#ut gerson
mysteriousbp · 25 days
I'm generally too curious to leave this in the tags, but how fine are Hope and Tom with having Alphys as a mother after the whole DT extractor thing?
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They completely fine. After all. She’s the reason why they are alive right now.
I know I usually talk bad about Alphys in my posts. But she does deserve some love.
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umbriannaacademia · 19 days
I translated undertale 100 times...
Frisk: The movie
Flowey: This is not easy
Toriel: lost
Napstablook: How are you?
Sans: I got it now
Papyrus: Papyrus
Glyde: second
Monster Kid: lunch time
Undyne: will do
Mad Dummy: example of anger
Gerson: But
Temmie: It won't happen.
Alphys: All
Mettaton: Methadone
So Sorry: I have eyes
Muffet: In writing
Catty: It can kill.
Bratty: Cornea
Burgerpants: a small burger
Asgore: happy with you
Asriel: what we do
Chara: I love you
Gaster: Mayor
Toby: For them
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achirding · 2 years
Day 11-12: Undyne and Gerson!
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MEH. Here’s the lineart:
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yamchaisawesome · 1 year
I feel like Gerson is under appreciated. Like, he’s surprisingly well developed for how little time we get with him.
In undertale, he’s effectively the monster equivalent of an old man doing a massive yard sale, getting rid of shit he doesn’t need. However, due to his old man status “studying history sure is easy” and so he’s the only guy who tells you about the prophecy of the angel and the delta rune, as well as about Boss Monsters.
He also casually mentions he was a war hero back in the day, the Hammer of Justice. Now, two of the items in his shop are the torn notebook and cloudy glasses. These are both items belonging to the human soul of perseverance. Now, he could’ve just picked them up from trash zone, buuut it seems just as likely that he killed that human himself.
This is possibly why he is not in the least bit scared of you on the genocide route. Like, at all. He spits such raw lines as “I wouldn’t buy your chitzy garbage at knifepoint”. He also seems oddly self aware, like more than sans, saying he knows the player cannot kill him while in his shop when threatened. This absolute mad lad will charge you full price for his wares and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it, and he fucking knows it.
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Utter Chad right here.
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sysig · 5 months
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It’ll all go fine if you’d just don’t worry about it, probably (Patreon)
#Doodles#Handplates#UT#Fellplates#Gaster#Toriel#And technically Sans and Papyrus are offscreen in that last one but they're there!#Starting with a dress because Gaster always needs some pretty clothes!#His cute little angel wings expanded into a shawl :D With a feather-themed dress as well#I was thinking he'd look good in a bleeding-heart pigeon getup - just a little on the nose symbolism hehe - but it'd be very stark as well#But I mean Monsters don't bleed it's fine probably it's just a pop of bright red! Doesn't mean anything!#Thinking about the symbolism of his decorative wings normal-like as well...and of Gerson talking about the Angel of Death.....hmmmm#I'm sure it's nothing haha :)#Thinking again about Toriel taking issue with Gaster's new hole punches but not necessarily of her knowing what they mean#He has to be careful how much he shares of his progress! If she knew what might she make of him? Of them?#Two new little things to be subjugated? Or worse? All the more reason to keep them secret#I like both so much but hmmm he also wouldn't be held as accountable if he kept them secret#It's interesting as well - Gaster had a lot of growing pains with his experiments initially - I wonder how much Fell!Gaster struggled?#He always seems so placid and put together but surely Something breaks him - hard to avoid where and how he is now#Maybe not forever but just for a moment! A moment of weakness is all it takes after all ♪#All the more reason to have safeguards in place!#Like teaching the boys how to heal! :0 Fellplates!Gaster would be able to heal wouldn't he? But nobody else could haha#Would the boys be able to from the beginning? Or do Fell Monsters have to develop it? :0 Through inaction or through intention? Hm ♪#It'd be nice proof of concept if they could heal :) No time like the present!
