#using more tags to push out the banned ones to the bottom
somebodycallixii · 2 years
one aspect of this episode that wasn't really the main focus but it still made an impact to me was seeing a small way that just being a female can be yet another factor alienating youngwoo from her coworkers and clients.
The conversation between the ATM CEO, myungseok, and minwoo at the beginning of their first meeting when they were talking about where they did their military service immediately excluded her from the conversation entirely and no one even bothered to look in her direction after that. it was so frustrating to see this bros bro conversation happening and meanwhile shes just there with her entire presence being completely ignored.
its not to say that people cant talk about shared life experiences, and im not saying men in korea talking to each other about their military service is misogynistic, but you KNOW minwoo purposefully utilized this convo against her with the intent to simultaneously boost his own image and push her farther and farther away from the client and the case :( something he knew she wouldnt be able to relate to simply bc shes a woman.
its just another piece of BS that she has to deal with and shouldnt have to!! minwoo get a life challenge!!!!!!!!
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I posted 53 times in 2022
21 posts created (40%)
32 posts reblogged (60%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 23 of my posts in 2022
#rottmnt - 22 posts
#rottmnt fanfiction - 14 posts
#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles - 14 posts
#undercoverwizardninjaturtle - 11 posts
#donnie - 11 posts
#tmnt - 9 posts
#leo - 9 posts
#rottmnt fantasy au - 6 posts
#rise of teenage mutant ninja turtles - 5 posts
#teenage mutant ninja turtles - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 50 characters
#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtle fanfiction
My Top Posts in 2022:
Title: Glass Shell
Summary: Afterall, aren’t we all in various stages of falling apart?
Characters: Donatello, Leonardo, Raphael
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Warnings: PTSD, meltdown, nightmares, past trauma
@hoshisoul and @soldierofsirens thank you both :)
Being a record-breaking insomniac, Leo is always finicky if he wakes up before he’s ready. Normally the process includes twelve alarms, turning off the heated blanket he had started using for the top half of his body and the slightly warmer second heated blanket he used for the bottom half and letting nature do its work (if he’s lucky, he’d be up by noon). What he doesn’t like is having an empty bag dropped entirely on his face. For a moment all he can do was shoot up in a sitting position and swipe at his face furiously till he’s able to catch it and pull it off. He pushes up his eye mask and rubs at his face as he reads the bag.
“Naturally sourced fair trade premium coffee beans?” He looks up to his assailant. “Raph, I keep telling you coffee is a gateway drug and our grocery bills can’t afford another caffeine addict—”
“That's not—no, I don’t have the physical strength to fight Donnie for coffee every morning,” Raph says with a shake of his head, as though the very thought of it was enough to give him nightmares. “No, I wanted to talk to you, ’cause I think something might be happening and I’m not sure. I’ve been wrong in the past; I’ve made things worse in the past—” Raph starts tapping his forefingers as his talking speeds up. “And—and I don't want to overstep, but I can't stop thinking about it and—and I thought I’d come to you since you’re better about this—”
“Buddy, buddy, you’re at a 10 right now, I need you to be at a 3,” Leo pulls his water jug off his bedside and takes a sip. “Maybe a 2. “
Raph's face twists up in frustration, but he closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths and opens his eyes again. He starts pacing across the small space between Leo’s bed and the door, gesturing with his hands.
“OK, so we got groceries two days ago. I remember because you always buy an extra three boxes of cookies. One for dipping into sour cream while you shop, one for Pops so he doesn’t eat your cookies, and one for the drive home, ’cause, and I quote: ‘I just did my chore for the week and I deserve this.’” Raph pauses and looks at him. “You know, how you’re still alive is beyond me.”
“Pizza Supreme in the Sky wouldn’t gift me to the world and take me away so easy.'' Leo grins. Now that he’s waking up more, he stretches out his arms and legs in almost a catlike manner and yawns. “OK, OK, so we went grocery shopping. So what?”
“So, every week Donnie gets four large bags of overpriced coffee from that vegan store on the other side of town because the one we used to go to banned you both.”
“We’ve been over this. If they didn’t want us to ride a robot bear through their vegan honey aisle they should have put up a sign—”
“—SO I went to throw it in the recycling bin. And I saw there were already, like, four bags in there. That doesn’t seem healthy.”
Ah, worried big brother Raph is a classic. Leo can’t help but smile and reach out, wrapping his smaller hand around Raphs larger finger, which instinctively wraps around his.
“OK, OK, big guy, come here. Come listen to Wisonardo.” He manages to scoot over to let Raph sit down next to him before he gets up on his knees and starts kneading his shoulder. But upon realizing his fingers didn’t have the strength to make a difference, he switches to his elbows. “I know you love to worry. It’s your favorite thing to do other than collecting Teddy Bear Town coupons and anxiety. And the fact you haven't been hovering over him is great and I’m proud of you… I mean yeah, that much coffee would kill a T-Rex. But Donnie—'' Four bags was a lot of coffee, was he not sleeping at all? “That is a lot for him, but we’ve all been going through a lot with the Invasion, and I think this is just how he’s coping. I think.”
See the full post
111 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
An EDIT i made based on images from the ROTTMNT season 1 finale
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141 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
HEY! It’s Charmy here, over on the SaveROTTMNT server we’re gauging interest to see if anyone is interested in participating in a ROTTMNT movie zine! If you’re interested let me know, we need artists, writers and maybe a few mods. Just let me know and we’ll see how it goes!
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143 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
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I don’t normally draw but I’ve been practicing, I still consider myself a writer by trade but it’s fun to try new things
based on this post
486 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I’ve said it once I’ll say it again for those in the back. Because even I , who post REGULARLY, have been getting these messages lately
“But they’re taking forever-😭”
“They’re my favorite creator-“
“They left it on such a cliffhanger-“
This has been Charmy saying “stop being a jerk”😘
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1,319 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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honeytae · 3 years
You’re distracting the chef, sweetheart.
hey guys! so…this is literally just domestic bliss with yoongi…need i say more? no but this is such a self indulgent piece i really just…love me some husband material which is exactly what yoongi is. i hope you all enjoy this as much as i do </3
tags: @ahgasearmyfan, @hoseokayy, @the1921-monsters
genre: fluff
warnings: tooth rotting ‼️
word count: 1.4k
Your eyes followed the stitches of the pillow beside your head, knitting your eyebrows at the peculiar sewing pattern.
Flicking the fabric with your thumb, you broke your eyes’ fixation off the object with a shake of your head, a disgruntled noise echoing through your chest.
So this was boredom.
With a frown, your eyes flickered across the couch to Yoongi as his leg bumped yours in his slight shift of position, settling back into the pillows behind him with his right arm holding his phone above his face.
Sighing, you watched your boyfriend from where you were perched on the opposite side of the sofa, the man seeming perfectly content with the otherwise silence and mundane air in your apartment as he scrolled through his twitter feed.
Not that you could blame him. Days like this in his schedule were far and few between, where you could lay around together like this. But you were beginning to get restless, feeling the need to get up and do something before you died of boredom.
Frowning, you sighed slightly louder, pout increasing when he either didn’t hear you, or acted like he hadn’t. Unbothered, your boyfriend continued his useless scrolling of his thumb on his phone screen, while you itched out of sheer nothingness across from him.
Showing his surprise, Yoongi raised his eyebrows at you, lowering his phone to lay flat on his chest as you pushed your foot against his knee.
“What’s that for?” He chuckled, catching your foot in his palm and soothing his fingers along your knobby ankles.
His features twisted in amusement from his perch on the pillows, dancing his fingertips across the top of your foot mindlessly.
“‘M bored.” You shrugged, the man snorting back another laugh as you needily pushed your foot further into his hold.
“I don’t know what you want me to do about that, love.” He replied smugly, a shrug of his shoulder making you scoff as you pulled your foot out of his hands.
“Now you’re just being mean.” You crossed your arms stubbornly, letting the man take your limb back in his hand as he soothingly trailed his palm up and down your calf.
His eyes sparkled in amusement at your stature, the attitude radiating off of you in waves that made him hum in the back of his throat.
“Okay, okay, let’s see, what do kids do when they’re bored?” He wondered aloud, casting his eyes up to the ceiling as he lazily smirked at your offended gasp in the background.
“Did you just compare me to a kid?” Placing your palm on his thigh to boost yourself up into a sitting position, your jaw dropped as he absentmindedly hummed in the back of his throat.
“Well why don’t we look into the Grandpa agenda then? Wanna try some geriatric activities?” You quipped, Yoongi laughing through his nose at your sass.
“I’d love that, actually.” He said, grinning when you groaned in frustration. Settling his hands on your kneecaps, he gripped them in a gentle squeeze, nodding at you once with a fond smile.
“Alright, Grumpy. C’mon.” He gestured for you to stand up with him, grunting as the motion stretched at his muscles, rolling his eyes when you muttered another grandpa remark under your breath.
With a hand gripping your wrist, Yoongi guided you until you were daintily draped over the stool at the island in your kitchen, facing the oven as he stuck his head in the fridge.
“What are you doing? I don’t want any more tea and scones.” You smirked, the man exhaling a scoff as he straightened his back out into a standing position, arms cradling an array of ingredients as he walked over to set them all out across the counter.
The way he did his signature waddle across the room had you smiling immediately, your grin barely hidden by the clamp of your teeth down on your bottom lip.
“You better watch it over there. I’ll mess the sauce up on purpose.” He teasingly wagged his finger at you, making you giggle as you fondly watched him retrieve the necessary pans and measuring tools he needed for his sudden plan.
“Are you cooking for me, Min?” You asked, eyebrows raising as he immediately nodded in response.
You were truly of no use in the kitchen, something both you and Yoongi were well aware of three years into your relationship.
Too many near-oven fires had occurred, blackened pans and smokey kitchens leading to an all out ban of you using any of the kitchen appliances without his supervision.
So Yoongi was perfectly content with him doing all the cooking and you doing all the observing, occasionally prompting you to open up the oven for him or set a timer for precisely thirteen minutes, otherwise it’ll get soggy.
“I am. Someone seems a little grumpy, and what better cure for grumpiness than jjajangmyeon?” He posed with a small smile, grinning wider when he spotted your pout out of the corner of his eye.
“I am not grumpy.” You said, whiny in your tone as he chuckled at you.
“That seems like something a grumpy person would say.” He shrugged smugly, lining the knife up with the zucchini before concentrating on slicing the vegetable up to the desired amount.
Staring at him for a moment, you admired the man in front of you, bottom lip tucked into his mouth as he scrunched his eyes in concentration. The veins in his hands bulged slightly as he gripped the last stub of the zucchini, slowing down his kniving to not risk a finger.
Looking at him, you couldn’t imagine a more lovable human.
His soft stomach pressed up against the counter, equally soft hair hanging over his forehead, socked feet bumping against the cabinet every so often as he shifted along the floor.
“You’re staring.” He suddenly spoke up, making your eyes drift up expectantly to his face, pulling your eyebrows together when you noticed his back was still to you.
You could hear the smile in his voice as he transferred the vegetables to a side plate, reaching for the leftover pork from the other day to slice that up as well for your impromptu lunch.
He was obviously proud of catching you in the act, not that you cared.
“You’re hot.” You shamelessly responded from behind him, the man shaking his head with a shy chuckle as you tapped your fingers against the counter beneath you.
“This is hot? This does it for you?” He grinned as he lifted the anime patterned cutting board he’d been using, a gift from one of his aunts on a birthday nearly a decade ago now.
Laughing, you hopped off the counter with a shove of your hands against the marble, practically floating over to your man. A clatter of the knife he’d been using against the counter was soon followed by him wrapping his now free arm around you with a fond smile.
Neglecting his dish for even a moment was something Yoongi swore against in the kitchen, but when it came to you, he couldn’t care less.
Besides, if he messed it up, you’d be paying for it anyway.
“Hm. I love when you get all domestic on me.” You murmured, laying your head on his shoulder as he dipped down to press a lingering kiss to your hair.
Tilting your chin up to look at him, you found nothing but pure adoration in his dark brown orbs, your heart leaping in your chest at the familiar warmth spreading throughout your body.
Familiar, as it was the same feeling that ignited your heart each and every time he looked at you like that.
Both leaning into each other, eyes flitting closed, your lips met in a tender kiss, enjoying the exciting spark that still happened via the action.
It was moments like this when you were convinced of the fact that you were the love of this life and the next for him, and him yours.
His tongue felt smooth against your own, gentle yet passionate in the way it swept around your mouth and tangled with your own muscle.
Blindly setting the cutting board back onto the counter, he neglected the tray in favor of your hips, gripping and massaging at the flesh with a low hum as he pulled you flush to him.
Your hands were doing much of the same, mapping out the landscape of his toned back with your palms as your fingers appreciatively dug into his soft flesh.
Humming, he broke apart from you for only a moment, chuckling when you surged forward to chase after his mouth.
“Ah ah ah. You’re distracting the chef, sweetheart.”
Staring at him with your mouth gaped, Yoongi only laughed in response, pressing a feather light kiss to your forehead before stepping back to continue his chopping work.
“You’re,” you paused at a loss for words, “you’re so mean.” You said, baffled at his teasing as he chuckled in response.
“Just trying to make sure you get your jjajangmyeon, angel.”
Once the dish of noodles was steaming and ready to eat, he blushed slightly at your praise when he finished plating, turning you back toward the island with a nudge of his elbow to your spine along with a bashful smile gracing his face.
“Just eat it, you brat.”
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kaijime · 3 years
Just, just a thought. Ahem, Iwaizumi Hajime Pussy Pounder and Big Dick Ushijima Wakatoshi tag team their s/o(or Iwa's or Ushi's s/o). RIP the s/o because that's one hell of a good time 😳
ushijima + iwaizumi threesome
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cw. fem reader, no plot (pwp), poly relationship/threesome, tag teaming, vaginal penetration, mentions of multiple rounds, masturbation, degradation, creampie, manhandling, spanking, dacryphilia, breeding kink, squirting
wc. 1k words
a/n. listen hana I’m gonna ban you from my ask box the next time you come in here and give me horny thoughts, ily mhwa 😘
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“Hurry up, it’s my turn to have her” Ushijima spat at the male on top of you.
Iwaizumi used one of his hands to play with your breast while his other hand supported his weight on top of you, relentlessly rutting his hips into yours. He kissed your neck with fevor, sucking and nipping at the sensitive spot on your skin and basking in the way it made you tighten around him.
“You had her a minute ago, let me enjoy her for a second” he spoke in his usual dominant tone.
“Hahh-Hajime... can’t cum a-anymore-!” You mumbled under him. Your nails scratched at his back and left light marks, just enough to make the skin red. His heavy breaths mixed with your heavy panting filled the room, and who could ignore the sight next to your face?
Ushijima pumped his cock next to your laying face, getting closer and closer to the edge everytime he caught a glimpse of your fucked out face.
“Don’t give me that bullshit, I know you have another one in there...” he said while pounding your cervix harshly. It was almost painful to let them fuck you like this, you’d always have multiple rounds with little to no breaks in between, not to mention the size of them both would always leave your lower half shaking the next morning.
“C’mon, give it to me... you can -fuck- you can do it” you were practically dizzy from the pleasure, and having him praise you and encourage you like that only made your mind even more hazy.
Ushijima grabbed your cheeks with his unoccupied hand. He squeezed them together to open your mouth forcefully, encouraging you to open wide for him. You didn’t put up a fight any longer and spread your lips apart, your tongue lolling out of your mouth in the process.
“Good fucking girl” he groaned while he finished himself off and aimed at your mouth, his warm seed shooting into your mouth and down your throat when you swallowed. To him, there couldn’t be a better sight than this. Of course, he was too quick to speak.
You finally released, the coil in your stomach snapping and gushing around Hajime’s cock. Your clit was practically begging for attention on its own, he brought his hand between the both of you and circled it, making you clench around him, milking him of his cum until he emptied himself in your cunt.
