#techno witch
clever-fox-studios · 4 months
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Definitely not taking the “do whatevs bruh” energy and rolling with it while I practice comic pages
Throwback to an Oc I haven’t gotten to use in ages who needs some fresh air
Featuring @8um8le ‘s Eclipse, Mustang and Jet (Mustang giving that “try me, bitch” energy) in a cross over with Shatterverse cuz I like the funny robots and I’m absolutely normal about the 10 foot tall ones
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thalattamythos · 2 years
🧂🧂🧂🧂🪜🤙🪦🕯️🦇🤞🧄🐈‍⬛ Good opportunities open doors for me.🐈‍⬛🧄🤞🦇🕯️🪦🤙🪜🧂🧂🧂🧂
Likes charge and reblogs cast.
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arcane-abomination · 19 days
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There’s lots of Witchcraft within our modern times that can be done online. Especially mobile. Many people have a phone even if they don’t have a computer. This makes carrying a digital grimoire and/or secret craft a lot easier. Yet there are some, that still struggle with finding some good resources. So this post is made for just that.
Keep in mind that everything is meant primarily for phones, since that’s the most common thread among digital Witchcraft.
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Free Apps
⚜️ TimePassages: An app for astrology lovers! It has a moon tracker as well as daily horoscope (if you’re into that) but one of the best features is its extensive and detailed birth chart information. It includes a birth chart wheel and all its aspects. It’s a great source for working with planetary energies within and without the self. It’s an all around great app.
⚜️ Rock Identifier - Stone ID: There are several apps that claim to identify stones and Crystals but this is the highest rated and the one I enjoy the most. It not only identifies the stone but can offer a bit of info on some of the beliefs around that stones energy.
⚜️ About Herbs: This is a wonderful app that doesn’t get enough love. It’s an app that discusses medicinal advantages and disadvantages of various plants. They are presented by the Memorial Sloan Kettering cancer center, and provide links to the research to back up their claims. They also make it clear that they are for informational purposes and not to self diagnose, or self medicate without proper treatments from your doctor. They are a wonderful app for those who prefer herbal medicine.
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Web Sites
⚜️ Divination:
Tarot: This website sells their decks but also gives free single card draws for all of them. What’s great about it is that while tarot does have basic meanings they all share, the artwork on each deck plays a significant role in each meaning, making the reading far more unique then the average deck
Runes: A fairly simple and easy to use rune generator. They offer several spreads as well as the history behind the practice and meanings on each rune.
