#vaggie aging wings au
Potential solution for Vaggie’s mortality problem: they get married
And by the laws of uh erm demon marriage souls uhhh whatever that now makes her immortal and everything is now fine and happy Charlie would share her immortality without question:33
XD XD wedding vows but Charlie switches hers at the last second so she can vow her soul to her wife and get Vaggie to accept it with an automatic I Do- and afterwards Vaggie's just like.... Babe Are You KIDDING Me-
but it's too late!!! it's THEIR immortality now >:3c
(charlie will be sleeping on the couch for a while and she's so smug she doesn't even care)
(she'll sleep on the couch for eternity as long as she can hear vaggie grumbling about damn soul selling demons from the bed nearby <3)
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 2 months
Protector AU: First Meeting
Lucifer: Okay, so Razzle and Dazzle are doing a good job protecting Charlie, but....
Kid Charlie: Baaa! (Headbutts Razzle)
Lucifer: ......She needs a person around.... Fuck... (pulls out his phone and dials a number)
Adam: (answers) Fuck you want?
Lucifer: Look. I don't like you, and you don't like me. But.... I need a favor.
Adam: Oh-Ho! And why would I help you?
Lucifer: I can literally make you the best barbecue ribs in all of creation.
Adam: ........Whatchu need?
Lucifer: I need a bodyguard for my daughter. She's five years old and needs another person around.
Adam: Say no more, asshole. I got the perfect girl for ya.
Lucifer: Oh! Thank Heavens! Can you bring her down tonight? I'll make those ribs, and we can all get acquainted.
Adam: Yeah, yeah, sure. Sounds good. Whatever.
Lucifer: (eye twitch)
Adam: Soooo, what do you think?
Lucifer: (gazing down at kid Vaggie, who is trying to stand up straight as professionally as possible woth a small, child sized spear and a nervous look in her eye) She's... a girl.
Adam: Yup!
Lucifer: A LITERAL girl.
Adam: Sure is! One of my best in this age bracket!
Adam: Why would I waste one of my best girls on your daughter?
Lucifer: (steaming mad)
Kid Charlie: Daddy, is my new friend here yet? (Sees kid Vaggie trying to stand tall and official) GASP!!! Hi!!! I'm Charlie!!!
Kid Vaggie: (blushes and backs up half a step) .....Vadgie.
Kid Charlie: (bounds up to Vaggie like an excited puppy) It's so nice to meet you, Vaggie! Oh, my gosh! You have wings! They're so cool! Can I touch them? Please?
Kid Vaggie: (blushing at the much better sounding mispronounced version of her name as she slowly backs up more) N-No, please.
Kid Charlie: (steps forward) Please?! They look so soft! And you're really pretty!
Kid Vaggie: (baby gay panics and starts running around the adults' legs in a circle)
Kid Charlie: Oh! Tag! I love tag! I'm it! (Starts chasing Vaggie in circles while giggling)
Lucifer: .........
Adam: Have fun, asshole! (Disappears)
Lucifer: (continues watching Charlie chase Vaggie around the foyer) Yaaaaaaay.....
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lexezombie · 2 months
So, any fellow Lute/Adam enjoyers? Angst enjoyers? or perhaps even Nextgen enjoyers--
I don't think I posted ALL of my nextgens for Hazbin, but I did post a few so ig this one can go next (sorry it's more doodled than clean lined lol)
This is Harp! (or Mockingbird)
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If it's not obvious, she's the daughter of Adam + Lute -- tho cus I like making ocs suffer, angst and my own AUs; she's been kicked out of Heaven
her whole thing takes place in the same little AU world my Sinner!Adam is in
some notes:
Lute named her (Harp)
She was born a little bit after Niffty killed Adam (if you can't see the age near her name, she's 13)
Was raised heavily militarized
Lute never told Heaven that she's Harp's mother
Lute also never told Harp that Adam is her dad, but she did talk about him
She had a huge fight with her mom and was thrown out of Heaven by her
The only reason she even found out Adam is her dad was because Lute commented on how much she looked like him during the fight
The cheek scars are from the fight (as is the missing wings)
She cut her own hair not long after being thrown to Hell
She looks so much like Lute post-haircut that Adam almost mistook her for Lute once they met in Hell
She 100% listens to P!nk lol
Mockingbird is actually what Adam calls her (it's based on a guitar; B.C. Rich Mockingbird to be exact)
I like to think her and Vaggie could bond given their similar circumstances with Lute (and the fashion taste...)
She'll probably grow up to be a She/He GNC Bisexual Woman <3
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omfg I’m so bad at drawing “humanoid” figures but I tried my best and it took me ages. Might make a fanfic out of it. (Extra pics and facts below the cut)
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Husk is trans ftm.
Husk carried Mira.
Mira came out as a Demi girl(she/they) at 12, everyone supported them.
During pregnancy, Husk took it as an opportunity to sleep all day every day.
Angel wouldn’t stop calling their future baby “un miracolo” so they were already used to calling them that when she was born.
Once Mira learned to crawl, you couldn’t stop them. They were super fast with all four arms.
Mira’s eye placements are loosely inspired by Arackniss’.
Crymini is like the cool older sister who visits at least once a month to hang out.
Cherri and Fizzerolli(this au is deeper than it seems) are the cool aunt and uncle(they’re not together).
Charlie and Vaggie are the godparents.
Valentino doesn’t know.
Husky has refused to let Alastor even be in the same room as Mira unless it is the lobby of the hotel.
Arackniss visits whenever he can.
Fat Nuggets is very protective of Mira.
Nifty is a good big sister but is not allowed alone with Mira.
retractable second and third pair of arms, she only rarely uses the third pair and they didn’t know that she had them for ages.
She can’t jump as high as Angel, but she is still half jumping spider so it’s still pretty impressive.
Retractable wings, she rarely uses them but can fly(just not very well, Husk is teaching them)
Glowing pink eyes and tongue
Maybe more but I’m tiered
Feel free to ask questions
( @musiccats2010 )
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seramilla · 26 days
So this may go a bit farther than expected but for odesika pregnancy lets have them have two kids the first carried by Odette and after that one is born amd they get the hang of it have another where Verosika carries the kid.
Nah, you know what, this is a decent compromise. I'm starting to warm up to domestic Verosika and I think she deserves a turn. She probably gets super emotional after their first kid is born and wants to have another one, but Odette wants to wait for a while. Their daughter is probably the equivalent of 7 or 8 by the time their second baby is born. I'm gonna make him a boy because I want another baby incubus, dang it!
I think it was @teddythegreat who got the name Aurora in my head from the Vaggie-Carmilla AU, but I really like the idea of Odette carrying on the ballet/dance family tradition.
I'm gonna call their firstborn Aurora, or Rory for short. Her skin and hair resemble Odette's, and she looks more "human" and less like a succubus, with no wings, horns, or tail. But her body shape and height are more like Verosika (people comment that she kind of resembles Verosika's human form in appearance), with subtle pink highlights in her hair, and also Verosika's eyes. She also has very subtle pink stars in her hair. In terms of personality, she's all Verosika -- very outgoing, very bubbly, very cuddly, and loves her older cousin Caz to death.
The second is a boy named Lysander, or Andy for short. He's an incubus with wings, horns, and a tail, and is a slightly lighter shade of pink than Verosika. He also has Verosika's black star motif and her hair, but with Odette's red eyes. He's a bit taller like Odette and very much looks like her in the face -- with that stern, calculating Carmine expression. He really loves his grandmothers. Like a lot. His sister tries to get him outside to make friends, but honestly he'd rather spend all his free time with Carmilla and Sera. They are so much less stressful to be around than kids his age (and Sera in particular spoils him rotten).
There's the babies!!
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morningstarcest · 2 months
HIII A NOT REALLY A FAN OF HAZBIN OR ANYTHING (plus im not an open pro-shipper or anything, which is why im on anon) BUT I WAS A BIT CURIOUS ABOUT YOUR CURRENT AU FROM YOUR MOST RECENT DRAWING!!!! like is it just about an aged down Charlie x canon age Vaggie or is there more to it??? liiiike does your Charlie end up living with Lilith like in canon or does she stick with her father instead? How would Charlie’s relationship with her father and Vaggie change when she grows up? where are the other characters in the story / what are they doing in the story? does it differ from canon?
the au is basically lucifer finding vaggie after she falls (many years before she did in canon considering charlie is still a child) and taking her in out of pity considering he is also a fallen angel. she becomes charlie's guard/babysitter and is granted a higher status (hence her four wings and different halo).
lucifer and lilith split up way earlier than canon which is part of the reason charlie clings to vaggie so much. though she sees vaggie as a sister rather than a mother.
i havent figured out much about their dynamic as charlie gets older but i will develop it as i draw more of it :)
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yolothh · 4 months
Chances are that it's because I've known of Hazbin Hotel and the Hellaverse for years now, but I refuse to believe that fans /or people who watch it are THIS dense.
The serie shows things and tells stories people just choose to ignore and at this point I'm convinced it isn't even in favour of aus and un-canon ideas, but the point totally flies over every body's head.
Starting off strong with the FUCKING AGE RATING because I've seen and heard too many kids (not 15-16 teens but legit 10/11 KIDS) singing the songs from the show.
[Boohoo I'm no prude and I used to watch stuff not age appropriate (porn/violence related) as a kid too, I know many people my age did, and what do we think of it? Yup, not that good.]
Anyways, here's a list of things that are literally stated in the pilot, the damn series and old comics but all that seem difficult to understand:
Alastor's aromantic and asexual
Heavily implayed from the start of times, said by the author, said by a character, to him, IN THE SHOW. And I'm not bothered about the fanarts and shipping cause thats no one's buisness honestly, but just...canon wise. plot wise. he Is Not Heterosexual.
It always seemed like a consistent part of who he is as a character, honestly. Which also brings me to point two:
he's not an angel
I was impressed by how Literally people take the songs lol. When he says he wants to unclip his wings or he has his "tail between his legs" (song with vox) it's not literal, but a figure of speech guys. He wants freedom and ran away scared. that all. Also it's known that he's a sinner demon, a cannibal and all the canon things.
Valentino hate
I get it he's toxic. But uhm...we're in hell. This serie really is a breath of fresh air honestly, cause morally ambiguous characters thrive in it. Nope, you don't have to have him as a favorite character, but we're in Hell. What did you expect? Schweppes?
Vaggie and Charlie are a couple and it's been obvius and canon since pilot
Yup, I've seen too many comments going "I thought they were sisters! Hate this kind of lesbian representation" or sum and honestly? Yall mad about nooothing, cause it really shows that they're a couple
VaGgIe Is An AnGeL???