Ushijima had to pry him off of you if he wanted a turn, pushing the male off your tired and exhausted body. He positioned himself in your entrance, popping the tip inside and basking in the way your body squirmed at the contact.
“Look at yourself, so desperate. I’m not even halfway in” he grunted, shoving himself deeper into your hole, so much you felt like he could easily pass your cervix and enter your womb. At least he had mercy on that.
“W-Wakatoshi... mmh fuck-!” His hands grabbed your hips and lifted your figure from the bed, tossing and turning you around until he had you in his desired position: on your knees with his tall built towering behind you.
“You’re such a cock-hungry slut, you’re creaming so much, or is that just his cum?” He asked, a tone in his voice which that didn’t make him sound happy at all. “Answer me, whore”
“I- I don’t know, just fuck me Toshi... can’t take it anymore” and with your pleading words he started his rough pace. He was always a bit harder than Iwaizumi, so when he had you beneath him like this you wouldn’t dare let out a peep. One whine and he would pick up the speed.
It was his way of saying he wanted to hear more of your lewd sounds, along with the wet skin slapping and his hands spanking your bottom every chance he found.
“Wait-! ‘m gonna make a mess!” You slipped a hand behind you and held his hips to be still, but that wouldn’t stop his harsh pace. He slapped your hand away from him, making you lose the balance you’d created with your arms and your head to be shoved against the pillow.
He took the chance before you could regain your composure and used one of his hands to keep your face squished against the pillow.
“Why’re you trying to stop me when you like it so much? That’s just being ungrateful”
“No! I love it, but-... ah fuck- ‘s embarrassing” you cried, tears streamed down your face at the feeling of dispair, you couldn’t do anything to stop him. Not that you would either way.
Even if you could, you’d let him ruin you. You’d let him shape you into the perfect slut for the both of them.
“Do you think I care if it’s ‘embarrassing’? Cum”
“Can’t-!” You whined.
“I said cum, you filthy slut” the name shouldn’t turn you on as much as it did, making you tumble and fall over the edge. Your juices sprayed everywhere, coating his thighs and hips in your clear essence.
His steady thrusts helped you ride out your mind numbing orgasm, and his hand bruised your side with his tight he was gripping the skin.
He filled up you up even more, if possible. At this point the cum seeped out with every movement of his member, but he wasn’t dissapointed. It just means you’re too full, exactly how he wants to see you. After sloppy thrusts and soft groans he pulled out and you felt his weight plop down beside you.
It was foolish of you to think it was over, you realized, when a hand slapped your ass, hard. Not in the playful way, rather in the ‘I’m going to fuck you’ way.
“Why didn’t you do that on my cock?” Iwaizumi asked.
“N-no... because- aahha fuck-!” You exclaimed when he sheathed himself in one go, no consideration for your tired body whatsoever.
“Theres no fucking excuse. Now, you’re going to do it over and over again, until I’m satisfied. You got that?”
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©️ kaijime | all content belongs to kaijime, do not modify or repost
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
An Exhibition of Muggle Duelling [G.W.]
Character: George Weasley
Word Count: 2042
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: Angry George is hot. He’s even hotter when he’s fighting. Based on that scene - you know the one - in Order of the Phoenix.
Tags: @gracemayhateyou @criminalyetminimal @angelinathebook @iprobablyshipit91 @potterverseimagine @slytherineheir @kpopgirlbtssvt @rexorangecouny @mytreec @hemmoporro @thisismysketchbook @acciotwinz @shadowsinger11 @aaannabbanana @lestersglitterglue @anyasthoughts @lxncelot @harrypotter289 @starlightweasley @slytherinsunrise @valwritesx @hufflrpuffforfred @cappsikle @kiwi-sloan @potter-redheads @pigwidgexn @twinkyjohnson @sarcasticallywitty15 @tyyyweasley @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @wonderful-writer @marauders-loving-queen @vogueweasley @marvelettesassemble @thisismynerdyself @gcdric @loony-loopy-lupinn @gloryekaterina @tinylumpiaa @locke-writes @wand3ringr0s3 @ickle-ronniekins @sehunasbitch @cryingforcrystalpepsi @kashishwrites @girl-next-door-writes @susceptible-but-siriusexual @crissdanvers @whiz-bangs78 @oh-for-merlins-sake @heavenlymidnight @aylinw3asley @vivianweasley @andineversawyoucoming @nkjktk | message or send an ask to be removed! unfortunately, my taglist is closed until further notice due to hitting the max. amount allowed on one post!
Disclaimer: Gif isn't mine, credit to whoever made it
A/n: shoutout to kaylah ( @pit-and-the-pen ) for finding the pages that the fight scene takes place and sending them to me - literal angel, thank you sm my love!! ❤️ also the ending isn’t great, i had a breakdown trying to figure out what to write, but hope you guys like it anyway 😂
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Gryffindor had won.
It was supposed to be a happy occasion, despite the song Malfoy had gotten many of the Slytherin students to sing, but as you ran down the steps from the stand and onto the pitch, followed closely by Hermione, you realised something was wrong, Malfoy’s laughter being the most prominent sound.
You approached the Gryffindor team, wanting to make sure Harry was okay after the fall he took at the end of the game, though seeing Katie and Alicia hugging him assured you he would be fine.
“But we couldn’t find rhymes for fat and ugly - we wanted to sing about his mother, see. We couldn’t fit in useless loser either - for his father, you know-“ you heard Malfoy jeer.
“You’d know all about being a useless loser, wouldn’t you Malfoy?” You spoke out, arriving by George’s side as his arm automatically moved to slide around your waist, his head turning in Malfoy’s direction, jaw clenching as he realised what he was talking about.
“Leave it,” Angelina looked towards you and the twins, particularly Fred who had taken a step in Malfoy’s direction, “Leave it, Fred, let him yell, he’s just sore he lost, the jumped-up little-“
Malfoy smirked in yours and Harry’s direction, a nasty look on his face as he sneered, “But you like the Weasleys, don’t you Potter? And you, L/n.”
He spat out your surname with a grimace. You felt George trying to move and gripped his wrist, running your thumb softly over his skin. He swallowed, hands curling into fists as he glared at the blonde boy.
“Spend holidays there and everything, don’t you?” Malfoy continued, laughing with his usual sidekicks, enjoying the way he was winding you all up, “Can’t see how you stand the stink, but I suppose when you’ve been dragged up by muggles even the Weasley’s hovel smells okay-“
George suddenly lunged forward out of your reach, his name leaving your lips just as Harry caught his arm, pulling him back and holding onto him, trying to prevent him from pouncing on the blonde.
Angelina and Alicia were holding Fred back, helped by Katie who had a grip on his shirt and one of his shoulders, though he was still struggling to get away from them, pulling them forward as they dragged him back.
Malfoy laughed again, the sound piercing your ears and making you scowl, “Or perhaps you can remember what your mother’s house stank like, Potter, and Weasley’s pigsty reminds you of it. And don’t get me started on you, L/n. The fact you’d even allow a Weasley to touch you-“
“You git-“ you yelled, moving to grab your wand. But before you could even throw a hex at him, Hermione grabbed your waist, keeping you back as you realised Harry had let go of George, and they were both now on top of the blonde boy, having shoved him down into the mud, throwing punch after punch. You stopped struggling as much as you watched the scene unfold before you.
“Harry! Harry!! George!! No!”
The Gryffindor chasers yelled out their names, but couldn’t do much more as they were still holding Fred back, who was still trying to get to Malfoy.
You held your wand loosely but couldn’t bring yourself to use it, watching as your boyfriend’s fist collided with Malfoy’s nose, his muscles straining and abs prominent as his Quidditch shirt rode up, showing off his toned back as he threw more punches, easily blocking Malfoy’s weak attempts at fighting back. He was swearing at the Slytherin boy, angry growls escaping his lips and you felt your mouth drop a little.
Swallowing, you couldn’t pull your eyes away from the scene, George’s ginger locks sticking to his forehead with sweat, both from the previous game and from fighting, a snarl on his face as he continued his attack.
You’d never seen him like this, so aggressive, so in control of his actual movements yet not his emotions as he allowed his anger to fuel him, his eyebrows furrowed, clenched fists accentuating the veins in his lower arms as he landed punch after punch, before suddenly Madam Hooch was yelling out, and he was hit by a spell, one that paused his actions - or rather, slowed them down.
Harry jumped to his feet, as the Quidditch coach yelled out, “What do you think you’re doing?”
Malfoy lay on the floor, curled in a ball however you could see his nose was bloody. Fred was still struggling to escape the grasp of the chasers. And George, his lip was swollen and he was breathing heavily, but otherwise he seemed okay, for which you were thankful.
He pulled his shirt back into place angrily, a string of curses being muttered under his breath. His hands were still pulled into fists, his biceps clenching under the jersey, his jaw tensing, before he and Harry headed up to the castle without another word, practically marching away angrily towards McGonagall’s office, under Madam Hooch’s orders.
Fred pulled himself away from the chasers, though he was careful not to hurt them, and they hesitantly released their grips, ready to pull him back again if he attempted to finish what his twin and Harry had started. He scowled as he turned towards the changing rooms, grabbing his broom and heading off.
Hermione let go of your waist and you stomped after Fred, who was grumbling under his breath, and though he nodded at you in reassurance he was okay, you knew the twins and anger didn’t usually end too well.
No one seemed to want to celebrate Gryffindor’s win after the match. In fact, you were sat in the common room completely alone, waiting for your boyfriend (and Harry) to come back from being reprimanded by McGonagall. Fred had sullenly stomped to his room a while ago without a word, simply kicking the wall beside the stairs in anger as he passed by it.
Even Angelina - who you’d expected to have been happy by her first win as a new Captain - had retired to her own dorm room with a frown, along with Alicia and Katie.
The common room felt odd, being so quiet, but you appreciated the calm. That was, until the portrait door slammed open and two familiar - angry - faces stormed in.
You didn’t have chance to acknowledge Harry before George had pulled you up off the couch and, despite his split lip, he brought you into a rough kiss, one that made your toes curl and caused your greeting to become muffled, his hands gripping your hips as he pressed himself against you.
His tongue ran across your bottom lip, before pushing into your mouth, desperately kissing you as though it were the last thing he’d ever do. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer.
You weren’t aware he’d started moving you until your back hit the stone wall beside the fireplace, his hand moving to grab your bum, travelling to the back of your thigh to lift it round his waist, his hips pressing against yours.
“Did you hear what he was fucking saying?” He mumbled against your lips, parting briefly to take a breath before kissing you again, “‘Bout my parents, and Harry’s Mum. And you- Merlin he’s lucky he didn’t say much more about you, he’d have had more than a broken nose, I’ll tell you that much.”
Your breathing was heavy, fanning across his lips as you replied, “Trust me, if he’d said much more, I’d have been right there with you breaking more than just his nose.”
He hummed, his mouth hovering over yours as his eyes grazed over your face, your leg still resting around his waist, your hands now gripping his shoulders.
“Are you okay?” You asked. Perhaps a redundant question, considering the events of the day, however as George briefly screwed his eyes shut before opening them again, you knew he understand what you meant - there was something else bothering him, and he knew you could tell.
“‘M fine, love,” he gave you a quick nod, before sighing at your pointed eyebrow raise, “Aside from being banned from Quidditch.”
You blinked, not expecting that answer, lips parting in surprise as his hand moved from your hip to your thigh, tracing random shapes on the skin showing, “Wait McGonagall banned you? She wouldn’t do that! She adores your team! They don’t stand a chance of winning without you!”
“Not her, the toad. Gave me, Freddie and Harry a lifelong ban. Can she even do that?” He swore aloud, his head dropping to your shoulder and you ran a hand through his ginger hair.
“Oh Georgie,” you breathed out, your heart almost breaking at the idea of him losing out on something he loved so much, “I’m sorry to say but you know as well as I do... she can pretty much do whatever she wants, sadly. She’s got the Ministry behind her. I’m so sorry.”
Your gaze moved to the back of your hand, where you knew there was light scarring from a previous detention with her, knowing that if she could get away with something like this, then she’d do it.
“‘S not your fault, is it? Should’ve controlled myself and not fought Malfoy. No matter how much the git bloody deserved it,” George curled his hands into fists as memories of the fight danced through his mind, a snarl setting across his features as he buried his face into your shoulder.
“He definitely deserved it. Least you got in a few good punches, eh? And if it wasn’t you, it would’ve been Fred. If it makes you feel any better though...” you trailed off, causing George to look up at you in anticipation of your next words, “I kinda maybe definitely thought that it was hot, the way you fought Malfoy. Just a little bit.”
He looked you up and down with a smirk, seemingly calming down at the revelation of this new information, “Me fighting is hot is it?”
“Oh Godric yes. You’re sexy when you’re angry anyway, but seeing you punching Malfoy?” You bit your lip and he let out a low groan, “Baby, that was attractive.”
George grinned cheekily, though a tad too wide causing his lip to split again, making him swear and dab at it with the collar of his shirt, reaching his other hand out to squeeze your thigh, “Well now I know that I might cause fights more often.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, watching as his tongue darted out across the cut, before leaning up to press your lips against his again. He kissed back immediately, almost as if he was waiting for you to do it, then began trailing kisses down your jaw, your eyes fluttering closed, before he pulled away suddenly, making you open them again, ready to protest.
“What is it about me fighting?” He asked, the corner of his mouth curling up, as if he was trying not to smile too smugly.
“Now you’re just begging for compliments,” you shook your head.
“Humour me. Humour me and I’ll go back to kissing you,” he countered.
You rolled your eyes, absent-mindedly moving to stroke his biceps through the Quidditch jersey he was still wearing, “Couldn’t tell you if I wanted to. Guess it’s your muscles...”
You pressed your lips together as your gaze caught his, “And how strong you are.”
You hummed, fingertips dancing up his arms and towards his shoulders, “Oh yeah. You could hold my wrists above my head and I could struggle with everything I have and you’d keep me in place with ease.”
“That a hint?” His voice had dropped a few octaves as he brushed his lips against yours gently, grabbing both your wrists in one hand and pinning them against the wall above your head as you shot him a cheeky grin, gazing up at him.
“A challenge.”
His free hand was already moving under the material of your skirt, as he casually glanced over his shoulder towards the staircase to the dorm rooms, before pressing himself against you further, his lips hovering over yours once more,
“Oh yeah? Then challenge accepted, love.”
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violette-hue · 3 years
Summary: You find yourself stuck in a difficult situation at a bar--the bar sleaze has his eyes on you. How will you repay your knight in shining armor when he comes to your rescue?
Warning(s): SMUT/NSFW (***minors do not interact**), unprotected sex, alcohol, violence, unwanted attention from a drunk person, drunkenness, confrontation
Word Count: TOO MUCH (3.8k)
Author’s note: Of course my first smut on my new blog had to be for one of my top three :) **If you want to be on my tag list for future works, send in an ask/dm me**
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Your friends had left the bar quite some time ago, but you decided to stay for a little while. Work had been harder than usual today. You needed the few extra drinks. You sat at an empty table working through your cosmopolitan  when an unpleasant shiver ran up your spine. Goosebumps rose on your arms as you turned your head slightly and locked eyes with the bar sleaze. He had been there when you and your friends arrived, and you assumed he had been there long before that as well. You quickly looked away, finding interest in the chipped wooden table. You needed to finish this drink fast, but there was over half of the drink left and you were walking home. Not the smartest move, but you lived close by. Panic rose in your chest. If this guy had an eye on you, it wouldn’t be smart to go home. You reached for your phone and dialed one of your friends. Voicemail. You called another friend. Voicemail. Another. Voicemail. Fuck, how were you going to do this--
“Hey gorgeous,” the sleaze drawled, his breath tickling your neck. 
