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how do you view things?
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zarhargreaves · 2 years
Zorotyye koroli is the richest and most sparsely populated sector
They are very big on the arts, and most of them live with lots of others in large castes in the mountains of russia
Their values are creativity, enthusiasm and friendliness
Initiation is easy - just perform/show your entry and thy will decide whether to let you in or not
Because there are so few of them, most of them know each other
On the map, their land is in yellow and they benefited most from the collapse of russia
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hajdara · 2 years
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girafeduvexin · 9 months
Interesting how three of my fav games are about the dream of an utopia vs the reality (Disco Elysium, Pathologic, Bioshock...)
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dixvinsblog · 5 months
Les blog amis : La vie complètement folle de Pasteur, l’inventeur du vaccin par notre ami Le Marginal Utopiste
Louis Pasteur 27 décembre 1822 à Dole (Jura) et mort le 28 septembre 1895 à Marnes-la-Coquette (Hauts-de-Seine) Le grand savant a été nul en sciences au lycée, préférait ses éprouvettes à son épouse, et a inventé la pasteurisation pour… sauver le vin français !C’est un artiste contrarié ! ” Le petit Louis ” dessine beaucoup. A 14 ans, il choisit Marie, sa mère, comme modèle. C’est un triomphe,…
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retranscriptions · 8 months
Dream 1
Il est 4h36, je viens de me réveiller et j'allume le ConPan avant d'aller me laver, j'ai l'impression d'avoir rêvé de quelque-chose d'étrange mais les images s'échappent dès que je commence à les saisir. L'eau est très chaude aujourd'hui. Le ConPan illumine toute la pièce, j'ai dû oublier de baisser la luminosité la semaine dernière, en m'approchant je remarque que certaines tâches habituellement prises en charge ne sont pas couvertes, alors je regarde si j'ai les connaissances pour aider la commu. Assistance Médicale : - Connaissance des troubles Dys - Utilisation du logiciel U-Lex - Plage horaire : 6am - 9am (3 pauses de 15mn
Construction : - Capacité physique 7 - Permis ForkLift - Plage horaire : 12pm - 14pm
Administration : - Utilisation du logiciel U-Lex - Capacité à discuter sur le holo (visuel et/ou vocal) - Plage horaire : 10am - 11am
D'après mon évaluation de la semaine dernière ma CP n'est que de 6.3, donc je lance QuickSliver pour apprendre à me servir de U-Lex, ça fait plusieurs mois que je n'y ai pas touché et Ai-Dan l'a probablement mis à jour depuis. [Hello Lucarne ! Je vois que tu es de retour pour apprendre les nouvelles fonctionnalités de U-Lex ! Soit tranquille toutes les maj faites depuis le 75-13-28 peuvent être appris en moins de 3mn, also tout temps de réaction de plus de 12 secondes enverra un ping à ton interface pour vérifier ton taux de cortisol, s'il dépasse la baseline un Ai-ssa te guidera pas à pas pour la prochaine étape !] Je sais que c'est la procédure standard mais lire des mots rassurants au saut du pod est quand même preem. Mon interface refroidi brièvement et QuickSliver commence à me montrer ce qui a changé et je rempli les cases du template pour vérifier si j'ai bien compris. Après une petite correction QuickSliver me félicite et je reçois un ping de mon bff qui vient de se lever, il a dû voir que j'avais lancé mon ConPan pour aider la commu. "hey gonk tu vas faire quoi aujourd'hui ? perso je vais au RComp, je pense que c'est ma tâche fav alors j'ai demandé une permanence" J'avoue que je suis surpris que Kato aime le RComp, c'est assez loin de son U-box... A sa place le commute m'en aurait dégouté. "Hey broK trop cool ! Je pensais que tu étais comme moi à toujours vouloir changer de tâche, mais happy de voir que tu te trouve ton compound !!! Perso j'ai deux tâches dans mon canton qui me fit alors je viens de finir la maj de U-lex, tu as vu la notif et tu viens me féliciter c'est ça ?" "exactly broL ! je suis trop fier de toi as usual. je crois que j'avais besoin de me poser, la routine ça me refroidi l'interface quoi, je comprends pas comment tu fais pour tâcher devant le ConPan pendant tout ton quart, je pourrais jamais. mon AV est là" Je sens la vibration ténue mais familière de l'interface, c'est un peu comme un hug mental. La fenêtre affiche l'heure dès que je me demande quelle heure il est, 5:42, j'ai encore le temps de décider comment utiliser mon quart.