Duh. I quote miss Carmine on this
Pretty sure there's more stuff that bothers me but now I can't remember lol
Anyways, after years of loving Helluva Boss and waiting on Hazbin, Vivienne really didn't disappoint. Neither did the Love and Attention this first season got. But stoppp being stubborn over canon eventsss
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 3 months
🔪 Niffty 🔪
Kimiko Glenn (series)
Michelle Marie (series)
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Theme song (AU):
Favourite quote:
"STAB! STAB, STAB! *maniacal laughter* BLOOD! Hehehehaha!"
―Niffty, seconds after killing Adam
Human being (formerly)
Sinner Demon (cyclops)
Sexuality: Straight (implied)
Sex: Female
Date of death: 1950s
Age: 22 years old (biological)
• Hazbin Hotel employee
<> Maid
<> Pest control
<> Cook
Employee of I.M.P 🤭
• Sewing
• Fanfiction
• Cooking
• Cleaning
• Collecting
<> Collecting hair/fur from people
<> Hoarding cleaning supplies
• Crafting
<> Making crowns out of dead roaches
• Angel’s adult films
• Men/Boys
<> Bad boys
• Experiencing pain
• Playing with the kitty
<> Fidgeting with Husk’s wings and ears
• Handling sharp things/weapons
<> Needles
<> Knives
<> Angelic daggers
• Stabbing
• Blood
• Tormenting insects
<> Putting on insect puppet shows
<> Killing mother bugs in front of their children as a warning to others
• Bugs/insects
• Anything messy
• Being called a mess
• Being recorded
• The hotel windows being destroyed
• People booing at her roach puppet shows
• Good boys
<> Sir Pentious turning good
• Getting stuck in toilets
• OCD (extreme)
• Masochistic tendencies
• ADHD (implied)
• Stereotypical views on gender roles - Pilot episode
<> She's aware that her viewpoint is outdated and potentially offensive, something she does apologize for.
• Schizophrenic
• Hypersensitivity (especially when being called “a mess”, particularly by Angel in 1x06)
• Age regression
Romantic interests:
• Sir Pentious (formerly)
• Lucifer Morningstar (ideally)
• Valentino (one-sided)
• Coworkers of the Hazbin Hotel:
<> Charlie Morningstar (boss)
<> Vaggie
<> Alastor
<> KeeKee
<> Husk
• Angel Dust
• Sir Pentious
Others (acquaintanted):
• Razzle and Dazzle
• Egg Boiz
• Lucifer Morningstar
• Mimzy
• Cherri Bomb
Family (surrogate):
Father 1#: Husk
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Father 2#: Angel Dust
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(adoptive) Brother: Frank (one of the Egg Boiz 🤭)
Uncle: Sir Pentious
Aunt: Cherri Bomb
(middle) Sister: Kat Dust
(future) Sister-in-law: T.J. of the Ars Goetia
(youngest) Sister: Luster Dust
• Niff (by Husk & Angel Dust)
• Dear (by Sir Pentious)
• Girly (by Mimzy)
• Tiny (by Angel Dust)
• Filthy Janitor (by Katie Killjoy)
• Chiquita (by Valentino)
• Exorcists
<> Adam (victim)
<> Lute
• Sewing
• Fire resistance
• Cleaning
• Water resistance
• Agility
• Holy power resistance
• Cooking
• Instrumental talent
• Hypnotic trance (only when being filmed)
• Bilingualism
<> English & Japanese
• Jack-of-all-trades
• Melee proficiency
• Needles
• Knives
• Angelic dagger
Appearance & personality:
Niffty is a small, cyclops-like demon with pointed limbs, white skin and one large eye. Her eye sports a light yellow iris, thick eyelashes, and a hot-pink sclera with a yellow gradient.
Her red-pink hair is kept into a slightly messy bob cut with swirls on each side, and a single light yellow streak located at the top. Her mouth has sharp light pale yellow teeth inside and black lips, and small hot-pink dots on each of the corners.
Niffty's attire is that of a black neckerchief around her neck, and a 1950s red-pink maid dress under a white apron with three hot-pink dripping splotches. She also wears long black gloves which covers most of her hands and arms, along with matching-colored tights.
In the pilot, her skin was light yellow and her hair appeared scruffier, with the single streak instead being a shade of amber. Her lips were also maroon.
Her attire, while still 1950s themed, instead consisted of a burgundy neckerchief, a white blouse with three hot-pink dripping splotches, and a red-pink swing skirt which featured a 50s-fashionable dark burgundy poodle with yellow dots. Her gloves and tights were instead the same color as the poodle print on her skirt.
How would you describe Niffty’s personality?
• Vague
• Spontaneous
• Quick
• Fixated (when tasked to do something)
• Violent
• Emotional (especially drunk)
• Shy
• Hyperactive
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Hazformers Ship: Sarimily or EmiSari (And Theory About It's The Boy Ars Goetia That Has The Baby...)
[Note: Reading This Is Optional, The Hazformers AU is thanks to Blitzy-Blitzwing. also references to some episodes of Hazbin Hotel Season 1 will be brought up, so make sure to watch all the episodes first before reading this. also will talk about a theory that has to do with possibly about Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, and it reminds me of Cosmo from Fairly Odd Parents when Poof was going to be born....so yeah, Male Pregnancy will be mentioned.]
yeah, it might be a weird idea for a ship but what if Sari did end up going to the Human's Heaven because well, her spark is also a hybrid between a human soul and cybertronian spark, so it is like a techno-organic spark.
and during her time in Heaven, and besides noticing the corruption and not fully trusting The Exorcist Angels, Adam or Sera.
she ended up becoming close with Emily, and if Heavenborns do age but stop at a certain point but still carry some form of Elder Wisdom.
it could be possible that if Sari died at 18 or like late 19 and early 20s, and Emily is 18 or late 19 early 20s in a biological way but could be like 120 years old, like late 190 years and early 120 years.
Sari still being able to age, could have to do with the celestial powers of the allspark, maybe.
but like picture if Sari did meet with her Autobot Friends again after running away with Emily from Heaven and going to the Hazbin Hotel and not knowing the Autobots and Decepticons are there.
both the Autobots that are her friends are in the same room as The Decepticons and even Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Niffty, Husk, Sir Pentious, Cherri Bomb, Alastor and Lucifer.
and Sari introduces Emily in the same way Charlie did when introducing Vaggie to Lucifer as her girlfriend.
Bumblebee being well himself, might not understand the whole "girlfriend" thing....he might misinterpret it meaning that Sari found another friend that happens to be a girl...
Bumblebee you precious clueless adorkable honeybee...
even Ratchet, Prowl, Blurr, Optimus, Megatron, Blitzwing, Shockwave, Soundwave, Lugnut, Lockdown and everyone else would understand the meaning of what Sari was saying when introducing Emily as her girlfriend.
Sari could be Biromantic and Demisexual.
I mean it can be possible for some people to be Heteroromantic & Demisexual as well, as well as being Heteroromantic-Ace or Heteroromantic-Aceflux but try telling that to both sides who have some problem with Aces...
if Sari's friends never came back and she had to discover new things about herself alone, like the whole Megatron technically being the one who gave birth to her through budding that happen in Sumdac's Secret Lab.
the other parts Sari would of figured out could be that she is romantically attracted to both guys and gals.
like before meeting Emily, and falling in love with her, which by the way would be Fanon Timeline only and it isn't canon.
Sari could of suspected she might be on the Asexuality Spectrum, but wasn't sure.
even if Megatron (who I'm still gonna Crossover OTP ship him with Carmilla Carmine making them Megamilla) has no idea he is Sari's Cybertronian Parent, he could be supportive.
plus if it was like in Steven Universe, if Sari and Emily ever fused their fusion would be a embodiment of their love and would be a relationship.
but fusion, both romantic and platonic isn't just a Gem thing.
because Tigatron and Airazor forming into Tigerhawk, even if at first it wasn't of their free will and choice, but they took their fused body back when their sparks became one and went into their now fusion body.....so yeah, Tigerhawk is a romantic fusion and came way before Garnet, but both Garnet and Tigerhawk will be my favorite romantic fusions.
I think if Sari and Emily did fuse, they would be what Steven would describe as a Giant Woman, who will have wings, four eyes, but there being a fifth that is closed and possibly other eyes, and there being four arms but still two legs, but the fusion form being able to use a default form where they can appear with just two arms along with just having two legs.
the ship name for Sari x Emily, can either be Sarimily or EmiSari.
also even if Clara from Season 1 and Pilot are the same but difference design, I like to view the pilot version as being a third daughter and being possibly the middle child, while the Clara that shows up in Season 1, is the youngest.
like we could call the Pilot-Clara by a different name while the Other version is still called Clara...
like Carmilla's Three Daughters are Odette, Clara and Clarice.
Clarice being The Pilot-Clara, and she could be in The Fanon Timeline, the middle sibling, like Odette being the eldest sibling and Clara being the youngest.
if Megatron and Carmilla did get married, even if it was only in Fanon.
Soundwave (who I'm still gonna view as being separate from the Other one who was born on Cybertron and is also known as Soundblaster...) would not only have Sari as a big sister who he shares a birthday with, but he would get more big sisters...
and if Carmilla did have three daughters, and Sari did end up marrying Emily....that would give Soundwave three step-sisters and one sister-in-law, which adding Sari that would give Soundwave about....Five Older Sisters.
like it be interesting if Sari felt guilty about how she treated him before and may understand he might never forgive her or want to form a sibling bond, because they were both technically made by Megatron, even if the situation of their creation from him was different.
but it would still be interesting if Sari got really protective of Soundwave, like in a protective big sister wanting to protect her baby brother way.
like just because he might not want anything to do with her, and she can respect that, but it doesn't mean she will stand by and let anyone mess with her baby brother and if she forms a sisterly bond with Odette, Clarice and Clara, who could end up bonding with Soundwave and viewing him like the baby brother they never had...
well anyone who dares try anything with their precious baby brother, would have to answer to those four...who could be way scarier than Shockwave, for all we know.
I wasn't sure about the name Clarice for the Pilot-Clara, but I think I'm starting to like it a bit more as well as the Fanon idea about Clarice being Odette and Clara's sister and Carmilla's third daughter.
anyway besides the whole ship idea about Sari x Emily, and Sari coming out to her Autobot friends that she is Biromantic and the whole her introducing Emily as her girlfriend, and the only one not getting the full meaning of that would be Bumblebee...and it has to be explained to him, because he might only understand some romantic relationships that seem similar to cybertronian courtships.
so he could mistake the whole Sari saying that Emily is her girlfriend, meaning she is a Gal Buddy and thus platonic friend...
