#used my new sharpie creative markers
kyuyua · 4 months
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Posting some oldish sketchbook things since I haven’t been drawing anything new lately 🙃
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citrusbabydaycare · 1 year
The Super Easiest Ways to Feel Little
(Absolutely Zero Gear Required)
🍊 use your non-dominant hand!
Whether it’s using a fork or brushing your teeth, using the wrong hand will make your tasks a little more difficult, like you’re learning them for the first time!
🍊 use both hands!
Like holding a cup or carrying things around, sometimes little ones need to be extra careful not to drop things <3
🍊 try it a new way!
Walking around? Maybe you could skip! Or only step on the white tiles! Or carefully step over the concrete lines! Little ones are so creative, they can turn something simple into something super fun
🍊 give it a voice!
“Well hello Mr. Fork, how are you doing today?”“Very well, thank you, Mr. Spoon.” No toys, no problem! What do you think your comb would say if it could talk?
🍊 no erasing!
Write/draw/journal with something that can’t be erased, like a pen or a marker (sharpies are my favorite!). The mistakes don’t matter, so if you mess up, keep going! Can you fill the whole page?
Age Regression is not about the objects you have, it’s about reclaiming the mindset of curiosity and healing the part of yourself that finds joy in the little things. <3
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srekaindustries · 11 months
All That You Need to Learn About Horticulture Makers
Regardless of the industry, starting a new business is a daunting job. It requires you to purchase a storefront to determine what to sell and how to make a profit. One of the fields that you might matter if you are into plants and greenery is horticulture. If you are looking for horticulture markers, here are a couple of things that you should consider 
Why do you need an irrigation marker?
Irrigation markers are a great tool to Identify your plants, mark their growth rate. It likewise adds color to your plant bed and assists with pest/weed identification. You can buy plant markers online. If you are creative, show your skills with a DIY irrigation marker. 
 When you grow a range of plants, herbs, vegetables, and flowers in a garden, you will find it hard to remember their details and names. Whether you're having an at-home garden or a Botanical garden, irrigation markers come in handy. 
Plant markers are helpful in the following cases:
Growing vegetables or fruits and having others harvest them
Learning how to identify crops or plants
Trying to save bulbs or seeds
Sharing the same plot of land and separating things from neighbors
Growing up public community garden and having people work for you
Taking care of the sapling by listing instructions next to them
Educating people with a walk-through garden
Eliminate buying duplicates so that you can have a variety of trees
Eliminate weeds and pests with inter-cropping
Classifying Plants according to their type
developing a provisional Horticulture to impress others with your knowledge
Monitoring the growth of plants by marking the date on which they got planted
Trying to grow Greenhouse or nursery to increase efficiency
identifying plants that got sold already
These are the cases in which Horticulture markers come into play.
If you are looking for the Best Irrigation markers,  you are in the right place. We researched plant labels and gardening. We finally came up with a list of labeling tools that make it easy to mark saplings. It is easy to use and lasts throughout the season. The best part is that you can use the marker seasons after seasons. 
Plant markers are easy to use and ideal for labeling small saplings. You'll find it hard to write on plastic labels. We discussed the functionalities of horticultural markers. You may wonder: which type of market is suitable for my garden. Let's have a look at the range of plant markers available out there. 
The first step to knowing which marker is ideal for your garden is to realize your identification goals. It's imperative to ask yourself a question. Are you seeking a write-on-the-tag, color coordinate, or sequential marker? Pay heed to the environment. Find out whether you are looking for a durable tag. Is it seasonal or horticulture markers that withstand harsh weather?
Plastic Horticulture markers
Go for Plastic Horticulture markers If you want to color-code your sapling. You can write on a label with a sharpie. Likewise, you can laser etch your company logo, name, and details. Whether you have an at-home garden or retail garden Store, you'll find it easy to work with plastic plant labels.
Write-on-tag Horticulture markers
Write-on-tag labels consist of aluminum tags that allow you to engrave your name and details. If you want to curl on the spot, go for it. If you want to list a couple of details on a tag, go for a metallic one. UV-resistant aluminum labels last for years if you keep them outdoors. There are varieties of irrigation markers available in the market. But, keep things in mind before getting one. If you are looking for a creative or durable Horticulture label, get in touch with us.
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An Electric Candle Spell
Fun fact: I have an irrational fear of fire alarms going off. So, by extension, the idea of doing ritual work or spell work with a lit candle makes me... a little edgy. I would MUCH rather use an electric candle if I can, something I can turn on and off and not worry about the cat knocking over. Unfortunately not everything can be done with an electric candle, but... there are SOME things for which an electric candle makes a good substitute, and others for which it makes an AMAZING alternative. I wanted to share this one way I use electric candles in my craft, as well as notes on obtaining them.
Buying Candles
Dollar Store, Dollar Store, Dollar Store. Especially near holidays. I have obtained two “emergency candles” which are white tapers with their own stands. I also have a collection of tealights, some in "jars” I use for specific purposes, others much smaller and simpler but in a variety of colors. Check near holidays especially!
You will need to be on perpetual lookout for batteries, sadly, as C cell batteries can be hard to get. I know the temptation to just replace your $1 candles with more $1 candles is great but A) replacement batteries will probably last longer and B) save the planet by reusing them! You’ll likely need a small screwdriver (a few of mine almost immediately had stripped screws, so be careful) to replace the battery.
Electric Candle Sigil Magic
Ok, one of the small perks of using electric candles is "burn time" and the fact you can leave them unattended! Dollar Store candles love to tell you how long they will last. Most tealights say they will last 50 hours. That means you can cast some pretty cool spells to last a day or two and trust the candle to last for a while (assuming it is a fresh battery).
To start this spell, you'll need a sigil you can comfortably draw on the surface of your candle using a dry erase marker. There's a lot of information out there on making sigils, so I won't get into that here. Once you are satisfied, draw the sigil onto the candle, visualizing your intent for it. (Sharpie will work if the spell is going to “consume” the candle for you, but try to avoid making more plastic trash if you can.) Turn on the candle to activate it. Make sure it is left somewhere it won't be disturbed and it won't overheat.
Here's an example. Say you have a test the following day. Before you sit down to study, you design a sigil with the meaning "I will remember everything I study tonight for as long as this candle shall burn." Focus on your intent as you draw the sigil onto your candle and turn it on to activate. Start studying. Leave the electric candle on in a place it won't be disturbed until you have completed your test.
Cleansing your Candles for Reuse
Ok so you’ve used your tealight for a ritual. Now you want to cleanse it of that intent to get it ready for reuse. What do you do? Here’s my suggested method, but feel free to get creative.
The first thing I do (once the candle is off) is to carefully wipe the candle clean using a towel to remove the sigil. As I do, I visualize the energy of the sigil being blown away. That removes the surface intent of the candle.
Next, I usually remove the battery to “remove the charge.” If it was a particularly potent intent, I might pitch the battery for good measure, but I usually save it. C cell batteries are hard to find! Drop it into a bag of batteries and lose the intent of the battery amidst its bretheren.
So, now you have an unpowered plastic candle, or a "shell". If I am not pressed for time, I like to leave the "shells" on the windowsill starting at dusk, making sure to leave them there until dawn the next day. To me it's symbolizing one light fading away to dark only for a new one to take its place. Plus, you know, moonlight cleanses. If I need the candle sooner I will often use visualization and intent, itterating that the "shell" in my hand has no intent, it is nothing without sigil or charge, and it has no memory of what it was. Either way, once the candle is cleansed, I pop a battery in as a fresh charge and it is ready for the next spell.
Hopefully this is of use to you! Let me know what you think!
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buckyreaderrecs · 4 years
Wax and Wane
Summary: Bucky was sure he'd felt all the different types of bad a person could feel. He was wrong. You were pretty sure it was illegal to drive away with an Avenger in the back of your van, but what else could you do? A story about grief that is basically the 'flowers grow in the sidewalk cracks' metaphor fanfictionalised.
Words: 5,614 Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Reader Characters: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Thor Additional tags: mostly canon compliant (Infinity War and Endgame never happened), Stark Tower still exists, other Marvel characters are mentioned but aren’t central to plot, recovering Bucky, not angsty but a sad story, she/her pronouns Warnings: illness/death, sick children, grief
Note: This was written for Nik's 1k Writing Challenge - @serpienten  My dialogue prompt was, "I'll keep you warm. Hold me closer." I hope you love it, Nik! 
EDIT: Accidentally had all the Y/N replaced with my name because of the Chrome extension. Hopefully fixed, but if you see Rhiannon pop up, please let me know so I can edit. Embarrassing lol.
Wax and Wane
As the paint was brushed gently across their skin in broad strokes, you could read the joy and pleasure in their sweet little faces. It was a very minor and short term relief from their day-to-day pain, but it was the very least you could do. Face painting wasn't going to cure cancer or mend broken bones, but it made the residents of the hospital's children's ward happy.
Most of the long-term patients knew you. You were the girl in the tutu and butterfly wings that would come and blow bubbles and make them smile. But on that day, you weren't the one they were excited for.
The children were in a frenzy as The Avengers entered the room, dressed in their best outfits (minus any dangerous weaponry, you assumed). You stood to the side of the room with the doctors, nurses, and parents, and listened along with an enraptured audience as Captain America and Iron Man introduced the team. The kids couldn't sit for long, so very quickly the nibbles and treats were brought out and the room calmed into a soft party atmosphere.
As soon as you'd set up your station, there was a line of children wanting to have webs and stars painted. You worked quickly, getting through the line fast. Staying put, you only had a chance to briefly survey the room before Liam, one of your most special friends, trotted up to you, pulling along someone new.
"Hey, Liam," you greeted. He let go of his new friend's hand to hug you.
"Look, Y/N!" he said, pointing up. "It's Bucky!"
You looked up at Bucky Barnes, who would have towered over you even if you had been standing. The child's size plastic chair you were on really added a comical size difference though.
"Hi, Bucky," you said, coy smile. Bucky softly smiled back. "You're Liam's favourite,"
"Yeah, I told'ed him that!" Liam said, not a shred of self-consciousness in the child. "And now we can be matching,"
"Matching?" you asked.
"Yeah, 'cause you do the painting and you can paint my arm like Bucky's," Liam explained, holding his prosthetic arm out in demonstration.
Glancing up at Bucky to make sure he was privy to the plan, he simply gave a little shrug.
"Sounds good to me. How about you sit in this chair here, Liam, and we get Bucky to sit right next to us on the floor. Is that okay?" you asked both of them.
Liam jumped into the seat, sticking his arm out ready.
Bucky had a bit of a harder time folding himself down, but he eventually managed to sit in front of you comfortably.
"Okay if I borrow your arm for a bit?" you asked Bucky.
He nodded and held it out to you. When you took it, laying it across one of your legs so you could copy the seams and markings, Bucky held his breath. Most people hesitated. He figured some of them were afraid, and some didn't want to appear rude. Not you though. To you, his arm was just that - an arm. You'd kinda grown used to celebrities (is that what superheroes are classified as? you wondered to yourself) by then. Make a Wish and fundraising events and all that jazz… Turns out most famous people are pretty normal, boring even.