You gagged at the intense smell of alcohol and--and nastiness. You could tell he hadn’t brushed his teeth in a while, and if he had it was with alcohol. You leaned forward to get away from his breath. 
“Please don’t do that,” you pleaded. You looked throughout the bar, eyes begging for someone to come to your rescue. 
You could practically feel the sleaze’s smirk. “Don’t do what? You here alone?” 
Different, unpleasant scenarios passed through your head--all ways to get away without causing a scene. You could jam your house keys at him, or kick him in the balls, but that would probably lead to your arrest and lots a questions. All of which you wanted to avoid.  You took a shaky sip of your drink, wheels turning in your head.
“Hey, babe, sorry I’m late,” a deep voice said. You looked towards the voice and found a dark haired man with soft brown eyes. He moved to you, the sleaze taking a few steps back as he watched the new man lean in to kiss your cheek. Only he didn’t kiss your cheek. He whispered in your ear, “Just go with it. This guy’s trouble.”
You smiled at him, hoping he could see how thankful you are. “Late day at work...Jason..?” you played along. ‘Jason’? You internally groaned and hope he would play along with the given name. 
'Jason’ nodded and looked to the sleaze, as if just realizing he was there. “Was this guy bothering you?”
You opened your mouth to answer, but the sleaze spoke before you. “No, actually, she was just about to leave with me.” The sleaze placed a dirty hand low on your shoulder. 
‘Jason’ stood up, chest puffed out and spoke in a low voice, “Get your hands off of her. Now.”
“Who the fuck are you?” the sleaze sneered. He squeezed your shoulder a little hard and you winced. 
‘Jason’ moved around the table in an instant and grabbed the sleaze’s wrist, moving his hand away from you. “Her fucking boyfriend,” ‘Jason’ spat. 
The sleaze jerked his hand out of ‘Jason’s’ grasp and threw a sloppy punch. Before it could collide with its target, 'Jason’ threw his own punch. The sound of fist colliding with jaw brought the bar to a holt, and all eyes were on them now. 
“Leave my girlfriend alone,” ‘Jason’ spat, stalking back to his seat. 
Security quickly came moments later and collected the bar sleaze, scolding him and promising to ban him from the bar. You sat there sipping on your drink, your savior sitting across from you. Your savior who still remained nameless. 
“Thank you,” you mumbled into your drink. “For saving me.”
‘Jason’ gave you a lopsided smile, causing your heart to skip a beat. “Don’t thank me, it was the right thing to do. I was just about to leave when I saw what was happening.”
You nodded. “Does my knight in shining armor have a name?” Fuck, you sounded so cheesy. 
He blushed slightly. “Daichi,” he responded. “Does my damsel in distress have a name?”
Damsel in distress? My? Your heart fluttered in your chest, your cheeks turning pink. You drank the rest of your cosmopolitan. Goddamn these heart palpitations. 
“Y/N.” You cleared your throat and shifted. “Daichi,” you started, trying out his name. You liked how the words sounded in your mouth, how your lips felt saying it. “You don’t have to stay. I just finished my drink--”
“I’d like to stay and chat a bit. Maybe have a couple more drinks...”
You gave him a big smile and nodded. Why were you so giddy--like some school girl? You looked up at Daichi through your lashes and examined him. His muscles flexed underneath the the grey material of his sweater as he rolled up the sleeves. Your eyes trailed from his muscular arms to his wide, muscular chest and shoulders. His chest seemed inviting, your mind imagining what it would feel like under your head--how it would feel under your fingernails. You mentally kicked yourself and moved your eyes to his face. His beautiful face. His jaw was chiseled, his lips full and tempting, his eyes soft and warm. 
“What do you want to drink?” Daichi asked. 
You pursed your lips, licking them slightly. “Rum and coke-- Do you want to share a flatbread?”
Daichi gave you a dazzling smile and nodded. You ordered the flatbread as Daichi ordered the drinks and took a seat at one of the more secluded tables in the bar. Daichi followed shortly and sat across from you. 
You both talked over a couple of drinks and a flatbread, learning more and more about each other. You learned he used to play volleyball, and even used to be the captain. You learned which high school he went to, and he talked fondly of his best friends. Most importantly you learned that he was single. You made sure to point out that you were also single, and subtly complained about not being able to find the right person. You exchanged passions and stories, giggling at the most embarrassing ones. You both laughed for hours and when it was time to go, he insisted on walking you to the parking lot. 
“Thank you, again, for helping me out,” you said, walking side by side.
You saw Daichi shake his head and smile. “Which is your car?”
It was your turn to shake your head. “I walked here.”
He stopped in his tracks and turned to you. “You walked here?” he asked, shocked. “Do you know how dangerous that is? Especially at night. Coming home from a bar? Looking as beautiful as you do?”
You blushed deeply and lowered your head, eyes locked to the ground. “Kinda wasn’t that thought out...”
You felt strong fingers cup your chin and lift your head up. “That’s terribly reckless fo you...” Daichi said softly. “Especially with what happened tonight.” A short pause. “You can stay at my place if that’ll make you feel safe.”
You gazed into his eyes, butterflies swarming your stomach. You weren’t sure if the alcohol or the heat between your legs influenced your next words. “Sure.”
Daichi’s eyes trailed from your lips to your eyes, then back. You shifted slightly, craning your neck closer to him and pushing your chest out. Your shirt wasn’t revealing much, but with the height difference you were sure he could see something. He leaned down, lips inches away from yours. Your lips practically tingled with anticipation, anxiously awaiting the feel of him on you. 
He cleared his throat and and took a slight step back. “Let me walk you to the car,” he insisted, placing a hand on the small of your back. 
You let him guide you to a sleek black sports car, deflated at the absence of his lips. You were brought out of your thoughts when he unlocked the car doors. You finally truly noticed the beautiful car in front of you. He was handsome, sweet, and he had money? You worked your bottom lip between your teeth and let Daichi open the door for you. You placed your hand on his thigh when he settled into the driver’s seat. Goddamn he had nice thighs. The ride to his place was silent, filled with tension. You commented on the beautiful scenery, hoping the mood wasn’t turning awkward. You subconsciously trailed your thumb along the inside of his thigh in circles. You felt him tense up, and looked over at him with furrowed brows. 
“Are you alright?” you asked, thumb still circling. 
He nodded, clenching his jaw. You arched a brow, not believing him. “Are you sure?” you pressed. You didn’t want to stay at his home if the atmosphere was awkward. 
Daichi let out a breath and quickly looked down, then back to the road. Your eyes followed where his gaze landed, mouth going dry. Oh. That...that definitely was an issue. You inhaled and exhaled, trying really hard not to stare at the large bulge in his pants. You moved your hand back to your lap and fidgeted with your jewelry. All you wanted was to continue, to take it further, but you had just met Daichi. You didn’t know him well enough to understand any signals he might be sending. 
You jumped when Daichi grabbed your hand and gently kissed your knuckles. He moved your hand back to his thigh and kept it there, tenderly rubbing his thumb along your hand. You were a bit shocked by his actions, but took it as your sign to go forward. You massaged his thigh and moved dangerously close to his bulge. He let out a breathy moan and tightened his grip on the steering wheel. The sight of his veins bulging on his arms brought more heat to your core. You wanted more, wanted to touch him, to feel him writhe under you. 
You moved your fingers to his waistline, but he quickly grabbed your wrist. Your heart dropped a little in your chest. You shouldn’t have done that, you had gone too far. Of course Daichi wouldn’t be the type to fuck a total stranger. You cleared your throat, hoping he didn’t see your disappointment. 
“We’re here,” he said. His voice was deeper, more husky and laced with lust. 
You nodded and Daichi quickly exited the car. He walked around to open the door for you and you climbed out. You followed him inside a tall apartment building and he once again opened the door. What a gentleman, you thought, smiling to yourself. Too bad you ruined it. You both walked to the elevator and patiently waited, your legs shaking with anticipation. Daichi subtly moved behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You tensed for a split second, but quickly relaxed. Maybe you hadn’t totally ruined it. He brushed his bulge against your ass and tightened his grip around you. Damn this elevator was taking too long. 
“I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable...” he mumbled in your ear. “There’s some friends from work coming in and...”
And he didn’t want them to see his erection and be completely embarrassed by people he saw everyday. You nodded and smiled, understanding. You watched as two police officers rounded the corner in the lobby. You waited for his co-workers to show up, but no one else was in the room. Unless.... One of the police officers caught Daichi’s eye and nodded at him in acknowledgement. Realization dawned on you-- those were his co-workers. 
You turned your head slightly to Daichi. “You’re a cop?” you questioned, voice low. For some reason, you wanted to give the impression to his friends that you knew him, that maybe they could even think of you as his girlfriend. 
Daichi nodded, seeming a little bashful. “Yeah, sorry for not mentioning earlier. I  figured if I said I  was a cop in the bar, I’d get a lot of dirty looks. Or maybe even jumped.” He shrugged his shoulders. 
“Wouldn’t want to be called a narc,” you giggled. 
He chuckled against your neck as the elevator finally arrived. You quickly walked in, practically tugging Daichi along with you. The feel of his erection made you hot, hot with desire. He pressed the elevator button and you watched the number 16 light up. Fuck. Sixteen? You rubbed your thighs together to try and gather some friction. This was going to be a long elevator ride. 
“Relax, beautiful,” Daichi said, pulling you closer. He kissed your temple and you smiled.
You looked up at him, lightly gripping the hem of his sweater. You wanted to stand on your toes and kiss him, but you didn’t want to move too fast like in the car. But...a kiss wouldn’t hurt...right? You glanced down at your fingers fiddling with the hem of his sweater. 
Daichi placed a finger under your chin and forced you to look up at him. In an instant, you felt his soft lips on yours. You matched his energy, kissing him back sweetly. Sweet and timid turned into hunger, lust, passion. Your hands traveled up to the hair at the nape of his neck and you moaned softly as he gripped a handful of your ass.  Daichi pressed you against the cool metal wall, his grip sliding down from your ass to your thighs. You took the invitation and jumped up. You wrapped your legs around him and deepened the kiss, your tongue sliding across his bottom lip. Heavy pants and lips smacking together echoed off the shiny elevator walls, the metal slightly steaming where Daichi had you pinned.
The elevator dinged, indicating you had reached the sixteenth floor. Daichi let you down abruptly, coughing and turning his head away slightly. You saw his red cheeks, no doubt identical to your own. You laced your arm through his elbow and smiled up at him. He kissed you once more, fast and sweet, then lead you to his apartment.
When he opened the door, you were expecting to see scarcity—open space, one couch with the tv on the floor. You were pleasantly surprised, however, when you saw a plush cream sectional, a chestnut coffee table, a matching tv stand, and a smudgless, dustless TV. There were even a few nice decorations and decorative pillows. 
You took off your shoes and walked into the apartment. “You have a beautiful place,” you complimented. 
“Thank you,” Daichi said, lips tugging into a lazy smile. He lead you to his room and went straight to his dresser. 
You stood in the doorway and looked at the king size bed. You looked at the navy blue covers, then to the night stands on either side of the bed. Your eyes trailed to the door leading to the bathroom, then to Daichi in front of the dresser. You noticed the black sweater in his hand along with a pair of lounge shorts. 
“You can use these for tonight. There’s extra towels in the bathroom, too.”
You nodded and thanked him. You grabbed the clothes and headed to the bathroom, starting the shower on its hottest setting. Stripping and stepping into the shower, you couldn’t chase the steamy thoughts in your mind. The way it would feel to have Daichi on top of you, inside you-- You quickly switched the water temperature to cold, hoping it would dampen your lust. Minutes passed, yet the feeling between your legs remained. You stopped the shower and stepped out with a huff. You quickly dried yourself and tugged Daichi’s black sweater over your head. You froze, his cologne wafting up to your nose. Fuck that smell was not helping your...situation. Worse, the only pair of underwear you have on you is dirty, forcing you to tug on the pair of shorts with nothing else. You rolled up the pair of shorts so they could be a little shorter, making the sweater cover most of the material. 
You padded through the apartment to the living room. Daichi was already setting up the couch to sleep on for the night, his jeans now swapped to grey sweatpants and the grey sweater remained. He was in the process of laying his blanket out when his eyes landed on you. His eyes widened slightly, his cheeks pink with a blush. 
“Wow...” he breathed. He blinked hard and cleared his throat, going back to laying out his blanket. “You look beautiful.”
You blushed and sat at the end of the couch. “You don’t have to sleep on the couch...I’d feel bad taking your bed from you,” you said. You pulled your knees to your chest. 
Daichi shook his head. “I’m offering my bed. I really don’t mind sleeping on the couch.” Daichi sat next to you on the couch. 
You took a deep breath and leaned into him slightly, your shoulders touching. “How can I  repay you for tonight...?” you mumbled. “You’ve been my knight in shining armor tonight.”
There was a long moment of silence. Did you say something wrong? You dared a peak at him and found him looking at you. You arched a brow and looked between his lips to his eyes. They were dark, darker than they were in the bar.  You wanted to continue the kiss from the elevator, wanted to tug on his hair and climb on his lap. You took a shallow breath and gathered all the courage you could. You slowly swung your leg over his lap, straddling him. 
“Is this...okay?” you breathed, placing both of your hands on his cheeks. 
He nodded and shifted slightly, moving you more flush against his lap. You let out a low whine as his erection brushed against the thin material clothing your womanhood. You brushed your lips against his, kissing him timidly. Daichi kissed you back, his hands resting on your back and in your hair. You deepened the kiss as he lightly tugged on your hair. You moaned loudly and rolled your hips against his bulge. Things were getting heated, the shorts leant to you wet with your juices. 
Daichi cursed under his breath and pulled you off of him. You opened your mouth to protest when Daichi knelt in front of you. He pulled you to the edge of the couch and hooked his fingers in your shorts. His eyes looked for your approval, and you nodded, raising slightly to let him slide the garment off. He beheld your glistening pussy and ran his finger along your opening. Your legs shook and you let out a shaky sigh. He brought his face forward, lips connecting with your clit. He sucked at the sensitive bud, placing a hand on your abdomen to restrain you. His other hand rest on your thigh, lightly gripping the sensitive skin as he drank in you. Moans filled the room, wet slurping following quickly after. Your hands gripped a handful of his hair and you threw your head back in pleasure. 
“Fuck,” you cursed, attempting to roll your hips. “Like that--yes--Oh--”
You moaned loudly as he pushed two of his fingers inside you. He curled the digits against your puffy, contracting walls. You were close to an orgasm--fuck you had never came so fast before. But goddamn he was doing everything right. 
You covered your mouth as you came with a scream, legs shaking. Daichi pulled away, chin glistening and the light catching his smirk. You sat there in his sweater, the hem bunched up at your waist. You both breathed hard, looking at each other. Was that it? You needed more. You stood, the sweater falling beneath your ass and walked to Daichi. You gripped his shirt and tugged the material off. Your eyes raked over his muscular chest, trailing down to his clothed erection. 
“You look beautiful like this,” Daichi said, his eyes ravishing your body. 
“Fuck me,” you said lowly. You tugged off the sweater, leaving yourself bare before Daichi. 
He sucked in a breath and closed the distance between you. He caught your lips in passionate kiss, his hands roaming your body. His fingers pinched your nipple, his hands fondling your breasts. Daichi lifted you off the ground and carried you to his bedroom. He placed you on the bed and ripped off his bottoms. You looked at him, at his length and wide girth. Your core throbbed looking at his impressive member. You spread your legs wider, coaxing him to enter you. 
Daichi licked his lips as he climbed over you, his dick brushing against your puffy clit. You inhaled sharply as he lined himself up with your entrance, his tip rimming your sopping cunt.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Daichi asked breathlessly. His nose touched your nose, lips touching your lips. 
You nodded, kissing him. “Yes,” you consented. 