Bumblebee might not be 100% naive and he could understand some form of romantic relationships, but might not get some stuff right away.
so Sari would have to help with explaining in a way that Bumblebee will understand, and that is by saying that in Cybertronian terms, Emily is her Femfriend, which then Bumblebee will finally understand.
ya know like Mechfriend would be similar to Boyfriend, but if a Cybertronian is Nonbinary, they would be Partner, but only some who go by She/They or He/They would end up going by both Partner and Girlfriend or Boyfriend.
anyway as for the whole Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Theories...
it could be possible it is The Boy Ars Goetia that has the baby...
you know like how it is the Boy Fairy that has the baby like in the Fairly Odd Parents, but oddly enough it is the Girl Anti-Fairy that has the baby.
like in theory, it can be like the Asari from Mass Effect who can have children with any species or gender.
so Stella may claim she had the egg, but she likely didn't and only thought she did and her brother and the rest of her family NEVER gave her the talk.
Stolas was possibly the one to have the egg in the first place, meaning he was technically pregnant.
it could be possible that Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel, was the one who was pregnant with Charlie, not Lilith.
while he could end up turning out to be possibly Cain's Bio-Dad, even if it is a Hazbin Hotel version of Cain and possibly ending up being Charlie's Older Half-Brother...
him causing Eve to become pregnant, while still ending up pregnant himself, could mean that Charlie's Dad is able to make someone else pregnant but also become so himself...
Lucifer likely had mood swings and was acting in a way that drove Lilith a bit crazy but like also made her tired.
and before Stolas laid the egg that would hatch and become Octavia, he likely got mood swings as well, and would be very aggressive to Stella one minute but then crying and apologizing the next.
the reasons why Fizz and Ozzie hadn't end up in the same way, and Fizz having to deal with Ozzie's mood swings and weird food cravings, could be because they are careful...that and Ozzie may not of told Fizz about how he can get pregnant, but he makes sure to prevent it.
so it could be possible that Blitz and Stolas could become parents, and giving Octavia a half-sibling....
Stella could of been asleep when Stolas had the egg that would hatch and become Octavia.
Andrealphus you cold heart himbo, ya need to give your sister talk, and I don't mean the other talk ya had with her, about calling off Striker. but telling her the truth that it is the Boy Ars Goetia that has the baby, NOT the girl...
if it is possibly true, then Andrea not giving his sister the talk could of been well, because he never really considered he had to be the one to give it, and may have thought that it would be his parents who would explain to her.
plus it could be possible the female Ars Goetia could get pregnant as well, but something happen to cause them to become not able to and the only thing left was for them to get a male pregnant.
and in theory, the only female and well nonbinary-gal ones who are technically Demi-Goetia who can still possibly get pregnant, but are half-human, live on Earth...
(feel free to skip some of this and keep a eye out for the bold letters...) yeah if it truly turns out the Phenex from this universe makes up one of my angelic parents (even if I still am biologically my human dad's daughter) and one of my soul-parents is another Earth Angel...and well anyway it could be possible that some angels and well even half ones who are human, come from a type of egg that the soul is placed in, well a small soul orb that would end up growing in the egg and then hatch.
if Phenex did break off a piece of themselves, it could be the part that faced the truth that they aren't returning to heaven anytime soon or in the years they believe...
and even if some might tell me I wasn't a accident, I know technically I was...and yeah for all I know it could be possible that the Stolas from this universe had to watch over and protect me until someone finally got me, which might of took a lot longer than it should have...
and if that whole thing is linked to a certain part in one of my past lives, which I'm lucky I don't have full memories of...
I am not going to forgive the group of humans that were involved...
forgiveness can't just be well, as fast or as easy as some might think, plus one thing is that the ones who need forgiveness would need to feel true remorse and understand from the other person's point of view not just there own, even if they might not fully understand it but could try to.
but there is just some things that can't be forgiven, even if your told you have to, and my past life selves had been hurt more than once possibly and it might be a good thing I don't have full memories of it, and it can be possible some memories could be copies from my Earth Angel Mom, who may have fragmented a part of herself which would become me.
there were some videos that talked about a Soul Resetting, didn't really watch the videos, only read the names about it...
it makes me wonder about what would happen to me if my Soul Resets, will I end up breaking and falling apart, like how Ruby and Sapphire started to fall apart when Garnet learned the truth about Rose or the time when Pearl tricked Garnet into forming Sardonyx.
will I cease to be me, or will I still be me but something will feel off.
I don't want to cease to be myself, I can accept that I'm some kind of soul fusion, and I guess it could be possible I am a relationship, possibly...not sure.
not everyone has to agree about that, plus it could be possible that some who recall only small bits and pieces of past life memories but not fully, they could end up remembering memories that aren't theirs but belong to their soul-parent or soul-parents.
anyway back to the whole theory about Stolas and Lucifer being the ones who became pregnant and having Octavia and Charlie...
and if you think about it, if Megatron is Sari's Other Dad and he did have her in the secret lab when he was in some kind of stasis coma.
Megatron was technically pregnant as well, of course in the Shattered Glass Universe version it was Optimus who had went through the budding stage.
meaning that SG-Sari is SG-Optimus's Daughter, while in the timeline where Sari is from, she is the daughter of Megatron.
maybe sometime I will do a ship drawing of Sari x Emily, not sure if I will add that to "Falling For The Angel In Disguise" but if I did, that would mean that Swindle would get a rival.
that story is still going to be on a bit of a hiatus, along with the "Spinelluva Boss: Home Is Where The Spinel Is"
if I do decide to Cross-post some of the chapters from those two stories on here, I will but no promises.
(editing this in to say that those two stories, I had posted them over at Quotev, and even if "Spinelluva Boss: Home Is Where The Spinel Is" and "Falling For The Angel In Disguise" isn't well 100% perfect, it's okay that not everyone reads it, but I'm happy some seem to like the story even if those two stories I wrote aren't 100% perfect, and well it might be a while before I start to write the next chapters of them so for now they will stay on hiatus...and if I do decide to, I might cross-post some of the chapters of each of those two stories on here maybe, but once again no promises...and it really is okay that not many are interested in those stories, I'm fine with it being only a few that seem to enjoy those two stories so far. oh and both stories are for mature audiences only, because of what can be like 18+ scenes that aren't fully graphic probably, but I think some scenes in both of those stories will be kind of around 18+ but still in a different way...)
I still plan to have Sari use the Asmodean to disguise herself in the story "Falling For The Angel In Disguise" which once again the story did start out slightly different and the original female heroine was replaced by Sari.
the original female heroine still plays a part in the story, but she might be a side character or supporting character now at this point.
also is weird to get the idea about wanting to lock Adam from Hazbin Hotel, in a closet.
and if Lute, Emily or Sera or even Charlie, Vaggie, Lucifer or anyone else asks...
I would say that "Adam is in the Closet." cause he would really be in the closet, cause he was put in there on purpose.
it can also reference to a theory that Adam may be in the Bi Closet...
even if he finds some kind of attraction about finding Charlie and Vaggie's relationship to be hot...
but besides him being attracted to females, and nonbinary-women.
it could be possible Adam from Hazbin Hotel, could be in the closet, and not just because I want to push him in there and keep him in the closet possibly to give him a time out.
like even if he does come back as a Sinner, he would probably end up having a hard time hiding the fact that he likes guys as well, and that he is bisexual, I mean if it does turn out to be true...
if I made a bet with Alastor about it, and if I turned out to be right, he will have to give me all the strawberries I can eat, with melted chocolate to dip the strawberries in, he will have to pay up in strawberries with a bowl of melted chocolate. XD
it could be possible that Adam could be in the closet and was always in the closet but never fully realized it.
and as strange as it is, it could be possible as much of a Peepaw Dirtbag that he is, he could likely become a bit better and less of a heartless jerk if he came back as a Sinner, sure he wouldn't change much, but he could possibly become a bit more caring, maybe.
it could be possible that even if Adam and maybe Lute became better, and reformed in some way, it might not be the same for Lilith.
even if we might not want to admit it, it could be possible that Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, isn't a good person, I mean she might of been at some point at first even when she and Lucifer fell into Hell.
the Lilith from that universe and this one, might have slightly same backgrounds, but there are still some experiences that they had that are different.
Lucifer in the show, seemingly only did the whole stuff that was mentioned in the book that Charlie was reading.
and that would mean that Lucifer didn't have the same type of rebellion as the one from this universe, and the two are different as night and day.
I still want to give the one from this universe the cold hands to face punishment...and he probably freaking knows why.
as for Charlie's Dad, I just want to glomp the Adorkable Apple Goober and protect him, he is such a sweetie apple dumpling that needs to be protected. XD
I'm a Weird Earth Angel, who I think the whole weirdness runs in the family....The Embodiment Of Weirdness can be some form of silliness and laughter, and well having your fun weird side out might be helpful at times when you felt a bit sad or mad before.
not sure if many have experience that very much, or get what I'm trying to say about it.
anyway if it is true that it is the Male Ars Goetia that has the baby, and well the Female Ars Goetia were once able to, but can't anymore.
it could be possible that Stolas may have already given Octavia the talk about the whole how she was really born, so Octavia would know that it was Stolas who was pregnant, not Stella.
as for the whole if Lucifer ever gave Charlie the talk, it is possible he didn't and she only knows about some info about how babies are made and it has to do with the Moms being the ones who are pregnant.
and what could of kept him from giving her the talk, might have to do with his depression and the divorce with Lilith.
he could of made plans on how to explain about the whole him being the one to be pregnant, not Lilith...like him having to explain it using the ducks or puppets.
it be nice if we turn out to be wrong about Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, that she isn't some two-faced, toxic-feminine, selfish and egotistical as well as self absorbed person...
we will have to wait and see and hope for the best.
but her being in Heaven instead of Hell, and her not calling Charlie back despite the fact Charlie had probably been calling her for 7 years...who knows why she never told her own daughter why she was off in Heaven, and making her daughter believe she was just off doing something important.
if it turns out Lilith left for selfish reasons, and not the understandable kind, if it were possible, I would want to punch her.
even if I may be shorter than her, and well I could find a way...
at least the Lilith from our universe had reasons why she fell, one of them being that during Adam's younger days, he was a selfish and full of himself and didn't truly treat her like a person and didn't give her the space she needed to heal properly, and the three angels involved in trying to force her to go back to him, aren't off the hook either. yeah even if they are doing some good now, but if they truly hurt Lilith past a breaking point, it wouldn't just be Adam who is partly responsible.
one can only hope they feel some form of remorse and Adam had matured and became less selfish and no longer so insensitive.
anyway we can only hope that Lilith isn't going to be some nonredeemable villain, while it might only be Lute and Sinner-Adam who get redeemed, and end up working together with Emily to help Charlie.
but even if we do hope that Lilith wont be some villain, it doesn't mean it wont happen, so it is possible she could end up being one and Charlie might have to face some tough truths about her Mom.
one of them being she is a Toxic-Feminist and makes herself out like she is the good and better parent, even if she may have did some good for Charlie, it doesn't mean everything she has done for her was truly for her.
we know that both Greg Universe and Isaac Sumdac are Gray-Parents, not really being 100% good parents but not really bad either.
but it doesn't mean that their children, Steven and Sari wouldn't figure out there was some things they did wrong when trying to raise them.
just because Steven is Half-Gem and Sari is Half-Cybertronian, doesn't mean they aren't still human.
so they would still need to go to a doctor, and Isaac could of programed a robot with some medical knowledge and learn and adapt to how to take care of Sari who was half-human and half-cybertronian.