Bucky watched you pull a bunch of markers out of your kit and begin replicating the aesthetic of his vibranium arm onto Liam's plastic prosthetic. He let you gently move him as needed, and found himself in awe of how good your Sharpie skills were.
"You're really good," he said, speaking up for the first time.
Liam held most of the space in the conversation, which was fine by both of you. He told Bucky about his illness, and how even though he'd lost his arm, he was the "luckiest kid in New York" because he was alive and because he got to meet The Avengers. There were shades of adult in his words, like he'd been told of his own luck before.
While Liam spoke, you stole glances at Bucky. Mostly, his gaze was on Liam, sometimes darting over to you and away just as fast; he was avoiding eye contact. However, he quickly would turn to focus on particularly loud sounds or doors opening. If you'd had a chance to watch any of the other heroes in the room, you'd note they all did the same.
"Doin' okay, Liam?" you checked in when the boy had gone quiet.
Liam nodded frantically, not wanting to disappoint. "Yeah!" he affirmed.
"Maybe just need a little nap after this, huh buddy?" you asked.
"Maybe," he replied, relieved that there was a nap in his future.
"Think I might need one too," Bucky chimed in. Liam giggled like it was a joke.
"All done!" you announced.
When the very elated Liam was done tippy tapping and hugging, he ran off to show his parents how absolutely cool he was.
You and Bucky stood, both stretching out your limbs.
"Think you've made a friend for life there," you told him; he softly smiled in reply. "Can I just say something that might be way out of place? I just… I don't know… I feel like you need to hear it."
Bucky frowned, studied your face for a second. "Sure,"
"Okay… So… You do know that you deserve to be here, right?"
Mostly his expression was blank, then his head tilted to the side just a little. You'd been reading him the whole time, he realised. He felt exposed. But there was nowhere to run to.
"Maybe…" he finally settled on saying.
"Maybe?" you scoffed. "I mean, kids are lining up to meet you… And you're not questioning if, like, Wanda Maximoff or Natasha Romanoff should be here, you know what I mean?"
Bucky looked over to where Scarlet Witch and Black Widow were forming a girl gang. "They're different. It's different," he argued, but his words were laced with too much sadness for you to give in.
"Yeah… If you wanna get technical, weren't you the only one under mind control or whatever?" you posed.
Bucky looked at you, tried to figure out why you were being so… persistently kind. Your logic made sense, and something in him considered believing it.
"I'm just saying," you continued, "You deserve to be here. And if you don't wanna accept that, then it can be like… Liam deserves for you to be here."
That, Bucky could get behind. He nodded. "Thank you," he said, awkward but earnest.
You shrugged it off, then took a slow step towards him. "Hug?"
He blinked stupidly, then nodded, opening his arms and letting you step into them. While you wrapped your arms loosely around his neck, Bucky hesitated for a moment, then slid his arms around you. People around the room, even the ones that didn't know Bucky, watched how his hands lingered in the air before settling on your back. They saw how he melted into the hug, let his head rest on your shoulder and closed his eyes.
When you stepped away from each other, he'd inherited some of your fairy glitter.
"I'll see you next time, I guess," you offered, letting your sentence trail off enough that Bucky could catch it if he wanted. There was room for him to say anything. But, he just nodded.
Bucky watched you walk away.
Sam appeared at his side. "So, are you gonna-" Sam said, the amusement clear in his tone.
"Don't," Bucky interrupted.
"She's clearly-"
"I said don't," Bucky snapped, walking out of the room.
Sam went to follow, worried he'd genuinely upset his friend, but he caught Steve's eye. A subtle shake of the head told him to stand down.
Although you buried it deep inside, there was some small part of you that thought maybe you'd hear from Bucky. You weren't exactly sure why you thought that was going to happen. It was easy to let that idea fall in the face of logic though; he was an Avenger… very busy… very private… etc. etc. Nonetheless, that small part stayed alight, and it fed your dreams all the way through to the next time you would cross paths with Bucky again.
It was a different hospital, but the same type of event. Sparkle and shine and cheer the kids up. Although there were less Avengers than the first, the children were entirely chuffed with meeting their heroes. And, this event had something the previous did not. Thor. His laugh bellowed all through the ward's corridors, providing a sharp contrast to the otherwise sterile mundane life of the hospital.
Thor promised the children that it wasn't that they weren't worthy of wielding Mjolner, it was that they just weren't ready yet. "You're far too little! When you're big and strong, like me!" He filled the children with more hope than they'd had in a long time.
Your attention constantly being drawn to the larger-than-life Asgardian was a welcomed distraction… You were trying to give Bucky space, deciding that if he wanted to talk to you, he could. You wouldn't push it. Two superheroes that apparently did want to talk to you, though, were Falcon and Captain America.
Like you were their mission, there was hardly a second where one of them wasn't by your side. Sam was entirely unhelpful, giving creative input to all the face painting. He made the kids laugh though, often at jokes that went over their innocent heads. It was his sassy tone they really liked. Steve was a little calmer, answering weird and wonderful questions only children could think up.
They were both charming, personable, and genuinely fun to be around, but what were they doing? Were they trying to coax Bucky in? Provide a buffer? Or, no… Maybe they were keeping you from him? Shaking the thought from your head, you simply blew bubbles and painted faces and covered the room in confetti.
You would have liked to say you didn't notice when Bucky slipped from the room, not returning, but that small part of you most definitely did. It most definitely noticed and you most definitely felt the effect of him not speaking to you, not even offering a smile across the room.
"Did I do something?" you finally asked Steve, not needing to explain the context.
"No… It's not you…" he answered, looking over at the door Bucky had left through. "He's just… He's trying…"
The children's ward was quiet. It was like that on Tuesday mornings. No events. Rounds over. Just the everyday life of sick children and distraught parents. As you walked down the corridor, you glanced through open doorways on your way to the nurses' station.
It was a hard place to be.
Something caught your eye and you stopped yourself a second too late, passing the room before you could see what it was. A flash of something. Stepping back, you snuck a look around the corner.
A sunbeam off vibranium. Bucky Barnes was folded next to a bed, his arms crossed on the edge of the mattress, his head resting on them. He was asleep. You took a step into the room, then looked to the occupant of the bed. Your heart dropped. Liam.
Liam was asleep in bed, sweating and small.
Cautiously, you crept further into the room. Neither of them stirred, so you took a chair on the opposite side of the bed to Bucky and reached over to pick up Liam's chart from the end of his bed. It didn't say a lot, just the need-to-know for nurse rotation. But you knew those medications enough to know it was bad. Really bad. The emotions caught were too big. You put the chart back; the plastic-hitting-plastic sound it made woke Bucky up. He shot up, chair almost knocked to the ground if it weren't for his reflexes. He looked across the bed at you then, recognition instant. A worried expression took over his face.
"He's sick again," you said, your voice sounding far away.
Bucky tracked your gaze to Liam. He nodded. "Yeah… They, ah… It came back… His parents went home to get some sleep. I said I'd stay." When you didn't move, didn't say anything, Bucky grew nervous. He could hardly handle his own reaction, let alone yours too. "They, the hospital, got in touch when he came back in. Said that… I could help. Make him feel… brave, or… I don't know.. It's been a couple weeks, but…"
He couldn't bring himself to say it and you didn't need to hear it.
"I've… I've got to… go…" you said.
When you stood up, you wobbled on the spot and tried to take a step to the door. Bucky was next to you before you even clocked him moving.
"Come on. Don't wanna wake him," Bucky whispered, helping you out of the room gently.
In the corridor, away from the door, you felt the wet hot tears roll down your face. Stupid, you thought to yourself, you should be used to this. It's happened before. The obvious and cruel downside to volunteering in the pediatric ward of a hospital.
Bucky stood in front of you, watching for only a couple seconds before pulling you into a hug. He squeezed you into his chest, your arms curled comfortably between him and you.
"He's talked about you. He'd wanna see you... Come back this afternoon and see him."
You nodded, keeping your eyes shut tightly.
"Okay," you tried, your voice squeaky and small.
"Okay," Bucky repeated, trying to channel the humanity pre-Hydra Bucky showed when Steve's mother passed away. He knew what to say and do then. "You're okay… Go… Go do what ya need to. We'll be here. I've got him," he said.
When he let you go, you felt cold. You wiped your tears, nodded once and looked up at him.
"Go," he prompted, and you nodded again, turning and walking away.
"Yeah, I don't know what that is,"
"Finding Nemo?!" Liam repeated, like if he said it louder Bucky was more likely to recognise the title.
You chuckled from the seat next to Bucky's.
"You knew?" he asked.
"Everyone knows just keep swimming, Buck," you told him with a shrug.
"Guess that's another one for the list then," he said, pulling his phone out and adding the film to his ever-growing list of 'to watch'.
Hours could go by like that. You, Liam, and Bucky sitting around, reciting movie quotes to each other. Guessing titles. Laughing at all the gaps in Bucky's pop culture knowledge. Liam loved feeling smarter than an adult, and he completely lost himself in hysterical laughter when Bucky burst out his chair in joy when he finally recognised a film.
"Star Wars!" Bucky had screamed so loud the nurse came in to shush him. "Luke, I am your father!" Bucky whispered at her, grinning ear to ear. Then there was the Harry Potter time. "I got tricked into watching them," Bucky had said, shaking his head. Apparently, during his stay in Wakanda, Shuri had convinced him that Scarlet Witch and those who attended Hogwarts were from the same breed. He should, she said, watch it so he understands Wanda Maximoff better. Shuri would remember Bucky's face forever when he came back from visiting Team Cap.
"My turn," Liam said. He thought for a second. "I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse," he said, his voice forced as deep as his tiny child body would allow.
"Woah! Who let you watch that?!" you said, completely horrified.
"My cousin David," Liam snitched immediately. "The horse head didn't even look real,"
"It didn't," Bucky confirmed, again, happy to identify The Godfather. "Alright, my turn… Ah… Okay. Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine."
You were as lost as Liam.
"We give up," Liam reported after maybe five seconds of thinking.
"Casablanca?! Come on, guys. It's a classic!" Bucky argued.
"God, you're showing your age," you teased.
"Alright, you do better,"
"Easy," you cleared your throat for dramatic effect, "To infinity and beyond!"
"TOY STORY!" both Liam and Bucky yelled in unison.
Liam then taught Bucky how to act out the "Buzz, will you get up here and give me a hand?" scene, complete with thrown prosthetic.
"Theeeeeee… beeeeestest… leaf!"
You and Bucky ran off in opposite directions. The hospital courtyard wasn't exactly bursting at the seams with nature, but it was enough to complete a little scavenger hunt.
On Liam's orders, you returned with the most impressive leaf you could find. Bucky was right behind you. Handing them over, Liam carefully considered them from his bunded up seat in his wheelchair.