Your nails dug into Daichi’s shoulders as he pushed himself into you slowly. You choked on a moan, the sheer pleasure of Daichi stretching your walls making you screw your eyes shut. He continued to press himself into you until the hilt, the tip of his dick brushing against your g-spot. You bucked your hips with a whine, begging him to move. He obliged, thrusting into you and picking up a slow pace. You writhed under him, moaning into his shoulder. The way he felt inside you was better than you imagined. You felt every ridge, every vein as he thrust into you. 
Daichi grunted and lifted your leg over his shoulder. The position made him thrust deeper, and the sound of your loud moans made him thrust deeper into you. His fingers dug into your thighs, his eyes were screwed shut and a string of moans and curses left his lips. 
“Shit,” he hissed. “You feel so good...” He took a deep breath. “Come on me, baby girl.”
Butterflies erupted in your stomach, making the muscles in your abdomen constrain. Gods you were so close to coming, your walls tightening around Daichi. He groaned and thrust into you at a ruthless pace. The muscles in your abdomen fluttered, the knot in your stomach loosened and Daichi pounded into you as you came hard. You called out his name and raked your fingernails down his back. Daichi’s thrusts slowed, becoming sloppy and you felt his dick twitch inside you. He came moments later with a loud moan and held himself up on his elbows. 
You looked up at Daichi and wiped a bead of sweat from his nose. “Stay with me tonight,” you mumbled. “Don’t go to the couch.”
He nodded, taking deep breaths. “Shower first. I’ll give you another sweater.”
You giggled. “Only a sweater?”
Daichi gave you a heart warming smile. “You look the best in just my sweater.”
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Tagging: @ceo-of-daichi​
278 notes · View notes
goldenkamuyhunting · 2 years
Ramblings and crazy theory time about GK chap 313 “Last stop”
I thought after giving a warning for two chapters it wasn’t necessary to keep them up but someone proved me wrong so we start with the WARNING again.
If you only want to hear praises for “Golden Kamuy”, the ban button for either the tag ‘Golden Kamuy Ramblings and Theories’ or myself (I’ll suggest the latter) is the right choice to make my posts disappear from your dashboard.
With a fair warning given, let’s move on.
So we’re almost at the end of the story.
Sugimoto’s strike, as it was easy to predict, cuts away the enamel piece protecting Tsurumi’s forehead as well as the rope of Asirpa’s quiver and part of Tsurumi’s chest.
Asirpa, realizing this will cause the quiver to fall, runs to grab it. However there’s another thing that fall from Tsurumi’s now cut jacket, which are Fina and Olga’s fingerbones.
Now, I’ll do a little jump back at chap 309. In it Tsurumi talks about his plan to join the Kwantung garrison and use the land deed as a bargaining chip. He then touches his chest and says in Manchuria he will build up his strength once more.
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The visual put a big emphasis on this by leaving the spot Tsurumi touches white, in contrast to his uniform, as if shining. Back then most of us assumed this meant Tsurumi put the land deed inside his jacket and that it was in the spot he was touching. But what was there wasn’t the land deed, it was Fina and Olga’s bones because when Tsurumi thinks at Manchuria he likely includes in it the Outer Manchuria which included Vladivostok, where his wife and daughter’s bodies rest and of which he planned to take possession.
I personally like a lot this subtle reference to them, to how he includes them in his ambitions, in his plan to rebuild his strength.
Back to 313 we go.
Tsurumi too realizes the quiver is falling but he also notes the bones falling.
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He has a moment in which he could decide for which ones to reach out and save, if the quiver with the land deed that would support his ambitions or his wife and child’s finger bones which, he said, were the only and last prove of their existence.
Tsurumi decides to go for the quiver, and we could assume breaking his enamel protector was Noda’s way to tell us this is Tsurumi’s ugly side but actually, the full extent of his wounds remain covered and it’s only when Tsurumi, once grabbed the quiver, turns toward the falling bones, evidently hoping against hope he could retrieve them too and is forced to see them falling and being shattered by the wheels of the train we fully see the extent of his wounds and it’s not his ugly side what we’re seeing but his scarred, wounded side, as his expression is one of pain and loss as he watches those bones shatter and there’s something like light in his eyes, and white lines on the bottom part as if to represent tears.
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Now we move to an action scene that I like to believe Noda will expand better in the volume version because it’s a tad too jumpy in the visual, as if it were missing panels. Of course the idea might be also to do so as to give an impression of rushed actions. I don’t know, we’ll see in the volume.
Anyway it turns out Asirpa has pulled out her knife and now she’s cutting the rope Tsurumi is holding, freeing the quiver from his grasp but then… she’s falling off the train.
Sugimoto jumps to grab her but… Tsurumi is already standing and slams him on the ground and steals Hijikata’s katana, which he then uses to impale Sugimoto, the tip of it embedding into the train, all of this under Asirpa’s desperate gaze.
Tsurumi, in full Shinigami mode, fluid starting to drip from his forehead, looking at Asirpa, claims that ‘Everyone that you love will be killed by the Golden Kamuy. You’re responsible for all of this… Wilk!!’
Evidently, if Ogata saw Yuusaku in Asirpa, Tsurumi instead sees Wilk in her and continues in his maladaptive behavior of pushing on him the blame of everything, refusing to take responsibility for anything.
But it turns out when Sugimoto jumped toward Asirpa he managed to grab her hand and, using all his strength, he manages to toss her above her head (and above Tsurumi’s as well) and toward the horse on which Tanigaki and Shiraishi are, his last words for her being ‘he’s Sugimoto the immortal’ with a gentle smile, though his eyes look pretty fatigued.
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Tanigaki and Shiraishi grabs Asirpa while the locomotive crashes through the stop of Hakodate station. Tsurumi would like to jump off But Sugimoto manages to grab his hand, the one that’s holding a gun, and, before Tsurumi could use it to shoot at Sugimoto, turn it toward Tsurumi and then pull him close and make him shoot himself.
Tsurumi, now above him, is drawn with his eyes completely black, sclera included and slams his teeth close.
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It’s a visual reminder of the promise Tsurumi made to Sugimoto long ago, in reference to his own nickname as Shinigami and Sugimoto’s nickname as immortal. In fact in the Japanese myth Shinigami snuffs the candles representing the life of mortals, and this cause them to die. Since Sugimoto is however immortal Tsurumi told him “Even if your life’s candle is an immortal flame that can never be blown out… all I have to do is bite the candle down to nothing!” and, as he said so, he repeatedly clamped his teeth close as if to imply he’s biting something.
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So basically Tsurumi is reminding him of how he’ll kill him.
Meanwhile the locomotive falls into Hakodate bay, dragging them with itself. Sugimoto, for once, loses his hat in the impact, and I’ve no idea if Noda is considering this or not but, since Sugimoto’s right cheek basically doesn’t exist any longer, for him it’s likely not enough to keep his mouth shut to avoid water to enter in it so he’s at an even faster risk of drowning, especially considering the sword is holding him against the locomotive.
Outside Shiraishi, Asirpa and Tanigaki look at the scene worriedly, Shiraishi with a bump on his head and Tanigaki with his left side pretty wounded, which, I guess, is the result of grabbing Asirpa as she fell.
Shiraishi though, is already removing his clothes, ready to jump in the water to save Sugimoto...
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...and, in fact, in the last panel, we can see only two dots on the ground and then there’s a third that’s moving toward the water which, I bet, is Shiraishi.
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There’s to wonder if this time Sugimoto will want to accept the ‘kiss of life’ or will refuse it like he did when he fought with Boutarou…
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...and if it’ll serve something, exactly due to Sugimoto’s damaged cheek (though maybe this time, kissing his cheek might be the right solution to the problem...).
Of course they need to remove the sword to pull him away from the train… but I don’t know how much good this will do to him as the sword might be stopping the blood to fill his lug and drown him in his own blood instead than water.
But whatever, he’s Sugimoto the immortal, so maybe he can survive to this too... or not. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised either way.
Now… many stories start with a thesis that they prove or deny.
We can say that “Golden Kamuy” thesis was if Sugimoto really had VIP seats for the train to hell.
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He undoubtedly had VIP seats for hell.
Now the question is... will he be saved because the good he did outweight the lives he took? Or will punishment come anyway as the title of the next chapter seems to imply (314 as Kamuycentral found out can be read in Japanese as ‘Saichi dies’)?
We can only wait and see.
Now, in case someone missed it, I overall enjoyed this chapter. The jumps in the actions can be blamed to the short number of pages and easily fixed in the volume or be a wanted choice so as to give a sense of things moving fast. Tsurumi was undoubtedly well handled, Noda humanized him in having him regret briefly the loss of those bones but, at the same time, kept him grounded in his maladaptive copying mechanisms, blaming Wilk for everything refusing to see his own faults, refusing to see how his focus on his own selfish goals lead him to his own loss. In the moment he could have saved the bones, he chose the land deed, he chose his own ambitions, he chose himself. So is now, so was in the past in which it was him who accepted Wilk’s group as students, it was his spy work that lead the police to his house, it was him handing them weapons that lead Wilk’s group to answer the fire so effectively and all this combined lead to Fina and Olga’s death.
Wilk wouldn’t have been there if he hadn’t accepted him as a student, Wilk wouldn’t have fired around if his spy work hadn’t drawn the police to his house while they were there, Wilk wouldn’t have managed to get out of the house if Kiro hadn’t covered him with the machine gun Tsurumi provided them.
But Tsurumi can’t accept the part he had in his own tragedy and has to keep on blaming Wilk while, at the same time, he continued to make the same mistakes and losing the people around him due to them.
At the same time, I’m a bit sad that Tsurumi’s past prior to his life as Hasegawa wasn’t explored. What about his disgraced original family? Of course Noda might not have felt the need to develop it because their story might be the same as the story of tons of families and therefore very familiar to Japanese people and my need to have it cleared up might simply be born by how I’m not Japanese and therefore unfamiliar to it.
Another matter I’m not really happy with was how the huge arc for Asirpa to decide to kill someone and go to hell with Sugimoto ended up in nothing. Ultimately my problem isn’t that Asirpa didn’t kill anyone but that she didn’t even try to kill Tsurumi despite Tsurumi being a clear threat to her and Sugimoto. And yeah, I knew we would end up like this, that Noda wouldn’t have let her become a murderer but in the end it’s not that she resolved not to kill him, it’s just… it didn’t happen she did so much as try.
But whatever, this is not a chapter about Asirpa, it’s a chapter about Tsurumi and, from this side, it’s a solid one.
Lastly two words about Sugimoto because I loved how not only he saved Asirpa but tried to comfort her by telling her he’s immortal. I’m pretty sure Sugimoto doesn’t want to die, but still he cared about her to the point he prioritized saving and reassuring her. Next chapter will be probably more centered about him so I’ll save the rest for the next chapter.
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slasherbaby · 3 years
I looked at your masterlist thingy and it said 'NSFT' which idk if it was a typo or meant NSFW butttt could you do a jesper fahey x male reader NSFW? Nothing specific but maybe they have a quickie in kazs office kdjdjdj ty 😙
[Hi! Thank you for requesting- I'm absolutely in love with Jesper so this was a treat to write! Also, tumblr bans/flags adult content, so I use NSFT as a way to tag anything NS/FW. I hope you enjoy! <3]
Quickie [read under the cut ♡]
Pairing: male reader x Jesper Fahey (shadow and bone)
Rating: explicit
Length: 1002 words
Warnings: none!
“You’ve got to be quiet, Jesper. If Kaz catches us we’re-“
Jesper cuts off your worries with a searing kiss, his tongue as hot as fire as he drags it across your lower lip, asking for permission.
You grant it easily, opening your lips against his and groaning when his hand tightens around the back of your neck, taking control of the kiss. There was usually more of a pull and tug for dominance when you and Jesper hooked up, but the adrenaline from pulling off a job mixed with your arousal was far too much to fight against.
When you pull back for breath, his lips don’t leave your skin. He migrates south, pressing little butterfly kisses against your jaw before sinking his teeth in, nipping and sucking at your sweet spot. By the time it’s his turn to pull back, there’s a devilish smirk curling up the corners of his mouth, and a sparkle of mischief in his eyes.
“Sorry love, what were you saying?”
You squint your eyes at him, but the glare only makes him chuckle. Pressing your hand against his chest, you walk Jesper backwards a few paces, waiting until the back of his calves hit against Kaz’s couch before shoving him into it.
“I said,” You start, dropping to your knees in between his. “If you aren’t quiet, I’ll stop.”
Undoing his belt buckle feels like second nature to you, only taking a matter of seconds to flick it open with a familiarity that ought to alarm you. What had started as a few quickies between coworkers was slowly turning into something more, and you didn’t know how to feel about it.
Pushing those thoughts aside, you yank at Jesper’s trousers, only pulling them down enough for you to get at your prize. He’s already hard, his long cock stiff against his stomach with a shining wet head that’s just begging for you to suck on it.
You lick your lips in anticipation, taking hold of his length and giving it a few rough jerks. The way his face contorts is pure beauty, eyebrows pinching together and teeth sinking into his bottom lip, stifling the noises you know he’s desperate to make. It would be so easy to get drunk off him, drinking him in like cool, crisp ale on a hot summer day.
Looking up at Jesper from underneath your lashes, you make sure his eyes are on you as you lean forward. You wrap your lips around the head of his cock, relishing in the muffled moan it elicits from Jesper. If there was one thing Jesper wasn’t, it was quiet. And while you certainly loved to see him forced to have some type of restraint, this wasn’t just to be kinky. If Kaz found you fucking in his office, you’re sure there would be hell to pay.
You start off slow, swirling your tongue around the start of his length as your left hand pumps the rest. He’s big, but that’s hardly an issue for you. No, you’re only warming up. With the hand that isn’t around him, you reach out. Taking his into yours and guiding it to the top of your head, groaning around his cock when he twines his long fingers through your hair, scratching at your scalp soothingly.
“So good,” He whispers, his voice hoarse with restraint. “So good for me, Y/N.”
His praise makes your cock twitch, and it doesn’t help when he presses your head down just a little bit more. With sudden urgency, you move your hands away from him, reaching down to unbutton your trousers and shove one of them inside.
“Yeah, that’s it.” Jesper continues, slowly guiding you further and further down onto his cock, canting his hips upwards to push into your throat.
Your grip on your own cock tightens when he hits your gag reflex, but he stops before you choke. With a muted groan, you fist yourself even faster and shut your eyes, forcing yourself further down, choking and spluttering as you take his entire length into your throat.
His fingers grow tight in your hair, and you give a tiny nod that you hope he’ll understand as permission to do what you both so desperately want.
Like he’s reading your mind, Jesper complies. Holding you by the sides of your head, Jesper begins to fuck your throat in earnest, hips canting up as you force yourself to stay in place, eyes fluttering between open and shut as you gag.
You never last long when he’s using you like this, and tonight’s no exception. You come with a cry, making a mess of your trousers as you work yourself through your high. Without an ounce of thought for your throat, Jesper thrusts grow even faster, setting a brutal pace that you take without hesitation. With a final thrust, he presses you fully down, sheathing himself completely inside of you as he comes. You don’t even need to swallow, your throat fluttering automatically as you inhale his scent, nose pressed up against his pubic hair.
As he catches his breath, you remain situated on his cock, only moving away when he lets go of your hair. You suckle at his head before pulling off, smirking at the gasp of overstimulation it gets you.
“Fuck, Y/N.” Jesper takes you by the hands and pulls you up onto his lap, nuzzling into your neck for a moment before pushing you playfully to your feet. “C’mon, let's get outve here before Kaz catches us.” Before you can move, however, he grabs your hands again. “Come back to mine, yeah?”
“Yours?” You ask with a raised brow. You’ve never actually made it back to each other’s rooms before, usually just finding any old nook or cranny to get the job done as fast as possible.
“Mine.” He confirms, grinning as he drags you from Kaz’s office. “I’m gonna have you screaming my name by the end of the night, Y/N. Just you wait.”