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jade-curtiss · 1 year
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They did not like the fact i don't hm am as deconverted as they'd like (there is a reason i kept that one also like it's comfortable in summer, for real) but like, I mean, you give a talk on finances, people, interrupt you on...identitary politics. While I talk, to a trans girl. Who have trouble. With the cra. Cute. Paid all their drinks (hm person might find the name i mean i am rather common to find, otherwise my mom might forward her case and it'll be toll less, no need for sins or identification i mean if the cases matches, cases matches, but get your cash. But no. Pronouns. Matters.
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The last year I joined pathologic cosband, it was tons of content like photoshoots and cosplay stand at con where visitors chose between utopists, kin and humbles, made vaccines, analysed the collected blood and stuff. I did Katerina, guess this year I can join them as Murky.
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ernestinee · 24 days
Je suis en train de lire "les papillons" de Barcella et les deux personnages me sortent par les trous de nez.
Le mec dédaigneux envers des filles qu'il qualifie de trop superficielles, alors que franchement il n'a pas inventé l'eau chaude, rencontre une certaine Marie, qui est fantastique. Et gnagnagna c'est sûrement un signe car c'est l'anagramme de "aimer". Rho mais tg.
Après avoir échangé deux mots avec elle, le mec pas du tout cringe va passer plusieurs jours à squatter le même endroit pour espérer la revoir. Puis elle repasse par là, il est en mode "ohlala vous ici".
Ladite Marie est un concentré insupportable de rêveuse solaire ingénue utopiste fleuriste qui parle aux fleurs, j'ai rien contre les personnes solaires mais pffff elle rencontre tous les clichés de la jolie demoiselle rigolote avec des traits d'esprit, c'est une caricature ambulante ça cache un truc. J'espère que ça cache un truc, en fait, parce que là je suis page 48/228 j'ai juste l'impression de tenir la chandelle. J'en suis à espérer que ça finisse mal pour le couple. Et les phrases alambiquées qui sonnent bien mais ohlalaaaa ça m'éneeeeerve j'ai besoin qu'il y ait un sujet dans la lecture pour penser à autre chose qu'à ce rythme imposé par les mots.
Sinon là il est 2h22, Jupiter est superbe et je vois le croissant de lune depuis mon lit. Au moins un truc positif dans cette foutue nuit.
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warcholica · 9 months
i really like the how the olgimskys designs in the first pathologic play around with material. obviously – mainly with fur.
big vlad has his huge fur coat – it's very much in spirit of his hes bourgeoisie caricature like design. it's arguably not the best looking and i dont think that's intentional – his coat in patho 2 is clearly supposed to look very cozy and nice. i actually like how symmetrically the fur falls in the upper back of the original design. it's charming. overall the coat really emphasizes this very old school idea of wealth.
it reads to me clearly as fashion, not as an uniform – alexanders outfit is very elaborate as well, but it does read very, well, governorish. vlads quite extravagant compared to the other rulers.
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and that design philosophy is not really typical for pathologic, i don't really think it is – grief does fall into it a bit, but that's all. it makes vlad stand out in some really cool ways, as he has an unique silhuette. it's kind of insane how well theyre able deal with a character that has to overpass the barriers of their standard design. everyone knows that his face in p2 is like. insanely well made. but did you maybe notice how good his voice acting in the original pathologic is? ridicoulously good compared to like. anna. it really makes me wish they decided on more variety regarding other characters. oh well.
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let's talk p1 kapella because shes obviously a showstopper. besides her obvious cuteness, i like how much it focuses on jeans as a material. it is, i think, a symbol of wealth in her case. i am polish and for me there was always this idea floating around than during the PRL period jeans was considered to be a luxury good.