Greg might still be a beloved character, but he still made some mistakes that some fans may have called him out on, like still liking him but not really liking that he never used that money he got from Marty, to use to pay for maybe a home tutor for Steven, or using it to pay for Steven when he has to go to the hospital.
parents don't need to be perfect, but even if we can still like Greg and Isaac, it doesn't mean they wont end up showing their bad parenting side.
at least Steven was able to get some form of education from Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst.
Pearl is like Steven's Mom, even if Rose is as well, but it was Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst that basically raised Steven.
even if Greg did only kept Steven when he was baby and until he was a bit old enough to live with Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst.
plus there were times when Greg was being selfish, like faking still being hurt, I mean it is nice he wants to spend time with his son, but it still doesn't mean he was in the right with those actions.
even if Isaac did some things right when raising Sari, it doesn't mean he didn't make some mistakes as well...
and well in a Fanon Timeline like in Hazformers, Sari may have never got the chance to tell her Dad, Isaac Sumdac that she is Biromantic.
so if someone hired I.M.P. to take care of Isaac, he would possibly end up as a Sinner in Hell, but not because he was helping Megatron when he was held captive.
it would be because he took some parts and reverse engineered a living being that wasn't truly dead/offline but was in a stasis coma.
so while Sari could end up in Heaven, her Dads Isaac and Megatron would be in the other place.
and if Sari did run away with Emily, and end up meeting Isaac and her Autobot friends in the Hazbin Hotel.
she could introduce Emily as her girlfriend and finally coming out to her human Dad, who would be a Sinner at the moment, about her being bi.
Charlie and Emily could of formed a sisterly bond, and if she did find out that Emily is dating Sari who is half-cybertronian, she could be happy for her and that she found someone that will always be by her side.
the idea of Sari x Emily is just well a ship idea that pop into my head, and the chances of others liking the ship idea is likely very small.
anyway, I'm not really sure what else to say about that or the whole Lucifer and Stolas being the ones that were pregnant with their daughters, and Stella and Lilith were NEVER pregnant at all, only took full credit possibly.
anyway I'm just gonna check out a few more stuff on here and then I will log off...so yeah, maybe next time I will make a second poll that is even weirder than that first one that has to do with Adorkable Apple Goobers. XD
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autisticraventale · 2 hours
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It took me two months to finish this new OC design, but I've finally finished it! My newest Hazbin Hotel OC, Agnes.
Age 13*
Birthday: 4/20/1939
Date of death: 4/17/1950 (died at 10)
Cause of death: scarlet fever
Warner's little sister
Has separation anxiety
A fallen angel who intentionally got herself banned from Heaven and cut off her wings so she could reunite with her brother (she cut her wings off with an angelic steel blade, so unlike Vaggie, her wings are permanently gone)
Has no interest in being redeemed ("I cut off my own wings to find my brother. Nothing can tear us apart now!")
Avid bookworm (she always carries a braille book with her in her bag)
Big eater
Lives by the phrase "life is uncertain, eat dessert first" and will do that whenever she gets the chance
Can and will fall asleep anywhere
Wears her heart on her sleeve
Has trouble making friends
Personality: shy, expressive, affectionate, lovable, clingy, childish
*Age logic explanation: sinners stop aging at 18 in Emma's AU and while I'm still trying to decide that for my AU, I do know a few things about Agnes' age. One, she forgot how old she'd be now after being dead for so long and started calling herself a random age that's coincidently five years under Warner. And two, Heaven didn't let her grow up, so she's mentally and physically stuck at 13 (my mind has been going back and forth on whether or not that makes her a permaregressor, which I'm still unsure about).
Warner belongs to @emmatheyoshi
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hazbinextgeneration · 5 years
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I decided to make Cherry Bomb a part of my next gen cast and gave her a redesign for my au. 
Name: Isabella Dust
Personality: spunky, attitude, sass sass sassy girl, usually relaxing and going with the flow
Age: Unknown: Physically 17
Species: Angel
Family: Angel Dust: Father, Angel-Cake: Half younger sister, Arackniss: Uncle, Molly: Aunt, Heroin: Grandfather, Webs: cousin, Ragno: cousin
Powers/Abilites: fly, acrobatics, uses a home made weapon, make bombs, can use her holiness(?) to help combat unwanted demons.
Appearance: red and white hair /suit, pale skin, wings and halo are usually hidden
Bonus: Izzy does not remember much of her human life. But, there’s one thing for certain, her death was NOT her daddy’s fault In the slightest. Which is the reason she’s grown distant of her Uncle and Grandfather.  
Upon being releasd into her new after life as an angel, she began her search for the reast of her family. Or at the most her father or Auntie Molly. Surely they had to be here with her. They were always so kind. When it was discovered they weren’t she demanded they be fixed or for her to be sent back. When they refused, she decided to go rouge and leave this so called paradise. Being an angel amongst demons and royals wasn’t easy. Many would gladly end her or put her up as some sick prize. Slowly she became more adapted to disquising herself and hiding from others. Her first instinct was to go back to her family, but as she soon came to realize that they had died and essentially become demons, she gave up that hope of ever finding them again. And turned to a life of running and hiding to survive from any other angels or just others in generally. Being already dead, she didn't need to eat or sleep to survive anymore. Eventually taking refuge in an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere.
It was a chance encounter that brought her to reunite with her father. While out , she accidentally got caught within crossfire by two mafias fighting over terf. When the smoke cleared, a barrol of four-no- six? pistols were pointing at her. But, why didn’t this tall, white, fuzzy wus just shoot already? He had her cornered. That’s the same thought that coursed through this guy’s mind. Why didn't he shoot? She looked so familiar....If fact, she looked just like-
“...I-Izzy?...” Cue guns dropping.
Isabella (or more commonly known as Izzy or Cherry Bomb) was content with staying hidden with constant visits fro her father who often had to sneak out to see her. Some time later he began bringing this strange fuzzy ball of fluff, and introduced her as her new baby sister. Life went on like that for some time, until Vaggie, tired of Angel always taking their daughter everywhere with out telling her why, demanded she go along. Angel at first tried to say no.....But no one wants to anger the Moth Mama. Cherry was....surprised to meet her father’s partner one night but didn’t question him on it. It was actually Vaggie that told Charlie about Izzy and Angel’s situation. Charlie approached Angel and insisted that Izzy come and stay at the hotel.
“She’s been alone for so long. She NEEDS a safe place to stay that’s not covered in mold. She’s still just a kid.”
It took a LOT of convincing for her and Angel to agree to this. Mostly because Angel didn’t want Izzy anywhere NEAR Hell where every demon would be at her throat. But Charlie being Charlie, came up with a magical solution. Izzy would come to the hotel under the reputation of being the new adopted child of the famous porn star and keep her more Angelic assets hidden. The news got out almost right away, and some rumors ensued. Izzy took her father’ s new last name and sorta stuck to his side for the first one or two years staying there. 
The Demons Gang and her family are about the only ones who actually know her secret and her Grandfather has done everything he could to legally gain control of his granddaughters. Cherry gets along best with her sister and cousin Ragno when her Auntie Molly comes to visit, her sister’s friend’s are nice as well. When she’s not at the hotel, she’s usually off somewhere else. Where? Who knows? When strangers or someone she doesn’t want to interact with comes to the hotel, she resorts to hiding in the attic until they leave. 
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But at the same time just... thinking about vaggie wanting to grow old with charlie. that sort of show of *trust*, of being vulnerable with charlie in a way no one's been with her before.
and it probably takes some more conversations, but... I want to hope that charlie eventually understands just what vaggie means when she wants to spend the rest of her days with charlie. and how much meaning that carries when those days are *finite*...
well this almost turned into a fic now didn't it? hm. whoops
(had Reinaeiry's song "Left Behind" on repeat for this ^w^;)
.... a new sinner comes to the hotel, sometime After.
they came in past the giant golden Dazzle statue out front, creep through the foyer, tense and ready for a trap, spot Sir Pentious's portrait- and the matching one, hanging up next to it
(fresh flowers sitting in vases under them both)
it's a picture of a woman. Steel grey skin, faded angel wings, a missing eye- deep laugh lines at the corners of the eye she has left
she's leaning back in a chair, sitting casually in her hotel manager uniform, her thin smile a little crooked and a little sharp- definitely someone used to having problems and finding solutions. Not someone to mess with. The walking stick in one hand is held more like a weapon
there's a wedding band on her finger, on full display she reaches up to cover the hand resting on her shoulder
(rest of that person out of sight) (hand clawed and pale as porcelain, cuff of a red suit bleeding out of frame)
and it's odd to see someone else sharing a memorial picture-
(more than one person had died a little, that day)
-but more odd than that is the way looking at the picture makes the sinner frown.
they're still frowning when the hotel founder wanders over
(done arranging for a new room) (doing double duty as hotel manager) (laughed it off earlier- hasn't yet found the time to put up a job openings ad) (a bad liar)
and she's a lanky, tall demon in a red suit, looking more like a living doll than a princess of hell, proper demon image only hinted at with the claws and the fangs
she shows off the fangs when she smiles at the portrait of the woman- then, belatedly, at the new hotel guest
(still their hotel) (still their new guest) (even After...)
she asks,
"Like them?" and smiles a little wider (wider than a human could) (a little forced now) "They're, pretty cool pictures, huh?"
the new guest hums noncommittally. Still frowning
a laugh from the demon standing next to them, clasping her hands, spinning ring on one finger-
"I guess it's harder to know how good a picture it is, if you've never met the person in it." a hard swallow. "She would've.... really liked to have be here. To meet you."