⚜️ Sigil Generators: Each website offers a different style to the sigils they create. Each as well has a downloadable feature for those sigils you make.
Sigil Engine
Psychic Science
Sigil Scribe
⚜️ Digital Altars: Digital altars can play an important role for the TechnoPagan. So these are some makers that you can use to make your own.
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Text Symbols
These easily copy and pasted symbols are great for digital spell work and rituals.
⚜️ Gender:♂♀ ⚦ ⚨ ⚩ ⚤ ⚢ ⚣ ⚥ 🜢 ⚲ 
⚜️ Beliefs: ⛤ ⛧ 🜏 ☥ ࿊ ࿋ ࿌ ♱ ॐ ௐ † ☩ ۞
⚜️ Alchemy: 🜁 🜂 🜃 🜄 🜋 🜌 🜔 🜕 🜖 🜗 🜙 🜚 🜛 🜳 🝆 🝊 🝕 🝖 🝘 🝢 🝦 🝩 🝮 🜎 🜍 🜞 🜟 🜣 🜤 🜥 🜦 🜩 🜪 🜻 🜹 🜼 🜾 🝰 🝪 ྿ ☉ ☽
⚜️ Zodiac: ♈︎ ♉︎ ♊︎ ♋︎ ♌︎ ♍︎ ♎︎ ♏︎ ♐︎ ♑︎ ♒︎ ♓︎ 
⚜️ Aspects: ☊ ☋ ☌ ☍ ⚺ ∠ ⚹ □ △ ⚼ ⚻
⚜️ Planets: ☿ ♀ ♁ ♂ ♃ ♄ ♅ ♆ ♇
⚜️ Moons: ⚷ ⚸ ⚳ ⚴ ⚵ ⚶ ☾
⚜️ Stars: ☼ ✬ ✫ ★ ✯ ✧ ✪ ⚝ ✩ ✶ ✷ ✸ ✹ ⁂ ⁑ ✰
⚜️ Runic: ᚠ ᚡ ᚢ ᚣ ᚤ ᚥ ᚦ ᚧ ᚨ ᚩ ᚪ ᚫ ᚬ ᚭ ᚮ ᚯ ᚰ ᚱ ᚲ ᚳ ᚴ ᚵ ᚶ ᚷ ᚸ ᚹ ᚺ ᚻ ᚼ ᚽ �� ᚿ ᛀ ᛁ ᛂ ᛃ ᛄ ᛅ ᛆ ᛇ ᛈ ᛉ ᛊ ᛋ ᛌ ᛍ ᛎ ᛏ ᛐ ᛑ ᛒ ᛓ ᛔ ᛕ ᛖ ᛗ ᛘ ᛙ ᛚ ᛛ ᛜ ᛝ ᛞ ᛟ ᛠ ᛡ ᛢ ᛣ ᛤ ᛥ ᛦ ᛧ ᛨ ᛩ ᛪ ᛫ ᛬ ᛭ ᛮ ᛯ ᛰ
⚜️ Ogham: ᚁ ᚂ ᚃ ᚄ ᚅ ᚆ ᚇ ᚈ ᚉ ᚊ ᚋ ᚌ ᚍ ᚎ ᚏ ᚐ ᚑ ᚒ ᚓ ᚔ ᚕ ᚖ ᚗᚘ ᚙ ᚚ ᚛ ᚜
⚜️ Trigram: ☰ ☱ ☲ ☳ ☴ ☵ ☶ ☷
⚜️ Nature: ❧ ❦ ♣ ♧ ꕥ 𑁍 ❁ ✻ ✽ ❃ ❈ ❊ ✿ ❆ ❅ ✱
⚜️ Geometry: ◆ ◇ ✧ ❖ ✦ ✧ ⬪ ⬫ ░ ▒ ▓ █ ▄ ▌▐ ▀ ■ □ ▢ ▣ ▤ ▥ ▦ ▧ ▨ ▩ ▫ ▬ ▭▮▯▰ ▱ ▲ △ ▴▵▶▸▹►▻▼ ▽▾▿◀◂◃◄ ◅ ◆ ◇ ◈ ◉ ◊ ○ ◌ ◍ ◎ ● ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◔ ◕ ◖◗ ◢ ◣ ◤ ◥ ◦ ◧ ◨ ◩ ◪ ◫ ◬ ◭ ◮ ◯ ◰ ◱ ◲ ◳ ◴ ◵ ◶ ◷ ❍ ❏ ❐ ❑ ❒ ❘ ❙ ❚ ⬒ ⬓ ⬔ ⬕ ⬖ ⬗ ⬘ ⬙ ⬚ ⬝ ⬞ ⬟ ⬠ ⬡ ⬢ ⬣ ⬤ ⬥⬦⬧ ⬨ ⬩ ⬬ ⬭ ⬮ ⬯ ⭓ ⭔
⚜️ Currency: £ € $ ¢ ¥ ƒ ₧ ¤
⚜️ Misc: ♡ ❥ ∞ ♤
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eggy-computer · 1 year
"Begone, Transphobe!"
Curse a terf! in minecraft! (actually!)
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You'll need:
a working copy of minecraft
in game:
redstone dust
white candles
black shulker box
a book and quill with your intent written inside (i wrote "May any terfs, transphobes, or any one else intending to cause harm against the lgbt community be harmed threefold")
a "poppet" (a totem of undying or mob head labeled "transphobe")
spider's eye
rotten flesh
wither rose
moon water (made by leaving a cauldron of water in the moonlight overnight)
a black candle
cast a "circle" by laying redstone down in a square around your desired area, place and light white candles in the corners of the square
to smoke cleanse, place a campfire
dig down a few blocks and place the shulker box
fill box with "poppet", book, spider's eye, rotten flesh, and wither rose. focus on your intent
place grass box on top of shulker box, effectively burying it
place a black candle on top of the burial site to "seal" it, and close your circle. opt: place redstone around the candle for extra potency
also!! dont do a curse if you dont feel prepared enough to do so/dont feel safe doing so!!
alternatively, you can do a protection spell to help protect trans people!!
real witches know that trans rights are human rights!