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kaijutegu · 3 years
When people ask why states without tegus are looking to ban them? This. This is why. They are unstoppable. They’re incredibly adaptable. In addition to being able to survive winter conditions almost a thousand miles north of their northernmost invasive range, they can also elevate their body temperatures to deal with cooler non-winter conditions. This defies what we know about pretty much every other lizard, and they can just... do it. Because they’re amazing.
But that amazingness comes with a price. Here in the US, we’ve finally woken up to the reality that this is an invasive species with potential to really spread, and several state governments are scrambling to ensure that it doesn’t happen. Most legislation intends to just ban keeping the animals in states where they could establish or already are established, but the problem is that much of this current/future legislation regarding tegus is really insufficient. It either doesn’t do enough or it does way too much and either way doesn’t actually do anything meaningful to prevent the spread of this invasive species. But people thinking they have some kind of constitutional right to keep as many tegus as they want isn’t helping. If I have to see one more person spouting anti-gun control rhetoric about a lizard, so help me god I will scream. I will.
Honestly though, I think that the state bans are only going to continue. I’m not foolish enough to think that any of the state governments are doing this out of a pure concern for the states’ biodiversity. Aside from what tegus can and will do to endangered species (eat them. they will eat them.), there is a serious bottom line economic consequence to their spread. There’s plenty of evidence that these guys are a serious threat to agriculture, and the exotic pet industry isn’t comparatively big enough for any government to take seriously if the farmers are complaining. Which they will. You know what they call tegus in Venezuela? El lobo pollero, the chicken wolf. They are just that good at sneaking into chicken coops and going for the eggs. They cooperate to do this. And at the end of the day, exotic pet owners’ privileges will be sacrificed for economic protection for US agricultural interests, because that’s how the economy works.
Which is a shame because I do think there is a viable compromise. Perhaps something like this could actually work: 1: Establish FDA licensing for tegu breeders, the same as you have to do if you breed several other exotic species. Licensing would need to include enforceable containment policies and state inspections. 2: Mandate PIT tagging or microchipping for pet tegu owners and enforce legal penalties if there are escapes. This could range from a fine to being disallowed to own a tegu. 3: Figure out a more practical way to do culls of the invasive populations. (This is going to be very hard in the Everglades due to the impassibility of much of the area, but in places with sparser vegetation, tracker dogs trained on the eggs/nests could probably help a great deal with this.) 4: Stop mass imports. The imports are a huge problem. I think they’re actually a much bigger problem than the breeders for two reasons. First, the sheer numbers of imports is a problem. Between 2000 and 2010, more than 79,000 tegus were imported to the US. That’s a lot. We already know that the first and largest invasive tegu population can be traced back to a single importer. We already know that the invasive pythons can be traced back to an importers’ warehouse that was damaged in a hurricane. Limit the market to breeders who are willing to go a step beyond for good containment, and you limit the number of animals being produced. This also limits the number of people who can buy them. If cheap imported reptiles aren’t readily available, you’ll have fewer people impulsively buying them and then releasing them when they get too big or too much trouble. Ban the imports and you solve part of the problem. Now, granted, pet owners releasing their animals isn’t really a huge issue. Most released pets die pretty quickly. But even though it’s not the biggest part of the issue, it is still an issue.
Ideally, tegu owners would be educated enough to buy only from good breeders with good biosecurity practices, take one out of the swamp, or take in a rescue. Ideally, tegu breeders would be more sensible about protecting their businesses by complying with state FWS standards and by taking a more proactive approach to containment. Tegus are burrowers and escape artists, and if tegu breeders who do outside housing would keep that in mind more seriously, there ARE things they could do to actually prevent escapes on their end- things like you do for wild canids. It might be more difficult to sink a fence a few feet or lay a concrete pad, but is it worth it to protect your ability to breed and keep a species you love?
At the end of the day, a lot of exotic animal laws in the US don’t make a lot of sense. They often come too late to actually prevent a tragedy or ecological disaster, and they rarely do enough to prohibit actual irresponsible behavior. We have hard scientific data that demonstrates that tegus really could become invasive throughout much of the southeast US, and with climate change pushing tropical and subtropical climatological zones north, their potential range is only going to get larger.
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souluble · 4 years
✿ Scenarios ✿
Inumaki Toge / Nobara Kugisaki / Junpei Yoshino / Itadori Yuji
✿ Playing videogames with them
Inumaki Toge
✿ Ok he’s a canon troll and most definitely throws the first round then absolutely carries the second round to get play of the game which annoys his teammates to no end.
✿ His notficiations are overflowing with friend requests and he never declines them he just lets them pile up.
✿ Inumaki has a hacker client downloaded and when you finally found out he offered to send you the link.
✿ If his team makes him play healer the only people he’s going to heal is you and the new player who doesn’t understand the difference between left click and right click.
✿ When you play with him he likes to be on opposite teams so he can cross team, he always ends up killing you though.
✿ Leaning over Inumakis shoulder you watched as his fingers effortlessly glided across the keyboard as he commanded his teammates to rush the enemy line. He chewed on the inside of his cheek as he clicked away at his mouse before letting out a frustrated groan when his screen turned a vivid red signifying his defeat.
Maneuvering around his chair you placed yourself on his lap and pulled the keyboard closer to your reach “Can I try? It’s a shooter game right?” titling your head back you peered up at his flushed face.
Resting his chin on your head Inumaki placed his hands over yours to maneuver your fingers over the proper keys “Salmon”
With an excited glint in his eyes he watched as you jokingly made your character run into walls and shoot your teammates by mistake to agitate them.
Whenever someone would ridicule your skill in the chat Inumaki was quick to start typing up a spiteful message that would get the two of you banned from the lobby.
His account ended up getting suspended for 24 hours that afternoon but he assured you that he didn’t mind.
Nobara Kugisaki
✿ She isn’t fond of keyboards because mouse spamming makes her finger cramp up, she plays with a controller connected to her console.
✿ Do not play with her If your sensitive, she rages a lot especially when someone throws and isn’t afraid to call to them out.
✿ Definitely uses the voice chat and makes herself leader and no one really argues because her win rate is so high.
✿ If you play with her she’s going to be tailing you non-stop to make sure you don’t die and make you double kill with her to get team points.
✿ If there someone being toxic in the voice chat she’s going to be coming for their throat, make sure to back her up but don’t let her get carried away she already has two strikes on her account.
✿ Only accepts friends requests from people who are the same rank as her or a rank higher, she says the higher ranks are cocky.
✿ The sound of the controllers joystick being pushed around bounced off the walls as a string of curses left her lips “I always get the worst competitive teams”
Nobara let out a loud dramatic exhale as she swiveled around in her chair to face you with puppy eyes “play with me please!! Just one match so my ranking can go up” jutting her bottom lip out she reached out to you.
“Just one match! We have an early mission tomorrow”
“I promise just one match!! It’ll be short and then we can go shopping!”
What was originally supposed to be a quick game turned into multiple as Nobara had formed a party over the last couple of rounds “Y/N go left and flank from behind”
Following her orders you made your character crouch behind the in game objects before going for the kill. The score was tied 4 - 4 and whoever got the last point would win. Nobaras party was on a winning streak and she refused to loose even if she had already ranked up.
“Take point!! Touch point!” Nobaras yelling came to a stop as the screen went black and the words ‘defeat’ flashed across her screen, with a frustrated huff she muted her mic before heading over to you with a defeated look on her face.
“Can we at least still go shopping?”
Junpei Yoshino
✿ He’s surprisingly a really good sniper and only plays DPS, If you make him play anything else he will leave the lobby.
✿ Junpei plays on those public school servers and purposely only targets his classmates, he finds great joy in making them rage quit.
✿ He has never sent out a friend request and refuses to, you had to send him the request if you wanted to be in game friends.
✿ If someone’s targeting you he’s going to spawn camp them even if it means throwing for his team.
✿ Doesn’t use chat, he has it muted to ignore all the trash talk but if he likes his team he’ll drop a ‘GG’ in the chat after a win.
✿ Probably has a hacker client installed too, but he actually paid for it and uses it frequently, his account shockingly has never gotten banned.
✿ Junpei sat crossed legged on the floor as his fingers skimmed over the controller buttons while you sat on his neatly made bed with your controller tossed to the side. His head rested comfortably on your thighs as you brushed his bangs to the side so he could the screen.
Your character had died at the beginning of the match and Junpei was hellbent on killing the person who killed you “Upper left” you watched as he aimed the crosshair with precision before pressing the trigger on the controller.
With a gasp at the accurate headshot you clapsed your hands together “You got them Ino!” a small smile appeared on his face as he looked up at you shyly.
“It wasn’t really anything that special”
“Yes it was! You were all the way on the other side of the map and the shot still hit!”
Facing back towards the screen you watch as Junpei got play of the game once more, if it weren’t for his mute chat you could already see the complaints from the enemy team.
Titling his head back you bent over to press a kiss to Junpei’s forehead “let’s play another match?”
With red ears he looked away from you with a teasing smile “As long as you don’t die first again”
Itadori Yuji
✿ Itadori is that one person who makes small talk in the waiting lobby then asks if everyone wants to stay as a team yet leaves as soon as they start loosing.
✿ Only joins games where everyone’s in voice chat because he doesn’t like the awkward silence when no ones talking.
✿ His aim is so bad and he genuinely doesn’t know why, absolutely despises snipers especially when he doesn’t see them until after he dies.
✿ He’s so cute if he sees you online he’s going to be sending you party invites and asking you to join his games.
✿ Prefers to be on opposite teams with you so that he can kill you before anyone else does, his teamates pity you because your always dying first.
✿ You leaned back in your chair and let out a scream at the sudden death of your character “YUJI” a nervous chuckel erupted form your boyfriends throat as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Sorry Y/N but I just don’t want anyone else killing you”
Silence filled the room as you stared at him with a blank look on your face, whenever you play videgames with Yuji he always refuses to be on the same team as you. His reason being that he isn’t good enough at the game to protect you and if your on opposite teams he’s able to kill you first so one else can.
“You actually DONT have to kill me everytime!”
“But then someone else will kill you!” rushing up from his seat Itadori threw himself at you as he burried his head into your stomach and wrapped his arms around your waist.
You didn’t have the heart to tell him that playing with him was not a fun experience when he was always so excited to see your gamer tag pop up on his screen.
Glancing towards his screen you watched as his character got taken out “fine fine let’s play another game, I’ll just avoid you this round”
Shaking his head in a ‘no’ manner Itadori let out a loud whine at your statement “No Y/N! You’ll die if you run away from me”
“I’m going to die either way!”
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romioneficfest · 3 years
Bottom of the Bottle
Title: Bottom of the Bottle
Prompt/Day: fire whiskey + angst
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Rating: PG-15 / T
Brief summary: He’s been search for the answer in firewhiskey but it’s never been there.
Any possible triggering/warning tags: drinking
Without asking Ron downed the glass that had been placed in his hands and fought against sputtering as the warmth trickled down his throat. It wasn’t enough. This day, this week, ever since they’d buried his brother and gone on with the endlessness of after it hadn’t been enough. The bitter cold of winter was nothing in comparison to this. His brother had died. His friends. His mentors. All dead and what use was he still here.
“Another,” Ron demanded, thrusting out his glass and he wasn’t sure who tipped the bottle towards him.
Always the same. Ever since Hermione had left for her parents and Harry had run off to clear his head leaving him stuck waiting for them to come back. It was the only thing that helped, Firewhiskey. Only lately it never seemed to work quite right.
“Please,” he muttered, thrusting out his glass towards the table of strangers who would be his friend only for tonight.
They were looking at him with morbid curiosity. He wondered if they knew his name. If he was living up to his new reputation. Pretty soon they’d be asking him.
Are you that Weasley?
And then he’d get pissed because they were all that Weasley in their own fucked up way. The not a Werwolf. The dragon tamer. The prodigal son. The no longer a twin. The chosen-one’s lover.
What was he in that line up? Perhaps he should just go home. But he was out of the good stuff and  that was why he demanded their company for two rounds more.
It was nearly midnight when he spotted her. So drunk he was half convinced she was an illusion. But his illusion’s hands never felt so warm going around his neck and never smelled so perfectly Hermione. Then again his memories of her were usually more cross and less kind when they whispered in his ear,
“It’s time to go.”
He looked at her, expecting to be reprimanded but her exhausted features were somehow worse of a punishment. Obediently he rose to his feet and after a brief scuffle with his chair and an even longer battle with the sleeves of his cloak he followed her, sulking, out the door.
The summer air should have been warm, the sticky heat of August, but even with the dementors banished the air was still frigid. Their bundled up looks were the pinnacle of fashion in Hogsmeade these days.
It wasn’t a long walk. And he was well practiced in stumbling home, his lips reeking of cinnamon. As they approached the entrance to his and Harry’s rented room, Hermione fished the key from his pocket before he had the chance to fumble with it and waited for him to race up the stairs before she shut the door behind them.
He was still bracing himself for the lecture. For the sigh and the cold shoulder.
In truth he was just counting down the days until she finally realized what he’d known for a long time. He wasn’t enough for her. This was all he was worth. He tried fumbling with the buttons of his cloak as she entered the kitchen but it was useless. His fingers fat and frigid.
When at last she entered, carrying a glass of water she looked at him appeasingly.
He wanted to lash out and he didn’t know why.
Instead her soft voice whispered, “let me help.”
Before he could push her away her nimble fingers had undone the mis-buttoned mess and when she pushed it from his shoulders, her fingers brushed against his skin and for a moment the numbness dissipated.
“Sit down.” She requested of him and he obliged, letting his cloak pool around him.
He reached for her hand and the soft warmth of her fingers had the same radiating effect. They fell into the chair, her weight warm and welcome. This was the feeling he’d been searching for at the bottom of every bottle.
“I’m sorry,” he slurred, breathing her in.
“What’s wrong?” she begged and for the first time her face betrayed her emotions. Sadness, fear. Not of him but for him. “Why are you-?”
He supposed she’d heard the rumors. Last weekend it’d been a fist fight that had left them both with shining eyes. The week before a ban from the Three Broomsticks that Madame Rosmerta hadn’t had the heart to enforce.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered again helplessly.
Finally, pity. “I wish you didn’t.”
“It’s the only thing that helps,” he tried. “It takes away the edge of all this shit.”
The temporary sobering of the cold was fading with his vision. And for the first time that night he didn’t want it. Didn’t want the world to be blurred. Didn’t want the only sound to be his heart pounding. He wanted to be here, with her.  
“Kiss me,” he begged although he had no right to ask it of her in this state.
But of course she obliged. She was what he’d been yearning for after all. Hermione’s lips were tender against the corner of his mouth and he did not dare demand more. This was a gift. It was all he needed.
“I really missed you,” he whispered against her skin.
“I miss you,” she echoed, brushing back his dirty hair and gave another apprising look. “I missed you so much I could hardly stand it.”
And he couldn’t help the insecurity that slipped from his lips. “Did you?”
If he’d been sober perhaps he could have made the words teasing but he wasn’t.
“More than I can put into words,” she assured him and with every brush of her fingers he felt it again, the warmth.
“Don’t go away again,” he asked although he had no right to.
Yet she rewarded him with a little smile, kissing his temple and he could feel himself trembling.
“Not without you.”
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livvynka · 3 years
The Vacation (Kamilah & Amy) - Part 2
Warning: SMUT. I’m not native english speaker, feel free to correct me (i would be actually glad).
1100 + words
Tag list: @fal-carrington @samanthadalton @vonda-b-real @drmmyrs @straightlikewetspaghetti @blaine-hayes @lizielasyd @mrskamilahsayeed @millasayeed @ntoraplayschoices @ilove-kamilah-sayeed @kamilah-is-queen @rhonda-sayeed @queenkamilah @domakir @kwaj115 
Please consider following these people. They are talented and their blogs are great! If you want to be tagged or do not want to be tagged anymore, please, contact me.