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spectacledraws · 2 years
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chancetried · 21 days
Shi-heng sketches I did in class, I think they turned out pretty well so I might go color then digitally ^^
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I also drew @minneedssleep integrity soul Violet! ><
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henrietta-and-art · 2 months
It's a special day to me as I myself, am Hungarian, so have some tribute art to it until tomorrow's pagesss :D
Also yes, their nationalities are CANON (EASTERN EUROPEAN REP RAHHH)
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meglyfer · 6 months
Part five of designs for my Undertale AU
More info about the characters here
Other designs: Alphys, Sans, Papyrus and Gaster Muffet and Undyne Frisk, Chara, Sabrina, Mettaton, Asriel and Toriel Noa, Clarice, Adila, Asgore and Ingrid Undyne the Undying and Asriel Dreemurr
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Close ups
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copper-skulls · 2 months
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they're good friends your honor. code will also call gerson a bastard at any occasion they get
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under-lore · 2 years
How old is Frisk ?
One topic often debated about Frisk is the question of how old they are. With the fandom throwing around numbers anywhere between 5 and 16 without any real evidence, this post will attempt to give the most accurate answer possible based on game data and real world science.
There are three factors that can help determining Frisk’s age.
The first one is their physical appearance. The second one is their mentality, this ranges from Frisk’s personality to the things that they know or don’t or to their decision making process. The third one is how other characters treat Frisk and what they expect of them.
We know how average kids of any given age are like both mentally and physically, by comparing what we know of Frisk to this data, we can make an estimation of their age.
First things first, there is one thing that the game makes extremely clear :  Frisk is still a child, they are under 18.
Several characters call Frisk a child.
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They are also still young enough to be going to school, Toriel even mentions she could be their teacher.
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Gerson too shares that same assumption of Frisk having the age to be going to school. Gerson has the times where humans and monsters lived together on the surface, he would know what humans of different ages would look like.
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Frisk also wears a striped shirt, which in the Undertale world is associated with children.
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The question then becomes, how young of a child are they ?
The first thing to consider is that Frisk is able to read and write.
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Reading is a skill usually developed by children around the ages of 4-5.
Writing is where it gets more interesting. Going by their appearance and by the situation, Alphys believes that Frisk would have been able to have written this whole letter.
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That letter was actually written by Undyne, an adult. And one that seemingly has a lot of experience at it too.
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This means that Frisk looks old enough for Alphys to assume that they are able to write as well as an adult would in this situation or at least close enough to it for mistaking Undyne’s writing for Frisk’s to be reasonable.
It is also note worthy that Alphys, familiar with anime, could tell what a human child looks like compared to an older adult as well.
The narrator, who can read Frisk’s mind, also believes that they would be able to write letters.
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This is reiterated by Mettaton in his fight, where he claims that Frisk could be able to write not just a letter but a whole book after the essay.
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While the very basics of writing comes at an earlier age, being able to write full meaningful sentences with proper punctuation doesn’t typically happen before age 7-10, this number can get even higher depending on the country.
Writing skills comparable to that of adults as Frisk would supposedly have however, is something that typically comes in the 10-13 age range.
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Considering that Alphys might have gotten to the conclusion that Frisk wrote the letter a bit too fast or that a writing “close enough” to it would probably suffice, i believe it would be justified to accept a year of margin of error on the younger spectrum for that last one. In any case, that would make Frisk at least 9 even if they had learned that skill at a younger age than average.
The next notable detail is that Frisk has no interest in toys at all. They are too old for this.
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Children fully losing interest in traditional toys and stopping to use them is something that usually happens starting from their pre-teens or early teenage years.
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However when it comes to the topic of playing, considering that Toriel assumes that Frisk could still have fun by playing with the leaves, and that it appears she was correct, Frisk would seem to be more on the younger side of that spectrum.
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This isn’t the only instance of Frisk having fun taking part in rather childish activities either. A teenager would most likely not do something like this :
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Frisk was also able to climb Mt Ebbot in the first place, which isn’t that small of a feat either.
Sans is pretty good at analysing people going by their faces. On a few occasions, he seems to be assuming that Frisk would find his jokes entertaining and thus and have a somewhat childish sense of humor like he does.
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Sans also seemingly assumes Frisk would find those passwords funny as well, which a teenager would probably not.
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Gyftrot assumes that Frisk is a teen during its fight as those who decorated it were also teens.
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Gyftrot here is suffering from confirmation bias and isn’t a reliable source, however this does seem to hint that Frisk couldn’t be that far from teenage years either.
One of the things that is shown to us several times regarding Frisk’s personality is that they can be intimidated fairly easily.