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gold-snek-hoe · 2 days
Some stuff from working with Marak as a pop culture deity
1. I have a Labyrinth tarot deck for him, and he gives pretty good advice, like:
● "Go ahead and reconnect with your old friend, but stop holding out hope he'll fall in love with you. What you have is special, and doesn't need to be something it isn't. Be grateful."
● "Maybe you wouldn't be so miserable if you cleaned your room."
● "Have you tried actually telling your mother how hurt you are by her actions?"
● "You're upset. Take a break and relax."
● "Your anxiety is talking again."
● "You're hurt and feeling insecure about your magical abilities, but you have to remember these things take time. Have patience."
● "Go and connect with your friends and spouse."
2. We communicate through music a lot. I put my playlist on shuffle and the first three songs are what he wants to say. I know he's around when I get a strong aura of sassy bitch in the song selection. Although sometimes he'll just be the biggest romantic ever. "I'll Be Your Mirror" by The Velvet Underground played in the coffee shop my spouse and I were celebrating my 26th birthday at. I cried. More recently, "Love Song" by The Cure (longtime favorite of mine) came on in the grocery store I was interviewing at, and I ended up getting the job.
3. He's chill about me being polyamorous, and with me having other fictional crushes. Even with my physical human lovers, Marak knows I'm his. Though, he doesn't much care for my attraction to Rumple from Ouat, but that's more because Rumple isn't trustworthy or honest.
4. On that note, he adores my human spouse. As he should. I have picture of my beloved hugging a replica of the "Annabelle" doll, and that about sums up their opinion on monsters.
5. He has his own playlist full of songs I think he'd like/songs I'd serenade him with, plus memes.
6. We had a conversation about gender and sexuality through the cards, and I learned he considers "King" to be part of his gender identity.
7. I've gotten the sense that he's doing what he can to keep my abuser away from me. The SOB is still married to my mom, so keeping him away also means keeping her away, but still. I didn't have to see him when I surprised my mom for Christmas, and he's not coming to my wedding. In both cases, there have been circumstancial changes that kept him quietly out of the picture without fuss. Huge boon for my PTSD.
8. Being married to him helped me accept that I'm otherkin. Which, by the way, he finds both fascinating and indescribably hot.
9. I've become a more confident version of myself with him, just as I have with my human spouse. They've both helped me grow into a more mature and healthy version of myself. I'm very lucky, and very grateful.
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amor-est-potestas · 2 years
Techno Witch Equivalency
"Candle Magick": If you want to use candles in tech magic, you can program something like this code I wrote (on my github). The length of time the candle "burns" can be made random to mimic irl candles, and any additional effect of burning the candle in your irl magic could be included by adding more functions to the code.
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"Divination": BOOM. Here's one I made earlier... This one allows you to pick cards from a digital Tarot deck and will spit out an interpretation at the end, too. (N.B. - Additional spreads and alternate interpretations could easily be incorporated, but this is a proof of concept and it works!)
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"Tea Spells": Haven't come up with an equivalent for this yet... maybe this one is just better in the analogue world.
"Crystals": Computers are real good at doing simulations of repetitive things. Given that that's literally a key component of the definition of a crystal, making simulations of them should be straightforward. I haven't done a version of this yet, but I can think of a hundred different ways to abstract the idea of a crystal lattice and the magic comes with it into software. (Bonus points for acknowledging that most silicon is crystalline and that's what makes your computer's brain work!)
"Visualisation": You can do this with no physical components whatsoever... so you wouldn't need anything digital unless you really wanted it!
"Sigils": I've already seen others suggest using tools like craiyon (used to be DALL-E mini) to make sigils for any search term you can think of! You could also make your own software to do this, following your own rules, if you prefer!
(All of the above was based on having encountered this post.)