"The winner is…" he said, pausing to cough. "Y/N!"
"What?!" Bucky screeched.
"Calm down. It's one-all," you reminded him. His feather was iridescent therefore better than your grey pigeon one.
Bucky grinned at you, ever competitive and ever aiming to make Liam happy. "Alright," he said. "What's next, little man?"
"Not today, guys," the nurse replied when you ask if Liam could go for a walk.
"Maybe we'll just read a couple chapters of The Lord of the Rings then, yeah?" you said, turning your suggestion to Bucky.
Bucky nodded solemnly, suddenly and deeply affected by the reminder of Liam's weakening state, of mortality.
Before entering Liam's room, you reached out and touched Bucky's arm. He stopped, looked at you with glossy eyes. You don't wanna see it, think it, but sadness didn't take away from Bucky's beauty.
"You okay?" you asked.
It was a loaded question and almost a rhetorical one. Bucky knew that. He didn't answer, just gave you a weak, lopsided smile.
"You Sam or Frodo today?" he asked, shaking it off and moving again.
For the whole time you'd known Bucky, his size had always been so obvious. Sitting beside children, beside Liam, he looked like a giant. Even next to the nurses that came and went he towered. Small hospital chairs. Small plastic cups. Small, sanitised rooms.
So, when you turned the corner and saw Bucky sitting on the floor of the pediatric ward's hallway, looking so fucking small, it stopped you in your tracks. His head was in his hands, and you knew what it meant.
Slowly, step by heavy step, you walked the hallway and came to stand in the doorway of what was once Liam's room. The bed had been stripped of linen, but wasn't yet made ready for the next patient. The charts were gone, and the many tubes and plastic bags of chemicals too. A crushed, empty juice box was on the ground.
Behind you, a nurse cleared her throat.
"Y/N… I'm so sorry… We tried to call ya this morning but-"
"I left my phone at home… I was running late. Locked myself out my apartment. Left half my kit there too. Was late to this fairy party gig I had downtown… Bad day… and-" you were rambling, tears slowly running down your face. The nurse's hand gently cupping your shoulder stopped you.
"S'alright, love… Nothing you could've done. But it's good you're here now. Reckon the Sergeant here might need a little TLC, yeah?"
Nodding, you wiped your tears away on the sleeve of your hoodie. Suddenly, it felt ridiculous to be wearing a pink tutu.
The nurse left you alone with Bucky.
Bucky, who had not moved a single inch since you arrived. Bucky, who looked small. Bucky.
"Let's go," you said, kneeling on the lino floor in front of him. "Think maybe a crying fairy and ah, statue Winter Soldier might confuse the kids… So… let's go."
You thought maybe he wasn't going to reply, but he lifted his head, faced up. Bucky's eyes were rimmed red, but they were dry. He looked haunted. Shaking his head the smallest amount, he told you, "I… I can't… can't leave him…"
"Okay… Okay, yeah. Um…" You looked up and down the hallway, trying to think while your head was drowning in grief. "Alright, um… My van is downstairs, in the lot. Let's just… I don't know, get that far."
Bucky just starred at you. For one… two… three… "Yeah, okay," he agreed, standing.
He didn't say a word as he followed you into the elevator and down to the carpark. People tried to not stare as you walked by.
Arriving at your van, you opened the back and shoved some things out of the way, pulling the small mattress and pillows down from where they were propped up against the side. Turning to face Bucky, you read the confusion in his face.
"Oh, ah… I don't live in it… I just…" There was no point in sugar-coating at that point. "I spend half my time around sick kids, you know? I need somewhere to be when it gets too much. Somewhere to… cry or sleep for an hour or whatever."
Bucky looked from the van to you, gave you a small nod of acknowledgement.
"We can just stay here… for as long as you need…" you offered, feeling embarrassment swell in you, but it quickly gave way to the apathy summoned by abject grief.
If Bucky thought it was weird, he didn't say and you wouldn't have cared. He didn't though. He moved to sit where he could politely unlace his boots and nudge them under the van, then he scooted back onto the mattress, laid down. You crawled in after him, closing the doors behind you.
He'd returned to his state of seeming too big for his surroundings, curled up in the back of your van. When you laid down next to him, he looked over at you. "Thank you," he said, voice croaky.
As tears began to form in his eyes, you had the grace to pretend not to notice. "I think there's a blanket somewhere…" You sat up, looking over a box of costume fairy wings. Before you could locate the blanket, Bucky's arms wrapped gently around your waist, pulling you into him.
Your back was to his chest, his face buried somewhere between your neck and the pillow.
"I'll keep you warm," Bucky said, "Hold me closer." So, you did, putting your arms over his and threading your fingers between his. You didn't need to be kept warm, but he needed to hold onto something solid, someone living, breathing, real, and there. He needed you.
Usually, sleeping in the back of the van was fine. When a super soldier was taking up 80% of the space, however… different story. You lasted forty minutes before snaking your way out, jumping over the front bench seat to sit behind the wheel.
Bucky was definitely dead to the world. You could hear his heavy sleep-induced breathing. But, you couldn't just drive off with him in the back. That would pretty much be kidnapping an Avenger, right? You looked over the seat at Bucky. Waking him up seemed like an equally bad idea, both practically and morally speaking. He was so peaceful.
So, against your better judgement, you got out, grabbed his boots, and jumped back in, putting the key in the ignition and turning.
At every car horn, New York pedestrian, and sharp turn, you glanced over to see if he'd been startled awake. Alas, sleeping beauty. After about fifteen minutes of sitting on your phone when you'd arrived home, parked in the back lot of your apartment complex, you ran out of feeds to refresh. Leaving the car key close to Bucky, where he'd see it, you left him there, figuring he'd probably be able to defend himself if anyone tried to steal the van.
Hours later, close to midnight, you found yourself walking around your place, lost and teary. Pulling your nightgown on, you left your apartment and ventured outside. It was cold. That type of night time chill that only exists when you're at your most sad. Bone freezing. Visible breathing.
There was no reply when you knocked on the back door of the van. Opening it, you were startled by Bucky's upright frame. He was sitting awake, back to the interior wall.
No reply.
You were a little scared. Unsure of what to do next.
"I… I thought you could use the sleep. We're at my place now…"
Still, nothing.
"Do you want to come inside?"
You chewed your lip for a second, waited, but he remained still. His super soldier body would be fine without food or water for a little while longer, you reasoned. And, he constantly radiated heat.
"I'm apartment 5C. Come up when you're ready."
He didn't look over as you closed the door and retreated back into the safety of your home. There, you cried. Grieved. Tried to sleep. You told yourself you would make him come inside in the morning.
The sun rose red over New York City. You'd left your blinds open all night; waking up to natural like was meant to be good for you. Sitting up, you stretched the last remnants of a restless sleep off your heavy body and stepped out of bed.
Maybe Bucky got himself in overnight. Crept in through an unlocked window. Used some sort of superhero technology to unlock the front door. He wasn't on the couch, though, or anywhere in the apartment.
Teeth brushed and coffee brewing, you once again donned the nightgown and headed outside.
At least he's lying down, you thought, opening the van door.
Bucky was back under the blanket. He was awake, the lines under his eyes deep set and sharing space with purple shadows.
"Come on," you said. "You can't stay here. People are gonna come looking for you."
Slowly, Bucky rolled his head to the side to look at you. Previously, he was staring at the van ceiling. "Steve knows," he told you, throwing his phone over. It landed on the blanket with a gentle thud.
You didn't pick it up.
Bucky continued, "Messaged him last night. Phone's dead now,"
"Um… okay… Well, you should still come inside. There's more room,"
"I'm fine."
It wasn't defiance as much as it was apathy. You wanted to say something. Anything. Be reassuring. But to be honest, you were surprised by his grief.
Surely, the Winter Solider knew loss. Surely, he'd mourned and learnt to cope.
No… No, this was different, you told yourself. The first child who passed away when you started working with the hospitals destroyed you. It took a month to even go back to the pediatric ward. Since then, you'd put things into perspective and learnt to process everything a bit better. Not as equipped as the doctors and nurses to do so, but able enough to survive the pain.
The pain. Entirely unique. Something Bucky hadn't felt before.
He really thought he'd felt all the types of bad there was to feel. He really thought he was no longer able to love. Besides Steve. And Sam. Wanda. Nat. Shuri… Okay, so he was kidding himself. Still. It fucking hurt.
Around lunch, you took Bucky some food. Around dinner, you found it untouched but replaced it anyway.
It was a Sunday night. In the morning you were expected over at the palliative care centre. Reading aloud to the patients helps.
At 5:30 am, you woke from a fever dream. After shoving the sheets in the apartment building's basement washer, you called the centre.
"Oh, no worries, Y/N," they told you. "Sally's bringin' her new puppy in today. That ought to bring some cheer to the place anyway."
Guilt alleviated only slightly, you trekked to the van.
At least he'd nibbled on dinner at some point.
It was dark still, the sun only just waking up. You could make out Bucky's form in amongst your stuff.
"You have to come inside today. I…" Guilt. Maybe a guilt trip would work. "I need my van for work…" It almost sounded like a question. "And, I'm sure you've got things you need to do…" No response. "Superhero stuff?"
A muffled snort, but nothing else.
"Any chance you can just leave him there?"
For a second, you thought Steve was joking. The silence at the end of the line said otherwise.
"Ah, I mean, it's been almost two days,"
"I can get a car sent over to you if-"
"No," you interrupted. "That's not it. I'm just… Is this normal?"
Steve sighed. "There's not a normal for us, Y/N. There's just… coping… day by day."
Holding in tears, you nodded to yourself. "Yeah, okay. I, ah, just wanted to check in. See if there's anything I should be doing,"
"I'd wager that you're already doing it… It means something that he's chosen to be near you. He could have run. He does sometimes. So, really, for him, this is… progress. He trusts you."
You're weren't sure what you'd done to deserve that.
"Thanks, Steve,"
"Anytime. Call anytime, Y/N."
When you'd phone Stark Tower looking for help, you didn't really expect to be taken seriously. As it turned out, they were waiting for your call.
To your relief, Bucky was sitting up when you opened the van doors around 5 pm. He watched in interest as you awkwardly climbed in, handing him the tray you were carrying so you could settle in next to him.
"Choc chip cookies and tea," you announced, not letting him give the tray back. "And I'm not leaving until you drink your cup and have at least two cookies."
Bucky looked down at the presentation in his lap. "Guess I can't argue with that."
You chewed your cookie slowly, making sure you'd not finish before him.
"Did you make these?"
"Yeah… I bake when I'm… Whatever," you replied.
He nodded, then took another bite.
"You called Steve?"
Bucky shrugged. "Just figured you would. What'd he say?"
"Um… That you're okay here," you told him.
Bucky didn't reply, instead picked up his mug of tea and held it between his palms. The china softly chinked against his left hand.
You wanted to ask if he was indeed okay, but you weren't sure of what you'd be able to say if he lied. Or told the truth. Or anything in between.
