”
You hiccuped, biting your lip at the sting flowing through your face. “‘M a bad girl who doesn’t obey instructions.” you whimpered, looking up through wet lashes as Geto smirked down at you. “And ‘s my fault ‘m getting punished.”
“Good girl.” Going back to fucking into your parted lips, his tip hitting the back of your throat as he brought himself to release. Pulling you off of him and spilling his cum all over your face. “Now smile for the camera.”
And you did as told, giving the camera a small smile as the thick white substance dripped onto your exposed chest.
Spanks you till your ass is red. Making you count each one and starting again every time you pulled away or reached back to grab his wrists.
“Fort-yy,” you cried, your ass sore as your boyfriend soothed his hands into your flesh. A smile on his face as he nodded in approval. “You did well.”
Then to “reward” you he’s stuffing his cock into you, fucking you sweet and slow till you’re moaning his name. Your head falling back at the feeling of his fingers on your clit.
He fucks you just how he knew you liked it. Until your moans were getting louder and your legs started to tremble. “Ahh— Kentoo, ‘m close,”
Only to smirk down at you when he kissed down your neck, stilling his movements and pulling out of you as you clenched round nothing.
“Sorry sweetheart, bad girls don’t get forgiven that easily.” Walking away from you and leaving you whining with need. Your poor cunt in desperate need of a release.
Nanami’s expression doesn’t change when you beg him to finish the job. Sitting down and sipping his coffee as you attempted to rut your clit against his thigh. “K-kentoo please.”
“If you make yourself cum you get forty more.” he warned, watching as you whimpered pleadingly up at him. Your lips forming into a pout when he ignored you “You’re s-so mean.”
“Should’ve thought about that before you disobeyed me.”
Toji’s even meaner side comes out when he’s angry, and he loves making you cum till you pass out. But not with his cock.
He leaves you tied to his bed, a gag in your mouth and your hands and legs bound to each corner of its frame. A vibrator strapped to your sensitive clit with a smaller one in you against your g spot.
“W-wait daddy don’t go— pl-ease don’t leave me like this.” you cried, the older man only smiling before gagging you again, waving goodbye before exiting the house.
The toys pulling orgasm after orgasm out of your poor body, your chin covered in your spit and tears. You couldn’t even feel your legs as they trembled, muffled screams falling past your lips as your pussy gushed onto the bed, again.
Your body spasmed, eyes shut tight as you attempted to pull your hips away from the vibrations on your clit. A defeated sob sounding in your throat when you were stopped by your restraints.
At least two hours went by, and your entire body was numb, your eyes struggling to stay open and your breathing heavy as you continued to swallow your tears.
When Toji gets home you’re already gone, the sheets underneath you soaked as you lay limp in the position he left you. Your legs still quivering with your wetness flowing uncontrollably out of your red, swollen cunt.
Toji smirked to himself, that should have taught you a lesson.
When you make Sukuna mad, he stuffs you full past your limit. “Kuna— don’t think it can fit. ‘S too much.”
“You better fucking take it. Since you wanna be so bad, i’ll make it fit.” Bullying both his cocks into your tight cunt, stretching you wide as he bottomed out in you.
You sobbed loudly, nails digging into his arms as you adjusted around his thick girth. Your head fuzzy and your tears not stopping as he chuckled darkly into your ear. “There you go.”
His hand reaching to wrap around your neck as he forced you to take him deep, your lips parted in silent choked mewls at the fullness. You’re letting out loud cries when he started bouncing you on him, his grin never falling as he thrusted up. Groaning deeply at how hard you tightened down on him.
When you get used to the sting you’re a moaning mess, your head thrown back as you filled the room with your noise. Legs trembling as Sukuna’s cocks both rubbed against your gummy walls.
“F-fuckkk— Kuna ‘m close.”
Sukuna scoffed. “This is a punishment, ya really think i’d let you cum?” he laughed loudly, eyes darkening as he tightened his grip on your throat. “Think again.”
Speeding up his pace until you were screaming, the coil in your stomach painfully ready to snap as you let your tears fall. “Pl-ease Kunaa. Needa cumm.”
“Yeah? Does my girl wanna cum that bad?” watching as you nodded with a whimper, pressing a hot kiss behind your ear. “Want me to let you cum?”
“Y-es— please.”
“Aww, well that’s too bad, if you cum you’ll never feel any of my cocks in you again.” he warned. A broken whine escaping your throat as your toes curled. You definitely wouldn’t last.
Choso is nine out of ten the one under you. But sometimes you make him really mad. And he punishes you the way he knows best.
His fingers on your clit as he lapped up your wetness, his face drenched in your slick and his eyes hazy at your taste. Your hands tied to the headboard above you as you tried to close your legs.
Choso whined into you. “Behave mommy— you always make me take my punishments, time for you to take yours.” His muffled voice against your flesh sending vibrations through your clit.
“Ch-oso— baby, you know am sorry, that’s enough.” you cried, your legs shaking as he sucked on your sensitive clit. “Choso,” you whimpered, “please baby- mommy can’t take it.”
He smiled widely, “That’s the point.” His hands hooking even tighter around your thighs. “Plus,” he groaned, “You taste sooo good.” Curling his tongue into your hole as you clenched down with a mewl.
“Gonna cum again mommy? Cum all over my face? Your pussy’s so sloppy.” he moaned, messily fucking you into you with his tongue. Your cries loud as you screamed his name incoherently.
Moaning as your sweet pussy gushed into his mouth, swallowing it down with a satisfied moan as he felt himself cum in his sweats. Again.
“‘M almost done mommy— promise.” he chuckled.
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mrsrileywrites · 4 months
Have a piece of my mind...
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smut, smut, smutty smut...
As always, likes, comments, reposts and positive criticism are highly appreciated 🫶
Simon "Ghost" Riley knows when to fuck and when to make love.
He's memorized your menstrual cycle so before you get your period, when your body and mind are over sensitive and you cry cause you saw an add of homeless dogs in the TV, he's gentle... with his words and his touch.
He makes love to you, he settles for missionary, making eye contact, your legs wrap around his waist while he thrust into you deep and slow, he squeezes your sore boobs lightly, he doesn't want to hurt you, and flicks his tongue on your harden nipples.
He intertwines his fingers with yours, holding your hands on each side of your face as he pepper kisses all over your face and neck, he whisper soft praises and words of encouragement on your ear. "so good for me, love", "good girl, taking me so well", "baby... keep looking at me".
He slides his hand between your bodies to rub soft circles on your clit until you cum with a soft cry of his name.
He gives you the best aftercare, he cleans you up and helps you put on your favorite pj's, he brings you water and your favorite snacks, he wraps you in his burly arms, kissing your forehead and running a gentle hand on your back until you are fast asleep.
Oh but when you're ovulating and constantly horny, when you follow him around your shared apartment, your hands always on him and your voice is whiny and needy, when you mindlessly rub your boobs against his bicep?. That's when he fucks you.
He got you on a mating press while he pounds on your swollen cunt at a supernatural pace and you're panting like a bitch in heat, his hand comes to wrap around your throat as he dirty talks you "fuck, so wet for me", "tight little cunt making a mess on my cock", "is this what you wanted baby?, to be fucked like a whore, yeah?".