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astridellejo · 1 year
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Witchsona 2022
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taltostrinkets · 1 year
SHOP UPDATE ❄️December 2022❄️
This is the last shop update for the year! It's technically not a Halloween update... I was away for the Halloween season (for a wonderful reason cause I could finally visit my family for the first time in years 😊) but I managed to finish a few projects, which I hope you guys will enjoy. 🎃
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If you are looking for a gift for the winter season, especially jewelry, come check this out! Though Cyber Monday is over, the sale is still ongoing until the end of the week. Don't be shy to order, even if it's custom made, I will be working on the orders every waking moment and as soon as the resin dries, your order will ship.
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The star of the update is a project that I have been working on for a very long time - Chameleon pigment jewelry!!! 😱 What makes these special is that they look like a different color depending on what angle you are looking at them. They are also metallic, and have a sparkly or satin sheen. There are 17(!) color variations, which are named after mythological elements, most commonly trickster figures or objects associated with them.
At the moment, they are available in two shapes - the Snearrings, and a set of witchcraft themed charms that I decided to collectively call "Alchemist" (because of the special metal effect. you know.) Potion, crystal, and so on.
Let me tell you, I have been struggling with these photos, because since I came home it's been so dark where I live that it's literally too dark to take pictures even during the daytime. 😬 But anyway.
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There are two glow in the dark additions to the shop. One of them is the same "Alchemist" shape that I use for the chameleon pigments as well. At your behest I can paint the line art for you in black and white to make it more prominent. I personally think the black one is the most successful and easy to see, but I thought the white one looked really good with certain color combos so I left that in as an option.
The second set are these tarot themed charms, which I made into pendants because I find them a bit too unwieldy and heavy as earrings, but if you think I'm baby and you'd like to prove me wrong, then you can always contact me for a custom order. (Conversely, the snearrings and alchemist charms are all listed as earrings, but if you'd like a pendant shaped like that, all you have to do is let me know!)
The tarot pendants are a little bit pricier, because I both hand-paint and dome them, taking some extra work and materials.
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I made two high effort, unique pairs of earrings - as it should be obvious - with a vampire theme in mind. The first, left one, is called "Cupid's Casualty" because of the heart and arrow themes, but it has a classic, vanilla, Catholic aesthetic energy that vampire media usually does. The other one "Bloodstained Glory" is more like an American Southern Gothic one, pairing the sexy dress with the cowboy hat/boots and rock'n'roll vibes. 🩸
Lastly, this is technically not a new product, but I thought I would mention that a friend of mine inspired me to look into earring options for people who don't have pierced ears, and I'm happy to say that I found some! Basically any drop earring in my shop can be transformed into a clip-on earring, which I will gladly exchange for you at no extra cost. The clips that I ordered look like this:
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That will be it for this update!!! Have a very happy winter season and holidays! 💙🎄🎁🕎❄️☃️💝🍪💙
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seventymatches · 3 months
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Good old-fashioned lover boy 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
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theopiumeater · 24 days
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restingcorpse · 1 year
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Digital Altars📱🔮
Altars are considered a key element of witchcraft for deity worship, elemental, planetary or ancestral connections, or spell work. However, they can be costly, you may not have the space for it, or you may be in the broom closet. But you don't need a physical altar, you don't even need physical tools. Digital altars are a great way to worship deities in the case you’re unable to set up a physical altar. There are heaps of alternatives if you’d like to get creative with it.
Some people doubt the integrity of digital altars, however I believe they gain metaphysical energy as they’re created, which can be used for witchcraft. Think about emoji spells for example!
Digital altars are different to digital shrines, which are similar in concept, but different in purpose. Shrines are more of a permanent honouring of a being, and they don't necessarily have to be used actively. Meanwhile altars are for active worshiping, when you’re actually giving an offering or trying to contact that deity. However, digital altars can also function as a shrine, depending on use!
Below are 19 different options for digital altars (but I'd suggest using multiple!)
Image/Collage Altars
Picrew Altar Sketch (by Camade)
This game was designed specifically for creating altars suitable for sacred spaces to perform deity worship, to connect with ancestors, and to be a witch’s working table. After saving it you can edit the picture frames to add pictures of your deity, your family or any other being. It has a lot of variability so it’s great for creating multiple altars very quickly in a consistent aesthetic.