And thank you for your support. I appreciate all likes, reblogs, comments. You are all amazing!
DISCLAIMER: I do not own these characters, they are property of PixelBerry studios!
Last part:
“And I was always thrilled to make out on airplane… I think I need help with something in toilet… Care to join?”
Amy smirk at Kamilah and slide her hand to Kamilah side. Kamilah raise an eyebrow. Kamilah eyes flash in red for second.
“Lead the way.”
Amy stand up and pull Kamilah by hand. Amy look in every direction so noone cant see them when they enter the toilet. Kamilah turn to door and lock them.
Amy push Kamilah against the door. Amy’s hand wondering at Kamilah belly.
“Hmm, my dirty, dirty girl.”
Kamilah tries to escape, but Amy hold her hand above her head.
“Shh… This trip is about making you feel good. Starting…”
Amy unbutton Kamilah’s pants and slightly touch her abdomen. Kamilah gasp, lean her forehead to cold material of the door. Try to gain some self-control... Amy turn Kamilah around, so she can face her and kiss her hungrily. By one hand still holding Kamilahs hands above her head and with other…
With other hand squeezing Kamilah’s side. Amy move to Kamilah’s jaw line, continues to Kamilah’s earlobe and bite hard. Kamilah arch to Amy with the growl.
“When i take my hands to you, you will ... - aaah”¨
Amy tease Kamilah’s center thru her pants, lightly and yet it drives Kamilah crazy.
“I very much hope so. But now...”
Amy pulls Kamilah out of her pants and underwear, throw her blazer to ground and rip her shirt in half. Than trace her nails over new revealed skin.
Kamilah shudder and her eyes change to crimson red. And said with shaky voice.
“Amy just fuck me, I can’t handle this anymore.”
“Alright my love”
Amy sink to here knees, pul Kamilah’s legs apart, let one of Kamilah’s leg relax on her shoulder. Then she start workship Kamilah. She suck her, lick her... Circling around Kamilah’s clitoris. With her hand squeezing her butt, another hand press on Kamilah’s stomach to hold her still.
Kamilah moan loudly, Amy stop and look at Kamilah directly.
Amy: “
You need to be quiet, in other way they ban us for next flights.”
“We’ll see who’s gonna be .. - jeez -us --ss”
Amy enters two finger inside Kamilah and move her mouth to Kamilah’s vulva again. Teasing one of her nipple.
Kamilah start to tremble uncontrollably, pant heavily. Hands on Amy’s shoulders. Hold her firmly, she will leave bruises for sure...
Than Kamilah explode, two times in row... Throw here head back and bite her tongue. Amy uprise and kiss Kamilah. She whispers.
“I love you soo much.”
When Kamilah catch here breath again she grabs Amy and lift her to the near sink. Amy let out a surprise moan and pull Kamilah to close the distance, legs tangled by her sides. Kamilah smirk on that move. She doesn’t hesitate and undress Amy completely. Kissing the path of nude skin of Amy’s. Amy grab her by chin and connect their mouth again. Kamilah smile into the kiss and than suck Amy’s bottom lip.
Kamilah: “
So horny and demanding...”
She’s merciful and give Amy what she wants. She slide her two fingers inside Amy. Amy roll her eyes when pleasure begins be hard to take. Kamilah fasten the pace a lick Amy’s nipple. With other hand teasing her clitoris. Amy start to shake and let out moan. 
“What were you saying about not being loud?
She smirk at her wife. It was her lullaby. Watching Amy’s body shaking with the climax coming, hear her moans, when Amy says her name. It thrills her.
She pumps in Amy with unnatural speed. Amy cursed and bite into Kamilah neck with her fang fully out. She feed from Kamilah, but she does not care. She would give her anything.
Kamilah add the third finger when she feels Amy’s gonna fell of the edge any second.
“Let go my Queen.”
Kamilah’s soft voice was the last string. Amy’s vision went blur and she shout hers wife name.
Amy: “Ka- Kamilah!”
Amy fell in Kamilah’s arms and giggle.
“You are going to be dead of me. I love you more btw.”
Kamilah gives Amy sweet kiss and help her wife get dressed again. They go back to their seats.
“That was something else. I need to say I start liking to fly in economy class.”
“I wonder the reason behind it...”
She smiles at Kamilah teasingly.
“You are right, we need this. And I do everything in my power so we enjoy this time. I want you to show you some places in Prague too. Maybe we can even extend our vacation.”
“That would be perfect, I don’t really care where we go, I just want to be with you.”
Kamilah tangle their fingers and lean against Amy’s shoulder. Amy pets her head gently.
“Maybe not everywhere. I don’t like Japan or ´Island of Death´.”
Kamilah chuckle.
“Nor Japan or ´Island of death´ stop me to try to make you happy every second of our life.”
Amy: “
You know I will do everything in my power to make you happy too? You are the dearest person to me, and I’m nothing without you.”
“For me you are everything...”
They both fall asleep when one of the fly attendant come and wake up Amy.
Fly attendant:
“Miss, pardon me, for waking you up, would you like to eat something? Here is the menu, we have some Czech and American possibilities for food. We will come in few minutes to take your order.”
“Thank you, we will let you know.”
“Kami, baby. Wake up.”
Amy kiss Kamilah’s nose and brush her fingers across her cheeks. Kamilah open her eyes slowly.
“What's the matter? I was enjoying my sleep.”
“We can try our first Czech food together, look.”
She handle the menu to Kamilah. Kamilah still leaning against Amy. Kamilah looks at the menu with reluctance
“Do we need to eat this? We can eat when we land.”
Amy stomach rumbles. Kamilah sigh.
Kamilah :
”Alright let's have. Ermm. What is this? Ghulagshdsad soap”
Amy chuckle. And say with humor in her voice.
“It’s now actually not bad food. And you can pronounce it ´Goo - laash´. Well, with consideration we are on airplane and the food in economy class is far away matching the real Goulash from country local restaurant...”
“Fine, let’s have it.”
Soon, after they order it with Czech beer, Goulash arrive. Kamilah look at the soap with caution.
“Do not worry. It’s stew of meat, almost everytime from beef or veal and vegetables, flavoured with paprika spice. Try it.”
Amy practically shove the spoon in Kamilah mouth. Kamilah eyebrow quirk and she look at her wife with annoyance. She let Amy feed her. She eventually like the ´Ghoulash´ food or whatever is that.
“It’s spicy but acceptable.”
She took a spoon from Amy and eat almost whole bowl. Amy rise a eyebrow at her and giggle.
“So its ´acceptable´ you say. Let me buy you real Ghoulash when we are in center.”
Kamilah with full mouth.
“Uhm, yes please.”
After another 7 hours airplane land in Prague. It was night already. Amy hide yawn behind her hand.
“Hmm, let’s get to our apartment to freshen up, and we can go for short walk.”
Kamilah take Amy’s hand and kiss her forehead.
“Sure my love.”
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siriuslyshewrote · 4 years
Death , Amongst Other Things
This isn’t the end of this little series - I just thought this request fit really well.
Request -
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You weren’t even supposed to be at the party in the first place. After the rather unfortunate, completely accidental, events of the past few weeks, Tommy had placed both you and Finn (and, in extension, Isaiah), under a strict ban from any of the family meetings or events - including the dance he and Grace were hosting, supposedly for some charity or other, but, knowing Tommy, there would be some business involved. There always was. 
“You are aware that Tommy is going to recognise us the minute we step in there, right?” Isaiah questioned, from his position beside Finn and you, crouched next to the servants staircase, trying not to let your good clothes get coated in the dirt that coated the stairs.
“Really? Recognise his younger siblings? Never.” Finn shot back, sarcastically, as you snorted. 
“You know what I mean.” Isaiah elbowed him back, good-naturedly - always up for some chaos, with who he had affectionately named his ‘favourite twins’. Though, that sentiment didn’t mean a lot, considering you were sure you were the only twins he knew. 
“Don’t worry, Isa, I have a plan.” You shot him a grin, trying not to blush slightly, as his dimples showed in the dim-light. 
“Yes, because your plans are known for working.” Finn replied, pulling uncomfortably at his tie.
“Better than yours Finny. I’m still waiting for you to find my other high heel.” You ruffled his hair, irritatingly.
“The plan, Y/N?” Isaiah butted in, before the two of you could get into one of your sarcastic arguments. 
You paused, as one of the servants hurried past, almost falling down the last step. 
“Well, it's less of a plan, and more of a guess. Once we’re in, Tom won't kick us out and make a scene.” 
They both shrugged. 
“Makes sense.”
Surprisingly, sneaking up the servants staircase (and Finn falling back down it halfway up after he tripped over his feet) would be the easiest part of the night, though you didn’t know that yet. The three of you slipped into the party, trying to blend in quickly, grabbing champagne off one of the serving trays, Finn trying to cover the fact that he had most definitely twisted his ankle during his fall, and trying to brush dirt off his suit.  
“This really isn’t as fun as I thought it was going to be.” Finn groaned, as you sat in the corner of the ballroom, smoking the fancy French cigarettes you’d stolen from Polly. 
“Sometimes, Finn, I think you intentionally jinx things.” You replied with a sigh, as you caught Tommy’s eye from over the dance floor. 
You began to give him a half-hearted wave, before he made a gesture that very much said get over here right now.
“I think that was directed to you, Finn.” 
“Nah. I didn’t get the death stare. Definitely you.” 
You sighed, getting up, stubbing out your cigarette in the overly extravagant ash tray, before walking towards your older brother. 
“Have fun!” Finn laughed cackled behind you. 
You almost, almost gave him the middle finger, before remembering that Tommy would probably have a mental breakdown there and then if you pushed him anymore at this point. The thought of how much hassle you’d caused your eldest brothers recently made you feel a little guilty, as you saw the strain in Tommy’s eyes. 
“Hey, Tom. Hey, Grace.” You smiled at both of them. Grace’s eyes hardened, just slightly - you knew, she of all people, didn’t appreciate the mayhem you and Finn caused one bit, and she’d had no problem telling you, Tommy, Polly, and every other member of the family, that before.
“Tell me, Y/N, did you forget every word I said today? Or the day before? Or the day before that?” Tommy’s voice was level and quiet, though you could tell he was furious. It was only now that you were regretting your decisions of the evening. 
“No, Tom.” You sighed. “It was just a bit of fun.”
“When are you going to grow up?”
His rant was cut short by a mans voice, rising above the rest of the chatter from the crowd. 
“For Angel!” 
You saw the gun, the silver glimmering in the chandelier light, in a shaking hand. 
You heard the shot before you even had chance to react, the sarcastic grin still plastered onto your face. Felt the impact, fell to the ground like a rock plunging into the bottom of a pool, elbows hitting the marble, an attempt to catch yourself. 
You didn’t understand, not really, not at first, though there was a tiny voice screaming it at you in your mind. You saw Tommy’s face in your vision, Grace’s too, and for one of the first times, the woman was showing you affection, her gloved hand gripping one of yours, her eyes large and frantic. Your hands reached down to your abdomen, grazing over the place that felt like it was on fire, before your hand was moved away. There was blood all over your fingers.
 You saw Tommy take off his jacket, the one that had probably cost him more than the tiny house in Small Heath you had all lived in as children, press it to your stomach, and it was only then that you truly realised what was happening, when you saw the crimson bloodied hands of your brother. 
It was then, too, that you knew it was far too late for the ambulance that everyone was screaming for. 
“Finn?” Your eyes darted around, head now in Ada’s lap. “Finn?”
Maybe you really could hear other people yelling his name, or maybe that was all in your head. All you knew was that you wanted your twin brother, and that you couldn’t understand why he wasn’t there. 
“I’m here.” His voice sounded from beside you, cracked and terrified. He sounded worse than he had when he had broke his wrist that time, or when Ada had to rescue him from drowning in the Cut, or even when he had been told your mother was dead. “I’m here, squirrel.” 
“I’m scared.” You whispered to him, the black dots beginning to dance at the edge of your vision. His hand, as he reached to brush the hair away from your face, was smeared in blood that was neither yours nor his. 
“I know, but there’s an ambulance coming, you’ll be... you’ll be okay, right.” His sentence ended almost as a question, as if he wasn’t so sure himself. 
“I don’t think so, Finn.” Your vision began to blur, darkness creeping in the sides. 
“No, you have to be, okay?” He pleaded, tears dripping down the freckles on his cheeks. 
“I don’t know how to exist in a world without you, okay?” His tears began to drip, one of them landing on your cheek - mixing with your own. 
“I’m sorry.” 
You blinked up at him, his lips pressed together to contain his sobs. His face swam in your blurry vision, then disappeared.
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mascwhump · 3 years
Chapter 20 - Madness
Angsty angst is angsty.
TW: victim blaming
Tag list: @whatwasmyprevioususername @milk-carton-whump @whumpasaurus101 @whatwhumpcomments @mnmlover2002 @ashintheairlikesnow
Ethan knocked on the door gently. Charlie hadn't managed to fall asleep, and watched Sasha sleep instead. He told Ethan to come in.
"I just want to check you out," Ethan said.
"I figured," Charlie replied. He gently moved Sasha off of him and sat up. Ethan set his bag on the ground and pulled out a tiny flashlight. First, he checked Charlie's pupils, then the rest of his vitals. He cleaned and covered what wounds needed it, then gave Charlie two ibuprofen.
"I'm worried about this thing on your neck. It looks really tight. Do you know how to take it off?" He asked.
"He used an app on his phone," Charlie said after swallowing the pills.
"Shit. They left his phone there so we wouldn't be tracked. I'd say we could try some bolt cutters, but they wouldn't fit. Let's see if they have any ideas."
Charlie followed Ethan out of his room. Deke was passed out on the couch, and Adrian was on his phone at the dining table.
"Hey, any idea how we could get this thing off of his neck?" Ethan asked.
"Angle grinder?" Adrian suggested.
"Hell no," Charlie said, "you're not putting an angle grinder anywhere near my neck."
"Well, do you have any other ideas?"
"I can just deal with it for now."
Crow slammed through the back door, and it startled Deke enough to make him fall off the couch.
"Command won't talk to me. I don't understand what's going on," Crow said.
"Seriously? Do they not care that we have this psychopath?" Adrian asked.
"Apparently not. It's like we don't even exist. I don't know what the fuck to do," Crow sighed, taking at seat at the table.
"We can't just keep him in the basement," Ethan said.
"No shite. What do we do, then? Kill him?" Adrian asked.
"Wish we could," Crow mumbled.
Charlie sat next to Deke, who was just recovering from his rude awakening.
“We could just make use of him while he’s here. Get some intel. Maybe that’ll make command like us again,” Deke suggested.
“Might as well,” Crow said.
He and Adrian stood, and Charlie felt a knot in his stomach. Something about the sudden change in energy startled him. He followed them into the basement, where Mallory was sitting, handcuffed to a pipe.
“Ah, you’ve returned with my darling Charlie. How are you, love?” he said. Crow kicked him in the shin, and he grimaced.
“Shut the fuck up. Don’t talk to him,” Crow growled.
“Right. What do you want?” He asked, that all too familiar smirk on his lips.
Ethan had trailed them into the basement, and startled everyone when he spoke.
“How do we get this thing off of his neck?” He asked from the stairs. Mallory began to laugh.
“You mean his collar? You don’t. Not without the app, at least.”
“Then what’s the app called?” Adrian questioned.
“You have to get it from the dark web. I don’t know the link.”
“Of course you don’t,” Crow sighed.
Deke was now behind Ethan on the stairs. The entire house, except for Sasha, was now in the basement. Charlie leaned against the back wall and watched Crow and Adrian frustratedly try to figure out what to do.
“What’s the problem? General Baker not talking to ya?” Mallory teased.