He doesn't need to rub your clit, he's fucking you oh so, so good, thrusting balls deep into you, the squelching sound of your wet pussy and skin slapping against skin fill the room along with your loud moans and his grunts, his pubic bone hits your clit just right, your eyes roll back as you orgasm so hard you think you may be having a seizure, he's movements doesn't falter as he chases his own release driving you into overstimulation while he fills your pussy with his hot, white cum.
Simon "Ghost" Riley knows you like the back of his hand so much so he knows when you need to be fucked like a whore and when he needs to make love to you and he'll do it because you are his good girl, the light on his darkest days and the love of his life.
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6gumi · 1 month
oh my! what a naughty bunny!
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synopsis﹒honkai star rail men n’ their bunny girlfriend !
pairings﹒boothill 、sunday 、dr ratio 、aventurine 、gallagher x bunny fem!reader
cw ﹒nsfw MDNI. unedited. mild dacryphilia ( dr ratio 、sunday ) 、mating press ( gallgaher . . . becuz he’s big ) 、spanking ( dr ratio ) 、fingering ( aventurine ) 、cunilingus ( aventurine ) 、blowie ( sunday ) 、dirty talk ( boothill ) 、 some of them tug on ur ears :> 、petnames ( bunny 、sugar 、etc ! )
note﹒i am slowly catchin’ up in honkai star rail so i decided tew write these ! ! :33 been thinkin’ hard about dis anyways so . . it doesn’t hurt to write a lil sumn ! mistakes might be found . . | reblogs are highly appreciated. feel free to send me an ask if you would like to talk t’me or send a thirst/rq ! — millie ♡
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boothill couldn't help but chuckle at your pathetic attempts to resist him, you were the one who wanted him first and begging for him to fuck you . . . why are you changing your mind now? your struggles were utterly adorable and only further fueled his desire. “oh sugar," he muttered gently, reaching out to cup your chin. his eyes softened as he looked into your tear-filled eyes. the cowboy knew your body was aching for release, the desperation and excitement coursing through your veins. "i can’t understand ya, baby," he whispered, leaning in close to your ear. "do you want me or nah? ‘cause i’ll walk ‘outta this room if you keep whinin’ and grindin’ against me like this, be vocal. tell me what ‘cha need.”
“n—no! don’t wanna!”
“don’t wanna what, bunny? use ya words.”
“i . . don’t want you to walk out . .”
“good girl. see, wasn’t s’ hard to use your words, yeah?” boothill chuckled, the sound rumbling deep within his chest as he met your gaze. His eyes darkened with desire, but there was still a playful twinkle within. “such a slutty bunny,” the cowboy gave you a wicked grin, his hand trailing down your exposed stomach, stopping just above your panties. the fabric was damp from your arousal, and he couldn't help but smirk. “listen baby, ima reward you if you're a good girl . . a real pleasure show for a real naughty bunny like you."
your ears twitched at his words, squealing when he pulled you even closer. “am not a naughty bunny . . .” “yeah? ya sure?” his voice dropped to a husky whisper, "we’ll see about that. we’ll see how long you’ll last with my cock inside this pussy. trust me, sugar . . . you'll enjoy it more than you ever thought possible. just like the slutty and naughty bunny you are.”
“now now, don’t cry," sunday soothed, his voice low and sultry. “we’ve got a lot of time tonight, sweetheart. maybe i’ll teach you a few lessons on how to suck on my cock properly . . you’re quite sloppy, my beloved.” sunday echoed, his monotone voice full of amusement as he leaned down, capturing your tearful gaze with his own. he gently lifted your chin, his thumb wiping away a stray crystal tear. his dick twitched in your throat when he kept his gaze on your teary eyed face . . fuck. he wanted to see more of that. “beloved . . .” he cooed, feeling the rush of pleasure course through his body as he thrust into your warm, wet throat . . his hand slowly wrapping itself around both your cute little rabbit ears, tugging you forward. he could feel you struggle, the way you gagged and choked on his length, it sent a thrill of excitement through him. your boyfriend gripped your ears tighter, guiding the movement as his thrusts grew eager.
“that’s it, angel, take it. take all of it.” sunday murmured, his voice hoarse with lust. at this point, he could feel his release building up, the tension coiling in his gut. “swallow it, choke on it, make it yours." the halovian male slammed into your poor little throat, knowing he owes you warm tea and breakfast the next morning! your moans were heavily muffled by his thick cock filling your throat. the mere sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the room, punctuated by sunday’s grunts and your whines, increasing the tears that spilled from your pretty eyes. the wave of ecstasy crashing over your boyfriend and you knew it. his orgasm hit him like a foreign train, flooding your throat with his essence . . . holding you in place by your bunny ears.
“mmh . . . that was good, my little angel." his hand traced over your cheek, “but we might have to work on your gag reflex.”
SMACK! a loud sound reverberated around the room . . your fluffy white tail twitched in veritas’ hold. with a force of movement, he pulled you up . . . using your tail as a leverage as he chuckled, smacking your ass again . . . you could almost feel it warming up. “naughty bunny you are. you thought it was a good idea to send me erotic pictures?” veritas’ fingers worked on your skirt, pulling it up and off. he discarded it on the floor of your shared room, leaving you in your underwear. dr ratio couldn’t help but bite his lip at the sight of your tears streaming down your face, murmuring pleas for him to pound you. aeons . . . you were such a naughty bunny. the naughtiest bunny he’d ever come across. " . . . foolish girl. your desires have consequences," he growled, “you’re a naughty slut. it’s like you’re begging me to pound you when you cry like that . . .” he adjusted himself, positioning himself at your entrance.
he raised a brow, admiring your precious submission he yearned for. the sight of you pleading for more, bunny ears twitching, breasts bouncing invitingly, your sparkly-like eyes that produced tears, sent shivers down his spine. he leaned up, capturing your mouth in a bruising kiss. his tongue delved deep, tasting his bunny’s need and desire. dr ratio wanted to push you further, testing how far he could take you before breaking point. pulling away, his large hands found themselves on your ass again, running his hands along your flesh . . , raising it for another smack. “you’re insatiable, aren't you? let me remind you again, girl, bad bunnies get punished for being naughty. or have you forgotten that?”
your boyfriend’s eyes lit up at the sight of your pussy, glistening with desire. he loved every part of you, basking in the warmth of your body as he chuckled . . . reaching up to caress your little ears that he wouldn’t trade for anything else. “damn, you're soaked," he murmured, licking his lips. "i can't wait to taste you.” aventurine moved closer between your legs, pushing your thighs apart further with a smirk, flicking your bud with his thumb. “spread them wider for me, bunny." aventurine’s eyes widened as he saw how wet you were. he had to fight the urge to dive headfirst into your pussy. he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. "you’re so ready for me, aren't you?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. with an eager nod, he slowly slipped his two fingers inside, filling you up pure lustrous intent. “m—more ‘turine . . .” a soft chuckle emitted from your boyfriend as he lowered his head, licking your inner thighs. "i know bunny, i know what i’m doing.” but yet, he wanted to hear you beg for it, to know that you desired him as much as he did you.