"Not sure I'd want to meet her," a quip, thoughtless, not looking over. "Kinda a scary lady."
the demon's stricken look "-does she look scary?"
a casual shrug. "Just a feeling. Seems like she meant business."
"She did..." fangs biting into lips, smile gone, shoulders slumping, the demon caving inwards. "....but not like that. She, she was scary for people she loved- and kind. And thoughtful and-"
"What about him?" pointing at Sir Pentious in full battle gear, egg boyz everywhere.
the demon's very weak attempt at a smile. "Oh, you'll see him around eventually. He comes down to visit when he can, and likes calling a lot in between."
eyebrows lifting. Realizing. "He's the one who made it to heaven?"
"He is. He-"
"But not her?"
tall frame hunching, horns out now, dark marks bleeding down pale cheeks like burnt tears. A tail lashing silently behind her.
the demon breathes carefully. Gingerly.
"She... wasn't here to be saved. Not like- not like that."
a dubious, suspicious noise- the hotel is still a new idea even after all these years- a brand new addition to the fabric of creation with a lot of trust issues still to iron out.
"So what happened?" the sinner prods, watching carefully out of the corner of one eye. "Why's her picture up there with his?"
that gets a smile again, strangely.
a tearful one and a thickness in the demon's voice, but still a smile as she steps forward, reaching up to the portrait frame- touching it, lightly, with a pale, clawed hand that matches the one resting on the painted woman's shoulder.
"...they both gave their lives to their friends."
the demon whispers, still smiling.
"They made their home here, in the hotel, with us, and... and they'll always still be here. They'll never. Really leave-"
the words cut off and the sinner shuffles awkwardly in the silence
staring up at the portrait together, one frowning sinner-
-one hell princess slowly leaning against the woman's gilded frame, forehead butting it desperately, clearly trying hard not to cry in front of the first new guest
(that she's had to greet on her own)
finally the sinner speaks up (uncomfortable with pity) (a dangerous, weak thing to feel in hell) scowling hard at the woman's portrait, demanding-
"Where's her spear?"
the demon turns, wet faced, surprised. "Oh- she didn't want..." Blinks. "Her. Spear?"
"The cane thing looks stupid." crossed arms, a judgmental eye. head tilted to the left like bird, like the right eye was better at looking at things- "It's just a stick. How's she supposed to deal with stuff with just a flimsy piece of crap like that? The thing doesn't even have a blade."
"It had one." murmurs the demon, still shocked. Slowly straightening. "It had, hidden inside, there was a blade- Niffty made it for-"
the demon stops. Frowns.
"But. You didn't know her. The spear... How did you know about the-"
another shrug. "Just vibes."
"She looks like a spear kinda girl."
a flex of the sinner's empty hand, gripping empty air, glaring up at the cane in the woman's hand-
"Just seems right, you know? Better than the stupid twig stick."
the demon eyes flicking down to watch, staring. "...she called her cane that, too."
a faint comment drifting up like the ghost of years gone by.
snorting, the sinner turns away. "I bet." eyes the rest of the hotel with hands on hips, critical and on edge with that stare still burning between tense shoulder blades. "So where's my turf in this place? I'm guessing I don't have to fight for it first, right?"
"Room 12, second floor." many times rehearsed words finally popping out without thought. "Key's on the front desk. I'll show you up-"
"Don't bother." sinner already striding off, clearly glad to get away. "I won't kill anyone on the way there, don't worry."
"I wasn't.... that's not why I..."
there's something. Something about that brisk, focused way of walking. Something in the set of those shoulders-
(like a military march) (like the shoulders are braced for wings that aren't there)
(like the sinner should be carrying a spear-)
Charlie lurches forward.
heart in her throat, fist in her chest, frozen as the sinner pauses at the foot of the main stairs and looks back.
something in that strange face softens. (pity?) (something else...?)
"... not my name, sweetie."
the sinner's smile is crooked. unscarred eyes understanding, and sad.
"She your wife?"
no past tense. just the gaping whole in Charlie- ripped open fresh, thundering and bleeding under her shirt as she stares and stares and tries to see- "Yes." seeing ghosts where there aren't any. "We. For, for so many wonderful years..."
the crooked smile soft as well as sad now, as the sinner thumbs the room key and takes a moment, looking back up at the portrait above Charlie.
"Good for her."
a touch bitter- a sigh, sharp. Pained.
"And, you. Some of us.. never even find who we were looking for, before we lose our chance at having a life with them."
turning and gone in the next second, before anything else slips out. The glint in suddenly exhausted eyes-
Charlie, standing under Vaggie's portrait, slowly starting to shake.
Not this-
Slowly backing up against the wall. Claws reaching out, sinking in, ruining wallpaper as the world tilts and turns and Charlie braces her weak knees against the fall.
"-it's not. It's not."
It can't be. The side of the bed that wasn't Charlie's even when she woke up curled up in it- that was real. The dusty spear propped in a corner of their room that Charlie hadn't put there and didn't want there and couldn't bring herself to move- THAT was real.
The portrait behind her, painted when the limp and her balance first started getting bad, when Vaggie still called her cane a 'stupid twig stick' but wouldn't pretend she didn't need it, wouldn't swap it for her spear when Charlie had offered, carried proudly anyway and smirked about smacking ankles when people annoyed her... mostly just thumbed it thoughtfully, when she thought Charlie wasn't looking, smiling that crooked wondering smile- THAT had been- that was-
Charlie could turn around right now and see all of it memorialized behind her (always behind her now) (always in the past, being left further behind).
Charlie had NOT seen, anything else. Because nothing else could BE real.
nothing as real as long limbs folding in, crumping under that damn framed picture, ignoring Husk's worried look from the bar. Husk, glancing up after the new guest, also frowning now-
Charlie and the old habit of hugging herself tightly back together, something not even a lifetime with Vaggie had ever fully broke her out of.
(only ONE lifetime) (not hers)
(her stupid deal hadn't worked in the end) (promise broken for nothing) (Vaggie had died)
(she can't be-)
She can't do this again.
exact words are a bitch sometimes
"Don't let me die without her." (never said- and make sure she doesn't have to live and die alone either, without me)
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I curse you for this angsty thought but
Combining spear baby AU and Mortal Vaggie AU. When an exorcist is killed, they die like normal. But when they die of old age...they change back into whatever weapon they were, ready to start the cycle over.
Even more painful if that weapon would always look like vaggie, but...none of the memories.
ok FINALLY i can get this out of my head, strap in-
Spear child AU Vaggie finds out that even if SHE can't hold her kid without cursing them with memories of blood and every time she used them to kill- at least her kid can hug HER (after a lot of coaching for both them from Charlie) without any murder memories for the kid...
but Vaggie remembers, suddenly, being the weapon of the Exorcist her spear was before that heaven born woman hit the end of her lifespan
Vaggie remembers the kill that turned HER, Vaggie, from a weapon to person, her wielder's final words, an old Exorcist proudly using the last of her strength for one last Extermination day, refusing to fade out quietly up in heaven- struggling to hit that unspoken quota- enough Sinner's killed and enough demonic energy soaked up and purified into a NEW soldier of heaven, a soldier to replace the her as she crumbles into ash and that first moment of life as new born Vaggie instinctively caught the spear as it fell-
in the Mortal Vaggie AU, imagine her horror realizing she will BE a weapon again after death-
(no matter how much she wanted to be Charlie's armor in life. She's an Exorcist. She was made to kill)
unless she's killed before then, violently, while she's still herself.
And she can't ask anyone to do that- Charlie, her friends- (her spear kid??) she doesn't WANT one SECEOND less time with them than she can get, will NEVER stop fighting for her life with them
but it's terrifying, thinking how someone ELSE might pick her up afterwards... the husk she came from (no personality traits are passed down between incarnations) (the only memories an new Exorcist is born with are the deaths that fanned the fames of their new battle forged lives) an inert tool, unable to stop herself from being used to hurt people
the weapon left behind by her natural death will still be PART of her. And she doesn't want any part of her to go back to being what she was. She never wants to be a weapon like that again, blindly used to hurt and kill and wipe souls from existence while they run screaming
she has to keep telling Charlie- No. She doesn't remember anything from the incarnations before her
no there isn't... isn't any chance of her coming back. Not as herself.
Charlie and that hopeless desperate wish-
(what are a few more thousand dead, really? In the timescale of heaven and hell and all creation, in comparison how many have already died, when weighed against all the GOOD Vaggie has done and still wants to do-)
(all the pain Charlie doesn't want to face in losing her)
Vaggie asks for her weapon form to be destroyed after her time runs out
she begs Charlie to promise her-
Destroy her, it, melt it with hellfire, or re-forge her weapon self into something harmless- she wouldn't mind being a shield, if there's enough metal in her weapon form for that. She would love the thought of still being able to protect the people she loves
that might be to hard (emotionally) or not practical, physically speaking, and that's fine too. Just. Don't let her stay a weapon
Vaggie, getting older, feeling her age long before the other Exorcists will because she refuses to go back to heaven, can't stomach the idea of wasting one moment of her life up there or worse- fading out there far away from Charlie
She makes Charlie SWEAR to unmake whatever's left of her. So NO part of her can EVER be used as a mindless weapon again
and Charlie promises.... and Charlie....
breaks the promise
(her one worst sin will always be reckless Hope, all consuming Love) she incorporates Vaggie's weapon into her own trident instead, and sure she doesn't go OUT of her way to kill with it-
she doesn't hold back either, whenever the time comes
their daughter was born from a mix of sinners deaths, mixed, balanced, purified by the angels Vaggie killed later
Their daughter is getting older too- not as fast as Vaggie was- more divine energy stored up in her, gotten direct from the source instead of just used to to transform the power of hell into something heaven could use- but she IS still aging, and faster than Charlie is
if this is just "how things work" then Charlie going to have to watch her daughter die too someday. If she isn't killed, she'll outlive her child.
She can't.
She can't hide behind a shield apologizing anymore, Vaggie's not here to be the one who stabs attacking angels so they stay DOWN- Vaggie is dead and if it's forever then their daughter will follow her
Charlie has to do it, for both of them. And the hotel. She has to kill. It's just practical, just self defense, just a little not-quite lie about what she did with Vaggie's weapon-
(it was damaged. Chipped in a small but noticeable way)
(her missing eye-?)
And if part of Charlie keeps count while this desperate little hope flutters at the back of her mind, wondering if maybe... just maybe....
no, though
One day she finds herself suddenly holding the hand of a confused and bloody but ready to fight Exorcist in the middle of a battle, and it's not. Vaggie.
