#v: older now
kitstellation · 4 months
@livedtough for Larry 🩷
There’s a red-and-pink cat, with two antennae between their ears, stretching on hind legs to take a sniff of a beautiful white orchid, one in a sea of a small garden set up. It smells better, they’ve always thought, when they’re in telefeloid-form. So while they could be crouched here, humanoid and soaking in sun through skin, they instead swallow it through fur, twitching cool nose outstretched to attempt to sniff as deeply as possible. Orchids have a light smell, they know — but it’s sharper now, on four legs. Oh... there it is! Their tail swishes in interest...
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it's absurd to me how effective the Finch app is (not sponsored, obviously). like, will i take care of me? for my own sake? heavens no. i shall wallow instead 💅
but for him? for this bird-themed assortment of pixels i got to name, gender, and customize into my son??? will i do little self-care tasks to check off so i can buy my bird-child outfits, furniture, feather/beak dyes, micro-pets; and give him the energy to go out on adventures so he can experience new things (like discovering he does not like The Three Little Pigs story) and develop a personality reactive to said experiences???? must i gamify my own needs and goals into fake money to provide for him?
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yes. apparently, yes, i will stop wallowing and start taking care of myself— not for my own sake— but for my bird-son. and i am not going to shame myself for it, because nothing else has worked. and if having a self-care tamagotchi-neopet gets the job done? so be it. the brain works in mysterious ways
and if you think "hmm, maybe this will awaken something within me" now that you know this app exists? then this joke-post at my own expense will have been worth it lol (also, the app is free, though they do have a paid version that gives you extra goodies)
Finch app: [ android link ] ♡ [ iphone link ]
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chevvy-yates · 8 months
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[NC_RES]-13062047-EUR-BU-NED de_wit_m_portraits_026_AFF_WA.file ///core:_thyjs_de_wit.file\\\
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
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gwynfahr · 8 months
Do we think Jordan has siblings ?
Because during episode 3, their dad was saying "You are my firstborn son", which implies that Jordan's not his only "son". If so, then Jordan has younger siblings. I wonder how they're placed in the family's problem of Jordan's parents not being accepting of their gender identity.
I personally feel like they would be accepting since it's been like that for a long time, if we're thinking about the fact Marie developing her powers at the time she got her period (so around probably 11/14 years old) is considered late. So Jordan has probably always been bigender to them, not just a boy.
Plus, can you imagine how Jordan would be with their siblings, like always hyping them up in whatever they're doing and supporting and validating them in a way that would make them feel more accepted that they were ?
I'm also thinking about how the sentence "You're my firstborn son" ticked in my head and made me think about the fact Jordan's family is probably very traditional about legacy. Like Firstborn son ? Who says that nowadays ? I think Jordan comes from a wealthy family, that's like passing the legacy from father to son, or something.
Or maybe I'm going too far on this one...
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desertpirate77 · 5 months
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Some Lara Croft inspired cosplay shots featuring this lovely new boot mod. Which is amazing!
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mintytealfox · 3 months
i wonder what frederick thinks about his descendent arnold (if that even is his descendent, but im betting that it is)
Oh gosh I dunno! 👀
and LOL the thought of Frederick having a direct descendant is hilarious cause when would he have even bothered to do the deed to have kids and stuff LOL PFFFF So I think Arnold is like a cousin or nephew or great nephew or something 👀👀 but honestly who knows 🤣🤣 Frederick is a wild card for sure -WHEEEZZEEE- if he is related of course lol
But Arnold seems WHACKED OUT HIS MIND LOOOL and what kind of stuff did Frederick even get the chance to write about to even inspire him THAT MUCH which adds to my thoughts even further that Frederick is definitely still around and gonna be there for the last game 👀
Now I am picturing Frederick, Melly, Alice, and Norton all watching from their portraits PPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
I think Frederick could be so unfazed and not even care OR find this so strange and ridiculous that he pretends Arnold doesn't exist and not pay a singular attention cell to the jeering coming from Norton LOL
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dropoutfailure · 2 months
son who says "bruh" x dad who says "well now"
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suppenzeit · 16 days
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u know wot im gonna talk about attack the block. its a movie made cause the director was fed up of seeing 'hoodie horror' and charecters like Moses[played by John Boyega in his first acting credit], black kids who got involved in bad stuff/expelled from school beeing shorthand for 'pure evil'
he went around interviewing kids to get the language right and meet people like moses. heres the full quote: "We did find some who were quite similar to Moses, who’d been excluded from school or got involved with bad stuff. And they’re not monsters. They’re very empathic, and when you spend a bit of time with them they’re normal and sweet, enthusiastic and bright. But they’ve just been cornered a bit by life, and I think that often the way they’re portrayed doesn’t help with that. Culturally, it makes the problem worse, not better." from an artical in the list
its fun its heartbreking its political its alien designs are awsome and it shows people and community with love that are so often treated like shit when portrayed.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 years
was rewatching nekoma v nohebi and honestly. you will NEVER have a funnier match. you’ve got this group of third-years, a group of ALMOST ADULTS, and they’re like “lol let’s completely trash on these pipsqueak fifteen-year-olds that seems like the Right Way of doing things” except one of those fifteen-year-olds is just. SUPERBLY overconfident to the point where discovering the power of TEAMWORK, in a TEAM SPORT, is like a mind-blowing revelation that he has never once considered before in his entire LIFE and he’s like “HOLY SHIT I’VE CRACKED THE CODE” when he really just needed to take a step back from being a shallow asshat (which i say with the greatest affection possible) and now he’s like “wow teamwork is GREAT why haven’t i done this before” and it’s just HILARIOUS to watch it play out
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lokisasylum · 8 days
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
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[NC_RES]-13062047-EUR-BU-NED de_wit_m_portraits_004_GA_HW.file ///core:_thyjs_de_wit.file\\\
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
jumpsuit jacket by @pinkyjulien
'Thunder and lightning Heading your way Ride the rainbow Crack the sky
Stormbringer coming Time to die' — Stormbringer by Deep Purple
In other words:
'You've been thunderstruck' —Thunderstruck by AC/DC
Thyjs' theme playlist.