“c’mon baby . . . say this for me.” his tongue flicked against your outer lips, tasting your sweet nectar. "say . . “please, aven” . . .” he begged himself. "eat me out." his eyes fluttered open, narrowing dangerously . . . he couldn’t help but devour you with his gaze. “ . . please aven . . ‘w—want you to eat me out.” “that’s my good bunny.” aventurine’s tongue darted painfully slowly in and out of your pussy, teasing your walls. as he licked and sucked your clit, his fingers explored the depths inside your pussy, the gambler wanted to touch every inch of you, to know your body better than his own. he was determined to make you cum hard, just like he knew you'd make him. although in the back of his mind, he knew he had to fill out the paperwork that’s been due for days! but right now, all he cared about was making his cute bunny scream his name. he wanted to make you forget about everything else in the world in that dumb little head of yours except for him.
you were so small against him. not only was he obsessed with your cute lil’ rabbit features, he was also obsessed with how cute and adorable you were against him, legs he had to restrain with his own hands due to you moving around too much . . . your cries echoed in the room, punctuating your passionate lovemaking. each groan fueled his dominance, reinforcing his love for you. gallagher gently placed his hand over the bulge on your belly, biting his lip at the sensation of his cock sliding in and out of your belly, grunting when he caught sight of your ears twitching. shit, you were adorable. “fuck, you’re fuckin’ tiny, baby, i could break you whenever i please if i wanted to.” his cock reached the deepest parts of your pussy in this position, knowing he wouldn’t last long with your legs pinned up against the mattress.
with a tug of your ears, gallagher savored the sound of your cries, your body folding under his weight . . your pussy taking his big dick so well heightened his arousal, driving him further into depravity. his thrusts grew more fervent, each one a declaration of love. “. . ‘m foldin’ you left and right, baby. see how good your pussy sucks it in?” with a growl, his hand gripped your ears lightly . . . sparking something primal within him. gallagher kissed you roughly like a starved man, bruising lips colliding fiercely with yours as his tongue invaded your mouth. the harsh mating press position made it harder for you to move around, trying to keep up with his harsh movements and thrusts at the same time! heavy breathing filled the room, punctuated by occasional cries of lust and pleasure. gallagher was taking what he wanted, his lil’ bunny girlfriend.
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© 6GUMI. please do not modify 、translate 、share my works on other platforms 、or consider them as yours.
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rowarn · 8 months
hi tonight i'm thinking about rlly pent up simon coming home. he's wound taut, a short fuse. he just needs to let off some steam and be a little mean with u ): just a lil tho!!!
while he whispers about how soft and sweet you are, how cute you look pinned beneath him, how pretty your moans are as you lick and squeal as he makes u cum on his cock — he has his big hand wrapped around your throat.
he makes you stare right into his eyes while he has u creaming and squirming. he's glaring even tho he's saying sweet nothings <3 he's got u pinned, his chest pressed against yours, rendering u completely immobile and at his mercy as he stuffs his cock into ur drooling cunt ):
when your eyes inevitably roll back, breaking the eye contact, he lightly slaps you across the cheek. the impact makes your eyes fall back to his and he squints in disappointment.
"eyes on me, sweet one," he growls, "told you to keep your fuckin' eyes on me."
and when he hits just right, nailing that gooey little spot inside you, eyes flutter closed and he smacks you again. it's not hard enough to hurt but the fact your sweet simon is the one treating u so meanly is what gets u really clenching around him <3
"filthy thing," he spits, "gettin' off on me smackin' you around? fuck, you're a lil pervert, love."
you whimper, toes curling in ur fuzzy socks when his pelvis grinds right up against your clit, as he says those dirty things to you ): and he keeps just humping your pretty little pussy until you're cumming again around him with a weak cry of his name, hands helplessly slapping against his broad shoulders.
"i'm not done, sweetheart," he coos in your ear, deep timbre of his voice making your heart race, "gonna keep fuckin' this precious little cunt until i cant remember my own name." <3
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tojiphile · 10 months
thinking about big boys who make it fit. you try to protest, fidget and squirm out of his calloused hands but he grips your waist firmly, pulling you back towards him.
“my darling girl,” he coos, “don’t you trust me?” he brushes a stray hair out of your face, wiping the tears streamed down furiously, your eyes squeezed shut. he laughs and presses a large hand to your stomach, “you’ll be a good girl for daddy, won’t you?”
through sobs, you find the strength to nod as he aligns himself at your entrance. he uses his thick fingers to spread your soaking cunt, the other hand guiding himself in slowly. “that’s it baby, you got this.” his fat cock inches his way in, and you feel the stretch, clenching down on him, shaking your head as if in a trance. he shushes you, leaning down to press a kiss on your forehead. “relax, it’ll hurt less.”
you heed his words and release the tension in your stomach. he audibly sighs as he continues pushing his way into you, causing you to whimper until the tip of his dick has pressed up against your cervix. satisfied, he traces the outline his cock is leaving in your tummy, giving it a squeeze as you barely get out the words, “so- full!” he laughs and grips your waist, pulling you off his cock and making you gasp at the sudden movement. before you have time to protest, he’s slamming himself into you again, the lewd sound of his balls slapping against your ass and both your groans fill the room. your cries of pain seem to only spur him on as he continues thrusting into you harshly.
“look at me,” he pants, “look at me while i fuck you silly.” you open your eyes only to meet his, then quickly shutting them in embarrassment. he laughs, “look at my sweet, darling girl, being fucked like the whore she is.” you whine in response but release a gasp when his fingers find your swollen clit, rubbing in quick circles and forcing your stomach to clench up. “don’t cum yet, my darling, hold it there, wait for me.”
you try your best to not cum, squirming from both the pain of him bottoming out and the pleasure from him toying with your sensitive bud. “i’m close baby, just say my name. say my name.” he can’t tell if you’re obedient, or just too fucked out to do anything but obey but when you cry out “daddy!” it’s all over for him.
“now.” he presses the bulge in your stomach down and you can feel the orgasmic joy washing over you like blinding lights, your body shaking, absolutely overwhelmed by him. he fucks you like a man in heat, bottomming out as he reaches his peak, gripping you hard. you can feel the warmth of his cum spreading in your cunt as he collapses on you, kissing your cheek.
TOJI FUSHIGURO, gojo satoru, geto suguru, TODO AOI, bokuto kotaru, TERUSHIMA YUJI, kaeya, ARATAKI ITTO, childe
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coryosbaby · 7 months
—ɴꜱꜰᴡ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ !
Mike Shmidt x fem! Reader
♡ Content Warning . oral, somno, rimming, pnv, breeding, marking, degradation and praise, dom! Mike
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Mike Schmidt who lays in between your parted thighs on his day off. His hands settle on either side of your hips, and his nose presses against your cunt. And although you’re so needy for it, needy for him, he just… lays there. Your scent surrounds his senses, filling him up and making him happy. Just laying there smelling you gets his cock so hard but he’s so tired that he doesn’t want to do anything.
Mike Schmidt who will always give in to your whiny begs for his mouth after a few moments. Soon his tongue is parting your folds and he’s licking you to his heart’s content. Whimpers leave his lips as his lips slurp up your slick, his sleepy doe eyes rolling back at the taste of you.