They know how to kill. They don't know who to be killing
(hellborn and sinners and angels, Charlie's had to stop so many people, wondering- worrying- if that would help or hurt the chances of Vaggie ever-)
The new Exorcist attacks everything in sight
Charlie's friends, the other Exorcists, Sinners, it's all she can remember, blood in red and glowing gold-
not Charlie, Charlie is familiar (no but not like THAT) the hand she woke holding and caught her when she staggered, band new to being able to move on her own, arms and legs and wings and one eye missing
Charlie's the one who grabs her mid attack and stops her with a hug that'd break a sinner's back-
Charlie, wiping away the blood on this stranger's confused face, tracing that scarred and empty eye she knows SO well and whispering a name with so much HOPE
(not seeing the horror on her friend's faces, the devastated shock from her daughter)
It's not Vaggie.
Even if she looks exactly like her, the answering twist of her face is new and she does something Vaggie never did- she pulls away, looks away, looks at the Exorcists all stopped and grinning (people like her, the same wings, black and white and powerful with every feather clearly marked with purpose)
a bell tolls and the Exorcists retreat back towards a gate in the sky like a burning wheel of light, matching the far off spheres of heaven, and the new Exorcist flares her wings to follow them-
Charlie stops her, that first time. Desperate. Still hopeful. Maybe Vaggie just needs time to remember...?
Charlie doesn't stop her later
it's the best option, really, even if it means being as alone as she was before meeting Vaggie
more alone than that, even. back then she didn't have so many friends avoiding her and her... "thing"... she didn't have a daughter moving out of the pride ring altogether to get away from her. Back then she could tell herself it was only her parents separation that left alienated her dad from her, instead of Lucifer being torn between his daughter and his grandchild. She hadn't known what it was like to have a partner, before Vaggie, and now without her she doesn't know how to live without one
she knows she shouldn't have done this. She shouldn't call the woman by her dead wife's name or keep showing her bits of a life that'd never been hers
so Charlie makes a promise, again. And keeps it this time. She talks to heaven, finds a way to get the new Exorcist up there-
-even though Vaggie wouldn't want that. Not a weapon. Not again.
(vaggie would have asked her to kill the new exorcist instead)
Charlie knows it even a she lets the Exorcist with Vaggie's face and voice and missing eye fly away, off through the portal to a life Vaggie wouldn't have wanted any part in....
but if it's not Vaggie, then it's the stranger's life now. Hers to choose
(a nice thought to hide behind. In no world can Charlie destroy any part of what was once the woman she loved)
And if maybe this stranger IS in some small way Vaggie... maybe... maybe THIS will help her remember. Maybe pain will do what Charlie's soft words and hands couldn't do
Up in heaven though...
a scarred Exorcist is a damaged weapon, is a weaken one. This Exorcist has killed sinners and hellborn and ANGELS, she knows the taste of divine blood
She looks at the angels around her the way her sisters look at demons down in hell. As prey
Lute notices
Lute doesn't trust her with a weapon, doesn't trust her down in hell. Lute remembers the feel of the spear at her throat- and that woman is GONE, but- this one came from hell. Came from the Morningstar demon bitch. Can't be trusted not to be tainted by all that
The new exorcist gets put on spy duty instead. Go work for Emily, supposedly. Watch over "reformed" sinners up in heaven
(Sir Pentious, flinching every time he sees her) (reminiscing about a friend he knew back down in hell while casting her nervous, painful glances)
Watch and report back to Lute, pretend to be the bodyguard of the souls who got a second unfair bite at the apple-
ACTUALLY be their bodyguard, when the moment comes
When Lute hits her breaking point and Sera is swayed by fear of a threat from within, a new line drawn, when the Exorcists turn on the angels who don't REALLY belong in heaven, who will never REALLY have earned after failing once- trying to kill them again
and the instinct kicking in
the woman with Vaggie's face and how RIGHT it feels to fight angels- finally that sense of purpose coursing through her, the golden blood, someone cowering behind her and she spreads her wings and-
(Charlie killed with her so many times. Never out of hate. Always a last resort. Always trying to save more people than she hurt)
(a sideways, unknowing way that Charlie kept the same promise she broke- that part of her Vaggie loved and wanted to share in, the urge to help, to defend, even in a world that demands killing as a price of stopping more death)
The woman with Vaggie's face isnt and will never BE her
but she and Emily are the reason the reformed souls aren't slaughtered up in heaven
Charlie's hotel (no, always "their" hotel to her) is suddenly full of old friends and their friends, their families from up in heaven, angels leaving in disgust through the same portal as the truth of heaven's lie is exposed to ALL of heaven now, not just a court of those who made it what it is
and it's. Maybe something Vaggie would love, if she could see it
It's Charlie's one last time reaching out to the new Exorcist, offering her a place in the hotel too...
and it's Charlie taking it in, what it means, when the woman with Vaggie's face chooses to stay up in heaven
the woman who isn't Vaggie- (Vaggie never would have left) (NEVER would chose heaven over hell)- explains heaven is where most angels are, after all. And she likes it quite a lot- making angels bleed
(she's a weapon)
(Vaggie worked hard to make herself into something else. and she did. and now Vaggie's-) (Dead)
Charlie hopes Vaggie would be okay with this, somehow.
Or maybe it would have made Vaggie sick, watching Charlie get left behind (left alone again) by someone wearing her own face
*slotting this in deliciously with the spear baby au stuff*
alright what we've got so far is...
Exorcist weapons soak up the demonic energy of the sinners they kill, carrying it back up to heaven with them where divine ointment or whatever is used to clean them afterwards, turning the demonic energy into something they can slowly convert into actual divine energy
Once they get enough kills and power, the weapon incarnates as a new heavenly soldier, specifically suited for visiting and fighting in hell
Their current Exorcist form lasts a set amount of time, and would start wearing down if they weren't given halos to supplement their slowly dwindling power
the halos keep them "young" up until the moment they fade away into ashes and weaponry again
they ALSO finish converting the Exorcist's demonic energy back into it's base form as divine power or the "force of creation" used by the higher ranking angels like the Seraphim
Basically redistributing power from hell to heaven AS WELL AS reducing the population of sinners
without the halo the demonic power just slowly bleeds out on it's own and gets absorbed by whatever's around
(AU NOTE: this would mean a bit of Vaggie's power probably got incorporated into the things and people she spent the most time around- Charlie, her spear which later turned into her kid, the hotel, her friends)
The SHAPE of the Exorcist continues with the weapon they're born from, but they lack souls, and no personal memories get passed down between incarnations
Since they are being built up from the kills they're used for though, THOSE memories are the only ones the new Exorcist is born with
Damage done to an Exorcist with heavenly steel carries over into the weapon they come from, and the next incarnation they take
Weapons that get damaged before they take enough lives to spawn into a new Exorcist are probably melted down to make a new weapon instead
That didn't used to happen very often though, because Adam encouraged abandoning any weapon that gets so much as scratched or tweeked down in hell- he didn't like the idea of his girls being less than exactly how he wanted them
Lute stops that after his death and the revelation that heavenly weapons can kill angels
Normally the Exorcist weapons incarnate as fully grown women, ready for action just like the weapons they come from
Spear! baby had a gap of several years with NO new kills powering them, and Vaggie wasn't trying to fill any quotas afterwards, so the energy build up was erratic and kill counts lessened bc of fighting next to Charlie. Being around Charlie in and out of battle, and near her half-seraphim power, also meant some of that was slurrped up, resulting in a form that WASN'T ready for battle but COULD absorb more power even after incarnating, letting the Spear! baby grow up as she gathered more passive energy (and later her own kills)
If she killed angels regularly enough or moved to heaven she could probably stay young for her entire life. But she isn't so she won't.
The other weapons abandoned in hell didn't get any divine cleansing to convert the demonic energy into something their heavenly steel could use, so they all stayed inert until killing angels started to be a thing.
Vaggie's was the first to rack up enough angel kills for the rest of the demonic energy to get mixed and changed to the point of spontaneous spear baby creation
Carmilla Carmine discovers that the other weapons can ALSO do this tho
She is slightly less than amused that chaggie failed to warn her
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au where vaggie has another little secret she didn't even know was a secret still (spoiler it's Mortality) (spoiler charlie Isn't Happy) and when she sits down with charlie for a hotel talk it goees like (TRAUMATIC EMOTIONAL SPEED RUN AAAAHAHAHA)
Vaggie: "Alright sweetie, the hotel's going good so far, one soul redeemed, minimal fire damage this week, so we should probably start planning for the next hundred years of operations."
Charlie: "YAY!!! Planning planning planning~ What's first on the list??"
Vaggie: "Start looking for a replacement manager."
Charlie: "You don't wanna keep being manager? OH- we can be CO-FOUNDERS together! WE COULD HAVE A PARTY FOR IT! And plan for the next one too- Charlie and Vaggie's centennial wow the hotel is still here celebration...!"
Vaggie: "That's sweet, but I'll be dead by then either way, so we still need to deal with the staffing shortage before then."
Charlie: "....dead... tired?"
Vaggie: "Dead as in dead. Doornail style."
Charlie: "What?"
Vaggie: "Expired. Shit, when did we last check the hotel fridge..."
Charlie: "Vaggie wait, I'm, I'm not hearing you right, what are you saying?"
Vaggie: "Heaven born don't live forever? Especially not down in hell, turns out."
Charlie: "I don't understand."
Vaggie: (chuckles) "Sweetie, thanks for ignoring my eyebags and zombie groans while getting out of bed in the morning- but my wings are already GREY, for fuck's sake."
Charlie: "Yes they're, grey. Beautiful and- aren't they supposed to be-?"
Vaggie: "And I'm pretty sure it's not just from the stress of running a business for a few months. Being hotel manager isn't that hard."
Vaggie: "....Mostly. Compared to, some things...." (sigh)
Vaggie: "Think anyone would believe that if we put it in the want ad?"
Charlie: "But-"
Vaggie: "No buts. We really need to get a head start on this."
Charlie: "....but you're a winner."
Vaggie: (SNORTS) "In my dating life, yeah. Anyway-"
Charlie: "But none of the other exorcists' wings are grey! So, so THEY aren't aging- so YOU aren't aging!!"
Vaggie: "They've got halos to protect them from the whole physically getting old thing-"
Charlie: "Halos???"
Vaggie: "-so we- they- can keep fit and ready for fighting our- THEIR whole lives, but duh we don't live forever. Lute and Adam left me here to die, not chill for all eternity."