When the tray was empty of food, you climbed out of the van, and half-heartedly asked if he was coming inside.
"I'm fine here," was his equally half-hearted reply.
Together, maybe, you could make a whole person, something functioning and able to cope better than either of you were doing alone.
Back inside your apartment, you ran out of plain flour and dishes to clean. All that was left to do was mourn.
It had been three nights and days since you'd arrived home from the hospital. Almost eighty hours of saying goodbye to Liam and telling yourself to be grateful that you knew him, and that you were able to help him laugh and find joy in his final few weeks. Hours of phone calls to friends, family, and your favourite nurses. Hours of standing at your apartment door, ready to march down to the van and pull Bucky out by his boots. Hours of it all.
Like all things though, good or bad, it was waning and you were beginning to see how you could survive.
You were sitting at the kitchen bench, practising your pipe cleaner and pom pom crown-making skills when there was a knock on the door. Glancing at your phone as you stood, you thought it was around dinner time. Probably next door, asking to borrow an egg. Or the old lady from down the hall that always made too much lasagne.
Without checking the peephole, you opened the door with your best polite smile ready.
The sight of him hit you, not like a tidal wave, but a waist-deep wave that knocks you back unexpectedly. You stumbled, had to refocus. Felt a little out of control.
Out of the mess of the back of the van, it was easier to see how utterly fucked he looked. His long hair was ratty, visibly knotted in parts. Expression strung out, he looked like he was in amphetamine withdrawal. His skin was too shiny, and his clothes were crumpled and damp in places.
Bucky went to speak, but the words got caught in his throat. He looked pained, then sniffled and wiped his nose on the back of his hoodie's arm.
Without any warning, you burst into tears.
Your hands went up to cup your mouth but it was too late. The sobs were heaving up from deep inside you, and Bucky was born with too much empathy to not be affected. Tears began to roll down his face.
And that was it. Any pretence or attempt to be stoic was entirely dissolved. You crumbled into each other.
Bucky wrapped his arms around you and you pressed your head hard into his chest, almost pushing against him like you were trying to push the feelings out of yourself.
"I know," he whispered, kissing the top of your head.
As his arms tightened around your body, you could feel how it was calming you. It was only a short term relief from the grief, but it was the very least Bucky could think to do. Holding you wasn't going to make anything better, but it made you both feel less alone.
Showers and fuzzy bed socks. Hot cocoa and trashy television. Sleeping close. Waking up together.
From the deep unwanted darkness of grief, something was determined to find a way to grow.
Tag list (open): @browngirlmagic @lookalivefrosty @aynaraxas @vibraniumwitch @the--sad--hatter @bubbabarnes
(not sure if you want to be tagged in new fics @animegirlgeeky?) 
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charlottecoven · 3 years
“Abstract Face”, this piece was the result of a moment where I had a massive spark of creative energy rush over me. It’s usually my instinct to doodle eyeballs and lips whenever I'm bored, so drawing these things is pretty much second nature to me. I’ve gotten so used to drawing them, they're very calming to draw. I then tried to do an abstract representation of the cheekbones, forehead, and T-zone using the orange oblong shapes. Then I added the swirls and dots in the background to add some black contrast to the light watercolor. . Materials: cardstock paper, watercolor paints, sharpie, thin-tip black marker
Please check out my IG, as well as my Twitter where I participate in art shares, give sneak peeks into new pieces, etc. https://twitter.com/charlotte_coven
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Side Tracks opinions part 3: Logan
(Here I go again! Logan’s playlist is a bit more straightforward than the other bois, so heres hoping this one doesn’t take me as long 🤞)
1) The Elements: Not much to say. It just a literal musical list of the periodic table of elements. You can’t get much more Logan than that 😂 Also, Logan likes chemistry!
2) White and Nerdy: Apart from the obvious listing of nerdy things and the legitimate title, Logan feels like he doesn’t always get taken seriously enough by the other sides (“I wanna roll with the gangstas, But so far they all think I'm too White and nerdy” “I wanna bowl with the gangstas, But, oh well, it's obvious I'm White and nerdy”). Basically Logan is a big nerd and a dork. He knows that and he’s worried that sometimes it ostracizes him from the others.
3) Algorithm: Logan doesn’t understand humans very well, at least, he doesn’t understand anything but the logical aspect of humans and the world. He has a different view on life than the other sides (“Supercomputer status, walkin' along streets”). He thinks that the dilemmas and problems in the world would not exist if it wasnt for humans throwing a wrench into all of it with their feelings and emotions (“Humans don't understand, humans will sell a lie. Humans gotta survive, we know we gon' die. Nothing can live forever, you know we gon' try. Life, is it really worth it?”). As the song puts it, Logan believes that the theoretical algorithm of life is perfect, and he doesn’t understand why it needs to get muddied and ruined by simple human issues (“Looking for something worth it, the algorhythm is perfect, mmh”).
4) Fitter Happier: This song is interesting because it shows us the innerworkings of Logan’s thought process. A lot of what he does involves simply planning daily tasks (things as small as drinking or eating) based on what he knows is most healthy for Thomas. The song completely lacks any sense of feeling or emotion and is, as I stated, a legitimate list of things to do in a day. All tasks are put in place to keep Thomas fitter and happier, however, Logan doesn’t have a grasp on emotions and clearly doesn’t know all of the things that Thomas needs to be happy AND healthy. I’ll just list some interesting daily tasks in the song here: “Regular exercise at the gym, three days a week” “Eating well, no more microwave dinners and saturated fats” “Careful to all animals, never washing spiders down the plughole” “Favours for favours, fond but not in love” “Still cries at a good film” “Still kisses with saliva”. As the song goes on, you kind of get a sense that Logan is losing his grip on Thomas, or doesn’t understand why Thomas isn’t feeling satisfied with the plan that, to him, is perfect. Thomas feels trapped in the life that Logan plans for him, and Logan does not understand why that is (“A pig in a cage on antibiotics” “No chance of escape”). There are also a lot of points in the song where Logan shows that he finds emotions to be a weakness, or something to hide away (“Will not cry in public” “Nothing so childish” “No paranoia”).
5) Medicine: I’m not 100% sure what this song is about, but it talks a lot about ancient philosophy. Basically being curious about the world and people in it. I’m guessing that Logan just likes philosophy and thinks that people should always stay curious. Logan really values curiosity and thinking (of course).
6) The Watchtower: This ones... interesting to say the least. If you’re a fan of the broken blue crayon theory you may want to look into this song a bit more. The song talks about being broken and wanting to restart things, possibly showing that Logan will crack at somepoint and need to reevaluate how he’s been handling things (“I'm breaking, I need another start. Far away, From the city lights.”). Ultimately, I think this song is about Logan’s neutrality over all the situations that the group handles. He doesn’t really see problems as good or bad, because he can see logical scenarios with both options (“From the watchtower, We can see things coming. Good or bad”). He knows that this mentality makes him a bit unlikeable because the other sides want him to side with them, but he doesn’t really mind (“I don't mind, If I'm impopular-ar.”).
7) The Breach: Another interesting one which I feel like could have two meanings. My first take was that this song was about Virgil escaping the dark side of Thomas’ mind and mixing in with the light sides. Logan wasn’t quite sure how to process this new arrival at the begining and had no control over his escape (“Generally operating normally, A small anomaly has become evident” “There is spiking in the pulse of a member of the cargo” “First: the recommended course of action should be to Administer a sedative to all the cargo via ventilation” “Now: one specifically is up and moving to the door”). After looking into the lyrics a bit more though, it seemed like a lot of them could be applied to Janus as well, specifically his first appearance when he was disguised as patton. Logan knew from very early on the Janus was taking pattons spot, but was unable to say or do anything about it due to Janus being the only one with “the access code” (“The ship is fully capable of automating this But requires an approval code from the administration” “He has found the access panel situated in the floor. He is entering the codes and overriding has begun. Reading rage in the nervous system, nothing can be done”). Either way you see it, I’m nearly positive it is about a dark side coming out to the light and Logan not being able to control it.
8) The Letter C: I LOVE THIS ONE 😂 And it’s the first in our list of songs that Logan vent’s about Roman in! The premise of the song is that someone insulted the main singers rap and so the main singer goes off about the comeback he wished he would have used to tell this guy off. It’s honestly such a funny song and I couldn’t give it the justice it deserves here by just listing the lyrics. It gives off huge rap battle vibes and I’m sure Logan would have been imagining the one who insulted him as Roman. Here’s just some great lines that I’d like to point out: “Man I wish I could’ve hit him with a zinger. Should’ve served him with the verbal equivalent of a middle finger.” “I’d say, "Are you insured medically? ‘Cause you sure better be When you’re broken in half from provokin’ the wrath” ““Aw shit!” “Oh crap!” Everybody within earshot would be like, “Oh snap!” I’d high five all around while the guy falls down in a ball on the ground” “I pull out a sharpie marker, Narrow my eyes through my Warby Parkers. Like, “Watch who you’re f-in’ with, with your f-in’ ish””.
9) Galaxy Song: Logan trying to calm Thomas down in the only way he knows how: Gushing about how great the natural world is (“Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving” “Now the sun, and you and me, and all the stars that we can see, Are moving at a million miles a day” “Our galaxy itself contains a hundred billion stars” “And our galaxy itself is one of millions of billions In this amazing and expanding universe”). It’s cute, its wholesome, and Logan tries his best to be comforting 🖤 (“So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure, How amazingly unlikely is your birth; And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space, Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth!”).
10) Streaks: Logan explains to Thomas that growing up is a process that he needs to experience. He understands that it’s hard and scary, but he believes that if you follow the plan and stay in the lines, everything will work out alright (“You can decide on the colors that you like As long as you stay in the lines” “All these years of filling out papers, Building a future, keeping your head down. Tryin' to keep a head on your shoulders” “Cause It's all a piece of the plan. It's something You'll understand When you're older” “Give em what they need to move on, then you let them go”). As he’s explained in canon, he doesn’t really see room for taking a lot of creative liberties in life, and he believes Thomas should follow the mold set out for everyone in life. That’s the logical way to survive anyways.
11) What I do for You: (This song and the next song feel pretty connected to me, so keep that in mind) In this song, Logan really shows his pride and ego. He believes he is the most important side for Thomas and that he will get Thomas the furthest in life (“I want you to survive” “I'm your only hope, I'm your savior too. Every single test You've been ever carried through”). Despite his superiority complex, he knows that Thomas doesn’t see Logan as important as he should. Logan knows how much he does for Thomas but is a bit annoyed that Thomas never seems to notice (“I couldn't ever give up on you, But don't thank me”).