Mike Schmidt who spends as much money as he can on you. Not even getting mad when you “accidentally” go over his spending limit. You begin to cry when he asks you, but he just coos softly as he holds your hand.
“It’s okay. I’m not going to be mad at you if you tell me the truth, okay?” And then, shortly after, as he’s unbuckling his pants, “You can make it up to me, gorgeous.”
Mike Schmidt who facefucks his gorgeous, dumb baby— aka, you. He makes sure to grab extra tight onto your hair and thrust himself messily into your tight little throat. His balls slap against your chin and he makes so many noises as he uses you. This is supposed to be a punishment, so he makes you get off on the nearest object instead of his cock.
Mike Schmidt who coos at you, pouting mockingly as he sees you rub your swollen clit against his work shoe.
“Aww, baby. Do you need to cum?”
Your eager nodding makes him chuckle, and he yanks you further down onto his cock until your nose is pressed against the brown hair at his base, pressing his shoe harder onto your pussy.
“That’s too bad. This is your punishment, sweetie, remember? Be a good slut and cum just like that.”
Mike Shmidt who, days later, has you clinging onto him as he holds you up with his strong arms. A camera in front of him, filming the entire thing, as his cock jackhammers into your sweet cunt. Groaning, whispering, “fuck, good girl, taking my dick so good, look at you, yes, baby, yes.”
Mike Shmidt who slams you against the nearest wall, cock still inside you, tip abusing your cervix over and over as he increases his pace. Using his teeth to leave an incredibly prominent bite mark on your that draws blood.
Mike Shmidt who cums inside you, moaning and saying that he’s gonna fuck a baby into you. He fills you up until you’re overflowing and then some, making sure to shove it back in with his fingers afterwards. He wants you to be a mommy so badly, and he’s going to make sure that it takes.
Mike Shmidt who timidly asks for a rim job one night. His cheeks redden as he asks the question, his pretty doe eyes avoiding your gaze.
“You don’t have to, if you don’t want to.” He states shyly. The once dominant boy has now become incredibly shaken, but you just smile at him and excitedly agree.
Mike Shmidt who’s riding your face a few minutes later, hole clenching up on your tongue. He doesn’t want to hurt you, but at the same hes got this growling tone in his voice as he praises you. It seems that his dominant side has come back.
Mike Shmidt who groans from above you, working his cock and balls with his own hand.
“You’re so filthy, baby. Fuck, your tongue feels so good.”
“My sweet little angel, doin’ so good f’me.”
Mike Shmidt who’s puffy ring of muscle clenches as he finally shoots warm cum all over the bed, overstimulating himself and demanding that you lick all of seed up as he gets his dick up again watching you.
Mike Shmidt who loves to keep a pair of your lace panties wrapped around his car mirror. He lied to Abby and said that it was a scarf you had given him.
Mike Schmidt who fucks you during one of his shifts— he had a hard day, so he demands that you come and see him. He forces your legs apart and bends you over the security desk, and spanks your ass raw to relieve some of his anger.
Mike Shmidt who lets you play with him when he’s asleep. His dreams go away when you wrap your mouth around his soft cock and choke on him with sweet, sleepy tears rolling down your cheeks. When he wakes up, he praises you for taking care of him.
“Oh, baby. So needy, so good f’me.”
“That’s it, good girl, choke on it— no, no, honey don’t try to pull off. You wanted this cock, so I’m gonna give it to you, okay?”
“So beautiful. C’mere, let me taste that cute pussy.”
Mike Schmidt holding you after a hard day. Knowing you need a distraction, he lets you grind against his thigh as a way to relieve so stress. He presses you to him and leaves small marks against your neck.
“Just think about me, okay? Think about my hands, my mouth…”
“Awww, sweetheart. I know, I know. Life’s been so hard lately, hasn’t it? But that’s okay. Mikey’s here, baby. Gonna make it aaaaall better.”
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© 2023 bratty-lxndry444 🤏🏻 all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, modify, repost, or claim as yours !!!
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lvminy · 1 month
ft. Alhaitham, Ayato, Childe.
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 cw. f!reader, fingering, degradation, almost getting caught, mentions of bratty reader ( alhaitham and ayato ), pussy slapping and jealousy ( ayato ), slight spanking ( childe )
request from @vieannee
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Alhaitham is not giving you mercy this time, you’ve been acting like quite a brat for a while, urging him into giving you attention even though the man was extremely busy at work, “you wanted my attention? you’re having it, and you better keep that slut mouth quiet or someone might catch us” he grunts in the darkness of the secret room in the farther corner of the Akademya’s library.
“Haitham... s-slow down” you wail, arms tightening around his neck while your warm breathing heats his skin, all words are more like a cry then actual words, slurred, unable to move between your boyfriend’s arms who had one around your waist, pinning you on his lap with a hand squeezing your tit, while the other hand fucked your cunt so fast and loud you wondered how he hasn’t gotten a cramp yet, “m’sorry!”
yet he only snarls, crooking his two fingers inside your dripping walls and continuing the merciless pace, the squelch so loud you felt your cheeks warming in embarrassment, “it’s too late for that” it comes as a groan, “besides, your slutty cunt is enjoying it” your boyfriend’s eyes travel down to where his fingers disappear inside your pussy rapidly, so hard and fast that drops of slick splatter around, staining your thighs and puffy clit each time his palm connects with your skin in a brief slap.
soon your moans turn into desperate pleas, hips bucking as the delicious release was so close you felt it in your belly, “n-ngh, imma... ah!, gonna cu—”
“wait, Paimon, I think I heard something”
upon registering those words, Alhaitham’s hand squeezing your tit reaches up to cover your mouth, pulling you close to his face with a groaned “shh”
the only response you could give was a roll of your eyes in pleasure, since his fingers between your thighs stopped brutalizing your pussy, and instead, opted to grind down and deep, massaging your clit at the same time.
“come on, traveler, it was just your imagination!”
yeah, it sure was, but the tiny squeaky sound you left out as you came around Alhaitham’s fingers was definitely enough to change their mind.
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“you’ve been so naughty today” is the first thing Ayato mutters right after pulling you into his lap, back against his chest and thighs wide open while you both sit on the floor behind a thin paper wall in his office at the state. he sighs, and your heart tugs at the disappointing tone of it, “where did you learn to behave like this, hm?” his fingers ghost over the apex of your thighs, keeping your skirt up around your belly, “attempting to make me jealous by flirting with other men, like some sort of cheap whore”
“i-i didn’t...!” you protest, or at least try to before your sounds get cut by a sharp whine and the sound of Ayato’s hand landing on your pussy, not hard enough to hurt.
he tuts, returning to play with your thighs and slowly approaching your swollen folds, sliding two of his fingers across your drenched slit and collecting a copious amount of slick, “there you go disobeying again, you need to learn to be quiet”
with Ayato almost everything sounds like a threat, and this time is no different, with his previous teasing the least you expected was for his fingers to roughly slide inside your cunt, making your back arch immediately, “whores like you love to get their pussies fucked, don’t you?” there’s a small pause as he takes in your cries, “although my fingers are all you will get today, that if I allow you to cum...”
a whimper gets cut on your throat, tangling with tears in your eyes at the sudden voice of Thoma while stepping into the office.
your eyes widening at his footsteps and desperately looking up at your lover who just had a smirk on his face, “my lord, I just retrieved the materials you asked for from the docs, and Miss Ayaka will be returning home later tonight” luckily, his voice was as even as ever, not giving in any sign of suspicion.