“How the hell do you know her name?” Adrian questioned.
“It’s a secret.”
Crow backhanded him. He just laughed.
“Good one. Do it again,” Mallory said.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Adrian yelled.
“Lots of things, I’ve been told. Hey, I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you all fuck off back upstairs? Except Charlie, of course.”
Crow picked up a knife from a nearby table, and held it to his throat.
“Do it,” Mallory dared, “You won’t.”
Crow pressed it harder, before throwing it across the room, almost hitting Ethan on the bottom of the steps.
“Weak,” Mallory said.
“Shut up!” Adrian yelled as he smacked him.
Deke and Ethan retreated to the safety of upstairs, not wishing for more knives to be flung in their direction.
“How do you know General Baker’s name?” Charlie asked.
“Guess telling you the truth wouldn’t hurt. The question is, will you believe me?”
“Talk,” Crow said.
“Your governments are my partners. They only sent you in to cover their own asses,” Mallory said.
“Bullshit,” Charlie said.
“Why am I telling you this if you’re not going to believe me?”
“Charlie, stop. Continue,” Crow said.
“It’s why you were caught in the first place. I knew you were coming. I had a warning. They were sending you in just in case I did something to expose them, that way it looked like they were trying to stop me. I was supposed to kill you, you know. In fact, by now, I’d guess that they’re sending someone to put a bullet in the back of your heads only to rule your deaths a suicide. You’re disposable to them.”
The room was silent. Crow rubbed his face and took a deep breath, sighing it out.
“Don’t believe you,” he said.
“That’s fine. It’s not my life that’s possibly in danger,” Mallory replied.
“Don’t be too sure about that,” Crow hissed.
He motioned for Charlie and Adrian to follow him up the stairs. He slammed the door shut.
“Do you think what he said holds some weight?” Adrian asked.
“I don’t know. If they are involved with him, it would explain where his funding comes from. I don’t think his dad’s money alone could fund that operation,” Charlie said.
“We can’t entertain the idea,” Crow spoke.
The conversation stopped there, and everyone split off in their separate ways. Charlie went into his room and fed Sasha, before collapsing on his bed to wait for dinner.
The rest of the night was uneventful. Dinner was fairly normal, but tense as Crow banned any talk of the current situation. Charlie went to bed after washing the dishes.
Later, Charlie woke in the middle of the night from a nightmare. He went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, and noticed a half empty bottle of gin on the counter. Then, he saw that the basement door was open a crack. He snuck inside, and listened from the stairs.
He could hear the sound of metal straining against metal, and some kind of scuffle occurring. He crept down a few more steps to find Crow with his hands wrapped around Mallory’s neck.
“What are you doing?!” Charlie exclaimed.
Crow released his grip and turned to him with bloodshot eyes. Mallory gasped for air, but gained a smile after a few seconds.
“Why are you here?” Crow slurred.
“I asked you first.”
“Go back to bed,” Crow said, turning around again.
Charlie stepped off the stairs and met Crow at his side.
“You’re drunk. You go to bed,” he said.
“Not until he’s dealt with,” Crow mumbled.
“No,” Charlie protested.
“You’re defending him,” Crow stated, rather than questioned.
Charlie sighed and grabbed his arm, trying to pull him toward the steps. He dug his heels into the ground to prevent himself from being moved.
“You’re defending him,” Crow repeated.
“You’re not in your right mind,” Charlie said.
“You came down here just to snog him again, didn’t you?”
Charlie let go of his arm and stared at him. Mallory laughed.
“What are you talking about?” He asked quietly.
“The video,” Crow said. Nausea hit Charlie like a train, and he stumbled backwards slightly.
“Crow, that-“
“Don’t wanna hear it,” he mumbled, “fuck off.”
Mallory watched the argument with great joy, tapping his toes together like a child. Charlie glared at him until Crow took off, stumbling up the stairs. Charlie followed him up and into his room, where he had to stop him from slamming the door in his face.
“Crow, please just let me explain,” Charlie said.
“Unless you’re going to tell me that it was against your will, I don’t want to hear it,” Crow said, taking off his jacket and throwing it at the closet door.
Charlie stood silently. His hands began to sweat.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Crow mumbled.
Charlie grabbed his arm, and Crow shoved him back, hard enough to make him fall. He ripped the bandage off of his arm, revealing the cut that Mallory had forced him to give himself. They locked eyes. Charlie knew what he was conveying.
“What’s going on?” Adrian asked from the door.
Charlie got up and pushed past him. He slammed his door and crawled into bed, sobbing into the sheets.
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
The Comment Section
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A/n: as a technically plus size girl myself i really liked writing this! feel free to request again after I finish the rest of the ones I have now! (sry this is not thoroughly edited)
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: cussing, mentions of hate
Requested by: anonymous 
Tag List: @distrikt9​ @mini-meanhoe​ @poeticallyspaghetti​ @hanstagrams​ @yangomangos​ @hoes4hoseok​ @desertfordessert​
Summary: Being on the larger side had never stopped you from anything before. You were confident in your curves and loved how you looked. It was one of the reasons that Han Jisung fell head over heels in love with you. Who would have thought a few silly little pictures would turn your world upside down.
Genre: fluff, little angst, romance
Meeting Jisung was a complete accident. A complete accident that changed my life forever. I was a lost foreign exchange student desperate to find her way back to her dorm in the hot summer streets of Seoul. By pure chance, I had bumped into him on the street. I had no idea who he was at the time and he seemed to find that fascinating. 
We ended up walking together until the sun set and the store signs lit up casting neon glows on our faces. Soon we both got lost wandering through the streets talking about everything and nothing in my broken korean and his adorable english. 
Jisung bought me dinner and then we finally found my dorms. He left me with the promise to take me out and get lost again. And that was the start of our relationship. About our fifth date, Jisung told me about his job and who he was. He was utterly shocked that I didn’t freak out about his celebrity status. He always said that what I told him after was when he began falling in love with me. 
“Whether you sing in front of thousands of people, pick up garbage on the side of the road, or teach pre-schoolers not to pick their noses, I would rather be with you than any other place or with any other person on the planet.” 
Now a year and a half later, we were dating and living together in an apartment near the company. Jisung was quite upset that he had to keep our relationship a secret. The company after many attempts at breaking us up gave in and let him continue our relationship despite his dating ban, but only if he kept quiet about it and nothing got leaked to the press. 
This meant we rarely got to go out unless both of us wore masks and hats and for five months out of the year, I was sitting at home waiting for Jisung to come back from tour trying to pretend like I didn’t have a boyfriend to begin with. But, it was all worth it. Jisung was worth it. 
“Yes, dad. I promise I’m eating well.” I said looking at my father through a computer screen. My ears picked up on Jisung moving behind me to open the fridge and I knew what was about to happen next. 
“Jisung!” My father called. Hearing his name he turned and leaned over me to look at my father. “Jisung, how are you?” My dad smiled and turned to focus on my boyfriend. 
Jisung laughed seeing me drop my head in my hands. He leaned against the counter, a bright smile on his face. “I’m fine, Mr. L/n.” 
“How many times have I told you? Just D/n is fine. Now, is she eating well? I know she has exams. You have to make sure my daughter is eating!” Jisung’s arm wrapped around my stomach, pulling me to his side. 
“Of course! We are going out to eat soon actually.” He said cheerfully, pushing the hair away from my face. 
I jumped at the opportunity Jisung secretly handed me. “Yes, Dad! So, we have to go! I love you, talk to you later, bye!” Jisung waved before I slammed my laptop closed, effectively hanging up on my father. “Can we really go out to eat?” I asked, wrapping my arms around his waist. He smiled taking my face in his hands, squishing my cheeks. 
“Of course. I’m starving.” Placing a kiss on my forehead he exited the kitchen. While he was doing whatever he was doing, I ran to our bedroom and changed out of the pajamas I had worn all day. 
Grabbing some shorts and one of Jisung’s shirts I started tying my shoes. How any of his clothes fit me at all was a mystery to me. Jisung was a twig compared to me. Granted he was a very muscular twig. But a twig none the less.
Jisung smiled seeing me in the baggy white fabric that covered my shorts entirely. He leaned against the doorway, dark hair falling in front of his doe eyes. He didn’t bother changing out of his gray sweatpants and tank top. “I never get tired of seeing you in my clothes.” 
“I never get tired of wearing them.” He smirked, watching me get up from the bed and walk over to him. I let my hands travel up his chest as he looked down at me. “Are we taking the car or the subway?” I whispered, leaning up and kissing his lips. A cheeky smile slip onto his face as his hands grabbed onto my ass. 
“I heard it’ll rain soon. Subway?” I nodded and kissed him again, fingers threading through his hair. “Ready to go, baby?” With another nod, we left our apartment, masks on and hats covering our faces. Instinctively, I pulled the white cap on Jisung’s head lower to cover his handsome features. He did the same with the black bucket hat (which was probably his) that I wore. 
Just as Jisung said, a light sprinkled down on us as we walked to the nearest subway station. Unfortunately, the train was crowded, leaving no seats for me and Jisung. We got a few weird looks, most likely because of the excessive face covering. 
We shared low whispers about where to eat and bickered about what stop to get off at. I turned out to right and dragged him off with train, just before the doors closed. Laughing, we ran through the rain to get to our favorite sushi place. 
The woman who owned the restaurant greeted us happily when we entered, ushering us to a secluded back table. Jisung didn’t even look at the menu before ordering enough food to fill every inch of the table. 
“How is the new album coming?” I said picking up a piece of fish. He nodded cheeks half full of food. I smiled seeing his little habit resurface itself.
“Good. I sent a song off to Chan this afternoon. He and I will work on composition tomorrow.” His long fingers maneuvered the chopsticks to place another roll onto my plate. I tried to put it back but he shook his head, adding another one as well. “How are your classes?” 
“Stressful, but manageable. You know the girl next to me in my Maths class is a STAY. She has Seungmin’s photocard in her phone case.” Jisung smiled eating another piece of sushi. “Her phone rang in class the other day. Guess what her ringtone was?” 
He hummed and looked up at me expectantly. “What?” He said covering his mouth, silver rings glinting in the low warm light. 
“Close.” Jisung’s eyes lit up as he started laughing. 
“I almost got in so much trouble when I released that song.” He said dipping a roll in soy sauce. “STAY almost figured out about us.” 
“Well, you did all but put my name in the song,” I said with a laugh. Somehow we had managed to eat all the food on the table. “Did you really feel that way when we met?” I asked him, my elbow resting on the table. 
A waitress came and cleared our table. Jisung stared at me, a soft look in his eyes. “Of course. You were the most gorgeous girl I had ever laid eyes on.”
“You are just saying that because you thought I had a great ass.”
“It is a great ass.” He said eyeing me up and down, a sly smirk on his face. “We should get going. It’s already raining cats and dogs.” Jisung paid for our meal and shoved his black hat back on my head with a smile, draping his arm over my shoulder as we walked out. He was correct. The rain was pelting down on the streets like bullets. “You ever been kissed in the rain?” He asked out of nowhere.
That mischievous smile glowed on Jisung’s face. “No, why?” 
Without another word, Jisung pulled me out into the rain, soaking us both. His brown hair turned dark and stuck to his forehead as he pulled down my mask. My eyes glanced around the nearly empty street, before staring back into Jisung’s bright eyes. His long fingers lifted up my chin before resting on my cheek. The cool rain dropped around us, but I felt warm in his arms. 
His lips dragged over mine, butterflies thundering in my stomach along with the rumble in the sky. My chest pressed against his, the wet fabric rubbing together. His teeth cheekily dragged over my bottom lip as I pulled away. 
“Get out of the street!” Someone yelled honking their horn. Jisung and I turned to see a car’s headlights shining through the rain. We laughed and moved back under the awning. “Crazy kids!” The man yelled as he drove passed us. 
I kissed Jisung again, tangling my fingers in his wet hair. “I love you,” Jisung whispered, pulling away. “All of you,” His hands ghosted over the curve of my hips. “Do you love all of me?” 
“More than anything, Jisung.” 
The cool rain sent a breeze under the cover. He pulled me closer to him kissing the top of my head. “Home?” He muttered looking around the wet street. 
I pulled the dark fabric over his face, leaving nothing but his round lively eyes for me to see. His warm hand enveloped mine before we ran through the rain. Our feet splashed through puddles as each step brought us closer to the train that would carry us back to our little apartment.
Bright light streamed through the bedroom window. An arm was wrapped tightly around my stomach. I smiled and shifted under the blanket so I could look at the handsome face of the man next to me. My eyes glanced at the clock before reaching over and stroking his hair. 
He hummed, nestling into the pillow. I smiled feeling him reach for my hand and bring it to his lips. Drowsy kisses from his plump tired lips trailed over my skin. “You saying my name in the morning is so sexy.” My laugh filled the bedroom. His raspy voice never failed to send shivers down my spine.
“You think anything I say is sexy.” Jisung’s eyes slowly opened and his hands moved to rub his face, the muscles in his arms flexing ever so slightly. My fingers traced patterns over his bare chest, the skin radiating a welcoming warmth under my touch. 
“No way. Prove it.” He said with a goofy smile. 
Chuckling, I kissed his cheek. I thought about what to say. Leaning down, my breath fanned across his cheek. “I have to go shopping because we have no ramen left in the kitchen.” My words floated into his ear and I could see his cheeks redden at my tone. 
Jisung groaned, pulling me fully on top of him. “Yeah, you were right. Anything you say is sexy.” He laid still for a moment, his hands rubbing up and down my back. “Do you need money for groceries?” He hummed. Shaking my head, I sat up, legs falling on either side of his waist. “Are you sure?” 
“Yes, Ji. You don’t have to pay for everything, you know.” He laid back with a smile on his face, hands behind his head. Jisung stared up at me keeping that sleepy bright grin on his face. “You should get up. You’ll be late before you know it.” 
A sigh heaved from his chest as he watched me leave the bed. It was evident his eyes were trained on me as I sorted through our shared closet. “You’re right.” The rustling of sheets told me he was shuffling out of bed and most likely towards the bathroom to shower.
Soon I was walking Jisung to the cab he had called down in front of our building. The fabric of my leggings brushed together as I rushed forward pulling him back for one more kiss before he entered the taxi. “Don’t forget, we have a date with pizza and a drama tonight,” I whispered against his lips. 
His long fingers gripped my waist, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. His warm touch slipped into the waistband leaving something paperlike between the tight fabric and my skin. “For the groceries.” Jisung pecked my lips before getting into the cab. “Love you!” He called, rolling down the window. 
Waving back, I watched the car pull away from the curb and drive my boyfriend to his company. Curious, I reached for the money he slipped me. Had I worn a hoodie and not a crop top, he wouldn’t have been able to do so easily. It was a habit he had of spoiling me and paying for things despite my protests. “Good grief, Ji,” I muttered to the near empty street. 
My feet carried me to a nearby supermarket. I walked the aisles tossing anything we needed into the cart I picked up at the entrance. My hands lingered on a bag of chips, debating whether I actually needed the study snack. Jisung never cared how much weight I put on or how much I lost. I was confident in how I looked, so I wanted chips. I would get chips. Smiling I tossed them in the basket before moving to the next aisle to pick up a few bottles of wine and soju. I never knew when Chan and Changbin would pop by for a ‘lyric session’ and need ‘inspiration’ 
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw two girls whispering and looking my way. More than a year with Jisung had taught me to have an observant eye in public places whether he was with me or not. They stopped their talk when I turned to look at them. After placing the bottle in my cart I waved to them with a kind smile before going on my way. 
Jisung returned later than usual. But, then again. There was no usual for when he came home. He passed out on the couch while I ordered us a pizza. While I waited, I lazily scrolled through twitter until something caught my eye. 