12) Erase Me: Oooh boy. This ones heavy... Logan is PISSED. The whole song feels like a jab at Thomas, daring him to get rid of Logan to see what happens. Logan still feel important and knows his necessity as part of Thomas, but he’s frustrated with the lack of recognition he gets for all of the things he does (“Would it be easier? To just delete, our pages And the plans we've made” “Erase me, so you don't have to face me. Put me in ground and move the daisies” “So what will you do? With no me for you” “Erased me, what the fuck is this? You're crazy, Turn around and do each time, Replace me”). Logan sounds MAD in this song, something that he’s shown in canon quite a few times. It’s interesting that Logan alone seems to be the only side whose shown such anger and furstration, this song just adding to his list of instances. I’m not sure what that could mean going forward...
13) Art is Dead: Well what do yah know? Another rant song for Roman! We all know how Logan feels about Thomas’ choice of career as an entertainer and this song is basically just that. Logan can’t understand Roman’s dreams and aspirations for Thomas because they don’t make any logical sense to him (“ Have you ever been to a birthday party for children And one of the children won't stop screaming Cuz he's just a little attention attractor. When he grows up to be a comic or actor He'll be rewarded for never maturing, For never understanding or learning That every day can't be about him. There's other people, you selfish asshole!”) Logan would rather Thomas take up a job that is benefiting society and making his world a better place (“Cause I wanted my name in lights When I could have fed a family of four For forty fucking fortnights”). Roman’s self-centered and fantastical view on Thomas’ future is just childish to Logan and he feels like Thomas may one day grow out of it (“I'm just a kid And maybe I'll grow out of it”).
14) Equation: Oh man... I just don’t know. The song mentions a mom and dad, so I automatically go to a younger Thomas and his younger version of Logan. The song just asks a bunch of questions that feel like things a little kid might ask (“Have I made you cross? Have I made you sad? Have I made you proud Mom?” “How white is the snow, Does it matter after all?Will I ever learn How to fly like a birds?” “Are you going to school? Are you far from home? Are you well alone Dad? Will I be a brave? Will I be a bright? Will I be a good grown up?”). Logan may have represented more of Curiosity in Thomas’ younger years than Logic. A lot of Logan’s songs have an encompasing theme of wonder and curiosity being amazing things to have. I think Logan really values that part of himself/Thomas.
15) Sunrise: Yes! The love song everyone! I’ll shut that down right away and say that Logan DOES NOT UNDERSTAND LOVE. He isn’t even capable of “love” as some of the other side may be. He of course understands love and how it works, but it’s merely a process to him, and a word which he’s openly stated that he doesn’t like to use. So lets try to look at this from Logan’s perspective. The song is literally about learning spanish, yes its clearly romantic, but its about learning spanish. Something that Logan has shown an interest in since wayyyy back at the begining of the series. I like to imagine that this song came up in Thomas’ playlist and Logan was overjoyed that Thomas was not only learning something from the song, but also learning spanish!
16) One More Time with Feeling: This one feels kind of tough to crack. To me, I get the feeling that Logan’s again talking about the others and the fact that they don’t listen to him. He prepares his words and hopes to get through to them, but is only welcomed by blank faces and misunderstanding (“Everyone takes turns. Now it's yours to play the part And they're sitting all around you, Holding copies of your chart, And the misery inside their eyes is Synchronized and reflecting into yours”). After getting shut down, Logan tries again ‘with feeling this time’, hoping to get through, but it falls flat over and over again (“Hold on. One more time with feeling. Try it again, breathing's just a rhythm. Say it in your mind until you know that the words are right”). Logan has been trying really hard to appeal to the others in different way, but if seems like it never works in his opinion (“You thought by now you'd be So much better than you are. You thought by now they'd see That you had come so far”). He want’s to finally be shown the respect that he believes he deserves and hopes to one day be loved by the others and much as they love each other (“And the pride inside their eyes Would synchronized into a love you've never known. So much more than you've been shown”).
17) In My Mind: Logan has a drastically different view of Thomas’ future than is actually the case (“In a future five years from now. I'm one hundred and twenty pounds, And I never get hung over Because I will be the picture of discipline” “And I will be someone I admire And it's funny how I imagined That I would be that person now, But it does not seem to have happened” “Maybe I've just forgotten how to see That I am not exactly the person that I thought I'd be”). He’s realized that he has some unrealistic expectations for Thomas and that’s odd to him as, logically, things should have played out how he thought they would. At the end of the song, Logan seems to accept the fact that even though Thomas hasn’t strictly followed the plan that Logan expected, he’s still doing great and succeeding at life (“I am exactly the person that I want to be”).
18) Not Perfect: This song has a lot of lyrics, but most of them can be taken at face value. Logan recognizes that everything in Thomas’ life (his world, his country, his house, his body, and his brain) is not perfect. I’m sure it’s a metaphor for Logan realizing that he, himself, is not perfect and he’s begining to realize that he can’t solve every problem.
19) Human: This song is also long. REALLY LONG. But thankfully it is fairly straight forward. When life is getting Thomas (or any of the sides down) Logan will list facts about their life as a human that are supposed to be comforting or inspirational. It’s basically just like Galaxy song, but a bit more personal and loving. Here’s just some cute quotes from it to keep you all going: “For you are a force of skin & nails & heart. A walking Monae, you're breathing art” “The average human heart will beat over 100 million times in one lifetime. I'm sure you'll find someone who won't mind skipping one for you” “You need to grow up. You need to grow out of things. When something doesn't belong, even your body knows when it's time for that thing to be Replaced” “15 million blood cells are Destroyed in a human body every second. If your body can get over it You can get over that last relationship”). Basically Logan trying to ground Thomas in reality to make him realize that everything he’s going through is just human.
20) Time Adventure: (ughhh this song make me cry every time I hear it) That being said, I was a bit surprised to hear this on Logan’s album and not Pattons. Not only that, but it’s his finishing song. The song is all about growing up and how, even though time passes, you will always have the good memories that you built along the way. It’s also about how, no matter how much time passes, the singer and the person theyre singing about will always be friends. Seems kind of like a weird song choice for Logan right? It seems like it needs to include Patton in someway... So perhaps its Logan trying to comfort Patton. Patton has shown a fear of growing up and changing, so perhaps telling him that he’ll always have a friend in Logan no matter how the times change is something that Logan does to ease his worries.
(Oh boy... this one took a long time 😅 Sorry about that! Like usual, let me know what you think and give your own opinions if you’d like!)
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jorgeclardiary · 4 years
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#HowlAtHome Activity #5: Poster Art for Pride
I was honored to be asked by Katherine Cheairs at Howl Arts to contribute my take on poster art and suggest a Pride poster-making activity as part of their #HowlAtHome initiative. I thought about my favorite ideas regarding posters. Scooter and I were at Van’s house, after not being there for a few months, and we made some posters with acrylic paints and poster board. We talked a lot about vintage gay protest posters from the 70s. Above, you see Van and I holding posters we came up with. I painted LGBTQIA_ 🎉?+ (Scooter mentioned the “party hat” emoji represents drag artists) and Trans Lives Matter: Nina Pop, Scooter painted I Am a Faggot and Faggots Are Fantastic and Stop Bugging Gays, and Van painted Love Power, which ended up being the cover of the initiative. As howlarts.org puts it:
Creative Art Activities in a Time of Social Isolation Poster Art for Pride with Jorge Clar
We’re putting together arts activities inspired by our signature Vega Arts Workshop Series. Anyone can do it! No background in art-making is necessary to complete these activities using simple, low-cost materials found in your home, or easily acquired at essential services locations as well as online retailers. A new activity will be shared every two weeks.
#HowlAtHome celebrates PRIDE through the power of posters. Though we might not be able to gather together for this year’s pride march as we’ve done in the past, we can still show our support, excitement, and solidarity through Poster Art. We are excited to have our beloved, Jorge Clar, share with us his passion for the power of posters.
The modern poster took off in the 19th century when the printing industry perfected color lithography and mass production. Author Roger Marx, in his book ‘Masters of the Poster’, said the proliferation of placards on the streets of Paris turned them into “the poor man’s picture gallery.” Advertising products and services, the commercial success of poster art led fine artists like Jules Chéret—“the father of the modern poster”—, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, and Pablo Picasso to explore the format. In the 1960s, there was a resurgence in the popularity of posters with the rise of Pop Art and protest movements. Personally, I am a big fan of Swiss posters from the 1960s and 1970s, specifically those designed by Josef Müller Brockmann, who made bold graphic statements using the Akzidenz-Grotesk typeface, which was also an integral part of New York City subway signage during the 1970s. I also love Bauhaus posters, especially the ones by László Moholy-Nagy, a Hungarian painter who taught at the school, which show a masterful balance of line and color. As a young child, I was fascinated by street posters, and velvet posters with images in fluorescent color. When Puerto Rican beauty queen Marisol Malaret won the Miss Universe contest in 1970, my uncle gave me a handful of posters with her likeness wearing a tiara. I was so excited I climbed the mango tree in my backyard and hurled the posters into the air, hoping they would fly. My uncle, who was gay, would plaster posters of Raquel Welch in a bikini and Charles Bronson barechested in his den, and I was fascinated by these images. —Jorge Clar
Tag photos of your artworks on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook with #howlathome and #howlhappening to share your creations with us and connect to everyone who Howls at Home! Please email an image of your final project to Katherine Cheairs, Howl education director, at [email protected].
Activity #5—Poster Art for Pride
For this activity, think of what a poster can do to help celebrate LGBTQIA+ Pride. Conjure a symbol of queer pride; think of what being a part of this spectrum means to you. Posters throughout history have been crucial in the spreading of ideas. Using simple graphic elements, one can make a statement that can be seen from a distance—across a room, displayed on a window, or carried outside, depending on the circumstances. Ideas for your poster can include notable figures of gay liberation or a statement related to your own experience.
Pro Tips: As part of my artistic practice, I do performances that incorporate line drawings, which in turn include words. These elements informed my choices for these poster designs. I used tempera paint and a one-inch wide paint brush in creating the posters. These were done on poster boards which are readily available at drugstores. You can use brown craft paper, upcycled cardboard boxes…any rigid surface of your choice. Your recycling bin is a great resource! Depending on the surface, you can decide whether to use markers or paint. If using markers, I recommend Japanese Posca wide-tip paint markers which you can get online, or chisel-tip Sharpie markers, available at most drugstores. I have included a short instructional video on how to do simple hand-lettering with either a brush and tempera or chisel-tip marker.  —Jorge Clar
Photos: 1, 6. Scooter LaForge, 2-5, 7. Jorge Clar
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snakebitcat · 4 years
Sharpies, written by Jen Colman
I keep thinking about Sharpies.
Teachers can pull Sharpies out of pockets the way magicians produce rabbits. I normally have two or three rattling around the bottom of my laptop bag. I was once in line at Starbucks when the Sharpie marker being shared between three baristas ran out of ink. They rummaged under the registers, desperately looking for a replacement before the caffeine-deprived hordes turned on them. I felt like a badass superhero when I stepped to the counter and offered three different colors for them to pick from.