Yup! That's right – Thyjs is going to electrify y'all.
My original thought was that I've wanted to create a little playlist with thunder/storm/electro lyrics but then I stumbled over these songs in the list up there (first one shook me the most) and so I threw my original idea into the storm. Spending like two months on it now how to write down what I feel or see when I listen to this selection tied to Thyjs. So, here's his entire Playlist now: basically Introduction and fight theme songs as well as a calm one — like I did with V before but different.
Storm If I had to choose just one song for him, this one would be it. This awesome instrumental song is the ultimate standalone theme song for Thyjs. Like his goddamn introduction in a movie appearance. When I listened to it for the first time it just struck me like one of his lightning strikes. It is the only song that can be tied to the cyberpunk music genre since every song in the list is more classical soundtrack-ish (he needs that epicness. He's a godverdomme soldier). Back to the song: It sounds tempting right from the start with that beat giving you an overall Cyberpunk feeling at first, making you somehow feel alarmed because of the electronic sound. The air around you may feel electrified and you know something is coming. Then suddenly there is that melodic part setting in with those classical elements that literally screams 'Thyjs' to me. When I look at him I see; He's beauty, he is grace — but coming as an all through soldier package. No one would probably expect it but Thyjs does love to listen to classical music (piano, violin/cello and entire orchestra) of various known artists as well that is why it brought me on the way to look for songs like these in the list. It calms him down, especially after a long and hard mission. To me he feels unapproachable, like he's not from this world at all, yet he is. Wherever he goes in uniform or military gear, people will look at him with a certain respect. You're immediately drawn into admiring him because you probably ain't seen such a pale soldier like him ever before. He can make you feel like time stopped only to let you know with a loud thundering bang that everything you see is real and time is still running. That is when that part that sounds electrifying somewhere near the middle of that song, starts right out of nowhere. Sir! I'm so sold to it right now. I have to admit, the song is fairly long at 7 min, yet I recommend listening to it completely but the important parts really are the start and the middle.
Into the Storm is literally Thyjs getting ready for the battle that lies before him. Ride right into the storm, full force. It is like he can feel a storm is coming, with the storm being the enemies. You gotta know, Thyjs is a soldier to the bone. He devoted his entire life to it, trained as soon as he was old enough for it, to serve his country and Benelux Union. He's heroic in his own way. And that song does him justice.
I'm Electro A short song that strikes you after just a few seconds — the hard way. It represents that you gotta show some respect towards him if you do not behave correctly. He'll immediately put you back into your place where you belong, using his voice and electro shock (if you dare to enter his comfort zone) — like AC/CD would say: in the 'You've been thunderstruck' way (it's in fact exactly what happened to Ryder meeting Thyjs for the first time). Thyjs is capable of making use of electricity that is fed into his left arm, therefore also the glowing (Hanako) cyberware. The brighter it glows the more electricity Thyjs has to make use of. He already knew very early he was kind of immune to electricity after he grabbed an electrified fence feeling literally nothing. Once he lost his left forearm during a heavy battle with drones he decided to get himself some limb replacement that could make use of electricity since he literally survived a lightning strike as well on the battlefield during a thunderstorm, but more of that I'll keep for another time. That battle also gave him his nickname 'Storm', which he also uses as a code name. He can power up from any source that is running with electricity — Night City is full of it. He will give Arki and Ryder a boost if they need some as well. Ry gets himself Shock-n-Awe installed after having met his future lover for the first time. Thyjs even suggested the team to wear mods in their clothing gear if they do not want additional cyberware to their body because lightning can't be really controlled. It will always spread over to the next best source.