Here’s a link to one I made the other day, using colours and imagery to suit my purpose. This is probably the easiest of the options, while also being the most versatile. However, there are limitations as you can't really make it specific to your chosen deity unless you edit the image later.
Canva / Morpholio / Photoshop
These allow for creating single image collages to set as your phone or laptop background with crystals, cardinal directions, deity images, candles, wands or any other altar tools, along with quotes, intentions and prayers. This can be as subtle or structured as you want, making it helpful for closeted witches.
You can use the collages you create for wallpapers on your laptop or phone, or you could get them printed out and stick them on your wall!
In-Game Altars
On Minecraft you can built entire structures as an altar or shrine, but you’re limited with decorations unless you install a mod. Mods can give you a lot of room to be creative and have a strong aesthetic. Alternatively, you can build just one room and line it with books, add an enchanting table, potions, diamond/emerald blocks, brewing stands, cauldrons and more, using the standard texture pack.
@gailcraft was kind enough to speak to me about her experiences using altars on Minecraft. She usually uses her Minecraft altars to function as a travel altar or when her physical altar hasn’t been cleansed, mainly as a visual representation of her physical altars rather than an actual workspace. When using her Minecraft altar, she generally keeps it strictly digital, writing out prayers on signs and giving in-game offerings of food and potions which correspond with the deity.
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As you can see in the images she’s provided, she’s created a cottage-like structure to house her main digital altar to serve as a safe space, decorated with candles, crystals and plants inside. She has separate deity altars for Hades and Persephone, decorated with skull paintings, gold, spiders eye, crystals, flowers, a skeleton skull, lanterns and the aforementioned offerings in picture frames.
These are great altar alternatives as they don’t require much maintenance or energy, and are suitable for witches who are unable to have a physical altar or who travel a lot.
Another really cool idea for digital altars by @neonswitchhouse is to make digital spell jars by placing items in chests that may best represent your purpose, and you can specify this by writing intents on signs above the chests.
An added bonus is that you can design a skin for your avatar to look like yourself, and you can get pets like wolfs or cats.
Animal Crossing
New Horizons has so much potential for digital altars as it’s super customisable. You can dedicate an entire room in your house to witchcraft, decorating it with a glowing magic-circle flooring, candle wallpaper, candles, stonework kitchen sets, gothic mirrors, decorative bottles, cauldrons, brick ovens, pillars, stone and candle chandeliers. They also have divination sets with crystal balls, incense, bones (in the form of dinosaurs) and a whole load of other decorative options. The main issue is that collecting all of these is time-consuming unless you purchase them online. You can make offerings by placing items that correspond with your deity in your room.
There are heaps of examples of this. @spookynerdghoul has one here and @blomi-isle has one here. Alternatively @ostarasghost has a dedicated corner which you can see here.
You could also make an outdoor altar space, or multiple all around your island. You can create patterns to put on the floor as runes or sigils that correspond with your intent, if you’re looking to do spellwork or deity worship in-game. You could make offerings through art by creating patterns and placing them on stands.
There’s even a zodiac-themed item set that you can create by wishing on shooting stars. You can customise and dress up your avatar to wear cute witchy clothes too, or download outfits from their online section that other players have designed.
On my island, I have one section with a stonehenge which lines up with the full moon, as well as a separate rocky-section with some candles and a skull-hat, and a crescent moon island with a pattern of Saturn that I created, but I encourage you to go more full-out than I did!
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Stardew Valley
@baduhennasravensraven classifies these as shrines, but I’d like to show it as an example as a potential altar. They’ve set up multiple sheds to serve as shrines/temples for different deities! You can see images in their post here.
Like for Minecraft, you do needs mods to get the full experience, but again you can make digital spell jars by growing the plants that best represent your purpose and placing them in with items that may best represent your purpose.
Sims / Avakin
I’ve grouped these together because they’re similar, but in both you can design and decorate houses in a 3D virtual world.