But I’m thinking about one Sharpie pen in particular. It’s black, medium thickness. And it stays in the blue emergency bag that I keep on the filing cabinet closest to my classroom door. Our school’s emergency bags are remarkably sparse. No band-aids, no first aid materials. We have one flashlight, one sign with my name to help my students find our class if they get separated during a mass exodus, one copy of my class rosters, and one Sharpie marker. Why a marker? Someone asked that very question at a staff meeting. The nurse explained, in a completely emotionless tone, that the Sharpie was so we could identify students and write their names on their bodies in the event of an incident.
She was vague, but we all knew exactly what she was saying. You have a marker in case someone armed with a military-style assault rifle strolls onto campus and starts murdering your co-workers and students. When the shooting stops, we need you to walk through the carnage of your classroom, checking for signs of life. And where there is none, take out that marker and write the name of that precious child, that beautiful life snuffed out too early. She didn’t tell us where we were supposed to write the name — on an arm? A leg? But nobody asked any more questions. We shuffled out of the library silently.
That Sharpie tells me everything I need to know about teaching through COVID. We could have poured resources into prevention. We could’ve spent all summer enforcing mask use and social distancing. We could’ve sacrificed small pleasures for the greater good. We could’ve kept this from happening. But instead, we’re blindly barreling toward reopening even though we know teachers and students will die. We’re going to treat COVID the same way we treat school shootings. An unfortunate but unavoidable cost to doing business. There will be some new morbid addition to the emergency bag. Some simple tool made macabre by the expectation for its use. And like we always do, we will ask our teachers to stand in the doorways and use our bodies as human shields. And if we make it out alive, we’ll be the ones tasked with walking through the wreckage and counting the bodies.
Jen Coleman is a high school English teacher and mother to two monsters masquerading as toddlers. She has an MFA in creative writing from American University and lives in Trussville, Alabama.
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hamilton-one-shots · 5 years
Hamilton High School AU 103
“John’s not in the apartment and my phone is dead. Can I borrow yours?”
Half asleep, Alexander grabbed his laptop from his backpack and opened a new tab, typing in a website url before giving it to Thomas.
Thomas wished Alexander was at least a little bit more coherent. “Alexander, this is porn.”
Alexander grumbled to himself and took back his laptop, reopening the same thing in an incognito window before going back to sleep, cuddling with a pillow.
And as adorable as Alexander was, that wasn’t very helpful. Thomas rolled his eyes and decided to check the apartment one more time.
This time, he was startled to find John in his art room, walking towards the door.
“Oh, sorry, did I wake you?” John asked.
“Uh.. No. I woke up on my own.. I checked in here a minute ago and you weren’t here.”
John smiled sheepishly. “Sorry.. I was probably over in the closet, trying to find a sketchbook, when you came.” He pointed at the closet door that Thomas could now see clearly in the light, as opposed to the dark from before.
“Oh.. Well, I feel foolish,” he chuckled. “Are you coming back to bed?”
John nodded. “Yeah, I was just leaving.” He followed Thomas to the bedroom, the other chuckling as he realized that he’d left Alexander’s laptop open.
“Oh, yeah, when I couldn’t find you, I tried to ask Alex for his phone because mine’s dead and this is what he gave me.” He showed him the screen, John immediately turning away and throwing his hands over his eyes.
“Oh, god, I wish I didn’t have to see that..”
Thomas laughed and sat down. “You know, for a guy who’s basically dating two guys, he really seems to be into lesbians.”
Alexander’s eyes shot open and he snatched his computer away from Thomas, shutting everything down before holding it in a death grip against his chest and going back to sleep.
Thomas chuckled and ran a hand over Alexander’s hair, watching as the other’s expression became visibly less tense. “Can I tell you something, sunshine?..”
“Yeah, anything,” John assured, carefully climbing over Alexander and at his other side.
“I think... I think I’m starting to like Alexander and I’m not sure how I feel about it..”
John’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “Wait, really?.. Like, like like him?”
“Yep,” Thomas responded simply before taking a deep breath. “It’s weird to think that I feel that way about him, but I guess that’s what we’ve been going for this whole time right?”
John nodded. “I guess.. But are you going to be okay?” It didn’t take a genius to see how Alexander felt about Thomas.
Thomas nodded and smiled reassuringly. “I’ll be fine. If I went a whole year ignoring how much I still loved you while you hated me, I can keep a little crush to myself until he comes around.” He kissed John’s forehead. “Let’s just go to sleep, okay?”
John sighed and nodded. “You’re right.. I’m exhausted.”
The pair finally crawled into bed with Alexander and fell asleep.
Shockingly, Alexander was the first one awake in the morning and did so to find his head resting against a broad chest. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, eyes still shut. John was strong, but that wasn’t his build. Half asleep, Alexander reached his hand up to the face of whoever that was, feeling his hand running over facial hair.
“Lose something?”
Alexander’s eyes shot open. He knew that voice.
With all the strength he could muster, Alexander shoved Thomas away from him, not even noticing the forearm resting on Thomas’s side as it’s owner fell out of the bed. What he did notice was a muffled groan as Thomas fell after him.
“Fuck! John, I’m sorry!” Alexander scrambled off of the bed and stared at John with worried, guilt filled eyes as Thomas moved away from him. “I’m so sorry.. Are you okay? I’m so sorry..”
John sat up and held his arms over his chest, tucking into a ball and keeping his head down. Not only did Thomas’s landing knock the wind out of him, but John had instinctively flailed his arms in a failed attempt to catch himself as he fell and he hit his cast right against the edge of his nightstand.
Alexander reached out to put a hand on John’s shoulder, feeling worse as John flinched away.
“Just- Don’t touch me. I’ll be fine on my own..”
Thomas frowned and put a gentle hand around Alexander’s wrist to pull him away. And he expected Alexander to at least resist, but he didn’t even try. The last thing Alexander wanted to do was fight.
Thomas rubbed circles into Alexander’s hand with his thumb and spoke to John. “We won’t touch you, but we won’t leave you to hurt on your own, sunshine..”
John didn’t argue. He didn’t want to fight either. The second he could breathe again, he looked up at Alexander, half apologetically. “I’m sorry if I scared you..”
Alexander shook his head. “If I knew you were there, I never would’ve shoved Thomas like that.”
John chuckled. “You shouldn’t have either way.. I promise, you were clinging to him way more than he was clinging to you.”
Alexander scrunched up his nose. “Gross..”
“I’m right here, you know,” Thomas reminded them. “And I have feelings.”
John smiled and leaned up, kissing his cheek. “I know, I’m sorry..” He sighed and stood up, stretching. “We should start getting ready for school.” He checked the time. Almost as if by pure miracle, Alexander woke them up before it was even time to get up, but it wouldn’t hurt to get ready now that they were all wide awake.
“But I don’t have any other clothes..” Alexander muttered.
John shrugged. “You can borrow some of mine.”
“He can do that?” Thomas asked, implying that Alexander was a little too small to be borrowing John’s clothes.
“Yes, I can do that,” Alexander responded in a mocking tone as John strode over to his dresser.
Thomas chuckled and stood up. “While you do that, I’m going to get Lucy from Maria and get us both ready for school. I’ll get breakfast covered, so don’t worry about it, sunshine.”
“Thanks. I can’t exactly cook right now.” He held up his cast as a reminder, holding a pile of clothes in his free hand.
“I can see that,” Thomas said with a smile. He went over and kissed John’s cheek. “I’ll be back in a bit.” He ruffled Alexander’s hair and walked out, leaving the shorter man with a pout.
“He messed up my hair..” Alexander grumbled.
“I’ll beat him up for you later,” John promised as he gave Alexander his clothes, kissing his forehead. “You go first, I have to figure out how to keep my arm dry.”
“Okay,” Alexander muttered before doing just that, going and getting ready.
Almost an hour later, both boys were ready, but hungry, knocking at Thomas’s door to solve that problem.
They could hear something being dragged across the floor and a small pause before it was dragged away, then Lucy opened the door, immediately clinging to John’s legs.
“Johnny! Tommy said that some meanie hurt you badly.. I’m going to beat him up for you.”
John smiled and knelt down, picking up Lucy in his left arm and walking in. “Don’t worry, Lucy, he’s not going to bother us anymore.”
She smiled at that and kissed his cheek. “Good.”
Thomas came out from the kitchen and smiled at his guests. “Hey, guys.. I made some pancakes, Lucy’s request.”
“Nice!” John exclaimed, walking with Alexander to the kitchen and putting Lucy down on a counter when they got there.
Lucy smiled and kicked her feet as she watched John and Alexander get their plates ready, noticing John’s plain, white cast. “Johnny, can I write on your arm?”
With those seven words, it seemed that Lucy had uttered a spell, one that made John’s eyes light up and forced his good arm to reach into his backpack after a small, spinning struggle to get it open, pulling out a pack of sharpies.
“I picked white for a reason, please do!”
Lucy smiled widely and began drawing on his arm as he stood there and ate, drawing a unicorn and a smiley sun, signing her name underneath it. “Finished!” she announced afterwards.
John smiled and looked at the drawings. “Wow, they look so pretty! You are such a great artist, Lucy.”
She smiled proudly and hopped off of the counter, walking over to the table where Thomas left her plate and thanking him for it.
“She’s definitely gotten more polite since she came here..” John pointed out.
Thomas nodded and took a bite of his food. “Yeah.. We say please and thank you and we respect each other here, something that was severely missing back home..”
John nodded and felt a tug on his right arm. He turned and found Alexander focusing intently on his cast, a marker in hand. John smiled at that and watched him draw, watching as a turtle formed beneath the felt tip of the marker.
Once Alexander finished, he looked up at John expectantly, wanting to hear his thoughts on his work.
“I think it looks beautiful,” John hummed as he leaned in, pecking Alexander’s lips. “I love him.”
Alexander smiled and returned the quick kiss. “His name is Pancake, for obvious reasons.”
“How creative,” John joked, finishing his breakfast and watching as Alexander did the same.
Thomas would’ve been lying if he said he didn’t wish he was a part of that moment, but it was their moment. He couldn’t just steal it. So, he just stayed quiet, finishing his breakfast and taking John and Alexander’s plates before they could notice, putting them in the sink, washing the dishes as he waited for Lucy to finish her own food.
By the time that she finished, it was time to leave, so John and Alexander broke themselves out of their trance and grabbed their bags, leaving with Thomas and Lucy and going to school.
(Sorry for the late upload! Some lightning took out wifi for my neighborhood on Sunday, this was supposed to be up that night.
The beginning scene is based off of something I basically did to my dormmate, only no porn was involved.)