“very well, thank you, Thoma” Ayato compliments, still lazily sliding his fingers in and out of your inviting cunt.
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“couldn’t have waited until we got home, huh?” Childe mutters with a slow and lazy smile stretching through his face, one of his hands signing and reviewing certain documents from the northland bank, while the other slid across the soft expanse of your asscheeks, squeezing and sliding just down enough to rub against your slit, rough and dirty, “i spoil you too much, now you can’t keep yourself from bouncing on my cock at any given chance, don’t you, slut?”
his words are mocking and worryingly lacking in emotions, only getting you to squirm in your position laying on his lap with your feet uncomfortably holding yourself from the ground, a soft and imperceptible “mngh” gets ripped out of your throat, not quite understanding his words due to the multiple hours of constant stimulation that was not quite enough, switching between Childe finger fucking your pussy and languidly rubbing on your clit.
“please... more...”
his hand immediately makes contact with your soft ass cheek, making you whine and buck your hips, “pay attention to what i’m saying, bitch” he growls now, returning to rub his whole palm against your cunt, “but I have to admit you look so cute with that stupid expression on your face” he mocks once again, and then his long and slender fingers are plunging into your cunt, hard and deep, twisting and spreading your drenched walls before retreating them to give a bored look to his sticky fingers.
“look how wet you are,” he laughs, shoving his fingers in front of your face, “embarrasing”
a knock on the door interrupts the moment for barely a second before he’s replying, “huh? yes, come in” to whoever fatui is standing on the other side.
the conversation falls to your deaf ears, thanking that Childe’s desk was really tall so the poor soldier didn’t even catch a glimpse of your eyes rolling back and pussy clenching around his boss’ fingers.
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pinkhelados · 5 months
miguel x wife!reader 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
includes: fem!reader, latina!reader, miggle being a simp, p in v sex, praise kink, very slight dacryphilia, not edited! Criticism is welcome!
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Miguel swore to you that he’s never make you cry. “Te lo juro, mi alma. Te hare la mujer más feliz del universo. No sentirás tristeza cuando estes en mis brazos.” He remembered saying and he meant it, what kind of a man would make a woman as beautiful as you cry? Miguel was a man of his word, after all.
Well, until now.
Miguel found himself balls deep in your pussy with his talons digging into the fat of your hips. He didn’t want to hurt you, but he just couldn’t help himself when your weeping cunt tightened around his girthy cock like a vice. “Fuck,” He groaned. “Eres- eres tan bonita,” Miguel said with each thrust. His chocolate rown hues stared lovingly into your pretty eyes. Those same pretty eyes that had fat tears of pleasure rolling down your skin as he pushed his dick further into your creamy pussy. “Too good, it’s too good,” You hiccuped. More tears dribbled down your cheeks which were quickly kissed away by your tender husband.
“Good, pretty girl,” You heard him grunt, his thrusts becoming sloppily. He was trying so hard not to cream inside that little cunt of yours. The same man who swore to you on your wedding night that he’d never want to see you weep was getting off on your tears. “Look at your pretty pussy, nena. It’s sucking me in,” He said between breaths, mesmerized by the sticky strings of arousal connecting you every time his hips pulled back. How could you be so pretty? “My wife, my perfect wife. I love you, baby.” Miguel was babbling and his head was churning out thoughts by the second. He could only focus on making you cum.
Slap, slap, slap.
“Miguel! Miguel! Mmngh~!” Saliva dripped down your chin and more gloopy tears spilled from your gorgeous eyes. Each thrust was a kiss to your sweetspot, pussy dripping sweet nectar which left a ring around the base on Miguel’s cock. “Te amo, cariño,” You squealed just as the knot in your tummy tightened as well as your legs around his waist. You were close, and Miguel would stop at nothing until he felt your cunt flutter around him. Despite drilling into your hole, his eyes were soft as he brushed your hair away from your eyes. He was drenched in passion with sweat sticking to his tan skin.
“M’ gonna cum~ C-Can’t hold it,” You whispered and you saw a switch in your husband flip.
Miguel’s talons retreated into his fingers and with strenght, he flipped you over on your stomach and went haywire. Kneading your ass, he whimpered as he chased so desperately after the pleasure. “Close- Cum- cum with me! Nena~” His plush lips fell open and his load filled your womb just as your own sticky fluids ran down the skin of your thighs. Your soaked pussy fluttered and a loud call of his name rang out. “Oh..oh god.”
Spent, Miguel flipped over next to you with labored breaths. His strong arms came around your waist and pulled you on top of his chest. “Miggy,” you purred and kissed his lips. The dim room lighting glinted of the glossy skin of your lover and you swore that your heartbeat had become impossibly fast. The two lovers panted heavily in each other’s arms, waiting for their energy to return so that they could do at all over again.
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c0llisiion · 2 months
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Pairing : jeon jungkook + f!reader
Genre : smut
★: request, npr , cnc , older!jk , boyfriendsdad!jk , cheating, pwp , named!bf , misunderstandings , slight manipulation, unprotected sex at the beginning, protected sex later on , bigdick!jk , coming on body , cum eating , dirty talk , name calling/nicknames, slight angst — lmk if i missed any!
W/C: 2,919
A/N: thank you to pookie for requesting this!! I had a hard time with the plot 😭✋ but i had fun! Thank you sm for requesting! And also sorry 4 going m.i.a i have js been so off 👎👎🤧🤧🥺🥺 anyways enjoy!!
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ This is strictly fiction. Any scenario or situation should not be taken seriously. Please refrain from reading if the topics make you uncomfortable. ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★
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[edited ver.]
Another day came to an end. A bad end. You were cuddled up with your boyfriend, watching whatever popped up first on your recommended shows. You were hoping to get some action tonight, as it’s been a while since you guys had sex. 2 months, to be exact. You were frustrated, of course. He hasn’t touched you or done anything to you for two months. That's the longest you have gone without sex. You tried so hard to push away the negative thoughts. Convincing yourself that he was just busy and tired and definitely not fucking some other bitch. 
 His parents wouldn’t be coming back home for a couple of hours since his dad is always busy and barely comes home, and his mom is most probably out with another broad. So You tried getting him in the mood. Wearing just a tee and some ck thongs. Rubbing against him. Kissing his neck. But nothing seemed to work. He kept pushing you away. ‘Not now.’ ‘Im not in the mood’ ‘im too tired, not today.’ were just coming out of his mouth like a broken record. But you still didn’t give up! You were determined, but before that- “im gonna go sleep.” You looked up at him, confused. “What?” “Im tired, alright? Im gonna go to bed; you can continue watching your stupid show by yourself.” There was venom laced in his words. It hurt you. Your heart sank. He pushed you away before walking up the stairs. You were trying to hold back your tears. How could he do this to you? You scoff. “Seriously? You’re really not even going to ask me to join you?” Your boyfriend turned around and stared at you blankly. “No. I want some peace and space. Do whatever the hell you want.” And with that, he walked away. You could hear his loud footsteps descend before a loud slam took over. 