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(here it is represented in ryszard zamorski's sculpture "playboy"-- a pop art image of a smiling man covered in jeans from head to toe. fun. hip. well-off)
and so she is draped in jeans, just like her father is draped in fur – her wealth manifests clearly as well.
its also worth noting, that she has fur details on her collar too. that plays into the visual identity of them as a family – she is his daughter, she is a successor. i love her biig satin bow. so cute. makes her look like a very pretty rich girl. old-school wealth with a modern-ish twist.
and i think you already know where i'm going with this. yeah... vlad jr does not have any fur element in his p1 outfit. i like to overinterpret that.
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like in the context, i feel fur represents mainly wealth – but it's also worth noting that it's a material foreign to the setting. i really like the spindle touch quote from p2
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and i think it works for fur in p1 as well, although, obviously, every textile material comes from outside town.
but whats fur outside of that? lets think fur as a symbol a cruelty that also connects man with nature. fur as a terribly sensual material. ​
and vlad doesnt wear it: what are the reasons for that?
1. hes working with dirt. it would get dirty
2. he doesnt really like looking wealthy – hes not like the other olgimkys! the unusual simplicity is, to me, kind of reminicent of what victor is wearing – and vlads a successor to victor. in utopian ending hes supposed to tame maria/nina a little with his normalguyness. when you choose to do an utopian ending as artemy, he notes that maria will be dangerously wild without a husband
3. i think he denies himself luxury. because of how his shed looks i think hes an utopist that separates himself from the reality of his feelings – and so he separates himself from such a sensual material. but thats reallly a material for another, much more headcanonish post in which i will incorporate fragments from czesław miłosz's biography. i will make that one when ill play p2.
and btw: its a strange model, right? but i like it, i actually really do. i like how obviously blonde he is -- it is a soft callback to victoria. hes similar to her. her son.
also, i dont think it was intentional, i like how big he is in game. it feels like there is too much room for his soul in this body and so it echoes. i have the same feelings about like. ross from friends so thats more like a throwaway point.
it does manage to make him very much like a bussiness man – and vlad sr in his bourgouise caricature swag is very bussinessmannish as well. so maybe in that way he takes after him too? just a bit.
this is all very surface level analysis, but i do think about it a lot. i think p1 managed to communicate what it wanted to do with those characters very clearly through visual language.
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parlerenfleurs · 5 months
Flint is a utopist and I'm not sure this is a story for utopists :"D
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kisilinramblings · 1 year
I don't know if you've seen the last two final episode yet but if you have, any thought?
I actually like it?
Sure, I was disappointed that Chat Noir didn't join up the fight. At the same time, I understand Adrien's reasons for not turning into Chat Noir in order to break himself free.
Not only was he hunted by the nightmare of him as Anti-Chat killing everything he cared about, but he was very self-aware at how emotionnally vulnerable he was to be akumatized and making that nightmare come true. This season made him realized he can be so angry to the point of he wants to cataclysm people. It almost happened with both Darker Owl AND Dark Humor this season. Adrien backing off, remaining in "prison" and taking off his Miraculous so Plagg put it in safety for the time being was not him giving up. It was him trying to protect his loved ones. And he was also unaware this was a Monarch attack going on that needed Chat Noir.
Also, everything was made so Adrien doesn't find out for now that his father was Monarch. I don't consider Marinette was in the right even if Gabriel asked her to make sure Adrien doesn't learn the truth. And unbestknown to Gabriel, his dying request landed exactly on Marinette's nightmare territory. Remember the nightmare she had at the beginning. In it, Marinette accidentaly "kills" Gabriel after vanquishing him, right under Adrien's eyes which upset him, asking her why did she did this to his father.
So all ingredients seem to be there for this secret to come back to bite them if it is ever discover. The fact Gabriel has a statue, even if it built on a lie, means that something of him remains even if he is gone. And lately, we have seen that statues IRL can be toppled. But yeah, as long as Gabriel's statue is standing high, his shadow still is present. That is how I view it.
Outside of that, the fight between Bug Noir and Monarch was satisfying. I love that she swung a shovel at Monarch's face sending him flying and the use of Lucky Charm in succession was actually interesting.
I liked that La Résistance try to help however they can. I'm not sure on how pertinent it was for Gabriel and Tomoe's last attack to be international, but I didn't mind. DC and Marvel both have heroes from their respective IPs coming together to fight when there is a global threat affecting more than one city. And it is no secret both Jeremy Zag and Thomas Astruc desire to create their own Zag universe of superheroes.