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tundralter · 5 years
Blessing for Blue Calcite
Hello there! Welcome to my first ever spell 💙💙💙 A few months ago I attended a witchcraft festival and bought some tumbled crystals and gemstones that have helped me a lot in the past. I purchased two Blue Calcite with the description, “Facilitates loving communication, brings peace to chaotic situations, amplifies and cleanses energy in the body or location. Used for reducing stress, increasing serenity, and lowering blood pressure.” With that description I thought it’d be a wonderful idea to give one to my boyfriend and keep one, putting our crystals under our respective pillows. I’m about to move off to college so I’m preforming a spell soon to cleanse the crystals and bless them with love and communication as well as keeping the stress of college to a minimum. With that said, here’s the spell! 🌿 What You’ll Need 🌿 - Salt for cleansing (Any type, preferably pink Himalayan) - Lavender for peace and calm (Oil preferred, dried plant acceptable as well) - Black candle for protection and Silver candle for communication (Alternative/additional; grey for removing negativity, light blue for peacefulness, pink for love, white for purity of mind and all purpose use, yellow for creative vivid dreams) - Waning Moon blessed water for cleansing the space and person (Alternatively, new moon charged water for general cleansing or full moon charged water for strengthening the body and mind) - Something meaningful to both people (Or just you if you’re blessing one Blue Calcite) - A piece of blank paper - A lighter (Practice fire safety! Keep water nearby and all flammable objects away) - A Sharpie or other permanent marker (Preferably black, grey, or blue) - A container of some kind (Must have a lid or opening that can close to seal it temporarily) - A flameproof bowl Optional Herbs: Ash (Prevents nightmares), clary sage (Vivid dreams, strange dreams), cedar (Prevents nightmares, protection while sleeping), chamomile (induces calm sleep, protection while sleeping), garlic (Prevents nightmares, protection while sleeping, induces sleep), Lemon balm (induces sleep, refreshing sleep, prevents nightmares), sage (peaceful and calm dreams, healing dreams, prevents nightmares), rose (Induces dreams of love) Additional Crystals: Agate (Prevents nightmares), Amethyst (Prevents insomnia and nightmares, vivid dreams), Black Tourmaline (Induces sleep), Blue Apatite (Dreams that solve problems, induces happy dreams), Clear Quartz (Induces dreams, dream recall, vivid dreams), Fluorite (Protection during sleep, prevents nightmares, promotes deep sleep), Jet (Protection in sleep), Malachite (Prevents nightmares, halts repeated nightmares, induce sleep, recall), Moonstone (Brings dreams, peaceful sleep, prevents insomnia), Opal (Brings happy dreams), Rose quartz (Pleasant dreams, prevents insomnia), Smoky quartz (induces dreams, prevents nightmares) Incense/smells: Cedarwood (Vivid dreams), clary sage (Induces sleep), eucalyptus (Vivid dreams), jasmine (Induces dreams), Lavender (Induces dreams, lucid dreaming), Palo santo (Induces sleep), Rose (Induces sleep, lucid dreaming, dreams relating to love)
Gather your materials first, lay them so your herbs are together, crystals together, etc. 
Clean and cleanse your place, cast your circle, and any other pre-spell activities you preform (Meditate, call upon spirits, etc.)
Place your Blue Calcite(s) in your container. Focus hard on the person you’re giving it to (or draw from a person you love, if you’re just blessing it for yourself. calling on them for their blessing) and say;  ‘Crystal bright and blue, Break through dark and shine through Bless my sleep,  And give me sweet dreams to keep. Connect me to my love so far, I will feel them no matter where they are.’
Take a pinch of salt, one for each crystal, and rain it over the crystal itself. Then make a small layer of salt at the bottom of the container around the crystal(s). If you don’t have enough salt to do so or the container is too large simply make a small ring around the crystal, making sure the edges touch the crystal itself and only go out an inch or so. Call on the spirits of the Earth.
Gather your lavender and any other herbs you’re using. If in oil form drip two drops of lavender and one drop of anything else directly on the crystal, if in dried plant form grind into dust or burn in a safe place and use the ashes, sprinkle over the crystals. 
At this point if you are utilizing additional crystals, place them in a crystal grid around the container to charge it
Place your candles around the container, outside the crystal grid if you’ve made one, and light them clockwise. Call upon the spirits of the Flame
Hold your meaningful object in your non dominant hand and blow breath across it so the air lands on the crystals, call upon the spirits of the Wind. At this point if you’re blessing more than one crystal call on the person you’ll gift the crystal to and wish for their blessing. 
Take your blessed water and pour a small amount in your non dominant palm, dip your dominant fingers into it, and sprinkle the water into the container evenly around and on the crystals. Call on the spirits of Water.
Close the container after one last blessing to the crystals (wording of your choice, preferably personalized). Drip two to three drops of the black and silver candles onto the lid, then take your blank paper, write the names of anyone to be in ownership of the crystals, including yourself, and place it over one of the candle flames, placing it in a flame safe bowl until it is only ash. Take the ash and smudge it onto the lid of the container. 
Close your circle and place the container near your bed (Under if possible, or at the head of the bed) for at least one night of sleep.
After a full night of sleep take the crystals out of the box and they are ready for use! Depose of the container they were in how you’d like, but cleanse it before using for any other spells or even storing normal items. 
Good luck with your spellwork!
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hiyo-silver · 6 years
"What's Up You Guys It's Me, Bdenbrough!" - Totally An Art Channel
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Summary: Bill finds love in creating a new type of content, deciding it may become more part of his regular posting schedule.
Chapter 1 2 3 4 + ao3
Taglist: @hazelash @fuckboykaspbrak @thesquidliesthuman @rachi0964 @beepbeep-losers @bigbilliamdenbro @jalenrose11 @sleepygaybrough @itandstrangerthingsfanfic @boopboopbichie @peachywyatt @aizeninlefox @sockwantstodie @ahoybyeler @yooonbum @coffeekaspbrak
A particularly blustery and rainy day brings a rush of blue creative energy to Bill’s mind. It’s October again, like when Georgie had gone missing. He doesn’t want to go outside or even have any of his friends over, so he decides the video he must film should be different than his normal ones, a different tone filling him.
He sits at his desk with some of his watercolors and colored pencils, ready to create something like he hasn’t in a long time. His art has been on the backburner for a while, school started a month ago and stripped him of his time and even his own personal way of thinking. It was all Algebra and Shakespearean sonnets. But now, he’ll really try and get himself back into it.
He ties his red locks back with a gray scrunchie, pulling on a sweatshirt to keep warm against the cold and the way the heater in the house has been failing for several years, it just hasn’t gotten around to being fixed. Space heaters and extra layers have always been enough for Bill and Georgie. They would never dare complain, Sharon and Zach try their best. And now Georgie isn’t there to complain to either, and Bill just goes quieter.
He really has been questioning himself recently. He wears a lot of hoodies and sweatshirts, especially the thick ones that sometimes even go down to his knees. Bev says he’s just going through a phase all girls do, having some body insecurity, it goes away after you try your hardest to like what God has given you.
He also really likes the look of his hair tucked up into beanies, a faux pixie cut. He still has to ask Sharon if he can get his hair all trimmed off, he wants it at least up to his ears, it’ll be out of the way then and he won’t have to put it up whenever it gets in his face. It’ll only be beneficial, even if Sharon doesn’t think it’s so cute.
Bill isn’t so sure it’s the same insecurity Bev has been feeling. She’s excited about growing a chest and her hips widening, but Bill can only feel fear for the impending changes of his body. He thinks it’s wrong. It hasn’t been so much of a problem before, but middle school has jump started deep feelings of discomfort with every piece of himself, except maybe his own mind.
He never has his nails groomed, but since he’ll be recording a view of his hands for this video he at least trims his nails off, shaping the squared out edges with a nail file, wincing at the sandpaper-y feel so close to his skin.
He finally does get that done though, washing the dust from his fingers and returning to find a way to set up his tablet for the angle he wants to have for this concept. It’s going to be a draw/sketch with me, hopefully turned paint with me when it comes to the watercolors he got recently. He hasn’t gotten to use them yet.
He gets his phone tilted to the paper, the camera not good enough to pick up on the subtle bumps and grooves in the paper, made for peak paint performance. He starts the camera and picks up his charcoal pencil, the one he picked up at the hobby lobby the other day when he went with Beverly so she could get some thread to embroider a design on her new denim skirt for school. He aunt had brought it for her from Portland when she came down for a week in summer, Bev just hasn’t gotten to customize it quite yet.
He starts the video with a shot of him sharpening the pencil with a small handheld pencil sharpener. “Whatup! It’s m-me bdenbrough back w-with your Saturday entertainment. Today I-I’m taking it a little slower than usual, calming a l-little. We’re d-doing a draw with me, I’m gonna b-be trying to keep a cool color sch-scheme here, and we’re just gonna have a l-little chat,” he says, smiling wistfully even though his face isn’t on camera and they wouldn’t be able to hear it.
He starts drawing out a general shape, small ovals to start out some sort of human, “I th-think I might draw a m-mermaid, get some mythical cr-creatures up in my sketch collection,” he decides out loud, drawing out a few ovals to create a torso shape and then a longer one and triangle for the fins on the bottom of the tail.
Then he starts making lines around the shape, creating smoother curves around everything until it looks almost more like it could be closer to human, sans the tail of course. The last thing he leaves in the sketch is the face. “So d-don’t mind m-my inability to make faces,” he says with a small chuckle.
He draws one eye closer and larger than the other, making sure the perspective of the facial expression matches how he made the angles of the body work. Drawing lips is always fun for him, they never look the same as the last pair of lips. He makes it more symbolic than it is. “All m-my characters lips look different. They all h-have unique things to say, and the words fall fr-from unique mouths.”
He continues adding more life to the eyes, erasing a little shine in the pupils from the side where the lighting is going to come from. He’s been working more on his shading, he’s pretty proud of how far he’s gotten in his art journey. He definitely needs to work more on anatomy, but at least he can blame bad anatomy on his art style.
“I don’t h-have a name for this ch-character yet, but maybe you g-guys can suggest some! D-down in the comments let me know what her name and story sh-should be!” He announces, he just desperately wants for his subscribers to interact more, they’ve been slowing rising and it almost worries him, becoming known would be great to him, but he also doesn’t want this to become more of an actual job to him than it already is.
He pulls out his thin tipped sharpie to line it, trying to be up like one of the big art youtubers with their fancy lineart and good coloring skills. He lines it the best he can, though his hands are often shaky and it makes for difficult art. He plans to fill the empty space with some soft music when he isn’t talking. Just to make sure it’s not too boring.
He doesn’t start talking until he uncaps his blue marker to color in her details. “So I-I’m gonna be coloring this dr-drawing in with mostly cool t-toned colors,” he explains. He gets started on coloring in the darker tones, a colorless blender can be used to remove anything that gets too intense.
He drags the tip around in thick, long, and even strokes, covering her tail evenly with the deep blue, to contrast how bright blue he’ll color in the ocean. He fills her hair in with some strokes of violet among some lilac.
The completed drawing comes out nice, not the best he could do, but he did have the pressure of filming as he did it. “Okay so sh-she seems to be completed,” he says, tilting the camera up to show his smile, “So th-that concludes our Saturday video. I-it was kinda short and quiet b-but I had fun filming it!” he finally presses the camera off, letting out a sigh of relief.