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While the amalgamates are certainly a scary sight that could make this reaction understandable no matter Frisk’s age, Frisk doesn’t really have an excuse for being intimidated by a pie. One can hardly imagine a teen having this kind of reaction.
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Another one of Frisk’s center of interest that is particularly relevant to this analysis is their odd affinity with flirting.
Wether it is with a monster they are willing to call mother, with a slime, with a ghost, with a skeleton or with a flying airplane, the flirting option appears considerably more than it reasonably should.
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What is also relevant is the way that Frisk flirts.
Sometimes, their flirting seems childish or on a joking tone.
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On other instances however, Frisk shows that they know how to actually flirt for real if they want to. Complimenting physical appearance and interests. That is something they are able to do.
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Whilst Frisk’s flirting is obviously not actually serious, the fact that they ask burgerpants for romantic advice seems to say that they at least have somewhat of an interest in romance.
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After all, they did get the royal guard together thanks to their own idea and helped setting up Alphys and Undyne.
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Starting to develop an interest in romance but saying those things without any real intent behind what they say like Frisk does usually begins around pre-teens.
What is also important when it comes to Frisk’s flirting is the way that other characters react to it.
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They find Frisk’s flirting more “adorable” than anything. They cannot take Frisk’s flirting seriously because they are too young. If Frisk had been a teenager, these reactions wouldn’t make sense.
This means that Frisk is both old enough to flirt and to know what they are saying even if they do not really mean it and young enough for their attempts at flirting with adults to be cute or “adorable” rather than awkward.
Once again, this is something that the pre-teen range fits best. Any older would be too old.
One more interesting to note regarding Frisk is that they know about certain things in life that younger kids usually do not know about yet.
For instance, We have this dialogue that ended up not making it to the final game and staying as a ‘testmonster’ Froggit dialogue for... fairly obvious reasons.
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Im gonna have to agree on the narrator with that one. Jeez Frisk... Really ?
In any case, that is certainly not the kind of thing that any child younger than 10 years old would say. And even that is already an early age for this saying this type of stuff.
We have two other other instances of this that did actually make it into the final game however.
Sans makes a furry joke about Frisk, fully expecting them to know what a furry is and be able to get that joke. Again implying some amount of knowledge when it comes to this stuff.
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The narrator also makes a similar joke about the royal guards.
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Keeping in mind that the narrator was shown to be able to read Frisk’s mind and that Frisk can hear them, they wouldn’t say this unless they knew that Frisk would be able to understand what their joke was about.
Frisk knows this stuff.
The narrator in general does not treat Frisk like a smaller child either. For instance they do not mind using these kinds of words with their descriptions at all. They do not have any type of “im talking to a little kid” filter.
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The next thing one would consider when it comes to finding Frisk’s age would be to find their height and compare it to that of real kids.
Does any of the artwork from Toby or Temmie allow to do this ?
Temmie’s artwork is extremely unreliable when it comes to Frisk’s height. This is something that can be verified by attempting to measure different Frisk’s from Temmie’s arts.
In this artwork, Frisk's height is that of a litteral toddler. A baby. This is obviously not accurate.
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The whole point of concept art is to develop character design so that it can be used for a final product (here, the game). Since this art is focused on Papyrus and his puzzle, making them very big but Frisk very small is simply the most convenient way to work on Papyrus’ appearance and the puzzle’s design.
In this one however, they are slightly taller than Ness, who is 14 by the end of Earthbound.
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The image with Ness also serves as a great example of the fact that drawing children as being very small no matter who it is or how old they are is one of the key points of Temmie Chang’s artstyle in general. This renders trying to find a characters’ height or age based on her art completely pointless, this is a dead end.
Besides, her art isn’t even canon anyways.
That leaves us with only the game itself.
When it comes to measuring the height or any part of the physical appearance of any Undertale character, the first thing to be aware of is that even if the game is obviously canon, the overworld sprites are not always accurate in terms of sprite size to what Toby’s intention was. This is because Toby put more intention into detail than into height accuracy. A good example of this happening is this scene.
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Flowey’s face obviously doesn’t actually canonically triple in size for a few seconds, this was done just for the sake of having a more detailed laugh sprite. Flowey isn’t taller than Frisk.