You huff and try not to cry. It was too overwhelming for you, and you couldn’t help but think about the possibility that he was probably seeing someone else, or else why would he act like this? The waterworks started pouring slowly as you thought about the memories you made with him. Your soft sobs echoed throughout the empty, dark, and cold living space. 
He was mad. So mad. Finding out that his company just fell into a major controversy after all he worked for was not the cherry on top. Jungkook hastily unlocked his house’s door. It was unusually dark. The only light illuminating the space was the soft kitchen light, which his dumbass son forgot to turn off. He dropped his case and trenchcoat by the door before kicking off his shoes and walked further into his home. He noticed a small figure face-down on the couch, sleeping. 
You were sleeping on your stomach, your head tucked in your forearm, and your hair covered your face. Your shirt was slightly rolled up, and your ass was on full display. Jungkook walked over and took a good look at your body. He needed something to pour his anger into, and so, assuming that it was his wife, he loosened his tie and sat where your foot rested. His hand went up your thighs before resting on your plump ass, cold fingers fondling with the soft flesh. He grabbed a handful before giving your ass a soft slap. He shuffled to hover over you. His hand cupped your pussy. Palm pushing into the wet hole, dampening your underwear. “…Gonna fuck you, okay, pretty? Just stay still f’ me..” His voice was low and deep. He was still under the impression that it was his wife. Jungkook’s fingers hooked around your underwear before pulling it to the side, exposing your bare cunt. He couldn’t see much, but he noticed how his ‘wife’s’ pussy was glistening in the dark. He circled your entrance with slow movements. Your cunny was getting wet at a quick rate. He swallowed thickly at the soft, warm feeling. Without wasting much time, he unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants along with his boxers.
Jungkook was rock hard. His tip glowed a deep red, and pre-cum was already dripping down his slit. Using his strong hands, he gently shifted your position so your ass was up in the air. He placed a couch pillow under your abdomen so you could lay comfortably. He hunched over your small frame, his hand gliding his aching tip over your glossy slit. He breathed heavily. It felt too good. Jungkook slowly started pushing himself in. He was struggling. It was easy to slip inside his wife, but this time? It seemed different. But familiar. Still, he continued moving forward. Maybe some miracle had happened to his wife. Who knows. His eyebrows furrowed as he watched your puffy lips swallow his hard length. You were still in deep sleep. The long crying session took a toll on your energy, so you were not really aware of what was happening to your body. Jungkook's breath gets caught in his throat as he finally stuffs you full. Your pussy clenching around his length unknowingly. 
Jungkook started moving. Rolling his hips gently. He threw his head back at how your sweet cunny felt around his length.  It was hard to believe that it was his wife. You felt warmer. Softer. And, of course, much tighter. Nothing compared to his wife. His eyes were squeezed shut, and short, heavy breaths left his lips as you continued taking him in. His hands grasped your plush hips, gripping the flesh tightly.
“Mmf-“ you let out a soft whine. Jungkook's tight grasp was enough to give you a bit of consciousness. Soft gasps escaped your lips at every thrust. Your stomach felt weird, and your body was getting hot. You were starting to sweat. “Junwoo… feels good…” you mumbled in your sleep. You felt something penetrating your sopping walls and immediately thought that it was your boyfriend. Maybe he felt bad and decided to finally give in.
Jungkook's heart dropped. No way. There's no way. His eyes went wide when you mumbled his son’s name. With shaky hands, Jungkook leaned forward and pushed the hair off of your face. Shock and terror spread all over his body. He stared down at you. His hand is still resting on your cheek. You were mumbling incoherently. You nudged your face into his palm. “Keep..going.. please.” You murmured. Jungkook gulped. He didn’t know what to do. He was fucking his son’s girlfriend! His thumb brushed the side of your cheek. He felt bad for you. He knew about the fact that his idiot son had been cheating on you for the past 3 months. How could he cheat on such a precious piece? He had to treat you right, even if it was wrong.
You were writhing and squirming under his huge build. Consciousness was starting to hit you. Your body felt hot and uneasy. The feeling was something you had never felt before. It was so much better than what junwoo was giving you. It was suspicious. You slowly lifted your head up, wanting to turn around and see ‘your boyfriend’. Jungkook immediately stopped and pulled out. He was still rock hard, and his dick hit his abdomen with a loud -thump-. He gulped heavily. You tuck your hair behind your ears and glance at the man who was fucking into you senseless. 
“What the fuck!!!!!” You immediately pushed yourself away from him. Cramming yourself in the corner of his Fendi Casa sofa, your thighs shut together. Your eyes first landed on his twitching cock. Oh, it was big. Bigger than his son’s. It was leaking too, and you couldn’t help but feel yourself getting wetter. It was so wrong. So, so wrong. You immediately come out of a trance and look at the man in front of you. His shirt was open, revealing his built body. “I c-can explain-“Jungkook stuttered. “What the fuck mr.jeon???????? How could you just do that to me???” Jungkook's hands were up in defense. “It’s not what you think, y/n. I was mistaken too.” “Mistaken???? You just raw-dogged me???. You are fucking your son’s girlfriend!!!” Jungkook swallowed hard before looking at you with his dark eyes. “Like it’s not the first time i touched you. Be for real right now, y/n” he rolled his eyes at your reaction. “Yeah! Touched. You have only TOUCHED, me. Its a big difference mr.jeon!” It was true that you both fooled around here and there but that was before you started dating junwoo. And everything ended after you confirmed your relationship with his son who was once your bestfriend.
He was hard af and you felt too good to stop. So there had to be some way to get you convinced. It was about time he told you about his son’s double life. “Look. There’s something you should know. Your boyfriend or my son has been cheating on you.” He did not want to beat around the bush and just dropped the bomb. Your heart shattered, and you felt lightheaded. Your eyes went wide at Jungkook’s claims. You were too stunned to speak and just stared at him. It seemed like it had worked, which prompted him to slowly hover over you, pushing you down softly. “And I know about the fact that my whore of a wife has been cheating on me every day." He looked down and watched as his calloused fingers ran up the soft rolls of your abdomen before making eye contact with you again. “You need this, y/n.. we both need this…” the last 4 words came out in a hush. His words were so sinister, and he had a shit-eating grin on his face as he watched you process the information. You trembled under his frame. Oh, you definitely needed it. You shook your head before grabbing Jungkook's loose collar and pulling him into a heated kiss. If your now ex boyfriend cheated on you? Might as well start fucking his dad again for revenge.
Jungkook giggled into the kiss and kissed you back. His hand found the back of your head before tightly gripping your soft hair. You whined into his mouth as it started to hurt. Jungkook kissed you further. His tongue tasting the insides of your mouth. He ripped your underwear, making you gasp and whine. “I will get you new ones, pretty, dw” he mumbled into the kiss with a smirk. His dick was rubbing against your bare pussy, making you leak. His hips moved incoherently. He loved the feeling of your wet pussy lip’s coating his length. Jungkook started aligning himself with your entrance, but before he could shove it in, you stopped him. You broke off the intense kiss. A string of saliva connected your lips to his. Jung Kook looked at you in concern. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” You gulped before speaking up. “Protection… mr.Jeon.” You avoided eye contact with him as he narrowed his eyes at you. He let out a soft chortle before reaching down and taking his wallet from his discarded pants.