Again, expansion and stuff packs are needed to use Sims to the fullest, but you can find some great ones by @simdertalia here and here, or one by @lycheesmods here. Some more of the relevant ones are the Magic School mod (fair warning: it’s Harry Potter inspired) and the Paranomal pack, where you can have ghosts as roomates and perform a séance.
Here's an example altar made on Avakin by @onixdace. I'm not that familiar with this program, but it looks similar in concept to other house-design/decoration games.
@hollowmoor-game is a steam game still in the works with a planned release in 2023. I’m not sure yet of specific ideas in using it as a digital altar, but I’m sure it’ll be great, and I’ll update this post when it does come out.
According to their page, “As a budding young Witch or Wizard you’ll need to manage your farm and explore the mystical world to gather your ingredients. Brew potions! Forge enchantments! Complete orders for the townsfolks and learn their stories! Bring magic back to Hollowmoor!”
It seems promising! I believe it’s similar in concept to Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing, so I’m sure you could form a digital altar in the same way in Hollowmoor once it’s released.
Abstract Art Altars
Dream AI
[Edited 10 Dec 22] I’ve recently become aware AI art generators steal from creators online and I no longer endorse this method. Instead I recommend using art apps like CSP, playing a devotional playlist and drawing or painting what comes to mind to create an abstract piece of your own for a specific purpose. This way, in very low opacity, you can write out your intention and add images to be displayed subliminally on your altar. 
Dream AI is an artificial intelligence art-creating app. You can use this to make an abstract artistic altar by typing in words like your deities name and their associations or a short prayer or intention, use the outcome as an altar by making it your phone background. You can also set a base image to inspire the art with your deity of choice, making a sort of subliminal image of that deity within the creation. This is helpful for closet witches, you can just claim you like the art the AI produced if anyone asks.
Alternatively, you can use the art as a digital offering by posting it on your tumblr altar captioned with a prayer, like @crazyskirtlady has here. Check out her page for more examples of techno witchcraft!
Mixed Media Altars
Notion is a great organisational app where you can add a mix of photos, gifs, text, embedded videos, music and playlists onto a page, making for a multi-media style altar. You can also store resource notes and links for any research you do.
@caduceussky and @arabellascraft were both kind enough to walk me through how they use their Notion altars!
@caduceussky has multiple different altars for different uses, like for deities and spirits, productivity, work-life balance, and prosperity spells that she uses in conjunction with physical altars, depending on convenience and her personal preference.
For deity/spirit work, she typically sets up her Notion altar first as a placeholder while she’s working on setting up a physical altar, then she treats it like a travel altar. She also use Notion for spell altars that have to do with work and study, since she uses her laptop for those, with separate pages set up for certain spells, sort of like digital spell jars.
For deity/spirit altars, she plays a devotional playlist while setting up the altar and adds a photo of a candle and photos of the deity/spirit or their associations like a collage. Digital offerings can go here, too, such as devotional writing or art. It can also be used as a journal to write her experiences and lessens she’s learnt from the deity/spirit.
For spell altars, she writes her intention at the top of the page, and any additional manifestations underneath. Similar to her deity/spirit altars, she includes photos of associations of the spell’s intentions, and sigils specific to the spell.
@arabellascraft uses her Notion altar for spontaneous rituals and spellwork as her physical altars are generally temporary. She meditates to her Notion altar or leaves a note, for example for gratitude.
She practices Irish folk traditions, one of which being having a moment of reflection and prayer when you first see the new moon of the month. Having her Notion altar in her pocket makes practicing this simple as it’s portable, however, one weakness is that there’s a lack of a physical connection. On the up side, the ability to embed playlists into Notion keeps her in the spiritual mindset rather than having to go back and forth in Spotify.
There’s about to be a Notion AI too, with the function of brainstorming assistance. This means you can type in something such as “What can I do to increase my mindfulness,” and a list of related answers and ideas will be produced, or “Write a poem about the God Apollo,” and the AI will generate one for you. You can join the waitlist here.
Phone App Altars
This game includes a digital altar with a function to integrate your personal experiences by setting objects to a meaning, memory or realisation, like a journal. It also has organising functions to put objects away from you altar when you’re done with them and bring them back out when you’d like to display them again.