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Thanks for looking in on my Picarto stream last night! Here's a snip of the first progress on a brand new piece just started. I post the finishes from my streams for my Patrons first, so if you want to see them first you can join us! I really enjoy drawing with Sharpies. I don't think they were originally meant as art supplies , but over time the price , durability & immediacy of the line seems to have found a home with creative people. They used to be called "laundry markers" back in the old days , if you can believe it. #streamersofinstagram #StreamersUnite #streamersconnected #digitalpainting https://www.instagram.com/p/B0voYGth496/?igshid=1rjv2gw1ewd6j
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myrosesunflower · 6 years
In the following Blog, on The Best Art Courses in the World and What They Offer? I search for What is Important in the Choosing One Art Course of Study, Over Another Way, of Studying Art. I see if you actually need to spend Big Money on courses to be Successful, or if there are other options to look into, to set you up on your Art Journey.  In the Conclusion, I will try and acknowledge if my initial ideas about, How, where and How much would be needed to Study Art, and see if any person is actually disadvantaged, in not being able to set out on their Art Journey.  I will be adding as usual to my Blogs, Two paintings, that I have attempted in the Traditional Style, which is drawing and painting Manually…
There are many Top Art Courses in the World.  An Art Student can study Art, at a College, at a University, on an Art Website, and on an, Online Art Course.  Some Art Courses are Expensive, some cost a  Small amount of money, and others are Free. Depending on what the Art Student is specifically looking for in an Art Course. Art Courses, will launch the Student in their future, Art Career. Most importantly, an Excellent experience in an Art course, makes the Art course more interesting and worthwhile, for the Prospective Art Student.
The Best Art Courses and What they Offer the Art Student?
The Best Art courses makes the students experience in an art course more knowledgeable and enjoyable. Look to the structure of the class, and see if feedback on your work, is included in the course outline.
London, New York, and Los Angeles, offer Art courses, in Art institutes, Art schools, Art-universities and Art colleges for post graduate students. The Student, get the opportunity to study an Art Business course, including an Art History course, and the Legal and financial aspects, which are important in the, Current Art market.
The Top 5 Websites with the Best Online Art classes, offer and ensure that you can learn,  make, and continue with the new skills you learn. The courses, offer Videos from Industry Art professionals, who choose, the students new made art creations, to sell.
The Top Online- Art Courses that are worth Paying For, are Excellent at teaching Digital Art design and Software courses, rather than just, The Art courses. If your goal is to improve as an Artist these courses, greatly improve your Artistic skills, and are a step in the right direction, on your Art Journey.
The best Art Courses in the World and What they Offer, the Art Student? and My Art Creations too…
The Worlds Top Art Schools?
New Ranking of the Worlds Top Art Schools-and Top Universities.   https://www.top universities.com/university-rankings-articles, (dedicated fields, Business, Art Schools, Management, Development studies, Dentistry, Veterinary studies, Science)
Art Colleges and Art Schools around the World–Saatchi Gallery.   https://www.saatchi gallery.com/art colleges.   (Fashion and Design Institutions from all over the world).
Best Art Schools in the World–PrepScholar.     https://www.blog.prepscholar.com/best-art-schools-in-the-world.    ( Ranked by Reputation and Quality).
Art  and Design/ Top Universities–QS–World University Rankings?    https://www.top universities.com/…/2018/art-design.
On line Art Courses
The Top 5 Art Courses That are Worth Paying For?     gttps://www.concept art empire/com/top-premium-art-courses.  ( Teach, Fundamentals, Traditional-drawing, and Art, Modern–Digital painting–concept art and entertainment art.
10 Incredible Online Art Schools–Search and check these out?   and Gumroad—is a de facto place to go For Art Tutorials and so deserves A Great Mention?…     Creative Artists share and sell their Work. Recently has been adopted by The Professional Concept Artists, Illustrators, and 3D modellers, as a Space to Sell Their Own Tutorials. Mostly the Content Share–is for Free–and Prices and Quality Varies, Typically Costs, from $3–$20.  Note: Think of Gumroad as a way to Supplement, More of A Complete Course.
The following paintings are made Traditionally, I have drawn the pictures onto A3 Acid free, Creatives Water Colour Paper. initially I have used a Dark 2B Pencil, and then proceeded to colour in the pictures with the Anko–Watercolour Paints, which are a Medium Range-Chinese, priced, Watercolours in a Packet,  of 12.  These Watercolours are Easy to use, and are a Pleasure to own.  The end stage of the paintings, I completed both paintings, in Sharpie–Finest Liner–Black –Marker, which gave the Paintings the end definition, Genius End Finish.
Reminiscing about Lost Time.   Mixed Media.   By Marie. Crimi.   2019…
Artichoke and Fruits Calore.   Mixed Media.  By Marie. Crimi.   2019…
The following Traditional Drawings are made using an 2B Darker Black Pencil. The drawings are taken from free photo stock, on the Internet Search, I executed.  This is my Initial attempt at hand drawn to scale, Unique Art Creations, by Me. I used A3 Acid Free, Creatives Watercolour paper. Then I proceeded to paint in the pictures to the best of my ability, using Watercolour Paints, and Fine Liner-Marker…to complete the paintings.
  The Top 5 Websites with the Best Online Art Classes.
https://www.my modern net.com/best-online-art-classes.   (Shaw Academy is the largest online educator. Which offers, creative and non-creative courses, to help you gain practical skills.
Best Universities for Art and Design Degrees/Kaplan Blog.    https://www.kaplan path ways.com/…best-universities-for-art-design.    ( A degree from a respected university, in the Art World is an Excellent advantage, in The Competitive Art World )…
In conclusion to this Blog, on The Best Art Courses, and What they Offer to The Prospective Art Student, I have noticed something amazing, Yes, that is, that there are so many Amazing Art Courses, in the Whole Wide World to Choose From, and Excellent and Appealing Countries to Study Art, Abroad.  You could also research and Study Art–For Free if you Choose To?.  The Internet not only makes it possible to Study Art, in which ever way you choose, it is also possible to Educate Yourselves, in Many other Areas of Specialisation.  In Reference to this Blog, which is The ART SPHERE.
Thank you for Liking, my BLOG and Following Me.  See you all in the Next Blog.  Comments and Suggestions are always welcome…
I am,     creationsbymariec.art
  The Best Art Courses in the World and What They Offer, and My Art Creations too… In the following Blog, on The Best Art Courses in the World and What They Offer? I search for What is Important in the Choosing One Art Course of Study, …
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raemissigman · 6 years
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Pulling out all the oranges today. I like exploring colors that I rarely reach use. It is always a bit of a challenge to bring a page together when I step out of my comfort zone but it also reminds me that art is so much more fun when I do! _________ I love my little Pocket Journal so much. It’s so easy to sit down and create for just a few minutes each day- it’s tiny pages the perfect substrate for on-the-go Art Marks and doodles. In case you’re wondering I always toss my favorite pens into my travel art bag. My 0.7mm @posca_pens paint pens-one white, one black-and one black @sharpie fine tip permanent marker always make the cut. _________ Have you made a Pocket Journal yet? Tap the link in my profile to read more about this workshop, to learn more about my new book- Paint Play Explore, or to explore other creative ideas. _________ #iwroteabook #blackandwhitepensforever #pocketjournallove #pocketjournals #myartmarksstory#raesstudio #trusttheart #bekindtoyourselfandyourart #createeveryday #looktoyourownartforinspiration #letyourartexciteyou #artjournallove #artexperiments #exploringmyarttools #artmarksarewhatido #artmarksjournal #artmarksmakemehappy #raemissigman #raeinthestudio #mixedmediaartmarks #instagramartmarkmaker #makerofartmarks #iamamakerofartmarks #mixedmediaartstyle #artjournalingmylife #artistsofinstagtam #artmarks https://www.instagram.com/p/BqhhZfGBUr6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nmblttlt520h
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horlipion · 4 years
Interview with Art Zine
Hey there, hru? Hope all is well!
Let’s jump right into it.
So tell me about your art. How/when did u get started? 
Chelly- I have been doing art ever since I was a kid. My mother was very supportive and nurturing toward my creative side. I would say that art took a more dominant roll in my life around 8th grade, that's when I began building a portfolio in hopes of being accepted to a magnet arts school. I ended up being accepted to Dillard school of the performing arts, where I developed my style and skill. Unfortunately due to an often turbulent home life and my mother's failing health, I was forced to give up my scholastic opportunities. However I have never stopped creating work and fortunately it has led to many new and lucrative projects.
What medium do you like to use?
Chelly- I love acrylics, sharpie markers and spray paint, as well as multi media. Sometimes I'll include glitter or collage elements. Recently I have been experimenting with incorporating heavy textures and three dimensional objects into my pieces.
What inspires your art?
Chelly- I draw a lot of inspiration from my dreams, personal experiences, nature, Esoteric symbolism and fantasy landscapes. I put a lot of my personal life in my pieces, however I also have my pop side which is more inspired by cultural trends, fashion, film and urban themes. I often find myself somewhat between the two sides.
Is there a message that you hope to convey to your audience?
Chelly- My intention is to convey emotions and experiences in an engaging way. I really want people to be emersed in my pieces the way someone might get into a film or piece of music. Ultimately I strive towards connectedness. I believe people have more in common than they might realize and that the sense of separation is merely an illusion. We all have something to share.
Are you currently on exhibit anywhere? 
Chelly- Not currently, no. I do have some pretty big and exciting projects lined up later this month. I will be painting the Good Intentions Kitchen food truck, which I am very excited about. I'm currently in the planning stages for a project at Virginia Key Outdoor Center ( VKOC). I do however show my work privately, by appointment at my studio located in Little Haiti.
Where do u see your art in 5 years?
Chelly- I'd like to see myself on the road, traveling with my art and making music as well. Hopefully collaborating with my favorite artists and musicians.
Are there any other art forms that you have experimented with?
Chelly- I've dabbled in film, photography, jewelry making and sculpture. I would like to get into installation art.
What’s your biggest memory as an artist?
Chelly- The most impactful memory I have as an artist has to do with the final performance of my former band Prostitots. We played a very intimate set and had an amazing audience. At the end of our set a man came to meet us and he told us that he was in Miami because he had lost his home and family in an earthquake in Haiti, he explained that he had fallen into a deep depression. He had come to out just to have a drink, but ended up watching our set. He told us he hadn't felt joy since the earthquake and that dancing to our songs made him feel happy. He smiled and gave us all hugs and thanked us for making him feel something good. It was the most impactful moment, better than any compliment I have ever received.
Now if the people want to see more of your work, where can they go? Social media, website, etc?
Chelly- I post most of my work on Instagram
@ chellypeyrefitte
You can find me on Facebook
Chelly Peyrefitte
If you are interested in booking a private viewing of my work at my studio, please contact me at : [email protected]
***please include up to 3 pics to be added, I usually say one or two of yourself or one or two of ur art!!!
Cheers! And thank u for being patient with me.
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