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While the overworld sprites remain good approximations in general, any measurement done with them has a pretty large margin of error due to both what we are measuring and the thing we measure it with possibly being height inaccurate.
However, Frisk’s sprite was the sprite based on which the rest of the sprites of the game were built. In fact, Toby didn’t add any proper sprites aside from Frisk’s sprites until the demo was basically finished.
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This means that Frisk’s sprite is actually one of the only sprite in all of Undertale that we know actually is accurate in terms of height, and thus can be measured.
but lets not go too fast, there is still a problem.
The problem is that whatever we choose to measure Frisk with could itself be height inaccurate, which would render the results unreliable anyways.
For instance, basketballs have a standard size in real life, but since those basketball were made bigger than they should in UT for detail purposes, measuring Frisk with a basketball would thus make them seem much smaller than they really are.
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For this same reason, measuring Frisk with a door, the human from the intro sequence, a fridge or pretty much anything at all makes for a flawed result.
This problem is easy to see from the fact that all of these attempts at calculating Frisk’s height with pixel measurement made by fans over the years ended up with different answers. To illustrate this, here are some tries from other people over the years who made this exact mistake :
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If the reference isn’t accurate, then neither will be the result.
The only way to get a Frisk measurement that would actually be accurate would be to measure them by using as a reference something that is outright specifically called out by the game as being size accurate as well in addition to having standardised real world dimensions.
So... Do we have something like that anywhere in the game ?
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Wow, thanks Toby for not making my life difficult this once.
Alright so by using this specifically-regular-sized sink as a measurement system, Frisk ends up being 1m47cm (4ft 10) tall.
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(Turns out the Temmie one actually had it right after all...)
By comparing this to the average height of a child relative to their age, we find Frisk is slightly taller than the average 11 year old. In other words, they are right in the middle of the pre-teen range, which already had a lot of evidence pointing towards it.
There is another thing that needs to be pointed out. Children of male and female sex do not always have the same average height depending on age, starting from 14, children of male sex tend to get taller.
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Thus, making Frisk 13 or younger allows them to look more androgynous, which is something that we know Toby was trying to do with Frisk’s design.
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From their personality and behavior to how other characters treat them passing by their knowledge and capacities or their height, Frisk is implied several times to be at least 10 but also to not have reached teenage years yet.
Thus, Frisk would be somewhere in their pre-teens.
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ryzies-ralley · 21 days
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Some Kinda old Undertale sketches that had varrying levels of effort put into them lol
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agentravensong · 2 years
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I was thinking about the legend, specifically this bit which is meant to portray the “WORLDS’ edge” (thanks to the linked post that I previously reblogged by @abandoned-quiche), and looking at these images again, my brain asked:
What landscape are we actually looking at here?
Cause my first assumption (and I'm fairly sure I'm not the only one) was that it's a desert, but what if the sepia tone is disguising the true nature of what we’re seeing (like how it helps players to confuse Chara for Frisk in UT)? I mean, Hometown certainly doesn't seem to be near any deserts.
So what if those lumps aren’t sanddunes, but something else? Like snow?
Or… waves?
I mean, look at the weird ripple affect on the ground at the base of the fountain in the third image. Consider that the fountains are just that - fountains, geysers. Liquid.
And it kind of makes sense, right? For the border between worlds, one light and one dark, to be physically represented by a border between land and lake/sea? Especially considering the song from the sea, and, well, all of this?
Just trust me on this one, guys. I’ve called it.
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inbarfink · 9 months
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Undyne sat down, panting. She had pushed her 10-year-old body to its absolute limits, but she wasn’t willing to admit it.
“Undyne,” said Asgore, “I think you should drink some water. It’s important to stay hydrated!”
“WHAT?!” Undyne popped to her feet, the mere mention of a break enough to get her going again. “Hydration is for NERDS! I have more important stuff to do!!! I have to fight BAD GUYS!!!”
“You won’t be fighting any bad guys till your a few years older, and the best way to prepare yourself is by developing good habits,” soothed Asgore, opening his pack and taking out a water bottle. “Besides, you’re a fish monster. Hydration is uniquely important to your body structure, more so than most monsters.”
“NO WAY!!” replied Undyne, sticking out her tongue a bit and starting to run laps again. “I can keep going!!! SEE?!!”