You can gain objects for your altar by performing in-game tasks like putting away laundry, fill-in-the-blank word activities with your choice of affirmations or life tips, simple puzzles, and gain tarot cards by picking a daily tarot card. You can also light a candle and type in an intention!
It does take a while to collect enough objects to display for a particular purpose, but if your digital altar is going to be your main altar, this one is a good long-term option.
The app is customisable to a certain extent with colours and designs, but some of the fancier stuff you have to pay for (like nicer backgrounds and patterns).
Here’s an image of my current altar on this app after about a week of use, along with an image of the main page.
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On Discord, you can join a public server with custom categories to use as digital altars, such as this one by @homeiswherethehearthis. Alternatively, you can create a private server with chat rooms for various areas of worship and then post pictures/gifs and write prayers there.
With Discord altars, you can write messages to your deities, send them pictures, links to articles or books about them, as well as send them offerings of your creations. It’s a great way to have a massive private or shared space dedicated to your deity.
Further, you can add Discord bots that can do divination for you, as suggested by @lyresstrings in this post, such as a pendulumn bot, a daily tarot bot, or a horoscope bot. There’s even one that states the current moon phase!
Notes App
In the standard Notes app you can create folders for specific deities, and inside each folder, add notes daily, with images, links, song names and lists of correspondences to that deity. Further, you can write letters to your deity within the notes app, as well as intentions, wishes, and things you’re greatful for.
A great feature of this app is that you can actually lock your notes with a password just incase you’re worried about someone going through your digital altar.
This one is a good option to use in conjunction with a Collage altar if you make it your phone background.
Pinterest Shuffles
Pinterest Shuffles is a sister app of Pinterest, but instead of boards, it’s like scrapbooking. It’s an amazing tool for creative expression with a similar vibe to what Polyvore used to be.
The altars you can make with this are similar in concept to collage altars but the uses are specific to phones, meaning you can only make phone wallpaper images. With Shuffles, you can incorporate images directly from your Pinterest boards, which is great if you already have a deity board and want to condense it into a single image to set your wallpaper.
You can add text with intentions and prayers, or you can just use symbols of your deity of choice. I’d suggest making multiple of these, all with different intentions, so you can change your wallpaper based on what you’re asking of the deity for that day and worship on-the-go just by looking at your lock screen.
I made one as an example which you can view here. This is currently my home screen wallpaper! I added symbols of Saturn such as a clock, skeleton, herbs, capricorn, the world tarot card, the shrine of Saturn in italy, a crow, the number 3, karma, saturn-related texts, and my favourite images of Saturn.
Social Media Altars
Tumblr Blogs
This is probably the most common digital altar, mainly because of the massive witchcraft presence on Tumblr, and the ability to make multiple secondary blogs for each deity.
You can reblog general posts that remind you of your deity, images, gifs, spells, associations, prayers, emoji spells and more. However, are often considered to be more shrine-like activities. You can turn it into an altar by creating posts with digital offerings such as art and collages captioned with text spells, emoji spells, or prayers/worships (as inspired by @crazyskirtlady), or write poems for your deity.
Blogs are totally customisable, and you can change the designs with pictures, music, fonts and more. One important thing to note with secondary blogs is that you cannot initiate social functions like DMs, comments, even following and liking, and you can never change your secondary blog into a primary blog (trust me, I’ve tried. I made the mistake of making this account a secondary blog, now I can’t interact with any of you unless you reach out first).
The tagging system is a little weak though, and it can be difficult to search through all your posts and reblogs, so I suggest if there’s anything you want to keep track of, you have a separate space for it, such as on Notion.
Pinterest Boards
With Pinterest, you can create multiple boards for different deities or spirits, adding images that remind you of those beings from what others have posted. Finding inspiration is super simple! You can add images of representations of your deity, like food, clothes, crystals, art, sculptures, elements, animals, objects and more.
In the same sense as creating a Pinterest board, you can dedicate an entire Instagram account to your deity. You don’t have to follow anyone, and can keep it on private, or you can share it publicly. You can post your offerings, photos of things you come across in every-day life like images of the sun, the ocean, trees, plants, bugs and more.