Also, Tomoe is so up to no good.
Luka was a surprise. I didn't expect him to be trained by Su-Han, however, considering that Su-Han was able to repel an Akuma and since Luka does know both LB and CN's identity, and that Su-Han and Luka already have met once during Ephemeral (as that part wasn't erased), that ending is not that weird if they wanted him back in the story eventually (and reminder that Mirakungfu is meant to disarm Miraculous Holders who went rogue). Anyway, with Luka, a side story about that would have been welcome. But fun detail, Luka's martial style is based on the Snake!
Love the true form of Tikki and Plagg and seeing them fuse into Gimmi was something.
"You humans always summon me to complain. Never to rejoice".
Yeah, feels about right.
Lila's intervention in the finale was pretty tame, but the conclusion is what we expected : she gets the Butterfly Miraculous. But it is probable she might have seen Ladybug untransformed alongside witnessing how to summon Gimmi (although there is no way to know for sure right now). Plus, Lila will have help which I didn't expect. And it seems it is someone who knew where to find here.
Btw, can we have more politician like Mayor Bustier, please? I know it is very utopist, but sign me up for that future.
So yeah, that finale closed a book BUT this isn't the end. There is something uncanny going on during the pool party. It's the illusion of a perfect ending.
Sign me up for S6. o/
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falcemartello · 1 year
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1. Il Clima è sempre cambiato, se non cambiasse non sarebbe il Clima.
Quello di cui ci dovremmo invece stupire e la grande stabilità climatica che per milioni di anni si è mossa all'interno range molto ampi, ma che hanno sempre permesso la sopravvivenza della vita.
2. Non c'è Cambiamento Climatico causato dall'uomo ma anche se ci fosse, l'uomo non sarebbe in grado di invertirlo.
La civiltà è in grado di prosperare anche con l'aumento di diversi gradi, purchè abbia energia illimitata a basso costo. L'esatto opposto delle attuali politiche.
3. Gli stati hanno una disponibilità economica limitata.
I soldi puoi spenderli:
A) Per politiche utopiste che pensano di cambiare il clima con le pale eoliche e i pannelli, che se non funzionano ti ritrovi nella stessa situazione con pale e pannelli da buttare e senza soldi.
4. Oppure i I soldi puoi spenderli:
B) Per beni durevoli come sistemi di produzione energetica illimitata e continuativa a basso costo, dighe e bacini che conservano l'acqua e impediscono alluvioni e il dissesto idrogeologico, impianti di desalinizzazione dell'acqua, etc.
5. Il freddo è molto peggio del caldo.
Il freddo uccide molto più del caldo e ferma le civiltà. L'umanità esplose quando uscì dall'Era Glaciale.
La CO2 è un bene. Alimenta le piante che ossigenano la Terra. Le piante creano microclimi che impediscono la desertificazione.
6. L'unico scopo della politica è mantenere la popolazione allarmata tramite la minaccia di una serie infinita di mali immaginari, per poi condurla alla salvezza.
L'urgenza di salvare l'umanità è sempre il dito dietro cui si nasconde l'urgenza di dominare l'umanità.
— Mencken
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7. Tutti i promotori VIP delle politiche "green" e delle teoria dell'innalzamento del mare, hanno ville da decine di milioni a bordo mare.
Ville di Obama a Martha's Vineyard, di Bill Gates a San Diego, e a Martha's Vineyard di John Kerry, inviato speciale di Biden per il clima.
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8. Le politiche "green" non hanno nessun collegamento con la realtà ma solo con i soldi.
Solo Al Gore, l'deatore della truffa climatica, gestisce fondi di investimento "green" da 40,4 miliardi della sua Generation, ma la sua villa consumava 21 volte più elettricità della media.
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L'instant poésie
Confession d'un utopiste
Arrêtons de nous prendre
tous autant au sérieux,
Nos vies sur Terre ne sont
que séjours éphémères,
Alors essayons juste
d'être un peu heureux,
Dans ce siècle où tant d'entre nous
sont si amères.
Accepter l'autre tel qu'il est
serait plus sage,
Que de vouloir le façonner
à notre image,
La diversité n'est point
un mal en soi,
Tant que respect écoute
et amour restent loi.