He pulled out a condom from one of the sleeves before chucking the wallet away. He was sitting on his heels and looked at you with a smirk. “Put it on for me, darling..” You nodded shyly as you sat up a bit and took the condom from his hands. You slowly ripped the blue plastic wrapping and pulled it out, all while innocently staring up at him. Your shaky hands gripped the base of his cock, giving it a slight squeeze before focusing on pushing the rubber down his huge dick. Jung Kook watched you with pure lust in his eyes. His hand went to the back of your head before forcefully making you look at him, causing you to whimper at the sudden action. “I didn’t know you were such a good girl, y/n..” He gave you a reassuring smile before pulling you to him. Your legs rested on his thighs, and his cock rested on your stomach. The length sat comfortably on your plush tummy. “Gonna take me all, baby? Can you do that for me?” You nodded vigorously before slowly moving your hips on his cock for some stimulation. He chuckled at your reaction and hissed as he entered you slowly. now savoring each and every inch of your sweet pussy. You whimpered as you finally felt how big he was. It still hurt, even though he had already dicked you down. 
You stared at Jungkook's face, your eyebrows knit together and eyes swelling up with tears, your lips bitten down hard as you watched Jungkook's face contort in pleasure. Sweat dripped down his body, and soft grunts left his mouth as he inched inside you more. His eyes quickly glanced at yours, and he internally fumbled at your expression. Knowing that he was fucking you was making this experience even better. 
With a quick thrust, he was fully into you. His tip kissing your spongy spot. Your breath was unsteady and faltering as he had you filled to the brim. His fingers were hooked under your chin and you lifted your face slightly so you could meet his gaze. “Can i?” He asked you gently with a reassuring smile. You nodded at his words before grabbing onto his shoulders for stability. Jungkook's hands held onto your waist, keeping you in place. His hips started moving. Each thrust made him grunt loudly. His pace increased as it got easier to move inside you. Your gummy walls were spasming around his length, and he could feel your warmth. Your both eyes were fixated on the way his dick went in and out of you. His cock would form a small bulge in your lower abdomen every time he pushed into you. “You see that baby? You’re taking me in so well… fuck-“ he was cut off as your pussy clenched. You let out a whine at his words “s-sir.. faster p-please..” 
That was all Jungkook needed to hear for him to go absolutely feral on you. The way you begged with that voice sent blood rushing straight to his cock. “Yeah? My little slut wants me to go faster? I will give anything you ask, baby..” His thrusts got harder and faster. You gripped his shoulders tight, and your eyes rolled back as Jungkook hit your sweet spot perfectly. Sounds of wet skin slapping against each other were echoing throughout the whole area. Your moans are starting to get increasingly louder. Jungkooks quickly covered your mouth before leaning down and whispering into your ears. "don't want your boyfriend to hear how much I'm making you feel good, wouldn’t ya?” Tears streamed down your face as his dick abused your hole. Jungkook left wet kisses and purple hickeys on the sides of your neck, going lower and lower. You wrapped your hands around his neck and your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to your body as you writhed and twitched in pleasure. Jungkook's cock was ruining your pussy
“Fuck-“ Jungkook's voice got caught in his throat as you clenched around him again. He savoured the warm feeling of your cunt wrapped around his cock. “Taking me so well little girl…” he breathed into your ear in a whisper. Whines after whines left your mouth. His girthy cock, grazing your gummy, warm walls. The grip on your hips got tighter, enough to form visible bruises.
His thrusts were quick and sharp, and it has you seeing stars. You could feel the knot in your stomach reach its peak. He grunted into your neck and lifted his head up to look at you. “Gonna cum pretty? Gonna make a little mess for me?” You nodded and whined as his hand left your mouth and reached down to play with your puffy clit. You choked as he started flicking your sensitive nub. “Make a huge mess for me.. I will make sure my idiot son cleans it up..” he gave you a wink before focusing on helping you reach your orgasm. He was almost close too. His grip on your waist tightened, and he continued pounding into you. 
“fuckkk!!!!” Your vision went blurry as you came all over his lower body. Streams of clear liquid coated the couch and his abdomen. Jungkook gawked at the sight, and he was so close to cumming. He quickly pulled out of you before removing the condom. His hand wrapped around his throbbing length, and he started jerking himself off. His head thrown back and mouth agape. “L-look at me baby..” he whispered, and you obeyed. Looking up at him through your dazed state. Eyes glossy, and your face was covered in a thin layer of sheen as you slowly came down from your high. Jungkook opened his eyes, looked at you once, and busted all over your body. Some of his cum even reached your face. A load of his creamy white cum never seemed to stop pouring out of his dick. Your stomach and shirt were stained with the thick liquid. You quickly wiped it off your face, licking it off your fingers as you stared into his eyes with a smirk. Jungkook let out a soft chuckle before reaching down to grab your face so he could kiss you. His lips met yours again, but this time it was more gentle. More passionate. He could taste himself on your lips. “Dirty little girl.“
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A/N: thank you for reading!!! I was not rlly sure abt the topic because its the first time i actually wrote a cnc fic w plot 😭🧍‍♀️but i hope it was upto par!! Also if it seems like the plot gets lost somewhere please ignore 💀✋😨
Masterlist <3
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pucksandpower · 2 months
April Fools?
Lando Norris x Hamilton!Reader
Summary: maybe telling your father the big news on April Fools’ Day was not the best idea
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Lewis is lounging in his driver’s room, reviewing data from the last practice session, when there’s a tentative knock at the door.
“Come in,” he calls out, not looking up from his computer screen.
The door creaks open slowly and Lewis glances over to see you and your boyfriend shuffling awkwardly into the room, neither of you making eye contact with him.
“What’s this then?” Lewis says with an amused chuckle at your strange behavior. “You two look like you’re about to face a firing squad.”
You and Lando exchange a nervous glance but remain silent, shifting your weight uneasily.
Lewis sets down his laptop and leans back in his chair. “Well, out with it. Whatever it is, I’m sure it can’t be that bad.”
You open your mouth but no words come out. You look pleadingly at Lando who seems equally incapable of speech, his lips moving soundlessly.
“I haven’t got all day here,” Lewis raises an eyebrow. “One of you needs to start talking.”
You take a steadying breath and then the words come tumbling out in a rush.
“I’m pregnant!”
There’s a beat of silence as Lewis processes what you’ve said. Then he lets out a loud laugh, slapping his knee in amusement.
“Nice one! You two really had me going for a minute there. Very funny prank!”
Lando finally finds his voice, though it comes out as more of a terrified squeak. “She’s … she’s not joking. Y/N is pregnant. With my … with my baby.”
Lewis just keeps laughing so hard that tears threaten to spill down his cheeks. “Oh come off it, you can drop the act now. I’m not falling for silly April Fools’ pranks!”