Be careful with this option, however, as you can’t just download photos from Pinterest and post them without credit. This option is more appropriate for art you’ve created yourself and documenting your experiences with captions, poems, emojis, short letters, gratitudes, and intentions.
Musical/Playlist Altars
One post by @asatroende got me thinking about how apps like Spotify can be used as digital altars by creating playlists with songs you associate with a deity as a form of prayer. Some examples other than normal music includes subliminals, podcasts, instrumentals, and white noise sounds. If you add a short ambient candle sound in the middle of the playlist, this can aid in visualising a candle, making your prayer or offering, then it
You can add a picture of your deity as the album cover and add an intention or emoji spell in the description to customise it further. Spotify also allows you to make folders, and insert multiple playlists within those folders, which is great it you have multiple deities you’d like to make altars for.
An added bonus is that if you have a Notion altar, you can embed this playlist into it!
For my Spotify altar for Saturn, I added Sleeping At Last’s ‘Saturn’ from Atlas I, a 1:24 minute candle sound, then the planetary/space sounds recorded and posted by NASA called ‘Nasa - Saturn’. This way, I can get in the mindset, make my devotional prayer to the candle visualisation, then mediate to the sounds of Saturn for 30 minutes. I used an emoji spell as the description, and used an image of Saturn eclipsing as the cover.
Apple Music
I’m not a user of Apple Music, but I’m sure it can be used in a similar way to Spotify. If you have the free version, you can only add songs that you own to a playlists. To get around this you can use a youtube-to-mp3 converter to get ambient sounds, subliminals and more. However, this isn’t necessary, and you can just include music you own that reminds you of your chosen deity.
Virtual Reality Altars
One last idea is if you have the technology and setup for it, you can create an altar in a VR game or space. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find any practical examples of this one.
Special thanks
I’d like to give a big thank you to @gailcraft, @caduceussky and @arabellascraft for giving me permission to talk about their personal digital altars, and for providing me with information regarding them. A further thank you to @gailcraft for providing me with images to share with you all. Go check them out!
Here’s the explanation for baby withces:
Some people doubt the integrity of digital altars, however I believe they gain metaphysical energy as they’re created, which can be used for witchcraft. Think about emoji spells, for example!
Digital altars are different to digital shrines, which are similar in concept, but different in purpose. Shrines are more of a permanent honouring of a being, and they don't necessarily have to be used actively. Meanwhile altars are for active worshiping, when you’re actually giving an offering or trying to contact that deity. However, digital altars can also function as a shrine, depending on use!
Altars can be used for multiple purposes, for deities, patron planets, ancestors or general spirit work. Some people have one altar for everything, or separate their altars to keep these purposes separate, minimising the ‘cleansing’ you may have to do between each ritual.
Traditionally altars include tools to represent, the four elements, the cardinal directions, genders (although this is sort of being phased out), and offerings. The sub-categories of these are where you can get creative in the representations. More on that in a future post!
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thalattamythos · 2 years
🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🌕🍚🐟❤️‍🔥💲💰🧾🧿🏆🤞I am successful in my hard work. I achieve my goals. I am rewarded. 🤞🏆🧿🧾💰💲❤️‍🔥🐟🍚🌕🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️
Likes charge and reblogs cast.
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eggy-computer · 1 year
Minecraft Misc. Food Correspondence
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* bread: prosperity, money, bringing in specific energies
* mushroom soup: psychic enhancements, connections to earth, longevity, strength, immortality
* beetroot soup: passion, love, grounding
* rabbit stew: lunar energy, luck, hidden knowledge, divination, love, creativity, success, sensitivity, agility, swiftness, spontaneity, abundance, rebirth, renewal
* baked potato: use as a poppet, protection, absorbing harmful energies
* cookie: consistency, comfort
* pumpkin pie: abundance, new life, expansion, prosperity, fertility, protection
* cake: nurturing, prosperity, protection, fertility, cleansing, attraction, love, romance, amplify attraction, prosperity, money
* dried kelp: protection
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boybasher · 2 months
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scheunensohn · 1 year
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If we are wet, we don’t need to sweat
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