Je ne changerai pas le monde
avec des mots,
Je ne me battrai pas
pour imposer mes choix,
Mais nulle envie pour moi
de ployer sous des poids
Et d'emprunter sans foi
routes et chemins idiots.
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dixvinsblog · 6 months
Les béguines : femmes libres du Moyen Âge, un article de notre ami le Marginal Utopiste
Les béguines ???
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kanmom51 · 1 year
My opinion on the whole coming out issue,
I just want to start with a quote from a kdrama I recently watched. I'm sure some of you have watched it, it's called Business Proposal. Basically there's a whole sub-narrative about a "hidden relationship"
Episode 10 from Kang Tae moo "Who cares, I am just hugging my girlfriend. I can't wait for the entire world to know about us"
Knowing Jungkook has watched it too, I really wonder what did he feel hearing this, but it really gave me the "Keep on being jealous, I will keep holding my Jiminie" vibe.
This brings me to GCFs. The videos are surely an avenue for Jungkook to express his feelings to the world. And I am one of those who believe GCF Tokyo was a statement. I wasn't here when it came out, but I've heard a lot of people at that time thought this was a coming out. I mean, even until now, when we look at the comment section, a lot of strangers/non bts fans think it's a cute couple travel video. This just says a lot about how unbiased people perceive the video. GCF Saipan was a subtle statement too. It's no coincidence that out of all members, only Jimin appeared along the lines "I don't wanna lie no more, I don't wanna hide no more".
For those reasons alone, I don't think they want to hide forever. They are doing it now simply because they have no choice, due to the current climate. Yes, coming out is a risk and it can impact the other members and their careers, but you know what? Everyone in the industry is in the same boat here. Every idol face huge risks whenever a relationship is revealed. Whether it's straight or gay. We have all witnessed the many scandals in the past. And it is bound to happen to BTS members too. Them being under the biggest spotlight in Korea for years and years to come. Plus they won't be able to keep up with the "I am innocent, single, and I will marry army' narrative forever. In the future, if ever one of the member's relationship comes to light, I believe the other members will follow too. They will take the bullet together as a group. Plus, they are so big now. They have nothing to loose. A scandal here and there will never break them. Their huge international fanbase benefits them, simply because I feel like we are much more accepting in terms of dating scandals and lgbt+ issues. Also their whole vibe right now is shifting to "idgaf anymore about what people will think"
Change is coming! I may sound too much of a utopist right now, but I really believe that in the future we'll be able to see all of the members enjoy their life with their respective partners happily, freely without having the burden to hide and lie. Regardless of their orientation.
Another one from the vault.
Like deep deep in the back of the vault.
Doing some Spring cleaning in Autumn...
Kind of strange looking at these words in May 2023. With hiatus, solo debuts, almost no ot7 content and even less Jikookery.
I guess the climate, the SM purchase debacle, enlistment, all had an impact on them.
You were talking, anon, about a member in a relationship and it getting out... well, we saw how that's going for Tae, haven't we? Given, he hasn't admitted to it yet, but man, even before he has parts of this fandom (and another one to remain unnamed) went feral.
I have talked about them 'coming out' many times. My opinion being that they won't, not fully that is, not announcing "we're a couple". Not to say that I don't wish that one day we all live in a world where they can do that and will do that without having to worry about their safety, their livelihood, their families.
But that day is not here yet.
What I do see though, especially now after JM's folio and Face and JK struggling so so hard to not throw it all to the wind scream "fuck it all" and shout it out loud for all to hear, is that as of where they are to date, and unless anything drastic happens between now and their discharge from the military, things will change after they get out.
They might not say things out loud, but they definitley won't be holding back as much. Definitely not as much as they are now, and not as much as they were even going back to 2021-2022 (LV Jikook).
You said "change is coming".
Sadly, after that change did come, but not for the better.
What I'm hoping for is for good change to come as soon as they have this hump called MS off their backs.
We know they will have a lot to say and do, changes will be made... AFTER (sadly, we know this by RM's privacy being breached).
So, we will sit here patiently, us supporters, the people that love JK and JM separately and together, the people that love BTS, their music, what they stand for and the members as individuals as well, and hope that by mid 2025 we will get to see them all on the other side of this fuckery.
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