“Is … is it April Fools’ Day?” You ask hesitantly, a crease forming between your brows. “I didn’t even realize what day it was ...”
Lewis’ laughter slowly trails off as the serious expressions on your and Lando’s faces register. His eyes narrow as he looks between the two of you.
“You’re … you’re actually pregnant?” He asks slowly, needing confirmation one last time. “With Lando’s …”
Lando gulps audibly and gives the smallest of nods. “Y-yes sir.”
A rushing sound fills Lewis’ ears as the reality slams into him. His little girl, his baby, is having a baby of her own. With a driver no less — one of his competitors!
The room starts spinning dangerously.
“You …” Lewis growls, rounding on Lando with a look that could incinerate him on the spot. “You got my daughter pregnant?”
“I … I …” Lando squeaks, taking an unconscious step back.
“Start running,” Lewis rumbles in a tone of deadly calm. “You’ve got three seconds.”
Lando’s eyes widen in terror and he immediately turns to bolt out the door.
“One …” Lewis counts, rising to his feet with jerky movements.
“I’m too young to die!” Lando wails, throwing the door open and fleeing at a sprint down the hallway.
“Two …” Lewis continues menacingly, stalking after him with murder in his eyes.
“Dad, wait!” You cry out in a panic, but it’s too late.
“Three!” Lewis roars, now fully giving chase after a petrified Lando.
He tears down the corridor and out into the paddock area, drawing confused stares from crew members and team personnel.
“I’m too young to be a grandpa!” Lewis bellows at the top of his lungs, rapidly closing the gap on the fleeing Lando.
You hurry after them, catching up just as Lando races past a very confused group of mechanics, Lewis in hot pursuit.
“Don’t let him hurt me!” Lando screams as he dodges around equipment boxes.
The commotion has drawn the attention of the entire paddock by now. Cameras are out and clicking furiously as the most famous driver on the grid chases his terrified competitor in circles.
Finally, Lando trips over a stray tire and goes sprawling to the ground. Lewis is on him in an instant, grabbing him by the shirt front and hauling him up until they are nose to nose.
“Please … please don’t kill me,” Lando whimpers pathetically.
Lewis glares at the younger man for a long moment before his expression softens just a fraction. “I’ll let you live. On one condition.”
Lando nods frantically in agreement before Lewis has even named the condition.
“The baby gets my name. You two are naming it after me. No arguments.”
For a brief second, relief flashes across Lando’s face. Then his eyes go wide again in fear. “Ah well … you see … the thing is ...”
“Spit it out!” Lewis growls.
“Y/N … she wants to name the baby Nico. After Nico Rosberg.”
A muscle twitches dangerously in Lewis’ jaw and he drops Lando back to the ground in a heap.
“Oh, for fu-”
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” Lando’s desperate shrieks once again fill the air, echoing across the paddock. “Lewis, please, have mercy!”
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fairy-angel222 · 4 months
—gojo finds out that you’re baking a pie for some stupid co worker of yours, shows you that he’s the only one deserving
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pairing: gojo x fem! reader
content: smut, tit slapping, pussy slapping, degradation, hair pulling, belly bulge, breeding, finger sucking, spit swallowing, mean teasing
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When Gojo strolled into the kitchen to find you baking one of your signature cream filled pies he hummed. Pressing up against you with his arms around your waist while placing soft kisses to your neck.
“That smells delicious baby, who’s it for?” He had seen the text from your coworker asking you to bake one for him.
“Oh thanks baby! It’s just for some coworker at work. Been begging me for one of my pies for a while now.” You shrugged. “Hmm.. and would that co worker happen to be the same one who’s been flirting with you for ages?” He whispered when his lips reached your ear, hot breath fanning against your skin as you swallowed hard.
“Don’t fucking run from it baby, take it all like a good girl.” Gojo growled out, a grin spread across his face as his cock drilled meanly into your cunt. His hand in your hair yanking your head back to look up at him. Blue eyes seemingly darker when he groaned.
“My little slut’s so fucking pretty.” Grinding hard against your ass, a loud mewl escaping your lips when his tip grazed roughly into your gummy spot. “You feel that?” He rolled his hips again, his eyes never leaving yours as his hand pressed against the bottom of your stomach. “Feel me deep in you baby?”
You let out a shaky cry, your body being jerked back and forth with each of the man’s harsh thrusts. His hand pointing out the bulge of his tip against your skin. “Nngh— Satoru.”
“Open that pretty little mouth for me.” Gojo breathed, your back arching deeply as you sniffled. Doing as told and opening your mouth with a whimper, allowing Gojo’s spit to fall onto your tongue with a hum. Two of his slender fingers finding their way into your mouth, resting on the back of your tongue before he was lightly thrusting them down your throat.
“That’s it. That’s the good slut i know.” he smirked, your lips enclosing around the digits as your eyes closed with the shiver of your body.
Your loud moans were muffled as Gojo bullied his fat cock deep into your tightness. Eyes pooling with tears as your stomach burned with heat. Gojo’s hand finding its way to grope at your tits, pinching at your hard nipples making you let out a choked whine.
You yelped when your boyfriend’s large hand landed softly on your breast, mewling messily around his fingers when it landed harder on the other one. Your body trembled as Gojo’s finger trailed down your stomach, stopping at your clit to rub on the sensitive nub. Pulling out a string of moans followed by a cry when he slapped down at your clit.
“Gonna show you a real cream pie baby. Gonna stuff that pussy full of me.” Gojo grunted, one hand remaining on clit while he removed the one in your mouth with a string of salvia still attached. Using it to knead the flesh of your ass, red from the constant slamming of his hips onto it.
“S-satoruu, you’re so mean— ahh,” you mewled when you felt a harsh smack stinging through your skin. Your boyfriend’s hand reaching to your neck as he pulled you close, increasing the speed of his thrusts with a chuckle.
“Hmm, am i? Could’ve decided to leave this pussy wet and needy if i wanted to.” Pressing his chest flush against your back, his breath hot on your ear. “Could’ve left you to go bring you that stupid pie to that stupid boy, baby.” He scoffed in faux offense. “I’m hurt, i’d say i’m quite nice don’t ya think?”
You could only whimper as you felt yourself getting close, pussy clenching around Gojo’s cock when his grip on your neck tightened.
“O-oh, Satoru— ‘m close,” you cried, your eyes rolling back and your legs shaking.
“Thought i was mean huh? Why’re you coming on a mean man’s cock?” he teased, his finger’s movements on your clit speeding up to drive you over the edge.
Cumming hard with the scream of his name, your sopping pussy gushing onto his cock. Gojo groaned deeply, his thrusts noisy as heavy balls slapped against your folds. Basking in the feeling of your perfect pussy before he was bottoming out in you.
“Gonna stuff this pussy nice ‘n full with my cum.” His movements stilling as he pumped ropes after ropes onto your walls. Painting them from red to white with a smile. “Look at that, greedy pussy’s swallowing it all.” Pulling out of you ever so slowly and watching as his cum spilled in tiny spurts as your hole spasmed.
You let out a breath, allowing your body to fall limp into the sheets as you panted. You should have seen that coming.
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