Storm Another Storm song (I wanted to decide for one of them but they are both so awesome I have to include them both). This one here seems to be a re-interpretation of Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" and this song hits differently: Thyjs has Sandevistan — the Militech 'Apogee' Sandevistan Mk. V of course. So he's fast. Like lightning. The fast stringed instruments represent his fast acting and when that thunder sets in right at the start he vanishes into air. The only time you'll see him is before he starts and when he ends it, with the ladder it is already too late for you. The highlights in the song can stand for that if you are able to watch him in action you will be seeing him in between, avoiding incoming their enemies that are fast as well, sometimes he may even look gracefully, appearing for a moment, time pausing for max 3 seconds until he vanishes again just to reappear in a different place again, slaying his enemies one after another. You can hear exactly 3x a loud bang in that song around 2 min in — this is him starting with Sandevistan going for the enemy, then disappears, leaving only electricity behind, and lastly he shows up again, right in front of you with his Constitutional Arms M2038 Tactician 'The Headsman' Power Shotgun –BANG– three enemies on the ground, limbs missing, or even their heads exploded. He's able to load his shotgun within his used Sandevistan time but he often makes use of his toxic knife as well dealing severe damage to the enemy who will die because of poison going into their bloodstream.
Tempest It's like that epic battle song everyone likes and may even get goosebumps from. It is fast paced, tearing forward, to set one strike after another. See it as the last boss battle. The final big one. Before everything is finally done. Battle won, for Thyjs and his squad (when he was still serving) or the team he joins shortly after the incident out in the badlands that led to his whole squad being blown up and him being the only survivor. If you can't imagine Thyjs' fight style in some epic battle try imagine a combination of playing battlefield V and e.g. watching Final Fantasy Kings Glaive. Thyjs moves similar like Nyx Ulric, the warps with the weapons I mean, only he does not warp, he's just super fast with his Sandevistan but also leaving lightning behind.
Van Gogh's White Roses Calm moments incoming. Thyjs loves to play piano. The pretty tunes calm him down as he plays them, or even just listens to them. It is his way to chill and he could do it all day long appreciating the calm moments of his live thrice as much because as a soldier he is mostly on high alert (even if it doesn't look like it) and always prepared that every day could be his last. So better especially appreciate the little things in live and things that he loves: music, art, flowers and his new gained friends and most of all; time with his love: Ryder. The moment I decided Thyjs is Dutch was when I added the ears cyberware to him. Idk I just got reminded of Van Gogh in that moment. So Thyjs went to be Dutch, he loves Impressionism and is ofc an admirer of Van Gogh's art (I might do an extra post for that as well some time why I made Thyjs like Van Gogh).
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I'm not much of a kingdom hearts fan as I'm not too interested or into the games as my lil bro but this character has been floating in my head for a long while, I never could get her design down until I randomly did now and the other three have been around for a while the last one does have a solid design either.
This is Will, she's very much a persistent and go-getter kind of keyblade wielder around the time before great keyblade war but she used the regular ol' but trusty starlight blade and she was in the Vulpeus Union. She has an interest in astral related things and the stars, Will really enjoyed the simple things life has to offer along with being given the opportunity of adventure but unfortunately her life took a turn after the events of the mentioned keyblade war.
Wisp is a mysterious little creature of undetermined origin and no one really knows how she came to be, she is excitable and energetic lil guy who's brimming with wonder and whimsy who has a magician motif (might be one herself even). She's eager to help just about anyone and she's as friendly as can be, a little ray of sunshine ready brighten anyone's day, she probably would be around the events of Kh1. (I haven't seen much or played that one, so I'm not sure how well she would fit or what wisp's role would be)
Hollow is a peculiar heartless that no one really knows or how she came to be either, she's a lonesome and rather down little creature who's very unsure of herself but she has very vague and faded memories of her past but she has a witch motif although she is rather strange even for a heartless as she's docile and not prone to being viscous. She's just like the lone moon that lays in the sky and has the same sense of loneliness as it has, she has secret and anxious fear of being forgotten but she would be around the events of Kh2. (Not sure how she would fit into the story though.)
Willow is probably the most mysterious of both Wisp and Hollow combined, as little is known about her but she is quite peaceful and tranquil and she is quite knowledgeable! She has mage/cleric motif to her, I'm not sure what KH game she would be in nor her story relevance would be.
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elvenbeard · 1 year
Cyberpunk 2077 alternative ending where V convinces Takemura to leave Arasaka for good and together they open up Night City's best new cat café named "Bakenekofé".
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unparalleledfocus · 1 year
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Octopath Scholars (and Partitio) my beloved <3
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pktearsoftazmily · 1 month
The psychic arrives at the time he had been given to come. This time, instead of being just himself, Claus is with him, who has yet to meet Lucas' adoptive family properly as he had always been busy to spend time with the magical family. However, the older twin brother is going to make time for them today, putting everything else on hold. He owes it to his little brother to meet the very adoptive parents who have been giving him a safe place to go whenever things got bad.
Oh, and because he wants to meet the "coolest" parents in the world. Ness' words. That guy always held such respect for the limbless couple, often praising them for how they help to raise Lucas in such a positive, loving way that the blond has been noticeably in better spirits since they had came into their lives.
Lucas knocks on the door, being the polite, sweet boy that he is known for. Claus whispers to this brother that he's a little nervous to meet the family, to which Lucas says everything will be fine, how they are literally the most chill family to new people.
When the door is opened, Lucas has a wide grin on his face, showing happiness.
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"I'm home! I brought Claus this time, too."
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