Charlie: "Wh.. but-"
Vaggie: "Can you imagine how much heaven would've freaked if one of their actually immortal souls had gotten killed down here in hell...? But it was just one of us Adam's girls, and it was up to him to deal with it. With more murder. Bastard."
Charlie: "...."
Vaggie: "Uh.... Charlie?"
Charlie: "....your mortal?"
Vaggie: "I'm, yeah.... wait, Charlie..."
Vaggie: "...people know that about exorcists, right? You didn't... think heaven would risk putting winners in their rank and file army and send them down to hell?"
Charlie: "I thought you were a sinner."
Vaggie: "Hostia- right. I keep forgetting, they don't get old do they?"
Charlie: "Sinners don't. They get killed but they don't just. Die."
Vaggie: "I'm sorry. I thought- I really should've told you-"
Charlie: "Angels aren't supposed to die either."
Vaggie: "We did a good job proving that wrong. Exhibit A, Adam's corpse."
Charlie: "He was KILLED- it's not the same!"
Vaggie: "And angels aren't the same either. There's a lot of different kinds in creation- most of us aren't in the higher orders, there's waaaay more exorcists than seraphim."
Charlie: "But heaven is still supposed to be HEAVEN! People don't DIE in heaven! That wouldn't be Heaven! How could- how could it ever be HAPPY up there if, if- if people still left!?"
Vaggie: "Oh, sweetie... the only people who've earned a heaven like that are the winners. The rest of us are just-"
Charlie: "Just what? JUST, WHAT???"
Vaggie: "We're there to make heaven a good place for them. Keep it running smooth and safe. Mostly it's the higher ups who deal with winners personally, the rest of us stay back and stick to our jobs, try to keep some distance so no one... gets too attached... shit that sounded a lot less fucked up before I said it out loud-"
Vaggie: "Look- it's like that with hellborn too isn't it? The imps and hellhounds and-"
Charlie: "NO! YES? But this is HELL! Of course it hurts and isn't fair! You're not FROM hell it's not supposed to BE like that for you!"
Vaggie: "Or for my girlfriend."
Charlie: "I'm not the one who's dying!"
Vaggie: "You're kinda freaking-"
Vaggie: "Right. I meant, you should've had more warning. I'm sorry I didn't say... I wasn't thinking that far ahead."
Charlie: "WELL I WAS! And I'm not- we're not losing that."
Vaggie: "Charlie-"
Charlie: "We're getting you your halo back."
Vaggie: "Pretty sure it's already been recycled-"
Vaggie: "Sweetie- heaven collected all the halos from our battle-"
Charlie: "They didn't pick up all the spears and stuff, maybe they also missed-"
Vaggie: "No they wouldn't have. Halos aren't, they're not like the weapons. Heaven doesn't care if sinners kill each other with some left behind divine steel, but a halo? They store and conduct heavenly power or whatever. No one's gonna leave one of them lying around."
Charlie: "Fine. FINE- let me think-"
Vaggie: "Can we think less and focus more on you not shaking like a damn leaf first? C'mon, sit down-"
Charlie: "-the angel Carmilla killed. We'll use that one."
Vaggie: "We could use a deep breath right now."
Charlie: "It's head was missing when heaven picked up the body."
Vaggie: "Yeah? An Overlord probably has it hanging on their wall, big whoop, Charlie please slow down-"
Charlie: "If it's head was left behind then maybe it's halo was too! If we find the Overlord-"
Vaggie: "No. No more deals with Overlords."
Charlie: "I'll make as many damn deals with them as I want!"
Vaggie: "But not for ME, alright! If it's about me then you don't get to sell your fucking soul! Or bind it or whatever! You can't make me be the reason for that!"
Charlie: "Vaggie- we NEED that halo."
Vaggie: "No we don't. I don't."
Charlie: "You're dying without it!"
Vaggie: "I KNOW I am. But that's just, life!"
Charlie: "LIFE? Dying so soon isn't-!"
Vaggie: "Charlie, you're half seraphim. You mom was the original demon, your view on life expectancies is kinda skewed."
Charlie: "You said the halos let you live longer!"
Vaggie: "I said they keep us young. It's not the same thing."
Charlie: "It's still SOMETHING!"
Vaggie: "We don't even know that would help at this point, I've been in hell for years-"
Charlie: "Oh so we shouldn't even try!? Just, sit back and go 'well we haven't don't anything to stop this but I guess it was just completely unavoidable'-"
Vaggie: "It probably WON'T help. No, listen- It worked up in heaven and for short runs down here- that doesn't mean it'd have any power to draw on in hell. It's probably just a fancy looking hoop down here."
Charlie: "Then we'll get you back to heaven until we can make it work."
Vaggie: "I'm not going back to fucking heaven!"
Vaggie: "You can't kick me out- this is OUR hotel, not just yours."
Charlie: "YOU- you-"
Vaggie: "We need. To calm down."
Charlie: "CALM DOWN! Every second you spend down here your body is-"
Vaggie: "Not dying anytime soon, okay? I'm fine. This whole talk has gone way too far way, way to fast. That's my fault for not thinking about all this sooner, but. Just. Take a breath. Let's just take a breath, take a break, and come back to this when we're both had a moment."
Charlie: "....."
Charlie: "Did you plan all this."
Vaggie: "What?"
Charlie: "Owning the hotel together. Making sure you couldn't be forced out of hell."
Vaggie: "That's not why we started the hotel-"
Charlie: "No, that's not what I was thinking when we started it. But were you?"
Vaggie: "Charlie... you're connecting dots that aren't there..."
Charlie: "You're here. You're here and dying and don't want to leave."
Vaggie: "I'd be dying up in heaven too."
Charlie: "But your wings wouldn't already be GREY, would they?"
Vaggie: "They'd still be an exorcist's wings, if I'd never left-"
Charlie: "Well they're not anymore and going back wouldn't change that. All it would do is help you stay alive."
Vaggie: "I don't want that life."
Charlie: "It's that or die."
Vaggie: "You're being dramatic-"
Charlie: "You've always said you liked that about me. Was that a lie too?"
Vaggie: "No."
Charlie: "Do you want to die, Vaggie?"
Vaggie: "Of course I don't- I could've just let Lute-"
Charlie: "Die, not be killed. Does it make you feel better about all the people you've killed? You'll die and join them, sooner rather than later?"
Vaggie: "......."
Vaggie: "... I want. To spend my life. With you."
Charlie: "No you don't." (voice cracking) "You can't do that when you're dead."
Vaggie: "That's not my fault."
Charlie: "Your choice though, right?"
Vaggie: "It’s not same thing-"
Charlie: "Yes it is. You want to be one who leaves."
Vaggie: "....... wouldn't you?"
Charlie: "...."
Vaggie: "..."
Charlie: "I don't.... want it to b- be like this."
Vaggie: "I know."
Charlie: "I want US! Not like this."
Vaggie: "I know, sweetie, I know... I'm so sorry-"
Charlie: "Stop it." (muffled in vaggie's hair) "You don't want this either, stop apologizing for it!"
Vaggie: "... I shouldn't have let you think, it could be different."
Charlie: "...."
Charlie: "It will be."
Vaggie: "Okay. Denial, that's a, normal step in-"
Charlie: "No- It WILL BE. I- We going to- we'll MAKE it different."
Vaggie: "I don't think we can..."
Charlie: "We will."
Vaggie: "Charlie-"
Charlie: "Damnit just trust me! If we can save a sinner's soul, then we can f-fucking save you."
Vaggie: "....."
Charlie: "Please, Vaggie. Can we try?"
Vaggie: "...it'll be a waste of time."
Charlie: "No it won't."
Vaggie: "We're already not gonna have forever together, sweetie. Why not just. Enjoy what we do have?"
Charlie: "I will! We will."
Charlie: "But we're going to have longer than one century for it."
Vaggie: "Half that, maybe..."
Charlie: "That's not the sound of trying. Vaggie. Please."
Vaggie: "...well... if you're gonna look at me like that about it..."
Charlie: "Don't joke about this."
Vaggie: "I'm not." (smile) "I just know better than to doubt Charlie Morningstar when she gets an idea into her cute, stubborn head."
Charlie: "All my head needs right now is an answer. One word. Clear. Honest."
Vaggie: "... alright. Yes. We can try."
Charlie: "Thank you." (kiss) "Thank you, thank you, thank you..."
Vaggie: "But you have to promise me. No deals. No selling souls- not for my sake, not even a little bit. Got it?"
Charlie: "Why are you so strict about this-"
Vaggie: "Because it's your soul."
Charlie: "-people make deals all the time! YOU made one with-"
Vaggie: "And it creeped me out even though it wasn't with my soul. Do you promise?"
Charlie: "This is a heaven thing isn't it?"
Vaggie: "Do you promise."
Charlie: "...."
Charlie: "I won't make, deals with anyone in hell, to save you."
Vaggie: (breathes out) "Then... we'll start by talking to Carmilla tomorrow."
Charlie: "TOMORROW!? But that-"
Vaggie: "Will give us time to figure out what we actually wanna SAY to Carmilla. She's still an Overlord, Charlie. Any info we give her she'll want to sure to keep her family safe first."
Charlie: "I know the fucking feeling..."
Vaggie: "So we're slowing this down and doing things carefully, so we do them right. Right?"
Charlie: "Right." (grumbling) "Fools rush in- blah blah BLAH."
Vaggie: "That's my girl."
Vaggie: (hesitates) (tentative smooch)
Vaggie: "Feeling better?"
Charlie: "Fine. I wish you'd stop asking ME that."
Vaggie: "Just glad you're not shaking so much anymore. Kinda scared me for a second."
Charlie: "I'm fine." (sighs) (hugs vaggie) "I didn't mean..."
Vaggie: "I didn't mean to scare you, too."
Charlie: "It's fine. You'll be okay."
Vaggie: "Mm. Already am."
Charlie: "And we're NOT looking for a replacement hotel manager."
Vaggie: "We're gonna need-"
Charlie: "NO."
Vaggie: "-okay. We'll hold off on it. We've got time."
Charlie: (holds her closer) (glares at distant light of heaven)
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SparkleHarts AU: Twilight/Steven/Sans/Husk (2022)
Credit for Hazbin Hotel goes to Vivziepop & Spindelhorse
Credit for Deltarune & Undertale goes to Toby Fox
Credit for Steven Universe goes to Rebecca Sugar
Credit for MLP Franchise goes to the Creator: Bonnie Zacherle
Credit for My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic goes to Lauren Faust
SparkleHarts AU is My Crossover AU idea.