“Undyne,” called Asgore, still calm but sounding very concerned “you’ll be great when you grow up, you will, but you’ll never be able to fight bad guys if you wreck yourself from exhaustion!” He laughed a little, nervously.
Undyne felt herself slow down, her legs suddenly feeling like jelly. That’s funny, she thought. I don’t WANT to stop!
And then she toppled to the ground, overcome with exhaustion. The last thing she heard before blacking out was Asgore’s terrified scream of “UNDYNE!!”
When she woke up, she was soaked all over, wrapped in a towel, with Asgore dribbling water slowly down her throat. “Oh,” she said–or, said it as well as she could with a cup at her lips and water in her mouth.
Asgore gave a huge sigh of relief. “Thank goodness, Undyne. I was so worried!” There was an edge of irritation in his voice.
Undyne was both impressed and ashamed at having made the most patient monster in the Underground mat at her. “I’m sorry…” she muttered.
Asgore sighed again, this time sounding more relieved. “That’s all right, Undyne. Just take this as a lesson in hydration.”
Undyne looked around. She was in Asgore’s kitchen, sitting on a towel. Asgore stood up and walked over to the hissing teakettle. Undyne got to her feet and began drying off. My clothes are all wet…Hopefully I stay long enough to get a little dryer, so Ms. Millison doesn’t find out. And Gerson is going to be worried, then laugh his head off! She was already annoyed at him and he hadn’t even done it yet.
After drying off for a while, Asgore had poured two teacups. “Would you like a cup of tea, Chara?”
Undyne stared, blinking. “Ummm…do you mean Undyne?” She laughed. He had forgotten her name!
But for some reason, Asgore didn’t say a word.
“Uh, Mr. Asgore, is something wrong?” Was he mad at her?
“Everything quite all right,” replied Asgore suddenly, handing her a teacup. “Now let me try again: Would you like a cup of tea, Undyne dear?”
Undyne giggled. “Sure!” He looks lost in thought. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.
The next day, Undyne was hanging out near Gerson’s shop again, trying to grow an echo flower in a pot. “Gerson, do you know who Chara is?”
She kind of popped the question out of nowhere. Gerson just stared for a moment, before laughing with the tiniest hint of bitterness. “Don’t think about it, kiddo.”
“But I wanna know!” Undyne stuck out her tongue. “Don’t make fun of me!!”
“If you meet the ‘storytellers’ on one of your trips to New Home, I take it you’ll learn what monsterkind seems to have glossed over.”
“Is this some kind of weird conspiracy theory?!” demanded Undyne, annoyed. She was ten! She was not a child anymore!
“Just a conspiracy, child,” sighed Gerson, “Just a conspiracy. Learn to tell the difference, down here.”
Undyne…didn’t actually know what a conspiracy was. So whatever he had meant flew right over her.
One day Asgore had left a note explaining he was going to visit a friend’s family (someone named Rudy had fallen down) and she could feel free to just walk around and have a good time. A month or so had passed since the incident, and Undyne had mostly stopped thinking about it. But as she was exploring, she found a long staircase that led to a dark, gloomy-looking room with lots of long boxes.
On the lid of the first one, there was a red heart and a name engraved:
Undyne stared, a strange feeling overtaking her. Something like…remorse? Like a crowd she had just been rioting with had done something truly horrible.
“Would you like to hear the story?”
Undyne turned around. Two Froggits were having some sort of grim tea party. Chills shook her. “Why are you here?”
“We are remembering the first fallen human,” replied the other Froggit. “Would you like to hear their story?”
HUMANS?! Undyne stared. “NO!” she yelled. “Humans are rotten! Why would I want to hear about someone like that?!”
The Froggits looked at each other, and the first one took a sip of tea. “Suit yourself.”
Undyne turned back to the box–a coffin, she now realized, knowing humans used those, and opened it, wondering what humans looked like.
What she saw made her let it fall, immediately. It was nothing. Nothing but mummy wrappings. 
Undyne turned and stalked back up all of those stairs, with one resolution on her mind: She would never speak of this. She would never think of this, if she could help it.
But it crossed her mind frequently. She always tried to shove it back down. But it wasn’t easy when Asgore was slipping up her name so frequently. Calling her…
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thewildeast · 4 months
god that gaster “””theory””” video makes me so mad
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