“Rapper Han Jisung Spotted With Supposed Secret Girlfriend” 
My eyes skimmed the article searching for any proof. My heart sunk finding what I sought. Several pictures of Jisung and me from the day before were shown below. Our faces were seen as clear as day despite the rain. We should have been more careful. I sighed, head in my hands. Curious, I scrolled to see what his fans were saying.
“I can’t believe this”
“So he really was seeing someone?”
“She’s so fat! She doesn’t deserve him”
“My friend and I saw her at the supermarket. She had like eight bottles of soju in her cart. Alcoholism puts on wait you know.”
“She’s a drunk and fat. I can’t believe she’s dating our Han.” 
“She looks like a cow. Seriously I understand why he hid her from us.” 
“Guys, stop. If he is happy then leave him alone.”
“He looks disgusted in those photos”
“Does she not care about herself? She’s dating one of the greatest rappers in the industry and she looks like a heavy slob.”
I tossed my phone onto the kitchen counter, not wanting to look a the comments anymore. My shoulders felt heavier than usual. Shower. A hot shower always made me feel better. Abandoning my device, which was blowing up with notifications, on the counter I marched to the bathroom and turned on the water letting steam fill the room. 
The scalding water pelted against my bare skin as I stood under the showerhead. After my skin turned red, I stepped out of the shower, wiping steam away from the mirror. 
My eyes raked over the body I once thought beautiful. How could my mind change so quickly? The curves I used to love now seemed ghastly and unflattering. The rolls on my stomach seemed more prominent as I looked over my bare body. My fingers traced over the waved marks on my thighs and pelvis, wondering how I never noticed them before today. 
“Y/n, baby?” A knock sounded at the door but did not wait for an answer to open. Instinctively, my hands slammed it shut shocking the man on the other side. “Woah- Babe, what’s wrong? Are you okay? It’s nothing I haven’t seen many many many times before.” The smirk in his voice was evident, but I still felt exposed, despite the towel I moved to wrap around myself. 
“Just go away. I’ll be out in a sec. There is beer and soju in the fridge. Go get one; the pizza will be here soon.” 
I waited until I heard Jisung walk away before turning the knob and sneaking into our bedroom. My fingers grasped at the first baggy shirt I could find, but looking in the mirror it hugged in places that should not be hugged and made my body look lumpy and fat. Throwing on some leggings and one of Jisung’s fluffy jackets I decided this was enough coverage suitable to walk around in.
Jisung’s eyes widened when I entered the living room. “Wow. You planning an expedition to Antarctica?” 
“I’m just cold, Jisung.” He watched with wary eyes as I pull the jacket further around my body. The doorbell rang turning both our heads. “I’ll get it.” Jisung nodded and picked up the remote, turning on the TV. 
Opening the door I expected to see a pizza delivery man waiting for his tip, but instead, the hallway was empty. Before I closed the door, my gaze landed on something on the welcome mat. 
A bouquet of wilted, dried, dead flowers. A ribbon darker than black was wrapped around the fragile stems. With shaking hands, I picked up the flowers. Petals and leaves fell to the ground. A note was tucked between the graying stems. 
Fat Bitch.
Subconsciously, I pulled the jacket around my body, covering as much as possible. “Y/n? Everything okay? They didn’t forget my garlic knots, right? They forgot last time.” Jisung’s voice called out. My eyes still stared down at the bouquet in my hands. “Baby?”
I felt cold. It felt like I wasn’t in my own body; like my soul had left this world leaving me a shell standing with no will of its own. 
“What the fuck is this?”
Shaking myself out of the trance, I looked to see Jisung standing beside me anger flooding every inch of him. Not waiting for an explanation he took the bouquet from my hands, more petals falling to the floor. The note seemed to make him even angrier. 
I closed the door and watched him throw the flowers onto the counter, sending dead leaves flying across the kitchen floor. He turned to me, fury in his eyes. He seemed to be waiting for me to say something. “We both knew this was going to happen sooner or later.” His jaw dropped, not believing my words. 
“You aren’t furious? You aren’t pissed off? Why are you not bothered by this?” 
“Jisung, I can’t be bothered by something I already know is true!” 
He stared at the flowers littering the counter. “You can’t possibly think that...can you?” Jisung sighed watching me shrug and fiddle with the sleeves of his jacket. “Y/n...this is not you. What happened to the girl who surprised me in my studio wearing nothing but a trench coat and lingerie just because I said I missed your smile?” My gaze fell to the floor, fixated on one of the leaves. “Where’s the girl who went skinny dipping with me on the night of our anniversary in Jeju?” 
“I don’t know, Jisung!” He was shocked hearing me yell. “They are right! Okay! I am a fat cow with no reason to be dating you. I’m not sexy and skinny and I don’t have the body of a model. You know who does? The girl you should be dating! Maybe I just don’t like myself anymore!” 
“The Y/n I know and love didn’t care how much she weighed.” 
“Well...maybe I’m not your Y/n anymore.”
“That I don’t believe.” Jisung took my face in his hands, staring into my eyes. “I know about the photos. I know about the comments. They are all false, okay? None of them are true and you know it.” His thumbs brushed over my cheeks, voice full of desperation and sadness. 
“Jisung, I’m not beautiful. I don’t feel beautiful anymore. I don’t see how you can love someone who can’t even see themselves as pretty.” 
He sighed, leaning down and capturing my lips in a breathtaking kiss. I could feel all his emotions, everything he wanted to say as his lips moved against mine. Jisung pulled away, his eyes looking lovingly into my own. “I don’t love you because you are beautiful,” He whispered, pushing a strand of wet hair behind my ear. “You are beautiful because I love you. All of you.”
“Even the stretch marks?” 
“The stretch marks. The curves. All of you.” 
Sighing, I rested my head against his chest. “Why did I even think that?” Jisung let out a shaky breath stroking my still damp hair. “Shit, I was so stupid to believe those comments for even a second.” 
“I can’t blame you. I’ve done the same.” 
Pulling away, my hands cupped his cheeks before moving to wrap around his neck. “I love you,”
“I love you more.” Jisung kissed my forehead, dark hair falling in front of his eyes. A thought came to mind that made me giggle. “What?” He asked with a smile, leading me back over to the couch. 
“How did you even remember that studio thing? That was like...in the first month we were dating!” 
He laughed, pulling me into his chest and falling back onto the sofa. “Are you kidding? That may have been the single greatest day of my entire life.”
“You are just a pervert.” Again the doorbell rang, causing both of our heads to peek over the top of the couch cushions. “Can you get it?” Jisung nodded and got out from under me. A few moments later he came back with two pizzas and his beloved garlic knots. “They didn’t forget?” 
“Nope!” He said happily flipping open the boxes. “Here.” He pulled one away and fed it to me, the fluffy breading melting in my mouth. 
“You know what I think?” 
“What?” He asked already somehow halfway through the box of garlic knots.
“I think I can eat this entire pizza faster than you.” 
He closed the garlic knot box, a wry grin on his face. “Oh, you are so on, babe.” He planted his feet firmly on the floor and turned to his pizza box. “Ready? Three....two....-” Before he finished counting down I grabbed a slice and stuffed it in my mouth. “Y/n that’s cheating!” Between bites, I laughed as I watched him try and catch up from my early start. 
“Come on, twig boy! Catch up.” He laughed and shoved another slice into his mouth filling his cheeks.
Requests are Temporarily Closed! Sorrrrrryyyy
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slowly-writing · 4 years
Seniors vs. Juniors
Avengers x Romanoff!Reader
Word count:1811
Requested by anon: 1)Nat x daughter claustrophobia, maybe Tony there too? TYSM 2) the minute little Widow gets hurt, sick, or is sad Nat turns into the biggest softy.
You were always a little bit...cocky to say the least.
You really couldn’t be blamed for it. All it took was one look at the people who raised you to understand your competitive and confident nature. 15 years ago somebody decided it was a good idea to put an adorable little kid in with Earth’s mightiest heroes, and have them hype her up for her whole life. That somebody was your mom, and now here you are.
It was time for the annual end of the year baseball tournament and Midtown Tech. Juniors vs. Seniors, and this year you were determined the Juniors were going to win. Peter and Wanda had spent weeks taunting you about how the Seniors always won and this year would be the same, how they were going to destroy you. Of course having trained with the Avengers you were all three selected to play and everyone in the compound was forced to listen to your trash talk.
“You’re going down today, Romanoff,” Wanda’s first words to you at breakfast make you roll your eyes.
“Who is it that’s coming off an 0 and 1 losing streak? Oh yeah, that’d be you Maximoff,” you snap back causing Steve to let out a low whistle.
“I can not wait for this game to be over so I can quit hearing about it,” your mom groans and you shrug.
“We could’ve all been in the same grade, but noooooo. Third grade was too important for my social development and I just couldn’t skip it. This trash talk is all on you mom,” you grab a bottle of water and a few granola bars and shove them into your bag.
“I shouldn’t have let you skip first grade either, then you’d be a sophomore and I wouldn’t have to hear about it at all,” your mom says with her signature raised eyebrow and you just roll your eyes once again.
“Whatever. What time is Parker getting here? We need to leave soon or we’ll miss warm ups,” you ask Wanda and she laughs out loud.
“You think Peter’s swinging you off to school today? You’re the competition, you find your own way there,” Wanda calls over her shoulder as she bolts out the door.
“Wha-you can fly! I don’t have any powers! This is so unfair!” you call after her before spinning to face the adults, “can one of you please give me a ride?”
“After the sass you just gave me?” your mom asks and you groan.
“Moooom! It’s school! I have to go!” you whine and it’s her turn to let out a laugh.
“I’m just kidding, come on. You’ve got a baseball game to win.”
“This is it ladies and gentlemen. It’s the bottom of the ninth. The bases are loaded. Juniors are down by 3. With two outs, three balls, and two strikes will Romanoff make or break this game? It’s all on her shoulders. Will she bring her team to victory or doom them to a crushing defeat?” The voice rings through the stadium speakers and you let out a breath.
“No pressure though, right Ned?” you call out and you hear a quiet “sorry” mumbled into the microphone as you step back into the box. Wanda had been banned from pitching due to the fact that she could change the speed of the ball halfway through the pitch as she saw fit, so you were staring down Peter on the mound. You keep your eye on the ball as he sends a perfect pitch down the center of the zone. You time your swing perfectly and send it flying into the outfield.
“We have a hit!” Ned's voice rings out as you take off. “Romanoff has sent the ball deep into center field And Flash is running for it. Will he live up to his name? Oh! No he will not, and the ball is dropped as Brad Davis scores, shrinking the gap for the juniors!”
Ned’s voice is egging you on as you round first and head for second. Flash throws it to Jason who’s right behind first before realizing you’ve already past it. Jason, in his panic, sends it flying over Zach’s head into the outfield that Flash just vacated as Betty scores. You round third as the game ties and you’re staring down Wanda as you sprint for home. She standing directly on the baseline, which you’re pretty sure isn’t allowed but she’d just cite her lack of knowledge on American sports if she got called out. She catches Peter’s pass but she’s almost as cocky as you. Almost. She wants to tag you out herself and you smirk at her intention. As you near her you plant your left foot and throw yourself into the air, over her. You flip yourself over her and land your right foot directly on home plate.
The crowd goes wild as your momentum continues, sending you sliding through the dirt. Your team surrounds you, ready to cheer you on for leading the Juniors to victory for the first time in decades. Outside of the celebration Peter and Wanda momentarily freeze. He can sense something is not right and she can literally feel your pain.
“Everybody back up right now!” Wanda’s voice is heard over the celebration and the field falls silent, even Ned ceasing his announcement. Most People think Wanda is being a sore loser, but nobody has the courage to stand up to her for it. As the crowd parts everyone slowly begins to realize you’re still on your stomach trying to push yourself up on your elbows. Your face is contorted in pain and tear tracks cut through the dirt marks on your cheeks. Everyone goes rigid. Nobody besides Peter and Wanda have seen you cry before. Ever.
“Something’s wrong! Everybody give her some space!” The entire student body complies, not accustomed to hearing Peter Parker raise his voice, much less yell. Seconds later MJ appears with your bag and is pulling out your phone as Ned is pushing back anyone he deems to be too close to you.
“What’s going on?” Wada’s voice is softer when she addresses you and you grit your teeth, willing your voice to be steady.
“My knee. Something’s wrong Wan,” you grit out as Peter gently takes your arms and rolls you onto your back.
“What exactly happened, y/n?” Peter says and Wanda stares at your rapidly swelling knee, quietly telling MJ to call your mom.
“When I landed on the plate. It twisted, bad,” you groan, aggressively wiping the tears off your face as the teachers work on moving the crowd away to give you more room.
“Did it pop when you twisted it?” Wanda asks and you nod.
“That’s really bad, right?” you ask and she grimaces.
“Yeah, that’s bad but everythings going to be okay,” she brushes the dirt off your face and brings your eyes to meet her, “we are right here. It’s all going to be okay, y/n/n.”
You look between the two heros hovering over you, both with looks of poorly hidden fear stretching across their faces. They’re the closest thing you have to older siblings and even though there’s only a two year age gap they’re fiercely protective of you. You can feel your bottom lip start tremble as the seconds pass by. “Wanda, Peter. This hurts really bad.”
“I know. You’re going to be alright,” Peter notices the red marks appearing on your arms and situates himself behind you, letting you lean back into his chest as he holds your weight to keep your forearms from pressing into the rough dirt.
“I want my mom,” your voice is barely a whisper and Wanda knows why. You’re an Avenger damnit. You will not let everyone see you crying for your mom after falling down.
I know. She’s on her way, Wanda’s voice comes through your head and you smile, Peter’s coming through next.
It’s just us. You don’t have to pretend to be okay, he promises and you nod, letting his words comfort you. Wanda had learned to do this a few years ago and it quickly became your secret language. You liked to call it a groupchat on steroids, and it was your favorite way to communicate. It was also great for making fun of the adults at the dinner table.
A bang in front of you causes you to jump and Peter tightens his hold around your waist. You’re okay, you’re safe, Wanda tells you and you look up to see your mom rushing towards you as Tony steps out of his suit.
“What’s going on?” your mom asks as she kneels in front of you, she looks at your face for a moment before her eyes are drawn to your leg.
“Alright. We’re gonna get you to the compound and get that leg checked out. Y/n’s with me, Wanda you’ve got Nat. Peter, you get everybody’s belongings,” Tony quickly takes over the scene and gets everyone going.
“Okay y/n, I think you’ve torn your ACL,” Dr Cho explains, “We’re going to have to do an MRI. We can-”
“No. Absolutely not. You are not putting me in a tiny metal tube for an hour. Find a different way to get your pictures!” you cut her off and your mom places a hand on your shoulder to calm you down but you shrug her off.
“Y/n, it’s going to be okay-”
“No mom! I can’t- I won’t-” your breathing begins to pick up and suddenly Tony’s face is all you see as he tells you to take deep breaths.
“There you go sweetheart. You’re alright. Just breathe,” he coaxes softly as you calm down. “Here’s what’s going to happen. That big scary tube isn’t really all that scary. Your mom will be right next to you. She will be with you the whole time and you’ll only have your legs in the machine. Everythings going to be okay.”
“You’ll stay with me?” you say softly to your mom and she nods with a reassuring smile.
“The whole time,” she promised and you take a deep breath.
“Okay. Let’s do this.”
“How are we doing in there, Romanoffs?” Dr Cho asks through the loud speaker and you look to your mom.
“Are you doing okay?” she asks again and you let out a shaky breath, squeezing her hand a bit tighter in your own.
“Don’t go anywhere,” is the only response you give but she nods.
“I won’t, I promise,” Nat is silently panicking, she hates seeing her little girl in pain, but she won’t show it. For now she’s going to hold your hand and get you through this. And when it’s all over you will be getting anything you could ever want until you feel better.
tag list: @rvgrsbrns @rororo06 @freerebel @prizmix-and-friends @m19friend @worlds-in-words @5aftermidnight @riotmaximoff
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