Husk being a part of the Reincarnation, is more Fanon and Not Really Canon.
the Twilight Sparkle in this is in fact Unicorn Twilight Sparkle, before she is replaced by a Clone of herself made by Princess Celestia after the whole finishing Star Swirls The Bearded’s Spell Incident.
the Alicorn wings she has, is Ethereal Wings, like how Sunny Starscout has Ethereal Horns and Wings but is still mostly a Earth Pony, but she could be considered a Earth-Alicorn, and Unicorn-Twilight Sparkle with Ethereal Wings can be considered a Unicorn-Alicorn...
or like Demi-Alicorns, that might work better.
anyway the idea is that when The Original Twilight Sparkle dies, because of the magic that was shot at her by the Elements Of Harmony, which normally that wouldn’t be their purpose, but something could of caused them to do so.
the Twilight Sparkle we see in that Afterlife looking dimension, is possibly a clone and the moving pictures of Twilight’s Memories, are all copies from the original before her death, and Princess Celestia was using these memories to place them into the clone.
and while she was making that clone into a Alicorn (and possibly using Grogar’s Bell to do so....)
the Original Twilight Sparkle ends up Transmigrating to another world and dimension, and ends up being reincarnated as Steven Quartz Universe.
 then one of the timeline versions, who would end up having a accident where their gem and human halves become separated for too long, and causing the human half to slowly die....
ends up becoming “reborn” as Sans The Skeleton, but half of Sans’s soul that makes up some half of his humanity, ends up going through a transmigration to another world, to the age before the internet and video games, as well as before the memes.....
and that half, becomes a Human who likes gambling and when he dies he becomes Husk....
like one half of the soul stays in Undertale, but the other half goes to Hazbin Hotel.....once again it is NOT canon, this is just a Fanon Crossover AU.
like the idea with Shoko --> Finn --> Onion --> Papyrus,
like Shoko and Finn are from Adventure Time, Onion is from Steven Universe (I wasn’t talking about the Onion The Octopus from Undertale/Deltarune.) and Papyrus is from Undertale.
it would be interesting if Papyrus’s past lives were Onion, and before that, he was Finn and before that, he was Shoko.
or like the idea about Vaggie from Hazbin Hotel, being the reincarnation of Mugman, which of course is Fanon only and is more like a Fanon Crossover that isn’t canon at all.
I did do a drawing about that idea, that has Mugman look into a mirror, and the mirror’s glass is all black, but you can still see the reflection on the other side.
but instead of his normal “Mugman” reflection, in it’s place is the image of Vaggie.
the mirror is suppose to show what you will look like in your next life when you reincarnate.
we know that King from The Owl House, is seen as the Reincarnation of Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls, and that is possibly canon.
there is a reason why Sans in this drawing, is The Lost Soul version.
like the idea being it is The Lost Soul Version, that ends up having half of his Soul ending up transmigrated and becoming reborn in another world as Husk.
if anyone told Husk he was a Unicorn in one of his past lives,
I would imagine he would say “The F*** I Was!” before going straight for the bottle and drinking it down.     
not sure if I will work much on SparkleHarts AU, but maybe I can try a short story and post it on here.
maybe where Pinkie Pie and Pearl come to the Hazbin Hotel Universe, and try to bring Steven/Twilight home, but Husk is only one half of them and I don’t think he would be all too happy or thrilled about going with them back to one of his old past lives homes.
there can be a differences between a cleaved soul and a fragment soul,
a cleaved soul is when a fully formed soul is cleaved into two or maybe more parts possibly, and they could be seen more like “Siblings” but they end up losing their original self.
a fragment soul is when a small piece fragments off of the Full Soul, and at times will merge with another fragment soul to make someone entirely new, but anyway the fragment soul would be like the soul-child of the full soul.
and it could take time for the fragment soul to “grow and mature” over it’s soul growth cycle, possibly longer if there are certain incidents that happens during when they end up dying too young in some of their past lives and causing soul trauma...that could be possible, maybe.
anyway in the Sparkleharts AU, Husk isn’t a fragment of Twilight Sparkle/Steven/Sans, in this Fanon AU, he is like a Half-Reincarnation because one of the timeline versions of Sans, who becomes The Lost Soul-Sans, ends up having his Soul Cleaved, and while one still stays in Undertale as Sans, the other ends  up transmigrating and gets reborn as a Human Baby in Hazbin Hotel Universe (which might be in he same place as Helluva Boss) and when that half-reborn self grows older and then dies, they become Husk.
if you think about it, why would Pearl try to bring back one of the halves of her son (by adoption, some fans can still consider her the true Mom even if she didn’t create him or his pink diamond gem.) when she still has the Gem Half of Steven, maybe she could just want her Steven to be fully himself again.
I mean it is just a theory that the Steven we see in Steven Universe Future, might really be just the Gem Half who had reformed to look like his original self,  before the accident happen where Steven’s gem was forced out of his body, but because his Gem half took too long to reform, because he wanted to make his body look more human and possibly has some form of DNA of Steven’s in the gem that could let him clone a organic body....
but yeah, if the gem half takes too long to reform and or the both halves aren’t rejoined right away, at some point the human half will slowly die.
and I believe the human half is Sans, because it makes sense that if Steven’s future self is Sans, it would be the human half, and if he doesn’t have his gem, it’s because they were accidentally separated and when Gem-Steven took too long to reform, it became too late for Human-Steven, who ended up dying and would later become Sans.
I think the Human-Half would still have some of their Gem Genetics, not just merged into their organic half, but also their very soul.
like it turning out that Steven’s Soul is a fusion of two fragment souls from his Mom and Dad, while Rose could of made a new pink diamond gem to place her son’s human/gem soul into....
the soul wouldn’t just stay in the newly created third pink diamond (I like to view Rose as not the original pink diamond, and being a creation of Pink Diamond I who was the one who hurt Pink-Pearl and Spinel.)
the soul inside of the newly created pink diamond, would split into twins,
one of the souls stayed in the gem and the other half went into the human half.
the reason why Steven and Rose have memories that belong the Original Pink Diamond, some of the memories that had to do with Pink-Pearl and Spinel that were copied into Rose/Pink II, were possibly blocked out by Pink I.
but when they were no longer blocked, and Rose had accessed to her Mother’s Memories of Pink-Pearl and Spinel, it was too late to try to go back for them because travel off of Earth wasn’t possible for her or the other Crystal Gems anymore, at least not until a few centuries later.
so yeah my Fan Headcanon is that the Original Pink Diamond, is the Mother of The Pink Diamond II who would later become Rose and also create the Rose Quartz (Steven’s Older Sisters/Siblings) and then would then much later create her son Steven.
so if this was true, that would mean that Pink Diamond I would be Pink Diamond III/Steven/Sans’s Grandmother.
Rose could of already known that she isn’t Pink I, and knows she is Pink III, and the some of the memories that didn’t come from her, were copies from Pink I, and some of those memories were then copied again when she had fragmented a part of herself and placed it into the third pink diamond that would become Steven Q. Universe.
Rose might be selfish, and she made mistakes that ended up hurting her love ones, but besides that bad side, she still has a good side that others can still love about her, that she still has a good ethereal heart.
Steven has a right to be mad at her and even have a right to be mad at Greg,
but even if he has a right to be disappointed in those two, he can possibly still love them, but not their selfish actions.
I still think it is possible Greg wasn’t seeing the full picture with his parents, and his parents could of did better themselves.
Greg’s Mom or Dad or Both, could of had really sensitive hearing, I know there is a name for it and I forgot what’s it called.
but it’s like when really loud sounds can be painful, the reason why Greg wasn’t allowed to have music, is because he kept turning the volume up too loud and it was harming one or both of his parents.
him having have curfew and chaperons, was possibly for his own safety because it was possibly, mostly dangerous back then and his parents wanted him to stay safe.
the needing to do that whole wrestling thing, was possibly their way to have Greg learn self defense, and the meatloaf was possibly for health reasons.
even if parents can make mistakes, like not explaining reasons why they do the things they do, like making us do things we don’t want to.
but Greg’s parents might not of been so bad, what made them bad was not explaining to Greg well enough on why they made such rules for him and made him do half the stuff he didn’t want to do.
Greg isn’t a perfect Dad either, for a few good reasons, because of certain things he has done in the past, like faking still being hurt, misusing that whistle when Steven is trying to help Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst.
not using the money he got from Marty, to send Steven to school or maybe give him a home school tutor, never taking him to the doctor.
I still don’t agree with him saying “Your A Gem” instead of “Your Half-Gem.”
just because he is part gem, doesn’t mean his human half doesn’t still need the proper treatment, being a type of offspring fusion, both halves would need equal care.
Doctor Maheswaran, has every right to be displeased with Greg, and if she had to, she could report him to Child Protective Services.
Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst, even if they do mistakes at times, at least they are partly to thank for Steven becoming a Genius.
but because of most of the neglect for his human heritage, Steven didn’t even know what Grades were, when one of Connie’s friends asked what Grade he was in.
we can’t really fully blame Steven’s Gem-Family for this, and well we can still like the positive side of Greg, but hate the fact it took possibly most of us this long to figure out he has been Semi-Neglectful in his responsibilities as a Father to Steven.
not everyone has to agree with me on that, but it’s just how I started to see it.
at least Pearl tries to be a Mom figure to Steven, and she shares the Mom Duties with Garnet and Amethyst.
but Amethyst is more like a Big Sister who also takes the Role of a Mom Figure for a Younger Sibling, while not really being a Mom, but still acts like one at times when necessary.
I also like the idea that Kaio from OK KO Let’s Be Heroes, is in a VR Game, and Steven Universe is playing that game and lives his life as Kaio in that game world, and while a lot of time passes in that world, but on the outside in Mr. Smiley’s Arcade, Only a Hour or Two Hours have past.   
then once the game is beaten and the epilogue/time skip happens,
Steven takes off the helmet and is back in his own reality.
anyway the whole Sparkleharts Au might not become all that famous, and I’m fine with that.
the “Harts” is another way to spell “Hearts” and I like spelling it this way for the name for the AU.
once again Husk being like the Half-Reincarnation of Sans, and also having a past life as Steven and even Unicorn-Twilight Sparkle, is Noncanon and Fanon Only and it takes place in a Crossover AU called Sparkleharts.
the Crossover AU was born on September 2, 2022.
and I just posted this drawing on September 3, 2022 and wanted to posted it on the same day that I drew it, but couldn’t until the next day.
so anyway hope some like this AU idea, which once again is Fanon Only.
and Isn’t Canon at all to the Original Canon Timelines of MLPFIM, Hazbin Hotel, Steven Universe and Undertale.
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